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View our supporters to date.
T HANK YOU TO OUR C APITAL C AMPAIGN D ONORS Angel Gifts ($100,000+) Gentle Gifts ($5,000+) Genny Duncan and Lily Snodgrass (in memory of May Duncan) Jimmy Nassour and Dina Tebcherany Chris Rhett Susan Goldberg and the Aoueille Sisters John and Leslie Hunt (in honor of Georgia and Ivy Moore) Debbie and Tim Collins The Heard/Reed Family Mike McGinnis and Cate Miller Philip Gianno Sansone The MFI Foundation Thompson Land Engineering, LLC The Harris and Eliza Kempner Fund Anonymous Simple Gifts ($50,000+) W ayne and Bonnie Lockard (in honor of Beau, Colby and Caye Kalbacher) Loving Gifts ($25,000+) Leila C. Kempner and James E. McW illiams The Boebel Family Robbie and Alex Robinette The Thomas Family The Potts and Sibley Foundation Kind Gifts ($10,000+) Lorin and Robert Bryce and family Anthony and Mary Lou Bruno (in memory of Pauline and Joseph Bruno) Keldie and W es Riemondi Christie Horne and Kevin Lalande Daniel and Alifya Curtin Hill Abell and Laura Agnew Rob W ood and Jackie Burniske Laura Merritt and J.P. Kloninger Mr. and Mrs. I.H. Kempner, III Mr. John P. Mackey and Ms. Deborah D. Morin The family of Josephine W illman Anonymous The Ed Rachal Foundation Knowing Gifts ($1,000+) George and Liliana and Sophie Eckrich Shaesby and Catherine Scott and family Liana Tomchesson and George Adams Liz and Hiram Sibley The VanDerLees Michael and Charlotte Trafton (in honor of O wen’s wonderful teachers in LE1, Erica and Kim) Bryan and Erin W ayt Gail Allen Thelma W inters Anonymous Jim and Jodi Picardat Dan and Regina Riemondi The Lynch Family Foundation Michael Rowe Donor Listing as of 10.21.14