ad-hoc shared state for web applications


ad-hoc shared state for web applications
Literature Study into applicable existing technology
Jack Jansen
Vrije Universiteit
student number 0197254
Fall 2008
Literature Study, VU Computer Science, Jack Jansen
On the cover picture: this shows an ad-hoc shared space for
paint application. The closest thing I could find to the subject
matter that was not a boring diagram. Used without permission,
Literature Study, VU Computer Science, Jack Jansen
Literature Study into applicable existing technology
Jack Jansen
Vrije Universiteit
student number 0197254
Fall 2008
I. Introduction
Web applications are usually structured in one of two ways: centralized or client-server. The
first case is exemplified by shopping sites such as Amazon 1, social networking sites like MySpace2 or sharing sites such as Flickr 3, and many more. In this model, the business logic runs on
the central infrastructure and the local web client provides only the user interface, possibly
augmented with some auxiliary non-critical functionality (such as MySpace widgets). An example of the second case is Google Earth4, where the main logic runs in the browser, using the central server as a data repository. Applications that run completely in the browser, such as some
Dashboard widgets5 like calculators can be seen as a special case of the latter.
With the availability of many devices that are internet-connected and have the ability to run
software such as a web browser, it is becoming more and more common that people have simultaneous access to a number of such devices: not only a traditional (laptop or desktop) computer but also a mobile phone, PDA, portable media player, home entertainment center, etc. If
web applications running on these devices could easily find each other and share information
this could lead to a richer experience than is currently possible.
Literature Study, VU Computer Science, Jack Jansen
For the purpose of this study I am particularly interested in applications where the main logic
is expressed in a declarative web language such as XForms6, SMIL7, SCXML8 or VoiceXML9.
The reason for this pruning is that distributed applications written in a procedural language
like JavaScript fit the general distributed computing model, and there is ample research in that
field. Other factors that are important are the fact that we are interested in a robust solution,
because components may be unavailable or become unavailable, and some form of ad-hoc addressing.
Let us now examine some example application areas, starting with some work I was personally
involved in. In [4], [7] and [6] the authors sketch a personal remote control device for use while
watching television in a home setting. The idea is that while everyone in the room watches the
same main content, on the family television set connected to a central set top box or home entertainment system, there is the additional option of using personal devices. These personal
devices (handhelds, mobile phones, tablet PCs) communicate with the central home system,
and allow personal interaction without disrupting the shared experience. This interaction
could be in the form of viewing additional content, such as background information on the
program being watched, closed captions or voiceover in a different language. It could also be
additional interactive functionality, such as enabling the user take personal notes, or share a
pointer to the program being watched with a friend who is not present.
In [22] another application area is sketched:
web applications that consists of a number of
relatively loosely coupled components that
communicate through a shared data space. The
paper sketches a video-based tourist guide application, shown in figure 1, consisting of a multimedia playback component, a map viewer
component, an interaction form and some dynamic content. The components interact by
storing and retrieving values in the shared data
space. For example, the multimedia component
stores GPS coordinates which are then picked
up by the mapping component to show the cur6
Literature Study, VU Computer Science, Jack Jansen
SMIL plugin
Customized content
XForms form
Mapping applet
Figure 1. Tourist guide application
rent location of the presentation on the
map. The global architecture is shown in figure 2. This paper does not discuss distributed
applications, but from the diagram it is easy
to envision the extension in that direction.
map applet
Forms are a paradigm that is shared among
many web applications, and it is an area that
data model
could also benefit from ad-hoc sharing.
XForms provides a good starting point here,
Figure 2. Guided tour document model
because its model-view-controller architecture already separates the rendering from the underlying data model. In [21] the authors sketch a multimodal extension to XForms whereby the
user can provide data either through the traditional XForms visual interface or through spoken
dialogs. Such spoken dialogs would be a prime candidate to run on a separate handheld device
such as a mobile phone.
A final application area is ad-hoc access to local services. The Universal Remote Console10 is an
example of such an application: an architecture that allows users to carry a single device that
will interface to many different services. The device is tailored to the user so it would cater for
specific needs of that user, such as speech input/output for a blind person or one-button operation for someone with motor disabilities. The local services advertise their availability and
functionality, allowing either user to operate anything from a television to an elevator (and allowing them to tell the difference:-). There are ample examples of other local services, such as
museum or shopping guides. The Cooltown project [24] is an architecture for such services, or
see [26] for an overview of projects in this area.
The remainder of this paper looks at existing research, projects and technologies that could be
applied to the design of an architecture to enable the types of applications sketched above. It
is broadly structured along the lines of the computer science area from which we expect help.
Due to the breadth of this study it does not go very deep into any particular area, in stead
pointing out starting points for further research, as well as pointing out directions that turned
out to be dead ends.
In section 2 we will look at language research, to determine what solutions are available for
similar languages. In section 3 we will look at distributed computing paradigms that fit the
problem space of shared state for declarative web languages. In section 4 we look at XML da-
Literature Study, VU Computer Science, Jack Jansen
tabases. In section 5 we look at ubiquitous computing, where we expect to find some help for
locating services, authentication and fault tolerance.
II. Language research
The languages we want to extend with shared data are all declarative, so it may be interesting
to look at how other declarative languages have integrated shared data.
In the area of functional languages, most current research into shared data is done in the context of Haskell. The seminal paper, [15], discusses the novel concept of Composable Memory
Transactions, a way to easily allow nested transactions in a functional language. Transactional
memory is discussed in-depth in the next section, here it suffices to understand that it is a way
to enable a mechanism similar to database transactions in a programming language. The basis
for their work is the observation that “a purely-declarative language is a perfect setting for transactional memory” because of the implicit distinction between operations with and without side
effects, and the relatively few accesses to mutable variables. Disallowing operations with side
effects inside a transaction allows transactions to be nested. In addition, an orElse construct
allows alternative transactions, where the second one is attempted when the first one aborts. A
follow-on paper, [11], explores how traditional concurrent algorithms using locks can be expressed with composable memory transactions, and what the resulting performance is. Thiemann [35] examines how the model can be used in real-world applications, and how it contrasts
with the traditional database ACID transaction model.
I have also looked at other categories of declarative languages, but this turned out to be much
less successful. In the field of logic languages, [31] is an overview of concurrent logic programming languages, and how they relate to one another. The concurrency constructs discussed,
however, are firmly rooted in the backtracking semantics of logic languages, and do not seem
to be applicable to our problem area.
The languages we want to extend can be seen as examples of Domain Specific Languages (DSLs),
so it is interesting to see whether there are any common paradigms to add shared variables to
DSLs. [33] and [28] enumerate a number of common design patterns for DSLs, but these
turned out to be too abstract to be applicable directly. The latter also contains references to a
large number of example DSLs, and another such list was obtained from [39]. These languages
were - cursorily - inspected for potential overlap with our application area, but the few
matches (insofar as they have not been discussed elsewhere in this study) turned out not to be
Transactional memory operations are well-suited for embedding in the types of languages we
are interested in: the declarative nature of the hosting language probably allows for a relatively
Literature Study, VU Computer Science, Jack Jansen
simple distinction between operations that are allowed inside a transaction and those that are
not. The structured nature of our target languages should allow us to expose a transaction
mechanism to document authors in a reasonable way.
III. Communication Paradigms
Communication paradigms for distributed programming fall into one of three broad categories: message passing, shared memory, and separate coordination languages for controlling communication.
Message passing, being a procedural concept, is used almost exclusively in procedural languages. The main exception to this statement is the Erlang [40] language and some of its descendants: Erlang is a functional language where all concurrency is derived from message passing. Unfortunately, it turns out this has little applicability to our problem area: all concurrency
happens within a single program (whether distributed or parallel) and for this study I am specifically interested in cooperating applications, which have different requirements for service
location, failure semantics, etc.
Shared memory is a more promising area: our target languages all have some concept of variables, which would provide a good starting point for data sharing. Our target languages also
share a high degree of abstraction, so we are mainly interested in concepts that match this abstraction level. With shared variables, the first design issue that comes to mind is concurrency
control: it can be either implicit or explicit, and in the latter case it may take the form of locking or transactions. An area that seems well-matched to our abstraction level is that of transactional memory.
Transactional memory was introduced by Herlihy and Moss in [20], as a hardware concept for
allowing lock-free shared data structures on multiprocessors. The define a small number of new
machine instructions, which basically work by recording the whole transaction in local cache.
Load-transactional reads shared data, load-transactional-exclusive reads
shared data with the intent of rewriting it later and store-transactional writes shared
data (to the cache only). These instructions operate on the local CPU cache, which also stores
the transaction state of each memory location. Three more instructions handle committing
changes: commit attempts to write the update set back to global memory (failing if the state
in the cache is inconsistent), abort discards the update set and validate does only the consistency check (allowing an early abort for a long transaction).
Literature Study, VU Computer Science, Jack Jansen
A software implementation, So*ware Transactional Memory (STM) was demonstrated by Shavit
in [32]. It requires only standard load-linked and store-conditional instructions, and basically
works by recording all original values during a transaction and comparing these to current values during the commit. Methods are also provided to forestall starvation, etc.
A distributed implementation of transactional memory is outlined in [19]. The keystone of this
work is that the items taking part in a transaction are migrated to the host doing the transaction, together with a distributed cache coherence protocol that implements this efficiently. For
well-connected networks simpler implementations may be possible, see for example [25].
Shared memory and message passing attempt to graft parallel and distributed programming
onto existing language constructs with (hopefully) minimal impact to the underlying language.
Coordination languages, introduced by Carriero and Gelernter in [13], take a different approach: they separate the computation model and the coordination model. In its purest form, the
computation model is a set of pure sequential side-effect free activities. The coordination
model is the glue that binds these activities together and to their environment. This separation
enables not only parallelism, distribution and fault-tolerance, but also heterogeneity in the
computational components (because communication is handled in the coordination model).
Linda [5] is probably the earliest example of a coordination model, and many data sharing
models are based on it. The central concept in Linda is a tuple space, a shared associative data
store. The tuple space has three main operations:
• out(v1, v2, v3, ...) inserts a new tuple into the space,
• in(t1, t2, t3, ...) searches for any matching tuple (where each ti can be either a
value to match or a wildcard) and destructively reads it, potentially blocking until a matching
tuple becomes available,
• rd(t1, t2, t3, ...) is like in() but non-destructive.
Tuple spaces are suitable for a whole range of problems, from tightly-coupled parallel programs
to loosely coupled ad-hoc data sharing.
The tuple space concept has since then been extended and integrated in many other languages
and platforms, see for example JavaSpaces11 or T Spaces [41].
A number of people have looked at the integration of tuple spaces in the XML world. In [37],
Tolksdorf et. al. describe XMLSpace, a tuple space that can hold XML documents as tuple
field data, along with various ways for matching these. Aside from the obvious match (two
Literature Study, VU Computer Science, Jack Jansen
identical XML documents match) it is also possible to match on XML query expressions such
as XPath. In a later work, [36], this work is extended under the name XMLSpaces.NET. Besides
the port from Java to C#/.NET, which is not very interesting in the context of this study, here
the underlying model is also extended. Tuples are allowed as values in tuple fields, giving rise to
a tupletree. It is then shown that the whole tuple space is itself such a tupletree, and is representable in XML. This gives rise to new ways of matching, including shallow and deep matching.
Similar to XMLSpaces.NET is xSpace [2], but the latter is set in the web services field. This
results in xSpace being XML-document centric (as opposed to object-centric), with more emphasis on matching with XPath-like regular expressions. xSpace does not treat the tuple space
as a single XML document but as a collection of XML documents.
Papadopoulos and Arbab have provided an overview of coordination models and languages in
[29]. They separate the playing field into two areas: data-driven coordination and control-driven
coordination. Of these, the first one is interesting to our problem. Most of the data-driven coordination languages and models they discuss are based on tuple spaces, with the remainder
geared towards massive parallelism more than ad-hoc data sharing.
There are two prime candidate models for adding distributed shared data to our target languages:
• simple shared XML data, designed along the lines of software transactional memory, fits our
problem space and is implementable; and
• integrating tuple space access into XML is another option, and in can be done in a way that
matches the XML mindset fairly well.
These two models have very different characteristics from an application point of view, so
whether one, the other or both should be used requires further study.
IV.XML Databases
Another area that we may learn things from is the field of XML databases. Specifically, concurrency control in the form of locking or transactions is an area where we may be able to find
relevant work. A lot of work in this area is related to efficiently locking in an XML front-end
where the data storage back-end has only limited XML-awareness, but the last few years there
has also been some interesting papers on how the XML semantics can be used to enable more
In [23], the authors describe the XPath Locking Protocol (XLP), aimed specifically at locking data
that is accessed through XPath expressions. They observe that the various nodes involved in an
Literature Study, VU Computer Science, Jack Jansen
XPath-based update or retrieval do not all require the same locking semantics. For example, if
a node is locked because one transaction’s XPath expression traverses it the only operation
that is disallowed is deletion of that node. They proceed by defining 5 types of locks (pass-by,
read, write, insert and delete), a matrix of how these locks exclude each other and how XLP
implements this. XLP is then compared with other concurrency control mechanisms such as 2phase locking and tree-locking. It performs well, with respect to all of document size, readwrite ratio and XPath length.
Helmer et. al. [18] compare various locking strategies for XML document, from simple wholedocument R/W locks to various ways of locking at the node or arc level. They then come up
with 4 types of locks (shared, exclusive, modify, traverse) and show how well their solution performs. Unfortunately, their solution cannot be directly compared to XLP, because they use
DOM access methods (as opposed to XPath expressions) as their basic operations. They do
make two observations that should be interesting to XPath-based locking too:
• If direct node references by xml:id are allowed this leads to serious complications and requires extra locks;
• knowledge of the DTD allows extra parallelism (because some tree-modifying operations can
be known not to conflict with some traversal operations, for example).
Finally, [17] compares 11 XML database locking protocols for performance. The winner, taDOM3+, is also by far the most complex, with 20 lock modes.
What we can learn from XML databases for our problem area is the fact that if our underlying
data is XML structured this allows for optimizations that are not possible in the general case
of unstructured data. However, we have to be aware that we are not targeting doing thousands
of transactions per second on terabyte databases, so we should decide where the sweet spot in
the tradeoff between performance and complexity lies.
V. Ubiquitous Computing
Our area of interest has a number of overlaps with ubiquitous computing:
• heterogeneity of platforms and languages needs to be catered for,
• applications (or components of an application) need to find one another to be able to communicate,
• fault tolerance is important, because components may disappear (or not be available at all),
Literature Study, VU Computer Science, Jack Jansen
• authentication and security issues need to be addressed.
The Cooltown project [24] aims at bridging web technology and ubiquitous computing, and as
such is relevant to our scope. Cooltown uses beacons to make users’ aware of the services available in the vicinity: these beacons are infrared transceivers that will provide an entry point
URL upon request. From this URL, the user can the get at other related services. The URL
may contain a capability that allows access to the local services through a “reverse proxy”, so
services are also available if your network connection happens to be non-local (through your
mobile phone carrier, for example). As an aside, they note that the standardized data format,
interfaces and middleware on the web should solve most of the heterogeneity issues.
The Intentional Naming System (INS) [1] is a service location system that is (in their own words)
expressive, responsive, robust and easily configurable. The expressiveness comes from the naming scheme, which is a hybrid between
attribute-value naming and hierarchical
naming. Figure 3 shows an example of this:
the name for a publicly accessible camera
in the oval office with some specific resolution. Their system also allows for different types of resolution: early binding (traditional lookup, which is then followed by
Figure 3 - INS name
communication), intentional anycast (late
binding at the time of message transmission,
sending to any one recipient) and intentional multicast (same, but sending to all easily accessible
Edwards, in [12], gives an overview of service discovery issues for ubiquitous systems. Three of
the current systems discussed seem applicable to our situation: uPnP SSDP 12, Bonjour 13 and
SLP14. These share some characteristics, such as being able to operate using multicast only. SLP
and Bonjour can also use a directory service, when available. SSDP and SLP use URIs as identifiers, with SLP providing an additional LDAP-like search capability on attributes, Bonjour
uses DNS-style dotted names. All three provide a way for clients to be notified of changes in
service availability.
Literature Study, VU Computer Science, Jack Jansen
There are various options for a naming scheme through which our components can find one
another, each with their own strength and weaknesses and, therefore, application areas for
which they are best suited. A searchable namespace may work best for loosely coupled web applications whereas more tightly coupled components may be better off with a hard mapping. A
similar reasoning may be true for early or late binding: a more loosely coupled shared data architecture may benefit from late binding.
Investigating decoupling of access privileges from physical network connection is worthwhile,
due to the nature of the devices we envision.
This study has provided some very useful starting points for further research into an architecture for enabling ad-hoc shared web applications:
• Tuple spaces are a paradigm that seems to be applicable to declarative languages, and would
work well in the case of loosely coupled web applications. Various attribute-based discovery
schemes are also available, with the possibility of doing late binding (which would again
benefit loosely coupled applications).
• Software transactional memory is another paradigm that maps well to declarative languages,
and seems more easy to integrate into an XML-centric setting. Therefore, STM may be more
applicable to web applications where the participating components are more tightly coupled,
or - at least - have a more integrated view of the data model.
• If we want to do shared data with locking there are various optimizations possible because
we use XML-structured data.
• Future research will need to determine the boundaries of the application area beforehand
(such as expected data size and levels of concurrency and access rates), to forestall going
overboard on complexity with little benefit.
• Physical proximity does not equal network proximity. Therefore, decoupling authentication
and security from physical network connection, if possible, would be beneficial.
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Literature Study, VU Computer Science, Jack Jansen