2016-05-12 - Midland Noon Rotary Club
2016-05-12 - Midland Noon Rotary Club
We meet every Thursday at 12 pm at the Midland Country Club Weekly Update, May 12, 2016 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Rotary Flag on Belle Isle in Detroit, Michigan. We learned later this was established by Detroit Rotary in 1932. Photo taken by Kevin Kendrick. Meeting Photos 2 Upcoming Meeting / Events / Links / Wanted Midland Blooms / New Instagram Account / Rotary Logos 2 3 Community Needs and Midland Rotary Foundation: So what’s the difference? 3 District Conference 4 Paul Harris Fellows Alumni of Three Rotary Programs Unite to Advance ‘Service Above Self’ 4 Say Hello to Our Newest Members Rotary in the News 4 5 5 PRESIDENT’S NOTES Dear Midland Noon Rotarians, We had another excellent meeting last week, courtesy of the presentation we heard from Kathy Allen of Personal Assistance Options. This group does an outstanding job through the efforts of its dedicated staff and volunteers in helping individuals with differing abilities to achieve a reasonable level of independence. The videos Kathy shared with us certainly were uplifting and provided powerful reminders that we need to simply treat people as people first. It was also very heartwarming to be reminded that our very own Jon Barckholtz was a PAO client for years. Rotary has a strong connection with PAO. In addition to Jon, Kathy paid wonderful compliments to the Great Lakes Loons organization for being a consistent supporter of their fundraiser over the years and in particular, Rotarian Paul Barbeau. Competing in their June 2nd Annual Fundraiser involving another “Art Competition” this year will be Benjamin F. Edwards and SYM Financial, and our club has members from both companies - Rotarians Ralph Brozzo and Brad Duling, respectively! And sitting on the PAO Board are Rotarians Mike Stein and Jenny Kendrick. Rotary truly is making a difference in our community in ways which are sometimes not apparent. Jenny and I had a wonderful weekend, spent with our three inbound Youth Exchange students. We began by taking the kids to Royal Oak for dinner and a concert. We truly enjoyed the concert (well, at least the kids did!) which featured three separate ska performances. Don’t know what ska is? We didn’t really know the history of it either until looking it up! If you can envision a bit of jazz, reggae, punk rock all fused into one sound, you have ska! Although there weren’t seats available for us old hipsters, there was plenty of standing room and “moshing” going on as the headline group, Streetlight Manifesto, energized everyone! We had a much more peaceful day on Saturday as we took the kids on a tour of Detroit including the street I lived on as a boy, the Renaissance Center, Belle Isle, the Wayne State region, and Comerica Park. After having lunch downtown, we ended the day with a visit to the Detroit Zoo in Royal Oak. It was truly a fun day for the kids and yes, an even more enjoyable day for us! If you would like to help these youngsters experience a part of Michigan, please let Karl Kamena know! You won’t regret it and you will have an opportunity to spend some time witnessing how truly special these youngsters are. Harry’s Quote: ““Time is your most precious gift because you only have a set amount of it. You can make more money, but you can't make more time…time is your life. That is why the greatest gift you can give someone is your time.” – Rick Warren TAKE ACTION: www.midlandrotaryclub.org 1 Upcoming Meeting Meeting Photos 05-12 — Gerry Wasserman & Mike Sharrow, MPS Bond Updates Becky Church, Invocation Upcoming Events Ron Beacom, Humor Moment Tawny Nelb 5/20-21: District 6310 Conference, Alpena, MI 5/21: Midland Blooms Visitors and Announcements 6/12-16: Camp RYLA 6/30: End of Rotary Year and Transition to New President 7/15-16: RiverDays 7/25: Golf Tournament Rotary Links Website: http://midlandrotaryclub.org/index.html Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MidlandNoonRotaryClub/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MidNoonRotary Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/midlandminoonrotary/ Blue Badge Awards: Kathy Swarthout, Kevin Johnson, President Kevin Kendrick, Pamela Berry-Solomon, , Dallas Rau, Scott Mitchell, and Sarah, Kile Photos! Lauderbach, Jon Lehman, Fr Pete Mcardle, Tom Pollock, Robert Thompson, Ross Updated Classifications! Paul Harris Fellows Tom Lane and Jenny Kendrick Beals, Todd Berry-Solomon, Pamela Block, Clifford A Bone, Mark Buckley, Andre Forshee, Erick Lang, Craig P Oster, Amanda N Mike Stein Kathy Allen Schacher, Thomas Searles, John Shelow, Taitia Spencer, Kevin Thompson, Ross Valent, Thomas Wasserman, Gerry * Click to see Classification List. Notify Kevin Kendrick, and he will update your classification. 2 Midland Blooms Community Needs and Midland Rotary Foundation: So what’s the difference? Date: Saturday May 21st, 2016 Arrival time: 8:30 am Location: Eastman Rd. (East side of the road) between Wackerly Road and Harcrest Street Have you ever wondered what the difference is between our Community Needs Fund and our Midland Rotary Foundation Fund are? We have too! So we asked the experts to help us understand better! Dale Davis chairs our Community Needs Committee and Drummond Black leads the Midland Rotary Foundation Committee. (The Midland Rotary Foundation Scholarship Committee is a separate committee from the Midland Rotary Foundation Committee, however funding for the scholarships is received from the Midland Rotary Foundation Committee.) Please bring a Hand trowel and if you would like bring garden gloves. (Feel free to bring a friend or family member; the more people we have the faster the planting process goes.) Following the planting, breakfast will be served at Colonial Villa, 5007 Universal Drive. Block captain (Carlos Uribe) will have tickets for the breakfast. MIDLAND ROTARY COMMUNITY NEEDS COMMITTEE Founded: 1988 Thank you for all you do for our Club and community. Purpose: Community Needs supports programs of charitable organizations which engage community members of all ages in organized activities that will improve the well-being of those members and contributing to improving life in our community. Preference is given to youth-oriented projects. Carlos Uribe New Instagram Account We have a new Instagram account. See page one for links to all of our on-line pages! Check us out!! Please feel free to send Jenny Kendrick (jakendrick@outlook.com) any information you would like us to included on any of these accounts so we can keep them active! Thank you. Criteria: Rotary Logos 1. Priority given to those impacting the most youth. Rotary International and Rotary District 6310 are stressing that we need to use only official logos when we are advertising Rotary. Below is a peek at those logos. If you need a copy for any of your advertising, please feel free to contact Jenny at jakendrick@outlook.com for these files. 2. Requests should demonstrate a broad and diverse community-wide impact. 3. Committee reserves the right to fund all or any part of a request. Will fund: Grants made to area clubs and organizations with a 501(c)(3) status. Specific projects will be funded. Won’t fund: Fundraising efforts, ongoing initiatives; individual requests; requests from other Rotary Club committees. Sponsor Needed: Request must be sponsored and reviewed by a Midland Rotarian. Amount: Should not exceed $2,000 Funding source: Funds generated through events like the Pancake Supper. Deadline: Considered all yearround. 3 MIDLAND ROTARY FOUNDATION COMMITTEE Founded: 1977 Purpose: To provide grants to organizations, preferably those partnered with businesses or schools, which would provide support to a broad range of youth, not individuals, located within Midland County. Grants are designated for specific projects and not ongoing initiatives or expenses of an organization. Criteria: 1. Except for scholarship funds, the grant requests should provide support for a broad range of youth. 2. Receipt of prior grants will not eliminate consideration for another. Will fund: Preference is given to grants involving business or schools; however, charitable organizations are not excluded; Rotarian-involved projects. Won’t fund: Requests outside of Midland County; ongoing initiatives; expenses. Sponsor Needed: No. Amount: Up to $5,000 Funding Source: Endowed fund allowing for 35K-40 K in grants/scholarships annually. Deadline: April 1 and October 1 (two separate cycles) District Conference Alumni of Three Rotary Programs Unite to Advance ‘Service Above Self’ 2016 Rotary District Conference - May 20-21, 2016 Posted on May 3, 2016 By Courtney Lawrence, Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar 2009-10; Katherine Grennier, Rotary Peace Fellow 2016; and Hermes Huang, Rotary Scholar, 2014-15 Join Leaders - Exchange Ideas - Take Action! The District 6310 Conference information, Registration, and Program Schedule are available on the District website. From the coastline of Costa Rica, to the sidewalks of Bangkok, to the jungles of Indonesia, we have been supported as individuals by The Rotary Foundation to make this world a better place; one where service comes before self. As a team of Rotary alumni, we have been able to pull together in pursuit of empowering grassroots social innovators around the world. Just click on any of the "District Conference" tabs for complete details. Or click on either document below to see pdf version. The three Rotary programs that have supported us: Courtney’s Ambassadorial Scholarship at the University for Peace in Costa Rica; Hermes’ global grant supported scholarship at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand; and Katy’s Rotary Peace Fellowship at the Rotary Peace Center at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand; have been critical experiences in defining our work and the experiences that we create for our participants at Designing for Social Innovation & Leadership (DSIL) Global. At DSIL Global, we train social entrepreneurs from around the world using a combination of design tools, leadership development, and business frameworks. Above all of this, we weave in themes found when peace and conflict studies, sustainable management, and international development intersect; all skill that we developed as Rotary scholars and fellows. In all three of our Rotary programs, we were encouraged to develop a network with local Rotary members who supported and mentored us through our times as Rotary scholars. They were there when we got sick or needed advice on the local bureaucracy. They provided a community for us to engage in service to better the places we lived and help the people we worked with. All three of our programs involve exchanging ideas and experience across diverse perspectives. We shared with and learned from scholars, fellows, and practitioners from over 80 countries. This would not have been possible without the support of Rotary and the global community of Rotarians, alumni, and support personnel. Midland Noon Rotary Paul Harris Fellows Recipients Rotary Years 2015-2016 Today, as friends and colleagues, we are using our experiences to continue finding innovation in daily dialogue and shared experiences. In partnership with the University for Peace, we select people who are ready to make a positive impact in their communities and bring them together to accelerate that impact. In the process, we are developing a global network of innovators who can lean on each other. Five times this year we will be facilitating our DSIL programs to bring grassroots innovators together in conversation and fellowship in a creative environment to seek solutions to challenges facing Southeast Asia. Adams, Tom Allen, Dorene Bakeman, Jim +2 Beale, Mike Black, Drummond +1 Gambrell, Todd Hargreaves, Bill Kendrick, Jenny +1 Kendrick, Kevin +1 Lane, Tom +2 Oberlin, Aaron Rogers, Ed Shelow, Taitia Our lives would not be the same without the support of our clubs back home, our host communities, and the support of Rotary. We’re looking forward to working with more Rotary alumni in the future to create an even greater impact. Rotary is empowering people to change the world, and we’re excited to be a part of it. We’re looking forward to providing new ways for Rotary members to apply Service Above Self, and we can’t wait to bring DSIL Global to a community near you. 4 Rotary in the News Say Hello to Our Newest Members Local and Club News: Our Focus on Youth Committee continues to do a wonderful job. Not only did they share news of RYLA with the Midland Daily News which did an article on the opportunity, Taitia Shelow shared the flyer through Midland Tomorrow’s social media outlets but with the Chamber’s Young Entrepreneur’s Academy contact who also shared it. In addition, Rotarian Mike Sharrow retweeted it as well. Truly a great team communications effort! And speaking of social media, we recently established an Instagram account! Instagram is a free photo and video sharing app available on Apple iOS, Android and Windows Phone. As we seek to grow our members and attract from all age demographics, it’s vitally important that we be able to share the Midland Rotary story across all types of media! Erin Lemke, Financial Consultant, Hantz Financial Services Sponsored by Leslie Norris Member since May Jane Johnson, Sales and Marketing Manager, Brookdale Senior Living Midland Sponsored by Kevin Kendrick Member since May Andi Pellegrini, Community Resources Coordinator, Midland County DHHS Sponsored by Robbie Waclawski Member since May The Focus on Youth Committee is also working on drafting a District Matching grant proposal which would begin during the Fall. It would essentially focus on providing help to children in foster care and in neglect and abuse cases. Carly Witkop, Donor Relations Assistant, Northwood University Sponsored by Teresa George Member since April Our very own RYE Inbound Joao Arenhart recently presented a series of presentations to approximately 14 different classes on the benefits of being a Youth Exchange Student. Joao told us that although he was a bit winded after these, he truly enjoyed being a part of this and seeing the excitement it generated with so many students. Roxanne Affholter, Owner and Founder of Crisis Response Connection Sponsored by Amanda Oster Member since April District News: Quick Reminder – the District Conference is THIS week! It’s not too late to register and become eligible for reimbursement of $100 in expenses as well as having your registration paid for! In recognition of May as Youth Service Month, DG Mike Kelly shared that our District has made some great strides in some of our initiative aimed at Youth. Included in this is the fact that we will have grown from four to 10 Interact Clubs in the District by the end of June 2016! This has been due primarily to outstanding work done by PDG Dee Brock and District Youth Services Chair Kathy Beebe who was kind enough to visit our club last month to deliver some very helpful remarks on best practices for our youth initiatives. Mike also shared that we had a very successful first time ever Interact work project trip this spring. Interact students from Bad Axe and Oscoda participated as part of our ongoing ”Water and Sanitation” projects in the Dominican Republic . Thomas Bender, Physician, EOH, Dow Chemical Company Sponsored by Todd Gambrell Member since March Leslie Norris, Ophthalmologist, Bay Eye Care Center Sponsored by Preston and Betty Jones Member since March Joseph Weckesser, General Manager, Whine Sponsored by Jim Nigro Member since March International News: In keeping with this month’s theme of Youth Services, it’s fitting that Rotary International is carrying a story on Rotaract Clubs around the world who recently competed for recognition of Innovative Projects. The Rotaract Club of Bugolobi, Uganda won the grand prize with a project that provided comprehensive medical exams, dental screenings, medication, birth control, and more to over 1,000 patients at a medical camp. They also presented benches and desks to the Keyebe Primary School along with supplies and uniforms for the students. Regional winners were also recognized: Laurie Shooltz, Marketing Manager, Paul Davis Restoration Sponsored by Kathy Swarthout Member since February International Multidistrict project - Twelve Rotaract clubs from five districts in Turkey and Russia collaborated with the Down Syndrome Association to organize training for children and adults with Down syndrome. Asia Pacific – A Rotaract Club in the Philippines was recognized for establishing a water project in a remote part of the Philippines. South Asia – A Club in India established a digital disease surveillance system to study epidemiological trends. Europe, Middle East and Central Asia – A club in Istanbul used local experts, psychologists, and doctors to educate residents about how underage girls who are married are, statistically, undereducated and prone to medical and psychological problems. Evan Burrell 5