Film World
Film World
Film World 7KH1RUWKHUQ ,UHODQG(IIHFW 3OXVDQLQWHUYLHZZLWK%HOIDVW GLUHFWRUDQG),/0&/8% $PEDVVDGRU0DUN&RXVLQV bo ky ic M & e M 4) 00 (2 Films in Detail... Belfast born director, Brian Desmond Hurst’s ÀOP6FURRJH Film by you... reviews of +XQJHU7KH)LUVW0RYLHDQG 6FURRJH in Film… Film in Detail… )LOPV$ERXW… Films From… )LOP%\<RX… People in Film… )LOPLQ' ZZZÀOPFOXERUJ Film World 1RWHIURPWKH(GLWRU +HOORDQGZHOFRPHWR),/0&/8%·V)LOP:RUOGPDJD]LQH )LOP:RUOGLVWKHRQO\ÀOPPDJD]LQHLQ%ULWDLQPDGHH[FOXVLYHO\ IRU\HDUROGV(YHU\LVVXHZHEULQJ\RXLQGHSWKÀOP IHDWXUHVSX]]OHVDQGUHYLHZVSOXVWRQVDQGWRQVRIÀOP UHFRPPHQGDWLRQVWRH[SDQG\RXUYLHZLQJKRUL]RQV,I\RXOLNH PRYLHV\RX·OOORYH)LOP:RUOG We love hearing your suggestions on what you’d like to see in Film World magazine. Please email your comments to VXSSRUW#ÀOPFOXERUJ and include ‘Film World’ in the subject line. &RQWHQWV Films From Films in Detail 1RUWKHUQ,UHODQG Scrooge & more ............ 3 People in Films Films By You 0DUN&RXVLQV ZZZÀOPFOXERUJ!)LOP:RUOG Reviews ............................. 7 DERXW ),/0&/8%… Over 100 years, cinema has become a rich, diverse source of learning and inspiration. %\KHOSLQJVFKRROVVHWXSÀOP clubs where young people can watch, debate and UHYLHZÀOPVWRJHWKHU),/0&/8% brings this invaluable resource to tens of thousands of students every week. An educational charity supported by Emma Thompson and Michael Sheen DPRQJRWKHUV),/0&/8% provides all the tools and support a school could need, from the DVDs themselves – with over 3000 handpicked titles to choose from - to technical advice. Plus, ),/0&/8%·V&ORVH(QFRXQWHUV industry interaction scheme gives young people the chance to meet and learn IURPWRSÀOPPDNHUVDWLQ VFKRROYLVLWVZHEFDVWVÀOP events, festivals and premieres. ,I\RXZRXOGOLNHDFFHVVWRWKH wealth of new worlds, cultures and ideas that cinema provides, please visit ZZZÀOPFOXERUJUHJLVWHU Films From 2 1RUWKHUQ,UHODQG Many consider Belfast-born Brian Desmond Hurst to be 1RUWKHUQ,UHODQG·VJUHDWHVWÀOPGLUHFWRU$EROGÀOPPDNHU IRUKLVWLPHKHKDGDIDVFLQDWLQJFDUHHUGHÀQHGE\DVWLQWLQ Hollywood working with the great American director John Ford DQGKLVÀOP,ULVK+HDUWVZDV1RUWKHUQ,UHODQG·VÀUVWVRXQG ÀOP,W·VKLVÀOP6FURRJH, however for which he is best UHPHPEHUHG,W·VVWLOOUHJDUGHGDVWKHGHÀQLWLYHDGDSWDWLRQRI WKH'LFNHQVVWRU\$&KULVWPDV&DURO $QRWKHU1RUWKHUQ,ULVKFODVVLFLV&DURO5HHG·V2GG0DQ2XW $%HOIDVWVHWÀOPQRLULWIROORZVDZRXQGHGPDQRQWKH run after a failed bank heist. Exploring people’s reactions to the unknown bleeding man it cleverly broaches the country’s SROLWLFDOLVVXHV,QIDFWWKHÀOPLVFRQVLGHUHGWKHÀUVWWR depict the beginnings of the country’s ‘Troubles’ – a period RISROLWLFDODQGYLROHQWFRQÁLFWULVLQJIURPKLVWRULFWHQVLRQV between those who do and do not support the union with %ULWDLQZKLFKJULSSHG1RUWKHUQ,UHODQGWKURXJKRXWWKHV into the late 90s. 8QVXUSULVLQJO\WKLVSHULRGRIXQUHVWLQÁXHQFHGPDQ\ÀOPPDNHUV - the most powerful results being tense drama ,Q7KH1DPH 2I7KH)DWKHU(1993), terrifying docudrama %ORRG\6XQGD\ (2002) and the electrifying +XQJHU$OOVHWLQ1,GXULQJ the troubles, each painfully depicts the devastation caused E\WHUURULVP(YLGHQWLQWKHLUFULWLFDOSRUWUD\DORISROLFHRIÀFHUV and the British army, the common thread is their scrutiny of WKH%ULWLVKJRYHUQPHQW·VPDQDJHPHQWRIWKHFRQÁLFWDQG exploration of the beliefs of those steering the violence. :KLOHWKHVHÀOPVRIIHUDWRXJKGHSLFWLRQRIWKHWURXEOHVWKHUH DUHDOVRÀOPVWKDWWDFNOHLWLQDPRUHOLJKWKHDUWHGZD\)XOORI comedy, 0LFN\ER0H (2004) is a tale of friendship between WZRER\VIURPGLIIHUHQWVLGHVRIWKHFRQÁLFW%RQGLQJRYHU %XWFK&DVVLG\DQGWKH6XQGDQFH.LGWKH\UXQULRWDFURVV a divided 1970s Belfast. 0RYLQJEH\RQGWKHWURXEOHV1RUWKHUQ,ULVKÀOPPDNHUVKDYH DOVRPDGHÀOPVVHWLQRWKHUSODFHVOLNH7HUU\*HRUJH·V2VFDU nominated Rwandan civil war drama+RWHO5ZDQGD (2004). 3HUKDSVLW·VQRVXUSULVHWKDW1RUWKHUQ,ULVKÀOPLVSDUWLFXODUO\ JRRGDWWHOOLQJVWRULHVRIFRQÁLFWEXWDV+RWHO5ZDQGDSURYHV this is done in bold and original ways. ZZZÀOPFOXERUJ!)LOP:RUOG!)LOPV)URP!1RUWKHUQ,UHODQG Scrooge ,Q7KH1DPH2IWKH)DWKHU Mickybo & Me ),/0&/8% 2GG0DQ2XW3* %ORRG\6XQGD\ +XQJHU 0LFN\ER0H Hotel Rwanda (200, 12) Films In Detail 3 6FURRJH8 7KHUHKDYHEHHQGR]HQVRIPRYLHDQG79YHUVLRQVRI&KDUOHV 'LFNHQV·$&KULVWPDV&DUROEXWQRQHLVEHWWHUWKDQWKLVVSRRN\ EODFNDQGZKLWHÀOPVWDUULQJWKHJUHDW6FRWWLVKDFWRU $ODVWDLU6LP6LPLVSHUIHFWDV6FURRJHDQGWKHÀOP·VJUHDW VWUHQJWKLVPDNLQJVXUHWKDWWKHYLVLRQVWKHWLJKWÀVWHGFRPSDQ\ ERVVVHHVRQ&KULVWPDV(YHDUHVFDU\HQRXJKWRPDNHDEDG man consider changing his ways. Scrooge 2GG0DQ2XW3* )HZÀOPVKDYHHYHUGHDOWZLWKWKHWHQVLRQRIDPDQRQWKHUXQ DVHIIHFWLYHO\DVWKLVRQH,WVWDUWVZLWKWKHSODQQLQJRIDUREEHU\ E\WHUURULVWVLQ1RUWKHUQ,UHODQGLQ$IWHUWKHKHLVWJRHV wrong, the wounded leader Johnny is left alone on the streets of Belfast, with police swarming through the city to hunt him down. We learn about human nature from seeing how different people - a cab driver, English visitors, and a woman grown rich from the black market - react to the bleeding fugitive. Odd Man Out %ORRG\6XQGD\ On January 30, 1972, a civil rights march in Derry, Northern ,UHODQGGHVFHQGHGLQWRFKDRVDQGWUDJHG\DVPHPEHUVRI WKH%ULWLVK3DUDFKXWH5HJLPHQWRSHQHGÀUHRQWKHXQDUPHG protesters, shooting 27 and ultimately killing 14. Director and ZULWHU3DXO*UHHQJUDVV·VJULWW\GRFXGUDPDIRFXVHVRQWKH PDUFK·VUHDOOLIHOHDGHUSROLWLFLDQ,YDQ&RRSHUSOD\HGE\ -DPHV1HVELWW*UHHQJUDVVZRXOGJRRQWRGLUHFWWKHODVWWZR %RXUQHÀOPVDQGWKRXJK%ORRG\6XQGD\LVGHHSO\VHULRXVDORW RIWKRVHÀOPV·IUHQHWLFVW\OHLVLQHYLGHQFHKHUH Bloody Sunday Films In Detail 4 +XQJHU This stunningly intense drama, directed and co-written by the artist Steve McQueen, deals with the protests of imprisoned 3URYLVLRQDO,5$PHPEHUVZKRZLVKHGWREHWUHDWHGDVSROLWLFDO SULVRQHUVWKDWOHGWRDKXQJHUVWULNHLQ,QORQJEHDXWLIXOO\ composed takes, McQueen focuses on one inmate, Bobby 6DQGV0LFKDHO)DVVEHQGHUZKRZDVWKHÀUVWWRGLHDQGDV DUHVXOWEHFDPHD5HSXEOLFDQPDUW\U7KHÀOPGRHVQRWÁLQFK from showing the brutality of the prison system and the physical effects of the strike, as well as opening a debate on its ethics and effectiveness. Hunger 0LFN\ER0H ,W·VZRUWKVHHNLQJRXWWKLVVZHHWURPDQWLFVDGIXQQ\VOLJKWO\ sentimental story about two boys growing up against a EDFNJURXQGRIVHFWDULDQYLROHQFHLQ1RUWKHUQ,UHODQGRIWKH early 1970s, a time when the country was strictly divided along religious lines. The boys of the title come from either side of the divide but form, and struggle to maintain a friendship regardless of differences which, if they see them at all, they regard as irrelevant. Mickybo & Me +RWHO5ZDQGD(2004, 12) Hotel Rwanda is the true story of Paul Rusesabagina - a man who put his own life on the line to save over a thousand refugees who faced certain death at the hands of their own countrymen in a tribal civil war in the African state of Rwanda in 1994. With over a million people slaughtered in only three months, Rusesabagina - the manager of a luxury hotel - opened his doors to anyone who came seeking help. Amid the chaos, he tried to get word out to the outside world of the atrocities that were taking place. Hotel Rwanda People In Films 0DUN&RXVLQV 0DUN&RXVLQVLVDÀOPPDNHUDQGÀOPFULWLFIURP%HOIDVWDQG KH·V),/0&/8%·V$PEDVVDGRUIRU1RUWKHUQ,UHODQG+HKDV LQWHUYLHZHGJUHDWÀOPPDNHUVOLNH0DUWLQ6FRUVHVHDQG'DYLG /\QFKEXW)LOPFOXEEHUVZLOONQRZKLPEHVWIRUGLUHFWLQJ7KH)LUVW 0RYLHDÀOPLQZKLFKKHWUDYHOOHGWR,UDTWRLQWURGXFH FKLOGUHQWRÀOPVDQGHQFRXUDJHWKHPWRPDNHWKHLURZQ+HUH ),/0&/8%PHPEHUV;DQWKHDQG.DWHWDONWRKLPDERXWKLV FDUHHUDQGWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIÀOP ;DQWKH:K\GLG\RXGHFLGHWRPDNH7KH)LUVW0RYLH" 0DUN&RXVLQV,WKLQNPRYLHVDUHPDGHIURPSDVVLRQWKH\·UH made from the heart. [Picks up a camera] This is the actual FDPHUD,XVHGZKHQ,PDGHWKHÀOPEXWLW·VMXVWHTXLSPHQWLW·V MXVWVWXIIWKDW·VQRWH[FLWLQJLQLWVHOILW·VSDVVLRQ$QG,UHDOO\IHHO SDVVLRQIRUWKDWSDUWRIWKHZRUOG>,UDT@WKHSHRSOHLQWKH0LGGOH East are absolutely adorable, friendly, with their traditions of KRVSLWDOLW\HWFHWHUDDQG,WKLQNWKHVHSHRSOHDUHPLVUHSUHVHQWHG RQWKH79QHZVDQGWKHPHGLDVR,WKLQNLWZDVWLPHWRUHSUHVHQW WKHPLQDGLIIHUHQWZD\DQG,WKLQNFORVHUWRUHDOLW\ ;+RZGR\RXÀQGWKHVZLWFKEHWZHHQEHLQJDÀOPFULWLFDQGD ÀOPPDNHU" 0&,UHVSHFWWKRVHFULWLFVZKRGRQ·WZDQWWRWU\DQGPDNH ÀOPVEHFDXVHWKH\WKLQNLW·OOVSRLOWKHSOHDVXUHLIWKH\NQRZWRR much about the mechanics of it. For me it’s scary because ZKHQWKHUHYLHZVFDPHRXWIRUP\ÀOPDERXWD\HDUDJR, NQHZWKH\·GDOOEHRXWRQ)ULGD\PRUQLQJ,NQHZZKLFKFULWLFV ZHQWWRWKHVFUHHQLQJDQG,ZDVWHUULÀHG,ZDQWHGWROHDYH WKHFRXQWU\,GLGQ·WZDQWWRRSHQXSWKHSDSHUVDQGVHHKRZ PDQ\VWDUV,JRW$ORWRIWKRVHSDSHUV,GRQ·WHYHQ,UHDGEXW VXGGHQO\,FDUHGDERXWKRZPDQ\VWDUVWKH\ZHUHJLYLQJIRU WKHÀOP,W·VHDVLHUWREHZRXQGHGE\DEDGUHYLHZWKDQLWLVWR be buoyed by a good review... FRQW·GQH[WSDJH The First Movie People In Films ;:KDW·V\RXUIDYRXULWHÀOPIRU\RXQJSHRSOH" 7KHUH·VDQ,QGLDQÀOPFDOOHG7KH$GYHQWXUHVRI*RRS\DQG %DJKD who are musicians, and they’re rubbish musicians. They go into a forest and meet a tiger, and the tiger turns into the king of the forest and gives them a wish - and they wish they FRXOGEHJUHDWPXVLFLDQV7KHÀOPLQWKH:HVWWKDWLWPRVW FORVHO\UHVHPEOHVLVVRPHWKLQJOLNH7KH:L]DUGRI2]EXW, personally think it is even better. .DWH:K\GR\RXWKLQNLW·VJRRGWKDWFKLOGUHQDQG\RXQJ SHRSOHIURPGLIIHUHQWEDFNJURXQGVKDYHWKHFKDQFHWRJRWKH FLQHPD" 0&,WKLQN,ZRXOGVWDUWDQVZHULQJWKDWE\VD\LQJLW·VUHDOO\ great if we understand other people around the world - GLIIHUHQWFXOWXUHVWRRXUV,WKLQNWKDWDORWRIWKHSUREOHPVLQ the world come from misunderstanding - fear or apprehension DERXWWKHRWKHUSHRSOH,WKLQNWKHUH·VQRRWKHUDUWIRUPQRW music or literature - that’s better at opening a window onto another world than cinema - you really feel as if you’re peering WKURXJK,WXVHGWREHWKDW,UDTZKHUH,VKRWP\ÀOPZDVD lifetime away, it would take you days to get there. Now it’s a click of the internet away, it’s really really close, so we have WRXQGHUVWDQGWKHPHVSHFLDOO\ZKHQZH·UH\RXQJ,IZHVWDUW understanding and caring about other people when we’re \RXQJWKHQORWVRIWKHSUREOHPVLQWKHZRUOGFRXOGGLVDSSHDU, know that’s very hopeful but that’s my opinion! 6 Films By You 7 6FURRJH8 by Fatima, 6 There was a very angry man who was not caring about other people. All he cared about was money and himself. He was locked in a massive chain, bigger than his friend expected. But he was only at home. He became good at the end. He made christmas happy for everyone. He brought toys for the people. +HSUHWHQGHGWREHIDWKHUFKULVWPDV,UHDOO\HQMR\HGWKLVÀOP ,OLNHGLWZKHQKHEHFDPHJRRG$QG,GLVOLNHGLWZKHQKHZDV being mean to everyone and when he hated christmas. Scrooge +XQJHU by Austin, 15 7KLVÀOPUHDOO\WRRNPHEDFN,WKDVDKDUGKLWLQJVWRU\:LWKWKLV DQGWKHJUHDWDFWLQJLQLWWKLVÀOPLVRQH\RXGRQRWZDQWWR PLVVDOVREHZDUHVRPHVFHQHVDUHQRWSUHWW\DQG,WKLQNZLOO VKRFN\RX7KLVÀOPZLOODOVRWHOODQGVKRZ\RXZKDWLWZDVOLNHLQ ,UHODQGDWWKDWWLPH6RRYHUDOOWKLVÀOPLVJRRGYHU\JRRG Hunger 7KH)LUVW0RYLH(2010, 12) E\1XVKUDW 7KLVÀOPZDVFDOOHG7KH)LUVW0RYLHDQGLWZDVGLUHFWHGE\0DUN &RXVLQVDIDPRXVÀOPPDNHU7KHLQLWLDOVWRU\OLQHZDVEDVHG around underprivileged children from the midlle-eastern FRXQUW\RI,UDT,HQMR\HGWKLVÀOPYHU\PXFKDVLWZDVYHU\ realistic, the experiences covered in this short documentary ZHUHYHU\HPRWLRQDO\HWDPXVLQJWRZDWFKQRWKLQJOLNH, KDYHVHHQEHIRUH7KHÀOPZDVDEOHWRFDSWXUHWKHOLIHVW\OH and imagination of young children who have never had the RSSRUWXQLW\WRZLWQHVVÀOPPDNLQJRUFLQHPDEHIRUHWKDWLVRQH RIWKHDVSHFWVRIWKLVÀOPZKLFKPDGHLWXQLTXHLQLWVRZQVHQVH 7KHLQVLSDUWLRQDOMRXUQH\WKDWWKHGLUHFWRUFRYHUHGLQWKLVÀOP ZDVYHU\LQWUXLJLQJWRÀQGRXWDERXWDIWHUDOOLWLVQ·WHYHU\GD\ that you will get the chance to meet new people from the RWKHUVLGHRIWKHZRUOGDQGVKDUH\RXUSDVVLRQIRUÀOPPDNLQJ with. The director showed us this by producing an amazing documentary on what he loved best, which was indeed making ÀOPV:DWFKLQJWKLVÀOPPDGHPHUHDOLVHKRZIRUWXQDWH,ZDV PHDQLQJWKDW,FRXOGZDWFKDÀOPDQ\WLPHLI,ZDQWHGDOO,KDG WRGRZDVPDNHDTXLFNMRXUQH\WRP\ORFDOFLQHPD+RZHYHU it was the complete opposite story for the young children being VKRZQLQWKLVGRFXPHQWDU\$ERYHDOO,ZRXOGUHFRPPHQGWKLV ÀOPWRDQ\RQHZKRLVLQWHUHVWHGLQOHDUQLQJDERXWWKHOLIHVW\OHV FXOWXUHVRIRWKHUSHRSOHDURXQGWKHZRUOGDQGKRZÀOPPDNLQJ can have a huge impact on young children. ZZZÀOPFOXERUJ!)LOP:RUOG!)LOPV%\<RX The First Movie Fun Fun Fun %OXUUHGYLVLRQ 6OLGLQJIDFHV 'LG\RXNQRZ &DQ\RXQDPHWKHWLWOHDQGWKH year of our out of IRFXVÀOP" &DQ\RXXQVFUDPEOHRXUVOLGH SX]]OHDQGQDPHWKHÀOPDQG characters? 2GG0DQ2XWZDVWKHÀUVW%ULWLVK ÀOPWRZLQWKH%$)7$DZDUGIRU Best British Film after the event was established in 1948. &DUO)UHGULFNVHQ5XVVHOO'XJ 2. 3X6KLIX7LJUHVV7DL/XQJ 3. 0DUW\0F)O\'U(PPHWW%URZQ%LII7DQQHQ 4. 'HZH\)LQQ1HG6FKQHHEO\6XPPHUKDWKDZD\ %DORR%DJKHHUD0RZJOL 6. 'U3HWHU9HQNPDQ'U(JRQ6SHQJOHU'U5D\PRQG6WDQW] 7. :HVWOH\,QJLQR0RQWR\D3ULQFH+XPSHUGLQFN (ODVWLJLUO6\QGURPH'DVK 9. $VK%DGJHU.ULVWRIIHUVRQ6LOYHUIR[ &KLUR+DNX<XEDED5LQ 5ROOWKHFUHGLWV &DQ\RXQDPHDOORIWKHÀOPVIURPWKHLUFKDUDFWHUV·QDPHV" :DQWWRFKHFN\RXUDQVZHUV" <RXFDQÀQGWKHPDOODWKWWSZZZÀOPFOXERUJEORJGHWDLOVTXL]and while \RX·UHRQOLQHZK\QRWORJLQWRGLVFRYHUPRUHÀOPQHZVUHYLHZVDQGLQWHUYLHZV« ZZZÀOPFOXERUJ
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