12-21-1960 - Village of Pinckney
12-21-1960 - Village of Pinckney
A. Vol. 78 — N o . I Ph. UP 8-3111 Pinckney, Michigan — Wednesday, December 21, I960 Well-Planned Escape Scheme Releases Man from Co. Jail The search for the Livingston County jail escapee and his wife who forced a deputy sheriff at gun-point to release her husband from a maximum-security cell has now extended to other states. The prisoner, Thomas S a r gent, 29, of Highland Park was convicted in November on a burglary charge and was to be sentenced on December 27. Sunday afternoon his w i f e , Brenda Ann, 20, walked into the jail at Howell, pulled a .22 pistol on Deputy Lloyd Cook and ordered him to release her husband. As he stepped from the cell, Sargent took the g u n from his wife and struck Cook over the head, then fired a shot at him. Fortunately the bullet missed the deputy who dashed downstairs to broadcast the alar as the couple ran from the to a car waiting near This was the secon for Sargent who crime record and cessful break ejter ade from the o u nt y Detentio^JWjlA which Federal^ oflBhV Hjpectors have the five best in. for security. • Mrs. Sargent pretended to be weeping hysterically when she entered the jail Sunday, as the lone deputy left his desk to speak to her she whipped a pistol from beneath her coat and gave orders for the spectacular escape. Word late Monday was that police had located another couple who admit driving the escape car to Elkhart, Indiana and of giving the couple money to go to Chicago. Sargent had pleaded guilty on December 12 to the November 7 burglary of a Brighton a u t oj agency. Mrs. Sarj rested at that t\ as a lookout durift'tl f|h was la misseTTln LivingCircuit Court, le is now sought for rid attempted murdei ding and abetting Local A Peak Into Santas1 Mail Bag Pinckney youngsters w r o t e their quota of letters to S a n t a Claus this month and, no doubt, by this time Santa is giving his undivided attention to them. When Santa's helpers opei mail at the North Pole, some of the messages Dear Santa Ch My little br< Ju,st 2V\ take Mr. Ma< brii a pair of w< 11 house. and >py 10c Worl is can [s year pi ITU a raili id Ji *haj would m. Sana jvorshipi Christmas ice at the Community gatiqpat^hurcMpil he sad of >r CI wl a —. Probate Oath of 0 Idren exler S i , w a n t Terry ;r or tranafHlllwicker truck. new doll, lachine. 1 a b\ pinball game, md jfy' own sled. the Menace" Cmdr. LftRoy Heath Awarded D.F.C. In Washington The new world record holder is the father of seven children; the family is now living at the Maryland base. He is t h e brother of Mrs. Robert Vedder of Putnam street and Mrs. Noel Cooke of Unadilla street. His brothers are former Pinckney residents: Charles, a plastering contractor in Ypsilanti; Joseph, a career army sergeant, of Jackson; Gerald, a Dearborn police man; and Michael, a Flint insurance adjustor. ' Commander Heath joined the Navv as an air cadet in 1941, (he dav after the start of World War II. He left his classes at University of Detroit to serve his country and has remained in the Navy ever since. The Heath family moved to Pincknev in 1945. The airman's father died here in 1949. Mrs. Heath proudly describes her famous .son as "pretty down to earth." Commander LeRoy Heath, a veteran Navy flier, and the son of Mrs. Katherine Heath of fanta laus. Pinckney, was awarded the Diswa is a couple boxes tinguished Flying Cross in fps f my old gun. M y Plans are Ph is would like a Washington last Thursday. The 39-year-old flier received . the for the forrn^T" induction II, crayons and a colnation's highest award for airswearing in to office, the HonorAnd, oh, yes, I just tiil men for setting a new world able Francis E. Barron, LivingFemefcftred — I need some big altitude record of about sevenston County Probate Judgecars, *» army helmet and othteen miles for a jet attack plane Elect. A committee composed of bo! er tojfc. We will leave cookies carrying a payload of a little Stanley Berriman, President of Circuit benc and,^milk on the table for you: Frea more than a ton in a flight from the Livingston County Bar As- Michigan. leave a picture of yourself Patuxent River, Maryland, sociation, as chairman, E. Reed me and one for Phyllis, too. Judge FranJiFE. Barron is a Naval Air Test Center on DeFletcher, Attorney of Howell, native of Holfll and has lived See you soon, cember 12. Michigan, and Paul F. O'Con- in LivirAton/fcounty all of^hfe Kenny Hall. Navy Secretary William B. nell. Attorney of Howell, Mich- life. He^esides now at 1 • * * Franke, pinch-hitting for Presiigan, as members have made the Burns Drive, Howell, with his Dear Santa, dent Eisenhower presented t h e following announcement: My sisters can't decide yet wife, the former Abbie Morley Judge Michael Carland, of of Saginaw, and their four child- what all they want for Christ- DFC to the former Pinckney the 35th Judicial Circuit of ren, Richard 16, Mary 14, Mark mas, but I want a Tiny Tears man. Commander Heath piloted his Michigan, composed of Living- 12, and John 9. Judge Bar- Doll, I know. North American A3J Vigilante ston and Shiawassee Counties ron's father, R. E. Barron, Thank you, aircraft to a height of 91,450.8 Pirates Lase will administer the oath of office known as "Dick Barron" was in Bridget La Rosa feet to exceed the record of 67,to Judge Barron. This event the Farm Implement business in Dear Santa, 096 feet claimed earlier by the Ta Ypsi, 59.49 will take place in the Court Howell for many years. My name is Robert Reynolds. Russians. The climb began at Room in the Court House in the Judge Barren's many friends 1 am six years old. My sister 1.400 miles per hour and ended The P.H.S. Pirates lost t h e City of Howell on January 2, wish him well in the administraJudy is writing this for me. 1 at about 400 miles as the plane basketball game here Friday 1961 at 11:00 in the forenoon. tion of his new duties have been a good boy. Please went "over the top." night to Ypsilanti - Roosevelt bring me what toys you would 59-49. Tom Ritter made 20 like me to have. 1 will t e l i Brighton Argus points. An Ypsi player, J i m you what 1 want; an electric Changes Hands Masters had high score record saw, 2 games, holsters, police for the game with 21 points. dge and whistle, a cjoctor kit, The J.V. team beat th^ little Publishers Glen Young and a tank, a bulldozer, a clock for Paul £. Champion of the Bright Roosevelts, 23-18. Bruce Henry my room and a motor boat hke too Argus have announced t He had a high scofe of 8 points. Bryan Baughn has and anything The varsity team will particisale of the newspaper to Ci eise you want to bring. bert F. Gillett classified adver- pate in the Chelsea tournaments Robert tising manager of the Flint Jour- on December 27, 28 and 30. *. * » nal for the past 22 years. Dear Santa, Mr. GtUett will become the BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH I am Georgie Reynolds, 4 editor and publisher of the Ar- ANNOUNCES PROGRAMS years old. 1 don't want v e r y gus on January 1. The BrighThe Christmas program of the much only a belt and a holster, ton Argus was founded in 1880 various classes of the Sunday is kit like currently hgf a circulation School of die Bethel Baptist berts; mittens, not gloves, a of about 2534. church of 4060 Swarthout mad dock that comes apart games, witt be held during the refular and a bulldozer. Donald C. Franks of Mason class hour at 10 o'clock Sunday Thank you,^Santa Road and Judy M. Vines of morning, December 25. Georgie The Communion service of Schafer rd., were married on .Saturday evening at the home the church will be held in * e I of Justice of the Peace Otto evening of the same day following the 7 o'clock service. I Poulson. mmm* W -*<*•• PINCKNEY DISPATCH Items of Interest About Your Friends A surprise birthday party at ner was the guest of honor at a Announcement was made on the Caravel in Howell honored miscellaneous shower given by Sunday that the members of the Mr*. Eleanor Ledwidgc on hei Mrs. Gary fcichman at h e r Peoples Church had voted un75th birthday on Sunday, De- home Friday evening. Fifteen animously to hire the Reverend cember IS. The party, given by gue*s enjoyed a pleasant eve- Thomas Murphy of Detroit as her sons and daughters, was at- ning which was climaxed by the the new minister of their church. tended by 22 members of the opening of many lovely gifts for Rev. Murphy, who will assume family. Judy's new home. An umbrella his duties in about six weeks is Bride-to-be Judv Aschenbren- of pale blue and white candies presently the pastor of a Bapformed the center-piece for the tist church in Detroit. He will table as the hostess served cake, succeed the Reverend Brooks ice cream and coffee. L a s t Sanders who left last September Thursday evening a surprise to enter to a professorship at shower was given for the bride- Athens, Ohio, Guest ministers to-be by a group of fellow em- had filled the pulpit each SunPhone T769 ployees of the Michigan B e l l day since September. Wed* Thun* Fit Telephone office in Ann Arbor Dec 21—22—23 with Miss Jean Van Shoten as STATE POLICE HAVE hostess. INCREASED DUTIES The Reverend Dr. W. S. Hot- DURING HOLIDAYS tel of Detroit will deliver t h e The Michigan Slate Police, Christmas morning sermon at urging all-out motorist and peUNDER the Peoples Church. The child- destrian co-operation in preventren's program will be held on ing holiday cacidents, will operFriday evening, December 23, ate increased patrol schedules at 7:30 and the public is invited for the 78-hour Christmas and Clofcd Christmas Eve So to attend. that our employee* may New Year weekends. enjoy Christmas at home. Accenting holiday season trafANNOUNCE MARRIAGE fic hazards is the fact that alSun., Mon* Tues. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lee of most twice as many people, 103, Matinee Sun. and Mon. at Pinckney announce the marriage were killed io Michigan in the of their daughter, Bonita Louise final 16 days last December 2:30 PJVi. Continuous to John C. Burg on November compared to 53 in the first 15 U . Parents of the groom are days. There were 30 deaths Mr. and Mrs. John F. Burg, also during the Christmas period and of Pinckney. 36 over New Year's. Patrol officers will exert every The couple was married in the First Baptist Church in Ypsi- effort to keep accidents to a lanti by Reverend Hoyt. Miss minimum but the final traffic Wed., Thurs., FrL, Sat Gloria Erickson of Munising, a record will depend on how Dec. 28—29—30—31 friend of the bride, and Mr. Wil- safely motorists and pedestrians liam Wolf of Allen Park were drive and walk, Commissioner their attendants. Bill and John Joseph A. Childs emphasized. are both members of the A r m Fifty National Guardsmen of Honor Fraternity at Eastern will assist in six State P o l i c e Michigan University. lower Michigan districts while After the first of the year the another 50 will help 14 count) couple plan to reside in Shady sheriff departments. abo "JAPAN" Park Trailer Court in Ypsilanti. Walt Disney Featurette PINCKNEY DISPATCH Both of them are students at in Color Eastern Michigan University. Wednesday, December 21, 1960 HOWELL THEATRE Fresh Dressed Roasting CHICKENS Armour's Star Canned ESTABLISHED IN IStS 114 South Howoll Stroat Hncfcmy, Mlchftun Evbliahad ivory Wadnaaday ly by C. M. M Uvay m d l . W. DoyW, O w n r t k Gditor IUZAMTN Cntarod at tha Plndmay, Michigan, Pott O n t o for trtmmtaton through the mall* at Xh* column* of thfe papar am an opan forum wham avallabk apata, grammatical, laoal aad amteai conriaW»Nom f t lha only *—trkHom. SuMcrlpflon ratay 12.00 p r yaar in advawca to Michigan; S240 In olhar i f tat and U.S. Poaaauiont. 14.00 to foraign countriat. Six months ratati $1.50 In Michigan; $1.75 in othar ttafat and U. S. pouoationtj $3.00 to foraign countrla*. Military poraownal $2J0 par yaar. No mail tuUcriptloni takon for low than six month*. AoWtlting ratal upon application. Mrs. Thomas Wylie and her F. May Teeple of Washingthree-week old daughter, Lynette ton Seminary, Washington, D.C., Jeanne, were the honored guests is home to spend the holidays at a baby shower given by Mrs. with her parents, the G e o r g e Richard Bennett at her home Teepks. one evening last week. Ten Ella Clare McCluakey of Ypguests enjoyed the traditional silanti, Joie Harris of Dundee, party games and presented love- Alice Roche of S t Joseph ly gifts to the new arrival. \cademy, Adrian, are home for Mr. and Mrs Howard Craig the holidays. are announcing the arrival of a Mrs. Gene Dinkel who underson, John Howard, on December weal surgery at McPhenon IS at Women's Hospital, A n n Health Center last week is reArbor. The young man weigh- ported making satisfactory reed in at 8 pounds and 11 ounces. covery. The Craigs are the parents, also, of three daughters. "I think a teenager's greatest Don Gibson, member of the high school faculty, is a surgery problem is trying to settle down patient at the Providence Hos- in this ever-changing world of pital in Detroit. He is reported today." —Jeny De Wolf making good progress. LUMBER - COAL - FUEL OIL PROMPT DELIVERY A POCTS A IHOAiTY mom MA Peter's Smoked Whole or Shank '/? HAMS Maxwell House HAMS Dole Pineapple Large JUICE with 3.00 purchase IKeyko resh Grade A Large Dozen in Carton cean Spray Cranberry 16 Oz. Cans for PINCKN PRICKEFFECTIVE Wad., Dec. 21 thru Sat., Dec. 24 3c off Label Lbs. for Domino [Powdered or Brown UGAR Lbs. for O M A Ev#f*>9, 'tf 9:00 — Sunday, 940 « j a to 1:30 pjm. Tdtphon* facility UPtown M72I Pmcfawy, MfeMoM The Pirate's PIRATES PLANK Best wishes for a speedy recovery are extended by all the teachers and students to Mr Gibson who is recuperating following surgery in Providence Hospital, Detroit. Everyone is looking forward to his return to school. Plank... S Legal Notices ' LOW PRICES BEER and WINE TO TAKE OUT W e wish you, your family and our many friends the traditional joys of an oldfashioned Christmas. PHONE HOWELL 70SJ2 KING'S BARBER SHOP Here'* lo 1961: Best of lurk! Lot twenty-one '21) of Ore Creek Aerms, as duly 'aid out, platted and recorded in Lber 0 of Plats at page 43, Livingston County *eco*ds, Will fee sold at pubi<c auction to the highest b<dder for cash by the Sher>ff of livings'on County, at the west front door of *^e Court Houte <n fhe t i ' y of Howe'l n it>d County and State, on •ridly tne third day o' February, 1961, at ten o'clock <n the forenoon of sa*d day There i d^e and payable a* the de*e of «*ii| ro*ice upon the deot secured by seta mortgage, the jurr of Three Thousand *0ur hundred teve^'y dollars f 1'yitvtn cents ,$347C 57, Dated: November 9. I960 8 Edward P'es'ap y o1ende M. P'.estao Mortgagees Van Winkle. Ve'*mfcle 4 He<kk>n«n Attorneys for mortgagees R Address: owt, ¥ 19 6 0 OM EARTH I960 O\ Jan. 25 in it/I uur utiahhur* ittui u/t/u) friends u\ ixtiiul HELLER'S FLOWERS jiixiliui's dihl our jil'iU'i' BECICS MARATHON 0 QUALITY MERCHANDISE fO« W i t : with i s at this time when -peact ani gtdl wilt should regi throughout the Christi* world, fcioice! 0 WAGNER'S GROCERY mortgage * " " be foreclosed pursuant to power of tale and the premises there m described at land in the Township of Brighton, Livingston County, Michigan, lift up yov voice in song, lift h — Printing 3.50 Marshall Mcabon, Labor VILLAGE OF PINCKNEY — Fire Hall 9.00 Jim's Gulf — Gas 2.49 COUNCIL MINUTES R. C. Eastman — Professional Bennett Excav. & Gravel Co. DECEMBER 13, 1960 fee on zoning Lbr. & Materials Regular meeting of the Vilordinance 55.18 around square 900.00 lage Council called to order by Fred Rogers — St. Adm 100.00 Davis Mobil Service Pres. Stanley Dinkel followed Motion to adjourn. Misc. 2.25 by roll call of officers. Present: Mildred Ackley, Clerk Councilmen's Salaries 700.00 Roy Clark, Don Swarthout, Chas. Hewlett — Labor 40.00 Merlin Lavey, Mrs. Marion RusRobert Vedder 40.00 sell, Lee Tiplady and A l b e r t Martin Markos 40.00 Shirley. Absent - none. Motion by Shirley supported by Clark to allow following hilts: Robert Egeler — Marshal's Salary $125.00 Van's Motor Sales - Inc. 5.00 Ohio Oil Co. — Oil 27.22 Lee's Standard Service — Misc 12.70 6006 PINCKNEY Pinckney Dispatch ROAD The Christmas Concert Thursday evening attracted the largest audience ever to attend such^a presentation in the history of the school. There was "standing room" only for late-comers. Despite icy roads and threatening weather more than 500 attended, enjoyed and pronounced the 1960 Christmas concert the finest ever. The students of STUDENT OF THE WEEK the high school band, glee club, Nancy Wagener, senior, has choir; elementary and Hamburg just been designated as Pinckschools truly expressed the joyney High School's D.A.R. repreof the Yuletide in music. sentative for 1961. In a brief Treat the Stains autobiography Nancy says: Wash-and-wear fabrics d e The students of the Civics On July 22, 1943, I, Nancy serve your attention before they classes that prepare the news Lee, was born to Mr. and Mrs. are tossed into the washing maitems for Pirates Plank take this Dwight Wegener. Since then, I chine. Home economists at the opportunity to wish every read- have lived at 640 Pearl Street, Michigan State University suger a Merry Christmas and a on a small farm at the edge of gest you first remove oil and Happy New Year. Pinckney, Michigan. grease spots, including those For twelve years I have at- along the edges of collars and SECOND HONOR ROLL tended Pinckney Community cuffs. These stains may conGrade 9 Schools. Throughout t h e s e bine with resins in the finish to A—: Gary Hull, Pamela years I have found myself in- become permanent. Hoeft, Gary Warner; B + : Shir- terested in math and Science, ley Mitchell, Pat Borvsky; B: particularly physiology. Because Bonnie Bond; Catherine Buda; of this interest and my desire Lee Emery; Judy Haines; Duane to help others I plan to study Knapp; Mike Rawden; Karen Medical Technology. STATE OF MICHIGAN Rowell; Deborah Thumm and Drawing and painting are my The Probate Court for the County of Kitty Williams. Ltvlng»ton. most important hobbies. I am In the Matter of the Estate of LAURA Grade 10 now Art Editor on our yearbook L. ORADWEU, Deceated At a senior) of said Court, held on B + : Mary Aschenbrenner; staff. I enjoy all sports and December 16, 1960. Gerald Pike; Rubeelee Thorn- have played on the girls' basketPresent, Honorable Hiram R. Smith, Judge of Probate. ton; B: Pat Bays; Camille Buda; ball team. Notice Is Hereby Given, That the petiof Marian S. Lavey praying that the Charles DeWolf; Joan Endres; Though I have many desires, tion instrument filed in said Court be admitted Kathy Gustafson; Roy Kinsey; my main goal is to become a fo probate as the Last Will and Testament said deceased, that administration of Roberta Logan; Norman Melby; productive part of our advanc- of said estate be granted to Marian S. Levey or to tome other suitable person, and that Rebecca Morris; Marie Rawden; ing American Society. the heirs of said deceased be determined, Nancy Read and Jerry Van will be heard at the Probate Court on January 10, 1961, at fen A.M. Slam brook. It it Ordered, That notice thereof be Pinckneyites who were hos- aiven by publication of a copy hereof Grade 11 tor three weeks consecutively previous to pitalized at McPherson Health A—: Bruce Henry; Rachel said day of hearing, in the Pinckney DisCenter during the past week inpatch, and that the petitioner cause a Nash; B + : David Kramm; B: copy of this notice to be served upon Carolyn Cosgroy; Claudia Doug- clude Mrs. Robert Amburgey, each known party in interest at his last known address by registered mail, relas; Claudia Garr; Dick Line; Donald ad Theresa Barron, Don- turn receipt demanded, at least fourteen days prior to such hearing, or by Bob Noskcr; Carol Pierzinski; old Davison, Mrs. Florence We- !U) Dtrtontl service at least five (5) days Kathy Reason; Janice Rose; gener, Mrs. Gene Dinkel, Med- orior to such hearing. HIRAM R. SMITH, Terry Rowell and Bill Water- reth Adams, and little Phyllis Judge of Probate. Hall. A true copy; bury. HELEN M. GOULD, Birthday greetings- are now Register of Probate. Grade 12 1-2-3 going out to Mrs. Delia Davis A - : Carol Miller; Nancy MORTGAGE SALE Wegner; B + : Karl Burg; Karen Wylie, who celebrates tomorrow; Default having been made in the conMary McGuire, on Thursday, dirions of that certain mortgage dated Eichman; Mary Kelly; Linda September levenreen, 1951, executed by Avis Thumm, Jean McGuire Nash; Chris Schroeder; Louise Francis E. fturkett, a »mgle man, as and Mrs. Ralph Hall on Saturmortgagor, to R. Edward Priestep d Basydlo; B: Sharon Griffiths; Yolande M. Priestap, his wife, as day, Mrs. George Van Norman gegtts, recorded in the office of Kathryn Gyde; Linda Newlin; and Thomas H. Read on ChristRegister of Deeds for Livings'on County, Noel Rose and Bob Rutter. September 17, 1958, in Liber mas Day; and Errol Schuman on Michigan, 350 at pages 499, 500 and 501 thereof. Monday. Notice is hereby given rher said \ - :>' c th.it //'/> YuL >i./<"« /»«• I? Wife? fillitl irilh ilhir.Jmt >il!il^ gn.tl />.//'/'/J/i>>. I WILLIAM MITCHELL BUILDER HOWBL.MCHGAN •HARDwAR.il NEIGHBORING NOTES Miss Cherie Dixon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Forest W. Dixon of Munity, was named the D.A.R. representative of Stockbridge High School l a s t week. Miss Dixon, a senior, is an honor student and the a r t editor of the school's yearbook for 1961. An A&P Supermarket of an Early American style, featuring the unique blending of the past and the present will be built in Brighton in the near future. Containing 13,500 square feet of floor space the new market will offer all the latest innovations of food merchandising. "Work will begin as soon as the site can be cleared of some of the pre- •DECEMBER SPECIAL* '2 PINT WHIPPING CREAM 29c AVAILABLE AT EITHER . . . Clark's Grocery or Pinckney General Store OR YOUR HICKORY RIDGE MILKMAN Hickory Ridge Farm Dairy Stockbridge, Mich, Phone UL 1-3000 sent dwellings on the property. Alfred Mayer of Chelsea and Kenneth F. Walker of Howell, were- honored for outstanding contributions to scouting a n d presented with Silver B e a v e r Awards, the highest possible awards for adult workers in Boy Scouting, at the Portage Trails Council recognition dinner in Ypsilanti on December 9. Ronald W. Mason is the Detroit Edison Companies newly* appointed manager of the Dexter Edison office. He served Fowlerville in that capacity before going to Dexter. Ron Sober, 13, of Fowlerville, had the Grand Champion Lamb at the Detroit Livestock Show last week. The 105-lb, lamb won over more than 400 entries and was purchased by Carl's Chop House for $3.00 per pound. CARBON MONOXIDE DEATHS PREVENTED Not a single death in Michigan from carbon monoxide poisoning due to defective heating systems in trailers occurred during the hunting season t h i s year, the Michigan Department of Health reported today. Last year there were nine fatalities. The commendable record of no trailer heating fatalities this year was credited to the con* certed efforts of occupational health engineers with the state \health department, gas products manufacturers, trailer dealers, the fire marshal division of the state police and trailer owners taking steps to prevent recurrence of last year's tragic experience during the hunting season. Notes of 48 Years Ago The junior high girls are planning to give a Leap Year dance on December 27 . . . the last chance for a young swain t& attend such a party for four years. Fischers Orchestra of Ann Arbor will play and the admission fee of $1.00 pays, also, for all the food you can eat at the party that follows the dance. At the annual election meeting of the Livingston Lodge on December 17, John R. Martin was elected Worshipful Master; Aubrey H. Gilchrist, senior warden; Ross T. Read, junior warden; Hugh McDougall secretary; George W. Teeple, treasurer; Marion Reason, senior deacon and E. J. Briggs, junior deacon. James Smith left Thursday for Richmond, Virginia, where he will spend the winter at t h e Richard Baker home. During his absence George Greiner will act as road commissioner. The Detroit Pere Marquette Railroad company will stop their Detroit Special at Howell and Fowlerville on January 1, 1913, CARD OF THANKS Our heartiest and sincere thanks to all who made our Card party and Chinese Auction a huge success — especially the merchants who helped so much. Holy Name Society of St. Mary's Church. JOE BASYDLO, Chr. so that area residents can board the train to attend the inauguration of Governor Ferris in Lansing. The open season for sparrow hunting will extend from December 1 to March 1 and a number of local youths a r e making money hunting them. Charles Smoyer, wife and two small children of Akron, Ohio, are here to spend the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Read. I960 ;• i h i ' !• It has made us proud to be your friend and we take this means of wishing you and yours a merry Christmas. STANLEY DINKEL N J w.- x ******* Season's Greetings As the old year fades, we take this opportunity to say me enjoyed the priuilcge of seruing oH of you in 6 0 We nrifh you a happy, prosperous New Year. JERRY'S RESTAURANT & SODA BAR From all of us to all of you our best wishes. Thanks for your patronage . . . we look forward to serving youin. 1 U L LAVEY HARDWARE ^AA, d A r E jOJg PROTECT • Your Family • Yourself • Your Community VAN'S MOTOR SALES /^Z^\ to Cooptntion with AUT0 ( nil 1 INDUSTRIES V M » i J HIGHWAY SAFETY \ ^ y COMMITTEE REGULAR BOARD OF EDUCATIONG MEETING DECEMBER 1, 1960 The meeting was called to order by Mr. Goucher, temporary chairman. Roll call — Present: Basydlo, Goucher, Kinsey, Swanson. Young, WaKon. Absent: Mrs. Towstey. Visitor — Frank Zezulka. Minutes of Nov. 3, 1960 meeting were read and approved. Minutes of Nov. 7, 1960 meeting were read and approv ed. Supt. of Schools report— 1. Present Home Economics teacher is resigning. New applicant signed a contract for 2nd semester. 2. State Police checked all School Busses and found them in very good condition — some minor items to be corrected. LEO EWERS EXCAVATING, GRADING, BULLDOZING, DRAG LINE Phone AL 62363 or UP 8-3143 (Phil Geotile) 2165 KAISER ROAO GREGORY, MICHIGAN 3. Vision testing machine was put into use under the supervision of Dr. Britton with Mrs Dinkel doing the testing. 4. Prepared a report on the origin of school nifances. 5. Kiwanis donated $100 to the High School Band. 6. New Flags were presented to the High School at assembly by Howeil and PowlervUle VFW posts. 7. Fire insurance taken care of. Received additional coverage as result of reduced premiums. 8. Funds on hand to recall School Debt Bonds. Mr. Swanson was asked to take charge of preparations foz Next Board of Education meet ing at Hamburg. Mr. Kinsey gqjve his report on Assembly Services covering the Flag Presentation. Mr. Goucher reported that the work on repairing roofs was completed. School Auditors entered intc a lengthy discussion on School Finances. Mr. Gregg recommended that the District should set up an independent bookkeeping de£t. Motion by Swanson, 2nd by Young that the Auditors Report on Schools 1960 Audit be accepted as presented. Carried. At the request of the Board, Supt. Reader outlined the origin of funds that make up thf School Budget Funds. PLINTY OF MONIY FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING! Supt. Reader also reported' P1NCKNEY DISPATCH that the TV is being used in Wednesday, December 21, 1960 Science and French classes. The schedule is being studied carefully as being set up by Michigan State University. Due to the fact that the Bond Issue of 1950 is to be paid off in fuU after this current t a x schedule, the Board is studying the idea of setting up a Building and Site Fund. More on this later. In reviewing the school census it is apparent that additional May your facilities will be needed by 1963. Foundation for this program Christmas be is now being set up. rich in the Hamburg Township Board expressed an interest in the Petty* spiritual vilie School as a possible 2nd joys of the voting precinct. Mr. Swanson season. was asked to meet with t h e Board and present his findings al the next meeting. Motion by Walton, 2nd by Young to pay bills as read. Carried. Motion by Swanson, 2nd by Kinsey that we recall $40,000 on 1955 Bond Issue and $8,000 on 1950 Bond Issue. Carried. The Board re-organized as follows — Pres., John Young; Treasurer, Lyle Kinsey; Secretary, Joe Basydlo. Above changes to be effective Dec. 2, 1960 at 9 p.m. Due to the increase in work before the Board at its meetings, we'd appreciate all visitor? to request for time in writing, and subject matter to be discussed. This will help plan the agenda for the meetings — unless urgent plans call for a special meeting — we'd rather stay within the regular bounds. Motion by Basydlo, 2nd by Kinsey to adjourn — 10:51 p.m. Carried. Secretary, Joe Basydlo I960 Eggs and Green Rings A green ring often forms at the junction of the yolk a n d white in hard - cooked eggs. Home economists at Michigan State University say this green ring is more likely to appeal when poor quality eggs are used or when the eggs are cooked at boiling temperatures. SHIREY BROS. BOTTLE GAS \- <'lr That's exactly what you'll have NEXT r OR all our good friends we wish a Christmas blessed by peace, hope and faith. year if you join our 1961 Christmas Club NOW ! You can set your own goal and easily achieve it by regular weekly payments you'll never miss. Little-by-little adds up to a great big check ! m JOIN ODR CHRISTMAS CLUB NOW ChooM One of These Clastct DEPOSIT WEEKLY I M McPHERSON STATE BANK i5.«H» . «IM# KKi'KlVK IN oO WKKKS 1«MMW IMMM* -;.#.«« HOWELL—PIN6KNEY "Serving Since 1865" HOWLETT HARDWARE Gregory, Mich! PUTNAM TOWNSHIP BOARD MINUTES Regular meeting of the Putnam Township Board, held at the town hall Tuesday, December 13, 1960 at 8 p.m. A l l board members present: Hendee, White, Reynolds, Wylie a n d Kennedy. Meeting called to order by Supervisor Hendee. Minutes of the meeting of November 10, 1960 read and approved. Fire chief Clifford Miller and N. Van Blaricum, assistant fire chief met with the board. Motion by White, supported by Wylie to pay the following bills as read. Motion carried. Putnam Twp. Fire Dept. — for fire runs 1960 $646.00 Helen Reynolds — Postage stamps & envelopes 58.00 Pinckney Community Schools Oct. 1960 Del. tax 600.27 Jim's Gulf Service — fuel oil for town hall $5.75 Michigan Bell Telephone Co. five (5) unit fire phone — phones in town hall & fire hall 47.88 Pinckney Dispatch — Registration & election notices 33.35 The, Ohio Oil Co. — Fuel oil for town hall 21.16 Geer's Fire Equipment Co. 2-D Medical Oxygen Davis Mobile Service — 8.00 gas for fire trucks 11.28 The Detroit Edison Co. — lights for town hall 4.33 Clifford Miller — Salary for fire chief - 1960 300.00 Norman Van Blaircum assist, fire chief 150.00 Lloyd Harden - bull dozing dump 54.00 Willard Morgan — 32 loads of * gravel on twp. roads 128.00 Glad greetings! Milton Carver — 215 yds. ^ v o n d best wishes of road gravel $215.00 rROCERT f o r t h e Holiday. John Burg — Secretary & treas. fire dept. 50.00 Pinckney's Finest Dorothy DeBarr—Services 20.00 Food Store Helen Reynolds — 3 months salary 300.00 Florence Preuss — Bal. of To each of our many good friends we send our heartiest greetings and best wishes for a happy holiday season endowed with great times and good fellowship. Mrs. William Brash sr., and attended the Christmas show at W1RT BARTON Wirt Barton, 81, a native ot Mrs. W. Brash, jr. and children the Ford Rotunda on .Saturday. Pinckney, died on December 13 in the Community hospital, Durand, following an illness of nearly two years. He had lived in Durand since 1912. Mr. Barton was born on April 24, 1879, in Livingston county, the son of Frank and Ella Sprout Barton. He was graduated from Pinckney high in 1899. In 1912 he was married to Leah H. Thompson of Durand. She died in 1917. On June 25, 1919, he married Fay Willie in Flint. She survives. For several years Mr. Barton was a partner in the Gorton and . our wannest Accept Barton Furniture store in Durand and later made maintenance greeting for this work for the Grand Trunk WesHoliday season. And tern Rail road his life work. thank you for Survivors, in addition to his widow, are a son, Paul E. Baryour many ton of Durand; a daughter, Mrs. courtesies. Cy E. Lewis of Flint; and one sister, Mrs. Lyle Gorton of Durand. There are six grandI960 children. Funeral services were held last Friday at the Bellows Funeral Home in Durand with the Reverend W. E. Baker officiating. Burial was in Greenwood cemetery in Vernon. PINCKNEY DESPATCH Wednesday. December 21, 1960 7 sa'ar 0 150.00 ; L ! Comm. K 500.00 rc,> vVhite, supported by Wylie to adjourn. Motion carried. MURRAY J. KENNEDY Putnam Twp. Clerk CHRISTMAS JIM'S GULF SERVICE the Perfect Hostess the Thoughtful Homemaker the Budget Stretcher will want all three... Valley Lea Egg Nog Delicious as a beverage for young and old. No party is complete without a punch bowl full of "Valley Lea" rich, wholesome nonalcoholic Egg Nog. Excellent ingredient for many desserts and other nutritious dishes. Valley Lea Sour Cream Valley Lea Sour Cream is the most versatile item available for the Holiday Season. Serve as a dip, with -baked potatoes. Makes all pastries, casseroles and holiday baking just that much better. 3 . Valley Lea Whipping Cream u Valley Lea" REAL WHIPPING' C r e a m especially ^ ^ ^ ^ priced for you the ^ ^ ^ ^ f c c HALf PINT entire Holiday Sea- son. Lees Standard Service TOR( At Your Store or Door— WAGNER'S GROCERY DAVIS MOBIL SERVICE M-^m ^fci ^r "SEAi DAIRY M~>cAC.9 2 6 6 4 News Notes From HAMBURG Mr. and Mrs. Vance W i s e man, daughter Janet and M r. Allan Santure spent Sunday in Battle Creek with the O d e 11 Wiseman family. James Hollenbeck, home for 19 6. May the peace of Christmas be yours now and rvermor W Notes of 25 Years Ago boxes of candy and gifts were played^ by Miss Nellie Gardner Passed out to children. An or- furnished the music for the cargan mounted on a truck and ols that everyone sang. Neil McClear, 71, died Saturday at his home near Unadilla. Mr. McClear, who was a wellthe Holiday* from Ferris Insti- known carpenter and contractor tute, and Pete Bennett w e r e in this area, had been in i 11 hosts at a pre-Christmas party health for several years. Mrs. Anna Hcgison, 49, died for the young set. A hay ride was enjoyed followed by r e -at her home on December 11. freshments at the home of the She and her husband came to Pinckney seven years ago when Hollenbecks'. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Aikin they purchased the Capt. Monks and daughter Joyce, and Mr. and farm south of town from the Mrs. Harold Ozwald and daugh- family of the late John Monks. ter Kathy, of Battle Creek were In addition to her husband, a Sunday guests of the Richard daughter, Mrs. Peter Grafson, of Dexter survives. Hollenbecks. A daughter, Polly Joyce, was Those who attended the Kellenberger - Bilkovsky meeting born on December 17, at Pinckon Saturday evening at the Com- ney San, to Mr. and Mrs. Romunity Congregational church in bert Mitteer (Helen Bullis). Joe Basydlo was the guest of Pinckney, from Hamburg were, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M o o r e , honor at the birthday surprise Mr, and Mrs. Fred DeWolf, party at the home of Mr. and sons Jim and Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Van Horn. The junior dais held a class Mrs. Robert Downing, Mr, and Mrs. James Knight and Mr.party Friday night at the home and Mrs. Larry DeWolf, Robert of Gerald Dinkel. Fred Wyman has contracted Williams and M.-* Tester McAfee and daughters Barbara and to build the new stone ctyrnLeslie. Details of the wedding ney and fire place for Mr. %nd appear in another section of this Mrs. George Pearson at their new home at Silver Lake. This issue. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sowers will make 36 stone chimneys and Mr. and Mrs. James Tep- Mr. Wyman has built in this utti attended the Twin P i n e s area. The Community Christmas Christmas Party held in the K. of C. Hall in Allen Park, o n Tree sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce was a joyous one Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold R a d y Saturday night. More than 300 Sr. of Frederick, were visitors of the Howard Rioppeles, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. They also called on other local friends. Mrs. Walter Detlof of Rush Lake, entertained the Pinochle Club last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. William Sheridan of Strawberry Lake, returned home from Detroit Monday after spending four days w i t h her sister and brother-in-law, the Henry Fortins. HOW GIFT AND REAL WE H O W PRICE' Lfr.'r c WISH CutF.^ YOU FCR V C ' J - COURTESIES ANT Y O U A V^TST HOLIDAY YOUR AT ' •-..- OF GOOD THMNK MANY T • . f- OP" F R I F N D S H ' * :S G O O D W I L L . TIME iS SEASON LOVf.D W 0 R L rJ AT JOVC'.'V WITH ONES M I I. N A V K \ C F. . 10544 WHITEWOOD ROAD UP 0.9726 Mr. and Mrs. Darel Baker and M r . and Mrs. Lester M c A/ee were in Lansing on M o n day. LaROSA BOWL & TAVERN LIBRARY NOTES We wish ALL our friends and patrons a Merry Christmas and invite everyone to our open house Tuesday evening, December 27th. The library will be closed on Monday, Dec. 26. "Thank you" to the Robert Reads, the Harold Hulls, Mrs. Eileen Botsford and Mrs. J. F. Erwin for books and magazines. PINCKNEY DISPATCH Wednesday. December 2L 1961 rasnns The HOOVER DowbU stretch Hose King Size Bag NEW LOW PRICE Walks en Air Picks up dirt and lint faster and easier because it's a HOOVER I f 4 19(0 / \ N D suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." Let us rejoice in this promise of enduring good will. YOUR VILLAGEJimCERS LAVEY HARDWARE Stanley Dinkel, Village President Mildred Ackley, Village Clerk Ruth Ritter, Vrllage Treasurer Lorenzo Murphy, Village Assessor T R U STE E S »ee Tiplady Vierlyn Lavey Albert Shirley Roy Clark Mrs. Marion Russell Don Swarthout NOTES FROM T H E - ELEMENTARY SCH THIRD GRADE— Mrs. Anderson Plans for our Christmas party are almost completed. We are wrapping the gifts for our parents so they can be taken home. Our room is decorated with a toil Christmas tree, a holy scene mural, and Sanrj Claus, candles and poinsettas. We are sorry mumps have intruded into our room. We hope Nancy Goucher can be back in time for our Christmas Party. * * * SECOND GRADE— Mrs. Johnson Mark Krause is going to St. Charles for Christmas to visit his grandparents. Thomas Ehman will spend Christmas with his grandparents in Ypsilanti. Linda Gehringer will spend Christmas in Howell. All our parents gifts are now finished and wrapped. Our room is gay with holiday decorations. Mrs. Johnson and all the sec- HOWELL Our thanks and best wishes to all of you who have been our patrons during the past year. May your Yule be a merry one and bright. Sanitary Co. ond graders wish one and all a Holy and a Happy Christmas and New Year. * * • SIXTH GRADE— Mrs. Tasch We are working very hard in our arithmetic work book. We have made winter murals, and all of them are very good. We are finishing up our African unit and are starting a new unit on Greece and Italy. Everyone is looking forward to Christmas and Christmas vacation. We hope everyone has a Merry Christmas. • • • FIFTH GRADE— Birthdays were celebrated by Penny Reynolds and Becky Read. They had a spanking and a card. The Employers Groups of) Insurance Companies for Insurance See Septic Tanks Cltarwd PHONE SHIREY RADIO & TV Uptown 8-6635 JAMES BOYD LLOYD WELLMAN 5001 Girard Drive Ph. AC f.47S3 Lakeland , Michigan EIGHTH GRADE We finished our Michigan Mr. Baler's Room Units. They were for the most We express our appreciation part very good. We got our to Mr. Joseph Lavey and Mr. Mom's and Dad's interested in Phillip Gentile for helping to them and we're all very proud put the backboards and baskets of them. up on the playground. We made gifts for Mom and We elected new officers — Dad but we didn't neglect any Stanley Kozij is president, Larry of our work as one group or McKenna is vice president; and individual worked on the proNiane Bowlin is both secretary ject while the rest studied. Our and treasurer. double division is almost mastered. Our workbooks in arith5TH & 6TH GRADES — metic are done to page 60. Mrs. Cool We wrote compositions on We have made a mosaic "What Christmas Means to Me" We put them out in the hall for Christmas scene showing the three "Kings of Orient". Our everyone to enjoy. We have a very nice mural window decorations have snow, —one about the Birth of Christ red candles, and evergreens. Allen Porter nad M i c h a e l —the other a special M e r r y Christmas from miniature re- Johnson are this week's room helpers. plicas of our own house. In social studies the sixth We made several toothpick trees — they were difficult to grade is studying Australia. make but a good experience foi Their bulletin board has pictures of unusual animals of us. The most original cover for Australia and Madagascar. The Mich. Unit was Penny Reynolds, fifth grade are studying about Copper Covered; Becky Henry, the North Eastern States. On aluminum foil; Linda Hutchins, their bulletin board are pictures paper covered; Linda Zezulka of pioneer houses, guns, kitand the wooden ones. Charles chens, and streets. Chambers and Rick Sowers tied — Cloth covered Douglas SEVENTH GRADE Mrs. Carr Milter. Elaine Darrow, who spent Special mention to W e s s Scott and Eddie Colone — wood two weeks in Florida, gave a nice talk about her trio, c o m covers. plete with pictures. We are all busy getting ready THIRD GRADE— for Christmas. We drew namMrs. Darrow es for exchange of gifts and We have made gifts to take some of the students are trimhome. We hope our families ming our work table to hold snjoy them. We exchanged the gifts. gifts and had our Christmas We wish everyone a very party Tuesday. Merry Christmas and a Happy Ricky Bennett has moved to New Year. Florida. NEWS— We made 2 murals to decorMrs. Erhards Room ate our rom. One has Santa Holiday Greetings! and a tree. The other is the We're happy to say that we Nativity scene. are getting along with division We will sing, "We Wish You and multiplication of decimals. A Merry Christmas" a n d We are improving rapidly and "Christmas is Coming" for the soon will know it cold. We assembly. have been keeping up on our In arithmetic we are "carry- spelling and English well also. ing" in addition. Some of us We have made 8 murals about had trouble doing it at first. geography and Christmas. Everyone had 100 on Spelling this week. We studied the words in this way. 1. Look at word and say it. 2. Spell the word orally. 3. Close books and write the word. 4. Open books, check word, and write twice more, even if IN PINCKNEY written correctly the first time. WEDNESDAY and Then just like magic, when SATURDAY we wrote the test the next day everyone had a perfect paper. 220 So. Michigan Ave. The third grade and M r s . HOWELL PH. 330 Darrow wish all our friends the happiest holiday possible. SNEDICOR'S CLEANERS TO MANY FRIENDS! \ With all our hearts we wish each of you joy this Yule season. • ^^^^^k HOWELL CREDIT BUREAU W. Grand River, MICHIGAN M ' I LAWRENCE BAUGHN Postmaster We extend to all our friends greetings of the season. May you find true happihess. JAMES BOYD Insurance & Real Estate J FRIDAY Toppers Goofen Jay Kays Bombers Sod Busters Untouchables Three D's Sandhaggcrs Bee Bees Sleepers What Nots Conservation Notes asked to make the trip to the es of the service for varying per. iods, and others ask to be draftnation's Capitol. • • * ed. • • • Others may find a place in Change* on the political scene Antkriess deer hunting will are nothing new in the year of Washington in a Democratic Currently the age of the inductees is averaging about 22. be restricted to crop-damage an election %nd the following year. At any rate, Swainson w i l l State Selective Service head* area* in Michigan next fall as spring. 25 to replace those who go quarters, located in Lansing, 26V* 29V* the herd-range picture now But Michigan may set some have 25 31 stands, the Conservation Com- kind of record for personnel by choice and those who must says approximately one million expended to make room for people have registered w i t h 25 31 mission announced last week. shifts among party people, des- be local boards in the last \ 2 yean. 24V* 31V* A formal statement issued by pite the fact that Democrats will those in favor. While the personnel shift is 22 34 toe Commission ourtng Its re* be holding the executive office most obvious m the top reach16V* 39V* gular December meeting reads for the seventh straight term. es of government, where the eyes as follows; Gov. 0 . Mennen Wflliami is of the press and the state are "In 1956 when die Legalt- stepping down after 12 years as ture gave the Department au- top man oi state government mostly focused, changes a r e bound to occur right down the thority to manage die deer herd, • * • of state government and we embarked on a program to His successor, present L t . readies bring the herd and range into Gov. John B. Swainson, natural- even trickle down to the local balance. ly wants to place some of the level. • * * "Due to public opinion, we of people most helpful and friendnecessity were very conservative ly toward him during the pri- No fanfare or civic celebrain our quotas. The last t w o mary and general election cam- tion marks the departure of winters (1958-59 and 1959-60) paigns in positions of respon- Michigan men for military service these days. Nature stepped in with pro- sibility. local Blue Star Mothers longed and severe yarding seaHe would also like to retain or The some such group quietly sees sons to help achieve that balance some of the people from Wilsooner than we could have done liam1! staff who have the know- the inductees and enlistees off at the bus. Sometimes there's otherwise. how needed. Indications a r e a Gideon Bible or a sewing kit Swainson wfll have a measure of as a going away present. PINCKNEY DISPATCH Wednesday, December 21, 1960 both types of people. But they continue to go — • • « 451,795 of them since Apparently Gov. Williams *ome Specializing in Fine will take several of his present 1948. • • V key aides with him to Washmonth sees roughington where he has a new job ly A800typical men, ordered up by the as an assistant secretary of state State Selective Service through for Africa in the administration local draft boards Wt WILD COMMTt HOMB for physical of President-Elect John F. Ken- examinations to determine We spell our greetings eliginedy. C«rp«nfir Work of All Kindt bility for induction. with many good wishes • • • half that number, of- for your happiness and Julie Lawlor, personal secre- tenAbout less, sometimes more, a r e good health. tary to the Governor; executive actually summoned for service Claude Swarthout secretary Sidney H. Woolner; month. and John S. Abemethy, an ad- each DR. RAY M. DUFFY Others, of course, volunteer. ministrative aide, have b e e n Some enlist in one of the branchUP 8-3108 MICHIGAN MIRROR 1893-1960 Over 67 Yean) of Banking Service HA 44811 Member P.D.I.C. CABINETS DEXTER SAVINGS BANK THE BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL CORNER Roger J. Can Agency Lloyd Hendee COMPLETE INSURANCE COVERAGE LIVESTOCK HAULING WEEKLY TRIPS TO DETROIT Aaonf Edith R. Can 142 Mill Strttt Plneknoy, Mich. Phone UP 8-3133 MONUMENTS, MARKERS Convenient Termi Culver Bailey "THE MONUMENT MAN" 31 libtll Street, Howtll, Michigon Phone Howll 411 W For Younker Mtmoriol Inc. Lonimg, Michigan Mary Wolter REAL ESTATE 7421 Portoot Lakt Rood Ttl. Otxttr HA 6-8188 132 W. Main Strttt, Pincknty Ttl. UP 8-3130 14034 N. Ttrritorial Rd., North Lakt Chtlsta Ttl. GR 5-3241 THE PINCKNEY SANITARIUM Ray M. Duffy, AID. # * Christmas W e extend greetings of the Yule to all of you whose friendship and loyalty greatly~cfier&ErAT you celebrate the holidays our thoughts will be with you that this may be the loveliest, finest of them all. HICKORY RIDGE FARM DAIRY N. S. TOPPING J. G. TOPPING Pincfcnty, Michigan Coll 11:00 AM. to 2:00 P.M. Except' Wednesdays Mon., Tut*., Fri., and Sat. 7.-00 to 8:00 PJ*. Phont UP B-5547 L. I. Swarthout BUILDING & CONTRACTING Homti, Cottagts, Garogti 1292 Darwin Road, PfncJrnty Phont UP 8-3234 FUNERAL HOME Don C. Swarthout Modtrn Equipmtnt AMBULANCE SERVICE Phont UP 6-3172 Wiltse Electrical Service ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING 6000 Wait M-M Pincknty Phont UP t-5554 MONUMENTS Ont of Michigan's largest Oitphys of Monumonh NORTHVIUE, MICHIGAN Allen Monument Works PHONE PI 9-0770 Real Estate H L. Sorrell Form*, Homesv Lakt Property Busjfttu Opportunists Lift Your Property with WATER WELLS AND PUMPS ALL MAKES OF PUMPS SERVICED Gerald Reason Phone HA 6-94U fcVoktf 102 W Main Street Pfcooe UPfown S-3564 ML I t SCHRMEftHOtN, D. O. Physician md Sorrow OFFICE HOURS: Mon., W«d., Fri., 11 to 4 Tues., 1 tp 5 and Sat., 10 to 1 Mon. and Wed. Eves., 7 to 9 ft*** Uptown eV3491 HA 6-4328 9SS5 Doxfor • Pinckney Rood Fred C. OPTOMETRIST 120 West Grond River Howtlt, Michigan Phont 353 ficsiotat 6\Z Lee Lavey GENEtAL INSURANCE UP 1422? WANTED: Baby sitting, day or week, in my home. Mrs. Wilma Darrow, 9525 Cedar U L RcL FOR SALE: 200 bales mixed hay at .40 per bale. Call UP 83260. LOST: 2 male Beagles, Swarth out Rd., area between Brighton and Pinckney. Reward. Tony Ferraioli, 18993 Woodside, Harper Woods 36, Mich. Tel. LA 7-7098. FOR SALE — Lionel" electric train, 2 diesel engines, lots of track, large transformer, 18 cars, spur bumpers, 2 uncouplers, station with whistle. Complete $65. Call UP 8-3580. FOR SALE: Oak and Maple slab wood. Robert Read Ph. UP 8-3211. BROKEN CLASS in your car expertly replaced. See — Abe's Auto Parts, 1018 E. Grand River, Phone 151, Howell, Michigan. FOR SALE — Kenmore wringer washer. A-l condition. Overhauled and new parts w h e r e needed — guaranteed. $30.00. Phone UP 8-3149. SAVE ON AUTO INSURANCE GREGORY Shopper's Special; Lost MteMte Kafety Tips ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Fox of Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey announce the engagement of their daughter, Susan L e n o r e to Lorents F. Peterson, son of Mrs. Selma Dreyer and the late Laurs Peterson of Gregory. Miss Fox is a graduate of Atlantic Highlands high school and is employed as a dental technician. The bridegroom - elect is a graduate of Stockbridge high school and is employed at the reception center at J a c k s o n prison. A February 11th wedding is being planned. EDITORIAL GREETINGS As the whirl of Christmas At this stage of the Christmas shopping and Christmas traffic 10-20-5 LIMITS rush it would be hard to conpicks up, the State Safety ComNON-FARM BODILY vince anyone that "the best mission says, don't let the exINJURY AND things in life are free." Ac- pense of a sudden traffic acciPROPERTY DAMAGE tually, if one stops to savor the dent ruin your Christmas shop$8.80 For 6 Months most delicious side of the Christ- ping. The Commission gives SEE OR PHONE: man scene he will probably the following hot tips on how LOUIS A. ROGERS agree that many of these "pre- to. stay out of trouble on t h e sents" far surpass the things streets and highways: money can buy; the beauty of DRIVERS: Ease up at interWANTED: Woman or girl, as the decorations, especially t h e sections. mathers helper, live in or out. outdoor-type at night; the sudSlow down for the yellow light HA 6-2667. den lilt of Yuletide music; the or flasher. FOR SALE: Philgas stove and children singing, concerts, canCome to a complete stop at adaptor; very reasonable. Call tatas; the inside of a church dur- stop signs or red lights. ing the Holy Week; the look UP 8-3454. Don't drive or walk in trafof hope and delight on a child's SKATES^SHARPENED, flat! fic after drinking. face; the anticipation of a vacaor hollow ground. Marshall] Follow other vehicles at a tion, the family-plans to be The "Round About" extenMeabon, 1135 W. M-36. safe distance. home for Christmas; the cards, Don't cut in on the other fel- tion club held their annual FOR RENT: Year round home, u the ones with the once-a-year low's safe distance. Christmas party at the home of one story and half, at Cordletters" that MEAN SO MUCH Stay alert; don't daydream Mrs. Margaret Parker, t h i s ley Lake. Call Gregory, AL. . . ALL OF THESE A N D about holiday doings. week Tuesday. pine 6-2522. MANY OTHERS MINGLE Mr. and Mrs. Lon Van SlamSlow down in bad weather; FOR RENT: Modern four bed- TOGETHER TO MAKE THE brook, and son, along w i t h room house, oil heat, school bus MOST PRICELESS GIFT . . . adjust to conditions. Dim lights on highway even Mrs. Barbara Clark and childat door. $80.00 mo. rent. Call HAPPINESS AT CHRISTMAS. when oncoming driver doesn't. ren visited at the exhibit "ChristALpine (Gregory) 6-2275. Our greeting to you readers Look at right shoulder to keep mas Fantasy" at the Ford RoWANTED: Baby sitter at my Would be in the repeating of the tunda one day last week. control. home. Transportation furnish- nostalgic words of Charles Dick* Mary McCleer of Jackson Yield right-of-way to pedesed. Pit UP 8-3536. ens: "There seems to be a magic trians in crosswalks. Don't pass spent this past Sunday at t h e WANTED — Deerskins a n d hides; all kinds of raw furs; also GULF OIL products. Fuel Oil in the very name of Christmas a car stopped to let a walker home of her parents, Mr. and & gasoline. Albers Oil Co., —would that Christmas lasted cross. ' Mrs. Clyde McCleer. used shotguns and rifles. Luciuf Dexter, Michigan. Ph. collect. the whole year through." Oma Faber and Thelma Stay on your own side road Doyle, Pinckney, phone UP HA 6-4601 or HA 6-8517. at intersections, grade crossings, Grosshans were in Jackson Fritown 8-3123. David Darrow is home from no-passing zones, on hills and day. FOR SALE — deluxe full size FOR SALE OR RENT: 2 bedMrs. Vincent La Rosa and room year - round home on the Navy Training center, Great curves. G.E. range, push buttom, deepfamily and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cordley Lake, call Lark, UP Lakes, Illinois, to spend Christwell, automatic oven; also a 8-9905. mas with his parents, Mr. and WALKERS: Obey traffic sig- Tessmer of Dexter called at the utility table. Both for $45. HA home of Mr. and Mrs. John nals and signs. REDI - MIXED CONCRETE Mrs. Bill Darrow. 6-9331. Cross at interesections ONLY. Livermore Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Henry washed sand and gravel, proFOR ^ALE — \1 inch RCA Mr. and Mrs. Willard Wiltse were called to Bellefontaine, Move across briskly — others TV, table model; swivel TV tab- cessed road gravel, Peerless were Sunday dinner guests at Ohio, last week by the death of are using the intersection too. cement, Paint Dyke Hydraulic le available. AC 7-5803. Look left and right for traf- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan cement. 4950 Mason Road ph. the former's grandmother, Mrs. FOR SALE — Rock roasting Howell 1389, Located 4 miles Marietta Baker, 98. F u n e r a l fic while crossing. Howlett and family. chickens, six pounds and up. west of Howell D & J Gravel services were held there on FriMr. and Mrs. John G r o s s Watch for turning cars beCall UP 8-3353. hans and son. Keith, enjoyed fore stepping off curb. day. Co. FOR RENT: Four rooms, moNever walk into street from the wonderful display at t h e The marriage of Mildred KelFOR RENT: Apartment. Call Ford Rotunda Sunday, as did dern, no children. 445 Dexter Marvin Shirey. Ph. UP 8-6621 lenberger, daughter of Mr. and behind parked cars. - Pinckney Road. Mrs. Bailey. If you must walk on road, Mrs. John Livermore and famMrs. Ray Kellenberger of Monks or UP 8-3483. ily. Mrs. Max Cosgray and FOR SALE: 1954 Buick Special ALUMINUM siding and roof- Rd., and Jack Bilkovsky, took walk on left facing cars. Wait on sidewalk, ^ot in the daughters, Miss Priscilla Cool place at the Community C o n radio, heater, W. S. W., extra Home Center. Phone UPtown gregational Church Saturday street, for green light or "walk" and Mrs. Charlie Weidaman one set winter tires, straight shift, 8-3143. or gap in traffic where there's day last week. evening. good condition. $195. Phone FOR SALE: Storm windows asMrs. James Caskey and Ferno light. UP 8-3111 or UP 8-3112. John Lundeen was taken to sorted sizes. Ph. UP 8-3175. While crossing streets don't ris were guests at the a n n u a l FOR RENT — partly furnishSt. Joseph Mercy hospital or dinner party held Saturday at the ed 2 bedroom house on B i g LANDSCAPING: planning and Friday evening seriou »y ill obscure your view with packVFW Half in Parma by the NuSilver Lake, couple only; good developing b y experienced Tuesday's report on his condi ages, an umbrella or hat. Shrubs, Ever- tion is that he is very much im At night wear or carry some- Trilite company. references. Rent $65. per month. landscaper. Mrs. James Caskey called at greens, Sod. Hi-Land Gardens proved. thing white or reflectorized to Call Earl Suggitt, HA 6-9612. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don help driver see you. and Landscaping. Ph. UP 8FOR RENT: 7 room apartment Risdon and Mrs. Clara "Pond of 6681. in Pinckney Ph. UP 8-3452. Fowlervillc Sunday. HOUSE HUMIDITY MAY MC PHERSON OIL CO., Mo- SNOW SHOVELERS — FOR RENT, 2 bedroom, year bilegas, Mobileoil, the world's TAKE IT EASY ! Mr. and Mrs. Barney Roepcke BE TOO HIGH round lakefront house at Hiwill observe their 50th wedding OR TOO LOW . . . largest selling oil. Pinckney Snow shoveler's heart disease Land Lake. Call Howard The house with a high hum- anniversary December 27th by district manager, Hollis Swar- —a malady which has been on Taylor. AC 9-9174 or Box thout. Phones Howell 900, the increase the last few winters idity may owe this condition to holding open house to all their friends at the Unadilla Me341, Brighton. Pinckney UP 8-9792. of heavy snowfalls, may strike the activities of a large family. morial Hall from 2:00 until NEED CASH? you if you don't take it slow When there are quantities of 5:00 p.m. LOST, MALE Beagle hound laundry drying on the basement We pay cash or trade; used guns and easy. 2 yr. old, answers to "Tinker", lines, uncovered kettles boiling and outboard motors. Mill Creek This note of caution was vicinity Bass Lake. Reward, Call on the range, and lots of show- to the final layer of paint, moisSporting Goods, Dexter. sounded by doctors at the state DUnkirk 2-3097. health department with the re- ers taken in the bathroom, much ture simply crowds it off the house. Insulation may suffer FOR SALE cent arrival of winter's blast. It moisture is added to the air. Don Ice boat, 15 ft. mast. Bos- was directed principally at men Brown, specialist in agricultural too, since wet insulation cannot ton nylon sail. R-2 class, in over 40 who aren't used to engineering at Michigan State be effective. good condition. University, says excess moisture Complete Repair strenuous physical exertion. When humidity is too low in 42 in. cast iron sink and If you aren't in good physical can find its way into the house cabinet, left-hand drainboard. condition, leave the shoveling from other sources, such as a house, wood begins to dry out. Remodeling and Paneled walls crack and snap complete with faucets, etc. to the kids, suggests doctors. unsealed crawl spaces under the ! and pull apart and glue joints 42' Crosley electric range, They can use the money. You house. Building Service all automatic, like new. The opposite condition — • on furniture "let go/* Pianos alcan't afford a heart attack if 30.000 B.T.U. wall-type you can avoid it. low humidity — often exists in so suffer from extremes in humidity. gas heater with thermostat. Any sudden exertion by a a large house with a small fam- Find the Cause Easy Spin-drier w a s h e r , person not used to exercise or ily. Where there is no launDr. Brown says the simplest fairly good condition. earning his living "by the sweat dry on the lines and only small and least expensive way to corCaH St Pierre, AC 9-6757 of his brow*" may be sufficient amounts of cooking in the kitrect humidity problems is at to bring on a heart attack, doc- chen, there is very little moisthe source of trouble. Unsealed ture for the air to absorb. tors point out. crawl spaces can be sealed by There Are Signs NEW PERMITS NEEDED If you must shovel, either be189 —UP 8-3S40 Tell-tale signs around t h e covering the ground with a layFOR SEWAGE WORK cause you can't get someone The Livingston County else to do it or because you may house can indicate when house er of roofing. Health Department announces feel you must prove to someone humidity is off. Too much Dr. Brown says a de-humidithat a new permit for sewage you're not a pantywaist, take it moisture may be shown by con- fier cannot perform the s a m e densationof water on g l a s s sgrvicff as the combination of will easy and don't rush. j tive as of January !. 1961. If you have head a heart at- wiridows or doors. Since warm humidistat and exhaust fan. A The new permit will contain j tack previously, check with your air holds more moisture t h a n de-humidifier cools air to rea few written changes as well doctor before you attempt to cold air, moisture move moisture, which is fine HUNTING LICENSES air strikes the ~cokl in summer. In winter, however, as a new fee of $5.00. shovel snow. Mr. Ahrendt Livingston the furnace heats air to warm An "it can't happen to me** at- er" glass. One cause of paint peeling the house, while the de-humidCounty Health Official urges titude leads too many rofi to people contemplating a sew- snow shoveler's heart disease, from the outside of a house is ifer cook the air. ffStflNG LICENSES excess humidity inside the house. installataon in this county, doctors say. Members of the Junior PilMoisture works its way through he it a new installation or reA dollar or so to a husky lad MINNOWS t grim Fellowship will sing Christwalls, plaster and insulation to pairs to an okl system, to obwill bring a big smile. Thk UVE M I T tain this permit. | f-rt«r*on Lake Rood will warm your heart not crip23. evening, ple it «, Ph. UP 8-3369 WILLIAM MITCHELL KINER'S Bait & Tackle SHELLS I