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disclaimer - AdultMediaBuying.com
Dear Adult Media Buyers,
I’ll be 100% honest and straight forward with you...
The manual you now have in your possession is the accumulation of all my hard work,
my failures, hands on experience, and bitter sweet success at buying Adult Media on a
7 Figure annual sales level consistently.
My goal for the upcoming year will be to break the 8 Figure per year mark and I’m confident I’ll be
able to hit that target.
In short, let’s just say I know what I’m talking about.
This isn’t about me glorifying my achievements or future goals.
This is about how this manual can help better serve you and provide you with an inside look at the
world of Adult Media Buying and how to approach it and do so properly, systematically, and
By just reading this guide alone you’ll be ahead of 95% of all other Adult Marketers online.
The Truth is the competition is lazy, unoriginal, unmotivated, and possess a weak mindset.
Traits that I hope don’t exist inside of you.
If you discipline yourself, develop your skills, work hard, and be realistic with yourself and your
goals, then nothing can stop you.
Once you finish reading this guide go back and read it a second time over.
Then come back and use it as a reference guide when you’re actively running your campaigns.
This manual is worthless to you if you don’t take action on the content expressed on these pages.
The choice is yours and the opportunity is in your hands to capture.
Sky’s The Limit,
Tuan Vy
Table of Contents
The Foundation
Business Entity Creation
Company Bank Account & Credit Cards
Hosting & Server Setup
Company Website
Tracking Solution
CPA Network and Direct Merchant Relationship
CPA Network & Merchant Acceptance
Foundation Summary
The World of Adult Traffic
The Metrics
The Terminology
Types of Ad Placements
Adult Traffic Volumes
Types of Traffic Networks
Marketing Material
Banner and Landing Page Creation
Research Intelligence Tool
Banner & Landing Page Ad Psychology
Different Types of Adult Offers
Campaign Setup
The Initial Setup 45
Setting Up Your Tracker
CPA Network Setup
Advertising Network Setup
Adult Media Buying
CPM, CPC, and Flat Rate Buys
Insertion Orders
A Closer Look at Self Serve Traffic Networks
Managed Traffic Network Buy
Direct To Site Buy 70
Direct To Site Market Research
Adult Mobile Traffic
The Power of Adult Mobile Traffic
Importance of Speed and Load Times
SmartPhone versus FeaturePhone
Mobile Lead Quality
Adult Mobile Landing Page Types
Adult Mobile Campaign Case Study
Adult Web Traffic
Standard Adult Web Traffic
Web Based Landing Page Tactics
Web Based PopUnder Traffic
Campaign Strategies
Initial Campaign Testing Approach
Bidding Strategies
Marketing Material Backup
Multiple Campaign Management
Advice on Scaling
The Work Flow
Optimization Mindset
Realistic Goal Setting
Systematic Approach
Over Analyzation
Profit & Loss
Split Testing
Banner Split Testing
Landing Page Split Testing
Offer Split Testing
Split Testing Summary
The Competition 101
Bidding Wars
Volume Strategy
Multiple Accounts
Secret Landing Page Coding
The Alpha Marketer
The Difference Between a Novice & Alpha Marketer
Work Ethics and Sacrifice
The Alpha Mindset & Belief
The Alpha Affiliate Actions
Adult Media Buys Forum
The Power of Networking
Q & A Session
Frequently Asked Questions
My Few Personal Recommendations
Final Thoughts
Closing Words...
The Foundation
Business Entity Creation
The very first step in your journey of running a highly profitable online business regardless
of the Adult niche or any other niche starts first from developing and growing a Business
Not only does this provide various tax benefits and legal protection but it also allows you to
be seen as a legitimate company versus someone who is operating out of the bottom of
their parents basement.
I highly suggest you get in contact with a business professional and do your research
before making any choices on what type of business structure you will decide to operate.
The most common ones are S Corp, C Corp, and LLC.
There are many places online that will help assist you in incorporating your business.
Here are some services:
Choose a name for your company as well as a proper business structure that will fit with
your longterm business goals.
Make sure to choose a company name that also has a domain available for you to develop
your company website on.
As you progress in your marketing career your company will be a vital source to you
securing traffic deals, acquiring credit lines, and getting accepted into various networks.
These online services can get your company up and running extremely fast and can help
handle all of the necessary paperwork for a reasonable rate.
Company Bank Account & Credit Cards
Once you have all the proper paperwork and documents to operate your business
legitimately the next step will be to open a company bank account.
Choose a Bank that will work with you and help grow your business. Make sure you do
your research and see which banks offer the most benefits as well as have the least
amount of fees. You want a bank that will understand your business goals and will assist
you in growing your business by offering lines of credit that you can utilize later on when
Here is a very useful article I wrote on Cash Flow you should read here:
Hosting & Server Setup
This is a very vital step and one that should not be overlooked.
Many people set themselves up for disaster by thinking they can skimp on this step by
saving a few dollars on hosting. I will tell you right now that you are only screwing yourself
over by going with a cheap solution.
The faster your website loads and the faster your tracking links redirect the more
conversions you will see on your end.
We live in a world where a few seconds worth of delay for a website to load will results in
lost sales from visitors closing out your window.
People want fast load times and responsive sites that operate at the speed of light.
Your competition is currently using lightening fast servers to display their websites so you
should do the same.
The 3 most popular types of hosting packages available are:
Shared Hosting - The cheapest plan available and handles very low traffic levels. I
suggest avoiding this plan if you plan on taking your business serious.
VPS Hosting - Most popular plan and very affordable and can handle medium to high
volumes of traffic. I recommend this.
Dedicated Hosting - Most expensive plan but also the most powerful one which can
handle high volumes of traffic. Definitely recommended for serious players.
At the very least I suggest you run with a VPS server and upgrade to a dedicated server as
soon as you start generating higher levels of traffic. It can be a real pain to try and switch
up servers once your business is operating, so make sure you plan ahead and choose a
plan that will handle your traffic goals now.
Here’s a list of some hosting companies that I have used personally and can recommend.
Rates are very affordable and I repeat this step is crucial so don’t be cheap.
Company Website
The next step is to create a very simple company website for your business.
This does not have to be anything fancy and please do not get caught up on trying to
develop a perfect site.
A simple Wordpress blog uploaded with a theme will do just fine.
You can Google “free Wordpress themes” and there are tons of different styles available
but if you want something more unique you can check out.
All of these services will be able to give you a design that you can use for your website.
You will need to write some content for your website, if you are having trouble coming up
with ideas just Google “Online Advertising Company” or “Online Media Buying Company”
and take a look at some of the websites that show up.
Gather up some ideas and then use that to craft your website. Again, this does not have
to be 100% perfect just something professional and simple that will work so don’t get
stuck on this phase just put it together and forget about it.
You should create a professional sounding email like yourname@yourcompanydomain.com
This will be the email you will use as your point of contact when doing business online and
will make people take you much more seriously than if you had some silly email name.
The goal here is to portray yourself as a professional established online company.
Tracking Solution
This is a very crucial step in you being successful online, you need proper tracking. There
is absolutely no way around this. You need a solution that will track your campaigns down
to the very last detail and allow you to make decisions and optimize into profits.
Here is my recommendation:
http://www.iMobitraxSoftware.com - This is my favorite self hosted tracking solution
currently and I have tested many different platforms.
iMobitrax will allow you to not only track mobile campaigns but web based campaigns as
well. It has a very friendly user interface and the ability to capture all kinds of mobile data
automatically makes optimizing super easy.
A very powerful tracking solution that I highly recommend.
You will have the ability to redirect visitors based on certain criteria like browser, carrier,
country, device, and connection speeds. That is not all, there are ton of other clever
optimization strategies and data that you will collect using this tool.
Don’t be cheap and skimp out on this, it’s a very important aspect of having a successful
online business!
I cannot stress this enough. Yes, there are free solutions but there is a reason why they are
free, it’s because they lack the features that Elite Marketers are using to dominate the
online space.
Just trust me on this one.
The benefit of using a paid solution is that there is a support staff that can help assist you
if you have problems. You more than likely will have some type of issue on your end when
starting out and having a point of contact will ease your frustration.
You will be installing your tracking solution on your server that you had setup earlier. Make
sure your hosting company meets all the required configurations to run your tracking
software which they will if you used on of the providers I listed above.
Each tracking software will come with a user manual and detail guides on how to setup
and use your tracker much better than I can explain myself. Spend a day going over
everything and try to learn as much as you can about using your tracker as possible.
CPA Network and Direct Merchant Relationship
The next phase will be to get accepted into a network and build a solid relationship.
What is a CPA Network?
A CPA Network is a network that has a portfolio of merchants and offers all consolidated
into one main interface that allows affiliates to browse, track, and select what they want to
promote very easily.
They are the middle man and handle all the interaction between the affiliates and the
merchants. They are the ones that pay out commissions to the affiliates, help manage the
affiliates, and provide access to different offers for affiliates.
Acting as the third party they make their money by paying commission to affiliates who
generate leads and sales at a lower rate then what they are being paid out by the
Many affiliates work through a CPA Network as they feel an extra layer of security knowing
that if the Merchant doesn’t pay out for the commissions earned that more than likely the
CPA Network will still cover it to keep a good business relationship with that affiliate.
The Pros:
• Access to various offers in one easy to track and manage interface.
• Dedicated Affiliate Manager to help and support you with your campaigns.
• Better Cash Flow structure if you push volume you will be on put Weekly Payouts.
• Extra layer of security to cover commissions if Merchant doesn’t payout.
• Access to Private Offers and Exclusive Offers unavailable outside of the Network.
The Cons:
• CPA Networks have been known to go out of business and not paying out affiliates.
• Typically a lower commission payout than running Direct.
• May have unresponsive Affiliate Managers and Support.
• Network tracking may not be accurate and varies from network to network.
• Lack of quality offers to promote.
• Payout structure may be monthly for low volume affiliates
What is a Direct Merchant?
A Direct Merchant is the actual source of the offer.
They are the owners and creators of the product/service you are promoting.
They usually prefer to do business with larger CPA Networks that generate larger volume
but you can promote them directly as an affiliate in many instances.
Their tracking is usually custom and is different from what you are normally accustomed to
running on a CPA Network. You will be assigned an Account Rep that will look over your
account and help assist you in getting setup.
Starting out your pay rate may be lower then what you would expect to get from running
with a CPA Network and payout times are usually monthly for affiliates who don’t push
Running Direct you are limited to the inventory of offers they have in their inventory and
usually if there is no previous relationship you may not have access to certain offers in their
The Pros:
Direct access to offers can result in unlimited lead caps and higher payouts.
Better relationships can mean faster payout structure.
Ability to work with the Merchant to create a long term relationship.
Merchants may even Pre Pay you for leads.
Limited offer inventory than a CPA Network
Low volume affiliates may get paid out monthly
With no prior relationship you may only earn low street payouts.
May be forced to run only Pay Per Sale instead of Pay Per Lead offers.
Less dedicated support or help from network.
The Cons:
CPA Network & Merchant Acceptance
Many people are nervous and confused as to what it takes to get accepted into a CPA
Network or with a Direct Merchant.
If you have done all the previous steps like setting up a company and getting your
company website online then you are already way ahead of the pack.
These networks only want to deal with people who are serious about driving traffic and
generating leads/sales.
What they are really trying to avoid is FRAUD.
The last thing they need is someone to come in and drive all types of fraudulent
conversions and try to scam the network out of money.
There is a ton for fraud that goes on and it’s the nature of doing business online so these
networks screen each applicant to make sure everyone is legitimate.
You will find some networks have a higher barrier to get accepted while others are more
easier to join.
The best way to make sure you will get accepted is to pick up the phone and call the
network and speak with a representative in person.
Let them know that you are serious about doing business and you will usually get
accepted right there on the spot.
You can also try to reach out to account reps directly by email or through social networks
like LinkedIn.
Many paid forums contain account reps that usually get you accepted in if you are a forum
member as well.
You can find many reps that will approve you here in the Private Forums.
Just be professional and proactive about getting in and you’ll start to get accepted almost
everywhere you apply.
The same procedure it takes to get accepted into a CPA Network is the same process it
will take to get accepted by a Direct Merchant.
Here are some posts I made about CPA Networks and Direct Merchants:
These posts will give you some better insights to the Pros and Cons of running with each.
Personally, I suggest you have both in your arsenal so you can get the best of both worlds.
Like I said earlier some of the more popular offers are only available by running through a
CPA Network so it’s always good to have healthy relationships with Direct Merchants and
CPA Networks in your rolodex.
Here is a link to our Private CPA Network.
We are the #1 Private Network for Adult CPA Offers. Feel free to join below.
There are many CPA Networks out there but we have more than enough offers to get you
Don’t focus on trying to get into every single network, I find most people get to caught up
on trying to join every network to just be able to say that they are in it.
If you don’t get into one don’t worry, it’s not a big deal.
If you followed everything outlined above then you should have no problem.
Here is a list of just a few Traffic Sources:
Here are some Mobile Sources:
Those are just a small handful of sources that should be more than enough for you if you
are just starting out.
If you would like an entire detailed list of Adult Traffic Sources here you go:
Don’t forget that there are literally tons of Direct To Site Buys that can be done by you
manually visiting websites and contacting the webmaster. We will cover this more in detail
later on in this guide.
Now different traffic sources will have different payment methods that you can use to fund
your account.
Some have Direct Credit Card Processors while others allow you to use third party online
payment processors like Paxum, Paypal, and Bank Wires to fund your advertising account.
Make sure you get properly setup with different traffic sources now so you can use them
when you need to later on.
Some require you to fax them a scanned copy of your Driver’s License and Credit Card
information to reduce the amount of traffic fraud on their networks.
This can sometimes take a few days before you get situated so make sure to get your
Traffic Network accounts setup before attempting to run traffic.
Foundation Summary
• Create a Business Entity and setup your Banking Accounts.
• Get proper hosting and setup your tracking solution as well as your company website.
• Apply and get accepted into a CPA Network or a Direct Merchant
• Setup and fund your Traffic AdNetwork accounts.
These are the Core steps that will be very important as we progress later on down the path
of running your own highly successful Adult Media Buying Business.
The World of Adult Traffic
The Metrics
There are many metrics but these will be the most important metrics you will need to focus
on when running your paid traffic campaigns.
Here is a quick run down that will make sure we are all on the page.
CPC - Cost Per Click, the amount you pay per click each time someone clicks on your
advertisements. e.g. 0.25 cents CPC equals 0.25 cents Cost Per Click.
EPC - Earnings Per Click, the formula is (Total Revenue/Clicks) = EPC
It’s the amount you generate per click.
e.g. $200 divided by 100 clicks = $2 EPCs
CTR - Click Through Rate, the formula is (Clicks/Impressions) x 100 = CTR %
e.g. 25,000 impressions with 50 Clicks = 0.20 % CTR.
This goes for Banner CTR and Landing Page CTR.
CPM - Cost Per Thousand (M is Roman Numeral for Thousand) is the amount that you
pay for every 1000 impressions of your ad.
e.g. .50 cents CPM would be .50 cents for 1000 impressions.
eCPM - Effective Cost Per Thousand - The formula is
(Total Revenue/Impressions) x 1000 = eCPM
It’s the amount of money you make per 1000 impressions.
e.g. .75 cents eCPM equals .75 cents for 1000 impressions.
CR - Conversion Rate, the formula is (Total Conversions/Impressions) X 100 = CR %
It’s the amount of conversions generated.
e.g. 20 leads in 1000 impressions = 2% CR
ROI - Return On Investment, the formula is
(Total Revenue - Total Cost) divided by Total Cost X 100 = ROI %
e.g. ($1,500 Revenue - $500 Ad Spend) divided by $500 Ad Spend x 100 = 200% ROI
CPA - Cost Per Action, the amount of commissions paid per lead/sale.
e.g. $5 CPA.
eCPA - Effective Cost Per Action, the amount it costs you to acquire that lead/sale after
advertising expenses. e.g. $4.28 eCPA
Lucky for you if you’re using a solid tracking solution it will automatically calculate most of
these metrics for you.
Your ultimate goal is to get a:
High Banner CTR
High Landing Page CTR
Combined with a High Conversion Rate.
Getting a higher Banner CTR or Landing Page CTR does not guarantee a High CR.
This is where the testing will come into play and you will have to test many variables until
you find that winning template.
The Terminology
The Adult niche terminology is almost identical to mainstream marketing except some of
the terms are switched around a bit but they still mean the same thing.
So to get on the right page let’s go over some common terminology you will need to
Here’s a list of the main terms you will come across, there are a ton so no use in me
explaining all of them here, if you find something you don’t know just look for a definition
SOI - Single Opt In - An offer that consists of the visitor entering in their email information
without having to visit their email inbox and clicking on a confirmation link within the email.
There may be other fields of data required for a conversion to be credited.
DOI - Double Opt In - An offer that is exactly like an SOI offer except the visitor confirms
by clicking the link they received in their email inbox.
PPL - Pay Per Lead, are offers that will give you a commission for a successful lead
e.g. SOI or DOI.
PPS - Pay Per Sale, are offers that will pay you a commission for a successful payment
PPI - Pay Per Install, also known as Pay Per Download.
These are offers that pay you a commission for a successful install/download.
RevShare - Revenue Share, pays you on an on going commission base for the lifetime or
set duration of time a user stays on as a paid member or a percentage of an affiliates
Direct Linking - When you take a visitor directly from your Ad to Offer Page without any
intermediate website in between.
Landing Page - An intermediate website a visitor lands on after clicking your ad, often
used as presell page or a way to segment the visitors.
Self Serve Network - An Network that gives you the ability to control the campaign on
your end in real time. e.g. Starting/Pausing campaigns and banners as well adjusting bids.
Managed Buy - A Network that handles your campaign for you. e.g. they will pause them
and adjust bids based on your instructions. Typically by email.
Direct Buy - Negotiating an advertising buy directly with the source/owner of a website.
AdServer - A platform that will store, rotate, maintain, and display advertisements for one
or more websites and can track and report statistics as well as display your ads based on
different criteria.
Above The Fold - Describes the part of an email message or web page that is visible
without scrolling down the page.
e.g. The Ad Placement is displayed above the fold.
Below The Fold - Describes the part of an email message or web page that is only visible
by scrolling down the page.
e.g. The Banner is showing below the fold.
Impression - The number of times an Ad is shown when a page is loaded.
e.g. 1 page load for 1 Ad Unit = 1 Ad Impression.
1 page load for 2 Ad Units = 2 Ad Impressions from 1 Page Load.
I/O - Insertion Order, a document that specifies the dates and scope of a media buy.
Types of Ad Placements
There are tons of different advertising spots you can buy to display your ads. New ones
are popping up daily but these are the ones that are the most popular.
Text Link Ad - Exactly what is says, a Text Link type ad that is very similar to what people
are use to seeing when they visit Google.
Banner Ad - Various sizes but usually contain an image, text copy, and call to action.
In Video Ad - You ad will be shown as a banner or text at the beginning or ending of a
video clip.
Instant Message Ad - Is a small toolbar on the bottom of your page that will mimic a
chat message box.
Pop Under Ad - When a page load or click is triggered your Landing Page or Offer will be
loaded behind the main window screen. Hence the term “Pop Under”.
Pop Over Ad - Similar to a Pop Under Ad but this windows Pops on top of the main
window screen.
Interstitial Ad - An Interstitial Ad is similar to a Pop Under ad in terms of size. The main
difference is the Interstitial Ad is always displayed before or after an expected content page
as if it were part of the actual site the user was visiting.
Direct Link - Also known as a Blind Link, Redirect Link, Speed Clicks etc... This Ad
format is mainly for advertisers looking to get high volumes of cheap traffic to boost a
websites traffic. You provide a URL and traffic will be redirected by page load or clicks.
Inline Text Ad - Specific keywords are shown as highlighted text, when a visitor hovers
the mouse over the keyword your ad will expand and be displayed.
Page Peel Ad - There will be a small peel on the top right of a website, when a visitor
hovers the mouse over the peel it will expand and display an Ad.
Mobile Ad Unit - Ads that are displayed on a Mobile Device but may also include Tablets.
Web Based Ad Unit - Ads that are displayed a desktop computer or laptop which may
also include Tablets.
There are constantly new ad units being tested and made available daily but these are the
most common ones that you will be buying.
You will notice different types of Ad Placements will perform differently on a particular
website or traffic source.
This is where testing is very important, just because you didn’t have luck with a particular
type of Ad style on a website doesn’t mean it won’t work extremely well on another site.
Always Be Testing.
Adult Traffic Volumes
The amount of traffic volumes available for Adult Marketing is absolutely insane!
Check out how many impressions you can purchase daily.
The crazy thing is that’s not even a FRACTION of what is available out there...
There is literally more adult traffic inventory available then you possibly handle with new
advertising sources being created daily.
This is one of the reasons why many Adult Marketers are able to scale their campaigns so
easily, it’s because of the sheer amount of adult traffic available online.
Don’t let those numbers intimidate you.
You by no means have to jump in at full speed, just start off small at first and stay focused.
Once you got something working just ramp up your campaigns to the maximum.
These types of Ads are available for purchase through different types of Traffic Networks.
Here are the main types that you will come across.
Types of Traffic Networks
Self Serve Network - Traffic Networks like TrafficJunky and ExoClick are Self Serve
Networks. They allow you direct manual control over your campaigns.
The Pros:
• You can fund your accounts manually.
• You can start or stop your campaign.
• You can uploaded your banners or text ads.
• You can view stats and reports.
• You can select which sites you want to advertise on.
• Minimum advertising buys are much lower.
• Less commitment, you can come and go as you please.
The Cons:
• Less barrier to entry so more competition.
• Banner Creatives may not pass approvals.
• Paying more for CPC & CPM Bids by using Third Party Networks.
• Competition may influence Volume and Cost.
If you are trying to get your feet wet in the Adult Media Buying game then you should
definitely look into start off with a self serve network.
They allow you to make a small deposit initially so you can test some ads without having to
commit to a much larger “Test Buy”.
Ad representatives will be able to assist you in finding out what Ad placements on which
sites will have the best results for the type of offers you are running.
Being able to pause your campaigns and banners manually when you’re first starting out
can save you from losing a lot of money on campaigns that are running negative.
Managed Network - Traffic Networks like Reporo or TrafficHaus are managed networks.
Also known as doing a “Managed Buy”. They are a team of people who will work with you
to get your campaigns running, but it’s on you to get it profitable.
The Pros:
• More Exclusive Ad Placements Available
• Flexible Negotiations on Ad Rates
• Better one on one Client Relationship from Network.
• Possible Credit Terms and Flexible Payment Options
• Less Competition
• Less Strict about Banner & Landing Page Creatives.
The Cons:
• Larger Minimum Test Buys
• Blind Network, may or may not reveal their portfolio of Publisher Sites to you.
• Not having manual control over starting/stopping your campaigns.
• Not having manual control over pausing Banners.
• Delay in communication back and forth for campaign optimizations.
• Typically less Ad Inventory available.
• Campaigns Stats and Reporting are usually very limited.
Moving to a Managed Network and doing Media Buys is the next level for a more
experienced Media Buyer.
You have room to negotiate CPC & CPM prices and can purchase longer flat rate buys for
weeks if not months in advance.
Also, with some history with a Managed network you may be in a position to qualify for
certain credit terms which will allow you to run Ads without having to use any of your own
money and then just get invoiced later on.
This can free up a ton of cash flow for you and allow you to really scale your media buying
business to the next level since you won’t have to use your capital upfront.
Direct To Site - You purchase your Advertising directly from the actual owner of a website
instead of a third party who is managing the advertising for the website owner.
The Pros:
• No middleman will allow you to negotiate the best ad rates.
• Less or No competition since affiliates wont make the effort to secure Direct Deals.
• Access to Ads & Site Placements not available anywhere else.
The Cons:
Getting in contact initially may be difficult and take time
Limited site placements, less inventory.
Higher advertising investments from buying a longer duration of Ad Space.
Less or No control over Frequency Capping, Day Parting, and Targeting etc.
Ad placements might only be NON GEO.
No other point of contact so communication and support can be limited.
Direct to Site Buys are NOT the Holy Grail of buying advertisements as you can see there
are Pros and Cons to doing so.
This should be reserved for someone who has experience buying ads as well as a decent
bankroll to invest. It can be a tedious process contacting and waiting for responses from
website owners, you have to realize the majority of people you contact will never respond
back to you.
It’s a numbers game, your best bet is to contact them by email and inquire about
purchasing advertising but be very professional about it.
This is where setting up your Business and Company Website can benefit you greatly.
I told you it was an important to do that didn’t I. ;-)
It’ll be a lot easier to get a response from an owner when you actually have some type of
contact information, company information, and just overall look like a legitimate person to
do business with.
Okay, now that you’ve read through the first part of this manual you have a better
academic understanding of the Adult Niche then 95% of the other lazy marketers out
there. Now that you have that information available to you let’s start getting into the meat
of this report and start getting some work done.
Dedication, Hard work, and Focus will pay off if you are willing to sacrifice your blood,
sweat, and tears to make your business a success.
This isn’t just a crash course in just the Adult Niche, this is also a journey to success on
the road of Entrepreneurship in your life and business.
How bad do you want it? What was the reason you downloaded and started reading this
ebook? I assume it has something to do with making money and growing your business
so you can live financially free right?
Truth is, 95% of the people who will read the information here will NEVER take any action
on it yet feel a sense of satisfaction like they accomplished something from just reading it.
If that is you then do me a favor and just stop reading now... Okay are you still here?
Good, that means no excuses from this point on. If you take action you WILL get to this...
Marketing Material
Banner and Landing Page Creation
The majority of your Adult Media Buying Business will consist of running Banner
Advertisements. A percentage of that will be Text Links and URL Redirection Links which
are easy to create and don’t need any explanation.
Obviously you have to familiarize yourself with using a photo editing software like
Photoshop to create your Banners.
You can also use MSPaint and other similar softwares to do the basic creation and editing
of your Banners.
For Landing Pages you will need to know some basic HTML so you can edit the coding
and implement all of your tracking links properly.
You do not have to be an expert at this, it is just good to familiarize yourself with this type
of work related skill.
The lucky thing here is you can hire someone to do this stuff all for you so you don’t have
to worry about dealing with it if you’re not a technical type of person.
What type of Banners and Landing Pages are working well in the Adult Scene now?
You can manually do your research but this is tedious and very time consuming.
Research Intelligence Tool
My secret weapon is a research intelligence tool called Adult AdSpy.
I’m sure you’ve heard of it but if you haven’t let me give you the inside scoop on it.
This is a SpyTool that is constantly scraping and updating its database of all the Adult
Banner ads and Landing Pages that are running online right now.
It keeps track of how long an advertiser has been running an Ad for and tracks what sites
the Ads are being displayed on.
This is a huge time saver and allows you to get a great birds eye view of what type of
Banners and Landing Pages are performing well.
Here’s a peek inside:
You can zero in and take a closer look at any Ad and find out more information like what
site it’s being advertised on, how long its been on that site, and which countries.
You can also find out what other Ads this advertiser is using including the Landing Pages
as well.
Also, one of the most important features is being able to know what Traffic Source they are
buying traffic from...
This is just quick snap shot, there are tons of other features. If you want to see a Live
Video walkthrough you can do so by visiting the link here:
I don’t suggest you just copy and rip campaigns and run them on the same sources
exactly... I recommend you take what you see is working and improve on it if you want to
see much more success then the next affiliate.
Remember, most affiliates are just too lazy so taking that extra step will put you way ahead
of the competition.
Banner & Landing Page Ad Psychology
You can find this section in a post I made on my website at:
I am putting it here for your convenience.
In my personal experience there are a few elements that are very important to having a
successful banner.
1. The Image - Hands Down The Most Important
2. The Headline
3. Sub-Headline
4. Call To Action
5. Design & Color Combination
Let’s go over some different styles of banners and different angles.
Check this out:
If you take a look at both of these Banner Ads you can start to break down the
psychology behind it.
First it says “Your Wife Will Not Find Out” implying that the person viewing the ad or if they
do click is old enough to be married, typically meaning they are older and more likely to
become a quality lead.
The call to action is “View Pics & View Photos” which is strong enough to make the
curious visitor feel like it doesn’t hurt for them to click through and take a peek.
This is strengthen by the sub-headline of saying No Bullshit, Free Join
(Which I don’t recommend.), and Older Women Require Cock.
Following the theme that it will be an older visitor they are targeting which will increase
quality on the back end.
Also the strong contrasting black and white colors will stand out on a website.
Here’s more:
Static Banners
This here is playing on the “Girl Next Door” type angle, by saying
“Like Fucking Your Neighbors?” and showing images of young females that will play on the
fact that there may be someone close by that is interested in hooking up.
The exclamation mark image catches the visitors attention and the sub-headline
“This is NOT a dating site…” is like a reverse psychology type of move to make the visitor
feel like this isn’t your ordinary dating site they are going to sign up to.
“This is for men willing to have quick sex at a moment’s notice” just reconfirms this and
makes them think hell yeah I’ll find someone close by that wants to hook up.
Here’s more.
Image Focused Banners
A little different style then the first couple banners, this one is using the majority of the
banner space to show 2 provocative images, with the headline and call to action on the
very bottom of the banner. !
A picture is worth a thousand words and these banners are more image focused then text
Notice how they aren’t showing their faces in the pics? It’s a psychological play to make
you think that these girls are real members that are trying to be discrete about their identity.
Here’s more.
Animated Gif Banners
Adding video to your banners ad will catch peoples attention.
(You can’t see it here but these are animated.)
Notice the “Touching Yourself Right Now?” headline is trying to catch the visitors attention
by calling them out. !
Showing the everyday not so hot female creates a sense of authenticity that the site they
sign up to will actually work.
Here’s more.
Mobile Targeted Banners
Here’s one that is aimed towards mobile visitors. “Meet By Phone” and
“Fuck 2 In 5 Minutes” is implying that you will get laid really fast. Also the “TXT BITCHES”
call to action works well for mobile because we are all used to texting. The contrasting
color and repeating image will catch your attention.
Niche Targeted Banners
This one is a rotating GIF that is targeting a specific niche for those looking for Asian girls.
Targeting tighter with your advertising can result in better conversions and better quality on
the back end. Many affiliates target stuff like BBW, Ebony, Asian, MILFS, and etc…
Here’s more.
Chat Style Banners
Chat style Banners can get some extremely high CTR’s. These are playing on the fact that
the chat boxes are very similar to what people are use to seeing on sites like FaceBook. !
The interactive aspect of these type of ads make the visitor want to click on it just
because. If you can combine this will the right landing page you can make these work
very well.
Here’s more.
Cartoon Animated Banners
Cartoon Animated Banner Ads… These break the norm and cause you to pay attention to
what is going on. On a site completely covered with adult content these easily break the
noise and pop out amongst the normal images you will see.
Here’s more.
International Banners
Now here goes some international banners. !
Notice how the terminology and slang is different from what you may be used to. It is very
important to do your research and find out the type of slang people are used to seeing and
Notice the flag in the banner, many international banners use this technique by putting the
countries flag in the creative.
It would take me forever to go over all the different types of banners around, but these are
some of the popular concepts that people are using right now.
Now that you have a little understanding of the different psychology behind these banners
let’s take a look at a few different type of Landing Pages around.
Landing Pages:
The Multiple Choice Lander
As you can see these are multiple choice type landers that engage the visitor by making
them take more action.
This is also segmenting off visitors by asking them if they are old enough to pass through.
The large image on the left is the attention grabber and usually is split tested with different
images to find the winning one.
Again, this is nothing new and these type of landers have been used to the extreme but
they do work well.
Basic attention grabbing headline and some ad copy that will raise the visitors expectation
Here’s more.
Mobile Landing Pages
As you can see these are similar to the “Rules” landing pages, but just formatted for
mobile devices.
The goal here is to make sure it loads quick and fast and everything fits on the mobile
device screen size.
Headline, Image, and Call to Action are the main focus on these type of landing pages.
Here’s more.
The Comparison Landing Page
Using a professional approach, the comparison landing page is playing off the fact that
they are giving an unbiased review.
The site design is professionally made while using a rating system with stars to add authenticity to the comparisons. "37
These type of sites are targeting visitors who are in a decision making process.
These visitors are trying to find the best sites that meet their criteria.
Now instead of trying to list all the different type of angles you could approach your landing
pages with I’ll just make a quick list of things you could test for yourself.
• Personal Review/Comparison Type Landers
• Chat Style Landing Pages
• Video Landing Pages
• One Page Text Only Lander
• Geo Location Map Type Landing Pages
As you can see there are a ton of different angles you can approach it with.
I don’t recommend you do Direct Linking if you are pushing standard SOI or DOI offers.
Using a Landing Page will allow you to have more quality control over the type of traffic you
will be sending to the Merchants.
Direct linking can work very well on certain type of offers but for the most part since your
competitors are optimizing by using Landing Pages you need to keep up with competition
and use one yourself.
Don’t be lazy... That is the main reason affiliates don’t use a Landing Page is because they
don’t want to deal with the technical aspect of setting one up.
If you want to make real money online then you need to step outside of your comfort zone.
Constantly push yourself by learning and gaining experience, there is no way around it.
Now that you have an idea of the type of Banners and Landing pages as well as know
which SpyTool you can use to do your surveillance let’s take a closer look at the different
type of offers that are available.
Different Types of Adult Offers
Adult Dating Offers - These are the most common and probably the first type of offers
you will promote as an Adult Affiliate.
Here are some examples:
As you can see there are generic offers and some that target specific niches.
Usually need just basic user information for the lead to convert. SOI, DOI, and PPS are the
most common payouts for these type of offers.
Adult WebCam Offers - Very similar to Adult Dating offers for the conversion flow except
these are more targeted for visitors interested in a Web Cam show and interaction.
These type of offers usually have a lower PPL payout then Adult Dating Offers while some
of them are strictly PPS structured. Rev Share is very common when it comes to Adult
WebCam offers if you’re looking to make the most for the long term off a visitor.
Free Trials and Male Enhancement Offers - Rebill's and straight PPS structured these
offers are very similar to traditional mainstream rebill offers where a visitor pays a small
upfront fee to receive the first shipment and then is billed monthly.
These are very popular and require a little larger of a testing budget then it would take to
push Adult Dating or Webcam offers. These type of offers constantly come and go as well
so you will need to rotate and replace them often.
Pin Submit and Pay Per Install Offers - You earn commissions when a visitor enters
their cellphone data and confirms the PIN number. PPI converts when a visitor downloads
or installs an offer, also known as “1 Click Conversion” offers.
These type of offers are gaining more and more popularity recently. Examples above are
mobile offers but these are not just limited to mobile. They have Web Pin Submits and
Web PPI type offers as well.
Adult Video and Membership Site Offers - These offers usually payout on a Rev Share
or PPS basis. Members pay a fee for trial access to the video content or pay as a monthly
Backed by powerful brands this helps with conversions as visitors have seen the brands
and trust that they will get exclusive content not available for free online.
I assume that the majority of you reading this have some prior knowledge or experience
with Internet Marketing and either already running your campaigns or looking to get your
first campaigns setup.
Now that you have a better understanding of the type of offers, banners, and
landing pages we can move on to the next phase which will be campaign setup.
This is a very crucial phase of you being successful not just in the Adult Vertical but in any
online marketing period.
Organization and Focus is the Key to being on top of your campaigns.
You need to make sure you track every single possible aspect of your campaign that you
can. The money is in the data and how you optimize it so for those of you that are scared
to lose money then this industry may not be for you...
You are not losing money but are using that money to gather important data about your
campaigns so you can improve on them and profit.
Let’s move on...
Campaign Setup
The Initial Setup !
Now I can write a 500 page book on setting up and managing your tracking. Honestly, I
am not the most technical person in the world and luckily it’s something that you don’t
have to be an expert at. There is Network support as well as documented guides to help
assist you online.
You just need to know the basics, luckily if you were smart and went with the Paid Tracking
Solution that I recommended in the beginning of this document iMobitrax you will have
access to their support team.
They will help assist you in getting things setup properly and help with any problems you
may encounter, good luck on getting any type of help from a “Free” tracker.
What I will be covering here will be a basic understanding of how you should structure your
campaigns so that you are organized and tracking efficiently. Also how you should setup
your campaigns in your Traffic Network accounts to stay organized.
I will be using a CPA Network and a random offer for this example as well as a common
Traffic Source. Using a Direct Merchant will be very similar just a different tracking platform
on their end but you can work that out with their tech team to get setup.
By now you should have these things in order.
• CPA Network or Direct Merchant Account for access to offers.
• Banners and Landing Pages ready. (Use Adult AdSpy if you need help.)
• Tracking Solution - iMobitrax
• Traffic Advertising Network Accounts to purchase Advertising from.
Now since you got those things together lets move on to getting things rolling...
Setting Up Your Tracker
First things first, you have to stay organized. That means naming your campaigns in a
smart way that allows you to have visual organization at a quick glance.
Good Organization:
ExoClick - XHamster NTV A - United States
ExoClick - XHamster NTV B - United States
ExoClick - XHamster NTV A - United Kingdom
TrafficJunky - Mobile PornHub Header - Canada
TrafficJunky - Mobile PornHub Header - Australia
Bad Organization
Campaign132 -NewTest
TestCampaign - US Footer
MobileAd - BrandNew Canada
UK - Test412 - PopAd
1205 CAMPAIGN - Ron - New Spot
As you can see the “Bad Organization” is horrible, especially once you start having dozens
of campaigns running. You don’t know what is what from a quick glance.
The “Good Organization” is perfect. You can easily identify what is what and save yourself
from the headaches later on when you start having dozens of campaigns running at the
same time.
This is a good habit to keep to when your naming and setting up campaigns in your
Tracker and as well as when you create campaigns in your Traffic Networks.
I like to keep both campaigns matching each other in my Tracker and Traffic Network so
it’s easy to identify and edit.
The “Good Organization” allows you to easily see what Ad Placements and what Traffic
Sources they are so you can be organized and efficient.
Open up iMobitrax and then “Add Campaign”.
Enter the campaign name, and enter in a Campaign Group & Traffic Source so you can
sort by those types later on if you want. I usually name it the by the Traffic Source, Ad
Placement, and Country. e.g. ExoClick - Footer - US
Enter in your CPC amount. If you are running CPM Bids, gather some data and then take
total amount of spend divided by how many clicks and this should give you a very close
estimate on what you’re actually paying CPC wise.
Many Traffic Sources have “Tokens” you can pass which allows you to capture extra data
that will allow you to optimize, be sure to ask your Traffic Source what those tokens are
and load them in if you want.
You will see that for this example I want to be able to track each individual Banner that I will
be using so I enter in this data on the C1 Field which is Token 1.
I’ll show you how that comes into to play in a little bit.
Now you need to upload your offers.
CPA Network Setup
Let’s log into a CPA Network and pick an offer for us to load up.
The Green Arrow is pointing to a “SubID” section, this is where I usually enter something in
that will allow me to know where my leads are coming from within the reporting in the CPA
Once you add that in and update the Tracking Link for your offer it will be properly
formatted to pass that SubID.
You will need to copy the tracking link and paste it back into iMobitrax.
If there are different landing page versions of the offer you should pull those links as well
and add those to your tracker, or find completely different offers and load them in.
Now this is what it should look like.
You enter the name of the offers, and enter the Tracking URL into each as well as the
payout you’re getting and the percentage of traffic rotation.
Notice the Campaign Type is “Direct Link” on default. You can click on Landing Page and
it will bring you to a page where you enter your landing page Urls and choose rotation for
This is just a quick crash course on getting it setup. You should definitely read the Official
iMobitrax Guide that comes with it as there are many features that I am not covering here
for the sake of keeping it simple.
After you create your campaign in iMobitrax you will have to make sure you take the
iMobitrax conversion pixel that is located on the bottom of the campaign creation window.
You will need to place this conversion pixel on the offer that you loaded into the tracker.
You also have to make sure that on your Landing Page if you are using one that you have
placed the piece of code that will allow iMobitrax to track incoming clicks.
And have also edited the outbound links on your Landing Page.
Let’s grab the conversion pixel and place it on the offers.
Select the appropriate pixel and copy the link and bring it to your offer page on the CPA
Network and place it there.
You can have to have your Affiliate Manager set the pixel for you if you are having trouble
doing so, they are usually more then happy to help get you situated.
So now that you copied your conversion pixel code you can set it here.
Each tracking network will have a different placeholder variable that you will need to
append to the end of the tracker’s conversion pixel code. You need to append this
variable to the end of your offer links as well inside of your tracker. Different types of
tracking platforms require different variables and you will have to speak with your Affiliate
Manager or Direct Merchant to find out what variable will work to fire off your pixels.
Don’t let the technical stuff scare you, it’s really a lot easier then it sounds. The instruction
manual for the tracker will contain all the step by step details need, also remember you
have access to the support staff that can assist you further.
So let’s do a quick recap real fast.
• Created a new campaign within our Tracking Solution.
• Made sure to at least set a C1 Token to track individual Banners later on.
• Grabbed offers from our Network and added a SubID for data reporting later on.
• Place those offer links within our tracker.
• Placed our Landing Page Urls in our tracker.
• Made sure we placed the proper tracking codes on our Landing Pages
• Made sure to placed the proper outbound links on our Landing Pages
• Grabbed the conversion pixel code from iMobitrax
• Place that conversion pixel code on our Offers in the Network
• Update and Save everything.
So far we are almost ready to take that Campaign Tracking URL and load that into our
traffic sources so we can begin tracking everything properly.
Advertising Network Setup
Now that we have our campaign setup and ready to go we want to get the Advertising
Network setup so we can run some traffic and start seeing what is working and what is
When we created the campaign earlier in our tracker I usually name it based on what
Traffic Source and what placement I will be using. So I will take that same information and
load it into the Advertising Network.
You would setup your campaign as normal by selecting the appropriate targeting since
some offers only allow mobile/web or certain countries only. So you would choose your
targeting as well at the Ad Placements and then you will get to the most important part
which is making sure your Banners you upload all have individual unique tracking links that
you set up earlier.
Remember when we added this token into our campaign?
Well, when we did that this is what happened when we updated and saved our campaign.
It spit out this Campaign URL with a little attachment at the end.
Do you notice the little “Ad” at the end of the link?
This is what we will be using to track each individual banner.
We would use the exact same campaign link but manually erase and add “Ad” to the end
of each link.
For example:
Remember, it’s the same campaign tracking link just we manually edited the “Ad” part at
the end. We will be using these individual links each time we upload a new banner into our
You upload a new banner and place the “Target URL” as a unique link that you can identify
later on. You can name it anything you want at the end of the link.
When you start running traffic you can click view stats and you see this.
Do you see that besides tracking every other bit of data automatically we have another
category which is “Banners” which is the C1 Token that we added when we created our
campaign. You can ad up to 10 unique tokens to take whatever it is you need.
If click on that “Banner” option in the Group Data By drop down menu we can then start
seeing all the data for each particular Banner Ad that we ran.
You can gather all kinds of data automatically.
For this example instead of using “Ad” at the end of my link, I used “March” but it doesn’t
matter just use any text that will help make it easier for you to identify which banners you
were running.
You can now take that data and cross reference it to the data that comes up in your
Advertising Network.
Since you placed your conversion pixel already you will see which Banners and Landing
Pages generated the lead inside of iMobitrax. Just start optimizing by pausing Banners
that are not converting well for you ,having a tracker in place and everything setup will
allow you to really zero in and find what is working and what it not.
There are really too many features for me to cover in this guide that you can do with
iMobitrax and I am really doing it an injustice by not covering it in full detail but I didn’t want
people to get hung up and overwhelmed on the “Tracking” side of the things.
Just pick it up then use it and read through the instruction guide that comes with it.
You can watch some tutorial videos on how to use it at http://www.iMobitraxSoftware.com
Now remember that “SubID” that you setup earlier when pulling the offer links from the
CPA Network?
Well, when you log in you will see the lead in your reporting, you’ll also have the ability to
see that SubID data. If you were smart you would have made the SubID something that
would easily identify which source it came from.
Remember you could be promoting the same offer on multiple sites or placements.
You want to make sure that you can see at a quick glance which sources were converting
for that lead. Of course this data will be in your tracker BUT you always want to have a
backup and the real lead that counts is the one that is in the network since it’s the one that
they will base your commission payout on.
Sometimes pixels don’t fire correctly for whatever reason so the data in your tracking
solution could be marginally off. At the end of the day you’re only getting paid for what is
being counted in your Network not your Tracker.
If there is one thing that I can summarize by this whole section that would be to stay
absolutely focused and organized when setting up your tracking and campaigns.
Don’t let things get messy because if you do you will become overwhelmed and
disorganized, then it’s a downhill ride after that.
Keep everything nice and clean and remember to double check all of your links before you
set it live. Test the outbound links on your Landing Pages to make sure they redirect
visitors to the offer when they click.
Adult Media Buying
CPM, CPC, and Flat Rate Buys
When you buy advertising your going to be buying it based on a few different bidding
models. There are Pros and Cons to each of course and I’ll cover some strategies to help
you get the most out of your advertising.
CPM Bids !
You will be paying a certain bid price for every 1,000 impressions.
e.g. 0.25 CPM = 0.25 every time 1,000 impressions load.
It does not matter which advertiser has the Highest Banner CTR because the Traffic
Network is making money regardless if people click on your Ads or not.
They are only concerned with who is Bidding the Highest since they will earn the most per
CPM. Don’t get it confused the Traffic Networks are in the game to make the most money
possible especially if the inventory they carry is in high demand.
The only thing that will slightly affect this algorithm is the total amount of budget set for the
day. The Traffic Network may allocate you more traffic even at a lower bid price if they
know your overall daily budget is high as they want to fill those numbers.
Generally though on a CPM Bid structure it’s safe to say whoever is bidding the highest
per CPM will be the one who will win the majority of traffic.
You need to have a High CTR Banner so you can squeeze the most possible traffic you
can get per CPM. This will lower your overall click cost if you do the math, remember you
still pay a set price per CPM even if no one clicks on your Banners.
Don’t get obsessed with High CTR Banners though... You need to have a solid balance
with a High CTR Banner as well as combining that with a High Conversion Rate ultimately.
Again, without a solid tracking solution you are just shooting in the dark and guessing.
The money is in the data you are collecting and being able to identify the winners.
CPC Bids !
You will be paying a set price for every single click you get.
e.g. 0.05 CPC = 0.05 cents every time your link is clicked.
The benefit of paying CPC is that you will know exactly how many clicks you will get for the
amount of money you spend, unlike CPM where your ad cost will fluctuate up and down.
The downside is, if the minimum CPC for a Traffic Network is 0.05 cents for example, there
is nothing you can do to get your clicks lower than 0.05 cents regardless if you have an
extremely High CTR Banner.
The Traffic Network is using an algorithm to display Ads strategically based on which Ad
will generate them the most revenue.
Paying the most per click doesn’t guarantee you the most traffic, remember the Traffic
Source is only getting paid when someone “clicks” on your Banners even if your Ad has
been shown 1,000’s of times on the network.
If it has a low Banner CTR that means that they won’t show your Ad as often as someone
else who may be bidding less but has a much Higher CTR Banner.
Makes sense?
You will find that when you launch your Banners on a CPC Traffic Network that you will get
a spurt of traffic initially and then traffic will slow down.
What is happening is the system is pumping traffic your way so they can calculate how
profitable your Banners will be on the network.
Your goal just like a CPM Traffic Source is to get a High CTR Banner so your Ads will be
shown the most. Again, Banner CTR means nothing if you are not converting well from
those type of banners, so you have to find a perfect balance.
Flat Rate Buy !
You buy an estimated amount of impressions for a flat rate for a set duration of time.
e.g. $5,000 for 30 Days or $0.33 cents CPM Rate for 500K Daily Impressions.
The benefit of buying ads on a Flat Rate is you can buy larger blocks of time so you don’t
have to micro manage everything daily.
Competition will normally be less of a concern cause you are now paying upfront for an
estimated amount of impressions instead of competing daily with other affiliates fighting
over traffic bids and volume.
These types of deals are normally done as a Direct To Site Buy or through a Managed
Network. The downside is you will have to commit to a higher buy initially and really have
no clue exactly how many impressions you will get for sure as this will fluctuate daily.
Also you are usually committed to one set Ad Placement for a longer duration of time and
since Ad space is sold in larger blocks of time you may have to wait until a certain Ad
placements comes free for you to be able to snatch it up.
Most advertisers who have found profitable spots already have purchased inventory
months in advance so when the window of opportunity happens to open up sometimes
you have to act very fast to secure the deal or you’ll just miss out.
Now just because it is a Flat Rate Buy that doesn’t mean it has to be a large buy either.
There are many buys that are available that you can secure that requirement a small
upfront cost, but they are usually low traffic volume sites.
When you’re buying media heavily you will more than likely have an assortment of
campaigns running everywhere on CPC, CPM, and Flat Rate Models.
Insertion Orders
The Insertion Order is a contract that covers all the details of the advertising buy between
the seller and purchaser of the media buy.
Some of the details that may or may not be included are:
• Price per CPC, CPM, Flat Rate, or Total Cost
• Flight Dates of the Media Buy
• Targeting Options e.g. Country, Device, Carriers, etc.
• Site Placement
• Ad Placement on the Site
• Frequency Capping
• OutClause
• Daily Cap for Impressions or Spend
• Day Parting and Week Parting
There are many other details that can be included as well and everything should be
negotiated and agreed on before signing the I/O.
Nowadays it’s common to just get sent an email containing the details and then go over
the contract making sure everything is correct and then signing it and sending it back.
Sometimes you can just respond by email with “Confirm” and other times you have to print
it out and then sign it, scan it, and then send it back.
You have to be sure to make it clear between you and the seller what the details are, do
not sign something if you are unsure about something.
Make sure that everything leans more in your favor and safety if the buy doesn’t work out
well for you from the beginning. You want to make sure you have safety nets set in place
that allow you to use your out clause to get out of the deal with minimal lost.
The out clause can be something simple as a 24-48 hour notice to stop the buy if things
aren’t working out.
Even traffic distribution can be important as you don’t want to use your out clause and
then be in a situation where they max out traffic delivery to get the most spend out of you.
A Closer Look at Self Serve Traffic Networks
Now that you have a basic understanding how to setup your tracker and links and know
how to upload your banners and links so you can identify what Banners are producing the
best results lets start taking a closer look at the Traffic Networks you will be buying
advertising from.
Like I said earlier if you are just starting out in the paid advertising space I highly suggest
that you start purchasing your advertising from a Self Serve Traffic Network.
It will allow you to test on a smaller budget instead of being committed for a larger buy.
Let’s take a closer look at one everyone should be familiar with by now and go over a few
strategies that will help you make the most out of that network.
TrafficJunky - http://www.TrafficJunky.net
Setup an account at this network and get your credit card or payment in order.
You can select certain Site Placements and Ad placements and get an idea of the amount
of impressions available per site that you can purchase advertising on.
You can narrow down on a particular site and see more details about what type of
placements are available as well at the targeting options that are allow for each spot.
You can see the preview of where your Ad will be displayed on the site.
Now even though you see the minimum bid below, don’t expect to be able to pay that
minimum price as there are many advertisers bidding in real time and it will usually be a lot
higher then what you see there.
TrafficJunky’s bidding platform is based on a CPM model not a CPC model.
Setting up your campaign is self explanatory and simple, just be sure when you’re
uploading your Banner Ads that you provide a unique Tracking URL for each Banner like I
spoke on earlier. TrafficJunky also has a conversion pixel that you can set on your offers
as well if you want to add that extra layer of tracking to your campaigns.
You can see what other’s are bidding in realtime on the placement you selected.
This is the data you should base your actual bid you are going to set on.
Here’s a look at some bids for a certain placement to give you an idea.
As you can see there are ton of advertisers as this is a competitive spot. You can see
everyone is bidding differently with different daily budgets and targeting options.
Each person is getting a different percentage of Traffic, but don’t stay to focused on the
percentage others are getting... Just focus on getting your stuff working first and foremost.
Don’t let ego run you in the Paid Advertising game as you will start to encounter Bidding
Wars which we will go over later on.
You can take a look at the overall bids and get an idea of what you might need to bid to
even get any type of traffic. Bid conservatively at first and then slowly increase bids to get
more traffic if you are working on a budget.
ExoClick - http://www.ExoClick.com
Another self serve network very similar to the type of traffic quality you will get on
TrafficJunky. Setting up your account again is self explanatory.
As you can see they have a ton of inventory and it shows you how many daily impressions,
what sites, what placements, and the Alexa ranking for each site to give you an idea of
traffic volumes.
You can set up your targeting and really focus on where you want your ads displayed.
ExoClick allows CPC and CPM Bidding so you have to play around with it to see which
one will perform the best for you.
Remember just like with every other Traffic Network you need to make sure your uploading
unique tracking urls for each banner. VERY IMPORTANT.
You can grab a Conversion Pixel from ExoClick and load it into your offer as well if you
want to track via the Traffic Network Dashboard.
PlugRush - http://www.PlugRush.com
This is a different type of traffic source as the majority of the traffic will be redirection traffic
as well as “Plug Traffic. This is a CPC network and you can choose what type of traffic
source you like and target traffic sources as well as different countries.
As you can see some of the pricing inventory is very cheap and you can get a ton of traffic
by using this source.
Here is a step by step tutorial on how to get something profitable on PlugRush that I
posted and you can read here:
Now I’m only posting these quick snap shots of different Traffic Networks because I know
that the people reading this will range from absolute beginners to advanced marketers.
Being able to see the inside of different traffic sources will hopefully break a beginners fear
of taking action and signing up to run some advertisements.
I could literally go on for hours by showing you different Traffic Networks but there is no
need to as you already have an entire list of sources that I gave you in the beginning.
The most important thing you need to focus on is learning and mastering one traffic source
at a time.
Each traffic source will have little nuances about them that you can only learn and master
by focusing in on that one source.
Don’t make the mistake of launching one campaign and then jumping to the next source,
this is a surefire way to fail.
Almost all traffic sources allow you to do some type of targeting and you should make it an
effort to learn and test all the capabilities available to you and put them to use.
Managed Traffic Network Buy
You will be buying traffic through a Managed Network which will involve you interacting
with an Affiliate Representative and a team of staff that will help get your campaigns
uploaded and running.
Some managed networks let you choose what site and ad placement you want to
advertise on while other networks run Blind.
Running blind means that they serve your ads but won’t necessarily reveal what publisher
sites your ads are being displayed on to you. They can optimize by giving their conversion
pixel to you so you can set it on your offer which will then fire when a lead is generated and
let them know what is working on their end.
They can also give you a dynamic token that you can use in your tracking link that will pass
the valuable data back to you in your tracker.
Sometimes instead of an actual website or placement the token will allow you to see a
Zone Number or Site ID Number which you can relay back to the network for them to
adjust your campaign.
You may or may not be able to pause banners depending on your relationship with the
The traffic source usually require you to email them your banners and tracking urls and
they will manually upload it for you.
They have all the stats and data available to view within their dashboard, from my
experience the majority of managed networks lack the advance capabilities and detailed
reporting that most advance marketers would like to see.
There is a chance that they may accept an Ad Tag from your own AdServer which will
allow you to upload and rotate banners on the fly on your end, but I found that this is
usually a rare occurrence as they want to be able to keep data contained on their end.
Once you negotiate with your Representative on what type of buy you would like they will
send you an I/O which you have to sign and send back, sometimes you can just reply with
a “confirm” in an email to verify that you are accepting the terms of the Insertion Order.
This will go over the Ad Placement, Impressions Amount, Duration, Targeting, Total Cost,
and anything else that you may have negotiated prior.
Payment is usually accepted through a Bank Wire but some Networks will accept Credit
Card payments directly.
The payment will need to be paid in full before your actual buy is Live and running.
Build some history with a Managed Network and it is likely that they will extend you a line
of credit which will make running advertisements with them much easier and will also free
up cash flow on your end.
Direct To Site Buy !
If you are planning to buy traffic directly from a website owner I highly suggest you do your
research on the site if you have never ran traffic via a third party network prior.
Usually you will find a site that is a winner for you by running traffic through a Self Serve or
a Managed Network and then attempt to cut them out of the picture and save some
money by contacting the site owner and running with them directly.
Others times you will be randomly searching around and want to test. You will usually see
something on the footer of a website that will allow you to get in contact with the owner.
When you click that it will take you to a page which will contain either an email, phone
number, or an Instant Messenger contact. Find a way of communication that will work the
best for you, more than likey email will be the winner.
Contact them professionally and don’t expect to hear back from them right away and in
the meantime contact other sites.
Eventually someone will get back to you and then you can negotiate the media buy.
You can find some more information by doing a little research on the site you plan on
buying traffic from.
Direct To Site Market Research
You can find some useful information about the site you want to purchase advertising on,
you can use this information to find out more about a specific landing page you may want
to know more about.
You should cross reference this Alexa data with Quantcast and get even more data that
you can use to make a decision on buying ads on that website.
This is important to do because some website owners will try to inflate the amount of
traffic their site gets as well as what countries visit their site. Using these tools you can see
if they are being honest about the type of traffic volumes they have inventory on.
This will allow you to know if the targeted audience of the website will fit your offer.
I highly suggest that if you are doing your advertising through a Direct Buy that you use
your own AdServer. This will allow you to optimize very fast on you end as well as allow
you to have the freedom to upload banners whenever you need to refresh your ads.
A Web-Based server that delivers banners ads and PopUps to the requesting Web Pages.
Using your own will allow you to serve your Banners without having to worry about having
the WebMaster or Third Party manage your ads. It will also let you have granular control
over all aspects of how your ad is served.
Here are a few you should look into. Remember they come at a cost and will add to your
overall Media Buying expense, so be sure to calculate them in your equation.
SiteScout AdServer - http://www.sitescout.com/ad-server/
The most expensive solution, but it has a nice user interface and a few advance options
and good reporting but you have to pay upfront for a monthly package. They will charge
you CDN fees for displaying your banners as well.
AdShuffle AdServer - http://www.AdShuffle.com
A good one as well since its pay as you go. Since there are no contracts you can come
and go as you please without having to worry about being stuck in a plan. This one does
lack a few capabilities and the user interface can be a little confusing and intimidating for a
novice when first starting out but this is a good option.
Blink AdServer - http://engagebdr.com/advertisers/blink-adserver-global-ad-servingtechnology/
I saved the best for last. My absolute favorite AdServer Bar None. No need to explain just
know that this is the best choice if you are looking for the best rate and quality. ;-)
Adult Mobile Traffic
The Power of Adult Mobile Traffic
If there is one source of traffic that I have to say that has made me a significant amount of
money, that would have to be Adult Mobile Traffic.
The amount of traffic available is insane and it’s still fresh territory for a lot of marketers
because they are so familiar with Web based advertising but it’s such a different state of
mind to be successful on mobile.
Adult Mobile Traffic volumes will continue to increase dramatically in the upcoming years as
more people will become accustomed to using their cellphone as the main source of
internet browsing.
Take a look around you when you are out in public.
What are people doing? Most likely they are glued to their phones browsing online.
People resort to using their phone a lot more often then they use their laptop and this is
how you’re able to capitalize off this up and coming trend.
You have an opportunity to convert visitors while they are:
• Laying in bed
• Away from the laptop
• Using the bathroom. (Yes, we all know you do.)
• On break from work or school.
• While commuting and traveling
• Hanging out watching Television
Etc etc...
Now when it comes to Adult Marketing let me give you some reasons that I think people
prefer to use their mobile device instead of the traditional desktop computer.
We all know that it is common for the average household to share the same home
Parents use the computer for work and then the kids use the computer to do some
homework and play games right?
People have a paranoia about letting others find out that they have been browsing Porn
Sites and will do whatever it takes to cover their tracks.
The easiest way is to just use their own personal cell phone to browse since no one will be
checking the history.
Also, people have a fear of downloading some type of SpyWare or Virus so they avoid
visiting these type of sites on their main computer and don’t worry about getting viruses on
their cellphone.
Last thing you want to do is be caught looking at Porn at your Work. It’s easy to browse
secretly at your desk by using your phone.
Another big thing is most people don’t have laptops and still use a desktop machine. You
can’t take the computer with you to the bedroom so it’s much easier to just use your
phone to do the browsing while your in the bed.
There are a ton of reason Adult Mobile volume is huge as you can see but the main
reasons are:
Privacy and Accessibility.
Being able to view what you want with the comfort of knowing it’s only on your personal
Now Tablets are a huge trend and I still like to consider them a “Mobile” source as some
tablets come with a data coverage plan just like a cellphone.
They usually fall under a different category in the Advertising Network but they still land in
that gray area between an actual Mobile Device versus Laptop Computer for most people
but I like to keep things simple and put Tablets in the Mobile Traffic category.
Importance of Speed and Load Times
Marketers come into the Adult Mobile Traffic world with the same mindset that they have
with Web Based Marketing, but it’s completely different.
Instead of focusing so much on ROI with Mobile you should focus on trying to get Volume.
It is very important that you have a fast server that can handle the traffic volumes as well as
deliver your landing pages and redirects extremely fast.
Remember, people are browsing on their cellphone and many places in the world have
very slow connection speeds. You want to make sure your landing pages are light and not
to graphic intensive.
The processing power and graphical capabilities in these phones lack the technology to
handle the type of websites and content that we use for web based advertising.
Speed is everything in mobile and if your pages or redirects take to long to load then just
kiss your profits goodbye.
Hopefully you’ve set yourself up with a strong enough server from one of the sources I
recommended in the beginning of this report.
You can also look into getting a CDN to host your images, this will benefit your Web
campaigns as well as improve load times on your Mobile campaigns.
I recommended RackSpace Cloud:
You can also look into:
While some affiliates will run all of their tracking and host the images on the same server
you can squeeze some faster load times by using a CDN.
You can also look into using a DNS service that will help with speeds as well.
I recommend this service:
You are competing against affiliates who have optimized their servers and web pages to
optimal performance levels to load at lightening fast speeds.
Do what you can to keep up with the competition and make sure your in the race.
SmartPhone versus FeaturePhone
While I am not going to go super in depth about the types of cellphone devices available
on the market today as they’re just way too many, I do want to cover the two most
important differences in my opinion as an Adult Mobile Marketer that you will come across.
These will be SmartPhones and a FeaturePhones.
Instead of breaking the differences of the two down by a technology standpoint I will just
give you a basic overall understanding of what it is.
A Smartphone has a much stronger processor, graphics, and web browsing capabilities
then a Feature Phone which will allow the user to view the Internet on their phone just like
they would on their home computer.
A Feature Phone will be able to browse online as well but will lack the processing and
graphical power to display the websites you visit as you would see them on your laptop.
It will be more like a text based internet will little graphics and slow loading speeds.
Automatically every marketer will want to target the “iPhone” or “Android” devices which
makes sense at they are probably the highest converting devices since they have full web
browsing features.
What most people don’t understand is while the United States and some parts of the
world are ahead in technology there are many places where Feature Phones are the
dominant type of device used by the population.
There is a ton of money and traffic volumes being left on the table if you are not targeting
Feature Phones in your campaigns.
You can get a ton of very cheap traffic for Feature Phones and avoid a lot of competition
by targeting devices that most Marketers won’t waste their times on.
This is why your Tracking Solution is absolutely vital to your success in the mobile space.
If you are not using a Mobile Tracking Solution then there is no use in buying mobile traffic.
Luckily iMobitrax has the power to not only handle all of your mobile tracking but your web
based campaigns as well.
Killing 2 birds with 1 stone.
I can’t stop recommending them enough, seriously. You will be able to see exactly what
devices are converting and which ones are not down to the exact model as well as other
important data.
Focus on dominating SmartPhone users but also add FeaturePhone targeting in your
campaigns as well as you will be able to see some crazy volumes and ROIs for both.
Do your research per country and find out what the majority of the population your
targeting is using.
Mobile Lead Quality
Many of you are probably questioning the difference in the quality of leads you will get from
Adult Mobile sources versus the leads you get from Web Based traffic.
If you take a look at your offer payout they are typically lower then what you would get paid
out for from a web based offer.
Merchants realized that the backend conversions are much higher for someone browsing
on their computer for web since potential leads are more inclined to enter their credit card
details on a full screen with keyboard then on a small handheld device.
You will still be able to get great conversions on mobile and here are a few reasons why.
People browse on their cellphone and can enter in basic information like username, email,
and password to join a site that will convert for you as SOI offer.
It will also convert as a DOI offer when they confirm by visiting their email inbox which
nowadays most people already have setup right on their cellphone.
People then hop on the computer down the line and revisit the emails they received as well
as revisit the sites that they’ve joined from their phone. Hopefully converting into a Paid
User for the Merchant.
There are also offers that convert by automatically targeting the users carrier and billing
them based on their actions. In many parts of the world it is common practice to be billed
in this manner.
There is huge potential and mobile leads DO convert to paid users and PPS offers DO
work on Mobile Traffic.
The main thing you need to do is TRACK exactly what is working and what is not.
There are dozens of more variables that come in to play that will affect your campaigns
when running mobile traffic compared to running web traffic.
Different Carriers will produce different results. There are many “Prepaid” cellphone
services that will typically result in lower lead quality for the merchant simply because the
users don’t have the money to ever convert into a paid user. Take in consideration all of
these common sense thoughts and do your market research when you are targeting
devices as well as different countries.
Again, the real proof is the actual data you get so always test before you just assume
things as you may be surprised on what you find out.
Adult Mobile Landing Page Types
There should be 2 types of landing pages you will need to craft for your mobile campaigns.
SmartPhone Landing Page !
SmartPhone devices can handle a little more processing and graphics so you can get
away with using more coding to enhance the landing pages effects.
These can be animated graphics, timers, geo location scripts, jQuery, video, etc.
Make use of the larger screen sizes available but still make sure the page loads fast and is
not too heavy.
FeaturePhone Landing Page !
FeaturePhone devices can’t handle all the coding and graphics that a SmartPhone can so
when you craft these pages make sure to keep them extremely simple.
Simple text and very basic graphics if any should be used on your landing pages and they
should be very light and load fast.
Simplicity is the key when designing pages for these type of devices.
Also do your research once you start noticing different devices models giving you traffic
and find out what the screen size is and adjust your landing page so that it will fit with the
right proportions of the screen.
Some phones may or may not pass “cookies” as well as many other variables that could
affect lead tracking so there may be discrepancies with what leads get tracked in your
tracker versus those that show up in your Network account.
Adult Mobile Campaign Case Study
If you want to see the real potential of running Adult Mobile Traffic combined with using a
proper mobile tracking solution then you need to read this.
Be prepared to spend about a good 30 minutes reading it as it’s an EPIC post that
provides all kinds of gold nuggets.
Take a moment and read the post then after your done come back to this report.
Read it here:
Are you back yet?
As you can see it is absolutely vital that you have a solid mobile tracking solution in place
that will give you all the important data you need to optimize.
You absolutely have to be running Adult Mobile Traffic right now in your campaigns and
work hard on trying gain experience and master this type of traffic.
It is going no where soon and from the look of it will only increase exponentially in the
upcoming year so take advantage of it now while the mobile space is still very fragmented
and cash in on this Gold Rush.
Adult Web Traffic
Standard Adult Web Traffic
While Adult Mobile Traffic only continues to grow in volume there is nothing more familiar
then purchasing Web Based Adult Traffic and running Web Based Adult Campaigns.
The majority of online visitors still use their computer for the main source of browsing
online even though they have a cellphone.
People still prefer to watch videos and use high speed internet on a full screen monitor
with a keyboard instead of browsing on a small device.
Since they have access to high speed internet you can get away with using much more
complicated Landing Pages and scripts that you couldn’t get away with using for mobile.
There is a tremendous amount of traffic available plus many different targeting options for
Ad placements that make mastering the Web Based Platform a very important part of your
overall success as an Adult Media Buyer.
Web Based Landing Page Tactics
Since we have the full capabilities of a computer to process our landing pages we can be
very advance with the type of codes and scripts we can use to increase conversions.
Here are just a few to give you some ideas that you should test:
• Exit Pops - Stops the visitor and makes them think twice about closing out the window.
• Countdown Timers - Increases urgency and pushes visitors to continue to fill out offers.
• Geo Location Script - Calls out the visitors City or State which may improve conversions.
• Audio - Grabs a visitors attention and makes them listens to your presell.
• Video - Video is the standard nowadays and can improve your overall conversions.
• Interactive Elements - Engaging with the user will increase likelihood of them completing
the offer down the line.
There are many other things you can use if you think outside of the box.
Here is a very good tactic by my good friend and partner Jay from
http://www.JayKnowsCash.com which involves using a Pop Under on your landing pages.
You can read about this method here:
As you can see there are all kind of ways to make the most out of visitors who are
accessing the online web from a computer.
Do understand that some exit pops and scripts may not be allowed by the Traffic Network
so you should always have landing page backups just in case the ones you submit get
Also don’t think that just because it’s web that you HAVE to use all kinds of bells and
whistles on your landing page to increase conversions, sometimes simple landing pages
will actually do better then landing pages that are all complicated and advance.
This really all comes down to knowing and mastering where your traffic is coming from.
Again, Always Be Testing.
Web Based PopUnder Traffic
To touch up a little bit more on the tactic mentioned above we will be taking a look at
Web Based PopUnder Traffic.
This is not like your traditional PPV traffic that you are used to.
The traffic comes Fast and Heavy and will melt down your servers if you do not have a
server that can handle this type of volume.
You can buy PopUnder traffic from the sources mentioned in the beginning of this guide
from many of the Self Serve Traffic Networks.
You Campaign URL will load when a visitor hits the homepage or when they click a video.
You have a choice of using your Landing Page or just Direct Linking. Depending on the
offer Direct Linking can work very well especially with Web Cam Offers.
For Adult Dating I suggest you use a Landing Page but there are some versions of offer
landing pages that have worked well for me in the past just Direct Linking.
If you do use a Landing Page I suggest hosting all of your images on a CDN as mentioned
earlier. You still pay for the “Pop” of your campaign url regardless if they page loads up for
the visitor or not. Remember, a visitor will close out your pop window if they see that it is
lagging when loading and that is just throwing money down the drain.
You want your page to load instantly.
You can also use a PPV network to target domains and keywords that are Adult Related
but you have to make sure the window that opens is not too graphic as you will get your
campaign disapproved.
Here is a source you can use.
Tracking is crucial so it’s very important that you pass the right Tokens to see which
domains or keywords are converting for you.
*Secret Tip*
If you notice competition moving in on your Ad Placements what you can do is use
PopUnders and target that competitor’s landing page. ;-)
This will not only disrupt their traffic and conversions but also increase your revenue as well
since you’ll be snatching potential leads away from their page.
Also, the competitor will probably never know that they are being targeted because most
people never will make the effort to check.
This is why it’s a good idea after you’ve been running your landing pages a while to switch
it up a bit and use a new domain name just in case your competition is targeting you.
Campaign Strategies
Initial Campaign Testing Approach
At this phase you should already be having some sort of campaigns running or be very
close to launching your first campaigns.
These should be marked off your Checklist:
• Hosting And Tracker Solution Setup
• CPA Network or Direct Merchant Offers Available
• Traffic Network Accounts Setup and Funded.
• Campaigns Setup, with Offers and Pixels Placed.
• Traffic Ad Placement Selected
• Banners and Landing Pages Uploaded and Ready.
You should be or almost be at the phase where you can hit the “Activate” button and
campaigns will be ready to run.
Take a look at your total budget and ask yourself is this enough cash to drive enough
traffic to each element of my marketing funnel with consideration of the price I will be
paying for traffic?
If you are working with a smaller budget then you will not be able to test big.
You will need to test small and with less banners.
Choose One Traffic Source and One Ad Placement.
You need to learn how to master one traffic source at a time. The typical newbie mistake
is to jump from one thing to the next.
Learn and master one source and get good at it and then move on.
Launch your campaign by picking one Ad Placement, this will allow you to be able to read
the data properly as different Ad Placements will have different CTR and CR numbers.
If you are a Novice the differences in the numbers will throw you off and you won’t be able
to understand and juggle what is working and what is not.
Focus is the most important thing here.
When Launching you HAVE to test multiple Banners.
Preferably Dozens but starting out a minimum of 5-10 Banners.
Also you have to split test your Landing Pages as well. You don’t need as many LP
variations compared to Banners, 1-3 at first is a good amount.
If you have not found a winning offer you MUST rotate offers on the end of your funnel.
This can be:
• The Same Offer on Different Networks
• The Same Offer with a Different Offer LP Version
• Completely Different Offers
There is no use launching a campaign if you are NOT testing different variables.
The goal here is to find the winning combination that generates the best return.
The only way we can do that is by doing controlled test.
Bidding Strategies
I like to come in with a Higher Bid right away because I want to see what type of traffic
volumes I can get off that Ad Placement. I also want to make sure that I set a high enough
bid to make sure that my Ads are being shown on the premium site placements as well as
the best carriers and devices.
This is very important if you are targeting RON traffic as well as Mobile Traffic if other
advertisers are targeting Devices & Carriers. If you are bidding to low you might not ever
get a chance to see that “Good” traffic others are fighting over.
The other strategy that most people do is come in bidding very low just to see what type
of traffic they can get. If they get a little bit they slowly increase their bids up gradually
every hour or so until they see a comfortable flow of traffic.
This is more of a safe bidding strategy to not blow through a ton of budget real fast
especially if you have no prior experience on that Traffic Source or Placement.
There is a time and place for this technique but me personally I like to come in hard and
bid aggressively and get my data back as fast as possible so I can make adjustments.
Marketing Material Backup
Always have some Banners, Landing Pages, and Offers ready as a backup.
You may launch your campaign and burn through the first batch of banners without finding
any winners so you need to have backups ready so you can keep things rolling.
Same thing for your LP’s.
Your offer may go down or not convert so you need to have backups handy. This is very
important if you are purchasing larger buys or doing direct to site buys. You don’t want to
be in a situation where an offer goes down and your in the middle of your buy... Have
some backup offers as a safety net.
Multiple Campaign Management
Eventually you will get to the point of having multiple campaigns running. The best way is
to have those multiple campaigns on one traffic source so you can easily view and edit
everything from one interface.
Everything comes down to your budget.
If you are limited then each new campaign added will take away from the overall budget
you can invest per campaign.
That’s why for a novice I highly suggest finding one campaign and focusing on getting that
one working. Only if you have cash readily available should you launch campaigns in
multiple batches at once.
Don’t spread yourself too thin.
The way you name and structure your campaigns in your Traffic Source and Tracking
Solution will be the determining factor if you will be able to handle multiple campaigns
down the road.
Organization is key and you should set a standard now for yourself to always be on top of
your campaigns by keeping them clean and organized.
Advice on Scaling
I get asked a lot how do I scale my campaigns?
Well, first off there is no use worrying about scaling a campaign if all of them you have are
The moment you do find a winning combination of Banners, LPs, and Offers you need to
hit it hard and scale it as fast as you can.
You can do so by doing a few of the following:
• Increase Bids To Get Maximum Traffic on That Placement
• Max Daily Spend Budgets to Take All The Traffic Available
• Copy Your Campaign Over To Similar Placements For More Exposure
• Port That Campaign Over To Another Traffic Source
• Repeat These On Each Traffic Source and Replicate Over and Over.
Everybody has their own go to Traffic Sources and routines that they use to scale out a
winning campaign.
Start looking to find your routine and get your Traffic Sources in line so when you do come
across a winning campaign you can immediately let open the floodgates.
It’s okay to sacrifice ROI for Volume.
Just aim to hit those high daily numbers and the profits should come in right behind that.
The Work Flow
Get use to making new creatives constantly. This is why Marketers who are using
Adult AdSpy have a competitive edge on you, they have a never ending supply of fresh
content to get ideas from.
Upload and test new banner creatives daily.
Monitor and Adjust Bids due to the competitor fluctuations.
Be in the habit of launching more and more campaigns.
When you start gaining traction you should be launching new campaigns daily.
This includes testing new Ad Placements, new Traffic Sources, and Different Countries.
Accounting will start to become an on going process...
You should be keeping your Traffic accounts funded by checking your account balance
You also need to make sure you are receiving your commissions from the networks in a
timely manner and staying on top of what is coming in and what is going out.
You should setup a time of day everyday where you can sit down undisturbed and look
over all of your stats to analyze what is working and what is not.
This is studying the aftermath of all your hard work and data gathered in the field.
Find areas you can improve on and others that you need to cut.
This is also a good time to find out your Profit and Losses for the day.
Optimization Mindset
Realistic Goal Setting
You need to approach optimization with realistic goals in mind. If you are running at a 75%
Negative ROI it’s going to be tough to turn that into a Positive 75% ROI overnight.
You can look at this from an overall campaign view or on a per banner basis. Either way
you need to set realistic goals for what you want to achieve with your campaigns.
Look for subtle improvements if you’re trying to increase Banner and Landing Page CTRs.
Budget is a huge factor in determining how you approach optimization and how you set up
your campaign structure initially.
Let’s take a quick look here for example.
For someone with a $100 Total Campaign Budget, would it make sense if they:
• Uploaded 50 Banners
• Uploaded 5 Landing Pages
• Split Testing 5 Offers
• Buy traffic at .50 cents CPM
• Getting a $2 Offer Payout
Think about that for a minute....
Does that sound like a smart realistic approach? Of course not. It doesn’t take a genius
to realize that they are testing way to many elements and stretching that $100 way to far to
ever get to the point of optimizing it to a winning campaign.
You’d be surprised to know how many people approach their campaigns like this and
wonder why they can’t ever find something that works....
It’s because they don’t have realistic goals set. Wanting to make $10,000 in one month
but scared to invest $500 in tracking, hosting, and buying traffic is NOT a realistic goal.
Before you even start to think about turning your campaigns into profit you need to first set
some realistic goals that are obtainable.
This is for yourself, your business, your campaigns, and your life in general period. If not
you’ll just frustrate yourself and then start operating with the mindset of a person on “Tilt”,
making irrational decisions and jumping from one thing to the next.
Systematic Approach
You need to approach media buying with no emotions.
The campaign doesn’t care how long you worked on that banner or how much you believe
in your “angle”. The real proof is in the pudding or should we say the “Data”.
Take a look at your data and make your decisions based on the math and not what your
gut feeling is telling you because starting out as a novice you have not gained the proper
experience yet to make those gut felt decisions.
It’ll be more of your fear or spontaneous emotions that will have you adjusting your
campaigns way before they even gained enough data to make adjustments.
This will just leave you getting no where.
The good news is after you do it for a while you will start to get the “knack” of it and then
you’ll be able to make adjustments on the fly based on similar trends that you’ll spot.
So to be successful in optimization you need a systematic approach.
Lets take that $100 Total Campaign Budget example and run it again.
• Uploaded 5-10 Banners
• Uploaded 1-2 Landing Pages
• Split Testing 1-2 Offers
• Buy Traffic at .25 cents CPM
• Getting a $5 Offer Payout
While $100 is still really not enough to test this many variables it does give us a much
better chance of finding something that will work since each element will get a decent
amount of data.
Data is real life clicks and stats performed in the field that we base our decisions on.
Start doing some math, it’s a good idea to base your optimizing off of how much your
paying for traffic, what your payout is, how many banners, landing pages, and offers your
THEN make a rational decision. The first step is starting off on the right foot.
There is no use in optimizing if you constantly are not allowing your banners and landing
pages to get enough significant data. This is the main reason many people claim that they
can’t find something that works and fail over and over.
Now an example of what a good systematic approach could be is.
• Let the campaign run and don’t touch it for 24 hours
• Allow each Banner to get enough data e.g. 2-3 times offer payout.
• Cut any Banner that doesn’t generate a lead after 24 hours.
• Lower Bids if you’re not getting enough traffic versus the cost.
• Test one Ad Placement on one Traffic Source at a time and focus.
• Making sure you split test different styles of Banners, LPs, and Offers.
Just for clarification, this is not a Golden Rule here above that I’m telling you to go by. I
just want to show you that you have to have some type of realistic guideline or goal in
mind combined with a systematic approach.
Otherwise you’ll just start getting sloppy and doing random stuff for each campaign and
never gain any real traction.
Your budget and spending tolerance will have a great affect on how far you will be willing
to test. With a smaller budget you will have to test very tightly and targeted and make fast
decisions to make the most out of that spend. A larger budget allows you to test further
and gather more data and not worry too much about optimizing instantly.
In an ideal situation a larger budget is preferred. Just make sure you don’t get emotionally
attached and fall in love with a failing campaign either. Sometimes you just have to stop a
campaign because it will slowly bleed you to death.
This has nothing to do with you personally, its just not all campaigns are meant to run
profitably on all placements all the time.
Over Analyzation
The big problem I am seeing from people who contact me about optimization is that they
constantly over analyze the data.
Especially data that is insignificant.
Stuff like this:
“I got 75 clicks to my offer but nothing converted so I paused it.”
Irrational decision making and little do they know the next 10 clicks could have brought in
5 Leads...
“Banners didn’t get a .40% CTR so I cut them.”
Oh really? What if that .20% CTR Banner has a 20% Offer Conversion Rate? How would
you ever find that winner if you never give anything a chance to get traffic right.
“If I don’t get a lead in 5,000 impressions I stop the Banners.”
What if you only paying .05 Cents CPM? Would it make sense to cut them at 5,000
impressions? No, it wouldn’t. Take in consideration how much you are paying for traffic
versus how much you get paid per offer and then make a rational decision.
Constantly worried about every little CTR percentage will drive you mad, especially when
you start having hundreds of banners and dozens of campaigns.
Don’t try to over analyze and understand why something isn’t working or why that banner
you thought would work so well didn’t. Just take it for what it is and make decisions
strictly based off the data. Don’t get stuck on trying to achieve certain CTR’s, or have to
high of an expectation, it is what it is.
Profit & Loss
At the end of the day it all boils down to one thing.
How much Profit or Loss did the campaign generate?
Instead of over analyzing and worrying about hitting certain CTR and CR numbers why not
take a look at it from a straight up black/white perspective.
How much did this Campaign cost me, and how much revenue did this Campaign
How much did this Banner cost me, and how much revenue did this Banner generate?
Go straight to the bottom line. Avoid all the unnecessary mathematical equations and take
a birds eye view of your current campaigns.
Once you do spot something that has potential, then you can zero in and start looking at
improving certain areas of your funnel to maximize profits.
This can include:
• Narrowing down and improving CTRs on which Banners are performing the best.
• Narrowing down and improving on CTRs which Landing Pages are performing the best.
• Narrow down to the best performing offer with it’s landing page version.
• Getting a Higher Offer Payout.
• Lowering Traffic Bids or finding cheaper traffic.
• Targeting only the best performing Ad Placements.
• Day Parting and Week Parting your campaigns
• Targeting tighter e.g. Device, Carrier, OS, etc...
Doing this may reduce overall revenue volume but can potentially increase your ROI.
Understand that there is no use wasting your time trying to optimize something that
doesn’t have any potential. Find something that shows signs of potential and then zero in
and focus on making it a winner.
Split Testing
You should always be constantly split testing within your campaigns to try to improve on
what is already working.
Split Testing, also known as A/B Split Testing is taking something that is working and
making one small change to it and then running both of them side by side to see which
one performs better.
This can be a change in color, text, image, and design etc.
The reasoning is you can never stop improving your campaign, the smartest marketers
know this and they always have some type of Split Test running.
Banner Split Testing
I like to take 10-20 Banners that are completely different in style. Not just different images
with the same copy but totally different styles of Banners all together.
I let those run and then see which Banner performed the best on that traffic source.
Once I locate that one I then start making variations of that Banner. I will keep the same
headline and call to action but change the image. I’ll do several different images but keep
the exact same text.
I’ll let those receive traffic and look at my stats.
If nothing performs better then the original image I will then keep the original image and
start changing the headline and call to action. I do this to see if the image or the text was
the most important factor in that high performing Banner.
I will then start testing one thing at a time.
Like have 2 Banners and only change the Call To Action Text.
Then find the winner and repeat with another element like the Headline. Doing this I will
squeeze out the best performing Banner I can.
That’s why when using Adult AdSpy you can take something that is already working and
improve on it immediately. Most Marketers will be to lazy to put in the effort but you must if
you want to stay ahead of the pack.
Landing Page Split Testing
Same theory as the Banners except I only like to run a small handful of Landing Pages at a
time while testing initially.
Run a few Landing Pages, preferably completely different styles and then locate the
winning one and do testing with one change at a time.
Change the image, Call To Action, Headline, Color, and Font etc. But only do one change
at a time and make sure you give each test a decent amount of clicks before making the
judgement that one LP performs better than the next.
Offer Split Testing
Find an offer and give it a test to see if it converts. If it does then find that same offer on
another CPA Network if you not running direct and split test the two different networks
against each other.
Different networks have different tracking solutions and one will usually perform better than
the other.
There are tons of factors that contribute to why one network converts better than the
other, there is no use in “over analyzing” just know that network XYZ kicks ass and the
other one sucks.
Once you find an offer that is working for you then split test it with the same offer but just a
different landing page version of that offer.
See which one performs the best.
Marginal differences don’t seem like much but if you put some volume and time behind
those campaigns that small percentage is the difference between large paydays and
average paydays.
Also, don’t be fooled by offer payouts. The same offer with a lower payout on XYZ
network may convert and make you more than the higher paying version on another
network. It all comes down to your EPCs.
Split Testing Summary
If you’re not split testing that means you are not trying hard enough. It could also mean
that you’re not giving your campaigns enough traffic and clicks to get the data to make a
decision, which is still not enough effort on your part.
Don’t get lazy... In Adult Marketing your Banners will die out fast so you have to keep your
fingers constantly on the pulse to have a competitive edge over competition.
I do have to say at some point it is okay to just let a campaign ride out and not be so
obsessed with feeling like you HAVE to put up another test all the time.
This usually is okay once you have been hammering out volume and profit and are running
pretty smooth.
If you are just trying to gain some traction starting out then you need to hit the ground hard
and running and do whatever it takes to break away from the pack.
Split Testing is one of the most important things you can do right away that can take a
negative campaign and turn it into a positive campaign, or take a positive campaign and
turn it into a huge money maker for you.
So Always Be Testing.
The Competition Bidding Wars
It’s easy to let Ego take over when you get in a situation when you have found a profitable
placement and another marketer is targeting the same spot.
You raise the bid to get more traffic and then instantly they outbid you. This goes back
and forth to the point where now your campaign that was once making you money is now
losing you cash.
You lower your bid and then hope that your competition will lower it back down to a
reasonable bid so you can make that money you once made back again.
They never lower it and your stuck with no profits and no traffic, and if they do the Bidding
War starts off again as you try to push for more volume.
What should you do about this?
First off, don’t get in a bidding war if you don’t have cash to spend and have deep enough
pockets. You could be going against someone who doesn’t care to lose money and
wants the glory of seeing you submit. So play it smart and try to avoid Bidding Wars at all
cost, instead try some of these strategies.
Volume Strategy
If your not the first place bidder for traffic its okay, you can still get the majority of traffic by
having a larger daily spend budget.
Make less ROI but do more volume.
It’s okay to run campaigns on slim margins if the volume is there, you’ll notice a majority of
the top bidders are jumping in at different hours of the day and then jumping out.
You can still make good money off that placement by running the more volume overall.
Multiple Accounts
If you find a Traffic Source that is working for you then why not create a few accounts?
Use your spouses information to sign up or contact the Traffic Network and see if they
allow you to have multiple accounts.
Multiple accounts allow you to bid on the same placements which will push out
competition and lets you take the majority of the traffic without having to raise your bids
too high.
Some Traffic sources allow you to create multiple ads on the same placement from one
Find a spot that works and smother it.
Competitors that don’t know about creating multiple placements or accounts will have to
take the small slice of the traffic pie.
The easiest way to deal with competition is to buy advertising space and ask for exclusivity
on that website.
Negotiate a deal where if you run certain types of offers that no one else is allowed to run
the same type of offers on that website.
Mention prepaying for Ad space if they can offer this to you.
This lets you worry less about having 5 other Marketers pushing the same type of offers on
your spot.
You will more than likely have to do a Direct To Site Buy to be able to get exclusivity on
Secret Landing Page Coding
In Adult your competitors will rip and copy your Banner and Landing pages immediately
once they start noticing your Ads being displayed.
There is nothing you can do about this, it’s the nature of the Adult niche since everything is
so transparent.
Don’t let this stop discourage you, its all part of the game.
A very cool trick you can do is have someone code you a really simple solution.
It’s a piece of code that you can put on your landing page so when an affiliate rips your
website and tries to edit the links and upload it to their servers for use they may overlook
this hidden line of code.
The code will check to see if the domain it’s being hosted on matches with your original
If it is not, then all the outbounds links will get redirected to YOUR offer instead!
You can set it to where the first 10 or 50 clicks will go to the competitors links, and then
after that it will only go to yours.
This will let them set it up and test it and see that the links are tracking but then while they
are not paying attention you will steal back some of your traffic!
You can easily search online to find someone who will be able to program this for you, this
is not a 100% fool proof technique but it will work on those who are too lazy to properly
edit out the coding on your landing page.
The Alpha Marketer
The Difference Between a Novice & Alpha Marketer
You may have heard the term “Super Affiliate” or you might not have.
Doesn’t matter if you don’t like it either, that term is understood and accepted within the
online marketing community so you might as well get use to it.
I like to use the term Alpha Affiliate.
The meaning of an Alpha Affiliate is an Affiliate who “gets it” and can drive large volumes of
traffic as well as understands the steps and processes it takes to successfully convert
visitors through their marketing material.
They are the top percentage of revenue generators for any given network.
Just like you have people who claim to be Entrepreneurs...
Well, you have Entrepreneurs... Then you got fucking Entrepreneurs.
You know what I mean, I’m talking about the REAL deal.
Affiliates who approach this as a real business and work extremely hard to achieve their
If you stick with this game long enough and work hard enough you WILL become a
Alpha Affiliate, as corny as that may sound... Ultimately I think that is what YOU want to
achieve right? I mean it’s the reason your reading this manual right now isn’t it?
You want to be able to launch campaigns that generate a huge ROI for you so you can
achieve whatever goal it is that you envisioned for yourself when you first got started into
this game.
I’ve met a good number of Alpha Affiliates in my time working online and I’ve noticed many
of them have the same characteristics when it comes to being successful online.
Work Ethics and Sacrifice
Yeah kiss that 4 hour work week mentality out of your system for now.
The biggest earners online are ALWAYS online.
I’m talking 12-16 hour days 7 days a week.
They work relentlessly and efficiently on banging out project after project related to their
Even with outsourcers and employees you can never ever clone yourself.
At some point you WILL have to just do the work and there is no way around it.
Be willing to invest much of your time, energy, and effort in the beginning of developing
your business and be prepared to bootstrap everything to gain some traction.
Are you willing to not watch that television show and work on your campaigns?
Are you willing to not hang out at that bar on the weekend and get drunk with your
Are you willing to go through frustration and headaches to learn and develop the skills
needed to become successful in this business?
Are you willing to lose sleep over this?
How bad do you really want it? Is this just a get rich quick scheme for you or are you really
looking to build a massively successful lifestyle business that serves you?
All of this comes down to SACRIFICE.
Take a look in the mirror and ask yourself if you are ready to make the commitment, if
you’re not that type of person then save yourself the headache and time and go pursue
another path... Seriously.
The Alpha Mindset & Belief
The “I will make this work” mentality regardless of what roadblocks you may be facing is
the winners mindset.
You have to understand that everything you are doing now and will continue to do will be a
huge learning curve.
Just accept it.
Understand this going in and just fucking own it.
Take the bull by the horns and take the success that is rightfully yours.
No excuses at all just do it.
Offers will disappear, Traffic Sources will get competitive, you will lose money, and
campaigns will die... This is all part of the game and you need to keep a clear head
between your shoulders and just plow through it.
Believing in yourself is very important but what is more important is your “Why”.
If you have a big enough “Why” factor then it will give you the willpower to endure all the
struggles it will take for you to make it.
Maybe it’s your kids, your wife, your family, or the freedom that will drive you.
You need to dedicate yourself to Self Development and Improvement by reading books
and learning daily as well as taking very good care of your body.
Proper nutrition and exercise will keep your brain operating at it’s highest peak and will
allow you to perform at high levels throughout the day.
Sleep is very important and always overlooked. It should be a part of your overall game
plan to improving your business. It’s not all about what you do when your online, but also
a lot to do with what’s done when your offline that will give you the results.
You have to be humble not cocky.
Be open to learning and accept that you DON’T know everything. Also, seek knowledge
from those who are already where it is you’re striving to reach.
Seek Mentors.
Develop that Mindset and Belief system that will turn you into an Alpha Affiliate.
The Alpha Affiliate Actions
To become successful with your marketing campaigns you HAVE to take action.
While many of you are going to read this entire manual, 95% of you will never take any
If you do take action, it will be unfocused and sloppy.
Don’t take action just for the sake of taking action, take the right kind of action man!
Here is a true scenario of something that happened recently.
A client paid me for some consultation and needed help getting his campaigns and
everything setup properly and wanted my advice and some guidance.
We communicated back and forth and he asked me dozens of questions everyday for the
span of 2 weeks.
“What tracking should I use?”
“How many Banners should I test?”
“What Traffic Source should I start a campaign on?”
I literally told him how to do all the basic details step by step and broke down exactly what
he should do with all my recommendations.
So I hear from him 2 weeks later.
“So how is everything going man?” I asked him.
“Horrible.” He said.
Needless to say he took massive action... But you know what?
He did everything I told him NOT to do... SMH.
He asked me what Tracking Solution he should use. I told him iMobitrax.
So what did he do? Yeah, he went and setup Prosper202 cause he figured that he would
be able to do the same thing with that software...
I told him to test one traffic source and one placement.
So he went out and tried 3 different traffic networks with several ad placements cause he
wanted to find a winner faster...
I told him to test a dozen different banners.
So he loads up and runs 3 Banners, 1 LP, and 1 Offer...
I told him to test thoroughly and gather enough data to make proper adjustments.
So he runs 30 clicks here and there and pauses the campaigns on and off...
And He’s Wondering Why None of His Shit is Working Right??
This isn’t just from my own personal experience with dealing with people, it’s everyone’s
experience that I’ve spoken with who has taught or helped others with their business on
some type of level.
The people you teach just don’t do what YOU tell them to and think they can come up
with some creative way to do it better themselves.
Look, I hate to burst your bubble but apparently if you aren’t getting the results you want
with your business then that Mindset isn’t the winning mindset.
Your very best thinking got you exactly where you are at today.
So what that means is just follow someone else’s advice exactly how they tell you to do it.
Don’t think you know everything and be open to learn, but please...just do what they
Don’t reinvent the damn wheel here is what I’m trying to say.
Once you do take the right kind of actions, then you need to work relentlessly.
Taking action is not refreshing your stats all day.
There are core work routines that will drive and grow your business that you need to find
and focus on primarily each and everyday.
Your time in this business is valuable and very limited.
I’m sure you all heard of the 80/20 rule. It’s true, you need to focus on the main activity
that will grow your bottom line.
Repeat those tasks like a madman, day in and day out.
Doing this will put you ahead of the pack and pave the way for you to become an
Alpha Affiliate.
Adult Media Buys Forum
The Power of Networking
There are many forums online that provide useful information for Internet Marketing and
Affiliate Marketing in general with some info on Adult, but nothing comes close to the
Adult Media Buys Forum since our primary focus there is the Adult Niche.
You can learn about Adult Media Buying online by doing your research, but being able to
network with other Adult Affiliates and Merchants is worth it’s weight in gold.
It is rare to find such a tight knit community that has CPA Network Reps, Traffic Networks,
Direct Merchants, Super Affiliates, Powerful Content, and Millionaire Business Owners.
Here is a sneak peek inside.
Just a few success stories from some of the members... Many of them started seeing
$100/Profit days very soon after becoming a part of the Forum.
How about some Step by Step Guides? (Blurred, just for the sake of suspense) ;-)
The Forum is constantly growing more and more each day with quality content and
exclusive tips not revealed outside of the community.
There are also a ton of discounts and coupon codes plus many other benefits for being a
member of the forum with plenty of more stuff coming soon.
Plus learning from the Follow Along campaigns will put you on the fast track to seeing
success much faster than attacking it by yourself.
Here’s just a small sample below:
If your serious about networking or getting help with your campaigns from REAL affiliates
who are dominating the Adult Space then this is the place to be.
Get Access To The Private Forums Here < <
Q & A Session
Frequently Asked Questions
Where is a good place to get started buying advertising?
If you are new to paid advertising I suggest Self Service networks like TraffiicJunky or
ExoClick. Self Serve means you have the ability to upload your own banners, fund your
accounts, pause, and activate campaigns yourself.
All of this from within your own dashboard instead of having to gather your banner
creative, links, and email a representative who will upload and manage your campaign for
you. (Managed Buy)
There are pros and cons to each, but starting off I suggest testing on a small budget and
then scaling from there on a self serve network.
What is the use of setting up a Business and Company Website?
Most traffic networks and CPA Networks only want to do business with larger companies
that are professional. There are legal and tax benefits of operating as a Business Entity
instead of going at it individually.
In the end you will get accepted into more Networks and Traffic Sources if you appear to
be 'larger' then you really are. I suggest coming off as an Agency whenever you speak
with a representative.
You will get better Ad rates and more approvals to run offers this way if you are looked at
like a company versus the Affiliate in his mom's basement...
Why do I need good hosting, can I just use a shared hosting plan like HostGator?
Why yes sure you can... But in the performance marketing space where we are dealing
with higher traffic volumes, website load times can make or break your campaigns.
If you were to be cheap in any area of your marketing why would you hold back on the
core foundation of what will hold your business together...which is a fast and powerful
processing to make sure visitors are experiencing no lag time.
Your competition is pushing lightening fast servers, why aren't you?
I am direct linking so why do I need a tracking system?
Everybody needs to track what is working even if it is direct linking...
Also, your competition is using landing pages to presell visitors resulting in higher
conversion rates and quality when people signup for an offer.
Don't be a step behind, model yourself after what your competition is doing and beat them
at their own game.
I have $10k to spend on ads how much money will I make?
Wouldn't that be nice to just have money to put it somewhere and get a guaranteed kick
back?? Truth is, it doesn't matter how much money you have nothing is guaranteed, you
have to just test and find out what works as more than likely you will losing money at first.
While a larger budget sure is helpful, it does not guarantee any success...
Why should I start first with a CPANetwork instead of going Direct to Merchant?
Because Cash Flow issues will probably be your number one enemy once you do get
something working. Most CPANetworks will pay you out weekly once you hit around
$1k/week in revenue.
That is your goal, fast payout and solid relationship.
They also have tons of offers consolidated in their dashboard so you can easily test
different offers fast.
You can learn what works and get better at your marketing.
No use in going direct until you gain some experience first.
How much money do I need to spend on ads before I start making $100/day?
Again, there is no set answer...
Just work hard and spend your money wisely, test small and then scale up.
If your wondering, yes of course $100 a day profit is very obtainable.
What type of offers do you recommend I get started promoting?
I suggest starting with Adult Dating CPL offers, I like SOI offers. Experiment with DOI
offers as well as PPS offers.
CPL = Cost Per Lead
SOI = Single Opt In
DOI = Double Opt In
PPS = Pay Per Sale
These describe what needs to be done to get counted as a conversion.
I have campaigns running but can't turn a profit, what am I doing wrong?
First, you need to take an overall look at your campaign and see what areas are lacking
and how close you are to profit.
There could be numerous things, here are a few.
Banner CTR is not high enough.
Traffic is too expensive.
Landing Page CTR is not high enough.
Offer is not converting high enough.
Offer payout is too low.
Can you explain more in detail about optimization and what I need to spend per
Again this is all relative to your situation.
It's a combination of your current budget situation.
Your spending tolerance.
The amount of marketing material you are spreading your data across.
And how much commissions you are making per offer.
For Example:
Let's say you have $100 to spend.
(Here is a typical beginner mistake)
They upload to test:
50 Banners
5 Landing Pages
3 Offers
They have a payout of $5.00 for an Offer.
They are paying .50 cents CPM for Traffic.
Right away can you spot the problem?
Not enough statistical data. Each element is not receiving enough
data to make a judgement.
Do the math.
$100 divided by 50 Banners = $2.00 spend on data per banner
This is not even including dividing the amount of landing pages and offers.
When you calculate all the combinations there is really not enough data to
go to each 'template' to make any kind of decision.
The real amount would be like $0.13 worth of data per each Banner.
This person would then run some traffic and then swap out more banners, more landing
pages, and more offers repeating this cycle.
Never to find a TRUE winner.. You can see why.
A better initial test would have been something like
5-10 Banners
1-2 Landing Pages
1-2 Offers
Even on that $100 budget at least this person will allow each banner combination
to get more data then spreading it out too thin.
If you want a good rule of thumb, then run 1-2-3 times the payout of your offer per banner
before you take a look over it and see what is working and what is not.
If your making $5 per lead, and your banner spent $15 in advertising and you haven't seen
1 lead yet, then it's going to be real hard to optimize that banner into a winner.
You can look at it with impressions as well.
If your paying .50 cents CPM and getting paid $5 per payout that means
for $5 in paid traffic you would receive 10,000 impressions (.50 cents per 1k impressions)
Now ideally you would want to generate a lead before that 10,000 impression mark to
be able to make a Profit.
Now if your banner is getting 20k - 30k impressions and still no lead then ask yourself how
easy do you think it would be to optimize that into a profitable one... It's going to be
difficult right?
Again if your paying .10 cent CPM on a $5 payout that means you can get
50,000 impressions. Anything lead under that impression mark is profit.
Again, this will all come down to how comfortable you are and what your spending
tolerance is, and what your threshold on what your willing to test past.
So do you see how there is NOT a set concrete number that you have to stick
Here are some Typical Media Buying Mistakes:
If it reaches 5,000 impressions I will cut the banner... There is no SET number
(All depends on how much you get paid per conversion + cost of traffic to estimate a good
tipping point.)
Running to many combinations on too small of a budget...
Insignificant data on each element of the marketing funnel, not enough to make a good
Killing anything under a set CTR Percentage.
A low Banner CTR might mean a HIGH offer conversion rate.
If you base your optimizing strictly on the front end Banner CTR number you WILL lose
money by cutting out potential home runs.
A High Banner CTR doesn't guarantee a winner.
Now in the ideal situation you want a HIGH Banner CTR + HIGH Conversion Rate.
Since you'll more than likely buy traffic on a CPM Basis this is where a HIGH Banner CTR
makes great importance, but it should NOT be your only indication of a winning banner.
On a CPC traffic platform Banner CTR + Your Bid will take in more consideration as the
algorithm will only display your ad based on the most profitable metric for the ad network.
But AGAIN.. there is nothing concrete and never base your optimizing on a set number..
It is good to have a threshold or target range you are trying to hit but always look at
everything from a profit/loss perspective.
Each situation will be different.
My Few Personal Recommendations
I only recommend products/services that I have used personally. I set very high standards
and levels of quality when it comes to these products/services.
That is the reason why this is not some crappy ebook riddled with hundreds of spammy
affiliate links that will make you no money in the real world.
Honestly, save yourself the headaches and frustration when I tell you that I have tried and
tested everything out there thoroughly already. There is a reason I didn’t mention a lot of
products/services in the manual, that is because they will only waste your time.
First and Foremost you need to invest in a solid tracking solution.
One that can handle Mobile and Web campaigns and offer support as well as constantly
being updated for future improvements.
My recommendation is iMobitrax, you can grab it here: http://www.iMobitraxSoftware.com
If you’ve read on my blog I offered a few people a bonus to help them get a competitive
edge over competition. It’s a 20 minute over the shoulder video of me explaining a Traffic
Source and Method that nets me over $x,xxx per day that I have not mentioned at all yet.
Since you have read this manual I’ll allow you to grab the bonus as well.
Here’s how:
1. Pick up a copy of iMobitrax from here: http://www.iMobitraxSoftware.com
2. Forward me a copy of your receipt to my email at tuan@adultmediabuying.com
3. I’ll confirm, then send you your bonus by email instantly.
Very simple and just something to help jumpstart your earnings.
The other Big problem that will stop you from getting going is your Banner and Landing
Page creation and finding out what offers are popular.
Save yourself the time and headache of dealing with this problem and just use this
powerful research tool.
This is the Authority in Adult Ad counter intelligence Bar None.
My recommendation is Adult AdSpy.
You can access it here: http://www.AdultAdSpy.com
Huge historical database and covers 51+ Countries and Hundreds of Traffic Sources and
is constantly growing.
You’ll have an endless supply of Banner and Landing Page creatives at your fingertips.
See what is working, take that and use it or improve on it. It’s your choice.
Simple as that.
The Final piece to the puzzle after you have all the pieces setup is the Networking aspect.
It’s normal to feel like a one man wolf pack but trust me, get away from that Lone Ranger
mentality and understand the power of networking with likeminded individuals.
The content and education material you receive from this manual, emails, and my blog is
one side of the coin. Networking and building business relationships is the other side that
is very important in establishing a successful business.
Don’t overlook this.
My recommendation is the Adult Media Buys Forum.
You can access the Private Forum here: http://www.AdultMediaBuys.com
Being able to ask questions, show your problems, learn from other peoples mistakes, and
make connections in the industry are vital to your success.
Ask me a question and get advice, I’m in there everyday and am very active!
Final Thoughts
Closing Words...
Congratulations... If you have made it this far, I commend you.
This manual is compiled with very powerful content, solid advice, and strategies that sadly
many will just overlook.
I hope you’re not the lazy type.
I know it may have been a tough read for some of you, but there is no easy way to layout
the details of what it takes to become a success in the Adult Vertical.
I suggest reading this manual twice, and even then referring back to it from time to time
and reading it again.
To be brutally honest with you, many of the people reading this will not become a success.
They lack the mindset and determination to follow through with not just this, but anything
else that they come across in life... They have a loser’s mindset.
They feel as though the world owes them something, they are lazy, and they are
comfortable with just dreaming about it instead of putting in the real work needed to
build that dream life.
I hope you’re not this type of person, and if you are then just stay the hell out of my lane.
Last thing I need is for your bullshit to rub off on me... ;-)
Thank you for taking the time to read this manual and I am glad that you let me have the
opportunity to provide you with quality content and serve you with my knowledge.
Hope it serves you well,
P.S. Just one more thing I forgot to mention...
Wouldn’t it be great to learn more by watching detailed videos, seeing over my shoulder,
interacting with me personally, and having a complete step by step structured game plan
to mastering the Adult Niche by watching me set up campaigns and run traffic??
Yeah I thought so to......
Stay Tuned... ;-)