Supplementary Financial Document for the Nine
Supplementary Financial Document for the Nine
The greatest leisure for all people 3 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest for all people rdleisure quarter (2011.10 ~ 2011.12) Supplementary Financial Document for the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2011 February 3, 2012 3rd quarter Fields Corporation JASDAQ:2767 Fields Corporation Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Index 1. Highlights for the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2011 Results for the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2011 (Consolidated) Reference: Results for the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2011 (Non-Consolidated) Segment Information for the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2011 Balance Sheets at the End of Q3 of the Year Ending March 31, 2012 (Assets) Balance Sheets at the End of Q3 of the Year Ending March 31, 2012 (Liabilities/Net assets) Statement of Cash Flows for the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2011 2. Supplementary Data for the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2011 Number of Pachinko/Pachislot Machines Sold According to Title for the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2011 Titles Sold of the Year Ending March 31, 2012 Titles Press Released for the Q4 of the Year Ending March 31, 2012 Number of Pachinko/Pachislot Machines Sold According to Manufacturer for the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2011 Change in the Number of Machines Sold by Brand Change in the Number of Pachinko/Pachislot Machines Sold 4. Appendix I Corporate Profile Our Tracks (1988-2006) Our Tracks (2007-2012) Group Structure Status of Group Companies Topics of Group Companies Business Model (PS Planning, Development and Sales) Accounting Method of Pachinko/Pachislot Sales Glossary of Fields’ Pachinko/Pachislot Machine Sales Business flow and Accounting Method of Merchandising Rights Regarding Pachinko/Pachislot Planning and Development Change of “Evangelion” Series Total Sale Machines of Evangelion Series P. 4 P. 5 P. 6 P. 7 P. 8 P. 9 P. 10 P. 11 P. 12 P. 13 P. 14 P. 15 P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 P. 28 P. 29 P. 30 Introduction of “MOBASLO” and “MOBAPACHI” Introduction of Titles in Rodeo’s 10th Anniversary Series Pachinko/Pachislot (PS) Field: Transition in the Number of Machines Sold Titles of Pachinko Machines Sold (2007.03-2011.03) Titles of Pachinko Machines Sold (2002.03-2006.03) Titles of Pachislot Machines Sold (2007.03-2011.03) Titles of Pachislot Machines Sold (2001.03-2006.03) CSR Activities CSR Activities (Group companies topics) Corporate Governance System Profit Return Policy Financial Highlights Change in Quarterly Profit and Loss (Consolidated) Change in Quarterly Profit and Loss (Non-Consolidated) Change in Financial Results (Consolidated) Change in Assets/Liabilities, Net Assets (Consolidated) Change in Selling, General and Administrative Expenses (Consolidated) Change in Free Cash Flow 5. Appendix II (Market date) Japanese Leisure Market Income Structure of Pachinko/Pachislot Industry (2010) Players in the Pachinko/Pachislot Industry Recent Trend of Pachinko/Pachislot Industry Number of Pachinko Halls and Installed Machines Per Hall Unit Sales and Sales Amount of Pachinko/Pachislot Machines Number of Installed Pachinko/Pachislot Machines and Annual Turnover Rate Market Share by Manufacturers Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 P. 56 P. 57 All rights reserved. FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Source: Fields Business Scheme 2010 Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 3 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Highlights for the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2011 Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 4 Results for the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2011 (Consolidated) FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people [Percentage of net sales] (Unit: Million yen) Year Ended March 31, 2011 Q1 H1 21,344 43,012 71,433 103,593 17,635 33,352 43,061 [100.0] [100.0] [100.0] [100.0] [100.0] [100.0] [100.0] Gross profit 7,663 18,991 26,283 35,129 5,076 11,983 16,326 [35.9] [44.2] [36.8] [33.9] [28.8] [35.9] [37.9] SG&A expenses 5,314 9,809 15,584 21,993 5,302 10,401 16,304 [24.9] [22.8] [21.8] [21.2] [30.1] [31.2] [37.9] Operating income 2,348 9,182 10,699 13,136 (225) 1,582 22 [11.0] [21.3] [15.0] [12.7] [-1.3] [4.7] [0.1] Ordinary income 2,518 9,503 11,483 13,684 (266) 1,713 106 [11.8] [22.1] [16.1] [13.2] [-1.5] [5.1] [0.2] 1,477 5,428 6,471 7,520 (284) 2,428 1,132 [6.9] [12.6] [9.1] [7.3] [-1.6] [7.3] [2.6] Net sales Net income Q1-Q3 Year Ending March 31, 2012 Full-Year Q1 (1) H1 Q1-Q3 YoY (%) Full-Year Forecast 60.3 100,000 YoY (%) 96.5 [100.0] 62.1 38,000 108.2 [38.0] 104.6 24,000 109.1 [24.0] 0.2 14,000 106.6 [14.0] 0.9 14,000 102.3 [14.0] 17.5 8,000 106.4 [8.0] * “YoY” is calculated as the other items deducted from the total figure on this sheet Source: Fields Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 5 Reference: Results for the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2011 (Non-Consolidated) FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people [Percentage of net sales] (Unit: Million yen) Year Ended March 31, 2011 Q1 H1 18,310 37,005 62,170 90,971 15,349 28,481 35,757 [100.0] [100.0] [100.0] [100.0] [100.0] [100.0] [100.0] Gross profit 6,542 16,679 22,683 30,197 4,059 10,074 13,323 [35.7] [45.1] [36.5] [33.2] [26.4] [35.4] [37.3] SG&A expenses 4,166 7,482 12,121 17,277 4,165 8,216 13,281 [22.8] [20.2] [19.5] [19.0] [27.1] [28.8] [37.1] Operating income 2,375 9,196 10,562 12,920 (106) 1,858 41 [13.0] [24.9] [17.0] [14.2] [-0.7] [6.5] [0.1] Ordinary income 2,505 9,416 10,974 13,451 11 2,139 426 [13.7] [25.4] [17.7] [14.8] [0.1] [7.5] [1.2] 1,362 5,346 6,112 6,826 (101) 1,120 182 [7.4] [14.4] [9.8] [7.5] [-0.7] [3.9] [0.5] Net sales Net income Q1-Q3 Year Ending March 31, 2012 Full-Year Q1 (1) H1 Q1-Q3 YoY (%) Full-Year Forecast 57.5 87,300 YoY (%) 96.0 [100.0] 58.7 31,300 103.7 [35.9] 109.6 17,900 103.6 [20.5] 0.4 13,400 103.7 [15.3] 3.9 13,400 99.6 [15.3] 3.0 7,000 102.5 [8.0] * “YoY” is calculated as the other items deducted from the total figure on this sheet Source: Fields Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 6 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Segment Information for the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2011 (Unit: Million yen) Year Ended March 31, 2011 Q1 H1 Year Ending March 31, 2012 Q1-Q3 Q1 H1 Q1-Q3 YoY (%) Net sales 19,201 38,499 64,409 15,979 29,568 38,023 59.0 Mobile Field 495 1,059 1,547 618 1,149 1,564 101.1 Sports Entertainment Field 548 1,082 1,644 524 1,031 1,478 89.9 1,173 2,615 4,192 920 2,299 2,957 70.5 Subtotal Elimination or incorporation 21,418 (74) 43,256 (243) 71,794 (360) 18,041 (406) 34,049 (696) 44,024 (962) 61.3 - Total 21,344 43,012 71,433 17,635 33,352 43,061 60.3 2,343 9,109 10,507 (140) 1,711 229 2.2 99 199 287 26 62 41 14.3 Sports Entertainment Field (64) (140) (219) (34) (34) (35) - Other Field (55) 58 177 (78) (139) (183) - 2,322 9,226 10,753 (226) 1,600 52 0.5 26 (44) (53) 1 (18) (30) - 2,348 9,182 10,699 (225) 1,582 22 0.2 Pachinko/Pachislot (PS) Field Other Field Operating income Pachinko/Pachislot (PS) Field Mobile Field Subtotal Elimination or incorporation Total * “YoY” is calculated as the other items deducted from the total figure on this sheet Source: Fields Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 7 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Balance Sheets at the End of Q3 of the Year Ending March 31, 2012 (Assets) (Unit: Million yen) Assets Cash and cash equivalents Notes and accounts receivable— trade Inventories At March 31, 2011 At December 31, 2011 Increase/ Decrease Factors 15,873 27,948 14,020 3,085 (1,853) (24,863) 1,358 4,514 3,156 Other 6,072 9,397 3,325 Allowance for doubtful accounts (200) (61) 139 51,051 30,955 Land 6,324 6,642 Other 3,765 4,164 399 10,089 10,806 717 Goodwill 2,801 2,586 (215) Other 2,269 2,157 (112) Total intangible fixed assets 5,070 4,743 (327) Investment securities 8,466 8,699 233 Other 4,769 7,151 2,382 Allowance for doubtful accounts (475) (483) (8) Total investments and other asset 12,760 15,367 2,607 Increase in deferred tax assets Total fixed assets 27,920 30,917 2,997 Total assets 78,971 61,872 (17,099) Total current asset Total tangible fixed assets Decrease in notes and accounts receivable—trade from (20,096) pachinko/pachislot machine sales 318 * “Other” and “Increase/Decrease” is calculated as the other items deducted from the total figure on this sheet Source: Fields Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 8 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Balance Sheets at the End of Q3 of the Year Ending March 31, 2012 (Liabilities/Net assets) (Unit: Million yen) Liabilities and Net assets Notes and accounts payable—trade Corporate bonds redeemable within 1 year Accrued income taxes Other At March 31, 2011 At December 31, 2011 Increase/ Decrease Factors (15,934) Decrease from pachinko/pachislot machine sales 17,939 2,005 740 670 (70) 4,217 4,691 88 8,552 (4,129) 3,861 Total current liabilities 27,587 11,315 (16,272) pachinko/pachislot machine sales Corporate bonds Other Total fixed liabilities Total liabilities 900 3,462 4,362 31,949 326 3,822 4,148 15,464 (574) 360 (214) Redemption of corporate bonds (16,485) Common stock Capital surplus Retained earnings Treasury stock Total shareholders’ equity Unrealized holding gain on available-for-sale securities Accumulated other comprehensive income Minority interest Total net assets 7,948 7,994 33,443 (1,785) 47,601 7,948 7,994 32,915 (1,821) 47,037 0 0 (528) (36) (564) (822) (1,046) (224) (821) (1,047) (226) 242 47,021 78,971 419 46,408 61,872 Decrease in notes and accounts payable—trade from Decrease in accrued income taxes, etc. Total liabilities and net assets 177 (613) Increase in retained earnings (17,099) * “Other” and “Increase/Decrease” is calculated as the other items deducted from the total figure on this sheet Source: Fields Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 9 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Statement of Cash Flows for the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2011 (Unit: Million yen) Year Ended March 31, 2011 Q1-Q3 Full-Year Year Ending March 31, 2012 Factors Q1-Q3 Decrease in notes and accounts receivable-trade Cash flows from operating activities 9,666 8,005 3,690 Decrease in notes and accounts payable-trade Income taxes paid (955) (789) (503) Purchase of tangible fixed assets Cash flows from investing activities (3,339) (4,356) (3,111) Purchase of intangible fixed assets Purchase of securities (3,702) (3,915) (2,395) Redemption of corporate bonds Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents (8) 2,615 15,906 18,521 (7) (274) 15,906 15,632 (4) (1,821) 15,632 13,810 Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period Cash and cash equivalents at end of period CF from operating activities 10,000 9,666 CF from investing activities (1,652) (670) Dividends paid Cash flows from financing activities 27,694 (16,229) (7,112) CF from financing activities 8,005 3,690 5,000 0 (5,000) (3,339) Q1-Q3, 2011 Source: Fields (3,702) (4,356) (2,395) (3,111) (3,915) Full-Year, 2011 Q1-Q3, 2012 Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 10 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Supplementary Data for the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2011 Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 11 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Number of Pachinko/Pachislot Machines Sold According to Title for the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2011 (Unit: Machines) Release Manufacturer Title Q1 Q2 Cumulative Machines Sold Q3 ■ Pachinko machines July Bisty CR The story of ayumi hamasaki-introduction - 71,479 - 72,000 November Bisty CR The story of ayumi hamasaki Sweet/Light Version - - - 11,000 5,653 10,678 29,077 7,107 82,157 36,201 Total number of pachinko machines sold in Q1-Q3 125,465 Others Total number of pachinko machines sold ■Pachislot machines ※ March May Bisty MOBASLO Evangelion—for your own wish 22,393 - - 78,000 Bisty SAMURAI 7 12,583 - - 13,000 August Rodeo Kaze no Youjinbou―Memory of Butterflies - 23,417 - 24,000 October Rodeo Rahxephon - - - - November Enterrise Street Fighter IV - - - - 1,274 2,305 2,380 36,250 25,740 11,499 Total number of pachislot machines sold in Q1-Q3 73,489 Others Total number of pachislot machines sold Total number of pachinko/pachislot machines sold 43,357 107,897 47,700 Total number of pachinko/pachislot machines sold in Q1-Q3 198,954 * Regarding the titles of pachinko/pachislot machines for which the number of machines sold was less than 10,000, the number of machines sold was not released. * The figures for cumulative machines sold were as of January 31, 2012. ※Bracketed titles were released in the previous fiscal year and are still on sale. Source: Fields Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 12 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Titles Sold of the Year Ending March 31, 2012 (As of December 31, 2011) Pachinko machine 【Bisty】 [July] Pachislot machine 【Bisty】 ■ CR The story of ayumi hamasaki—introduction ・The machine tells the story which follows a young girl “Ayumi Hamasaki” on her journey to realize her dream ・The machine contains special edition live footage narrating her record breaking 13 year music career ・Sold: 72,000 machines ©avex management inc. ©avex entertainment inc. ©Bisty [May] 【Rodeo】 ■SAMURAI 7 ・The machine features the two types of the Assist Replay Time (ART) system ・The machine pump up a chances to score higher points with many beautiful and varied LCD- screen visuals ・Sold: 13,000 machines ©2004 黒澤明/橋本忍/小国英雄/NEP・GONZO ©FIELDS ©Bisty ■ Kaze no Youjinbou―Memory of Butterflies ・Released as the 4th title of Rodeo’s 10th anniversary series ・The machine upgrades “KAZE Chance” in to the cutting-ege Assist Replay Time (ART) system ・Sold: 24,000 machines ©黒澤プロダクション/Sammy・電通・ぴえろ・NTV ©Sammy ©RODEO [August] 【Rodeo】 ■Rahxephon On going sale titles from the year ended March 31, 2011 【Bisty】 [October] ■MOBASLO Evangelion—for your own wish ・The machine presents the mysterious and beautiful world of Rahxephon, an ultimate SF robot anime ・Featuring a new and innovative ART system that combines the elements of ART that have earned it popularity in the market ©2001 BONES・出渕裕/Rahxephon project ©Sammy ©RODEO 【Enterrise】 ・Featuring new function “MOBASLO” ・The dynamic machine body conveys the world of Evangelion ・Using climactic scenes from the movies Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone and Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance [March] ・Sold: 78,000 machines (Cumulative) ©カラー ■Street Fighter IV ・The machine is based on a popular game software “Street Fighter IV” ・Featuring the stunningly beautiful videos and battle scenes that develop in a wide variety of ways [November] Source: Fields ©CAPCOM CO., LTD., ©CAPCOM U.S.A., INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 「STREET FIGHTER」は、CAPCOM U.S.A., INC. の登録商標です。 Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 13 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Titles Press Released for the Q4 of the Year Ending March 31, 2012 (As of January 31, 2012) Pachinko machine Pachislot machine 【Bisty】 【Bisty】 ■CR Evangelion 7 ■Evangelion—the Heartbeat of Life ・The machine features not only high quality video, but also a sophisticated appearance and an advanced story line with evolved presentation techniques, producing an even more striking and powerful game function. [January] ・It is a new middle-spec machine which offers balanced ease of play. ©カラー ©Bisty ・The machine features a “multi-shutter panel”, and multiple moving devices making this machine, with its new exclusive chassis, the most striking of the series. ・The high quality video presentation is coordinated with a diverse [February] range of foreshadowing effects, panels, and moving devices, resulting in a machine that embodies the Evangelion world in every aspect. ©カラー ©Bisty Coming Soon! Source: Fields Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 14 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Number of Pachinko/Pachislot Machines Sold According to Manufacturer for the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2011 (Unit: Machines) Year Ended March 31, 2011 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year Ending March 31, 2012 Full-Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q1-Q3 <Pachinko machines> Bisty 58,007 155,896 9,207 13,395 236,505 1,454 71,497 7,124 80,075 Others 6,885 5,832 5,866 7,526 26,109 5,653 10,660 29,077 45,390 64,892 161,728 15,073 20,921 262,614 7,107 82,157 36,201 125,465 Rodeo 35,123 15,233 64,305 7,030 121,691 20 23,423 2,165 25,608 Bisty 4,846 9,161 590 55,483 70,080 34,976 18 50 35,044 - - - 16,119 16,119 342 - 6,904 7,246 677 1,468 6,509 1,115 9,769 912 2,299 2,380 5,591 40,646 25,862 71,404 79,747 217,659 36,250 25,740 11,499 73,489 105,538 187,590 86,477 100,668 480,273 43,357 107,897 47,700 198,954 Total number of pachinko machines sold <Pachislot machines> Enterrise Others Total number of pachislot machines sold Total number of pachinko/pachislot machines sold Source: Fields Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 15 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Change in the Number of Machines Sold by Brand (Unit: Machines) 600,000 ※ Sammy Group SANKYO Group Olympia ※ Enterrise ※ Others 511,247 19,988 500,000 44,929 480,273 484,534 18,586 8,313 35,878 449,880 16,119 50,656 (Q1-Q3) 379,605 2,498 4,908 400,000 331,205 300,000 329,965 27,135 447 306,585 366,619 363,056 200,000 198,954 50,981 262,087 7,246 100,000 115,119 127,670 121,691 79,711 41,536 25,608 28,762 0 Year Ended March 31, 2007 Year Ended March 31, 2008 Year Ended March 31, 2009 Year Ended March 31, 2010 Year Ended March 31, 2011 Year Ending March 31, 2012 (Q1-Q3) ※Enterrise Co., Ltd. before the year ended March 31, 2010 were included in Others therefore the figures announced in the past have been connected according Source: Fields Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 16 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Change in the Number of Pachinko/Pachislot Machines Sold (Unit: Machines) 600,000 Pachislot machines Pachinko machines 511,247 484,534 500,000 480,273 449,880 (Q1-Q3) 379,605 400,000 345823 273,981 262,614 331,205 300,000 330,734 202,525 198,954 200,000 217,659 100,000 125,465 210,553 165,424 128,680 119,146 73,489 0 Year Ended March 31, 2007 Source: Fields Year Ended March 31, 2008 Year Ended March 31, 2009 Year Ended March 31, 2010 Year Ended March 31, 2011 Copyright 2012 Year Ending March 31, 2012 (Q1-Q3) FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 17 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Appendix I Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 18 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Corporate Profile Corporate data (As of December 31, 2011) Company name FIELDS CORPORATION Establishment June 1988 (Started business as TOYO Shoji Co., Ltd. in 1983) Address of the Head office E Space Tower, 3-6, Maruyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0044, Japan Common stock Principal shareholders (As of September 30, 2011) Number of shares held Shareholders Percentage of outstanding shares held Hidetoshi Yamamoto 86,750 25.00% SANKYO CO., LTD. 52,050 15.00% Takashi Yamamoto 36,128 10.41% ¥7,948.03 million Mint Co. 16,000 4.61% Stock information Total number of shares issued and outstanding: 347,000 (Treasury stock: 15,162) 14,885 4.29% Securities exchange Osaka Stock Exchange, JASDAQ market Standard,2767 Treasury Stock The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust account) Trust & Custody Services Bank, Ltd. (Securities investment trust account) Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. (Trust account) BBH (LUX) FIDELITY FUNDS JAPAN ADVANTAGE NORTHAN TRUST CO. (AVFC) SUB A/C AMERICAN CLIENTS 8,038 2.32% 7,954 2.29% 7,755 2.23% 5,249 1.51% 4,983 1.44% Number of employees 1,302 (Consolidated), 683 (Non-Consolidated) Main business activities Contents related businesses Planning, development and sales of pachinko/pachislot machines <Regional Offices> Hokkaido-Tohoku, North Kanto, Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Chugoku-Shikoku, Kyushu Regional Offices and Branch Offices <Branch Offices> Sapporo, Sendai, Aomori, Takasaki, Niigata, Koriyama, Tokyo, Western Tokyo, Chiba, Saitama, Yokohama, Tsukuba, Nagoya, Mie, Shizuoka, Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe, Kanazawa, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, Matsuyama, Fukuoka, Saga, Kumamoto, Kagoshima Consolidated subsidiaries ・FutureScope Corporation ・TOTAL Workout premium management Inc. ・Tsuburaya Productions Co., Ltd. ・Digital Frontier Inc. ・Lucent Pictures Entertainment, Inc. and 12 other companies Equity method companies ・Rodeo Co., Ltd. ・Kadokawa Haruki Corporation ・HERO’S and 3 other companies Source: Fields Number of shareholders by category Treasury stock 4.29% Individuals and others 53.14% Financial institutions 8.01% Securities companies 0.79% Other companies 20.77% Foreign companies and others 13.00% Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 19 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Our Tracks (1988-2006) Pachinko/Pachislot related business ■ Established in Nagoya to sell pachinko/pachislot machines Distribute pachinko/pachislot machines more widely ■ Established branch offices in Tokyo ■ Merged Leisure Nippon Newspaper Company and launched a new industrial vision ■ Launched the ‘Hall TV’ system to support pachinko hall management ■ Nationwide expansion: to Tohoku, Chugoku, Shikoku, Kansai ■ Established a sales tie-up with a pachinko/pachislot machine manufacturer Sammy Corporation ■ Launched ‘Pachinko Information Station,’ a CS service for the industry in collaboration with Mitsui & Co., Ltd. ■ Obtained ISO9002: 1994 ■ Consolidated Fields Jr. Corporation as a subsidiary ■ Invested in Rodeo Co., Ltd. ■ Obtained ISO9001: 2000 Content provider ■ Listed on JASDAQ ■ Released Sammy pachinko machines exclusively for Fields ■ Established business tie-up with the SANKYO Group and Bisty Co., Ltd. ■ Released the first machine made via a full-scale collaboration with Bisty Co., Ltd. ■ Established G&E Corporation via joint investments of Sammy Corporation, SANKYO CO., LTD. and Fields Corporation ■ Launched a full-scale collaboration with Olympia Co., Ltd., for a Gold Olympia brand Source: Fields 1988 1992 1995 1999 2000 2001 ■ Established Professional Management Co., Ltd., and Total Workout Corporation 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 ■ Invested in D3 Publisher Inc. ■ Consolidated D3 Publisher Inc. and White Trash Charms Japan Co., Ltd. as a subsidiary of the Company ■ Invested in Kadokawa Haruki Corporation ■ Invested in and consolidated J. Sakazaki Marketing Ltd. as a subsidiary of the Company ■ Established Japan Sports Marketing Inc. (Merger of three subisduary companies) ■ Consolidated thinkArts Co., Ltd., Fields Pictures Corporation and FutureScope Corporation as a subsidiary of the Company Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION As a trailblazing creator pursuing more entertaining pachinko/pachislot machines Fabless manufacturer ■ Started to sell Rodeo’s pachinko/pachislot machines as a sales channel of Rodeo Co., Ltd. ■ Renamed Fields Corporation Group related business All rights reserved. 20 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Our Tracks (2007-2011) Pachinko/Pachislot related business Group related business 2007 2008 2009 Next 2010 2011 ■Promoting joint businesses with the Universal Entertainment Corp. group. Source: Fields 2012 ■ Consolidated Shin-Nichi Technology Co., Ltd. as a subsidiary of the Company ■ Invested in Bbmf Magazine, Inc. and SPO Inc. ■ Merger of White Trash Charms Japan Co., Ltd., and Fields Pictures Corporation ■ Completion of liquidation of thinkArts Co., Ltd. ■ Sale of D3Inc. to NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc. ■ Established F Corporation ■ Consolidated Tsuburaya Productions Co., Ltd. as a subsidiary of the Company ■ Consolidated Digital Frontier Inc. as a subsidiary of the Company ■ Established a new joint investment publishing company HERO’S Inc with Shogakukan Creative Inc. ■ Completion of liquidation of Ildel Corporation ■ Established IP Bros. Incorporated ■ Consolidated MICROCABIN CORP. as a subsidiary of the Company ■ Completion of liquidation of Haruki Fields Cinema Fund ■ Special liquidation of Japan Sports Marketing Inc. (Tentative) Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION As a trailblazing creator pursuing more entertaining pachinko/pachislot machines ■ Established business tie-up with KYORAKU SANGYO ■ Established Ildel Corporation and Haruki Fields Cinema Fund ■ Launch of Lucent Pictures Entertainment, Inc. ■ Consolidated EXPRESS Inc. as a subsidiary of the Company All rights reserved. 21 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Group Structure (As of December 31, 2011) Fields Corporation [2767] Pachinko/Pachislot (PS) Field Mobile Field Fields Jr. Corporation (100.0%) IP Bros. Incorporated Shin-Nichi Technology Co., Ltd. (100.0%) FutureScope Corporation MICROCABIN CORP. (85.0%) NEX ENTERTAINMENT CO., LTD. (64.6%) F Corporation Rodeo Co., Ltd. Sports Entertainment Field (85.0%) (83.3%) Other Field Japan Sports Marketing Inc. (82.4%) Lucent Pictures Entertainment, Inc. (90.0%) EXPRESS Inc. (80.0%) Digital Frontier Inc. (86.9%) Tsuburaya Productions Co., Ltd. (51.0%) HERO’S Inc. (49.0%) Bbmf Magazine, Inc. (33.8%) G&E Corporation (33.3%) SPO Inc. (31.8%) Kadokawa Haruki Corporation (30.0%) (51.0%) (35.0%) Sammy Corporation Business partner SANKYO CO., LTD. KYORAKU SANGYO Source: Fields *The group structure shows our main consolidated and equity method companies. *Japan Sports Marketing Inc. will be dissolved in a special liquidation in March 2012. Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 22 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Status of Group Companies (As of December 31, 2011) Company name Pachinko/Pachislot (PS) Field Mobile Field Address Business activities Investment date March 2002 (Million yen) Fields Jr. Corporation 100.0 10 Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Pachinko/Pachislot machine maintenance, etc. Shin-Nichi Technology Co., Ltd. 100.0 50 Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Pachinko/ Pachislot machine development January 2008 MICROCABIN CORP. 85.0 227 Yokkaichi-shi, Mie Planning and development of software for commercial-use machine January 2011 NEX ENTERTAINMENT CO., LTD. 64.6 F Corporation 51.0 Rodeo Co., Ltd. 35.0 92 Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo Software planning, production, development and sales. November 2011 200 Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Pachinko/Pachislot machine planning and development May 2009 100 Toshima-ku, Tokyo Pachinko/Pachislot machine development and manufacturing March 2002 IP Bros. Incorporated 85.0 75 Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Digitization of intellectual properties / Construction and management of dedicated pachinko/pachislot sites FutureScope Corporation 83.3 60 Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Mobile contents service provider and mail order October 2006 82.4 200 Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Athletes management / Running fitness gyms October 2005 80.0 300 Running fitness gym Sports Entertainment Japan Sports Marketing Inc. Field EXPRESS Inc. Other Field Holding ratio Paid-in capital Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka December 2010 December 2007 Lucent Pictures Entertainment, Inc. 90.0 20 Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Planning, production and producing of animations Digital Frontier Inc. 86.9 31 Shibuya-ku, Tokyo CG planning and production Tsuburaya Productions Co., Ltd. 51.0 310 Shibuya-ku, Tokyo HERO’S Inc. 49.0 10 Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Movie/TV planning and production Character goods planning, production and sales Comic magazine and character contents planning, operation and production Bbmf Magazine, Inc. 33.8 20 Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Publishing and selling books and magazines, etc. G&E Corporation 33.3 450 Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Running business schools focused on entertainment field SPO Inc. 31.8 371 Minato-ku, Tokyo Movie planning, production and distributor, etc. March 2008 757 Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Planning, production, editing, publishing and selling books and magazines March 2005 Kadokawa Haruki Corporation 30.0 October 2007 April 2010 April 2010 April 2010 January 2008 May 2005 *Japan Sports Marketing Inc. will be dissolved in a special liquidation in March 2012. Source: Fields Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 23 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Topics of Group Companies Lucent Pictures Entertainment, Inc. Tsuburaya Productions Co., Ltd. Movie “BERSERK I THE HIGH KING’S EGG” Movie “Ultraman Saga” To be premiered on February 4, 2012 To be premiered on March 24, 2012 Planning/Producing Lucent Pictures Entertainment, Inc. Trilogy 2nd “BERSERKⅡ” to be premiered on June 2012 Source: Fields ©三浦健太郎(スタジオ我画)・白泉社/BERSERK FILM PARTNERS ©2011「ウルトラマンサーガ」製作委員会 Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 24 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Business Model (PS Planning, Development and Sales) (As of December 31, 2011) Sammy group Rodeo SANKYO group Bisty KYORAKU SANGYO TV/movies, animation, sports and other (Rights/Product planning) (Development/Manufacturing) (Development/Manufacturing) February 2008 Alliance (SECTA)* Pachislot (From 2000) in progress (保通協) (SECTA)* Pachinko (From 2003) パチンコ Pachislot (From 2003) New パチンコ brand building (Sales agency) Pachinko halls *Security Electronics Communications Technology Associatio Source: Fields ©本宮ひろ志/集英社/FIELDS ©Sammy ©RODEO ©カラー ©Bisty ©黒澤プロダクション/Sammy・電通・ぴえろ・NTV ©Sammy ©RODEO ©avex management inc. ©avex entertainment inc. ©Bisty ©カラー ©2004 黒澤明/橋本忍/小国英雄/NEP・GONZO ©FIELDS ©Bisty Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 25 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Accounting Method of Pachinko/Pachislot Sales <Agency sales> Manufacturers Pachinko machines フィールズ <Distribution sales> Pachislot machines Manufacturers Commission payment Commission payment Agency Commission Gross sales profit (Recorded in the following month) Manufacturing cost Machine sales Manufacturing cost Cost of Machines purchase Whole sales Machine sales Gross profit Commission payment Gross profit Gross profit <Price: 250,000-380,000 yen> Source: Fields フィールズ ©カラー ©CAPCOM CO.,LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ©RODEO ©Sammy 「新鬼武者」は株式会社カプコンの登録商標です。 <Price: 350,000-450,000 yen> Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION (Recorded in the month) All rights reserved. 26 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Glossary of Fields’ Pachinko/Pachislot Machine Sales Pachinko/Pachislot manufacturers *5 *5 Transport of machines (Direct) Pachislot machines Pachinko machines(Some pachislot machines) Payment of commission *1 Remittance of sales amount Transport of machines (Direct) *2 Agency sales Purchase of machines Distribution sales Fields Consignment *3 *4 Direct sales Secondary agent Sales Indirect sales Pachinko halls (Pachinko/Pachislot users) *1 Agency sales : Sales and profit by commission *2 Distribution sales : *3 Direct sales : Direct sales by own sales force *4 Indirect sales *5 Transport of machines : Direct transport of machines from manufacturers to Pachinko halls Source: Fields □ Sales method Sales and profit by purchase of machines : Indirect sales through secondary agents Both agency and distribution sales activities are the same Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 27 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Business flow and Accounting Method of Merchandising Rights Regarding Pachinko/Pachislot Planning and Development Balance Sheet Licensee Profit and Loss MG: Minimum Guarantee OR: Over Royalty (1) Gaining merchandising rights (2) MG payment Asset (Advance payment for merchandising rights) (6) OR payment Cost (Merchandising rights cost) (3) Merchandising rights sales (Sub-licensing) Fields Pachinko/Pachislot (4)MG receiving Decrease in asset (Pachinko/Pachislot Machines Sold) Sales/Cost (Advance payment for merchandising rights) (Merchandising rights sales/Cost) (5) OR receiving manufacturers Sales (Merchandising rights sales) Source: Fields Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 28 Change of “Evangelion” Series FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Year2004年3月期 Ended Year Ended March 31, 2005 March 31, 2006 Year Ended March 31, 2007 Pachinko machines CR Neon Genesis Second Impact What’s Value Evangelion of Miracle <December 2004> <February 2006> <February 2007> Year Ended March 31, 2008 The Angels Are Back Again <January 2008> Year Ended March 31, 2009 Premium Model <May 2008> Type less reliant on gambling nature Year Ended March 31, 2010 The Beginning and the End <April 2009> Year Ended March 31, 2011 The Angels Are Back Again YF <January 2010> Year Ending March 31, 2012 Evangelical of Evangelical of the Beginnings the Beginnings Light ver. <June 2010> <November 2010> Type less reliant on gambling nature Type less reliant on gambling nature 125,000 machines 161,000 machines 187,000 machines 200,000 machines 50,000 machines 237,000 machines 24,000 machines 205,000machines 9,000machines Pachislot machines Source: Fields Neon Genesis Evangelion <September 2005> ‘Magokoro wo Kimini’That time has come, <July 2007> they’re waiting for us <September 2008> Die Spur der SEELE <March 2010> For your own wish <March 2011> 23,000machines 99,000 machines 90,000 machines 84,000 machines 78,000machines ©GAINAX/Project Eva.・テレビ東京 ©GAINAX・カラー/Project Eva. ©GAINAX・カラー/Project Eva. ©Bisty ©カラー ©カラー・GAINAX ©Bisty ©GAINAX・カラー/Project Eva. © カラー©Bisty © カラー ©Bisty © カラー Copyright 2012 Evangelion 7 <January 2012> FIELDS CORPORATION On sale the Heartbeat of Life <February 2012> On sale All rights reserved. 29 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Total Sale Machines of Evangelion Series Planned and sold 7pachinko and 6 pachislot titles since the year ended March, 2005 Total sale exceeded 1.5 million machines in the year ended March, 2011 Total over 1,600,000 machines On going sales 1,578 (Unit: Thousand mchines) 150万台 1,500 Pachislot Pachinko 1,271 100万台 1,000 1,207 1,207 371 37.1 39.3 393 Year Ended March 31, 2011 Year Ending March 31, 2012 935 795 723 496 50万台 500 984 673 309 125 12.2 122 0万台 Year Ended March 31, 2005 Source: Fields © カラー © カラー ©Bisty Year Ended March 31, 2006 Year Ended March 31, 2007 Year Ended March 31, 2008 287 28.7 212 21.2 Year Ended March 31, 2009 Year Ended March 31, 2010 Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 30 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Introduction of “MOBASLO” and “MOBAPACHI” Get Get custom custom items items Recording Recording play play date date Participating Participating in in the the ranking ranking Sharing Sharing information information with with friends friends Creating Creating original original avatar avatar Save Save play play data data Custom Custom own own character character Service integrated with pachinko/pachislot Mobile phone Smartphone machines and mobile website content Pachinko machine Pachislot machine Custom Custom own own item item MOBASLO Custom Custom BGM BGM MOBAPACHI Installing Installing board board and and community community function function Battle Battle with with friends friends Service allow to save play data and custom real machine Installing Installing limited limited episodes episodes Custom Custom real real machine machine Source: Fields © カラー © カラー ©Bisty ©FuterScorp Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 31 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Introduction of Titles in Rodeo’s 10th Anniversary Series Rodeo’s 10th anniversary: Launched a series of classic pachislot titles and to be released. 1st Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams 2nd Gamera 3rd 4th Ore no Sora―Spirit of Young Justice Kaze no Youjinbou―Memory of Butterflies 2000 Gamera 2001 Oo-Gamera 2005 Onimusha 3 Released in March 2010 Source: Fields Released in June 2010 ©CAPCOM CO.,LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ©RODEO ©Sammy 「新鬼武者」は株式会社カプコンの登録商標です。 ©CAPCOM CO.,LTD. 2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2003 2006 Ore no Sora ©角川映画 ©1995 角川映画 NH ©1996 角川映画 NHFN ©1999 角川映画TNHN ©Sammy ©RODEO ©大映企画 株式会社タカラ ©Sammy ©RODEO ©大映/企画 株式会社タカラ ©Sammy ©RODEO Kaze no Youjinbou Released in December 2010 ©本宮ひろ志/集英社/FIELDS ©Sammy ©RODEO ©黒澤プロダクション/Sammy・電通・ぴえろ・NTV ©Sammy ©RODEO Copyright 2012 Released in August 2011 FIELDS CORPORATION Next All rights reserved. 32 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Pachinko/Pachislot (PS) Field: Transition in the Number of Machines Sold (Unit: Machines) Year Ended March 31, 2007 Number of machines sold H1 H2 229,807 281,440 123,271 Year Ended March 31, 2008 Full-Year H1 H2 511,247 212,088 272,446 222,552 345,823 38,585 53.6% 79.1% 67.6% 106,536 58,888 46.4% Year Ended March 31, 2009 Full-Year H1 H2 484,534 216,832 114,373 235,396 273,981 137,539 18.2% 86.4% 56.5% 165,424 173,503 37,050 20.9% 32.4% 81.8% 127,081 223,086 350,167 55.3% 79.3% 102,726 44.7% Year Ended March 31, 2010 Full-Year H1 H2 331,205 274,144 175,736 64,986 202,525 266,284 63.4% 56.8% 61.1% 210,553 79,293 49,387 13.6% 43.5% 36.6% 40,120 237,648 277,768 68.5% 18.9% 87.2% 58,354 161,080 171,968 20.7% 31.5% 167,788 218,503 73.0% Year Ended March 31, 2011 Full-Year Year Ending March 31, 2012 H1 H2 Full-Year H1 Q3 Q1-Q3 449,880 293,128 187,145 480,273 151,254 47,700 198,954 64,450 330,734 226,620 35,994 262,614 89,264 36,201 125,465 97.1% 36.7% 73.5% 77.3% 19.2% 54.7% 59.0% 75.9% 63.1% 128,680 7,860 111,286 119,146 66,508 151,151 217,659 61,990 11,499 73,489 43.2% 38.9% 2.9% 63.3% 26.5% 22.7% 80.8% 45.3% 41.0% 24.1% 36.9% 138,492 66,674 205,166 255,570 67,177 322,747 228,042 40,130 268,172 91,839 38,581 130,420 57.3% 63.9% 58.3% 61.9% 93.2% 38.2% 71.7% 77.8% 21.4% 55.8% 60.7% 80.9% 65.6% 34,798 206,766 78,340 47,699 126,039 18,574 108,559 127,133 65,086 147,015 212,101 59,415 9,119 68,534 81.1% 12.8% 42.7% 36.1% 41.7% 38.1% 6.8% 61.8% 28.3% 22.2% 78.6% 44.2% 39.3% 19.1% 34.4% 386,291 164,786 215,392 380,178 177,552 89,735 267,287 221,521 145,626 367,147 239,336 156,701 396,037 123,142 44,793 167,935 77.6% 75.6% 77.7% 79.1% 78.5% 81.9% 78.5% 80.7% 80.8% 82.9% 81.6% 81.6% 83.7% 82.5% 81.4% 93.9% 84.4% 62,019 62,937 124,956 47,302 57,054 104,356 39,280 24,638 63,918 52,623 30,110 82,733 53,792 30,444 84,236 28,112 2,907 31,019 27.0% 22.4% 24.4% 22.3% 20.9% 21.5% 18.1% 21.5% 19.3% 19.2% 17.1% 18.4% 18.4% 16.3% 17.5% 18.6% 6.1% 15.6% Sales ratio Pachinko Pachislot Agency/Distribution sales ratio Agency sales Distribution sales Direct/Indirect sales ratio Direct sales Indirect sales Source: Fields Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 33 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Unit: Machines 2011.03 Sammy Titles of Pachinko Machines Sold (2007.03-2011.03) Sold Bisty Sold 11,000 CR Kung Fu Panda 2010.03 CR Evangelion—Evangelical of the beginnings Light ver - CR Shimizu no Jirocho Light ver. - CR Evangelion—Evangelical of the Beginnings 205,000 CR Neon Genesis Evangelion—The Beginning and the End 230,000 CR Iron Chef - CR GTO - CR Neon Genesis Evangelion—The Angels Are Back Again YF CR Shimizu no Jirocho—The Bonds of Life 2009.03 CR Virtua Fighter 11,000 CR Mystic Blue 2007.03 CR SEACOP CR Salaryman Kintaro 2 CR Gamera Extreme Battle CR King Kong 21,000 CR Seven Samurai 82,000 50,000 41,000 CR Neon Genesis Evangelion—The Angels Are Back Again 200,000 CR Tomb Raider - CRA Felix the Cat - CR The Mask of Zorro - CR LOONEY TUNES BIA - - CR Neon Genesis Evangelion—Kiseki no Kachiwa 28,000 CR WINK 187,000 CR PROJECT MINERVA - 11,000 - CR Aya Matsuura 40,000 CR Otoko Ippiki Gaki Daisho - CR Shin Sangoku Musou Source: Fields 23,000 - CRA Neon Genesis Evangelion Premium Model CR Sakura Taisen Sold - CRA Morning Musume 2008.03 Olympia 27,000 * Regarding the titles of pachinko/pachislot machines for which the number of machines sold was less than 10,000, the number of machines sold was not released. * Round down to the nearest 1,000. Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 34 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Titles of Pachinko Machines Sold (2002.03-2006.03) Unit: Machines Sammy 2006.03 CR Sakigake!! Otoko Juku Sold Bisty Sold 29,000 CR Neon Genesis Evangelion: Second Impact CR Super Jetter - CR Ashita ga arusa Yoshimoto World 38,000 CR Azumi - CR Marilyn Monroe 39,000 CR K-1 PREMIUM Dynamite!! - CR Iijima Naoko no Casino Bisty 21,000 CR Daimajin 2005.03 161,000 10,000 CR Ore no Sora 30,000 CR Kahara Tomomi to Minashigo Hatchi CR Bakumatsu no kaze 13,000 CR Neon Genesis Evangelion CR LINDA 25,000 CR Circuit e ikou! 41,000 125,000 11,000 CR FEVER TWINS 2004.03 CR Rikidozan 40,000 CR FEVER KUNG-FU GAL CR Sonic 27,000 CR CITY HUNTER 36,000 CR Ume Matsu Paradise 24,000 2003.03 CR GEN JU HAOU 13,000 2002.03 CR Salaryman Kintaro 24,000 Source: Fields 14,000 * Regarding the titles of pachinko/pachislot machines for which the number of machines sold was less than 10,000, the number of machines sold was not released. * Round down to the nearest 1,000. Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 35 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Unit: Machines 2011.03 2010.03 Rodeo Gravion 2008.03 2007.03 Ssold Bisty Olympia 38,000 Gamera 13,000 Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi - Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams 90,000 Saturday Night Fever - Aim for the Ace! Kaiji Act 2 Sold Enterrise Sold - - MOBASLO Evangelion —for your own wish Neon Genesis Evangelion —Die Spur der SEELE 18,000 KING KONG Tenchi wo Kurau - Sonic Live - Neon Genesis Evangelion—That time has come, now they’re waiting for us Tenka Muteki! Salaryman Kintaro 18,000 Beach Club Virtua Fighter 10,000 Neon Genesis Evangelion —‘Magokoro wo Kimini’ The Mask of Zorro - Morning Musume Cream Stew - Devil May Cry 3 48,000 Sakigake!! Otoko Juku 17,000 SHERLOCK HOUND 55,000 Sengoku BASARA 2 - 90,000 - Shin Sangokumusou 99,000 Kaiketsu Harimau - - - Karate-Baka Ichidai - GTO - KING OF MOUSE Dokaben - ROCKY BALBOA - Lord of the Rings 16,000 - 75,000 I am KONISHIKI PREMIUM Dynamite Tomb Raider Source: Fields Sold Ore no Sora ―Spirit of Young Justice Hono-no Nekketsu Kyoshi 2009.03 Titles of Pachislot Machines Sold (2007.03-2011.03) LOONEY TUNES: BACK IN ACTION 30,000 - 60,000 - * Regarding the titles of pachinko/pachislot machines for which the number of machines sold was less than 10,000, the number of machines sold was not released. * Round down to the nearest 1,000. Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 36 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Unit: Machines 2006.03 Titles of Pachislot Machines Sold (2001.03-2006.03) Rodeo Ore no Sora Dokonjo Gaeru 2005.03 2004.03 Onimusha 3 2002.03 2001.03 Source: Fields 120,000 Dai Yamato 29,000 Fever Natsumatsuri Umematsu Dynamite Wave! 36,000 Gamera-High Grade Vision 61,000 KAIZOKU Sold - 12,000 Mezase Dokidoki Zima - - - Ougonshin 13,000 - JET SET RADIO 22,000 Charlie’s Angels - Sloter Kintaro 52,000 Yajyu 14,000 KAZENOYOUJINBOU 53,000 SNOW KING - Salaryman Kintaro S - CLUB RODEO T 43,000 Ginginmaru 31,000 Ichigeki Teio 2 17,000 Salaryman Kintaro Sold Olympia 23,000 Geronimon S - Kaiji WANTOUCHABLE (Sammy) 2003.03 Ssold Bisty 125,000 Neon Genesis Evangelion 118,000 DOUBLE CHALLENGE 31,000 Oo-Gamera 32,000 INDY JAWS 2 23,000 Gamera 29,000 * Regarding the titles of pachinko/pachislot machines for which the number of machines sold was less than 10,000, the number of machines sold was not released. * Round down to the nearest 1,000. Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 37 CSR Activities FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Our corporate activities and CSR should be one and the same Basic approach to CSR Activities Continuous reduction in power consumption in summer and winter [Saving energy 2011: YoY] 32.6% 26.7% 27.3% May Jun Topic 2 33.2% July August Sales cars : 209 Duration September 2009-June 2012 Effect Reduction in CO2 by 480t a year (Equivalent to CO2 absorption of 30,000 cedar trees) Information security management system Charity golf tournament support May 7-8, 2011 Activities Proceeds from entree fee, charity auction, sale of tickets to the venue were donated Donations Donated to the Earthquake in Eastern Japan for reconstruction support ISO27001 July, 2011 Certification renewed ISO9001 July, 2010 Transition to ISO9001:2008 Details Upgrading of information security management system Continuous improvement of quality management Topic 6 Employs people with disabilities in Okinawa to promote the employment for the people with disabilities Keeps the social responsibility through offering the employment opportunities and a comfortable working place to people with disabilities Establishment Date 1 April, 2010 (Opening ceremony: 5 April, 2010) Business Activities Business of data imputing, etc of office related matters Eco-activities through joining Cleanup Campaign Joined “Cleanup Campain at Kugenuma beach” organized by JEAN October 2010 Joined “Shibuya town cleanup regulation enlightening campaign Oct, 5” organized by Shibuya ward March 2011 Joined “The union beautification day at Shibuya station” organized by Beautification promotion committee Shibuya ward and cleanup around Shibuya station once every month. Establishment of Okinawa working center Activities Active participation in volunteer September 2010 Renewed ISO27001, ISO9001 Topic 5 September Date Introduction of Eco-Car Object 24.8% “THE LEGEND CHARITY PRO-AM TOURNAMENT” Topic 3 Topic 4 Over 25% reduction in Power consumption YoY Topic 1 Topic 7 Introduction of AED* (*automatic external defibrillator) Activities Installed a numbers of AED at visible place in the office building such as nearby entrance to allow visitors and neighbor residents to use, as well as employees. Employees took instruction course of AED. Date January 7, 2011-March (tentative complement) Number of AED 35units (Head office,7 regional offices and 26 branches) Source: Fields Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 38 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people CSR Activities (Group companies topics) Tsuburaya Productions Co., Ltd. Established ULTRAMAN FOUNDATION Tsuburaya Productions Co.,Ltd. and the approval group companies established ULTRAMAN FOUNDATION in March 2011 immediately after the earthquake occurred . This Foundation provides psychological and material support to children are the hope for the future and deploy the everlasting support activity for children’s future. Overview of ULTRAMAN FOUNDATION Name ULTRAMAN FOUNDATION Representative Hidetoshi Yamamoto (Tsuburaya Productions Co., Ltd Chairman & CEO) Establishment March 2011 Organizer Tsuburaya Productions Co., Ltd. URL Statement Slogan Source: Fields Ultraman Foundation is a foundation that acknowledges children are the hope for the future, and will provide everlasting support in all kinds of ways for the welfare and well being of all children. It is our mission to bring back the smiles to the faces of each child as soon as possible, and we pray from our heart that the children will move on to their bright future. The Foundation to support now and future of the earthquake-stricken children. Activities April 2011 May 2011 Visited Ishinomaki city, Minamisanriku town and Kesennuma city in Miyagi for support Fund raising campaign at the Chunichi Theatre in Nagoya Donated 30 million yen to Miyagi. Visited Asahi city in Chiba for support July Donated 20 million yen to Fukushima 2011 Visited Sukagawa city in Fukushima Visited Big Palette Fukushima in Koriyama city, Fukushima August Visited Ishinomaki city in Miyagi for support 2011 Fund raising by distributing the Ultraman booklet “Ultraman begins 2011” in Comic Market 80 September Donated 20 million yen and microbus to Iwate prefectural government 2011 Visited Miyako Fisherise High school and Otsuchi town in Iwate for support November Visited Matsubara city in Miyagi for support 2011 December Visited Iwaki city in Fukushima for support 2011 Visited Fukushima city in Fukushima for support Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 39 Corporate Governance System FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Basic approach to corporate governance Fields Corporation has identified its corporate philosophy as providing “The Greatest Leisure for All People,” and has established a basic management policy of continuously enhancing corporate value. To realize this basic policy, enabling corporate governance system functions is considered to be one of our key management issues. We enhance our corporate governance system by advancing reforms in our management structures and institutions specifically within the framework of the Board of Directors, the Board of Statutory Auditors, the Independent Auditor and the Board of Executive Officers. General Meeting of Shareholders Nomination and removal Nomination and removal Nomination and removal Report Board of Directors Independent auditors Report Cooperation Board of Statutory Auditors Report Nomination and removal Audit Chairman and CEO/ President and COO Cooperation Report Internal Audit Office Nomination/Rejection of nomination/ Approval of removal/ Confirmation of accounting audit/ Verification of independence Cooperation Board of Executive Officers Internal audit Accounting audit Business operating divisions Source: Fields Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 40 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Profit Return Policy Basic policy: Profit-based dividend / Consolidated payout ratio standard: Higher than 20% (Unit: Million yen) Year Ended March 31, Year Ended March 31, Year Ended March31, Year Ended March 31, Year Ended March 31, Year Ending March 31, 2007 2008 2010 2011 2012 Forecast 2009 Net income 3,710 5,296 (1,481) 3,289 7,520 8,000 Total dividend 1,388 1,561 1,534 1,503 1,660 1,660 37.4 29.5 - 45.9 22.1 20.8 347,000 347,000 347,000 347,000 347,000 347,000 347,000 347,000 347,000 336,357 332,115 332,115 347,000 347,000 336,357 332,115 332,115 331,838 Payout ratio (%) Total number of outstanding common stock (excluding treasury stock) As of 1st Half (excluding treasury stock) As of Full-Year (excluding treasury stock) Annual dividend 4,000 yen Dividend per share (Yen) Annual dividend 4,500 yen Commemorative Dividend 500 yen Interim dividend 2,000 yen Interim dividend 2,000 yen Year-end dividend 2,000 yen Year-end dividend 2,000 yen Annual dividend 5,000 yen (Forecast) Annual dividend 5,000 yen Annual dividend 4,500 yen Annual dividend 4,500 yen Interim dividend 2,000 yen Interim dividend 2,000 yen Interim dividend 2,500 yen ※ Interim dividend 2,500 yen Year-end dividend 2,500 yen Year-end dividend 2,500 yen Year-end dividend 2,500 yen Year-end dividend 2,500 yen ※ Interim dividends have increased as of November 4, 2010. Source: Fields Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 41 Financial Highlights FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Non-Consolidated Key financial data (unit: Million yen) 1999.03 2000.03 Consolidated 2001.03 2002.03 2003.03 2004.03 2005.03 2006.03 2007.03 2008.03 2009.03 2010.03 2011.03 2012.3 Q3 11,811 10,017 11,496 34,560 61,888 66,211 81,658 96,814 85,321 101,818 73,035 66,342 103,593 43,061 2,827 3,381 5,368 12,703 15,992 21,578 24,752 29,737 29,248 34,544 24,024 26,889 35,129 16,326 Operating Income 138 768 1,700 5,730 6,781 11,866 12,097 12,348 8,944 13,158 1,960 8,124 13,136 22 Ordinary income 107 726 1,681 5,664 7,022 12,209 12,480 13,127 9,202 11,705 991 7,761 13,684 106 34 262 583 3,041 3,524 6,620 6,926 7,085 3,710 5,296 (1,481) 3,289 7,520 1,132 7,948 Net sales Gross profit Net income Common stock 10 10 116 530 1,295 1,295 7,948 7,948 7,948 7,948 7,948 7,948 7,948 Net assets 23 286 1,069 3,883 8,752 14,507 33,426 39,411 42,836 46,331 39,496 41,187 47,021 46,408 61,872 Total assets Cash flows from operating activities Cash flows from investing activities Cash flows from financing activities Cash and cash equivalents at the end of year Indicators per share (Yen) Net assets per share 5,388 6,199 6,211 18,631 17,090 37,115 72,584 87,556 66,081 69,168 52,064 81,329 78,971 - - 1,105 4,525 3,316 851 2,965 6,164 5,293 11,127 4,147 8,429 8,005 3,690 - - 269 (724) (2,253) (3,190) (5,257) (2,224) (4,772) (14,604) (6,182) (1,011) (4,356) (3,111) - - (920) 2,004 (2,454) 2,029 10,177 (1,540) 1,488 (1,384) 602 (2,687) (3,915) (2,395) - - 1,414 6,857 5,739 5,437 13,326 15,777 17,819 12,693 11,181 15,906 15,632 13,810 1999.03 2000.03 119,690 2001.03 1,430,535 2002.03 461,122 2003.03 1,325,324 Old Shares 100,000 New Shares27,398 Annual dividend per share (Non-Consolidated) Net income per share Management indicators (%) Shareholders' equity ratio - 15,000 2nd new Shares 548 174,211 1999.03 1,310,844 2,075,024 1,275,256 2000.03 2001.03 2002.03 2004.03 268,600 89,305 2005.03 96,026 2006.03 2007.03 113,275 2008.03 118,487 2009.03 128,201 117,326 2010.03 2011.03 123,645 140,853 2012.3 Q3 138,589 4,500 4,500 4,000Commemorative 4,500 5,000 dividend Interim dividend Interim dividend Interim dividend Interim dividend Interim dividend Interim dividend 10,000 500 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000Interim dividend 2,000 2,500 Interim dividend 10,000Interim dividend 2,500 10,000Year-end 2,000Year-end Year-end Year-end Year-end Year-end Year-end Year-end dividend dividend dividend dividend dividend dividend dividend dividend 2,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,500 2,500 4,000 2,000 24,000 Commemorative dividend 117,233 2003.03 40,465 2004.03 4,000 19,888 2005.03 4,000 20,118 2006.03 10,692 2007.03 15,263 2008.03 (4,271) 2009.03 9,796 2010.03 22,643 2011.03 3,410 2012.3 Q3 0.4 4.6 17.2 20.8 51.2 39.1 46.0 45.0 62.2 64.3 75.8 50.5 59.2 74.3 Return on equity (ROE) 534.6 169.1 86.0 122.8 55.9 56.9 28.9 19.5 9.2 12.4 (3.5) 8.2 17.1 - Return on assets (ROA) Payout ratio 2.2 - 12.6 - 27.1 6.0 45.6 7.8 39.3 7.9 45.0 20.1 22.8 20.7 16.4 20.3 12.0 37.4 17.3 29.5 1.6 - 11.6 45.9 17.1 22.1 - (1) (1) Other (2) issued and Total number of shares outstanding (shares) Treasury stock (shares) Number of employees (people) 1999.03 200 166 2000.03 200 210 2001.03 2,320 319 2002.03 2,930 323 2003.03 32,300 460 Payout ratio for the year ended March 2004 was computed including a commemorative dividend 2004.03 161,500 651 2005.03 347,000 758 2006.03 2007.03 347,000 901 2008.03 347,000 1,022 347,000 1,077 (2) ・October 2002 1:10 stock split Source: Fields Copyright 2012 2009.03 347,000 10,643 827 *Consolidated payout ratio after 2007.03 2010.03 2011.03 347,000 14,885 909 ・November 2003 1:5 stock split FIELDS CORPORATION 347,000 14,885 1,149 2012.3 Q3 347,000 15,162 1,302 ・September 2004 1:2 stock split All rights reserved. 42 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Change in Quarterly Profit and Loss (Consolidated) (Unit: Million yen) Year Ended March 31, 2010 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year Ended March 31, 2011 Full-Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year Ending March 31, 2012 Full-Year Q1 Q2 Q3 16,038 5,406 3,077 41,821 66,342 21,344 21,668 28,421 32,160 103,593 17,635 15,717 9,709 12,402 707 888 12,892 26,889 7,663 11,328 7,292 8,846 35,129 5,076 6,907 4,343 SG&A expenses 3,877 3,845 4,906 6,136 18,764 5,314 4,495 5,775 6,409 21,993 5,302 5,099 5,903 Operating income 8,524 (3,138) (4,018) 6,756 8,124 2,348 6,834 1,517 2,437 13,136 (225) 1,807 (1,560) Ordinary income 8,519 (3,468) (3,961) 6,671 7,761 2,518 6,985 1,980 2,201 13,684 (266) 1,979 (1,607) Net income 4,711 (2,530) (2,454) 3,562 3,289 1,477 3,951 1,043 1,049 7,520 (284) 2,712 (1,296) Net sales Gross profit Year Ended March 31, 2006 Q1 Q2 24,418 11,328 8,211 52,857 5,925 3,440 4,337 SG&A expenses 3,667 4,235 Operating income 2,257 Ordinary income Net income Net sales Gross profit Q3 Q4 Year Ended March 31, 2007 Full-Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 96,814 25,362 21,760 17,022 21,177 16,035 29,737 7,570 6,480 5,282 4,440 5,047 17,389 4,393 4,936 (795) (103) 10,989 12,348 3,176 2,667 (861) (52) 11,373 13,127 1,464 (503) (278) 6,402 7,085 Q4 Full-Year Year Ended March 31, 2008 Full-Year Year Ended March 31, 2009 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Full-Year 85,321 24,234 40,414 12,837 24,333 101,818 9,916 29,248 6,763 10,681 3,836 13,264 5,306 5,668 20,303 4,440 5,181 5,671 1,544 (24) 4,248 8,944 2,322 5,500 3,413 1,567 61 4,161 9,202 2,627 1,658 567 70 1,415 3,710 1,156 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Full-Year 7,321 34,269 23,461 7,984 73,035 34,544 2,114 12,408 8,179 1,323 24,024 6,093 21,385 5,426 5,843 5,350 5,444 22,063 (1,834) 7,170 13,158 (3,312) 6,564 2,830 (4,122) 1,960 4,837 (1,964) 6,205 11,705 (3,161) 6,184 2,581 (4,613) 991 1,921 (816) 3,035 5,296 (2,289) 3,134 809 (3,135) (1,481) *Q2-Q4 figures are calculated as the other items deducted from the total figure on this sheet Source: Fields Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 43 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Change in Quarterly Profit and Loss (Non-Consolidated) (Unit: Million yen) Year Ended March 31, 2010 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year Ended March 31, 2011 Full-Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year Ending March 31, 2012 Full-Year Q1 Q2 Q3 14,905 4,328 1,739 40,385 61,357 18,310 18,695 25,165 28,801 90,971 15,349 13,132 7,276 11,901 332 232 12,028 24,493 6,542 10,137 6,004 7,514 30,197 4,059 6,015 3,249 SG&A expenses 3,277 3,243 4,043 5,312 15,875 4,166 3,316 4,639 5,156 17,277 4,165 4,051 5,065 Operating income 8,623 (2,911) (3,811) 6,717 8,618 2,375 6,821 1,366 2,358 12,920 (106) 1,964 (1,817) Ordinary income 8,761 (2,900) (3,693) 6,662 8,830 2,505 6,911 1,558 2,477 13,451 11 2,128 (1,713) Net income 5,119 (2,064) (2,107) 3,575 4,538 1,362 3,984 766 714 6,826 (101) 1,221 (938) Net sales Gross profit Year Ended March 31, 2006 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year Ended March 31, 2007 Full-Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q4 Full-Year Year Ended March 31, 2008 Full-Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year Ended March 31, 2009 Full-Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Full-Year 23,301 9,776 5,157 50,017 88,251 22,756 18,385 12,032 18,141 71,314 21,094 37,641 6,600 17,423 82,758 3,950 30,407 16,673 2,113 53,143 5,479 2,766 2,985 15,338 26,568 6,720 5,631 3,956 8,843 25,150 5,757 9,813 2,385 10,533 28,488 2,090 11,417 5,777 146 19,430 SG&A expenses 3,032 3,506 3,486 4,047 14,071 3,441 3,932 3,888 4,889 16,150 3,226 3,779 4,149 4,700 15,854 3,569 4,304 3,748 3,990 15,611 Operating income 2,447 (741) (501) 11,292 12,497 3,279 1,698 69 3,953 8,999 2,531 6,034 (1,765) 5,834 12,634 (1,478) 7,111 2,029 (3,844) 3,818 Ordinary income 2,696 (714) (474) 11,328 12,836 3,535 1,749 127 3,982 9,393 2,614 6,046 (1,779) 5,582 12,463 (1,721) 7,218 4,153 (3,808) 5,842 Net income 1,523 (314) (389) 6,114 6,934 1,948 862 240 1,723 4,773 1,397 1,070 (1,151) 2,837 4,153 (948) 4,177 2,173 (4,257) 1,145 Net sales Gross profit *Q2-Q4 figures are calculated as the other items deducted from the total figure on this sheet Source: Fields Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 44 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Change in Financial Results (Consolidated) (Unit: Million yen) Operating income Net sales Q1-Q3 Full-Year Q1-Q3 120,000 13,158 103,593 101,818 Full-Year 13,136 100,000 12,000 85,321 77,485 80,000 64,144 73,035 65,051 66,342 71,433 10,699 8,944 8,124 8,000 60,000 5,988 43,061 6,082 4,696 40,000 24,521 4,000 1,960 20,000 1,368 22 0 0 2007.03 2008.03 2009.03 2010.03 2011.03 2007.03 Q3 2012.3 Ordinary income 2008.03 2009.03 2010.03 2011.03 Q3 2012.3 Net income Q1-Q3 13,684 11,705 Full-Year 11,483 12,000 Q1-Q3 Full-Year 9,000 7,520 6,471 7,000 5,296 9,202 5,000 7,761 8,000 3,000 5,041 5,500 3,710 2,295 3,289 2,261 5,604 1,654 1,132 1,000 4,000 991 (1,000) 1,090 106 0 (1,481) (3,000) 2007.03 Source: Fields 2008.03 2009.03 2010.03 2011.03 Q3 2012.3 2007.03 2008.03 Copyright 2012 2009.03 2010.03 FIELDS CORPORATION 2011.03 Q3 2012.3 All rights reserved. 45 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Change in Assets/Liabilities, Net Assets (Consolidated) (Ⅰ) (Ⅲ) (Ⅴ) (Ⅱ) Investments and other assets (Ⅳ) Tangible fixed assets Notes and accounts receivable trade (Ⅵ) (Ⅱ) (Ⅰ) Net assets (Ⅲ) Other current liabilities Intangible fixed assets Other current assets Cash and cash equivalents (Ⅴ) 90,000 (Ⅳ) Other fixed liabilities Interest-bearing liabilities Notes and accounts payable trade 90,000 81,329 66,081 15,916 69,168 66,801 61,872 52,064 12,354 11,181 14,364 27,948 3,085 (Ⅴ) 4,324 5,756 4,036 8,093 3,937 17,578 10,144 10,898 4,875 9,046 6,504 2,771 2,830 1,834 52,064 1,981 3,011 4,785 2,791 2,230 8,779 8,515 3,397 10,089 9,721 39,496 41,187 2,761 2,333 5,070 13,268 12,578 12,760 As of March 31, 2009 As of March 31, 2010 As of March 31, 2009 As of March 31, 2010 61,872 2,005 (Ⅴ) 1,822 (Ⅳ) 7,996 (Ⅲ) (Ⅱ) 3,640 2,785 (Ⅳ) 7,230 30,000 7,690 9,719 5,006 13,850 9,630 30,000 (Ⅵ) 9,094 17,939 26,610 5,954 14,020 33,088 78,971 69,168 15,873 60,000 17,902 18,523 81,329 78,971 12,841 60,000 (Unit: Million yen) Change in liabilities/net assets Change in assets 10,806 (Ⅲ) 42,836 4,743 (Ⅱ) 15,367 46,331 47,021 46,408 (Ⅰ) (Ⅰ) 0 0 As of March 31, 2007 Source: Fields As of March 31, 2008 As of March As of 31, 2011 December 31, 2011 As of March 31, 2007 As of March 31, 2008 Copyright 2012 As of March As of 31, 2011 December 31, 2011 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 46 Change in Selling, General and Administrative Expenses (Consolidated) FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people 2007.03 (Unit: Million yen) 2008.03 2009.03 2010.03 2011.03 2012.3 Q3 Advertising expenditures 5,561 4,307 4,862 3,587 4,006 2,649 Salaries 5,246 5,175 5,106 4,652 5,527 4,337 Provision for accrued bonuses 25 145 202 257 290 10 Provision for accrued bonuses to directors and auditors 98 128 245 135 220 180 1,180 1,878 1,532 1,373 1,553 1,636 660 622 662 977 596 1,534 469 1,175 551 1,393 409 1,012 1,244 1,460 1,608 1,475 1,654 1,281 71 150 29 249 - △95 Outsourcing expenses Travel and transport expenses Depreciation and amortization Rent Provision to allowance for doubtful accounts 51 71 70 68 76 64 429 335 332 87 366 236 5,116 6,097 5,947 5,237 6,357 4,585 20,303 21,385 Retirement benefit expenses Amortization of goodwill Other Total SG&A expenses Advertising expenditures Q1-Q3 2012.03 Other 29.2% Amortization of goodwill 1.4% Rent 7.9% Salaries Advertising expenditures 16.2% Salaries 26.6% Outsourcing expenses 10.0% Travel and transport expenses Depreciation and amortization Rent Amortization of goodwill Other (Unit: Million yen) 25,000 20,000 20,303 5,561 Depreciation and Travel and amortization transport expenses 6.2% 2.5% Source: Fields Outsourcing expenses 22,063 18,764 21,993 16,304 * “Other” is calculated as the other items deducted from the total figure on this sheet 15,000 21,385 22,063 4,307 4,862 21,993 18,764 3,587 5,175 5,106 4,006 5,527 4,652 5,246 10,000 16,304 2,649 4,337 (1) 5,000 0 2007.03 2008.03 2009.03 2010.03 Copyright 2012 2011.03 FIELDS CORPORATION 2012.03 Q3 All rights reserved. 47 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Change in Free Cash Flow *Free Cash Flow: Cash flow from operating activities and investing activities CF from operating activities (Unit: Million yen) CF from investing activities 12,000 CF from financing activities 11,127 10,160 10,177 5,607 3,823 4,147 3,940 0 788 (2,292) 3,690 3,504 3,649 1,488 602 111 (4,000) 8,005 7,418 5,312 5,293 2,3161,992 (1,784) 8,461 6,164 2,965 (1,017) 11,199 8,429 9,810 7,328 8,000 4,000 Free CF 521 (1,540) (1,384) (2,260) (1,528) (2,224) (3,824) (3,477) (4,772) (5,257) (350) (1,011) (1,199) (2,687) (2,035) (2,395) (2,580) (2,738) 579 (3,915) (3,111) (4,356) (5,127) (6,182) (8,000) (7,387) (12,000) (14,604) (16,000) 2005/3 Source: Fields 2005/9 2006/3 2006/9 2007/3 2007/9 2008/3 2008/9 2009/3 2009/9 Copyright 2012 2010/3 2010/9 FIELDS CORPORATION 2011/3 2011/12 All rights reserved. 48 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Appendix II (Market date) Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 49 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Japanese Leisure Market Market scale of pachinko/pachislot industry Change in pachinko/pachislot market (Unit: Trillion yen) 2010 Japanese leisure market - total size of JPY67.9 trillion 90.5 90.9 89.2 87.0 85.5 85.0 83.2 82.6 81.8 81.3 80.2 79.2 74.6 72.6 69.4 67.9 Total leisure market Sports JPY 4.0 trillion (5.9%) Sightseeing/Excursion JPY 9.5 trillion (14.0%) Game/Gambling/Eating out JPY 24.2 trillion (35.7%) Hobby/Creation JPY 10.8 trillion (15.9%) 30.9 30.0 28.4 28.0 28.4 28.6 27.8 29.2 29.6 29.4 28.7 27.4 21.7 21.0 19.3 Pachinko/Pachislot market 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Change in number of pachinko/pachislot players (Unit: 10 thousand player) 4,423 3,877 Entertainment Business Institute *1 Pachinko/Pachislot JPY 19.3 trillion (28.5%) 2,865 2,998 2,819 2,766 2,170 2,900 2,100 2,760 1,900 2,310 1,980 2,020 1,860 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 1,790 1,710 1,660 1,930 1,823 1,740 1,509 White Paper on Leisure *2 Pachinko/Pachislot is one of the leading forms of entertainment in Japan, being played by 13% of the population in one of 12,479 venues 22.9 2001 2002 2003 2004 1,606 1,345 2005 2006 1,720 1,450 1,414 2007 1,580 1,469 2008 2009 1,670 2010 *1 Entertainment Business Institute has suspended the survey regarding number of pachinko/pachislot players since 2009. *2 “White Paper on Leisure” has changed the survey method to internet base survey since 2009. Source: “2011 White Paper on Leisure” by Japan Productive Center “Pachinko Participation Fact-Finding Survey 2009”by Entertainment business Institute, National Police Agency’s date Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 50 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Income Structure of Pachinko/Pachislot Industry (2010) Income structure of pachinko halls Pachinko/Pachislot market size: ¥19.3 trillion (total lease amount of pachinko balls) Gross profit: ¥2.3 trillion Premiums: ¥17.0 trillion (returned to players) Gross profit: ¥2.3 trillion New machine installment costs (purchase cost of new machines) ▼ Investment for customer expansion ・Pachinko machine : 886.9 billion ・Pachislot machine : 286.7 billion ■Costs for constructing new halls and refurbishing existing halls ■Advertising, marketing and service expenses ■Other expenses related to equipment ■Other expenses ■Net income ▼ ▼ ▼ Pachinko/Pachislot machine market: Approximately 1,173.6 billion Hall-related businesses Net income Source: “2011 White Paper on Leisure” by Japan Productive Center and Estimation by Fields Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 51 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Players in the Pachinko/Pachislot Industry Players Machine manufacturers Pachinko hall operators (As of September 30, 2011) Direct sales 40% for pachinko and 20% for pachislot Distributors ■34 pachinko machine manufacturers ■Over 60 pachislot machine manufacturers ■ Regulated Example: Sammy Corporation, SANKYO CO., LTD., and KYORAKU SANGYO ■Usually paid via a commission from manufacturers but may also have a resale model for pachislot ■Network of salesmen ■Not directly regulated ■Around 12,479 in Japan (2010) ■Neighborhood based ■Large number of small owner operators but some significant chains ■Constant need to attract and retain players ■‘Fickle’ client base ■High machine turnover (every 12 months) ■On average, each machine pays for itself in 3-6 weeks ■Regulated Example: Dynam Co., Ltd. and Maruhan Corporation Indirect sales 60% for pachinko and 80% for pachislot Parts and software manufacturers •Software for graphics chips and liquid crystal displays •Parts of pachinko/pachislot machines and other items Example: Axell Corporation and EIZO NANAO CORPORATION Source: Fields, National Police Agency’s date ©カラー ©Bisty ©CAPCOM CO.,LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ©RODEO ©Sammy 「新鬼武者」は株式会社カプコンの登録商標です。 Peripheral equipment manufacturers and others • Unit and pachinko hall computers • Premiums, equipment and other items Example: Daikoku Denki Co., Ltd., Japan Cash Machine Co., Ltd. and Mars Engineering Corporation Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 52 Recent Trend of Pachinko/Pachislot Industry FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people ●July Introduction of revised pachinko/pachislot ●May Introduction of revised Entertainment Business Control Law; machines regulation restricted pachinko parlor business (Severer penalties) 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 [Pachinko industry change] ●July Revised regulation→Deregulation Nikkoso, an organization of pachinko machine manufacturers revised internal regulation Abolition of classification Lowest bound jackpot 1/360-1/500 ●August Strictly restricted pachinko and pachislot advertisement 2009 ●March Regulations and interpretations were partially revised/Entertainment level is accelerating by the revised technical interpretations. ●October Nikkoso, an organization of pachinko machine manufacturers revised internal regulation Lowest bound jackpot 1/500-1/400 Self-imposed control 2011 2012 ●March Nikkoso revised internal regulation.(Tentative) Partial change regarding spacifications. ●March Nikkoso revised internal regulation. Partially self imposed control regarding gambling nature. ●July Nikkoso revised ●April Nikkoso revised internal internal regulation. Partially regulation. Self imposed control regarding the gambling nature of self imposed control so called ‘Maximum spec machine’ regarding gambling nature. ●November A new model adapted to the new regulations was released ‘CRF Dai Yamato 2 (SANKYO) Jackpot trend 1/400-1/500 2010 ●December Nikkoso revised ●January Nikkoso revised internal regulation. Partially internal regulation. Partially self imposed control self imposed control re regarding gambling nature. regarding gambling nature Jackpot trend 1/300-1/350 Jackpot trend 1/300-1/400 [Pachislot industry change] ●July Restraining the nature of gambling, the revised regulations for pachislot machines were introduced Setting upper bound jackpot SECTA’s simulation test introduced ●September A new model adapted to the new regulations was released ‘Neon Genesis Evangelion (Bisty)’ ●March Regulations and interpretations were partially revised/Entertainment level is accelerating by the revised technical interpretations ●October The full-scale shift to regulation five machines was completed More entertainment machines from gambling machines by shifting to regulation 5 Source: Fields ©2002松本零士/ユウガ<「大銀河シリーズ」より> ©GAINAX・カラー/Project Eva. ©Bisty Regulation 5 era; more gaming and entertainment machines Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 53 Number of Pachinko Halls and Installed Machines Per Hall FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people The date is updated every April. 365.0 43000 356.2 349.8 350 38000 337.9 336.5 323.1 318.2 33000 304.3 294.7 300 # of installed machines per hall 28000 284.9 279.9 274.3 268.0 270.3 268.0 23000 260.5 18,224 18,164 17,773 17,426 18000 17,173 16,988 16,801 250 16,504 16,076 15,617 15,165 Pachinko/Pachislot hall establishment (Store #) 14,674 13,585 12,937 12,652 12,479 13000 17,611 17,594 17,174 16,764 16,413 16,021 15,691 15,255 14,695 13,844 13,163 12,588 8000 200 12,039 11,800 11,722 1,137 930 11,576 Pachislot specialty stores (Store#) 3000 613 -2000 Source: National Police Agency’s date 1995 570 1996 599 1997 1998 967 760 662 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2,002 1,773 1,381 1,249 1,110 2004 2005 Copyright 2012 2,086 2006 1,546 2007 2008 FIELDS CORPORATION 2009 903 2010 150 All rights reserved. 54 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Unit Sales and Sales Amount of Pachinko/Pachislot Machines The date is updated every November. 1200 8,699 8,986 9,213 8,686 9,852 8,869 9000 7,865 Pachinko machine sales amount (Billion yen) 6,720 1000 7000 5,683 5,691 5,615 5,184 5,025 Pachislot machine sales amount (Billion yen) 800 5000 5,263 3,623 5,225 5,365 4,909 3,965 3,513 3,145 600 Unit sales of pachinko/pachislot machines (10 thousand machines) 406 2,353 435 552 2,693 1,828 450 452 568 3000 582 547 2,867 2,478 2,258 491 467 1000 424 406 409 387 400 337 Unit sales of pachinko machines (10 thousand machines) 368 313 336 371 317 284 -1000 333 290 235 -3000 35 42 1995 1996 1995 Pachinko/Pachislot machine total sales amount (Billion yen) 317 333 Unit sales of pachislot machines (10 thousand machines) 0 383 312 393 200 323 401 404 NA 52 77 93 113 129 150 184 167 178 164 174 91 76 97 -5000 1996 NA 1997 1997 NA 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 5,976 7,877 8,828 Source: “Trend and Market Share of Pachinko Related Manufacturers 2011” by Yano Research Institute 9,204 9,580 11,983 13,090 14,064 Copyright 2012 13,895 13,711 11,691 FIELDS CORPORATION 12,110 2010 2010 11,736 All rights reserved. 55 FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Number of Installed Pachinko/Pachislot Machines and Annual Turnover Rate The date of number of installed Pachinko/Pachislot machines is updated every April and the date of annual turnover of pachislot machine is updated every November. 1200 1.37 1.31 1.30 Annual turnover rate of pachinko machine (Times) 1.30 1.14 1.07 1000 1.01 0.97 0.98 0.97 0.74 1.11 0.77 800 0.82 Number of installed pachinko/pachislot machines (10 thousand machines) Number of installed pachinko machines (10 thousand machines) Number of installed pachinko machines (10 thousand machines) 0.86 0.89 1.06 0.98 0.88 Annual turnover rate of pachislot machine (Times) 1.08 0.94 0.92 1.07 0.89 0.92 0.80 0.82 0.70 600 0.50 452 0.55 466 0.60 0.64 473 471 0.63 0.57 489 496 489 470 475 478 486 355 332 325 369 342 145 160 166 188 193 132 493 0.30 459 452 450 455 295 307 315 316 400 382 390 385 322 307 296 293 -0.20 200 70 76 88 100 113 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 200 163 144 134 139 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2006 2007 0 Annual turnover rate of total machines (Times) -0.70 0.90 0.93 0.71 0.67 0.86 0.95 Source: “Trend and Market Share of Pachinko Related Manufacturers 2011” by Yano Research Institute National Police Agency’s date 0.95 0.96 1.13 1.15 1.19 Copyright 2012 1.11 2008 1.07 FIELDS CORPORATION 0.94 2009 0.91 2010 0.85 All rights reserved. 56 Market Share by Manufacturers FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people The date is updated every November. Unit sales share -Pachinko machine 2004 Ranking 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Manufacturer Market share Manufacturer Market share Manufacturer Market share Manufacturer Market share Manufacturer Market share Manufacturer Market share Manufacturer Market share 1 Sanyo 22.9% Sanyo 24.7% Sanyo 23.1% Sanyo 25.8% Sanyo 24.2% Sanyo 18.0% Sanyo 22.5% 2 SANKYO 21.1% SANKYO 18.2% KYORAKU 20.9% SANKYO 22.9% SANKYO 13.5% SANKYO 17.2% SANKYO 14.6% 16.7% KYORAKU 16.1% Sammy 11.7% KYORAKU 12.8% Sammy 11.8% 3 Heiwa 8.7% KYORAKU 9.6% SANKYO 4 Daiichi Shokai 7.6% Newgin 7.9% Newgin 6.6% Newgin 6.4% KYORAKU 10.5% Newgin 11.9% KYORAKU 11.1% 5 Newgin 6.9% Sammy 7.1% Daiichi Shokai 5.1% Daiichi Shokai 5.3% Newgin 10.4% Sammy 10.8% Newgin 10.2% * The number of sales of Heiwa in FY2004 is converted for 15 months for the accounting period change * SANKYO’s sales share includes Bisty * Sammy’s sales share includes GINZA from 2006 and TAIYO ELEC from 2007 Unit sales share -Pachislot machine 2004 Ranking 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Manufacturer Market share Manufacturer Market share Manufacturer Market share Manufacturer Market share Manufacturer Market share Manufacturer Market share Manufacturer Market share 1 Sammy 40.4% Sammy 33.9% Sammy 31.8% Sammy 21.8% Yamasa 18.8% Sammy 21.3% Sammy 30.9% 2 Olympia 16.4% Daito Giken 13.2% Daito Giken 12.1% Aruze 11.0% SANKYO 14.6% SANKYO 13.6% Daito Giken 11.9% 3 Yamasa 8.9% Heiwa/Olympia 10.4% Heiwa/Olympia 10.9% SANKYO 9.7% Sammy 13.5% Universal 13.1% SANKYO 11.9% 4 Daito Giken 7.8% Yamasa 8.4% Yamasa 10.5% Daito Giken 8.7% Heiwa/Olympia 7.4% Yamasa 9.5% Heiwa/Olympia 11.3% 5 Aruze 4.6% SANKYO 6.2% Kita Denshi 8.7% Kita Denshi 6.5% Kita Denshi 7.8% Universal 10.5% 9.4% Yamasa * Sammy’s sales share includes Rodeo, IGT, TRIVY, GINZA from 2006 and TAIYO ELEC from 2007 * SANKYO’s sales share includes Bisty * Aruze changed the company name to Universal Entertainment in 2009 * Aruze’s sales share includes Eleco,Mizuho and Macy * Olympia’s sales sahre includes Olympia and Heiwa’s all the brands from 2005 Source: “Trend and market share of Pachinko related makers 2011” by Yano Research Institute Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. 57 Reference: Monthly Trend of Pachinko Halls -Excerpt from current survey of selected service industries- FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people The date is updated monthly. 430 418 420 415 415 415 415 413 411 415 413 412 422 416 423 421 421 420 422 422 422 423 423 422 429 426 426 424 4.5 428 422 419 419 4 415 415 413 412 410 409 # of installed machines per hall 401 399 400 399 401 3.5 400 401 392 390 400 398 394 393 392 2.97 # of net sales per hall (hundred million yen) 2.80 2.79 2.69 380 2.57 2.64 2.91 2.77 2.67 2.89 2.85 2.68 2.71 2.63 2.80 2.79 2.77 2.67 3 2.83 2.71 2.64 2.61 2.51 2.65 2.70 2.68 2.66 2.62 2.44 2.63 2.57 2.53 2.45 2.64 2.46 2.50 2.50 2.57 2.51 2.39 2.37 2.60 2.52 2.40 2.42 2.5 2.26 370 2.15 360 2 0 8 /0 1 0 8 /0 3 0 8 /0 5 0 8 /0 7 0 8 /0 9 0 8 /1 1 0 9 /0 1 0 9 /0 3 0 9 /0 5 0 9 /0 7 0 9 /0 9 0 9 /1 1 1 0 /0 1 1 0 /0 3 1 0 /0 5 1 0 /0 7 1 0 /0 9 1 0 /1 1 1 1 /0 1 1 1 /0 3 1 1 /0 5 1 1 /0 7 1 1 /0 9 1 1 /1 2 2008 2009 2010 2011 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 No. of halls for survey (halls) 255 254 252 250 244 243 243 245 245 245 245 246 294 294 294 295 295 293 293 294 294 293 293 294 296 295 294 295 292 291 292 293 292 293 294 295 295 296 294 291 291 291 291 291 289 289 290 *The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry outsource to the Zennichiyuren to pick up the hall for survey from 47 prefectures. Source: “Trend and market share of Pachinko related makers 2011” by Yano Research Institute Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. Reference: Notification of Our IR Site FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people IR materials are available from our IR website, please visit us and utilize them IR pages on FIELDS CORPORATION website URL : (Japanese) (English) [Believe in the Future] -Company profile (Latest issue: October 7, 2011) -Date related to financial statements Issued annually since year -Financial presentation material ended March 31, 2004 Got honorable mention at “Nikkei Annual -Shareholder and share information Fields’ official IR mobile site Annual Report (Japanese/English) Information posted on the page -IR press releases IR information is also Available on our mobile site Analysis tools [ Nikko IR ] Chosen for the “Best Corporate Website award 2011” Report Award 2010” Financial Presentation (Japanese/English) Included information: Chosen for the “Best Corporate Website award” Ranked No.1 in the sector ranking [ DAIWA IR ] 2011 Company of Excellence Ranked consecutive No.1 in the new markets ranking [ JASDAQ] 2008 IR Company of Excellence -Financial Highlight -Full Year Forecast -Segment Information -Mid-Term Management Plan etc. Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Reference: IR Site Introduction of “Expert’s View” We would like to introduce comments from experts from various industries regarding Fields Corporation and the group companies in “Expert’s View” 1st HERO’S; from editor expert’s point of view Shogakukan Creative Inc. President Shinobu Miyake November 11, 2011 HERO’S; from anime producer expert’s point of view Production I.G, Inc. President & CEO Mitsuhisa Ishikawa New! December 1, 2011 2nd Third party evaluation Continuous updates will be made and we hope you will visit the site. Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved. FIELDS CORPORATION The greatest leisure for all people Disclaimer The plans, strategies and estimates of the Company indicated in these documents, other than actual results and facts, include potential risks and uncertainties and cannot be guaranteed. Potential risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the economic environment of the pachinko/pachislot market in which the Company operates, market competition and the products handled by the Company. Copyright 2012 FIELDS CORPORATION All rights reserved.
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