St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture
St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture
Contents VOLUME 1 VOLUME 4 Editor’s Note VII Introduction IX Advisers List of Entries XIII XV List of Entries VII Nia–Nyp ..............................................................1 O......................................................................25 P.......................................................................85 A ........................................................................1 Q ....................................................................257 B.....................................................................177 R.....................................................................265 C–Cra ..............................................................477 S–Sty ...............................................................425 VOLUME 2 VOLUME 5 List of Entries VII List of Entries VII Cre–Cyr ...............................................................1 Sub–Syn...............................................................1 D......................................................................35 E.....................................................................191 F .....................................................................255 G ....................................................................411 H ....................................................................583 T ......................................................................41 U ....................................................................199 V ....................................................................219 W ...................................................................273 X.....................................................................453 Y.....................................................................461 VOLUME 3 List of Entries Z.....................................................................485 VII Reading List 501 I .........................................................................1 Notes on Advisers and Contributors 505 J .......................................................................47 Time-Frame Index 521 K ....................................................................129 Subject Index 579 L.....................................................................217 M....................................................................397 N–New ............................................................689 V List of Entries VOLUME 1 A A&R Men/Women Aaron, Hank AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) ABBA Abbey, Edward Abbott and Costello Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem Abortion Abrams, J. J. Abstract Expressionism Academy Awards AC/DC Ace, Johnny Acker, Kathy Acupuncture Adams, Ansel Addams, Jane The Addams Family Adderley, Cannonball adidas Adler, Renata The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet Advertising Advice Columns The Advocate Aerobics Aerosmith African American Press The African Queen Agassi, Andre Agents Aguilera, Christina AIDS Ailey, Alvin Air Travel Airplane! Alabama Alaska-Yukon Exposition (Seattle, 1909) Albert, Marv Album-Oriented Rock Alda, Alan Ali, Muhammad Alias Alien Alka Seltzer All about Eve All in the Family All My Children All Quiet on the Western Front Allen, Steve Allen, Woody Allison, Luther The Allman Brothers Band Ally McBeal Alpert, Herb, and the Tijuana Brass Altamont Alternative Country Music Alternative Press Alternative Rock Altman, Robert Amazing Stories American Bandstand American Beauty American Girl Series American Gothic American Graffiti American Idol American International Pictures American Mercury American Museum of Natural History American Pie America’s Funniest Home Videos The Amos ’n’ Andy Show Amsterdam, Morey Amtrak Amusement Parks Amway Anderson, Marian Anderson, Sherwood Andretti, Mario The Andrews Sisters Androgyny The Andy Griffith Show Andy Hardy Angell, Roger Angelou, Maya Animal Crossing Animal House Animated Films Animé Anita Hill–Clarence Thomas Senate Hearings Anka, Paul Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl Annie Annie Get Your Gun Annie Hall Another World Anthony, Piers Aparicio, Luis Apatow, Judd Apocalypse Now Apollo Missions Apollo Theater Apple Computer The Apprentice Arbuckle, Fatty Archie Comics Arden, Elizabeth Argosy Arizona Highways Arledge, Roone Armani, Giorgio Armed Forces Radio Service Armory Show Armstrong, Henry Armstrong, Lance Armstrong, Louis Army-McCarthy Hearings Arnaz, Desi Arrested Development XV List of Entries Arrow Collar Man Arthur, Bea Arthurian Legend As the World Turns Ashcan School Ashe, Arthur Asimov, Isaac Asner, Ed Astaire, Fred, and Ginger Rogers Astounding Science Fiction Astrology AT&T The A-Team Athletic Model Guild Atkins, Chet Atlantic City Atlantic Monthly Atlantic Records Atlas, Charles Auerbach, Red Aunt Jemima Automobile Autotune Autry, Gene Avalon, Frankie Avatar The Avengers Avery, Tex Avon Aykroyd, Dan B "B" Movies Babar Baby Boomers Baby Einstein Babyface Bacall, Lauren Bach, Richard The Bachelor Back to the Future The Bad News Bears Baez, Joan Bagels Baker, Josephine Baker, Ray Stannard Bakker, Jim, and Tammy Faye Balanchine, George Baldwin, Alec Baldwin, James Ball, Lucille Ballard, Hank Ballet Bank Failures/Subprime Mortgages XVI Banks, Tyra Bara, Theda Baraka, Amiri Barbecue Barber, Red Barbershop Quartets Barbie Barker, Clive Barkley, Charles Barney and Friends Barney Miller Barrino, Fantasia Barry, Dave Barry, Lynda Barrymore, John Barton, Bruce Baryshnikov, Mikhail Baseball Baseball Cards Basie, Count Basketball Bathhouses Batman Baum, L. Frank Bay, Mel Bay of Pigs Invasion Baywatch Bazooka Joe Beach, Rex The Beach Boys Beanie Babies The Beastie Boys The Beat Generation The Beatles Beatty, Warren Beau Geste Beauty Queens Beavers, Louise Beavis and Butt-Head Beck, Glenn The Bee Gees Beer Beiderbecke, Bix Being John Malkovich Belafonte, Harry The Bell Telephone Hour Bellbottoms Belushi, John Ben Casey Bench, Johnny Benchley, Robert Benetton Ben-Hur Bennett, Tony Benny, Jack The Benny Hill Show Bergen, Candice Bergen, Edgar Bergman, Ingmar Bergman, Ingrid Berkeley, Busby Berle, Milton Berlin, Irving Bernhard, Sandra Bernstein, Leonard Berra, Yogi Berry, Chuck Best Sellers The Best Years of Our Lives Better Homes and Gardens Betty Boop Betty Crocker Beulah The Beverly Hillbillies Beverly Hills, 90210 Bewitched Bicycling Bieber, Justin The Big Apple Big Bands Big Bopper Big Little Books The Big Sleep Bigfoot The Biggest Loser Bilingual Education Billboards The Bionic Woman Bird, Larry Birkenstocks The Birth of a Nation Birthing Practices Black, Clint Black, Jack Black Eyed Peas Black Mask Black Panthers Black Sabbath Black Sox Scandal BlackBerry The Blackboard Jungle Blackface Minstrelsy Blacklisting Blade Runner Blades, Rubén Blanc, Mel Bland, Bobby "Blue" Blass, Bill S T. J A M E S E N C YC LO PE D I A O F P O P U L A R C U LT U R E , 2 n d E D I T I O N List of Entries Blaxploitation Films Blink-182 The Blob Blockbusters Blogging Blondie Blondie Bloom County Blount, Roy, Jr. Blue Velvet Blueboy Bluegrass Blues The Blues Brothers Blume, Judy Bly, Robert Board Games Boat People Bob and Ray The Bobbsey Twins Bobby Socks Bochco, Steven Body Piercing Bodybuilding Bogart, Humphrey Bok, Edward The Bomb Bombeck, Erma Bon Jovi Bonanza Bonds, Barry Bonnie and Clyde Bono, Chaz Bono, Sonny Booker T. and the MG’s Book-of-the-Month Club Boone, Pat Borat Borge, Victor Borscht Belt The Boston Celtics Boston Garden Boston Marathon Boston Red Sox Boston Strangler The Boston Symphony Orchestra Botox Bourne Series Bouton, Jim Bow, Clara Bowie, David Bowling Boxing Boy Bands Boy George Boy Scouts of America Bra Bradbury, Ray Bradley, Bill Bradshaw, Terry Brady, Tom The Brady Bunch Brand, Max Brando, Marlon Brat Pack Brautigan, Richard Breakfast at Tiffany’s The Breakfast Club Breast Implants Brenda Starr Brice, Fanny Brideshead Revisited Bridge The Bridge on the River Kwai The Bridges of Madison County Bridget Jones’s Diary Brill Building Bringing Up Baby Brinkley, David British Invasion Broadway Brokaw, Tom Bromance Bronson, Charles The Brooklyn Dodgers Brooks, Garth Brooks, Gwendolyn Brooks, James L. Brooks, Louise Brooks, Mel Brothers, Dr. Joyce Brown, Bobby Brown, James Brown, Jim Brown, Les Brown, Paul Browne, Jackson Brownie Cameras Brubeck, Dave Bruce, Lenny Bruckheimer, Jerry Bryant, Paul "Bear" Brynner, Yul Bubblegum Rock Buck, Pearl S. Buck Rogers Buckley, William F., Jr. Budweiser S T. J A M E S E N C YC LO PE D I A O F P O P U L A R C U LT U R E , 2 n d E D I T I O N Buffalo Springfield Buffett, Jimmy Buffy the Vampire Slayer Bugs Bunny Bullock, Sandra Bumper Stickers Bundy, Ted Bungalow Burger King Burlesque Burma-Shave Burnett, Carol Burns, George, and Gracie Allen Burns, Ken Burr, Raymond Burroughs, Edgar Rice Burroughs, William S. Bush v. Gore (2000) Buster Brown Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Butkus, Dick Butler, Octavia E. Butterbeans and Susie Buttons, Red The Byrds C Cabbage Patch Kids Cable TV Cadillac Caesar, Sid Cage, Nicolas Cagney, James Cagney and Lacey Cahan, Abraham Cakewalks Caldwell, Erskine Calloway, Cab Calvin and Hobbes Camacho, Héctor "Macho" Camelot Camp Campbell, Glen Campbell, Naomi Camping Cancer Candid Camera Caniff, Milton Canova, Judy Canseco, Jose Cantor, Eddie Capital Punishment Capone, Al Capote, Truman XVII List of Entries Capra, Frank Captain America Captain Kangaroo Captain Marvel Car Coats Car 54, Where Are You? Caray, Harry Carell, Steve Carey, Mariah Carlin, George Carlton, Steve Carmichael, Hoagy Carnegie, Dale Carnegie Hall The Carpenters Carr, John Dickson The Cars Carson, Johnny The Carter Family Caruso, Enrico Carver, Raymond Casablanca Cash, Johnny Caspar Milquetoast Cassette Tape Cassidy, David Castaneda, Carlos Castle, Vernon and Irene The Castro Casual Friday Catalog Houses Catch-22 The Catcher in the Rye Cathy Cats Cavett, Dick CB Radio The CBS Radio Mystery Theater Celebrity Celebrity Caricature Celebrity Chefs Celebrity Couples Cell Phones Cemeteries Central Park Century of Progress (Chicago, 1933) Century 21 Exposition (Seattle, 1962) CGI Challenger Disaster Chamberlain, Wilt Chandler, Raymond Chandu the Magician Chanel, Coco Chaplin, Charlie XVIII Chappelle, Dave Charles, Ray Charlie Chan Charlie McCarthy Charlie’s Angels Charm Bracelets Chase, Chevy Chatting The Chautauqua Institution Chavez, Cesar Chavis, Boozoo Chayefsky, Paddy Checker, Chubby Cheech and Chong Cheerleading Cheers Chemise Chenier, Clifton Cher Cherry Ames Chessman, Caryl The Chicago Bears The Chicago Bulls The Chicago Cubs Chicago Jazz The Chicago Seven Child, Julia Child Stars The China Syndrome Chinatown The Chipmunks Cho, Margaret Choose-Your-Own-Ending Books Christie, Agatha Christmas Christo Chrysler Building Chuck D Chun King Church Socials Cigarettes Circus Cisneros, Sandra Citizen Kane City Lights The City of Angels Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Movement Civil War Reenactors Claiborne, Liz Clairol Hair Coloring Clancy, Tom Clapton, Eric Clark, Dick Clarke, Arthur C. Clemente, Roberto Cleopatra Clift, Montgomery Cline, Patsy Clinton, George A Clockwork Orange Clooney, George Clooney, Rosemary Close Encounters of the Third Kind The Closet CNN Cobb, Ty Coca, Imogene Coca-Cola Cocaine/Crack Cocktail Parties Cody, Buffalo Bill, and His Wild West Show Coen, Joel and Ethan Coffee Cohan, George M. Colbert, Claudette Colbert, Stephen Cold War Coldplay Cole, Nat King College Fads College Football Collins, Albert Coltrane, John Columbo Columbo, Russ Combs, Sean "P. Diddy" Comic Books Comics Comics Code Authority Coming Out The Commodores Communes Communism Community Media Community Theater Como, Perry Compact Discs Computer Games Concept Album Conceptual Art Condé Nast Condoms Coney Island Confession Magazines Conniff, Ray Connors, Jimmy S T. J A M E S E N C YC LO PE D I A O F P O P U L A R C U LT U R E , 2 n d E D I T I O N List of Entries Consciousness Raising Groups Conspiracy Theories Consumer Reports Consumerism Contemporary Christian Music Convertible Conway, Tim Cooke, Sam Cooper, Alice Cooper, Gary Cooperstown, New York Coors Copland, Aaron Corbett, James J. Corman, Roger The Corvette Corwin, Norman Cosby, Bill The Cosby Show Cosell, Howard Cosmopolitan Costas, Bob Costello, Elvis Costner, Kevin Cotten, Joseph The Cotton Club Coué, Emile Coughlin, Father Charles E. Coulter, Ann Country Gentlemen Country Music Cousteau, Jacques Covey, Stephen The Cowboy Look Cox, Ida Craigslist Crash Crawford, Cindy Crawford, Joan Cray, Robert VOLUME 2 C continued Creationism Credit Cards Creedence Clearwater Revival Crichton, Michael Crime Does Not Pay Crinolines The Crisis Croce, Jim Crocs Cronkite, Walter Crosby, Bing Crosby, Stills, and Nash Crossword Puzzles Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Crow, Sheryl Cruise, Tom Crumb, Robert Crystal, Billy CSI Cukor, George Cullen, Countee Cult Films Cults Cunningham, Merce Curious George Currier and Ives Cyrus, Miley / Hannah Montana D The Da Vinci Code Dahmer, Jeffrey Dallas The Dallas Cowboys Damon, Matt Dana, Bill Dance Dance Revolution Dance Halls Dancing with the Stars Dandridge, Dorothy Daniels, Charlie Daredevil, the Man without Fear The Dark Knight Dark Shadows Darrow, Clarence Dateline Davis, Bette Davis, Miles Davy Crockett Dawson’s Creek Day, Doris The Day the Earth Stood Still Days of Our Lives Daytime Talk Shows Daytona 500 DC Comics De La Hoya, Oscar De Niro, Robert The Dead Kennedys Deadwood Dean, James Death of a Salesman Debs, Eugene V. Debutantes The Deer Hunter S T. J A M E S E N C YC LO PE D I A O F P O P U L A R C U LT U R E , 2 n d E D I T I O N DeGeneres, Ellen del Río, Dolores DeMille, Cecil B. Dempsey, Jack Denishawn Denver, John Department Stores Depp, Johnny Depression Derleth, August Desperate Housewives Detective Fiction The Detroit Tigers Devers, Gail Devo Dexter Diamond, Neil Diana, Princess of Wales DiCaprio, Leonardo Dick, Philip K. Dick and Jane Readers Dick Tracy Dickinson, Angie Diddley, Bo Didion, Joan Didrikson, Babe Dieting Dietrich, Marlene Diff’rent Strokes Dilbert Dillard, Annie Diller, Phyllis Dillinger, John DiMaggio, Joe Dime Novels Dime Stores/Woolworth’s Diners Dionne Quintuplets The Dirty Dozen Disaster Movies Disc Jockeys Disco Disney (Walt Disney Company) Ditka, Mike Divine Divorce Dixieland DIY/Home Improvement Do the Right Thing Dobie Gillis Doby, Larry Doc Martens Doc Savage Doctor Who XIX List of Entries Doctor Zhivago Doctorow, E. L. Docudrama Domino, Fats Donahue, Phil Donovan The Doobie Brothers Doonesbury The Doors Doo-wop Music Dora the Explorer Dorsey, Jimmy Dorsey, Tommy Double Indemnity Douglas, Lloyd C. Douglas, Melvyn Douglas, Mike Downey, Robert, Jr. Downs, Hugh Doyle, Arthur Conan Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Dr. Kildare Dr. Seuss Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb Dracula The Draft Drag Drag Racing Dragnet Dragon Lady Dream Team Dreiser, Theodore The Drifters Drive-In Theater Drudge, Matt Du Bois, W. E. B. Duck Soup The Duggar Family Dukes of Hazzard Duncan, Isadora Dungeons and Dragons Dunkin’ Donuts Dunne, Irene Durán, Roberto Durbin, Deanna Durocher, Leo Duvall, Robert DVRs Dyer, Wayne Dykes to Watch Out For Dylan, Bob Dynasty XX E Eames, Charles and Ray Earth Day Earth Shoes Eastwood, Clint Easy Rider eBay Ebbets Field Ebony EC Comics Eckstine, Billy Eco-Terrorism Eddy, Duane Eddy, Mary Baker Eddy, Nelson The Edge of Night Edison, Thomas Alva The Edsel Edwards, James Edwards, Ralph Eight-Track Tape Einstein, Albert Eisner, Will El Teatro Campesino El Vez Electric Appliances Electric Guitar Electric Trains Elizondo, Hector Elkins, Aaron Ellington, Duke Ellis, Bret Easton Ellis, Perry Ellison, Harlan Elway, John E-mail Eminem Emmy Awards Emo Empire State Building Energy Drinks Enron Scandal Entertainment Tonight Entertainment Weekly Environmentalism Equal Rights Amendment ER Erdrich, Louise E-Readers Erector Sets Ertegun, Ahmet Erving, Julius "Dr. J" Escher, M. C. ESPN Esquire est E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial Etiquette Columns Evangelism The Everly Brothers Everson, Cory Evert, Chris Everybody Loves Raymond The Exorcist Extreme Sports F Fabares, Shelley Fabian Fabio Facebook Factor, Max Fadiman, Clifton Fail-Safe Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr. Fairbanks, Douglas, Sr. Fake Memoirs Fallout Shelters Family Circle The Family Circus Family Guy Family Matters Family Reunions Family Ties Fan Magazines Fantasia The Fantastic Four Fantasy Island Fantasy Sports The Far Side Fargo Farley, Chris Farm Aid Farmers’ Markets Fast Food Fatal Attraction Father Divine Father Knows Best Father’s Day Faulkner, William Fauset, Jessie Redmon Fawcett, Farrah Fawlty Towers FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) Feliciano, José Felix the Cat Fellini, Federico Feminism S T. J A M E S E N C YC LO PE D I A O F P O P U L A R C U LT U R E , 2 n d E D I T I O N List of Entries Fenway Park Ferrante and Teicher Ferrell, Will Fetchit, Stepin Fey, Tina Fibber McGee and Molly Fiddler on the Roof Fidrych, Mark "The Bird" Field, Sally Field and Stream Field of Dreams Fields, W. C. Fierstein, Harvey The Fifties 50 Cent Fight Club File Sharing Film Noir Finding Nemo Firearms Firesign Theatre Fischer, Bobby Fisher, Eddie Fisher-Price Toys Fisk, Carlton A Fistful of Dollars Fitzgerald, Ella Fitzgerald, F. Scott Flack, Roberta Flag Burning Flag Clothing Flagpole Sitting Flappers Flash Gordon Flashdance Style Flatt, Lester Flava Flav Flea Markets Fleetwood Mac Fleming, Ian Fleming, Peggy The Flintstones Flip-Flops Flipper The Flying Nun Flynn, Errol The Foggy Mountain Boys Folk Music Folkways Records Follett, Ken Fonda, Henry Fonda, Jane Fonteyn, Margot Foodies Ford, Glenn Ford, Harrison Ford, Henry Ford, John Ford, Tennessee Ernie Ford, Whitey Ford Motor Company Foreman, George Forrest Gump Forsyth, Frederick Fortune 42nd Street Fosse, Bob Foster, Jodie Fourth of July Celebrations Fox News Channel Foxx, Jamie Foxx, Redd Foyt, A. J. Francis, Arlene Francis, Connie Francis the Talking Mule Frankel, Bethenny Frankenstein Franklin, Aretha Franklin, Bonnie Frasier Frawley, William Frazier, Joe Frazier, Walt "Clyde" Freak Shows Freaks Frederick’s of Hollywood Free Speech Movement Freed, Alan "Moondog" Freedom Rides The French Connection French Fries Freud, Sigmund Friday, Nancy Friday the 13th Friedman, Kinky Friends Frisbee Frizzell, Lefty From Here to Eternity Frost, Robert Frosty the Snowman Frozen Entrées Fu Manchu The Fugitive Fuller, Buckminster Fundamentalism Funicello, Annette S T. J A M E S E N C YC LO PE D I A O F P O P U L A R C U LT U R E , 2 n d E D I T I O N Funk Fusco, Coco G Gable, Clark Gambling Game Shows Gameboy Gammons, Peter Gangs Gangsta Rap The Gap Garbo, Greta Gardner, Ava Garfield, John Garland, Judy Garner, James Garvey, Marcus Garvey, Steve Gas Stations Gated Communities Gay and Lesbian Marriage Gay and Lesbian Press Gay Liberation Movement Gay Men Gaye, Marvin Gehrig, Lou The General General Hospital General Motors Generation X Gentlemen Prefer Blondes Gere, Richard Gernsback, Hugo Gertie the Dinosaur Gervais, Ricky Get Smart GI Joe Giant Gibson, Althea Gibson, Bob Gibson, Mel Gibson, William Gibson Girl Gifford, Frank Gillespie, Dizzy Gilligan’s Island Ginny Dolls Ginsberg, Allen Girl Groups Girl Scouts The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Girls Gone Wild Gish, Dorothy XXI List of Entries Gish, Lillian The Glass Menagerie Gleason, Jackie Glee Glitter Rock Global Warming Gnagy, Jon The Godfather Godfrey, Arthur Godzilla Gold, Mike Goldberg, Rube Goldberg, Whoopi Golden Books Golden Gate Bridge The Golden Girls Goldwyn, Samuel Golf Gone with the Wind Good Housekeeping The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Good Times Goodbye, Columbus Gooden, Dwight GoodFellas Goodman, Benny Goodson, Mark Google Gordy, Berry Gospel Music Gossip Columns Goth Gotti, John Gourmet Grocery Stores GPS Grable, Betty Graceland The Graduate Graffiti Grafton, Sue Graham, Bill Graham, Billy Graham, Martha Grammy Awards Grand Ole Opry Grandmaster Flash Grant, Amy Grant, Cary The Grapes of Wrath Graphic Novels The Grateful Dead Gray Panthers The Great Depression The Great Recession XXII The Great Train Robbery Greb, Harry Greed Greeley, Andrew Green, Al The Green Bay Packers Green Day Green Lantern Greenberg, Hank Greene, Graham Greenpeace Greenwich Village Greeting Cards Gregory, Dick Gretzky, Wayne Grey, Zane Greyhound Buses Grey’s Anatomy Grier, Pam Griffin, Kathy Griffin, Merv Griffith, D. W. Griffith, Nanci Grimek, John Grisham, John Grits Grizzard, Lewis Groening, Matt Grunge Grusin, Dave Guaraldi, Vince The Guardian Angels Gucci Guest, Christopher Guiding Light Gulf Wars Gunsmoke Guthrie, Arlo Guthrie, Woody Guy, Buddy Gymnastics H Hackett, Buddy Hackman, Gene Hacky Sack Haggard, Merle Hagler, Marvelous Marvin Haight-Ashbury Hair Hair Extensions Hairstyles Halas, George "Papa Bear" Haley, Alex Haley, Bill Hall and Oates Hallmark Hall of Fame Halloween Halloween Halston Hamburger Hamill, Dorothy Hammett, Dashiell Hancock, Herbie H&M Handy, W. C. Hanks, Tom Hanna-Barbera Hansberry, Lorraine Happy Days Happy Hour Hard-Boiled Detective Fiction Harding, Tonya The Hardy Boys Hare Krishna Haring, Keith The Harlem Globetrotters Harlem Renaissance Harlequin Romances Harley-Davidson Harlow, Jean Harmonica Bands Harper’s Harry Potter Havlicek, John Hawaii Five-O Hawkins, Coleman Hawks, Howard Hayward, Susan Hayworth, Rita Hearst, Patty Hearst, William Randolph Heavy Metal Hee Haw Hefner, Hugh Hellman, Lillian Hello, Dolly! Hells Angels Hemingway, Ernest Hemlines Henderson, Fletcher Hendrix, Jimi Henry Aldrich Henson, Jim Hep Cats Hepburn, Audrey Hepburn, Katharine Herbert, Frank S T. J A M E S E N C YC LO PE D I A O F P O P U L A R C U LT U R E , 2 n d E D I T I O N List of Entries Hercules: The Legendary Journeys Herman, Woody Herpes Hersey, John Hess, Joan Heston, Charlton Higginson, Major Henry Lee High Definition TV High Noon High School Musical Highway System Hijuelos, Oscar Hiking Hill Street Blues Hillerman, Tony The Hills Hilton, Paris Himes, Chester The Hindenburg Hip-Hop Hippies Hipsters Hirschfeld, Albert Hispanic Magazine Hiss, Alger Hitchcock, Alfred Hite, Shere Hockey Hoffman, Abbie Hoffman, Dustin Hogan, Ben Hogan, Hulk Hogan’s Heroes Holbrook, Hal Holden, William Holiday, Billie Holiday Inns Holliday, Judy Holly, Buddy Hollywood Hollywood Squares The Hollywood Ten Holocaust Holyfield, Evander Home Improvement Home Shopping Network/QVC The Honeymooners Hoodies Hooker, John Lee Hoosiers Hoover, J. Edgar Hoover Dam Hopalong Cassidy Hope, Bob Hopkins, Sam "Lightnin’" Hopper, Dennis Hopper, Edward Hopscotch Horne, Lena Horror Movies Hot Dogs Hot Pants Hot Rods Houdini, Harry Housing Market Bubble Houston, Whitney How the West Was Won Howard, Ron The Howdy Doody Show Howe, Gordie Howlin’ Wolf Hubbard, L. Ron Hudson, Rock The Huffington Post Hughes, Howard Hughes, Langston Hula Hoop Hull, Bobby Hulu Hunt, Helen Hunter, Tab Huntley, Chet Hurricane Katrina Hurston, Zora Neale Hustler Huston, John Hutton, Ina Ray Hybrid Cars VOLUME 3 I I Dream of Jeannie I Love a Mystery I Love Lucy I Spy I Was a Teenage Werewolf Iacocca, Lee IBM (International Business Machines) iCarly Ice Cream Cone Ice Shows Ice-T IKEA In Living Color An Inconvenient Truth The Incredible Hulk The Incredibles S T. J A M E S E N C YC LO PE D I A O F P O P U L A R C U LT U R E , 2 n d E D I T I O N Independence Day The Indian Indianapolis 500 Indie Music Industrial Design The Ink Spots Inner Sanctum Mysteries The International Male Catalog The Internet Intervention Intolerance Invisible Man iPad iPod / iTunes Iran Contra Iron Maiden Ironman Triathlon Irving, John It Happened One Night It’s a Wonderful Life It’s Garry Shandling’s Show Ives, Burl Ivy League J J. Walter Thompson Jack Armstrong Jackass Jackson, Janet Jackson, Jesse Jackson, Mahalia Jackson, Michael Jackson, Reggie Jackson, Shirley Jackson, "Shoeless" Joe The Jackson Five Jakes, John James, Elmore James, Harry James, LeBron James Bond Films Japanese American Internment Camps Jaws Jay-Z Jazz The Jazz Singer Jeans Jeep Jefferson Airplane/Starship The Jeffersons Jell-O Jennings, Peter Jennings, Waylon Jeopardy! XXIII List of Entries Jessel, George Jesus Christ Superstar Jet Jet Skis Jewish Defense League JFK Jogging John, Elton John Birch Society Johns, Jasper Johnson, Blind Willie Johnson, Earvin "Magic" Johnson, Jack Johnson, James Weldon Johnson, Michael Johnson, Robert Jolie, Angelina Jolson, Al Jon & Kate Plus 8 The Jonas Brothers Jones, Bobby Jones, George Jones, Jennifer Jones, Tom Jonestown Jong, Erica Joplin, Janis Joplin, Scott Jordan, Louis Jordan, Michael Joy of Cooking The Joy of Sex Joyner, Florence Griffith Joyner-Kersee, Jackie Judas Priest Judge Judson, Arthur Judy Bolton Juke Boxes Julia Juliá, Raúl Jurassic Park Juvenile Delinquency K Kahn, Roger Kaltenborn, Hans von Kansas City Jazz Kantor, MacKinlay Karan, Donna Kardashian, Kim Karloff, Boris Kasem, Casey The Katzenjammer Kids XXIV Kaufman, Andy Kaye, Danny Keaton, Buster Keillor, Garrison Keitel, Harvey Kelley, David E. Kelly, Gene Kelly, Grace Kelly Bag Kelly Girls Kennedy Assassination Kenneth Robeson Kent State Massacre Kentucky Derby Kentucky Fried Chicken Kern, Jerome Kerrigan, Nancy Kershaw, Doug Kesey, Ken Ke$ha Kewpie Dolls Key West The Keystone Kops Kill Bill Kimmel, Jimmy King, Albert King, B. B. King, Billie Jean King, Carole King, Freddie King, Larry King, Martin Luther, Jr. King, Rodney King, Stephen King Kong Kingston, Maxine Hong The Kingston Trio Kinison, Sam Kinsey, Dr. Alfred C. Kirby, Jack KISS Kitsch Kiwanis Klein, Calvin Klein, Robert Kmart Knievel, Evel Knight, Bobby Knots Landing Knowles, Beyoncé Kodak Kojak Koontz, Dean R. Koresh, David, and the Branch Davidians Korman, Harvey Kosinski, Jerzy Kotzwinkle, William Koufax, Sandy Kovacs, Ernie Kraft Television Theatre Krantz, Judith Krassner, Paul Krazy Kat Krupa, Gene Ku Klux Klan Kubrick, Stanley Kudzu Kuhn, Bowie Kukla, Fran, and Ollie Kung Fu Kutcher, Ashton Kwan, Michelle L L. L. Cool J. "La Bamba" L.A. Law Labor Unions Lacoste Shirts Ladd, Alan Lady Gaga Laetrile Lahr, Bert Lake, Ricki Lake, Veronica LaLanne, Jack Lamarr, Hedy LaMotta, Jake Lamour, Dorothy L’Amour, Louis Lancaster, Burt Landon, Michael Landry, Tom Lang, Fritz lang, k.d. Lansky, Meyer Laptops Lardner, Ring The Larry Sanders Show LaRussa, Tony Las Vegas Lasorda, Tommy Lassie The Late Great Planet Earth Latin Jazz Laugh-In S T. J A M E S E N C YC LO PE D I A O F P O P U L A R C U LT U R E , 2 n d E D I T I O N List of Entries Lauper, Cyndi Laura Laurel and Hardy Lauren, Ralph Laver, Rod Laverne and Shirley Law & Order: SVU Lawn Care/Gardening Lawrence, Vicki Lawrence of Arabia La-Z-Boy Loungers le Carré, John Le Guin, Ursula K. Leachman, Cloris Leadbelly A League of Their Own Leapfrog Lear, Norman Leary, Timothy Least Heat Moon, William Leather Jacket Leave It to Beaver Led Zeppelin Lee, Bruce Lee, Gypsy Rose Lee, Peggy Lee, Spike Lee, Stan Leggings Legos Lehrer, Tom Leibovitz, Annie Leisure Suit Leisure Time LeMond, Greg L’Engle, Madeleine Lennon, John Leno, Jay Leonard, Benny Leonard, Elmore Leonard, Sugar Ray Leone, Sergio Leopold and Loeb Les Misérables Lesbianism Let Us Now Praise Famous Men Let’s Pretend Letterman, David Levin, Meyer Levi’s Levittown Lewinsky, Monica Lewis, C. S. Lewis, Carl Lewis, Jerry Lewis, Jerry Lee Lewis, Sinclair Liberace Liberty Lichtenstein, Roy Life The Life of Riley Li’l Abner Limbaugh, Rush Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Lindbergh, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Charles Linkletter, Art The Lion King Lionel Trains Lippmann, Walter Lipstick Liston, Sonny Little Black Dress Little Blue Books Little League Little Magazines Little Orphan Annie Little Richard Live Television L.L. Bean, Inc. Lloyd Webber, Andrew Loafers Locke, Alain Lohan, Lindsay Lolita Lollapalooza Lombard, Carole Lombardi, Vince Lombardo, Guy London, Jack The Lone Ranger Long, Huey Long, Shelley Long-Playing Record Loos, Anita Lopez, George Lopez, Jennifer López, Nancy Lord of the Rings Film Trilogy Lorre, Peter The Los Angeles Lakers Los Lobos Lost The Lost Weekend Lottery Louis, Joe Louisiana Purchase Exposition S T. J A M E S E N C YC LO PE D I A O F P O P U L A R C U LT U R E , 2 n d E D I T I O N Louisville Slugger Love, Courtney The Love Boat Lovecraft, H. P. Low Riders Low-Carb Diets Low-Rise Jeans Loy, Myrna LSD Lubitsch, Ernst Lucas, George Luce, Henry Luciano, Lucky Ludlum, Robert Lugosi, Bela Lunceford, Jimmie Lupino, Ida LuPone, Patti Lynch, David Lynching Lynn, Loretta Lynyrd Skynyrd M Ma Perkins Mabley, Moms Mac, Bernie MacDonald, Jeanette MacDonald, John D. Macfadden, Bernarr MacMurray, Fred Macon, Uncle Dave Macy’s MAD Magazine Mad Men Madden, John Maddow, Rachel Made-for-Television Movies Madonna Mafia/Organized Crime The Magnificent Seven Magnum, P.I. Mah-Jongg Mailer, Norman Major League Baseball Malcolm X Mall of America Malls The Maltese Falcon The Mamas and the Papas Mamet, David Mamma Mia! The Man from U.N.C.L.E. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance XXV List of Entries The Manchurian Candidate Mancini, Henry Manhattan Transfer Manilow, Barry The Manning Brothers Manscaping Mansfield, Jayne Manson, Charles Mantle, Mickey Manufactured Homes Mapplethorpe, Robert March on Washington Marching Bands Marciano, Rocky Marcus Welby, M.D. Mardi Gras Mariachi Music Marichal, Juan Marie, Rose Marijuana Mario Brothers Maris, Roger Marlboro Man Marley, Bob Married . . . with Children Marshall, Garry Martha and the Vandellas Martial Arts Martin, Dean Martin, Freddy Martin, Quinn Martin, Ricky Martin, Steve The Martini Marvel Comics Marx, Groucho The Marx Brothers Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman Mary Kay Cosmetics Mary Poppins The Mary Tyler Moore Show Mary Worth M*A*S*H Mason, Jackie Mass Market Magazine Revolution The Masses Masterpiece Theatre Masters and Johnson The Masters Golf Tournament Mathis, Johnny The Matrix Mattingly, Don Maude Maupin, Armistead XXVI Maus Max, Peter Mayer, Louis B. Mayfield, Curtis Mayfield, Percy Mays, Billy Mays, Willie McBain, Ed McCaffrey, Anne McCall’s Magazine McCarthyism McCartney, Paul McCay, Winsor McCoy, Horace McCrea, Joel McDaniel, Hattie McDonald’s McEnroe, John McEntire, Reba McG McGraw, Dr. Phil McGwire, Mark McHale’s Navy McKay, Claude McKuen, Rod McLish, Rachel McLuhan, Marshall McMurtry, Larry McPherson, Aimee Semple McQueen, Butterfly McQueen, Steve Me Decade Meadows, Audrey Mean Streets Media Feeding Frenzies Medicine Shows Meet Me in St. Louis Megachurches Mellencamp, John Mencken, H. L. Mendoza, Lydia Men’s Movement Merton, Thomas Metalious, Grace Metropolis Metropolitan Museum of Art Metrosexual MGM (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer) Miami Vice Michener, James The Mickey Mouse Club Microsoft Middletown Midler, Bette Midnight Cowboy Mildred Pierce Militias Milk, Harvey Millay, Edna St. Vincent Miller, Arthur Miller, Glenn Miller, Henry Miller, Roger Miller Beer Milli Vanilli Million Man March Milton Bradley Minimalism Minivans Minnelli, Liza Minnelli, Vincente Minoso, Minnie Minstrel Shows Miranda, Carmen Miss America Pageant Mission: Impossible Mister Ed Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood Mitchell, Joni Mitchell, Margaret Mitchum, Robert Mix, Tom Mockumentaries Mod The Mod Squad Model T Modern Dance Modern Family Modern Maturity Modern Times Modernism Momaday, N. Scott Monday Night Football The Monkees Monopoly Monroe, Bill Monroe, Earl "The Pearl" Monroe, Marilyn Monster Trucks Montalbán, Ricardo Montana, Joe Montana, Patsy Monty Python’s Flying Circus Moonies/Reverend Sun Myung Moon Moonlighting Moore, Demi Moore, Michael Moral Majority S T. J A M E S E N C YC LO PE D I A O F P O P U L A R C U LT U R E , 2 n d E D I T I O N List of Entries Moreno, Rita Morissette, Alanis Mork & Mindy Morris, Mark Morrison, Toni Morrison, Van Morse, Carlton E. Morton, Jelly Roll Mosley, Walter Moss, Kate Mother’s Day Motley, Willard Mötley Crüe Motown Mount Rushmore Mountain Biking Movie Palaces Movie Stars MP3 Mr. Dooley Mr. Smith Goes to Washington Mr. Wizard Ms. MTV Muckraking Multiculturalism The Mummy Muni, Paul Munsey’s Magazine The Muppets Murder, She Wrote Murphy, Eddie Murphy Brown Murray, Anne Murray, Arthur Murray, Bill Murray, Lenda Murrow, Edward R. Muscle Beach Muscle Cars Muscular Christianity The Musical Mutiny on the Bounty Mutt & Jeff Muzak My Darling Clementine My Fair Lady My Family, Mi Familia My Lai Massacre My So-Called Life My Three Sons N Nader, Ralph Nagel, Patrick Naismith, James Namath, Joe Nancy Drew Napster NASA The Nation National Basketball Association (NBA) National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) The National Enquirer National Football League (NFL) National Geographic National Hockey League (NHL) National Lampoon National Organization for Women (NOW) National Parks Natural Born Killers Nava, Gregory Navratilova, Martina Naylor, Gloria Neckties Negro Leagues Neighborhood Watch Nelson, Ricky Nelson, Willie Nerd Look Netbooks Netflix Network Networks New Age Music New Age Spirituality New Deal The New Kids on the Block New Left New Look New Orleans Rhythm and Blues New Republic New 3-D New Wave Music The New York Knickerbockers The New York Mets The New York Times The New York Yankees The New Yorker Newhart, Bob The Newlywed Game Newman, Paul Newport Jazz and Folk Festivals Newsweek S T. J A M E S E N C YC LO PE D I A O F P O P U L A R C U LT U R E , 2 n d E D I T I O N Newton, Helmut VOLUME 4 N continued Niagara Falls Nichols, Mike, and Elaine May Nicholson, Jack Nickelback Nickelodeons Nicklaus, Jack Night of the Living Dead Nightline Nike 9/11 1968 Mexico City Summer Olympic Games 1980 U.S. Olympic Hockey Team Nirvana Nixon, Agnes Noloesca, La Chata Norris, Frank North by Northwest Northern Exposure Novak, Kim Nureyev, Rudolf Nylon NYPD Blue O The Oakland Raiders Oates, Joyce Carol Obama, Barack Objectivism/Ayn Rand O’Brien, Conan O’Brien, Tim Ochs, Phil O’Connor, Flannery Octomom The Odd Couple O’Donnell, Rosie The Office O’Keeffe, Georgia Oklahoma! Old Navy Oliphant, Pat Olivier, Laurence Olmos, Edward James Olsen, Tillie Olympics Omnibus On the Road On the Waterfront XXVII List of Entries Onassis, Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy One Day at a Time One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest One Man’s Family O’Neal, Shaquille O’Neill, Eugene The Onion Online Dating Online Gaming Online Shopping Op Art Opportunity Oprah’s Book Club Orbison, Roy O’Reilly, Bill Organic Food The Organization Man Original Dixieland Jass (Jazz) Band Orman, Suze O’Rourke, P. J. Orr, Bobby The Osborne Brothers Osbourne, Ozzy The Osbournes Ouija Boards Our Gang The Outer Limits Outing The Outline of History Owens, Buck Owens, Jesse Oxford Bags Oz, Dr. P Paar, Jack Pachucos Pacino, Al Pac-Man Paglia, Camille Paige, Satchel Paley, Grace Paley, William S. Palin, Sarah Palmer, Arnold Palmer, Jim Pants for Women Pantyhose Paperbacks Parades Paretsky, Sara Parker, Charlie Parker, Dorothy XXVIII Parker Brothers Parks, Rosa Parrish, Maxfield Parton, Dolly The Partridge Family The Passion of the Christ Patinkin, Mandy Patrick, Danica Patton Paul, Les Paulsen, Pat Payton, Walter Peale, Norman Vincent Peanuts Pearl, Minnie Pearl Jam Peck, Gregory Peep Shows Pee-wee’s Playhouse Pelé Penn, Irving Penthouse People The Peppermint Lounge Pepsi-Cola Percy Jackson Performance Art Perot, Ross Perry, Katy Perry, Tyler Perry Mason Pet Rocks Peter, Paul, and Mary Peters, Bernadette Pets Petting Petty, Richard Peyton Place Pfeiffer, Michelle The Phantom of the Opera Phelps, Michael The Philadelphia Story Philco Television Playhouse Phillips, Irna Phone Sex Phonograph Photoplay Picasso, Pablo Pickford, Mary The Pill Pink Pink Floyd Pinsky, Dr. Drew The Pin-Up Piper, "Rowdy" Roddy Pippen, Scottie Pirates of the Caribbean Pitt, Brad The Pittsburgh Steelers Pizza A Place in the Sun Planet of the Apes Plastic Plastic Surgery Plath, Sylvia Platoon Playboy Playgirl Playhouse 90 Pogo The Pointer Sisters Poitier, Sidney Pokémon Polio Political Bosses Political Correctness Pollock, Jackson Polyester Pop, Iggy Pop Art Pop Music The Pope Popeil, Ron Popeye Popsicles Popular Mechanics Popular Psychology Pop-Up Restaurants Pornography Porter, Cole Postcards The Postman Always Rings Twice Postmodernism Potter, Dennis Powell, Dick Powell, William Prang, Louis Preminger, Otto Preppy Presley, Elvis Price, Reynolds Price, Vincent The Price Is Right Pride, Charley Prince Prince, Hal Prinze, Freddie S T. J A M E S E N C YC LO PE D I A O F P O P U L A R C U LT U R E , 2 n d E D I T I O N List of Entries The Prisoner The Producers Professional Football Prohibition Prom Promise Keepers Protest Groups Prozac Pryor, Richard Psychedelia Psychics Psycho PTA/PTO (Parent Teacher Association/ Organization) Public Enemy Public Libraries Public Television (PBS) Puente, Tito Pulp Fiction Pulp Magazines The Punisher Punk Punk’d Pynchon, Thomas Q Quayle, Dan Queen, Ellery Queen for a Day Queen Latifah Queer Eye for the Straight Guy Queer Nation Quiz Show Scandals R Race Music Race Riots Radio Radio Drama Radiohead Radner, Gilda Raft, George Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy Raging Bull Ragni, Gerome, and James Rado Raiders of the Lost Ark Rainey, Gertrude "Ma" Rains, Claude Raitt, Bonnie Rambo The Ramones Ranch House Rand, Sally Rap Rather, Dan Raves Ray, Rachael Reader’s Digest Reagan, Ronald The Real Housewives of . . . The Real World Reality Television Rear Window Rebel without a Cause Recycling Red Scare Redbook Redding, Otis Redford, Robert Reed, Donna Reed, Ishmael Reed, Lou Reese, Pee Wee Reeves, Steve Reggae Reiner, Carl Religious Right R.E.M. Remington, Frederic Reno, Don Renoir, Jean Rent The Replacements Retro Fashion Reynolds, Burt Rhythm and Blues Rice, Grantland Rice, Jerry Rich, Charlie Rigby, Cathy Riggs, Bobby Rihanna Riley, Pat Ringling Bros., Barnum & Bailey Circus Ripken, Cal, Jr. Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Rivera, Chita Rivera, Diego Rivera, Geraldo Rivers, Joan Rizzuto, Phil Road Rage Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote Robbins, Tom Roberts, Jake "The Snake" Roberts, Julia Roberts, Nora Robertson, Oscar S T. J A M E S E N C YC LO PE D I A O F P O P U L A R C U LT U R E , 2 n d E D I T I O N Robertson, Pat Robeson, Paul Robinson, Edward G. Robinson, Frank Robinson, Jackie Robinson, Smokey Robinson, Sugar Ray Rock, Chris Rock and Roll Rock Climbing The Rockefeller Family The Rockettes Rockne, Knute Rockwell, Norman Rocky Rocky and Bullwinkle The Rocky Horror Picture Show Roddenberry, Gene Rodeo Rodgers, Jimmie Rodgers and Hammerstein Rodgers and Hart Rodman, Dennis Rodríguez, Chi Chi Roe v. Wade Rogers, Kenny Rogers, Roy Rogers, Will Rolle, Esther Roller Coasters Roller Derby Rolling Stone The Rolling Stones Romance Novels Romero, Cesar Roots Rose, Pete Rose Bowl Roseanne Rosemary’s Baby Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel Ross, Diana, and the Supremes Roswell Incident Roundtree, Richard Rouse Company Route 66 Royko, Mike Rubik’s Cube Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Run-DMC Runyon, Damon RuPaul Rupp, Adolph Russell, Bill XXIX List of Entries Russell, Jane Russell, Nipsey Russell, Rosalind Ruth, Babe RV Ryan, Meg Ryan, Nolan Rydell, Bobby Ryder, Winona S Safe Sex Sagan, Carl Sagging Sahl, Mort Saks Fifth Avenue Sales, Soupy Salsa Music Salt-n-Pepa Sam and Dave Sampling Sandburg, Carl Sanders, Barry Sandman Sandow, Eugen Sanford and Son Santana Sarandon, Susan Saratoga Springs Sarnoff, David Sassoon, Vidal Sassy Satellite Radio Satellites The Saturday Evening Post Saturday Morning Cartoons Saturday Night Fever Saturday Night Live Savage, Dan Savage, Randy "Macho Man" Savoy Ballroom Schindler’s List Schlatter, George Schlessinger, Dr. Laura Schnabel, Julian Schoolhouse Rock! Schwarzenegger, Arnold Science Fiction Publishing Scientific American Scopes Monkey Trial Scorsese, Martin Scott, George C. Scott, Randolph Scott, Ridley XXX Scream Screwball Comedies Scribner’s Scruggs, Earl Scully, Vin Seals, Son Search for Tomorrow The Searchers Sears Roebuck Catalog Sears Tower SeaWorld Second City Second Life Sedaris, Amy Sedaris, David Sedona, Arizona Seduction of the Innocent Seeger, Pete Segway Seinfeld Selena Seles, Monica Sellers, Peter Selznick, David O. Sennett, Mack Serial Killers Serling, Rod Sesame Street Seven Days in May The Seven Year Itch Seventeen Sex and the City Sex and the Single Girl sex, lies and videotape The Sex Pistols Sex Scandals Sex Symbol Sexting Sexual Harassment Sexual Revolution The Shadow Shaft Shakur, Tupac Shane Shaw, Artie Shawn, Ted She Wore a Yellow Ribbon Sheldon, Sidney Shepard, Sam Sherman, Cindy The Shirelles Shirer, William L. Shock Radio Shore, Dinah Shorter, Frank Show Boat Shrek Shula, Don Shulman, Max SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) Siegel, Bugsy The Silence of the Lambs Silent Movies The Silver Surfer Silverman, Sarah Simon, Neil Simon, Paul Simon and Garfunkel Simpson, Jessica Simpson, O. J. Simpson Trial The Simpsons Sinatra, Frank Sinbad Sinclair, Upton Singer, Isaac Bashevis Singin’ in the Rain Singles Bars Sirk, Douglas Siskel and Ebert Sister Souljah Sitcom The Six Million Dollar Man 16 and Pregnant The Sixth Sense 60 Minutes The $64,000 Question Skaggs, Ricky Skateboarding Skating Skelton, Red Skype Skyscrapers Slaney, Mary Decker Slang Slasher Movies Slinky Slumdog Millionaire Sly and the Family Stone Smartphones Smith, Anna Nicole Smith, Bessie Smith, Dean Smith, Kate Smith, Patti Smith, Will Smithsonian Institution Smits, Jimmy S T. J A M E S E N C YC LO PE D I A O F P O P U L A R C U LT U R E , 2 n d E D I T I O N List of Entries Smoothies The Smothers Brothers Snapple Snoop Dogg Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Snowboarding Snuggie Soap Operas Soccer Social Dancing Social Media Soda Fountains Soderbergh, Steven Soldier Field Some Like It Hot Sondheim, Stephen The Sopranos Sosa, Sammy Soul Music Soul Train The Sound of Music Sousa, John Philip South Pacific South Park Southern, Terry Spacek, Sissy Spaghetti Westerns Spalding, Albert G. Spartacus Spawn Spears, Britney Special Olympics Spector, Phil Spelling, Aaron The Spice Girls Spider-Man Spielberg, Steven Spillane, Mickey Spin Spinal Tap Spitz, Mark Spock, Dr. Benjamin SpongeBob SquarePants Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) The Sporting News Sports Heroes Sports Illustrated Spring Break Springer, Jerry Springsteen, Bruce Sprinkle, Annie Sputnik St. Denis, Ruth St. Elsewhere Stadium Concerts Stagecoach Stagg, Amos Alonzo Stallone, Sylvester Stand and Deliver Standardized Testing Stand-Up Comedy The Stanley Brothers Stanwyck, Barbara Star System Star Trek Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Wars Star Wars Episodes I–III: The Prequel Trilogy Starbucks Starr, Bart Starr, Kenneth Starsky and Hutch State Fairs Staubach, Roger Steamboat Willie Steel Curtain Steffens, Lincoln Steinbeck, John Steinberg, Saul Steinbrenner, George Steinem, Gloria Stengel, Casey Steppenwolf Stepping Stereoscopes Stern, Howard Stetson Hat Stevens, Ray Stewart, Jimmy Stewart, Jon Stewart, Martha Stickball Stiller, Ben Stiller and Meara Stine, R. L. Stock Market Crashes Stock-Car Racing Stockton, "Pudgy" Stokowski, Leopold Stone, Irving Stone, Oliver Stonewall Rebellion Stout, Rex Strait, George Stratemeyer, Edward Stratton-Porter, Gene Strawberry, Darryl S T. J A M E S E N C YC LO PE D I A O F P O P U L A R C U LT U R E , 2 n d E D I T I O N Streaking Streep, Meryl Street and Smith A Streetcar Named Desire Streisand, Barbra Strip Joints/Striptease Stuart, Marty Stuckey’s Student Demonstrations Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) Studio 54 Studio One Studio System Sturges, Preston Styron, William VOLUME 5 S continued Suburbia Suicide Sullivan, Ed Sullivan, John L. Summer, Donna Summer Camp Sun Records Sundance Film Festival Sunday, Billy Sunday Driving Sunset Boulevard Super Bowl Super Size Me Superman Supermodels Surf Music Survivor Susann, Jacqueline Sushi Susskind, David Swaggart, Jimmy Swann, Lynn Swatch Watches Sweatshirt Swift, Taylor Swimming Pools Swing Dancing Swinging Sykes, Wanda Sylvia Syndication T Tabloid Television Tabloids XXXI List of Entries Tales from the Crypt Talk Radio Talking Heads Tang Tanning Tap Dancing Tarantino, Quentin Tarbell, Ida Tarkanian, Jerry Tarkington, Booth Tarzan Tattoos Taxi Taxi Driver Taylor, Elizabeth Taylor, James Taylor, Robert The Tea Party Teddy Bears Teen Idols Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenagers Tejano Music Telephone Televangelism Television Television Anchors Temple, Shirley The Temptations The Ten Commandments 10,000 Maniacs Tennis Tennis Shoes/Sneakers Tenuta, Judy Terkel, Studs The Terminator Terry and the Pirates Texting Thalberg, Irving G. Thanksgiving Tharp, Twyla Them! The Thing The Third Man 30 Rock This Is Your Life Thomas, Danny Thomas, Isiah Thomas, Lowell Thomas, Marlo Thompson, Hunter S. Thompson, John Thomson, Bobby Thorogood, George XXXII Thorpe, Jim The Three Caballeros Three Investigators Series The Three Stooges Three’s Company Thurber, James Tierney, Gene Tiffany & Company Tijuana Bibles Timberlake, Justin Time Times Square Timex Watches Tiny Tim The Titanic TiVo TMZ To Kill a Mockingbird To Tell the Truth Today Toffler, Alvin Toga Parties Tokyo Rose Tolkien, J. R. R. Tom of Finland Tom Swift Series Tomlin, Lily Tone, Franchot The Tonight Show Tony Awards Tootsie Top Chef Top 40 Tora! Tora! Tora! Tormé, Mel Touched by an Angel Tour de France Town Meetings Toy Story Toys Tracy, Spencer Trading Stamps Trailer Parks Tramps Transformers Traveling Carnivals Travolta, John The Treasure of the Sierra Madre Treviño, Lee Trevor, Claire Trillin, Calvin Trivial Pursuit Trixie Belden Trout, Robert True Detective True Story Magazine T-Shirts Tupperware Turner, Ike and Tina Turner, Lana Turner, Ted TV Dinners TV Guide Twain, Mark Twain, Shania Tweens Tweety Pie and Sylvester Twelve-Step Programs The Twenties 24 23 Skidoo 20/20 Twiggy Twilight The Twilight Zone Twin Peaks Twister Twitter 2 Live Crew 2001: A Space Odyssey Tyler, Anne Tyson, Mike U Uecker, Bob UFC/Mixed Martial Arts UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) Uggs Underground Comics Unforgiven Unitas, Johnny United Artists Unser, Al Unser, Bobby Updike, John Upstairs, Downstairs Urban Legends U.S. One USA Today Usher U2 V Valdez, Luis Vallee Rudy Valens, Ritchie Valentine’s Day Valentino, Rudolph Valenzuela, Fernando S T. J A M E S E N C YC LO PE D I A O F P O P U L A R C U LT U R E , 2 n d E D I T I O N List of Entries Valium Vampires Van Dine, S. S. Van Dyke, Dick Van Halen Van Vechten, Carl Vance, Vivian Vanilla Ice Vanity Fair Vardon, Harry Varga Girl Variety Vaudeville Vaughan, Sarah Vaughan, Stevie Ray Veganism Vegetarianism Velez, Lupe Velveeta Cheese The Velvet Underground Ventura, Jesse Versace, Gianni Vertigo Viagra Victoria’s Secret Vidal, Gore Video Games Videos Vidor, King Vietnam The View Villella, Edward Viral Videos Vitamins Vogue Volkswagen Beetle von Sternberg, Josef Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr. W Wagner, Honus Wagon Train Waits, Tom Walker, Aaron "T-Bone" Walker, Aida Overton Walker, Alice Walker, George Walker, Junior, and the All Stars Walker, Madam C. J. Walkman Wall Drug The Wall Street Journal Wallace, Sippie Wal-Mart Walters, Barbara Walton, Bill The Waltons War Bonds War in Afghanistan War Movies War of the Worlds War on Drugs Warhol, Andy Washington, Denzel Washington Monument The Washington Post Watergate Waters, Ethel Waters, John Waters, Muddy Watson, Tom Waxing The Wayans Family Wayne, John Wayne’s World The Weathermen Weaver, Sigourney The Weavers Webb, Chick Webb, Jack Wedding Dress Weeds The Weekend Weird Tales Weissmuller, Johnny Welcome Back, Kotter Welk, Lawrence Welles, Orson Wells, Kitty Wells, Mary Wertham, Fredric West, Jerry West, Kanye West, Mae West Side Story The West Wing The Western Wharton, Edith What’s My Line? Wheel of Fortune Whisky a Go Go Whistler’s Mother White, Barry White, Betty White, E. B. White, Shaun White, Stanford S T. J A M E S E N C YC LO PE D I A O F P O P U L A R C U LT U R E , 2 n d E D I T I O N White Castle White Flight White Supremacists Whiteman, Paul Whiting, Margaret The Who Who Wants to Be a Millionaire The Whole Earth Catalog Wide World of Sports Wii WikiLeaks Wikipedia The Wild Bunch Wild Kingdom The Wild One Wilder, Billy Wilder, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Thornton Will, George F. Will & Grace Williams, Andy Williams, Bert Williams, Hank, Jr. Williams, Hank, Sr. Williams, Robin Williams, Ted Williams, Tennessee Williams, Venus and Serena Willis, Bruce Wills, Bob, and His Texas Playboys Wilson, Flip Wimbledon Winchell, Walter The Windy City Winfrey, Oprah Winnie Winkle the Breadwinner Winnie-the-Pooh Winslet, Kate Winston, George Winters, Jonathan The Wire Wire Services Wired Magazine Wister, Owen Witherspoon, Reese The Wizard of Oz WKRP in Cincinnati Wobblies Wodehouse, P. G. Wolfe, Tom The Wolfman Wolfman Jack Woman’s Day XXXIII List of Entries Wonder, Stevie Wonder Woman Wonderbra Wong, Anna May Wood, Ed Wood, Natalie Wooden, John Woods, Tiger Woodstock Works Progress Administration (WPA) Murals World Cup World Series World Trade Center World War I World War II World’s Fairs Wrangler Jeans Wray, Fay Wright, Richard Wrigley Field Wuthering Heights WWE WWJD? (What Would Jesus Do?) Wyeth, Andrew XXXIV Wyeth, N. C. Wynette, Tammy X X Games Xbox Kinect Xena, Warrior Princess The X-Files The X-Men Y Yankee Doodle Dandy Yankee Stadium Yankovic, "Weird Al" Yanni The Yardbirds Yastrzemski, Carl Yearwood, Trisha The Yellow Kid Yellowstone National Park Yes Yippies Yo Gabba Gabba! Yoakam, Dwight Yoga Young, Cy Young, Loretta Young, Neil Young, Robert The Young and the Restless Youngman, Henny Your Hit Parade Your Show of Shows The Youth’s Companion YouTube Yo-Yo Y2K Yuppies Z Zanuck, Darryl F. Zap Comix Zappa, Frank The Ziegfeld Follies Zines Zippy the Pinhead Zoos Zoot Suit Zorro Zydeco ZZ Top S T. J A M E S E N C YC LO PE D I A O F P O P U L A R C U LT U R E , 2 n d E D I T I O N