Oct-Nov-Dec 2011 - Village of New Minas


Oct-Nov-Dec 2011 - Village of New Minas
Village of New Minas...A Good Place To Live
- Community with Unity! / Shopping Centre of the Valley / Soccer Capital of
Issue 10
Atlantic Canada -
The Village’s Community Newsletter
Since 1968
Special points of
 New Rec Director
New Recreation Director for New Minas
 New Rec Facility
 Halloween Parties
The Village of New Minas has a new Recreation Director. The Village Commission and staff wish to
introduce the newest member of our team John
Ansara as our Recreation Director.
John, is married to Krista and the father of two
children, Zane & Eden. He’s currently finishing his
degree in Kinesiology at Acadia University. John
has worked with us as our sports instructor for
most of our recreation programs for the past few
 Celebration of Lights
 Recreation
 Life an Active &
Healthy Lifestyle
 Community Special
 Special Events Thank
 VON Opportunities
 Community Groups
 Contact Numbers
 Handbags for Habitat
AV Project
Village of New Minas’ Recreation Facility
Inside this Issue:
As part of providing healthy living opportunities to the community,
the village is in the process of building a new recreation facility at the
Lockhart Ryan Park. Roscoe Construction, has started construction
and the expected completion date is approximately in nine month.
It is exciting to be able to provide a venue for all of our recreational
programs. As well as, provide rooms for various community groups
here in New Minas. In the past, finding locations for our programs
was extremely challenging. Day camp space being the most challenging. Design & floor plan of the new facility provided on page 8.
New Rec Director
New Rec Facility
Halloween Parties
Celebration of
Lights 2011
Recreation Programs
Live an Active
Community Special Events
Special Events
Thank You
VON Opportunities
Contact info
Handbags for
Habitat AV Project
Page 2
Special Events
Senior’s Halloween Party
Thursday, October 27, 7 – 9 pm, NMVFD Hall
Seniors 50+ are invited to bring friends and join host Denny Myles, for a night of fun and music. Wear a costume if you want to; prizes will be awarded.
New Minas Recreation will provide refreshments for participants. The admission is only $5.00
per participant. Please register in advance at the Village office or by phone 681-6577, by
Tuesday, October 25, 2011.
Children's Costume Party
Friday, October 28, 6 – 8 pm, New Minas Civic Centre
Children, ages five through nine are invited to bring friends and join us for a night of fun, music, dancing and games; such as blindfold mummy wrap, candy tosses, pass the pumpkin, the
spooky walk and more. Wear your best costume, prizes will be awarded.
New Minas Recreation will provide refreshments. Free admission, and there is no need to preregister. Just show up and have a Spooktacular Halloween.
Thank you, to our 2011 sponsors
These special events would not be possible without the help of the generous support from the
businesses in New Minas and the surrounding areas. New Minas & District Lions Club, Connors
Diesel Ltd, Service Master, Pretti Poisies, Saunders Tartans & Gifts, The Home Depot,
McDonalds Restaurant, Tim Hortons, Cornwallis Chev Buick GMC, Valley Credit Union, Stirling’s Fruit Farms Ltd, Valley Stationers Ltd, Absolutely Fabulous Bed Bath & Home, Michaels
Arts & Crafts, Sobeys and more. For a complete list with logo’s please check out our next
newsletter due out sometime in January.
Issue 10
Page 3
Special Events
A Quick Glance at the Schedule!
November 19 – December 31, 2010
Nov 19 6:00 pm
Dec 7 6:45 pm
Dec 7 6:45 pm
Dec 7 7:00 pm
Dec 7 7:05 pm
Dec 15 5:30 pm
Santa Parade
Tree Lighting Ceremony
LED Light Exchange
Spectacular Fireworks
Children’s Christmas Party
Seniors Christmas Party
Commercial Street
New Minas Civic Centre
New Minas Civic Centre
New Minas Civic Centre
Santa Parade of Lights
The Santa Parade 2011 will officially kick off the New Minas Celebration of Lights with another
Parade to be held Saturday evening, November 19, at 6:00pm on Commercial Street.
LED Light Exchange Program
The Village of New Minas in partnership with Nova Scotia Power is offering for every two sets
of lights you bring , you’ll receive one free set of LED Lights on Dec 7, 6:45 pm, at the New
Minas Civic Centre. LED Bulbs, last 10 times longer than traditional bulbs, produce very little
heat, reducing the risk of fire and contain no glass and are durable and safe.
For more information on exchange locations and ways to save energy, visit
Tree Lighting Ceremony & Children’s Christmas Party
You and your family are cordially invited to attend the New Minas Celebrations of Lights
Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony & Children’s Christmas Party on Wednesday, December 7,
beginning at 6:45 pm at the New Minas Civic Centre.
This annual event will start at the Village’s gigantic Christmas tree between the New Minas
Civic Centre and the Skate Park, with Seasons Greetings from invited dignitaries before the
Light-up and fireworks, then proceed to the New Minas Volunteer Fire Hall, led by the Town
Crier, Lloyd Smith, for the continuation of activities with the Children’s Christmas party.
―Senior’s Christmas Party‖ Thursday, December 15, 2010, 5:30 – 9 pm
NMVFD (New Minas Volunteer Fire Dept)
Seniors 50+ are invited to bring friends and enjoy an evening of music and dancing with host
Denny Myles. New Minas Recreation will provide a home cooked turkey dinner & dessert for
participants, the fee is only $15.00 per participant. Please register in advance by December
8th, at the New Minas Civic Centre, or call John at 902-681-6577. This activity depends on
the number of registrations. So, register soon to ensure this fun event does not get cancelled
due to low registrations.
May the joy of the Christmas season follow you throughout the coming year!
Page 4
New Minas & Area Parent/Tot Playgroup
10:00 — 12:0 0
Children ages:0 — 3
Downstairs New Minas Civic Centre
October Schedule
October 24: Just Play
October 31: Halloween Party! We are inviting you to our house for the Halloween Party. Come and join
us for some yummy treats, crafts and play. Feel free to put your little ones in their Halloween costumes
and if you like, yourself as well. For directions please email or call Stephanie at 365-2796.
Program Leader: Stephanie Williams
No need to register, just stop by and play. Contact info: parentandtot@gmail.com.
Sports Programs
N.M.H.L. Youth Floor Hockey
Ages: 9 — 13
Oct 4 — Dec 6, 2011
Tuesdays 6:00 — 7:00pm
New Minas Baptist Church $45.00
Minimum Participants: 12
Sport Start for Kids
Oct 10 — Dec 12, 2011
Ages: 4 — 5
Mondays 5:00 — 6:00pm
Ages: 6 — 8
Mondays 6:00 — 7:00pm
New Minas Baptist Church $45.00
Minimum Participants: 8
Adult Volleyball
10 week program
Wednesdays 7:00 — 8:45pm
Proceeds from the adult volleyball program is being donated to the school breakfast program.
Maximum Participants: 16
New Minas Recreation cancelled some of our fall programs. Unfortunately, there were not enough
children registered by the registration date to enable us to offer these programs. We regret the loss
of opportunity for the youth in our area and we will attempt to offer most of these programs again
this winter. If parents want their children to take part in these great programs (volleyball, badminton,
basketball, etc), please pre-register, as that is how we determine whether or not we are able to offer
a program.
New Minas Recreation is always looking to expand it’s programming and would welcome suggestions
for future sports and other recreation programs. Please contact John Ansara, 902-681-6577 or the
Decorative Painting
Oil Painting Classes
Wednesdays 1 — 4 pm
New Minas Civic Centre
Robin — Oil, Sep 28, Oct 5 & 12, $60.00 includes canvas, paints and special supplies
Wine & Grapes — Acrylic, Oct 19 & 26, Nov 2, $50.00, inc. paint & special supplies, canvas & table extra
Loon — Watercolour, Nov 9 & 16, $40.00 includes paint & paper
Grisaille Landscape — Nov 23 & 30, Dec 6, $50.00, includes paint, 16x20 gallery canvas $20.00, regular $10.00
Landscape with Bench Seminar Sat Oct 22, 10:00 — 4:00, $40.00, canvas extra or bring your own
Christmas Surprise Seminar Sat Nov 19, 10:00 — 4:00, $55.00
To register for any of our programs contact the Village Office at 902-681-6972.
Issue 10
Page 5
Older Adults Life Quality Improvement Program
Tuesdays & Thursdays
10:00 - 11:00 am
New Minas Civic Centre
DVD — Walking video provided. No fees will be charged until instructor is available.
Employment Opportunity $$$$
New Minas Recreation is looking for an older adult fitness instructor, two classes a week,
Tuesday and Thursday mornings, 10:00am to 11:00am. If you are interested please contact John at 902-681-6577 or village.newminas@ns.aliantzinc.ca.
Senior Computer Course
The Village of New Minas is now accepting names for their Senior Computer Classes. If you are interested
in taking these classes please contact the office at 902-681-6972. Call early, maximum number of students
available per class.
Computer Availability Schedule
The Village of New Minas, is offering Seniors a place to come use a computer. We have four computers
available for seniors enjoyment. Below is a list of day and times that the computers will be available for
9:00am - 4:00pm
12:00pm - 4:00pm
12:00am – 4:00pm
9:00pm – 4:00pm
Date & Times are subject to change, if required
Ballroom Dancing
6:30 pm to 9:00pm
New Minas Civic Centre
The Village of New Minas is offering a Weekly Ballroom Class; all levels of experience welcome.
Instructor: Steven MacDonald
$5.00 drop-in fee.
Kings Community Concert Band
The Kings Community Concert Band encourages local musicians to join and enjoy playing concert band
music. The Band now practices every Monday night in the Annex of the New Minas Baptist Church, 9453
Commercial Street, New Minas. Rehearsals begin at 7:00pm.
The Band plays for concerts, local community functions, marches in parades and is active all year long.
For more information visit the Band website www.KCCB.com or call 902-542-7085
Page 6
Live an Active & Healthy Lifestyle
Celebrate Food...from Field to Table
Anne McLaughlin, AVH Dietitian
Did you know: Families who eat together, eat better. Children who eat with at least one family member present have a better nutrient intake. Children and adolescents who eat together with their family are a decreased risk of overweight and obesity. Also, greater participation in food preparation is associated with a
higher frequency of eating together as a family.
Registered Dietitians are your best source for trusted advice on healthy eating. AVH dietitians are located in
all the AVH hospitals and Health Centres. And remember, if you have any nutrition questions; call the AVH
Nutrition line toll free at 1-888-642-8484.
CHALLENGE 2: “Healthy Eating is Expensive”
1: Many nutritious foods can be quite affordable, including beans and lentils, oatmeal and rice (especially when
bought in larger packages), in season produce, eggs, and frozen vegetables.
2: Remember to treat meat as the focus, but not as the main part of the dish: this will help with costs.
3: Read flyers, comparison shop, and avoid food wastage.
4: If freezer space allows, buy meat and breads on sale.
5: Buy lots of in season vegetables and fruit and freeze them for later use.
1 tbsp non-hydrogenated margarine
1 cup finely chopped onion
1 cup diced celery
4 cups reduced-sodium chicken broth
1 cup diced peeled sweet potato
1 cup frozen corn kernels, thawed
1/2 cup finely chopped red bell pepper
1 boneless skinless chicken breast (about 4oz/125g), cubed
1 can (370 ml) 2% evaporated milk
1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
1. In a large sauce pan, melt margarine over medium heat. Sauté onion, celery and red pepper until softened,
about 5 minutes.
2. Add chicken, broth, sweet potato and corn; bring to boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 25 minutes
or until chicken and potatoes are cooked through. Add evaporated milk and parsley; heat over low heat (do
not boil or milk will curdle).
Serves: 9
Calories: 118
Fat: 2-7 g
Carbohydrates: 14 g Fibre: 1 g
Saturated fat: 0.8 g
Sodium: 362 mg (15% DV)
Issue 10
Page 7
Benefits of Physical Activity
Regular physical activity not only makes us stronger, gives us energy, decreases stress and
contributes to healthy growth and development, but can help to reduce the risk of premature
death and chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, colon cancer, breast cancer, type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis.
But did you know???
91% of Canadian children and youth do not meet the recommended 90 minutes per day
of physical activity
Only 15% of Canadian Adults meet the minimum amount of daily recommended exercise
Decreased levels of physical activity are consistently shown to be associated with increased screen-time (i.e. TV/video viewing, computer usage)
Physical Activity Tips
Children and Youth (ages 5-17)
Add physical activity to your day!
Replace computer and TV time with something active.
Learn which sports and activities your children enjoy and find lessons or clubs for them
if you can
Sign your child up for multiple sports. Kids who participate in different sports see improved athletic performance and a decrease in injuries.
Take kids to the playground or to the park to play
For adults (ages 18-64 years)
Be active at least 2.5 hours a week to achieve health benefits.
Focus on moderate to vigorous aerobic activity throughout each week, broken into sessions of 10 minutes or more.
Get stronger by adding activities that target your muscles and bones at least two days
per week.
Any amount of physical activity will do you some good, but to achieve greater health
benefits, do more.
Older adults (65 years and older)
Adults aged 65 years and older should take part in at least 2.5 hrs of moderate- to vigorous-intensity aerobic activity each week.
Spread out the activities into sessions of 10 minutes or more.
It is also beneficial to add muscle and bone strengthening activities using major muscle
groups at least twice a week. This will help your posture and balance.
Public Health Agency of Canada, www.phac-aspc.gc.ca
Page 8
Community Special Events
Drawing & Plans
Diabetes Clothesline Program
The Canadian Diabetes Association’s Clothesline Program is running into its 26th year of operation.
The Diabetes Clothesline Program gladly accepts clothing, footwear and purses of all kinds as well as reuseable household items such as linens, towels, draperies, toys, dishes, pots & pans, knick knacks, tools
and jewelry.
We ask that you do not place encyclopedias, magazines, condensed novels, furniture or garbage in or
around these bins as these items cost the Diabetes Association to dispose of taking those valuable dollars
away from their real cause.
Clothesline Drop Boxes in your area are located at Kent Co-op and Superstore in New Minas, Centreville
Kwikway, 955 Lydiard St, Centreville, DeGraaf’s Kwikway at 9705 Main St., Canning and at the Kentville
Save Easy, 451 Main St.. Donations may also be dropped off at 10057 Highway 221 in Canning or if you
require assistance in getting your donation picked up, please do not hesitate to contact me at 582-7980.
Proceeds raised through the sale of donated items help the Diabetes Association promote the health of
Canadians through diabetes research, education, service and advocacy. Diabetes is one of the fastest
growing deceases in our country today. Your generosity through donations to the Clothesline Program will
help to make a difference.
For further information, please contact the Diabetes Association at 1-800-505-5525 or by contacting Peter
Wallis at 582-7980. We thank you in advance for your support of this very worth while program.
New Independent Non-Profit School
Two Public Information Sessions are being held in October regarding a new non-profit school called New
Booker School. It is dedicated to becoming the first International Baccalaureate World School in the
Maritimes for grades K-8. The Booker will share a 5-acre campus of Landmark East and is scheduled to
open in September 2012. Brad Stokes, principal of Horton High School, is prepared to offer IB classes in
grade 9 and 10 in addition to the grade 11/12 IB Diploma being implemented at Horton this year.
Public Information Sessions will be held on Thursday Oct 13 at 7:00 pm in the Wolfville Public Library and
on Wednesday Oct 19 at 6:45 pm in the Windsor Public Library and on Friday October 27 at 7:00 pm at the
Kentville Publ. More information can be found at www.newbookerschool.ca.
Issue 10
Page 9
Community Special Events
The Environmental Home Assessment Program (EHAP) is available in all areas of Nova Scotia
until March 31, 2012. Homeowners with onsite septic systems and private wells can request a free
environmental home assessment by calling 1-800-500-3427. The service is funded by the Nova Scotia
Department of Environment and delivered by non-profit organizations providing environmental
education. Homeowners can contact Clean Nova Scotia at 1-800-665-5377 to book your FREE
assessment in HRM, Hants, Guysborough, Antigonish, Pictou Cumberland, Colchester counties.
During the EHAP assessment, Clean Nova Scotia staff will meet with the homeowner at their home for
approximately and hour and a half. The homeowner will receive information on how to manage their
septic system and well water quality and how to inspect their oil tank. All information obtained during
an EHAP assessment is confidential.
Home owners who participate in the EHAP assessment are eligible for a $100 septic tank pumping
rebate. Those who meet certain eligibility criteria may also apply for a grant of up to $3,000 from the
Nova Scotia Department of Environment’s Septic Repair Grant Program.
Participation in this program helps to protect our environment and the health of Nova Scotia
households. Call 1-866-500-3427 (EHAP) to request your free environmental home assessment.
Call Me Fitz Season 3 goes into Production
Call Me Fitz is an one of a kind award winning Canadian series that was nominated for 16 Gemini
Awards this year (2011), and took home 7 of them. The most of any comedy or drama series this
year. Wins include: Best Performance by an Actor in a Featured Supporting Role or Guest Role in a
Comedic Series (Ernie Grunwald); Best Performance by an Actress in a Continuing Leading Comedic
Role (Tracy Dawson); Best Performance by an Actress in a Featured Supporting Role or Guest Role in
a Comedic Series (Rachel Blanchard); Best Direction in a Comedy Program or Series; and Best
Writing in a Comedy or Variety Program or Series.
Production of Season 3 started on September 12, 2011, which will air sometime September 2012,
season 2 premiered on September 25 on HBO Canada.
The 13-episode second season of this made-in-Canada half-hour comedy series was created by Sheri
Elwood and then developed by Amaze Film + Television and is produced by Amaze, Big Motion Pictures and
Entertainment One, with the participation of The Movie Network and Movie Central. Executive Produced by
Sheri Elwood, who is also the series Show Runner, the series is filmed in New Minas, Nova Scotia. The first
season of Call Me Fitz premiered earlier this year on DirecTV in the U.S.
The complete first season of Call Me Fitz is now available on DVD as of September 27th and includes
special bonus feature including: The Genesis of Fitz, Casting of Fitz, Blooper reel and a Season 2 sneak
peek, From Entertainment One.
L-R - Ernie Grunwald as Larry, Jason Priestley as Richard "Fitz" Fitzpatrick.
Page 10
Special Events Notice
Thank You to our Canada & Celebration Days Sponsors
Platinum Sponsor The Heritage Canada Foundation
Platinum Sponsor On-Line Support
Platinum Sponsor Subway
Platinum Sponsor Sobeys
Platinum Sponsor Cora’s Breakfast & Lunch
Platinum Sponsor Go as you grow
Platinum Sponsor Atlantic Superstore
Gold Sponsor M & M Meat Shop
Bronze Sponsor Kent Co-op
Door Prize Sponsor's
Tim Hortons
$520.55 collected from The Canada Day BBQ & Pop sales added to the IWK donation
to all who attended and sponsored our Canada Day and
our Celebration Days 2011, they were fun. These special
events would not be possible without the help and generous
support of the businesses in New Minas and the surrounding area.
Issue 10
Page 11
VON Opportunities
A Little...Gain A Lot!
Are you retired or have spare time? VON will match your strengths, interest and time availability to a role that’s
right for you. Opportunities are available with Meals on Wheels, Adult Day programs, Volunteer Visitors and
Clerical Assistance.
If your interested or would like more information please contact Anna, 902-690-2107 or anna.spooner@von.ca.
Community Groups
New Minas Sparks, Brownies, Guides, Pathfinders, Rangers
Please contact: District Commissioner’s Carrie Doyle 542-2309 carriedoyle @hotmail.com & Carrie
Nichols 542-5538 carrienichols@eastlink.ca
Beavers & Cubs
6:00 — 7:30 pm
6:00 — 7:00 pm
Seniors Minas Fifty Plus Club
Minas Fifty Plus Club meets Wednesdays at 1:00 pm at
the New Minas Volunteer Fire Department (NMVFD).
The first Wednesday of every month is pot luck beginning at 11:30 am.
Contact: President Nora Russell at 678-6848 or Anita
German at 678-6741.
New Minas Sunrise Rotary Club
Jim Lamb
670-3084 / Fax:538-8284
Wednesdays at 7:00 am at Smitty’s
Evangeline Recreation Society
8752 Commercial Street, New Minas, NS B4N 3C5
Tel:(902)678-1117 Fax:(902)678-4668
Welcome Wagon, Since 1930
Contact Ellen: 902-678-5734
Downstairs NM Civic Centre
Contact Dianne Burns 681-2581
New Minas & District Lions Club
Mary Stevens, President 681-2040
Peter Wallis, Treasurer 582-7980
Morley Wills, Secretary 678-3819
-Country Breakfasts are the 1st Saturday of every month: 7-
10:30 am at Civic Centre.
-Collect used eye glasses, hearing aids, used postage stamps
and cell phones. Please drop off at Civic Centre.
2nd Tuesday, 6:30pm Business
4th Tuesday, 6:30pm Supper
Meeting guests welcome
Alexander Society for Special Needs
Email: kp@alexandersociety.org, Call: 582-3888
Habitat for Humanity
Annapolis Valley Project
P.O. Box 632 Kentville, NS B4N 3X7
Issue 10
Page 12
Contact Numbers
9209 Commercial St., New Minas, NS B4N 3G1
newminas@ns.sympatico.ca, www.newminas.com Phone: 681-6972 Fax: 681-0779
Contact Info
Animal Control …………………………………………………………………………... Phone 678-3647
Building Permit Inquiries…………………………………………………………….. Phone 690-6123
Civic Centre Rentals……………………………………………………………………..Phone 681-6972
Civic Numbers Signs……………………………………………………………………. Phone 582-7980
Department of Environment ………………………………………………………. Phone 679-6086
Lockhart & Ryan Memorial Park Inquiries (fields)……………………...Phone 681-0870
MLA Ramona Jennex, Kings South……………………………………………...Phone 681-3741 ramonajennexmla@bellaliant.com
MP Scott Brison, Kings-Hants……………………………………………………...Phone 542-4010 kings.hants@ns.sympatico.ca
Municipality of Kings County………………………………………………………..www.county.kings.ns.ca or Phone 678-6141
New Minas Volunteer Fire Department (NMVFD)………………………..Phone 681-6661
Planning and Development Inquiries…………………………………………..Phone 690-6138
Police General Inquiries-RCMP……………………………………………………. Phone 679-5555
School/Busing Inquiries……………………………………………………………... Phone 538-4600
Sidewalk Inquiries………………………………………………………………………..Phone 681-6972
Soccer Inquiries…………………………………………………………………………...Phone 542-2905
Street Inquiries……………………………………………………………………………. Phone 679-6122 (DOT)
Street Light Inquiries/Emergencies……………………………………………. Phone 1-800-428-6230 (NSP)
Street Signs………………………………………………………………………………... Phone 679-6122 (DOT)
Tax Bills (Village and County)…………………………………………………….. Phone 690-6144
Traffic Lights………………………………………………………………………………...Phone 679-6122 (DOT)
Valley Regional Hospital……………………………………………………………….Phone 678-7381
Valley Waste: Garbage/Recycling………………………………………………..Phone 679-1325
View all approved Village Minutes………………………………………………. www.newminas.com
Village Bylaws……………………………………………………………………………... Phone 681-6972
Village Commissioners Contact Numbers…………………………………...Phone 681-6972
Village General Business……………………………………………………………… Phone 681-6972 / Fax 681-0779
Village General Business on line…………………………………………………www.newminas.com
Village Recreation Programs & Events……………………………………….. Phone 681-6577
Village Water/Sewer Bills/Inquiries……………………………………………..Phone 681-6972
Village Water/Sewer Inquiries/Emergencies……………………………….Phone 681-7750
Welcome Wagon/Welcome Baby………………………………………………..Phone 678-5734
Habitat for Humanity Annapolis Valley Project
Would like to invite you to our first
It promises to be a fun night. You can partake in the live handbag auction or check out some
of our local venders, have a drink and some hors d’oeuvres all while helping out a very
worthwhile cause. We are so excited about this event we can hardly wait.
See you at the Farmers Market Wolfville, November 24, Cost of admission $15.00
Watch for more information on the website at www.habitatav.com