Floda concept report_110613
Floda 31 by 8 Concept Report June 2011 Contents Floda31by8 Concept Report 2011 Working Document 1.0 Introduction 4.0 Design 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Introduction Brief Location Climate Vernacular references Modern references Material references 4.1 4.2 4.3 Strategic site Plan Forest site Field site 2.0 Environmental strategies 3.0 Initial Design Response 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Orientation Building as a (birch)tree Massing options Seasonally responsive 2 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Introduction by8blZ]^lb`g\hee^\mbo^\hglblmbg`h_lmn]^gml% ZenfgbZg]lmZ___khfNgbm1Zmma^;Zkme^mmL\ahheh_ Zk\abm^\mnk^%N<EbgEhg]hg'Ma^]^lb`g\hee^\mbo^ p^k^_hkf^]Zlp^p^k^bgobm^][r?eh]Z,*mh ]^lb`gZg][nbe]mphlfZeeahnl^l%?kb``^[h]Zk% during the summer of 2011. 1.2 Brief Friggebodar 2011: A live small buildings project Friggebod: a small house of up to 15 square meters h_ÜhhkliZ\^pbmaZfZqbfnfh_,f^m^klmhma^ `nmm^kmaZm\Zg[^^k^\m^]hgikboZm^eZg]pbmahnmma^ need for planning consent from the local authorities. This report summarizes the main concepts developed Project description ]nkbg`ma^pbgm^kZg]likbg`h_+)**%Zg]hnmebg^lma^ Mablikhc^\mblmh[nbe]mphlnlmZbgZ[e^_kb``^[h]Zk _hk?eh]Z,*%Zgbgm^k]bl\biebgZkrk^l^Zk\aZg]]^lb`g mph]b__^k^gm]^lb`gl_hkma^ahnl^l' _Z\bebmrbgGhkma^kgLp^]^g' Brief To design a friggebod that can house residents at ?eh]Z,*'Ma^_kb``^[h]lahne]l^ko^ZlZlnlmZbgZ[e^ ikhmhmri^%Zg]lahne]ikhihl^g^ppZrlh_[nbe]bg` pbmama^\ebfZm^bgfbg]' Bm\hne]_hk^qZfie^nl^ngnlnZek^\r\e^]fZm^kbZel% k^&mabgdmkZ]bmbhgZe\hglmkn\mbhgm^\agbjn^l%hknl^h__& site manufacturing techniques to enable a faster and fhk^^_Û\b^gm\hglmkn\mbhgikh\^ll' ehmlh_fhljnbmh^l%fb]`^l%ahkl^Üb^lZg]hma^kÜrbg` bgl^\mlZg]ma^k^phgm[^fn\a]Zkd'Ma^eh\Zmbhgl _hk[hma_kb``^[h]ZkZk^hgZabee!+0.f"%`khng]bl o^krkh\dr%ehmlh_lmhg^l%[nmpbmaZ`k^Zmob^p Eh\Zek^lhnk\^lZk^phh]%phh]Zg]fhk^phh]% and also some natural stone. There is a small stream Zg]Zp^eepbma]kbgdbg`pZm^kbg\ehl^[r' >qi^\m^]k^lneml Ma^Zbfh_ma^\hfi^mbmbhgblmak^^_he]3?bklmer%mh Zeehplmn]^gmlma^\aZg\^mhm^lmma^bkb]^ZlZ`Zbglm k^Zebmr'Ma^_Zlm\hglmkn\mbhgikh\^ll\hf[bg^]pbma ma^lmkbg`^gm]^fZg]lhgjnZebmrg^^]^]mhf^^mma^ aZkla\ebfZm^h_?eh]Z%pbeeikhob]^Zg^q\^ee^gm\Zl^ lmn]r_hkma^lmn]^gml%Zg]ZgbfihkmZgme^Zkgbg` ^qi^kb^g\^bgma^bk\Zk^^klZlZk\abm^\ml' L^\hg]er%bmblZghiihkmngbmrmh\k^Zm^mb^l[^mp^^g ma^g^per_hng]^]Nf^¬L\ahheh_:k\abm^\mnk^Zg] Ma^;Zkme^mmL\ahheh_:k\abm^\mnk^%N<E%pab\ablhg^ h_ma^e^Z]bg`l\ahhelbgma^phke]'Mablphne]a^eimh k^bg_hk\^Nf^¬ngbo^klbmrllmZmnlZlZgbgm^kgZmbhgZe ngbo^klbmrpbmaebgdlmhlhf^h_ma^fhlmbgÜn^gmbZe ngbo^klbm^lZkhng]ma^phke]' Who MablblZgbgm^k]bl\biebgZkrikhc^\mZg]m^ZflfZ]^ nih_fhk^maZghg^ikh_^llbhg(Zk^Zh_dghpe^]`^ Zk^p^e\hf^]'P^aZo^bgobm^]Ma^;Zkme^mmL\ahheh_ :k\abm^\mnk^%Ngbm1Zg]Nf^¬L\ahheh_:k\abm^\mnk^ Mabk]er%ma^lfZeeikhmhmri^ahnl^lpbeeikhob]^Z !ngbmm[\"mhfZd^m^Zfl'Phkdpbee[^lni^kobl^][r `k^Zmhiihkmngbmrmhlahp\Zl^g^pZg]bgm^k^lmbg` mnmhkl_khf[hmal\ahhelZg]?eh]Z,*' pZrlh_mZ\debg`ma^]b_Û\nemb^lh_[nbe]bg`bgZg ^qmk^f^^gobkhgf^gm%pbmahnmZgrk^lmkb\mbhglmhma^ Basic requirements and considerations ]^lb`g^kl\k^Zmbobmr' >Z\a_kb``^[h]lahne]aZo^le^^ibg`%phkdbg`Zg] ^Zmbg`liZ\^_hkmphbg]bob]nZel'Bmlahne][^Z[e^mh `^g^kZm^bmlhpg^e^\mkb\bmrZg]a^Zmbg`%Zg]fnlm[^ aZ[bmZ[e^Zeer^Zkkhng]!m^fi^kZmnk^lkZg`^_khf &-)<mh$,)<" P^phne]eho^bmb_^Z\a_kb``^[h]ZelhaZ]knggbg` pZm^k%\hhdbg`_Z\bebmrZg]_hh]lmhkZ`^':]]bmbhgZeer bmphne][^`k^Zmmh\hglb]^kma^_kb``^[h]ZlZieZ\^ mhehhdhnm_hkpbe]eb_^hkpZm\ama^lmZkl':gbg]hhk( hnm]hhkliZ\^\hne][^Z]]^]_hk\ZfiÛk^lhk barbecues. D^^ibgfbg]maZmma^k^blgh]kbo^pZr%lhZ\\^llbl hg_hhm%[bd^%ldb%lghpfh[be^%]h`le^]hkhma^k'Bg pbgm^kma^k^bla^Zorlghp4mphf^m^klienl%Zg]fb] pbgm^kma^k^phgm[^fn\aeb`am'Bglnff^kma^k^Zk^ Floda31by8 Concept Report 2011 Working Document 3 *', Eh\Zmbhg Ma^Ûklmpkbmm^gf^gmbhgh_Nf^¬bl_khfma^*-ma \^gmnkr'Ma^ghkma^kgiZkmlh_Lp^]^g%bg\en]bg` ma^\hngmb^lh_Oªlm^k[hmm^gZg]Ghkk[hmm^g%p^k^ l^mme^][rLZfbi^hie^[^_hk^mablmbf^%mahn`aghm g^\^llZkberbgma^\bmrl^qZ\meh\Zmbhg'Nf^¬bgbml Ûklm_hkfpZlZiZkblapbmaZphh]^g\ank\aZg] mkZ]^ihlmeh\Zm^]bgma^l^\mbhgh_mhpgghpdghpg Zl;Z\d^g!hkDrkd[Z\d^g"'Bmleh\Zmbhgg^Zkma^\hZlm Zg]hgZkbo^kpZlikh[Z[erhg^h_ma^k^ZlhglmaZm people chose to settle there. Nf^¬bllbmnZm^]hgma^bge^mh_ma^@ne_h_;hmagbZ Zmma^fhnmah_ma^Nf^Kbo^k%bgma^lhnmah_ Oªlm^k[hmm^g'Nf^¬blZ[hnm/))dfghkmah_ Lmh\dahefZm/,.) G+)*. >Zg]Z[hnm-)) dflhnmah_ma^:k\mb\<bk\e^'Bmblma^eZk`^lm\bmr ghkmah_ma^Lmh\dahef&NiilZeZk^`bhg%Zg]bl sometimes referred to as the regional centre of ghkma^kgLp^]^gma^\bmrpZl[nbemhgma^eZg]lh_ ma^LZg]Zahf^lm^Z]ZlZ\hfikhfbl^[^mp^^g¥g Zg];Z\d^g'Ma^\bmrpZl[nkg^]mhma^`khng][r fZkZn]bg`KnllbZgmkhhilbg*0*-Zg]*0+)' BgCng^*111ma^pahe^h_ma^^Zlm^kgiZkmh_Nf^¬% ma^labirZk]lZmM^`Zg]ma^ahnl^lhg¥gBleZg] p^k^]^oZlmZm^][rZÛk^maZm[^`Zgbgma^[k^p^kr \ehl^mhK^gfZkdl[ª\d^g':[hnm+%,))h_ma^\bmrl ,%)))bgaZ[bmZgmlp^k^fZ]^ahf^e^ll'Pa^gma^ \bmrpZlk^[nbemZ_m^kma^Ûk^%pb]^Zo^gn^lp^k^eZb] hnmZlÛk^ikhm^\mbhgZg]lbeo^k[bk\amk^^lieZgm^] Zehg`ma^fmhik^o^gmÛk^l_khflik^Z]bg`_khfhg^ building to another. Nf^¬lhhg[^\Zf^dghpgZkhng]Lp^]^gZlma^ <bmrh_;bk\a^l Floda31by8 Concept Report 2011 Working Document Floda 31 Botsmark Västerbotten 4 1.4 Climate 1.4 Climate <ebfZm^\aZg`^bgLp^]^g M>QM?KHFPBDBI>=B: Lp^]^gaZlZiieb^]iheb\rbglmknf^gmlZg]f^Zlnk^l _hk\ebfZm^\aZg`^fbmb`Zmbhglbg\^*21)l'Ma^ instruments used include economic instruments !ln\aZl<H+mZq%ln[lb]b^l%i^gZemb^l"%e^`bleZmbhg% ohengmZkrZ`k^^f^gmlZg]Z]bZeh`n^[^mp^^gma^ state and business enterprise. The main instruments Zk^]^l\kb[^][^ehp3 <Zk[hg]bhqb]^mZqbglmknf^gm BgLp^]^g%ma^k^Zk^lh_Zkmak^^]b__^k^gmmZq^l e^ob^]hg^g^k`rikh]n\ml!fZbger_hllbe_n^el"% gZf^er^g^k`rmZq%lneiankmZqZg]<H+mZq'>g^k`r mZqZmbhgaZl[^^gnl^]ZlZiheb\rbglmknf^gm^o^k lbg\^ma^hbe\kblblh_ma^*20)lmhlniihkmk^g^pZ[e^ ^g^k`rZg]gn\e^Zkihp^k'>g^k`rmZqpZlk^]n\^] [raZe_bg*22*]nkbg`ma^mZqk^_hkf%lbfnemZg^hnler pbmama^bgmkh]n\mbhgh_Z<H+mZqhg_hllbe_n^el%pbma ^q\^imbhglhg^maZghe%f^maZghe%hma^k[bh_n^el%i^Zm Zg]pZlm^l' K^g^pZ[e^^g^k`r\^kmbÛ\Zm^lrlm^f :lhg^iZkmh_ma^@ho^kgf^gmlehg`&m^kf^g^k`r iheb\rmhk^]n\^@A@^fbllbhgl%ma^Lp^]bla `ho^kgf^gmbgmkh]n\^]ZohengmZkrbgm^kgZmbhgZe lrlm^f_hkmkZ]bg` `k^^g\^kmbÛ\Zm^l%b'^'ma^ k^g^pZ[e^^g^k`r\^kmbÛ\Zm^lrlm^f!K><L"'Pbma ^__^\m_khf*FZr+)),%K><Lbgm^g]lmh^g\hnkZ`^ Zg]bg\k^Zl^ma^ikhihkmbhgh_^e^\mkb\bmrikh]n\^] _khfk^g^pZ[e^^g^k`rlhnk\^l'Mablpbee[^]hg^[r iZrf^gmh_Ze^orbgikhihkmbhgmh\^kmZbg_kZ\mbhgh_ ma^bk^e^\mkb\bmr]nkbg`ma^r^Zk'?hk^qZfie^%]nkbg` ma^Ûklmr^Zk!+)),"%nl^klpbee[^k^jnbk^]mh[nr0'- i^k\^gmh_ma^^e^\mkb\bmr`^g^kZm^]_khfk^g^pZ[e^ sources Floda31by8 Concept Report 2011 Working Document K^g^pZ[e^^g^k`rln[lb]b^lZg]\hgmbgnhnl bgo^lmf^gmhgK= Lbg\^*22*%Lp^]^glmZkm^]fZgrikh`kZff^l mh^g\hnkZ`^ma^nl^h_k^g^pZ[e^^g^k`rZg] g^pm^\agheh`r]^o^ehif^gm%^'`'>g^k`rIheb\r programme (Long and short term programs that _h\nlhgpZrlmhbg\k^Zl^ma^lniierh_k^g^pZ[e^ ^e^\mkb\bmr%mhk^]n\^^e^\mkb\bmr\hglnfimbhg%Zg]mh ikhfhm^^g^k`r^_Û\b^g\r"%@k^^gCertificate Scheme (GenekZmhklnlbg`lheZk%pbg]%[bhfZll%`^hma^kfZe% pZo^hklfZeear]khZk^ZpZk]^]hg^\^kmbÛ\Zm^_hk ^Z\aFPaikh]n\^]%Zg]Zee\hglnf^klZk^h[eb`^] mh[nr^ghn`a\^kmbÛ\Zm^lmh\ho^kZl^mikhihkmbhgh_ their use). International collaboration and carbon trading lrlm^fl Lp^]^gZelhlahplbmle^Z]^klabibgbgm^kgZmbhgZe cooperation and competence on the climate \aZg`^blln^l'Lp^]^gZ\mbo^ermhhdiZkmbglhf^ bgm^kgZmbhgZe\ebfZm^iheb\rikh`kZfl%ln\aZl Ikhmhmri^<Zk[hg?ng]l!I<?"Zg]:\mbobmb^l Bfie^f^gm^]Chbgmer!:BC" Public participations Public participation is quite important in addressing climate change and its effects and developing adequate responses. Without the support of the in[eb\%bmblbfihllb[e^mhbfie^f^gmZg^piheb\r bglmknf^gmln\\^ll_neer'?hk^qZfie^%hg^\Zgghm anticipate that bio ethanol and bio diesel could be pb]^er\hglnf^]pbmahnmlniihkmZg]ng]^klmZg]bg` _khfma^`^g^kZeihineZmbhg'Ma^k^_hk^%bg_hkfZmbhg mhkZbl^ma^e^o^eh_dghpe^]`^\hg\^kgbg`ma^\ebfZm^ blln^mhma^in[eb\blg^\^llZkr' 5 2010 Temperatures 30 23 18 15 5 2 0 2 0 -3 -7 -8 -12 -15 -13 -23 -30 12 9 8 10 6 19 13 7 2 12 8 10 2 2 -5 -5 4 -3 -7 -11 -13 -16 -22 -24 -27 JAN 21 17 17 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Average Daily Temperature C Minimum Daily Temperature C Maximum Daily Temperature C 2010 Dew Points 23 15 12 12 8 0 -8 -6 -15 -14 -9 -9 -16 -15 3 0 -3 -2 5 16 12 11 16 4 5 -1 10 6 8 1 1 -5 -7 -6 3 -4 -8 -14 -17 -23 -30 -30 JAN -24 -27 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Average Daily Dew Point C Minimum Daily Dew Point C Maximum Daily Dew Point C 2010 Humidities 100 75 96 86 83 75 86 81 69 85 76 65 84 71 54 50 83 68 56 84 81 73 64 96 90 88 96 91 96 95 91 96 93 89 82 73 72 60 52 25 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Average Daily Humidity % Minimum Daily Humidity % Maximum Daily Humidity % Floda31by8 Concept Report 2011 Working Document 6 2010 Precipitation 3.00 2.34 2.25 2.21 1.88 1.76 1.60 1.50 1.80 1.42 1.40 1.32 1.18 0.99 0.75 0.56 0 00 JAN FEB 0.10 0 0.13 0 MAR 0.04 0 APR 0.20 0 0.16 0 MAY JUN JUL 0.23 0 0.22 0 AUG SEP 0.18 0 0.10 0 00 OCT 00 NOV DEC Average Daily Precipitation CM Minimum Daily Precipitation CM Maximum Daily Precipitation CM November, December and January show massively inflated precipitation values of 34cm, 34cm and 45cm respectively... I assume this is because of snow. 2010 Wind Speed 9 9 9 7 6 5 5 4 2 2 0 JAN FEB 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 MAR 6 5 4 2 0 6 0 APR MAY 2 1 0 0 JUN JUL 4 4 2 1 1 0 AUG SEP 1 0 1 0 0 OCT 0 NOV DEC Average Daily Wind Speed KM/H Minimum Daily Wind Speed KM/H Maximum Daily Wind Speed KM/H 2010 Gust Speed 100 100 92 92 92 20 19 18 9 10 92 92 98 92 75 50 25 31 25 23 10 0 0 JAN FEB 4 0 19 6 MAR 16 5 APR 27 17 6 MAY 15 2 1 JUN JUL AUG SEP 19 0 OCT 16 0 NOV 10 0 DEC Average Daily Gust Speed KM/H Minimum Daily Gust Speed KM/H Maximum Daily Gust Speed KM/H Elevation is 280m approx. Summer winds from South, Winter from North North West. Floda31by8 Concept Report 2011 Working Document 7 1.5 Vernacular references *'.O^kgZ\neZkK^_^k^g\^l MkZ]bmbhgZeLp^]blaZk\abm^\mnk^aZl[^^ghg^h_ma^ d^rlhnk\^lh_bglibkZmbhg'Ma^l\neimnkZejnZebmb^l h_ma^mbf[^kahnl^l%iZkmb\neZkberma^Aªk[k^aZl _^]Z]bl\nllbhgZ[hnmma^?kb``^[h]lk^eZmbhgmh bml\hgm^qm'BgZ]]bmbhg%ma^m^qmnkZeZg]lhf^mbf^l graphic use of timber and paint has driven our ]bl\nllbhglZ[hnmfZm^kbZebmrZlp^ee' Floda31by8 Concept Report 2011 Working Document 8 1.6 Modern references *'/Fh]^kgK^_^k^g\^l BgZ]]bmbhgmhma^o^kgZ\neZkk^_^k^g\^l%fh]^kg ^qZfie^lh_lfZeelmkn\mnk^lp^k^Zelhlmn]b^]'P^ ^qZfbg^]ma^bkl\neimnkZeihm^gmbZel%ma^bkbgm^`kZmbhg bgmhma^lbm^%Zg]ma^bkZ[bebmrmh\aZg`^pbmama^ l^ZlhgZeoZkbZmbhglh_ma^bk\hgm^qm' Floda31by8 Concept Report 2011 Working Document 9 1.7 Materials *'0FZm^kbZel HnkfZm^kbZeiZe^mm^bl]kbo^g[rma^gZmnkZe ^gobkhgf^gmlbgpab\ama^[nbe]bg`pbeelbm'?hk^lml% mbf[^k%b\^Zg]lghp_hkflma^ho^kZeebglibkZmbhg' MhZ\ab^o^mablp^aZo^[^^gehhdbg`Zmmbf[^k mk^Zmf^gmlln\aZl\aZkkbg`%mZkbfik^`gZmbhg% painting and scarring as potential techniques. Floda31by8 Concept Report 2011 Working Document 10 2.0 Environmental strategies +') >gobkhgf^gmZeLmkZm^`b^l Introduction Ma^`^g^kZeZiikhZ\aZ]him^][r?eh]Z,*[r1blmh l^^lnlmZbgZ[bebmrZlZgbgm^`kZek^jnbk^f^gmh_]^lb`g and not just a unique requirement of the particular [kb^_'BmblbfihkmZgmmaZmlnlmZbgZ[e^f^Zlnk^l lahne]ghm[^ob^p^]ZlZgZ]]bmbhgZeiZkZf^m^k challenging good design intent. The brief requirement and aspiration is for the ?kb``^[h]Zklmh[^\ZiZ[e^h__&`kb]%ahp^o^kbm blng]^klmhh]maZmma^bklbmbg`%bg\ehl^ikhqbfbmrmh hma^k`kb]&\hgg^\m^]ahnl^l%e^g]ma^fl^eo^lmh Zar[kb]bl^]lhenmbhg'Bmblebd^ermaZmma^Ün\mnZmbg` ^g^k`rikh]n\mbhgh_Zgrhg&lbm^fb\kh&`^g^kZmbhgbl \hfi^glZm^]obZ%hkfh]^kZm^][rZ\hgg^\mbhgmh ma^`kb]Zg]^_Û\b^g\rpbee[^`Zbg^]pa^gl^o^kZe consumers are grouped together. Importantly Floda31by8 is a group of designers who understand and appreciate the general principles h_^g^k`r^_Û\b^gmZg]lnlmZbgZ[e^]^lb`g[nmpbee k^jnbk^li^\bÛ\bginm_khf^qi^kmlbgma^Û^e]Zlma^ project develops. LnlmZbgZ[bebmrblZ[khZ]m^kfZg]ma^?kb``^[h]Zk ]^lb`gpbeeZbfmhZ]]k^llZlfZgrZk^ZlZlihllb[e^% pbmali^\bÛ\_h\nlhg^g^k`r\hglnfimbhg(k^ebZg\^ (bg]^i^g]^g\^Zlp^eeZlk^lihglb[erlhnk\^] fZm^kbZel':]]bmbhgZeerbmblng]^klmhh]maZmZd^r k^jnbk^f^gmh_ma^?kb``^[h]Zkblma^Z[bebmrh_ma^ designers to fabricate the structure on-site and the technologies utilised must accommodate those skill e^o^elhg&lbm^pbmabgZ\hglmkZbg^][nbe]l\a^]ne^' >f[h]b^]>g^k`r Ma^d^r_h\nlh_ma^m^\agb\Ze^e^f^gmlh_ lnlmZbgZ[e^]^lb`gZk^ebd^ermh_h\nlhg[ZeZg\bg`ma^ ]^fZg]Zg]hg&lbm^fb\kh&`^g^kZmbhgh_^g^k`r_hk nl^pbmabgma^[nbe]bg`hg]Zr&mh&]Zr[Zlbl'Ahp^o^k bmblblab`aerbfihkmZgmmh\hglb]^kma^^f[h]b^] ^g^k`rh_ma^fZm^kbZelpab\aaZo^[^^gli^\bÛ^] _hkma^[nbe]bg`'Mablk^_^klmhma^^g^k`rk^jnbk^] bgma^ikh]n\mbhg%mkZglihkmZmbhgZg]bglmZeeZmbhgh_ fZm^kbZelnl^]pbmabgma^[nbe]bg`_Z[kb\' Floda31by8 Concept Report 2011 Working Document Nl^h_k^\r\e^]fZm^kbZel_k^jn^gmerh__^kma^[^lm e^o^elh_^f[h]b^]^g^k`rZlma^ikh\^llbg`aZl Zek^Z]r[^^gZ\\hngm^]_hkbgbmlik^obhnleb_^% ahp^o^kma^Z^lma^mb\h_ma^[nbe]bg`_hkf\Zg [^]kbo^g[rma^ZoZbeZ[bebmrZg]mri^h_ma^l^ fZm^kbZel':]]bmbhgZeerma^k^fhm^gZmnk^h_ma^ ]^lb`gm^Zfk^eZmbo^mhma^lbm^pbeef^Zglhnk\bg`% k^ZiikhikbZmbhgh_ln\afZm^kbZelpbee[^]b_Û\nemmh anticipate in advance. Ehp&^g^k`reb`ambg`Zg]ZiiebZg\^l FbgbfZeZ\\^llb[bebmrmh^g^k`r]^fZg]bg` ZiiebZg\^l%hkZ\\^llmh[Zmm^krZiiebZg\^lhger^`' radios etc. Hnm]hhk\hhdbg`hiihkmngbmb^l%pa^g appropriate to minimise heating requirments Ln``^lm^]fb\kh&`^g^kZmbhghiihkmngbmb^l%mh[^ considered further: Ma^m^Zfikhihl^l%pa^k^ihllb[e^%mh\hngm^kma^bk iarlb\Zek^fhm^g^ll[rnmbeblbg`ikh]n\mbhg_Z\bebmb^l eh\Zemhma^lbm^%ln\aZlma^ab`a&m^\a_Z\bebmb^lh_ma^ eh\Zembf[^krZk]%Zg]Znl^h_,=<:=m^\agbjn^l mhlhnk\^%]^lb`gZg]li^\b_rfZm^kbZelpab\a\Zg[^ fZgn_Z\mnk^]eh\ZeerZg]]^ebo^k^]]bk^\mmhlbm^' ;bhfZll[hbe^kl&`hh]_hkbgm^kgZeZk^ZZg] pZm^ka^Zmbg`obZZ[Z\d&[hbe^k LheZkpZm^ka^Zmbg`&`hh]pZm^ka^Zmbg` ability, cheap and small areas required IahmhohemZb\l&phne]k^jnbk^[Zmm^krlmhkZ`^ Zg]]bfbgbla^]^_Û\b^g\rbgpbgm^kpa^g]^fZg]l highest Ma^fZm^kbZelfnlmZ]]bmbhgZeer[^lnlmZbgZ[er Pbg]Mnk[bg^&]^m^kfbgZm^hgZ`hh] lhnk\^]%ln\aZlmbf[^k_khffZgZ`^]_hk^lml% ^qihl^]eh\Zmbhg'FZr[^ln[c^\mmhieZggbg` Zg]Zl\a^]ne^h_ma^li^\bÛ^]fZm^kbZelpbee[^ h[c^\mbhgl8Fhlm^__^\mbo^pa^g\hgg^\m^]mhfnembie^ documented throughout the design process. consumers @khng]&lhnk\^a^Zminfil&k^o^kl^ >g^k`r k^_kb`^kZgm\hg\^im%lfZee^g^k`rbginm%eZk`^a^Zm output Ma^]^lb`g\aZee^g`^lbga^k^gmbg?eh]Zleh\ZmbhgZk^ :bk&lhnk\^a^Zminfil&k^o^kl^k^_kb`^kZgm ]^m^kfbg^]ikbfZkber[rma^\ebfZm^Zg]pbeegZmnkZeer concept, potential to include within a hybridised k^jnbk^Z[nbe]bg`^g\ehlnk^pab\ablpZkfZg]]krbg o^klbhgh_^qm^kgZeehnok^l ma^pbgm^kZg]p^eeo^gmbeZm^]bgma^lnff^k%[nmmaZm fZrghm[^g^Ûm_khfh[obhnl^g^k`rlhnk\^l!ln\aZl Ma^ik^_^kk^]f^Zglh_^g^k`rikh]n\mbhgblebd^ermh sun) in those peak demanding periods. be a combination of the above suggestions in order to [^g^Ûm_hk^Z\ad^rZ]oZgmZ`^Zg]\hfi^glZm^_hk >g^k`rZpZk^g^ll the disadvantages. Bmpbee[^bfihkmZgmmaZm^g^k`rikh]n\mbhgZg] \hglnfimbhgbll^glb[erfZgZ`^]hg&lbm^Zg]ma^ ?kb``^[h]Zklh\\niZgmlpbeeg^^]mh[^Z\mbo^er ^g`Z`^]bgmablk^eZmbhglabi'>Z\a?kb``^[h]Zkpbee ma^k^_hk^[^Ûmm^]pbma^g^k`rfhgbmhklpab\apbee[^ \e^ZkerZg]\^gmkZeerihlbmbhg^]' K^]n\^]]^fZg] Ma^]b_Û\nemb^lbgngebfbm^]^g^k`rikh]n\mbhgZk^ [hmaikZ\mb\ZeZg]^\hghfb\Zg]bmpbee[^g^\^llZkr that the design minimises its consumption as much as ihllb[e^'Ln``^lm^]f^ZglZk^Zl_heehpl3 @hh]bglneZmbhge^o^elmhfbgbfbl^a^Zmbg` requirements @hh]gZmnkZeeb`ambg`mhfbfbgbl^ZkmbÛ\bZe lighting requirements Hma^kl^kob\^lmh\hglb]^k3 PZm^kikhoblbhg&Zllnf^]Zl\hgg^\m^][Z\d& mh&`kb] @k^r&pZm^kk^\r\ebg`Zihllb[bebmrahp^o^k kZbg&pZm^kaZko^lmbg`phne]ebd^erk^jnbk^eZk`^k dedicated roof areas K^]n\^]Ünlamhbe^ml&^Zlrmhbfie^f^gm PZlm^fZgZ`^f^gm&Zllnfbg`P<ikhoblbhg pbmabgma^?kb``^[h]Zk <hfihlmbg`mhbe^ml&ihllb[bebmr%[nmfZbg[^Z challenge in a cold climate and area demanding L\^imb\mZgdl&ikZ\mb\ZeZg]p^eem^lm^] 11 3.0 Initial Design Responses ,'*Hkb^gmZmbhg ,'+;nbe]bg`ZlZ![bk\a"mk^^ Lbm^lmn]r]bZ`kZf The relation to the forest Floda31by8 Concept Report 2011 Working Document ;bk\a[ZkdeZr^kbg`lmn]r The building as tree 12 3.0 Initial Design Responses ,',FZllbg`himbhgl ,'-L^ZlhgZeerK^lihglbo^ BgbmbZe,]ld^m\a^lh_Z[khd^gniohenf^ >qm^g]bg`ma^ldbgmakhn`ahi^gbg`l\k^^gl(\Zghib^l Potential massing options Floda31by8 Concept Report 2011 Working Document Ma^[nbe]bg`\ho^k^]bglghp]nkbg`ma^pbgm^k 13 4.1 Strategic Site Plan -'* LmkZm^`b\Lbm^IeZg ;Zl^]hgma^k^\^gm]^\blbhgmhZeehp_hk[hma ?kb``^[h]Zkmh[^]^lb`g^][rma^lZf^m^Zf%p^ mhhdma^hiihkmngbmrmhmabgdZ[hnmma^k^eZmbhglabi [^mp^^gma^mphahnl^l%Zlp^eeZlma^bkk^eZmbhgmh the rest of the site. We decided to create a landscape link based on a lbg`^ebg^%pab\aphne]\hgg^\m[hmaahnl^loblnZeer Zg]h__^khiihkmngbmb^l_hkhnm]hhkZ\mbobmrZehg` ma^pZr'Ma^ebg^\hne][^Zlm^ibgma^eZg]l\Zi^% ZehppZee%Zebg^h_ieZgmbg`%Zg]fn\afhk^'P^ k^Zebl^maZmma^hgerpZrmh]^\b]^hgmablblmhphkd mh`^ma^kpbma?eh]Zhglbm^mh]^m^kfbg^paZm\Zg[^ ]hg^%Zg]pa^k^' 01 Ma^k^_hk^%ma^lbm^ieZglahne]hger[^l^^gZlZ lmkZm^`b\]bZ`kZfmaZmlahplma^ihm^gmbZelh_ma^ \hg\^im%Zg]ihllb[e^Z\mbobmb^lmaZm\hne]Z]]mhma^ ^qi^kb^g\^h_?eh]Z,*ZlZpahe^' 02 D^r3 01 )+ ), 04 05 151.67m Forest house >qblmbg`[nbe]bg`l ;^g\a(l^Zmbg` Barbeque and seating Field house 04 02 ), 1 05 95.70m 02 Floda31by8 Concept Report 2011 Working Document 14 4.2 The Forest Site CABINET OF CURIOSITIES An inverted cabinet of curiosities: concealed on the inside, but for small viewing opportunities, the walls of the Friggebod hold artefacts and eco-systems of the forest environment. Drawers with seasonal planters, compartments with bird-boxes or insect habitats. Allotments & insulation panels, windows & bee hives are all allowed to slot into the structural grid, building up a Friggebod that brings its occupants closer to the surrounding environment, without it disturbing the clarity and simplicity of the internal resting and working spaces. Floda31by8 Concept Report 2011 Working Document 16 that brings its occupants closer to the surrounding environment, without it disturbing the clarity and simplicity of the internal resting and working spaces. 01 HABITAT A habitat for insects and small animals, portions of the external wall will be assigned to panels \hgmZbgbg`[khd^g[kb\dl%mbe^l%^m\lmkZmbÛ^]mh\k^Zm^ a hospitable environment for these forest creatures. Our approach to environmental sustainability has at its heart education. Although the building will be ^g^k`r&^_Û\b^gm%ma^^gobkhgf^gmZeZli^\m\hf^l_khf proximity and familiarity; rejoining the forest from the relative protection of the Friggebod. 02 MATERIALS Bgm^kgZeer%ma^Ûgblabl\e^ZgZg]\e^ZkZg]fZm^kbZeer pure. Timber is used throughout and provides a visual and mental contract to the emphatically busy and vibrant external materiality. Storage is built into surfaces, while behind cupboards or indeed just built into the wall are viewing holes through to the environment built into the wall, as well as larger windows aimed at trees in the _hk^lm%hkma^hma^k?kb``^[h]%bgma^Û^e]' 03 PLANTING The proximity to the immediate environment provides us with the perfect opportunity to encourage small-scale vegetable growing. The grid structure of the Friggebod extends out into the ground and through the trees and \Zgahe]Zeehmf^gm[hq^lZg]Ûk^&ibmlZg][^^abo^l% amongst other things. 04 SEASONAL Opportunities within the structural grid allow for windows and storage opportunities, but primarily the design of the grid falls forms around programmatic need. Grid spacing will allow for two or three different panel sizes. They can be swapped and just left out, for more air circulation during the summer. During the winter, they can all be plugged, sealing the Friggebod against the gales and snow drifts. 01 A habitat for insects and small Floda31by8 Concept Report 2011 Working Document animals, portions of the external wall will be assigned to panels containing broken bricks, tiles, etc stratified to create a hospitable environment for these forest 02 Internally, the finish is clean and clear and materially pure. Timber is used throughout and provides a visual and mental contract to the emphatically busy and vibrant external mate- 03 The proximity to the immedi- ate environment provides us with the perfect opportunity to encourage small-scale vegetable growing. The grid structure of the Friggebod extends out 04 Opportunities within the struc- tural grid allow for windows and storage opportunities, but primarily the design of the grid falls forms around programmatic need. Grid spacing will allow 17 FOREST CLEARING In the clearing, researchers seasonally open and close their Friggebod to vary their interaction with the surrounding nature. When open, the exposed parts of the Forest Friggebod are oriented towards the Field Friggebod, visible through gaps in the trees. When closed, it is the entrance which is oriented towards the Field Friggebod, enhancing the sense of community, despite the seclusion. Lido Cabins The 3m height and 15sqm plan area are deformed away from the ultimately rational cuboid, to a form which provides more space in the middle of the Friggebod, with furniture around the edges - sleeping at one end, living at the other. Then, broken in half and allowed to open through 180 degrees, the area of the living space can be expanded in the summer months, provding a useful outdoors area between the sleeping half of the Figeebod and the living half. In the clearing, researchers seasonally open and close their Friggebod to vary their interaction with the surrounding nature. When open, the exposed parts of the Forest Friggebod are oriented towards the Field Friggebod, visible through gaps in the trees. When closed, it is the entrance which is oriented towards the Field Friggebod, enhancing the sense of community, despite the seclusion. to Floda31by8 Concept Report 2011 Working Document Fi eld Fr ig ge bo Gregory Crewdson, Life in A Forest Clearing d 18 GENERAL ARRANGEMENT The 3m height and 15sqm plan area are deformed away from the ultimately rational cuboid, to a form which provides more space in the middle of the Friggebod, with furniture around the edges - sleeping at one end, living at the other. Then, broken in half and allowed to open through 180 degrees, the area of the living space can be expanded in the summer months, provding a useful outdoors area between the sleeping half of the Figeebod and the living half. ? Floda31by8 Concept Report 2011 Working Document 19 -', Ma^?b^e]Lbm^ Ma^?b^e]Lbm^]^lb`gble^llZ]oZg\^]maZgma^?hk^lm Lbm^%]n^mhma^eZm^bg\enlbhgh_bmZliZkmh_hnk ]^lb`gl\hi^'P^ma^k^_hk^hgerlahpma^[^`bggbg`l h_mabl]^lb`ghgma^_heehpbg`iZ`^l%Zg]pbeephkd mhpZk]l\hfie^mbg`mablbgma^\hfbg`p^^dl' Ma^fZbgb]^Zpbmama^?b^e]lbm^blma^\hg\^imh_Z liebmahnl^%Zeehpbg`_hkZl^gl^h_ikboZ\r_hkma^mph ^qi^\m^]h\\niZgml%pabe^Zmma^lZf^mbf^Zeehpbg` gZmnk^mh^qblmbg\ehl^k^eZmbhglabipbmama^[nbe]bg`' Ma^liebmphkdlbgmphpZrl3ma^ghkma^kgliebmbl _Z\bg`ma^]bk^\mbhgh_ma^ik^oZbebg`pbg]l%Zg]bl Zbf^]Zm\hee^\mbg`lghp]nkbg`ma^pbgm^k'Mablpbee phkdZlZoblnZe_^Zmnk^%Zlp^eeZla^eimhbg\k^Zl^ the thermal properties of the building envelope. The southern split is creating a shelter from the pbg]l%Zg]h__^klZikhm^\m^]hnm]hhkZk^Z_hknl^ makhn`ahnmma^r^Zk' >Zker\hg\^imk^g]^kh_ma^liebmpZeel Floda31by8 Concept Report 2011 Working Document 18 <hg\^imld^m\ah_ahpma^[nbe]bg`^qm^g]lbgmh the landscape Floda31by8 Concept Report 2011 Working Document 19 Ld^m\aieZg Ld^m\a^l^qiehkbg`ZeZr^k^]_Z\Z]^fZ]^nih_Z l^kb^lh_ho^keZiibg`pZeel Floda31by8 Concept Report 2011 Working Document 20 Concept render of the cladding and glazed opening Floda31by8 Concept Report 2011 Working Document 21
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