ICall to Order Present IMeeting of the Whole I lopen Meeting I I I


ICall to Order Present IMeeting of the Whole I lopen Meeting I I I
ICall to Order
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Wolf Creek
School Division No. 72 was called to order by the chair at 9:02 a.m .
in the Learning Centre of the Ponoka office.
Chair: L. Jess; Trustees: K. Engen, B. Huff, D. Peterson, B. Walker;
Assistant Superintendent of Schools: J. Lovell; Secretary Treasurer:
J. Henderson; Recording Secretary: J. Haines
IMeeting of the Whole
In Camera
Moved by D. Peterson that the Board hold a meeting of
the whole with all persons excluded except Mr. Lovell, Mr.
Henderson and Mrs. Haines.
Carried Unanimously.
Moved by K. Engen that the Board revert to an open
lopen Meeting
Carried Unanimously.
Mr. Lovell withdrew from the meeting.
Agenda Item 4.1 - Adoption of Agenda
Agenda Adopted
Moved by K. Engen that the agenda for the June 19, 2012
meeting of the board be adopted as follows:
Call to Order
In Camera
Action Items:
Adoption of Agenda
Adoption of Minutes May 15, 2012
Adoption of Budget Minutes May 28, 2012
Committee ofthe Whole Meeting June 6, 2012
Division Office Space
4.6 Lacombe Parent Link
4.7 Committee of the Whole Meeting Date, April 3, 2013
4.8 Understanding 21 st Century Learning
4.9 Emotional Well Being Initiative
4.10 Friends of the Greenhouse
4.11 Renaming YES School
4.12 Digital Photography Contest
4.13 FNMI Report to Zone 4
4.14 Zone 4 Vice Chair to Banff Leadership
4.15 Conflicting Calendar Dates:
4.16 Local Authorities Election Act
4.17 Advocate Newsletter
4.18 PCHS Mechanical Room Dismantling
4.19 Busing for St. Thomas Acquinas Roman Catholic Regional
4.20 Action Arising from Appointment
5. Reports:
5.1 Superintendent's Report
5.2 Trustee Reports
Tuesday, June 19, 2012 continued
IAgenda Continued
6. Information Items:
6.1 ASBA Zone 4
6.12 PSBAA
6.3 Maintenance Manager's Report
6.4 Transportation Manager's Report
6.5 OHS Report
6.6 Fiscal Monitoring Report
Carried Unanimo sly.
Agenda Item 4.2 - Adoption of Minutes May 15, 2012
IMinutes Adopted
Moved by B. Walker that the minutes of the May 15 2012
meeting ofthe Board of Trustees be adopted as amended.
Carried Unanimo sly.
A enda Item 4.3 - Ado
!IBUdget Minutes
Emotional Well Being
& U21C Learning
I Initiatives Funding
Moved by D. Peterson that the minutes ofthe May 8,
2012 meeting of the Board of Trustees be adopted.
Carried Unanimo sly.
A enda Item 4.4 - Committee of the Whole Meetin June 6
Moved by D. Peterson that the Board direct the
Superintendent to determine the divisional needs of the Em tional
Well Being Initiative and the U21C Learning Project and provide
short term and long term funding possibilities at the June Re ular
Board meeting.
Carried Unanimo sly.
IIT ransportatlon
I Payment Schedule
Moved by B. Walker that the Board implement the
following payment schedule as a pilot plan for Ineligible
Transportation Fees for the 2012-2013 school year:
1) Payment may be split into three equal amounts
the first payment due on the issuance ofthe bus pass.
2) Postdated cheques must be provided for the sec
and third payments due on October 15, 2012 and November 15,
3) In the event a postdated cheque is not honored b the
bank the individual will be allowed until October 31 and Nov mber
30 respectively to make restitution. Failure to make restituti n will
result in the removal of the bus pass.
4) Individuals who default on payment will not be al owed
to participate in the time payment plan in future years
5) All mid-year transfers must be paid in full prior to a
pass being issued;
and further that this plan be reviewed in June 2013 to deter ine
whether to continue in subsequent years.
Tuesday, June 19,2012 continued
129/ 12
IPCHS Broncs World
ITour 2013
Moved by L. Jess that Board approve the PCHS Broncs
World Tour 2013 as presented.
Trustee to Attend EC
Mapping Meeting
Moved by K. Engen that the Board authorize Trustee Jess to
attend the EC Mapping meeting on June 20, 2012 for the Ponoka
Carried Unanimously.
Contract for IRJC
Modulars Project
Moved by B. Huff that the Board approve the contract from
Shunda Consulting Ltd. for $227,000.00, plus GST, for the Iron
Ridge Junior Campus Modular Classroom Addition project.
Carried Unanimously.
Carried Unanimously.
Moved by K. Engen that the Board authorize Trustee Huff
to attend the SRO meeting in Lacombe on behalf of the Board.
Trustee to Attend SRO
Carried Unanimously.
1Healthy Choices
iAdmin Procedure
Moved by K. Engen that the Board authorize Trustee
Bratland and Trustee Peterson to sit on the committee to design
the Healthy Choices Administrative Procedure.
Carried Unanimously.
134/ 12
IRatify Sweat
Moved by B. Huff that the Board ratify the attendance of
the Trustees who participated in the Sweat Lodge on June 9, 2012.
Carried Unanimously.
Accept Committee
lof the Whole Minutes
Moved by D. Peterson that the Board accept for
information the attached minutes ofthe Committee ofthe Whole
meeting held June 6, 2012.
Carried Unanimously.
Agenda Item 4.6 - Lacombe Parent Link
IExtend Parent Link
I Lease in Lacombe
Moved by B. Walker that the Board extend the Lacombe
Parent Link lease agreement for an additional three year period
subject to ministerial approval and further that the lease would
include a clause for six months' notice of cancellation based on the
needs of the school.
Carried Unanimously.
Mr. Henderson informed the board that Ponoka Parent Link has
communicated interest in relocating to the Ponoka Elementary
School site when the building becomes vacant.
Agenda Item 4.7 - Committee of the Whole Meeting Date, April 3,
A request has been received from Mr. Varty, Assistant
Superintendent, to use the Learning Centre on April 3, 2013 to
accommodate the AISI group meeting. It was the consensus of the
Board to hold the Committee ofthe whole meeting in the FB room
of the Ponoka office.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012 continued
Agenda Item 4.12 - Digital Photography Contest
A request has been received to co-sponsor a new category in the
Digital Photography Contest for those students in grades 4 - 6.
Contribute to Digital
Photography Contest
Grade 4-6 Category
Moved by D. Peterson that the Board contribute $100.00
towards the Grades 4 - 6 Category for the Digital Photography
Carried Unanimously.
Display Digital
Photography Entries
in Foyer of
Division Office
Moved by B. Huff that the Board direct the
Superintendent to display the digital photography entries in the
foyer and that the display coincide with the ASBA Zone 4 meeting
September 24,2012.
Carried Unanimously.
Agenda Item 4.13 - FNMI Report to Zone 4
Provide Information
ASBA Zone 4
FNMI Committee
Moved by B. Huff that the Board direct the
Superintendent to provide information to the ASBA Zone 4 FNMI
Carried Unanimously.
Agenda Item 4.14 - Zone 4 Vice Chair to Banff Leadership
This item was received for information only.
Change Date of
!Board/ATA Liaison
Agenda Item 4.15 - Conflicting Calendar Dates:
Moved by K. Engen that the Board move the October 8,
2012 meeting with the ATA Liaison to October 9,2012 to
accommodate the Thanksgiving weekend.
Carried Unanimously.
Change Date of
ICom m ittee of
the Whole Meeting
Moved by D. Peterson that the Board move the October
3, 2012 Committee of the Whole meeting to October 4, 2012 to
accommodate the Wolf Creek Public Schools Administrator
Carried Unanimously.
Change Date of Regular
Board Meeting
Moved by K. Engen that the Board move the November
20, 2012 regular board meeting to November 22, 2012 to
accommodate the ASBA Fall General Meeting.
Carried Unanimously.
Agenda Item 4.16 - Local Authorities Election Act
Trustees completed the online survey as per the request received
from Jacquie Hansen, President Alberta School Boards Association.
In Camera
Meeting of the Whole
Moved by B. Huff that the Board hold a meeting of the
whole with all persons excluded except Mr. Henderson and Mrs.
Carried Unanimously.
Trustee T. Bratland entered the meeting.
Tuesday, June 19,2012 continued
Revert to Open Meetine
Moved by K. Engen that the Board revert to an open
Carried Unanimously.
Trustee Bratland assumed the position of Chair.
Dr. L. Jacobs, Superintendent of Schools, entered the meeting.
Agenda Item 4.17 - Advocate Newsletter
Trustees Authorized
to Attend PSBA
Governance Workshop i
Moved by B. Huff that the Board authorize the
attendance of those trustees able to attend the August 23, 2012
PSBA Governance Workshop.
Carried Unanimously.
The Board recessed for lunch at 12:00 p.m. and reconvened at
12:30 p.m. with the following persons in attendance:
Chair: T. Bratland; Trustees: K. Engen, B. Huff, L. Jess ,D. Peterson,
B. Walker; Superintendent of Schools: L. Jacobs; Secretary
Treasurer: J. Henderson; Recording Secretary: J. Haines
Agenda Item 4.5 - Division Office Space
Dr. Jacobs informed the Board that there is a deficiency in office
space within the current location as a result of the newly hired
IContract for
IRenovation Study
Moved by K. Engen that the Board authorize the
Superintendent to contract the services of Group 2 Architecture,
to a limit of $10,000.00, to pursue a feasible renovation study of
the division office and the bus barns space requirements.
Carried Unanimously.
Trustee Walker requested job descriptions of the Division Office
personnel. It was the consensus of the Board that this item be
added to the Board Retreat agenda.
Agenda Item 4.18 - PCHS Mechanical Room Dismantling
PCHS Mechanical
Room Dismantling
Moved by L. Jess that the Board accept the low bid of
$169,000.00 plus GST from All West Demolition to dismantle the
mechanical room at the Ponoka Composite High School.
Carried Unanimously.
Mr. Henderson informed the Board that he has contacted another
engineer to provide drawings regarding the proposed paving of
the north parking lot at Ponoka Composite High School. It is
anticipated this project will go to tender within the next two
Mr. Brad Buss, Facilities Manager, entered the meeting.
Agenda Item 4.10 - Friends of the Greenhouse
Request Detailed
Business Plan from Eco
Vision/Friends of the
Moved by K. Engen that the Board direct the
Superintendent to request a detailed business plan including, but
not limited to, all building costs and operational costs, including
secondary sources of utilities, to maintain the greenhouse for one
Tuesday, June 19, 2012 continued
year from the Eco Vision/Friends of the Greenhouse.
Defeated .
Accept Eco Vision/
Friends of the
Greenhouse Proposal
Moved by B. Huff that the Board accept the Eco
Vision/Friends of the Greenhouse proposal to establish a 33'
(diameter) greenhouse on the grounds immediately west of the
Ecole Secondaire Lacombe Composite High School provided there
is a secondary source of utilities; and further that the
Superintendent be directed to monitor all aspects of construction
and utilization of the building. The Board further directs that the
costs of providing services to the building and all utility
consumption will be borne by the Eco Vision Club ofthe Ecole
Secondaire Lacombe Composite High School.
Carried Unanimously.
Agenda Item 4.8 - Understanding 21 st Centurv Learning and
Agenda Item 4.9 - Emotional Well Being Initiative
Dr. Jacobs informed the Board that there is currently $195,000.00
not targeted in the 2012-2013 operating budget at present. In the
short term, it would be possible for the Board to fund these two
initiatives with the understanding that monies not spent in one
project would be allocated to assist in the other project.
Allocate Funding to
U21C Learning and
Emotional Well Being
Moved by B. Huff that the Board direct the
Superintendent to allocate from the 2012-2013 operating budget,
$150,000.00 to the Understanding 21 st Century Learning initiative
and $45,000.00 to the Emotional Well Being initiative with
flexibility to move unused monies from one initiative to another
should there be need.
Carried Unanimously.
Agenda Item 4.11- Rename YES School
Rename YES School
Wolf Creek Academ~
Moved by B. Walker that the Board rename the Youth
Experiencing Success School to the Wolf Creek Academy.
Carried Unanimously.
Agenda Item 4.2 - Busing for St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic
Dr. Jacobs informed the Board that a request has been received
from St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Schools to provide
busing in Ponoka and Lacombe on days that Wolf Creek Public
Schools are not operational.
STARS Busing for
School Year
Moved by L. Jess that the Board direct the
Superintendent to communicate to St. Thomas Aquinas Roman
Catholic Schools that their students will be accommodated as
requested for the 2012-2013 school year and further that St.
Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Schools must align their school
calendars with Wolf Creek Public Schools in the future as this
accommodation will not be provided in subsequent years.
Carried Unanimously.
Tuesday, June 19,2012 continued
Agenda Item 4.21- Legal Issues
Amend Superintenden~
Moved by K. Engen that the Board amend the
Superintendent contract of employment to adjust the termination
clause for severance pay without just cause to 18 months' notice.
In Camera
IMeeting of the Whole
Moved by L. Jess that the Board hold a meeting of the
whole with all persons excluded except Mr. Henderson and Mrs.
Carried Unanimously.
Revert to Open meeting
Moved by D. Peterson that the Board revert to an open
Carried Unanimously.
Agenda Items 5.2 - 6.6 were presented for information.
Adjourn Meeting
Moved by D. Peterson that the Board meeting adjourn.
Time: 3:50 p.m.
Carried Unanimously.
Agenda Item 4.4
Committee of the Whole
June 6, 2012
Learning Centre, Ponoka Office
Chair: L. Jess; Trustees: K. Engen, T. Bratland, D. Peterson, B. Walker, B. Huff; Superintendent of Schools:
L. Jacobs; Assistant Superintendent of Schools: J. Lovell; Assistant Superintendent of Schools: G. Varty;
Secretary Treasurer: J. Henderson; Recording Secretary: J. Haines
Chair Jess called the meeting to order at 9:02 a.m.
Moved by T. Bratland that the agenda for the June 6, 2012 Committee of the Whole be
adopted as follows:
Call to Order
In Camera
Adoption of Agenda
4.1 10:00 a.m. - Friends of the Greenhouse
4.2 10:30 a.m. - Amber Hester, Assistant Superintendent of Schools - Mental Health Initiative
4.3 11:30 a.m. - Gary Spence, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, & Mark McWhinnie, Director of
Technology Integration - U21C Learning
U21C Funding Analysis
Lacombe Parent Link Centre
Ponoka Broncs World Tour 2013
Ineligible Transportation Fee Plan
EC Mapping - Ponoka FCSS
10. Iron Ridge Modular Contract
11. Differentiated Calendar
12. Pooling of FNMI Funds
13. SRO Positions
14. Samson SWEAT
15. Business from Appointments
Carried Unanimously.
In Camera
Moved by D. Peterson that the Committee of the Whole hold a meeting of the whole with all
persons excluded except Dr. Jacobs, Mr. Lovell, Mr. Varty, Mr. Henderson and Mrs. Haines.
Carried Unanimously.
Agenda Item 4.4
Moved by D. Peterson that the Committee of the Whole revert to an open meeting.
Carried Unanimously.
Mrs. Val Yaremchuk, Principal Ecole Secondaire Lacombe Composite High School, Mr. Steve Schultz,
Teacher Ecole Secondaire Lacombe Composite High School, and Mrs. Susan Crump, Lacombe
Community Member entered the meeting.
Appointment - Friends of the Greenhouse
Mr. Schultz made a presentation to the Committee regarding planned curriculum outcomes with the
implementation of a greenhouse facility on the Ecole Secondaire Lacombe Composite High School
Mrs. Crump provided further information on how the community will provide support for the students
to achieve the curricular outcomes and the benefits the community will derive from the proposed
Mrs. Yaremchuk, Mr. Schultz and Mrs. Crump withdrew from the meeting.
Ms. Amber Hester, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, and Mrs. Barb Reaney, Family School Liaison
Coordinator, entered the meeting.
Mr. Gary Spence, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, and Mr. Mark McWhinnie, Director of
Technology Integration, entered the meeting.
Appointment - Mental Health Initiative
Ms. Hester and Mrs. Reaney made a presentation to the Committee on the implementation of the
Emotional Well Being Initiative that will begin September 2012. Funding proposals were presented for
consideration to assist in the implementation of this initiative.
Appointment - U21C Learning
Mr. Spence and Mr. McWhinnie presented a short video highlighting the students', staff, and parents'
views on the successes achieved through the U21C Learning Project. Mr. Spence and Mr. McWhinnie
also presented the attached funding proposals for consideration to further embed the U21C Learning
Project in Wolf Creek Public Schools.
The Committee of the Whole recessed for lunch and reconvened at 12:00 p.m. with the following
persons in attendance:
Agenda Item 4.4
Chair: L. Jess; Trustees: T. Bratland, K. Engen, D. Peterson, B. Walker, B. Huff; Superintendent of Schools:
L. Jacobs; Secretary-Treasurer: J. Henderson; Recording Secretary: J. Haines.
U2IC Funding Analysis
Discussion ensued around the Emotional Well Being Initiative and the U21C Learning Project.
Moved by D. Peterson that the Committee of the Whole recommend to the Board of Trustees to
direct the Superintendent to determine the divisional needs around the Emotional Well Being Initiative
and the U21C Learning Project and provide short term and long term funding possibilities at the June
Regular Board meeting.
Carried Unanimously.
Mr. Gerry Varty , Assistant Superintendent of Schools, entered the meeting.
Differentiated Calendar
Mr. Varty presented the attached differentiated calendar as information.
Ineligible Transportation Fee Plan
Mr. Henderson presented a proposed Ineligible Transportation Fee Plan for the consideration.
Moved by B. Walker that the Committee of the Whole recommend to the Board af Trustees
that the following payment schedule be implemented as a pilot plan for Ineligible Transportation Fees
for the 2012-2013 school year:
1) Payment made is split into three equal amounts with the first payment due on the issuance
of the bus pass.
2) Postdated cheques must be provided for the second and third payments due on October 15,
2012 and November 15, 2012.
3) In the event a postdated cheque is not honored by the bank the individual will be allowed
until October 31 and November 30 respectively to make restitution. Failure to make
restitution will result in the removal of the bus pass.
4) Individuals who default on payment will not be allowed to participate in the time payment
plan in future years.
5) All mid-year transfers must be paid in full prior to a pass being issued;
and further that this plan be reviewed in June 2013 to determine whether to continue in subsequent
Carried Unanimously.
Trustee Walker withdrew from the meeting.
Agenda Item 4.4
Lacombe Parent Link Centre
Mr. Henderson informed the Committee that the Lacombe Parent Link Centre is requesting an extension
on their current lease agreement which expires June 20, 2013.
Due to possible programming enhancements for kindergarten it was the consensus of the committee
that Mr. Henderson and Dr. Jacobs dialogue with Ms. Donnie Tafts, Family Services Co-ordinator
Lacombe FCSS, and report back to the June Regular Board meeting.
PCHS - Broncs World Tour 2013
Moved by L. Jess that the Committee of the Whole recommend to the Board of Trustees to
approve the PCHS Broncs World Tour 2013 as presented.
Carried unanimously.
EC Mapping - Ponoka FCSS
Trustee Jess has been invited to attend a session at Ponoka FCSS regarding early childhood mapping for
the Ponoka area.
Moved by K. Engen that the Committee of the Whole recommend to the Board of Trustees that
L. Jess be authorized to attend one EC Mapping meeting for the Ponoka area.
Carried Unanimously.
Iron Ridge Modular Contract
Moved by B. Huff that the Committee of the Whole recommend to the Board of Trustees that
the contract from Shunda Consulting Ltd. In the amount of $227,000.00 plus GST for modular at Iron
Ridge Junior Campus be approved and signed.
Carried Unanimously.
Pooling FNMI Funds
Dr. Jacobs presented concerns around educational needs for self-identified aboriginal learners and is
proposing the funds received for FNMI learners be pooled and be used to target initiatives to raise FNMI
Agenda Item 4.4
SRO Positions
Dr. Jacobs informed the committee that the SRO position in Lacombe is not capable of meeting the
demands from all the schools and that the Lacombe Police service is contemplating implementing a
Community Policing Officer position, at a lesser cost, to take the pressure off the current SRO.
Moved by T. Bratland that the Committee of the Whole recommend to the Board of Trustless
that Trustee Huff be authorized to attend the SRO meeting in Lacombe on behalf of the Board.
Carried Unanimously.
Mr. Jayson Lovell, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, entered the meeting.
Dr. Jacobs provided information regarding the procedures around the June 9, 2012 sweat to be held
with the Samson Cree Nation elders.
A meeting with the chiefs of the four bands in Hobbema is being tentatively scheduled.
The staff of the PAS/YES have put forth renaming the facility to WCPS Learning Support Centre. It was
the consensus of the committee to discuss this at the June Regular Board Meeting as the word
"Support" may hold negative connotations.
Healthy Choices Admin Procedure
Moved by K. Engen that the Committee of the Whole recommend to the Board of Trustees that
Trustees D. Peterson and T. Bratland sit on the committee to design the Healthy Choices Admin
Carried Unanimously.
Mr. Don Windsor, ASBA negotiator, entered the meeting.
In Camera
Moved by T. Bratland that the Committee of the Whole hold a meeting of the whole with all
persons excluded except Dr. Jacobs, Mr. Lovell, Mr. Henderson, Mrs. Haines and Mr. Windsor.
Carried Unanimously.
Agenda Item 4.4
Moved by K. Engen that the Committee of the Whole revert to an open meeting.
Carried Unanimously.
Moved by B. Huff that the Committee of the Whole meeting be adjourned.
Time 3:19 p.m.
Carried Unanimously.
Agenda Item 4.4
WCPS Differentiated School·Year Calendar Requests for 2012-2013
Agenda Item 4.4
May 23, 2012
Dr. Larry Jacobs
Superintendent of Schools
Wolf Creek Public Schools
Ponoka, Alberta
Dear Dr. Jacobs:
As per our discussions regarding the PCHS International Tour/Travel Course here is our
proposal to the Board of Education.
March 19th - March 30, 2013 Inclusive
Amsterdam, Vimy, Normandy, Paris and Barcelona
$ 3500.00 --$3700.00
1. Objectives (Philosophy): International travel provides students with an opportunity
to appreciate the culture and diversity of other nations. In addition to the educational
benefit students will gain, international travel has proven to be a personal growth
The great success of Tours 2008 to 2012 has prompted us to continue with the
"CTS Tourism Study Component" in conjunction with this tour. Students will have
course work to complete that corresponds to our particular itinerary as a prerequisite to
their participation. Ponoka KIA soldier research will be a major component of the study.
As an unscheduled course, the International Travel Course will allow students to
accumulate 5 CTS Travel and Tourism Modules as well as Special Projects Modules
through course work, assignments and trip preparation. The international trip will be the
culminating activity. We will be visiting the grave sites of 12 Ponoka KIA soldiers on
this battlefield tour.
Agenda Item 4:4
2. Student and Staff Participation: Our first organizational meeting has taken place
and there was much interest. A parent meeting will be held on May 27,2012 where the
course syllabus and specific details of the course will be given to the serious traveller.
Based on the enormous response, we expect that there will be between 23-25 paying
participants. Mr. Ron Labrie will lead the tour. Female chaperones will be brought on
board shortly.
3. Criteria for Selection: All registered students at PCHS are welcome to take part in
this tour. There is usually a great deal of interest in the early stages of planning,
however after students become aware of the nature of an educational tour, and travel
course requirements, we anticipate the final number of travellers to be in the midtwenties. In the event that more students are interested than we have space for, selection
will be made giving priority to interested students in "good-standing" in the following
order- grade 12's down to grade 10's.
4. Communication with parents: At present we have had two meetings. A letter was
sent home to parents outlining a tentative itinerary and dates of the proposed tour course.
We will have parent meeting on May 27,2012 outlining information regarding the tour,
payment schedule, carrier and course syllabus. A meeting timeline for the entire course
will be given to students prior to June 30, 2012.
5. Financial Arrangements: Parents will receive a written breakdown as to the cost of
the tour and expenses over and above the program fee. The payment schedule options
will be discussed at our parent meeting. All of the payment details are available online @
www.myexplorica.ca Tour ID: Labrie-8809
6. Transportation Arrangements: PCHS will make arrangements to bus the students
to the airport for departure and parents will be asked to pick up their son/daughter at the
airport upon our arrival on March 30,2013.
7. Supervision of Students: Participating students will be the responsibility of the
chaperones from the time of departure until the students are picked up by their parents
upon arrival at Calgary International Airport.
8. Discipline: Although the chaperones do not anticipate major disciplinary problems,
all issues will be dealt with on a case by case basis. The Broncs World Tour is a schoolsponsored field trip. As a result, all discipline issues will be treated as per PCHS and
Wolf Creek Public Schools policy.
9. CancellationlMedical Insurance: All participants on this tour will be required to
carry the recommended cancellation and medical insurance. This will be discussed in
detail at the parent meeting.
Agenda Item 4.4
10. Ratio of students to chaperones: Based on previous trips and advice from our
carrier, we are pursuing a 1 to 7 ratio.
11. Complimentary Seats: The tour carrier has allocated one seat for every seven
12. Land Costs for Chaperones: All land costs are included in the cost of this tour.
One "complete" seat has been allocated for the organizers and supervisors as outlined
13. Additional Costs: Additional costs to the students include, passport fees, lunches,
gratuities, and items of a personal nature.
14. Safety: Explorica Tours is our selected carrier for this trip, one of the biggest
educational tour companies in the world. Please find attached a copy of the company's
comprehensive insurance coverage and safety policies.
15. Other: Travelling brings one culture in contact with another and allows individuals
to appreciate the beauty in cultural diversity. It has been said that tourism is the industry
of peace; travel and tourism promotes understanding, acceptance, and appreciation of
Pending your endorsement, we will be continuing with the study component of this travel
course. Please find enclosed a copy of our course syllabus and itinerary. We look
forward to your reply.
Please call if you require further information.
Broncs World Tour 2013,
Mr. Ron Labrie
Agenda Item 4.4
6002-54 Street, Ponoka, Alberta T 4J 1N9
Phone 403-783-4411 Fax 403-783-5450
E-mail: 4205@wolfcreek.ab.ca
Principal: Ian Rawlinson
Asst Principal: Ron Rarick
Dr. Larry Jacobs
Superintendent of SChools
Wolf Creek Public SChools
Ponoka, Alberta
May 23,2012
Asst Principal: Kathy
Dear Dr. Jacobs:
Re: Proposed Travel and Tourism Course - Amsterdam. France and Barcelona
It is with great pleasure that I ask for your support and approval of our proposed field trip in the spring
of 2013. This field trip will be culminating activity in a travel and tourism course which is offered at
PCHS in 2012 - 2013.
Mr. Ron Labrie, the teacher of the course (and subsequent trip) has worked very hard ensuring
success for our students through his planning and dedication to this endeavour. Mr. Labrie has had
great success in the past offering excursions and fieldtrips to the student of PCHS for the past 5 years.
This experience, along with his planning and preparation has led to my full support of him offering a
new and unique opportunity to our students.
This unscheduled course will be offered as a 5 (6) credit extra course encompassing the CTS modules
from the Program of Studies. It is important to note that this is simply not a fieldtrip, but rather a full
course complete with assignments, research projects, readings and presentations. Upon return, the
students will be sharing their learning with others in the school and will be assessed with a specific set
of criteria given to ensure the learning has taken place and the outcomes met.
Costs, itinerary, policies and procedures have been sent to you by Mr. Labrie. Mr. Labrie also has a
detailed course syllabus outlining specific objectives, philosophy and course guidelines for
Mr. Labrie has a reputation in the community as a dedicated and well respected teacher. He believes
strongly that students must fully experience the world and the diversity that it offers. His participation in
the Historica Summit on Leadership in Ottawa speaks to this very commitment. His consistent hard
work leaves no doubt in my mind that it will be a safe, effective and worthwhile venture.
At PCHS, we believe in offering a varied and diverse set of course offerings to our students. This
course is one of the many opportunities that are being created by our staff and students. The course
supports the WCPS mission and vision and allows our students to experience the joys and educational
experience of travel, which at the same time teaches them skills that will be used throughout their lives
as they grow and leave our community.
I look forward to your approval. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Labrie
or myself at (403) 783-4411.
Mr. Ian Rawlinson
Agenda Item 4.4
Teacher and Tour Information
Mr. Labrie
AUlst('rdam •.FrHHCI: .'$: Ban'dona
lVlarch 1<) - 30. 2(H:1
About Explorica
Centre IO
Who is Explorica?
Create a better world by enrithlnQ every st"dlnt with II
cultural Ixperienet through educational trav,l
• Explorica has seven offices
worldwide - Toronto, Quebec,
Boston, San Diego, London,
Beijing and Merida
MI•• lon
To be the product lead,r In educational tra\l'el, hI/ping
tuthers and students dlsc-pvcr the wonders of the world
through sale and rellllbl!! tour t)(per1ences
'We have nearly 50 years of
educational travel experience
Pinion for delit;lhting
'Over 500,000 Canadians have
enjoyed educational travel with
Ind cOrlnectlng travellers
Integrity in our words lind deeds
Innovation In eVllryt!'ling WI' do
Reliability in our products
Quality as our dally mlndset
Benefits of Educational Travel
Our participants' safety
• Expansion upon classroom
studies in an immersive and fun
learning environment
comes first
·It enhances appreciation for
other cultures and languages
• Your Experienced Tour
Director is trained to
handle a variety of safety
'It encourages independence and
• Get immediate, 24/7
emergency support
'Strengthens bonds with teachers
and classmates
• Dedicated Customer Care
at EXT 299
What's included?
Transportation - Air
'Explorica uses only reputable
and reliable airlines
• Unlike other student travel
companies we do not use charter
'We do everything in our power
to place groups together on the
most convenient flights
• Meals may be a combination of
local and familiar meals and we
do have vegetarian options
• Students are placed in triple
or quad rooms and are
allocated per needs of the
• Food allergies and dietary
restrictions are taken into
• Hotels are safe and clean
and in convenient locations
• Students will need spending
money for lunches, snacks and
drinks with dinner (water is
Your itinerary
Your detailed itinerary and pricing
• toI •• t your Tour Olr.ctorfllld (tiKk Into hotel
Day 3 Amsterdam Landma..-k.
• Amst.rdam Tour Dlrector-Ud $lgI'IU .. lnQ Tour
• Gujded cflnll I;tul$e, Vi$lt Diamond factory, VI'it Anne
Frank's lIouse
• Hard R.ock C,!e r:llnner
Agenda Item 4.4
Your itinerary
Your itinerary
Day 7 Normandy Landmarks
Day 4 Amsterdam--Ypres
Day 5 Ypres--Bols-Heroult
>Bergen Ops Zoom Cemetery visit
) Hill 62 (Sanctuary Wood) visit
• Travel to Bois-Herault
) Omaha Beach
Visit Vimy Ridge
) Visit Arromanches Museum
» Juno Beach Centre visit
) Flanders Field Museum
~ B~ny-!>ur-Mer
) Last Post ceremony at Menin Gate
Canadian Military Cemetery visit
Day 8 Normandy-·parls
Day 6 Bois-Heroult.. -Normandy
• bvel to Paris
) Transfer via Dleppe to Normandy
) Canadian Cemetery visit
Paris City Walk
) lie de la Cite, Notre Dame Cothedral visit, lie St.
Louis, Llltln Quarter visit
) Free time in Dieppe
• Dinner in Latin Quarter
Pricing details
Your itinerary
DillY 10 Hola Barcelona
,. Paris
Sightseeing Tour
,. Group-Arranged Lunch at Mercat de
,. ~[fie1~J~~~~~:m~h~~~5~r~;~~~re
)Barcelona Architecture Tour
Milltalre, les Invalldes, Com:lergerle,
Tulieries, Place VendOme, Opera House ) Gaudj's Sagrada Familia visit
,. Visit LolJvre
,. Flamenco evening
,. Overnight train to Barcelona
Day 11 Barcelona Landmarks
Day 12 End Tour
>Fe Barcelona Stadium Tour
" Picasso Museum visit
»Magic Fountain Lioht Show visit
Education investment information
·Total Investment: $3,711.00
• Does not include travel
protection, if you would like to
purchase, add $180.00
Flexible payment options
·Automatic monthly payment plan
• $195 non-refundable deposit
• Balance Is divided into equal monthly payments.
• All payments billed automatically to credit card
or chequing account.
·Manual payment plan
• Payments are divided into three timed steps:
• $195 non-refundable deposit
• $600 payment due in thirty days.
• Full balance is due ninety nine days prior to
·Pay in full
Travel with confidence
• Participants are automatically enrolled in the Travel
Protection Plan when enrolling for a tour.
• 4 out of 5 Explorica travelers protect their tours with
the travel protection plan.
• Explorica's Travel Protection Plan Details
• $15 per day (up to a maximum of $225).
• Must be purchased at time of sign up to qualify for
Cancel for Any Reason Benefit
'If you wish, you can opt out of the Travel Protection
Plan at the time of enrollment.
Online tools: getting started
You're protected if you need to
• Explorlca's "Cancel For Any
Reason Benefit"
• Allows travelers to cancel their
tour for any reason up to two
days before departure and
receive most of their tour fee
back in cash. That means
recent events such as the Ash
Cloud and the H1N1 outbreak
were covered under our plan.
Online tools: getting started
Online tools: Tour Diary
Agenda Item 4.4
Contact Explorica
• info@explorica.ca
'By mall
• Explorica Canada, Inc.
3080 Yonge St.
• Suite 5052 Box 32
• Toronto, ON M4N 3Nl
'By fax
• 1.888.378.8846
'By phone
• 1.888.378.8845
• Ext. 299
Explorica advantages
Our strong relationships with hotels, airlines
and restaurants enable us to always provide
consistent quality on all our tours -all for
some of the lowest prices around.
From performing rigorous safety checks,
to providing both constant on-tour safety
expertise and immediate on-site assistance
through our worldwide network of offices, our
dedication to the group's safety is our top
From the moment you sign up for your tour, to
the minute you shout bon voyage, we help you
get packed, prepared and ready to have fun!
Our dedicated Customer Care Representatives
are available to answer your and your
parents' questions. And our comprehensive
website offers immediate answers to your
tour and travel questions.
And with more meals and activities included,
we keep you experiencing more, and keep you
fuelled for your journey.
Agenda Item 4.4
Enjoy a superior
online experience
Our powerful and easy-to-use website makes
tour signup, account creation and management all
just one click away. To get started, simply visit
explorica.ca/signup and enter the Tour Centre ID
provided by your teacher.
Sign up online today at explorica.calsignup.
Once you sign up for your teacher's tour, you'll have
access to your online Tour Centre. Come here to make
payments, get tour-related messages, updates and
reminders, sign up for optional excursions and more .
Our website is a wealth of travel-related
knowledge and know-how. From packing tips to
important passport and visa info and more, check
out explorica.calget-ready.
sign up at explorica.ca/signup
flickr'" You"
Join us on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and youTube to
connect with other educational travellers and share
your stories, photos, videos and more. Additionally,
receive exclusive Explorica content and have access
to special offers.
Submit your best shots for a chance to win a $500
amazon.ca gift card and other great prizes.
To learn more, visit explorica.calphotocontest.
Share your journey with family and friends through a
custom photo book. Simply visit exploricaphotobooks.ca
to get started.
explorica.ca 11.888.378.8845
hat's included
Round-trip transportation
Accommodations provided for three to four per room with private
bathrooms (unless otherwise noted)
Breakfast and dinner daily (unless otherwise noted)
Our Travel Protection Plan is the best in educational
travel. Protect yourself, your belongings and your tour
Full-time services of a professional Tour Director
Guided sightseeing tours and city walks per program description
And with our Cancel For Any Reason Guarantee, you can
cancel your tour for any reason up to two days before
departure and receive up to a 75% cash refund of all
applicable Explorica fees.
Airport transfers and transportation between cities and scheduled
activities (except when deviating from your group)
) Lunch (per program description)
) Entrance fees and theatre tickets as described
in the itinerary
24-hour emergency service
Personalize your itinerary by selecting custom activities.
From stage shows to white water rofting, you'll have your
choice of optional extras. Even extend your tour with
additional city stays.
Need extra time to explore on your own? Extend your
journey by planning extra travel time before or after
the scheduled tour. Explorica can arrange a new flight
itinerary for you to spend more time in your destinations.
explorica.ca 11.888.378.8845
Agenda Item 4.4
Applicotion5 must br received 99 days prior to your tour's departure Any
I!nrolmentl received oftfOf tnat dote will bl! subject to our tote sign-up policy.
Any applications received after 5pm EST will b~ processed on the following
business doy.Please consult the Terms 8.. Conditions for complete details.
Explorica, Inc.
T 1.888.378.8845
3080 yonge St., Ste 5052 F 1.888.375.6177
Box 32
Toronto, ON M4N 3NI
register online at Explorica.ca-click SIGN UP
send registration form to Explorica with SI95 non-refundable
deposit (and selected travel protection plan payment)
fax registration form to 1.888.375.6177
PHONE: call us toll-free at 1.888.378.8845 x299
,, . ' .
(Please print clearly in the spaces provided using all capital letters. Once your application has been pracessed please log in to your Tour Centre ta ensure all information has been entered correctly.)
[J yes
~ NO Non-Canadian citizens have the soil!! responsibility for determining If any
visas are required for the trip and for obtaining those visas before departure
PAR€N1-/EMERGENCY CONTACT INFO (.equired for all "urticip",rts)
you are automatically enrolled in Explorica's Travel Protection Plan. For mare information
about coverage, see the "What About a Travel Protection Plan?" section in the attached
Terms 8. Conditions. The fee for Explorica's Travel Protection Plan is SI5 per day of your
tour, maximum 5225.
OPTIONAL EXTRAS: Must be selected at the time of enrolment. Changes cannot be made
once options are selected. Please see Terms 8. Conditions for complete rules and restrictions.
[-:. LAND ONLY I wish to arrange my own flights.
I wish to start and end my trip at a different Canadian airport than my group.
By my initials, I decline travel protection. Should I need to cancel my tour
for any reason, I may lose some or all of my tour fee. _ _ __
e: STAY-AHEAD I wish to arrive in my destination ahead of my group. (SI75)
($40 per night. S95 per night on cruise ships/ferries.)
[J AlTERNATE ARRIVAL GATEWAY: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
I wish to arrive in a city that's not on my group's itinerary. (Additional fees will apply)
[J STAY-BEHIND I wish to stay in my destination after my tour ends. (S175)
ALTERNATE RETURN GATEWAY:.~~:--_ _ _--:--:_ _ _ __
I wish to return home from a city that's not on my group's itinerary.
(S80 per night. No single room upgrades for cruise ships/ferries.)
(Additional fees will apply)
MONTHLY AUTOMATED PLAN Pay SI95 non-refundable deposit (and selected travel
protection cost) now, and the balance will be divided into equal monthly payments
until 35 days prior to your departure.
Applications submitted withnt pmyment will notb. processed.
[] CHEQUINGACCOUNT I have enclosed my initial deposit and voided cheque, and I
authorize that my chequing account will be used for future monthly payments.
[J Visa
Pay by chequing account under this plan to be
automatically entered to win 1 of 5 free iPads.
[] MasterCard
C-I FULL PAYMENT Pay entire balance now by cheque, credit card or electronic payment
from your chequing account. If you select to pay for your tour via the Full Payment Plan
with your credit card, fill out the credit card form fields to the left.
Learn more at exploricl1.clllchequing
!tCur Iy number
C Same as obove
d'll: nurnbc' p.. mtd on 1M back
o,d lethe
af,oy, cOldnumbu
3-STEP MANUAL PAYMENT PLAN Pay S195 non-refundable deposit (and selected travel
protection cost) now, $600 down payment 30 days after your enrolment is processed,
and tour balance 99 days prior to departure. Payments can be made by cheque, credit
card or electronic payment from your chequinC account but are not automated.
I have read mnd fully understmnd the "Pmrticipant Release L Agreement" and the "Terms L Conditions" as supplied herewith.
I hmve read and fully understand the "Participant Release L Agreement" and the ''Terms L Conditions" as supplied herewith.
PARTICIPANT'S PARENT/GUARDIAN (required if partiCipant is under 18 years of age)
exploriea.ca 11.888.378.8845
Agenda Item 4.4
Participant release
& agreement
I, the undersigned (or my parent or guardian if I am a minor),
an applicant for an educational tour provided by Explorica Canada, Inc.
(hereinafter referred to as llExplorica"), agree to the following:
My E'plorico tour begins with the departure olthe E'plorico
If I become ill or incapacitated, E,plorica and its
employees, or my Group leader, may take any action they
necessary travel documents, ineluding passport, visas,
ends upon completion of the return fiight orhplorica bus
deem necessary for my safety and wellbeing, including
transit visa and any required travel insurance unless
trip to Canada.
securing medical treatment (at my own e'pense) and
specifically arranged forthe group by E'plorico. Failure
transporting me home.
I agree to release E'plorica (which term shall include
agents, officers, directors, shareholders, staff members,
I agree to abide by E'plorica's regulations and the
directions of my Group leader or E'plorica's personnel
during my tour. Failure to do so may result in Explorica
Tour Directors, and employees of E,plorica, as well as
E'plorica itself), my school board ordistrict, and my school
in the nEKplorica Terms and Conditions. <1
12 I acknowledge my choice to travel with the teacher/Group
and teacher/Group Leader from, and agree not to sue such
terminating me from the tour immediately. I understand
Leader organizing my group, and I understand that this
that to disobey such rules or directions is to waive the right
choice is not the responsibility of E'plorica.1 understand
connection with, any physical or property damage or other
to a refund of any part of my Tour Fee and that Explorica
that E,plorica reserves the right to reassign my group to
loss that I may suffer from any cause whatsoever other than
may then send me home at my own expense.
a replacement teacher/Group Leader should my original
the gross negligence of such persons. Without limiting the
I agree to abide by all local laws when abroad, including
those concerning drugs and alcohol (and if I am a minor,
and agree not to sue such persons for, any damages that I
when such laws are not in confHctwith parental/guardian
may suffer from OAY injury, loss, damage, accident, delay,
or expense resulting from events beyond their control,
including, without limitation, acts of God, weather, war,
permission). I understand that to abuse or disobey such
material may include statements made by participants or
thoir video clips or photographs, and I consent to such use
e'pense. I also understand that should local authorities
be involved, I will be subjectto the laws of the country I am
steamship, airline, rai Iroad, taxi Or tour service, hotel,
restaurant, school, university, or any other firm, agency,
company, or individual.
I unde,.tand that I will be required to pay for any phone
of my comments or photographic likenesses.
14 I unde,.tand that as a participant overthe age of 13, or as
a parent of a participant under the age of 13, I authorize
my first name and last initial (or my child's first name and
calls or incidental personal e'penses that I incur at hotels,
last initial) to be included in an online roster which is only
as well as for any damage I cause to hotel rooms, buses,
visible to other tour participants and Explorica employees.
ferries, trains, or cruise ships. I will indemnify Explorica
I understand that the aircarriers'liabilityforioss or
and hold it harmless for any financial liability or obligation
damage to baggage or property, orlor death or injury
which I personally incur, or injury or damage to the person
to person, is limited by their tariffs andlorthe '"arsaw
Convention and related agreements. Further, I understand
or property of others which I cause or contribute to, while
participating on an <'plorica tour.
that the air carriers assume no responsibility to any
15 This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between
E,plorica and me with reference to the subject matter
referred to herein, and I understand that no warranty or
representation not herein, including but not limited to any
oral statements made to me by agents of E'plorica or by my
I understand that both E'plorica and my Group Leader
school or Group Leader, applies to any E'plorica tour. This
reserve the right to refuse or cancel my enrolment at their
agreement may be amended'or modified only in writing,
I understand that E,plorica is not responsible for me
sole discretion, and that standard cancellation fees will
signed by an Explorica officer at Explorica's main office in
when I am apart from <,plorica-supervised activities, such
travelleraside from their liability as common carriers.
apply if I choose not to travel with the new Group leader.
13 I understand that future E'plorica advertising and publicity
laws is to waive the right to a refund of any part of my Tour
strikes, incidents of politically motivated violence, sickness
or from any act or omission by bus or car rental agency,
Group leader be unable to, or determine not to, participate
in the tour and that the standard cancellation policy will
Fee and that E'plorica may then send me home at my own
or quarantine, government restrictions or regUlations, and,
in the absence of gross negligence, arisi ng from any vehicle,
to do so does not constitute grounds for a refund e,cept
according to the normal cancellation guidelines as outlined
pe,.ons for, any claims that I may have arisingfrom, or in
generality of the foregoing, I release such persons from,
11 I understand that it is my responsibil ity to secure the
bus or take-off of the fiight from my departure city and
as visits to friends or relatives, or during stay-ahead/staybehind optional periods if the optional period does not
inctude the services of an Explori ca Tour Director,
10 E'plorica has the rightto make changes in tour itineraries
and departure dates and to modify transportation
arrangements, including the use of substitute airlines. In
the event of changes being made, refunds will be given only
in accordance with the provisions of the IIExplorica Terms
and Conditions" supplied herewith.
explodeD.cD 11.888.378.8845
16 This agreement shall be governed in all respects by the laws
of Ontario.
Agenda Item 4.4
l~Xl)lorica tefnlS & conditioI1S
The following Terms.1. Conditions arc valid until August ~\l, 2012,
and for travel between October 1, 20 II, Clnd Septell1ber 30, 2014.
payment, minus any reinstatement or previous cancellation
prior to departure, we will refund S200 of your cancellation fees.
) Round-trip airfare from your departure city
) Accommodations that sleep 3 to 4 per room (except on night
fees that may apply. Please be aware we cannot guarantee that
participants whose enrolments are accepted less than 99 days
Regretfully. we cannot refund late fees, bank fees, transfer fees,
travel protection plan costs, or visa fees and we cannot transfer
any payments between participants. Most participants will
receive their refund within six weeks.
trains, cruises, and femes), always with private bathrooms,
prior to departure will share the same flight itinerary as the rest
unless otherwise noted; participants may be roomed with other
some-gender participants from the entire bus group
of their group.
for the complete terms governing late enrolments, please contact
Exploriea at 1.888.378.8845 x299 Or visit explorica.ca/faq.
" Airport transfers at destination and all transportation
between cities, except when deviating from your group
) Local public transportation to all scheduled itinerary activities
) Full European or Buffet-style Breakfast daily
(unless otherwise noted)
> Dinner daily at your destination (unless otherwise noted)
> Lunch (per program description)
> All excursions, led by professional local guides per program
> City walks led by an hplorica Tour Director, per program
> Visits to select attractions and theatre tickets per
program description
>Full-time services of a professional Tour Director
> 24-hour emergency service
If we fail to deliver any of the above services, we will promptly
refund you its value.
hplorica offers three main payment options for our tours. We
accept MasterCard, Visa, electronic chequing account payments,
money orders and personal cheques made payable to "Explorica
Canada, Inc."
> Passport, visa, transit visa and any required travel insurance
> Taxes, fuel surcharges and airport fees (all subject to change)
> Beverages at dinner
Pay in full at time of enrolment.
" Lunch, unless specified in the itinerary
We use the internet ond email as our primary method of
communication, Q system that enables us to keep our costs-and
yours-down. As such, we reqUire a valid, current email address
with which we may effectively correspond with you.
We accept electrOnic chequing account payments, MasterCard,
Visa, money orders, and personal cheques. Any payments made
past the final payment deadline must be paid by certified
Pay your $195 non-refundable deposit and selected travel
protection plan costs upon enrolment, and then pay S600 toward
your Tour Fee 30 days later. The total remaining balance IS due
99 days prior to departure and can be paid by cheque, credit
card (MasterCard or Visa), orelectronic chequing account
payments. Explorica will send email reminders of payments due
cheque) money order, or credit card. Please note personal
cheques are only accepted until 99 days prior to departure.
Payments that are late are subject to a S50 fee. The dote of
payments is determined by the date of receipt at Explorica. If you
are not paid in full by 90 days prior to your departure or do not
meet the conditions of your payment plan, your tour reservation
will be cancelled (subject to standard cancellation policy).
A non-refundable $50 processing fee will be charged for any
payment rejected due to insufficient funds, disputed by your
credit company, returned to us by the drawer's bank, or returned
due to a stop-payment order.
Call toll-free 1.888.378.8845 x299 to speak to a Customer Care
Representative. All phone enrolments require a valid credit card
(MasterCard or Visa) or valid chequing account for electronic
ExpIorica Canada, Inc Attn: Accounts Payable
JOIO Yo",. St., Suite 5052, Box J2 Toronto, ON M4N JNl
on "Sign Up" at the top of the page. Enter your Tour Centre 10 into
the box on the left-hand side of the screen and click "GO".
Note: On line enrolments require a valid credit card (MasterCard or
Visa), or a valid chequing account for electronic payment.
Complete the registration form in the Participant Application
booklet and fax tolHree to 1.888.375.6177. All fax enrolments
require a valid credit card (MasterCard or Visa) or valid chequing
account for electron.c payment. faxes received after 5 PM EST will
be entered the following business day.
Before the tour begins, Explorica reserves space for each enrolled
traveller and thus incurs costs. For this reason, we must charge
cancellation fees. In order to protect your travel investment in
the l!!'Jent you need to cancel your tour, Explorica recommends
purchasing its travel protection plan.
The following cancellation policies apply;
fill in the registration form in the Participant Application booklet
and mail it to:
Elcplorica Canada, Inc. Attn; Admissions
JOIOYo",. St., Suite 5052, Box J2 Toronto, ON M4N JNl
All mailed enrolments may be paid by cheque, money order or
credit card (MasterCard or Visa) or valid chequing account.
Note: Sign up date is considered date of receipt.
Our tours fill up fast; enrol as early as possible. All enrolments,
including chaperones', received less than 99 days priorto
departure will be subject to a $125 late enrolment service fee and
must immediately be paid in full, inciudingtheservice fee, by
credit card, certified cheque, or money order, After enrolment,
additional charges (for last-minute fiight reservations, increased
Tour fees, etc.) may apply. Late applicants will be placed on a
waiting list; if no space becomes available we'll refund the full
If you withdraw this many
days prior to departure
you will r••eiv. a full refund
lIIinus the following amounts
More thon
$300 + the $195 non-refundable
140 days
) Theft of passport or visas
) flight cancellations due to strike or bad weather
) Loss of luggage and personal effects
) Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption due to covered reasons
such as a cO'J!red sickness, injury or death
approximately two weeks in advance of the payment due date.
Please note that we do not automatically deduct payments on
this plan; you must make each payment manually.
Explorica strongly recommends you enrol online. It is the most
immediate and seamless enrolment method) and it allows us to
Keep our costs low. To enrol online, go to explorica.ca and click
Through Trip Mate, our third-party travel protection plan provider,
four out of five Explorica travellers protect their tours with our
travel protection plan. Through Trip Mate, hplorica offers one
of the finest travel protection plans in the industry. Our travel
protection plan covers you for the following events:
:. A traveller'S injury, sickness, or death of an immediate family
> Trip Cancellation orTrip Interruption due to Terrorist Acts, as
" Optional excursions and/or extensions (including cruise shore
> Explorica's Travel Protection Plan
) Local transportation to unscheduled activities
> Tips to Tour Director, bus drivers, local guides, and cruise staff
) Weekend supplement of S40 if your departure or return fiight
falls on 0 friday, Saturday, or Sunday (does not apply to tours
to the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico)
) Any applicable private group fee or small group supplement
) Any applicable baggage-handling fees imposed by oirlines
Participants who have cancelled and then want to rejoin the tour
must pay a S50 reinstatement fee, plus any difference between
the old and new Tour fees and any applicable late fees, and
their enrollment is subject to avai lability and to all conditions
governing late enrollments (if applicable). Travelers must also
re-purchase insurance (if applicable).
Pay your $195 non-refundable deposit and selected travel
protection plan costs and the balance of your total fees will
be automatically charged to your credit card or bank account
(if mailing an application please include a voided cheque) in
equal monthly instalments until 35 days prior to your departure
date. you will not receive monthly invoices or email payment
reminders. The monthly payments 1'1,11 increase if additional
charges are appl ied to your account. If two consecutive payments
are returned NSf or decli ned, we will Change your account to
the 3-Step Manual Plan. Any missed payments need to be mode
What truly separates Explorica's Travel Protection plan from the
rest is our Cancel for Any Reason guarantee. Administered by
Trip Mate) ElCplorica's third· party Travel Protection plan provider,
hplorica's Cancel for Any Reason guarantee protects your tour
investment should you need to cancel your tour for any reason
not currently covered in our travel protection plan, provided
cancellation occurs two days or more before tour departure. The
cost of Explorica's Tl'GYel Protection Plan, includinr the Cancel For
Any Reason Guarantee, is $15 porday, maximum $225.
Along with the Cancel for Any Reason Benefit, purchasing this
optional plan entitles you to the following benefits;
P..t-D.part.... Trip Interruption. If you have to interrupt your
trip after departure due to a covered injury, sickness, or death
(your own or that of a travelling companion or on immediate
family member) orfor unforeseen circumstances as defined,
including cancellation of arrangements by an airline due to strike
or bad weather, a documented theft of passports or visas, or a
terrorist act which occurs in your departure city or in a city which
is a scheduled destination for your trip provided the terrorist
act occurs within 30 days o!the scheduled departure date for
your trip and your premium is received within 14 days of the
initial deposiVpayment for your trip, you w,ll be reimbursed up
to the trip cost for the unused, non-refundable land or water
arrangements and the additional transport charges paid to rl!turn
home orto rejoin your trip (limited to economy one~way airfare,
or first class if your original tickets were first class).
Trip Delay. Provides up to SIOO per day (maximum of $500)
for reasonable accommodation and travelling expenses until
travel becomes possible if you are delayed for more than 12
hours due to a covered reason such as common carrier delay;
injury, SIckness, or death of you oryourtravelling companion;
quarantine; lost or stolen passports, travel documents, or moneYi
or natural disaster.
Medical Expense/Emergency Assi.lDnet. Provides reimbursement
up to SI,OOO,OOO* for reasonable and customary medical
expenses incurred within 365 days of a covered sickness which
occurs while on your trip; emergency dental treatment received
during your trip; up to $15,000 for the cost of emergency
transport to home or an appropriate hospital, including escort
expense (both, if deemed necessary by the attending physician),
for Q covered injury or sickness which occurs while on your trip; or
50% of All Fees + the $195 non-
99-31 days
refundable deposit
'.. {,'.. )
,~9~~~~ 6ile'~.!itl··); , ic,' , ';iih\efoMi*
*lfY~1l notify us of your cancellaiio;'i~ writing at least 14 hours
prior to your departure and return any paper tickets we have
issued, you will receive a $100 refund.
All canceilation requests must be submitted in writing by mail,
fax, or email to cancellations@explorica.ca. If you cancel and
nome a replacement partiCipant in writing at least 100 days
the cost of homeward carriage if deceased.
*The Accident and Sickness Medical Expense Benefits of this
plan are subject to a maximum benefit limit of $15,000 for those
persons who at the time of Q covered injury or sickness do not
have valid hospital and medical insurance under a Government
Health Insurance Plan of a province or territory of Canada.
Bow>ce I Travel Documents. Coverage up to S2, 000 for direct
physical loss or damage to your baggage, passports, or visas
while onyour trip. A S500 maximum limit applies to jewellery,
gems, watches, cameras and camera equi pment, and furs; a S250
Agenda Item 4.4
per article limit applies to all other items. If, while on your trip,
your baggage is delayed for 14 hours or more, we will reimburse
you up to $150 for the purchase of necessary additional clothing
and personal articles.
Pre-Existing Conditions WGjv.r, The plan exclusion for pre-existing
conditions is waived if, you purchase the plan within 14 days
of your initial deposit/payment for your tri p and you are not
disabled from travel at the time your plan payment is received.
A "Certificate of Coverage" which provides complete detai Is of
the plan, including conditions. exclusions, and limitations, is
available to you on our website under the Trovol Protection Plan
or is available to you at any time by request.
The bplorica T",..I Protection PlQn benefits Qn! aclministered
by: Trip MQI2, Inc. (In CA, dbo Trip Matelnswanee Acency),
time of enrolment.
Any requested changes to itinerary, travel dote, package type, or
other aspects of your tour made after your tour has been chosen
may be subject to additional fees.
Please note that once a Group leader chooses a new itinerary,
new departure date, or small group supplement, that deCision is
binding for the group. Additionally once a Group leader cancels
a tour on behalf of the group, standard cancellation fees apply.
Participants wishing to cancel their enrolments at that point must
pay any applicable cancellation fees.
Guarunb!ed Truvel Dot. Tours. If your groups enrols on a
Guaranteed Travel Date tour, your itinerary and departure date is
guaranteed not to change. Please note that tour extensions and
stay-ahead/stay-behinds are not guaranteed on Guaranteed
Travel Date tours, and require a minimum number of travelers in
order to run.
Private I. Custom Tours. your group may elect to have its own bus
and Tour Director rather than travelling with one or more other
groups. A private tour will follow the published itinerary (including
any tour upgrades or options your group has selected), and the
quoted fee for a private tour depends on your group size and tour
length. (If your final group size is less than the quoted group size
at 99-30 days prior to departure, participants will be required to
pay an increased private group fee or, if they choose to cancel,
any applicable cancellation fees.)
Consolidated Tours. In order for us to offer the lowest possible
Tour Fees, tour prices are based on a minimum of 35 paying
partiCipants. We therefore sometimes combine smaller groups
into one larger group of approximately 50 participants, giving you
the benefit of meeting students and teachers from schools other
than your own. If an insufficient numb!r of participants sign up
for a tour, Explorica will communicate to the Group Leader any
changes to a comparable tour and participants will then pay the
fees for the new tour. If no similar tour is available, the group
may pay a small group supplement to run the original tour.
Chances in tra..1dal2•. For Private and Consolidated tours,
Explorica reserves the right to change the date of departure due
to heavy demand on certain peak travel dates. From October 1 to
April 30, the change of date will be no more than one day in either
direction. From May 1 to September 30, the change of date may
be up to three days in either direction. If we suggest a change of
departure from a weekday to a weekend, Explorica will waive the
weekend supplement.
land-only tours. On many of our tours. you may arrange for your
own airline tickets and join the group at the first hotel at the first
overseas destination. We will discount your Tour Fee by up to 35
percent. Airport transfers are the responsibility ofthe traveller.
Stay-ahead and ,toy-behind options. you may wish to spend
time at your destinations before or after the scheduled tour. The
fee for thisservice is $175 upon enrollment. If requested after
enrollment and up to 130 days before departure, the fee is $225.
Additional fees may apply if requested between 129-90 days
before departure .. This option is not available less than 90 days
before departure. We will change your airline ticket, and you are
responsible for all accommodations, meals, and transfers before
Our programs are primarily developed for youths, but adults are
welcome to participate. As our prices are based on youth rotes,
we charge a fiat rate adult supplement of $130 per adult (23
years of age or older). Adults are automatically placed in twin
rooms unless a single room is requested. The double/twin or single
room supplement will apply in addition to the adult supplement,
and will be charged even if the adult requests a triple room. We do
not accept applications for travellers under the age of 8 at time
of departure.
bplo,iCQ offers various option. to enhance you, 0 ........
eJ:perience. you must register for the following optional extras at
the time of your enrolment. Any changes to your itinerary after
time of enrolment will be subject to availability and additional
charges will apply. For further details, please consult an Explorica
Customer Care Representative at 1.888.378.8845 x299.
Altel'llClte departure airport. Deport from a different airport
than your fellow group members. you pay theTour Fee from the
alternate airport, plus a service fee of S175 if requested up to 130
days before departure. If requested between 119-90 days before
departure, the fee is S125. This option is not available less than
90 days before departure. Additional fees may apply, and your
alternate airport must be one of Explorica's gateways.
9225 WQrd Parkway, Suil2 200,Kan.QS City, Missouri 64114; 121.
The Explorica Travel Protection Plan is underwritten by
Co-operators Life Insurance Company, 1920 College Ave., Regina,
Saskatchewan S4PIC4. Property risks are underwritten by The
Sovereign General Insurance Company, 500-6700 Macleod Trail
S.E., Calgary Alberta T1H Ol3.
The cost for Explorica's Travel Protection Plan is $15 per day of
your tour, maximum S115. This plan must be purchased at the
•. .
hploricQ can change your airline tickets (assuming you are
fiying into or out of the same airport as the scheduled tour).
The service lee is S50 per ~pdfticipQiit, and all additional costs
for land arrangements will be passed along to the participants.
This optional tour enhancement requires a minimum of 10 paying
Tour e><lension •.•~any of our progroms offer extensions to the
normal tour. These extensions must be booked at the time of
enrolment, must apply to the entire group, and any changes will
incur additional charges. All tour extensions are based on 25
paying participants. If there are fewer than 25 paying participants
enrolled on a tour extension, Explorica reserves the right to add a
surcharge or cancel the tour extension at its discretion.
and after the scheduled tour. Because we will arrange your airline
tickets separately from your groups, we cannot guarantee that
you will shore any of the same nights, and dditional fees may
Accommodations. All participants aged 21 and youngerroom
together in same gender triples or quads from the same bus group
(unless otherwise noted). Participants aged 11 and younger
may choose to upgrade to stay in a double/twin room for an
additional $40 per night. The deadline for requests for double/
twin upgrades is 50 days before departure. Participants aged
23 or older are required to stay in a double/twin room and are
therefore automatically charged the additional $40 per night.
Participants aged 23 or older may choose to upgrade to stay in
a single room for an additional S80 per night. The deadline for
requests for single room upgrades is 50 days before departure.
Optionale.eursion •• On each program we offer a number of
optional activities pre-negotiated with our overseas suppliers.
Enrolling prior to departure helps us plan; we offer you a lower
price on each of these activities if you enrol 45 days or more
before departure. For most optional activities you can enrol and
pay online up to 99 days prior to your departure dote, and you
can enrol and pay over th.e phone for most excursions up to 45
days priorto departure. After that date, you can register on a
space-available basis only during the tour itself. Some activities
require pre-booking; please refer to the individual tour itineraries
for booking specifics. All optional excursions are based on 20
paying participants. If there are fewer than 20 paying participants
enrolled on an optional excursion, Explorica reserves the right to
add a surcharge or cancel the optional excursion at its discretion.
The following additions and alternatives must be reserved forthe
entire group when the Group leader creates a Tour Centre;
Stay-ahead and stoy-behind. If the entire group would like to
arrive at the first destination a few days earlier or stay at the
final destination a few days later than the scheduled tour,
Changes in itineraries. Explorica reserves the right to make
changes in the itinerary when deemed necessary. These changes
might inclUde shifting the order of cities visited, reversal of the
tour. separate flight itineraries, or exchanges of airlines. cruise
ships, or modes of transportation. On certai n holidays some
attractions might be closed, so we will offer a similar activity
or refund you the ,alue of the cancelled event. If your group's
fiight arrives late on the scheduled arrival day, we will attempt
to reschedule any activities you miss on that day or provide an
adequate substitute activity on another day of your tour. We
cannot offer refunds for these activities.
Airline, and airports. Explorica works with only reputable and
reliable international and domestic airlines, such as Alitalia,
Air Canada, Air France, American Airlines, British Airways,
Continental Airlines, Delta, Iberia, Lufthansa, United Airlines,
USAirways, TACA, and Virgin Atlantic. For international fiights to
and from Scotland, «plorica uses Glasgow and Edinburgh airports
interchangeably. For international fiights to and from Ireland,
Explorica uses Shannon and Cork airports interchangeably. For
international flights to and from Italy, txplorica uses Venice
and Milan interchangeably. The passenger contract in use by the
Qirline, when issued, shall constitute the sale contract between
the airline and the passenger. The airlines mentioned above shal~
have no responsibility to any traveller aside from their liability as
common carriers.
Airline tickets and final itinerary. We wi II post all travel details,
including flight schedule, hotel names, and your Tour Director's
name, on our website (at your personal Tour Centre) prior to
departure. Airline tickets or E-ticket conArmation numbers wi II
be sent to your teacher before departure. Flight times, airlines,
itineraries, Tour Directors, and hotel information are subject
to change. Please note any request to correct a participant's
first, middle. last name, or gender prior to ticketing will incur a
minimum $200 name change fee. We cannot make any changes
less than 35 days before departure; participants who have not
corrected their names by this date risk being unable to board
their fiights.
Passports and visas. It is each traveller'S responsibility to obtain a
valid passport, visa, transit visa and any required travel insurance
coverage (if applicable), and notarized parental consent form.
We suggest that this process be completed well in advance of
departure. Please note that customs officials may not allow
you to enter a country unless your passport is valid for at least
three months after your return date. All travellers must contact
the appropriate embassies and consulates to inquire about and
obtain any necessary visas for all countries to be visited.
Additional information. Each Explorica tour begins when you lea,.
from your departure airport and ends upon completion of the
return flight to North America.
Tour Fees published in the brochure are based on currency
exchange rates attime of print. In the event of a major currency
fluctuation or tax increases, Explorica reserves the right to
adjust the Tour Fees and apply a surcharge. In the event that
airlines incorporate fuel surcharges, taxes, and fees into airfares,
Explorica reserves the right to adjust the Tour Fee and apply a
surcharge. Completion of payment does not occur until taxes,
fees, adjustments and surcharges have been assessed. Please
note that if the total tour price is increased and the cumulative
increase, except any increase resulting from an increase in retail
sales tax or federal goods and services tax, is more than seven
percent, the customer has the right to cancel the contract and
obtain a full refund. There will be no price increases after the
customer has paid in full.
No warranties, representations, terms, or conditions apply to
any tour unless expressly stated in this document or in a letter
signed by an ExploricQ officer at our Canadian office. Explorica,
its affiliates, directors, officers, employees. teachers, or school
administrators, including any person or entity employed or
utilized by Explorica in any foreign country, cannot be held
responsible for any ,injury, loss, damage, accident, delay, or
expense resulting from events beyond its control, including,
without limitation to, acts of God, war, strikes, incidents
of politically motivated violence, sickness or quarantine,
government restrictions or regulations, and, in the absence of
gross negligence, arising from any vehicle, or from any act or
omission by bus or carrental agency, steamship, airline, railroad,
taxi ortourservice, hotel, restaurant, school, university, orany
other firm, agency, company, or individual.
Explorica reserves the right to cancel a tour at its discretion. In
the event of instabi lity in a destination country. decisions to
cancel a tour will be based on Travel Warnings issued by Foreign
Affairs and InternationalTrade Canada.
Please note that a participQnt will not be allowed to buvelon an
bploricQ tour if hislher nQme does not appea, on the !Javel ruste,
on the day of departure 0' if he/she has not ""oed to bplorica',
Term. and Conditions.
Truvel Recistration Number: 50012536
OPC Number: 702416