Oulder Hill Prospectus 2015/2016
Oulder Hill Prospectus 2015/2016
Oulder Hill Community School PROSPECTUS Developing Potential Achieving Excellence Oulder Hill Community School Welcome to Oulder Hill Where quality matters Welcome from the Headteacher Welcome to Oulder Hill, a very successful Rochdale school and a centre of excellence for languages in all of Greater Manchester. The school was graded as “good” in all categories by Ofsted in 2012 and as “outstanding” in a national survey in May 2015 for how many of our parents would recommend us. My task and my passion now, as the Headteacher, is to make sure we continue to be a happy and caring school coupled with ensuring every minute of every lesson is an outstanding learning experience for every child. No matter where their talents lie the school is driven to providing the best possible start to life for every pupil (as evidenced by our extremely low NEETs figures and Information, Advice and Guidance Gold Award). Testament to this is the number of our staff and partner schools’ staff who entrust their own children to our care. Aims If Oulder Hill is not the right choice for you at this time I thank you for considering us. If you would like further information I look forward to hearing from you. If you do choose Oulder Hill, myself, pupils and staff look forward to welcoming you into our genuine Community School. John Watson Headteacher Since his appointment the headteacher has taken a firm lead in driving the school’s improvement I can assure you that my aims for your child are the same as those I have for my own – that they are happy and safe; that they form positive friendships; and that they develop into well rounded learners who are able to make the right choices and maximise all the opportunities that come their way. Our culture of high standards and no excuses is a key aspect of the vision at Oulder Hill. We have very high expectations of our students, and you can be assured that the staff are entirely committed to relentlessly pursuing our vision of providing the very best education for each and every child at Oulder Hill. We are an inclusive, vibrant, international language school where all of our community are valued and all achievements are celebrated. Oulder Hill Community School Quality Teaching and Learning The quality of teaching is good. Teachers convey high expectations and plan activities that help students to learn effectively Personalised for your child At Oulder Hill we recognise that high quality teaching and learning are fundamental to success. Learners are taught by well qualified, dedicated staff who enjoy their work and are committed to ensuring that all students make progress. Within the classroom, students learn in a variety of different and exciting ways where challenging work and high expectations are encouraged. Teachers plan lessons that allow students to build resilience through working independently to find solutions to real-life situations. We also believe in creating opportunities in which students can support and learn from each other. There is a strong emphasis on literacy and numeracy alongside a focus on developing personal learning and thinking skills as we see this as crucial to the workplace and for life long learning. We strongly value the role of assessment, tracking and monitoring in ensuring that teachers, students and parents/carers are fully aware of how they are doing and the steps required to move on to the next level. An emphasis on high quality verbal and written feedback ensures that students know how to make good progress. Teachers develop strong working relationships with students. Teachers’ high expectations are successful in promoting students’ positive attitudes to learning Oulder Hill Community School Quality Curriculum Personalised for your child At Oulder Hill we are proud to be able to provide a broad and balanced curriculum that enables each individual student to fulfil their potential. As well as having academic rigour, the curriculum is designed to be enjoyable and fulfilling. The school day consists of 5 one-hour lessons taught by subject specialists. In Years 7 and 8 students study English, Maths, Science, Computer Science, Humanities (Geography, History and Religious Education), Design Technology, Expressive Arts (Art, Dance, Drama and Music), one or more Modern Foreign Language and Physical Education. Students are well prepared for the next stage of their lives At the end of Year 8 students choose their options subjects and focus in more detail on what they wish to follow to GCSE level. In Year 9, 10 and 11 students continue to study the core subjects of English, Maths, Science, a Modern Foreign Language and PE in addition to other option subjects which they choose from a wide range of GCSE and BTEC courses. This means that all students have opportunities to gain qualifications that are tailored to their needs, interests and aspirations, including the English Baccalaureate. In Year 10 students study for a nationally recognised qualification in ICT. By completing this at the end of Year 10 students are able to choose more option subjects than would otherwise be possible. All students in Years 7 to 11 also spend one hour a week with their form tutor studying Personal Social Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE). All of the subjects at Oulder Hill are differentiated so that students have learning experiences that not only stretch them to their potential, but also provide the right level of support for each individual. The school has a large number of students who are Gifted and Talented – these students have opportunities to enrich their studies through a special programme of events led by a Leading Practitioner (previously Advanced Skills Teacher). Students who have not yet met national standards at primary school will be given tailored programmes to enable them to close the gap through our coveted Student Support Faculty. The school is committed to personalising learning so that every student, whatever their ability and whatever their needs, is challenged to achieve the highest possible outcomes on whatever pathway to success they are on. Students’ excellent progress in mathematics leads to impressive GCSE results and, frequently, to a high number of the top A* grades Oulder Hill Community School A Wider Curriculum Personalised for your child In addition to academic success, the school is proud to be able to boast an outstanding record of achievement in sports, expressive arts and other extracurricular activities thanks largely to the dedication of our staff who work tirelessly to develop the talent and commitment of our wonderful students. As a recent £26million refurbished purpose-built school we have amazing facilities for all subjects. We are extremely fortunate to have the Gracie Fields Theatre as part of the school – we use this 700 seat fully operational professional theatre for several productions throughout the year and for assemblies and lessons. We have a state-of-the-art dance studio and excellent art studios. Our sports facilities are superb with a swimming pool, large sports hall, gym, astro turf floodlit pitch, tennis courts and squash courts. We also have extensive ICT provision, an impressive Learning Resource Centre (Library) and new dining facilities in 2011. The school is recognised nationally for its student voice and charity work and globally through its International College status. The quality of the guidance offered has been recognised in the school gaining the Information Advice & Guidance Gold Award Sport is an important part of school life and encourages a healthy lifestyle whilst developing teamwork skills. Our outstanding facilities allow us to provide an extensive menu of extra curricular activities and clubs. Popular sporting activities include: football, netball, cricket, trampolining, basketball and cycling to name but a few. Our school teams regularly compete in major competitions at all levels and a number of our students have represented their county and even country in sporting events. We are also particularly proud of our students who take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme – a challenging but rewarding commitment. An above average proportion of the students leaving the school continue into education, training or employment Oulder Hill Community School Quality Care and Support Personalised for your child Those joining the school, whether at the beginning of Year 7 or during the year, feel welcome and settle in quickly because of the support that they receive Oulder Hill places a strong emphasis on pastoral care and is committed to the Every Child Matters agenda. The school is committed to creating an environment in which every child can achieve their best. We understand that transition from Primary school can be a very anxious time for both students and parents. New students are usually placed in a tutor group with some friends and the Form Tutor stays with them throughout a Key Stage. The school promotes a strong three-way partnership between parents, students and staff as we feel this is crucial to the student’s development. Parents are invited to take an active part in their child’s learning. Supporting the Form Tutors is a Year Manager who will care for your child throughout their five years at Oulder Hill. These are non-teaching members of staff who are available to see students at all times of the day. They are supported by Pastoral managers and Assistant Headteachers at each Key Stage. The pastoral staff have forged strong links with a variety of outside agencies to support our students. In addition Learning and Progress Directors (LPDs) who are teaching members of staff oversee the learning and progress of your child. An LPD will remain with your child’s year group throughout their school life and will work with you to ensure that your child is meeting their target grades in all subjects and achieving their potential. The school does not tolerate bullying or racism and has strong anti-bullying and anti-racism policies which are signed by all members of the school community. The school has a Year 10 group of Peer Mentors who are fully trained in helping other students with bullying and friendship issues. We are extremely proud of our students’ achievements and successes and we celebrate this through a variety of rewards and presentation events throughout the year. Students behave well & have positive attitudes to school. Attendance is consistently high Oulder Hill Community School Oulder Hill Community School Hudsons Walk, Rochdale, OL11 5EF Telephone: 01706 645522 Facsimile: 01706 648404 Web: www.oulderhill-school.com Email: info@oulderhill-school.com Headteacher: Mr. J. P. Watson B.A. (Hons), Ad.Dip.Ed., M.Ed., N.P.Q.H. Developing Potential Achieving Excellence
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