My Anime Life Complete Anime Lifestyle Guide Kaiya Kokoro Copyright © 2014 Kaiya Kokoro All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and author assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. Printed in the United States of America First Printing, 2014 SunCloud Design 2371 SW 79th Drive Gainesville, FL 32607 This book series is dedicated to Darrien Hunt. Book 1: Starting Out Introduction " The mind is everything. What you think you become" -Buddha Your complete anime persona takes account of your unique personality and appearance, and develops and accentuates those traits which have a natural place in an anime life. Your individual characteristics, aside from being developed in alignment with your "ideal" anime life, are also contrasted with a group of friends, each also committed to developing an anime lifestyle and persona. Together, individual similarities and differences help create a dynamic and fun group environment. And since no anime lifestyle is complete without some exciting plot-line, the group is put into action going on adventures, working on projects, and achieving goals together. In chapter 1 , you will take an extensive quiz to help you determine what anime personality traits you have. This will help you find your niche among the friends who will take the anime dream to the next level, providing a context for your individual character to be fully realized. In chapter 2 , you will lay the foundation for bringing the anime dream to it's ultimate manifestation by structuring your group around a Group Focus. The Group Focus serves as a kind of plot-line within which talents will be realized and adventures will be had. In chapter 3 , you'll learn how to plan exciting adventures. From fun afternoons to overnight trips adventures of all sorts are discussed in detail, as well as how to make them affordable and safe. Chapter 4 discusses ways to add anime magic to holidays. In addition to traditional Western holidays that are also celebrated in Japan, common Japanese holidays, celebrated in Japan and in anime, will be discussed. We will review ways to incorporate those holidays in your life through small celebrations with your friends. Chapter 5 discusses group projects - activities that you and your friends can work on together such as making a group photo book, sewing costumes, and making anime style accessories. External resources and how-tos are also provided. Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 5 Starting Out ................................................................................................................................................... 8 Guidelines ................................................................................................................................................. 9 Chapter 1: Complete Anime Personality Assessment............................................................................. 10 Assessment 1: Anime Personality Features ........................................................................................ 11 Assessment 2: Multi-Dimensional Archetype ..................................................................................... 25 Assessment 3: Your Element............................................................................................................... 28 Scoring................................................................................................................................................. 44 Complete Character: What Your Results Mean .................................................................................. 51 Chapter 2: Creating A Group Focus......................................................................................................... 96 The Band ............................................................................................................................................. 97 The Team........................................................................................................................................... 105 The Club ............................................................................................................................................ 114 The Civil Servants .............................................................................................................................. 118 The Group Theme - Compliment to the Group Focus ...................................................................... 121 Tools to Help you Learn and Stay Focused ....................................................................................... 123 Chapter 3: Planning Group Adventures ................................................................................................ 124 Before You Travel: Considerations.................................................................................................... 125 Picnic at the Park............................................................................................................................... 128 Afternoon Tea ................................................................................................................................... 132 Local Events....................................................................................................................................... 135 A Camp Out ....................................................................................................................................... 137 A Day on the Water........................................................................................................................... 139 Chapter 4: Celebrating Holidays ........................................................................................................... 142 New Year (shogatsu) ......................................................................................................................... 143 February 3: Beginning of Spring (setsubun)...................................................................................... 144 Valentine's Day and White Day......................................................................................................... 145 Star Festival (tanabata) ..................................................................................................................... 146 Christmas .......................................................................................................................................... 147 Birthdays ........................................................................................................................................... 148 Chapter 5: Group Projects .................................................................................................................... 149 Group Photo ...................................................................................................................................... 150 Cosplay .............................................................................................................................................. 155 Scrapbook or Photo Album ............................................................................................................... 160 Website or Blog ................................................................................................................................. 161 Epilogue: What's Next? ......................................................................................................................... 163 Starting Out " Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover." –Mark Twain Aiming to live your life to the fullest in the way of an anime hero or heroine may seem like a daunting task. More than that however, it should be incredibly motivating, fun, and exciting. You are creating your life. You can make it an adventure, but it helps to have guidance. In the first book of this series, we will start you off on your way to creating the anime life of your dreams. First, you will take a host of personality assessments designed to determine what kind of anime hero or heroine you are meant to be. The results should inspire you to develop yourself and your story in accordance with the power and magic you already possess. Next, we will discuss the focus. The focus is where you apply to time and talents as you become the best you can be. The foci discussed will naturally involve adventures and parallels to the anime world. Finally, we will discuss projects, adventures, and holidays that you and your friends can add fun and memories to build deeper friendships and hence, a deeper personal story. Guidelines: Before you begin your journey through this book series, take note of a few guidelines that you should follow when reading: 1. This book series does not condone or in any way support harmful actions to yourself or others. Taking roleplay to the level of everyday life can be empowering, motivating, and ultimately deeply rewarding. However, roleplay or anime role models should NEVER be used to justify harmful, cruel, or malicious actions towards anyone, including yourself. 2. This book series does not condone or in any way support putting your safety or the safety of others at risk. Going on adventures, having fun with friends, and working hard to accomplish great things should never compromise your safety or the safety of others. Be smart about the projects and adventures you choose and always think things through. 3. Other than rules 1 and 2, there are no rules. All of the suggestions in this book series are just that - suggestions. Remember that it's your life, your anime life, and you ultimately decide how to put it together. Hopefully, the contents of this book series will help you on your journey! 4. This is your book - revisions are welcome! If you have any suggestions for subsequent editions of this book, email with your revision request. Enjoy! Chapter 1: Complete Anime Personality Assessment "Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it." - Bruce Lee When you and your friends go out together, who is usually compared to the goofball main character with the big appetite? Who shares most in common with the studious academic character? What about the character who is constantly fighting with, or making fun of, the main protagonist, even though both are good friends? Who is the elegant one? Who is the tomboy and who is ultra feminine? Who is the most childish of the group? Who is the biggest flirt? Acknowledging that the possibilities for character types are expansive, in the beginning of this book, we will take you through an in-depth survey to see what character traits match you best, allowing you to carve out your anime personality. By letting friends take the quiz, they will likewise be able to design the character they are best suited to in an anime lifestyle. Short descriptions of each trait and ways of enhancing that trait are suggested. Before beginning the assessments, get a clean sheet of paper to mark the question numbers and your answers. Assessment 1: Anime Personality Features This assessment is meant more as a guide to character types that may fit your personality. For each questions below, please choose Y(es) or N(o): 1. Friends or family consider me clumsy yes no 2. I have a sweet side that I only show sometimes, to some people. Mostly, I remain aloof and cool. yes no 3. Once asleep, I can sleep through a natural disaster without waking. yes no 4. In my desire to question authority and seek out new ideas and experiences, I tend to promote chaos, unrest, or impulsive behavior. yes no 5. I have a tendency to supply social interactions with terse, sarcastic, and sometimes cynical asides. yes no 6. When something is important to me, I will actively fight for it despite the time and costs involved. yes no 7. I have a feline-like or vampire-like smile thanks to slightly enlarged or protruding canine teeth. yes no 8. I am always polite and composed and live a sheltered life. yes no 9. I lack self-confidence or self-assurance and consequently apologize a lot. yes no 10. Others consider me strange. yes no 11. Because I am both attractive and openly critical, people find me intimidating. yes no 12. I am brave and optimistic in the face of everything life throws my way. yes no 13. Some people regard my faith in my dreams naive, while others find it inspiring. yes no 14. Although male, I have androgynous or feminine features. yes no 15. I'm quirky and possibly childlike. I have an eccentric style that probably includes (or has included) colorful hair and clothing. yes no 16. I wear glasses. yes no 17. Despite the fact that I'm awkward, nerdy, socially inept, or shy, people find me charming. yes no 18. I'm an idealist who is willing to put everything I have into making a better world. yes no 19. Occasionally I seem to understand things nobody else does, but usually I am oblivious to things that everyone else is aware of (or don't seem to focus on the same things all my friends are focusing on). yes no 20. Others would describe me as cute, cuddly, and adorable. yes no 21. I love flirting with my female friends but I can be protective when someone else flirts and crosses the line. yes no 22. Others have commented on my lack or emotion or reaction in nearly all situations. yes no 23. Without meaning to, I sometimes act like a jerk. yes no 24. I have a tendency to burn food, measure ingredients wrong, overcook food, undercook food, or otherwise foul up a recipe. yes no 25. I am beautiful and somewhat forbidding. yes no 26. Being cute is extremely important to me. yes no 27. I have red or reddish hair and a fiery attitude to match. yes no 28. I laugh to myself when I'm feeling devious. yes no 29. I sometimes have a smile that looks more insane than sweet. yes no 30. I am known for keeping my cool in all situations. yes no 31. I spend time buying or sewing costumes of anime characters. yes no 32. I enjoy challenging conventions or taking people out of their comfort zone (sometimes without their knowledge.) yes no 33. I can become burningly passionate about the things I do. yes no 34. I oscillate between being sweet and caring and angry and frustrated with one or more of my good friends (or love interests). yes no 35. I have an affection for motor-powered things. yes no 36. Due to my maturity and experience, I tend to be a mentor or advisor to friends. yes no 37. I am usually the first of my friends to get hungry or notice food when it's around. yes no 38. I have a larger-than-life persona. yes no 39. I use creative ingredients and methods in my cooking that don't always produce the best results. yes no 40. I know a programming language. yes no 41. I pretend to be a jerk in certain situations to get ahead. yes no 42. I'm often insecure and would prefer to blend in and not draw attention to myself. yes no 43. I attract women without trying. yes no 44. I am always very well kept and well manicured. yes no 45. I like to dress like the opposite gender. yes no 46. There is little in my daily life that elicits an outward emotional response from me. yes no 47. I have been told that my awkwardness or nerdy sense of humor is cute, adorable, or charming. yes no 48. I may be sweet and unassuming to others, but I'm a jealous and controlling with my sweetheart. yes no 49. I come across as a doormat to some, but my dedication to those I love and my perseverance in achieving my goals is my hidden iron core. yes no 50. People often comment that I've had too much caffeine or that I'm disturbingly positive. yes no 51. I'm easy-going and get along with everyone while also being smart and clever. yes no 52. I come off as foolish or ditzy, but I have hidden talents that tend to impress people. yes no 53. When people eat my food, they remark on how good it tastes. yes no 54. Others have remarked on my perseverance or stubbornness to admit defeat. yes no 55. Although female, I would refer to myself with the Japanese male pronoun, "boku". yes no 56. I am clumsy in a cute way. yes no 57. I can easily whip up delicious food, even without a recipe. yes no 58. I wear outfits that make me look like a Victorian doll. yes no 59. Friends tell me I live "in my own little world" or I keep my head in the clouds. yes no 60. I don't flinch or back down in high pressure or intimidating situations that others around me back down from. yes no 61. I'm charismatic, good looking, and talented, but frustrated with the foolishness of others. yes no 62. My goals seem unrealistic or too ambitious to others, but I continue to work on them and believe in them. yes no 63. I take being cute to the extreme. yes no 64. I maintain courage and optimism even if I'm defeated. yes no 65. I have the qualities of a traditional hero, minus a positive or idealistic attitude (i.e., I am morally, physically, emotionally, and mentally strong enough to be a hero, but I am a cynic or a pessimist). yes no 66. Although male, I am slender with delicate features and keep almost no facial hair. yes no 67. I enjoy causing chaos or trouble, but ultimately have a positive goal in mind. yes no 68. I'm always willing to give people a second chance. yes no 69. People have a desire to protect, hug, pet, cuddle, or help me. yes no 70. I have an insatiable appetite. yes no 71. I throw myself headfirst into situations and make it through with guts and passion, rather than careful planning. yes no 72. I am passionate, possibly hot tempered, and have red (pinkish or reddish) hair to match. yes no 73. I perform the basic maintenance on my car, bike, or other mechanical device rather than taking it to a shop. yes no 74. I am obviously drawn to attractive females. So much so that some many notice and call me a pervert. yes no 75. I consider myself clumsy. yes no 76. Friends or family have joked that I have fangs because of my prominent canine teeth. yes no 77. I enjoy wearing costumes for occasions besides Halloween. yes no 78. I follow my own rules, which some people consider irresponsible, impractical, or careless. yes no 79. Although my intentions are good, I can be insensitive, overemotional, or overbearing when in social situations. yes no 80. Although female, I have behaviors usually associated with males. yes no 81. My dramatic, sensational personality can draw so much attention that some find it overbearing. yes no 82. My dress stands out, and my personality is unique to match. yes no 83. Although I'm naturally easy-going or pleasant, I try to play a jerk to avoid getting close to certain people, or to give the impression of being strong or unaffected. yes no 84. Those around me consider me tough and strict, but love, respect, and (usually) listen to me. yes no 85. I have a high intelligence but lack some common abilities or common sense. yes no 86. Those around me are motivated by my endless enthusiasm. yes no 87. I may or may not be talkative, but either way I am rarely or never outwardly emotional. yes no 88. I know more about electronic gadgets than most of my friends. yes no 89. I remain composed and emotionless around my friends, who are comparatively emotional, talkative, or excited. yes no 90. Others have commented that I have an evil or maniacal laugh. yes no 91. I attract many potential girlfriends. yes no 92. I'm best described as sweet or reserved, but clever. yes no 93. I enjoy disturbing or challenging the status quo from behind the scenes. yes no 94. Some of the most important personality traits I possess are loyalty, maturity, wisdom, and humility. yes no 95. I have a bad reputation for sleeping through events or being late to class due to sleeping in. yes no 96. I like to buy clothes made for the opposite gender. yes no 97. I can't help but make wisecrack remarks to friends and family (perhaps under my breath.) yes no 98. Due to my competence in one or more areas, I have the respect and admiration of those around me. yes no 99. I tend to act much younger than my age. yes no 100. I have exceptional talent in the kitchen. yes no 101. Others say I'm too obsessed and I go too far for the person I love. yes no 102. I enjoy building things which require cutting, nailing, screwing, gluing, and fitting together. yes no 103. I regularly spend hours a day playing computer games. yes no 104. My awkwardness or lack of control around those I love may lead me to grow frustrated and act out in mean ways. yes no 105. Friends have remarked that they thought I was a jerk when they met me, but realized I was a good person after they got to know me. yes no 106. I intentionally maintain an disinterested, disdainful, cynical, or stoic persona to protect myself from being hurt by others. yes no 107. My enthusiasm for certain things is genuine and not meant to draw attention to myself, yet it is often larger than life or even comical. yes no 108. I like to wear things that are distinctly meant for the opposite sex. yes no 109. Some people find my "dorky" flaws appealing. yes no 110. Although male, friends and family might describe me as "beautiful". yes no 111. People say that my fiery hair color matches my excitable and fearless personality. yes no 112. I have a posh or high-class demeanor. yes no 113. There is something people find extremely cute, innocent, or charmingly pathetic about me that makes them want to comfort me. yes no 114. I am the personification of energy. yes no 115. I have some qualities of a traditional hero/heroine but I am lacking in at least one of the following: moral, physical, emotional, or mental strength (i.e., I'm not perfect, but I'm talented enough to have hero potential.) yes no 116. I believe in the goodness of humanity, which I love deeply. yes no 117. My bravery always comes with good spirits. yes no 118. Others have described my smile as more scary than warm. yes no 119. I have a tendency to follow my heart before my head, which leads to mistakes and failures, but these don't hamper my dreams. yes no 120. Whether I like it or not, my glasses help to define my look. yes no 121. I have a tendency to trip, drop things, break things, spill things, or hurt myself and others accidently. yes no 122. When I decide to accomplish something, I never give up. yes no 123. I'm handsome and charming, despite the snarky comments I can't help making about those around me. yes no 124. I don't feel the need to say much, and this is not because I'm shy, insecure, or frustrated. yes no 125. I have behaviors that even friends consider strange because I live in my own world. yes no 126. Inexplicably, women find me very charming. yes no 127. When others are having a discussion, I tend to listen much more than I speak. yes no 128. Although female, I don't wear dresses or skirts. yes no 129. Due to my enthusiasm and unassuming leadership qualities, I have a group of friends who are willing to follow me or support my crazy dreams. yes no 130. I intentionally act like a jerk with certain groups of people. yes no 131. I am inept or unskilled with certain common tasks, but excel, often beyond my peers, in others. yes no 132. My wardrobe looks more like a young child's than a person my age. yes no 133. Friends and family comment on how much I can eat in a single meal. yes no 134. With concise commentary, I point out hidden subtexts or truths in a situation, which others find funny, cynical, or even pessimistic at times. yes no 135. I wear lots of black and my wardrobe includes puffy skirts, frills, ribbons, chokers, and maybe even a bonnet or head dress. yes no 136. People have told me that I belong on stage or that I'm a natural entertainer. yes no 137. I laugh enthusiastically when I get away with something or come up with a clever plan. yes no 138. I maintain a calm collected, if not cynical or snarky, demeanor in most, if not all, situations. yes no 139. I've been called weird or odd. yes no 140. I'm tall (or at least give that impression), pretty, mysterious, and composed. yes no 141. Although I can't help staring at, commenting on, or thinking about attractive females, I care about them and always respect them. yes no 142. Others find my stoicism slightly creepy, unsettling, or badass. yes no 143. My canine teeth protrude more than most people's. yes no 144. I'm often withdrawn or shy and awkward. yes no 145. I excel at some skilled social activity (e.g., a sport, debates or arguments, politics). yes no 146. I have a blog or website. yes no 147. I tend to be obsessive and controlling with the people I care most about. yes no 148. When I cook for my friends, they are a little uneasy and apprehensive about what I'll come up with. yes no 149. I get a huge grin on my face when I feel devious, angry, or violent. yes no 150. With my friends, I often walk the line between being a good friend and the voice of reason/experience. yes no 151. I'm a free-spirit and high on life. yes no 152. I have the qualities of a traditional hero, but lack the moral foundation, and possibly the emotional stability, of a traditional hero. Some of my actions or beliefs are morally questionable to others. yes no 153. My personality compels others to regard me or treat me like royalty. yes no 154. I find any excuse to wear cosplay. yes no 155. My tastes are more like my male friends than my female friends. yes no 156. I refer to myself in third person. yes no 157. I've yet to find an alarm clock that will reliably wake me up each day. yes no 158. I am sometimes cold, violent, belittling, or bossy to the people I care about. yes no 159. I rarely speak, but when I do, it's usually important or worth paying attention to. yes no 160. I'm attractive with a confident gait and (probably) long flowing hair. yes no 161. I'm graceful and dedicated. My humility may come across as fragility and insecurity, but I'm quite confident. yes no Assessment 2: Multi-Dimensional Archetype This assessment is based on one of the most well-known personality typing systems in our modern Western culture. That system is known as the Myers-Briggs personality assessment. For each question below, decide how much the statement describes you. 1. You are more action oriented than thought oriented always often sometimes rarely never 2. You naturally gravitate towards applied examples of concepts rather than the concepts themselves (examples: You are more interested in a machine that uses laws of physics than the laws of physics themselves. You are more interested in following the details of a government in action than thinking about the theory behind that system of government.) always often sometimes rarely never 3. You prefer spending time with the same few friends each to going out to meet new people always often sometimes rarely never 4. People consider you more detached than vulnerable. always often sometimes rarely never 5. You trust gut feelings and intuitions always often sometimes rarely never 6. When you make a decision, you often second-guess yourself always often sometimes rarely never 7. You prefer occasional intimate meetings with friends to frequent social outings with large groups of people always often sometimes rarely never 8. You prefer to know a little about many things than to know a few subjects in detail. always often sometimes rarely never 9. You like to come up with explanations for why things happen and don't pay attention to the details of the events themselves. always often sometimes rarely never 10. You naturally gravitate towards accumulating data rather than synthesizing it. (examples: You are more interested in knowing the details of every feline species than knowing what puts them all in the same genus. You are more interested in knowing the events leading up to a historical event rather than theories of what caused the event to take place.) always often sometimes rarely never 11. The kinds of decisions you make are usually require logic, reasoning, and an objective viewpoint. always often sometimes rarely never 12. You usually come to a conclusion or a definitive explanation for events and arguments. always often sometimes rarely never 13. You have a hard time detaching from others. always often sometimes rarely never 14. You prefer to develop new friendships rather than deepen relationships with close friends. always often sometimes rarely never 15. You tend not to trust or use intuition. always often sometimes rarely never 16. You would rather make a decision that makes everyone happy, even if the decision is not otherwise rational. always often sometimes rarely never 17. You usually revise your understanding or explanation of events and rarely decide on a definitive explanation. always often sometimes rarely never 18. You get energy from spending time alone while spending time with people exhausts you. always often sometimes rarely never 19. When you watch a movie, you are more interested in the meaning of the characters actions than the big budget special effects. always often sometimes rarely never 20. You prefer frequent light-hearted interaction to infrequent, but deep, conversation. always often sometimes rarely never 21. When you make a decision, you rarely second-guess yourself. always often sometimes rarely never 22. Your decisions consider what is reasonable, logical and consistent over trying to meet the needs of others. always often sometimes rarely never 23. You are more interested in the present than in future possibilities. always often sometimes rarely never 24. You are more thought oriented than action oriented. always often sometimes rarely never 25. You prefer thinking about the future to thinking about the present. always often sometimes rarely never 26. The kinds of decisions you make are usually based on the needs and desires of yourself and others. always often sometimes rarely never 27. You get energy from spending time with people rather than spending time alone. always often sometimes rarely never 28. When gathering information, you tend to look at details and facts rather than abstract or theoretical concepts. always often sometimes rarely never 29. You are more drawn to books about concepts and abstract ideas than books with lots of facts and data. always often sometimes rarely never 30. You prefer to become an expert at a few subjects rather than develop a superficial knowledge of many subjects. always often sometimes rarely never Assessment 3: Your Element The following questions assess your personality based on one of the most well- known personality typing systems in Asian culture, Chinese five-element theory. For each question below, decide how much each statement describes you. 1. I feel confident and act assertively. always often sometimes rarely never 2. I enjoy being competitive and ambitious. always often sometimes rarely never 3. I feel powerful and invulnerable. always often sometimes rarely never 4. I reluctantly acknowledge other people as my equal. always often sometimes rarely never 5. I openly discuss my abilities and achievements with others. always often sometimes rarely never 6. I am comfortable with conflict or pressure. always often sometimes rarely never 7. I enjoy being first, best, unique, or even outlandish. always often sometimes rarely never 8. I act with assurance and confidence, regardless of what other people may think or feel. always often sometimes rarely never 9. I am comfortable with difficult tasks or emergencies that re- quire "thinking on my feet". always often sometimes rarely never 10. I feel that I'm right, even if others strongly disagree with or disapprove of me. always often sometimes rarely never 11. I can be direct or provocative, even when it causes discomfort or embarrassment to others. always often sometimes rarely never 12. I take pleasure in public recognition and admiration of my talents and achievements. always often sometimes rarely never 13. I am comfortable directing or leading others. always often sometimes rarely never 14. I follow my own hunches about what is right or wrong. always often sometimes rarely never 15. I take the lead when it is necessary to get things done quickly and effectively. always often sometimes rarely never 16. I act boldly and decisively, even when I don't have all the expertise or information I need. always often sometimes rarely never 17. I enjoy for its own sake the process of striving against the odds. always often sometimes rarely never 18. I want to reject or argue with other peoples appraisals of me. always often sometimes rarely never 19. I have a sweet tooth. always often sometimes rarely never 20. I cry often and easily, often in situations where others don't shed a tear. always often sometimes rarely never 21. I go out of my way to help others. always often sometimes rarely never 22. I feel a strong need to help others, even if it hurts me. always often sometimes rarely never 23. I love romantic songs, books, and movies. always often sometimes rarely never 24. I love taking care of plants, animals, and other people/children. always often sometimes rarely never 25. I tend to sympathize with the defeated or impoverished rather than the victorious or successful. always often sometimes rarely never 26. I am good at protecting and fighting for other people, but not myself. always often sometimes rarely never 27. I am easily hurt by uncaring words or lack of appreciation of my efforts. always often sometimes rarely never 28. I am frequently doubtful of myself and want to be sure I'm doing the "right thing". always often sometimes rarely never 29. I have difficulty with finances. always often sometimes rarely never 30. I come up with creative ideas that could make me wealthy. always often sometimes rarely never 31. My house/room is messy, but friends feel welcome there. always often sometimes rarely never 32. I am a vegetarian out of compassion. always often sometimes rarely never 33. I do not like to argue or to be present for arguments. always often sometimes rarely never 34. I lie to people to shield them from hurtful truths or make them feel better. always often sometimes rarely never 35. I often feel a strong desire to withdraw from everyone, including the people I love. always often sometimes rarely never 36. I am a very forgiving person. always often sometimes rarely never 37. I have a strong sense of smell. always often sometimes rarely never 38. I am very sensitive to cold. always often sometimes rarely never 39. I love helping others. always often sometimes rarely never 40. I am animated and enthusiastic. always often sometimes rarely never 41. I enjoy the pleasure of my senses. always often sometimes rarely never 42. I enjoy physical contact and emotional intimacy. always often sometimes rarely never 43. I am comfortable in very stimulating environments. always often sometimes rarely never 44. I live in the here-and-now, and don't worry about the future or dwell on the past. always often sometimes rarely never 45. I see the humorous side of everything. always often sometimes rarely never 46. I thoroughly enjoy getting what I want and need. always often sometimes rarely never 47. I become easily and completely involved in the events going on around me. always often sometimes rarely never 48. I am emotionally sensitive, responsive, and intuitive. always often sometimes rarely never 49. I remain optimistic and hopeful despite what others may say or believe. always often sometimes rarely never 50. I can be completely open and exposed. always often sometimes rarely never 51. I identify and sympathize with another's joy and pain. always often sometimes rarely never 52. I am unabashed in showing enthusiasm and excitement. always often sometimes rarely never 53. I enjoy being attractive and magnetic. always often sometimes rarely never 54. I am often impatient and hate waiting. always often sometimes rarely never 55. I love taking risks or thrill seeking. always often sometimes rarely never 56. I cannot spend a long time in my house or workplace without feeling an urge to go out. always often sometimes rarely never 57. It is hard for me to finish what I start. always often sometimes rarely never 58. I love attention from others. always often sometimes rarely never 59. I have a tendency to break, stain, tear, or otherwise destroy things. always often sometimes rarely never 60. I am energetic and playful. always often sometimes rarely never 61. I enjoy participating in sports. always often sometimes rarely never 62. I have a big appetite and love to eat. always often sometimes rarely never 63. I need to travel and will travel even if I can't afford it. always often sometimes rarely never 64. I have a hard time spending time alone. always often sometimes rarely never 65. I interrupt people when they speak. always often sometimes rarely never 66. I speak in a loud voice. always often sometimes rarely never 67. When I finish something, I finish it quickly. always often sometimes rarely never 68. I learn quickly but have a difficult time retaining information. always often sometimes rarely never 69. I am easily angered. always often sometimes rarely never 70. I sometimes lose control of my anger. always often sometimes rarely never 71. I have a hard time yielding to authority. always often sometimes rarely never 72. I lose track of my promises and obligations. always often sometimes rarely never 73. I have a hard time remembering my past. always often sometimes rarely never 74. I enjoy children and animals, but I don't particularly enjoy the responsibility of taking care of them. always often sometimes rarely never 75. I enjoy participating in a heated debate or argument. always often sometimes rarely never 76. I want to have the last word. always often sometimes rarely never 77. I enjoy spicy food. always often sometimes rarely never 78. I have a tendency to develop addictions. always often sometimes rarely never 79. I am nurturing and supportive. always often sometimes rarely never 80. I put the needs of others before my own. always often sometimes rarely never 81. I enjoy frequent socializing with friends and family. always often sometimes rarely never 82. I enjoy being relied upon for reassurance and help. always often sometimes rarely never 83. I enjoy being the hub of my social and family network. always often sometimes rarely never 84. I am agreeable and accommodating. always often sometimes rarely never 85. I enjoy settling disputes so that all parties are satisfied. always often sometimes rarely never 86. I help people work together in a harmonious manner. always often sometimes rarely never 87. I get involved in other peoples' lives. always often sometimes rarely never 88. I create a relaxed and comfortable environment in which very different people can enjoy being together. always often sometimes rarely never 89. I loyal and accessible to friends & people who are involved in some important way in my life and work. always often sometimes rarely never 90. I can be diplomatic and tactful. always often sometimes rarely never 91. I rely on the skill and intelligent of others. always often sometimes rarely never 92. I accept other peoples' characterizations of who I am. always often sometimes rarely never 93. I enjoy just being in the company of other people. always often sometimes rarely never 94. I sympathize w/ the circumstances of others. always often sometimes rarely never 95. I get close enough to need another person. always often sometimes rarely never 96. I am comfortable & sociable w/ people I don't know well. always often sometimes rarely never 97. I have a hard time deciding what I want to do in my life. always often sometimes rarely never 98. I do not like excessive emotions, order, risks, caution, socializing, or alone time. always often sometimes rarely never 99. I prefer neutral flavors and comfort foods. always often sometimes rarely never 100. I wear clothes for comfort, usually in neutral tones. always often sometimes rarely never 101. I procrastinate, even when I want to finish a task. always often sometimes rarely never 102. I can see the validity of every point of view. always often sometimes rarely never 103. I can get along with almost anyone. always often sometimes rarely never 104. I enjoy getting my hands dirty - working with clay, gardening, or similarly dirty activities give me satisfaction. always often sometimes rarely never 105. I like to be in the middle of the action, but never deeply involved. always often sometimes rarely never 106. I have special arrangements of pillows and blankets, or special chairs, where I am totally comfortable. always often sometimes rarely never 107. I especially love potatoes, bread, and other root vegetables and grains, even eaten plain. always often sometimes rarely never 108. I feel comfortable wearing the same clothes for several days and skipping showers. always often sometimes rarely never 109. I do not like chasing after romantic partners. I will choose someone nearby and approachable. always often sometimes rarely never 110. I do not like competitive activities. always often sometimes rarely never 111. Many things come easy to me, so I don't appreciate my skills and don't work at improving them. always often sometimes rarely never 112. I am not good at making decisions - I see most choices as equally good in terms of pros and cons. always often sometimes rarely never 113. I enjoy juvenile jokes about "gross" things. always often sometimes rarely never 114. I have a fear of heights. always often sometimes rarely never 115. It is easy for me to get my basic needs covered but once I am comfortable, I have little motivation to become wealthy. always often sometimes rarely never 116. Although I am reasonable, I am also guided underneath by emotion. always often sometimes rarely never 117. I structure my life to be as comfortable as possible. always often sometimes rarely never 118. I maintain a neat & orderly personal lifestyle. always often sometimes rarely never 119. I enjoy a convivial but undemanding social life. always often sometimes rarely never 120. I am in control of my environment and the way I do things. always often sometimes rarely never 121. I am strongly committed to my moral. always often sometimes rarely never 122. I feel secure & comfortable in my work when I know everyone is following proper procedures. always often sometimes rarely never 123. I enjoy tasks that require logical, analytic, & systematic approaches to problem solving. always often sometimes rarely never 124. I appreciate being thought of as meticulous and discriminating. always often sometimes rarely never 125. I think of myself as being impeccable and above reproach. always often sometimes rarely never 126. I am self-contained and not overly-involved in other people's affairs. always often sometimes rarely never 127. I work easily and efficiently in situations where goals & guide- lines are well defined. always often sometimes rarely never 128. I like to be judged according to objective criteria rather than personal biases or intuitions. always often sometimes rarely never 129. I accept the authority of those with more competence. always often sometimes rarely never 130. I am systematic and methodical in my work. always often sometimes rarely never 131. I enjoy the process of solving puzzles and mysteries. always often sometimes rarely never 132. I put virtue and principles before pleasure and fulfillment. always often sometimes rarely never 133. I restrain myself in expressing my feelings or opinions. always often sometimes rarely never 134. I enjoy temperance and moderation. always often sometimes rarely never 135. I am tasteful and discriminating. always often sometimes rarely never 136. I love order in my life. always often sometimes rarely never 137. I need my home and place of work to be clean and organized. always often sometimes rarely never 138. I have a desire to be in charge of the people and things around me. always often sometimes rarely never 139. I love sour foods. always often sometimes rarely never 140. I feel uncomfortable when people around me become emotional. Especially when they cry. always often sometimes rarely never 141. I rarely cry in front of others. always often sometimes rarely never 142. I prefer artwork and design with symmetric patterns. always often sometimes rarely never 143. I love contrast in my clothes and food. For example: dark with light, sweet with sour, crunchy with chewy, leather with lace. always often sometimes rarely never 144. I like to participate in activities when I know I'll win. always often sometimes rarely never 145. I have a strong sense of justice. always often sometimes rarely never 146. I believe that I am always right. always often sometimes rarely never 147. I pay attention to rules, laws, and regulations. always often sometimes rarely never 148. I enjoy building up and displaying my physical strength. always often sometimes rarely never 149. I am very good with money. always often sometimes rarely never 150. I am drawn to rational inquiry and scientific method. always often sometimes rarely never 151. I need to live my life according to a schedule. always often sometimes rarely never 152. I love a challenge when I know that I'll succeed with hard work. always often sometimes rarely never 153. I have a fondness for aggression or violent action, although this fondness is controlled. always often sometimes rarely never 154. I cannot stand to lose. always often sometimes rarely never 155. I always protect my interests and the interests of those I am close to. always often sometimes rarely never 156. I can be unmoved by pain and suffering. always often sometimes rarely never 157. I am cautious and sensible. always often sometimes rarely never 158. I enjoy frequent periods of solitude and introspection. always often sometimes rarely never 159. I enjoy indulging my imagination and curiosity. always often sometimes rarely never 160. I keep my feelings, thoughts, and opinions to myself. always often sometimes rarely never 161. I am content being anonymous or on the periphery of social events. always often sometimes rarely never 162. I am considered unusual or eccentric. always often sometimes rarely never 163. I involve myself in intellectual pursuits. always often sometimes rarely never 164. I am content with a few good friends and minimal social activities. always often sometimes rarely never 165. I am content figuring things out for myself. always often sometimes rarely never 166. I am careful about what I reveal to other people. always often sometimes rarely never 167. I can be a stubborn defender of the truth as I see it. always often sometimes rarely never 168. I am patient and preserving in spite defeats or dead ends. always often sometimes rarely never 169. I am objective and dispassionate. always often sometimes rarely never 170. I feel self-sufficient either in or out of a relationship. always often sometimes rarely never 171. I choose privacy over intimacy, solitude over socializing. always often sometimes rarely never 172. I pursue my own interests regardless of what others consider important. always often sometimes rarely never 173. I enjoy projects that don't involve other people. always often sometimes rarely never 174. I reflect upon the place of my life in the grand scheme of things. always often sometimes rarely never 175. I almost always wear blue, grey, black, or other subdued colors. always often sometimes rarely never 176. I rarely wear more than a small collection of colors. always often sometimes rarely never 177. I have no trouble eating the same food and meals for years. always often sometimes rarely never 178. I often withhold my opinion of, or agreement/disagreement to, a situation, invitation, or request. always often sometimes rarely never 179. I do not like confrontation. always often sometimes rarely never 180. I have a hard time throwing things away and keep many things others would throw away. always often sometimes rarely never 181. I dislike or fear moving to new places. always often sometimes rarely never 182. It is difficult for me to make new friends. always often sometimes rarely never 183. My friends tend to be old friends I've known for a long time, rather than people I've recently met. always often sometimes rarely never 184. I am a fearful person. always often sometimes rarely never 185. I avoid people with loud voices or people that talk a lot. always often sometimes rarely never 186. I tend to feel tired and fatigued, especially around lots of people and during the daylight hours. always often sometimes rarely never 187. Most people bore me. always often sometimes rarely never 188. I remain cool and composed even when the people around me are upset or angry. always often sometimes rarely never 189. I keep collections of things. always often sometimes rarely never 190. I have a hard time feeling comfortable around people I don't know. always often sometimes rarely never 191. I have a hard time making decisions or knowing what I want. always often sometimes rarely never 192. I prefer my food warm or cool but not piping hot. always often sometimes rarely never 193. I fear change or growth. Or, I have a hard time adapting to change or growth. always often sometimes rarely never 194. I sleep a lot. always often sometimes rarely never 195. I have frequent vivid dreams. always often sometimes rarely never Scoring Assessment 1: Anime Personality Features For each set of questions in the list below, note how many questions you answered "yes" to. If you answered "yes" to more than half of the question set, you have the personality feature associated with those questions. If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 1, 75, or 121 you are a Klutz If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 3, 95, or 157 you are a Heavy Sleeper If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 14, 66, or 110 you are a Bishonen If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 19, 59, or 125 you are a Cloudcuckoolander If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 21, 74, or 141 you are a Chivalrous Pervert If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 24, 39, or 148 you are a Cordon Bleugh Chef If you gave at least 3 "yes" answers to questions 26, 63, 99, 132, or 156 you are a Kawaiiko If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 31, 77, or 154 you are a Cosplay Otaku If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 33, 71, or 107 you are Hot-Blooded If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 35, 73, or 102 you are a Wrench Wizard If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 37, 70, or 133 you are a Big Eater If you gave at least 3 "yes" answers to questions 40, 88, 103, or 146 you are a Computer Charmer or Computer Nerd If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 43, 91, or 126 you are a Chick Magnet If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 45, 96, or 108 you are a Cross Dresser If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 53, 57, or 100 you are a Supreme Chef If you gave at least 3 "yes" answers to questions 55, 80, 128, or 155 you are a Tomboy/Bokukko If you answered "yes" to question 56 you are a Dojikko If you answered at least 2 "yes" to questions 58 or 135 you are an Elegant Gothic Lolita If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 17, 47, or 109 you are Adorkable If you gave at least 3 "yes" answers to questions 65, 67, 115, or 152 you are an Anti-Hero If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 60, 98, or 145 you are a Badass If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 7, 76, or 143 you have Cute Little Fangs If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 5, 97, or 134 you are a Deadpan Snarker If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 6, 54, or 122 you are a Determinator If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 22, 46, or 89 you are an Emotionless Guy/Girl If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 28, 90, or 137 you have an Evil Laugh If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 27, 72, or 111 you are a Fiery Redhead If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 50, 86, or 114 you are a Genki Girl or Keet If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 52, 85, or 131 you are a Genius Ditz or Ditzy Genius If you gave at least 3 "yes" answers to questions 13, 62, 119, or 129 you are an Idiot Hero If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 41, 83, or 130 you have a Jackass Facade If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 23, 79, or 105 you are a Jerk with a Heart of Gold If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 2, 106, or 138 you are a Kuudere If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 38, 81, or 136 you are a Large Ham If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 15, 78, or 151 you are a Manic Pixie Dream Girl If you gave at least 3 "yes" answers to questions 16, 51, 92, or 120 you are a Meganekko or Megane If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 18, 68, or 116 you are a Messiah If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 20, 69, or 113 you are Moe If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 8, 44, 112, or 153 you are an Ojou or Princely Young Man If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 12, 64, or 117 you are a Plucky Girl/Guy If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 124, 127, or 159 you are The Quiet One If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 29, 118, or 149 you have a Slasher Smile If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 30, 87, or 142 you are a Stoic If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 9, 42, or 144 you are a Shrinking Violet If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 10, 82, or 139 you are a Strange Girl/Guy If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 25, 140, or 160 you are Tall, Dark/Light, and Bishoujo/Bishonen If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 11, 61, or 123 you are Tall, Dark/Light, and Snarky If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 34, 104, or 158 you are a Tsundere If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 4, 32, or 93 you are a Trickster If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 49, 94, or 161 you are a Yamato Nadeshiko If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 48, 101, or 147 you are a Yandere If you gave at least 2 "yes" answers to questions 36, 84, or 150 you are a Big Brother/Sister Mentor Assessment 2: Multi-Dimensional Archetype Scoring for assessment 2 is as follows: always = 4 points often = 3 points sometimes = 2 points rarely = 1 point never = 0 points Add up your total score for questions 1, 8, 14, 20, and 27. This will be a number between 0 and 20. This is your friendly score. Add up your total score for questions 3, 7, 18, 24, and 30. This will be a number between 0 and 20. This is your solitary score. If your friendly score is higher than your solitary score, you are an "F". If your solitary score is higher than your friendly score, you are an "S". If both scores are within a few points of each other, you could go either way. Add up your total score for questions 2, 10, 15, 23, and 28. This will be a number between 0 and 20. This is your applied score. Add up your total score for questions 5, 9, 19, 25, and 29. This will be a number between 0 and 20. This is your conceptual score. If your applied score is higher than your conceptual score, you are an "A". If your conceptual score is higher than your applied score, you are an "C". If both scores are within a few points of each other, you could go either way. Add up your total score for questions 4, 11, and 22. This will be a number between 0 and 12. This is your rational score. Add up your total score for questions 13, 16, and 26. This will be a number between 0 and 12. This is your emotional score. If your rational score is higher than your emotional score, you are a "R". If your emotional score is higher than your rational score, you are an "E". If both scores are within a couple points of each other, you could go either way. Add up your total score for questions 12 and 21. This will be a number between 0 and 8. This is your decisive score. Add up your total score for questions 6 and 17. This will be a number between 0 and 8. This is your pondering score. If your decisive score is higher than your pondering score, you are a "D". If your pondering score is higher than your decisive score, you are an "P". If both scores are within a couple points of each other, you could go either way. You may have 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 four letter types that potentially match you. Below, circle all types that match so you can remember them and review them in the archetype summary section. SARD - The Committed SARP - The Technician SAED - The Nourisher SAEP - The Artist SCED - The Defender SCEP - The Perfectionist SCRD - The Researcher SCRP - The Philosopher FARP - The Go-Getter FARD - The Gate Keeper FAEP - The Entertainer FAED - The Caretaker FCEP - The Motivator FCED - The Provider FCRP - The Daydreamer FCRD - The Commander Assessment 3: Your Element Scoring for assessment 3 is as follows: always = 2 points often = 1 point sometimes = 0 points rarely = -1 point never = -2 points Each element has 39 questions and can receive a maximum score of 78 points. Add your score for questions 1-39. This should be a number between -78 and 78. This is your tree element score. Add your score for questions 40 - 78. This should be a number between -78 and 78. This is your fire element score. Add your score for questions 79 - 117. This should be a number between -78 and 78. This is your earth element score. Add your score from questions 118 - 156. This should be a number between -78 and 78. This is your metal element score. Add your score from questions 157 - 195. This should be a number between -78 and 78. This is your water element score. Since each element is equally weighted in the exam, you can take a ratio of your score for each element over your total score to determine your elemental makeup. That is, To determine your elemental makeup: 1. Add up the total score from all questions. This is your total score. 2. Add up your score for each element. These are your element scores. 3. For each element take your element score, divide it by your total score and multiply by 100. This is your percentage score. 4. For example, if I receive a total score of 200 and an fire element score of 40, that means I'm 40/200 x 100 = 20 % fire element. You can have a negative percentage score. This means you are particularly lacking in that element. You don't need to be strong in every element, but you do want healthy balance. A negative percentage may indicate an unhealthy imbalance of elemental energy. Complete Character: What Your Results Mean Assessment 1: Anime Personality Features Small features of your personality can add a lot of character. The following personality features are common in anime, so if you possess them, consider playing them up to enhance the anime character in you. All of the anime personality features described below, plus many additional ones, can be found on the tv tropes wiki. For each personality feature (called a trope on the site) they also have an extensive list of examples from anime. Adorkable - You have dorky personality traits, yet in spite of this, or because of it, you are charming or even adorable. Your dorky qualities may come from being socially inept, shy, clumsy, an otaku, overly sweet, or some other subtle characteristics. Examples Rin Okumura, Konekomaru Davis/Daisuke Jean Yugi Mutou, Ryo Bakura, Syrus Truesdale Keitaro Yomiko Readman Rukia, Byakuya, Uryu Ishida, Hanataro Japan Madarame Young Tenma Vash Naruto, Hinata, Rock Lee, Hashirama "Li Sheng Shun" Mikado, Shinra, Kida, Erika, and Walker Jacuzzi Splot, Claire Stanfield Roy Mustang, Edward Elric Josuke Gourry Gabriev John Brown Shiratori Matsuda, L Tsuzuki Mari Makinami Son Gohan, Yamcha, Kid/Teen Chi-Chi, Goten Kosuke Ash Ketchum, Diamond, Jessie, James, and Meowth, May Tamaki Sergeant Keroro, Fuyuki Kio Anime Blue Exorcist Digimon Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water Yu-Gi-Oh! Love Hina Read or Die Bleach Axis Powers Hetalia Genshiken Monster Trigun Naruto Darker Than Black Durarara!! Baccano! Fullmetal Alchemist JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Slayers Ghost Hunt Yandere Kanojo Death Note Yami No Matsuei Neon Genesis Evangelion Dragon Ball Z D.N.Angel Pokémon Ouran High School Host Club Keroro Gunsou Asobi ni Iku yo! Ryoushi Morino Kohta Hirano Seras Victoria, Schrodinger Detective Conan, Booker Kudo Gilbert, Oz, Leo Nako Ryuichi Kobayashi, Azumi Yamada Sousuke Sagara Kyo Sohma Negima, Nodoka, Chachamaru, Setsuna Nagaoka, Kitahara "Michan" Suzaku, Lelouch, Rolo, and Shirley Hatsumi, Subaru Kaito Laura Bodewig, Houki Shinonono Crona Usagi Tsukino, Ami Mizuno, Minako Aino Doremi Harukaze, Hazuki Fujiwara, Momoko Asuka Syaoran, Sakura Saki Miyanaga Kaori Senoo Yukino Miyazawa Watanuki Mashiro Rikka Max Sterling Gerald Frolio, Midou Mei Kengo Kurisu Makise, Okabe Genki Girl Robot Otaku Akiho, Hikikomori Yaoi Fan Girl Frau, Tsundere Misaki Haruyuki Rei Okami-San High School Of The Dead Hellsing Detective Conan Pandora Hearts Steel Angel Kurumi 2 Hen Full Metal Panic! Fruits Basket Mahou Sensei Negima! Onani Master Kurosawa Bunny Drop Code Geass Hot Gimmick Ano Natsu De Matteru Infinite Stratos Soul Eater Sailor Moon Ojamajo Doremi Card Captor Sakura Saki Tsuruga Kare Kano Xxx HO Li C Sakura-sou no Pet na Kanojo Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! Robotech Bokura no Kiseki Arashi No Yoru Ni Monochrome Factor Steins;Gate Robotics;Notes Accel World Free! Anti-Hero - An anti-hero is a person with traits that are the opposite of those associated with a traditional hero, but nevertheless seeks to make the world a better place or do some good. There are several types of anti-hero. On the good end of the spectrum, an anti-hero can be a person usually aligned with good but lacking all of the qualities of a hero. They may work to improve themselves and become a more classic hero, or they maintain their anti-hero traits. Somewhere in the middle of the spectrum of anti-hero types are those who side with good, and perhaps have positive goals they are working on, but they are generally mean, rude, or cold to others. They definitely have pessimistic and cynical perspectives and may even be humorless. At the evil end of the spectrum, an anti-hero may have some grand goals in mind, but their goals tend to be selfish and morally questionable. They may limit good actions and intentions their close friends and family, or they may not be interested in doing good for others at all. This version is hardly distinguishable from a villain personality. There are also anti-heroes who have most of the qualities of a classic hero, but lack the motivation to be a hero. They are usually cynical or pessimistic. They may become more of a classic hero as they establish positive goals to work on and as these goals become increasingly important to them. Examples Saitama, Tatsumaki Claire Stanfield Guts Haruhi, Kyon Mello, L Vegeta, Chaotzu Scar, Greed, Olivier Mira Armstrong Ryoma, Hayato Black Knights, Lelouch Alucard, Integra, Pip, Heinkel, Yumie, Gon Kikyo, Sesshomaru, Kagura, Koga Yukiteru, Minene Uryu Shinji, Asuka Mirielle and Kirika Saito Hajime, Shinomori Aoshi Ikki Phoenix Nicholas D. Wolfwood Thorfinn and Thorkel Mashiba Yami Yuugi, Seto Kaiba Sagara Sousuke Nadia Hei Lina Inverse, Zelgadis, and entire core cast The core four, especially Hiei Ciel and Sebastian Homura, Kyouko, Sayaka Agito and Aptom Miyu Inner Moka Setsuna F. Seiei and the Celestial Being Chirico Cuvie The entire cast Anime One Punch Man Baccano! Death Note Berserk Death Note Dragon Ball Z Fullmetal Alchemist Getter Robo Code Geass Hellsing InuYasha Future Diary Neon Genesis Evangelion Noir Rurouni Kenshin Saint Seiya Trigun Vinland Saga's Hajime No Ippo Yu-Gi-Oh! Full Metal Panic! Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water Darker Than Black Slayers YuYu Hakusho Black Butler Madoka Magica Guyver Vampire Princess Miyu Rosario + Vampire Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Armored Trooper VOTOMS Bleach The Straw Hat Pirates Lupin III and his gang the Kisugi sisters One Piece Lupin III Cats Eye Badass - There are many kinds of badass. Most generally, a badass in someone with incredible skill or fortitude that is demonstrated when interacting with others. The most common examples refer to violent activity, such as fighting, but in the real world, many examples of badass have little to do with physical violence. There are numerous badass types including, but not limited to: Badass Adorable - Someone that is both cute and badass. Badass Angster - Someone who is badass but prone to brooding or crying. Badass Bookworm - Someone who is badass because of some intellectual ability or genius. Badass Damsel - A badass who is also a woman. Badass Pacifist - A peaceful person who is badass due to, or in spite of, their unwillingness to bad down or use force to get their way. Badass Princess - A badass who is also a princess (or ojou type.) Beware the Nice Ones - Someone who is generally kind and unassuming, but can become a complete badass when provoked. Beware the Silly Ones - Someone who is generally funny and care-free, but can become a complete badass when provoked. Crazy Awesome - A person who is a badass because of their craziness. Or at least, their craziness supports their ability to be badass. Examples Maeda and most of the cast Soldato-J, Brave Robo Corps, Mamoru Teresa of the Faint Smile and most of the cast Kouji Kabuto, Sayaka, Tetsuya, Jun Hono, Great General of Darkness, Duke, Maria, Hikaru Makiba Shinji, Asuka, Rei, Mari, Misato Lucy Kenpachi, Madarame Ikkaku, Shinigami Captains, Ushoda Hachigen, Unohana Retsu, Kira Izuru, Ulquiorra Schiffer, Grimmjow, and Anime Rokudenashi Blues GaoGaiGar Claymore Mazinger Trilogy Neon Genesis Evangelion Elfen Lied Bleach just about everyone Lelouch, C.C., Kallen, Toudou, Suzaku, Cornelia, and others Naruto, Might Guy, Kakashi Hatake, Shino Aburame, Shikamaru Nara, and every member of Akatsuki Vash the Stampede, Nicholas D. Wolfwood Mugen, Jin Kenshin, Hiko Seijuro, Sagura Sanosuke, Makoto Shishio, Hajime Saitou Sousuke, Tessa, Kurz, Mao, Gauron, Leonardo, Kaname, Yu Fan and Yu Lan Simon, Kamina, Yoko, Nia, Viral, Kittan, Leeron, Lordgenome, Ragyo Kiryuin, Ryuko Matoi, Satsuki Kiryuin, Kill la Kill Cloud, Sepiroth, and nearly everyone Alucard, Integra, Seras, Pip, Anderson, Heinkel, and just about everyone Amarao Kyon Killy, Sana-Kan, and Dhomochevsky Cross Marian, Allen, Kanda, Tyki Mikk, Lavi, Lenalee, and Road Ladd Russo, Claire Stanfield, Firo Prochainezo, Rachel, Jacuzzi, Graham, Nice, Szilard, Chane Spike Spiegel, Vicious, Vincent Broly, Goku, and pretty much the entire cast Many characters, especially Ranma Guts, Skull Knight, Zodd Domon Kasshu and Master Asia Everyone Jotaro Kujo, Joseph Joestar, Dio, Stroheim, Gyro Zeppeli, and nearly everyone The Major (Makoto) and Batou Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, Naraku, Sango, Kagura Gen Shishio, Kaguro Sanji, Luffy, Zoro, Mr. 2 Bon Clay , Emporio Ivankov, Whitebeard, Shanks, Mihawk, Crocodile, Rayleigh, and others Akasaka Izumi, Ed, Hohenheim, Roy Mustang, Greed, Bradley, Kimblee, Lin and Ran, Sig, Olivia Armstrong, Scar, and many others Masaru and Ikuto, Satsuma, Touma, Beelzemon, Gallantmon, Wargreymon, BlackWargreymon, Omegamon, Shoutmon, and the entire Frontier cast Code Geass Naruto Trigun Samurai Champloo Rurouni Kenshin Full Metal Panic! Gurren Lagann Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Hellsing FLCL Haruhi Suzumiya Blame! D.Gray-Man Baccano! Cowboy Bebop Dragon Ball Z Ranma ½ Berserk G Gundam Black Lagoon JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Ghost in the Shell Inuyasha Kekkaishi One Piece Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Fullmetal Alchemist Digimon Kirito Light Yagami, L, Near, and Mello, and Light's enemies any Major Character who enrolls, especially Edajima Heihachi Utena Tenjou Kamina Ayato Saeko Busujima Van, Michael, Fasalina, and the rest of the Original Seven Shana Fuma, Arashi, Kusanagi, Subaru, Kigai, Kamui, Sorata, and nearly everyone Lots of characters, especially Takamura and Takeshi Sendo Belldandy Everyone, especially Shizuo AKA Gartender, Izaya and Mikado Lots of examples, especially Kurono and Katou Ashitaka Mikura Natsuki Kuga, Haruka Char Aznable, Ramba, Ral, Amuro Ray, Norris Packard, Mu La Flaga, Rau Le Creuset, Kira Yamato, Athrun, Andrew "The Desert Tiger" Waldfeld, Yzak, Shinn Asuka, all four Gundam Meisters, Soma Peries, Sergei Smirnov, Geaham Aker, Garrod Ran, and others Nearly everyone Sword Art Online Death Note Sakigake!! Otokojuku Revolutionary Girl Utena RahXephon High School Of The Dead GUN×SWORD Shakugan no Shana X/1999 Hajime No Ippo Ah! My Goddess Durarara!! Gantz Princess Mononoke Mezzo Forte and Mezzo DSA Mai-HiME Gundam Universe Fushigi Yuugi Big Eater - You love food and have the appetite to support your love. You may eat giant portions of food in one sitting, you may be always hungry, or you be always talking and thinking about food. A healthy appetite is nothing to be ashamed of, but make sure you aren't overdoing it. If your well-being is being negatively affected by poor food choices, try not to identify too strongly with this trait. Instead, focus on making healthy lifestyle changes. Examples Ling Yao and Gluttony L, Mello Yachiru Kusajishi C.C. Naruto, Anko, Tsunade, Choji Akimichi Fuu Honey Anime Fullmetal Alchemist Death Note Bleach Code Geass Naruto Samurai Champloo Ouran High School Host Club Simon, Kamina Kagura Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Goten, Trunks Hei, Misaki Kirihara Charles Grey Chiaki Takahasi Natsu Dragneel, Erza Lupin, Jigen and Zenigata Miyako Jounouchi Katsuya America and Italy Ash, May, Team Rocket, Chespin, Piplup, Oshawatt, Diamond, Hareta Kagura, Gintoki Hatsune André Hime Suzume Gurren Lagann Azumanga Daioh Dragon Ball Darker Than Black Black Butler Sket Dance Fairy Tail Lupin III Hidamari Sketch Yu-Gi-Oh! Axis Powers Hetalia Pokémon Gintama Zettai Karen Children Rose of Versailles Yozakura Quartet Hyakko Bishonen - In Japanese, the word "bishonen" literally means "beautiful man." You have delicate features that others regard as feminine. You may even be mistaken for a woman. You may be frustrated that you aren't more masculine but remember that there are plenty of women (and men) who are very attracted to bishonen. Examples Edward, Roy Mustang, and others Light, L, Near, Mikami, Raye Penber, and others Itsuki Kaworu Nousou, Dr. Kurama Uryu Ishida, Ayasegawa Yumichika, Kuchiki Byakuya, Ukitake, Ichigo, Aizen, and others Lelouch, Suzaku, Clovis, and others Sasuke Uchiha, Sai, Neji Hyuga, Fourth Hokage Jin Kurz, Leonardo, Sousuke Howl Tamaki and nearly everyone Yuki and all of the male Sohmas Cytomander the Swift Cloud, Kadaj, Yazoo Griffith Majority of male cast Anime Fullmetal Alchemist Death Note The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Neon Genesis Evangelion Elfen Lied Bleach Code Geass Naruto Samurai Champloo Full Metal Panic! Howl's Moving Castle Ouran High School Host Club Fruits Basket Gurren Lagann Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Berserk Angel Beats! Hakuoh Akira Takizawa Lancer Mikagami Tokiya Entire male cast, pretty much Yuuto Kiba, Gasper, Vladi Sesshoumaru, Naraku, and others Hideaki Asaba and Soichiro Arima All main male cast plus most villains Takaya Ohgi and Nobutsuna Naoe Most guys, especially Shirogane, Akira, and Kou Johan Cilan, N, Chili Duel Masters Eden of the East Fate/Zero Flame of Recca Fushigi Yuugi Highschool DXD InuYasha Kare Kano Art Evolution Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Mirage of Blaze Monochrome Factor Monster Pokemon Chick Magnet - Females find you attractive. You may be handsome, funny, and intelligent, or you may be awkward, shy, and clumsy. Either way, something about you is charming to the female sex. Be careful in your position, don't let your ego get inflated or take advantage of your position to hurt those around you. Examples Light Ashitaka Shinji Ichigo, Hyorinmaru, Mizuiro Lelouch, Suzaku Sagara Sousuke All host club members Yuki Kamina Rito Ryuuji Rei Kaname Fubuki Yako and Mei Julio, and especially Saito Paptimus Scirocco, Kira Yamato Luffy The entire club, especially Tamaki Suoh Ranma Saotome Takashi Kumoro Lancer Issei Hyodo Anime Death Note Princess Mononoke Neon Genesis Evangelion Bleach Code Geass Full Metal Panic! Ouran High School Host Club Fruits Basket Gurren Lagann Love-Ru Toradora! Urusei Yatsura Vampire Knight Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Yurara Zero no Tsukaima Gundam Universe One Piece Ouran High School Host Club Ranma ½ Highschool of the Dead Fate/Zero High School D×D Touya and Yukito Cardcaptor Sakura Cloudcuckoolander - You keep your head in the clouds. You may come across as naive, serene, or distracted. Whether your mind is actually blank or you are deep in thought (you may oscillate between these two) you manage to keep your thoughts far from the preoccupations of those around you. Examples May Chang, Van Hohenheim Misa, Matsuda Haruhi, Tsuruya, Kuyou Suou Mari Haruko, Mamimi Orihime, Mayuri Mao, Milly Ashford, Lloyd Asplund, Anya Alstreim Millie Thompson Mr. Gates Tohru Sumomo Nia Osaka, Ayumu, Sakaki, Mr. Kimura Tsukasa Mutsumi Otohime Dita Shinobu Morita Ed Gedatsu, Kizaru, Vice Admiral Vergo, Monkey D. Luffy, and others Rip Van Winkle Anime Fullmetal Alchemist Death Note The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Neon Genesis Evangelion FLCL Bleach Code Geass Trigun Full Metal Panic! Fruits Basket Chobits Gurren Lagann Azumanga Daioh Lucky Star Love Hina Vandread Honey and Clover Cowboy Bebop One Piece Hellsing Chivalrous Pervert - You find females beautiful and fascinating. You may spend all day thinking about them, you may constantly flirt with them, and you'll probably feel the need to protect or defend them in certain scenarios. If you have this character trait, make sure you emphasize the chivalrous side and make sure you aren't engaging in sexist behavior. Your antics may be funny to some, but if you are hurting or offending anyone, consider apologizing and keeping your behavior in check. Examples Shunsui Kyoraku Milly Ashford, Clovis Jiraiya Anime Bleach Code Geass Naruto Jin Kurz Shigure Hideki Pip Kurozuma Wataru Ral Lupin III Ataru Moroboshi Emishi Haruki Meisuke "Nube" Nueno Miroku Sanji, Zoro Kyon Loke/Leo Great Teacher Onizuka Vash the Stampede, Badlands Rumble Hideaki Asaba Carrot Glace Shizuru Viola, Chie Hallard Samurai Champloo Full Metal Panic! Fruits Basket Chobits Hellsing A Certain Scientific Railgun Blue Dragon Lupin III Urusei Yatsura Get Backers Hell Teacher Nube InuYasha One Piece Suzumiya Haruhi Fairy Tail Great Teacher Onizuka Trigun Kare Kano Sorcerer Hunters Mai-Otome Computer Charmer or Computer Nerd - The wrench wizard enjoys working with hammers, nails, wrenches, and screws. The computer charmer, on the other hand, enjoys working with computers. You may be good at building and fixing computer hardware or software, or you may just spend enough time on the computer to really know your way around. Your friends may seek you out when their computer programs are misbehaving. Your computer skills may come in handy when your group chooses its focus or embarks on some of the projects and adventures in later chapters. Examples Hilde Schbeiker Ritsuko, Maya Ibuki, Shigeru Aoba, Makoto Hyuga, and others Radical Edward Yuu Fujikura Nene Romanova Lain Shima and others Anime Gundam Wing Neon Genesis Evangelion Cowboy Bebop Princess Lover! Bubblegum Crisis Serial Experiments Lain Uchuu no Stellvia Cordon Bleugh Chef - Despite your efforts, your cooking is assessed by others as inedible. You may have incredibly strange tastes that only you find appealing, or you agree with your friends that you shouldn't be let within 10 feet of a kitchen. This trait is both a curse and an opportunity for humor. Laugh at yourself as you learn. You may eventually go from crummy to champion. Examples Misato Cecile Croomy Nana Kallen, Shirley Fenette, Cecile Croomy, Nina Sakura Haruno Jin Kaoru Sousuke, Kalinin Yuki, Kazuma Jonouchi Takahata Akane Tendo Yamada Ayumi Taeko Orihime Kirie Princess (Hime) Anime Neon Genesis Evangelion Code Geass Elfen Lied Code Geass Naruto Samurai Champloo Rurouni Kenshin Full Metal Panic! Fruits Basket Yu-Gi-Oh! Negima!? Ranma ½ Honey and Clover Ai Yori Aoshi Bleach Girls Bravo Jura Tripper Cosplay Otaku - You love to dress up in costumes. It may seem strange, but plenty of anime characters have an affinity for cosplay. Cosplay is a colorful and fun addition to an anime group. If you don't already cosplay, you may be inclined to start after reading this book's chapter on group projects. Examples Haruhi, Mikuru, and Yuki Milly Ashford Megumi Chihaya Kyouko Akechi Tamamin Yayoi Lucy and Erza Chisame, Evangeline Amasawa Ruby Kiko Isaac and Miria Sawako-sensei Serizawa Akane Haruka Nogizaka Sakura "Penguin" Nankyoku Lots of characters Chikaru Anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Code Geass Servant × Service Yuru-Yuri Centaur no Nayami Girl Friends Hoshi No Samidare Fairy Tail Mahou Sensei Negima! The Weatherman Is My Lover Rosario + Vampire Darker Than Black Baccano! K-On! Pani Poni Dash! Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu Penguin Musume Heart Cosplay Complex Strawberry Panic! Yoshinoya-sensei Komugi Umi Rengaya Misty May and others Ohno Hidamari Sketch Nurse Witch Komugi Excel Saga Otaku no Video Genshiken Cross Dresser - You enjoy dressing like the opposite gender. Don't feel guilty or ashamed of this trait - it is common in anime and in life. You may meet with difficulty from those around you, but as you lead an increasingly independent life, you can surround yourself with people who support your interest. Examples Ranka, Haruhi, and others Hibiki-sensei Nuriko, Hotohori Naoto Shirogane Mizuho Alice Ciel Jun Tsubasa Kurenai, Konatsu, Ranma (sort of) Utena Tenjou Randoh/Yuna Seki Kino Nadeshiko Makoto/"Mako-chan" Yellow Belmont Azami Momiji, Ritsu, Ayame Anime Ouran High School Host Club I My Me! Strawberry Eggs Fushigi Yuugi Persona 4: The Animation Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru Maria-sama ga Miteru Black Butler Happiness! Ranma ½ Revolutionary Girl Utena Pretty Face Doki Doki School Hours Kinos Journey Shugo Chara! Minami-ke MOSPEADA Himawari! Fruits Basket Cute Little Fangs - Your canine teeth stand out when you smile, or possibly even during normal conversation. You may get teased that you are a vampire or part animal. Hopefully those that do the teasing realize what a cute feature your "little fangs" are. In fact, they are frequently used in anime for cuteness. Examples Rem Tsuruya Haruko Nia Seras Ouka Anime Death Note The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya FLCL Gurren Lagann Hellsing .hack//Legend of the Twilight Mara Tina Haruko Nuku Nuku Yui Rin Romania Hachikuji Tamako Leo Kyoya, Ray Kon, as the rest of the White Tigers team Train Heartnet Revy, Hansel, and Gretel Hiyori Sarugaki, Haineko Ah! My Goddess Ai Yori Aoshi AIR All Purpose Cultural Catgirl Nuku Nuku Angel Beats! Ao No Exorcist Axis Powers Hetalia Bakemonogatari Battle Club Beast Master Beyblade Black Cat Black Lagoon Bleach Deadpan Snarker - You are observant, especially of faults in people and plans. This characteristic implies a cynical nature that you express to the amusement or annoyance of friends. You may express yourself with sarcasm, or you may come across as a shrewd strategist, leader, or consultant. In some cases, the Deadpan Snarker resorts to sarcasm so often he/she finds it hard to express genuine feelings. Examples Spike L, Matt Kyon Shinji, Mari, Ritsuko entire cast Ishida, Lirin C.C., Lelouch, Milly Ashford, Lloyd Asplund Kakashi Hatake, Sai, Shikamaru Nara, Tobi, Neji and Sasuke Jin Kenshin and Saitou Hajime Haruhi Kotoko Koyomi Integra, Pip Norway, England Lots of characters R. Dorothy Wayneright Tsuyuri Vegeta,Piccolo Misaki Matsuya Anime Cowboy Bebop Death Note The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Neon Genesis Evangelion FLCL Bleach Code Geass Naruto Samurai Champloo Rurouni Kenshin Ouran High School Host Club Chobits Azumanga Daioh Hellsing Axis Powers Hetalia Black Lagoon The Big O Doujin Work Dragon Ball Excel Saga Archer, Rin, and Shirou Fate/stay night Determinator - You are the personification of perseverance. If something is important to you, and you're determined to get it, you'll persist despite all odds, no matter the cost. You may become this determined only when an especially noble goal presents itself, or tireless determination may be the way you handle every goal and dream in your life. Examples Edward, Mustang, Lan Fan, Kimbley Light, L, Mello Ashitaka Asuka, Shinji, Rei, Kaworu Bando, Nana, Lucy Ichigo, Chad, Kenpachi, Renji, Rukia, Byakuya, Grimmjow, Nnoitra, Yumichika, Baraggan, SuiFeng Kallen, Jeremiah Gottwald, Lelouch, Suzaku, and others Naruto, Hinata, Sakura, Kiba, Jiraiya, Choji Akimichi, Rock Lee, and others Mugen, Jin Kenshin, Sanosuke, Yahiko Simon, Kamina, Viral, Kittan Son Goku, Vegeta, Son Gohan, the Z Senshi, Freeza, Tenshinhan, Krillin, Videl Hannyabal, Usopp, Luffy, Zoro, Sakazuki, and others Lind Sakamoto Julietta Eren Yeager Guts Sousuke Anime Fullmetal Alchemist Death Note Princess Mononoke Neon Genesis Evangelion Elfen Lied Bleach Code Geass Naruto Samurai Champloo Rurouni Kenshin Gurren Lagann Dragon Ball One Piece Ah! My Goddess Airmaster Attack on Titan Berserk Full Metal Panic! Dojikko/Cute Clumsy Girl - Simply stated, you are clumsy in a cute way. You may also be a klutz. The difference is, while the klutz's mishaps are interpreted as funny, the dojikko's mishaps are interpreted as cute. Examples Kyoko Chihiro Miss Kisaragi, Nana Hanataro Yamada Anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Spirited Away Elfen Lied Bleach Shirley Fenette Tessa Tohru, Satsuki Usagi Tsukino, Minako Aino Wagashino Azuki Tashigi Misuzu Komari Miyuki Karin Toujo Aya and Mukai Kozue Minawa Azmaria Hendrich Ahiru Code Geass Full Metal Panic! Fruits Basket Sailor Moon Sweet Ninja Girl Azuki One Piece AIR Little Busters! Lucky Star Karin Ichigo 100% Mahoromatic Chrono Crusade Princess Tutu Elegant Gothic Lolita - You dress in the elegant gothic lolita style of Japan. You combine a gothic style featuring lots of black color and horror elements like bats and vampires with the ultra feminine lolita style of frilly dresses, ribbons, bows, and lace. If you only possess the gothic elements, you're simply a goth while those with only the lolita elements are sometimes referred to as sweet lolitas. Examples Misa Anya Alstreim Isuzu, Saki Chi, Freya Alice, Nanami Hildagarde, Lucifer Natalia/Belarus Nagisa Everyone and everything Evangeline A.K. MacDowell, Tsukuyomi Yaya Isabella, Miwako Sakurada Quon Chikage, Aria Silky Lucia, Layla, Lola, Sumire The Ame-Warashi Stocking Anime Death Note Code Geass Fruits Basket Chobits Digimon Universe Beelzebub Axis Powers Hetalia Loveless Black Butler Mahou Sensei Negima! Othello Paradise Kiss RahXephon Sister Princess Tenshi Ni Narumon Venus Versus Virus Xxx HO Li C Panty & Stocking Emotionless Girl/Guy - You stand out due to your lack of emotional reaction to the events and people around you. Unlike the Stoic, who makes an effort to be cool and collected in times of trouble or planning (when everyone else is arguing, anxious, or scared), the Emotionless Girl/Guy simply does not have strong feelings or does not understand her/his true emotions. Examples Yuki Nagato Rei Ayanami Nemu Kurotsuchi Anya Alstreim Sai Yukishiro Tomoe Eureka Chane Laforet Ai Enma R. Dorothy Waynewright Ran-Mao Vanilla Fiore Kanna Toyama Sachi Eucliwood Hellscythe Mytho Fate, Lutecia, Otto, Deed, and Sette Zazie Rainyday, Asuna Yin, July and all other dolls Yami Anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Neon Genesis Evangelion Bleach Code Geass Naruto Rurouni Kenshin Eureka Seven Baccano! Hell Girl The Big O BlackButler Galaxy Angel Chrono Crusade InuYasha Jubei-chan Kore wa Zombie desu ka? Princess Tutu Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Mahou Sensei Negima! Darker Than Black Love-Ru Evil Laugh - In anime, an evil laugh is usually reserved for super villains, mad scientists, psychos, and Large Hams. It is characterized as a laugh that erupts when contemplating some misfortune or devious scheme. It is often unusually loud or manic, making others question your sanity. Examples Light, Ryuk, Higuchi Lelouch, Emperor Charles, Suzaku Sao, Gauron Yukari, Mr. Kimura Alucard, Anderson Tomo, Mayo Sakaki, Nakago Heero Yuy, Delaz Fleet's Cima Garahau, Hallelujah, Char Aznable, Azrael, Le Creuset, Shani, Auel, and others Evangeline Lord Dearche Anime Death Note Code Geass Full Metal Panic! Azumanga Daioh Hellsing Fushigi Yuugi Gundam Universe Mahou Sensei Negima! Materials Touma Kamijou, Accelerator Tetsuo Miyu Honey Suiseiseki Most villains, especially Yami Bakura, Yami Marik, Seto Kaiba, Professor Cobra, Brron, Mad King of Dark World, Saiou/The Light, Mystical Sands Yusuke, Elder Toguro, Hiei A Certain Magical Index Akira Vampire Princess Miyu Cutey Honey Rozen Maiden Yu-Gi-Oh! YuYu Hakusho Fiery Redhead - You are the stereotypical passionate, outspoken redhead. You may be a fun person to hang out with and a great addition to parties, but if someone or something makes you angry, watch out. You keep things exciting because you are constantly fluctuating between passionate drive, outspoken humor and observation, heated debate, and downright aggression. Examples Asuka Renji Abarai, Jinta Kallen, Shinichiro Tamaki Kyo Natsu, Erza Scarlet, Knightwalker Shayla-Shayla Lucy Kei Satella Koume Sawaguchi Nami Tasuki Vita, Teana, Agito, and Nove Koizumi Risa, Otani Atsushi Matilda Ajan Kushina, Tayuya of the Sound Five, Karin, Sakura, Karui Nami Misty, Flannery, Jessie, Zoey Himeno Yoko Lina Inverse Anime Neon Genesis Evangelion Bleach Code Geass Fruits Basket Fairy Tail El-Hazard: The Magnificent World Elfen Lied Dirty Pair Chrono Crusade Blue Seed Full Metal Panic! Fushigi Yuugi Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Lovely Complex Mobile Suit Gundam Naruto One Piece Pokémon Prétear Gurren Lagann Slayers Genki Girl/Keet - You are the personification of energy and enthusiasm. For some people, your energy is a welcome motivator and source of amusement and humor. For others, your endless enthusiasm can grate on the nerves or be exhausting. Either way, you are often a catalyst in starting new projects, going on adventures, or getting into trouble. You may speak and act without thinking, which may have humorous, embarrassing, or in rare cases, hurtful results. Examples Misa Haruhi, Tsuruya Haruko Asano Keigo, Orihime, Yachiru Kusajishi, Mashiro, Senna, Nel, Mizuho Kaguya Sumeragi, Shirley Fenette, Milly Ashford, Euphemia Anko Mitarashi, Naruto Misao Kyoko Tohru, Kagura, Satsuki, Komaki, Momiji Sumomo Yuffie Tomo, Yukari-sensei Ryuk Gino Weinberg, Kaguya Sumeragi, Milly Ashford South Korea, Taiwan, Seychelles Tamaki and Honey Miria Harvent, Isaac Dian Radical Edward Mio Hio and Towa-chan Anime Death Note The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya FLCL Bleach Code Geass Naruto Rurouni Kenshin Full Metal Panic! Fruits Basket Chobits Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Azumanga Daioh Death Note Code Geass Axis Powers Hetalia Ouran High School Host Club Baccano! Cowboy Bebop DN Angel Genius Ditz/Ditzy Genius - Although you are ditzy or absent-minded, you excel in one or more skills, forcing others to expand their perception of intelligence. You may err on the side of being ditzy, with only one or two specific skills to challenge that label. In this case you are a Genius Ditz. Alternatively, you may be intelligent and skilled in many areas while being completely absent-minded or lacking common sense. In this case, you are a Ditzy Genius. Examples Misa, Sayu, L Misato Kamon Orihime, Chad Rakshata Chawla, Lloyd Asplund Naruto, Shiho Tessa Tamaki Kouji Kabuto Mihoshi Kiramitsu Anime Death Note Neon Genesis Evangelion FLCL Bleach Code Geass Naruto Full Metal Panic! Ouran High School Host Club Mazinger Z Tenchi Muyo! Yurika Misumaru Shima Katase Mutsumi Otohime Most of the characters Ed Gourry Gabriev, Naga, and Martina Inoue Miyako, Kudou Taiki Son Goku, Bulma, Dr. Briefs Athena Jirou Akutagawa America, Italy Osaka Yui Koumyou Sanzo, Tenpou Martian Successor Nadesico Stellvia of the Universe Love Hina Mahou Tsukaitai Cowboy Bebop Slayers Digimon Universe Dragon Ball ARIA Prince of Tennis Axis Powers Hetalia Azumanga Daioh K-On! Saiyuki Heavy Sleeper - Once asleep, you can sleep through anything. You can't find an alarm clock loud enough to wake you. As with the klutz, being a deep sleeper can be frustrating but also funny. Don't take yourself too seriously and when you are late to school or work due to oversleeping, remember that many an anime character has shared this situation. Examples Yuki and Kyou Sohma Tsukasa Hiiragi Anime Fruits Basket Lucky Star Snorlax, Yellow Sanya, Francesca, Erica Ed Mario Ayaka Kisaragi Morita Yusuke Kyouya Ootori Tigre Officer Higurashi Mako Asuna Kagurazaka, Negi Rock Lee Pokémon Strike Witches Fullmetal Alchemist Mawaru-Penguindrum Phantom Quest Corp Honey and Clover YuYu Hakusho Ouran High School Host Club Madan no Ou to Vanadis Kochikame Girls und Panzer Negima!? Naruto Hot-Blooded - You throw yourself head first into situations. This may get you into trouble sometimes, when you act before thinking. You may also have a temper that puts a strain on your relationships with others. Overall, however, your passion is a welcome addition to any group. You excitement often rubs off on others. Your enthusiasm is so over-the-top you make everyone grin and laugh. Unlike the Genki Girl/Keet, who is generally positive and enthusiastic, you may become passionate only at times and it may not be positive. Unlike the Determinator, who is passionate and persistant, you may become passionate for a time and then lose interest. Your passionate reactions to life may also make you a Large Ham. Examples Olivier and Alex Armstrong Haruhi Asuka, Misato, Mari Ikkaku, Ichigo, Renji, Grimmjow, Yammy, Don Kanonji, Isshin Kurosaki, Avirama Redder Kallen, Shinichir Tamaki, Jeremiah Gottwald Rock Lee, Naruto, Sakura Haruno, Kiba, Might Guy, Kushina, Gai Yahiko, Sanosuke Sagara, Tsubaki Kyo Simon, Kamina, Nia, Viral, Kittan, Lordgenome Ash Ketchum, Chuck (Shijima), Morrison (Masamune), Greta (Arena Captain Kogomi), Byron (Tougan), Gold, Pearl, Black Luffy, Sanji, Boa Hancock Masaru Daimon , Daisuke Motomiya , Tagiru, and every main hero, except Takato Subaru, Vita Princess Amelia wil Tesla Saillune, Crown Prince Philionel of Saillune Onizuka Shizuma Kusanagi Anime Fullmetal Alchemist The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Neon Genesis Evangelion Bleach Code Geass Naruto Rurouni Kenshin Full Metal Panic! Fruits Basket Gurren Lagann Pokémon One Piece Digimon Universe Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Striker S Slayers Great Teacher Onizuka Real Bout High School Idiot Hero - Some may consider you a fool, but your childlike innocence, determination, idealistic goals make you an inspiration to your friends, who may also turn to you for leadership. You may frequently make mistakes and get into messy situations, which friends may find humorous, irritating, or both. However, if many cases you emerge triumphant, often due to some underappreciated skills, through sheer determination, or due to a naively positive interpretation of outcomes. Examples Matsuda Suzaku Naruto, Kiba, Choji Akimichi, Obito Tamaki Anime Death Note Code Geass Naruto Ouran High School Host Club Kamina Ash Ketchum, Red, Gold, Black, and others Monkey D. Luffy Bit Cloud Tai, Davis, Takuya, Masaru Nagisa Misumi, Saki Hyuuga, Nozomi Yumehara, Love Momozono, Hibiki Hojo and Miyuki Hoshizora Usagi Tsukino Yuna Excel Goku Yusuke, Kuwabara Gourry Gabriev, Geoffry Goku Jil Arika Yumemiya Jaden, Crow, Yuma Gurren Lagann Pokémon One Piece Zoids: New Century Digimon Universe Pretty Cure Sailor Moon Galaxy Fraulein Yuna Excel Saga Dragon Ball YuYu Hakusho Slayers Saiyuki The Tower of Druaga Mai-Otome Yu-Gi-Oh! Universe Jerkass Facade - While you are actually a caring, considerate person, you have reasons for behaving like a jerk around other people. Perhaps you want to avoid getting close to others, perhaps you want to appear more confident, perhaps you think that acting like a jerk makes you more attractive. Whatever the reason, you have made a conscious decision to step away from your innate considerate nature and behaving as though you are uncaring and/or arrogant. Examples Roy Mustang, Ed L Alucard Lelouch, Lloyd Asplund, Mao Ichigo, Soifon, Ryuuken Nico Robin, Nami, Boa Hancock, Whitebeard, Chopper Yuuko Oogami Rei Jean Kamui Shirou Mayoi Hachifuji Itachi Uchiha, Sasuke Leorio Great Trip Anime Fullmetal Alchemist Death Note Hellsing Code Geass Bleach One Piece Shigure Sohma Fruits Basket Xxx Holic Code:Breaker Gunslinger Girl X/1999 Bakemonogatari Naruto Hunter × Hunter Violinist of Hameln: Shchelkunchik Pokémon Universe Saizou Osamu Sugo Brave 10 Future GPX Cyber Formula Jerk with a Heart of Gold - Unlike the Jerkass Facade, you tend to behave like a jerk without trying or making a conscious decision. However, beneath the arrogant, inconsiderate, or hurtful emotional reactions, you are a caring, loving person. Don't beat yourself up if you have this trait. In fact, most people have this trait to some degree because most people have protective mechanisms they use to prevent being hurt. Examples Edward, Olivier, Greed, Roy Mustang Spike and Jet Haruhi, Kyon Asuka, Toji Bandou Ichigo, Kenpachi, Renji Abarai, Byakuya Kuchiki, Kensei Muguruma Lloyd Asplund, Lelouch Naruto, Sakura, Kiba, Kankuro, Sai Nicholas D. Wolfwood Sousuke, Tsubaki Kyou Sohma, Shigure Kamina, Kittan Barret and Cid Tomo, Yukari, Kagura Pip Tasuki Nadia, Captain Nemo Roronoa Zoro, Nami, Smoker, Curly Dadan, Dr. Kureha Rei Hino, Mamoru Chiba, ChibiUsa, Haruka Tenoh Ataru Moroboshi Tsume, Quent Seto Kaiba, Katsuya Jounouchi Anime Fullmetal Alchemist Cowboy Bebop The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Neon Genesis Evangelion Elfen Lied Bleach Code Geass Naruto Trigun Full Metal Panic! Fruits Basket Gurren Lagann Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Azumanga Daioh Hellsing Fushigi Yuugi Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water One Piece Sailor Moon Urusei Yatsura Wolfs Rain Yu-Gi-Oh! Kawaiiko - Your behavior mimics that of a small child. The difference is, you are largely aware of your cute behavior. The kawaiiko walks a dangerous line between appearing irresistible and creepy. You should do what makes you happy, but be aware of how you appear to others. In general, the older you are, the more subtle you should express your cute behavior to remain on everyone's cute side. Examples Azusa Shiratori Tamama Hikaru "Rabi~en~Rose" Usada Ran Lillith Ropponmatsu II Amane Misa Munakata Shiho Akira Kogami Suzu Sakuma and Miki Koishikawa Quattro C-ko Kotobuki Marilyn Yugi Mutou, Miho Eco Anime Ranma ½ Keroro Gunso Di Gi Charat Urusei Yatsura Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito Excel Saga Death Note Mai-HiME Lucky Star Marmalade Boy Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Project A-ko Pokémon Yu-Gi-Oh! Plus-Si Klutz - Maybe you drop things, maybe you trip over your own feet. People may curse your clumsy behavior (you included) but your curse is also the gift of golden comedic moments. Relax and laugh at yourself, maybe you'll appreciate the humor off your ways. Examples Ayumu, Osaka, Chiyo Misuzu Akane Tendo Naruto, Tobi Louie Amelia Mai's mother Taiga Aisaka Dino Daisuke Roberta Nyu, Kisaragi Tohru Honda, Tohru's mom, Kyoko, and Kisa Sohma Kiara the Amaranthine Kotetsu T. Kaburagi Tearju Lunatique Anime Azumanga Daioh Air Ranma ½ Naruto Rune Soldier The Slayers Futari Wa Pretty Cure Splash Star Toradora! Katekyo Hitman Reborn!! D.N.Angel Black Lagoon Elfen Lied Fruits Basket There, Beyond the Beyond Tiger & Bunny To Love-Ru Darkness Kuudere - "Kuudere" means "hot-cold." You have a warm, loving side and a cold, pragmatic side that compete for expression. While in "cold mode" you may use silent treatment, non-verbal cues suggesting disgust or superiority, cynical comments, or emotionless or overly logical behavior. There are three basic types of Kuudere: You may be a Kuudere because you have such good control over your emotions, you stay calm and rational in all situations (in that case you may also be a Stoic or Emotionless Girl/Guy). Or, you may be a Kuudere who is cold only to those you don't trust, but warm to those you know and trust. Finally, you may be a Kuudere because you alternate between your cold side and your warm side, often reacting to certain triggers that put you in one or the other mode. Examples Riza Hawkeye, Sloth Kyon, Yuki Nagato Rei, Ritsuko Lucy Byakuya Kuchiki, Ryuuken C.C., Lloyd Asplund, Anya Alstreim Sai, Shikamaru Nara, Itachi, Neji Sakaki Lain Karuta Yue Ayase, Setsuna, Princess Arika Sakaki Switzerland, Sweden, Austria, Iceland, Japan Boa Hancock, Nico Robin Setsuna Meiou, Michiru Kaiou, Rei Hino Anime Fullmetal Alchemist The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Neon Genesis Evangelion Elfen Lied Bleach Code Geass Naruto Azumanga Daioh Serial Experiments Lain Inu X Boku SS Mahou Sensei Negima! Azumanga Daioh Axis Powers Hetalia One Piece Sailor Moon Large Ham - You have a knack for stealing the show with your over-the-top theatrics. You may or may not intentionally garner attention, but you certainly don't mind it. You act in ways that others see as outlandish, inappropriate, hilarious, or arrogant, or larger-than-life. While people generally enjoy your attention grabbing theatrics, you may overlook others when they are trying to express themselves and be heard. A Large Ham is appreciated most when he/she respects the presence and voice of others. Examples Light, Misa, Mello, Mikami Teru, Ryuk Alex Armstrong, Olivier Mira Armstrong, Major Alex Louis Armstrong, Christopher Sabat, Barry the Chopper Haruhi Uryu Ishida, Barragan, Yammy Rialgo, Szayel Aporro, Zommari, Grimmjow, Charlotte Cuulhorne, Isshin, Don Kanonji, Ikkaku, Arrancar Grand Fisher, Uryuu Ishida, and Anime Death Note Fullmetal Alchemist The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Bleach many others Lelouch, Emperor Charles, Clovis, Jeremiah Gottwald, and others Rock Lee, Might Guy, Jiraiya, Naruto, Deidara, Hidan, Killer Bee, and others Vash the Stampede, Legato Gauron, Mr. Gates Ayame, Ritsu Kamina, Kittan Tomo Alucard, Integra, Anderson Sky High Princess Amelia, Wizer Freyon Beatrice the Endless Witch, Kinzo Kyoko, Lory Takarada Yukimura and nearly everyone Dark Schneider Harely, Team Rocket, Baron Alberto, Cilan Code Geass Naruto Trigun Full Metal Panic! Fruits Basket Gurren Lagann Azumanga Daioh Hellsing Tiger & Bunny The Slayers Umineko no Naku Koro ni Skip Beat! Sengoku Basara Bastard!! Pokémon Manic Pixie Dream Girl/Guy - Although not necessarily female, this personality feature is usually reserved for attractive, quirky, eccentric females who are saturated with life to the brink of chaos. A Manic Pixie Dream Girl/Guy is a romantic about all things, lives freely and may even be considered crazy by some. You are probably also a Strange Girl/Guy. Examples Haruhi Haruko Ritsu and Yui Manabe Megumi Noda Takigawa Magister Tamaki Suoh Paprika Misha Mihoshi Akeno Ai Kamina Misaki Ai Chidori Kuruma Rosette Shuichi Shindou Anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya FLCL K-On! Kotoura-san Nodame Cantabile Onani Master Kurosawa Ouran High School Host Club Paprika Pita-Ten Sora No Manimani Video Girl Ai Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Welcome to the N.H.K. Ai-Ren Ayashi no Ceres Chrono Crusade Gravitation Meganekko/Megane - "Meganekko" means "glasses girl", although those satisfying the criteria for this personality feature may not wear glasses. The Meganekko/Megane is pleasant and sweet, while also being smart and clever. She/he is approachable, humble, and probably introverted, yet confident and reliable. And, at least in anime, characters with this personality are often found wearing glasses. Examples Sheska, Riza Mari, Makoto Arakawa Nina Einstein, Euphemia Shiho Naota's cat Nanao Ise Kyoko Mine Kinon Koyomi Yumiko, Rip Van Winkle Anthy Jin Yomiko Readman, Nenene Sumiregawa Mizuno Ami Mitsuki Harumi Fujiyoshi Tsuzuri, Mi, and Hyouka Carly Nagisa, ZEXAL Cathy Haruhi Fujioka Anime Fullmetal Alchemist Neon Genesis Evangelion Elfen Lied Code Geass Naruto FLCL Bleach Full Metal Panic! Fruits Basket Gurren Lagann Azumanga Daioh Hellsing Revolutionary Girl Utena Samurai Champloo Read or Die Sailor Moon Sakura Trick Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei A Certain Magical Index/A Certain Scientific Railgun Yu-Gi-Oh! Universe Ouran High School Host Club Messiah - In anime and popular media, the Messianic character is someone who endures sacrifice to save others. They may or may not be recognized as a chosen one or develop a group of devoted followers. Examples Ashitaka and San Ichigo, Orihime Euphemia, Shirley Fenette Naruto Vash the Stampede Fuu Tohru Yui Ikari, Rei Ayanami, Kaworu Nagisa Yoh Asakura Anime Princess Mononoke Bleach Code Geass Naruto Trigun Samurai Champloo Fruits Basket Neon Genesis Evangelion Shaman King Tsukino Usagi Son Goku Kamina, Nia Madoka Toki, Shu, Yuria Chrono and Rosette Hanyuu Tenma Miaka, Takiko Noelle Sailor Moon Dragon Ball Gurren Lagann Puella Magi Madoka Magica Fist of the North Star Chrono Crusade Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Monster Fushigi Yuugi Tenshi Ni Narumon Moe - A character possessing "Moe" is a character that people want to protect, hug, and comfort. They are almost always cute, and usually young. Often this character is innocent, shy, naive, or helpless is some way. If you are also a Klutz, you are surely a Dojikko. Examples May Chang Mikuru and Yuki Rei Ayanami Nyu Momo Hinamori, Orihime, Hanataro, Nemu, and Isane Nunnally, Kaguya Sumeragi, Shirley Fenette, Euphemia, and others Hinata Hyuga Tessa Tohru, Momiji, Kisa Chi Simon, Nia, Viral Chiyo, Ayumu Seras Sailors Saturn and Mercury Momo Most of the female cast Mizuho Young Gilbert Haruhi, Haninozuka Mitsukuni, Kirimi NEKOZAWA Mio Akiyama, Azusa, Yui, and basically everyone Anime Fullmetal Alchemist The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Neon Genesis Evangelion Elfen Lied Bleach Code Geass Naruto Full Metal Panic! Fruits Basket Chobits Gurren Lagann Azumanga Daioh Hellsing Sailor Moon Sangatsu no Lion School Rumble Please Teacher! Pandora Hearts Ouran High School Host Club K-On! Ojou/Princely Young Man - An Ojou-san or Ojou-sama is someone with high-class female characteristics. Often, this person is wealthy, but not necessarily. The key to this personality is that people treat her like royalty or at least, respect her formal attitude by reciprocating. She is often found in a powerful role, such as the president of a club or council. The Princely Young Man is the closest male counterpart to the Ojou. Like the ojou, this is someone who is treated as an aristocrat and who assumes mannerisms and behavior to match. This person need not be wealthy or be heir to a noble lineage, although they often are. Often, this person has gained their status through a position of authority they acquired themselves or through their popularity or charm. Examples Kiyomi Tsuruya Cornelia, Kallen, Kaguya Sumeragi, Milly Ashford, and others Hinata Hyuga Ren Chiyo Integra Prince Schneizel, Gino Weinberg, Li Xingke Tamaki and the others Yuki Maito Senpuuji Tokiya Gouiche Austria Nozomu Kanou Keigo Atobe Light Yagami Sasuke Uchiha Anime Death Note The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Code Geass Naruto Full Metal Panic! Azumanga Daioh Hellsing Code Geass Ouran High School Host Club Fruits Basket The Brave Express Might Gaine YuYu Hakusho Zero no Tsukaima Axis Powers Hetalia Nurse Angel Ririka SOS The Prince of Tennis Death Note Naruto Plucky Girl - This person is, above all else, brave and optimistic, even in the face of challenge. Although she may feel defeated at times, she ultimately charges forth with enthusiasm. She tends to be more optimistic than the Determinator. Examples Meifa Winry, May Chang Asuka Rukia Kuchiki, Orihime Inoue, Karin Kurosaki, Tatsuki Arisawa, Chizuru Honshou, Yoruichi Shihouin, Sui-Feng, Yachiru Kusachiji, Nanao Ise, Rangiku Matsumoto, Hiyori Sarugaki, Lisa Yadomaru, Mashiro Kuna, Tia Harribel, and others Kallen, Kaguya Sumeragi, Milly Ashford, Anime Cowboy Bebop Fullmetal Alchemist Neon Genesis Evangelion Bleach Code Geass Euphemia, and Shirley Fenette Hinata Hyuuga, Tenten, Sakura Haruno, Sasori Meryl Strife Fuu Yoko, Nia Teppelin Seras Keiko Yukimura and to a lesser extent Yukina, Shizuru, Botan, Ayame, Hinageshi from The Movie, Kokou, Natsume, the Lady Doctor, and Mukuro Relena Peacecraft, Hilde Schbeiker, Sally Po, Cathy Bloom, Long Meiran and Lucrezia Noin Nena Trinity, Mileina Vashti, Feldt Grace Cleao Everlasting Hungary, Belarus, Vietnam, Taiwan, Prussia, Poland, Korea, Ukraine, Belgium Maya Kitajima, Ayumi Himekawa All the girls, especially Anko Tokosumi, Kana Ushiro, and Youko Machi Naruto Trigun Samurai Champloo Gurren Lagann Hellsing YuYu Hakusho Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Sorcerer Stabber Orphen Axis Powers Hetalia Glass Mask Bokurano The Quiet One - The quiet is very simply, a person who rarely speaks. This person can be male or female. They are not necessarily loners, although they may come across that way. Because they rarely speak, their words carry an extra weight. This is usually justified as the quiet one tends to be thoughtful, speaking with care and consideration for what's being said. Examples Mori Rei Ayanami, Gendo Ikari Chad Sado, Noba, Hyorinmaru, Nakeem, Tsumiko, Katen Kyokotsu, Tenken, Wabisuke Sai, Shino Aburame Sakaki Kanzo, Mogi Sousuke Sagara Seijuro Shin, Dakichi Komusubi Jin Isumi Saginomiya Oji Karasuma Minami Iwasaki Yuki Nagato Egypt, Japan, Russia Bertolt Hoover Mayu Morita Shiina, Tenshi/Kanade Anime Ouran High School Host Club Neon Genesis Evangelion Bleach Naruto Azumanga Daioh Death Note Full Metal Panic! Eyeshield 21 Samurai Champloo Hayate the Combat Butler School Rumble Lucky Star Haruhi Suzumiya Axis Powers Hetalia Attack on Titan Morita-san Wa Mukuchi Angel Beats! Kenshiro Warrant Officer Falman Veffidas Fist of the North Star Fullmetal Alchemist Macross 7 Slasher Smile - A slasher smile is a smile that conveys no warmth. Instead, aggression, mischief, or madness are typically implied by this exaggerated grin. This characteristic often accompanies wild and crazy personalities. However, it is sometimes seen in otherwise sane personalities, where it is brought on by some trigger or periodic mischievous thought. Examples Greed, Truth, Envy, Kimbley, Wrath, Gluttony, and Lust Higuchi, Light, Mikami, Ryuk Asuka, Mari Lucy Kazeshini, Mayuri, Kenpachi, Ichigo's inner Hollow, Ikkaku, Nnoitra, Ginjou, Szayel, Tsukishima, Nianzol, and Unohana Alucard, Anderson, Yumie, and almost everyone Revy, Roberta, Hansel, Gretel, Balalaika, Rock Anemone K Touma, Accelerator Agito Yomi Dilandau Jackal Kaguro Kuroudo Akabane, Ban Legato Bluesummers, Millions Knives Everyone Anime Fullmetal Alchemist Death Note Neon Genesis Evangelion Elfen Lied Bleach Hellsing Black Lagoon Eureka Seven From the New World A Certain Magical Index Air Gear Ga-Rei The Vision of Escaflowne Fairy Tail Kekkaishi Getbackers Trigun Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Stoic - This personality is calm and collected, regardless of the circumstances. When everyone else is jumping with joy or trembling with fear, this person seems unaffected. This person tends to be brutally honest and can thereby offend others. The polar opposite of the Stoic is the HotBlooded personality. There may be a select few instances where this person displays emotion, but their default reactions range from mild interest to detachment to outright disdain. While the Stoic's outward calm is more intentional or due to a calculating mind, the Emotionless Guy/Girl just lacks emotion or is confused about their feelings. Examples Anime Scar, Hawkeye, King Bradley Light, L, Near, Kanzo, Mikami, Naomi Haku Fuyutsuki Naota Ichigo, Noba, Byakuya Kuchiki, Ulquiorra, Ryuuken, and many others C.C., Toudou, Anya Alstreim Sasuke and Itachi Uchiha, Neji, Yamato, Kakashi, Shino Aburame, Gaara, and others Jin, Sara Sousuke, Zaied, Atsunobu Hatori, Machi Kuragi Kuroko Paul von Oberstein Houtarou Oreki Henri, Yenje Hishigi Nia Levi, Mikasa Ackerman, Bertolt Hoover Fullmetal Alchemist Death Note Spirited Away Neon Genesis Evangelion FLCL Bleach Code Geass Naruto Samurai Champloo Full Metal Panic! Fruits Basket Kuroko no Basuke Legend of the Galactic Heroes Hyouka Marginal Prince Samurai Deeper Kyo Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls Attack on Titan Shrinking Violet - This person is incredibly shy. They often lack self-confidence and feel that their presence is at best, tolerable. They tend to apologize at lot. Although they are most comfortable when nobody notices them, they may secretly desire to reach out or be noticed but are plagued by fears of rejection. They may also be The Quiet One. Examples Sakaki Shinji Mayu, Nozomi Nina Einstein, Empress Tianzi Hinata Hyuga, Chojuro, Osuzu Tsubame Machi, Ritsu Sohma Kazumi Yoshida Chiyo Hiromi Latvia, Ukraine, Canada, Poland Koyomi Hare Nanaka Shinobu Maehara Makiko Endou Anime Azumanga Daioh Neon Genesis Evangelion Elfen Lied Code Geass Naruto Samurai Champloo Rurouni Kenshin Fruits Basket Shakugan no Shana Strawberry Panic! Diabolo Axis Powers Hetalia Girls Bravo Love Hina Hana Yori Dango Strange Girl/Guy - This person is regarded by their peers as strange or peculiar. The motivations for their behavior is often not understood or unpredictable and their mannerisms are often unique. They may be a Manic Pixie Dream Girl (who, in addition to being strange or eccentric, is also romantic or adventurous) or a CloudCuckoolander (who is strange and also spacey.) Examples Haruhi, Sasaki Rei, Mari C.C. Saki Simon Anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Neon Genesis Evangelion Code Geass Fruits Basket Gurren Lagann Supreme Chef - A blessing to friends and family, the champion cook makes delicious food with or without a recipe. Be generous with your skills, cooking for friends, but avoid being overbearing in the kitchen. Even if you are the best cook in your circle of friends, others may be eager to improve. Examples Haruhi Shinji Sebastian and Claude France, China, Thailand, Taiwan, Austria Lelouch Lamperouge, Milly Ashford Makoto Kino Tomoka Osakada Kurumu Kurono Rin Akihisa Yoshii Shouma Takakura Nanako Misonou Kakei Anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Neon Genesis Evangelion Black Butler Axis Powers Hetalia Code Geass Sailor Moon The Prince of Tennis Rosario + Vampire Blue Exorcist Baka and Test: Summon the Beasts Mawaru-Penguindrum Oniisama e Kinou Nani Tabeta? Tall, Dark/Light, and Bishoujo/Bishonen - This feature is a combination of appearance and personality. In appearance, this person combines several (not necessarily all) of the following characteristics: taller than her peers, voluptuous body, long hair, strong contrast between hair color and skin color, regarded as beautiful by her peers. In personality, this person tends to be mature. Often their maturity makes them somewhat aloof or distant. They are often regarded with admiration. Examples Olivier, Lust Naomi Misora, Takada Haruhi Anime Fullmetal Alchemist Death Note The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Lucy Nanao Ise, Miyako Shiba Princess Cornelia, C.C., Milly Ashford Kurenai Yuhi, Tsunade Isuzu 'Rin' Sohma, Ren Sakaki Chane Laforet Ai Shinozaki Ai Shinozaki Erika Jun Fudo Namie Yagiri Fasalina Akira Akira Ookuchi, Mana Ogasawara Sachiko Elfen Lied Bleach Code Geass Naruto Fruits Basket Azumanga Daioh Baccano! Corrector Yui Hell Teacher Nube Daimos Devilman Lady Durarara!! GUN×SWORD ARIA Mahou Sensei Negima! Maria-sama ga Miteru Tall, Dark/Light, and Snarky - Like the Tall, Dark, and Bishoujo/Bishonen, this feature is a combination of appearance and personality. In appearance, they are often tall and regarded as handsome or beautiful by their peers. In personality they usually come across as arrogant or constantly annoyed. They often view the people around them as idiots, and match that view with snarky comments. Despite their critical eye (or perhaps because of it), they are often mentors whose advice carries considerable weight with their friends and admirers. Examples Light, Reiji Namikawa Asuka, Gendo, Kaji Uryu Ishida, Byakuya Kuchiki Lelouch Sasuke Uchiha, Neji Hyuga Saitou, Aoshi, Hiko Seijirou, and Kenshin Kyoya-senpai Alucard, Walter, Pip Ranma Saotome Dee Guts Ban Mido Barnaby Brooks Jr. Naoki Shinjyo Ikuto George Anime Death Note Neon Genesis Evangelion Bleach Code Geass Naruto Rurouni Kenshin Ouran High School Host Club Hellsing Ranma ½ FAKE Berserk Get Backers Tiger & Bunny Future GPX Cyber Formula Shugo Chara! Paradise Kiss Tomboy/Bokukko - Your behavior, appearance, dress, or sentiments may resemble those of a male. You may be tougher than most of your female friends, or you may be as athletic as your male friends. You may not like "girly" things, or you may have an interest in typically male activities. The tomboy comes in many forms. You can embrace what makes your a tomboy without identifying with all tomboy traits. The tomboy is often a welcome contrast to otherwise overly feminine characters in many anime. Examples Sasaki Haruhi Arisa Uotani, Akito Sohma Kiyal Kagura Shayla-Shayla Makoto and Haruka Kanna Kirishima Yoruichi's cat form, Kuukaku Shiba, Giselle Gewelle, Liltotto Lamperd JunJun Eve/Abe Ryuunosuke Ukyo Kuonji Souseiseki Kei Anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Ouran High School Host Club Fruits Basket Gurren Lagann Azumanga Daioh El-Hazard Sailor Moon Sakura Taisen Bleach Amazones Quartet Spice and Wolf Urusei Yatsura Ranma ½ Rozen Maiden Dirty Pair Tsundere - This is a person who tends to oscillate between two extremes of mood, usually towards one person or group. At times, they are sweet, kind, and generous. Other times, they are harsh, irritable, and annoyed. This behavior often stems from an inner struggle between feelings of love for a person or group and the insecurity or disappointment that arises as a response to those feelings. Typically, the "Tsun" or cold side is just a facade while the "dere" or sweet side is the true personality. The Tsundere tends to apply to females, while Jerk with a Heart of Gold is very similar but tends to apply to males. This feature is very similar to Kuudere, except that a Kuudere's negative side is more cold or withdrawn while a Tsundere's negative side is more irritated or angry. Examples Winry, Izumi, Lan Fan Naomi Misora Kyon Toki Asuka, Misato Yuka Eri Anime Fullmetal Alchemist Death Note The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Princess Mononoke Neon Genesis Evangelion Elfen Lied FLCL Soifon Lelouch, Kallen, Cornelia Sakura Haruno, Ino Yamanaka, Tsunade Meryl Strife Kaoru Kaname Kyo, Kagura, Hiro Yoko Integra, Seras Bleach Code Geass Naruto Trigun Rurouni Kenshin Full Metal Panic! Fruits Basket Gurren Lagann Hellsing Trickster - A person who plays tricks on others or who enjoys disobeying conventional rules is a trickster. This person is not necessarily malevolent, they may just get a kick out of foiling expectations. Although often they are simple in it for the laughs, at times this person can use tricks to cheat or manipulate others. If this person is political, they may be disobeying societal norms as a means of protesting an aspect of society they disagree with. They may also be an Anti-Hero. Examples Haruhi Kaworu C.C. Naruto Edward Elric, The Truth Xelloss Gin Ichimaru Kanade Niou Masaharu Monkey D. Luffy Chantez Arpinion Anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Neon Genesis Evangelion Code Geass Naruto Fullmetal Alchemist Slayers Bleach Mayo Chiki! Prince of Tennis One Piece Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid Wrench Wizard/Gadgeteer Genius - You are talented with tools, good at fixing and building things. You may be the first person your friends and family turn to when one of their possessions is broken. Depending on the focus and projects your anime group decides to pursue, your wrench wizard skills may come in very handy. Examples Winry, Pinako Leite Jokin Tenten Watari Rakshata Chawla, Nina Einstein, Cecile Croomy Anime Fullmetal Alchemist Gurren Lagann Naruto Death Note Code Geass Ikuyo Miyuki Kobayakawa Kana Parfet Balblair Fio Alto Leona Ozaki Hanaukyō Maid Tai You're Under Arrest! Haibane Renmei Vandread Porco Rosso Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Striker S Dominion Tank Police Yamato Nadeshiko - This is a very Japanese personality feature. "Yamato" is a term for Japan usually reserved for poetry. "Nadeshiko" is a term for a wildflower found in Japanese highlands. These words together refer to a woman who reflects a traditional ideal for a Japanese woman. She is fiercely loyal to her family, friends, and respected authorities. Like a wildflower, she is both delicate and strong. She typically possesses domestic skills alongside wisdom and maturity. Physically, this person is often delicate with pale skin and long straight dark hair. Examples Trisha, Gracia Mikuru Rei Ayanami, Hikari Horaki Momo Hinamori, Captain Unohana, Miyako Shiba, Sode no Shirayuki, Kanae Katagiri, Sun Sun, Nemu Kurotsuchi Cecile Croomy, Nunnally, Sayoko Shinozaki Haku, Hinata Hyuga, Hanabi Hyuga, Mikoto Uchiha Tsubame, Sayo Mutou Ren Tohru Mirai Yashima, Aina Sakhalin, Lacus Clyne, Caridad Yamato Aoi Sakuraba Kasumi Tendo, Nodoka Saotome, Akari Unryuu, Satsuki Haruka Shitow Belldandy Shizuka Minamoto Tomoe Anime Fullmetal Alchemist The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Neon Genesis Evangelion Bleach Code Geass Naruto Rurouni Kenshin Full Metal Panic! Fruits Basket Gundam Universe Ai Yori Aoshi Ranma ½ RahXephon Ah! My Goddess Doraemon Queen's Blade Yandere - Like the Tsundere and the Kuudere, the Yandere oscillates between two moods. As opposed to the former features, the sweet or "dere" side is often a facade, while the "Yan" or crazy side is the hidden or true personality. The crazy side of this person ranges from being obsessive, controlling, jealous, or actually crazy. Examples Misa, Kiyomi Ryoko Gendo Ikari, Ritsuko, and Naoko Akagi Lucy Mamimi Momo Hinamori, Loly, Menoly, Sora, Homura Mao, Nina, Rolo, V.V. Leonardo Akito, Kagura, Ren Yuno Gasai Wrath Aqua Crimson Momo Juvia Mimi Shiho Munakata and Shizuru Fujino Anime Death Note The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Neon Genesis Evangelion Elfen Lied FLCL Bleach Code Geass Full Metal Panic! Fruits Basket Future Diary Fullmetal Alchemist Martian Successor Nadesico To Love-Ru Fairy Tale Lovely Complex Mai Hime Big Brother/Sister Mentor- You may be older and wiser than your friends, or you just act that way. People tend to come to you for advice, since you typically have a sensible and considerate perspective. At times, you may come off as bossy or stern. But at heart, you are looking out for your friends. Examples Kuwabara Dino Kamina Roy Fokker Hughes Marida Marida Zoro, Ace Maiza Avaro Byakuya Kuchiki Takenori Akagi Ayase Eli, Toukou Nozomi, Sonoda Umi Mio Akiyama Anime YuYu Hakusho Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Macross/Robotech Fullmetal Alchemist Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple One Piece Baccano! Bleach Slam Dunk Love Live! School Idol Project K-ON! Assessment 2: Multi-Dimensional Archetype If you matched more than one type, now is the time to decide what type you most identify with. If you matched just one time, read about it below. If it doesn't seem to match you, look back at your scores and see if there are any letters pairs with comparable scores. A change of one letter makes a big difference to the personality type. 1. The Committed - Has a desire for a safe and peaceful life. If motivated, can be thorough, hard-working, and dependable. This comes in part due to their natural ability to concentrate and accomplish the tasks they've set their mind to. Enjoys traditions and structured activities and goals. Has an excellent ability to organize. Tends to be quiet and serious. 2. The Technician - Has a desire to know how and why things work. May be interested in spontaneity and risk-tasking, including extreme sports. A loyal friend with a strong value system. Living for the moment unimpeded is usually more important than following rules and regulations. Skilled at solving practical problems in a detached and analytical way. 3. The Nourisher - You tend to put the needs of your friends above your own. You are observant, perceptive, and conscientious of other's feelings. You are usually quiet and kind. If motivated, your desire to serve others makes you extremely dependable friend. 4. The Artist - You do not like conflict. You appreciate all of your senses, which you use to guide you to beauty. You are flexible, creative, open-minded, and original. You have no desire to lead or control others, only to enjoy the present moment and appreciate beauty. You tend to be quiet, serious, sensitive, faithful, and kind. 5. The Defender - You are concerned for other's and perceptive about their feelings. You have a perseverance to finish what you start, especially if it is a morally motivated goal. You have a strong value system that you follow even in tempting or difficult situations. You tend to be an individual, rather than leading or following. 6. The Perfectionist - An idealist interested in serving humanity. You try to live according to your strong value system. You are adaptable and friendly unless someone challenges your value system. Your reflective nature, interest in understanding people, and ability see many possibilities at once gives you a predisposition for creative arts like writing. You are a loyal friend. 7. The Researcher - Your originality, analytical nature, and determination give you a knack for turning ideas into realistic plans and solving problems. Enjoy finding meaning through knowledge and living with structure. A natural leader with high standards for yourself and others. 8. The Philosopher - Your originality, logical, and creative nature give you a knack for bringing understanding to abstract ideas. A lover of ideas, knowledge, logic, and ideas. Your quiet, individualistic, and reserved nature makes you hard to get to know well. 9. The Go-Getter - You live in the present moment and you like immediate results. Your friendly, adaptable, and action-oriented nature makes you great with people. You may not feel much loyalty to rules and regulations, but you 10. The Gate Keeper - You are interested in things only when you see a practical application. Your loyal, hard-working nature combined with clear visions of the way things should be inclines you to leadership roles. Being practical and organized, you excel at organizing and running activities. You probably enjoy athletic activities. You value security, harmony, and tradition. 11. The Entertainer - You enjoy being the center of attention, infecting those around you with your fun-loving nature. You enjoy making others happy. When making decisions, you follow your well-developed common sense over impersonal analysis. You have many practical abilities. 12. The Caretaker - Your strong sense of responsibility and duty lead you to enjoy serving others and often put their needs ahead of yours. Your warm-hearted, conscientious nature makes you popular with others. The positive reinforcement you get from others is an important source of motivation for you. You have a strong awareness of the space and function around you. 13. The Motivator - You have a broad range of interests and abilities, but quickly become bored with details. Although you are open-minded and flexible, you're an idealist with inner values that are of considerable importance to you. Your enthusiastic and creative nature makes you able to do almost anything that interests you. You have good people skills. 14. The Provider - Your sensitivity and concern for how others think and feel combine to give you excellent people skills. This makes you popular, good at managing others, and good at leading group discussions. You enjoy serving others and dislike being alone. 15. The Daydreamer - Outspoken, assertive, creative, and a quick intellect make you an exciting addition to social events. You have many talents, and often become interested in new things, although you may neglect the responsibilities of daily living. You understand new concepts without difficulty and apply logic to find solutions to problems and make decisions. 16. The Commander - Your assertive nature, ability to find solutions to difficult organizational problems, and your talent for public speaking make you a convincing leader. You are wellinformed and intelligent and become easily frustrated when you perceive people as disorganized or incompetent. Assessment 3: Your Element Everyone has all the elements within themselves, but not in equal measure. Some people may be fairly balanced between several elements, while others will have a single element that is much stronger than the others. Celebrate your dominant element and feed it, but don't neglect other elements in your life. Individuals have the power to balance their dominant element with a supporting element, and this is actually recommended. Resonating strongly with only one element can lead to imbalances in personal and public life. More information about Chinese five-element theory as it applies to personality can be found in the book Mastering 5-Elements by Tanya Storch. Staying Balanced According to Chinese five-element theory, it's best not to have one element in excess. In order to balance your dominant element consider building the energy of your next strongest element or building the energy of the element that naturally supports your dominant element. In five-element theory, each element is supported by another element. Water supports tree, tree supports fire, fire supports earth, earth supports metal, and metal supports water. You need not focus on only one or two elements. Be supportive of as many elements in your life as you feel like embracing. Fire Element Based on this assessment, you are a fire element. According to Chinese five-element theory, fire people are the most energetic of all the elements. They are passionate, enchanting, and romantic, but must guard against becoming too impatient or hot-blooded. The fire element is naturally enhanced in everyone during the teens and early twenties. Fire elements cultivate their energy by using the colors orange, red, and yellow in their dress, decoration, and interior design. Hot foods like coffee, tea, soup, and hot meals are good for fire people. Spicy foods like peppers, cinnamon, and curry are also good. As a fire, trying new things, including new foods, is important to build your fire energy. Fire power is boosted in summer, the fire person's most powerful season. When in the privacy of their own space, fires enjoy wearing little or no clothing. Because fires are powered by the sun, noon is the most powerful time of day for a fire. It is the time of day when they have the most energy for exercise and work, and when their appetite peaks. Fires enjoy rooms with wide open sunny windows. Fires are best suited for living in the southern United States (although the southeast may be a bit too wet/watery for them) and may not tolerate northern climates well. Fire energy is centered in the heart. For this reason, fire people must take special care of their heart and are more prone to problems there. Water Element Based on this assessment, you are a water element. According to Chinese five-element theory, water people are withdrawn and philosophically inclined and must guard against becoming too passive or stagnant. Although the water element is misunderstood in modern Western culture, it is the most valued element in Asian cultures, where water types are chosen as leaders and heroes. The water element is naturally enhanced in everyone during old age between ages 48-60 (after this the elements cycle again, beginning with tree). Water elements cultivate their energy by using shades of blue in their dress, decoration, and interior design. Each water element usually has one special shade of blue that resonates with them more than other shades. Water people are often picky eaters, but should make sure to include salty and bitter foods in their diet as these support their energy. Waters should avoid food and drink at hot temperatures. Water power is boosted in the winter, the water person's most powerful season. Winter also provides the water person with a chance to hide - cloaked in layers of clothing or withdrawn indoors the water person maintains their energy best. Night hours are the most powerful time for a water person when they may shift from shy to talkative. Water people should pay close attention to their insights and dreams during the night hours. Waters are best suited for living in the Northern United States. Water energy is centered in the kidney. For this reason, water people must take special care of their kidneys and are more prone to problems there. Tree Element Based on this assessment, you are a tree element. According to Chinese five-element theory, tree people are the sweetest and kindest of the elements, but trees can sacrifice themselves and are often taken advantage of. Their strength lies in their creativity and nurturing, healing nature. The tree element is naturally enhanced during early childhood - from 1-12 years old. A tree person may feel like a child at heart. Tree elements cultivate their energy by using shades of green in their dress, decoration, and interior design. Each tree element usually has one special shade of green that resonates with them more than other shades. Tree people crave sweet foods and these are a source of energy for tree people. However, they should be careful not to overindulge. Trees need lots of sweetness in their life but it doesn't all have to be in the form of sweet food. Tree power is boosted in the spring, the tree person's most powerful season. The morning hours are the most powerful time for a tree person. Be sure to go to sleep at a reasonable hour so that you can enjoy the morning. Tree energy is centered in the liver and failure to care for this organ with a healthy diet and stress management can lead to skin problems like rashes and acne. Metal Element Based on this assessment, you are a metal element. According to Chinese five-element theory, metal people are highly valued in modern Western culture. They are disciplined, orderly, and rational, but may be less developed or open emotionally. Metal energy is enhanced in everyone during midlife, between the ages of 36-48. Metal elements cultivate their energy by using highly contrasting colors and highly symmetrical patterns in their dress, decoration, and interior design. Sour and pickled foods are good for the metal person. Metal power is boosted in the autumn, the metal person's most powerful season. Late afternoon is the most powerful time of day for the metal person, when they have time to work on their self-improvement and important projects and hobbies. Metals are best suited for living in the Western United States. Metal energy is centered in the lungs. Because metals are often in positions of leadership and responsibility, they may spend long hours indoors and giving instructions, both activities that stress the lungs. Additionally, metals have a tendency to be high-strung. All of these issues can be helped, and the lungs strengthened, by regularly singing. Earth Element Based on this assessment, you are an earth element. According to Chinese five-element theory, earth people are balance-keepers in society, getting along with all elements. They enjoy the comfort that only comes with a life in balance. Earth energy is greatest in enhanced in everyone during early adulthood, ages 24 - 36. Earth elements cultivate their energy by using colors of the earth - browns, greens, blacks, and purples, in their dress, decoration, and interior design. Some earths are also drawn to golds and yellows, including gold jewelry. However, the most important consideration in an earth person's wardrobe is the comfort of the fabric. Earth needs a balance of tastes, with nothing too spicy, too sour, too sweet, or too bitter. Earth's often have big appetites and especially enjoy hearty foods. Earth power is boosted during the transition of seasons, when summer goes to fall, fall goes to winter, winter goes to spring, and spring goes to summer. Early afternoon is the most powerful time for earth's to recharge. Therefore, earth people should give themselves time to relax directly after work or school. Earth people do well living in the Midwest. Earth energy is centered in the stomach. As an earth, take care to cherish your meals and not overeat. Summary "The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." –Ralph Waldo Emerson Once you have completed all of the assessments, you may have developed some insight about your personality, or ways in which you can cultivate an anime persona that integrates seamlessly with your innate personality. Don't restrict your self-image to this collection of categories, but use them to gain perspective on yourself and to develop your personal story and that of your friends. Record Your Results Print this page for your records, or check out My Anime Life for a printable version of this page to download. My Anime Personality Features: List all features you have from the Anime Personality Features assessment and any you've created/found on your own ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ My Multi-Dimensional Archtype: ________________________________________ My Primary Element: ________________________________________ My Supporting Element: ________________________________________ Chapter 2: Creating A Group Focus " Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." –Henry David Thoreau "I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear." –Rosa Parks "It is never too late to be what you might have been." –George Eliot "Do what you can, where you are, with what you have. " –Teddy Roosevelt You may have a group of friends built around an interest in anime, but in order to be like anime, your group needs a focus other than watching and talking about anime. At first glance, it may seem difficult to construct a group focus like the ones in anime, after all, you probably don't have magical powers, arch enemies, or meet mysterious strangers on a daily basis. But look again at your favorite anime - can you find a realistic side to what the characters are doing? Maybe, they are helping people and saving lives. Maybe, they are training and sparring with martial arts. Maybe they are in a band. There are countless examples of activities and pursuits that can be engaged in by you and your friends that will provide a canvas for adventure, mayhem, and character development. Your group may choose to focus intensely on one project or it may branch out to include multiple foci. In this chapter we will review a few activities with enough room for development and regular activity to be excellent options for a group focus.
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