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Beginner’s Guide to Quiltmaking PLUS 7Speedy Strip-pieced Patterns Beginner’s Guide Includes: Patterns Includes: Rotary Cutting Chintz Fantasy Strip Piecing Illusion How to Make Continuous Bias Be My Sweetheart Quiltmaking Fundamentals Firecracker Pesto Presto Harvest Table Tuck Me In visit our website: Beginner’s Guide Part 1: Rotary Cutting Rotary cutting has revolutionized quiltmaking! Were it not for these wonderfully handy gadgets, millions of quiltmakers would not have joined the quilting craze. Using cutting tools safely and accurately is very important, so we want to share a few tips for beginning rotary-cutters in hopes that you will get optimum advantage from the projects in Quick Quilts! One One After being cut or torn at the store and then washed and ironed at home, fabric is almost never straight and ready for rotary cutting. It is imperative that you start with a straight edge across the width of the fabric. Bringing selvages together, allow fabric to drop in front of you. Keeping selvages even, scoot fabric along with your fingers until it falls perfectly straight. The raw edges where fabric is torn will probably not match up. Place 6” x 24” rotary-cutting ruler on fabric, aligning one of the crosswise measuring lines precisely along the fold. Pressing down firmly on the ruler with your left (right) hand, cut away from yourself along the ruler edge. Some people prefer cutting part way, stopping the cutting motion but not lifting the cutter, moving the left (right) hand up, then finishing the cut. Three Turn cutting board around so that newly straightened edge is to the left (right). To cut strips, find line on ruler to match width of strip desired. Place this line exactly on cut edge of fabric and cut strip. Four Two Lay fabric on cutting mat with folded edge toward you and raw edge to be straightened to the right (left-handers to the left). Two To cut perfect squares: Align 1 or more strips of the same width and trim ends to get an even starting point. Make cuts the same width as strips were cut. Three Four McCall’s Quilting Quick Quilts 1 Part 3: Part 4: How to Make Continuous Bias 1. Remove selvages from fabric and cut a 40˝ square. (A 40˝ square should make about 16 yards of 2d˝-wide bias strip.) Five Frequently used shapes are half-square and quarter-square triangles. A square cut once diagonally makes 2 half-square triangles; a square cut twice diagonally makes 4 quarter-square triangles. Part 2: Strip Piecing Strip-piecing refers to rotary cut strips of specified widths being sewn together on long edges to make strip-pieced units (photo A). When creating simple strip-pieced patchwork (nine-patch squares, for example), press seam allowances in opposite directions (photo B) so that long units can be layered for cutting quickly and will later be easy to sew. In the photo, seam allowances were pressed toward the light floral fabric on both strips. Strip-pieced units are cut apart, segments positioned to make patchwork, and sewn together (photo C). Five 2. Lightly label square, as shown in Diagram I. Cut square in half diagonally to make triangles. With right sides facing and raw edges aligned, join triangles (seam 1) to form a parallelogram, as shown in Diagram II. Press seam open. Measure and mark across parallelogram with lines equal to the width of your bias strip, as shown. Seam 2 A Seam 1 3. Form a tube by aligning edges marked seam 2, matching your marked lines and offsetting the edge of one strip width beyond line. (See Diagram III.) Stitch and press seam open. B 4. Start at offset end and cut around the tube on marked lines for your continuous bias strip. C 2 McCall’s Quilting Quick Quilts Seam 2 Diagram II Q Quiltmaking Fundamentals These instructions are intended to give you a brief and basic introduction to quiltmaking. Instructions for quilts on this disc are written for the individual with some sewing experience. Take time to review these pages before beginning if you are making your first quilt. Basic Quiltmaking Supplies Iron and ironing board Pencils and sharpener Quilting hoop or frame Quilting thread (cotton for hand quilting, monofilament or cotton for machine quilting) Pins and pincushion Rotary cutter and mat (at least 18˝ x 24˝) Rulers: 2˝ x 18˝, clear plastic 12˝ square, and 6˝ x 24˝ for use with a rotary cutter Sewing machine Sewing thread in colors to match your fabrics Shears, 8˝ (for fabric) Fabric Preparation We recommend washing, drying, and pressing all fabrics before using. Pre-washing will help wash out excess dye and preshrink the fabric. Occasionally, a fabric will continue to “bleed” after several washings. If this occurs, add one cup of white vinegar to one gallon water and soak fabric to help set the color. If the fabric still continues to “bleed,” do not use the fabric. To add body to prewashed fabric, use spray fabric finish (not starch) when pressing. Pressing One of the most important steps in quiltmaking (and most sewing) is proper pressing. It is important to press after sewing each seam. When working with strips, be careful to press them straight and not make arcs. When working with bias edges, press them as little as possible before they are sewn to another piece. Use a light touch when pressing. Lift the iron, then place back down on the seam or piece to be pressed instead of “ironing” without lifting the iron. Be as careful pressing as you are cutting and sewing for the best possible results. Machine Piecing To join pieces by machine, place two pieces with right sides together. Align raw edges and insert pins, perpendicular to seam line, to secure. (Pins are removed just before reaching the sewing machine needle.) When machine piecing, an accurate ¼˝ seam allowance is important. Place a piece of masking tape on your machine ¼˝ to right of your needle to mark a ¼˝ seam allowance. When stitching, align raw eges of fabric with tape. A ¼˝ presser foot is also available for most machines. A machine-stitched seam line is sewn from raw edge to raw edge, and backstitching is not necessary because seams will be crossed by another line of stitching. Seam allowances are normally pressed to one side, usually toward the darker fabric. Chain-Piecing To chain-piece, feed pairs of fabric pieces to be stitched under the presser foot one after the other, without cutting the sewing threads between them. After stitching the first pair, take a few stitches without any fabric under the needle; then insert the second pair. The sewing threads form short “chains” between the paired pieces. Continue in this manner until all pairs have been stitched. Cut the chains after stitching. Making Quick Triangles For two half-square triangles, place two squares right sides together. Draw a diagonal line across top square and stitch a ¼˝ seam on both sides of the line. Cut apart on the drawn line. This is particularly useful when working on scrap quilts. Machine Appliqué For the machine-appliqué method discussed below, all pattern pieces are cut without seam allowances. Then raw edges are covered with a close machine satin stitch or blanket stitch. Use a lightweight paper-backed fusible web to fuse the appliqué piece to the background fabric. Draw templates on the paper side of the fusible web. Fuse to wrong side of appliqué fabric. Peel paper off, and following manufacturer’s instructions, fuse appliqué to background fabric. Use commercially made stabilizer or other material that will tear out of the stitching beneath the appliqué piece and background to add strength and firmness before machineappliquéing (stitching). Marking Quilting Patterns Always press the quilt top thoroughly before marking. Check for misalignment of seams or any puckering and correct, if possible. There are many marking tools available to quilters, including #2 pencil, water-erasable markers, chalk pencils, artist’s white or silver pencils, and many more. Before choosing the tool to mark the quilt top, ALWAYS TEST FOR REMOVABILITY. What works on one quilt may not work on the next! Quilts can be marked using stencils, templates, or rulers, to name just a few choices. As you progress, you will find the method that gives you the most satisfactory results. Commercially made stencils are available through quilt and fabric stores, or you can make your own from template plastic. Place the stencil on the quilt top, and lightly mark on the top, using the tool of your choice (for dark fabrics, dressmaker’s chalk pencil or a white or silver artist’s pencil work well). Backing The backing of a quilt is just as important as the quilt top. The fabric used should be of the same quality as the fabric used in the top. If making a wall hanging 32˝ wide or less, a seamless backing is easy to cut. For quilts larger than 32˝ wide, a seamed backing is necessary unless you are using fabric widths greater than the commonly used 40/42˝. Backing should be cut 4˝ larger than the quilt on all sides and sewn with a vertical or horizontal seam (choose seaming method that uses least fabric to make the backing size needed). Press backing seams open. Choosing Batting There are several factors to consider when choosing batting for a quilting project. How do you want the quilt to look? How close together will the rows of quilting be? Are you quilting by hand or machine? What is the end use of the quilt? All of these questions will affect which batting you choose for the project. Most batting comes in standard pre-cut sizes. The standard batting sizes are: Crib 45˝ x 60˝ Twin 72˝ x 90˝ Full 81˝ x 96˝ Queen 90˝ x 108˝ King 120˝ x 120˝ Batting also comes in a number of different fibers (not all fibers come in all standard sizes). If you prefer an old-fashioned looking quilt, looking a little rumpled and well loved, consider using batting that is mostly cotton (cotton batting requires more quilting than some other fibers). McCall’s Quilting Quick Quilts 3 If you like “puffy” quilts, use a high-loft polyester batting. If you don’t want to do a lot of quilting, use a regular or low loft polyester. Batting also comes in wool, silk, and other fibers (these are not as widely available as cotton and polyester batting). If you are not sure which batting is right for your project, consult the professionals at your local quilt or fabric store. Layering For any size quilt, other than a small wall hanging, layering and basting is easier when done with a partner. Whether you choose to quilt by hand or machine, the layering process is the same. There are, however, different basting methods for hand or machine quilting. Finger-crease the backing in half lengthwise to find center, and lightly mark on wrong side at bottom and top edges. On a smooth, flat working surface a little larger than the quilt, place backing with right side down. Smooth out any wrinkles until the backing is flat (use masking tape to tape backing taut to work surface, if possible). Unfold batting and layer it on backing. Smooth out wrinkles carefully, to keep backing wrinkle free. Fold the quilt top in half lengthwise to find center, and lightly mark on wrong side at bottom and top edges. With right side up, place quilt top on top of the backing and batting, keeping all layers wrinkle free. Match center marks of quilt top and backing. Remove any loose threads. Use straight pins to keep layers from shifting while you baste. Basting The purpose of basting is to hold the three layers together to prevent shifting while quilting. Therefore, the quilt should be adequately basted. Telltale signs of poorly basted quilts are puckering and wrinkling of the backing. If hand quilting, baste, using a darning needle threaded with approximately 18˝ of sewing thread. Insert needle through all layers in center of quilt and baste layers together using a long running stitch. The first line of basting should be edge to edge, up the vertical center of the quilt. The second line of basting should be edge to edge across the horizontal center of the quilt. Continue to baste in a grid or starburst pattern until the layers are completely stabilized. If machine quilting, instead of using needle and thread to baste, use nickel-plated safety pins. Start in the center of the quilt. In a circular pattern, radiating out to all edges, 4 McCall’s Quilting Quick Quilts place a safety pin about every 4˝ (about the width of a hand). If possible, avoid pinning in areas where you know you will be quilting (if quilting in the ditch, avoid pinning on seam lines). This is not always possible, and there are times that safety pins will have to be removed when machine quilting. Straight-grain binding is usually cut in 2½˝wide strips and folded in half lengthwise before being attached. (A ¼˝ seam allowance is included in the width measurements.) The width may vary according to the thickness of your quilt and your personal preference. Machine Quilting Because of the improvement in homesewing machines, machine quilting has become easier to do, and with practice, just like hand quilting, great results can be achieved. Machine quilting can be done using straight-line stitching, free-motion stitching, or a combination of both. After the quilt is pin-basted, roll both long edges toward the center of the quilt with the quilt top facing up. Keep rolling until there is about a 12˝-wide area between rolls at the center of the quilt. Use bicycle clips (sold in quilt and fabric stores) to secure rolls. Fold one unrolled end over several times so that the quilt is compact and will fit on your lap while you stitch. Before quilting, it is best to map out a strategy. The object of this strategy is to find the longest uninterrupted stitching routes. Once these routes are determined, make a directional map of your design to guide you as you stitch. This will enable you to stitch the longest line without stopping. The less you have to stop and start, the better. The even-feed foot or walking foot is helpful for straight-line stitching. It assists the top fabric through the machine at the same rate as the feed dog moves the bottom fabric. Place unrolled section of quilt under presser foot and stitch. Work to the right. When the right side is completed, remove quilt, reroll quilted side, turn it, and stitch left side. Rest the quilt in your lap while stitching and support the stitched quilt on a table behind your sewing machine after it is stitched. A darning foot is used for free-motion quilting, with the machine’s feed dogs lowered. The quilt is slowly moved with your fingertips from side to side under the darning foot (your hands act as the quilting “hoop”). The machine should be operated at a steady, medium speed to prevent uneven stitches. Meander quilting and stippling are two types of free-motion quilting. Attaching the Binding A carefully stitched binding is vital to a successful quilt. To begin, stitch layers of quilt together ¼˝ from the quilt edge. Trim excess batting and fabric. With right sides together and raw edges even, pin the binding to the quilt top. If using a continuous binding, fold beginning end over with wrong sides together and start stitching at the midpoint of your quilt. If using straight-grain binding, start stitching 6˝ from the end of the binding at the quilt corners. Backstitch at the beginning and end of stitching. Stitch through all layers and miter the corners of the binding strips. Fold the binding to the quilt back, and blindstitch in place. To make straightgrain binding with overlapped corners, stitch binding to opposite sides of quilt and trim even with top and bottom. Blindstitch to quilt back. Stitch binding to top and bottom, leaving 2˝ of extra binding at each end. Fold the raw end of binding in, then fold binding toward back of quilt. Blindstitch in place, stitching corners securely. To miter corners of your binding strip, stop stitching ¼˝ from first corner and backstitch. Remove the quilt from the machine and turn it 90º. Fold binding strip over itself to form a 45º fold. When done correctly, the edge of the unattached binding will align with the quilt’s raw edge. Begin stitching again at the corner and backstitch. Continue around the quilt in the same manner until binding ends meet. Finishing Quilts can be bound with binding cut on the bias or on the straight grain. A continuous strip of bias is recommended for quilts that will be used frequently, and those with scalloped edges or rounded corners. (See How To Make Continuous Bias.) Signing Your Quilt Signing your quilt is the most important step in quiltmaking, next to making it. It is a documentation of who made the quilt and when. Your documentation should include the name of the quilt, the quiltmaker, city, state, date, and quilt pattern. Special thoughts or feelings about the quilt can also be included. The documentation can be typed on muslin or written with a fabricmarking pen. Instead of making a separate label, many quilters embroider their name and the date into the top of the quilt or on the back. Designed by Darlene Zimmerman Finished Sizes 2 Place Mats 14¼˝ x 19¼˝ 2 Napkins 13˝ x 13˝ be my sweetheart cut! plan! Prepare a romantic Valentine meal complete with red and white table settings just for the two of you. It’s fast and easy and sure to be a hit! ✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱ shop! for place mats and napkins Red/white dot (piecing, binding) White/red dot (piecing, napkins) Backing Low-loft batting 1⅛ yds. ⅞ yd. ⅞ yd. 24˝ x 37˝ piece Red/white dot *2 strips 2½” x 78”, pieced from 4 widths of fabric strips (binding) 4 strips 1¾˝ x 24˝ 3 strips 1¾˝ x 20˝ 4 strips 3˝ x 16˝ 4 strips 3˝ x 12˝ White/red dot 3 strips 1¾˝ x 24˝ 4 strips 1¾˝ x 20˝ 8 squares 3˝ x 3˝ Backing and low-loft batting—cut from each: 2 rectangles 18˝ x 23˝ *Cut first. place mats 1 Sew red/white dot and white/red dot 24˝ strips together, alternating (Diagram I). Press seams in direction of arrows. Make 1. Cut 12 segments 1¾˝ wide. In similar manner, make and press 20˝ strip set. Cut 10 segments 1¾˝ wide. Cut 1¾” 12 1¾” x 24˝ Black medium rickrack (place mats) 7 yds. Black mini rickrack (napkins) 3 yds. Sewing thread, black ✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱ 1 McCall’s Quilting Quick Quilts Make 1 Cut 1¾” 10 1¾” x 20˝ Make 1 Diagram I napkins 2 Sew 11 segments together, 6 red/white and 5 white/red, alternating (Diagram II-A). Make 2 for place mat centers. Cut black medium rickrack into the following lengths: 4 strips 15˝ each, 4 strips 10˝ each, 4 strips 20˝ each, and 4 strips 17˝ each. Sew 15˝ strips to top and bottom, aligning with raw edges of place mat center (Diagram II-B). Trim ends even with sides. In same manner, stitch 10˝ lengths of rickrack to sides, overlapping trimmed top/ bottom rickrack strips; trim even with top/bottom. Repeat for second place mat center. from short raw edge to short raw edge. Trim red 16˝ strips to this measurement and sew white 3˝ squares to ends. Stitch red 12˝ strips to short sides of place mat center; trim even with top/bottom. Sew pieced strips to top/bottom. Stitch 20˝ rickrack strips to top/bottom, aligning with raw edges; trim even (Diagram III-B). Sew 17˝ rickrack strips to sides; trim even. Make 2 place mat tops. 20˝ cut! White/red dot 2 squares 14˝ x 14˝ 5 Turn under ¼˝ twice on all sides of white/red 14˝ square (Diagram IV). Press. Sew close to folded edges. Make 2. 6 Cut black mini rickrack into 2 strips 54˝ each. Using black thread, stitch 54˝ length of rickrack on right side of napkin, centering on stitching line of hem and pivoting at corners. Trim excess as you approach starting point of stitched rickrack, turning under the last ¼˝ to hide raw ends. Repeat on second napkin. 17˝ Make 2 Diagram II-A Diagram III-B 4 Layer place mat top, batting and 15˝ 10˝ 14” wrong side backing rectangles. Baste and quilt. Darlene machine ditch quilted all seams. She hand quilted a heart and leaves motif in the red borders and outline quilted each white corner square. Bind with red/white dot. Make 2. Make 2 Diagram II-B 3 Referring to Diagram III-A, measure exact width of place mat center Diagram IV 3” x 16˝ 3” x 12˝ 3” Diagram III-A McCall’s Quilting Quick Quilts 2 Chintz Fantasy Designed by Kathie Holland Machine Quilted by Lorre Fleming Finished Quilt Size 92½˝ x 92½˝ Number of Blocks and Finished Size 25 Double Four-Patch Blocks 9˝ x 9˝ 24 Square-in-a-Square Blocks 9˝ x 9˝ Plan! Since the large bird print used in the outer border is directional, Kathie cut her side borders on the lengthwise grain, and the top and bottom border strips on the crosswise grain. She pieced the top and bottom borders with diagonal seams, a trick that makes the seams nearly invisible in the large design motif. We’ve included enough yardage so you can do likewise, if you wish. You Need: Cream texture (fourpatches) #1, #2 and #3 rose/ cream prints (fourpatches) Dark rose print (blocks) Tan/cream/wine print (blocks) Brown print (blocks) Large bird print (blocks, outer border, binding) Rose/cream stripe (inner border) Backing Batting *See Plan! 1 McCall’s Quilting Quick Quilts ½ yd. ¼ yd. each ¾ yd. 1⅜ yds. 1¼ yds. 5⅝ yds.* ¾ yd. 8½ yds. King size Cut! Cream texture 6 strips 2⅛˝ x width of fabric (WOF) #1, #2 and #3 rose/cream prints— cut from each: 2 strips 2⅛˝ x WOF Dark rose print 50 squares 3¾˝ x 3¾˝ Tan/cream/wine print 50 squares 5½˝ x 5½˝, cut in half diagonally to make 100 half-square triangles Brown print 48 squares 5½˝ x 5½˝, cut in half diagonally to make 96 halfsquare triangles Large bird print *2 strips 13˝ x 72˝, cut on lengthwise grain *2 strips 13˝ x 96˝, pieced from 6 WOF strips 11 strips 2½˝ x WOF (binding) 24 squares 6⅞˝ x 6⅞˝ Rose/cream stripe 4 strips 2½˝ x 72˝, pieced from 8 WOF strips *Cut first. cream/#2 print segments 2⅛˝ wide; cut 32 cream/#3 print segments 2⅛˝ wide. � Arrange and stitch matching strip segments together (Diagram II) to make four-patch square. Make 18 using #1 print segments, and 16 each using #2 and #3 print segments. Cut 36 2⅛” Make 2 Cut 32 2⅛” Make 2 Cut 32 2⅛” Make 2 Diagram I Sew! 쐃 Referring to Diagram I, sew cream texture and #1 rose/cream print 2⅛˝ x WOF strips together. Make 2. Press in direction of arrow. Cut 36 segments 2⅛˝ wide. In same manner, make 2 strip sets each sewing cream texture strips to #2 and #3 rose/cream print strips. Press in direction of arrow. Cut 32 Make 18 Make 16 Make 16 Diagram II � Using matching pair of four-patch squares and 2 dark rose print 3¾˝ squares, arrange and sew double four-patch square (Diagram III). Make 16 total of first arrangement and 9 total of the second arrangement. 3¾˝ � Sew tan/cream/wine print 5½˝ half-square triangles to sides of double four-patch square to complete Double Four-Patch Block (Diagram IV). Make 16 of first arrangement and 9 of second arrangement. In same manner, sew brown print 5½˝ halfsquare triangles to sides of large bird print 6⅞˝ square to make Square-ina-Square Block (Diagram V). Make 24. Trim all blocks to 9½˝ square. Make 16 total Make 9 total Diagram III 5½˝ � Referring to Assembly Diagram, arrange and sew 7 rows of 7 blocks each, alternating blocks, and following placement and orientation of Double Four-Patch Blocks. Sew rows together. 5½˝ � Sew 2½˝ x 72˝ rose/cream stripe strips to sides; trim even with top and bottom. Sew remaining rose/cream stripe strips to top/bottom; trim even with sides. Stitch large bird print 13˝ x 72˝ strips to sides; trim even. Stitch bird print 13˝ x 96˝ strips to top/bottom; trim even. 6⅞˝ Make 24 Diagram V � Layer, baste, and quilt. Mountain 2½” x 72” 13” x 72” Mist Cream Rose batting was used in this quilt. Lorre machine quilted a continuous swirling leaf pattern over the entire quilt. Bind quilt with large bird print fabric (see Quiltmaking Fundamentals). 13” x 96” 3 McCall’s Quilting Quick Quilts Assembly Diagram firecracker Designed by Dolores Smith and Sarah Maxwell Machine Quilted by Connie Gresham Finished Quilt Size 75˝ x 87˝ Number of Blocks and Finished Size 30 Flag Blocks 12˝ x 12˝ plan Dolores and Sarah designed this firecracker of a quilt to take advantage of all of the wonderful patriotic prints available now. We’ve listed the fabrics by their predominant color, but all of the fabrics in the quilt are a combination of red, white, and blue. Also, Sarah and Dolores chose to include one mottled fabric of each color; do likewise if you wish. cut Assorted white prints—cut 30 sets of: 2 matching strips 2˝ x 20˝ Assorted red prints/stripes—cut 30 sets of: 2 matching strips 2˝ x 20˝ Assorted blue prints/stripes—cut a total of: 30 squares 6½˝ x 6½˝ Medium blue dot 4 strips 2˝ x 76˝, pieced from 8 width of fabric (WOF) strips Blue star print 4 strips 6¼˝ x 80˝, pieced from 8 WOF strips Red dot 9 strips 2½˝ x WOF (binding) sew 1 Referring to Diagram I, stitch together 2 matching white strips and 2 matching red strips to make strip set. Make 30 total. Press in direction of arrows. Cut 3 segments 6½˝ wide from each. Cut 30 sets of 3 matching 6½˝ 2˝ x 20˝ Make 30 total Diagram I ✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱ shop Assorted white prints (blocks) Assorted red prints/stripes (blocks) Assorted blue prints/stripes (blocks) 1⅞-2¼ yds. total 1⅞-2¼ yds. total 1¼-1¾ yds. total Medium blue dot (inner border) Blue star print (outer border) Red dot (binding) Backing (piece widthwise) Batting ⅝ yd. 1⅝ yds. ⅞ yd. 7⅛ yds. Queen size 2 Sew 2 rows using 1 assorted blue square and 3 matching white/red segments (Diagram II). Sew rows together to make Flag Block. Make 30 total. 6½˝ ✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱ Make 30 total Diagram II McCall’s Quilting Quick Quilts 2 3 Note: Refer to Assembly Diagram and photos for following steps. Sew 6 rows of 5 blocks each. Stitch rows together. 4 Sew medium blue strips to sides of quilt; trim even with top/bottom. Stitch remaining medium blue strips to top/bottom; trim even with sides. Stitch blue star print strips to sides; trim even. Stitch remaining blue star strips to top/bottom; trim even. 5 Layer, baste, and quilt. The feature quilt is machine quilted with red thread in an allover stars and stripes pattern. Bind with red dot. 6¼˝ x 80˝ 6¼˝ x 80˝ 2˝ x 76˝ Assembly Diagram 3 McCall’s Quilting Quick Quilts harvest table ✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱ shop Designed by Jo Beth Simons Finished Table Runner Size 12⅞˝ x 37⅝˝ Number of Blocks & Finished Size 1 Appliquéd Block 8¾˝ x 8¾˝ Note: See end of pattern for templates. Templates are printed reversed and without seam allowance for use with paperbacked fusible web. Light gold texture (appliqué background, backing) Dark green dot (stem/ leaves, piecing) Orange plaid (pumpkin details, piecing) Orange texture (pumpkin, piecing) Brown mottle (pumpkin stem) Red leaf print, green/red berry print, and gold large leaf print (piecing) Dark green texture (binding) Batting 1⅜ yds. 1 fat quarter* 1 fat quarter* 1 fat quarter* 3˝ x 4˝ piece 1 fat quarter* each ⅜ yd. 19˝ x 44˝ piece ¼ yd. Paper-backed fusible web Embroidery floss, tan *A fat quarter is an 18˝ x 20-22˝ cut of fabric. ✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱ cut Note: Cutting instructions for appliqué shapes are given on templates at end of pattern. Cut all 10½˝ strips first, then continue with Step 1 to prepare and cut appliqué shapes. Light gold texture *1 strip 19˝ x 44˝ (backing), cut on lengthwise grain 1 square 9¼˝ x 9¼˝ Dark green dot, orange plaid, orange texture, red leaf print, green/red berry print, and gold large leaf print—cut from each: 2 strips 2˝ x 10½˝ 2 strips 1¾˝ x 10½˝ 2 strips 1½˝ x 10½˝ 2 strips 1¼˝ x 10½˝ 2 strips 1˝ x 10½˝ Dark green texture 3 strips 2½˝ x width of fabric (binding) *Cut first. 1 McCall’s Quilting Quick Quilts sew 1 Trace Templates A-E on paper side of 5 Referring to Assembly Diagram, stitch paper-backed fusible web. Cut apart, leaving small margin beyond drawn lines. Following manufacturer’s instructions, fuse to wrong side of appropriate fabrics; cut apart on drawn lines. 2 Finger-press light gold square in half twice diagonally; use folds as placement guide. Referring to Diagram I-A and photo, position template fabrics in alphabetical order. 9¼˝ remaining quarter-square triangles to sides of block to make table runner center. Sew 2 pieced squares together, watching orientation. Make 2 total and stitch to sides of table runner center. Sew large triangles to ends. E Asssembly Diagram C B 6 Layer, baste, and quilt. Jo Beth hand out- D Diagram I-C A 3 Referring to Diagram II-A, sew 10½˝ strips together in random fabric and stripwidth order to make a pieced rectangle at least 10¼˝ x 10½˝. Make 4 total. Press seams all in one direction. Trim to 10˝ square. Cut trimmed squares in half twice diagonally (Diagram II-B) to make 16 quarter-square triangles. Make 1 Diagram I-A Following manufacturer’s instructions, fuse in place. Machine or hand buttonhole stitch (Diagram I-B) around appliqué. Note: Jo Beth chose to use a hand appliqué technique. If you wish to do likewise, skip paper-backed fusible web line quilted the center square and appliqué. She added a line of quilting ¼˝ inside 1 seam line on each fabric strip. Bind with dark green texture. at least 10¼˝ 10½˝ 10˝ Make 4 total; trim to 10˝ square Diagram II-A Cut in half twice diagonally Diagram II-B 4 Sew 2 triangles together to make pieced Diagram I-B Make 1 instructions, and remember to reverse all templates and to add ¼˝ turn-under allowance when preparing fabric shapes. Using tan embroidery floss and stem stitch (Diagram I-C), embroider leaf veins and pumpkin curlicue (see templates for placement). Make 1 Appliquéd Block. square, watching orientation of fabric strips (Diagram III-A). Make 4 total. Sew 2 triangles together to make large triangle (Diagram III-B). Make 2 total. Make 4 total Diagram III-A Make 2 total Diagram III-B McCall’s Quilting Quick Quilts 2 ge t extu re 3 McCall’s Quilting Quick Quilts lat Tem p lat e Ora Cut 1 D nge pla id Tem p late Bro Cut 1 E wn mo ttle Tem p Dar Cut 1 e A k gr een dot T (wh empla t ole pum e C Ora Cut 1 pkin ) n stem stitc h Ora Cut 1 B nge pla id Tem pla te harvest table templates illusion Designed by Leah Nelson Finished Quilt Size 57½˝ x 67½˝ Number of Blocks and Finished Size 25 Illusion Blocks 8˝ x 10˝ plan This lovely quilt is made with just one block and two fabrics. Elegant but easy, this pattern lends itself to an infinite number of fabric pairings. Take a Saturday and whip one up for that perfect Mother’s Day present or wedding gift! 1 McCall’s Quilting Quick Quilts cut shop Black floral (blocks, outer border, binding) Black/multicolor dot (blocks, inner border) Backing (piece widthwise) Batting 3⅛ yds. 2⅜ yds. 3¾ yds. Twin size Black floral *4 strips 7˝ x 60˝, cut on lengthwise grain 6 strips 2½˝ x width of fabric (WOF) 7 strips 2½˝ x WOF (binding) 2 strips 4½˝ x WOF 26 strips 2½˝ x 8½˝ Black/multicolor dot *4 strips 2½˝ x 54˝, cut on lengthwise grain 3 strips 4½˝ x WOF 4 strips 2½˝ x WOF 24 strips 2½˝ x 8½˝ *Cut first. sew 1 Referring to Diagram I, stitch black floral 2½˝ x WOF strips to sides of black/multicolor dot 4½˝ strip. Make 3. Press in direction of arrows. Cut into 13 segments 6½˝ wide. In same manner, sew black dot 2½˝ x WOF strips and black floral 4½˝ strip together to make strip set. Make 2. Press, and cut into 12 segments 6½˝ wide. Cut 13 6½˝ 2½” x WOF 4½” x WOF 2½” x WOF Make 3 Cut 12 6½˝ for following steps. Watching placement of blocks, stitch 5 rows of 5 blocks each. Sew rows together. 4 Sew black dot 54˝ strips to sides; trim even with top and bottom. Sew remaining black dot strips to top and bottom; trim even with sides. Stitch black floral 60˝ strips to sides; trim even with top/bottom. Stitch remaining black floral strips to top/bottom; trim even with sides. 5 Layer, baste, and quilt. Leah machine quilted an overall continuous leaf and flower design on her quilt. Bind with black floral. 2½” x WOF Diagram I Make 2 2 Stitch 2½˝ x 8½˝ strips to top/bottom of each segment (Diagram II) to make Illusion Block. Make in fabric arrangements and quantities shown. 2½” x 8½˝ 7” x 60˝ 2½” x 54˝ 2½” x 54˝ 3 Note: Refer to Assembly Diagram 4½” x WOF 7” x 60˝ 2½” x WOF Assembly Diagram Make 13 Diagram II Make 12 McCall’s Quilting Quick Quilts 2 Designed by Ann Weber Finished Quilt Size 60½˝ x 60½˝ Number of Blocks & Finished Size 4 Double Nine-patch Blocks 9˝ x 9˝ 16 Nine-patch Chain Variation Blocks 9˝ x 9˝ 16 Nine-patch Chain Blocks 9˝ x 9˝ pesto presto 1 McCall’s Quilting Quick Quilts shop 8 assorted black/white prints/textures (blocks, border) 8 assorted white/black prints/ textures (blocks, border) Assorted green prints and textures (blocks) *Assorted white/black medium prints and textures (blocks, border) Black/white print (binding) Backing Batting *See Plan. ⅜ yd. each ⅜ yd. each 1½-1¾ yds. total ⅞-1⅛ yds. total ¾ yd. 4 yds. Twin size plan Vibrant and bold, this quilt adds a fresh feeling to any room. If you’ve been collecting black and white fabrics, then you’ll love this stash-smashing pattern. Notice that Ann chose to substitute several white-onwhite squares for white/black medium print/texture squares. Do likewise if you wish. cut 8 assorted black/white prints and textures—cut from each: 5 strips 1½˝ x width of fabric (WOF) 8 assorted white/black prints and textures—cut from each: 4 strips 1½˝ x WOF Assorted green prints and textures—cut a total of: 144 squares 3½˝ x 3½˝ Assorted white/black medium prints and textures*— cut a total of: 72 squares 3½˝ x 3½˝ Black/white print 7 strips 2½˝ x WOF (binding) *See Plan. 2 Referring to Diagram I-B, sew 3 sew 1 Sew 2 matching black/white 1½˝ x WOF strips to sides of white/black 1½˝ x WOF strip (Diagram I-A). Make 2. Press seams in direction of arrows. Using same fabrics, stitch 2 white/black 1½˝ strips to sides of black/white 1½˝ strip. Make 1. Press seams in direction of arrows. Cut 1½˝ segments in quantities shown. In same manner, make remaining strip sets and cut segments. Cut 46 from each 1½” set 1½” x WOF matching segments together to make nine-patch. Make 184 total. Make 184 total Diagram I-B 3 Stitch 3 rows using 5 assorted ninepatches and 4 assorted green 3½˝ squares (Diagram II). Sew rows together to make Double Ninepatch Block. Make 4 total. 4 Using 4 assorted nine-patches, 4 green squares, and 1 assorted white/black medium print/texture square, sew 3 rows (Diagram III). Stitch rows together to make Ninepatch Chain Variation Block. Make 16 total. In same manner, use 3 nine-patches, 4 green squares, and 2 white/black print squares to make Nine-patch Chain Block (Diagram IV). Make 16 total. 3½˝ 3½˝ 3½˝ Make 8 sets of 2 matching Cut 23 from each 1½” 1½” x WOF Make 8 total Diagram I-A Make 4 total Diagram II Make 16 total Diagram III Make 16 total Diagram IV McCall’s Quilting Quick Quilts 2 5 Stitch 2 assorted nine-patch units to sides of white/black square to make pieced strip (Diagram V). Make 24 total. 3½˝ Make 24 total Diagram V 6 Note: Refer to Assembly Diagram and photos for following steps. Watching orientation, stitch 6 rows of 6 blocks each. Stitch rows together. 7 Sew 6 pieced strips together end to end. Make 2 and stitch to sides of quilt. Stitch 6 pieced strips together to make top/bottom border, adding 1 nine-patch to each end. Make 2 and stitch to top/bottom of quilt. 8 Layer, baste, and quilt. Ann machine ditch quilted around the nine-patches and squares. Wavy lines are centered on all vertical and horizontal rows. Bind with black/white print. Assembly Diagram 3 McCall’s Quilting Quick Quilts tuck me in Designed by Sue Keck and Sue Shipman for Friendship Designs Unique Quilt Patterns Machine Quilted by Sue Shipman Finished Quilt Size 47½˝ x 56½˝ Number of Blocks & Finished Size 12 Six-Bar Blocks 9˝ x 9˝ 8 Three-Bar Blocks 9˝ x 9˝ ✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱ cut shop Yellow print 9 strips 2˝ x width of fabric (WOF) 2 strips 3½˝ x WOF 2 strips 2˝ x 45½˝, pieced from 3 WOF strips 2 strips 2˝ x 39½˝ 4 squares 3½˝ x 3½˝ Green mottle and pink print–cut from each: 9 strips 2˝ x WOF 1 strip 3½˝ x WOF Yellow/pink print 9 strips 2˝ x WOF 2 strips 3½˝ x WOF Yellow print (blocks, borders) 1¼ yds. Green mottle and pink print (blocks, pieced ¾ yd. border) each Yellow/pink print (blocks, pieced border) ⅞ yd. Backing (piece widthwise) 3⅛ yds. Batting Twin size *Yellow ruffled quilt binding, 2˝ wide 6¼ yds. *Available at your local fabric store or online at ✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱ plan Bright and bold, this quickly-pieced quilt is finished with a purchased ruffle. Ruffled quilt binding comes in a limited number of colors, so choose your binding first and then select fabrics that complement your ruffle color. 1 McCall’s Quilting Quick Quilts make the quilt 1 Referring to Diagram I, sew 2˝ x WOF strips together in quantities and colors shown to make strip sets. Make 2 of each combination. Press in direction of arrows. Cut six 9½˝ Six-Bar Blocks of each color combination. 2 Repeating stitch, press, and cut process from Step 1, use 3½˝ x WOF strips to make Three-Bar Blocks (Diagram II). Cut 4 of each color combination. Cut 4 9½” 3½” x WOF Cut 4 Make 1 9½” 3½” x WOF Diagram II Make 1 3 In same manner, use remaining 2˝ x WOF strips to make strip sets (Diagram III-A). Cut 58 segments from each color combination. Referring to Diagram III-B, sew 2 segments together to make fourpatch. Make 58. 6 Layer, baste, and quilt. The featured 4 Refer to Assembly Diagram for following steps. Stitch 5 rows of 4 blocks each, watching position and orientation. Sew rows together. 5 Watching orientation, make pieced side border by stitching together 16 four-patches. Make 2 and sew to sides of quilt. In same manner, stitch 13 four-patches together to make top/bottom pieced border. Make 2. Sew yellow print 3½˝ squares to ends and stitch to top/bottom of quilt. quilt was machine quilted with a heart meander on the yellow print, loops on the pink print, flowers on the yellow/pink patches, and a meander on the green. Note: Stop quilting approximately 1-1½˝ from raw edge to allow space to add the ruffle. McCall’s Quilting Quick Quilts 2 add a ruffled binding 7 Trim ungathered edge of ruffled quilt binding to ¼˝ from gathering line (Photo A). C F D G E H A 8 Open one end of ruffle and fold ¼˝ of ruffle fabric to inside, leaving straight tape part of binding unfolded (Photo B). Topstitch near fold to form hem. You may find it useful to use an awl or similar tool to control the fold while stitching (Photo C). B 9 Fold backing and batting under and pin away from edges of the quilt top. Starting on any side (not at a corner), and aligning raw edges, pin or baste ruffled binding to top (Photo D). Note: Do not stretch binding around corners. When you reach the starting point, overlap ruffle by 1¼˝ and trim end (Photo E). Hem as in Step 8. Stitch ends together, using ½˝ seam; press open (Photo F). 3 McCall’s Quilting Quick Quilts 10 Using ¼˝ seam, sew ruffle to quilt top (Photo G). Unpin backing and batting and trim backing even with quilt top. Trim batting ¼˝ smaller than top on all sides. Fold ¼˝ under on all sides of quilt top (ruffle will now be to the outside) and backing, enclosing batting edge in backing fold (Photo H); press. 11 Pin layers together and hand stitch folded backing edges to back of ruffle. Add additional quilting to edges if desired.