STOMATA PROPERTIES OF INVASIVE PLANT Reynoutria japonica Houtt. IN THE AREA OF TOPCIDER RIVER SIDES Matilda Djukić, Danijela Djunisijević Bojović, Dragica Obratov Petković, Mihailo Grbić, Ivana Bjedov, Dragana Skočajić and Milica Milojević University in Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, Department for Landscape Architecture and Horticulture, Kneza Višeslava 1, 11030 Belgrade, Serbia Abstract: Reynoutria japonica Houtt. (Poligonaceae) is one of the most invasive plants with a great spreading potential and it was ranked in a group of 100 the most invasive organisms by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). It is very common and with luxury growth on the sunny, open and wet habitats. It can be found near the roads, railways, river banks and on degraded urban areas. In the paper are presented the results of spreading of this plant in the area of Topcider River sides. as well as some eco-physiological properties such as stomata density and stomata index of leaves of various age, physiological vitality and ecological conditions. It was found that stomata index was significantly different between chlorotic and vital leaves but there were no differences between young, undeveloped and totally developed leaves. It was also found that stomata index was significantly higher at plant leaves that grew on the more sunny sites in compare with plants in shade. Number of stomata was larger on the lower side than on the upper side of leaves in all populations and ecological conditions. Stomata analysis can help in better understanding of physiological processes, water regime and photosynthesis. The damages of invasive plants are the great challenge in environment protection and for that reason it is important to have detailed information of their ecological and physiological properties, reproduction, spreading, taxonomy and other characteristics which can help to found the best measures how to control and destroy them. Key words: Reynoutria japonica Houtt., invasive plants, speading, vitality, stomatal density and index 1. INTRODUCTION Invasive plants are generally considered non-indigenous species that ecologically and economically affect the habitat of which won. Some native species can also take on characteristics of invasive when heavily colonize specific habitat. The degree of invasiveness can be estimated on the basis of some biological features, such as fast growth, early onset of flowering period, often and abundant fruiting, and the reproductive strategy, dispersal of seeds and fruits. Reynourtria japonica has all the features of these plants. 1251 World Association for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has classified this plant in the group of 100 the most invasive organisms (Lowe et al 2000). In Switzerland it is on the black list of invasive non-indigenous plants. The United Kingdom prohibited its dissemination and in 39 U.S. states all species of the genus Reynoutria have been declared dangerous weeds and in some are banned and there is a tendency to completely eradicate because they are classified in the highest category of harmful invasive plants. Therefore, the study of ecological, physiological and reproductive characteristics of this plant is very intensively the last two decades (Bailey, 1990). The study of stomata characteristics is important because it enables closer knowledge of the physiological properties of certain plants due to be carried out through them to receive CO2 necessary to carry out photosynthesis, revealing the water and oxygen. The plants during their growing season subject to various stress conditions (drought, floods, extreme low and high temperature). The stomata system is a device physical mechanism that allows plants to react to short-term and transient adverse effects of external conditions as a mechanism for homeostasis-stability of the internal environment. As the stoma respond to a number of internal and external factors the density, size and the degree of their openness is an integrated feature of all these factors. This paper presents the results of the distribution Reynoutria japonica in the valley of the Topcider River, the presence of a large area along the river course. The aim was also to determine whether environmental factors (light, shadow), leaf growth stages (young, elderly), physiological vitality (chlorotic, healthy) and the position of stomata (face, reverse side) have an impact on the number of stomata. We analyzed the characteristics of the stomata (density and index) on the leaves of different ages and environmental conditions in the habitat. Data on density and stomata index can indicate the properties of the water regime of the plant. Individuals with a number of stomata have a higher intensity of transpiration, greater absorption of water and minerals and thus enhance photosynthetic production, i.e. faster growth and development and the negative impact on the local flora and the environment. For further information on the origin, taxonomy, distribution, biology and control measures are very important because the damage from invasive weeds and now is perhaps the biggest challenge in protecting the environment. 1.1. Characteristics of the species Reynoutria japonica (Poligonaceae) is determined by the taxonomic Houttuyn 1777th. Independently Siebold 1846th was described as Polygonum cuspidatum. It was not showed that it is the same type until the early century, although in recent times is also adopted Meissner's classification in 1856. as Fallopia japonica var. japonica (Bailey, 1990). Today, authors in different countries use different names. Reynoutia japonica (Japanese knotweed, Japanese bamboo) comes from the Japanese Islands, Korea, China and Taiwan (Beerling et al., 1994) where it occurs on mountain slopes in open, sunny places and is mainly successive species. It can be expanded in the forest but also in open areas while in the shadow of the forest canopy is more difficult to manage. 1252 This plant has been introduced from Japan, present in Europe from the 1840th (Beerling et al., 1994) and today it is widespread in all of Serbia. There were recorded few hundred sites in the Belgrade area, mostly near rivers and along roads and railways where Japanese knotweed was probably spread by different vectors (water, transport, waste land and other material ...). Species of the genus Reynoutria are the fast-growing perennials that form dense shrubs with an abundance of leaves that occur early in the spring and falling in autumn. 1.2.Habitat Topčiderska River is about 23 km long and its basin the largest in the city, has over 35 streams. About 40% of the coast is protected from strong floods. In the rest of the flow as well as on a number of tributaries there is the usual torrential flooding and soil erosion (Studija integralnog uređenja Topčiderske reke). Geological substrates are sandstone, marls and shale are the dominant soil is with eutric camisole properties. Climatic characteristics of the area are the continental climate with annual rainfall 600-700 mm. The most important forest resources in this area are Kosutnjak and Topcider forest. It included several forest associations such as climatogenous community (QuercetumFarnetto-cerris Rud.), hornbeam and oak (Querco-Carpinetum sebicum Rud.). S Carpino-Quercetum farnetto-cerris (Rud.) Gajic is on the western slope of the Rakovica creek and railroad. 2. MATERIAL AND METHODS Distribution of Japanese knotweed was investigated along the lower course of the Topcider River where it occurs to a large extent while in the upstream it was not recorded. The areas covered with this plant were measured in 31 populations in the part of the settlement Rakovica to the delta. The number of plants per square meter was calculated. It was analyzed the density of stomata on the upper side (abaxial epidermis) and lower side (adaxial epidermis) of the leaf and stomatal index in six selected populations. The analysis was done on the fully developed, vital leaves in conditions of full light in the populations 1,2,3,4,5,6 and young, not fully developed (4a), chlorotic leaves (3a) and leaves developed in conditions of shade (5a) in order to observe differences in the properties of stomata. It was analyzed five plants from each population and samples of epidermal tissue were taken from the middle part of the plant and the middle part of leave blade near the main vein. Three samples of every leaf were taken for making permanent preparations. Determination of the number of stomata and epidermal cells per mm ² was estimated using light microscopy with ocular scale and stage micrometer scale. For each sample it was calculated number of epidermal cells, number of stomata and stomatal index. The mean value of these three calculations was considered mean value for a plant and mean value for 5 plants, as a mean value for a population. Stomatal index (IS) was calculated by standard formula IS = S / (S + E) X 100 where S is the number of stomata per unit area and E the total number of epithelial cells per unit area (mm2). All results were processed in the statistical analysis of data STATGRAPHIC. 1253 The conclusions were made on the basis of analysis of variance (ANOVA) and LSD test was used to determine significant differences among mean values of the treatments (p<0.05). 3. RESULTS The study of Japanese knotweed populations in the lower part of the Topcider River show that there is different size of populations, from smaller, initial of few m2 to a very developed, larger of 1000 m2. The total area of 31 populations is 11.116 m2. (Chart 1). Individuals in all populations are very closely spaced, so the number of plants per m2 varies from 50 to 65. Population area 1600 1400 1200 1000 m2 800 600 400 200 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 population Chart 1. Area of 31 populations in the lower part of the Topcider River area Mean values of stomatal index in 6 selected and investigated populations was approximately 10 times higher on the lower side of leaves. The variability of stomatal index on the upper epidermis was much greater (Chart 2, Table 1). Chart 2. Mean values of stomatal index on the upper epidermis 1254 stomatal density on the lower epidermis [stomata no. / mm²] no. of replicatio ns populations stomatal index for the lower epidermis 3 119, 667 b 28, 7567 a pop. 2 3 102, 667 c 23, 6733 b pop. 3 3 78, 3333 d 23, 1 16, 04 pop. 1 bc pop. 3a 3 38, 6667 g pop. 4 3 60, 6667 ef 18, 3033 d 3 d 17, 8933 d de 23, 8733 b 18, 7467 cd pop. 4a 87, 0 pop. 5 3 73, 0 pop. 5a 3 57, 0 pop. 6 3 f 141, 667 a 26, 11 d ab Table 1. Mean values of stomata density and stomatal index for the lower epidermis in six Reynoutria japonica populations Characters a, b, c, d, e as exponent show a homogenous group. The data in the table 1. show the density of stomata, and the mean values of stomatal index for the lower epidermis of six populations (including the plants within the same population that were grown in different environmental conditions 3a, 4a and 5a). In the analysis of stomatal index in relation to physiological vitality has been shown that there is a significant difference in the number of stomata. Stomatal index in healthy leaves was higher, compared to the chlorotic leaves (3, 3a).This is to confirm that the physiological vitality can affect stomatal characteristics i.e. the anatomy of the leaf. The analysis of stomatal index compared to that stage of development, leaves size show no significant differences between the old, fully developed and young leaves, yet undeveloped leaves (4, 4a) which confirm that this property is characteristic for the species in similar ecological conditions. In relation to the light intensity it was found that stomatal index is significantly higher in plants growing on sites with stronger insolation than those in the shade. (5, 5a). 4. DISCUSION Results of number and area of over 11 000 m2 on which Japanese knotweed has already spread show that there is need for its destruction as a necessary measure of maintenance and care in the Topcider River area. The damage from these and other invasive weeds represent one of greatest challenges in environmental protection and environmental sustainability. It should be noted that the main problem with this species it is very difficult to eradicate from the place where one appears. Tolerant to all types of soil pH and salinity and rhizomes survive very low soil temperatures below - 30 ◦ C. Experience with the destruction of reynoutria at the coast of Topcider River in the part where it is regulated (Rusanj) to the confluence of the Sava River, show that the 1255 intensive mowing encourages rhizome development and plant expansionon the new areas. One of the most vulnerable areas in the course of the river is a nursery “Srbijasume” in Topcider area where this plant has spread to the plant growing beds, a few dozen meters from the river bed. Multiple treatment of total herbicide did not give the desired results. Above-ground parts are dried over the winter while the rhizomes survive very long and penetrate into the depth of 6 m and lateral spread of up to 20 meters. It can be recovered from very small parts of the rhizomes (1-2 cm), which significantly complicates the eradication of established populations. Great power of regeneration is reflected in the ability to form sprouts from the rhizome at a depth of 1 meter, and to break through a solid obstacles such as the asphalt thickness of 5 cm (Seiger, 1997). Endangering transport infrastructure, the railway is threatened by urban and rural part of the basin. Analysis of data from Table 1, show that the values stomata index for populations that are growing in uniform habitat conditions has no statistically significant difference. The results are consistent, which confirms the assumption that the stomata index genetically determined characteristics of the species. Stomatal density varies according to plant age and is directly influenced by environmental conditions (Justo, 2005). However, such characteristic was positively related to CO2 assimilation (Abrams et al., 1994), due to the positive relation between stomatal density and gas exchanges (Araus, 1986) and greater stomatal conductance (Boardman, 1977). Stomatal index is a relatively constant for each species (Cutter, 1986), and has great taxonomic relevance. Number, size, shape and arrangement of stomata are influenced by environmental factors such as the humidity habitats, mineral nutrition, temperature, light, and other. Thus, the analysis of stomata of beech in Kopaonik determined that the stoma at a higher altitude, the more arid habitats are smaller and denser than those in the forest community at a lower altitude (Djukic et al 2002). Stomatal index can be an indicator of the anatomical structure of leaves. Smaller stomata index show the larger number of epidermal cells per unit area. In the analysis of stomata index as compared to the light intensity it is significant higher in plants growing in positions with stronger sun light. Numerous research of the show that light conditions affect the size and number of stomata and thus the photosynthetic production (Ichiro, 2006, Djukic, 2002). Stomata characteristics can help to determinate character physiological processes, water regime and photosynthesis in specific plant. Plants with more stomata per unit area have more transpiration intensity and photosynthetic production. It should be noted that in addition to Japanese knotweed there are a number of herbaceous invasive plants that have similar properties like the distribution by rhizomes as in the case of Aster lanceolatus (Obratov Petkovic D, et al., 2009). Earlier investigation of woody invasive species in Serbia shows that there are great numbers of species which are very invasive or potentially invasive and their ecology and physiology should be investigated. These species are among genus Acer, Ailanthus, Akebia, Amorpha, Broussonetia, Buddleja, Eleagnus, Fraxinus, Gleditsia, Lantana, Lycium, Achonia, Prunus, Rhus, Robinia (Grbic et al., 2007). 1256 The successful control of this invasive plant need the seriously research of ecological and physiological properties. 5. CONCLUSION Based on the number and size of populations that have affected an area of over 11,000 m2, it was determined that Reynoutria japonica Houtt. quickly settled the Topcider River banks and surrounding areas by suppressing the existing vegetation. This plant fast develop a very dense shrubs from spreading rhizomes which parts pollute coastlines and waterways flow. Testing of stomata on leaves of different ages, physiological vitality and light intensity conditions show that the stomatal index, i.e. anatomical characteristics of leaf epidermis, is the most affected by the reduced physiological vitality caused by chlorosis and the lowest by leaf age. It was also found that stomata index was significantly higher at plant leaves that grew on the more sunny sites in compare with plants in shade. Analysis of stomata shows that their number was larger about ten times on the lower epidermis of leaves in all populations and ecological conditions which is the characteristic of the species. So, plants with more stomata per unit area have more transpiration intensity and photosynthetic production. The damages of invasive plants are the great challenge in environment protection and that is the reason it is important to have detailed information of their spreading, taxonomy, ecology, physiology and other properties which can help to found the best measures to destroy and control them. Acknowledgment The work was done under the project: Ecology, monitoring and technical procedures for the control of invasive plants in the Belgrade area, financed by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Serbia. 1257 6. 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