The Lamplighter - GFWC Woman`s Club of Tarpon Springs
The Lamplighter - GFWC Woman`s Club of Tarpon Springs
GFWC Woman’s Club of Tarpon Springs, Florida Inc. The Lamplighter Volume 20, Issue 2 May 2014 Our Club in Action Reflecting on our year together touches each of us as we remember our dear friend Christy Rogers. Our activities this year have embraced the planning and thoughtful consideration she gave to aid us in accomplishing the mission of our club. The mission of this Club is to create and maintain an organized center of thought and activity among the women of the Tarpon Springs area, to improve our community, and to promote cooperation and understanding among the members and other community organizations as appropriate. Throughout the year, you, our club members, participated in informative and entertaining monthly luncheons, as well as explored the multiple opportunities presented by the various Community Service Programs (CSP’s). Our CSP’s include Arts, Conservation, Education, Home Life, International Affairs and Public Affairs. It is significant to note that we logged over 34,000 volunteer hours in the CSPs, Partnership Projects, and Advancement Areas of Membership, Leadership, Fund- raising, Programs, Communications, Public Relations, State President’s Project, Domestic Violence and Public Policy/Legislation. At the state convention and the district Spring Workshop, our club received several certificates for outstanding accomplishments based on our reporting of members’ activities. See the District 14 Spring Meeting article on page 7 for this list. For the 2014-2015 club year, please know those of you who are chairmen of CSPs and committees, we will want you to consider staying onboard. Sheila or I will be contacting you to talk about our plans for next year. The GFWCTS By-laws, approved by a vote of 2/3 of the club membership in attendance at the April 15, 2014 meeting, were implemented immediately. Our own Carole Weaver was installed as GFWC Florida State President at the GFWC Florida Spring convention. The activities surrounding her installation brought many of our members together. We had 25 members in attendance. Other GFWC Tarpon Springs members recognized for their leadership skills included Karen Morris, who was elected Member-at-Large, and Trish Gregory, who was installed as District 14 Director. Moving forward to our next club year, it will be our goal to let each member know how important she is as a friend and as a volunteer for our community. The club will focus on completing projects together and having fun, too. The members’ demonstration of kindness and heartfelt support has sustained our club this year. Many, many thanks to each of you. Anne-Todd Eisner 2014-2015 EXECUTIVE BOARD President Anne-Todd Eisner President Elect Sheila Hayter First Vice President Pamela Dameron-Bare Second Vice President Judy Amorello Recording Secretary Teddy Anne Stephen Corresponding Secretary Doris LaPointe Treasurer Director Director Director Parliamentarian Donna Grates Susan Foy Carole Mathes Sherri Patterson Sherry Orr PAGE 2 T HE LA MP LI G HT E R V O LU M E 2 0 , I S S U E 2 Board of Directors 2014-2015 Our new Board of Directors was installed at our General Meeting on Wednesday, May 21. Director.................................. Carole Mathes The following are our 2014-2015 Board members: We thank these women for agreeing to serve. Please give them your support. There are many committees and sub-committees that need help. Please….don‘t wait to be called -- VOLUNTEER!!!!! President ............................ Anne-Todd Eisner President Elect .......................... Sheila Hayter First Vice President ......... Pamela Dameron-Bare Director........................................Susan Foy Second Vice President ................ Judy Amorello Recording Secretary .................. Teddy Stephen Corresponding Secretary ............. Doris LaPointe Treasurer ................................. Donna Grates Parliamentarian ............................. Sherry Orr Director/Past President ............ Sherri Patterson CAP Health Fair Most of you know that we participate every summer with the Citizen’s Alliance for Progress and Florida Hospital North Pinellas in a Health Fair held at the CAP building on Martin Luther King Drive in Tarpon Springs. Physicians, nurses and medical students come to give registered students a school physical, after which each child is given a backpack full of school supplies, and the child and family members are served a healthy meal prepared by WCTS volunteers. More information re: dates and times for volunteer opportunities will be forthcoming. We began the collection of backpacks and items to fill them at our May general meeting. We always welcome monetary donations as well. We use those donations to purchase items we are short on when time comes to fill the backpacks. Last year we gave 90 filled backpacks away. We will be collecting throughout June and July as well, at locations we will publish later. Questions can be emailed to Sherri Patterson ( or you can call her (727-934-5926). Supply List: Backpacks – the kids love brightly colored backpacks smaller ones for grades K-2 larger ones good for grades 3-5 NO WHEELED BACKPACKS Pencil box Composition book, wide ruled Spiral notebook, wide ruled Notebook paper 3-ring binder (1”, 1-1/2”, 2”) Blunt tip scissors (K-2) Regular scissors (3-5) #2 pencils Pink eraser Antibacterial soap 24-pk crayons Solid colored 3-prong folder with pockets Solid color 2-pocket folder (no prongs) Large glue sticks Hand sanitizer Box of tissues V O LU M E 2 0 , I S S U E 2 PAGE 3 T HE LA MP LI G HT E R Anne-Todd Eisner Named D-14 LEADS Representative GFWC LEADS (Leadership, Education And Development Seminar) is designed to identify members at the club level who have a potential and desire to assume leadership positions in their clubs. GFWC Florida LEADS provides participants with added knowledge, capability, confidence and commitment to work more effectively in their clubs. From among nominations from clubs in District 14, Anne-Todd was selected to attend the GFWC Florida LEADS seminar at Headquarters in Lakeland on February 22, along with representatives from Florida’s other 13 Districts. It was a full day of activities, including a welcome dinner and social held the night before. A-T received information and training on conflict resolution, parliamentary law, public speaking skills, time management, organization history as well as other topics. At the GFWC Florida Annual Convention in April, one member was selected to represent GFWC Florida at the GFWC International Convention this June in Arizona. While Anne-Todd did not receive the nod, we are so proud of her accomplishments to date as our President Elect and now President, as well as in being our District 14 LEADS representative! Recipe Book Fundraiser We will be working on our new recipe book this summer. You don't have to be a year-round resident to participate in this project. US Mail and email work well for submission of artwork and recipes. I am currently researching good software and publishing houses to get the best technology and finished product as we want it as professional looking as po s s i b le . If anyone has suggestions for companies they have actually used for creating a recipe book, please contact me. Our goal is to take delivery of our books no later than November 12 so that we can sell them during the Christmas season. Our new book will be designed along the same lines as our previous book, "Our Favorite Scenes and Recipes -- GFWC Woman's Club of Tarpon Springs," and will display artwork using a new theme along the lines of "Dining In and Out" in Tarpon Springs, with a section devoted to recipes from our local restaurants. Artwork will include sketches of the restaurants submit- ting recipes as well as scenes around Tarpon. Title of book still to be determined. So-o-o, ladies, we need your favorite recipes. We'll be using some from the previous book (ladies who are no longer with us) but want new recipes for the most part. I'd also appreciate hearing from those of you who want to help with producing this book. Please call me (934-5926) or email me ( Thanks! Sherri Patterson PAGE 4 T HE LA MP LI G HT E R V O LU M E 2 0 , I S S U E 2 Hats Off to You – Fashion Show 2014 The theme of “Hats Off to You” for our 2014 Fashion Show, held at Safety Harbor Resort and Spa on March 22, exemplifies how much we appreciate all our members and supporters for what they do for our community and the club. “Hats Off to YOU” to Chair Trish Gregory and her committee for all they did to make the show a huge success. Our profit realized was $11,198.64! The Marketing committee with chair Sherri Patterson’s leadership contributed $5,401.30. Wells Fargo and Florida Hospital North Pinellas generously sponsored the event. Neila O’Neill produced a state of the art program of ads and information. Please refer to yours when you go shopping to let merchants know how much we appreciate them. Jane Obergfell, Teddy Stephen, Bobbie Belcher and Doris LaPointe used the many items donated by our members to make Opportunity Baskets that realized $1,981.00 in ticket sales. Ticket Sales co-chairs, Dolores Wilson and Kathy Kornfeld, with your help, sold 253 tickets and coordinated seating for our guests. Gay Mitchell, Hostess Committee chair, and the other hostesses welcomed guests for a fun-filled afternoon. The table centerpieces, hats loaned by our members and decorated by Mitzi Hunter and Sandy Grace, added a lovely component to the show. Anna Georgiadis volunteered to knit pastel flower bookmarks to be used as table favors. All the guests loved them! Coordinated by Sandy Grace and Margo Knighton, models Judy Amorello, Sheila Hayter, Diana Burns, AnneTodd Eisner, Donna Grates, DeeAnn Isguzar, Mary McNeice, Terry Smither, Carole Weaver, and Pamela Williams wore fun fashions from Janet Carr. Jane Obergfell helped with makeup. Guest purchases from Janet allowed her to donate $1200 back to the club. Thank you to Margo, Sherri, Dolores and Sandy for your family members who helped us! What an amazing event! “HATS OFF TO YOU!” V O LU M E 2 0 , I S S U E 2 T HE LA MP LI G HT E R PAGE 5 Women’s History Month Winner In March "Women's History Month was celebrated throughout our country. This year’s theme, Celebrating Women of Character, Courage, and Commitment, honored the extraordinary and often unrecognized determination and tenacity of women. President Anne-Todd Eisner asked who could first answer this question about a famous GFWC woman. “This woman lived from 1897-1995, was an active member of GFWC in Skowhegan, Maine, and became president of her local club at age 25. She held political office in Maine for a total of 33 years (1940- 1973). She was first elected as State Representative and later became Senator. She was the first woman to ever be elected to both Houses of Congress, and in 1964, she became the first woman to campaign for nomination of president of the United States. Who is she?” bers of the GFWC Statesville, North Carolina club, and probably knew each other! Correct answer: Margaret Chase Smith Barbara Rhodes was the first member to reply and received her small prize at the May meeting. Small tidbit…..Sherri Patterson and Anne-Todd just learned that both of their grandmothers were mem- 2013- 2014 President’s Award Anne-Todd Eisner, current President, has instituted the first annual GFWC of Tarpon Springs President’s Award. Each year AnneTodd and Mark Eisner will donate $100 to the GFWCTS’s President’s focus in honor of who is recognized for this award. The president of the outgoing administration will determine the criteria and the award recipient, and her focus area will receive the donation. This year’s focus has been on our Veterans, Military Personnel, and First Responders. A donation will be made to the Wounded Warrior organization in honor of this award recipient. describe the recipient are witty, compassionate, discerning, inspirational, prayerful, kind, dedicated, organized, enthusiastic, and creative.(Members attending the meeting were asked to look at the handout that was on their seat, noting the picture below of 2 beautiful cardinals). I think of this recipient in the same way as I regard the cardinal. A cardinal’s presence has This year’s recipient embodies the qualities of a true GFWC clubwoman. The words used to HOPE COURAGE JOY always reminded me that hope, courage and joy are all gifts given to me through my faith. This recipient has inspired our club members to focus on each of these gifts throughout the year, hope to those in our community, comforting one another in sorrow, and sharing joy. The recipient of the 2013-2014 President’s Award is the 2013-2014 Executive Board of Directors, which includes Christy Rogers, Sheila Hayter, Pam Dameron-Bare, Gay Mitchell, Teddy Stephen, Donna Grates, Jane Obergfell, Doris LaPointe, Sherri Patterson, and Karen Morris. Congratulations to this outstanding board… far the VERY BEST BOARD, and a most deserving recipient. T HE LA MP LI G HT E R PAGE 6 V O LU M E 2 0 , I S S U E 2 District 14 Arts & Crafts Winners The following ladies were awarded ribbons at the District 14 Arts & Crafts Show. 1st Place winners moved on to the State competition. Jewelry Nat. Materials Floral Knitting Crochet Hand Embroidery Cross Stitch Charlotte Alves Mitzi Hunter Mitzi Hunter Susan Foy Dolores Wilson Barbara Wood Carole Mathes 1st Place 2nd Place 1st Place 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 2nd Place Fabric Craft Collage Open Category Painting/Oil Painting/Pastel Painting/WC Drawing Miniatures Photo/Nat. History Photo/Scenic Photo/Enhanced Bobbie Belcher Mitzi Hunter Carol Coulson Carol Hendrickson Jane Lawson Mitzi Hunter Mitzi Hunter Bobbie Belcher Sherry Orr Bobbie Belcher 1st Place and Best Trish Gregory 1st Place 1st Place 1st Place 1st Place 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 1st Place 2nd Place of Division 1st Place State Arts and Crafts Winners Woman's Club of Tarpon Springs had great results at the State Convention. Out of 11 entries we had two 1st place winners and three 2nd place winners. 1st place Susan Foy - knitting 1st place Mitzi Hunter - floral 2nd place Mitzi Hunter - collage 2nd place Jane Lawson - pastel 2nd place Bobbie Belcher photo – scenic Congratulations, ladies. Everyone start working on all those craft projects for next year! Sandy Grace Shutterbug Club Trip DATES "Have Camera...will travel!" Wednesday, June 11 CALADESI ISLAND Hope you can join us for a fun time at the beach, many photo opportunities. Bring camera, suntan lotion, water and lunch, or you can have lunch at the snack bar! Time: 9 AM - Ace Hardware, Alt.19 to carpool. We plan to take the 10 AM Ferry from Honeymoon Island! Cost for Ferry roundtrip: $14.00 Parking Fee: $8.00 Please call or email to let us know if you plan to attend. Dolores Wilson,727-937-7101 or 727-389-5913 TO REMEMBER June 21-24, 2014 GFWC Convention Chandler AZ March 14, 2015 Celebrate Spring GFWC Woman’s Club of Tarpon Springs Annual Fashion Show Safety Harbor Resort & Spa T HE LA MP LI G HT E R V O LU M E 2 0 , I S S U E 2 PAGE 7 District 14 Spring Meeting The GFWC District 14 meeting was held on May 17, 2014 at Wentworth Golf Club in Tarpon Springs, Florida. District 14 Director Trish Gregory called the meeting to order at 10:30 AM with recognition of each of the clubs attending. The inspirational message was given by Michelle Lowack, District 14 Chaplain. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Anita LeCain, District 14 Director of Juniors. Our own State President Carole Weaver spoke about her Canine Companions for Wounded Veterans Initiative. The cost to sponsor a puppy is $500. It’s an exciting project and we are anxious to start working toward this goal. Dean’s List Hacienda Girls Ranch Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention for “Pinwheels for Prevention” Education Partnership – “HOBY Scholarship” Yearbook International Outreach Programs Arts Program GFWC Florida Honor Score for overall reporting We broke out into individual sessions to discuss ideas on retaining and growing membership, such as honoring members with a ribbon and certificate, facilitating shut-ins, dealing with conflict resolution, and getting new members for run for a board position. We also discussed expanding our arts areas – we need more crafters and artists involved. Out of all the 15 clubs in District 14, there were only 37 entries in crafts categories. Come on and share your passions with us. Remember that we are a team and are all important to the success of GFWC Florida. Respectfully submitted, Sheila Hayter President-Elect Carole also advised us that GFWC Florida has begun a Membership Monday newsletter to share words of wisdom and things we should know. If interested, go to the GFWC Florida website, to sign up for the email newsletter. It may help us with ideas to entertain and engage with our members to keep their enthusiasm up. Our club was honored to receive the following 2013 Certificates of Achievement at the State Convention. They were presented at the Spring Meeting: First Place - Arts Partnership Second Place - Communications/Public Relations Some of the WCTS ladies who attended the District 14 Spring Meeting T HE LA MP LI G HT E R PAGE 8 V O LU M E 2 0 , I S S U E 2 Contact Us Update Your Directory Please welcome the following outstanding new members who have joined our Club since our February 2014 Lamplighter. GFWC Woman's Club of Tarpon Springs, Inc. PO Box 1963 Tarpon Springs FL 34688-1963 727-937-7101 (Dolores Wilson) Email: Congratulations and welcome to GFWC Woman’s Club of Tarpon Springs. Like us on Facebook: New Members: Sunshine Amorello, Judy 937-4841 Birthday: 8/13 cell: 727-560-0035 2103 N Pointe Alexis Dr Tarpon Springs FL 34689-2066 Carson, Susan K. 938-4993 Birthday: 9/28 cell: 727-580-9425 1114 S Florida Ave Tarpon Springs FL 34689-2950 Chadwick, Josie 919-449-5519 Birthday: 2/13 731 Merlins Ct Tarpon Springs FL 34689-2820 Changes/Corrections: Coulson, Carol cell: 727-403-8762 Obergfell, Jane 166 Lake Tarpon Dr Philipson, Barbara Please call Millie Brandl (934-4010), your Sunshine Chairperson, whenever you know of a member that is ill, in the hospital, nursing a family member, or has suffered a loss. Your club wants to help. WCTS Communications NEWSLETTERS—You may choose to receive an email version of this newsletter, rather than a print copy. The email version is always in full color, and is easily opened with the free Adobe Reader program. If you aren’t already receiving your newsletter via email, but would like to, please email the Club address to be added to the email list ( Choosing to receive the Lamplighter by email saves the Club printing and postage costs. As an added bonus, you can forward it to interested friends! E-MAIL—In between issues of the Lamplighter, the Club often sends out ‘breaking news’ to members who are on our email ‘Updates” list. If you would like to receive these updates, please email the Club address to be added to the distribution list. Your information will never be sold to third parties. “Catch the Wave” Don’t forget to “Catch the Wave.” Sign up for the weekly Membership Monday newsletter. Remember to go to the GFWC Florida website, to sign up for the mailings. V O LU M E 2 0 , I S S U E 2 T HE LA MP LI G HT E R PAGE 9 Instructions for reporting 2014 Volunteer Hours Please submit your volunteer hours for January through April of this year. Instead of using the former blue form, you can use the below form to describe what you did in a volunteer capacity for others and how much time you spent on that activity each month. You can fill out one of these forms for each month January through October of 2014 and then estimate your volunteer time for November & December. The forms can be handed in at our monthly luncheon meetings or mailed quarterly to WCTS Volunteer, PO Box 351, Tarpon Springs, FL 34688-0351. To email your hours, you don’t have to use a form; simply list the activity and hours and send to Priscilla Kowasic GFWC Woman’s Club of Tarpon Springs, Florida Inc. P O Box 1963 Tarpon Springs FL 34688-1963 Neila O’Neill, Editor