CATALOGUE Exhibition of Public Lamps and Lighting Equipment


CATALOGUE Exhibition of Public Lamps and Lighting Equipment
The Association of Publi' Lighting Engineers
(32 Victoria Street, London, S.W.!.)
Ninth Annual Meeting and Conference
Blackpool - September 5th--8th, 1932
of the
Exhibition of Public Lamps
and Lighting Equipment
(To be held in the Basement of the
Imperial Hotel, Blackpool)
The Association of Public Lighting Engineers
(32 Victoria Street, London, S.W.l.)
Ninth Annual Meeting and Conference
Blackpool , September 5th--8th, 1932
of the
Exhibition of Public Lamps
and Lighting Equipment
(To be held in the Basement of the
Imperial Hotel, Blackpool)
N.B. This description is based on in/ormation supplied by
the Exhibitors
Name of Firm
No of
on page
13enjcunin Electric , Ltd., The .
British, F oreign and Colonial Automatic Light
Controlling Co., Ltd., Th e .
Bromiord Tu be Co., Ltd.
Credcnda CowJuits Co., Ltd.
Edgar, Willialll and Sons , Ltd.
E dison Swan E lectric Co. , Ltd., The .
El ectri c Street Li gllti u g ApJJOl.ratus Co., Ltd., Tlw
En g ineering and Li ghting Equipmen t, Co ., Ltd.
. .. 19
Fal k, Stadel mann and Co ., Ltd.
. .. 16
Fost er aud Pullen, Ltd.
. . 24
Gas l\'Iete r Co., Ltd., The ...
General Electrie Co. , Ltd., Tile
H olophane, Ltd.
Horstmann Gear Co ., Ltd ., T ile
1\andem Eleet.ri cal Ltd.
Keith James and Blackman Co., Ltd.
. . . 22
Kempton, C. H. an d Co ., Ltd .
. .. 24
1\letropolitun Gas Mete rs , Ltd .
Parkinson W., awl Co .
. .. 18
Hadiovisor J>urent Ltd.
. .. 17
ll evo Electric Co., Ltd.
Siemens Eleetrie T.u mps and Supplies, Ltd.
. . . 17
Sugg, William and Co., Ltd.
.. H
T illey La mp Company, T he
Venn er T imes Switehcs, r.t d.
W a rdle Eng ineering Co., , T he .
. .. 12
NO . J
(B re nt Works, He ndon , N.W.4)
T he Ti lley L.I nlp Co. is sllew\ng a se lectio n of the ir British
made l-'araflln Vapou r Lamps w hk/1 burn ordinary Parallln oil
an d are perfectly safe in use. 1t is estimated that a light of
300 c. p. cu n /Je maintained for G hou rs at a cost of ld .
The Lalllf)S arc made in about 20 diffe rent models . but the
follow in g should appeal pa rticularly to Public Ligh ting
Engin ee rs:Till ey Fl oodli gh t Proj ector .-Tllis is now being adopled fo r
extensive use by Engineers, Public Works Contractors , Fire
Bri gades, n uilways, etc., all over the cou ntry. It g ives a light of
1,000 c.p. and burns for 20 hours on one filling of oil w ithout
any atte ntion at al!, beyon d occasional pumping. The cost of
burnin g \\·orh: s out at 1d. for si x hours light.
Storm La nte rn .- T I1i s is wind a nd rain.proof an d particul a r ly
useful as a Hand Lamp, but in addition it ca n be stood I.I O\VB
or hung up just as requi red. It gives a light of 300 c.p.
In spection La mp .- T11is also is use ful as a hand lamp , but is
fitted with alum inium refl ector so as to throw the light forward.
" Cha llow " La mp .- This lump was designed especially for
the G. W.R. for the illumination of Station Platforms, but is
also su itabl e for roa d and street lighting. It is fitted with a
trough-shaped n efl ector which th rows a wide beam of light
for a dista nce or about 'lOOft. in each direct ion when su spend ed
at a heigllt of about 18ft.
Outdoor Su spension La mp . ~Thi s model is similar to the
"Challow," but fitted wit h 12" ci rcular refl ecto r . It is suitable
for almost any fot'ln of outdoor illumination, and gives a brilliant light of 300 c.p. T he oil conta iner h ol d s~ gallon a nd the
Lamp the refo re requ ires the minimum amo un t of attention.
Rad iator (For heating pu rposes).- This is extremely u seful
for heating rooms a nd offices a nd is comp lete in itself, no wi res
nor connections being necessa ry. It burns paraffi n under pressure in the sam e way us th e Till ey Lamps, and will appeal to
all tlwse who req ui 1·e a n occasional heater, or some means or
warming room s in which there is no fire-place or other means
of heating.
(Ne wbridge Works, Ba th).
NO .
The Ho rstllJaiHI Gea r Co., Ltd., the lllal.;ers of the well-known
NewiJridge cloclnvorl' gas controllers and electric time-switch es
for public lighting, are exhibiting sevem l r ecent patented
devices whi cll will undoubt edly c rea te considerable interest
amougst all who are inte rested in improvements in public
Deal in g first with the gas controllers, those prov id ed w ith
IJyepass ignition Uiffer only in respect of detail r efi nements
from those supplied in tlle past. (It is of inter est to record that
nearly 1.0,000 standard Newbridge controllers were supp li ed
tlu rin g the Company's flnan c ial year which ended on 3"1st J uly
last ).
The actual by epu ss head u sed for ig u ition is, however, or
cons ider able interest. 1\nown as the " Equi nox" it con sists of
an all metal heav ily chromium platetl cup into whi ch is ri\'etted
a jet of pure pla.tinttnl. Tile latter material is, of course, absolute ly immun e fmm ("Or rosion or carlmrizat ion whilst tile head
being of All l\ lcwl con st ruct ion it is immune from fra cture
even when tightly srrewecl to the pilot tube. Pat ents ha ve been
applied for· und ulrea dy hu·ge number·s of Lhese bycpnsses are
in use g iving excelle nt results.
On the oth er t1and , those Engineer s to whom byepusses of
any l\incl ure unathe rna will find grent inte rest in tile Newbri_dge ga s eon trollers with El ectro-Catalyti c ignition. Applied
to the well -lwowu Type 3.\ j li Nr co ntroll er lilis form of ignition lias been most ri go r·ously tested hy the makers over a
period of nearly two yea rs and is offered with com plete
conncle nee.
The system em ploys an " El ectro-Catalyti c" igniter consisting of a platinHIIl alloy filamen t protected by a sheath of special
design . . \ L tlte same mov e ment as th e gas is tu rn ed on by t11e
controlle r, thi s filament is pre-h eated by a 3-volt lJattery. The
gas is led to til e lilutnent lly means of a neat scoop and immediat ely it impinges on th e filnme nt the latter glows inten sely
and causes the gns to ignite. Tile battery c ircui t is automa tically c ut off after a 3-5 seconds pau se and tests made for
battery life incli rate t11at this is at least se\·en mont h s .
.-\ range of ironc- lad ro ntrollers for suspension and harp lamps
is also on view.
On the El ectriral sid e a most interesting exJ1ibit is the Newbridge 35-4'2 da y lta nd wound time-s witch with solar dial for
unit street lamps. This is $Ubstantially c.hea per and far less
compli cated than electr·icalty wound models ·and should go
fat' to so lve the probl em of the most economical method of
lighting and extinguishing electri c street lamps.
The Solar dial fitte d is extremely simpl e and can be made to
follow any desired lighting and extinguishin g schedule.
Thi s Solar dial may be fitte d to the majority of gas controllers and electric tim e-switch in the Newbriclge range.
NO . 3
(B ra ntwood Wo rks, T a riff Road, No rthumberland Park,
London , N.17).
T he chi ef types of lighting equipment exhibited by Benjamin
Ltd., are:The Duoftux.-. \ new type of floodlight for downward and
fonv anl illumination. It preve nts loss of light in an upward
direction and the cut.-off of reft ectO!' also eli minates glare .
.\ e fo r Open .\l'e:.'ts, Ca 1· Pnrl\ s, P J'aygrounds, Petro l
Service Stations. etc.
El ect ri ~
Rodalux.- Tll is is essentia lly a fitt in g fo r the li gN,i ng of long
nn.rrow areas at wid e spneing, and has been successfully
t•mployed in l ightin g all cl nsses of Streets, \VIwrfs, [) ocl~s.
Ha il wn y li oods Yard s, Tunn els , etc.
Durban Lantern.- This h as a symtnetricn.,l distr ibution whirh
maintains til e illumination valu Ps for wide spacing !':Hios of
tile ord er 5:1 ;mc\ 10:1. Tt1 e li ght control is obtained. by a s impl e
reflecto r·, wl1ere a refractor is usually employed.. The use of
this ref1 ect or gives a d cut-o ff aJHl tl1US provides more
comfor-tabl e vi s ion. Employed for l streets , yarcls, etc.
Dange r Lamp .-For suspens ion over dange rous cross roads
a wl floodlig llting point. pol icemen . The large \'i treous enamelled
reflecto r· g ive s a soft inte nse down ward fio od, whilst the rub)'
g- la ss paaeb in the skirt give ea rl y visual warnin g to a pproaching t rallic.
Biftector.-Primar·ily a wirle s paci n g indHstri al reflector a lso
usetl f'nr street lighting where Th e dPf'P s).;irt ensu r es co rnfortnb le
vision .
Horolux .-H a \'i n g no s h: irt, tltis reflector· is recomrnentletl for
use with pe<.~rl or· O[IUl larnps fo r street l ightin g in r ura l districts.
;\ lso r ecomme n ded for positions where a distribution of light
aiJo\·e the horizontal is needed, e.g . Goods Ya rds, W ha rfs ,
Doc h:s, etc.
Biftector Lantern.- Com bines a decorative effect with a lrigh
effki8nr:y. For li ght in g Prom cn;Hles, n oulev<~rds and ent rances
10 pu iJli c bu ildings.
Porcelain Wellglass Fittings.-Bein g proof against corros ive
vapours, t ltese are pa rticu la rly su itable for Publ ic l .a v <~to r i es.
etc ., and also for si tuations where it is essential to pmt er-t
the lampholders and other electrical pa r ts.
lnvercone.-Poriul a r inv8rt ed f'One type of retleeto r for
li g t1ting suiJsidiary roads where a low in itial cost and hi gh
effic iency a r e required.
Elliptical Angle.- F or lighting Public T ennis Courts, etc. ,
from the sid es and a lso fo r all types of sign light ing, etc ..
Be ncolite Design" K."- T otal ly e n closed diftnsing nt.ting wiih
bronze cha in susp1msion for offices, or altemat iv ely with a
tube s uspensi on fin ished white enamel f or, etc.
Bencolite design "X. "-Sirnilar to the alwve b ut provides th e
choice of standa r d glassware.
lntensolux.- For high intensity lig h ting of sm all areas, spotlighting Point Poli cemen , etc ., maintenanc e being siillj)lified
by the spec ia l dust tight co,·er g la ss.
Projectolux ,-A hanc\y size, totally Pn closecl. flo odl ight fo r
public buildi ngs of medium lw ig ht, \Y l1ere 1t1e avniln ble projection is li mited . Also appli cab le for lighting h igh sign s.
Shadowlites.-Th ese are designed fo r- lig htin g publi c halls
and oflkes where a decorat ive effect comb in ed with f'ffic ient.
diff usi on is reqn irf'd. Praet ir·ally s!wclow less quality of light
is ob ta ined by a fnll y paten1ed principle.
R.L.M.- T he standard of t h e B.E.S.A. I ndustr ial Di sper si ve
Reflector for all types of industrial inswllations. Jt has al so
many otlw r commen;iul applicutions in wh ich it has proved
ver y successf ul.
Glasstee l Diffuse rs. - Thi s unit combines the Pff1 ciency of t11e
R.L.l\1. \vith the high light quulity of th e diffusing globe. Id ea l
for use in areas whem close eye worl' i s ca l"!"ied out, e.g., in
o1lices, school s, r ea din g rooms. etc.
Elliptical Verti cai.- T ilis provid es a di stribution long in r elntion to its width. For lighti n g L ibrary boO!\ stacks, gangwayl',
Benjami n Refl ec tor Cl eaner .-Specially ev olved for removing
nll th e dirt from vitreous enam el wi!llOut affecting th e surfa ce.
Al so popul ar for cleaning windows. signs, et c.
Bakelite Handlamp.-Spec ially r einforced for excepti onal
st r ength. It lws proved ve r y popular with P ublic Service
Bodies, large numbers now being used by severn\ Government
Departm ent s and large Railway Compani es.
NO . 4
(Hyson Green, Nottingha m) .
T his exhibit co1np ri ses a se ri es of lamp::; operated by a
number of the w ell-lmown " Duplex" controller s. T he motive
power operating this appliance is cloelnvork. Th e apparatus
operates th rough two tappets set at pred etermined times on a
dial, actuati ng a rocking arm whirh is in com muni cation by
suitable means to a gas valve. Th e engage men t of the tappets
with the rockin g arm opens and shuts off the gus to th e
burner, a t t.he same time opening and shutti ng th e by epa ss
intermittently with the gas supply. T he gas vah·e ca n be
hand-operated without interfering with the clock or setting.
T h e valve i s of th e shuttle type (not a plug tap ) . The
Controller has a high g rad e clock, with fully jewelled escapem ent.
Th e " D uplex" controller i s exceedingly simple in opemti on
though it perfor ms many f unctions.
Tt is instanta n eous
in action and it can be set to operat e on ce or tw ice
in 24 hours at will (no parts to be removed or rt ttached). It can
also IJe set to light up at any time and to extingu ish at nny
iime after an in te r val of iwo hours; or to light up again at
any time after an interval of a minimum of on e hour and
exti n gui sh again any tim e after an int er vn\ of two hotii'S. The
byepasS i s extinguished dUI'ing li ghti ng hours.
Furthe r advnntnges of tl1e apparatus are:lt can be turned on by hand if d esired without di st urbing
the n ~ll'mal sequence of operation s.
It will work equally well in any position.
Tt is sma II (the he ight from th e base of the sock et to i11e
burne r nipple can be made at towns 2~inc h es).
It has a l arge clear dial and can be set wit h acru ra ry .
Vibration of any description w ill not cause the mechanis m
to operate prematurel y.
It is entirely en c losed in a perfec tly dust and in sect proof
NO .
(The Foundry, Ca nterbury).
This finn manufactures the we\l -Jmown ES LA " IJ i-r\'i ulti"
and th e " 1\ lulti -plane" fittings designed and patented by their
Advising Engin ee r, Lt. -Commander Hayd n T. Harrison .
Samples of th ese are exhibited , in order that Public Li ghting
Engin eers an cl members of the public may have the opportunity of examining the details of the construction; the highly
el'fl r ient result of their at.lopt ion ca n be abserved by inspecti n g
adual installation s in Blackpool and othe r town s in the County.
T l1 ere are now many thousands of these reflector s in va ri ous
~o\nls and (\istri cts throughout the country a nd those who visit
thi s exhibi t will have an opportunity of ex am ining at close
qu a rters ti le feawres whiC'h go to produce the highly efficient
result s obtain ed . Not only do they increase the illumination on
that part of t11 e road wl1icil would othe rwise be comparati vely
dar\( due to wide spac ing of light sources for the purpose of
economy and limiting obstr uctions, but they have the advantage
of being practically indestructable, easi ly cleaned in position
without r emo val of the lamps, and freer from glare in proport io n to ligiH inte nsity than any other " dire ctive" or
"nssyrn etr ic " system.
This last featu re is clue to the fact that the system of facets
adopted does not in("l'ease the intri nsic brillia ncy of the source,
but spread,; o,·er a !urger area than is possible by othe r means.
T he E.S. I...-\. Cornpany was the first manufa etu r·ing undertaki ng
to devote it self exclusively to Street Li ghting by El ectricity
and has th e expe ri ence of over 2 ~ yea r'S a ctual pract ice. This
ha s enabled it to be in a position to deal with a ll the nume rous
proble ms wl1i ch ari ses in co n nection wit h Street Lightin g, for
which purpose a g reat va riety of specially d esigned fittin gs are
1-:ept in stocl>, togethe r· with othe rs w h i(·h are a djustable for n n y
contingency whi ch may ari se . !\'! embers of the Sta rr will be
present a t the exhibition who will be pl eased to explain methods
of planni ng in stallations, whi r h arc usuall y clea lt with
individually frorn scaled pla ns, or detail s obtained on site whe re
cou s idercd necessary.
NO. 6
(Eiverton St. , Vince nt Squ a re, London, S.W .) .
i\l e,.srs. Holophan e, Ltd. ar·e showing a series of prismatic
Sr. reeL Lig hting n efra ct.ors . These arc comp ri sed of types
g i\·ing va ri ou s light distriiHltions whi c; h are arranged to meet
e \·e ry contingency lil> ely to ari:;e in Street Lighting prac-ti(·e.
Til ey are divi fled into th ree main groups-IJow l, Do me and
Ba nd ll efra cto rs , togeth er with tt large ornamenta l type.
Tlto light co ntrol system is s imilar in eacll case, the prisms
being arranged on the exterior of the in1u1er member and the
i11teriur of t11e oute r member. Tile lwo meltlbers arc then
sealed a nd clamped toge ther, givi ng the unit a smoot h interi or
a1tcl exterior su rrn cc which is easily J.;ept clen n, the actual
uptkal syste m being fully protected fr om the weather. Thi s
avoids the necessity of enclosing the units in an outer gloiJe.
Six different types of Bowl Refra cto rs are available-the
fiymmetric having a circular di stri buti on and bei ng suitable
for open a reas, squares, etc.; the asymmetric for posit ions along
one side of a road where the spacing is relative ly close or tile
road very wid e; tile 2-way non-axial for stugge red spacing along
an average road betwee n intersections; the 3-way for '' T "
junctions, the 4-way for normal crossings, and the 2-way axial
for central suspensio n between intersection s.
The. Dom e refractors are available for symmetric, asymmetric
and 2-way non-axial distribution, the Band type being limited
to the sym metric and 2-way non-axial.
The ornam ental unit is supplied in two types for symmetric
and asymmetric dist ri bution.
Two main seri es of Lanterns are availa bl e for use with
the Holophane Prismati c Hefracto!'s-the cast iron and the
spu n copp er type. Both a 1·e arranged witl1 anti-vibration lamphold er fix ing and external lamp foscussing device. A small tag
is suspended by a chain in side the lantern, on which is
indicated the lamp fo cus for various beam angles, so that
the lamps f'an be very qu icldy adjusted to their correct position.
1\·Iessrs. Holophanc, Ltd. -' have, in f'onnection with their
Techni cal Depa rtment, trained engineers available to give
advice and assistance in con necti on with any Street Li ghting
problems. l\'l oreove r, they have a staff of district engin ee rs
who are fully qualified in this conn ection . All enqui r·ies shoulU.
be add ressed to 1\lessrs. Holophane, Ltd., Eh'erton Streei, Vincent Square, London, S.W. I. , when they will rece ive prompt
attent ion ent irely free from any obligation .
(O idbury, nea r Birm ing ha m ).
T he Street Li ghti ng equi pm ent exlliiJited by 1\l essrs. Credrnda
Conduits, Co., Ltd .. is co nfin ed to a selection of· the most
popular Ind ustria l and Street Lighting Fitti ngs included in
th e wid e r·ange of Li ghting eq uipment they ma nufacture un der
the trade name of •· Credalux ."
Creda lu x Dom e Refractor La nterns.-T he stand itself i~
illuminated lly the "Cr eclalux'" L.811 Sin gle Pi ece dome Hefractor-Lantern whic h is an extremely popular design ow ing
to its exeellent effic iency and light weight due to the vitreous
enamelled sheet steel construction. This fitting is available for
differen t sizes or lamJ)s and is unquestio nably one of the most
popular Lante rn s of thi s class whi ch is so widely used in this
countr y.
industrial Retlectors.- Tlie :;lt11 1Uun! Diopersivc <llld Distributing Inliustria! n efl ectors exJ·Jibited incorporate the new
SlJecia! weatherproof quickly detachable ca nopy which has
gaiued great popularity owing to its special features, which
include instant detachability witll absolute safety.
New Asymmetrical Reflector Fittings.-Two new Lighting
Fittings of tlle asynunetrical pattern are exhibited for tile first
time. The first of these is a two-way unit with separately
adjustable reflectors which gives an a ccurate Light control, and
enables tile maximum candle power to be maintained at whatever angle ihe unit is adj usted to open-tte. In mosL asymmetrical r eflector i:i of this type where the lamp is adjustable only,
the fitting operates at its maximum efficiency only at one
pa rticular angle; but this dill1culty has been overcome by this
new design.
Two·way Reflectors for. increasing effici e ncy of plain open
Conical Lighting Fittings.-.-\nother asymmetrical Lighting
Fitting consists of an elliptical reflector which can be clipped
to the ordinary conical open type Reflector Fitting which is
still in use in \'ery large numbers. This unit is sold both as
an adaptation for existing lanterns a nd also as a complete
unit. The Heflectol' gives a non-axial two-\vay distribution
with the maximum candle power Hi0° a part in plan so that the
main beams are projected on to the roadway and not wasted
on t11e near pavement. The fitting has been developed to meet
11lc requiremeub of Publi<· Lighting Engineers who a re fu celi
with the n ecessity of p •·oviding increased intens ity a nd even·
ness of illUJnination to s uit present day tramc r equirerneuls
without increasing current consumption or involving a heavy
outlay on new Lanterns. One of the most important features
is that t11e light from the con ica l reflector is unobstructed so
that a diffused general illumination is given over a wide a rea,
house fronts are sortly lighted and the tunnel effect of deep
opaque reflectors is ob,•iated .
Pole Brackets.- The selection of steel Extension and Pole
Brackets are exhibited. These are available in a wide ra.nge
of standard types with and without scroll work to harmonise
wit ll exi sting posts. n e('ently developed patterns are shown
which combine great streugtll in compa l'ison with their light
weight owing to the use or wrought iron strip in place of the
usual Jl l::t llcab\e iron elalllps. These are particularly suitable
for expol'l a nd rural exten:;ions where li ght weight is of great
Special designs s upplied under contract.-.-\ mongst the exhibits
will be noiiccd sa u1ples of the Glasgow pattern lantern of
which this linn llas s uppliPd 1,000 1o t.hat city during the past
y('a r, and also the Johan nesburg lunt em or \vhich 5,000 were
receutly supplied us a single contract. The interesting new
pattel'll Lantern ret.:ently udopt cd by Jl udd ersfield Corporation
is nlso demon sttated. T his fittin g obtains a two-wuy light
di st rilmti orl by tlte use of two l:.H li!J S in tile ~ id es of sde nti!ically
py rcuuidal refl ectors <.111d is s uppli ed with damps for
n..: ntral suspensio n. These are exampl es nf tile many contracts
11w t lla\·e been obtain ed by Credenda CoruJuit s Co., Ltt.l ., in
recent years and whose Lightin g Fi tti ngs lmve been ndopted
a s sta ndard compo uents by Corporati on s in all parts of the
World .
tl e~ ign ed
NO , 8
(1 3, Victoria Street, London, S.W.).
Pamphlets and photograph s will be exhib ited on this Sland,
but attention is drawn to six different types of our Lamp
Columns which could not be shown in the hall owing to the
limited hei ght and \\'l1ich a ccordingly hU\'C been specially
erected out side the Impe rial Hydro. These are all made from
weldl ess steel tubing und include variou s d es ig ns of plain and
flut ed shafts.
Position " A. "- .-\rr installation of centrally su spended lighting
consisting of standard stee l poles \Yith cast iron " Hhondda"
type bases. We would mention the span in th is case, w hich
is 45ft.
Position " 8 ."-.·\ \3-foot column with ve rtica lly fluted sha ft
and ca st iron dwarf base.
Position " C. "~A column with a he ight of :!0' 3" to point or
attachment, consisting of a steel shaft ftu! ed aud stepped do\\'n ,
and with a bracket ann 7ft. long. Thi s type of column has
been used fo r se ,'eral new installations in London . A cast iron
!Jase completes the general n eat appearance .
Position " 0 ." -Here we have a type of co lumn s imilar to th e
one at P osition" B, " but with a longer shaft and complete with
cast iron base.
Position " E."- Thi s is on e of the largest type of steel co lumn
mad e. It has a flut ed and stepped sha ft . cast iron ba se and the
bracket arm s proj eciing straight from the s id e of the column
giving a total span between th e lantern s of 15ft.
Position " F. " - Thi s column is made of plain tubi ng made in
three sectio ns with hot reduced and shrunl( type joints. The
hei ght from ground leve l to point of attachm ent is ~0' G" and
tile bracl.; et .arm is 12ft. long.
Other various designs Dre illu stra ted on th e stand.
NO. 9
(Kingston By-Pass Road , New Malden, Surrey).
Ve nn er Tirn e Switches Ltd. han• always tlalru ed that th ey
are in no way single- minded a s to the choice of method of
o perating their automati c tirn e switdres fo r street lighting
control ancl this clairn is fully substantiat ed !Jy the ,·ariety of
possi!Jilities to be shown on their stan d aud w h ich will includ e
hand wound c locks of \·ariou s length of run per windin g , self
windi ng clod\s, rela ys-including dual fr equ ency types a nd
slow r unning (:?00 ) self-sta rtin g synchronous motors.
They will be showing as weLl a full r:111ge of switchgears fm•
donbl e, dwuge over aud grouped t;ircu its
wit.h aud
solar diah and iu a range of carefully
tlesigueU weatlwrp roof lwx es suitable for wall, pole and column
Being e(]Uipped witl1 their ow11 fonndry tile possi!Jilities in
tile box
ure as unlimited as til(' it' lwowledge of t.b e T ime
Swit eil
which is based 011 :..'5 years world wide experiand
inst rum ents to withstand
condition .
(Old Tra fford , M anchester) .
r be \Vardle Ex h ibit consists of a small selection of L'illar
Bracl>Pts witl1 swikll fus e box es and spigot caps,
differen t types of Street Lighting Lalla plain C:1st Iron Lant,ern, an
" Heatarl.; · Lctu terJJ and a " Talbot"
Tn addition a t ypi ca l Cradl e Hr:~ d:et fitted with a" \Vallace '
l. antem with Holopl1ane nefraelor will he d isplayed. A manher of Pol e Mounting Br<l c kets wiU also be exhibited am ongst
1!1ese being two popular de signs suitabl e for rural dist rict s, a
lW' IJrad.; et with a damp <ll1d " Clwrlton ,. Lante rn, this IJeing
u. cast iron unit \Vith vitreous enamelled 2-way inte rnal reflp(·tor . .-\lso a similur Hl''>:et with pole clam p an d cast iron
weatherproof " T albot" Lantern. .-\ select ion of Switch .Fuse
Boxes, Time Switc h Boxes and various Street Lightiug .-\ ecessories will also he di spl ayed on th e stand .
Several new designs of Street Lighting Lante rns will also br;
e xhibit ed <.nnongst. tl1ese being t ile" Devonian" Lantern, which
("Omp rises a cast iron canopy wi th vitreous rmamell ed spun
stee l refl ec tor and one-piece dome r efractor . This lantern is in tllrr~ e sizes 1 ~ ". 14"" and 18'"' d iamete r a.ncl is suitable
for ()() \vat!. to 500 wa tt lamps .
.\notller ne w design
the "Cambrian" Lantern whicll COitlpriSPS i"ast iron caJlopy, onP-pi ecc interior ::md exterior
\"itreous enamelled
steel reflector , one-piece dom e refractor
with clear outer
T l1 is lante rn is mtlcle in two sizes 14"
and J8" suitH.ble
100 watt <llld :.wo watt lamps respedively.
(Magnet House, Kingsway, London , W.C.2.) .
I nteresting exhibits !Jy this Company inelud c:
(l) G.E.C. Ray-Path App a ra t u s.~. \ device that has bee n
to (letennine the pat11 of <l
of light and its
at reflecting or· refracting
with particular
refe re nce to its course within the material of the d eviati ng
By its means, r;ases of total internal reflection within the
glass of u refl ector or refra ctor are readily detected. Also the
alllou nt of refieelion at a ny surface can IJe observed and t11e
effi cie ncy of til e optiwl syste1t1 estimated.
(i) C.E.C. Vi ewscope .-A pparutus for studying street ligll t ing
i11 stullutions from a model. This apparatus is desig ned
to show the d ifferent effects produced by alterative systems of
street lighting, and to co1n pare the appeararwe of any choseu
slreet illuminated in a variety of ways.
Tile spacing, intensity and character of the lighting system
ca n be altered to simu late desi red conditions, and by- means
of mirrors, a gradient or cun'e in tile roadway may be represented . Two types of road surface are available, matt and
sh iny.
T he suitability of any chosen sc heme for lighting a given
thoroughfare ca n be demo nstra ted, by tile use of a photograph
of the street in qu estion proj ected on to a view of the model.
(3) C.E .C. Portable Photo-Electric Photometer.-Por table
ap paratus for the prec ise measur ement or illumination by
mean of a photo-electric cell. This is an en tirely new method
of obtainin g photomete r readings and pr ecise measurements
of illumination by means of the Osram photo-electric cell,
wherever it is desired to oUtain illumination readings or an
abso lutely precise and accurate character , the human factor
bei ng entirely eli minated.
The photo-electric cell is contained in a separate unit com·
plete with amplifying valves and range changi ng devices all
of which a re embedd ed in paraffi n wax in order to secure a nd
maintain the high insulation necessary. The metal containing
Uox screens th e amplifier from external electrical disturbances.
The measuremem is made by adjusting a potentiometer until
the gal\•anometer defle ction is zero which ind icates that the
va lve bridge is balanced. The potentiometer read ing mu ltiplied by the ca libration facto r gives the illumination value.
(4) .-\ series of comparative lighting photographs showing
results of the Wembley electric street lighting system as compared with systems of illumination which it has d isplaced.
(5) Specially designed diffusin g glass post top lantern s on
ltuted steel standards with cast iron base.
(G) Hexagonal type lanterns glazed wi1h diffusing glass
panels and inco rporating a new series of single piece
non -axi al pri smatic gla ss t•efractor for controlling the distribution of li ght. These lanterns Ul'e of the pendant type
supported on swan-ned( brackets mou nted on steel standard s
w i til cast iron bases.
(7) Totally enclosed non- ve ntilated ty pes of 1,000·1 ,500 watt
Wembley lant.erns su pported on G'rt. projection bracket arms
mounted OH Bri tish t-.·lannesman Tu be Co .. Ltd.'s, weldless steel
tub ular column s with all steel bases.
(8) Ex amples or double arm decorative brackets \Vitll d if·
fusing g lass lanterns of curved panel a nd flat panel types,
incorpora1i11g G.E.C. siug le piece prismatic glass refractors, us
installed nl a Humbe r- of important seasid e resorts .
Hound and pear slw pcd Paisley lanterns install ed on a
of s t rr~et lighting columns in the immediate vicinity of
tile Ex11ibition.
(100, Holden hurst Road, Bournemouth) .
I" hi,.; Fi ml is showing a wide rauge of tlle well-known "G un-
NO. J2
lire ·· Gus Controllers und Electri c Time Switches, for automatically lighting aud extinguishing Street Lamps ancl the lihe
at predetermined titn c:s, CJ JJbodying the latest features essen tial
in snd1 an apparatus.
I11t:lucletl in tllis Exl1ibit of Conr.rollers, which are supplied in
fOrJIIS suitable for every t.ype of lamp, is a specially constructed Controller (l~nown as T ype C,/ L) for main tap operation,
provided with a cut-out devi ce to obviate operation on Sunday
or any other day , which is entirely automatic in operation .
inte rest in g selection of Electric Time Switches is· also
varying fr0 111 fJ amp . to{)() amp., siugle and double
pole, aJl(l also comprising one, two or three phase types.
T l1e "L;unlirc" Controllers atHl T ime S\v itches are manufactured throughout in the Company's worKs at Bournemouth ,
witl1 exception of the fully jewelled lever escapements, whicll
a r e of the linest quality procurable. The "Gunfire" Controllers enjoy u. world-wide reputaiion for simplicity of constructioll, accura cy, reliabil ity and efficiency of action .
NO. 13
(Tividale, Tipton).
_\ sHmll selection of 1l1is Jlrm 's reputaiJle Street Lighting Fittings is being slw,vn on their Stand, and represents those used
in their more reumt installations. It is, of course , quite
impossible to show all the range , though an inspection will
reveal nmeh of interest in modern Uesign .
Several types of lJrackets aud smaller Jlttings are also being
show n as well as sa mple street lighting standards.
_\ Hevo T raffh; Signal wi ll be shown in operation, and affords
a splendid opportun ity to iuspect the mechanism of the simple
ye t highly elllcieut contro ller .
NO. 14
(Ranelagh Works, Chapter Street, Westminster, S.W.).
T his is a COi llprelteHsive exhibit and inel ucles a representative
seri es o1" tile famil ia r types of lamps suppb ecl by 1\'I essrs. W.
Sugg a nd Co ., Ltd.
T hu s we see a G-light upright " Hoehester" lamp with "Multiray., reflector and control ler i11 t.ll e base; an S-light " Rocheste r"
suspension lamp with dual supply (six and two lights) fitted
with the " !\ ' ' typP rustl ess steel Directional Befieclor, clock
controller and gO\'ernor; a G-light di1 to, with chromium-plated
Police reflector and clock controller; a 4-llght ditto, with ":r-.'lultiray" reflector; a sim ilar lamp with four mantles in line and
tbe " S" type Directional reflector.
Other interesting exhibits for general purposes, a re the 3-light
·Promenade " lamp , \vhich, like the upright" n.ochester," uses
the bowl form of glassware, but is made on plainer and more
economical lines and the firm 's well -kn own lB inch "Windsor"
lamp, with four No. 2 mantles-probably the most popular of
the square, glazed pane type of lamp.
Then , for special purposes, the Flood Lamp will be found of
particular inter est: \Vhile others in th is category are the 1-\ight
' 'Littleton" lamp with r uby globe for road crossings and
(]anger :.;pots: tliP 3-light " Littleton" suspension lamps with
adjustable, chromiun1 pl ated, p<.t!'ilbolic refl ect or to ligllt important roads signs: til e No. 1548 Back La111p for subways and other
positions calling fo r wall fi xing and tile " Hollyhea.d" lamp,
a lJrucket fixing moclel for porches , passage ways, etc.
A cor11prehensive display ~s made also of Conversion sets, the
novel feature of many of them being that th ey include the
·' !\ 'lulti-ray" reflector , tllus permitting an old lamp to be converted fro m t he obsolete upright or large size i nverted mantle
to the efficiency of the latest type ne>v lamp with superheated
smal l mantles ami reflector.
Examples of reflectors apart from the lamps include a spec ial
" 1\Iulti-ray" made in stainless steel with six facets each side;
a stainless steel reflector Ior the 16" " \Vind sor " lamp with
special Directi onal wings and several forms of the rustless
stee l Directional reflector.
Miscellaneous items of interest include several Governors of
varying types and Sugg's Patf'nt Distant. Control Device, the
worh:ing of which is made clear by means of actual sections;
ttwoe oeetion 1110dels, too, include a gland pattern control cock
whic.h is uset1 la rgely and successfully in connection with the
Distant Control Device.
(238, Kingsland Road, London E.2).
The fmn iliar "London" Clock Controller is again prominently exhibited on Stand No. 15, and will be demonstrated for
many purposes to all ihose interested.
Street Lighting.-Controllers will be shown operating various
makes of burners, including clusters. For the sake of economy
many Lighting Authorities desire to extinguish a proportion of
theif' clusters a.t say midnight, and the remainder at an early
moruing hour . The " London" Cluoter is ideal for th is purpose.
Shop Lighting.-For advertising purposes the proPrietors of
many shops and showrooms wish to light their windows for
some hours after closing, and do not \vish the lights burning 011
~.;ertain day or days of the week. .-\ special " London" \vith Selec-
tive Attachment is shown fo r this purpose, and can be supplied
to light by hand uno extinguish automutit.:ally if desircU.
(The hand lighting being especially useful in case of fog) or
wholly automatic.
Industrial Purposes.- l n many industries much time is lost in
ea rly morning because operatives can not com mence work until
their material is heated . This time can be saved by the
" London " Controller. For instance IIley are at present in use
in up-to-date establishments for the purpose of lighting anU
exti ngui shing gas fi r es for heating purposes, gas furnaces for
pottery kilns, gas fo r hot water appliances, gas for shop windows, gus for illuminated signs, and fo r controlling the loading
and unloading or Governors by air or waier .
.-\\l the above mentioned Controllers can, if desired, be fitted
witll !", !i" or I" Cod\S. T he mechanism of the "Lond on"
Controller being especially suitable for operating these large
cocks, ~nd having a seco nd train or wheels, the time-keeping
is not affected.
On this stand another very efficient Controller, the " Kingsland," is bei ng shown. Although this has only been on the
market for a fe\v yea rs, some· thousands are successfully operating str eet lamps in the J\•Ietropolis and many other parts of the
The two Controllers mentioned are fitted with movements of
tiLe finest manufacture, they are exce ptionally robust and their
time·l{eeping is most reliable. The movements of the " London"
is fitted with a doubl e train, whilst that of lhe " Kingsland··
has a single train, both are eminently suitable for th e work
the)' are culled upon to do.
NO . 16
(83·93, Farringdon Road , London, E.C.1.) .
An outstanding feature of this disp lay is a se ries of outdoor
lamps of the " Warrington " type. Besides those of the familia r
in\'erted type with either single or cluster burners, varieties
equipped with special reflectors have been evolved. Special
interest attehes to the three-tier 12-sectio n directional reflectors
in stai n less stee l (72m5) whidl are litted to standard lan terns
and to the Warrington outdoor Flood Lamp equipped with
Strip lite Superheater to tal.;e 10 Bijou mantles, and with adjustable polished stainless steel reflector at back. Another unit of
a somew hat unusual clwracter is tile high power gas lamp for
floodlighti ng the interior of showrooms, duplicaie lamps with
parabolic reflecto rs being mounted side by side.
Perhaps the most interesting feature of this exhibit , however,
is the display of gas signs which have been marketed by the
firm for the fir st time during the past few months . These
signs are extremely simple in prin ci pl e, they a re substantially
foolproof a nd the cost of operating them may be regarded as
negligible. Th ere ure two varieties of static sign manufactured.-that with the burner above, refl ecting the light downLG
wards on to the word ing of the plate gluss, a nd that with an
enclosed burner eith er end of the sign, refle cting the light
laterally. Each of t11 ese types is illum ina ted by mean s of two
Bijou mantl es, produci ng a very excellent effect.
The movi ng sig ns, wlli cil are specially interest ing, are again
divid ed into two main types-t hat with the wording to be
rep rod uced out of a metal sheet immed iately beh ind th e fr ont
screen; a nd tha t with a plain opal sc ree n a nd the wo rdi ng
sta mped out of the revolv ing cylind er withi n.
NO . 17
(38-39, Upper Tham es Street, London, E.C .4.)
This Exhib it will include the " Sheffield" Street Lighting
Refl ector, whi ch consists of a spun steel body, vitreous
enamell ed , white on the und er sid e or r efl ect ing surface a nd
gree n on top. It is fitte d with a cletachuble canopy which cun
be provid ed with the usual type of hvin-len d-in suspension. A
glass cy linder is fitle d to the unde1' s ide to protect the lump
from rnin or other cl imatic conditions. The r efl ector is designed
spec ially for use with the Opal type of Gas-11 1\ed Lamp and
wovides an e\·en diffused ill uminntion over a w ide area . Three
sizes, s uitable for 200, 300, and 500 watt lamps ore being shown.
In addition a. compl ete ra nge of lamps su itable for all purposes, examples of the latest flood-lighti ng equ ipment and a
range of time switches a re on view.
NO. 18
(28, Little Ru sse ll Street, London, W .C.1.) .
n ad iovi sor li ght-sens itive control for all types ot lighting ar e
on view. The Exhibits include bot h A.C. an d D. C. Li ghting
units operating in var ious capa cilies .
The marked improveme nts in this type of un it a re as follows:
(1) The actual relay circuit and components can be rem oved
from the case , by merely sliding them out
through the open door, the whole being mounted on
brackets which adjust themselves to the walls of the case.
(2) More minute adjustment is obta inable.
(3) New des ign s in cases are availab.le tor both wall type and
sprigot cap mounti ngs on lamp standar ds .
The experi enre gai ned fro m prev ious apparatus h as enabled
tlte1n to produ(·e a n even more effic ient unit at a lower cost.
During the past year man y more Corporations and Electr icn 1
Undertakings have exten ded the use of the Rad iovisor system of
Lighting ControL In so me cases hund reds of lamps a re
controlled in one district by these means. It has been found
most emcacious fo r controlling " Danger " and ,; Keep Left,"
etc. s ign s, at cross roads both in the country and in town, since
it hp.s been r ealised that it r equ ires a minimum of attention,
and that th e lights at such places a re a lways ava ilable when
daylight fails whethe r due to n ightfall or a ny ol!r f' r reason , and
ensures that they will be switched off when n ot rf'q ui red.
i\ilodiflcations or these units are shown, whereby rhe signs (so
descr ibed ) can be illuminated by the passage of a vehicle or a
Atten tion is called particu larl y to th e use of th is type of un it
for th e control of shop lighting after clos ing h ours, to enable a
police man on hi s beat to inspect the shop by merely sh ini ng his
hntern on the n act io visor Light-Sensitive Brldge whit'h is
co ncea led in a convenient place in the window, and lighting up
t.he whole of the interior .
Comprehensive liter ature will he available on the stnnd
descr ibing products of th e company.
(Bell Ba rn Road, Birmingha m).
T his Exh ibit com pri ses a fairly wid e ra nge or Gas St reet
la nterns, including square patter ns with self-contained in\"Crted Jmrners, lHlsing omside gas a nd air adjustme nt, al so
fitted with the L"pright Swa n-Neck Type Burner. These des igns
a re shown with Clust er a nd Alignm ent Bu rner s.
There is also on view a nll"iety of Conve rsion Burners witl1
Nozzles arranged in Cluster a nd .\li gnme nt formatio n . These
Burn ers are Metall ised , a treatme nt which preven ts cor rosion
a nd mo r·eo,·er gives the articles a more attra ctive appearance.
Som e of the lat est design s of Suspension and " U" Fix ing Lam ps,
wh ich embody all the most mod ern iJnprovements, includi ng
refl ect ing devices are on view .
.\ n important feature of our display is the demonstration of
the "fl.·tor-liie" Patent Direct.ional Heft ector. Th is is a simpl e
and in expens ive device which can be adapted for a ny bu rn er .
lt is cla imed that a 2-light l\"led ium Burn er with a Polar Cnr\' e
rwe ragi ng 150 c. p. will, when fitted with til e " Mor-lite" gi\'8
in the desired direction a \'[tiue of 350 c.p. Furthermore, the
increa sed illumi nation can be d irected at th e low a ngles of
10° ·20°. T he " Mor-lit e" Refl ecto r' com pr ises t wo hi ghly
polished " Stuyhi·ite " St eel W ings, whi ch a re sec ured to t11e
Bu m er by mea ns of an attachment or clip. Thi s enables the
win gs to be adjusted a round both the hor izontal a nd vertical
axes, ensuri ng the maximum Pffect from the Reflectors, the
a djustme nt be ing va riabl e nc-corcl ing to the height. a nd spacing
of Lamps, and the cu r·vature of th e roa d. The wings c-an be
instantly detached wlwn required , for the pu rpose of cleani n g
Lam p Pa nes, etc. , and rep\a c:ed in th e same position without
di st urbing the adju stme nt.
Consider abl e attention is heing paid to the require ments of
moder n traffic conditions . " Dange r " lamps .w ith coloured
Globes , fo r use with T mmc Islan d Pos it ion s a nd also a similar
ty pe of Lamp fitted with a Pilraholi c Refle ctor for· th e ill urninrrtion of T rame- Sig.ns, are shown. On e of the models exhih itec\
is vrovided with a chromium-plated reflector, having a ruby
Ions inser!cd, so th:l.t it serves the rlo ubl e purpose of illuminating the traffic sign, and abo acting as a danger signal.
" Parkinson" lamps may also been seen in operation outside
tile rmpcrial Hydro HoteL
NO .
(155, Ch a rin g Cro ss Road, London W.C.2).
This exhibit ineludes l.he "Piccadilly •· Lantern (1,500 watts)
em ployed to light Pi ccadilly Circus, "Tile H ub of i11c \Vorld ."
It is a pole top unit employing a large rliffusing globe of
"Nelite" gl:u;s the use of large lamps witlwut. unpleasant. glare. The new " London '' LantPI'TI (500 watts)
employs tlHJ Ediswan Prismatic Hefractor witll pressed glass
outer globe and embodies provision for exte rior focussing.
For high Pffitiency illumination of largP a r eas thP rc is the
Snper· Un it (500
which has a combinati on of
~ reflectors enabling
direution of light at an angle
of appro.ximately G.:.~ to \'ertical. Tile j\'lersey Tu nnel Fitting
(150 watts) was specially designed for illuminating the roadway
t.hrough the tunnel.
A general purpose floodlight is exhibited in the form of
Projector Type 1159 (1,000 watts). It l1as a stainless steel dual
focus refleetor (Patent) an d pressed glass front.
-\Cf'efis for focussing is provided th rough the top.
T he "Torit\ " ftoot1light (2.10
is designed for the illumination of ftnt surfaces with the
possible " proj ection."
It gives a very nar r o~v transve rse and wic\e longitudinal beam .
.\ particularly interesting exhibit is the transporn.ble J'\'letropolitan Poli ce Type Hoad T raffk Obstruct ion Signal which
operates unc\er control of a "point" o/11cer from self-containec\
batteries. In add ition to visual signalling \Vhich may he
illuminated at night there is a powerful warnin g bell. Tile
equipment exhibited is comp lete witll Control Booth as su pplied
to the Metropolitan Police.
NO .
(Sph ere Works, St. Albans ) .
The exhibit comprises Street Lighting Lanterns, ornamenta,
brackets for spigot cap a nd pole clamp mounting, Contact
Gears, Raising and Lowering Equipment. Time Switches, h eavy
cluty Lampholders , Anti-Vibrator attadnn cnt.
T h e lanterns includ e: The "Glasgow " fitting, suitahlc for 300
to 1,500 watt. lamps, r·asP lowered by means of toggles,
an improvement on the usual method of fi xing the case
by means of thn•e screws. Th e larnpholcler is externally
adjusted by means of a knurled nut on th e cast iron top of
the ntting. Four hundred of these fittings are installed by tlte
1 ~\i ngton Boro11gh Council for main street lig h ting.
The " Trent " Fittin g, which has similar characteristics fo r
lowe r ing the case, has been specially des igned for use w ith
bowl or band ty pe sy mmet•·ical or di rectional rufractors.
Tile "Greenocl~" litt ing, ot·nurnen la1 pol e top mounting to
accommodate up to two 200 watt lamps whi ch are supported
on a cent re carryi ng tube (t hereby avo iding any shadow on
the globe such as occurs when ouly one lamp is used ). T he
Lamps burn in their no rma l downward position , which has been
found to give the bes1 results as regards life of filaments. Over
1,000 "Greenocl\ " fittings have bee n supplied to the followi ng
South Afriean 1\l un icipalities: 13 ula\vayo, DUI'ban , Cape Town,
Johannesburg, Bloemfontein, Port Elizabeth, an d also at
various towns in this Country. A ne\v size or "Greenock"
fltting is now available to take 1,500 watt lamp .
T he ' 'Pin nacle" directiona l lighting lltti ng: This is an entirely
new ftiti ng, the refl ectors being of mirrored glass. Tile mirroring is ca rried out by a spec ial process a nd is exactly simi lar
to that used by the Ad miralty for Searchligl1t mirrors, a nd cau
be guaranteed pe rmanent under all climatic conditions. At
prese nt one size of fitting is availaJ)Ie for lamps u p to :150 watt;
other larger sizes are in course or manufacture. The a ngle and
lenglh or the mirrors have been so ca refully determined that
the maxim unt amount of light abo\·e lhe hor izontal is directed
along a comparatively narrow urea, with ver y even illumination th rouglwut. There is also o.. sunlcie nt amount of light
abO\'e the hori zontal fo r illuminating buildings, so that there
is no deep co ntrast between the road illumi natio n and above the
hori zontal.
Contact Gear.-Entirely automatic in operation, the ntting
being always brought into the same pos.ition makes th is
gear ver y suita ble for d irectional lighti ng un its. The conta cts
are exceptionally heavy, and the whole gear of extremely robu st
constr uction, the insulation throughout being mica.
Brackets.-A selection of these will be exh ibited , one fitte d
with "Acme" Time Sw itch and cast iron "Tees '' lighti ng
fitting. The sw itch mechanism is contained in a hermetically
sealed housing, the in comi ng wires be ing brought into the time
switch through a sepa rate compartme nt at the bacl( of t.11e
switch hous ing, thus avoi ding any poss ibility or groun d damp
reaching the switch mechanism.
Anti-Vibrator Attachment- T h is is displayed in actua l oper ation, a nd consists of two concen tric rings co nnected by strips
of sp r ingy phosphor bronze gauze cut d iagonally, th e inherent
fr iction of the weft and warp of the gauze carrying 1he weighl
of the lamp and holder . These d iscs a re exte nsively used by
the Admi ralty to absOI'b vit1ra1ion d ue to gun-fire, an d rnany
thousand s a re also in use by various corporations throughout
tlw Country. Ait Lan tern flt.tings exhibited are so designed that
the Anti-Vibrato r discs can be fitted whe n required , but we arc
pleased at any time to fit this device to other fit ti ngs fo t· testing
pu l'poses free of charge.
(Blenheim Works, Hammersmith, W.C.).
(I} The 1932 pattern 6-li ght "Eclipse" Lamp, with upright
fixing.-.-\ symmetrically des igned larnp 1nannfactured from all
Ul'itisll material and emiJodyiug tile maximum excel lence of
The casing is of heavy gauge polisl1ed copper, awl the
reflector of 20 SWG enamel led steel. The two rings with their
hinge and catch fo r accommodating the globe are of cast brass
as is also the Superheater burner box.
The rings, burner hox and the external fittings are
aluminium metalised to pr event corrosion. All burner
fitt ings are of solid brass and the gas and air regulators are operated from the outside of the lam p. The supporting arms are of it"' steam barrel with wrou ght iron scrolls ,
and the base of soft grey cast iron. The base of the lamp
shown is designed to house a clock-work controller, but a
smaller cast iron base cau be supplied with a lever-cock only,
when controller is not required.
These lamps can be supplied in size cxllibited to h ave 4, 5 or
G mantles, larger sizes being manufactured fo r 7, 8, 9, or 10
(2} The " Ionic" Circular Lantern.- T he " Ionic" Lantern
was designed with a view to meeting the demand fo r a lantern
for position s when something rat.her better in appearance than
the ordina ry square lantern is called for. Of pleasing proportions and symmetrical shape, it is suitable for lighting principal
streets, squares, sea-front promenades, etc.
A circular lan tern, made of s~ut hardened copper, with
stamped copper ornamental fret. Three ribs to body, having
brass strengthening r ods through entirely length of rib. On e
door to body is provided, hin ged at side, \Vitll hvo strong brass
wire bolt faste nings. The top 'is h inged, and when opened
engages in a clip which supports it at the open position, leaving
both hands fr ee for man ipulating burner, cleaning, etc. Tltc
body is built on to a stout cast brass base plate, which adds
greatly to tl1e strength of the lantern . Either upright or
inverted burners may he used, an d the lantern can be arranged
for any system of lighting, bye-pass, torch or controller. nefl.ectors for this lamp can be supplied in porcelain, enamelled steel,
ehromium plated steel or stainless steel.
The "Caxton P" Lantern fitted
square lante rn, made of stout hard ened copper throughout, with
brass strengthening rods through side ribs, and stout stamped
brass ornamenta l corners. Paiuted three coats (any eolour)
and glazed 21m:. best English g lass. Th e lantern is fitted with
special stainless steel or chromium plated steel r eflectors, so
designed to utilise the maximum of light rays, and has one
cleaning door hinged at side, provided with stron g brass wire
bolt fastening. The top is also hinged to furnish a· means or
easy awl speedy access to the burn er , etc, An Inve rted superheated burB Pl' or the latest type is littr)d, which can be arra11ged
to take No. :1 or No. 2 size mant.lcs as required. The burner
/1as single gas and air regulators , wh i,:h a re operaterl fr om
the outside of th e lante rn, and a re provided wi th lot.:k -nuts.
These loek-nuts prevent vibration from disturbing th e regulation. A seamless brass tube gas supply tube u nd !" colurn n
cock a re also suppliPd.
(.l )
Specia lly designed all cast bronze standard octagonal
lanter n fl.ttet.l with muffl ed obscured glass suitable for gate
piers, or en tran ces to Tow11 Ha lls and other public bu ildin gs .
Th e siz e shown is adapted fo r 2 or 3 mantles on a superheater , tlJe cons umption of each mantle being a p proximately
l cubic foot per hour.
Ally design l~an be nHuwfacturefl to Architects or P ublic
Lighting Engineers spe~.;i1lcatio n.
(5) Specially designed all cast bronze bracket lantern, fitted
wiih muffled obscured glass suitable for corridors , etc . of publlc
buildin gs. T his particular design is a rru nged for 1 su perheated burne r, having a mautle consuming approximately 1
cubic ft. per hour.
\Ve are prepared to design a ny ty pe of lautern of this desc ription or wi 11 mal.;e to specification.
NO. 23
(27, Farringdon Avenue, London, E,C.4.) .
High Pressure Gas Lamps .- Examples arc sho\Vll of several
well-lm own high-pressu re Gas l<.unps manufactured by !\Iessrs .
Jam es l<citlt and Blaekma n Co., , 27, Fa rringdon Avenue,
London, E.C./1. , etc. 'These lamps are r ep resentative of the
actua l lamps used for Street Li ghting in tlw City of London
a nd \Vest minster districts, and a very large portion of Sou th
T ile following la mp s are shown:On c 10(H} u. p. Suspension La mp No. 807 " Squat" pattern,
fiitecl with special di rectional reflectm .
One 1500 c.p. Smpension Lamp No. S05, ntted w ith spec ial
direction al reflector.
One 2-lt 2000 c.p . Suspension Lamp lltted with 19:l2 pattern
heaters (a smaller edition of the r ecogni sed centra lly
suspended City lam p).
One 2-lt 3,0fl0 c. p. Sta ndu r d pattern Suspension Lamp , J\o.
920, as used in the City of Lon don and W est End.
:\ll these Lamps a rc fitted wi th a utomatic lighter s for distance
Raisin g a nd Lowering and Raising and Lowering and Tra·
versing Gears.-Fitted to col umns carrying 10\v-pressure gas
lamps outside the Hydro, samples of Keith Patent Ra ising and
Lo,vering, and Hah;ing a nd Lo wering and Traver sing Gears
a re on view.
The n uising, Loweri ng and Traversi ng li enr enables gus
lamps to be centrull y suspend ed ov er a Street, and prov icles a
mea ns for brlnging the lam p to, and lowering it at, on e side
for rnaint enan ce , and afterwa r·ds raisi ng and nutomalically
co nnecti ng to th e gas su pply .
T he Rai sing and Lowe rin g Gea r enables a gas lamp attached
to a bra cket to be lowered fo r mai ntenan ce and afterwards
mised and automut i c :.~lly connected to the gas supply.
A sample of the n aising, Lowering and Traversing Gear is
also sl1ewn on Sta nd No. 23.
NO . 24
(711 and 71 5, Fulham Road, London , S.W.S).
The exhibits of 1\undem El ect r iral, Ltd., a re as follows: Kandem " Mirrorlite" Lanterns in 3 sizes for· lamps from HlO
to 1500 watts. T he reflecti ng medium is a spec ially fo r med
Silvered Glass 1\l irror n efl ect or, whil st a conically-shaped opal
ba nd is incor porated to obviate gla re.
Kand em " Throlite" Lanterns have a detacha])le one-piece
prismati c g lass linin g. The seating of the lum p well into th e
ret1 ecto r ensures t11 e absence of g lare, whilst ihe maximum
ca nd le- power is give n at 70°. These laniern s are available in
two sizes for la mps from 200 to 1000 watts.
1\and em " Far lite" Lantern s embody prism atic glass refl ectors protected hy a n outer globe of clear or diffusi ng glass .
They are available in 3 sizes for lamps from 100 to 1500 watts
1\andem "Glowband " Lanterns in several sizes for lamps
up to 1500 watts. There is a \vhite vitreous enam elled inner an d
oute r refl ector to eac h la nt ern and a n opalescent cylindri ca l
glass band. T he lighi peak is not so accentuated as with most
other types of street lighting lante rns. As the majority of these
la ntern s are obtai nable with two lamphold ers, comparativ ely
close spacing will enable a n eve n degree of il lum ination withom gla re to be obtained at all times. Economy can be effected
by switching oN on e lamp in each fi tti ng when the thoroughfare OOcomes comparatively deserted, and the volume of traffic
does not 1·equire such a h igh degree of illum ination.
Kandem "Glowbell " La nter ns in sever al sizes with hellshaped opal escent globe completely open below . Th is lantern
has a white vitreous ena melled steel inner refl ector and is
available fo r lamps up to 1000 watts.
All th e for ego ing Kande m Str eet Li ghtin g Lan terns have
focussing lampholders, easily adjustabl e from the outside or
the lantern .
Ka ndem " Oia" long burning flame Arc Lam p for street
li ghting for A.C. or D.C. The main features are the longburning per iod of the ca rbons-about 150 hours per tri m-and
the high efficie ncy compared with a mod ern inca nd esce nt
lantern- the " Oia" lamp is about twice as effi cient . In adell·
tion . although the light distr ibut ion allows very liberal spacing,
notabl e featu res of a st reet li ght in g in stallation of " Dia" Arc
Lamps are the complete absence of glare and the high degree
of even illumination.
l{andem "Flood lights" embodying silvered glu ss mirrors and
heat res isting front glasses. Nar row ancl wide a ngle types
available. Also with white vitreous enamelled reflector giving
\Vide beam dispersion. All unit.s are efficiently ventilated and
weatherproof. Ample foc ussing of lampllolder in both horizontal and vertical planes.
Several special designs of fitt in gs for public buildings such as:
Kandem 1\'loisture proof fitting for putJlic baths. This fitting
has a white glazed porcelain canopy and a specia l one-piece
globe which beds aga inst <-t rubber ring in the canopy. The
walls of the globe are of dense opal, whilst the lower portion is
light opalescent glassware.
Kand em " Pilslite" fittings for The "Pilot"
Lamp can be usNl from the same source of supply as the main
light and serves purely as a Pilot lamp, or from a separate
source of supply, thus serving as an emer gency light. A notewortlly feature of this fitt ing is that the Pilot lamp casts no
objectionable shadows on the gl8SS\Yarc of the fitting, whilst
the main lamp is in use.
(A vii Works, Crossley Hall, Bradford).
This exhibit includes:(1) Square lanterns fitted wiih both stainless steel reflectors
and Holophane r efractors,
(2) An assortment of Strip Lanterns fo r advertising purposes,
together with slatted reflectors for flood- lighting,
(3) A selection of the well-lmown "U-type" fittings,
(4) A varied series of burners for Public Lighting.
There are also on vie\v semi-portable units for indoor displays
for showrooms and other purposes, and other standard lines
of equipment with which the firm's name is associated .
NO. 26
(Stan gate House, '235, Westminster Bridge Road, S.E.1).
1\lessrs. C. H. Kempton and Co's exhibit includes, amongst
other items:(1) The "Majestic" circular lamp, central suspension with
superheaters arrange(] fo r ten to twelve No . 2 mantles; approxirnate candl e-po\ver 1000.
(2) The " Kemborn" circular lam p, central suspension \Vith
superheater arranged for six staggered bijou or four No. 2
cluster, giving approximate candle-power of 380 to 400.
(3) Higllly poli shed stainless steel directional refl ectors for
use with above units. A Unit for general floodlighting purposes, with pa rabolic trough reflector, giving about 2,000 c.p.
(4) 1-Jt.. and Cluster Inverted Burners for indoor Lighting.
(5) Circular and Square Lanterns !or Street Lighting.
Printed by thll Nuneaton Newspapers Ltd. , " Ob:sener " Buildings, Nuneaton