Survival Guide - Hochschule Augsburg


Survival Guide - Hochschule Augsburg
International Office
Survival Guide for International Exchange Students
Table of Contents
Detailplan Campus
Welcome in Augsburg
The Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
Students about Hochschule Augsburg
The International Office
German Language Courses
Before You Leave Home
Checklist before You Leave Home
Your Stay in Augsburg
Orientation Programme
Other Student Services
Institutional Details
A-Z Augsburg
Language Guide
Welcome to the Hochschule Augsburg
University of Applied Sciences
Dear exchange student,
You have made a good decision by choosing Augsburg
University of Applied Sciences for your studies abroad.
Augsburg is a beautiful town to live in and you will find
yourself among friendly and open minded people.
Although the student number has exceeded 5000
students, our University is small enough to retain a very
personal learning environment. We are proud to have
almost 400 students from 65 different countries.
Amongst them, degree seeking students and an
increasing number of exchange students from all over
the world.
We welcome you to join us and become a member of
our international student community. We would also
like to invite you to learn as much German as possible
regardless of the level you start with. This will help you
to gain an impression of German culture and to feel at
home here in Augsburg. The courses we offer you in
German as a foreign language are for free.
The colleagues of the International Office and our
student welcome and orientation team “SWOP” will
guide you from the application until your arrival in
Augsburg. During your stay here you will meet and
make friends with the international and the Augsburg
students when participating in the broad variety of
student activities. This will certainly help you to enjoy
learning and also ensure the full academic success of
your exchange semester.
After your exchange period we would like you to stay in
contact with us and maybe come back for another
semester or to visit your friends in Augsburg.
We look forward to your application!
Ingrid Hahn-Eisenhardt
Director International Office
Ms Ingrid Hahn-Eisenhardt
Director International Office
Institutional Erasmus Coordinator
Phone:+49(0)821 5586-3205
Fax:+ 49(0)821 5586-3207
Hochschule Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
Detailed Plan of Campus:
Tram Stop
Building A and B
Building C
Building E
Building F
Building H
Buildings KLM
Building M
Building J
H Yard-
Train Stop
Administration, International Office, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical and Process Engineering
Computer rooms, Library, Mensa, Cafeteria
Faculty of Design
Mensa, Cafeteria
Faculty of Computer Science
meeting Point for Orientation week (Pyramide)
Hochschule Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
Detailplan Campus| SurvivalGuide 1
Welcome in Augsburg
Germany, Facts and Figures:
Area: 357,021 km²
Population: 82.800.000
Capital: Berlin
Currency: Euro
Religion: 26m Catholics, 26m Protestants,
900,000 Orthodox, 3.3m Muslims, 230,000
Buddhists, 100,000 Jews, 90,000 Hindus.
The Basic Law guarantees freedom of
thought, conscience and religion.
There is no state religion
State structure: federation consisting of 16
federal states
Party system: Multi-party system
Federal President: Joachim Gauck
Federal Chancellor: Angela Merkel (CDU)
Climate: Moderate oceanic/continental
climatic zone
Augsburg, an Overview:
With a population of approximately 300 000, Augsburg is Bavaria’s third largest city. A dynamic
mix of old and new, the city is a thriving centre of industry with an impressive cultural heritage.
Augsburg is one of Germany’s oldest cities, founded more than 2000 years ago by the Emperor
Augustus at the meeting place of the rivers Lech and Wertach. A major trading post during the
Roman Empire, the city continued to prosper up to and through the Middle Ages.
Hochschule Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
Welcome in Augsburg| SurvivalGuide 2
With the help of Emperor Maximilian I and the influence of two local families, the Welsers and the
Fuggers, Augsburg became the ‘Wall Street’ of the Renaissance. Under their patronage the city
was also renowned as a meeting place for the famous artists, sculptors and musicians of the day.
It was in Augsburg in 1555 that Protestants were first granted the right to worship freely, a
turning point in European history. The city also experienced vast industrial growth in the 19th and
20th centuries with the Diesel Motor, the Messerschmitt Jet, and the Linde refrigeration system
being invented in Augsburg.
Time in & Time out:
Augsburg is a university city. ‘Home from home’ to a combined total of over 17.000 students from
the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences (HS), the University of Augsburg and the Music
Academy, the city offers many facilities for students. Getting to know Augsburg is easy, with a
number of guided tours on offer and official ‘walks’ well sign-posted. The original Roman walls are
still standing in many places and have been successfully integrated into some of the cities newer
structures. Augsburg boasts an inspiring variety of architectural styles including Elias Holl’s town
hall (Renaissance), the Schaezler Palais (Rokoko) and the Fuggerei (Europe’s first social housing
scheme). The Augsburg Synagogue, seen by many as the most beautiful in Europe, is also well
worth a visit. As you would expect from the home-town of the Mozart family and birthplace of
Bertolt Brecht there’s a lot on offer for Culture Vultures, from open-air theatre and cinema to
music recitals in the ‘Goldener Saal’, not to mention the galleries and museums. For those who
enjoy the great outdoors, there’s a limitless supply of breath-taking countryside surrounding the
city. The Alps, including Germany’s highest peak the Zugspitze (2962 m/9720 ft), are a short trainride away, providing plenty of opportunities to indulge in both winter and summer sports. Café
culture flourishes in Augsburg from the bustle of Maximillian Strasse to the canals and cobblestoned lanes of the old town centre. There’s a busy nightlife ranging from clubs and bars to
restaurants and cafes, al fresco in summer. Pretty much every taste is catered for with cuisine
ranging from traditional Bavarian to European and Asian. Munich, with its many museums, and
busy social scene, not to mention the world- famous Oktoberfest, is a mere 30 minutes away by
Hochschule Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
Welcome in Augsburg | Survival Guide 3
The Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
1. august 1971: Foundation
7 faculties
34 studying courses
137 Professors
219 non-academic staff
4900 students of which
541 foreign students
223 international
cooperations /exchange with
102 Universities in 30 countries
Undergraduate Degree Courses:
• Architecture (BA)
• Business Studies (BA)
• Civil Engineering (BA)
• Communication Design (BA)
• Computer Engineering (BA)
• Computer Science (BA)
• Computer Science for Economists (BA)
• Electrical Engineering (BA)
• Environmental Engineering (BA)
• Energy Efficient Planning and Building (BA)
• International Management (BA)
• International Business Administration and
Engineering (BEng)
• Mechanical Engineering (BA)
• Mechatronics (BA)
• Interactive Media (BA)
Postgraduate Degree Courses:
• Computer Science (MSc)
• Civil Engineering (MEng)
• Design and Communication Strategy (MA)
• International Business and Finance (MA)
• Interactive Media Systems (MA)
•Architecture (MA)
• Energy Efficiency Design (MEng)
• Environmental Engineering (Meng)
• Mechatronic/Electronic Systems (Meng)
• Lightweight Construction and
CompositeTechnology (Meng)
• Human Resource Management (MSc)
Hochschule Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
Pyramide- Meeting Point Orientation Programme
The Augsburg University of Applied Sciences| Survival Guide 4
In 1971, in order to broaden the choice of higher education in Germany, a new kind of university
was established, the University of Applied Sciences or Fachhochschule (FH). The Hochschule aims,
through high standards of academic and practical training, to prepare students for a successful
career in a broad range of professions. This new model proved and continues to be very
successful. The Augsburg University of Applied Sciences was founded in 1971, as one of the first
„Fachhochschulen“ in Bavaria, replacing both the Academy of Arts (orig. 1710) and the Rudolf
Diesel Polytechnic (orig. 1833). The campus, situated in the centre of the city, encompasses
twelve building complexes.
Foto: Christine Lüdke
Hochschule Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
The Augsburg University of Applied Sciences | Survival Guide 5
Student Impressions
Students about Hochschule Augsburg:
Ik ben Desislava Ivanova (Desi) en ik kom
oorspronkelijk uit Bulgarije. Ik studeer International
Business and Management Studies in Den Haag,
Nederland. Ik heb Augsburg University of Applied
Sciences gekozen omdat het aanbevolen was door
het hoofd van mijn studie in Nederland. Augsburg is
a mooie stad met veel geschiedenis en kulturele
plekken om naar toe te gaan. De studie sfeer in op
deze universtieit is heel erg goed. Verder vind ik de
studenten en de kans om de Duitse taal te leren ook
een groot plus punt. Duitsland is een uitstekende
plek om te zijn als student, vooral voor een
uitwissling om te studeren.
Ik zou andere
buitenlandse studenten ook adviseren om Augsburg
University of Applied Sciences te kiezen.
Desislava Ivanova
from Netherlands
Me llamo Fabio, soy español y este año estoy de Erasmus
en Augsburg. Estudio International Management en la
University of Applied Sciences. Elegí Alemania para hacer
mi Erasmus porque quería aprender alemán y me pareció
una buena oportunidad. Me gusta Augsburg porque es una
ciudad universitaria con muchas actividades para el tiempo
libre. Es una ciudad pequeña y tranquila pero con muchos
Erasmus con los que pasarlo bien. Las
asignaturas que estudio son en inglés y resultan mucho
más fáciles de entender. Alemania me gusta porque es una
gran potencia económica y considero que en Europa es el
país que más oportunidades puede ofrecer para los que
estudiamos carreras relacionadas con la economía y la
empresa. Por otro lado, su cultura y sus costumbres
también me gustan, sobre todo el Oktoberfest.
Fabio Ramos
from Spain
Hochschule Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
Student Impressions| Survival Guide 6
Ich heiße Miro und komme aus der Slowakei. Ich
studiere Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Hochschule
in Bratislava und befinde mich in meinem letzten
Studienjahr. Ich wollte unbedingt irgendwo im
Ausland studieren. Als ich mich dann für ein Land
entscheiden musste, fiel meine erste Wahl auf
Deutschland. Das liegt daran, dass ich Deutschland
mag, die deutsche Kultur, das Land und das Leben
hier. Und warum ausgerechnet Augsburg? Weil
Augsburg eine wirklich schöne und alte Stadt ist und
weil es zentral zu vielen wichtigen europäischen
Städten liegt. Ich finde Augsburg liegt irgendwie im
Herzen von Europa und ist zudem nah zu meiner
Heimat. Das Studentenleben hier in Augsburg ist
großartig, denn es gibt viele
Sehenswürdigkeiten, sowie Bars, Restaurants,
Einkaufsläden als auch Möglichkeiten sich sportlich
zu betätigen. Die Hochschule für angewandte
Wissenschaften ist ziemlich gut, denn die
Professoren als auch andere kümmern sich sehr gut
um uns und sind sehr nett und freundlich.
Mir gefällt auch die große Auswahl an
Wirtschaftskursen, die in Englisch unterrichtet
Ich schätze es sehr, dass ich einer der Studenten der
Hochschule Augsburg sein kann.
Miro Kostka
from Slovakia
Chun-Yu Chang
from Taiwan
Hochschule Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
Student Impressions| Survival Guide 7
Hello, my name is Silvia, I come from Barcelona, Spain
and this is my last semester of the University. I came to
Augsburg to do my final project: "corporate rebranding
Augsburg Zoo".
This is not my first time in Germany but it is in
Augsburg, and I love this city, is nice, charming and you
can find culture in every corner!
My studies in The Augsburg University of Applied
Sciences are Communication Design and I'm very happy
to be here because the college is really good and with
the art equipment, you can work very well.
You can also find cute places to visit round Augsburg,
like Munich, (the big city!) or visit the Neuschwanstein
Castle, and a lot of beautiful places that, If you come to
Augsburg, I'm sure you will discover it.
Silvia Hernandez
from Spain
Hochschule Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
Student Impressions| Survival Guide 8
The International Office
Contact person for Incoming Students:
Mr Ronald Opas
Mon – Fri: 9 am to 12 am
Phone: +49 (0)821 5586-3224
Ms Ingrid Hahn-Eisenhardt
Director International Office
Ms Simone Brücher
Mr Adrian Bieniec
International Advisor (Outgoing Students)
Ms Lena Leznova
Foreign Degree Seeking Students Advisor
Mr Ronald Opas
International Advisor (Exchange
Ms Alisa O’Rourke
International Advisor (Outgoing ERASMUS
Ms Heidi Matthiessen
Director German Language Studies
Ms Christina Neumann
Advisor for German Studies
Ms Oksana Wladarsch
Advisor for German Studies
Specific functions:
The main responsibilities of the International Office are maintaining international academic
relations and contacts, advising and supporting international students, providing information on
study opportunities abroad and organizing studies abroad around the world.
Our aim is to make a student’s stay in Augsburg as enjoyable and successful as possible by
responding to individual needs. In 2003 the International Office of our university was presented
an award from the Bavarian Ministry of Science, Research and Culture for our outstanding
services to foreign students. We facilitate the exchange of students and professors under the
European Erasmus Programme by processing applications, arranging accommodation and coordinating finances. The university was one of the pioneer members of Erasmus, joining the
programme in 1987. Our language department provides German language training and
Hochschule Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
International Office | Survival Guide 9
German Language Courses
Foto: Heidi Matthiessen
During the semester, the Hochschule Augsburg offers an extensive German language programme. Basic
knowledge of the German language will enable you to profit from your studies here. There are also
courses for beginners where the necessary basic knowledge can be acquired.
The Hochschule normally offers the following courses for exchange students free of charge:
Beginner course A1 with intensive course 2 weeks before semester start
Beginner course A2 (after 100 hours of German language)
Intermediate German B1
Writing in Studies
Business German
Technical German
Cultural Studies
All courses will conclude with an examination. The results will be entered in your file by the examination
office (Prüfungsamt). For this reason, you must be registered online before sitting an examination. 2 ECTS
credits points will be awarded for every examination successfully taken. Details will be explained during
the orientation week.
Contact person:
Ms Oksana Wladarsch
Advisor German Studies
Phone: +49 (0)821 5586-3323
Hochschule Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
Ms Heidi Matthiessen
Director German Language Studies
Phone: +49 (0)821 5586- 3270
German Language Courses| Survival Guide 10
Before You Leave Home
Your Application:
The Student online Application Form should be completed and returned, along with the other
documents listed, to the International Office.
Please phone the International Office if you have any questions.
Mr Ronald Opas
Phone: +49 821 5586-3224
Required documents which have to be uploaded in Online Application System:
Online Application Form inkl. photo
Learning Agreement
CV (in English or German)
Transcript of records listing briefly your academic achievements earned prior to your stay in
 Valid health insurance
 Copy of your national ID-card or passport
 Accommodation Form
Application deadlines:
Winter semester:
30th April is the deadline for nomination by the sending institution
15th May is the deadline to upload the exchange student application documents in MobilityOnline
Summer semester:
30th October is the deadline for nomination by the sending institution
15th November is the deadline to upload the exchange student application documents in
Your Accommodation:
The Augsburg University of Applied Sciences does not have its own dormitories or residence halls.
Organisations, such as Student Union (Studentenwerk), provide the university with a certain
number of rooms. We are responsible for these rooms and expect our students to leave the
property in good condition. As long as there are no reports of damage, your deposit will be
refunded to you after you return to your home country. The residence owner (not the
International Office) will send you a bank transfer or cheque. The average rent costs between
250-400 Euro per month. The International Office may only lease for a period of six months at a
time. Leases can be signed for the following periods: March 1 to August 31 and September 1 to
February 28 the following year. You are of course free to organize other accommodation
yourself. The Student Union (Studentenwerk) will help you with private addresses.
Hochschule Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
Before You Leave Home| Survival Guide 11
Studentenwerk Augsburg – Wohnungsverwaltung
Universitätsstrasse 2
86159 Augsburg
Tel. +49 (0)821 598-4918
Please note:
Reservations may only be made within the official application procedure through the
International Office!
Application for rooms cannot be made in person at the various residences!
Hochschule Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
Before You Leave Home| Survival Guide 12
Checklist Before you leave Home
Accommodation details
Information will be sent to you by Email around end of July. If not please contact the International
Deposit for your accommodation
This should be paid in advance by bank transfer. (See your notification of acceptance).
You will need this in order to register with the German authorities and to open a bank account.
Please bring your Passport with you to the beginning of the Orientation week.
Passport Photos
Please bring two recent passport photographs in biometrical standard with you.
EU Students: Make sure that you have a valid European health insurance card.
Non EU Students: please bring your insurance certificate with you. The validity of your insurance
policy will be checked upon your arrival.
Proof of financial support
Non EU-students only: a letter confirming a scholarship, grant or family contribution. You must
receive at least 659 Euro per month. You will need this in order to register with the authorities in
Please make sure you start your visa application well in advance
Arrival/Your Flight
Please coordinate the time of your arrival to the opening hours of the Student Hall.
Please make sure you have already arranged an appointment with the caretaker in order to move
into your room.
Hochschule Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
Checklist Before you leave Home | Survival Guide 13
Your Stay In Augsburg
How to get to Augsburg:
The nearest airports are Munich/München / MUC (88 km) and Allgäu Airport Memmingen (91
km). You can take the S-Bahn either to Munich-Pasing or Munich Hbf (Hbf = Hauptbahnhof, main
station). From there, you will have to travel to the ‘Augsburg Hauptbahnhof ’. There are at least
two trains to Augsburg every hour. After a 30 to 45 minute trip by train you will arrive in
Augsburg. You can also take a private bus shuttle. Costs are about €40 per person per way. The
main advantage is they pick you up at the time you want and drop you off in the Augsburg area
where you want
For shuttle bus from Munich to Augsburg:
Your Accommodation:
You will have received all the relevant housing information before leaving your home country.
Make sure you contact the caretaker to arrange an appointment to get your key and move into
your room. Caretakers Contact details see Email “Important Facts”
If you are too late or if you arrive during the weekend the Augsburg Youth Hostel or Übernacht
Hostel will help you with accommodation for the first night(s):
Jugendherberge Augsburg
Unterer Graben 6
Phone: +49 (0)821 78 08 89-0
The Übernacht Hostel
How to get to the University:
Hochschule Augsburg
An der Hochschule 1
International Office (Building B)
Room: B 3.09, 2nd floor
Phone: +49 (0)821 5586-3204
Take the Tram Line 2 or 13 from Moritzplatz to Haunstetterstr./FH or train from Main Station to
Haunstetterstr./Fachhochschule. Cross the road at the pedestrian lights and face left, with the
railway bridge behind you.
Hochschule Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
Your Stay in Augsburg| Survival Guide 14
Orientation Programme
We expect our exchange students to arrive in Augsburg for the Orientation Programme one week prior to
the start of the lectures or earlier if you are participating in the intensive German language course. The
winter semester lectures start on Oct 1st and the summer semester lectures start on March 15th
On the first day of the Orientation Programme we will meet at the Pyramide- see page 3 Survival Guide
The International Office and the students of our SWOP team (Student Welcome and Orientation Project)
will welcome you and help you during the Orientation week with all the bureaucratic paperwork (sign the
lease, open a bank account, go to the Health Insurance Company etc.).
Further details about the Orientation Programme will be discussed on the first day of the Orientation
Registration with the German Authorities:
It is compulsory if you are staying for longer than 3 months to register yourself in Augsburg. This
has to be done within two weeks.
Documents and forms required for registration:
 Passport
 Two recent identical passport photographs in biometric standard
 Proof of financial support (only for non EU-students): a letter confirming, a scholarship,
grant or family contribution.
 You must receive at least 659 Euro per month
 Proof of health insurance
In Augsburg we have a special service centre, created to meet the needs of international students
and visiting scientists. Your contact at the Augsburg Foreigners Registration Office for students
(Hochschulbetreuungstelle) in Eichleitnerstrasse 30.
Ms Ramona Krünes
Office Hours
Mon, Tue: 8 am to 12 am
Thu: 8 am to 12 am, 13:30 pm to 15:30 pm
Fri: 8 am to 11:30 am
Phone: +49 821 598-5448
Hochschule Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
Orientation Programme| Survival Guide 15
Other Student Services
The Studentenwerk – Student Union:
This independent organisation offers a variety of services to all students studying in Germany,
including arranging accommodation. Before your arrival in Augsburg you will already have been
registered as an exchange student with the Studentenwerk. You will be required to pay a
membership fee of 96, 90€, which all German students also pay. This contribution covers general
services including your ‘Semesterpass’ for the tram and bus system in Augsburg.
Student Welcome and Orientation Project S.W.O.P. is a student initiative founded in 1999 by
three students who had just returned from their exchange study. The organisation supports the
International Office of the university by assisting foreign students with tasks such as setting up
bank accounts, obtaining health insurance and registering with the authorities. They also organise
city tours, regular social events and a Christmas party.
Office Hours
Phone: +49 821 5586-3224
Hochschule Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
Other Student Services| Survival Guide 16
Student Canteen, Mensa:
The Student Union (Studentenwerk) runs 2 student canteens and a cafeteria. For lunch, there are
two main dishes and a variety of side dishes to choose from. The canteen also offers a selection of
reasonably priced snacks, sandwiches, baked goods and drinks.
Foto: Christine Lüdke
Library and EMail-Account:
Within the central facilities of the Hochschule, there is, naturally, a library at your disposal. Along
with more than 110,000 books, you will have access to over 200 newspapers and magazines.
Catalogues are available on the On-Line Service through the internet. You also have access to the
computer rooms (Rechenzentrum) where during the Orientation week you will be registered and
a personal account will be obtained.
Foto: Christine Lüdke
Hochschule Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
Other Student Services | Survival Guide 17
Institutional Details
Director International Office
Ms Ingrid Hahn-Eisenhardt
Institutional Erasmus Coordinator
Phone:+49 821 5586-3205
Fax:+ 49 821 5586-3207
Head of Institution
Hans-Eberhard Schurk
Title: Professor Dr. Ing. Dr. h.c.
Function: President
Hochschule Augsburg Postal Address
An der Hochschule 1
86161 Augsburg
Full legal name of the Institution
Hochschule Augsburg
ERASMUS Institutional Code
EU-ERASMUS-Charta: 28411
International Faculty Coordinator:
Communication Design and Multimedia
Prof. Dr. Doris Binger
Business Studies
Prof. Dr. Anton Frantzke
Prof. Dr. Wolfram Schönfelder
International Administrator
Diana Wong
Computer Science
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Schöler
Electrical Engineering / Mechatronic
Prof. Dr. -Ing. Rainer Grossmann
Mechanical Engineering
Prof. Dr. Ing. Joachim Voßiek
Architecture, Energy Efficiency Design
Prof. Dr. Timo Schmidt
Civil Engineering
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Susanne Gampfer (Civil Engineering)
Hochschule Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
Institutional Details| Survival Guide 18
A-Z Augsburg
Activities indoor:
Climbing Hall
Klettercenter DAV Augsburg
Ilsungstrasse 15b
86161 Augsburg
Augsburg Puppenkiste (Puppet Theatre)
The "Augsburger Puppenkiste" yearly elates thousands of fans from all around the world. The
theatre is regularly sold out and the museum of the Puppenkiste "die Kiste" enchants a broad
City Hall and Golden Hall
The City Hall that was built by Elias Holl between 1615 to 1620 is the landmark of the city and it is
also said to be the most significant secular Renaissance building north of the Alps. The restored
Golden Hall is famous for its magnificent, pompous portals, coffered ceiling and mural paintings.
Open from 10 a. m. to 6 p.m. except when there are private events.
Perlach Tower
The Perlach Tower next to the City Hall offers a spectacular panoramic view of Augsburg. Open
from May to October.
Hochschule Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
A-Z Augsburg| Survival Guide 19
Activities outdoor:
The Augsburg Christkindlesmarkt (Christmas market) ranks among the most popular Christmas
markets in Germany and boasts approximately one million visitors each year.
Stadtmarkt Augsburg
City market with picturesque selection of flowers, fruits and vegetables, bread, cakes and pastries,
meat, fish and lots more.
Open air cinema
Summer’s here! What better way to celebrate than with outdoor film events watching a movie
under the stars in beautiful parks and yards in Augsburg.
Get your presell ticket for 4.50 € and save 4€ for each movie.
Take time out of your busy student life and relax with a good book in one of the most beautiful
parks in Augsburg
Book shelf with free books to borrow.
Please coordinate your arrival time in Augsburg with the time of office hours of Student Hall so
you don’t have to wait long and move in after your arrival.
We do not offer a pick up/drop off service. However there are many trains from the Airport
Munich Augsburg.
Hochschule Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
A-Z Augsburg| Survival Guide 20
Since Augsburg's topography is not that easy to get, but actually everything is quite near together,
it is a great idea to explore this little city by bike. That way you'll have a little more time to get lost
and then find out where you are again, instead of waiting for buses or walking around.Cycling is
one of the best ways to get to the university. Students can buy second hand bicycles very cheap.
After your stay in Augsburg you can sell your bike to other exchange students:
Bikes can be rented on several bus stations from the "Stadtwerke"and at some bike stores:
- Zweirad Bäuml, Jakoberstr. 70, 86152 Augsburg
- UNI - RAD, Salomon-Idler-Str. 26, 86159 Augsburg
- GEPE Sportgeräteverleih UG, Reisingerstr. 27, 86159 Augsburg
Augsburg has a small but efficient transportation system with four main Tramlines and several bus
lines which cover the whole urban and suburban areas. These lines run Monday through Sunday
from around 5 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, a night bus runs from
midnight to 3 a.m.
There are six cinemas in Augsburg.
Blockbusters: Cinemaxx and Cinestar
Art cinema: Savoy, Mephisto, Thalia, Liliom.
And 2 Open air cinemas: Lechflimmern and Fribbemax (see above)
New films are normally released on Thursdays in Germany.
Hochschule Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
A-Z Augsburg| Survival Guide 21
Concert Halls:
Theater Augsburg
Kongress am Park
Parktheater am Kurhaus
For urgent cases:
Phone: +49 0821 / 20 75 83
English-speaking doctors
Evening activities:
A good part of Augsburg's night life takes place in Maximilianstraße and the historic district right
beneath the Maximilianstraße. There are lots of different types of clubs/disco/bars. It is a great
idea to visit more than one place and find out which is the most suitable for you, for example:
Murdock’s, Beim Weissen Lamm, club Schwarzes Schaf, Thing, Mo-Club, Mahagoni Bar, Pow Wow
Hochschule Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
A-Z Augsburg| Survival Guide 22
Student canteen: Mon- Fri, two main dishes and a variety of side dishes to choose from
Asia-Imbiß Ginseng: Fresh Asian Food for little money
Arkadas Döner: Most popular doner kebab & other turkish food in the middle of the city - most
young people say you get the city's best doner kebab there. Good for a snack at night when
visiting the bars in Maximilianstraße, since it is the only fast food shop which is open in the night!
(Maximilianstraße 64, 86150 Augsburg)
Football club FC Augsburg is playing in the Bundesliga.
Botanical Garden Augsburg
Experiences – enjoyment – relaxation. The Augsburg Botanical Garden promises all of the above—
it has far more to offer than merely plants. One can visit the Japanese garden, the apothecary
garden, the rose garden, the farmer’s garden or the greenhouses filled with exotic plants. There
are also concerts, guided tours and seminars are offered. See
Kräutergärtlein (Herbal garden)
Perfect ingredients for your meal can be found at Kräutergärtlein, not far from the University of
Applied sciences –you can help yourself for free with a wide selection of organic herbs
Hochschule Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
A-Z Augsburg| Survival Guide 23
Please make sure you always have your insurance card with you. In case of illness just go to the
doctor and show your card at the reception.
Free WLAN at the university and free Internet in computer rooms of the University.
Medicines can only be bought in Germany at pharmacies (Apotheke). Most medicines require a
prescription from a doctor. Some painkillers are available at pharmacies without a prescription.
The Plärrer is the biggest beer festival in Augsburg. It’s a smaller-scale Oktoberfest with an
international flavor and genuine German goodness. The festival takes place over two weeks in
Spring (April/May) and again in Autumn (August/September). All up about 80 food stands,
amusements and rides fill the grounds.
Hochschule Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
A-Z Augsburg| Survival Guide 24
Sport activities:
sports overview for Augsburg:
The “Stammtisch” is when groups of friends or acquaintances meet on a regular basis in a bar or
Taxi-Service Augsburg:
Tel. 0821/ 32025
It is best to purchase a Bayern-Ticket (Bavaria Ticket) from one of the ticket machines located in
the train station. A Bayern-Ticket allows one (along with up to four other friends) to travel within
Bavaria using all regional trains (no InterCity Express) and city transportations (trams, buses, etc.)
from the time of purchase until 3 a.m. the following day. The Bayern-Ticket costs €29 when
purchased from the ticket machines and €31 when bought from the counter.
Hochschule Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
A-Z Augsburg| Survival Guide 25
Language Guide/ Sprachführer
German basics:
Good Morning
Hello/Good Day
Good Evening
Good Night
Hi / Hello / Hi & Bye
Hello! / Greetings! (Bavarian)
See you tomorrow
You're welcome
I'm sorry
Excuse me
Pardon me
How are you? (formal)
How are you? (informal)
(Very) Good / OK
Bad / Not good
I'm ok. (informal)
Yes / No
What's your name? (formal)
Where are you from? (informal)
I'm from...
How old are you? (informal)
I am ____ years old.
Do you speak English? (informal)
I (don't) speak...
What's the matter?
It doesn't matter.
I'd like...
I like it.
Bless you!
Good luck!
Here you go. (handing something to someone)
The check, please!
Keep the change.
Everything is fine.
I don't understand.
How do I get to Augsburg?
Where is the train stop?
Can you help me? (formal)
I would like to buy a ticket to Augsburg
Is there a discount?
Main railway station
Do I have to change the line?
Hochschule Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
Guten Morgen
Guten Tag
Guten Abend
Gute Nacht
Tag / Hallo / Servus
Auf Wiedersehen
Grüß dich / Grüß Gott!
Tschüs / Tschau
Bis morgen
Bitte schön
Es tut mir leid.
Wie geht es Ihnen?
Wie geht's?
(Sehr) Gut / So lala
Schlecht / Nicht Gut
Es geht.
Ja / Nein
Wie heißen Sie?
Woher kommst du?
Ich komme aus...
Wie alt bist du?
Ich bin ____ Jahre alt.
Sprichst du englisch?
Ich spreche (kein)...
Was ist los?
Das macht nichts.
Ich möchte / Ich hätte gern...
Das gefällt mir.
Viel Glück!
Bitte schön.
Zahlen bitte!
Stimmt so.
Alles ist in Ordnung.
Ich verstehe nicht.
Wie komme ich nach Augsburg?
Wo hält der Zug?
Können Sie mir helfen?
Ich möchte ein Ticket nach Augsburg
Gibt es Rabatt/Angebot?
Muss ich umsteigen?
Language Guide| Survival Guide 26
The Team of International Office, S.W.O.P and all students
of University of Applied Sciences look forward to
welcoming you in Augsburg!