online guide - Home Box Office
online guide - Home Box Office
ONLINE GUIDE MAY 2011 LADY GAGA P R E S E N T S THE MONSTER BALL TOUR AT MADISON SQUARE GARDEN THE CONCERT EVENT SATURDAY, MAY 7 9PM/8C PROGRAM SCHEDULE 25 MONDAY 26 TUESDAY 27 4:00a HBO 4:30 HBO 4:35 MAX 6:30 HBO 6:50 MAX 8:30 MAX Masterclass Dutch The Bounty Minority Report The Muse Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief At First Sight Green Zone My Life in Ruins 9 His Way Raising Arizona Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore Bad Boys II Head of State HBO First Look Fast Five Real Time With Bill Maher S.W.A.T. Sex and the City 2 Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief Making Game of Thrones His Way Bad Boys II Cathouse: Cat Call The Door in the Floor The Right to Bare All Turk 182! Sex and the City 2 Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead 4:30a HBO 5:00 HBO 5:15 MAX 6:45 HBO 6:50 MAX 8:30 HBO MAX 9:30 HBO 10:30 MAX 11:00 HBO Masterclass Gattaca Satisfaction Leap Year All About Steve Real Sports/Bryant Gumbel Stargate Cinema Verite For Richer or Poorer HBO First Look Water for Elephants Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant Fighting Flight of the Conchords Bride Wars Trippin’ Saving Pelican 895 Duplicity The Tuxedo Real Sports/Bryant Gumbel X-Men Origins: Wolverine Cinema Verite Splice Making Game of Thrones Game of Thrones Busty Coeds vs. Lusty Cheerleaders Saving Pelican 895 Colin Quinn Long Story Short Double Team Treme Indecent Proposal Greenberg Mother Dennis Miller: The Big Speech 4:00a HBO A Mother’s Courage: 9:00 HBO 10:30 MAX 11:15 HBO 12:30p MAX 1:00 HBO 1:50 MAX 2:30 HBO 3:30 4:00 5:45 6:00 MAX HBO HBO HBO MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 MAX 9:30 HBO 10:00 HBO MAX 11:30 HBO 12:00 HBO 12:30a MAX 1:50 MAX 1:55 HBO 3:30 MAX 11:30 HBO 12:30p MAX 1:30 HBO 2:00 HBO 2:15 MAX 3:30 HBO 3:50 MAX 4:15 HBO 6:00 HBO MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 MAX 8:30 HBO 9:00 HBO 9:45 MAX 10:00 HBO 10:40 HBO 11:05 MAX 12:05a HBO 12:40 MAX 1:05 HBO 2:40 MAX 2:55 HBO 4:30 MAX 5:45 HBO 6:00 MAX 8:00 HBO MAX 9:30 HBO MAX 11:15 HBO 11:20 MAX 1:00p HBO 1:05 MAX 3:00 MAX 3:15 HBO 4:45 HBO MAX 6:15 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 10:00 HBO MAX 11:00 HBO 11:30 MAX 1:00a HBO 1:15 MAX 2:45 MAX 3:05 HBO WEDNESDAY Talking Back to Autism License to Drive Sherlock Holmes Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief Jonah Hex Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot Showtime The Ghost and the Darkness The Whole Ten Yards I Love You, Beth Cooper Invictus Crazy Heart Dick Tracy Jonah Hex Sherlock Holmes Swimfan Down With Love Talking Funny Game of Thrones Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief Real Time With Bill Maher Treme Lingerie Feature Jason’s Lyric Jennifer’s Body Sugar Hill My Blueberry Nights Two for the Road The Banger Sisters APRIL/ MAY 2011 28 THURSDAY 4:40a MAX Teenage Mutant 4:45 6:15 6:30 7:50 8:30 9:30 10:15 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO 10:30 HBO 11:30 MAX 12:00 HBO 1:10p MAX 2:00 HBO 2:45 MAX 3:45 HBO 4:10 MAX 5:30 HBO 6:00 HBO MAX 7:45 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:50 MAX 10:10 HBO 11:15 MAX 12:40a HBO 1:05 MAX 2:25 HBO 2:55 HBO 3:00 MAX Ninja Turtles Opportunity Knocks Pure Luck Mystery Men Judge Dredd Lottery Ticket The Book of Eli HBO First Look Fast Five Aliens in the Attic (500) Days of Summer Mission: Impossible Sniper 2 Drag Me to Hell The Final Destination 17 Again Species A Child’s Garden of Poetry HBO Family Documentary Lottery Ticket Clash of the Titans HBO First Look Fast Five Treme Repo Men Taxicab Confessions 2 Dangerous Attractions Sex and the City 2 Running Scared Mrs. Henderson Presents It Runs in the Family Summer Heights High A Serious Man Phantom of the Paradise 29 FRIDAY 4:35a MAX Looking for Richard 4:45 HBO Saving Pelican 895 5:30 HBO Transformers: 6:30 6:45 8:00 8:30 9:15 MAX MAX HBO MAX HBO 10:00 HBO 11:00 MAX 11:45 HBO 12:30p MAX 2:30 HBO MAX 3:30 HBO 4:00 MAX 5:30 HBO 6:15 MAX 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 10:00 HBO 10:30 MAX 12:00 HBO 12:05a MAX 1:30 MAX 1:35 HBO 3:15 MAX Revenge of the Fallen Say Grace Before Drowning The First Wives Club Daredevil Bad Boys II HBO First Look Water for Elephants Head of State Four Christmases Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel Observe and Report Terminator Salvation Hoodlum Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Friday the 13th Real Time With Bill Maher Bad Boys II Real Time With Bill Maher Edge of Darkness The Erotic Traveler Feature May Half Baked Mother of Tears Funny People The Last Samurai 30 SATURDAY 4:00a HBO 4:15 HBO 5:50 MAX 6:00 HBO 7:30 HBO 8:00 MAX 9:00 HBO 9:50 MAX 11:00 HBO 11:30 HBO 11:45 MAX 1:15p HBO 1:45 MAX 3:00 HBO 3:15 3:30 5:30 6:00 7:45 8:00 8:45 9:45 HBO MAX MAX HBO HBO MAX HBO MAX 10:55 HBO 11:45 MAX 12:35a HBO 1:20 MAX 1:25 HBO 3:05 MAX 3:30 HBO The Making of Avatar Home Alone Valentine’s Day Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore Jonah Hex Fighting Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant Kindergarten Cop Making Game of Thrones Fast & Furious S.W.A.T. Lottery Ticket Red Heat HBO First Look Fast Five Avatar Couples Retreat Public Enemies A Nightmare on Elm Street Game of Thrones The Kids Are All Right Sherlock Holmes Co-Ed Confidential 4Play Feature A Nightmare on Elm Street Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh Talking Funny The Kids Are All Right It’s Complicated The Concorde...Airport ‘79 Flight of the Conchords HBO SATURDAY NIGHT 8:00P PERCY JACKSON & THE OLYMPIANS: LIGHTNING THIEF CINEMA VERITE 7:00P TALKING FUNNY 7:00P 5:30P A CHILD’S GARDEN OF POETRY FRIDAY THE 13TH 6:15P 6:00P A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 1 SUNDAY 4:00a HBO 5:00 HBO 5:05 MAX 6:45 HBO 7:30 MAX 8:30 HBO 9:15 MAX 9:30 HBO 10:45 MAX 11:30 HBO 12:30p HBO 1:10 MAX 2:45 HBO MAX 4:30 HBO 6:00 6:15 7:00 8:00 9:00 9:50 10:00 11:05 11:20 MAX HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX 12:45a HBO 1:00 MAX 1:45 HBO 2:35 MAX 3:30 HBO Mantle The Tale of Despereaux Far and Away I Spy She’s Out of My League Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel Malibu’s Most Wanted Shallow Hal Catch Me If You Can Real Time With Bill Maher He’s Just Not That Into You Post Grad Cinema Verite Universal Soldier Colin Quinn Long Story Short The Hangover True Blood The Kids Are All Right Game of Thrones Treme She’s Out of My League Game of Thrones Alien Sex Files 3: Sex Wars Treme Cinema Verite George A. Romero’s Diary of the Dead Real Time With Bill Maher One Hour Photo The Mod Squad Modern Problems Broad Street Bullies HBO SUNDAY NIGHT 7:00P GAME OF THRONESSM MAY 2011 PROGRAM SCHEDULE 2 MONDAY 4:10a MAX An American Tail II: 4:30 HBO 5:30 MAX 6:00 HBO 7:15 MAX 7:45 HBO 9:00 MAX 9:30 HBO 10:35 MAX 12:00 HBO 12:30p MAX 2:15 HBO 2:20 MAX 2:30 HBO 4:15 HBO MAX 6:00 HBO MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 MAX 9:30 HBO 9:45 MAX 11:15 HBO 11:30 MAX 12:00 HBO 12:50a MAX 2:00 HBO 2:45 MAX Fievel Goes West Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron Land of the Lost Tooth Fairy Renegades The Mistress of Spices The Transporter Robin Hood The Box Spider-Man 2 The Informant! The Making of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World My Sister’s Keeper The Invention of Lying All About Steve Cradle 2 the Grave Real Time With Bill Maher Drumline Robin Hood The Kids Are All Right Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian The Wolfman Cathouse: The Musical The Devil Wears Nada Night Falls on Manhattan Eye of the Needle Kinsey The Magnificent Seven 3 TUESDAY 4:00a HBO 5:00 MAX 5:30 HBO 6:30 MAX 7:00 HBO Shadrach Flipped Cats & Dogs The Skulls Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore The Blind Side Monsters vs. Aliens Juwanna Mann National Security Gentlemen Broncos Antwone Fisher Fantastic Mr. Fox Repo Men Death Defying Acts Catwoman Monsters vs. Aliens The Lovely Bones Too Big to Fail: Opening the Vault to the Financial Crisis A Nightmare on Elm Street Old School MAX Kellerman Face Off: Pascal vs. Hopkins Game of Thrones Repo Men Talking Funny The Final Destination Beyond the Valley of the Dolls Treme Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle Set It Off Critters 3 Transmission Test 8:20 8:30 10:15 10:30 12:00 MAX HBO HBO MAX HBO MAX 1:30p HBO 2:00 MAX 3:00 HBO 4:00 MAX 4:45 HBO 5:45 MAX 6:30 HBO 7:00 HBO 8:00 MAX 8:45 HBO 9:00 HBO 9:35 MAX 10:00 HBO 10:55 HBO 11:30 MAX 12:20a HBO 1:20 MAX 1:25 HBO 3:10 MAX 3:30 HBO 4 4:35a MAX 5:00 HBO 6:00 HBO 6:30 MAX 7:45 HBO 8:35 MAX 9:30 HBO 10:30 MAX 11:30 HBO 12:30p MAX 1:30 2:30 3:15 4:15 5:00 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO 6:00 6:15 7:00 8:00 HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:45 MAX 10:00 HBO 11:00 HBO 11:20 MAX 1:00a HBO 1:10 2:00 2:45 3:45 MAX HBO MAX HBO WEDNESDAY 5 Amelia Mantle Wayne’s World Blues Brothers 2000 Wayne’s World 2 Daylight Hollywood Ending The Ring Shallow Hal Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief I Spy Volunteers The Fourth Kind Ocean’s Eleven Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel Game of Thrones 17 Again Game of Thrones Game of Thrones The Kids Are All Right Real Time With Bill Maher Co-Ed Confidential Feature Treme The Book of Eli Auto Focus Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel North Shore Body of Evidence The Innocents What to Watch 4:00a HBO Kull the Conqueror 4:30 MAX Alvin and the Chipmunks: THURSDAY 5:45 HBO 6:00 MAX 7:30 HBO 7:50 MAX 8:30 HBO 9:30 MAX 10:15 HBO 11:15 MAX 12:00 HBO 12:45p HBO 1:30 MAX 3:00 HBO 3:35 MAX 4:45 HBO 6:00 MAX 6:30 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:30 HBO 10:00 HBO 10:30 MAX 11:40 HBO 12:10a MAX 1:05 1:30 2:30 3:10 HBO MAX HBO MAX The Squeakquel The Tale of Despereaux Project X Broad Street Bullies The Hangover Solaris The Tuxedo The Invention of Lying Broadcast News Saving Pelican 895 He’s Just Not That Into You State of Play Lottery Ticket Catch Me If You Can Tooth Fairy Whip It Precious Life HBO Documentary Films Treme Independence Day Katie Morgan’s Porn 101 A Real Sex Xtra: Pornucopia: Going Down in the Valley Lottery Ticket The Hangover Colin Quinn Long Story Short Busty Cops and the Jewel of Denial Bruno Away We Go Dawg Airport 6 FRIDAY 4:00a HBO Born to Run 5:30 HBO Millennium MAX Beneath the 7:05 MAX 7:30 HBO 8:50 MAX 9:30 HBO 10:30 MAX 11:15 HBO 12:15p MAX 12:45 HBO 1:00 2:20 2:30 4:15 HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX 6:00 HBO MAX 7:30 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:45 MAX 10:00 HBO 11:10 MAX 11:40 HBO 12:50a MAX 1:25 HBO 2:40 MAX 3:20 HBO Planet of the Apes Basic The Cat’s Meow Half Past Dead Death Defying Acts Super Troopers Cinema Verite The Peacemaker The Making of He’s Just Not That Into You Scooby-Doo The Time Traveler’s Wife Ghosts of Girlfriends Past The Mistress of Spices Universal Soldier Cinema Verite Orphan HBO First Look Bridesmaids Real Time With Bill Maher Basic Real Time With Bill Maher Lady Chatterley’s Daughter A Perfect Getaway Cradle 2 the Grave Whiteout Animal House Panic Room Psycho III Russell Simmons’ Def Comedy Jam 7 SATURDAY 4:00a HBO 4:15 HBO MAX 6:00 HBO MAX 7:30 HBO 7:45 MAX 9:30 MAX 9:45 HBO Making of Fantastic Mr. Fox Juwanna Mann Like Mike Fantastic Mr. Fox The In Crowd Spider-Man 2 The Wolfman The Musketeer Too Big to Fail: Opening the Vault to the Financial Crisis Cinema Verite Starsky & Hutch Making of How to Train/Dragon Robin Hood Land of the Lost MAX Kellerman Face Off: Pascal vs. Hopkins Spider-Man 2 Clash of the Titans The Wolfman Scott Pilgrim vs. the World The Transporter Lady Gaga Presents The Monster Ball Tour: At Madison Square Garden The Losers Game of Thrones Housewives/Another World Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Wrong Turn Pirate Radio The Losers Lost in Translation Good Morning, Vietnam What to Watch 10:15p HBO 11:15 MAX 11:45 HBO 12:00 HBO 1:00p MAX 2:30 HBO 2:45 HBO MAX 4:30 MAX 5:00 HBO 6:15 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 MAX 9:00 HBO 9:40 MAX 10:00 HBO 11:05 MAX 11:55 HBO 12:30a MAX 1:55 HBO 2:10 MAX 3:40 HBO HBO SATURDAY NIGHT ROBIN HOOD 7:00P THE LOVELY BONES 5:45P THE KIDS ARE ALL 8:00P RIGHT PRECIOUS LIFE 6:30P 8:00P REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER 7:00P LADY GAGA PRESENTS THE MONSTER BALL TOUR: AT MADISON SQUARE GARDEN 8 4:00a HBO 4:15 MAX 5:30 HBO MAX 7:15 HBO 7:50 MAX 9:00 HBO 9:30 MAX 10:00 HBO 10:30 HBO 11:00 MAX 11:30 HBO 12:45p MAX 1:15 HBO 1:30 HBO 2:15 HBO 2:45 MAX 4:00 HBO 4:30 MAX 6:00 HBO 6:15 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 10:00 HBO 10:10 MAX 11:00 HBO 12:10a MAX 12:40 HBO 1:40 HBO 2:00 MAX 3:20 HBO SUNDAY Scooby-Doo Adam Sandler’s Eight Crazy... Monsters vs. Aliens Backdraft The Invention of Lying The Losers The Collector: Dr. Albert C. Barnes National Security What to Watch Real Time With Bill Maher Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle Tooth Fairy Road to Perdition HBO First Look Bridesmaids Saving Pelican 895 Monsters vs. Aliens Catwoman Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Splice True Blood The Losers Game of Thrones Treme The Blind Side Game of Thrones Treme Forbidden Science Feature A Nightmare on Elm Street Splice Real Time With Bill Maher Gothika Sunshine State Wartorn 1861-2010 HBO SUNDAY NIGHT TREME® 8:00P MAY 2011 PROGRAM SCHEDULE 9 4:20a MAX 4:30 HBO 5:30 HBO 6:50 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:30 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 10:15 MAX 10:30 HBO MAX 12:00 HBO 12:30p MAX 1:45 HBO 2:00 HBO 2:20 MAX 3:45 HBO 4:00 MAX 5:45 HBO 6:00 HBO 6:15 MAX 7:00 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:40 HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX 10:00 HBO 11:10 MAX 12:00 HBO 12:50a MAX 1:55 HBO 3:05 MAX 3:45 HBO MONDAY 10 TUESDAY 11 WEDNESDAY Birdman of Alcatraz Mantle Catch That Kid The Losers Shadrach Too Big to Fail: Opening... She’s Out of My League Gentlemen Broncos MAX on Set The Lovely Bones Cinema Verite Ocean’s Eleven Death Defying Acts Brown Sugar What to Watch Night at the Museum: Battle... Old School Shallow Hal The Lovely Bones MAX Kellerman Face Off: Pascal vs. Hopkins Real Time With Bill Maher George A. Romero’s Land of the Dead Cinema Verite The Losers Too Big to Fail: Opening... Talking Funny Co-Ed Confidential 2: Sophomores Feature The Book of Eli 8 Heads in a Duffel Bag Monster’s Ball Henry and June Dead Again Pootie Tang The Making of The Book of Eli 4:00a HBO 4:30 HBO MAX 6:00 HBO MAX 7:30 HBO MAX 9:00 MAX 9:30 HBO 10:40 MAX 11:00 HBO 12:20p MAX 1:00 HBO 2:00 MAX 2:45 HBO Masterclass Leave It to Beaver Jingle All the Way Assault in the Ring Black Dog Millennium Malibu’s Most Wanted The Flock Precious Life The Addams Family Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Addams Family Values Ghosts of Girlfriends Past Post Grad HBO First Look Bridesmaids The Invention of Lying Independence Day He’s Just Not That Into You The Basketball Diaries Scott Pilgrim vs. the World MAX on Set Clash of the Titans Catch Me If You Can Game of Thrones Precious Life Lady Chatterley’s Daughter Treme The Informant! Colin Quinn Long Story Short Domino Green Zone Bill Cosby “Himself” 4:00a HBO 5:30 HBO MAX 7:00 MAX 7:15 HBO 9:00 HBO MAX 10:40 MAX 10:45 HBO 3:00 HBO 3:30 MAX 4:45 HBO 6:00 MAX 7:00 HBO 7:45 MAX 8:00 MAX 9:00 HBO 10:00 HBO 10:20 MAX 11:30 HBO 11:45 MAX 12:30a HBO 1:35 MAX 1:55 HBO 3:45 MAX 11:15 HBO 12:20p MAX 12:45 HBO 2:00 MAX 2:30 HBO 4:05 MAX 4:15 HBO 6:00 HBO MAX 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:40 MAX 10:00 HBO 11:00 HBO 12:00 MAX 12:50a HBO 1:50 MAX 2:35 HBO 3:30 MAX Scooby-Doo Lottery Ticket Shorts Drumline All About Steve The Mistress of Spices The Losers Half Past Dead Flight of the Conchords The Tale of Despereaux Ghost in the Machine Monsters vs. Aliens Orphan Tooth Fairy Whip It Lottery Ticket Lady Gaga Presents The Monster Ball Tour: At Madison Square Garden National Lampoon’s Animal House Game of Thrones The Losers Real Time With Bill Maher Sin City Diaries Feature Treme Beverly Hills Cop Making Love Beverly Hills Cop II Love Potion No. 9 Beverly Hills Cop III Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea 12 THURSDAY 4:30a HBO Masterclass 5:00 HBO Spirit: 5:20 MAX 6:30 HBO 7:00 MAX 8:00 HBO 8:45 MAX 9:45 HBO 11:00 MAX 11:30 HBO 12:45p MAX 1:15 HBO 2:30 HBO MAX 4:00 HBO 4:15 HBO MAX 6:00 HBO MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:45 HBO MAX 11:05 MAX 11:20 HBO 12:15a HBO 12:45 MAX 2:05 HBO 2:20 MAX 3:45 HBO Stallion of the Cimarron The Princess Bride Juwanna Mann Catwoman I Spy In the Name of the Father Death Defying Acts Land of the Lost The Fourth Kind Cool Runnings Wartorn 1861-2010 Cinema Verite Splice The Making of How to Train Your Dragon I Spy 17 Again Treme The Box Treme Treme Universal Soldier Cathouse: The Musical Cinema Verite The Devil Wears Nada Super Troopers Talking Funny Transamerica Roads to Riches City of Industry The Party HBO First Look Fast Five 13 FRIDAY 4:00a HBO MAX 5:45 HBO 6:00 MAX 8:00 HBO MAX 9:30 HBO 9:50 MAX 11:00 HBO 11:40 MAX 12:15p HBO 12:30 HBO 1:30 MAX 2:15 HBO 3:00 MAX 3:45 HBO 4:00 HBO 5:15 MAX 6:15 HBO Kull the Conqueror E.T. Spider-Man 2 Road to Perdition Cats & Dogs Repo Men Date Night Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle Monica & David Dante’s Peak What to Watch Solaris National Security Fantastic Mr. Fox The Blind Side HBO First Look Bridesmaids Spider-Man 2 The Ring MAX Kellerman Face Off: Pascal vs. Hopkins Date Night The Hangover Real Time With Bill Maher Real Time With Bill Maher Femme Fatales Lingerie Feature A Nightmare on Elm Street Repo Men The Final Destination Wishcraft Waiting to Exhale Gothika Thirteen Conversations About One Thing 6:30 HBO 7:15 MAX 8:00 HBO 9:00 HBO MAX 9:45 MAX 10:00 HBO 11:15 MAX 11:40 HBO 1:05a HBO MAX 2:50 HBO 3:10 MAX 14 SATURDAY 4:30a HBO The Making of 4:45 HBO 5:00 MAX 6:45 HBO 7:00 MAX 9:00 HBO MAX 10:45 HBO MAX 11:00 HBO 12:30p HBO 12:50 MAX 2:00 HBO 2:40 MAX 3:45 HBO 4:30 MAX 6:00 HBO 6:15 7:45 8:00 9:45 9:50 MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX 10:45 HBO 11:10 MAX 1:00a MAX 1:10 HBO 2:30 MAX 2:55 HBO How to Train Your Dragon Shallow Hal Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief He’s Just Not That Into You Ocean’s Eleven Lottery Ticket The Kids Are All Right HBO First Look Bridesmaids The Peacemaker Scooby-Doo Precious Life My Sister’s Keeper All About Steve She’s Out of My League He’s Just Not That Into You Basic How to Train Your Dragon Cradle 2 the Grave The Book of Eli Predators Game of Thrones Busty Cops and the Jewel of Denial Public Enemies Predators Proximity Whiteout Love and a Bullet The Mod Squad HBO SATURDAY NIGHT THE LOSERS 8:00P 7:00P SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD 6:00P NATIONAL LAMPOON’S ANIMAL HOUSE THE BOX 6:00P THE HANGOVER 7:15P 6:00P HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 15 SUNDAY 4:00a MAX 4:30 HBO 4:45 HBO 6:10 MAX 6:30 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 8:15 HBO 9:45 HBO 10:00 HBO MAX 11:00 HBO 11:30 MAX 1:00p HBO 1:20 MAX 2:45 HBO 3:30 MAX 4:15 HBO 6:00 HBO MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:45 MAX 10:00 HBO 11:00 HBO 11:10 MAX 12:45a MAX 12:55 HBO 1:30 MAX 1:55 HBO 3:35 MAX 3:55 HBO Chinatown The Making of Scott Pilgrim... Wayne’s World Predators Cats & Dogs: Revenge/Kitty... MAX Kellerman Face Off... Antwone Fisher Cinema Verite Making of He’s Just Not That... Real Time With Bill Maher Unknown Scott Pilgrim vs. the World The Skulls Night at the Museum: Battle... State of Play Cats & Dogs: Revenge/Kitty... Independence Day How to Train Your Dragon True Blood Predators Game of Thrones Treme The Wolfman Game of Thrones Lady Chatterley’s Daughter Treme Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Redline Femme Fatales Real Time With Bill Maher Blues Brothers 2000 Adaptation Brown Sugar What to Watch HBO SUNDAY NIGHT 7:00P GAME OF THRONESSM MAY 2011 PROGRAM SCHEDULE 16 MONDAY 4:25a HBO Monsters vs. Aliens 5:30 MAX Beethoven’s 2nd 6:00 HBO Section 60: 7:00 HBO MAX 8:50 MAX 9:00 HBO MAX 10:45 HBO MAX 11:00 HBO 12:45p HBO 1:10 MAX 2:30 HBO 2:45 HBO 3:00 MAX 4:15 HBO 4:30 MAX 6:00 HBO 6:15 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 MAX 9:00 HBO 9:50 MAX 10:50 HBO 11:10 MAX 12:30a HBO 12:50 MAX 2:05 HBO 2:35 MAX Arlington National Cemetery The Cat’s Meow Predators Chains Tooth Fairy The Musketeer MAX Kellerman Face Off: Pascal vs. Hopkins Catch Me If You Can All About Steve I Spy Whip It Making of How to Train Your... The Tale of Despereaux Wrong Turn Monsters vs. Aliens Half Past Dead Real Time With Bill Maher What a Girl Wants Lady Gaga Presents The Monster Ball Tour: At Madison Square Garden Predators Cop Out Housewives From Another World A Nightmare on Elm Street Blame It on Rio Creature Features: She Creature Universal Soldier Lady Gaga/Monster Ball Tour... Tarzan and the Lost City 17 TUESDAY 4:00a MAX It’s a Mad, Mad, 4:15 HBO 6:00 HBO 6:35 MAX 7:30 HBO 8:15 MAX 8:30 MAX 8:45 HBO 9:00 HBO 10:30 MAX 10:45 HBO 12:10p MAX 12:30 HBO 2:00 HBO 2:30 HBO MAX 4:15 HBO 4:30 MAX 6:00 HBO 6:15 MAX 7:45 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:45 MAX 10:00 HBO 10:30 MAX 11:35 HBO 12:00 MAX 12:40a HBO 1:40 HBO 1:50 MAX 3:30 HBO MAX Mad, Mad World Catch That Kid Coneheads George A. Romero’s Diary... Monica & David MAX on Set The Hangover The Box MAX Kellerman Face Off... The Fourth Kind The Losers How to Train Your Dragon The Lovely Bones Scooby-Doo Too Big to Fail: Opening... The Mistress of Spices Drumline The Fourth Kind The Hangover How to Train Your Dragon The Losers HBO First Look Bridesmaids Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel Catwoman Game of Thrones Femme Fatales Cinema Verite Zane’s Sex Chronicles Feature Treme Volunteers Real Sports/Bryant Gumbel Beverly Hills Cop Spider Robert Klein: Unfair... Transmission Test 18 WEDNESDAY 4:30a HBO 5:00 MAX 5:30 HBO 7:00 MAX 7:30 HBO 9:00 HBO 9:20 MAX 11:00 HBO 11:15 MAX 12:30p HBO 1:00 MAX 2:15 HBO 2:45 MAX 4:00 HBO 4:35 MAX 6:00 HBO 6:15 MAX 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:50 MAX 10:00 HBO 11:00 HBO 11:45 MAX 12:30a MAX 12:45 HBO 2:15 MAX 2:50 HBO Broad Street Bullies Frenzy Murderous Intent Backdraft Fantastic Mr. Fox Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Predators Precious Life Cradle 2 the Grave The Invention of Lying Black Widow Death Defying Acts Clash of the Titans Nanny McPhee Returns The Transporter Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Basic Game of Thrones Predators Real Time With Bill Maher Forbidden Science Feature Treme Lost in Translation Femme Fatales Land of the Lost Rush Desk Set The Grey Zone 19 THURSDAY 4:00a MAX Ferngully: 20 FRIDAY 4:30a MAX Sinbad: The Last Rainforest 4:45 HBO Wayne’s World 2 5:15 MAX Mom and Dad Save the World 6:30 HBO Leave It to Beaver 6:45 MAX The Time Traveler’s Wife 8:00 HBO Real Sports 8:35 MAX 9:00 HBO 10:45 HBO 11:00 MAX 12:30p HBO 12:45 MAX 2:30 HBO 2:50 MAX 4:15 HBO 4:20 MAX 6:00 HBO 6:15 MAX 7:45 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:45 MAX 10:00 HBO 11:00 HBO 11:15 MAX 1:15a HBO MAX 2:55 HBO 3:00 MAX With Bryant Gumbel Independence Day Ghosts of Girlfriends Past Lottery Ticket Dragonheart Shallow Hal Orphan All About Steve National Security Ghosts of Girlfriends Past The Informant! A Nightmare on Elm Street Starsky & Hutch HBO First Look Bridesmaids Treme She’s Out of My League Taxicab Confessions: The City That Never Sleeps Alien Sex Files 3: Sex Wars Real Sports/Bryant Gumbel Prizzi’s Honor Ocean’s Eleven A Nightmare on Elm Street Laurel Canyon Beverly Hills Cop II Race With the Devil 4:45 6:00 6:15 8:00 HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX 9:30 MAX 10:00 HBO 11:15 MAX 11:30 HBO MAX 1:00p HBO 1:05 MAX 2:45 HBO 3:30 3:45 5:15 6:00 MAX HBO MAX HBO 7:00 8:00 8:45 9:00 MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX 9:30 MAX 10:00 HBO 10:15 HBO 10:50 MAX 12:15a HBO 12:20 MAX 2:00 HBO MAX 3:45 HBO Legend of the Seven Seas Shadrach The Electric Horseman Tooth Fairy Hollywood Ending Post Grad The Kids Are All Right Gentlemen Broncos MAX on Set The Wolfman Juwanna Mann 8 Heads in a Duffel Bag The Tale of Despereaux Catch Me If You Can Section 60: Arlington National Cemetery The Wolfman He’s Just Not That Into You The Musketeer Lady Gaga Presents The Monster Ball Tour: At Madison Square Garden Splice Real Time With Bill Maher MAX on Set The Blind Side Real Time With Bill Maher Femme Fatales The Devil Wears Nada MAX Kellerman Face Off... Green Zone Old School Trespass Tempted Beverly Hills Cop III Ride With the Devil MAX Kellerman Face Off... 21 4:00a HBO 4:20 MAX 5:30 HBO 6:00 MAX 7:15 HBO 7:30 HBO 8:15 MAX 8:30 HBO 10:00 MAX 10:30 HBO 11:40 MAX 12:30p HBO 2:00 MAX 2:15 HBO 3:50 MAX 4:00 HBO 6:00 HBO MAX 8:00 HBO MAX 9:45 MAX 10:15 HBO 10:30 MAX 11:15 HBO 12:00 MAX 1:10a HBO 1:25 HBO 1:40 MAX 2:50 HBO SATURDAY 22 SUNDAY Catch That Kid Ice Age: Dawn of Dinosaurs Night at the Museum: Battle... Broadcast News MAX Kellerman Face Off: Pascal vs. Hopkins Real Sports/Bryant Gumbel The Hangover Scott Pilgrim vs. the World The Tuxedo Nanny McPhee Returns The Lovely Bones Monsters vs. Aliens Animal House I Spy The Blind Side Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Get Him to the Greek Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle HBO World Championship Boxing Live! Pascal vs. Hopkins; Dawson vs. Diaconu Charlie St. Cloud Femme Fatales Game of Thrones Co-Ed Confidential Feature Get Him to the Greek Charlie St. Cloud The Making of The Book of Eli The Final Destination Black Sunday Assault in the Ring 4:05a MAX 4:15 HBO 5:15 HBO 5:30 HBO 5:40 MAX 7:00 HBO 7:30 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:20 MAX 11:00 MAX 11:15 HBO 11:30 HBO 12:30p HBO 12:35 MAX 2:15 HBO 2:30 HBO MAX 4:15 HBO MAX 6:00 HBO 6:15 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:35 MAX 10:00 HBO 11:00 HBO 11:30 MAX 12:00 HBO MAX 1:30a MAX 2:05 HBO 2:35 HBO 3:30 MAX Alvin/Chipmunks: Squeakquel Broad Street Bullies What to Watch Cats & Dogs Dante’s Peak Too Big to Fail: Opening... Precious Life Repo Men World Championship Boxing Charlie St. Cloud George A. Romero’s Land... The Making of Scott Pilgrim... Real Time With Bill Maher How to Train Your Dragon Whip It What to Watch The Fourth Kind The Losers Ghosts of Girlfriends Past Repo Men True Blood Charlie St. Cloud Game of Thrones Treme The Transporter Game of Thrones Lingerie Feature Treme Real Time With Bill Maher Femme Fatales Set It Off House of 1000 Corpses Daylight Russell Simmons’ Def Comedy A Perfect Getaway The Birds HBO SATURDAY NIGHT PREDATORS 8:00P 8:00P REAL SPORTS WITH BRYANT GUMBEL BASIC 6:15P 8:00P SHE’S OUT OF MY LEAGUE SPLICE 7:00P 8:00P HBO WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® LIVE! HBO SUNDAY NIGHT TREME® 8:00P MAY 2011 PROGRAM SCHEDULE 23 MONDAY 4:15a HBO 4:30 HBO 5:30 MAX 6:00 HBO 6:50 MAX 7:45 HBO 8:00 HBO 8:35 MAX 9:30 HBO 10:40 MAX 10:45 HBO 11:00 HBO 12:30p MAX 12:45 HBO 2:15 MAX 2:30 HBO 4:30 HBO 4:45 MAX Making of Fantastic Mr. Fox Coneheads An American Tail The Invention of Lying Like Mike HBO First Look Bridesmaids Fantastic Mr. Fox Orphan Wartorn 1861-2010 Mermaids Making of How to Train... Millennium Charlie St. Cloud Born to Run Independence Day Shallow Hal Fantastic Mr. Fox George A. Romero’s Diary of the Dead Real Time With Bill Maher Malibu’s Most Wanted Too Big to Fail Charlie St. Cloud Too Big to Fail: Opening the Vault to the Financial Crisis World Championship Boxing Lady Chatterley’s Daughter Road to Perdition Lone Hero The Making of The Book of Eli Malibu’s Most Wanted Taxicab Confessions: The City That Never Sleeps Too Big to Fail Proximity 6:00 6:30 7:00 8:00 8:45 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO 9:15 HBO 9:40 MAX 11:05 MAX 11:30 HBO 1:05a HBO MAX 1:20 HBO 2:25 HBO 2:30 MAX 24 4:00a MAX 4:15 HBO 4:45 HBO 6:05 MAX 6:45 HBO 7:30 MAX 9:00 HBO 9:10 MAX 10:45 HBO MAX 11:00 HBO 12:00 HBO 12:35p MAX 2:00 HBO 2:15 MAX 4:00 MAX 4:15 HBO 6:00 HBO 6:15 7:00 8:00 9:00 9:45 9:55 MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO 10:15 MAX 12:00 HBO 12:30a MAX 1:00 HBO 2:15 HBO MAX TUESDAY 25 WEDNESDAY Waiting to Exhale Flight of the Conchords The Cat’s Meow Pootie Tang Spider-Man 2 17 Again All About Steve Old School The Making of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Predators Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel Nanny McPhee Returns One Hour Photo Spider-Man 2 Starsky & Hutch State of Play Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel Predators Get Him to the Greek Cradle 2 the Grave Game of Thrones Femme Fatales Lady Gaga/Monster Ball Tour: At Madison Square Garden Sin City Diaries Feature Treme Half Past Dead Ricky Gervais: Out of England 2 The Stand Up Special Transamerica Broadcast News 4:00a HBO 4:30 HBO MAX 6:00 HBO 6:50 MAX 7:30 HBO 8:45 MAX 9:15 HBO 10:30 MAX 11:00 HBO 12:30p HBO 12:45 MAX 1:00 HBO 2:30 HBO MAX 4:15 HBO MAX 6:00 HBO 6:15 MAX 8:00 MAX 9:00 HBO 9:40 MAX 10:00 HBO 11:00 HBO 11:05 MAX 11:35 MAX 1:15a HBO 1:20 MAX 2:15 HBO 3:30 MAX Masterclass Leave It to Beaver Far and Away Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron My Sister’s Keeper How to Train Your Dragon Charlie St. Cloud Solaris The Blind Side Scooby-Doo Too Big to Fail: Opening the Vault to the Financial Crisis The Musketeer Assault in the Ring Ghosts of Girlfriends Past Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle How to Train Your Dragon The Box Game of Thrones 3 Episodes! The Hangover Charlie St. Cloud Real Time With Bill Maher Housewives From Another World Treme The People vs. Larry Flynt Femme Fatales Catwoman Alive Day Memories: Home From Iraq The Peacemaker Joseph Conrad’s The Secret Agent The Flock 26 THURSDAY 4:00a HBO Masterclass 4:30 HBO Cats & Dogs 5:10 MAX Good Morning, 6:00 HBO 7:15 MAX 7:45 HBO 9:05 MAX 9:15 HBO 11:00 HBO 11:30 MAX 12:45p HBO 1:15 MAX 2:15 HBO 2:45 4:15 4:30 6:00 MAX HBO MAX HBO 6:15 MAX 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:40 MAX 9:50 HBO 11:20 MAX 11:50 HBO 12:50a MAX 1:50 HBO 2:15 MAX 3:40 HBO Vietnam The Tale of Despereaux Brown Sugar Born to Run The Lovely Bones Wayne’s World Monsters vs. Aliens Say Anything... Fantastic Mr. Fox Post Grad Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Basic Juwanna Mann The Kids Are All Right How to Die in Oregon HBO Documentary Films The Wolfman Treme The Losers Real Sex 30: Down and Dirty Basic Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Lingerie Feature Adaptation Wrong Turn How to Die in Oregon Switch The Making of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World 27 FRIDAY 28 SATURDAY 29 SUNDAY 4:00a HBO MAX 6:00 HBO MAX 7:50 MAX 8:00 HBO 9:45 HBO MAX 11:30 HBO MAX 1:00p HBO 1:05 MAX 1:30 HBO 3:00 MAX 3:15 HBO 4:45 MAX 5:00 HBO 6:00 HBO Murderous Intent Antwone Fisher Shallow Hal Volunteers Whip It The Invention of Lying Wayne’s World 2 The Basketball Diaries Catch That Kid The Transporter Flight of the Conchords Animal House The Mistress of Spices She’s Out of My League The Fourth Kind Land of the Lost Real Sports/Bryant Gumbel Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Independence Day HBO First Look Bridesmaids Real Time With Bill Maher Real Time With Bill Maher Femme Fatales Alien Sex Files 3: Sex Wars Lady Gaga Presents The Monster Ball Tour: At Madison Square Garden She’s Out of My League Too Big to Fail: Opening the Vault to the Financial Crisis Bruno Renegades The Book of Eli The Skulls 4:00a HBO 4:30 MAX 5:30 HBO 6:00 MAX 7:15 HBO 8:00 MAX 9:00 HBO 9:45 MAX 11:00 HBO 11:30 MAX 12:30p HBO 1:30 MAX 2:15 HBO Leave It to Beaver Flipped Tooth Fairy The Ring How to Train Your Dragon Splice Shallow Hal Super Troopers Taking Chance Drumline The Invention of Lying The Informant! The Making of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Ghosts of Girlfriends Past Orphan Tooth Fairy Catch Me If You Can Our Family Wedding Too Big to Fail MacGruber Game of Thrones Femme Fatales Lady Chatterley’s Daughter Our Family Wedding MacGruber A Perfect Getaway Auto Focus Panic Room Psycho II 4:00a HBO 4:45 MAX 5:30 HBO 6:30 MAX 7:30 HBO 8:00 HBO 8:30 MAX 9:00 HBO 10:00 MAX 11:00 HBO 11:40 MAX 12:00 HBO 1:30p MAX 1:45 HBO Fantastic Mr. Fox What a Girl Wants Nanny McPhee Returns The Box Too Big to Fail: Opening... Real Sports/Bryant Gumbel MacGruber How to Die in Oregon Half Past Dead Real Time With Bill Maher The Time Traveler’s Wife Too Big to Fail 17 Again HBO First Look Bridesmaids Nanny McPhee Returns Old School Our Family Wedding Cradle 2 the Grave True Blood MacGruber Game of Thrones Treme Ocean’s Eleven Game of Thrones Treme Cradle 2 the Grave Get Him to the Greek Femme Fatales Zane’s Sex Chronicles Feature Real Time With Bill Maher American Splendor Sugar Adam 6:30 7:45 8:00 9:00 MAX HBO HBO HBO MAX 9:30 MAX 10:00 HBO 11:00 MAX 12:00 HBO 12:30a HBO 12:50 MAX 1:55 HBO 2:35 MAX TUESDAY 7:00P TOO BIG TO FAIL HBO FILMS® 2:30 3:20 4:15 5:30 6:00 7:45 8:00 9:30 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX HBO MAX 10:05 MAX 10:30 HBO 11:30 MAX 12:15a HBO 1:00 MAX 1:55 HBO 2:50 MAX SUNDAY HBO SATURDAY NIGHT 7:00P GET HIM TO THE GREEK CHARLIE ST. CLOUD 8:00P 6:00P HOW TO DIE IN OREGON INDEPENDENCE DAY 6:30P 6:00P OUR FAMILY WEDDING 2:00 3:15 4:00 4:45 5:45 6:30 7:00 8:00 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 10:00 HBO MAX 11:00 HBO 11:45 MAX 12:15a MAX 12:55 HBO 1:50 MAX 1:55 HBO 3:30 MAX HBO SUNDAY NIGHT 7:00P GAME OF THRONESSM PROGRAM SCHEDULE 30 MONDAY 4:00a HBO Flight of the Conchords 4:30 HBO Section 60: 5:15 5:30 6:50 7:15 8:30 9:00 10:00 10:30 MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO 11:45 MAX 12:15p HBO 2:00 MAX 2:30 4:00 4:15 5:45 6:00 7:00 8:00 8:30 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX HBO 9:00 HBO 9:30 MAX 10:50 MAX 11:05 HBO 12:40a MAX 1:05 HBO 1:35 HBO 2:05 MAX Arlington National Cemetery A Mighty Wind All About Steve Basic Death Defying Acts MacGruber Taking Chance Catwoman Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Domino Spider-Man 2 Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief How to Train Your Dragon Predators All About Steve The Blind Side Real Time With Bill Maher Taking Chance MacGruber Too Big to Fail: Opening the Vault to the Financial Crisis Lady Gaga/Monster Ball Tour: At Madison Square Garden Busty Cops and the Jewel of Denial Predators The Book of Eli Unknown Flight of the Conchords Public Enemies Much Ado About Nothing 31 TUESDAY 4:00a HBO Hollywood Ending MAX The Sicilian Clan 6:00 HBO Scott Pilgrim MAX 7:20 MAX 8:00 HBO 9:00 MAX 9:45 HBO 10:40 MAX 11:30 HBO 1:00p MAX 1:15 HBO 1:30 2:45 3:15 4:30 5:00 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO 6:15 7:00 8:00 9:00 9:30 10:00 MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX 11:45 HBO MAX 12:45a HBO 1:15 MAX 2:45 HBO MAX vs. the World Adam Sandler’s Eight Crazy Nights Charlie St. Cloud I Spy The Wolfman The Fourth Kind Backdraft Our Family Wedding The In Crowd The Making of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Tooth Fairy The Musketeer Too Big to Fail Charlie St. Cloud Scott Pilgrim vs. the World The Kids Are All Right Our Family Wedding Wrong Turn Game of Thrones Femme Fatales Too Big to Fail Universal Soldier Treme Co-Ed Confidential 2: Sophomores Feature Kinsey House of 1000 Corpses Love and Action in Chicago More American Graffiti 1 WEDNESDAY 4:30a HBO 4:40 MAX 6:00 HBO 6:45 MAX 7:30 HBO 8:40 MAX 9:30 HBO 10:30 MAX 11:00 HBO 12:00 MAX 12:45p HBO 2:00 MAX 3:00 HBO 4:00 4:15 6:00 6:15 HBO MAX HBO MAX 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:30 10:00 10:50 11:00 MAX HBO MAX HBO 12:00 HBO 12:50a MAX 1:20 MAX 1:55 HBO 3:00 MAX 3:45 HBO Beethoven 3 Women Bean Couples Retreat It Runs in the Family Illegal Tender My Blueberry Nights MacGruber Mr. Deeds Biker Boyz Valentine’s Day Invictus Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel Enough Edge of Darkness Get Him to the Greek John Carpenter’s Escape From L.A. Game of Thrones MacGruber Real Time With Bill Maher Sexy Wives Sindrome Treme Edge of Darkness Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel Crazy Heart Femme Fatales The Last Hard Men Get Him to the Greek Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry The Making of Clash of the Titans MAY/ JUNE 2011 2 THURSDAY 4:00a HBO Beethoven’s 2nd 4:35 MAX Cheech & Chong’s 5:30 6:05 7:15 7:35 8:30 9:30 10:30 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO 11:40 MAX 12:15p HBO 1:15 2:00 3:35 4:00 5:15 MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX 6:00 HBO 8:00 MAX 9:00 HBO 9:30 HBO 10:00 HBO MAX 11:30 MAX 11:50 HBO 12:20a HBO 1:15 MAX 2:00 HBO 3:05 MAX The Corsican Brothers A Cinderella Story Catfish For Neda Love Happens Clash of the Titans Sherlock Holmes X-Men Origins: Wolverine The Good Girl I Love You, Beth Cooper Rob Roy Blue Chips Showtime S.W.A.T. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Treme 3 Episodes! Terminator Salvation A Real Sex Xtra: Pornucopia: Going Down in the Valley The Best of Katie Morgan X-Men Origins: Wolverine Forbidden Science Feature Fright Night Part 2 Cathouse: Welcome Aboard Darkman All the Real Girls The Weight of Water Jason’s Lyric 3 FRIDAY 4:00a HBO 4:30 HBO 5:05 MAX 6:30 HBO 6:40 MAX 8:30 HBO 8:35 MAX 10:15 HBO MAX 10:30 HBO 12:00 MAX 12:15p HBO 1:45 MAX 2:00 HBO 3:30 3:45 5:30 6:00 7:10 7:45 MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO 8:00 HBO 9:00 HBO MAX 9:30 MAX 10:00 HBO 10:50 MAX 11:55 HBO 12:40a MAX 2:25 HBO 2:40 MAX Masterclass McHale’s Navy Bushwhacked Nanny McPhee Returns The Guilty Reagan Drag Me to Hell The Making of Knight and Day Charlie St. Cloud Too Big to Fail Daredevil Down With Love Leap Year Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole Out of Sight Duplicity The Losers Too Big to Fail Wild Things HBO First Look Homework Real Time With Bill Maher Real Time With Bill Maher Femme Fatales Bikini Time Machine Repo Men Cop Out Bad Boys II Blown Away Taking Woodstock Gattaca 4 4:30a HBO MAX 6:00 HBO 6:05 MAX 7:45 MAX 8:15 HBO 10:00 HBO 10:30 HBO MAX 12:15p HBO 1:05 MAX 2:00 HBO 3:00 MAX 3:45 HBO 4:40 MAX 6:00 HBO 6:30 MAX 8:00 HBO MAX 9:30 MAX 10:00 HBO MAX 11:00 HBO 11:30 MAX 12:50a MAX 12:55 HBO 1:10 HBO 1:45 HBO SATURDAY Swimfan Diary of a Wimpy Kid Valentine’s Day Opportunity Knocks Avatar How to Die in Oregon What to Watch How to Train Your Dragon The Firm A Cinderella Story Up in the Air Too Big to Fail The Whole Ten Yards Valentine’s Day Predators Knight and Day Beavis and Butt-head Do America HBO Boxing After Dark Zbik vs. Chavez, Jr.; TBA vs. TBA Vampires Suck Femme Fatales Game of Thrones Alien Sex Files 3: Alien Babes Knight and Day Vampires Suck Heaven’s Gate The Making of Valentine’s Day Russell Simmons’ Def Comedy Jam Hoodlum HBO SATURDAY NIGHT 7:00P TAKING CHANCE HBO FILMS® WRONG TURN 8:00P MACGRUBER 8:00P 5:15P HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE WILD THINGS 7:10P 5 4:00a HBO 4:30 MAX 4:45 HBO 5:00 HBO 6:30 HBO 6:40 MAX 8:30 HBO 9:05 MAX 10:30 HBO MAX 11:00 HBO 12:00 HBO 12:15p HBO MAX 12:30 MAX 2:00 HBO 2:30 MAX 4:00 HBO 4:35 MAX 6:00 HBO 6:30 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 MAX 8:05 HBO 9:05 HBO 9:50 MAX 10:10 HBO 11:10 HBO 11:40 MAX 12:55a HBO 1:05 MAX 1:40 MAX 1:55 HBO 3:35 MAX 3:45 HBO HBO SUNDAY NIGHT TREME® KNIGHT AND DAY 6:00P SUNDAY A Family is a Family is a Family... Dead Poets Society Making of Shrek Forever After Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot Clash of the Titans Funny People HBO Boxing After Dark Vampires Suck Flight of the Conchords Ghosts of Girlfriends Past Real Time With Bill Maher The Making of Knight and Day Our Family Wedding MAX on Set Avatar 187 Clash of the Titans The Jackal Knight and Day Cirque Du Freak: Vampire’s... True Blood Vampires Suck Game of Thrones The Devil’s Own Treme Game of Thrones Femme Fatales 4 Episodes! Treme Our Family Wedding Seed of Chucky Real Time With Bill Maher Femme Fatales Midnight Cowboy The Ghost and the Darkness Suburban Commando Making of Sex and the City 2 8:05P PROGRAM GUIDE: A-Z MAY 2011 THIS MONTH ON HBO AND CINEMAX A ADAM A new world opens for a young man with Asperger’s Syndrome after he struggles to profess his feelings for a sweet neighbor. Hugh Dancy, Rose Byrne. (AC,GL) PG13-1:39. MAX May 29 CDEH ADAM SANDLER’S EIGHT CRAZY NIGHTS A mean-spirited drunk is helped during Hanukkah by an old man in this animated tale voiced by Adam Sandler. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:16. MAX May 8,31 CSEH ADAPTATION. A neurotic screenwriter struggles to adapt a book about a man who steals a rare flower in this film. Nicolas Cage, Meryl Streep, Chris Cooper. (AC,AL, V) R-1:55. HBO May 15,26 CDEH THE ADDAMS FAMILY America’s First Family of Ghouls hits the big screen in this comedy. Raul Julia, Anjelica Huston, Christopher Lloyd. (AC,AL,MV) PG131:40. MAX May 10 CSEH ADDAMS FAMILY VALUES The further adventures of America’s favorite dysfunctional family. With Raul Julia, Anjelica Huston and Christopher Lloyd. (AC,MV) PG13-1:34. MAX May 10 CDEH AIRPORT Passengers and crew on board a packed 707 contend with a mad bomber and a massive snowstorm in this disaster epic. G-2:17. MAX May 5 CSEH ALIEN SEX FILES 3: SEX WARS Sexy extraterrestrials plot to conquer mankind through sex. (AC,AL,N,SC,V) TVMA/V,S,L1:28. MAX May 1,19,27 CSH ALIVE DAY MEMORIES: HOME FROM IRAQ HBO Documentary Films The firstperson stories of ten soldiers who survived near-fatal wounds in Iraq. (AC,AL,V) TVMA/V,L-:57. HBO May 25 CSEH ALL ABOUT STEVE Sandra Bullock stars as a chatty crossword creator who chases a cute cameraman around the country. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:39. HBO May C5EH 2,11,14,16,19,24,30 ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE SQUEAKQUEL Alvin and the Chipmunks rock out more musical hits–while also attending high school–in this sequel. (MV) PG-1:29. MAX May 5,22 CDEH AMELIA Oscar®-winner Hilary Swank soars as intrepid aviatrix Amelia Earhart in this biographical drama. (AL,MV) PG1:51. MAX May 4 CDEH AMERICAN SPLENDOR HBO Original Movie The life of underground comic-book writer Harvey Pekar is chronicled in this film. Paul Giamatti, Hope Davis. (AC,AL) R1:41. MAX May 29 CDEH AN AMERICAN TAIL An immigrant mouse winds up on a wild adventure in New York City after being separated from his family in this Grammy®-winning animated-musical. G-1:20. MAX May 23 CSEH AN AMERICAN TAIL: FIEVEL GOES WEST Fievel the mouse leaves New York for an epic adventure in the Old West in this sequel. G-1:15. MAX May 2 CSEH ANTWONE FISHER Denzel Washington’s directorial debut is the story of a hottempered Navy man who begins to confront his anger. Derek Luke. (AC,AL,V) PG132:00. MAX May 3,15,27 CDEH ASSAULT IN THE RING HBO Sports Documentary The tragic events that resulted from a 1983 boxing match between Luis Resto and Billy Collins. (AL,V) TV14/V,L1:23. HBO May 10,21,25 CSEH AUTO FOCUS The startling rise and fall of television actor Bob Crane is detailed in all of its sordid, pornographic detail. Greg Kinnear, Willem Dafoe. (AC,AL,N,SC,V) R1:46. MAX May 4,28 CDEH AWAY WE GO Putting down roots becomes a matter of great importance to a young couple awaiting the birth of their first child. John Krasinski, Maya Rudolph. (AC,AL, BN) R-1:38. MAX May 5 CDEH B BACKDRAFT The rivalry between a pair of firefighting brothers gets put on the backburner by a serial arsonist. Kurt Russell, William Baldwin. (AC,BN,GL,V) R2:17. MAX May 8,18,31 CDEH BASIC Maverick D.E.A. agent John Travolta interrogates the survivors of an Army training mission that went awry. Connie Nielsen, Samuel L. Jackson. (AC,AL,V) R-1:39. MAX May 6,14,18,26,30 CDEH THE BASKETBALL DIARIES Leonardo DiCaprio electrifies in this compelling film about a high school basketball star’s descent into drug addiction. (AC,AL,V) R1:42. MAX May 10,27 CSH BEETHOVEN’S 2ND Beethoven is back and bringing his St. Bernard brood to the family in this charming sequel to the dog-loving hit. (AC) PG-1:28. MAX May 16 CDEH BENEATH THE PLANET OF THE APES Charlton Heston and James Franciscus are astronauts caught in the buried Big Apple, where mutants and apes are at war. Kim Hunter. G-1:35. MAX May 6 CEH BEVERLY HILLS COP L.A. will never be the same after brash Detroit cop Axel Foley (Eddie Murphy) hits town to find the killer of an old buddy Also with Judge Reinhold, John Ashton and Ronny Cox. (AC,AL,V) R1:45. HBO May 11,17 CSH BEVERLY HILLS COP II Eddie Murphy returns as street-smart Detroit cop Axel Foley, back in L.A. to help his buddies on the force solve a series of of robberies. (AC,AL,BN,V) R1:43. HBO May 11,19 CSEH BEVERLY HILLS COP III Eddie Murphy’s in top form as street-smart Detroit cop Axel Foley in this fast-action sequel. With Judge Reinhold and Bronson Pinchot. (AC,AL,V) R-1:44. HBO May 11,20 CSEH BEYOND THE VALLEY OF THE DOLLS Russ Meyer’s sexploitation classic about an all-girl rock group that gets caught up in life in the fast lane. (AC,AL,N,SC,V) NC171:49. MAX May 3 CEH BILL COSBY “HIMSELF” Legendary funnyman Bill Cosby tackles some of his favorite subjects, from dentists to his family life, in this stand-up show. (AC,AL) PG-1:44. MAX May 10 CH BIRDMAN OF ALCATRAZ Burt Lancaster stars in this moving 1962 drama about a lifetime prisoner whose life is changed by a sickly sparrow. (AC,AL,MV) TVPG/V,L,D2:29. MAX May 9 CEH THE BIRDS Our fine-feathered friends lay siege to a small California town in this 1963 horror classic from Alfred Hitchcock. Rod Taylor, Tippi Hedren star. (AC,MV) PG13-1:59. MAX May 22 CEH BLACK DOG Patrick Swayze peels rubber as a trucker hauling illegal freight away from hijackers in this high-speed thriller. With Randy Travis and Meat Loaf. (AL,V) PG13-1:29. MAX May 10 CDEH BLACK SUNDAY A beautiful Arab terrorist and a brainwashed Vietnam veteran plan to terrorize the Super Bowl while the President is watching. Robert Shaw, Bruce Dern. (AL,V) R-2:23. MAX May 21 CSH BLACK WIDOW A beautiful schemer spins a web of fatal attraction for wealthy men in this suspense-thriller. Debra Winger, Theresa Russell, Dennis Hopper. (AL,N,V) R-1:42. MAX May 18 CSEH BLAME IT ON RIO A vacation to sizzling Rio leads to passion and problems for two middle-aged men and their teenage daughters in this sexy comedy. (AC,AL,N) R-1:40. MAX May 16 CEH THE BLIND SIDE Sandra Bullock won a Best Actress Oscar® for her stirring portrayal of a Southern mom whose family takes a in homeless football prospect in this drama. (AC,MV) PG13-2:08. MAX May 3,8,13,21,25,30 CDEH BLUES BROTHERS 2000 The Blues Brothers Band reunites for another hilarious, song-filled adventure that culminates in a battle of the bands. (AC,AL,MV) PG132:04. MAX May 4,15 CDEH BODY OF EVIDENCE Madonna’s kinky bedroom behavior is put on trial when she’s fingered for the murder of her elderly boyfriend in this erotic thriller. (N,SC) R1:41. HBO May 4 CSEH THE BOOK OF ELI Denzel Washington is a mysterious drifter who holds the last hope for mankind—a Bible—in a desolate, postApocalyptic future. (AC,AL,RP,V) R-1:58. HBO May 4,9,14,27,30 C5EH BORN TO RUN Street racer Richard Grieco puts everything on the line when his brother gets in trouble with the Mob. (AL,MV) TVPG/V,L-1:31. HBO May 6,23,26 SE THE BOX The arrival of a mysterious box leads a struggling couple to consider a disturbing, but tempting offer. Cameron Diaz, James Marsden. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:56. MAX May 2,12,17,25,29 CDEH BOXING Light heavyweight champion Jean Pascal faces off against the ageless Bernard Hopkins in this rematch of their controversial 2010 bout. (AL) TVPG/L2:12. HBO May 21,22,23 CSEh BROAD STREET BULLIES A hard-checking look at the brutal, take-no-prisoners hockey played by the 1974-75 Philadelphia Flyers. (AC,AL,V) TVPG/V,L, D-:59. HBO May 1,5,18,22 CSEH BROADCAST NEWS A peek at the lives of an anchorman, a reporter and a hot-shot lady producer. William Hurt, Holly Hunter and Albert Brooks star. (AL,BN) R-2:12. MAX May 5,21,24 CSEH BROWN SUGAR Sparks fly when two best friends with a mutual love for hip-hop music reconnect after several years. Taye Diggs, Sanaa Lathan star. (AC,AL) PG131:49. MAX May 9,15,26 CDEH BRUNO Sacha Baron Cohen is Bruno, an outrageously flamboyant Austrian fashionista who has come to L.A. to find stardom in this comedy. (AC,GL,N,V) R1:21. HBO May 5,27 C5EH BUSTY COPS AND THE JEWEL OF DENIAL The Busty Cops are asked to use their erotic talents to protect a sacred jewel in this sequel. (AC,GL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-1:16. MAX May 5,14,30 CSH C CATCH ME IF YOU CAN Teenage con man Leonardo DiCaprio forges jobs, checks and identities while eluding Tom Hanks and the FBI in this drama. (AC,AL) PG13-2:21. MAX May 1,5,10,16,20,28 CDEH CATCH THAT KID A pre-teen mountain climber robs a bank to pay for an expensive medical procedure to save her father. Kristen Stewart. (AC,AL,V) PG1:32. HBO May 9,17,21,27 CDEH CATHOUSE: THE MUSICAL The Moonlite Bunny Ranch’s musically talented working girls sing onstage! (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/ S,L-:42. HBO May 2,12 CSEH CATS & DOGS Canine secret agents fight a nefarious plan by cats in this family comedy. With Jeff Goldblum. (MV) PG1:27. HBO May 3,13,22,26 CDEH CATS & DOGS: THE REVENGE OF KITTY GALORE Cats and canines put their rivalries aside to prevent global destruction in this howling comedy sequel. (AC,MV) PG-1:22. HBO May 3,15 C5EH THE CAT’S MEOW Drama about a 1924 scandal involving a Hollywood producer who died–or was killed–on William Randolph Hearst’s yacht. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:54. HBO May 6,16,24 CDEH CATWOMAN A slain cosmetics company employee returns to life as a vengeful vixen with ferocious feline powers. Halle Berry, Sharon Stone. (AC,V) PG13-1:44. MAX May 3,8,12,17,25,30 CDEH CHAINS A young woman’s yearning for beauty in a futuristic underground society prompts her to risk her life by growing a flower in this compelling short film. (AC,V) TV14/V,D-:10. MAX May 16 CSH CHARLIE ST. CLOUD Small-town sailing star Zac Efron must choose between love and a promise he made to his late brother in this drama. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:39. MAX May 21,22,23,25,31 CDEH CHARLIE’S ANGELS: FULL THROTTLE The Angels are back and sexier than ever in this sequel. Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu, Bernie Mac. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:46. MAX May 3,8,13,21,25 CDEH CHINATOWN Roman Polanski’s 1974 film noir classic with private eye Jack Nicholson on the trail of corruption, murder and sex in 1930s L.A. Faye Dunaway. (AL, BN,V) R-2:10. MAX May 15 CEH CINEMA VERITE HBO Original Movie The story of the Loud family who found fame in the 1970s in a groundbreaking PBS series. Diane Lane, Tim Robbins, James Gandolfini. (AC,AL) TV14/L,D-1:30. HBO May 1,6,7,9,12,15,17 C5Eh CITY OF INDUSTRY A man vows to avenge his brother’s death in this suspense-thriller with Harvey Keitel, Stephen Dorff. (AC,AL, V) R-1:37. HBO May 12 CSEH CLASH OF THE TITANS A heroic mortal battles every terror the gods can send his way to save a damsel in distress in this remake. Sam Worthington. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:46. MAX May 7,18 CDEH PROGRAM GUIDE: A-Z MAY 2011 THIS MONTH ON HBO AND CINEMAX CO-ED CONFIDENTIAL 2: SOPHOMORES: FEATURE 02: PUT OUT AND VOTE A compilation of episodes from Season Two of this erotic series. (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/ S,L-1:30. MAX May 9,31 CSH CO-ED CONFIDENTIAL FEATURE 03: BLIND DATE Compilation of episodes from Season One of the sizzling erotic series about the sexy doings at a college fraternity house. (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L1:30. MAX May 4,21 CSH COLIN QUINN LONG STORY SHORT Former Saturday Night Live veteran Colin Quinn undertakes a hilarious tour of world history in this HBO comedy special. (AC,AL) TVMA/L-1:23. HBO May 1,5,10 CDH THE COLLECTOR: ALBERT C. BARNES Documentary. :53. HBO May 8 CSE CONEHEADS Sweet and funny comedy about a family of aliens from the planet Remulak trying to fit in in Paramus, N.J. Dan Aykroyd and Jane Curtin star. (AC,AL) PG-1:27. HBO May 17,23 CDEH COOL RUNNINGS John Candy plays a disgraced former bobsledder who coaches an Olympic bobsled team from Jamaica in this riotous family comedy. (AL,MV) PG1:38. MAX May 12 CSEH COP OUT Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan team up as a pair of inept cops in search of a baseball card in this riotous buddy-cop comedy from director Kevin Smith. (AC, GL,V) R-1:47. HBO May 16 C5EH CRADLE 2 THE GRAVE Jet Li and DMX team up in this non-stop action-thriller that follows a battle between cops and criminals over a stash of valuable black diamonds. (AC,AL,BN,V) R-1:41. MAX May 2,6,14,18,24,29 CDEH CREATURE FEATURES: SHE CREATURE A freak show operator and his crew set sail on a cruise with a bloodthirsty mermaid in this scary remake of the 1956 cult classic. With Rufus Sewell, Carla Gugino. (AC,AL, N,V) R-1:30. HBO May 16 CDE CRITTERS 3 The killer creatures are back to wreak havoc on the City of Angels in this horror sequel starring Leonardo DiCaprio. Also with Aimee Brooks and Don Opper. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:25. MAX May 3 CD D DANTE’S PEAK A long-dormant volcano rumbles to life and threatens to incinerate an idyllic mountain town. Pierce Brosnan, Linda Hamilton star. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:48. CDEH MAX May 13,22 DATE NIGHT Steve Carell and Tina Fey are a couple whose wild night out injects some much-needed spark—and some serious danger—into their marriage. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:28. HBO May 13 C5EH DAWG A heartless womanizer must make amends with a dozen of his past conquests in order to inherit one million dollars. Denis Leary and Elizabeth Hurley star. (AC,AL) R-1:23. HBO May 5 CDEH DAYLIGHT Sylvester Stallone leads survivors of an accident that has left them trapped under NYC’s Holland Tunnel. (AL,MV) PG13-1:54. MAX May 4,22 CDEH DEAD AGAIN Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thompson play dual roles: in the present, they’re a private eye and an amnesiac; in the ’40s, a jealous composer and his wife. (AC,V) R-1:48. HBO May 9 CSEH DEATH DEFYING ACTS Famous magician Harry Houdini conjures up a romance with an alleged psychic. Guy Pearce, Catherine Zeta-Jones star. (AC,AL,MV) PG-1:37. HBO May 3,6,9,12,18,30 C5EH DESK SET This 1957 romantic comedy is a charming showcase for the legendary Hollywood screen team of Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn. With Joan Blondell. TVG-1:44. MAX May 18 CEH THE DEVIL WEARS NADA A naive young magazine worker’s new job as assistant to the nasty editor is threatened by sexy mischief in this erotic tale. (AC,GL,N,SC) TVMA/ S,L-1:17. MAX May 2,12,20 CSH DOMINO Keira Knightley stars as Domino Harvey, the wild child who shunned a trustfund lifestyle to become a bounty hunter. Mickey Rourke. (AC,AL,N,V) R-2:08. MAX CDEH May 10,30 DRAGONHEART A skilled swordsman forms a friendship with the last of the legendary dragons in this fantasy. (MV) PG13-1:43. MAX May 19 CDEH DRUMLINE A talented, but cocky marching band drummer’s inability to march to anything but his own beat lands him in hot water at college. Nick Cannon. (AC,AL,MV) PG131:59. MAX May 2,11,17,28 CDEH E 8 HEADS IN A DUFFEL BAG Joe Pesci stars as a hit man who loses track of the heads of eight late mobsters in this screwball gangland comedy. (AC,AL,V) R1:35. MAX May 9,20 CSEH THE ELECTRIC HORSEMAN Ex-rodeo star Robert Redford and street-wise TV reporter Jane Fonda become unlikely partners in a plan to help an old race horse. (AC,AL) PG-2:00. MAX May 20 CEH E.T. A little boy tries to help a stranded extraterrestrial return to its outer-space home in Steven Spielberg’s masterpiece. (MV) PG-1:54. MAX May 13 CSEH EYE OF THE NEEDLE A Nazi spy encounters a lonely woman and her handicapped husband after he is shipwrecked on a remote Scottish isle on the eve of D-Day. (AC,N,V) R-1:52. MAX May 2 CEH F FANTASTIC MR. FOX The temptation of his former fowl-stealing life proves too tough to resist for one incorrigible fox in this tale. (AC,MV) PG-1:27. HBO May 3,7,13,18,23,26,29 C5EH FAR AND AWAY Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman are Irish immigrants who find freedom, land and love in America. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-2:20. MAX May 1,25 CDEH FEMME FATALES Strong, sexy females are caught up in intriguing mysteries in this series. 01: Behind Locked Doors (AC,GL,N,SC,V) TVMA/V,S,L-:42. MAX May 13,15,17,18,21 CDh; 02: Bad Medicine (AC,GL, GV,N,SC) TVMA/V,S,L-:28. MAX May 20, 22,24,25,28 CDH; 03: Something Like Murder (AC,AL,N,SC,V) TVMA/V, S,L-:30. MAX May 27,29,31 CDh FERNGULLY: THE LAST RAINFOREST Woodland fairies and their magical friends try to stop a tree-eating machine in this animated tale. G-1:16. MAX May 19 CSEH THE FINAL DESTINATION Death returns to claim the survivors of a massive speedway tragedy in this fourth film in the ‘Final Destination’ series. (AC,AL,GV,N) R-1:22. HBO May 3,13,21 C5EH FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS Encore plays of the hit HBO comedy series. 19: Prime Minister (AC,AL) TV14/L,D-:28. HBO May 11,28,30 C5EH; 20: NewZealandTown (AC,AL) TV14/L,D-:25. HBO May 24,27 C5EH FLIPPED An elementary-age friendship matures into eighth-grade love for two young students in this tale. (AC,AL) PG1:30. MAX May 3,28 CDEH THE FLOCK Richard Gere is a hardnosed neighborhood watchdog put to the test before his forced retirement. (AC,AL,GV) R-1:36. MAX May 10,25 CDEH FORBIDDEN SCIENCE FEATURE 01 Passion and science collide in this futuristic erotic series. (AC,AL,N,SC,V) TVMA/V, S,L-1:55. MAX May 8,18 CSH THE FOURTH KIND Alien abductions plague a remote Alaskan town. Milla Jovovich stars. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:38. HBO May 4,12,17,22,27,31 C5EH FRENZY Framed for a series of murders, a man is trapped in a web of circumstantial evidence in this Hitchcock thriller. (N,RP, V) R-1:56. MAX May 18 CEH G GAME OF THRONES All-new episodes of this epic HBO series. 01: Winter is Coming (AC,AL,N,V) TVMA/V,S,L-1:02. HBO May 4,7 C5EH; 02: The Kingsroad (AC,AL,N,V) TVMA/V,S,L-:55. HBO May 4,7 C5EH; 03: Lord Snow (AC,AL, N,V) TVMA/V,S,L-:57. HBO May 1,3,4,7 C5EH; 04: Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things (AC,AL,N,V) TVMA/V,S,L-:56. HBO May 8,10,11,14,25,28 C5EH; 05: The Wolf and the Lion (AC,AL,GV,N) TVMA/V,S,L-:54. HBO May 15,17,18,21,25, 28 C5EH; 06: A Golden Crown (AC,AL,N,V) TVMA/V,S,L-:53. HBO May 22, 24,25,28 C5EH; 07: You Win or You Die (AC,AL,N,SC,V) TVMA/V,S,L-:58. HBO May 29,31 C5EH GENTLEMEN BRONCOS A nerdy teen scripts an imaginative adventure about a space cowboy–only to have his story hijacked by an author. (AC,AL,MV) PG131:29. HBO May 3,9,20 C5EH GEORGE A. ROMERO’S DIARY OF THE DEAD A college filmmaker and his crew document a zombie epidemic. (AC,BN,GL,GV) R1:36. MAX May 1,17,23 CDEH GEORGE A. ROMERO’S LAND OF THE DEAD A zombie holocaust forces survivors to live in a barricaded city. (AC,AL,GV,SC) R1:33. MAX May 9,22 CDEH GET HIM TO THE GREEK A young music exec must transport a washed-up rock star to his comeback concert in this comedy. Jonah Hill, Russell Brand. (AC,AL,SC,N,V) R-1:49. HBO May 21,24,29 C5EH GHOST IN THE MACHINE The spirit of a psychotic serial killer invades a computer mainframe in this edge-of-your-seat techno-thriller. Karen Allen stars. (AC,AL, V) R-1:35. MAX May 11 CDEH GHOSTS OF GIRLFRIENDS PAST A lifelong loverboy gets a glance at his romantic past, present and future from three beautiful ghosts in this comedy. Matthew McConaughey. (AC,AL) PG13-1:41. HBO May 6,10,19,22,25,28 C5EH GOOD MORNING, VIETNAM Robin Williams portrays Armed Forces Radio deejay Adrian Cronauer whose manic morning show incites laughs and controversy in Vietnam. (AC,AL) R-2:01. MAX May 7,26 CSEH GOTHIKA Halle Berry is a psychologist who awakens to find herself locked up in a psych ward for killing her husband. Robert Downey Jr., Penelope Cruz. (AC,AL,N,V) R-1:38. HBO May 8,13 CDEH GREEN ZONE Rogue military officer Matt Damon unravels a deepening conspiracy in Baghdad at the outset of the Iraq war in this gripping action-thriller. (AL,V) R-1:55. HBO May 10,20 C5EH THE GREY ZONE Powerful story of Jewish men who worked in the crematoria in Auschwitz in order to stay alive during the Holocaust. David Arquette, Steve Buscemi. (AC,AL,V) R-1:48. HBO May 18 CDEH H HALF PAST DEAD Steven Seagal is an undercover agent in the refurbished prison at Alcatraz in this action-thriller. Morris Chestnut, Ja Rule. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:39. MAX May 6,11,16,24,29 CDEH THE HANGOVER One night in Vegas is more than four guys arriving for a bachelor party can handle in this riotously raunchy comedy. (AC,AL,BN,MV) R-1:40. MAX May 1,5,13,17,21,25 CDEH HBO FIRST LOOK Behind the scenes of upcoming movies. Bridesmaids TVPG-:13. HBO May 6,8,10,13,14,17,19,23,27, 29 CSh; Fast Five (AL,MV) TVPG/V,L:13. HBO May 12 CSH HENRY AND JUNE 1930s Paris is the setting for this drama about the torrid affair between writers Anais Nin and Henry Miller. Fred Ward, Uma Thurman. (AC,AL,N,SC) NC17-2:16. MAX May 9 CSEH HE’S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU A group of Baltimore men and women shine a light on the complexities of coupling in this romantic comedy. (AC,AL) PG13-2:09. HBO May 1,5,10,14,20 C5EH HOLLYWOOD ENDING Woody Allen is a fading filmmaker whose last chance to bask in the limelight of success is threatened by psychosomatic blindness. (AC,AL) PG131:52. HBO May 4,20,31 CEH HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES Rob Zombie’s shocking homage to ‘70s-era horror films finds four young travelers trapped in a house of horrors with a family of murderous miscreants. (AC,AL,GV,N) R1:29. MAX May 22,31 CDEH HOUSEWIVES FROM ANOTHER WORLD A trio of extraterrestrials seize the bodies of gorgeous Earth girls in a sexy effort to prevent a powerful satellite from probing space in this erotic film. (N,SC) TVMA/S1:21. MAX May 7,16,25 CSH HOW TO DIE IN OREGON HBO Documentary Films A compassionate, intimate exploration of Oregon’s historic and controversial Death with Dignity Act that allows physician-assisted suicide. (AC) TVPG/D1:47. HBO May 26,29 CSEh PROGRAM GUIDE: A-Z MAY 2011 THIS MONTH ON HBO AND CINEMAX HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON A Viking boy befriends a young dragon in spite of war raging between their species in this animated hit. Oscar®-nominated (AC,AL,MV) PG-1:38. HBO May 14,15,17,22,25,28,30 C5EH I I SPY Eddie Murphy and Owen Wilson team up as the classic mismatched spy duo who must retrieve a valuable stolen aircraft from an international felon. Famke Janssen co-stars. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:37. HBO May 1,4,12,16,21,31 CDEH ICE AGE: DAWN OF THE DINOSAURS The prehistoric pals trade the permafrost for paradise in this third adventure in the Ice Age series. Voices include Ray Romano. (MV) PG-1:34. MAX May 21 CDEH THE IN CROWD A young woman just out of an asylum winds up in the company of a sexy siren who harbors sinister secrets. Lori Heuring, Susan Ward. (AC,AL,BN,V) PG13-1:45. MAX May 7,31 CDEH IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER Daniel Day-Lewis stars in this superb drama about an Irishman and his fight to overturn his wrongful conviction in an IRA bombing. Also with Emma Thompson. (AC,AL,V) R2:13. MAX May 12 CDEH INDEPENDENCE DAY Will Smith and Bill Pullman lead humanity against an alien invasion threat. (AL,V) PG13-2:25. MAX May 5,10,15,19,23,27 CDEH THE INFORMANT! Matt Damon bulks up and delivers the goods as an eccentric and delusional company VP who turns FBI informant to expose corporate fraud in this highly amusing film. (AL,MV) R-1:48. MAX May 2,10,19,28 CDEH THE INNOCENTS Deborah Kerr stars in this bone-chilling ghost story adapted from Henry James’ classic The Turn of the Screw. With Michael Redgrave. (AC,MV) TVPG/V,D-1:40. MAX May 4 CEH THE INVENTION OF LYING Ricky Gervais turns a quirky world of truth upside down by learning how to lie in this hilariously unique comedy. (AC,AL) PG13-1:39. HBO May 2,5,8,10,18,23,27 C5EH IT’S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD A who’s who of comic talent cuts loose in Stanley Kramer’s 1963 comedy epic about a rowdy scramble for hidden treasure. G2:34. MAX May 17 CSEH J JINGLE ALL THE WAY Christmas Eve finds Arnold Schwarzenegger desperately in search of a hard-to-find toy for his son in this comedy. Sinbad, Phil Hartman. (MV) PG-1:30. MAX May 10 CDEH JOSEPH CONRAD’S THE SECRET AGENT Bob Hoskins stars in this stellar adaptation of the classic novel about terrorism and double-cross in 1890s London. (AC,BN,V) R-1:35. HBO May 25 CSEH JUWANNA MANN A basketball star transforms himself into a female hoopster after he’s kicked out of the NBA in this comedy. Miguel A. Nunez Jr. (AC,AL) PG131:31. HBO May 3,7,12,20,26 CDEH K KATIE MORGAN’S PORN 101 Porn star Katie Morgan takes a look (in the nude, of course) at how the sex industry has evolved in this porn primer. (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:28. HBO May 5 CSE THE KIDS ARE ALL RIGHT The life of a modern American family takes an unexpected turn when two kids contact their spermdonor dad. Annette Bening, Julianne Moore, Mark Ruffalo. (AC,GL,MV,N) R-1:46. MAX May 1,2,4,14,20,26,31 CDEH KINSEY Liam Neeson stars in this drama that details Professor Alfred Kinsey’s groundbreaking work on human sexual behavior in the 1940s. (GL,MV,N,SC) R1:58. HBO May 2,31 CDEH KULL THE CONQUEROR Kevin Sorbo (Hercules) tackles the title role as the battle-ready brute in this action-packed medieval fantasy. (AC,AL,BN,V) PG131:36. HBO May 5,13 C5EH L LADY CHATTERLEY’S DAUGHTER A neglected wife finds comfort in the arms of a sexy housemaid. (AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L1:21. MAX May 6,10,15,23,28 CSH LADY GAGA PRESENTS THE MONSTER BALL TOUR: AT MADISON SQUARE GARDEN Music sensation Lady Gaga returns to New York City to headline this spectacular HBO concert event. (AC,AL) TVMA/L-1:55. HBO May 7,11,16,20,24,27,30 C5H LAND OF THE LOST Will Ferrell and three companions time warp back to the prehistoric age in this comedy based on the 1970s TV series. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:42. MAX May 2,7,12,18,27 CDEH LAUREL CANYON A music producer’s career conflicts with her son’s conservative lifestyle. Frances McDormand, Christian Bale, Kate Beckinsale star. (AC,AL,N,V) R1:43. MAX May 19 CDEH LEAVE IT TO BEAVER Beaver Cleaver and his all-American family are back in this adaptation of the TV series. (AC,MV) PG1:28. HBO May 10,19,25,28 C5EH LIFE ON TOP A college grad moves to New York City in this arousing adults-only series. 26: Exhibitionist (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:30. MAX CSH LIKE MIKE A young orphan becomes an NBA superstar thanks to a pair of famous sneakers. Lil’ Bow Wow. (AC,AL,MV) PG1:40. MAX May 7,23 CDEH LINGERIE Compilations from the erotic series. 01: Nighty Nighters (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-1:55. MAX May 22 CSH; 02: Sheer & Sexy (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/ S,L-1:27. MAX May 13,26 CSH LONE HERO An actor who plays a cowboy takes a stand against a pack of murderous bikers. Lou Diamond Phillips. (AC,AL, BN,V) R-1:30. HBO May 23 CDEH THE LOSERS Motley CIA operatives seek revenge against the unknown heels who set them up. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:37. MAX May 7,8,9,11,17,22,26 CDEH LOST IN TRANSLATION Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson are unlikely friends in Tokyo in this Oscar®-winning drama. (AC,AL) R-1:42. HBO May 7,18 C5EH LOTTERY TICKET An inner-city kid eludes danger while waiting to cash in a winning lottery ticket. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:39. HBO May 5,11,14,19 C5EH LOVE AND A BULLET A hired contract killer falls in love with his target–his boss’s girlfriend. Anthony “Treach” Criss, Kent Masters King, Freez Luv. (AC,AL,BN,GV) R-1:26. MAX May 14 CDEH LOVE AND ACTION IN CHICAGO A government assassin wants to settle down...but his superiors have other ideas. Starring Courtney B. Vance. (AC,AL,V) R1:32. HBO May 31 CDEH LOVE POTION NO. 9 A gypsy’s love elixir transforms one nerdy scientist into an inexhaustible lover and another into an irresistible siren. Sandra Bullock. (AC,AL) PG13-1:36. MAX May 11 CSEH THE LOVELY BONES A murdered girl watches over her family as they struggle to solve her disappearance. (AC,AL,MV) PG132:16. MAX May 3,9,17,21,26 CDEH M MACGRUBER The mullet-loving character brings his comical brawn and crafty brains to the screen in this comedy. (AC,AL,MV) R-1:30. MAX May 28,29,30 CDEH THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN A dusty Mexican town hires seven sharpshooting gunslingers to battle the bandits who have been pillaging it in this 1960 classic. (AC,V) TVPG/V,D-2:08. MAX May 2 CEH MAKING GAME OF THRONES Delve behind the scenes of the HBO drama series Game of Thrones in this special. (AC,AL, MV) TV14/V,L,D-:25. MAX CSEH MAKING LOVE A marriage falls apart when the husband begins to acknowledge his attraction to other men. With Michael Ontkean, Kate Jackson and Harry Hamlin. (AC,AL) R-1:52. MAX May 11 CH THE MAKING OF... A behind-the-scenes look at movies. The Book of Eli (V) TVPG/V-:13. HBO May 9,21,23 CSH; Fantastic Mr. Fox (MV) TVG-:13. HBO May 23 CS EH; He’s Just Not That Into You (AC, AL) TVPG/L,D-:13. HBO May 6,15 CS H; How to Train Your Dragon (MV) TVPG/V-:13. HBO May 12,14,16,23,28 CSEH; Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (AC,MV) TVPG/V,D-:13. HBO May CSEH 2,15,22,24,26,28,31 MALIBU’S MOST WANTED A political candidate hires “gangsters” to scare straight his embarrassing rapping son in this comedy starring Jamie Kennedy. (AC,AL,V) PG131:26. MAX May 1,10,23 CDEH MANTLE The life and stellar career of New York Yankees legend Mickey Mantle are explored in this HBO Sports special. (AC) TVPG/D-:59. HBO May 1,4,9 CSE MASTERCLASS This series chronicles a unique program in which a group of highschool students work with America's top artists. 06: Frank Gehry TVG-:30. HBO May 12,25 CSEH; 07: Bill T. Jones (AL) TV14/L-:30. HBO May 10,26 CSEH MAX KELLERMAN FACE OFF: PASCAL VS. HOPKINS Q & A with Jean Pascal and Bernard Hopkins as they prepare for their May 21 rematch. (AL) TVPG/L-:12. HBO May 3,7,9,13,15,16,17,20,21 CS MAX ON SET An inside look at movies featuring clips and interviews with the cast and crew. The Blind Side TVG-:13. MAX May 20 CSEH; Clash of the Titans (V) TVPG/V-:13. MAX May 10 CSH; The Hangover (AC,BN,GL,MV) TVMA/L-:13. MAX May 17 CSH; The Lovely Bones (MV) TVPG/V-:12. MAX May 9 CSEH; The Wolfman (AC,V) TVPG/V,D-:13. MAX May 20 CSH MERMAIDS A lovelorn mother moves her two daughters cross country every time she falls out of a relationship. Winona Ryder, Cher, Bob Hoskins, Christina Ricci. (AC) PG13-1:50. MAX May 23 CSEH A MIGHTY WIND Christopher Guest’s mockumentary-style comedy skewers a reunion of ‘60s folk music acts. With Guest, Harry Shearer and Michael McKean. (AC) PG13-1:32. MAX May 30 CDEH MILLENNIUM Kris Kristofferson stars as an airplane crash investigator who meets a mysterious blonde...and discovers she’s a time-traveling alien. (AC,AL,V) PG131:46. HBO May 6,10,23 CDEH THE MISTRESS OF SPICES A young Indian woman’s magical talents with spices goes awry when she falls in love in this tasty romantic treat. (AC,AL) PG13-1:36. HBO May 2,6,11,17,27 C5EH THE MOD SQUAD Three delinquents escape conviction for their crimes by teaming with the LAPD in this update on the classic ’60s TV series. (AC,AL,V) R1:34. HBO May 1,14 CSEH MODERN PROBLEMS Chevy Chase stars as a depressed air-traffic controller who suddenly finds himself endowed with telekinetic powers. Patti D’Arbanville. (AC,AL) PG-1:33. MAX May 1 CEH MOM AND DAD SAVE THE WORLD Riotous comedy about a California couple who are kidnapped by a lovestruck intergalactic despot. With Jon Lovitz, Dwier Brown and Kathy Ireland. (AC,AL) PG1:28. MAX May 19 CDH MONICA & DAVID HBO Documentary Films The exceptional marriage of two adults living with Down Syndrome is explored in this superb documentary. TVPG-1:08. HBO May 13,17 CSEH MONSTER’S BALL A series of tragedies ignites an explosive love affair in this drama for which Halle Berry won the 2001 Academy Award® for Best Actress. Billy Bob Thornton, Heath Ledger. (AC,AL,N,V) R-1:52. HBO May 9 CDEH MONSTERS VS. ALIENS A nearly 50-foot tall woman leads a gaggle of other 1950s monsters into battle against an alien menace in this animated comedy. (MV) PG-1:34. HBO May 3,8,11,16,21,26 C5EH MORE AMERICAN GRAFFITI The quirky cast of characters from George Lucas’ classic American Graffiti are reunited in this sequel that follows their lives through Vietnam and the far-out ‘60s. (AC,AL) PG1:51. MAX May 31 CSEH MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING Kenneth Branagh brings the unforgettable William Shakespeare comedy to life. (AC,AL,BN) PG13-1:51. MAX May 30 CSEH MURDEROUS INTENT The lusty romance between two emergency-room workers takes a dark turn. (AC,MV) TV14/V,D-1:49. HBO May 18,27 C5EH THE MUSKETEER Youthful D’Artagnan sets out on a spirited quest to reorganize the Musketeers in this tale. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:44. MAX May 7,16,20,25,31 CDEH PROGRAM GUIDE: A-Z MAY 2011 THIS MONTH ON HBO AND CINEMAX MY SISTER’S KEEPER An 11-year-old girl battles her parents for ownership of her body in this heart-pulling drama. Cameron Diaz, Abigail Breslin star. (AC,AL) PG131:49. MAX May 2,14,25 CDEH N NANNY MCPHEE RETURNS Nanny McPhee is back with her warts, wit and magic walking stick to spark better behavior in five bratty kids. Emma Thompson stars. PG-1:49. HBO May 18,21,24,29 C5EH NATIONAL LAMPOON’S ANIMAL HOUSE Toga! Toga! Toga! John Belushi leads the madcap charge in this comedy classic about the wildly obscene antics of a college frat house. Tim Matheson. (AL,N) R-1:49. MAX May 6,11,21,27 CSEH NATIONAL SECURITY Martin Lawrence and Steve Zahn play security guards who team up in spite of their mutual distrust to stop a group of smugglers. (AC,AL,V) PG131:28. MAX May 3,8,13,19 CDEH NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM: BATTLE OF THE SMITHSONIAN Ben Stiller and his museum exhibit pals face a global threat in this sequel. (AC,AL,MV) PG-1:45. HBO May 2,9,15,21,24,27,30 C5EH NIGHT FALLS ON MANHATTAN A New York D.A. struggles with his conscience when a police corruption case points to his father. Andy Garcia, Richard Dreyfuss. (AC,AL,V) R-1:54. HBO May 2 CSEH A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET Dream slasher Freddy Krueger stalks a group of sleepy teens in this 2010 horror remake. Jackie Earle Haley stars. (AL,GV) R-1:35. HBO May 3,8,13,16,19 C5EH NORTH SHORE Arizona’s top surfer rushes off to Oahu to ride the waves of Hawaii’s rugged North Shore. Matt Adler stars. (AL) PG-1:35. MAX May 4 CSEH O OCEAN’S ELEVEN George Clooney stars as a recently paroled crook who plans to pull off the ultimate Las Vegas heist in this stylish remake. Matt Damon, Andy Garcia, Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts. (AC,AL,V) PG131:57. MAX May 4,9,14,19,29 CDEH OLD SCHOOL A yearning for their old party days prompts a trio of aging college grads to start their own fraternity. Luke Wilson, Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughn. (AC,AL,N) R-1:30. MAX May 3,9,20,24,29 CDEH ONE HOUR PHOTO Robin Williams portrays a solitary photo-processing worker who develops an unhealthy preoccupation with a young family. (AC,AL,N,V) R-1:36. MAX May 1,24 CDEH ORPHAN A family discovers that the sweet nine-year-old girl they adopted may have an evil side in this shocker. Vera Farmiga, Peter Sarsgaard. (AC,AL,BN,MV) R-2:03. MAX May 6,11,19,23,28 CDEH OUR FAMILY WEDDING Wedding plans result in a culture clash between two families–one Mexican-American, the other African American–in this comedy. (AC,AL,MV) PG131:43. HBO May 28,29,31 C5EH P PANIC ROOM Intruders force single mother Jodie Foster and her daughter to hole up in their new home’s specially designed “panic room.” (AC,AL,V) R-1:52. HBO May 6,28 CDEH THE PARTY Peter Sellers sparkles as a bumbling Indian actor who wreaks havoc at a Hollywood studio exec’s ultra-chic soiree in this 1968 comedy. (AC,AL) TVPG/L,D-1:39. MAX May 12 C EH THE PEACEMAKER George Clooney and Nicole Kidman team up to stop a terrorist threat in this exciting thriller. (AL,V) R2:04. MAX May 6,14,25 CDEH THE PEOPLE VS. LARRY FLYNT Woody Harrelson stars as the Hustler magazine publisher who took his First Amendment fight to the Supreme Court. (AC,AL,N,V) R-2:10. HBO May 25 C5EH PERCY JACKSON & THE OLYMPIANS: THE LIGHTNING THIEF A teen learns that he is the son of Poseidon—and is accused of stealing Zeus’ lightning bolt. (MV) PG1:59. MAX May 4,14,30 CDEH A PERFECT GETAWAY Whispers of a murder bring chills to a Hawaiian paradise for a honeymooning pair. (AC,GL,GV,N) R1:37. HBO May 6,22,28 C5EH PIRATE RADIO Philip Seymour Hoffman stars in this comedy about a group of deejays who went off-shore and on-the-air to broadcast music to the British. (AC,BN, GL,MV) R-1:56. HBO May 7 C5EH POOTIE TANG The outrageous character from HBO’s The Chris Rock Show must rely on a bodacious hooker to help him regain his powerful belt. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:21. MAX May 9,24 CDEH POST GRAD An earnest college grad’s ambitious life plan takes a detour when she discovers the rocky realities of the job market. Alexis Bledel. (AC,AL) PG13-1:29. MAX May 1,10,20,26 CDEH PRECIOUS LIFE HBO Documentary Films A moving look at a Palestinian boy who will die without a procedure that can only be done at an Israeli hospital. (AL,V) TV14/V, L-1:27. HBO May 5,10,14,18,22 CSE PREDATORS Eight violent strangers awaken in a mysterious jungle as prey to a deadly alien race in this installment in the Predator series. (AC,GL,GV) R-1:47. MAX May 14,15,16,18,24,30 CDEH THE PRINCESS BRIDE A man journeys in search of his one true love in this funny and enchanting tale of swords, sorcerers and romance. Cary Elwes. (AL,MV) PG1:38. MAX May 12 CDEH PRIZZI’S HONOR Mafia hit man Jack Nicholson sees his perfect match in glamorous hit woman Kathleen Turner in this Oscar®-nominated hit. (AL,BN,V) R2:09. HBO May 19 CDEH PROJECT X Air Force pilot Matthew Broderick discovers that the intelligent monkeys he’s caring for are being used in a top-secret government experiment. (AL, MV) PG-1:48. MAX May 5 CSEH PROXIMITY A prison inmate fights for his life after he uncovers a vigilante group that assassinates criminals who don’t get the death penalty. Rob Lowe. (AC,AL,N,V) R1:26. MAX May 14,23 CDEH PSYCHO II Anthony Perkins returns as schizoid shower killer Norman Bates, now rehabilitated and ready for guests once again at his ramshackle motel. (AL,GV,N) R-1:53. MAX May 28 CDEH PSYCHO III Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the shower...Norman Bates is back, and his menacing motel is once again open. Anthony Perkins. (AL,GV,N) R1:33. MAX May 6 CDEH PUBLIC ENEMIES Johnny Depp is riveting as notorious bank robber John Dillinger who stood at the forefront of the epic 1930s crime wave. (AC,AL,N,V) R-2:20. HBO May 14,30 C5EH R RACE WITH THE DEVIL Two families are pursued by a satanic cult after witnessing a human sacrifice in this 1975 thriller. Peter Fonda, Warren Oates star. (AC,V) PG1:28. MAX May 19 CEH REAL SEX 30: DOWN AND DIRTY HBO’s hit series is turning up the heat with this sizzling stew of down and dirty ways to heighten your pleasure! (AC,N,SC) TVMA/S-:46. HBO May 26 CSE A REAL SEX XTRA: PORNUCOPIA: GOING DOWN IN THE VALLEY 05: LOVE AND/OR SEX A porn couple comes clean about their marriage and careers; director David Friedman discusses ’70s porn. (AC,AL, N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:26. HBO May 5 CSE REAL SPORTS WITH BRYANT GUMBEL HBO sports magazine hosted by Bryant Gumbel. 169: (AL) TVPG/L-:58. HBO May 1,4 CSh; 170: (AL) TVPG/L-:58. HBO May 17,19,21,24,27,29 CSEh REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER All-new editions of the acclaimed HBO comedy/talk series hosted by Bill Maher. 211: (AC,AL) TVMA-:57. HBO May 1,2,4 CSh; 212: (AC,AL) TVMA-:57. HBO May 6,8,9,11 CSh; 213: (AC,AL) TVMA:57. HBO May 13,15,16,18 CSh; 214: (AC,AL) TVMA-:57. HBO May 20,22,23,25 CSh; TBA #1: (AC,AL) TVMA-:57. HBO May 27,29,30 CSh; TBA #2: (AC,AL) TVMA-:57. HBO May 27,29 CSh REDLINE In the near future, a bionically resurrected man stalks his killer through the grim and deadly Moscow underworld. Rutger Hauer, Mark Dacascos. (AC,AL, GV,N) R-1:34. MAX May 15 CSEH RENEGADES Kiefer Sutherland and Lou Diamond Phillips star as an undercover cop and a Native American man who form an unlikely partnership aimed at revenge. (AC, AL,V) R-1:45. MAX May 2,27 CSEH REPO MEN Futuristic repo man Jude Law retrieves artificial organs from deadbeat recipients the gory way...until he gets a new heart he can’t pay for. (AC,AL,BN,GV) R1:51. MAX May 3,13,22 CDEH RICKY GERVAIS: OUT OF ENGLAND 2 THE STAND-UP SPECIAL Ricky Gervais pokes fun at the recession, heroin, famine, animal homosexuality and more in this stand-up comedy special. (AC,AL) TVMA/L-1:14. HBO May 24 CDH RIDE WITH THE DEVIL Four young Missouri rebels band together to battle the Union during the U.S. Civil War in this historical drama from director Ang Lee (Brokeback Mountain). (AC,AL,BN,V) R2:18. MAX May 20 CDEH THE RING A reporter’s investigation into a legendary videotape–one that supposedly kills you a week after you watch it–takes a terrifying turn. Naomi Watts. (AC,AL,V) PG131:55. MAX May 4,13,28 CDEH ROAD TO PERDITION Tom Hanks plays a mob assassin in 1931 Illinois who takes his son on the run while plotting revenge. Paul Newman, Jude Law. (AC,AL,V) R-1:57. MAX May 8,13,23 CDEH ROADS TO RICHES A newcomer to L.A. and a former child star become fast friends–and then faster enemies. Rose McGowan, Robert Forster, Kip Pardue star. (AC,AL,V) R-1:31. MAX May 12 CDEH ROBERT KLEIN: UNFAIR & UNBALANCED Robert Klein performs in his ninth HBO stand-up special, an hour of hilarious insights plus musical interludes. (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:57. HBO May 17 C5H ROBIN HOOD ‘Gladiator’ director Ridley Scott and star Russell Crowe reteam in this new take on the “Robin Hood” legend. (AC,MV) PG13-2:20. HBO May 2 C5EH RUSH Two undercover narcotics cops step over the line of duty when they start abusing drugs in this drama. (AC,AL, GV,N) R-2:00. HBO May 18 CSEH RUSSELL SIMMONS’ DEF COMEDY JAM 95 Comics: Smokey, Tiffany Haddish, Big Rome, Tony Roberts. HBO’s popular standup show hosted by D.L. Hughley. (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:29. HBO May 6,22 CDH S SAVING PELICAN 895 Inside look at the effort to save a brown pelican from the drilling catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico. TVG-:39. HBO May 5,8 C5EH SAY ANYTHING... John Cusack stars as an aimless high-school graduate who tries to win the hand of the class brain in this teen classic. Ione Skye co-stars. (AC,AL) PG131:40. MAX May 26 CDEH SCOOBY-DOO Scooby and his mysteryloving pals investigate spooky doings at an amusement park. Freddie Prinze Jr., Sarah Michelle Gellar, Matthew Lillard. (V) PG-1:26. HBO May 6,8,11,14,17,25 CDEH SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD Dweeby rocker Michael Cera must battle his dream girl’s Seven Evil Exes in this adaptation of the graphic novel. PG13-1:52. HBO May 7,8,10,15,18,21,26,31 C5EH SECTION 60: ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEMETERY HBO Documentary Films A look at Section 60 in Arlington National Cemetery—the final resting place for those who died fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. TVPG-:54. HBO May 16,20,30 CSEH SET IT OFF Four struggling young women decide to start robbing banks in this superbly dramatic thriller. (AC,AL,BN,V) R-2:03. HBO May 3,22 C5EH 17 AGAIN Matthew Perry and Zac Efron share the role of a middle-aged man who magically turns back into a 17-year-old babe in this comedy. (AC,AL,MV) PG131:42. MAX May 4,12,24,29 CDEH SHADRACH A bigoted white family takes in a rich boy and a 99-year-old former slave in this Depression-era tale. (AC,AL,BN) PG13-1:28. HBO May 3,9,20 CSEH SHALLOW HAL A womanizer pursues a heavy girl after he is placed under a spell that allows him to only see inner beauty. Gwyneth Paltrow, Jack Black. (AC,AL) PG13-1:54. HBO May 1,4,9,14,19,23,27 CDEH PROGRAM GUIDE: A-Z MAY 2011 THIS MONTH ON HBO AND CINEMAX SHE’S OUT OF MY LEAGUE An average guy and a perfect 10 try to make their unlikely romance work. (AC,GL,V) R-1:45. MAX May 1,9,14,19,27 CDEH SHORTS A magical, wish-granting rock falls into various hands resulting in small-town mayhem in this tale. Jon Cryer, William H. Macy, Leslie Mann, James Spader. (MV) PG-1:29. MAX May 11 CDEH THE SICILIAN CLAN A Sicilian crime family teams up with a hot-headed cop-killer to hijack a planeload of jewels in this thriller. (AL,N,V) PG-1:58. MAX May 31 CEH SIN CITY DIARIES FEATURE 04: LUCK IS A LADY Las Vegas high-rollers turn to sexy concierge Angelica and her staff to live out their fantasies in this compilation from the erotic series. (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L2:15. MAX May 11,24 CSH SINBAD: LEGEND OF THE SEVEN SEAS Sinbad the sailor must retrieve the stolen Book of Peace from a goddess with a penchant for chaos in this mythological animated tale. Voice: Brad Pitt. (AC,AL, MV) PG-1:25. MAX May 20 CDEH THE SKULLS An Ivy League crew star learns the disturbing truth about the secretive Skulls society in this thriller. (AC,AL,V) PG131:47. MAX May 3,15,27 CDEH SOLARIS Steven Soderbergh’s cerebral remake of the 1972 Russian sci-fi classic follows a doctor who encounters his late wife on a space station. George Clooney, Natascha McElhone. (AC,BN,V) PG131:38. HBO May 5,13,25 CDEH SPIDER Ralph Fiennes stars as a recently released mental patient who is tormented by the memory of his horrific past in this acclaimed David Cronenberg film. (AC,AL, N,V) R-1:38. MAX May 17 CDEH SPIDER-MAN 2 Peter Parker must overcome a crisis of conscience while his web-slinging alter ego desperately tries to save the world from a new villain. (AL,V) PG13-2:08. HBO May 2,7,13,24,30 CDEH SPIRIT: STALLION OF THE CIMARRON A wild horse yearns to answer the call of the wild after he is captured by a nasty U.S. colonel in this 2002 Oscar®-nominee. G1:23. HBO May 2,12,25 CSEH SPLICE Geneticists create a human/animal hybrid that quickly grows out of their control in this riveting horror-thriller. Adrien Brody. (AC,GL,N,RP,V) R-1:44. MAX May 8,12,20,28 CDEH STARSKY & HUTCH Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson reteam as buddy cops in this spoof of the hit TV series. (AC,AL,BN,V) PG131:41. MAX May 7,19,24 CDEH STATE OF PLAY The murder of a politician’s aide scratches the surface of a shocking conspiracy and leads reporter Russell Crowe on a hunt for the truth. (AC,AL,MV) PG132:07. MAX May 5,15,24 CDEH SUGAR A Dominican ballplayer slides into American life when he is called up to the minor leagues in this drama. (AC,AL,MV) R-1:54. HBO May 29 SEH SUNSHINE STATE Edie Falco and Angela Bassett star in this film about life on a tiny Florida island where locals deal with personal dramas and an uncertain future. (AC,AL) PG13-2:21. MAX May 8 CDEH SUPER TROOPERS Outrageous comedy about a pack of screwball state troopers. With Jay Chandrasekhar, Kevin Heffernan and Steve Lemme. (AC,AL,N,V) R-1:40. MAX May 6,12,28 CDEH SWITCH A dead man is not allowed to enter Heaven unless he can go back as a female and find a woman on Earth who likes him. Ellen Barkin, Jimmy Smits. (AC, AL) R-1:43. MAX May 26 CDEH T TAKING CHANCE HBO Original Movie Kevin Bacon stars as a military officer who escorts home the body of a 19-year-old Marine killed in Iraq. (AC) TVPG/D-1:18. HBO May 28,30 C5EH THE TALE OF DESPEREAUX A fearless mouse sets out on an unlikely quest to restore his disgraced kingdom to prominence in this animated tale. G-1:33. HBO May 1,5,11,16,20,26 C5EH TALKING FUNNY HBO Comedy Special Stand-up legends Jerry Seinfeld, Chris Rock, Ricky Gervais and Louis C.K. sit down for an informal talk on comedy. (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:50. HBO May 3,9,12 CSH TARZAN AND THE LOST CITY The King of the Jungle must return to his old stomping grounds when the mythic lost city of Opar is threatened. Casper Van Dien. (V) PG1:24. MAX May 16 CDEH TAXICAB CONFESSIONS: THE CITY THAT NEVER SLEEPS HBO Documentary Films A disparate group of taxicab passengers are secretly recorded in this 14th edition of the HBO series. (AC,AL,N) TVMA/S,L-1:00. HBO May 19,23 C5EH TEMPTED Wealthy and powerful Burt Reynolds concocts a devious plan for testing his new wife’s fidelity in this film. (AC,AL, BN,V) R-1:35. MAX May 20 CDEH THIRTEEN CONVERSATIONS ABOUT ONE THING Philosophical drama that contemplates the attainment of happiness. Matthew McConaughey, John Turturro star. (AC,AL) R-1:44. MAX May 13 CDEH THE TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE A hapless time traveler and his wife forge an unlikely love affair despite his uncontrolled jumps through time. Rachel McAdams. (MV) PG131:47. MAX May 6,19,29 CDEH TOO BIG TO FAIL HBO Original Movie The financial crisis of 2008 from the perspective of the insiders who prevented economic meltdown. William Hurt. (AC,AL) TV14/L,D1:38. HBO May 23,28,29,31 C5Eh TOO BIG TO FAIL: OPENING THE VAULT TO THE FINANCIAL CRISIS Behind-thescenes special. TVPG-:25. HBO May 3,7,9,17,22,23,25,27,29,30 CS TOOTH FAIRY Dwayne Johnson is a hockey-playing hellion who turns into a tutu-wearing Tooth Fairy to atone for his bad behavior. (MV) PG-1:41. HBO May 2,5,8,11,16,20,28,31 C5EH TRANSAMERICA Felicity Huffman stars as a pre-operative transsexual who reconnects with a recently discovered son on the road to the West Coast. (AC,GL,N,V) R-1:44. HBO May 12,24 C5EH THE TRANSPORTER A former Special Forces operative who runs a criminal delivery enterprise becomes a marked man after breaking his cardinal rule. With Jason Statham, Shu Qi. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:32. MAX May 2,7,18,22,27 CDEH TREME All-new Season Two episodes of the acclaimed HBO drama series. 11: Accentuate the Positive (AC,AL,V) TVMA/ V,L-:59. HBO May 12 C5EH; 12: Everything I Do Gonh Be Funky (AC, AL,V) TVMA-:59. HBO May 1,3,4,5,12 C5EH; 13: On Your Way Down (AC,AL,V) TVMA-:58. HBO May 8,10, 11,12 C5EH; 14: Santa Claus, Do You Ever Get the Blues? (AC,AL,V) TVMA-:58. HBO May 15,17,18,19 C5EH; 15: Slip Away (AC,AL,V) TVMA-:57. HBO May 22,24,25,26 C5EH; 16: (AC,AL,V) TVMA-:57. HBO May 29,31 C5EH TRESPASS Two Arkansas firemen stumble into the middle of a gang war when they attempt to recover stolen gold hidden in a burned-out building. Bill Paxton, Ice T. (AC, AL,V) R-1:41. HBO May 20 CSEH TRUE BLOOD Encore plays from Season Three of the hit HBO series. 29: Trouble (AC,AL,GV,N) TVMA/V,S,L-:56. HBO May 1 C5EH; 30: I Got a Right to Sing the Blues (AC,AL,GV,N) TVMA/V,S,L-:58. HBO May 8 C5EH; 31: Hitting the Ground (AC,AL,GV,N) TVMA/V,S,L-:47. HBO May 15 C5EH; 32: Night on the Sun (AC,AL,GV,N) TVMA/V,S,L-:57. HBO May 22 C5EH; 33: Everything is Broken (AC,AL,GV,N) TVMA/V,S,L-:59. C5EH HBO May 29 THE TUXEDO Jackie Chan is a cab driver who dons a high-tech tuxedo that turns him into a martial-arts master. Jennifer Love Hewitt co-stars. (AC,AL,V) PG131:39. MAX May 5,21 CDEH U UNIVERSAL SOLDIER The bodies of two deceased Vietnam veterans are re-engineered into battle-ready warriors in this action film. Jean-Claude Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren star. (AC,BN,GL,GV) R-1:43. MAX May 1,6,12,16,31 CSEH UNKNOWN Five men–some bound, some beaten–awaken in a chemical plant warehouse with no memory of how they got there or why. Jim Caviezel. (AC,AL,V) TVMA/ V,L-1:25. MAX May 15,30 CDEH V VOLUNTEERS Self-centered Tom Hanks heads to back-country Thailand to escape gambling debts in this comedy. (AC,AL) R1:47. MAX May 4,17,27 CDH VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA A nuclear sub may be the earth’s only hope of salvation in this 1961 classic. (MV) PG1:45. MAX May 11 CSEH THE WOLFMAN Benicio Del Toro is the cursed young gentleman who transforms into a bloodthirsty werewolf by the full moon in this remake. (AC,AL,GV) R-1:42. MAX May 2,7,15,20,26,31 CDEH WRONG TURN Inbred cannibal rednecks stalk a group of teens whose car troubles leave them stranded in a backwoods town. Eliza Dushku stars. (AC,AL,GV,N) R-1:24. MAX May 7,16,26,31 CDEH W Z WAITING TO EXHALE Four young women lean on each other for support while dealing with their share of bad relationships. Whitney Houston, Angela Bassett. (AC,AL, N) R-2:03. MAX May 13,24 CDEH WARTORN 1861-2010 HBO Documentary Films Some of the subject matter in the following documentary may be upsetting to some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised. Post-traumatic stress disorder in U.S. soldiers. (AC,AL,V) TV14/V,L,D-1:07. HBO May 8,12,23 C5EH WAYNE’S WORLD The hit comedy with Mike Myers and Dana Carvey as a pair of Illinois nitwits who take their local cable television show national. (AC,AL) PG131:34. HBO May 4,15,26 C5EH WAYNE’S WORLD 2 The spirit of a late rock legend prompts Wayne and Garth to launch a music festival in this sequel. Mike Myers, Dana Carvey. (AC,AL) PG13-1:35. HBO May 4,19,27 C5EH WHAT A GIRL WANTS A U.S. teen makes waves in the U.K. when she arrives to meet her well-to-do father, Amanda Bynes. (AC) PG-1:45. MAX May 16,29 CDEH WHIP IT A rebellious small-town Texas girl comes of age in the bone-jarring world of women’s roller derby. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:51. MAX May 5,11,16,22,27 CDEH WHITEOUT U.S. Marshal Kate Beckinsale is ensconced in murder and mystery at an isolated research outpost. (AC,GL,GV,N) R-1:41. HBO May 6,14 C5EH WISHCRAFT A high-school nerd is granted three wishes, but as they come true, his classmates begin dying. (AC,AL,V) R1:42. HBO May 13 CDEH ZANE’S SEX CHRONICLES FEATURE 04: CLIMAX A compilation of episodes from the sizzling series about five friends who enjoy steamy fantasy stories on the blog of erotic writer Zane. (AC,GL,N,SC) TVMA/ S,L-1:32. MAX May 17,29 CSH PLEASE NOTE: We now use the following new TV Parental Guidelines. We hope that, used in conjunction with our usual content advisories, they will help you make more informed viewing decisions. TVY Appropriate for all children TVY7 Directed to older children TVG For General audiences TVPG Parental guidance suggested TV14 Parental guidance strongly suggested TVMA Mature audiences only Below is a detailed list of content advisories for our programs to help you make more informed viewing decisions for you and your family. They also appear on HBO at the start of each program. AC Adult content BN Brief nudity AL Adult language N Nudity GL Graphic language SC Strong sexual MV Mild violence content V Violence RP Rape GV Graphic Violence C indicates closed-captioned programs. Special decoder needed. s indicates programs in stereo, where available. d indicates programs with Dolby Surround Encoding, where available. Registered TM of Dolby Laboratories. Used with permission. E indica programas en español, donde fuesen disponibles. h indicates high definition (HD) version will air on HD feed, where available. In homes using HD feed, E function is not accessible. 5 indicates programs in Dolby Digital 5.1, where available. ©2011 Home Box Office, Inc. All rights reserved. HBO®, Cinemax® and related channels and service marks are the property of Home Box Office, Inc. Oscar and the Academy Award are registered trademarks and service marks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Exclusive titles are exclusive on national pay cable to HBO during the term of their license. HBO reserves the right to make a schedule change or program substitution without notice. Flight of the ConchordsSM service mark and trademarks are used by Home Box Office, Inc. under license. TM & © MMVII New Line Productions, Inc. Spider-Man character ® & © 2004 Marvel Characters, Inc. All Rights Reserved. TMNT TM & © Mirage Studios, Inc. Alvin and the Chipmunks and Characters TM & © 2009 Bagdasarian Productions, LLC. All rights reserved. © 2009 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved. "ICE AGE DAWN OF THE DINOSAURS TM & © 2009 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved." COMING IN JUNE INCEPTION ON HBO ROBIN HOOD ON CINEMAX NEW SEASON PREMIERES SUNDAY, JUNE 26, 9PM/8C SHREK FOREVER AFTER DATE NIGHT ON HBO ON CINEMAX