June 19, 2012 Minutes - Hauppauge School District
June 19, 2012 Minutes - Hauppauge School District
REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION HAUPPAUGE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT TOWNS OF SMITHTOWN AND ISLIP, SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YORK, HELD JUNE 19, 2012 Members Present Mrs. Geri Richter, President; Mrs. Eileen Mass, Vice President; Mrs. Susan Hodosky, Mrs. Pat Lesser, Mrs. Ann Macaluso, Mr. Robert Schnebel Members Absent Mrs. Ginger Todaro Others Present Mrs. Patricia Sullivan-Kriss, Superintendent of Schools; Mr. James Stucchio, Assistant Superintendent for Business & Operations; Mrs. Michele Rothfeld, Assistant Superintendent for Personnel and Administration; Dr. Kyrie Siegel, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology; Mr. Warren Richmond, Attorney; Mrs. Linda Ryczak, District Clerk Meeting called to order 7:07 p.m. Executive Session Motion to go into executive session to discuss the employment history of five individual employees; one matter leading to the employment of a particular individual; collective bargaining negotiations of two units; and two matters involving particular students, made by Mrs. Lesser, seconded by Mrs. Mass carried by vote of 6-0. The Regular Meeting reconvened at 8:08 p.m. Recognitions and Awards A. DECA is an organization whose mission is to prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. Mrs. Doreen Gordon and Mr. Frank Hufnagel introduced the New York State Winners. They are: Nicholas D’Antonio, Sara Elmonshed, Ashley George, Emilie Litsas, Erin Lynch, Nicole Mazzara, Samantha Muenkel, Vincent Policastro, Colleen Stitt, Erin Stitt, Jenna Williamson. One of our students, Samantha Muenkel, qualified and attended the International Competition in Salt Lake City. June 19, 2012 Page 1 of 12 B. PTA Reflections Mrs. Claudine DiMuzio, Principal of Pines Elementary spoke about our winner, Marcus Ballerini. Marcus is a great student who won this competition for his photography at the school and county level. He was also New York State award winner. He brings excitement to his classroom activities. The project entered was a piece of photography from his heritage. C. US Environmental Protection Agency Contest “SunWise with Shade” Bretton Woods third grader, Melody Chang, was chosen as the a NYS poster contest winner for her entry. Posters were hand drawn and judged on sun wise action steps, creativity, originality and quality of artwork. Melody’s entry will be incorporated into the Department of Health 2013 calendar and displayed in the National Children’s Museum in Washing DC. She also won $50 and a digital camera. D. Brookhaven National Laboratory Elementary Science Fair Pines Elementary student, Hannah Fioramonti, won first place in the Brookhaven National Laboratory Science Fair for her project “Salamander Style” This is the second year in a row that Hannah won this competition in her grade level. “This amazing third grade student is destined to be a science star.” E. Long Island Science Congress – Megan Amico, High Honor Award Mr. Wankmuller, Director of Science, Technology and Research, said that Long Island Science Congress is an adjudicated exhibit of science projects by students of Nassau County and Suffolk County middle schools, junior high schools and senior high schools. Megan Amico won High Honor Award in the seventh grade level for her project on different types of rosin for strung instruments. Her plaque is on display at the middle school. 1) June 19, 2012 National French Exam – Mrs. Lillian Carey said it is a Page 2 of 12 pleasure to recognize those students who have taken the national language exams. The following students were recognized: Freshmen (level 2): Ronaldo Bazanth) Bergamino (10 , Christopher Lysak (9th), Sean McCabe (8th), Elodie Sirulnick (2nd and 5th in the Nation!); Sophomores (level 3) Juliana Veracka (10th), Christine Zhu (8th); Senior (level 5) Jonah Belser (4th) 2) 3) National Spanish Exam - Mrs. Carey said that last year we had one gold winner and this year we had three. The following students were recognized: Oro (Gold): Emily Kline (Level 4), Christopher Giuliano (Level 3), Sarah Mackin (Level 3) National German Exam – Mr. Schunr said that 24,000 students take this exam, 18 of our students placed and the top 8 are being recognized. The following students were recognized: Matthew Fortmeyer (Level 2), Nikolaus Fuchs (Level 2), Nicholas Karavolias (Level 3), Kristen Okorn (Level 3), Vivienne Litzke (Level 4), Lee-Hua Scheff (Level 4), Brandon Bozeat (Level 4), Matt Diminich (Level 4) F. Retiring Staff: The Board presented plaques to Catherine Parker, Diane Wirth and Linda Ryczak. Unable to attend this meeting were retirees: Stephen Atkinson, Julie Hoffmann, Lorraine Paga, Brewster Phillips, Anita Taormina, Joan Krewski, Betty Melomo, and Diane Cappellini. Presentations Public Hearing – Code of Conduct Mr. Ed Spear reviewed the changes and proposed revisions to the Code of Conduct. Many of these changes are done to address the Dignity For All Legislation. Part of the required changes to the COC was the need to incorporate Dignity for All policies 0100, 0110 and 0115 to bring our district in compliance. The following revisions were highlighted: Pg. 3 Revision deals with students who are enrolled in private and parochial schools and are transported by district school bus. Home schooled students are subject to the rules of the COC if they are on district property for district provided services. Pg. 4 Changes related to terminology and definition of school zone and student sanctioned activities. An activity like the prom held at an offsite location would be considered a school zone. June 19, 2012 Page 3 of 12 Pg. 5 COC defines “public school fraternity” and Cyber Bullying Pg. 6 Clarifies cyber-bullying on Facebook, MySpace or a similar social networking website. Defines sexting Defines Weapon Incorporates NYSSBA recommendation for DASA Pg. 7 Incorporates NYSSBA recommendation for DASA Nondiscrimination clause from new policy. Pg. 8 – Adds a safe harbor if a student takes a dangerous implement to school by mistake. This does not include any legal items or when a search is in progress. Pg. 8-12 Existing test from old COC was replaced with wording from NYSSBA as needed in DASA. This change is related to essential partners defined as parents, teachers, guidance counselors, principals, other school personnel, Dignity Act Coordinator, Superintendent and Board of Education. Superintendent and Board of Education responsibilities were updated for DASA requirements. Pg. 13 Item 6 (prohibited conduct), replaces existing COC wording with DASA wording from NYSSBA. Examples of prohibited conduct updated list. Pg. 14 Misuse of computer/electronic communications Insubordinate conduct is defined with examples Disruptive conduct is defined with examples Violent behavior is defined with examples Pg 15 DASA recommendations and examples of conduct that endangers the safety of others. Pg. 16 Provides guidance for publishing video or still photography taken in an instructional space Pg. 17 Item 11 was updated to include other substances not listed in June 19, 2012 Page 4 of 12 the previously adopted COC. Pg. 21 Changes are related to suspension and were taken from our existing policy. NYS said we had to remove policies from our COC but we should refer to the needed items in the document. Pg. 21-22 This section relates to suspension from athletic participation, extra-curricular activities and other privileges and requirements to reinstate privileges. Pg. 27 This section, which comes from our policy, deals with drug and alcohol abuse. Pg. 34 The changes in this section are related to searches and interrogations. This deals with a student who refuses consent to conduct search of his/her person. Action may be referred to the police department to protect the health and safety of the student or others in the school community. Pg. 36 This addition relates to use of wireless device while taking an exam from an outside agency such as SAT or ACT. Pg. 37 Item 9 This relates to custody and control of any illegal or dangerous matter taken from an student. A chain of custody will be maintained for documentation. Pg. 37 Item 10 By law, Students have no reasonable expectation of privacy rights in school lockers, desks or other school storage places as well as computer networks. This section speaks to searches of open postings to social media networks. Pg. 38 This section deals with mandated reporting of suspected child abuse or maltreatment. Pg. 40 Visitors to the schools who have been admitted are obligated to visit only the area of the school noted in the visitor log. Pg. 40 Photo ID may be required and scanned or copied as part of the visitor logs in the buildings. Pg. 41 Items 8 & 9 from our board policies, deal with visitors to the schools and compliance to rules for public conduct. We will continue to monitor and review the COC and make future June 19, 2012 Page 5 of 12 suggestions for modification. Board Question/Comments June 19, 2012 Page 9, Item 7 talks about teachers communicating regularly regarding growth and achievement. Should we include behavior as well? (Answer) If you look further down we do address the academic issues. Question: It talks about addressing without communicating with parents. (Answer) This is how the state sent it to us. Can we modify this? (Answer) We think so. Letter C guidance counselors’ # 7, mentions providing information to assist students with career planning. Do we currently have that in place? ( Answer) Yes we do have career planning in place. It starts in 8th grade. Page 10 (Item 1) Refers to gender or sex, what is the difference? ( Answer) The state was very clear in DASA that they refer to gender or sex as the sexual identity is different or could be. Page 11 (H-Board of Education) Item 5: It is the Boards responsibility to adopt and review the code of conduct, at least annually, for effectiveness. Is there anything as to how this is accomplished? (Answer) There has always been a requirement to review annually. We have worked to keep our COC updated. Next year we will take input from our administrators and adjust or clarify anything the document that needs to be refined. Page 16 – Item 5 regarding video or still photography in an instructional space or school zone needing permission of the teacher or principal prior to posting to a digital media site or the web. Seniors often take pictures of classrooms, especially at the end of the year, and they are on Facebook before they leave the building. How will we enforce this? Having defined the school zone as any area that there is an activity or school sponsored activity or a school sanctioned function could stop a student from posting prom pictures. Can you define the kind of picture that is prohibited? (Answer) These changes were recommended by the committee. We will look at this item and refine the wording. Relating to the above item, this one may be a problem. It is easy to understand the purpose but there may be a simple and Page 6 of 12 innocent picture of the chamber choir or a field trip where a student posts that picture and that posting could be a technical violation. To be able to enforce this we might need to define it better such as pictures that are offensive. (Answer) We approve the revised Code of Conduct at the organizational meeting on July 10, 2012. The committee can be reconvened to discuss that clause. Page 34 – This issue comes up every time a kid gets searched or interrogated. Do parents need to be notified only or do they need to give permission? (Answer) A parent can refuse but the police can still be called. Do you need permission to talk to a student who witnessed an incident? (Answer) Parents are notified. Is this a change or an update? (Answer) Update. Page 36 Item E -This clause mentions SAT, ACT, AP and similar school sanctioned exams where students are not allowed to take pictures. What about IB? (Answer) We can just add IB to the list when we make the other modifications. Tenure Recommendation Dr. Siegel spoke about Dr. Christopher Michael. He started here in 1996 as a teacher. He served as our facilitator for professional development prior to taking the position as principal at Forest Brook. Since he took the position as Director of ELA, he has brought stability to the department. Dr. Michael has accomplished a great deal this year. He has helped to facilitate the use of data, took a close look and made improvements to our RTI program. Shortly after taking this responsibility he facilitated the Tri-State Consortium visit. “It is with pleasure that I recommend that Dr. Michael receive tenure.” Motion made by Mrs. Hodosky, seconded by Mr. Schnebel as follows: Personnel Matters Item 9.2A (2.2) Change in Employment Status-Appointment to Tenure Motion carried by vote of 6-0. Superintendent’s Update June 19, 2012 Mrs. Kriss mentioned the following in her update: It was Dr. Michael’s decision to resign as elementary principal and continue on as Director of ELA. He has Page 7 of 12 Adoption of Minutes provided support for Mrs. Kristen Reingold as principal of Forest Brook. Tonight we will be appointing Mrs. Reingold as principal. On Friday we will have our first Friday night graduation. We congratulate our seniors and wish them well. Congratulations to Mrs. Kathy Bottner, our soon-to-be district clerk, who is being honored at graduation ceremony as Distinguished Alumni of the Year. Thank you to Smithtown Schools and SCOPE for offering the Summer Explorations Program to our students. It is a self-pay program and a wonderful opportunity. Update on Negotiations – Tonight there is an approval for the final bargaining unit, HAAP. Negotiations resulted in a contract that will give our administrators 1% with step the first year; 1.25% with no step on the second year and 0% with step for the third year. This contract was a result of very cooperative working relationship with the union. They clearly recognized the need for fiscal responsibility and helped come to an agreement that benefits the administrators, taxpayers and the children of Hauppauge. Update on APPR Negotiations – The state is still working on what information will be made public. We will be continuing our APPR negotiations on Friday at 6 PM. We will resume discussions with HTA on July 5th. We need to finish the administrator portion of those negotiations as well. We hope that by the second week in July we are able to send completed agreements to the state. We have a budget transfer on the agenda tonight. This is to repair the track at the high school. The work is overdue and we want to do this before it requires a more extensive repair. We received a notice from Whitsons regarding new federal nutrition standards for school meals. These standards will require school lunches to have larger serving of fruits and vegetables and smaller portions of carbohydrates and meat protein. Parents will receive a mailing that explains the changes. Motion made by Mrs. Lesser, seconded by Mrs. Hodosky that the minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 5, 2012 be accepted as printed carried by vote of 6-0. CONSENT AGENDA Sever Item 9.2C-3 Consent Agenda Motion made by Mrs. Mass, seconded by Mrs. June 19, 2012 Page 8 of 12 Macaluso as follows: Administrative Matters BE IT RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the following be approved: A. Designating Karen Jackson Deputy Purchasing Agent B. Terms and Conditions (2012/13) 1) 2) Joanne Filipkowski Katherine Bottner C. Pursuant to Board Policy 6831(Meals and Refreshments) the Board authorizes purchase of food for July 9, 2012 Administrative Retreat, as per attached. D. Memorandum of Agreement with Hauppauge Association of Administrative Personnel (HAAP) for the period of July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2015, as per attached. Personnel Matters BE IT RESOLVED THAT, upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the following personnel actions report be accepted as per attached. A. Personnel Action Report - Certified Staff 1) Appointment 2) 2.1 Change in Employment Status 3) Temporary Employment 4) Retirement/Resignation/Termination/Leave of Absence 5) Removal of Substitutes B. Personnel Action Report - Civil Service Staff 1) Change in Employment Status 2) Temporary Employment C. Business Matters June 19, 2012 Curriculum and Instructional Appointments 1) 2012/13 SOAR Thesis Advisor Staff 2) 2012 Fine and Performing Arts Staff 3) 2012 Summer Individual Swim Program Staff 4) 2012/13 Intramural and Coaching Staff (HS) 5) 2012/13 Curriculum Writing Staff BE IT RESOLVED THAT, upon recommendation of the Page 9 of 12 Superintendent of Schools, the following be approved: A. Budget Transfer ($115,000 for high school track repair) B. Special Education Contracts - Commack UFSD C. Other Contracts 1) Lakretz Creative Support Services 2) SCOPE SAT/PSAT Preparatory Program (Fall 2012) D. Award of Bid BE IT RESOLVED THAT, upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, based upon formal bidding procedures, the following are approved: 1) 2) 3) Bid 458-12 Athletic Uniforms to Varsity Spirit, $3,853.00; Domty Promotions, $3,819,76; Port Jefferson Sports as per attached. Bid 459-12 Medical Supplies and Equipment to Medco Supply Company, $12,486.06; Henry Schien, $5374.49 as per attached. Bid 456-12 District Wide Printing to Phoenix Business Products and WB Mason, as per attached. E. Disposal of Obsolete – 4 Bar Code Scanning Pens, HUFSD #002335, 002336, 002338, 002252 F. Other: Whereas, subsequent to its adoption of the 2011-2012 school budget the Board of Education of the Hauppauge Union Free School District has been advise that it will receive an additional $65,000 in state aid, and Whereas, in view of the increase in state aid it is necessary for the Board to revise the 2011-2012 school budget, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the 2011-2012 budget for the Hauppauge Union Free School District be and hereby is revised as follows: Revenue Line A3289 “Other State Aid “shall be increased by $65,000 Expenditure Line A2110.2000.08.33 “Equipment Special Legislative Grant” shall be increased by $65,000 June 19, 2012 Page 10 of 12 BE IT RESOLVED THAT, upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the following be received: G. Financial Reports 1) Treasurer's Report – May 2012 2) Appropriations Status Reports – May 2012 3) Revenue Status Reports - May 2012 4) Budget Transfers - May 2012 5) Trial Balance - May 2012 6) Collateralization - May 2012 7) Warrants - May 2012 8) Fund Balance – June 2012 9) Audit Committee Minutes – January 5, 2012 Curriculum and Instruction Matters BE IT RESOLVED THAT, upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the following be approved: A. Committee on Special Education Recommendations 1) CSE, CSE Annual Report 2) CPSE, CPSE Annual Report 3) 504 Severed Item: 9.2C-3 Motion made by Mrs. Lesser, seconded by Mr. Schnebel as follows: Personnel Matters 3) 2012 Summer Swim Program Staff Motion carried by vote of 5-0-1. (Mrs. Hodosky abstained.) Correspondence Mrs. Richter said that the Board received letters from Mrs. Gerardi and Mrs. Mehta regarding the 4th grade accelerated math program. New Business NYSSBA Convention (October 25-27, 2012) Mrs. Richter said that the board has the opportunity to lock in a lower registration rate if we book before June 30, 2012. The Conference is in Rochester so we would most likely fly. Mrs. Richter, Mrs. Mass, Mrs. Hodosky, Mrs. Lesser, Mrs. Macaluso, Mr. Schnebel and Mrs. Kriss committed to attend. Mrs. Lesser thanked Dr. Siegel for her service in Hauppauge and wished her luck in her new position. Questions and Comments June 19, 2012 Community members asked questions or made comments on the following: Page 11 of 12 It is rumored that you will be eliminating the fourth grade accelerated math program. Answer: There have been no definite changes made at this time. We did have a meeting to discuss flexible grouping and the addition of a math specialist. With common core we are being asked to look at strands and topics more thoroughly. We are still looking for the best way to address the needs of all of our students. It is easier to see how this will work in the older grades but the fourth graders would benefit from the accelerated program. We have a lot of bright kids who need to be challenged. Answer: The idea behind flexible grouping is not to teach all the kids at the same level. We understand that there are some students who are ready to move ahead of other students. We will still be able to work with our stronger students in more depth. Why do some teachers have grades up on Infinite Campus and others do not? Answer: We are continuing to do professional development and plan on going “live” in September. Motion to go into executive session at 10:00 p.m. to discuss the employment history of a particular employee and collective bargaining matter made by Mrs. Lesser, seconded by Mrs. Hodosky, carried by vote of 6-0. The Regular Meeting reconvened at 11:29 p.m. Motion to adjourn made by Mrs. Macaluso, seconded by Mr. Schnebel carried by vote of 6-0. Respectfully submitted, /s/ June 19, 2012 Linda Ryczak, Clerk Page 12 of 12 \ . , ~ , '. . . ' '. i D, ~ r ' !" r to:' · ' ~ r rE f " L A·! C · ~ T ' " :'~]I · O · \ N \ r r E · 'p· · ~ O ' " '\ 1" '." \E'"RS JJl~ I ~. :,j) '. ~1~ l '\ I~~ t~ . . . ~ 1~I ! ~_d[ l ) 1\J P' g r-l , 9.2 SCHEDULE -A SCHEDULE - B SCHEDULE - C (Certified Staff) (Civil Service) (Curriculum & Instruction Appointments) REVISED June 19, 2012 lJ r 9.2.A CERTIFIED STAFF IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 3013 OF THE EDUCATION LAW, THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS RECOMMENDS ACCEPTANCE OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. Appointment Name Sharon Steinert (rep. M. Rogevich, who resigned) Tenure Area Certification Education Step Salary Date of Appointment End of Probationary Appointment School Psychologist Perm. School Psychologist MA+30 3 $69,429 9/1/12 1/4/14 2. Change in Employment Status 2.1. Appointment Name Christopher Michael . Kristen Reingold Tenure Area Director of ELA ElementaryErincij:>aL - Certification SDA SDA - Position Director of ELA _Prjrlc.lQ.al Step Salary 10 $160,755 2 J140,485 Date of Appointment 7/1/12 7/1/12 End of Probationary I AppOintment , 6/30/12 7/12/14 2.2. Appointment to Tenure Name ChristoQher Michael End of Probationary AppOintment 6/30/12 Date of Appointment 7/13/11 Tenure Area Director of English Language Arts 3. Temporary Employment Name Jonathan Hernandez (.8) Tenure Area Foreign Lan~g~_._ Name Erik Clark Certification Initial Spanish 7-12; Initial ___ ~xt~sion§lJanish 1-6 Education Step Salary Date of AppOintment SA 1 $41 ,351.20 9/1/12 - 6/30/13 Effective Dates 7/1112 - 8/31/12 Position Guidance Counselor" 9.2.A 1 Guidance Counselor.... 1/200" Guidance Counselor.... 1/200" Guidance Counselor.... 1/200" Guidance Counselor.... 1/200· 1/200· Guidance Counselor.... Guidance Counselor.... 1/200· Substitute Special Education Teacher, Special Education $271.27 per Laurie Buell Extended Year Projlram diem Ann Arcieri Teaching Assistant - ABA Home Services $44.64/Hr. Lori Barnett Teaching Assistant - ABA Home Services $44.64/Hr. Robin Berti Teaching Assistant - ABA Home Services $44.64/Hr. Susan Boos Teaching Assistant - ABA Home Services $44.64/Hr. Lauren Cammarata $44.64/Hr. Teaching Assistant - ABA Home Services Roseanne Canicatti $44.64/Hr. T eachill9 Assistant - ABA Home Services Rosemarie Caravana Teaching Assistant - ABA Home Services $44.64/H r. Donna Carrature $44.64/Hr. Teaching Assistant - ABA Home Services Jeanne Carter Teaching Assistant - ABA Home Services $44.64/Hr. Donna Clackett $44.64/Hr. Special Education Aide - ABA Home Services Courtney Cully Teaching Assistant - ABA Home Services $44.64/H r. Louann Drielak $44 .64/Hr. Teaching Assistant - ABA Home Services Kerri Gilmartin-Oswald Teaching Assistant - ABA Home Services $44.64/H r. Erica Gulotta Teaching Assistant - ABA Home Services $44.64/H r. Donna Irizarry Teaching Assistant - ABA Home Services $44.64/Hr. Fay Lepkowsky $44.64/Hr. Teaching Assistant - ABA Home Services Cindy Martiello Teaching Assistant - ABA Home Services $44 .64/Hr. Susan Morganelli $44 .64/Hr. Teaching Assistant - ABA Home Services Martina Okorn Teaching Assistant - ABA Home Services $44.64/H r. Carol Packes Teaching Assistant - ABA Home Services $44.64/Hr. Elise Renner Teaching_ Assistant - ABA Home Services $44.64/Hr. Margo Rosenman Teaching Assistant - ABA Home Services $44 .64/Hr. Virginia Schoen Teaching Assistant - ABA Home Services $44.64/H r. Kathleen Stitt Teaching Assistant - ABA Home Services $44 .64/Hr. Eileen Tochterman Teaching Assistant - ABA Home Services $44.64/Hr. Stacy Flynn 1/200· Regular Education Teacher - CSE/CPSE meetings as needed Robert Fiore Driver's Education Teacher - 3 hrs/day; 3 days/week $50.73/Hr. Robert Fiore Driver's Education Teacher--=- 3 hrs. 10 min.lday, 3 dayslweek ~50 . 73/Hr. "Based on 2011/12 daily rate to be prorated for hours worked; 2012113 salaries to be determined ··Not to exceed a maximum of 40 shared days 7/1/12 7/1/12 7/1/12 7/1/12 7/1/12 7/1/12 - Greg Foster Patricia Gabrielsen Heather Hiotis Danielle Montera Andrea Olivero Marisa Wanatick 8/31/12 8/31/12 8/31/12 8/31/12 8/31/12 8/31/12 7/1/12 - 8/12/12 9/1/12 - 6/30/13 9/1/12 - 6/30/13 9/1/12 - 6/30/13 9/1/12 - 6/30/13 9/1/12 - 6/30/13 9/1/12 - 6/30/13 9/1/12 - 6/30/13 9/1112 - 6/30/13 9/1112 - 6/30/13 9/1/12 - 6/30/13 9/1/12 - 6/30/13 9/1/12 - 6/30/13 9/1/12 - 6/30/13 9/1/12 - 6/30/13 9/1112 - 6/30/13 9/1/12 - 6/30/13 9/1/12 - 6/30/13 9/1/12 - 6/30/13 9/1/12 - 6/30/13 9/1/12 - 6/30/13 9/1/12 - 6/30/13 9/1/12 - 6/30/13 9/1/12 - 6/30/13 9/1/12 - 6/30/13 9/1/12 - 6/30/13 7/1/12 - 8/31/12 6/26/12 - 8/8112 911/12 - 6/30/13 L. 9.2.A 2 : - ~ 4. - ResignationlTermination/Leave of Absence/Retirement/Excessed Name Jane Ruthkowski Christopher Michael Effective Date 7/13/12 6/30/12 Teaching Area Elementary Principal Elementary Principal Reason Change of Resignation Date Resignation 4.1. The following teaching assistants will be terminated due to a reduction in force and placed on the Preferred Eligibility List Name Dana Verrelli Susan Cosmai Gary Amato Lynda Keller Laurie O'Keefe Christine Sammon Cyna Buckley Geri Pesko Genevieve Carpenter Jeanine Pierro Jeaneen Ruggiero Frances Luebs Edward Quackenbush Donna Scocca J)enise Murphy 5. - Teaching Area Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant ----- -- -- Effective Date 6/30/12 6/30/12 6/30/12 6/30/12 6/30/12 6/30/12 6/30/12 6/30/12 6/30/12 6/30/12 6/30/12 6/30/12 6/30/12 6/30/12 6/30/12 Reason Position Abolished Position Abolished Position Abolished Position Abolished Position Abolished Position Abolished Position Abolished Position Abolished Position Abolished Position Abolished Position Abolished Position Abolished Position Abolished Position Abolished Position Abolished Removal of Substitutes 5.1. The following are removed as Substitute Teachers and/or Substitute Nurses: Helen Pedigo Date Submitted to Board of Education: Natalie White June 19, 2012 .~ 9.2.A 3 9.2.B CIVIL SERVICE STAFF IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE CIVIL SERVICE LAW, THE SUPERINTENDENT RECOMMENDS ACCEPTANCE OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. Change in Employment Status Status of Appointment Replacing S. Annunziata, who transferred Name Lisa Dehler 2. Position School Salary Effective Date School Teacher Aide HS $16.26/hr 9/01/12 School OW Salary $27,000 Effective Date 7/01/12-6/30/13 OW $2,500 7/01/12-6/30/13 OW DO $4,000 $23,732 $104.00 per diem, 3 days as needed 7/01/12-6/30/13 7/01/12-6/30/13 Temporary Employment Name Katherine Bottner Status of Appointment Appointment Connie Brown Stipend Ed Spear Michael Kearns Annual Stipend Appointment Katherine Bottner Appointment Position District Clerk Sr. Micro Computer Repair Technician AED & CPR Training District Treasurer Deputy District Clerk DO 6/20/12-6/30/12 Status of Appointment Position School Salary Effective Date Sherri Appeldorf Summer Employment Monitor - MS Nurse's Office th 6 Grade Orientation, Recordsllmmunizations, Sports Physicals MS $16.26/hr Not to exceed 20 hours Yvette Wilcox-Goellner Summer Employment Clerk Typist Fine & Performing Arts Jacqueline Martinez Summer Employment Clerk Typist Technology Ruth Maxwell Summer Employment Clerk Typist HS Karen Kerr Summer Employment Clerk Typist Pines Diane DeSousa Summer Employment Clerk Typist Pines Marge Powers Summer Employment Clerk Typist FB Patti Lewis Leonard Postillio Joann Schweit Lorraine Daly Summer Employment Summer Employment Summer Employment Summer Employment Annual Salary Prorated Annual Salary Prorated Annual Salary Prorated Annual Salary Prorated Annual Salary Prorated Annual Salary Prorated $22.45/hr $22.45/hr $22.45/hr $22.45/hr Name Bus Bus Bus Bus Driver Driver Driver Driver - OW OW OW OW Not to exceed 10 days Not to exceed 10 days Not to exceed 10 days Not to exceed 5 days Not to exceed 5 days Not to exceed 10 days 7/01/12-8/31/12 7/01/12-8/31/12 7/01/12-8/31/12 7/01/12-8/31/12 I Summer Employment Summer Employment Summer Employment Summer Employment Summer Employment Summer Employ_ment Summer Employment Bus Driver Bus Driver Bus Aide Bus Aide Bus Aide Bus Aide Bus Aide DW DW DW DW DW DW DW $22.45/hr $22.45/hr $16.26/hr* $16.26/hr* $16.26/hr* $16.26/hr* Anthonv Werner Norman Mingo Judy Gruber Joe Sgueglia Summer Employment Summer Employment Summer Employment Summer Employment Guard - Afternoon Shift Guard - EveningShift Guard - Evening Shift Guard - Afternoon Shift DW DW DW DW Heather Christy Summer Employment On-Call Guard DW Thomas D'Archangelo Summer Employment On-Call Guard DW Patricia DeGovia Summer Employment On-Call Guard DW Joseph Delferraro Summer Employment On-Call Guard DW Ed Gruber Summer Employment On-Call Guard DW Judy Gruber Summer Employment On-Call Guard DW Norman Mingo Summer Employment On-Call Guard DW Jeffrey Noonan Summer Employment On-Call Guard DW Felix Rodriguez Summer Employment On-Call Guard DW Joseph Sgueglia Summer Employment On-Call Guard DW Michael Smith Summer Employment On-Call Guard DW Anthony Werner Summer Employment On-Call Guard DW Jon Zimmermann Summer Employment On-Call Guard DW $18.31/hr $18.31/hr $18.31/hr $18.31/hr Annual Salary Prorated Annual Salary Prorated Annual Salary Prorated Annual Salary Prorated Annual Salary Prorated Annual Salary Prorated Annual Salary Prorated Annual Salary Prorated Annual Salary Prorated Annual Salary Prorated Annual Salary Prorated Annual Salary Prorated Annual Salary Prorated Diana Osuna Ed Schoen Janet Milleisen Rena Jersky Susan Goberdhan Denise Quinn Carolyn Muller - --- * Dependent on needs as indicated in IEPs. Date Submitted to Board of Education: June 19, 2012 REVISED W. (,-'ll, ~ Ie, $16.26/hr 7/01/12-8/31/12 7/01/12-8/31/12 7/01/12-8/31/12 7/01/12-8/31/12 7/01/12-8/31/12 7/01/12-8/31/12 7/01/12-8/31/12 6/25/12-7/31/12 6/25/12-7/31/12 8/01/12-8/31/12 8/01/12-8/31/12 6/25/12-8/31/12 6/25/12-8/31/12 6/25/12-8/31/12 6/25/12-8/31112 6/25/12-8/31/12 6/25/12-8/31/12 6/25/12-8/31/12 6/25/12-8/31/12 6/25/12-8/31/12 6/25/12-8/31/12 6/25/12-8/31/12 6/25/12-8/31/12 6/25/12-8/31/12 , I BOARD OF EDUCATION, HAUPPAUGE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS RECOMMENDS APPOINTMENT OF THE FOLLOWING 2012-2013 STAFF: NAME SCHOOL ACTIVITY ~ALARY Andrea Cody Karen Goldsmith Joshua Gutes Jocelyn Handley-Pendleton Carolyn Heck Tim Horan Jesseca Kulesa Gloria Kuzminski Dawn Lynch Angela McElroy-Braun Paul Montgomery Jennifer Nannery Bob Nyvall Rick Plouffe David Reiff Ellen Robbins Ellen Ryan Joanne Seale Harry Shehigian Brian Thalhamer Alison Viggiano Steven Wade Jeffrey Yablon Adi Zimmerman High School High School High School High School High School High School High School High School High School High School High School High School High School High School High School High School High School High School High School High School High School High School High School High School SOAR Thesis Advisor SOAR Thesis Advisor SOAR Thesis Advisor SOAR Thesis Advisor SOAR Thesis Advisor SOAR Thesis Advisor (x3) SOAR Thesis Advisor SOAR Thesis Advisor SOAR Thesis Advisor SOAR Thesis Advisor SOAR Thesis Advisor SOAR Thesis Advisor SOAR Thesis Advisor SOAR Thesis Advisor SOAR Thesis Advisor SOAR Thesis Advisor (x2) SOAR Thesis Advisor SOAR Thesis Advisor SOAR Thesis Advisor SOAR Thesis Advisor SOAR Thesis Advisor SOAR Thesis Advisor SOAR Thesis Advisor SOAR Thesis Advisor $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $750.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $500.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 To Be Submitted to Board of Education: June 19,2012 ~ Board of Education, Hauppauge Union Free School District The Superintendent of Schools Recommends Appointment of the following 2011-2012 Fine and Performing Arts (Co-curricular Activities) Name Position Activity Hours Susan Hall Advisor Accompanist end of year concerts 17 hrs. , / /' / ~ /J -- / ' ('f"cr. .<:::.-,-\~ft~'~·L 2/~/j .Ii une 7,2012 Date submitted to the Boa~d§f'""Education: June 19, 2012 J. .' //:;../ ; i/ / • .' t --- Rate of P'!Y $38.54/hr. Board of Education, Hauppauge Union Free School District The Superintendent of Schools Recommends Appointment of the following 2012 Summer Swim Program Staff - Hauppauge High School Name Doreen Gordon Doreen Gordon Camille Cono , Joseph Ettari Megan Gordon Jennifer Scott Marc Occhiuto Susan Russo Kristen Gordon Katelyn Shannon Mark Feld Michele Lazar Michelle Rosenbrock Theresa Walsh Ana Walsh Rebecca Siford Lianna Lam Emma Goldblatt Jessica Hodosky Valerie Matedero Rachel Siford Desmond Mullins Brandon SinZh Luke Youngs Luis Velazco Brenna Buckley Brenna Buckley Meghan Fallon Cas~_ Cardillo Conor Cardillo Stephanie KarIas Position Head Instructor Program Coordinator Assn't Head Ins!LAssn't Coord Swim Supervisor Swim Supervisor Swim Supervisor Swim Supervisor Swim Supervisor (sub) Swim Instructor Sr Swim Instructor Sr Swim Instructor Sr Swim Instructor Sr Swim Instructor Sr Swim Aide Swim Aide Swim Aide Swim Clerical Swim Aide (sub) Swim Aide (subl Swim Aide (sub) Swim AideJsubl Swim Aide (sub) Swim AideJsubl Swim Aide (sub) Swim Aide (sub) Swim Aide (sub) Swim Clerical (sub) Swim Aide Sr (sub) Swim Aide Sr (sub) Swim Aide Sr (sub) Swim Aide Sr (sub) ,1-Date submitted to the Bo June 19, 2012 Activity Swim Program Swim Coordinator Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program --- Hours TBD seasonal TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD ----- --- _ ._- HourlvRate $28.00 $1500 $21.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $16.50 $16.50 $16.50 $16.50 $15.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $7.75 $8.50 $8.50 $8.50 $8.50 $8.50 $8.50 $8.50 $8.50 $8.50 $7.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 ~11.5O ___ I Board of Education, Hauppauge Union Free School District The Superintendent of Schools Recommends Appointment of the following 2012 Summer Individual Swim Program Staff - Hauppauge High School Name Marc Occhiuto Jennifer Scott Kristen Gordon Katelyn Shannon Michelle Rosenbrock Mark Feld Casey Cardillo Conor Cardillo Theresa Walsh Ana Walsh Sub any member of the approved swim program list Position Individual Swim Inst Individual Swim Inst Individual Swim Inst Individual Swim Inst Individual Swim Inst Individual Swim Inst Individual Swim Inst Individual Swim Inst Individual Swim Inst Individual Swim Inst Individual Swim Inst Activity Hours Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program Swim Program TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD 16-Date submitted to the Board of Education: J u n e 19, 2012 Hourly Rate {per 1/2 hour session) $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 I BOARD OF EDUCATION, HAUPPAUGE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS RECOMMENDS APPOINTMENT OF THE FOLLOWING 2012-2013 INTRAMURAL AND COACHING STAFF: NAME SCHOOL Joseph Patrovich Dennis McSweeney Jesseca Kulesa Josephine Coiro Diana Lopez Jennifer Scott HS HS HS HS HS HS David Smith Rachel Aragone Rachel Jersky Laura Candela Diana Bosak HS HS HS HS HS ACTIVITY WEIGHT ROOM WEIGHT ROOM WEIGHT ROOM WEIGHT ROOM WEIGHT ROOM WEIGHT ROOM Total hours not to exceed 200 hours ATHLETIC TRAINER ATHLETIC TRAINER ATHLETIC TRAINER VARSITY CHEERLEADER ADVISOR N CHEERLEADER ADVISOR *Hours shared if needed To be Submitted to the Board of Education: June 19, 2012 HOURS HOURLY RATE STARTING DATE TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA $38.54 $38.54 $38.54 $38.54 $38.54 $38.54 7/1/2012 7/1/2012 7/1/2012 7/1/2012 7/1/2012 7/1/2012 *800 $30.60 $30.60 $30.60 $38.54 $38.54 8/16/2012 250 115 8116/2012 8/16/2012 BOARD OF EDUCATION, HAUPPAUGE UNION FREK,SCHOOL DISTRICT THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS RECOMMENDS APPOINTMENT OF THE FOLLOWING CURRICULUM WRITERS FOR THE 2012/2013 SCHOOL YEAR: RATE PER HOUR $47.36 PROJECT Fine & Perfonning Arts PBA Development HOURS Total Project Hours-IS APPLICANT Carolyn Cavuto Catherine Goldenbaum Mark Kimes Elementary Art Total Project Hours - 30 Elisabeth Anziano Beth LaVelle $47.36 Elementary Music Total Project Hours-30 Maris Albinder Tracy DeRose Timerie Gatto Gina Koehler Theresa Wray-Dolgin $47.36 General Music - Middle School * Total Project Hours-30 Robert Ayrovanien Loretta Ehrlich $47.36 Total Project Hours-30 Judy Leibrock Patricia DiMasi-Coppola $47.36 Art-Grade 6 Total Project Hours -10 Alyson Treglia Alicia Tully $47.36 FLES - Grade 4 Total Project Hours-30 Geronima Mauro-Rayo Carmen Unkenholz Miriam Schwartz $47.36 LOTE 3 to LOTE 3H Total Project Hours-IS Helen Aigen Patricia Siebel Christine Rigaud $47.36 Helen Aigen $47.36 Studio in Media - High School AP Spanish Revision * '------- 15 - 1 PROJECT LOTE Revision, Grades 6-12 ~ * HOURS Total Project Hours-45 APPLICANT Meghan Anschutz Helen Aigen Patricia Siebel Christina Herrera-Ziti Cara Russo Rose Torres ~ RATE PER HOUR $47.36 CCSS Reading Units, Grades K-5 * Total Project Hours-72 Lara Damadeo Veronica Weeks Diane Phelan Marie Dacey Eileen Doda $47.36 CCSS Writing Units, Grades K-5 * Total Project Hours - 72 Diane Phelan Danielle Sukoff Dana Driscoll Veronica Weeks Lara Damadeo $47.36 Total Project Hours-420 Jennifer Saltzman Ellen Rand Kathryn Nonnenmacher Kate Manganiello Joanne Seale Stacy Flynn DawnL)'nch Andrea Cody Leann Barone Robert Kinnear Elementary Library, Grades K-5 Total Project Hours - 30 Melissa McParland Jennifer Fair $47.36 cess Writing Unit Revision, Grades K-5 Total Project Hours-30 Louise Audus Grace Leyhane Diane Phelan $47.36 CCSS ELA Units, Grades 6-12 * $47.36 2 PROJECT Mathematics CCSS and PBA Development*: Grade I HOURS APPLICANT RATE PER HOUR Total Project Hours - 30 for each grade level Margaret Govits Teri-Anne Ceseretti Lara Damadeo Marie Dacey Tracy Zamek Barbara Leventhal $47.36 $47.36 $47.36 $47.36 $47.36 $47.36 Total Project Hours-40 for each grade level Mary Ann Visnius Heather Tisman Abigail Zeltmann Allyson Beardslee Abigail Zeltmann $47.36 $47.36 $47.36 $47.36 $47.36 PElHealth PBA Development Total Proj ect Hours- 30 Jessica Kulesa Jessica Sheehan David Masino $47.36 $47.36 $47.36 Social Studies, Grades 6-9 Revision * Total Project Hours-240 Kathleen Meehan Michael Florence Lauren Dermont $47.36 $47.36 $47.36 IB Literature and Language * Total Project Hours-IS Joanne Seale $47.36 IB German 15 Frank Schnur $47.36 IB Sp_anish 15 Helen Aigen $47.36 IB French 15 Christine Rigaud $47.36 IB History of the Americas 15 Ellen Robbins $47.36 IB Business 15 John Salvaggio $47.36 15 Deborah Surian $47.36 Grade 4 Grade 5 ; Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 IB TOKITOK IntegratiQ!l - - - ----- I 3 PROJEC:r IB Physics HOURS . RATE PER HOUR 15 APPLICANT Brian Thalhamer IB Chemistry 15 Carolyn Heck $47.36 IB Biology 15 Jocelyn Handley-Pendleton $47.36 IB Mathematics 15 Daniel Concannon $47.36 IB Theatre 15 Ruthie Pincus $47.36 IB Film 15 David Schaeffler $47.36 IB Visual Arts 15 Patricia DiMasi-Coppola $47.36 $47.36 Date Submitted to Board of Education: June 19,2012 *If necessary, additional names may be added to future Board schedules in order to complete the project. 4