Shelter Buzz - Animal House Shelter


Shelter Buzz - Animal House Shelter
Issue 9, Spring 2007
Shelter Buzz
“I think dogs
are the most
they give
love. For me
they are the
role model
for being
Gilda Radner
Honey Couldn’t be Sweeter
The American public is beginning to
understand the importance of reducing pet
overpopulation. There has been increased
media attention on animal rights issues
generally, including new laws enacted to
punish animal abusers, health risks
related to treatment of feedlot animals,
and the overwhelming number of
animals euthanized every day in this
country. Television programs about
animal rescue groups and “pet detectives” have
also helped raise public awareness. At least three
states, California, Utah and New York, are close
to becoming “No Kill” states.
Honey is a very sad example of extreme neglect. She is an 8 year old
female Beagle/Bassett Hound who was found on the street in deplorable
Unfortunately, Illinois is not currently part of this
movement. AHS receives over 300 e-mails every
day regarding animals scheduled for euthanasia
all over the state, mostly due to lack of space.
AHS finds homes for 180-200 dogs and cats per
month (over 200 in December 2006), but there
are still over 4 million euthanized every year in
the U.S. A dog or cat is euthanized every 8
seconds and over 8 million enter animal control
facilities and shelters every year.
condition. No one claimed
or wanted her at animal
control and so she was to be
euthanized -- until AHS
stepped in and rescued her.
Honey's body was covered in
mange and her nails had
grown so long that they
curled under and through the pads of her infected, swollen feet. She also
had acute pneumonia. AHS staff immediately cut her nails, gave her a
dip for the mange and started her on antibiotics for the infection in her
feet, skin and lungs. All throughout this treatment the staff received big
thankful kisses from Honey! She has since been nebulized three times
a day to clear the pneumonia in her lungs and she is turning into a
healthy and happy girl. You couldn't ask for more affectionate little girl
who loves other dogs and wants nothing more than to sit in your lap and
As citizens of Illinois, we can choose to work
together to do something about this inexcusable
state of affairs. It is important to contact our
representatives in government, let them know
our concerns and ask them to take action. We
can also encourage our friends and neighbors to
neuter their pets. We can educate our children
and encourage school and community programs
that promote responsible pet ownership.
Supporting AHS in its mission to decrease pet
overpopulation is another option, and will make
a direct and positive impact on the problem in
our community. AHS offers a number of different
ways to help: Make a monthly or annual
donation, become a member of AHS, sponsor a
specific animal, give in-kind gifts from our Wish
List, volunteer your time and expertise, help find
foster families, or assist with general operating
expenses. (See Page 15.)
The care of each animal coming to
AHS costs at least $300-$700,
depending on its physical condition
and immediate needs. Your support
of our organization is an effective
step in the goal to make Illinois
another 'No Kill' state. We can
accomplish this together!
Thank you!!
Lesley Irwin,
President AHS, inc.
Unloved and Lost -- Until Now
This tiny pitty puppy was
left to die. She was found
starving while wandering
the streets of Middleton,
Ohio. She couldn’t walk
properly because her nails
were so long and she was
with kennel cough. She was
brought to a foster home
where some people showed up claiming they owned her. The dog
warden was called and refused to give her back
to those people. He had them sign her over to a
kill shelter where she could only go to a rescue
or be euthanized. That is when AHS stepped in
and rescued this sweet little girl. She will be
loved and cared for until a caring family opens
their home to her.
Maui and Harley aka Luda
I want to thank you all for
giving us the best dog...we
love him, he is treated like a
prince, haha. I know he had
been at the shelter for a long
time, so I just wanted to give
you guys an update on him. It
took awhile for Moe to get
accustomed to our house,
especially the kitchen -- he
seemed to have a fear of
kitchens. But now he runs the
house, he is great with the
kids....and he is very loved! I
just wanted to let you all know
he is doing great! He even
sleeps with my daugher!
Cindy Austin
Just got the
latest Fuzz Buzz
and also wanted
to give you all
an update on
our wonderful
son, Tucson. We
adopted Tucson
3 years ago and
he has been the
king of our
with his brother,
Reggie. We are
still amazed at Tucson's transformation from the first time we met
him at the shelter to when we got him home. He's such a happy
dog. We can't thank you all enough for rescuing such an
important part of our lives.
We would like to share some photos of Maui and Harley
(formerly Luda) whom
we adopted from your
shelter. Both cats have
been a blessing for us.
They both have their
own fiestiness and
attitude but also have a
great capacity to love.
Harley has gotten so
big since we adopted him. He never misses a night curled up at
my feet and he loves to walk around our apartment making
strange noises. He also
loves to play with our
min-pin Peanut. Maui
kisses and has the cutest
meow. We are very
satisfied with our
choice and we thank
you for all of your help.
Ashley & James
Buckley aka Barnabus
Hello everyone! Just thought you might like some pictures of
Buckley. We adopted him earlier this month from the Huntley
location. He is a FANTASTIC dog and behaving very well. He
has major seperation anxiety issues that we are curbing with
doggy day care and obedience classes. He LOVES playing in
the dog park and watching basketball games with his owner :).
We will send more once the many outfits that his mom has
ordered for him arrive this week. Thanks again for all your help.
Colin H. Gilbert &
Lisa Goranson
Russell, Andy, Reggie and Tucson
Izzy aka Jilly
Izzy is a wonderful, smart puppy and we love her very much!
She looks forward to her play
time with other dogs. Izzy is
#1 in her obedience class.
She is very active and loves to
run around and go for walks,
but when it's night time she
loves to cuddle on the bed
under the covers just like we
do! Here is a photo of her with
best friend Beau, a Great Dane!
It is very funny watching them
play due to their sizes!! I want
to thank you for adopting her to us, and when we are ready for
another one we will definitely be coming back!!!
We want to say thank you
to all of you at the shelter.
This is our first Christmas
with our beloved Sammy
(aka Breeze) and we are
truly grateful. We hope
you enjoy the picture, she
really has grown. Thanks
The Mahoneys
The Ragos
Sammy aka Breeze
Mardi aka William
We just wanted to let you
know how happy we are
that Biscotti is part of our
family. She is just a
loveable, sweet, adorable
pup! Attached are two
pictures of her taken last
week. She is doing great
and is really overcoming her
shyness. Biscotti has been
introduced to family, friends
and other animals too, and
she is becoming more social
every day. She is also doing
obedience training. We are
very grateful for your wonderful organization which brought
Biscotti into our lives.
HI there, this is Mardi, aka William,
checking in to say I am really enjoying
my new family. I am a super sweet
and gentle boy and I love my new
baby brother and big sister. They have
so many neat toys and things that I
love to steal and proudly run through
the room with. My name is short for
Mardi Gras since I am a hound dog
and all, my new dad thought I needed
a southern name. Mom picked Mardi
and after just a few short weeks of
being here I have learned that when
she yells it I better listen. I am hoping
to make it to the Christmas party and
you won't even recognize me, I am
getting a little leggy.
Agnes & Mike Izzi
Mardi Marks
Cooper aka Chicago
The Betts Family
Ever since we met Cooper, well, his and our lives haven't been
the same. He is just
what the doctor
ordered. He's sweet,
fun and very playful.
We are very happy
with Cooper and I
know that he is happy
living with us. My
love him. He's doing
great. Thank you AHS!
Ernest and Isabelle
Stuart aka Pinochio
Hi.. I'm Maggie. Just wanted to update you on how well I've
been doing in my new home. I was adopted in May and have
since met lots of new friends. I get tons of excercise chasing my
new brothers and sisters around the house. I've gotten a little
bigger and you can't see my ribs anymore. I love my parents and
they love me, except
when I jump up on
people, but I'm getting
better. Thanks for
adopting me out to
such a great family!
We adopted Pinnochio, now Stuart, and
he is doing wonderful! He was a little shy
when we met him, but we knew he'd
warm up to us eventually. Well
"eventually" to Stuart turned out to be
within the 1 hour 20 min. car ride home!
We stopped by Petsmart on the way and
he acted just like we'd been his owners for
years! He happily greeted quite a few
dogs, helped "pick out" a toy (he took it off
the shelf himself), very patiently let us try
on collars and even sat like a champ while
his ID tag was being engraved (which Dad
here took awhile to type everything in)! He
is already learning how to sit on command
and he is almost there with stay! He likes
to look out the window, enjoys fire trucks and he loves to stare
at our hamster "Carl" (who we have now moved to a
bookshelf...hey, he's a RAT terrier!). Stuey, as we sometimes call
him, is doing just great. Thank you so much for letting us
adopting him - We couldn't have asked for a better dog!!!.
Recently we adopted
Caleb from you and
what a wonderful pet
he is! He has made all
of us proud to have him
as one of our family.
He is very happy here
and we just wanted to
thank you for allowing
us to bring him home!!!
Maggie, Ashley & James
Fred, Paula, Natalie & Alison Rodriguez
Shawna & Serena
Allee aka Mina
Shawna, aka Punky, and Serena, aka Chantilly, are both settled
into their forever home. Serena came first and then Shawna who
had been in foster care with brothers Cooper and Joey. They are
so loved! Thank you.
Sue Burke
We just wanted to thank you for
allowing us the opportunity to adopt
the most adorable puppy ever. She
has become a huge part of our family.
She is 8+ months old now and is so
well behaved. She enjoys the parks by
our house -- she just runs and plays with sticks and runs some
more. She’s with me and her “aunts” (my husbands parents
dogs) all day everyday at work Everywhere we go, people say
how adorable she is, and
she really is.
love her so much and
wanted to say how
amazing what you guys
do is. Saving animals
and allowing them to
live the best life they
can. And rest assured
Allee has a great new life
-- better than some kids.
I don’t know what we
ever did without her!
AHS Note: Serena (Chantilly) came to us
with sight in only one eye. We were thrilled
that Sue found it in her heart to adopt her
and that she is doing so well!
Greetings from Cary! My
humans are so nice. I love it
here! I have my….I mean
OUR very own water bed! I
get to go to dog training class,
make new friends and I have a
huge yard where I can play ball.
Sometimes I even get to watch
T.V! My humans love me and
I love them too!! Thanks for
taking good care of me.
The Michel Family
Miles aka Butch
I just wanted to
send an update on
Miles, formerly
known as Butch.
We adopted him
in Dec. 2005. He
is now a healthy,
leggy coonhound.
He loves squeaky
toys and chewing
nylabones. He is a
joy to everyone in
the family!
Popcorn May Hurley
Toward the end of summer 2004, we
adopted Max - a large miniature
dachshund. When we brought him
home, he was overweight and his
belly was scraped by being dragged
along the ground. He was also very
timid around men and had a hard time
warming up to my dad and I and had
a problem with being over- protective
of his food. Max has gotten much
better at meeting new people now. It
took some time but it is safe to say that
there is little to no aggression with his
own food. With a strict diet and lots of
long walks, Max is currently down to a
healthy weight. He has happy eyes
and a shiny coat. We have always had dachshunds so we know
that they tend to be characters, but Max has a very unique and
fun personality. He constantly makes us laugh and he never
ceases to entertain us with his 'quirks'. He has been on many
road trips to all over the country and even stayed in hotels with
us. We have loved having Max as a part of our family. Thank
you, AHS, for what you do and for making Max ours.
Rebecca and Rich
Thank you!
Jenna Pass
We adopted Nadia in November and we love her to death! She
is so perfect and house training/obedience trainin has been
excellent. She loves everyone and everything and keeps us
entertained at all times! We are so glad that we traveled the
distance to come and get her.
We don’t know what we
would do without her. She
is a great companion and just
awesome to have around!
Thank you so much for
making the opportunity for
us to adopt smooth and easy!
Mark and Andrea Sparrow
(More Happy Tails on Page 12)
Shadow is only 1 year old. He
has degenerative hip displasia.
He is on daily medication but
often needs additional pain
meds. Before long the disease
will leave him unable to walk
and eventually he won’t be
able to stand the pain. He will
be in AHS care indefinitely
unless someone wants to give
him, what time he has left, the
experience of life with a family.
Ben absolutely ADORES
people! He is 5 years old with
FIV, which is Feline Immune
Deficiency. At present he is
showing no symptoms of the
disease. He prefers petting to
playing and would sit in a lap
all day if he could. He is
waiting for the person with
another FIV cat or no other
cats. Please help AHS with his
ongoing care.
Pretzel is a 10 year old Lhasa
Apso/Shih Tzu with one eye,
severe dental disease and a grade
3 heart murmur. He has been on
antibiotics and heart medicine
for months. Please help with his
dental and heart care by
sponsoring this sweet boy.
Barclay plays, eats and gives
kisses just like any other pup
but has a congenital disorder
that makes him seem to have
constant hiccoughs. All testing
has been inconclusive. His
condition has kept him from
being adopted -- so far.
PLEASE don’t separate us! We need to be adopted together.
Cinder is a 1 year old Lab/Shar Pei mix who literally screams if
Kody, his 2 year old Shepherd/ Boxer buddy is taken out of the
kennel. It is hard to get the larger dogs adopted, let alone two
placed in the same home. Because of the attachment these two
boys have we just can’t separate them. Please, if you can't adopt
these two beautiful boys, help by sponsoring them so we can
keep them together until they find that special home.
Katrina is a 3 year old
female Am Staff Terrier.
Rescued from New
Orleans with no food or
water. She has been
through so much having
lost her family and her
best friend, a Rottweiller.
AHS staff is trying to fill
that gap but she deserves
a real family of her own.
Trinidad is a 4 year old
female who has been
with AHS since she was a
kitten. She was found in
a dumpster and, not
surprisingly, she is wary
of strangers. She loves
other cats but is
constantly passed over
by adopters for the more
outgoing cats.
Faith is an 8 month old
lab/whippet who adores
people & dogs. Rescued
by AHS when she was
only 16 weeks, she had
no hair because mange
mites covered her whole
body. She went through 4
months of dips. Faith has
never known a family &
has waited so long!
Becca is a 2 year old Pit
who was rescued from
Hurricane Katrina. She
had no hair due to a
horrible case of mange
and was terrified of
everyone. Now she is
wary only of strangers.
While AHS gives her the
best care, she really
needs a true home with
everyday family life,
where she can be loved.
Mackenzie is only 1 year
old but she is deaf. It will
take special training by
AHS staff and volunteers
for her to learn to respond
to hand signals. Right
now she is easily startled,
especially by smaller
animals touching her
suddenly. She is a sweet
girl who loves people and
needs to find someone
willing to love a deaf dog.
Tramp is a 1 year old
boxer/ Am Staff Terrier
mix who was rescued
starving and in horrible
shape. He has been
treated twice for an
extremely bad case of
heartworm and had to
have leg surgery. In spite
of all that he adores
people and thinks he is a
lap dog! His story was in
the winter Fuzz Buzz.
Marmaduke-Just in to AHS!
AHS just received this three
year old male Mastiff/Presa
Canario. Animal Control
had been called to
Bloomington where there
were three dogs attached to
heavy chains in an
abandoned lot with no food
or water. To the officer's horror, when arriving at the scene,
it was discovered that two dogs had died from
starvation/dehydration at the end of their chains and only
Marmaduke was left barely alive. Marmaduke is the most well behaved, mellow,
loving, gentle giant. He has already put on so much weight since being at AHS. He
has most likely never experienced human compassion or a real home in the 3 years he
has been alive, please show him this by sponsoring or adopting him.
With your help we can give them the long-term
care & medical help that they so urgently need!
PLEASE see page 15 to sponsor one of these pets 5
Come Visit the AHS Cats and Kittens
With the coming of spring the cat room is nearing capacity. Foster homes are caring for orphaned and nursing
kittens, like the ones pictured here, who will soon be joining the dynamic AHS cat community. We are now
looking for experienced, dedicated foster parents to help us get these little
ones ready to be adopted. The cat habitat is open during shelter hours for
walk-in adopters or those in the “just looking” phase. Volunteers are always
welcome & needed to help with socialization, grooming or light cleaning.
Update: Moonbeam & Leonardo!
After having been
abandoned 3 times,
these two sweet cats
have found their
forever home! They
were adopted by
Daniel and Selena
Fines who read their
sad account in the last
Fuzz Buzz. We are so
happy that they’re
together in a loving
home after all they
have been through.
The Declaw Dilemma
Declawing has become one of the most controversial of all the elective
surgeries performed on cats. It is basically an amputation of the last joint of
each toe, removing the bone along
with the nail. This procedure is
very painful, carries a risk of
complications and has no benefit to
the cat. Therefore it should never
be the first course of action when
adopting a new pet. Understanding
why a cat scratches and learning
effective declawing alternatives can
help you teach your cat and allow
him to keep his claws.
The main reason people choose to declaw is destruction of furniture. But cats
that scratch your favorite sofa are not on a mission to destroy your home.
Scratching is an instinctive, normal marking behavior that allows the cat to
deposit its scent and leave a visual sign for other cats. It is also an important
stretching activity. Because scratching is a natural behavior, like grooming and
covering waste, it can be a challenge to modify, but cats CAN be taught to use
more appropriate objects like scratching posts and cardboard scratching
boxes. There are effective and proven strategies you can use to transfer your
cat's scratching instinct away from your furniture.
• Teach your cat by moving his paws on the new post or by
pretending to scratch it yourself. This will scent the posts and
encourage exploratory clawing. Try sprinkling catnip on the post, too.
The scratching boxes are easy to scent and some even come with a
supply of catnip. Play with your cat on and around the post or hang
toys from it. Make it a fun place to be. Cats will respond to praise if
done in a way that doesn’t startle or frighten.
• NEVER hit or scream at your cat. Cats do not respond well to
punishment because they don’t see a link between the punishment
and their behavior. The only thing it does is teach your cat to fear you.
It may lead to aggression. Yelling, squirting a water gun or startling him
with a loud noise when he scratches the couch teaches him that your
presence, rather than the act of scratching, brings punishment. Instead
try placing a tower of plastic cups that topples over when bumped in
front of scratchable items to startle your cat whenever she begins to
scratch. Double sided tape, items covered with blankets or sprayed
with aerosol deodorant will hinder scratching behavior during the
training period. Odor neutralizers remove the scent-marking component.
learn to master this simple task. The nail hook is what tears upholstery, so
removing it is the first step to eliminating damage.
If you absolutely must have a declawed cat because of a family
member’s compromised health, AHS suggests you adopt one that has
already had the procedure. In the event that there are none available
you can be placed on a waiting list. Declawing should be considered
only as a last resort when the above strategies have been tried for at
least several months without success, and in cases where a cat's
scratching would otherwise necessitate its removal from your home.
• Buy or build several sturdy, firmly placed scratching posts. They must be
tall enough, at least 3’, to allow the cat to stretch. Bark-covered logs, posts
covered with sisal or posts covered with tightly woven burlap work well.
Consider cardboard scratching boxes that lie flat on the floor but make sure
If declawing is ultimately chosen laser surgery is the prefered method.
Please talk with an AHS staff member before you take this serious final
option. They will be able to provide you with a list of veterinarians
who perform laser declaw and more information on this procedure.
What You Can Do:
• Trim your cat’s nails regularly. AHS staff or volunteers will gladly help you
you get the large ones so the whole cat can fit on the box to stretch.
Back from the Brink: Rescued Pets Get Help from AHS
here are so many dogs and cats like these that need our help!
A large number of the animals we rescue are abused,
neglected and in desperate need of medical attention. Below are
Lace and Satin who came to us with horrific cases of demodectic
mange. These two sisters spent the majority of their 'puppy hood'
(8 weeks - 5 months) in animal control where they were
Twigs before
Twigs after
Lace before
Lace after
wigs is a Balinese mix who was
abandoned by a couple going
through a divorce. They simply
walked away and left him in the
house until he was rescued by
some good samaritans who
immediately brought him to AHS.
He has been eating ever since!
Twigs still has a long way to go as he was very dehydrated, had
an upper respiratory infection and may have other health issues.
He is adjusting well, though, and is being given lots of love from
AHS staff and volunteers. If you would like to sponsor Twigs
while he recovers see page 15 and we will send you an update.
Just Rescued by AHS - Annabelle!
s we go to press with this newsletter we took this little beagle in desperate need
of help. She was shot in the face which blinded her in the one eye and scarred
her face badly. She is getting veterinarian care with AHS but her medical bills will
be extensive. Can you help offset Annabelle’s care with a donation to AHS?
Satin before
Satin before
depressed and lost so much hair that Satin
was almost completely bald when we
rescued her. Lace was not much better.
They were started on dips, antibiotics to
fight secondary skin infections associated
with mange, and given cottage cheese and
plain yogurt mixed in with high calorie
puppy food to give them the extra boost of
protein that they needed for a healthy coat of hair and skin. They
got a lot of love and nutrition and were finally able to go outside
and feel sun on their bodies for the first time. We are happy to
announce with the extra hard work & love from the staff these two
beautiful girls were recently adopted into loving homes!
Satin after
Shelter Winter Wish List:
What Makes AHS Unique
even things to consider when adopting your next pet or making a
donation to a non-profit shelter:
Does the organization neuter all animals before adoption, to combat
the overpopulation problem and encourage responsible pet ownership?
• AHS neuters all animals before they are adopted, transports to and
from veterinarian visits, provides post-surgical monitoring, 5 days of
pain medication and removes stitches in 10-14 days after surgery.
Does the organization microchip all animals to ensure they will never
end up back at an animal control facility, pound or kill shelter?
• AHS microchips all pets before they are adopted and retrieves any
animal located by the chip, 24 hours a day, any day of the week, in
order to safely reunite them with their owners.
Does the organization keep all animals current on vaccines?
• All dogs and cats that come to AHS are vaccinated, including rabies
vaccine if they are old enough, and given as many boosters as
necessary while in the shelter.
Does the organization keep all dogs & cats on flea, tick & heartworm
• All dog & cats are on Heartgard Plus and Frontline Plus every month
while at AHS so they are protected from fleas, ticks and heartworm at
the time of adoption. Cats also have Revolution applied when they
arrive to kill fleas, ticks, ear mites, roundworms, hookworms & mange.
Does the organization have a schedule for rescued dogs & cats to keep
them exercised, bathed, fed and medicated?
• AHS is fully staffed 7 days a week from 6 am until 7 pm, including
holidays. The staff and volunteers provide daily walks, baths, feedings,
medications and individual attention to every animal in the shelter.
Does the organization accept all breeds of any age with physical or
mental imperfection?
• AHS accepts any breed, age or disability, immediately assesses the
animal's condition and provides professional veterinary care for any
and all identified medical needs.
Does the organization use the majority of its donations for the care of
animals rather than administrative costs like advertising and salaries?
Rt 47
Animal House Shelter
13005 Ernesti Rd • Huntley
Main St
River Rd
Algonquin Rd
KURANDA DOG BEDS desperately needed for our
indoor/outdoor runs! You can donate straight from their
website to the animals at AHS.
Bedding (towels, comforters, blankets, bath mats, sheets)
Driver to transport animals to spay/neuter facilities
Vet to donate time to do wellness exams.
Vet practice to build with us.
Prescription I/D (at your vet clinic)
Friskies or Fancy Feast Canned Cat/Dog Food
Cans of tuna fish
Cans of chicken chunks
Esbilac (milk for Puppies)
KMR (milk for Kittens)
Collars - all sizes
Leashes - all sizes
Toys (stuffed animals, tennis balls, squeaky toys, ropes)
Bones (rawhides, nylabones, dentabones, etc)
Newspapers / Paper Towels / Toilet Paper
Shop Vac / Brooms / Mops
Revolution for dogs and/or cats
Clorox Clean Up / Windex
Garbage Bags / Wheeled Garbage Cans
Stainless Steel Bowls
Frontline Plus - all sizes
Heartgard - all sizes
Tide & Bleach
Litter boxes
AA batteries
Electrosol Tabs
Computer Paper / Ink
Ad Space in Newspaper
Tools of all kinds
Heating Pads
te 9
Higgins (Rt 72)
Rt 25
Rt 31
Lake Cook Rd
Randall Road
Just stop in
11am and
7pm any
day of the
Rt 47
Coyne Station Road
• AHS exists for the benefit of the animals who desperately need its
services. Administrative costs are kept low due to the dedication of
AHS volunteers, foster families, veterinarians and other supporters who
believe in the mission of the AHS organization.
To make your gift go to work faster,
credit card donations are accepted at:
Thank You for Your Help!
Please Don’t Blame the Breed
Day in and day out shelters are asked about certain breeds of
dogs. People are most concerned with American Pit Bull
Terriers, Rottweilers, German Shepherds, Dobermans, ChowChows, Shar-peis, and Akitas.
What all of these breeds have in common is that they often
attract the wrong type of owners. The breeds are not at fault.
The lack of responsible ownership with a lack of proper
socialization is the crux of the problem. When people get dogs
for protection, fighting, or intimidation they often deliberately
do not socialize the dog. Dogs may be locked up in basements,
abandoned houses or chained in yards, and may also be
starved, taunted and provoked. They are not given an
opportunity to socialize with humans or other dogs, and can be
wary and aggressive when approached. Their reaction is similar
to that of abused, neglected and isolated children, who may
violently lash out at social workers and others when they
attempt to remove them from an abusive situation. It takes
patience, time and therapy to nurture trust and rehabilitate both
children and animals who have suffered in an abusive,
neglectful environment.
The Pit Bull Terrier breed is the
most common victim of animal
cruelty, but ironically these dogs
are by nature very loving,
people-oriented, intelligent and
highly trainable. They also
respond extremely well to
rehabilitation efforts. Society
does not blame an abused child
for the mistreatment by a parent
or guardian, but there are those who want to ban the entire Pit
Bull Terrier breed because of the behaviors they exhibit
following abuse by their owners.
Animal House Pit Bull Cuties
10 months
2 years
1 year
1.5 years
2 years
1 year
Heartworm Disease: A Serious Illness
It is extremely important to get a yearly heartworm test and keep your dog on
heartworm preventative every month! Ask your veterinarian for more information.
Dogs contract heartworm from the bite of an infected mosquito. The treatments
are expensive and painful, sometimes even fatal for the dog. Below are only some
of the faces of AHS dogs that are currently going through debilitating heartworm
treatments that could have so easily been prevented.
Banning an entire breed will not alleviate the problem of
animal cruelty, it will only make the abusers more adept at
hiding their dogs or drive them to begin using a different breed
for their abusive activities. A mix of Chow-Chows and Akitas,
called “Chakitas,” have recently become popular among this
criminal element.
The next dog that these despicable owners decide to abuse will
be victimized and maligned just as the Pit Bulls are now. If
suddenly there was an increase in red cars running people over,
would we assume red cars should be banned? No, common
sense would dictate that red is a more popular color choice for
car owners. Banning a breed makes just about as much sense.
The Supreme Court in Alabama just ruled against breed specific
legislation, because there was NO proof that one breed is
genetically more "dangerous" than another. In the city of
Chicago, we also do not have Breed Specific Legislation (BSL).
Chicago has "dangerous dog laws," that judging each individual
dog on an individual basis, instead of "dangerous breed laws"
that judge dogs based on their breed. These are two examples
of positive changes, but the misinformed will continue to press
for breed bans. It is up to those of us who care about these
faithful dogs to provide education and advocacy on their
Catherine Hedges
In order for these dogs to complete their treatment and be adopted they have to stay
with AHS from 3 to 5 months. They undergo a series of injections, each a month
apart and neutering must wait until one month from the last injection. YOU CAN
HELP! By fostering one of our heartworm positive dogs, you could save the lives of
16-20 dogs! Every week that a heartworm positive dog stays with us we could have
rescued and placed another dog. (Call for information) If you can’t foster please
help AHS to keep rescuing these poor souls, who are often ignored and euthanized,
by sponsoring one of them through their treatments. (see form on page 15)
2 0 0 7
Edmon Agassi, Derek & Donna Alexander,
Christina Alvarez, Jackie Andrew, Emergency
Animal Clinic of McHenry, Michael & Ann
Babiarz, Gisela Baltensperger, Thomas & Annalisa
Barrie, Dean & Susan Barsness, Mary Bauschert,
Sonia Beranich, Paul Berlin, William & Mary Biehl,
Burak Binerer, Debra Biolchin, Lorranine Boker,
Bette Brinkerhoff, Sharon Brown-Maloney, Ruth
Bruch, Tim & Mary Budreau, Therese Byhre, June
Caddy, Carli Caputo, Laverne & David Carlson,
Lynn & Timothy Clement, Lorel & Derek Collis, Ed
& Carole Cooke, Patrick & Julie Corey, Pamela
Cumpton, Richard & Connie Curto, Nancy & Todd
Dalman, Carolyn Dalton, Lynn & Will Dawson,
Michael & Jill DeFranze, Mr. & Mrs. DiBenedetto,
David Dick, Brian & Sandra Donlea, Laura &
Daniel Donoghue, Donoghues Family, James &
Evelyn Donohue, Edward & Jane Dowling, Ted &
Penelope Duke, Geraldine Eder, Jack & Terri
Ellingham, Mark & Karen Emory, Sonia Errichiello,
Dale & Bonnie Farrington, Lauren & Douglas Foos,
Judith Freeman, Pilar & Kirk Freundt, Jay & Annette
Frischkorn, Joanne Gara, Frances Garvey, Laurel
Gasser, Heather Gates, Luann Gavula, Mario
Giannone, Sandra Girard-Lombardi, Judith
Goldberg, John & Kay Golitz, Mary Gott, Kathleen
Graff, John & Mary Graffeo, Eugene & Kathleen
Grosch, Gullum Family, Nancy Hamill, Linda
Hamilton, Grace Hammond, Nicholas & Karen
Harkovich, Harris Bank-Algonquin, Mark &
Gwendolyn Hayden, Kimberly Hendricks, Jill
Hermann, Cleo Hess, John & Mary Hetreed, Terry
Hillerich, Karen Hockemeyer, Cindy Hollebeck,
Henry & Nancy Holste, Jerome & Mary Holzer,
Lisa Horn, Frieda & Christine Howe, Karen &
Shawn Hunnicutt, Robin & Linda Hunt, George &
Judith Hurt, Arthur Hutchinson, Bruce Illig, Len &
Rebecca Inglese, Mary Jackman, Kelly & Joseph
Janulis, Ralph & Dee Jensen, Don & Ann Jerome,
Richard & Evelyn Jimenez, Therese Johnsen, Pam &
Ross Johnson, Lisa & Wayne Jonas, Kapcheck
Family, Kasting Family, Andrew & Jennifer
Katsoulis, M. Evelyn Keating, Christine Kerr, Aram
& Diana Kevorkian, Andrew & Catherine Kezeli,
Dr. Sharon Kobak, Sarah Kotva, Ken & Janis
Krissinger, Phyllis Kukula, Frieda Labruno, P. J.
Land, Kaye Lange, Rick & Melanie Langos, Steven
& Jean Larsen, William & Catherine Lee, Elena
Levoy, Santo & gerlinde Locasto, Thomas & Linda
Long, Janice Lovering, Elena Lovoy, M & K
Construction, Inc., Laurie Mack, Matt & Denise
Macleod, Brian & Julie Maki, Edward & Jacque
March, Bonnie Martin, Randall & Patricia Matecki,
Suzanne McCaron, Heather McGovern, Theresa
Meece, Mr. & Mrs. Meece, Monica Meyerkord,
Jeffrey & Kristin Michalczyk, Jadwiga Mikula,
Michael Miller, Anthony Mocelli, Theresa Molgren,
Don & Mary Morris, Rick & Cathy Murray, Dorothy
Nelson, Richard & Donna Nelson, Barbara Nolan,
Michael O’Brien, Daniel & Gail Oddo, Thomas &
Sherri O’Donnell, Dennis & Barbara O’Hara, Janet
& Bill O’Neil, Joan & Stuart Oppenheimer, Larry &
Dorien Pacquer, Jody Paine, Anna Palucha, Amy
Pandola, Samuel & Brenda Pappalardo, Gary &
Lauree Personette, Ellen Petrick, Dawn & John
Pezl, Bruce & Deborah Pfaff, Edith Phillips, Kathy
Pinkus, Dr. Lisa Preston-Putnam,Nancy Pruski,
Douglas Pulaski, Grace & Bill Pyter, Terrie Radzis,
Casey Ramas, Mary Rauschert, Reid Redmann,
Dennis & Beth Redpath, Rebecca Reiter, Donald
Richter, Charles & Karen Rickert, Darcie Randall
Ridolfi, Peter & Sabine Riehle, Laura & Ronald
Rogers, Katie Romaniak, Jennifer Rose, Susan
Rosene, Brent & Karen Runzel, James & Kathleen
Sances, Scott & Lisa Schaefer, Roxanne Schramer,
Walter & Claire Schuette, Daryl & Kimberly
Schwermer, Sciaccotta Family, Robert & Denise
Scott, Yvonne Selle, Mr. & Ms. Nicholas Serino,
Steven & Glenda Shaffer, Biren & Pamela Shah,
Irene Shewchuk, Thomas & Julia Shuff, Ellen, Tracy,
& Jacob Sievert, Inna Smirnova, Ana Smith, David
& Vicky Smith, Mary Solymossy, Joanne Snyder,
Mark & Julie Spector, Scott & Judith Stahr, Anthony
& Mary Stallone, Joan Stebly, Jon & Marjorie Stiller,
Randall Szczesny, Julius Szumylo, David & Kathy
Tabak, Susan Tandy, Richard Tejan, Leslie & Alan
Teraji, Phyllis Timmons, Gregory & Marilyn
Tipsword, Doug & Nancy Towle, Jamie Trainor,
Richard & Elizabeth Tveter, Christopher & Kristen
Waack, John Wagner, Thomas & Barbara Walter,
Diane Wamberg, Virgil & Beverly Watts, Wayne &
Denise Weber, Welch Family, Peter & Shirley
Welsh, Albert & Barbara Wessberg, Barbara
Wetzel, Bruce & Alice Whalen, Kathyrn Wilkes,
Cynthia Williams, William & Barbara Williams,
Debra Willis, Lynn Wilson, Wiwat Family, Frank &
Kathleen Woodin, Barbara Yasko, Robert & Jeanne
Yeagley, Paula Zaloga, Konrad Zeitler, Dan & Julie
Zahn, Philip & Diane Zinn
Can You Find Room for this Shy, Sweet Girl?
"You paused outside to look into my cage. I tried to play it right, wanting to catch your
eye with a shy glint in my own, a soft bark, that said, "Choose me," in a canine grammar
I hoped you'd understand.” -- R.S. Jones, on his dog Scout's adoption from a shelter
ay is a shy 2 year old female Australian Shepherd mix who just NEEDS A CHANCE! She
does not 'show' well for adoptions and so she is
constantly passed up. Once Fay gets to know you,
she wiggles right over to to 'plop' in your lap. She
adores other dogs and the entire staff at AHS and we
wish everyone else could see her true potential. She
will not be the type of dog to come running up in
an adoption room and give you a kiss but if given the
opportunity to be
part of a family,
would be a loyal
and very loving
companion. Fay
has been with us
for a year now
and most likely
spent most of the
first year of her life in animal control, after being picked up
as a stray. You will be blessed with a life full of butt
wiggles and kisses having Fay in your home. Please
consider giving her a loving home or sponsoring her
through training while with us.
Senior to Senior Program
Walker - 8 years
lease consider adopting one of our older or long-term
residents. Animal House has a program to help these
adult pets find their forever homes. It is available to
anyone over the age of 50 who adopts a dog or cat over
the age of 5. The adoption fee is 25% off the animal’s
posted fee on the website:
The older dog or cat may have a little grey in his fur or
display a calmer demeaner but his capacity for loyalty
and love hasn’t diminished in the least. The golden years
with your pet can be a time to cherish. Please consider
this wonderful opportunity if you are over 50 and would
like to share your home with a grateful and loving
Sheba - 9 years
2008 Calendar Photo Contest!
AHS is putting together a 2008 calendar of animals
adopted from us in the last 6 years! You can submit as
many photos as you like with a $10 per photo donation
and the Board of Directors will decide which photos will
go into the calendar! The photos need to be very clear
and as creative as you can get, the more personality the
better! Send your check to AHS and your digital photo(s)
to as a jpeg attachments. If
you don’t have a computer you can send prints to our mailing address. Winners of the
photo contest will be announced in our fall newsletter and we will then post the calendar
on our website for all to order!! All proceeds go to AHS pets. Good Luck!
Thanks to volunteers Mary Ann Hetreed, Julie Bozza, Bob & Jennifer
Harnish, Virginia Choromanski, Claudia Rothstein, Catherine Hedges,
Donna Alexander, Linda Suhr, Nancy Pruski, Cheryl and Lynn Cameron.
Thanks to Discovery Financial Group, Girl Scout Troop 194, Frank C.
Whiteley Elementary, Westfield School & Christopher Conley for their
donations of bedding. Thanks to Valerie Banks for her fundraising help,
and to Lou Flannery, Dick Miller, Cody & Carl’s Blvd and Felix & Fifi's
Dog Bakery for their In-Kind donations. And, of course, thank you to the
Animal Care Clinic of Algonquin.
Dear Lesley,
When Rebecca was six, we adopted two cats from AHS,
Meadow and Paloma. Since then she has talked about
your shelter and enjoyed reading your newsletters,
especially when she saw an article about our two cats
who were orphaned with their litter when they were
three weeks old. For her ninth birthday, she asked if she
could get donations for your animal shelter instead of
birthday gifts. She enjoyed getting all the donations, but
loved having the chance to actually give a few of the toys
to your dogs and cats. We loved your beautiful facility.
Thank you, Jackie & Gene Schneider
Nora Davies
(left) had an
11th birthday
party and
asked guest to
bring all sorts
of pet items
which were
then donated
to AHS.
Thank You to AHS
Major Donor Plaque Recipients
$5,000 +
Joyce Denehy
Larry & Shirley Irwin
David & Vicky Smith
$1,001 - $5,000
Pete & Pat Sessing
Jay & Annette Frischkorn
Scott & Judith Stahr
Bernard & Dorothy Meece
Judy Stevens
Dave & Ellen Petrick
Leslie Teraji
Reid Redmann
$501 - $1,000
Edward & Mary Bauer
Wayne & Lisa Jonas
Daniel & Deborah Beio
Jean Labovitch
Rita Bigoni
Joan Lamond
Kevin Breslin
Brooks McCormick
John & Darcy Cox
Mr & Mrs Meece
Kirk & Pilar Freundt
The Panzer Family
Judith Goldberg
Sarah Rothstein
Nancy Hamill
Don & Martha Scheidler
Lisa Horn
David & Vicky Smith
The Jackman Family
AHS Needs Your Support!
AHS currently has the following average costs for each
rescued animal:
Food ......................................$58....$40
Medicine ...............................$98....$56
Board ..................................$105....$74
Personal Care ........................$70....$43
Cleaning & Maintenance .....$128....$98
Total Cost Per Animal ..........$700..$440
Current Adoption Donation ..$300..$150
Public Donations Needed ...$400..$290
Since the number of animals
rescued by AHS each year is almost
2,500, total support needed from
public donations is $800,000.
Please help us meet this yearly
need with your generous donation.
There are many ways to help. See
page 15 for more information. We
can’t do it without you!
Would Your Company Like to
Support Animal House Shelter?
our company can gain more than just financially by
donating to Animal House Shelter. Donating is a way
to give back to the community by supporting a Nonprofit Organization that fills a valuable need. It is a strategic
investment that offers benefits to your company, your
employees, the community and animals throughout Northern
Illinois. Your company gets a reputation as a good corporate
citizen when it shows compassion for all animals and a
willingness to help protect them from cruelty and abuse.
Consider helping through Corporate Sponsorship. Sponsor
our website, newsletter, a van or one of our direct mail
fundraising appeals by offering to match donations made by
our supporters. You may also be able to make an In-Kind
Donation of products or services. Does your company
provide a service or sell a product that could benefit AHS?
Consider office supplies, appliances, groomer visits, or
veterinary care.
So, if you are an employee who is already or soon will be
active in helping AHS, consider extending the value of your
contribution by getting your employer involved. Not only
will you be making a tax deductible donation to a beneficial
non-profit organization but you will be helping animals right
in your own neighborhood through Animal House Shelter.
Oliver & Pumpkin
Oliver and Pumpkin are getting
along great and are very happy.
Pumpkin sleeps in the little bed
next to my pillow - and mush
love bucket Oliver under the
covers next to me. Thank you
again very much for blessing
me with their affection and rest
assure, they are in a very loving
home and will be very well
taken care of for the rest of their
lives. Pretty soon they will get
to see the rest of the house, well for a
short visit anyway. Oliver is still kind
of young to be roaming a 4 bedroom 2
story house - I don't want him to get
lost! They play very well together and
when one eats the other has to see
what is going on and joins in.
Pumpkin also likes to sit in the
bathroom sink!
Donna Petersen
Trey aka Peaches
I just received your newsletter and had to send a quick note on
Trey aka Peaches. I adopted Trey in April 2006. I saw Trey on
your website which listed him as having special needs as he only
has 3 legs. I just knew he was perfect for
me. When I arrived, Trey was not in the cat
room so I asked someone about him and
she said he was still in quarantine. She
brought him out and I immediately asked
to adopt him. I am pretty sure he has
either doubled or tripled in size from
being 5 lbs when I got him. He is so
friendly, easy going, and playful that
everyone loves him. Thank you so much
for taking him in and allowing me to adopt him. He has brought
a lot of joy into my life!
Jessica Bartelt
Emerson aka Coffee
Emerson is a 7-year-old cocker spaniel, who
I adopted back in 7/05. When I first took him,
he didn't even want to be petted. He had no
idea what toys were for and he was pretty
overweight. Now, he is a happy dog living
with me in downtown Chicago. He loves
going for walks to Grant Park and
Buckingham Fountain. He gets so much
attention wherever he goes. He's a tough
little guy, and trots purposefully through the
crowded streets as if he is on his way to work with the rest of the
business people. He also loves his toys, and every time I put
them back in his toy box, he has them all out again within
minutes. He has lots of love to give and follows me everywhere.
He is truly my best friend and I cannot believe anyone could
Jessica Turner
have given him up!
I am writing to tell you how well Buddy (Siberian Husky mix) is
doing. We adopted him TWICE from you. The first time was
7/03 and we returned him 10/03 because we thought he and our
other dog were not
After two months
of sponsoring him,
I couldn't stand
not having him in
our family and
decided to get
more information
on what we might
have been doing
wrong. Turns out we were misinterpreting both dog's behaviors
and also we had their crates in two separate rooms due to a
space problem in our small ranch home. We brought our other
dog up to the shelter and had one of your workers watch them
for about an hour and she said they get along quite well!! She
educated us on their particular behaviors toward each other. We
re-arranged our little house to put the dog's crates together so
they could see each other while we were gone and all our
problems were solved!! We re-adopted Buddy 12/03 and we
have been a very happy family ever since.
Buddy has at least gained about 20 pounds and is now a very
healthy 73 pounds! He is such a sweet pea, I don't know what
we ever did without him. Tia, our other dog is lost without him
as well, even when Buddy is only going to his groomer's! Thank
you again for keeping Buddy safe and warm while he was
waiting to be adopted….Twice!
The Johnston Family
Awoogh everyone!
I’m in my new forever
home and things are
goin’ great!
It was
almost a 2 hour drive to
get there and, unlike
most other dogs, I’m not
so keen on car rides. But
I did okay and I’m
getting better at it all the
while. That’s a good
thing too, because we
take the car to the dog
somebody say dog
park?!? Awoooh!! The dog park is dogrrrrrific, like
Dogsneyland, and we go EVERY DAY!!!
Anyway, I know Animal House is the best shelter around and the
staff there is the best in the world but its not the same as havin’
a good forever home. Hope all of you get adopted by some
folks that love you as much as mine do. We’re gettin’ along
great! Love,
Beagle Hooper
Lucy aka Lotus
Moxie & Dodger
My husband and I adopted Lotus (aka Lucy) in December 2005
and she has quickly become the head of the household. We
thinking of
adopting a
second dog
and of course
wanted to see
who you had
We both look
forward to
new facilities.
Thanks for all
you do and
keep up the
good work!!!
In September 2006 we adopted two orange kittens named
Honey and Magoo. Now known as Moxie and Dodger, both are
doing great in their new home! It's amazing how fast they've
grown. Both have such energy and
love to spend it by playing chase with
each other or by playing with us and
their toys (which end up in the oddest
places!). Anyway, we love Moxie and
Dodger and are thankful that you were
able to help bring them into our lives.
Thanks, keep up the good work!
Frank & Lisa
We just wanted you to know Sally turned 1 on September 13,
and she is doing
great. She is a very
social dog that loves
to play. She often
gets to go to doggie
day care just to play
with her friends and
burn off some puppy
energy. She often
has friends from the
neighborhood come
by to run around the
back yard, too. Her
closest friends are Molly, a golden retriever, Milly, her "cousin" a
black lab, Bernie, a basset hound, and many others. Sally has
added a lot to our family and we are so happy to have her.
Andy & Monica Buchanan
Lia, our poodle-bichon mix that we adopted from you in 12/03,
is thriving in her new home. Lia loves to "go for a ride" or "go
bye-bye in the car." We are so happy that we chose to adopt Lia.
Thank you for everything. She is doing so well.
Scot, Donna, Savannah & Lia Robnett
Horton aka Shain
Horton has made our lives so much better! He is so full of life
and love. He really adores his new brother, Cletus J Pug. They
love the local dog park where Horton has made many new
friends. He is the fastest there
and even gives the Great
Dane a run for his money! We
really love him and appreciate
the work you do in keeping
the cats and dogs safe and
Janice & Ted
Brandy aka Cecelia
My husband and I
adopted "Yogurt" in
September of 2006.
We changed his
name to Rex. Rex
is pictured on the
right and Emmy on
the left. They really
seem to LOVE each
other. Thank you
so much for helping
us find such a
GREAT dog..
Brandy here with my new family and we're adjusting nicely.
My new 2 legged friend keeps trying to "train" me. I am
showing a liking to jumping on tables,
stealing sox and getting my mouth on
anything I can find. I also like going into
the shower with my human. I'm guarding
my new house and they call me very
"vocal", whatever that means. My dog
sister Roxy and I are getting along well.
Sometimes we play a little rough, and
then we get told to settle down. When it's
time to take a little nap, we sleep next to
each other back to back. I still have trust
issues but mom talked to the vet on how
to make me more comfortable. My mom
has told many of her co-workers about the shelter. Hope some
of my brothers and sisters there will find new families or the
shelter will get some support. Thank you for taking such good
care of me while I stayed with you. Sniffs and licks to you all.
Jessica DeBoe
Brandy (Tracey Dispensa & Judy)
Andy Cheren
Rex aka Yogurt
WAITING FOR A HOME..................
10 week, male
8 month, male
6 year, male
Long Hair Chihuahua
7 week, female
10 month, male
Boxer Mix
Some of the Recently Rescued by AHS...
3 starving Chihuahua Mix puppies
Mom & 3 Lab Mix Pups
Collie, 4-5 years
Australian Shep., 7 mo.
Lab Mix, 10 weeks
Lab Mix
Pit Mix, 8 weeks
Pit Mix, 2 years
2 Beagle Pups, 8 weeks
All of these dogs, including the puppies, were scheduled to be gassed
at animal control facilities -- until AHS stepped in.
Help Us Save A Life Today
Please use the enclosed envelope to send this form
and your donation to help the AHS animals.
All Donations are Tax Deductible YES, I Want to Help Animal House Shelter, Inc!
w Sponsor A Pet:
With your sponsorship of any AHS dog or cat you will be sent a progress update and photo
Name of Sponsored Animal:
Please tear off or photocopy and mail to AHS in the provided envelope
(Pets in need of sponsors p.5)
$150 = 3 months
1st choice _________________________________________________
2nd choice _______________________________________________
$300 = 6 month
$500 = 1 year
$1000 = 2 years
Please make this sponsorship in the name of: ___________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
w Become a Corporate Sponsor
w $2500
Your company name on a plaque at AHS and recognition in Fuzz Buzz (Readership of 16,000+)
w Make a Tax-deductible donation in the amount of:
w $1000
w $500
w $250
w $100
Other $__________
w Become an AHS Member:
Membership includes newsletter, invites and all updated Animal House Shelter news for 1 year!
$25 Senior
$50 Individual
$100 Family
$500 Corporate
To VOLUNTEER at AHS please just stop in, go to our website or call 847-961-5541
Name ___________________________________ Address ___________________________________________
City ______________________________________________ State ______________ Zip __________________
Email _____________________________________________ Phone __________________________________
Total Amount enclosed $___________________
w Visa
w MC
w Check (payable to AHS)
w Credit Card
Card Number ____________________________________________________ Exp ________
Signature __________________________________________________________________ 3-Digit Code ________
Please Mail to: Animal House Shelter • 13005 Ernesti Rd • Huntley, IL 60142
or go to our website to donate on line:
Nonprofit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 170
Barrington, Il
13005 Ernesti Rd. Huntley, IL 60142
Lesley Irwin
Maggie Pfannenstiel
Allen Gabe
Ellen Petrick
Shirley Irwin
Jane Redmann
Shane Adams
Lawrence Irwin
Jennifer Jackman
Gary Personette
Visit AHS online at
Black Beauty gets his Smile Back!
hat an amazing boy! AHS rescued this beautiful 2 year old male
Boxer from animal control and immediately saw something very
wrong with his mouth. He constantly held it open and wanted to eat
but just couldn't. He was taken to our
local vet clinic for Xrays and specialist,
Dr Charlier, was called.
It is unknown exactly what circumstances
resulted in this poor boy's injuries. He
may have been hit by a car or been
deliberately hit in the face by a baseball
bat or some other large object. A HUGE
“Thank You” from AHS to Dr Charlier
who donated her time and effort in order to help this boy live a normal
life! Her notes on Black Beauty’s surgery follow:
Sweet Bella Needs a Gentle Touch
ella has a condition that
prevents her body from
absorbing nutrients from the food
she eats. Because of this she will
eat large quantities of food and
remain almost emaciated. She is
on special medication that helps
her body absorb nutrients and
may have to be on this medication
for the rest of her life. AHS will
continue to have her tested and
evaluated in hopes that, over time, her condition will improve. Bella is
very shy with new people although she is quite good with children. She
will need time, patience and a gentle touch but any family that would
give her a chance would be paid back in love and Bella kisses.
Black Beauty had fractures involving his
right and left lower jaw (mandible) as
well as his upper jaw (maxilla). One of
the lower jaw fractures was an open
fracture (bone was exposed). The
fractures appeared to be old, possibly as
old as a week
or more. The
cause of the
fractures was trauma of unknown origin.
Oral surgery was performed to repair the
fractured lower jaw. The fractures were
reduced and then stabilized with intraoral
wire and intraoral acyrlic. Black Beauty
received excellent care post op at AHS with
feeding of softened food and twice
daily rinsing of his mouth.
Approximately 6 weeks post op, the
jaw had healed and the acrylic and
wire were removed and the fractured
lower molar was extracted.
• Sat June 2nd - 1 pm “What Makes AHS Unique”, a presentation held
at Algonquin Bank & Trust - 4049 W Algonquin Rd., Algonquin IL. This
presentation is made possible by the Huntley Area Public Library.
Check the AHS website for any updates or changes regarding this event.
Cindy Charlier, DVM,
• Sat June 30th - 1:00 pm “Dog Wedding” at Cody and Carl's Blvd - 756
Fellow, Academy of Veterinary Dentistry
Diplomate American Veterinary Dental College
Fox Valley Veterinary Dentistry and Surgery
W Northwest Hwy., #4D Barrington IL. There will be refreshments for
people and pets!
Black Beauty now!