COUNTRY UNIT The Bluebonnet - Texas Hill Country Unit #104
COUNTRY UNIT The Bluebonnet - Texas Hill Country Unit #104
ISSUE ALMOST MONTHLY Z9 9 NEWSLETTER OF President August,2013 Andrea, Austin, 4834 email: First Vice President Second Vice President TEXAS HILL COUNTRY UNIT The Bluebonnet Joe 6168 Gayle 6168 Treasurer Zephyr 8105 Recording Secretary Andi 11291 this issue President’s Corner P.1 August Happenings P.3 Corresponding Mary Ann 2013 Officers Secretary 5097 and Birthdays & Anniversaries P.5 2013 Officers Liz 4426 President Gayle 1 Year Dan 8105 Ketchum Director First Vice 1 Year President Sheryl Jim 8761 Director Wylie Year Director Second Vice President Shannon 2 Year WylieRonnie 9760 Director Treasurer Zephyr Marek Recording Secretary Andi Gilliland Corresponding Secretary Mary Ann Bunke 1 Year Director Dan Marek 1 Year Director Don Croft 2 Year Director Susan Booker 2 Year Director Lynette Croft Past President Joe Long Email: President Gayle Ketchum First Vice President’s President Sheryl Corner Wylie August Second Vice 17, 2013, Fredericksburg, TX at 1 PM the sky was President Shannon a beautiful blue, the day was Wylie comfortable and the crowd gathered Treasurer Zephyr at KBOB’s Steak House for the THCU Marek Fall Kick-Off luncheon. Thank you first Recording to Dick and Nancy Westley for getting theSecretary luncheon plans going, to Marvin and Lebby Crane for locating and Corresponding arranging with KBOB’s and to all of you thatSecretary did attend. When Mary Ann I heard that Marvin had arranged Bunke for 25, I told him that Director I didn’t think more than 10-15 1 Year Dan Marek would attend.Don How very wrong I was. 1 Year Director Croft Those in attendance were: Olajoe & 2 Year Director Susan Henry Behrens, Marvin & Lebby Crane, Booker Myron & Kathryn Fischer, Ralph & 2 Year Director Lynette Nancy Fishburn, Louis Hendricks, Dan Croft & Zephyr Marek & grandson Jeremy Past President Long McNair, Jim & Faulder, BarryJoe & Andrea Raisin Schwerdfeger, Dick & Nancy Westley & daughter Bonnie Westley, Doug, Sheryl & Shannon Wylie, Joe Long and myself. Lebby provided a cake and birthdays and anniversaries for June, July and August were celebrated. 1 Shannon, Raisin, and Kathryn assisted in serving. Sunshine Report P 6 Rallies P 9 Editor: Shannon Wylie I recently forwarded an email from Linda Knezek, Region 9 Ed President, with a nominee and his resume for the Region 2nd VP position. If you haven’t responded, please do so soon so I can let Linda know our unit’s wishes. Now that I am home and have unearthed things I backed away at the end of International, I would like to share some membership information with you. A membership goal for each region was to have more members as of June 1, 2013 than they had on June 1, 2012. This could only be done by the units increasing their membership numbers. At the region level in 2012 only Region 11 was successful— however; this year 8 of 12 regions increased their numbers and Region 9 with 6.3% was #3. The goal for each unit was to renew all those who were new members the previous year. Last Year 40 of 122 units or 32.8% achieved this. This year 43 units of our 119 units or 36.1% were able to Cont’d page 2 own. President’s Corner con’t. do this. In Region 9 there were 4 units that renewed all their new members; Texas Hill Country, North Texas, Oklahoma and Texas Plains deserve congratulations. Nice going Texas Hill Country! Adding new members is also critical to the life blood of the units. Over the last year, according to the WBCCI membership chairman Don McKelvay, 67 units or 56.3% of the units grew in 2013 as compared to 30 units or 24.6% in 2012. Special congratulations were extended to the top ten units that grew; Texas Hill Country was #5 with a growth of 28.6%. Also, we were the only Texas unit recognized in this top ten category. Again “Thank You” THCU members and let’s keep up this exceptional work. THCU and individual members contributed $125.00 to the International Peace Garden Monument Project. The committee continues to raise funds for this project; SkyMed even donated $5000. I know that I shared the money raised and distributed during International, but there were also many items donated as well: 82 Cabbage Patch dolls, 20 units of blood, 103 blankets, 194 books, 36 animal shelter items, 78 pairs of socks, 21 pairs of gloves, 12 scarfs, 1 large box of yarn and 1254 knit hats. AirStreamers are generous individuals. There were 35 rigs of “First Timers” in attendance. While catching-up with all the magazines that accumulated while we were gone, I found the May Blue Beret and on page 67 a picture of THCU January Rally campsite; did you find it? With that, I need to give credit to my personal photographer, Joe Long. With few exceptions, Joe has taken the pictures for me to share with you. Thank you Joe. We will be having a business meeting during our September Cowtown with Class Rally; we need to elect our new officers and directors. As you view the proposed ballot, you will notice 3 vacancies; we are looking for someone to step-up and say “Yes”. NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORT: President—Sheryl Wylie 1st VP—Shannon Wylie 2nd VP— Recording Secretary—Doug Wylie Treasurer—Zephyr Marek Corresponding Secretary— 1 Year Director—Lynette Croft 1 Year Director—Susan Booker 2 Year Director—Joan Ermis 2 Year Director— Submitted by Sheryl and Shannon Wylie TRAVELING towards NTAC? I have several FREE 2-night stay coupons. They were given to me by folks who were unable to take advantage of the opportunity, but did not want them to go to waste. If you can use them, let me know. The expiration dates are 12/31/2014 and 12/31/2015. Happy Trails, Gayle 2 AUGUST FUN! Waiting for the Tall Ship sailing Yes, this is Raisin! 3 COWTOWN RALLY Sept 11th - 15th Cowtown RV Park 7000 I-20 East Aledo, TX 76008 @ Exit 418 WEDNESDAY, SEPT 11th ARRIVAL DAY: WE CAN CHECK IN AS EARLY AS 9 AM 4:30 PM HAPPY HOUR AND REVIEW DETAILS FOR THURSDAY MORNING MINT TOUR POTLUCK DINNER --"ANYTHING GOES" ENTREES, SIDES, SALADS, ALL EVENINGS DESSERTS WILL BE PROVIDED BYTHE CROFTS GAMES OF YOUR CHOICE THURSDAY, SEPT 12th 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 1:00 PM 4:30 PM 5:30 PM FRIDAY, SEPT 13th 8:00 AM 9:15 AM 11:30 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 4:30 PM SATURDAY, SEPT 14th 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 4:00 PM 4:30 PM 5:30 PM SUNDAY, SEPT 15 BREAKFAST ON YOUR OWN LEAVE FOR MINT TOUR & SECURITY CHECK TOUR STARTS FOR BUREAU OF ENGRAVING & PRINTING LUNCH OUT TOGETHER HAPPY HOUR WITH LIGHT HORSDOEUVRE BALLOON VOLLEY BALL FOLLOWED BY GAMES OF YOUR CHOICE BREAKFAST - HAM & SWISS FRITTATAS, FRUIT & TOAST LEAVE FOR STOCKYARD STATION AREA FORT WORTH CATTLE DRIVE FOODPARK @ THISTLE HILL PAY TOUR FOR THISTLE HILL HISTORIC HOME ($7.50 PP) HAPPY HOUR WITH LIGHT HORSDOEURE FOLLOWED BY GAMES OF YOUR CHOICE BREAKFAST - MORNING GLORY MUFFINS W/SAUSAGE & FRUIT LEAVE FOR BASS PERFORMANCE HALL TOUR TOUR - ABOUT ONE HOUR SUNDANCE SQUARE/7th STREET AREA SHOPPING LUNCH OUT TOGETHER BUSINESS MEETING HAPPY HOUR HOT DOGS 9 PROVIDED BY THE MAREK’S) BEAN BAG BASEBALL FOLLOWED BY YOUR GAME OF CHOICE BREAKFAST AT THE CROFTS BEFORE DEPARTING HOME 4 AUGUST ANNIVERSARIES 2 19 21 25 31 31 11 Henry & Mary Ann Bunke 22 Myron & Kathryn Fischer HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUGUST Pat Durst Zephyr Marek Wanda Snell Henry Bunke Linda Knezek Martha Butschek With Special Thoughts of You Have a very happy Birthday, And remember, when it’s past, Hope each new day, In every way, is nicer than the last. Enjoy Wishing you a year of Joy and celebration. TEXAS PROUD: Guadalupe Bass 5 Sunshine Report and Prayers Thought to Carry You Down the Road: Lebby Crane will soon be having knee surgery. Henry Behrens seems to be walking fine after his knee surgery. Olajoe was looking good and offered no complaints; always positive. Speaking of positive, Ralph Fishburn was using a walker, but smiling and greeting all. Nancy Westley showed no signs or effects of her recent surgery. Prayers are requested for Gayle’s brother, Bill Groff, who has pancreatic cancer. If you know of a member who needs to have prayers or congratulations extended, please call Mary Ann Bunke or Gayle. I did speak with Pat Dunn back in March. Pat, who is 83 years old, still has the 1981 Airstream. She says to tell everyone she misses them, but enjoys hearing of the group through the Newsletter. Pat and Bob had been married 62 years when Bob died a year ago. I also spoke with Bea Kaiser and she states she has difficulty reading, but enjoys getting second hand news from the Cranes or Bonnie Kuehn. We had hoped to see and visit with both Bea and Bonnie at the luncheon. Ladies, please know you are in our thoughts and prayers. There is an expression, “We had a lovely time”. Actually mere words fall short when applied to the luncheon meeting THCU experienced in Fredericksburg Saturday, August 17. I personally felt much more than a lovely time. In fact, in review of my feelings, I realize that I along with the rest of the crowd was enjoying the fruits of the Spirit in the context of Paul’s message to the Galatians expressed in Galatians 5-22. Yes, my friends, we didn’t require trailers or motor homes, or tow vehicles to enjoy the fruits of the Spirit. We had it all just with the opportunity to again revel in the company of people we hold dear. So what are these fruits of the Spirit? There are nine of them and they are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. See you Down the Road. Dick Westley 6 6 5 Th Mu muddy, over-grown GAYLE & we JOE’S While in Kansas traveled to the Strategic Air & Space Museum in Nebraska.fence January Rally: row, me in sandals, but we WANDERINGS: Needless to say, Joe and I are home after 3 ½ months on the road! We had a wonderful time leading up to the International Rally in Huron, then following on the “Meandering Minnesota” caravan sponsored by the Classic Airstream Club, then free caravanning with 5 Airstreamer friends while waiting to attend the Region 9 Tall Ship Rally in Duluth, MN. I know Joe did send photos to his vacation group, but I cannot resist including some in this Newsletter as well. Being on the Vista Cruiser in Lake Superior and adjacent to the 7 Tall Ships as they arrived was not expected. Then sailing on the Privateer Lynx (122’ and 8 sails) on Superior Bay with sails bellowing was a dream come true. While in New Ulm, a beautiful German town, we visited the City Park and watched/listened to the Glockenspiel; we also toured Schell’s Brewing Co. and sampled their beer—even a grapefruit beer—ugh!! Of course we ate German food. In St. Paul we visited the Cathedral of St. Paul which had no less than 17 altars. We also visited St. Mary’s Church in St. Benedict, Kansas which was very much like the painted churches in south Texas. Touring Sullivan’s “Jewel Box,” a bank, originally Louis Another great rally! Folks started arriving around noon and this continued to mid-afternoon. The greeters, beside Gayle and Sullivan’s National Farmers’ Bank Building in Owatonna built in the late 1800s, found us with our mouths and eyes open. The large hanging lights were known as electroliers; each one weighing 5,500 pounds and the detail was designed to resemble a blooming flower. The 200 colors in the Main Banking Hall, designed as a giant treasure chest, were referred to as a “color-tone poem”. There were stained glass windows and skylights; bright, vivid murals; gold leaf; and exterior wall’s the color and quality of an old Oriental rug. All this and more adding up to the “Jewel Box”. We also visited Clear Lake, Iowa, specifically to see the February 3, 1959, crash site of Buddy Holly, Richie Valens and J.P. “The Big Bopper” Richardson. Our directions were for traveling north; we were going south on unpaved roads with “many” detours due to construction. We finally found, after stopping for directions, the Buddy Holly glasses indicating we were there; then we walked at least a ½ mile on a wet, muddy 7 found found it. The memorial is locate located on private property and is still known as “The Place the Music Died Died”. We also visited the the Surf Ballroom where they last played. While in Kansas we traveled to the Strategic Air & Space Museum in Nebraska. The highlight of touring this 2 story, huge facility was being able to “tour” the B-36. Joe and I both were in the cockpit and sat in the pilot and co-pilot seats respectively. What an experience! One Joe will not forget. While in Duluth, a tour to neighboring Superior, Michigan to visit the Harrington Arts Center was included. The Concert Hall is a memorial to Hanni Strahl an immigrant German woman whose contributions to American society remain far-reaching through her daughter Helmi Strahl Harrington, PhD. Among other things, Helmi has a collection of 1200 accordions and anything accordion. There is music while you look, a chronology section from predecessor instruments to mid1800s instruments to 19301950s rare and hybrid instruments to 1960s to the present, synopsis displays, organization by brand names, walls of fame, trophies displays, special exhibits, educational displays, accordion people you should know and paintingssculptures-figurines. Helmi presented a concert for us while at the same time providing a lesson on accordions—their development, growth, cultural history and sound. Helmi, besides repairing accordions, teaches comprehensive There courses leading to Certification as Accordion-FamilyInstruments Repair Technician. Joe and I toured several mansions. The James J. Hill House in St. Paul, MN and the Glensheen Mansion on the historic Congdon estate in Duluth were two. Both built about the same time, both had large families raised in them and both with amenities ahead of their times. The Glensheen with its 39 rooms, 7acres of formal flower and vegetable gardens, stone bridges and trails, carriage house with the Congdon’s original sleighs and buggies also has a murder mystery story to tell. I was so interested that I purchased and read the book of the trials that followed; if anyone is interested, I will loan you the book. Joe and I were in Ely, MN which is at the Boundary Waters. Dorothy Molter, a RN, moved to this area when she was 23 years old and lived there until she died at 83. Dorothy lived alone and originally took care of the cabins that hunters and fishermen used. Times changed and the government Joe at the Greyhound Bus Museum Glensheen claimed all the lands and restricted modes of travel. Dorothy stayed, made root beer for infrequent visitors and was finally given a job by the government. She had to report in daily and report what was happening. What an experience and what a lady. Joe and I also visited the Mall of America in Minneapolis. Yes, it was large and yes it did have an amusement park inside the mall. On the way home we also stopped at the Galeria in Houston and, to me, the Galeria is larger and has a better/greater selection of stores. I haven’t told you of all the exciting experiences we had, but I should get back to THCU business. As an aside, ask Joe about the AR15. Crash site memorial Mall of America Amusement Park 8 TriMotor over Owatoona, MN REMAINING 2013 RALLY SCHEDULE DATE Sept. 11-15 Oct. 3-7 ** Nov. 7-10 TITLE ADDRESS Cowtown with Class/Business Mtg. Cowtown RV Park 7000 I 20 East @ Exit 418 Aledo,TX 76008 888-441-7878 Vintage Rally**Registration J.B. Wells Park & Arena Form on Region 9 website Gonzalez, TX Installation Rally/Veterans Lone Star RV Park Day/Thanksgiving Rally 7009 S. I-35 Austin, TX 78744 512-444-6322 HOSTS 1.Don & Lynette 2.Dan & Zephyr 1.Vintage Sponsors 2.THLU 1.Joan Ermis 2.Dan & Zephyr Texas Vintage Airstream Rally Registration OCTOBER 3-7, 2013 (Thursday to Monday) Gonzales, Texas ______________________________________________________________ ↗ LAST NAME FIRST NAME WBCCI# ______________________________________________________________ ↗ SPOUSE/FRIEND/CHILDREN - STAYING IN SAME RIG ____________________________________________________________________________ STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIP ______________________________________________________________ CELL PHONE E-MAIL ______________________________________________________________ AIRSTREAM MODEL YEAR BUILT LENGTH AGE OF RIG Please write check to “TEXAS VINTAGE AIRSTREAM RALLY” & mail to: FRED HAZEN, 102 SNIPE COURT, LAKEWAY, TX 78734 Phone: 512-261-0122 or 512-922-4053 Adult Rally Fee (3-4 nights) $38/Adult* (1-2 nights) $28/Adult** Child Rally Fee (5-15 yrs) $15 /child Please indicate dates you will park: PARKING @$20/NIGHT X ________NIGHTS = _______________________ *ADULT RALLY FEES ____________X $38 =_________________________ **ADULT RALLY FEES___________X $28 =_________________________ CHILD RALLY FEES_____________ X $15=__________________________ NO REFUNDS AFTER SEPT 22, 2013 TOTAL_______________ **Registration Form also on the Region 9 website NOTE: Anyone wanting to share their travels or activities are welcome to do so. Just send me your information and I will include; pictures are also welcome. 9 texas hill country unit 15251 Miller Rd St. Hedwig, TX 78152 10