Board Summary - Inuvialuit Regional Corporation
Board Summary - Inuvialuit Regional Corporation
IRC Board Summary Newsletter Board Summary IRC May/June 2014 Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Ata ... uvva ... from the IRC Board! Spring has arrived in the ISR! The ice roads to Tuktoyaktuk and Aklavik finally closed in May, which means picnic season is upon us! We hope you enjoy reading the IRC Board Summary, which is mailed to beneficiaries following every IRC Board meeting. ♦ June 5, 2014 marks the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Inuvialuit Final Agreement. IRC will take the opportunity to celebrate and also to commemorate the reopening of the Inuvialuit Corporate Centre Building. IRC Board Meetings The following board meetings are scheduled for the rest of the year. Additional meetings will be held by teleconference as required. ♦ Community events in the ISR this summer include the Inuvik Petroleum Show (June 23 to 25), Kingalik Jamboree in Ulukhaktok (June 14 to 15), National Aboriginal Day (June 21), Oceans Day (July 20), Great Northern Arts Festival (July 11 to 21), Billy Joss Open Golf Tournament (July 18 to 20), Circumpolar Northern Games (July 21 to 27), Inuit Circumpolar Council General ♦ ♦ August 26, 27 and 28, 2014 November 18, 19 and 20, 2014 Around the ISR ♦ Enrolled beneficiaries over the age of 18 picked up their IRC Distribution Payment cheques of $551.57 on May 1 from their Community Corporation offices. Those living outside the ISR received their cheque in the mail. ♦ IRC and IDC staff began moving back into the Inuvialuit Corporate Centre at the end of May. All structural damage to the building has been repaired, fire damaged areas of the building have been replaced and finishing work like painting, flooring and millwork is being completed. The overall floor plan of the building has not changed but all areas of the building will see a significant improvement. For further enquiries, contact IDC. Assembly (July 21 to 24), Shingle Point Summer Games (July 18 to 20) and Ikhalukpik Jamboree in Paulatuk (August 8 to 11). ♦ Don’t forget to attend IRC’s Annual Corporate Tour of the communities. The Chairs of IRC and all subsidiary corporations will be making reports and addressing concerns from beneficiaries. For the schedule, contact your local CC. Left: Medal of Bravery recipients Constable Andrew Aucoin, Larry Angasuk Jr., Teddy Omilgoituk and Constable Todd Glemser stand with Governor General David Johnston. (Photo by MCpl Vincent Carbonneau) Right: Patrick Wolki receives his office administration diploma at the Aurora Campus graduation ceremonies in Inuvik May 9. (Photo by Nathalie Heiberg-Harrison) Summary of IRC Board Motions and Update Page 2 Distribution Payments for Beneficiaries Page 4 Community Development Division Page 5 Education, Training and Career Development Page 7 Inuvialuit Land AdministrationPage 10 Community Corporation Reports Page 12 List of Newly Enrolled Inuvialuit Beneficiaries Page 14 Questions from Beneficiaries Page 15 General News and Events Page 17 inside ... Vol. 19 Issue 2 May/June 2014 Page 1 IRC Board Summary Newsletter Summary of IRC Board Motions and Meeting Update At the IRC Board meeting of April 14 to 17, Nellie Cournoyea, Chair and CEO, welcomed members Billy Archie (Aklavik), Duane Smith (Inuvik), Lawrence Ruben (Paulatuk), Vernon Amos (Sachs Harbour), Vince Teddy (Tuk) and Colin Okheena (Ulukhaktok). Darrell Nasogaluak (Tuk) was an observer at the meeting. Below is a summary of the motions passed and an update of some of the on-going issues (those not covered elsewhere). Beneficiaries are urged to contact their Community Corporation or IRC for more information. Motion 27/14: ICG Consolidated Financial Statements The Board accepted the Inuvialuit Corporate Group consolidated financial statements for 2013 as presented. Motion 28/14: IRC Non-consolidated Financial Statements The Board accepted the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation nonconsolidated financial statements for 2013 as presented. Motion 29/14: IRC Distribution Payments In accordance with the IRC Distribution Policy, the Board approved a distribution payment of $551.57 to each beneficiary of the Inuvialuit Trust. Motion 30/14: Inuvik ILAC Appointment The Board appointed Hank Rogers Sr. as Commissioner of the Inuvialuit Land Administration Commission - Inuvik for a fiveyear term expiring December 31, 2018. Motion 31/14: ILAC Appointment The Board appointed Albert Elias as Chief Commissioner of the Inuvialuit Land Administration Commission for a three-year term expiring December 31, 2016. Motion 32/14: Inuvialuit Petroleum Corporation The Board appointed Vernon Amos and Colin Okheena to the Inuvialuit Petroleum Corporation. Motion 34/14: Beaufort Delta Agenda Negotiations The Board approved the Director of Intergovernmental Relations to negotiate with territorial and federal government program and services arrangements in accordance with the updated Beaufort Page 2 May/June 2014 Delta Agenda. The Board approved the use of a portion of Devolution Resource Revenues for improving programs and services. The Director of Intergovernmental Relations will report back to the Board in August 2014 on the results of negotiations and provide recommendations on the use or allocation of revenues. Motion 36/14: ICC General Assembly Appointments IRC appointed Nellie Cournoyea, Vernon Amos and Vince Teddy as delegates for the Inuit Circumpolar Council General Assembly to be held in Inuvik July 2014. IRC 2013 Financial Report The 2013 audited consolidated financial results for the Inuvialuit Corporate Group indicated revenues of $80 million and earnings of $32 million - down slightly from the preliminary view but still well ahead of the year’s budget. The major change from preliminary results is due to adjustments to insurance accounting. The investment pool is sitting at $377 million, up from $367 million in 2013. NorTerra revenues in 2013 totaled $497 million, up 9% from 2012. Self-Government Agreement-in-Principle The Board recommended a special teleconference meeting be held for approval of the Chair and CEO to sign the Inuvialuit Agreement-in-Principle. The Inuvialuit Self-Government Chief Negotiators for IRC, GNWT and the Government of Canada finalized the Chief Negotiators’ Draft of the Self-government Agreement-in-Principle. At the IRC Board of Directors meeting in February the Board approved the Inuvialuit negotiators to initial the Agreement-in-Principle. The Agreement-in-Principle is a significant milestone and the Inuvialuit negotiators did not anticipate any further revisions to the draft. They are scheduled to initial the Agreement-in-Principle on June 10, 2014. Left: Peggy Day shares the history of Reindeer Station during a staff trip. Right: Nellie Cournoyea, Aurora Campus Director Doug Robertson and Boot Lake MLA Alfred Moses Boot at the unveiling of the commemorative carving marking the site of Grollier Hall, a former residential school. (Shawn Giilck/Inuvik Drum) IRC Board Summary Newsletter Summary of IRC Board Motions and Meeting Update IRC 2013 Audit Committee Report The Audit Committee is responsible for ensuring the integrity of the Financial Report and controls within the Inuvialuit Corporate Group. The committee meets three times per year. The Atausiq Inutut Titirausiq Task Group Beverly Amos and Lillian Elias represented the Inuvialuit on the Atausiq Inutut Titirausiq Task Group on Standardization of Inuit Writing System in Ottawa. The audit, completed by PricewaterhouseCoopers, found the consolidated financial statements of IRC and its subsidiaries were presented fairly. IRC’s financial performance and cash flows for the year ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. Upon review of the 2013 Financial Statements for the Inuvialuit Corporate Group and discussions with the auditors and representatives of management, the Committee recommended their acceptance by the Board. Sandra Ipana and Catherine Katigakyok joined Beverly and Lillian and attended the pre-summit meeting in Ottawa March 24 to 26. Together, Inuvialuit delegates, Carleton University linguists and others discussed the feasibility of one Inuit language writing system. Participants travelled from across Inuit Nunangat to take part in the meetings held in Ottawa in March. Inuvialuit Harvesters Assistance Program (IHAP) All communities have distributed IHAP funds without any major issues. For 2014, successful applicants by community are as follows: Community Aklavik Inuvik Paulatuk Sachs Harbour Ulukhaktok Tuktoyaktuk Outside ISR MajorMinor 4 9 4 4 5 14 1 8 21 7 5 2 25 2 Total 12 30 11 9 7 39 3 Bottom left: Jordan Archie and Annie Erigaktoak watch the ice chiseling competition at the Mad Trapper Rendezvous in Aklavik Easter weekend. (Photo by Nathalie Heiberg-Harrison) Bottom right: Meeka Kisoun and her daughter Iona enjoy an outing to Reindeer Station. Below: The Atausiq Inuktut Titirausiq Task Group members being introduced to the language writing system meeting participants from across Inuit Nunangat. May/June 2014 Page 3 IRC Board Summary Newsletter Distribution Payments for Beneficiaries In accordance with the IRC Distribution Policy, the Board announced a distribution payment of $551.57 to all enrolled Inuvialuit beneficiaries over the age of 18 in May 2014. A total of $2,404,855.35 was paid to 4,360 beneficiaries enrolled in the Inuvialuit Trust. IRC subsidiaries - IDC, IIC, ILC and IPC contributed to the distribution. Background In 1997, the IRC Board of Directors adopted a Distribution Policy that took into account the following two guiding principles as outlined in the Inuvialuit Final Agreement (IFA): “The Inuvialuit enrolled in the Inuvialuit Land Rights Settlement shall share equally in the benefits received by the various Inuvialuit corporations and distributed through the Inuvialuit Trust;” [section 6(4)(a)] and “Restrictions shall be placed by the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation from time to time on any financial distributions from the Inuvialuit corporations to encourage the preservation of the financial compensation for the benefit of future generations of Inuvialuit.” [section 6(4)(d)] In 2012, the IRC Board approved a new Distribution Policy to reflect the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for its accounting procedures. This change required unrealized gains or losses in the investment portfolio to be included in computing the income of the Inuvialuit Corporate Group. The 2014 distribution payments are based upon 15% of the Average Comprehensive Income for the preceding 10-year period as determined from IRC’s audited consolidated financial statements. IRC Distribution Policy The IRC Distribution Policy ensures that there is a sufficient reinvestment of profits to guarantee the preservation and growth of the land claim capital for future generations of Inuvialuit. Page 4 May/June 2014 The establishment of the Elders Assistance Program and Inuvialuit Harvesters Assistance Program, as well as the core funding of the Inuvialuit Education Foundation, the Inuvialuit Charitable Foundation and Community Corporations were all made possible through such reinvestments. Distribution Policy History Since the inception of the IRC Distribution Policy in 1997, enrolled beneficiaries have received the following payments: Year Beneficiaries Amount Total 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2,759 2,886 2,972 3,073 3,173 3,280 3,352 3,426 3,530 3,650 3,726 3,816 3,912 3,989 4,071 4,175 4,256 4,360 $297.38 $462.71 $401.51 $184.98 $850.49 $400.00 $400.00 $685.01 $774.15 $477.99 $770.12 $1,001.09 $400.00 $400.00 $400.00 $483.68 $563.20 $551.57 $820,470 $1,333,376 $1,196,100 $568,455 $2,698,604 $1,312,000 $1,360,000 $2,346,840 $2,732,760 $1,744,651 $2,869,470 $3,820,159 $1,564,800 $1,595,600 $1,628,400 $2,018,865 $2,396,990 $2,404,855 Left: Emma Dick picks up her IRC Distribution Payment cheque on May 1 at the Inuvik Community Corporation. Right:Tori Hendrick and Brandon Day pick up their IRC Distribution cheques. This year 4,360 IRC beneficiaries received cheques for $551.57. (Photos by Esther Ipana) IRC Board Summary Newsletter Community Development Division (CDD) Evelyn Storr, Executive Director, presented an extensive report on CDD activities to the IRC Board of Directors. Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative The Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative (ADI) had a busy quarter. Its partnership with the Northern Games Society and Inuvik Youth Centre will be renewed this year and can hopefully be expanded to other communities within the ISR. ADI is partnering with the Ulukhaktok DEA for a breakfast program in the school and is planning to sponsor similar programs in Aklavik, Tuktoyaktuk, Paulatuk and Sachs Harbour this year. In addition, ADI will be sending out letters to the communities of Aklavik, Tuktoyaktuk, Paulatuk, Sachs Harbour and Ulukhaktok for proposals for onthe-land programming. Nutrition North Canada All Nutrition North Canada (NNC) funding has been used and plans to fund NNC workers in the ISR will be advertised once funding has been secured. The DREAM Global Food Procurement Research Project in Aklavik has a symbol for the project, which was designed by three students at Moose Kerr School – Marissa Kovacs, Deanna Lynn McLeod and Ocean McLeod. The Ulukhaktok Ice House Project has been postponed and in its place the community held a successful muskox harvest. Health Services Integration Fund Meghan Etter has been busy organizing on-the-land workshops and is working with Rita Green in Tuktoyaktuk to deliver onthe-land programs. Meghan and John Stuart Jr. are analyzing the data from their survey work and should have a report by the end of the summer. The Health Services Integration Fund (HSIF) held a Forgiveness Workshop with Fred Luskin March 11 to 13. It was extremely well received. HSIF participated in the TRC National Event in Edmonton March 27 to 31. The main focus of the program now is to revisit the work plan with Beaufort-Delta Health and Social Services and work on action items. Resolution Health Support Workers Program Resolution Health Support staff, along with Inuvik Cultural Support Workers (CSW) Lillian Elias and Albert Elias, delivered on-the-land programs during the last quarter. Jeffery Amos attended the Men’s and Women’s GTC Workshop as a guest speaker. All Resolution Health Support staff, with the exception of Jeffery, attended the TRC National Event in Edmonton. Some staff hosted a Northern Room during the event. This was well received and enjoyed by northerners in the Edmonton area. Community visits were made to Tuktoyaktuk and Aklavik to present information on the Group Independant Assessment Process (IAP) Funds. Resolution Health Support Workers and Cultural Support Workers continue to meet with and assist clients on a daily and weekly basis in Inuvik and the surrounding communities. Aboriginal Health Human Resources Initiative A 28-day wellness program was held at Reindeer Station in partnership with IRC for the month of March. Staff from the Mamisarvik Treatment Centre delivered the program. The program was well received by participants. Research Matters ArcticNet has confirmed they will be covering the additional costs needed to keep the Inuit Research Advisor (IRA) position open, due to Nasivvik closing and no longer funding the position. IRA has been busy with the Northern Contaminants Program reviewing research proposals. IRA is Chair for the Regional Contaminants Committee and will be receiving additional funding to carry out these duties. Continued on page 6 Left: Freddy Rogers and Lorraine Elanik provided a great meal to IRC and IDC staff at Reindeer Station. Right : Lucy Kuptana welcomes IRC and IDC staff to Reindeer Station during a staff outing. May/June 2014 Page 5 IRC Board Summary Newsletter More Community Development Division Language and Culture The Inuvialuit Cultural Resource Centre (ICRC) received additional funding in order to hold a regional workshop to consult with communities on the implementation of the Inuvialuktun/ Inuinnaqtun Language Plan. In addition, ICRC sponsored two adult language classes, one in Inuvik and another in Paulatuk. funding to help with their programs. Cultural Connections for Aboriginal Youth (CCAY) hosted a Regional Economic Conference with youth from Inuvik, Aklavik, Tuktoyaktuk and Paulatuk attending. The National Aboriginal Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy completed mental health surveys and more Injury Prevention Workshops were held. The Inuvialuit Language Officer continues to visit with and provide support for the language teachers at schools and Child Development Centres in the ISR. The Ulukhaktok Language Office continues to work on many projects in the community and provides assistance to staff in the ICRC. Inuvialuktun with Elders The Tuktoyaktuk District Education Authority, with the support of the Inuvialuit Cultural Resource Centre and IRC, ran a new program in Mangilaluk School called Inuvialuktun with Elders for kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade 2 students. ICRC published Inuvialuit hunting legend Qattayana by storyteller Johnny Ruben Qummana, with funding from federal and territorial governments and the Beaufort-Delta Education Council, as well as eight new easy reader books. The program helped students become familiar with and fluent in Inuvialuktun by bringing elders from the community into the classroom. It also brought them closer with elders, helping to show them how important they are for youth, the school and the community. Elders worked with instructor Betty Elias and the students’ homeroom teacher, telling stories and bringing in artifacts or pictures to discuss. The students looked forward to these lessons. Inuvialuit Child Development Programs Staff at the Child Development Centres were busy preparing for the end of the year. There will be 51 preschool graduates from all five Child Development Centres in May and June. Staff are always encouraged to use the language on a daily basis with children to encourage revitalization of the language. Community Wellness The Canadian Prenatal Nutrition Program has hosted cooking and sewing classes which have given participants the opportunity to share their parenting experiences. The NWT Literacy Council held a workshop in Inuvik, which CPNP workers were invited to attend. The three-day workshop provided information on how to incorporate literacy in a fun way to their cooking classes. The communities that attended now have an opportunity to apply for The Tuktoyaktuk District Education Authority would like to thank the following elders for their participation in the program: Fred Wolki Rita Green Molly Nogasak William Nasogaluak Lucy Carpenter Boogie Pokiak Frank Umoak Charles Gruben-Nuligaq David Nasogaluak Eva Raddi Bessie Elias (Raddi)* Eunice Nasogaluak *Bessie passed away recently. We send our condolences to her family and friends. Left: Mikaela Cockney-MacNeil, a Grade 12 at East Three Secondary School, conducted a study on sleep learning for the Beaufort Delta Regional Science Fair. She earned a spot at the Canada Wide Science Fair in Windsor, ON for her project. (Photo by Nathalie Heiberg-Harrison) Right: Students at Mangilaluk School in Tuktoyaktuk participate in the Inuvialuktun with Elders program. (Photo by Mangilaluk School) Page 6 May/June 2014 IRC Board Summary Newsletter Education, Training and Career Development Candace Morgan, Chief Human Resources Officer, attended the IRC Board meeting to provide a report and answer questions. ♦ Lorna Gruben-Matthew (Aurora College) Business Administration Diploma The Human Resources Department is responsible for education, training and career development. Check out the Facebook page for Human Resources under “Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Human Resources,” which provides support information to students, connectivity with ASETS funded clients, promotes job opportunities and presents success stories. ♦ Diane Archie (Royal Roads University) Masters of Interdisciplinary Studies ♦ Terrance Allen (Aurora College) Carpentry Apprenticeship Program ♦ Jeanelle Arey (Aurora College) Carpentry Apprenticeship Program Inuvialuit Education Foundation The Post-Secondary Financial Assistance Program (PSFAP) is providing 44 post-secondary students with monthly funding. 23 are in diploma programs and 21 are in degree programs. Students interested in learning more about IEF’s programs can call 867.777.7029 or toll-free at 1.855.777.7011. One of the IDC Scholarships valued at $1,000 has been renamed in memory of Frederick Lawrence (Larry) Gordon. Scholarship recipients for Winter 2014 are as follows: Statistics on IRC/IDC Inuvialuit Staff HR compiled statistics regarding the hiring of Inuvialuit staff for IRC and IDC, both full-time and casual. Currently, 79% of staff are Inuvialuit. Jacqueline Thompson Coady Duncan Cassandra Norris Lance Gray Courtney Larocque Michel Lindsay Kate Snow Diane Goodliffe Debbie Dillon Staff Development Several staff are involved in training and mentorship programs. They include Jamie Day (ASETS program and HR functions), Cheryl Day (Administrative functions), Jodie Maring (Administrative and Project Coordinator functions), Clara Elias (Accounting), Terrance Allen and Jeanelle Arey (Carpentry Apprenticeships) and Barry Jacobson (five-day IT course through Global Knowledge). BPE-BEd-Secondary Education Bachelor of Management Bachelor of Education BSc Physical Education Bachelor of Education Bachelor of Science Master of Arts Business Administration Diploma Business Administration Diploma The following beneficiaries are taking part in staff development through formal education and training: ♦ Maureen Cournoyea (SAIT) Information and Records Management Certificate ♦ Clara Elias (Athabasca University) University Certificate in Accounting ♦ Patrice Stuart (Athabasca University) Bachelor of Management Left: Musicians Greg Nasogaluak, Leanne Goose and Vaughan Poyser at the Taste of the Arctic event in April. (Photo by ITK) Right: Preston Dosedel picks up his IRC Distribution Payment cheque at the Inuvik Community Corporation May 1. (Photo by Esther Ipana) May/June 2014 Page 7 IRC Board Summary Newsletter Education, Training and Career Development IRC ASETS (Ends March 2015) Under IRC ASETS (Aboriginal Skills and Employment Training Strategy), funding was provided for a variety of on-the-job training initiatives. This included training with Stanton Group, Children’s First Society, various IRC and IDC departments, NTCL, the Inuvialuit Communications Society, R&M Holt Construction, the Inuvik Youth Centre, E. Gruben’s Transport and Northwind Industries. ASETS also contributed to Environmental Monitor Training, the Wildlife Monitor Training Program and Safety Certificates, Workplace Readiness and Safety Certificates and other various training opportunities. Sunchild E-Learning Program The Sunchild E-Learning Program in Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk had a 69% success rate from February to June 2013, with 36 courses started and 25 courses completed. The program had an 87% success rate from September 2013 to January 2014, with a total of 50 courses started and 42 courses completed. Three students received their Grade 12 diploma in June 2013 and one student received their diploma in January 2014. Additional Training In partnership with the Mine Training Society in Yellowknife, one student completed the Introduction to Underground Mining Course in Inuvik. Assistance has been provided to youth travelling from the communities to the Regional Skills Competition and for two youth attending the annual Students on Ice expedition in the Arctic. Through the Northern Student Education Initiative, funds were provided to offer counselling support for students attending post-secondary education in Edmonton. Personal Credits Program Sandra Elanik and Dodie Lennie have conducted information sessions in all ISR communities and have also presented in Fort McPherson, Tsiigehtchic, Yellowknife and Edmonton. They have now revisited all communities in the ISR for follow-ups and application assistance. 2014 Aurora College Graduates Aurora College’s 2014 Convocation took place on May 9 at Ingamo Hall in Inuvik. Congratulations to all Inuvialuit graduates! Office Administration Certificate Bambi Amos (Sachs Harbour) Mary Firth (Inuvik) Sharon Green (Sachs Harbour) Lisa Rogers (Inuvik) Lauren Ruben (Paulatuk) Terilyn Storr (Aklavik) Alice Thrasher (Inuvik) Patrick Wolki (Inuvik) Business Administration Diploma Shannon Ciboci (Inuvik) Debbie Dillon (Inuvik) Crystal Dawn Lennie (Inuvik) Teacher Education Diploma Twyla Amos (Inuvik) Looking for Employment? Employment opportunities with the Inuvialuit Corporate Group and other organizations can be found at: ♦ IRC Human Resources Facebook Page. Search for Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Human Resources. ♦ IRC Website – ♦ Inuvik Drum / NewsNorth. ♦ New North Network (Inuvik community channel). ♦ Jobs North, the Northwest Territories Job Bank – www. ♦ Inuvialuit Career Centre – located (temporarily) at 125 Mackenzie Road in Inuvik. ♦ Community Employment Officers. ♦ Community organizations –Job postings are distributed to Community Corporations, Hamlets, government agencies, HTCs and other contacts within each community. ♦ All IRC/IDC staff are provided with notices of job postings for IRC/IDC positions and are encouraged to forward to their contacts. For help with all job searches, applications, or career planning, contact the Inuvialuit Career Centre (Inuvik 777.7095 or toll-free 1.855.777.7011) or the local Employment Officer in your community. Page 8 May/June 2014 IRC Board Summary Newsletter Inuvialuit CEDO Jim Kinney, CFO, met with the IRC Board to provide a report and answer questions. CEDO met its program targets for 2013-2014 and handled $505,000 in contribution agreement funds. It is evaluating whether to submit an Alternate Service Delivery proposal. CEDO is continuing to provide support to entrepreneurs and community projects and is assisting with preparations for the Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC) General Assembly to be held in July. CEDO is always seeking proposals for community-driven projects and community-owned ventures or small business development. Kunnek Resource Development Corporation Kunnek Resource Development Corporation (KRDC) shareholders voted unanimously to reinstate the company to the Corporate Registry. The Shareholders Agreement and registry application are completed and they are scheduled to conduct regular meetings. This year KRDC distributed 15,000 lbs of reindeer meat, which signifies its final contribution as its debt has now been paid off. Paulatuk Visitor Centre Corporation The Paulatuk Visitor Centre Corporation (PVCC) is operating successfully and had another profitable year in 2013. On-site hotel manager training began April 1 and is set to include onthe-job training in April and a combination of distance education coursework and on-the-job training in May. Above: More than 100 Beaufort Delta residents took to the ice road April 6 to watch the reindeer herd crossing near Bar-C. (Photo by Nathalie Heiberg-Harrison) May/June 2014 Page 9 IRC Board Summary Newsletter Inuvialuit Land Administration (ILA) ILA staff includes Mike Harlow, Chief Land Administrator, Patrice Stuart, Land Use Applications Coordinator, Tina Steen, Office Manager, Janet Elias, Environmental Monitoring Coordinator, Shawna Wilson, Environmental Management Coordinator, Cailin Maki, Land Use Research Coordinator and Glenna Noksana, Administrative Assistant. Inuvialuit Land Use Applications ILA uses an internet-based Land Use Application System (LUAS) to allow applicants to submit applications to and work with ILA online throughout the project cycle. It is available at www. In the first quarter, ILA processed the following new and renewed Land Use Permits/Licences: Parks Canada for Arctic Base Camp trips and a Hornaday River gauge; the Hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk for Kudlak Lake access; and the Geological Survey of Canada for climate change monitoring. NTCL conducted activities on Inuvialuit land in the Mackenzie River without receiving permission or getting the project reviewed by EISC. ILA has been in contact with NTCL and they have paid the required fee. Environmental Monitor Program ILA is working with HR to compile environmental monitor training results to evaluate training effectiveness. They are also in discussions with Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission (WSCC) to evaluate compliance of the Environmental Monitoring Program. ILA will prepare Environmental Monitors for the summer Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway construction season and the Bar-C Remediation Project. Land Use Inspections ILA carried out inspections of Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway construction and, in conjuction with the GNWT Department of Lands, completed an aerial inspection of the entire highway alignment. ILA will continue to inspect Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway construction sites and other projects as they arise. Geographic Information System Strategy ILA’s goal is to establish a comprehensive Geographic Information System (GIS) of all past and current land use activities on Inuvialuit lands. The Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway Project ILA’s goal is to ensure the Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway Project is carried out as per authorization issued by ILA. ILA is attending regular meetings with regard to the project and has issued several amendments and changes to permits. Environmental Monitors are working regular shifts on the Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway and both the GNWT and contractors are being cooperative. ILA is developing a granular material calculation methodology with the GNWT and has developed materials posted in Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk to inform residents of the work and recommending residents to stay away. To date, it appears there have been few instances where the public have been a cause for concern. ILA worked with the GNWT to ensure seasonal shut down was properly carried out and to plan anticipated summer activities. ILA will conduct regular inspections as required, provide information to the IRC Board and public and work to ensure the administration of amendments are clear and efficient. Clean-Up Activities Imperial Oil will be conducting clean-up activities at BAR C, north of Inuvik, this summer. ILA and IOL have worked out an action plan and ILA will be monitoring project progress. Left: A blast goes off at the gravel source pit of the Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway. (Photo by Nathalie Heiberg-Harrison) Right: SAMS School is demolished in May as hundreds watch. The school first opened in 1959. (Photo by Nathalie Heiberg-Harrison) Page 10 May/June 2014 IRC Board Summary Newsletter Inuvialuit Development Corporation (IDC) Wayne Gordon, Chair, and Denny Rodgers, General Manager, met with the IRC Board to review the results of IDC’s operations and answer questions. IDC reports that work on the IRC Corporate Centre is on schedule. The Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway continues to benefit several of the Joint Ventures and wholly owned companies. Stanton Group, AOGS and Inukshuk Geomatics will see steady work over the next three to four winters and have been increasingly busy this past winter. The acquisition of Nunasi shares in NorTerra have been a significant step forward for IDC and they look forward to a prosperous future. IDC Properties and Stanton Group Residential occupancy is at full capacity. There have been no major issues with any of IDC’s commercial or residential properties to date and preventative maintenance is ongoing. Stanton Group continues to benefit from the Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway and sales at the Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk stores are up 19% and 13% respectively. Sales will drop slightly once the camps begin to close but Stanton Group is still on track to contribute a significant management fee. Akita Equtak Currently there are two rigs located in Alberta and one in BC. Rig #60 is contracted to Vermillion Energy and is operating in Edson, Alta. Rig #63 is contracted to Keyera near Fort Saskatchewan, Alta. Rig #61 is contracted to Apache near Fort Nelson, BC and is currently drilling three wells estimated at 100 days each. Joint Venture Companies Managed by Partners Inukshuk Geomatics continues to provide party chiefs and office support to EGT on the northern end of the Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway. They will work through the winter season and provide survey and drafting technologists, as well as project management. Inukshuk Geomatics will also be working in Nunavut on the Sturt Point Dew Line remediation project to be completed in 2014. Nappaq will be bidding on a number of GNWT projects in Inuvik and the surrounding region. Work continues on the PWGSC contract to build a base camp in Tuktuk Nogait National Park. Aklak Air Aklak Air just completed a contract in March supporting the University of Washington with ice camp support off the west coast of Banks Island. They also completed fuel caching requirements in the High Arctic for the Federal Government and the GNWT to do a polar bear study by helicopter. Arctic Oil and Gas AOGS has secured the camp catering work for the InuvikTuktoyaktuk Highway and currently has 37 employees. They are providing catering to three 30-person camps and one 70-person camp. They are also providing catering to one 60-person camp and one 20-person camp for Northwind Industries. In total, they are serving 725 plates of food per day. All food related items are being purchased at Stanton Group. Left: Melba Mitchell of Inuvik skins a muskrat during the jamboree. (Photo by Sandra Griffin) Right: Skidoo racers take a tight turn in Aklavik during the community’s Mad Trapper Rendezvous Easter weekend. (Photo by Nathalie Heiberg-Harrison) May/June 2014 Page 11 IRC Board Summary Newsletter Community Corporation Reports Aklavik Community Corporation Billy Archie reported that Aklavik CC has received their Brighter Futures funding allocation from IRC. The Board recently met to review applications and do the allocations. Their Brighter Futures Coordinator will be on maternity leave and Aklavik CC reports they will be hiring for a term position until her return. Aklavik CC is pleased to welcome Frederick Arey as Employment Officer. Congratulations Fred! The last leg of the Inuvialuit Harvester’s Assistance Program process is being completed and Aklavik CC is waiting for successful applicants to submit their approved credit arrangements. Reindeer meat has been distributed to Inuvialuit households as caribou have not been around for a while. This initiative was well received. Aklavik CC was able to purchase new room furnishings for the Aklavik Inn thanks to CEDO, and are in the process of getting rid of old furniture. The ADC Board is also working closely with CEDO to begin training a manager for the Inn. This is currently in the planning stage. The annual Mad Trapper Rendezvous was held April 18 to 21 and was a huge success. Thank you to organizers and volunteers who helped out! Inuvik Community Corporation Duane Smith reported that Inuvik CC has been busy in the last quarter with Community Corporation building construction, Reindeer Station activities, Brighter Futures program allocations and their AGM on May 10. Construction on the new building is proceeding as scheduled. Anyone interested in a quick tour is welcome to call the CC office. Inuvik CC reported that numerous activities have been run out of Reindeer Station so far this year. A 28-day wellness program was just completed and CDD should provide a report on this. In addition, there was an outing with elementary school children, a one-week men’s wellness camp and an IRC staff outing. Field maintenance equipment was obtained with the assistance of CEDO, as well as electrical lighting and capability. Inuvik CC is greatly appreciative of the support. The ICC Office Complex is nearing completion and will provide a stable, consistent facility for various cultural programs including sewing classes, language classes and, if suitable, drum dancing. Stay tuned for more information on the grand opening! Plans are underway for a Youth Leadership Program to promote culture, language, on-the-land skills and leadership. Inuvik CC is also working with the Inuvik HTC to deliver various on-theland programs. Brighter Futures program allocations have been made. Inuvik CC is continuing their Northern Games Program at East Three School until the end of the school year with the assistance of Steve Cockney, Abel Tingmiak and James Day Jr. Page 12 May/June 2014 The CC’s audit has been completed without any issues and Duane reported their finances continue to be well managed. This has been due to the Board’s commitment over the years to conserve funds with the goal of constructing their own office complex and establishing a stable on-the-land facility at Reindeer Station. The Board met with ILA regarding Bar-C remediation. In addition, most Board members visited the Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway construction site, its camp facility and gravel source extraction. All members understand the IFA application intent and are generally supportive of it. Inuvik CC congratulates IDC on its acquisition of NorTerra. In closing, Duane Smith remarked, “We have a very busy next few months ahead of us with a focus on our region.” He continued, “(It is) time for us to prepare but also to be proud and celebrate who we are and what we have achieved.” Paulatuk Community Corporation Lawrence Ruben reported the IHAP program went ahead smoothly with four members approved. Paulatuk CC has completed its Brighter Futures proposals and is awaiting funding to start programs. They have had some programs run through John Stuart Jr. and CCYA, including tapestry, storytelling and a drum dance workshop. CEP workshop went ahead as scheduled with the community members in attendance learning how to fill out the required forms. Paulatuk CC reported the community is anxiously awaiting the spring thaw so they can head out to fishing holes and prepare camps for the goose hunt. In closing, Lawrence Ruben remarked, “With condolences going out to the families who have lost loved ones, our prayers are with you.” Below: Competitors in the plank walk at Inuvik’s Muskrat Jamboree try to stay standing as they race to the finish line. Other activities included skidoo races, traditional games and snowshoe races. (Photo by Nathalie Heiberg-Harrison) IRC Board Summary Newsletter Community Corporations Reports Sachs Harbour Community Corporation Vernon Amos reported that Sachs Harbour CC’s reindeer meat has been distributed, with 38 boxes being delivered to Inuvialuit households. All IHAP and Brighter Futures funding allocations have been made. In closing, Vince Teddy remarked, “Jamboree and spring season has arrived. God bless everyone with happy and safe travels, hope all Inuvialuit enjoy life out on the land!” Tuk CC would like to congratulate Bill and Lucy Cockney on their 60th wedding anniversary on May 1. Happy anniversary Bill and Lucy! Sachs Harbour CC’s AGM has been postponed until June and tentative dates have been set for the IRC Corporate Tour. The CC would like to welcome board members Tony Lucas Sr. and Earl Esau, who joined following the resignations of Samantha Lucas and Paul Kowichuck. Ulukhaktok Community Corporation Colin Okheena reported that Ulukhaktok CC had a very busy last quarter with IHAP selections, Brighter Futures programming, the community muskox harvest and other business. Tuktoyaktuk Community Corporation Vince Teddy reported that Tuk CC was busy in the last quarter with meetings, community planning and other business. Donations were made to funeral assistance, the TCC Care Fund, the Jason Jacobson Youth Centre, the Elders Committee, the women’s shelter and the Craft Shop. Between February and April meetings were held regarding IHAP allocations, Brighter Futures funding and self-government. In addition, Tuk CC took part in meetings with the Beaufort-Delta Regional Council in Inuvik and Conoco Phillips. Tuk CC reported that the 2013-2014 Brighter Futures Funding Program concluded another successful year. There were no issues regarding programming and they are looking forward to another year of activities in the community. The Tuk Youth Committee is currently fundraising for a trip and have been busy doing different fundraising events. The Jason Jacobson Youth Centre is still overseeing the bottle depot, which offsets the costs of operation and maintenance. Tuk CC is overseeing the Aimayunga Shelter and has hired two full-time family violence workers. They will be available Monday to Friday 4 p.m. to midnight and midnight to 8 a.m. In addition, the women’s shelter will have someone on-call on weekend. The Tuk Elders Committee continues to operate and carry out their mandate. They are currently looking for funding and look forward to providing programming to elders and youth in the community. Tuk CC reports that Rosemary Lundrigan will be doing enrolment forms with parents/guardians who have children under the age of 18. She will begin teaching Taimani at Mangilaluk School before the end of April. The Employment Office continues to help clients with EI applications, resumes and seeking out employment opportunities. In addition, she will be helping with Personal Education Credit applications for beneficiaries who have not yet completed their forms. Tuk CC reports that work on the Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway has added much to community life. TCC will help ILA and the GNWT in any means possible to ensure it is constructed safely and follows ILA and government regulations for environment, wildlife and highway standards. Ulukhaktok CC has been busy wrapping up Brighter Futures programs for 2013/2014 and held a meeting to allocate possible proposals for this coming year. In lieu of the ice house project, the community held a muskox harvest and hired guides, camp cooks and other workers. Approximately 30 muskox were harvested and distributed to the community. A community feast was held to celebrate the success. Ulukhaktok CC would like to thank Jullian MacLean, Jiri Raska and Health Canada for this much needed project. Donna Akhiatak has returned to work as Ulukhaktok CC’s Ikayukti. They would like to congratulate her on her successful completion of her course in Office Procedures at the Learning Centre. They would also like to thank Lily Alanak, her replacement, for her commitment during the time she spent with Ulukhaktok CC. Gilberte Olifie has been elected as Vice Chairperson for Ulukhaktok CC until the next election. Congratulations Jill! Joseph Kitekudlak Sr. has been appointed UCC Director until the next election. This seat was previously held by Laverna Klengenberg. The Nunamin Illihakvia was a huge success. A celebration feast was held and was well attended by community members. At the feast participants were able to showcase their finished work from the sewing and tool making modules. A photobook will be published soon in both Inuinnaqtun and English. A video compilation will also be completed. Ulukhaktok CC would like to acknowledge and sincerely thank all those involved in this huge undertaking. The ongoing support from our community, hardworking staff, and Tristan Pearce and his university students must also be recognized. Koanakpiakaffi tamaphi! Ulukhaktok CC would like to send their sincere condolences to the family of the late Rene Taipana Oliktoak. Taipana was one of the eldest people in Ulukhaktok and lived a long and full life to the age of 99. She was a mother to 18, as well as a grandmother, great grandmother and great-great grandmother to numerous people within our community and surrounding area. She will be dearly missed. In closing, Colin Okheena remarked, “Lastly, we hope all have a safe and successful spring season! Namakpakluhi!” May/June 2014 Page 13 IRC Board Summary Newsletter List of Newly Enrolled Inuvialuit Beneficiaries Congratulations to the following newly enrolled beneficiaries, many of whom just turned 18 and received their first IRC Distribution Payment. The Inuvialuit Enrolment Committee met on April 11, 2014 to review applications. Freddy J.K. Alanak Jr. Adam C.O. Alanak Cynthia M. Amos Daniel E.C. Anikina Graham K.N. Anikina Attella R. Arey-Vinnicombe Arnold J.H. Archie James B. Arsenault Jeremy R. Augart Chanse M. Ballas Kelsey D. Bernhardt-Young Austin T. Blake Chavaughn D.C. Blake Pamela J. Cadrain Doly K.E. Carpenter Samuel H. Chase Kaitlyn K. Christie Nathaniel W.B. Cockney Nicholas W.B. Cockney Kelsey W.J. Conley Charlie W. Conley Jesse R. Dare Joshua Davies Brandon B. Day Arielle C.L. Devilliers Preston D.M. Dillon-Lucas Orion P. Donovan Preston R. Dosedel Prairie D. Edwards Peter J. Egotak Kirstin R.P. Ekpakohak Angel C.M. Elanik Charli J. Elanik Janessa R.L. Elanik Chelsea M. Elias Kristen F.P.N.A. Elias Tianna A.P.R.L. Elias Lori A. Felix Brooke A.C. Fenton Jesse J. Fournier Connor S.N. Gislason-Ross Kyla C.M. Goose Edwin F.D. Gordon Joel N. Gordon Mickey H.E.A.J.D. Gordon Thomas R.H. Gordon Colten C. Gruben Dang-Dang N.P.A. Gruben Page 14 May/June 2014 Effie J.R.L. Gruben Faith A. Gruben Keyaira H. Gruben Crystal C. Harrison Tori C.R. Hendrick Eric M.R.H. Hokanak Yza G.G. Hudson Elizabeth M. Illasiak Matthew W.A. Jacobson Eliana J. Joe Curtis M. Kaglik Shane D. Kaglik-Knutson Brendan J.N. Kanayok Laura A.C. Kangegana Davonna C.R.M. Kasook Jaylene C.R. Kasook Jon M. Keogak Vanessa A.L.A. Kimiksana Rhea M.P. Klengenberg Danielle F. Kongayona Nelson S. Kongayona Kiefer K. Kowana Kevin R. Krengnektak Delaney J.O. Kulbisky Nikita C. Larter Kira J. Loreen Monica T.L. Loreen Brittney M.A. Lucas Calvin W.K. Lucas Hanna L.M. Lucas Kierstyn T.D. Lucas Mariah S.N. Lucas Wyatt C.D. MacWatt Elliot C.C.A. Malgokak Christien D.R. Mangelana William J.K. McIntyre Connor T. McLeod Cullen T.K. McLeod Angel Memogana Jason A. Michaud Mahayla D. Miller Kathleen M. Milton Devaughn F.R. Nasogaluak Alisa L.C. Nogasak Sacha F.E.R. Nogasak James N. Nokadlak Kanelsa J. Noksana Natalie E. Noksana Kimberly N.R.E. Nuttall Brandon Okheena April A. Olifie Bradley M.S.N. Olifie Clara A. Omilgoituk Terryl D.J.D. Omilgoituk Aggeliki Orfanos Sotirios Orfanos Bobbi-Jo M.M. Panaktalok Herbert D. Pekok Serena M. Pierro Carmen E.C.P. Pogotak Nina M.L. Pokiak Robyn M.D. Rinas Dustin T. Rogers Melanie R.J. Rogers Logan T.B. Ruben Ruben A. Ruben Jr. Cecil B.J. Ruben-Bennett Tanisha J. Sacobie-Gruben Jozef D. Semmler Loretta L. Seniantha Heather M. Shand Zoe C. Simard Megan D.A. Simon Georgina L.T. Skippings Kyle R.P. Storr Hayden J.A. Stuart John R. Tedjuk Tiffany J.M.D. Thrasher James M. Thrasher-Pokiak Emily H. Van Dyk Jordan T. Van Dyk Sarah J. Van Dyk Janean R. Voudrach Kane L. Voudrach Brandon P.D. Wake Tyson E.T. Whitbread Brennan F.M. Wolki Kiefer K. Wouters IRC Board Summary Newsletter Questions from Beneficiaries Thank you IRC for the Distribution Payment cheque. Why is my cheque less than the announced payment? When the Inuvialuit Trust (Trust) assembles the annual Distribution Payment to beneficiaries, it is approached by various creditors that have amounts owed to them. These range from creditors with court awarded judgements on whose behalf the Territorial Court of the NWT has served the Trust with a Garnishee Summons under the Maintenance Orders Enforcement Act to companies in the Inuvialuit Corporate Group. When the Territorial Court of the NWT serves the Trust with a Garnishee Summons, the Trust is obligated to pay monies due to the beneficiary named in the summons directly to the Territorial Courts for payment to the Judgement Creditor. In many instances, the judgement claim is so large that the entire Distribution Payment for 2014 has to be remitted to the courts with no funds left over to satisfy any remaining creditors. Two other significant creditors are Stanton Group and Inuvialuit CEDO. As part of Stanton’s credit application, the beneficiary applicant assigns their right to Distribution Payments from the Trust as security. This means that he/she authorizes Stanton to apply such payments against overdue balances. As for CEDO, loan agreements are secured by an Assignment of Payments in which the borrower, in the event of a default, authorizes their Distribution Payment to be made to CEDO until the indebtedness is paid in full. Where the repayment schedule has not been maintained, the loan is technically in default and is therefore fully recoverable. If your Distribution Payment is less than $551.57 the cheque stub should identify amounts deducted and to whom they were remitted. For those that did not receive a payment, in place of a cheque stub, you would have received a Payment Advice which indicates the amounts deducted and remitted to your creditors. When can a person apply to enrol with IRC? A person that is 18 years old, or who will turn 18 on or before the annual meeting of the Enrolment Committee, can apply to be enrolled. The Committee meets in April of each year to review the applications received during the year. How is a beneficiary eligible for membership in a Community Corporation? The by-laws state that active membership can only be given to those beneficiaries who have lived in the community for at least six months. To maintain membership, members must be residents in the community for six out of the last 12 months. If a beneficiary moves from one community to another, he/she will be eligible for membership in the new community but at the same time loses eligibility in the old community. Once that period of residency is established, the onus is on the beneficiary to apply to the new Community Corporation. Beneficiaries can only be members of one Community Corporation at a time. There wasn’t a cheque for me at the Community Corporation on May 1. I am an enrolled beneficiary. I moved about a month ago. Where is my cheque? If there was no notification of a change of address received at IRC, the cheque would have been mailed to the last known address on record. If that is the case, the cheque will either be forwarded to you (if you have left a change of address with the post office) or returned to IRC as undeliverable. IRC will then forward it to you at your new address. As this may take some time, it is vital that IRC knows of any changes of address immediately! What are some of the IFA enrolment rights and benefits? There are many rights and benefits provided by or derived from the IFA. Beneficiaries benefit from training, employment and business opportunities in the region. Students eligible to enrol can receive financial support from the Inuvialuit Education Foundation. Elders receive annual payments. Every beneficiary receives a distribution payment annually. Inuvialuit businesses may be eligible to register in the Inuvialuit Business List. As this is a non-exhaustive list, please contact IRC for more information. Left: Sunchild students Melanie Keevik, Terri Gruben, Stephanie Felix and Chantal Gruben with instructor Yohann Cottin. The students were watching the live webcast from the Truth and Reconciliation Event in Edmonton as a way of learning about residential schools and their impact. (Photo by Lynn MacKinnon) Right: Agnes Noksana lines up to receive her diploma in office administration at the Aurora College Aurora Campus graduation ceremony. The ceremony was held May 9 at Ingamo Hall in Inuvik. (Photo by Nathalie Heiberg-Harrison) May/June 2014 Page 15 IRC Board Summary Newsletter Nappaq Design and Construction There’s a new name in the northern construction business. Nappaq Design and Construction, created in October 2013 as a Joint Venture between IDC and Mid-West Design and Construction, will create employment and take advantage of business opportunities in the region. Nappaq means “to build” in Inuvialuktun. Below: Nappaq contractors at work on a construction project in Inuvik. Work continues on the PWGSC contract to build a base camp in Tuktuk Nogait National Park. Future projects of the full-service design and construction business could include the new RCMP Detachment in Inuvik, the Town of Inuvik water treatment plant and various government projects, according to IDC General Manager Denny Rodgers. Employment opportunities in the Western Arctic will range from general labourers to skilled tradespersons. Mid-West Design and Construction was founded in Medicine Hat, Alberta in 1980. The company quickly grew to serve agricultural, industrial and commercial markets. In 1983, Mid-West opened a sister company, Southwest Steel Products, in Grande Prairie. Both companies have become leaders in general contracting and won numerous awards. Mid-West was the successful contractor for the new Aklak hangar, which was completed on budget and ahead of schedule. Northern Industrial Sales (NIS) In 2007, Northern Industrial Sales (NIS) was purchased by the NorTerra Group of Companies, adding to the group a supply company that would service the mining, forestry, government, building supply and oil and gas sectors. This addition complemented the existing businesses, including heavy equipment manufacturing and design, marine operations, logistics management and procurement and commercial airline operations. NIS, as part of the NorTerra group of companies, is 100% Inuvialuit owned through the Inuvialuit Development Corporation (IDC). NIS continues to be an established provider of industrial supplies and equipment, building supplies, safety, janitorial and special order supplies products and has developed long-term relationships with customers in the mining, forestry, oil and gas, industrial, government, and community business sectors operating in Page 16 May/June 2014 North-Central BC, Alberta, Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. NIS has branches in the NWT (Inuvik, Yellowknife, Norman Wells); Yukon (Whitehorse, Watson Lake, Dawson City); BC (Terrace, Chetwynd, Prince George, Prince Rupert, Quesnel); and Alberta (Edmonton, Fort McKay, Grande Prairie). NIS also services locations in Iqaluit and Cambridge Bay, NU and Hay River in the NWT. On August 30, NIS will hold a customer appreciation day at its Inuvik branch. Stop by and check it out! The branch is located next to Stanton Distributing at #15 Industrial Road. Below: Northern Industrial Sales (NIS) President Dave Balicki and Inuvik Manager Wade Midgett at the NIS store on Industrial Road. IRC Board Summary Newsletter News Around the IRC and Beyond IRC Staff Day at Reindeer Station IRC had a great staff outing at Reindeer Station on April 4 with sunny weather, a tour of the facility, soup and donuts in the main building, story-telling, games and learning about the history of the area. Special thanks to Lucy Kuptana for organizing the event, to Peggy Day for the stories and history of the area and Evelyn Storr for the fun games. Medals of Bravery In April, Inuvik youth Larry Angasuk Jr. and Teddy Omilgoituk, as well as RCMP Constables Andrew Aucoin and Todd Glemser, were honoured with Medals of Bravery by Governor General David Johnston in Ottawa. They received the medals as a result of their bravery on October 16, 2011 when they faced intense heat, smoke and flames in the attempt to rescue two children from a burning house in Inuvik. Larry was able to bring one of the children to safety, but Teddy, trying to reach his little sister in an upstairs bedroom, became overwhelmed by smoke and had to rush outside. ICC Construction Construction on the new ICC Office Complex is nearing completion. The building will provide a stable, consistent facility for various cultural programs including sewing classes, language classes and, if suitable, drum dancing. Remembering Grollier Hall A commemorative carving has been placed at the Aurora Campus of Aurora College in Inuvik to mark the site of Grollier Hall, a former residential school. The carving was created by Inuvialuit artist Abraham Ruben. Nellie Cournoyea, Aurora Campus Director Doug Robertson and Boot Lake MLA Alfred Moses Boot attended the unveiling. Canadian North On March 31, Canadian North launched a new rewards program Aurora Rewards. Passengers will now be able to earn points when travelling with Canadian North and then use those points for future travel or for gift cards and merchandise. For more information, visit Canadian North is the official airline of the Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC) General Assembly, taking place July 21 to 24 in Inuvik. Special fares and flights have been added during the big event, so check out news/0044867-canadian-north-official-carrier-inuit-circumpolarcouncil-general-assembly to find out more. Possible Merger of Canadian North and First Air On April 11, NorTerra Inc. and Makivik Corporation announced that they have agreed to enter into discussions for a possible merger of Canadian North and First Air. The process is subject to the successful conclusion of negotiations and regulatory review, which could take many months to complete. During this process, flight operations and services at Canadian North and First Air will remain independent. More information can be found at www. Left: Fred Arey and Kenny Rogers work on the Inuvik Community Corporation Building. (Photo by Duane Smith/ICC) Right: A Canadian North plane at Inuvik’s Mike Zubko Airport. May/June 2014 Page 17 IRC Board Summary Newsletter News Around the IRC and Beyond Top left: Six-time Olympic medalist Clara Hughes plays animal muk during a community feast at the Midnight Sun Recreation Complex in May. She was in Inuvik as part of Clara’s Big Ride, a campaign to raise awareness of mental health issues. (Photo by Nathalie Heiberg-Harrison) Top right: Aurora College president Jane Arychuk embraces Kelli Coote and Roberta Cardinal as Diane Reed looks on. Kelli and Roberta were presented with the Board of Governors Service Quality Award in May during the Aurora Campus graduation ceremony. Middle left: Dora Raddi, Marjorie Ovayuak, Josephine Nasogaluak and Shaylene Lundrigan take part in the traditional clothing contest at the 2014 Beluga Jamboree in Tuktoyaktuk. (Photo by Rosemary Lundrigan) Middle right: Clara poses with Northern Games demonstrators Dang Dang Gruben, Steve Cockney, James Day Jr. and Kyle Kuptana following the community feast. Bottom left: Jon Amos stands with sister Twyla Amos following the graduation ceremony for Aurora Campus students in May. Twyla received her diploma in teacher education. Bottom right: Keenan Carpenter of the Inuvik Drummers and Dancers performs at the opening ceremonies of the Muskrat Jamboree in Inuvik. (Photo by Nathalie Heiberg-Harrison) Next page: On April 6 the Reindeer herd crossed the Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk ice road near Bar-C. (Photo by Nathalie Heiberg-Harrison) Page 18 May/June 2014 IRC Board Summary Newsletter Abbreviation Glossary AANDC: Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada ACC: Aklavik Community Corporation AOGS: Arctic Oil & Gas Services Inc. CC/CCs: Community Corporation(s) CEDO: Community Economic Development Organization FJMC: Fisheries Joint Management Committee GNWT: Government of Northwest Territories ICC: Inuvik Community Corporation ICG: Inuvialuit Corporate Group ICRC: Inuvialuit Cultural Resource Centre ICS: Inuvialuit Communications Society IDC: Inuvialuit Development Corporation IEF: Inuvialuit Education Foundation IFA: Inuvialuit Final Agreement IGC: Inuvialuit Game Council IHAP: Inuvialuit Harvesters Assistance Program IIC: Inuvialuit Investment Corporation ILA: Inuvialuit Land Administration ILAC: Inuvialuit Land Administration Commission IPC: Inuvialuit Petroleum Corporation IRC: Inuvialuit Regional Corporation ISDP: Inuvialuit Social Development Program ISR: Inuvialuit Settlement Region ITK: Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami JS: Joint Secretariat MGP: Mackenzie Gas Project NEB: National Energy Board NTCL: Northern Transportation Co. Ltd. PCC: Paulatuk Community Corporation SHCC: Sachs Harbour Community Corporation TCC: Tuktoyaktuk Community Corporation UCC: Ulukhaktok Community Corporation Toll-Free Number Did you know the IRC has a toll-free number? 1 (855) 777-7011 In order to reduce telecommunications costs from collect calls, IRC has set up a toll-free number. ♦ Please use this number when calling long distance: 1 (855) 777-7011 ♦ Please note the IRC’s main number is now: 1 (867) 777-7000 Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Bag Service #21 Inuvik, NT X0E 0T0 Tel: 1 (867) 777-7000 Toll-Free: 1 (855) 777-7011 Fax: 1 (867) 777-7001 The previous number 1 (867) 7772737 will expire at the end of 2014. May/June 2014 Page 19 IRC Board Summary Newsletter Taima ... Taima ... IRC News Roundup IRC/IDC Staff IRC is pleased to welcome Terry Cook to the Accounting Team as Accounting Manager. Terry will report to the Corporate Controller and provide support to processes managed by the Accounting Department Leadership Team. In addition, he will assist with various special projects undertaken by the ICG Accounting Team. Jodi Maring is joining the IRC team as Inuit Circumpolar Conference (ICC) Assistant. She will report to Peggy Jay, the Director of Beneficiary and Community Relations. As ICC Conference Assistant, Jodi will assist with the planning and preparation for activities associated with the delivery of the ICC General Assembly in July. IRC is pleased to welcome Nathan Graham as Chief Corporate Officer. Reporting to the Chair/CEO, Graham will be responsible for the business performance of the Inuvialuit Corporate Group, including the key areas of managing, integrating and communicating with the principle subsidiaries Inuvialuit Investment Corporation (IIC), Inuvialuit Development Corporation (IDC), Inuvialuit Land Corporation (ILC) and Inuvialuit Petroleum Corporation (IPC). Lauri Forcade is joining IRC as Corporate Legal Assistant. Reporting to the Legal Counsel, Lauri will provide a variety of legal and administrative duties for the Inuvialuit Corporate Group, IDC Board of Directors and IIC Board of Directors. IDC Properties is pleased to welcome Chris Trimble, who is moving from a casual to indeterminate labourer position. Chris will report to the Maintenance Supervisor and assist the IDC Properties team with general repairs and maintenance. Communications Department Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Bag Service #21 Inuvik, NT X0E 0T0 Page 20 May/June 2014 Inuvialuit Business List This is an important reminder to all businesses on the Inuvialuit Business List. Please inform IRC of any changes to contact information – contact person, mailing address, business address, telephone, fax, email address or website. Are You Enrolled? Or Turning 18 This Year? If you are Inuvialuit and over 18 years of age, you are eligible to apply for enrolment as a beneficiary. Please contact Emily Arey, IRC’s Deputy Enrolment Registrar at 867.777.7000 or email for more information on enrolment, and to obtain an application package. Change of Address? Keep in Touch! A mailing list is generated for all issues of IRC Board Summary, the mailing of ISDP’s Elders Benefit Payment and the Inuvialuit Trust’s annual Distribution Payment. If you have moved recently or are living at another address, please don’t wait until the last minute to advise IRC of your change of address - advise us when you move instead! Thank you for your photos, good wishes, comments and greetings. We encourage all beneficiaries, particularly those living outside the ISR, to use this newsletter to pass on greetings and news all year round. Just email Peggy Jay, editor of the IRC Board Summary, at Funding Support The publication of the IRC Board Summary newsletter is supported by a contribution from the Aboriginal Peoples’ Program, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC). 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