August 2016 - Westside High School


August 2016 - Westside High School
Warrior News
Westside High School
Westside High
School Mission
In its quest to be the best
high school in the United
States and achieve
unequaled excellence,
Westside’s Mission is to
ensure that all students
reach for their potential,
compete successfully in a
changing world, and
demonstrate respect for
themselves, others, and
their environment.
Attendance Calls
24 hour attendance line:
No School
Sept. 2 & Oct. 10 ~
Professional Learning
Sept. 5 ~ Labor Day
Oct. 6 ~ Intersession
Oct. 7 ~ No School
Main Office Hours
Beginning with the
2016-17 school year.
Monday through Friday
7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
August 2016 Vol. 1
Welcome to the 2016-2017 School Year!
Tuesday, August 9 - Laptop & Schedule Pickup Grades 10-12
Wednesday, August 10 - Freshman Orientation
Thursday, August 11 - First Day of Classes - All Students
Dear Parents: We are pleased that your son/daughter is a student at Westside. This newsletter
contains information that will be helpful to you and your student throughout the
year. Please read through it and mark the appropriate dates on your calendar. Warrior News is published 5 times a year with the remaining 4 newsletters emailed
to parents/guardians. It is also available on the high school website. A paper copy
can be mailed home upon request. Contact Melissa Thompson, 402-343-2603 or to request a paper copy.
Freshmen Orientation August 10
We want to welcome our Freshmen, Class of 2020, as they start their high school
career at Westside High School. We will hold our Freshman Orientation on
Wednesday, August 10th, planned and run by our upperclassmen. The format will
have the freshmen attend a pep rally and rotate in small groups with an upper classman leader and staff member. The activities will include team-building, a school
scavenger hunt, and team talk on how to be successful at Westside High School.
Students will also walk through their schedule and meet their teachers, as well as
experience lunch, all without upperclassmen present.
This freshmen only day will last from 8:00 am to 3:10 pm. Lunch will be served so
make sure your student has lunch money in their account. If your student will be
riding the bus, make sure you set it up in advance with Chief Bus.
Many freshmen are apprehensive about the first day of school. We want to help
make the transition to high school a smooth one. We feel this experience will help
our freshmen answer their questions before upperclassmen are present. The orientation will provide a connection for our new freshman to their school by creating
enthusiasm and appreciation for what Westside offers each unique student.
If freshman start the school year with a positive attitude and a personal commitment
to do their best work, they will have a productive, fulfilling year. We look forward to
all the freshmen participating in our orientation and becoming a valued member of
Westside High School.
New Back-to-School Process
Starting July 15, parents will complete most 2016-17 back-to-school forms online.
This includes the annual student contacts and health update, as well as the laptop
agreement. Families choosing to join the technology department’s cooperative loss
program (for laptops) will also sign up online, with an option for online payment.
This process must be completed by August 5th for students who wish to pick
up their computers on August 9 for grades 10-12 and August 10 for grade 9. An
email containing instructions on how to complete the process was sent to families
when the system opened on July 15.
If you do not yet have an email address on file with us and would like to add one,
please contact our registrar, Melissa Thompson, at 402-343-2603 or email Families without internet access will be able to
complete the process using a district computer at the ABC Building (909 South
76th Street) after July 15th.
Academic Information
Curriculum Night for Parents of 9th Graders
On Wednesday, August 17 from 6:00-8:00 p.m., parents are cordially invited to attend a curriculum night at Westside High School in room 220. Presentations from Business, English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies
teachers will cover an overview of the curriculum and expectations of those departments. Parents will also have the
opportunity to ask questions of staff. It is very helpful for parents to know their son’s/daughter’s enrolled courses
before coming.
PowerSchool And Progress Report Information
Critical student information continues to be available through PowerSchool. We strongly urge you to take advantage of the automatic e-mail option available to parents. With this option checked, you can receive daily, weekly,
bi-monthly or monthly reports automatically emailed to you. We suggest checking the “summary” option -- it will
provide you with valuable summaries in each class; this will indicate if you need to get online for more details. Please
remember that parents have a separate login from their student ~ it gives you this e-mail ability that student access
does not provide.
The PowerSchool Corporation and Westside staff are continually updating and improving the system’s features. As
is done each summer, PowerSchool access will be shut down for annual maintenance from approximately July 1st
through the first day of school, August 12th. If you have PowerSchool questions, contact Melissa Thompson at 402343-2603 or
The following student reports will be distributed within one day of these dates:
Quarter 1 grades-via Homeroom-Oct. 14th
Semester 1 grades-Mailed Home-Jan. 12th
Quarter 3 grades-via Homeroom-Mar. 23rd
Semester 2 grades-Mailed Home-May 31st
Dual Enrollment
Westside High offers students the opportunity to earn college credit while still in high school. Students participating in the UNMC Health Sciences High School or Metro Community College Career academy will attend classes at
the respective institution campus during the afternoon. Students also have the opportunity to remain on Westside’s
campus to participate in dual enrollment with the University of Nebraska at Omaha, Nebraska Wesleyan University,
Nebraska Methodist College or Metro Community College. Students must enroll in the respective institution, pay
the tuition fees, and successfully complete the high school course. They will receive both high school credit and a
specified number of credits from the sponsoring institution. Students may then transfer credits earned to the college
of their choice. While there are no guarantees, past experience would indicate that most colleges and universities will
accept transfer grades of “C” or higher.
Students enrolled in the following Westside courses are eligible for dual enrollment: US History AP, American Government AP, Psychology AP, Sociology, Human Geography AP, English Literature AP, Composition AP, Calculus AP,
Statistics AP, Computer Science, Biology AP, Physics 1, 2, C, Intro to Education, AP Spanish 5, Studio Art, Marketing I, CNA, Medical Terminology and Advanced Welding. Coordinators of these programs from the respective
universities will be visiting with students in classes regarding registration deadlines and costs.
If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Theresa Crnkovich at or 402-343-2620 in the Guidance Office.
National Honor Society
Westside’s Honor Society is a chapter of the national organization and is bound by its rules and regulations. Juniors
who have a mark point average of 6.40, have passed the reading competency and Future Plan, and have no failures or incompletes on their records are eligible for induction into the Society. Seniors will have needed to pass all
competencies. In addition, Juniors must have completed 60 hours of approved Service Learning. Seniors must have
completed 80 hours of approved Service Learning and all competencies. These requirements must be completed by
January 20, 2017. No exceptions will be made for this deadline.
Selection further depends on consideration of character, leadership, and service. Staff members are given National
Honor Society definitions of “character” and “leadership” and are asked to give specific evidence of how any eligible
student has not demonstrated these qualities. Students are asked to complete a Student Activity/Service Information Form and complete an essay on leadership. School activities/service and additional community service beyond
the required number of hours are recorded by the student and rated by the appropriate sponsor. A total of ten approved points on this form is required for induction. Seven of the ten points must come from activities at Westside
High School. Activities for which the student is paid or the student pays to participate will not be considered. A
faculty committee then reviews each student’s qualifications and recommends accordingly. Questions? Contact Bob
Brousek, 402-343-2750 or
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Service Learning 2016-17
Academic Information
*There is an 80-hour service learning graduation requirement for all students at Westside High School. Why? To
promote citizenship and a lifetime of community activity, career exploration, and the development of intangibles
(i.e. empathy and empowerment).
*Summer Deadline: Friday, August 26, 2016. All service hours completed over the summer must be turned in by
this date. Even if the student plans on continuing the activity, he or she will need to turn in all hours up to that
point and get a new form to record hours accumulated after August 28th.
*1st Semester Deadline:
Friday, December 2, 2016
*2nd Semester Deadline:
Seniors: Friday, April 7, 2017 - Senior hours are due earlier than all other students, due to the need to begin processing students for graduation.
9th, 10th, & 11th: Friday, May 5, 2017
*Why are there deadlines? First, WHS must call and verify that the hours have been completed. If a student turns
in a form and the person the student served under is no longer employed there, then the student could lose those
hours. Second, WHS needs to keep student records up to date so that there’s an accurate tracking system. Third, the
longer a student has a form the more likely it is to be misplaced. The final reason is to promote RESPONSIBILITY
in meeting deadlines and turning in homework. If a student misses a deadline (without appropriate reason), they
may only receive partial credit.
*It is unacceptable for students to perform S.L. hours for any “FOR-profit” organization/business, even if the
student is unpaid. This includes dance studios, gymnastic studios, rental homes, and family/friends’ businesses.
*Students can only do up to 20 hours in 3 areas:
1) Family/Individual (this is considered the same category)
2) Political
3) Non-Profit Haunted Houses
*The “Family/Individual” service area is considered one category. It is the student’s choice whether they assist a family member or an acquaintance, but only 20 hours total will count towards the graduation requirement. A “need”
must be present, where the person is deemed “in need” (example: assisting someone who is recovering from surgery
or helping the elderly with lawn care). Babysitting, family chores and household responsibilities do not count.
*Students can perform unlimited hours at non-profit organizations, medical sites, hospitals, retirement centers, religious establishments, and schools. All such hours would go towards the graduation requirement. Students can only
count up to 8 hours a day for service projects (i.e., camp counselors, mission trips, alternative breaks, etc.)
*The project must be pre-approved by a Homeroom Advisor during homeroom where a signed form is given to
the student.
*PowerSchool lists the total amount of service hours earned towards graduation. It does not list the grand total (honors hours). PowerSchool is updated once a week on Mondays.
We hope that students will take advantage of the many volunteer opportunities, especially during school breaks. As
with anything, the support of parents is crucial. We advise parents to continually encourage your children to meet,
and exceed the service learning requirement of 80 hours. To keep the students on track and the parents informed,
service learning is posted on PowerSchool. Friday, December 2, is the last day to submit first semester service learning hours. This includes all hours—even those completed with ongoing projects. If there are questions, please email
Sarah Schau at
Spring FYI: “9/10 Awards Night” - Freshmen who have 100 or more hours will receive a certificate of achievement.
Sophomores who have 200 hours or more will also receive a certificate. Freshmen and Sophomores who would like
to receive this honor, should turn in all hours by April 7, 2017.
The students of Westside High School are to be commended on their enthusiasm and commitment to volunteerism.
The projects that students have embarked upon are remarkable and speak volumes about our students’ willingness to
improve our community.
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Guidance News
News from the Guidance Office
The new school year always brings plenty of change to the school and the counseling department. This year we will
be changing the way we deliver some of our curriculum. There are changes to the FAFSA deadlines for student aid
for college and there are graduation requirement changes that students no longer have to complete like the Lighthouse Project (formerly senior project).
Schedule Changes: The first three days of school counselors work on fixing any scheduling errors, after that there
are only academically necessary schedule changes. Letters were sent home this summer asking students to log into
PowerSchool and view their course requests and make changes by July 25th.
Freshmen: There is a Freshman Guidance class that lasts the first few weeks of school. In this class students meet
with their assigned counselor and the primary objective is to get to know each other. This relationship is very important. Freshmen should feel comfortable coming to see their counselor for anything pertaining to academic, career,
or social/emotional needs. Freshman Guidance focuses on acclimating to high school, self awareness, strengths finding, and other important topics like suicide prevention and positive relationships.
Sophomores: Sophomores will meet with their counselors first semester on an as needed basis but will be given important career and college tasks to complete via email and homeroom. Some sophomores will register for the PSAT
test that is coming up in October. All sophomores are encouraged to read their emails and visit the sophomore guidance website that will be sent to them at the beginning of the school year.
Juniors: Juniors will meet with their counselors first semester on an as needed basis but will be asked to check their
email and the junior guidance website for important college and career planning tools. Juniors who wish to compete
for the National Merit Scholarship program should sign up for the PSAT. Juniors need to start thinking about ACT
and SAT testing. There will be evening college planning sessions that juniors can attend with their parents as well as
colleges visiting the guidance center. We encourage juniors to attend these sessions if they are interested in college.
Seniors: Seniors will attend a 4 week Senior Group Guidance class. This class reviews the necessary steps for the
transition from high school to post secondary. Seniors will meet with their assigned counselor for a senior interview
during first quarter to do individual planning. During this course and interview, seniors will go over their graduation
requirements, post secondary plans, and finalizing their second semester classes to meet all of their needs. Seniors
should be registering for the ACT or SAT as needed, preparing to send out college applications, requesting letters
of recommendation, searching and applying for scholarships, and in some cases building a resume. Counselors will
discuss these items in Senior Guidance. You can always contact our college counselors, Dr. Vicki Londer and Mrs.
Lisa Hatch, with further college questions at 402-343-2759 or 402-343-2775.
Please be aware that students will be able to submit FAFSA earlier this year! Seniors will be able to file a 2017-18
FAFSA as early as October 1, 2016, rather than beginning on January 1, 2017. If you have questions about
this process please contact EducationQuest at 402391-4033.
Do not forget to utilize Naviance, a website for parents and students that assists with college and career
planning. A link can be found on the Westside high
school website under Teaching & Learning, then
College & Career. This website allows students and
parents to research and compare colleges, view when
college representatives will visit Westside as well as
track applications. Please contact the guidance office
at 402-343-2610 to set up your account.
Dr. Vicki Londer is presented the Bravo Teaching
award from the Westside Foundation.
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Student Educational Records
Important Information
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (also known as “FERPA”) is a federal law that protects the privacy
of educational records, specifically the use and disclosure of a student’s educational records, access to records, and
information about students that may be disclosed without parental consent.
The 2016-17 Annual Notice of FERPA Rights is published on the District’s website ( A copy of the
Notice may also be obtained by contacting the Office of Student Services at 402-390-2100.
The following is a summary only of some of the information in the 2016-17 Annual Notice:
FERPA allows each school district to establish its own list of information that can be released publicly without parent (or student if age 18 or over) consent. Westside has designated these items of “directory-type” information that
may be disclosed without consent (unless you opt-out):
• Student’s name, address and telephone listing
• Student’s school e-mail address
• Photographs – including in school yearbooks, District publications, calendars and other printed materi-
als and on District social media.
• Video/Film of Student when recorded by the District for educational purposes or for promotional use, and
recorded by news media.
• Date and place of birth
• Major field of study
• Dates student became enrolled/dis-enrolled in the District, enrollment status and grade level
• Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
• Weight and height of members of athletic teams
• Degrees, honors and awards received
• The most recent school or school district attended by the student prior to Westside
• Class lists
This information may appear in school publications, yearbooks, the District’s website, calendars, newsletters, and
any other District publications, honor roll or other recognition lists, graduation programs, sports and other activity
sheets, and released to the media.
Parents/eligible students may opt-out of the disclosure of the above information. To obtain an Opt-Out Form contact the district registrar. Opt-Out forms must be returned by September 1 of each year (or, for students enrolling
after the start of the school year within 14 days of enrollment).
Disclosure to Military Recruiters and Institutions of Higher Learning:
Westside is required by law to comply with requests by military recruiters and institutions of higher education for
the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of 11th and 12th grade students. Students or their parents may optout of this disclosure by checking the appropriate box and signing the form given to 11th & 12th grade students
during homeroom in late August.
If you need help with denying permission or have any questions, please contact Melissa Thompson, District Registrar, at or 402-390-2100.
Notice of Nondiscrimination
Westside Community Schools does not discriminate on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, color, national
origin, religion, disability, age, marital, parental or pregnancy status, military/veteran status or any other category
protected by law in its programs and activities or in admission or access to, or treatment in, hiring and employment,
and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
The following persons coordinate compliance and can answer questions about the District’s nondiscrimination policies and procedures:
For questions or concerns by students, parents or others: Coordinator of Student Services/Title IX Coordinator - ABC
Bldg. 909 So. 76th St. Omaha, 402-390-2100, E-mail: Director of Special Services/ADA & 504 Coordinator (disability/accommodation) - ABC Bldg. 909 So. 76th St. Omaha, 402-390-2100,
For questions by District employees or applicants: Ass’t Supt. for Human Resources/Lead Title IX Coordinator - 909
So. 76th St. Omaha, 402-390-2100, E-mail:
For further information about anti-discrimination laws or to file a complaint of discrimination you may also contact
the Office for Civil Rights (OCR), U.S. Dept. of Education, One Petticoat Lane, 1010 Walnut Street, 3rd Floor,
Suite 320, Kansas City, MO 64106, Tele. (816) 268-0550, Fax (816) 268-0599, (TDD) (800) 877-8339, or email
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Important Information
WHS Dress Code
Student Dress
Student dress is basically a concern between the student
and his/her parents or guardian, however, Westside
High School has the responsibility to help students develop values that contribute to good taste in manners of
dress and appearance. Student dress and overall appearance should foster a positive and productive environment.
In order to provide an atmosphere conducive to learning, all students will follow the regulations below. Westside administration will make final decisions regarding
dress code issues that are disruptive to the educational
environment but not specifically noted in these guidelines.
Any shirt or blouse worn to school should completely
cover the back, top of shoulders, and stomach. Any top
that allows the stomach, cleavage, or undergarments
to be exposed is unacceptable. The following items are
unacceptable: see-through blouses or shirts, tube tops
or crop tops, halter-tops, spaghetti straps and bro tanks.
Hang heavy winter coats, long overcoats, trench coats,
and letter jackets in lockers between the hours of 8:00
a.m. and 3:10 p.m. Fleece, warm-up jackets, other light
jackets and pullovers may be worn during the school
Pants, Shorts, Skirts, Skorts
All shorts and skirts must be appropriate length, no
shorter than mid-thigh. All pants, shorts, skirts, and
skorts must be worn no lower than the hips, no sagging.
Undergarments must be covered.
Appropriate shoes must be worn at all times. Slippers
are an unacceptable footwear item.
Traditional bandanas (paisley type), scarves, sweat bands
or any other type of garment that covers a significant
portion of the head are not allowed.*
Hats, caps, visors and hoods may not be worn during
the school day. Sunglasses, hair picks, chains, sharp
objects, or dog collar type accessories are not allowed at
school or school activities.
* An exception can be made with written proof of religious or medical purposes.
Offensive Dress
Clothing or other personal items that are racist, sexist,
or promote drugs/alcohol/tobacco are not permitted.
Clothing which contains obscene, offensive, or suggestive words or language are not permitted.
Gang-related symbols worn, written, carried, displayed
Page 6
or communicated will not be tolerated.
In case of other extreme or undesirable dress or appearance, (i.e., clothing that is racist, sexist, or promotes
drugs/alcohol), the student may be asked to leave school
until the situation is corrected.
Violation of this dress code may subject the student to
disciplinary action.
CAPS Corner
CAPS is happy to celebrate its first program graduates!
CAPS had 14 seniors graduate after a full year of participation in the CAPS Seminar. We are looking forward
to this next year with a new group of CAPS Seminar
and Inquiry students.
The Center for Advanced Professional Studies (CAPS) is
an innovative educational opportunity, in which students participate in a small learning community related
to a specific field (Health Sciences, Business Solutions/
Emerging Technology, and Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM). As a member of
CAPS, students will enjoy the following benefits: (1)
Self-discovery & exploration with intensive academic
and career advisement; (2) Professional and leadership skills awareness, development, and transference to
other situations; (3) Profession-based learning acquired
through industry related curriculum; (4) Exposure to
the world of work with such activities as guest speakers, field trips, mentors, job shadow, and work-based
learning; and (5) Entrepreneurial mindset developed in
an environment that encourages creative thinking and
problem solving.
During the freshman and sophomore year, students who
choose to participate in the CAPS program will remain
on the WHS campus and enroll in elective courses
related to their chosen program. Additionally, students
can choose to participate in industry related field trips,
guest speakers, and other activities. The junior year is
transitional. Students can remain on the WHS campus
in strand related elective courses or choose to begin
their CAPSTONE experience with project-based learning and development of their professional portfolio in
CAPS Inquiry. As seniors, in CAPS Seminar, students
will fast forward into their future and become immersed
in a professional culture solving real world problems
with mentorship from employers. Additionally, students
have the opportunity to earn dual enrollment credits
and/or industry certifications pending their personal
learning plan.
For more information, please check out CAPS via Facebook (Westside CAPS), Twitter (WCS_CAPS) or the
CAPS website which can be accessed from the Westside
High School webpage. To join the CAPS, students must
complete the application that is located on the CAPS
webpage or contact CAPS Program Director, Dawn
Nizzi at (402) 408-8447 and/or via email at
Health Office Information
Medication Policy
Any student who is required to take prescription or
non-prescription medication while in school must comply with the following regulations:
• The health office must have a signed and dated medication authorization form from the parent/guardian requesting that their child be given prescribed medication
during school hours. This form also requires a physician
signature. Due to confidentiality regulations (HIPPA),
your MD’s office may no longer fax notes to school.
• All medication must be brought to school in their
original container labeled with the student’s name, date
prescribed, name of medication, directions for use, dosage details, time medication is to be given and physician’s name.
• No medication will be dispensed to students by verbal
• Non-prescription medications require only a parent
signature on the medication form. The medication must
be in the original container to be given while at school.
The school nurse can only dispense appropriate dose as
directed on the bottle. (Meaning that the nurse cannot give a 600 or 800 mg dose of ibuprofen, that is a
prescription dose.)
• All medications must be kept in the Health Office.
• An authorization form is available on the district or
high school website and in the Health office.
• Please do not allow your student to keep any type of
medication in their backpack.
Treatment Plan For Life Threatening
Asthma and Emergencies
According to a 2004 Nebraska state regulation, all
schools are required to have an emergency treatment
plan (protocol) in effect for any student or staff who
may experience a life threatening asthma attack or allergic reaction, also known as anaphylaxis.
Attack on Asthma Nebraska,
defines the protocol that is used in the event of a life
threatening event. All students identified with asthma/
severe food allergies, regardless of how severe, are required to have an Asthma/Anaphylaxis form completed
and signed by their medical doctor. A copy of this form
will be kept in the Health Office to follow in case of
emergency. If a form is not received, the Attack on
Asthma/Anaphylaxis protocol will be followed.
A copy of this form can be found on the district or high
school website.
Important Health Information
Vaccination Requirements
The Nebraska School Immunizations Rules and Regulations requires all students attending school in Nebraska
to provide proof of immunization.
• Students from Kindergarten through 12th Grade
including all transfer students from outside the state of
Nebraska and any foreign exchange students to follow
these regulations.
• 3 doses of DTaP, DTP, DT or Td vaccine, one
given on or after the 4th birthday.
• 1 dose of Tdap (must contain Pertussis booster) in
7th grade.
• 3 doses of Polio vaccine.
• 3 doses of pediatric Hepatitis B vaccine or 2 doses
of adolescent vaccine if student is 11-15 years of age.
• 2 doses of MMR or MMRV vaccine, given on or
after 12 months of age and separated by at least one
• 2 doses of varicella (chickenpox) or MMRV given
on or after 12 months of age. OR Written documentation (including year) of varicella disease from parent,
guardian, or health care provider will be accepted. If
the child has had varicella disease, they do not need any
varicella shots.
*To be sure that the school has a complete listing of all
of your students immunizations, please provide us with
a current immunization record from your physicians
office. Thank you!
Source: Nebraska Immunization Program, Nebraska
Department of Health and Human Services, 2011.
24-Hour Attendance Line:
Leaving School When Ill
If a student becomes ill while at school, he/she must
report to the nurses’ office. If it is determined by the
Health Office & the parent that the student should go
home, the Health Office will
issue the “permit to leave the
building.” Students should
not leave the building without first contacting the nurse
or health assistant. If the student leaves without contacting the Health Office, his/her
classes will be unexcused.
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For Your Information
Student Messages
Please understand that we do not have extra staff available to deliver notes, flowers, etc. to your students who
are in class. We will, of course, be able to contact your
students in case of an emergency. Students who are to
receive messages which do not constitute an emergency
will be paged at the end of the school day or contacted
by e-mail. Please limit your requests to emergency situations only.
Underclassmen Picture Day
Underclassmen picture day (for freshmen, sophomores,
and juniors) will be held on Monday, August 17 from
8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. in the entryway. The West Campus picture day is also Wednesday, August 17. Pictures
must be paid for at the time they are taken. Ninth
graders will be allowed to get their photos taken during
their assigned IMC time. Picture retake day is Friday,
September 30. Picture packets will be handed out to
students August 11. All students should have their picture taken whether or not they purchase a packet.
Prices are printed on the picture packet.
Kick-Off Carnival
The Student Council invites everyone to celebrate the
home football game on Friday, September 9th against
Omaha South. Carnival games, inflatables, an obstacle
course, and hot dogs will be available for a nominal cost
from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. on the plaza in front of the main
entrance. Everyone is welcome!
Nutrition Services
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Breakfast is offered daily in The Café and The Café Express from 7:00 a.m. – 7:45 a.m. Second chance breakfast is offered daily in The Café Express from
8:20 a.m. - 10:05 a.m. unless otherwise determined for
a late start or early dismissal.
Lunch is offered daily in The Café from 10:20 a.m. –
1:00 p.m. and in The Café Express from 10:20 a.m. 3:30 p.m. unless otherwise determined for a late start or
early dismissal. Both locations proudly serve meals that
follow USDA Guidelines under the NSBP, NSLP and
Smart Snacks Guidelines. Service includes made from
scratch items, farm to school produce and a variety of
cuisine from American comfort food to international
choices. Free and reduced pricing is available for those
that qualify.
For information on meal selections, special promotions
and prices, visit the high school website at and look under the Menus and Nutrition
box for information.
Students are encouraged to debit their food purchases
against prepaid accounts in their name. Students must
use a biometric scan or current ID card to access their
account. Deposits can be made during normal operating hours by check or cash. Checks should be written
out to “WHS Nutrition Services.” Online deposits can
be made or use the high school
website link. Refund forms for transferring or graduating students can be found on the district website.
Food Purchased Outside Building
Mr. Johnson is getting ready to be dunked again.
Homecoming Activities
The Homecoming Parade will be on Wednesday, Sept.
21, at 6:30 p.m. starting in the south parking lot at
WHS and ending at the main parking lot at WHS.
The parade route will start at the south parking lot of
WHS, south on 88th St, east on Hickory St. and north
on 85th Avenue to the main parking lot at WHS. After
the parade, join us in the WHS gym for a pep rally
beginning at 7:00 p.m. to hear the announcement of
the King and Queen candidates. The football game is
Friday, Sept. 23, at 7:00 p.m. at WHS against Omaha
Central. Fireworks will follow the football game, at
about 9:00 p.m. Stay in your seats for this wonderful
display! Festivities conclude with the dance and coronation of the Homecoming King and Queen on Saturday,
Sept. 24 from 8:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. at WHS.
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Students are encouraged to either buy breakfast or
lunch at school or if they wish, to brown bag it. Students will not be allowed to bring fast food and/or
drinks (purchased at local establishments) into the
building during the day, nor will they be allowed to
have food delivered from these establishments. Students
bringing fast food into the building and/or ordering
food to be delivered will be subject to disciplinary action. Students are not to have open pop or food during school hours other than in the Courtyard.
Principal’s Parent Coffee
Thursday, Sept. 22
9:00 a.m.
WHS Warrior Room
*See Warrior Handbook for
more information.
Varsity Game Admission Prices
The following are the metro conference prices for admission for varsity games for the 2016-17 season:
Football and Basketball - $6.00 and $4.00
All other sports - $5.00 and $3.00
Lower Level - $3.00 and $1.00
Attention All WHS Student-Athletes
An athletic mailing including the athletic physical form,
student/parent consent forms and information about
fall sports was mailed in June. If you did not receive this
mailing, please contact the Main Office at 402-3432602 and we will be glad to send one out to you.
Sports Equivalency Requirement
A student may meet all or part of the new Physical Education Requirement for graduation by participating in
one or more interscholastic sports during his/her sophomore year. All sports will fulfill this requirement. Participation in a fall, winter, or spring sport in order to meet
part of the graduation requirement will be referred to as
“sports equivalency”. (Please see the Warrior Handbook
page entitled “Sports Equivalency Guidelines for Graduation”. Forms will be available from either the physical
education teachers or counselors.)
Students Bringing Student Visitors To
Parents and students are reminded to review the Warrior Handbook pertaining to visitors to the high school.
Students from other schools may not visit unless
the visit has been pre-approved by an administrator.
All visitors will be required to wear a visitors name tag
and will be subject to provisions of the Westside High
School Code of Conduct while on school property.
There will be no exceptions to this policy. Visitors arriving unannounced will be expected to provide their own
transportation home. No visitors will be allowed the last
3 weeks of each semester.
Former students who wish to visit need to wait until
after 3:10 p.m. to arrive.
Substance Abuse Websites
We would like to recommend the following websites for
students and parents to access for interesting and intelligent points-of-view on alcohol and other drugs.
Thank You From Staff
The Westside High School Administration and staff
would like to thank all of the parent organizations and
the parents for all you do for us throughout the year.
We really appreciate all your hard work and generosity!
For Your Information
Westside Athletic Club
Don’t miss out this year on the Westside Athletic Club.
WAC is a parent-led organization which supports all
of our athletic programs and spirit teams. Membership dues and other fundraising activities help purchase
resources used by all Westside athletes. Consider joining
Adult/family season passes for all sports will be available
again this school year. There are three different passes
available and each pass allows entrance for an individual
or family to all Westside athletic home events for the
2016-17 school year. These passes cannot be used for
Metro Conference or NSAA Tournaments.
All Sports Pass (Individual) - $110
All Sports Family Pass - $225
Fall Sports Pass (Individual) - $40
A WAC membership form and further information can
be found at the WAC website:
WHS Community Club News
Thank you to every family who joined the Community
Club in 2015-2016. YOUR dues supported the following events/programs:
1) Back to School Staff Luncheon
2) Spring/Fall Conference lunches for Staff
3) Staff Appreciation Gifts
4) End of Year Staff Luncheon
This was all made possible because you said “YES!” We
couldn’t make these events happen without the support
and volunteer efforts of our incredible Westside parents.
Please say “YES” again this year so that we can show
our love, support and respect for our INCREDIBLE
to need your help to make all of this happen. Any
amount – small or large – is welcome. If you are interested in volunteering at our fun events, please contact
Courtney Hellman at
The 2016-17 Executive Board for the WHS Community Club is:
President: Courtney Hellman
Advisor: Stacy Simon
President-Elect: Bobbi Jo Lang
Secretary: Cathy Haney
Treasurer: Liz Bisson
Westside Post Prom Thank You
A “BIG” thank you is extended to all the wonderful
Westside Parents that worked on the Post Prom Party!
Many parents volunteered their time before, during and
after the Post Prom Party to provide a safe, fun evening
for our students. Thank you all for your help!
Page 9
For Your Information
Enrollment Procedures
All new enrollments take place at the district office,
located at 909 S. 76th St. This streamlined procedure
is designed to simplify the enrollment process and allow for consistency and reliability across the district.
The following documentation must be provided when
enrolling a new student:
1) A certified copy of the original birth certificate for
child to be enrolled
2) Proof of Residency
a) Proof of Ownership (mortgage statement, tax bill
or current homeowners insurance policy) OR current
lease agreement
b) A current bill from MUD or OPPD
3) Immunization record for child being enrolled
4) If entering Kindergarten, 7th Grade, or transferring
in from out of state: Proof of a physical examination of
child to be enrolled, completed within six months prior
to first date of attendance.
If you have questions, feel free to call the Westside Welcome Center at 402-390-2100.
Bus Service
Chief Bus provides service to and from Westside High
School from several areas of our school district. This is
a parent pay service and you must contact Chief Bus
to arrange transportation.
The monthly charges per family for the 2016-2017
school year are as follows:
Two way pass - first student $65.00, second student $60.00,
third student $55.00, fourth student or more - free
One way pass-first student $41.00, second student
$38.50, third student $36.00, fourth student or more free
Chief Bus Service, over the past years, has always been
most cooperative and has proven to be a responsible
and dependable company. To ensure bus service for
the first day of school, you must contact Chief Bus
before August 5. Transportation can always be arranged
anytime during the school year. The phone number is
The Colosseum Back to School Gear
The Colosseum, your student-run school spirit store,
would like to welcome everyone to the 2016-2017
school year! To kick off a great year, The Colosseum designed a special line of Warrior gear available for online
purchase - class t-shirts, shorts, hoodies, headwear, and
other great options!
Please visit and select
“Online Store”. Enter sales code WHS16 to access this
special back-to-school gear.
The online sale will begin August 12. Warrior gear will
be delivered to homerooms on September 1.
If you have any questions, please contact Katie Harmon
TeamMates Mentoring Program
Our young people have a lot on their minds these days-their hopes, their dreams, and how they want to make the
world a better place. The TeamMates Mentoring Program pairs adult volunteers with students to support this experience during their school years.
The TeamMates Mentoring program was started by Tom and Nancy Osborne in 1991 to provide an additional support to students. TeamMates is a one-to-one school based mentoring program. Teammates Mentors meet with their
mentees one hour weekly during school hours and commit to a minimum of one year. TeamMates is actively recruiting mentors for schools in the Westside School District and we need your help to inspire students to dream and to
create a vision for their life. Westside students need to volunteer 80 hours in our community before they graduate.
By becoming a TeamMate mentor, Westside parents can be an example of why it is important to give back to our
schools, local charities and the community.
Any time is a great time to sign up to mentor a young person in our community. For more information and an application, visit the TeamMates Mentoring Program website at Please reference Westside Community
School when applying online. For further information regarding Westside’s program, you may contact the District
Program Coordinator, Quinn McGuire, 402-408-8670,
Make a difference. Become a mentor and “Together We Transform Lives.”
Page 10
Westside High School Honor Roll
Westside High School awards honor roll recognition for the previous semester’s work twice annually. To be eligible
for honor roll, a student must have attempted at least 20 credits of courses that do not have pass/fail or enrichment
grades and no failing or incomplete grades. Students may qualify for one of 3 honor roll levels. The 4.00 Honor Roll
is a list of students with a 4.00 grade point average. The High Honor Roll lists students with a 3.75 grade point average or better, and the Honor Roll lists students with a 3.00 grade point average or better.
4.00 Honor Roll
Hellman, Bennett
Podariu, Ana
Baker, Samantha J
Barger, Julia I
Adams, Edmon
Barger, Madison
Alfarra, Mohammed
Barnhart, Sawyer
Algya, Megan L
Bayles, Alexander W
Alkarute, Majdi M
Bayles, Laina J
Andersen, Katherine R
Bekins, Elizabeth G
Arritt, Cassandra
Bequette, Allissandra
Atri Schuller, David
Bergman, Jerald W
Bacon, Mark
Blair, Matthew
Baumert, Ciara
Bollinger, Adrianna
Berentson, Grace E
Boyce, Bridget E
Boettger, Graycen G
Boyce, Catherine A
Bowman, Ava
Brey, Kimball A
Bowman, Lilly
Buchholz, Madison F
Brodsky, Madigan S
Buford, Gabrielle D
Bruner, Lily
Burkholder, Patrick C
Burmeister, Tate
Bush, Julia E
Byers, Molly A
Butrous, Delaney
Conaway, Amy C
Calderon, Grace L.
Cunningham, Jackson N
Callahan, Reghan M
Curran, Lynsey
Carlson, Emma E
Darby, Erin N
Castleman, Parker J
Dassner, Alison E
Chivero, Tatenda
Davis, Fischer J
Choquette, Elise
Denker, Claire
Cohen, Saunders K
DeVries, Levi CH
Cosimano, Sophie I
DeWitt, Asa J
Cusimano, Candace
Dhakal, Isha
Day, Kristen K
Dinkel, Jillian M
Dong, Stephanie
Dircks, Danielle
Dosoo, Vanessa
Duin, Derek N
Douglass, Megan
Endelman, Claire J
Duggan, Robert P
Facer, Elisabeth M
Ehlers, Emma L
Fan, Ziyu
Erdman, Laura A
Fehr, Lauren E
Esola, Luke R
Fehr, Sylvia
Evans, Melissa N
Folly, Ayi E
Ewerdt, Heaven L
Frankel, Samuel
Faulkner, Jack A
Frazier, Hallie
Faulkner, Samantha K
Frost, Joslyn
Fehr, Brady
Gabel, Robert H
Ferate, Kalan
Gigantelli, Emery
Fisher, Katelyn M
Goldner, Ethan
Flansburg, Jack
Guo, Daniel
Flores, Taylor L
Guyett, Tabitha L
Fogland, Lilian X
Hack, Abigail
High Honor Roll
Frederick, Charlie
Hansen, Eleanor A
Frerichs, Jackson D
Hanus, Jackson E
Frost, Julie
Harrison, Sarah R
Galvin, Danielle
Harwood, Elizabeth
Gaskill, Kersty
Heim, Hannah N
Pivonka, Jasmine K
Arnold, Samuel
Page 11
Honor Roll
Gibbons, Drew M
Gifford, Parker
Goc, Kellen J
Goldberg, Max F
Goldstein, Gayle CL
Goodwin, Kyndall
Gottsch, Eleanor F
Gould, Lucas J
Graves, Jacob R
Green, Sotonye-Julia M
Grogan, Paige N
Gurnett, Michaela M
Guzman, Tyson D
Hamann, Kathrine
Hammel, Beatrice
Han, Jason Q
Henry, Erik
Hershiser, Jacob D
Holmes, Melissa H
Holzworth, Parker
Hughes, Kate C
Irwin, Jenna
Jacobitz, Madeleine
Jagels, Madison R
Jankovich, Cole
Janse Van Noordwyk, Sabrina
Jansky, Monica M
Jochum, Cade A. S.
Johannes, Kayla
Johnson, Janna
Kent, Jacob
Kirilov, Caleb M
Kochheiser, Bailey Renee
Kolok, Jared T
Kopplin, Emma
Korengel, Spencer
Koslaphirom, William
Krenzer, Peter
Kruse, Cassidy
LeFebvre, Katharine A
Legge, James
Leibel, Caroline D
Leiferman, Brian M
Letzring, Melanie L
Limas, Nicholas J
Lippincott, Abigail P
Liske, Isabelle
Logeman, Avry J
Loo, Marlene
Look, Charles A
Lovas, Lilla M
Mack, Reyna
Mann, Alaina
Marvin, Lillian A
Matousek, Adia
Maynard, Cara
McCormick, Lindsay R
McGill, Breanna P
McIntosh, Vyanna J
Page 12
McVea, Jackson M
Meradith, Mckenzie
Merical, Michael
Militti, Jacob
Miller-Johnston, Nolan
Mizener, Andrew
Murphy, Olivia K
Nelson, Claire R
Nelson, Mykiah
Nolin, Alec
Noll, Preston S
Norton, Seth H
Oathout, Camden E
Oldenhuis, Tommy J
Onken, Rebecca L
Osterberg, Shealynn M
Paulsen, Elise C
Petri, Haley B
Petri, Hannah E
Pierce, Irelyn
Pierson, Noah A
Pivonka, Isabelle R
Platt, Jacquelyn J
Plautz, Dylan M
Pope, Carleigh A
Porter, Grace E
Quaites, Candace S
Ragland, Allyson
Ramaeker, Kaylee N
Rauhauser, Madeleine G
Reznicek, Hope J
Richardson, Broc
Robinette, McKenna I
Robinson, Elizabeth
Rogers, Ashley E
Romero, Julia C
Russo, Maria
Schenken, Laura
Schirmer, Tierney F
Schuttler, Delaney
Secora, Tess
Shepherd, Celena
Siddiqui, Sameer Ehsan
Simmons, Darci
Simon, Thomas W
Smith, Connor
Snow, Shay N
Stacy, Mary Kathryn
Stone, Yvonne M
Sullivan, Jonathan T
Suwondo, Troy
Svoboda, Josephine M
Tewodros, Biruk B
Thorell, Evan J
Tigani, Abigail R
Tilgner, Drew
Tingley, MacKenzie
Torres, Emily V
Upton, Trevor
Volberding, Benjamin
Vraspir, Ella G
Wahl, Meghan E
Wallace, Nathan
Ward, Grace A
Ward, Katya
Ward, Natalija
Watanabe, Zane Y
Weidemann, Quinn
Weidner, Cassandra
Wetzel, Eva J
Wilson, Bailey N
Wilson, Erik D
Wimmer, Georgia R
Wolf, Nathan
Wolfe, Grace
Wu, Yu-Ju
Yelinek, Emily
Zabel, Derek J
Zatechka, Brennan K
Zimmerman, Lauren R
Zimmerman, Matthew C
Honor Roll
Abdulrazig, Yousra T
Adams, Danielle
Adamson, Bryanna
Adamson, Samantha
Adan, Vanessa
Adcock, Bryan L
Al-Hindi, Liam M
Alger, Ryan
Alghasim, Bayan M
Ali, Samir H
Allen, Skylar A
Allison, Mari E
Alston, Emily Kate
AlTwal, Farah
Alvarez, Broderick C
Alzokra, Mohamed F
Amato-Hanner, Elizabeth A
Amato-Hanner, Stephen J
Anderson, Braxton G
Anderson, Callie D
Anderson, Griffin
Applegate, Sophia M
Arellano, Matilde
Arnold, Spencer D
Avery, Brenden S
Babe, Bryce L
Bacon, Caleb J
Bacon, Samuel
Bahan, Ryan P
Bahena, Ariana
Bailey, Brennan D
Banark, Tyler L
Bargas, Hannah
Barnett, Samantha
Bartek, Elyse
Barton, Danielle
Battafarano, Benjamin J
Battershell, Maguire
Bauer, Emily J
Beasley, Brianna
Beaulieu, Michael J
Beavers, Ian J
BeckBest, Samantha
Becker, Grace A
Beda, Kenedy
Behr, Madeleine
Beier, Elliot C.P.
Beier, Ethan C.A.
Belgrade, Zachary E
Bellus, Gregory
Berentson, Daniel R
Bessmer, Simon
Bigge, Hunter L
Bilyeu, Anderson
Bohacek, Caitlin G
Bortle, Lexa J
Bouc, Joshua C
Bowen, Jordan L
Bowen, Joshua
Bowen, Zachary
Bowes, Hannah
Brady, Isabel
Brandle, Kingsley Joseph
Breedlove, Aidan C
Breedlove, Nolen T
Bridgeford, JayCee L
Brockman, Peyton L
Brodkey, Benjamin N
Brtek, Taylor
Bruggeman, Dylan
Buchholz, Brean M
Buckley, James
Burdis, Annie A
Burkovetskiy, Anton
Burks, Koren M
Burns, Brayden
Burns, Daniel J
Cahalane, Karly M
Cahalane, Patrick Allen
Callahan, Jack
Calvert, Madelyn O
Cameron, Abigail E
Cannon, Sarah
Carissimo, Ana
Carnazzo, William
Carolus, Maggie
Carpenter, Sarah
Cassidy, Taylor M
Castleman, Connor J
Cervantes, Shelby L
Chalupa, Kathryn
Chan, Tak Sing
Chesire, Lauren
Chesire, Samantha
Chesterman, Carly S
Chinn, Shannon K
Chloupek, Gillian L
Christensen, Joshua R
Clark, Tyler
Claussen, Kailey L
Clements, Julia
Clippinger, Katelin K
Coen-Taylor, Abby N
Colling, Michael
Connelly, Jack T
Conner, DiAuvion L
Cooper, Sophia
Costanzo, Alexandria R
Coulter, Amelia J
Coulter, Olivia G
Cox, Catherine J
Cubrich, Mary
Cuevas, Valerie E
Curran, Brett
Dargy, Hailey
Davis, Jackson A
Davis, Nicholas
Day, Natalie E
Decker, Nikolas J
Degand, Nicole
Denholm, Inga
Denker, Grace
Dennis, Clarissa C
DeSordi, Anna
Dirks, Emma
Dobler, Joseph J
Dobry, Kellen D
Dobson, Joshowah E.R.
Dondlinger, Evan
Dondlinger, Nolan
Dornacker, Gabrial A
Douglas, Jacob B
Dozier Mullady, Alexander
Drelicharz, Anna E
Dresen, Miranda
Dryden, Cassidy
Dudziak, Anna
Duggan, Katherine R
Duggan, Madeline C
Duis, Alyssa
Duminy, Alexandra M
Duncan, Samantha
Duncan, William C
Duryee, Logan Michael
Duryee, Payton
Dyche, Gabriella
Ebbesmier, Giana
Eickhoff, Logan
Emmack, Taylor M
Emmanuel, Katherine F
Erixon, Emma
Esola, Andrew C
Ethofer, Michael T
Ettleman, Kylee
Evans, Cole A
Evans, Sara A
Everhart, Hailee R
Farho, Noah P
Fast, Leslie A
Fauglid, Jacob T
Fee, Samantha E
Fehr, Joseph R
Feldman, Allan
Ferber, Isaac S
Fethkenher, Nathan W R
Fischer, Benjamin
Fisher, Mia L
Flairty, Aidan J
Fleming, Tyler J
Fletcher, Ryan M
Flora, Karissa
Folda, Zachary S
Folsom, Adam J
Folsom, Alec D
Foral, Haley
Forbes, Ember L
Forcade, Ethan
Ford, Salik R
Ford, Tia S
Fort, Xzavier J
Fouts, Devin D
Fowler, Chloe E
Fox, Ethan S
Francis, Mitchell
Franco, Jensy L
Frazier, Benjamin
Frederick, Andrew J
Froendt, Amber L
Furchert, Elizabeth
Gagne, Haley
Gailloux, Siena
Galvin, Taylar
Garrett, Mia A
Gatzemeyer, Jackson R
Geise, Abby
Gibbons, Luke D
Gifford, Elijah
Ginsberg, Elias D
Glazer, Jane E
Golden, Connor E
Goldstein, Grant P
Goldstein, Jack B
Gordon, Jacob
Gosnell, Wyatt J
Graeve, Sophia
Graham, Hannah M
Gray, Hunter N
Gray, Maya
Greene, Anna
Gregurich, Tyler J
Gross, Nicholas R
Guenette, Graham
Guinan, Ashley M
Gunderson, Isabel M
Gunther, Lyndsay G
Gurnett, Matthew W
Guyett, Carlee J
Hager, Johannah
Hailu, Marta S
Hallgren, James H
Hammitt, Katherine G
Hancock, Dillon C
Haney, Madison
Hanus, Christian E
Harris, Trevor
Harrison, Ashley N
Hart, Nicolas
Hartin, Dublin WJ
Hayden, Tess O
Hayes, Joseph W
Hayford, Gabrielle
Hayford, Patrick
Henderson, Gabrielle R
Hengen, Anna
Henry, James
Henry, Rebecca
Hermann, Molly R
Hermann, Sarah G
Herrera, Ethan
Herrera, Gillian
Hickey, Michael C
Hill, Darlondo M
Hing, Calvin
Hinrichs, Gabriel M
Hlevyack-Brusso, Hope
Hocij, Dominique
Hoglund, Thomas J
Hollers, Cadence
Homan, Cedric J
Hopkins, Cole E
Houser, Jerry L
Howdle, Alysa P
Howery, Brooke K
Huang, David
Hubbard, Ella M
Huie, Alyssa J
Hurlburt, Payton T
Hustig, Brandon M
Hynek, Jamie
Ibarra, Maya V
Ingraham, Carly
Ingram, Gavin
Jahn, Carly M
James, Lydia M
Jarman, Thomas J
Jarosz, Noah
Jasa, Eliza G
Jasa, Ethan A
Jensen, Brooke
Jensen, Christina Maria
Johannes, Kyra
Johnson, Ceyerah Ann
Johnson, Hannah F
Johnson, Jaylee A
Johnson, Samantha M
Johnson, Savannah R
Honor Roll
Johnson, Tyler M
Johnson, Tyler R
Jones, Hannah L
Jordan, Jada
Kangas, Lane S
Karre, Alec M
Karre, Aleigha M
Kasel, Christian
Kasem, Gabriel BB
Keator, Hannah J
Kedwaii, Hadiah
Kellogg, Devin
Kellogg, Taylor
Kerby, Benjamin P
Ketcham, Dillon T
Ketelsen, Kaitlyn
Khalil, Khalil T
Khan, Usman
Kirsch, Carly
Kirsch, Colton
Kischer, Matthew
Kisicki, Rebecca
Knight, Isabelle J
Knight, Jaylen Marie
Knight, Sophie
Knott, Payton
Knudsen, Audrey
Koeneke, Katlynn
Koester, Zachery
Kohl, Tyler J
Konig, Megan A
Koory, Collin
Koslaphirom, Nicholas L
Kremers, Reece B
Kriz, Emily J
Kruse, Hunter G
Krzemien, Daphne
Kueny, Mason
Kully, Cameron W
Lafferty, Travis M
LaHood, Ryan J
Lamb, Nicholas S
Lang, John R
Langford, Michael T
Langworthy, Isaiah J
Larsen, Jakob C
Larson, Haley I
Larson, Margaret C
Larson, William
Latta, John
Latture, Braydon D
Lawlor, John H
Lawrence, Kera A
Lawslo, Zachary T
Lawson, Robert T
Lawver, Elizabeth D
Lehr, Kaylee
Lemke, Danielle R
Leonard, Jessica
Page 13
Honor Roll
Li, Shihang
Liakos, Victoria A
Life, Joseph W
Like, Kasandra M
Limas, Emma G
Loney, Melissa
Loontjer, Bradlee J
Lopez, Andrea
Loyd, Emma
Ludwig, Cami B
Lund, Eric C
Lundin, Bradley T
Madson, Samuel C
Malnack, Haley
Malnack, Maxson
Marburg, Elijah L
Marcotte, Sarah A
Marcus, Miriam B
Marmo, Kaylie A
Martinez, Jessica
Marvin, Hope
Matz, Samantha
McAdams, Dawson E
McAlister, Grace
McAlister, Katie
McAndrews, Allie
McCabe, Eli
McCann, Audrey J
McCormack, Kirsten A
McCulloh, Tarissa
McGauvran, William S
McHugh, Joseph
McManus, Aden C
McMiller, Brandon
McMullen, Craig M
McNerney, Nathan M
Meador, Trinity A
Meyers, Taryn A
Meyerson, Jacob A
Miller, Brianna J
Miller, Emily N
Milone, Olivia
Mitchell, Alexandria
Mitchell, Hayleigh T
Mitchell, Thomas M
Mitteis, Blair C
Mohamed, Naglaa A
Molden, Emma J
Monastersky, Isabella L
Monochie, Kathryn
Morrow, Benjamin J
Morrow, James R
Morrow, Owen
Morse, Meghan J
Moss, DeJa R
Muller, Autumn
Muller, Shayla A
Murphy, Theodore J
Murray, Megan L
Page 14
Murray, Tristan A
Myers, Connor
Navarro, Destiny J
Nellor, Zachary
Nelson, Emma
Nelson, Julia F
Nesbitt, Kaitlyn
Neubaum, Mallorie L
Neumann, Alexandra B.
Newman, Tristan
Nguyen, Alice
Nguyen, Huy
Nielsen, Elisabeth M
Nieto Jr., Patrick T
Nims, Amber N
Noddle, Aaron P
Nodskov, Louis
Norton, Aaron L
Norton, Leo T
Norval-Crowl, Vivian R
Novacek, Zachary
Novak, Henry A
O’Dell, Jack A
O’Neal, Ryan D
Oakman, Zander
Olson, Zyan
Oltman, Colin
Ommen, Danielle R
Overman, Alexis T
Paprocki, Jessica
Parizek, Lily A
Parsonage, Samuel D
Patterson, Amanda K
Paul, Joshua H
Peetz, Meredith
Petersen, Amanda N
Petersen, Luke T
Petersen, Sabina
Peterson, Samantha
Phillip, Destiny
Pierson, Tyler J
Pinhero, Ian J
Plucinski, Casey A
Plucinski, Shawn R
Poppert, Nicole
Port, Owen M
Povey, Mitchell
Price, Evan R
Prucha, Michael A
Puls, Ian M
Puls, Xavier
Radicia, Brooke E
Radicia, Jake T
Radler, Isabella R
Ramirez, Cuauhtemoc
Ramirez, Marvin
Randall, Quinton J
Rands, Tierney H
Rashid, Annaliese H.
Rashid, Isabell R
Rashid, Lily M
Rasmussen, Peter F
Ray-Price, Joshua
Reilly, Alec
Reinert, Michael A
Roach, Connor
Roberts, Margaret A
Roberts, Mayme G
Robino, Olivia
Robinson, Brett A
Robinson, Tionna
Rose, Alexis
Rosemond, Destinee
Ross, Damond
Ross, Jasmyn
Rouse, Emma E
Ruff, Henry
Sadler, Elisabeth L
Sanchez, Sarah
Sayre, Mamie K
Schack, Andrew C
Schlichte, Hanna L
Schnell, Thomas J
Schremmer, Hannah E
Schroeder, Riley
Schueneman, James
Schulenberg, Sydney A
Schultz, Lindsey
Schweigart, Caleb J
Seaman, Baylee A
Seline, Elizabeth M
Serrano, Aden
Severin, Sabrina
Severin, Samantha
Seward, Ciara
Shanahan, Kylie
Shaughnessy, Alexis N
Shaw, Jordan E
Shehan, Anna J
Sheibal, Richard A
Sheibal, Trevor J
Shepherd, Chloe E
Shepherd, Epiphany
Shields, Adam C
Shirley, Alexis M
Shrestha, Saugat L
Siebert, Ethan
Silva-Eraso, David F
Simmons, John
Simmons, Kiley L
Simon, Charlotte R
Simon, Ellie P
Simon, Madeline C
Sindt, Jared B
Sip, Brooke
Sladovnik, Sydney
Slatten, Roger D
Slavicek, Felicity
Smith, Ariel
Smith, Ashlyn M
Smith, Claire
Smith, Jacob Ma
Smith, Jakob R
Smith, Jameson A
Smith, Kailey N
Snover, Mason R
Solarana, Maya Q
Sommers, Stephanie K.F.
Sonnleitner, Kayla
Sorrell, Drew
St Amant, Austin J
Stacy, Jake R
Standfill, Michael A
Stark, Madison
Stastny, Kiley M
Staunovo Polacco, Roinin
Stegman, Joseph M
Steinkamp, Selena
Stepanek, Anne C
Sternberg, Ethan J
Stickel, Kaitlyn A
Stouffer, Alexander
Stouffer, Morgan
Stouffer, Rachel
Stover, Peyton A
Sullivan, Bram
Sullivan, Samantha F
Summers, Ashley E
Summers, Lauren M
Sward, Jesse C
Sweetman, Michael D
Swift, Olivia R
Szto, Dorothy
Tangeman, Mindy
Tarui, Yasumin
Tekla, Kenhan S
Tempero, Mack
Tessin, Hunter
Tessin, Mariah
Thomas, Jacob
Thompson, Michael T
Tighe, Kassandra R
Timmons, Brian
Timperley, Frank III
Timperley, Jillian B
Tomasek, Rachelle N
Tomcak, Conner L
Torres, Hannah E
Tracey, Gregory J
Tracy, Nolan
Trimble, John W
Trimble, Phillip D
Trivilino, Kyle
Tsogtoo, Anu-Dari
Tucker, Chyna S
Tucker, Jana A
Turman, Abigail Z
Turman, Jonas
Udhus, Edwin
Vanderloo, Alec T
Vanderloo, Natalie K
VanHill, Dylan
VanUnen, April
Vazzano, Sophia E
Vermillion, Daniel J
Vesely, Madison L
Vester, Allison
Vester, Ryan
Vierregger, Christian M
Vincentini, Nicholas A
Wagner, Micah
Wagner, Nathan M
Wagner, Nikole R
Wahl, Austin
Wahl, Haleigh
Ward, Lindsey A
Warren, Hannah
Washburn, Olivia L
Watkins, Elizabeth
Webb, Mia
Weis, Taylor M
Weisbach, Mia
Weist, Zachary
Wells, Jaden
Wenzl, Joseph G
Wheeler, Stephanie N
White, Aliyah
Wiesman, Rachel L
Wigodsky, Jacob
Wilke, Rosalie J
Williams, Cassidy
Williams, Kelsi
Wilson, Emma R
Wilson, Katarina D
Wilson, Michael M
Wilson, Morgan M
Wilwerding, Anna
Wilwerding, Anna E
Wilwerding, Meena
Wing, Noah
Winters, Nicole
Wirth, Alessa R
Wiseman, Savanna
Wisnieski, Zane M
Woita, Loren I
Wonder, Joshua
Woodard, Bridget R
Wooster, Nathan R
Workman, Hanna
Yarkova, Myroslava
Yohannes, Grace A
Young, Raven
Yowell, Emily
Zetzman, Rachel M
Zhang, Huaijin
Zipay, Jack M
Zito, Jackson R
Warrior Merits
Outstanding Students 2015-2016
These students were recognized for their outstanding achievements in academics, school
and community at Westside’s year-end awards ceremonies:
OUTSTANDING SENIOR GIRL: Amy Conaway; Runners up: Bridget Mizener,
Hannah Keator, Olivia Keilig, Abigail Hack
OUTSTANDING SENIOR BOY: Payton Knott; Runners up: Benjamin Battafarano, Levi DeVries, Nicholas Pellet
OUTSTANDING JUNIOR GIRL: Megan Algya; Runners up: Emily Kate Alston,
Amber Froendt, Taylor Schendt
OUTSTANDING JUNIOR BOY: Darlondo Hill; Runners up: Steven Simon,
Trevor Mumford, Bennett Hellman
OUTSTANDING SOPHOMORE GIRL: Hailey Tierra; Runners up: Eleanor Hellman, Stephanie Lund, Julie Romero, Dekyah Rosemond, Aliyah White
OUTSTANDING SOPHOMORE BOY: Christian Madsen; Runners up: Fischer
Davis, Peter Novoa, Mack Tempero
Fehr; Runners up: Madigan Brodsky, Emily Bauer, Grace Berentson, Tatenda
Chivero, Hannah Heim
Runner up: Ethan Goldner, Brett Curran, Evan Dondlinger
Girls State Governor
Taylor Schendt (12) was elected Governor at Girls State in June. That is quite an
achievement. Congratulations Taylor!
Beta Club
Congratulations to our Beta Club for achieving 2016 National Beta School of Merit
Status! This prestigious honor is a true indication of our dedication to academic excellence and commitment to celebrating our students’ achievements.
Beta Club is sponsored by Kathy Toner.
Debate Results
At the Congressional Debate National Qualifying Tournament, Jackson Frerichs
(2016 grad) placed 8th in House 1 and Greg Tracey (2016 grad) was awarded a gavel
for being elected the morning presiding officer.
Greg Tracey competed in Congress at State. After two sessions he made it to Super
Congress, which is the 20 best Congressional debaters in the state.
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FBLA State Leadership Conference
Congrats to the following Westside FBLA members who competed at the State Leadership Conference:
Stephanie Lund (11) - 2nd Place Introduction to Business Communications
Kenny Erickson (2016 grad) - 5th Place Personal Finance
Nachia Olsen (2016 grad) - 6th Place Database Design and Applications
Jake Fauglid (2016 grad), Matt Johnson (2016 grad) - 8th Place Marketing
Earning Honorable Mentions
Jake Fauglid - Healthcare Administration and Personal Finance, Kenny Erickson - Business Communication,
Jordan Rhyner (11) - Intro to Financial Math, Steph Lund - Intro to Financial Math and Intro to Business, Taylor
Schendt (12) - Business Calculations, Olivia Keilig (2016 grad) - Economics
These students represented Westside well! Our chapter also earned ribbons in the following fundraiser events:
March of Dimes, Feed Nebraska, Go Green, StepUp2Tech, Connect 2 Business, iGive
Sydney Kobza is the FBLA sponsor.
National DECA Results
Westside DECA competed along with 17,500 students from across the world. Congratulations to the following
2016 grads on an amazing competition.
Jackson Frerichs: Top Performer on the Comprehensive Test in Hotel Lodging Management
Michael Merical: Top Performer on the Comprehensive Test in Principles of Finance
Rachel Zetzman and Lizzie Harwood: Top Performer on the Role Play/Presentation for their Advertising Campaign
Eliza Jasa, Nikki Wagner and Lauren Zimmerman: Top Performer on the Role Play/Presentation for their Innovation Plan
Hannah Stodolka: Top 10 IN THE WORLD for her Advertising Campaign
DECA sponsors are Katie Harmon and Sarah Schau
Science Olympiad Results
At the Lincoln East invite the WHS team tied for 9th and took 3rd
in Write it Do it, 3rd in Electric Vehicle and 4th in Chem Lab.
At the State competition Aliyah White (11) and Zander Oakman
(11) placed 1st in “Duct Tape Challenge,” Hailey Tierra (11) and
Catherine Cox (11) placed 2nd in “We’ve Got your Number.”
The Science Olympiad Team is sponsored by Judy Stucky.
Latin Student Awards
National Latin Exam:
Latin 1, Silver Medal: Daniel Parsons (12), Sarah Cannon (12), Shay Snow(10).
Latin 2, Silver Medal: Rebecca Onken (11), Madeleine Rauhauser (11), Nicholas Limas (11), Maddie Akers
(11), Stephanie Lund (11); Latin 2, Gold Medal: Camren Strecker (12).
Latin 3, Silver Medal: Joshua Militti (12); Latin 3, Gold Medal: Beatrice Hammel (11), Preston Noll (12).
Latin 4, Silver Medal: Danielle Galvin (2016 grad), Paola Avalos (2016 grad); Latin 4, Gold Medal: Lindsay McCormick (2016 grad), Amy Conaway (2016 grad).
State Latin Convention:
Latin 2: Madeleine Rauhauser - 1st in Mythology, 3rd in Derivatives; Maddie Akers - 2nd in Mythology; Rebecca
Onken - 2nd in Roman History.
Latin 4: Paola Avalos - 1st in Roman History, 3rd in Mythology, 3rd in Heptathalon; 3rd in State Certamen - Paola
Avalos, Jakob Phillips (2016 grad), Danielle Galvin.
Carolyn Harvey and Elizabeth Black are the instructors for Latin classes.
Page 16
Journalism Awards
The following students did very well at the UNO Journalism Conference. Best In-Depth Story, first place: Jim
Schueneman (11), Steven Simon (12), Nata Ward (2016 grad), Jace Wieseler (2016 grad), Madigan Brodsky
(10), Abby Lang (12), Mitch Francis (11), April Van Unen (12), Bella Radler (12), Alexander Bergin (2016
grad). First place: Melissa Loney (2016 grad), Best Yearbook/Magazine Layout; Nata Ward, Best Single-Page Layout; Casey Arrit (2016 grad), Best Two-Page Layout; Jenna Hynek (2016 grad), Best Feature Story; Grace Ward
(2016 grad), Best Video News Story; De’Andre Hill (10), Best Long Form Audio; Elias Ginsberg (2016 grad),
Best Video Feature Story. Second Place: Nikki Saner (2016 grad) & Emma Korengel (11), tie, Best Column; Eva
Wetzel (2016 grad), Best Review; April Van Unen, Best New Story; Lilli Marvin (12), Best Sports Story. Third
Place: Nick Gross (2016 grad), Best Cartoon; Libby Seline (12), Best News Story. Best Video Sports Story, first
place: Jack Zipay (2016 grad), Mitch Francis; second place: Hannah Stodolka (2016 grad); third place: Grace
Congratulations to the journalism staff for placing third overall at the NSAA State Journalism Contest in April.
Individual results: Abby Lang (12): first in Sports Photography, first in yearbook sports feature writing, third in
yearbook layout; Nolan Tracy (11): first in sports feature writing; Jim Schueneman (11): first in graphic illustration; Eva Wetzel (2016 grad): third in entertainment writing; Dana Cox (12): fourth in sports photography;
Melissa Loney (2016 grad): fourth in yearbook layout; Madigan Brodsky (10): fifth in editorial writing; Libby
Seline (12): third in new writing.
The following student journalists received recognition for their hard work from the Nebraska Press Women’s Association, one of the most prestigious awards in the state. Entries from first place winners moved on to the national
level. Congrats! Madigan Brodsky (10), third in Editorial, second in Sports Photo; Nicole Saner (2016 grad),
first in Opinion; Elizabeth Seline (12), first in News Story, first in Review, second in Opinion; Celena Shepherd
(12), third in Opinion, honorable mention in Feature Story; Mitch Francis (12), honorable mention in Opinion,
first in Video Sports Story; Emma Korengel (11), honorable mention in Opinion; April Van Unen (12), third in
News Story; Natalija Ward (2016 grad), first in Feature Story; Jace Wieseler (2016 grad), second in Feature Story;
Bridget Mizener (2016 grad), third in Feature Story; Hannah Bowes (12), first in News or Feature Photo, honorable mention in Yearbook Photo; Abby Lang (12), third in Sports Photo, first in Yearbook Layout; Jenna Hynek
(11), first in Double-truck Layout; Grace Ward (2016 grad), first in Video News Story, third in Video Feature Story, second in Video Sports Story; Elias Ginsberg (2016 grad), first in Video Feature Story; Phoebe Placzek (2016
grad), honorable mention in Video Feature Story; Aliyah White (11), honorable mention in Video Feature Story;
Jack Zipay (2016 grad), first in Video Sports Story; Hannah Stodolka (2016 grad), third in Video Sports Story.
Some journalism students competed at the National State Journalism Conference in L.A. The Lance earned 4th
place “Best of Show” for their size of newspaper. Students also earned these individual honors (Superior is the highest rating, then Excellent, then Honorable Mention): Bridget Mizener (2016 grad) - Superior - Sports Writing;
Jenna Hynek (2016 grad) - Superior - Feature Writing; Kirsten McCormack (2016 grad) - Superior - Literary
Magazine Photography; Madeline Look (2016 grad) - Excellent - Literary Magazine Illustration; Grace Wolfe (12)
- Honorable Mention - Literary Magazine Layout; Katie Stanzel (12) - Honorable Mention - YB Copy/Caption:
Sports; Cassandra Arrit (2016 grad) - Honorable Mention - Newspaper Layout.
Jerred Zegelis is the Journalism advisor.
State German Convention
Congratulations to the following students for placing at the State German Convention.
Knowledge Bowl, Level 2, 2nd Place: Erik Henry (10), Vivian Jacobitz (2016 grad), Nicole Petersen (2016
grad), Justin Solheim (10).
Knowledge Bowl, Level 3, 1st Place: Madeleine Jacobitz (11), Autumn Muller (11), Sabina Petersen (11), Sam
Sweeney (11).
Spelling Level 1, 2nd Place: Myra Yarkova (11); Spelling Level 2, 3rd Place: Justin Solheim; Spelling Level 3, 3rd
Place: Haley Petri (11); Spelling Level 4, 2nd Place: Lydia James (2016 grad); Spelling Level 4, 3rd Place: Kenny
Erickson (2016 grad).
Directed Dialog Level 2, 3rd Place: Katarina Wilson (10); Directed Dialog Level 3, 2nd Place: Sam Sweeney.
Instrumental Music, 1st Place: Madeleine Jacobitz.
Cake, Black Forest Cherry Cake, 1st Place: Amelis Coulter (10), Vivian Jacobitz, Haley Petri.
Beginning Poetry Writing and Recitation, Beginning, 1st Place: Myra Yarkova.
The instructor for German is Melissa Roth.
Page 17
Westside took seven students to the 2016 Nebraska SkillsUSA State Leadership
and Skills Conference (SLSC). We had students in plumbing, culinary arts,
welding, welding art sculpture, bridge building, and power equipment technology.
Over 1600 students from Nebraska took part of this one day showcase of the great
partnership SkillsUSA has with business, industry, and career and technical
Ryan Sweeney (2016 grad) won the Diesel Equipment Technician and qualified
for nationals.
Paul Cross is the SkillsUSA sponsor.
Orchestra District Results
The WHS Orchestra earned a 1+ rating for their performance at District Music Contest at Bellevue East. Congratulations to each member of the group listed below:
Emily Hammans (12), Madeleine Jacobitz (11), Hannah Robinson (10), Joe Hayes (12), Olivia Keilig (2016
grad), Vivian Jacobitz (2016 grad), Beatrice Hammel (11), Ethan Goldner (10), Drew Tilgner (10), Beca
Podariu (2016 grad), Mykiah Nelson (12), Lydia Spier (11), Margaret Larson (11), Ciara Baumert (10), Taylor
Kellogg (11), Sarah Sanchez (10), Hanna Workman (2016 grad), Paola Avalos (2016 grad), Daniel Adams
(11), Stephen Amato-Hanner (11), Mamie Sayre (10), Stephanie Sommers 10), Caleb Mardi (10), Kaylin
Kortus (10), Jackson McVea (10), John Miles (10), Rees Yates (10), Jared Kolok (2016 grad), Louis Nodskov
(2016 grad), Claire Smith (11), Emma Ehlers (2016 grad), Ellie Thomas (10), Cameran Runge (10), Caleb
Bacon (10), Catherine Boyce (10), Adrian Smith (10), Elizabeth Nigro(2016 grad), Libby Whitlow (10), Sam
Ali (10), Sam Bacon (11), Jack Flansburg (11), Joanna Avalos (11), Taylor Cassidy (10), Matthew Kischer
(11), Elise Choquette (10), Connor Myers (10), Kassie Like (11), Josh Castillo (11).
The Orchestra instructor is Lanny Stutheit.
Show Choir Nationals
The Amazing Technicolor Show Choir finished their competition season by traveling to Nashville for Show Choir
Nationals. This event was held on the stage of the Grand Ole Opry and
included 14 very competitive groups from 9 states. ATSC finished the
competition being named 2nd Runner Up. The Show Band (ATSB) earned
Best Band honors in both Prelims and Finals. The Stage Crew received the
award for Outstanding Stage Crew, as well. Senior (2016) Jacob Thomas,
was named the Best Male Soloist of the Finals competition for his solo in
our ballad. (This is the second year in a row that he has been recognized in a
national competition.) Congratulations to everyone involved with the show
choir program for an amazing year of performances.
Vocal Music Districts
Here are the results of District Music Contest held at Bellevue East and West:
Large Ensembles: Warrior Choir: 1+ (+ means a 1 was earned from all three judges), Concert Choir Men: 1+, Concert Choir Women: 1
Small Ensembles: Decibelles: 1, Chamber Singers: 2
Soloists earning a 1 (Superior) rating were: Emma Chvala (12), Kalan Ferate (12), Jaylee Johnson (2016 grad),
Anastassia Sedletsky (12), Samantha Thomas (12), Morgan Stouffer (12), Matthew Kischer (12), Jacob Thomas (2016 grad), Sam Vazzano (12), Nathan Wallace (12), Dominick Wardian (2016 grad).
Soloists earning a 2 (Excellent) rating were: 2016 Seniors Molly Clark, Nyca Ann Gaskill, Lydia James, Owen
Page 18
State Jazz Band Festival
Congratulations to those receiving awards at the 1st Annual Nebraska State Bandmasters Association State Jazz Band
The Stage Band received an Excellent/Division II rating and a 1st place in the class AA2/2nd, 3rd bands; the Concert Jazz Band received a Superior/Division I rating and 1st place in class AA.
Outstanding Soloist Awards went to: Simon Bessmer (12) - Saxophone and Christian Madsen (11) - Trombone.
Over-all Outstanding Soloist was awarded to Simon Bessmer - Alto Saxophone.
Best Wind Section went to the Concert Jazz Band and the Grand State Champion Sweepstakes Trophy went to the
Concert Jazz Band.
District Band Contest
The Warrior Band received a Division I+ “Superior Plus” rating.
Soloists receiving a Division I “Superior” rating were: Allison Hall (12) - Flute, Allyson Ragland (10) - Flute, Jill
Tucker (11) - Flute, Grace Calderon (11) - Oboe, Ben Battafarano (2016 grad) - French Horn, Kate Hamann
(11) - Trumpet, Megan Douglass (10) - Trumpet, Tyler Douglass (12) - Trumpet, Molly Clark (2016 grad) Trumpet Phillip Trimble-Trombone. Receiving a Division II “Excellent” rating were: Ava Bowman (12) - Clarinet,
Craig McMullen (10) - Trombone, Jana Tucker (2016 grad) - Mallets, Luke Esola (12) - Mallets, Francine Watkins (12) - Mallets.
Small Groups receiving a Division I “Superior” rating: Jill Tucker & Ava Bowman - Flute/Clarinet Duet, Grace
Calderon & Simon Bessmer (12) - Alto Sax Duet, Daniel Guo (12) & Zach McCarty (2016 grad) - Tenor Sax
Duet, Lydia James (2016 grad), Tyler Douglass, Ben Battafarano, & Jacob Wigodsky (12) - Brass Quartet. Division II “Excellent” awards went to: Ashley Tyler (12), Jana Tucker, Luke Esola & Gilliam Herrera - Mallet Quartet.
Kate Hamann received the Outstanding Performance Award for a trumpet solo. Ben Battafarano received an Outstanding Performance Honorable Mention Award for a french horn solo.
Award Winning NHSTA Student
Natalie Day (2016 grad) was a National Finalist in “Outstanding Performance by an Actress in a Lead Role.” Congrats Natalie!
Jeremy Stoll is the Theater teacher.
Boy Scout Award
Congratulations to Jared Kolak (2016 grad) for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout.
Cornhusker State Trap Meet
Elliot Mackling (2016 grad) was part of the Sarpy County trap shooting team that placed first at the Cornhusker
State Trap Meet in Doniphan, NE. Congratulations Elliot!
Staff Recognition
Jeff Grinvalds received the 2016 Carol MacDaniels Nebraska Writing Project Teacher of the Year Award.
To submit information for future Warrior Merits, contact Mrs. Trudi Nolin at 402-343-2787 or email Mrs. Nolin at
Web Page Information
Athletic Schedule Web Page:
Westside Community Schools Web Page:
WHS Web Page:
Nebraska School Activities Association (NSAA) Web Page:
NE Collegiate Athletic Assoc. (NCAA) Web Page:
Page 19
Important Dates to Remember 2016-2017
8/8 Fall Practices Begin-FB, SB, GGolf, BTen
8/9 Laptop & Schedule Pickup Grades 10-11-12
8/9 New Student (to the district) Laptop Orientation
8/10 Freshman Orientation Day
8/11 First Day of Classes - All Students
8/15 Fall Athletic Practices Begin-VB, XC
8/17 Under Classman Picture Day - Main Entrance
8/17 West Campus Picture Day
8/17 Curriculum Night - 9th Grade Parents
8/24 Back to School BBQ
8/25 Club Fair Day
8/26 Service Learning Deadline – Summer Hours
9/2 No School - Staff Development Day
9/5 No School - Labor Day
Senior College Planning Night
9/9 Student Council Carnival - WHS Plaza
9/21 Homecoming Parade & Pep Rally
9/22 Principal’s Parent Coffee
9/23 Student Council Homecoming Fireworks-WHS
9/24 Homecoming Dance
9/30 Picture Retake Day - WHS & West Campus
10/3&5 P/T Conferences
10/6-7 No School - Intersession (6th)
10/10 No School - Professional Learning Day
10/14 Report Cards Distributed in Homeroom
11/2 Senior Graduation Items Presentation
11/9-11 Willsie Senior Cap/Gown/Grad Sales
11/14 Winter Athletic Practice Begins
11/14 Junior College Planning Night
11/24-25 Thanksgiving Break
12/2 Service Learning Deadline – 1st Semester
12/21-22 Semester Exams
12/23-1/6 Winter Break - No School
1/9 School Resumes
1/12 Report Cards Mailed Home
1/16 No School-Martin Luther King Day/Prof Dev.
1/24-25Parent-Advisor Mtgs/Early Dismissal-1:10
2/4 Winter Formal/Battle of the Bands
2/8-10 Willsie Cap/Gown/Grad Sales
2/13 Grades 9-10 College Planning
2/13 & 15 P/T Conferences
2/16-17 No School - Intersession (16th)
2/20 No School - President’s Day/Prof Learning Day
2/27 Spring Athletic Practice Begins
3/2 Principal’s Parent Coffee
3/14 ACT - All Juniors
3/23 Report Cards Distributed
3/23-24 Willsie Delivers Grad Announcements
Service Learning Deadline–Seniors, 9/10 Honors
4/10-14 Spring Break
4/20 NHS Induction Ceremony
5/1-12 AP Testing
5/2 Grades 9/10 Awards Night
5/6 Prom @ Lauritzen Gardens
5/12 Seniors Last Day
5/12 Service Learning Deadline – Grades 9, 10, 11
5/15 Junior/Senior Honors Convocation
5/21 Commencement – UNO Arena
5/23-24 Semester Exams
5/24 Last Day of School for Students
5/31 Report Cards Mailed Home
**Dates are subject to change.**