03.31.01 - Boone County Schools


03.31.01 - Boone County Schools
March 31, 2014
Ockerman Middle School Parent Newsletter
Ockerman Middle School
8300 US 42
Florence, KY 41042
Phone: 859-282-3240
Fax: 859-282-3242
Our mission at Ockerman Middle School is to
develop life-long learners and to inspire every
student to achieve his or her potential.
Additionally, all people involved in the
educational process work together to create a
safe and challenging environment in which
students make successful transitions.
Our Evening of the Arts, Spaghetti Dinner and Book Fair was a huge
success! We don’t have an official count, but based on the number of
programs we handed out and our parking lot overflowing to the elementary school, we would estimate well over 300 community members were in attendance! We’d like to thank all of the students and
parents who spent their time preparing to make this night the wonderful experience that it was. The jazz band sounded amazing in the
library, the dancers were great, speech and drama performances
were packed to the brim, lots of artwork browsing was going on, and
the chorus and keyboard recitals were extremely well-attended and
enjoyed by all. We also had a large number of rising 5th graders who
came to visit with us and take a tour of the building. Our spaghetti
dinner sold out and for the first time we can remember, they had to go back for more food! The book fair was also a great success! We also had booths for Relay for Life, spirit wear sales, SBDM elections and the Boone County Library, who was handing
out goodies to our attendees.
Thank you to everyone who came out to make this such a special evening for our students, our PTSA, our arts program and our
US 42 will be reduced to one lane beginning this week and extending well into the fall. We have been
told to anticipate delays that could exceed 30 minutes. The repaving of all five lanes is from Scott Drive
to I-75.
We anticipate our morning commute to have minimal disruptions. However, your drive home could be
delayed significantly. The communication we are receiving from the city of Florence is indicating that
long delays should be expected. Construction will not be completed until the end of October.
Please be mindful of this when coming to and from school. Also note that students who are on buses
and arrive late will NOT be counted tardy, but car riders are expected to be at school on time each day.
REMINDER: Especially now that we will be dealing with construction delays, PLEASE remember to pull your
car all of the way around the parent loop to the orange cone before stopping to drop off and pick up students in the mornings and afternoons. Our goal is to be loading or unloading 5-6 cars at a time.
Thank you!
Upcoming Events
College an Career Readiness Session 3: Tuesday, April 1st at Ockerman Middle
School at 6:00 pm. Click this link to learn more!
Site-Based Decision-Making Council: Will be meeting on Wednesday, April 16th from
College and Career Readiness Session 4: Tuesday, April 15th at Ockerman Middle
School at 6:00 pm. Click this link to learn more!
Spring Break: Will be from April 5th—13th.
Field Trip to New York City: April 16th—21st.
Rising 5th Graders To Tour OMS: Friday, April 25th.
In Mrs. Ott’s 8th Grade classes they explored the history of Gospel Music. They developed their own videos to show
what they had learned and to help teach others. Please follow this link to view the video!
In addition to this 8th grade project, 7th grade students also made some awesome music. Students wrote their own
script and their own lyrics to a song. They also choreographed dances, chose a specific time period music and drew
storyboards to help tell the story and set the mood. Some of those videos can be viewed by following the links below:
Ancient Greece - "Awkward Stages"
Ancient Greece - "The Olympic Games of the Gods"
Medieval - "The Cheese"
Medieval - " Because of a Starbucks Gift Card"
SAVE THE DATE – MAY 17, 2014
How to Reserve Your Space?
Yard Sale for a Cure!
Earn Money for Your Summer Vacation
Contact Sandra at 859-746-5449 or
Pack up all your old treasures and bring them over to Ockerman Middle School, US 42, Florence for the Big Yard Sale.
This is a Schwan’s OMS BEST Relay for Life Team Fundraising
event that will benefit the American Cancer Society!
Remember, one person's treasure is another person's cure!
Help our team Finish the Fight by reserving your space at the
yard sale today and make money for yourself too!
When: Saturday, May 17, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Cost to Reserve Parking Space: $10 - per parking space
Bring your own tables
No food and drink sales please!
We'll do the advertising -- You keep your own proceeds!
For the past several years, we have sold out the entire parking
lot! The turnout is tremendous and lots of money is made by
those who set up! Don’t miss out on
this opportunity to get rid of your old
treasures and make some money while
helping out American Cancer Society!
Mrs. Eubanks’ advanced math classes celebrated Pi Day on Friday, March 14th in a little different
way. After finishing up a unit on 3-D figures, the class participated in a fun activity where they had to use pi
in the formulas for surface area and volume of common items that were in the shape of cylinders and
cones, in addition to applying the formulas for pyramids, prisms, and spheres (which don’t involve pi). Students sat in a circle where they found a variety of household items on the desks—cans of soup, funnels,
party horns, pyramids, boxes of crackers, and different sizes of balls. As music played, students passed
the items around the circle. When the music stopped, the students and their partner were holding a 3-D object. Together, they had to measure the parts of the object they needed in order to find the surface area and volume of that object. It
may have been the radius, length, width, height, or lateral slant. The music would start again and the items were once
again passed in a circle. When the music stopped, students needed to be holding a different shaped item and repeat the
process. They did this four times. Once they got all of their measuring done, they worked with their partner on the surface area and volume calculations while they ate moon “pi” and oatmeal “pi” snacks that were donated by parents.
Our 8th Grade Impressionists
To view this gallery online (larger pictures) please follow this link.
Kyle Helton
Jillian Kramer
Conner Harney
Jennah LaVerne
Ashlyn Meyer
Molly Cate Sansoucy
Cameron Gable
Kattiana Miller
Sarah Harkrader
Sophia Ocker
Jena Kane
Kimmie Knight
Madi Brooke Hannah
Corra Stegman
Brandon Brock
Alexis Arsenault
Gianna Pretelini
Madison Banks
Jessica Le
Maleah Hirn
Matty Smith
Our 8th Grade Impressionists
To view this gallery online (larger pictures) please follow this link.
Jake Wallenfelsz
Morgan Butler
Sam Huddleston
Madi Soucy
Shelby Leach
Micaela Stroud
Thomas Thoburn
Dylan Coe
Keegan Kelley
Ariel Shrader
Susan Fuller
Brady Guo
Jaelyn Gerhold
Jamie Lack
Landon Finn
Irma Rosen
Alicia Stewart
Gabi Richardson
Robby Winterman