Understanaling Whort Real Estate Agents Represer.lt Agents Who
Understanaling Whort Real Estate Agents Represer.lt Agents Who
January 1,1999 Stateof Maryland RealEstateCommissioll Understanaling Whort RealEstateAgentsRepreser.lt Boforeyou decideto sellor buy ol renta homeyou leedto consider thefollowinginformatiol.r: AgentsWhoRepresent the Sellen Seller's.Agerrt;A_seilei'sagentwolks for the leal estatecornpanytbat lists anclmarketsthe propertyfor the sellers,or. landlo|ds,andexclusivelyrepresertsthe sellersor landlords.ihai lneansthat1reor sherlay assisiflri buyeror.tela1ti1 purcltasingot rclting the propelty, but his ol her duty of loyalty is only to the sellercor iandlords.The seller.paysthe seller''sagent'sfeesasspecifiedil a ,,vrittenlistjng agrcement. Cooperating Agent: A coopetatingagentworks for a leal estaleconpany different liom the companylbr whioh tire 'ihe seiler''sagentworl<s. coopelatingagentcan assista buyoror tenantin purchasingor reuting a property,but his or. hel'duty of loyaltyis only to the selle:sol landiords. 1he cooperating agent's1beis paid by the ielleLsor landlords throughthe seller'sagent'scoltlpany. AgentsWhoRepnesent the tsuyer PresrrlnedBuyer's Agent (no written agreement):Whena pelsongoesto a teal est"te agentfor assistance in findi|g a houreto br"tyor follt, the agentis presumecl to be replesentjng the buyel andcan show the buyerpropeftiesthat are/?ot listedby dle agetrt'sreal estalecolnpany.A presumedbuye/s agentmay nol rnakeor preparean offer or tegotiatea sale for the buyer'. The buyerdoeszol havean obligationto payanythingto theptesunred agent. I f fol any reasonthe buyerdoesnot warlt the agentto representhim or hel asa plesumedageft, eitherinitially or at any lir?p.tlio buyercandeclineor terrriuatea presumed agencyrelationship simplyby sayingso. Buyel's .A,gent(by rvritten agreement)rA bLryelor tenantmay erter into a wlitteo contlacLwith a real estateagert 'lhe wirich plovidesthattl)e agentwiil represel)tthe buyeroi tenantin locatinga propefiyto buy or rent. agentis then known as the buyer'sagent.That agentassiststhe buyerin evaluatingpropediesand prepalingoffers,andnegotiatesin the bost interestsof tho buye:'or tcnarlt.Tlre agent'sfee is paid accordingto thc writterl agreementbetweenfhe agent and lhe buyeror tenant.Ifyou as a bllyel or tenantwish to havean agentreplese[tyou cxclusive)y,yoLrmustenterinto a wlittel buyeragoncyagreemelrt. DualA.gents The possibilityof dual agencyariseswhen1hebuyer''s agentandthe selle/sagentboth work for the salnerealestate -fhe company,aud the buyerjs interestedin p:operty listed by that colnpany. real estatocornpany,or broker,is cailed the "dualagent,"Dual agenl.s do not act exclnsivelyin the irterestsof eitherthe sellelol buyer,or landlotdor tenant, and thereforecalnot give r.rndividedloyalty to eitherparty.Thele rnaybe a oonl]ict ofinterest becausetlre termsofthe seLlelandbuyelnraybe diff'eleutor advelse, If both sellerand buyer,ol landlold and tenant,agreeto dual agencyby signinga Consentlor Dua[Agencyform, then tire leai estatecompan),(the "dual agent")will assignone agentto rcplesentthe seiler or landlord(the seller's agent") and another agent to represelt the buyer or ter']ant(the buyer's intra-companyagent"). "intra-cor.npany Intra-companyager)tsmay provide the saureselvjcesto theil olientsas exclusivescller'sor buyer''sagents,including by advisingtJreirclientsasto prioe and negotiationstfatogy,providedtlte clierltsIiave both consentedto be represented dual agency. 'l Wirmh)g Bdgcl{oaltjstate Solurions i5l3 wiDKn0llsDr sjtc213,Coll nbiaMD21045 jnrrcsrvbinstcfc. Phorrc:410?308118 lax:4107308222 Prodoced with ZipFonnrM by RE FormsNet.LLC 18025 Filieen Mire Road. Clinton Tov/nshlp, N4ichiqan48035 LIS'TING w\N ziororm.com If either party does not agrec to tlual agency, the lcal estateco lpany rnay u,ithdlaw the agency agr.ocmerlt tbr that particularpropeltywith eitherthe br.tyeror selier,of both.If the seller'sagleenrentis tenniniied,ihe-seller. nust theu eitherIepresent hitn or hersclfor arrangeto bo lepreseoted by al agentfrori anothetreal estatccornpanl,. lf the buyer,s agreenlert-istertninated,the btl)'er or tetrantmay chooscto entet irto a writlell buyer ageucy agr.eement with an agent flom a diffelert conrPairy.Alternatively, the buyef or tenantrnay chooserot to be icpLcieLrteitb! an agentof Lrisor.her own but sinrply to receiveassistancefiorn the seller'sagcnt,fron anotheragent in that company,or frrirn a cooperatilg agentftom anothercontpany, No nratterwhattypo ol'ago|t yoLichooseto wofl( with, you havethe 1'ollowing rigtrtsalld responsibilities in selliLrg or. buyingor fentiugplopelty: F lleal estatezrgerltsare obligated by law to treat all partiesto B real estate tmr)sactiorlhoncstly ancifairJy. They tnrtstexercisetcasonablecale and diJigenccard rnaintainthe coufidentialityof ciients.Tlrey mrrstnot discliminatein the ofiering of plopcrties;the),mLtstpron.rptly presellteachwrifteLroffer.or.countcr.ofl'er to the othcf party;andthey lnustanswerqrrostions tfutlllully. )> Real cstateagerts urus[discloscali nlatoriaifactsthat they know or should ](noq,relatingto a prope y. An agent's duty to maintaiuconfidentialitydoesnot applyto the disclosLre of rlraterialfactsabouta properly. witlr real estatoagentsshouldbe in writing and shouldexplair the cluticsald obligations F All agreements -fhc of tho agont. agrcementshouldexplainhow the agentrvill be paid and arry ltc-shatilg agreemeuts wilh other agents. FYou have the responsibilityto pmtecl yolrl own intercsts.You shoulclcaralully fead all agreernets to tnake surethey accuratelyleflect youl ullderstanding. A r€al estataagentis q|la]ifiedto advisoyou ou real estatenrattorsonly. lfyou ueed legalor tax advice,it is youl resporsibilityto collsulla licei]sedattouey or accoulttantAny conplaintsabouta feal estttc agcnt may be filed with the ReailjstateComrnissionat 500 Nolth CalveftStreet, B a l t i r r r o r\el D , 2 1 2 0 2(. 4 1 0 )2 j 0 - 6 2 0 0 . Tbis nolice is inforrratjou requiredby larv and is IrtrOTA COI{TI{ACT tho E and that Sellcrs/t-andlord acknowleclge leceiptof a copy of this clisclosure I Brryels/'l'enants (firrnnane) €-s*t'i- - Pe;"'..,-.i.js,,,'u-., -3f| *rrY"1;-*-.',' (salcsperson)ale working as: q seller/land iord'sagent T B dualagent(SeeCorlscntDual Agencyfolm) tr cooperatingagent DLrycr s agert ou nay checkrnolc thanone box) t.-10-d0/ 0 -/o'Zato unable to the individualsidcntifiedbelownrtdtheJ,rvere I ceftifythator1tlrisdateI madetbe requiredagencydisclosu|e statentsltt. fccoiptofa copy olthis disclosure or unu,iiliDgto aclcnowlcdgc Sig[atulc of ageul Nameof iudividual{o Date disclosurervasrrade "vhom wasuadc to rvhotr disclosutB Nameof individLral pro.luccd wilh zip Fo.mln by R E Forf,sNet LLC l Bo25 Fiatean Mile Road, Cli|]ion l ov/nship,lvichigan! 8034 v/stz olorh com Jtnuary 1, 1999 STATEOFMARYLAND REAI, ESTATECOMMISSION C o n s e n tF o r D u a l A g e n c y (In thisform, theword "seller"includes"landlord", "buyer"includes"tenanl",and "potrchase" or "sale" includes"lea,se".) Important Consiclcrations Before Making a Decision About Dual Agcncy WhenDualAgencyMayOccur The possibilityof dualagencyarisesr.vlren: F F 'lbe buyel is interestcd in a propedylisted by a realestatecompany;and GA dual agenl doesnot exclusively represerlteithel the seller or buyer and thele may be a conflictof intelest becausethe interestsof the sellel and buyer'nray be diffelenl or' advelse. The seller's agent and the buyer's agent work for tlrat samereal ostatecolltpany. Befole the buyer and sellel can proceed to be Ieplesented by a dual agert, they must both sign a ConsentFol Dual Agency.lf they have previously signeda ConsentFol Dr"ralAgency, they rnust affirm their conselltfor the sale of a particularpropeftyto a particularbuyer. L4P As a dual agent,the realestate corlpalry does not owe undivided loyaltyto eitherthe sellerol buyer'. YourChoices Concerning DualAgency Wbeua dualagencysiluationin I'actzuises,tlrebuyerandsellelhavethefollowingoptiolrs: l. Consentin ryliting to dual agency.lf all paftiesconsentin writing,the rcalestatecompally(the"dualagent")will assignone real estateagentfi'olr Lheconpany to lepresentthe selleror landlord(the seiler''s "intra-company agelrt")and anotl]eragentfrom the cornpanyto lepresentthe buyeror tenant(the buyer's"intfa-companyagent"). Intla-cornparyageLltsmay plovide the sarneseLvicesto theil clients as an exclusiveseller''sol buyet'sagent, includingadvisingtheirclientsasto pliceandnegotiation shategy. 2. Do not consentto dual ngency.If eitherthe buyel ol the seller,or landlordor tenant,refirsesto consentin writing to dual agency,the roal estatecorrpany must telminatethe agencyagreemer)tlbr that particulal prope(y with is teminated,the sellermusttbeneitherrepresent eithefthe buyeror the seller', or both.If the seller'sagleemeut hirr or herselfor armngcto be lepresentedby an agentfi'om anotherreal estateconpany. lf the buyer'sagreenent is teflninated,the buyel ol tenar'ltmay chooseto entefirto a written buyeragencyagrcernentwith an agentftom a by an agentof his or her own differentcolnpany.Altelnatively, thc buye| or tonart nay choosenot be represented frol1rthe seller'sagent,flour anotherage]rtitt that compatry,ot fiorn a coopemting but sirnplyto receiveassistance agentfi om anothelcompany. 'hvir - CorporAtc KnollsDr Slc213Columbia, MD 21045 WhrningDdgclicAlEsllltcSolutioDs 5513 Ji Binrslclbr Phone:410-730-81l8 faxi 410-730-8222 Produced with ZipFoffiO by ziplogix 18070 Fifieen [,lile Road, Fraser, Michigan48026 I-ISTING wsJ.zipl6o]!.nl[ Dutiesof a DualAgentand Intra-Company Agent Like other agents,dual agentsand intla-companyagertslnustkeepconfidentialinlbrmationabouta client'sbargaining positiollor ;notivations unlessthe cliont gives consentto disclosethe infolmation.For.exanple,a dual alent oi intra-companyagentrnaynot tell the othel party,or the otherparty'sagent,without consentof the clientj > F )> > o anythingtheclientasi<s to be keptconlidential*, thatthe sellerwould accepta lolverpriceor othcrterms, the reasonswlty a party wantsto sell or buy, or thata partyneedsto selJor.buy quicl<ly HoweveL,Iilteall agents,a dual agentand intra-company agentmustdiscloseany nratelialfactsaboura p:'operyro the otherDar1v. HowDualAgentsAre Paid Only thedualagentreceives compensation olt thesaleof a propertylistedby thatcompany. lf a finaucialbonusis offetedto an agentwho sellsplopeltythatis listedwith his company,thisfactrnustbedisclosed in writingto boththebuyerandsoller, I lravercadthe abovoinfornrntion consentto a dual agency,and that if I do rot consent,therewill not be a dual agency.I helebyvoluntarilyconsentto nave act as dual agentfo| rneasthe: (F-irn Name) fl sellerin thesaleofthe propertyat: f, buy.r in theprrlchase ol'anypropeltylistecll'orsalewith theabove-r'efelonced firm. 'c: ' -/a')n/A ?a/ts AFFIRIvIATION 1'heundersigned Scller(s) herebyafl-rrrrsconsent to DualAgency: Signature Date Date Signatufe The undersigned Buyer(s)herebya1firmsconsentto dualagency: Signature Date Signature Date Produced wilh Z pFomo byzipLogix 18070FitteenlVileRoad,F€ser, Michigan48026 Plopelty I-ocation www.zioLo0ix com GENERALADDENDUMT'OCONTRACTOF SALE F'ORUSEWITH THE MARYLAND ASSOCIATIONOF RDALTORS@ RESIDENTIALCONTRACTOF SALDFORM Addendum Number to Contfactof Sale(rhe 'Contmcr') dared Buyer(s)/Tenant(s): Seller(s)/Owner'(s): Propelty: I' LIGAL IIEQUIRIMENT: A Conlractfor thc saloof feal prope(y is requircdto bc in \vfitingto bc cnlbrccflblo uDdcfthc lawsofthc Starc ol' Maryland.Once signedby lhe partics,thc Corlr"ct bccongs a legally birding agrcement.1lre origiDaltcrms of the Contmctcal only be altcred conrp9to|rtadvicei1.thcydonotundeis1andanytcnn(s)ofthecon1|ac1.TlrcbIokel/agcntis|cquirodtop|omptly ihc Sellcr. 2. INTENDED UStrr The usc ol'a particularpropclty nray bc limilcd or restfictcdas a rcsult of zoning laws, local ordinancasdnd/orfestfictivc covenanlsapplicabloto thc pfopefty.The Contractof Saleform provjdedby tho broke/ag€n1is designcdand intendedfor usc ouly in thc purchasoand Salefornmaynotadcquatclyservetop|otcctBuye|,sinterest5!vithoutth0a(|ditionofaapproplift0clausc olfcr upon a dctcrDinatioDthat Buyer'sinto[dcd 0soof thc Prcpo(y will be pcmittcd. 3, SETTLDMINTI All personsto bc in tillc and/or rcsponsiblelvherg a nlo*gage is 10 b0 crcatcdshorld be prosentnt thc tiDrc of sotllcnlcnt and may b€ tequifed to provide proper identilication.Prior to senlcnert, a lender lorn']ally rcquiros that Buyer obtrh and provido a irlly paid prcparcdal thc time of scttlsmel to pay thc settlemcnlcostsand drc balancedue underthc Conlract.Buyer must pfovide cash,wifcd fulds, bank chcck orce ificd chccklor amouDlsto b9paid at scttlemont.ln somccascs,Sellefmay be requiredto provklg funds ir cxcossofthc salesprocccdsiD oldeIforsettlementtooccur,inwhichovcnt,scIlcIalsoshouldbcpt'0pa|edtomakepaymentinanapprovedfoI|n'Anypal1yunceItainoftheamou requi!0d al.sctllcrrgDtshouldmake water servicein Buyer'snalnecommencingthc day ol'setllcmeDl. 4. CROUND RENT: 11'aPrope|ly is subjcct to an cxistiDgground rent as providedin a leaserecordedtuloug the Land Records,or ifa ground rent is lo bc crcatcd,Scllol rvill makethosedisclosuresrequifedby ldw by a0 appropriateadditiollalclauscor addondurlto t|c Contract. 5. RENTAL: [f aDyDortiouof the I'>ropeftyis to bc rontedt0 tcnanlsby Buycr, thc local govclnment may rcquirc Ihat the Prope]tybc rcgistcrcd prior to ry rgntala1d a yearly rcgistralionfee may be assessed by the local governrnent.You 0ray call the appropiate govenmoDtoffice for funhcf atcsctfolrinthecontract.Effccti\,coctobcr1,l994,certaindisclosu|esaroroquircdrcgardingtheproscncooIleadpaill1]ceIla|nI9j 6. PROPERTYLOCATBDINBALTIMOILECITY:Tc:urt'sRightofFirstRefus.l:Il'thepropertyis,orhasbccn,withinsix(6)morthsofthe provisionsolTitlc I3, Subtille6 oflhc BaltimorcCity Code(2004EditioD,as anlended). Transfer Ccrtificatc:The z-oning ofBaltimore ordinance Cily, Sub{itlo5 olthe B d\velling)shallattachto the Contractor iDstrumentol'conveyance,a TranslerCc(ificate issuedby thc Ballimofc City Zoning Adniuislration. 7. BQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITYT A REALTOR@ is rcquiled by foderal, state and locnl larv, and thc Codc of Elhics of the National nssociationoI REALTORS@to trcal all parti marital status, !tousing [,aws. 8. IIOMBOWNER ASSOCIA.TIONS/CONDOMINIUMS: If a Propertyis pal1 of r devclopmcntsubjcct to thc inrpositionof nraDdatoryfccs as dclincd by 1beMafyland I-iomcownercAssocialionAct, aDd/ora condominiunrunit, Seller will nrakethe fequircd disclosufcsby an appropriate addendurnto thc Conhact. 9. COVENANTS AND RDSTRICTIONS ^,FFECTING PROPERTYi A mqiofity of honlos.whcthcr new or rc-salo,locatcdir a srbdivisio[ dlcsUbjocttoceainrcst|ictio0sapplicableto1llcuseo].tho restrictionsaroIef9rrcdtoascovenaIrtsand.ir]thecaseofPropcl.ty5ubjocttoaLIonreow|1e|l arc co tainedilr a Dcclafalionof Covenautsand Restrictionsas well as th9 I]ylaws of the Associatior. I'iowevcr,Inanypropcrtiesarc alsosubicctto covenantseventhoughtbcProportyisnotsubjccttoal]oloo\\!lo|sA any covenantsand festfictionswhich may be applicablcto thc PropoLlywhich is beillg considercdfor purchasc. FOtu\418l5Rcv.8/05 P.r\CEt OF3 - Corporale MD 21045 winningEdgcRealEslrtcSolulio'rs 5513TrvioKnolhDr Slc213ColLriubia, JirrrBinrstcfcr fax: 410-730-8222 Pho)le:410,?30-8118 Michigan 48026 W{4d4aip!99i4:40 MileRoad,Fraser, wjthZipFomObyzipLogix18070Fifteen Prcduced LIS NG 10. PRIVATE AGREEMENTS: Sorne communities nay bo subiect t0 agreemcnts,covonantsoL rcstfictions rclatj,tg to the cost ol ca(ain majntonanceitcNs,IeSt[ictillg|hcusc0fPIop9(ieso|dealing!vithotherma1t9IS' 'l'hesg privatoagfeementsdo not lall withil lhe fequifed discLosures agreemonls. of FIOA of cor]doDiniumlaws and may or nay not bc fccofded. lluyor shouldrnakeinquilicsof Sellerprior to or al tho timc ofConrfrcr. I l, WETLANDS' WATDIIWAYS AND/OR I'LOOD PLAINS: lluyer is advisedth{t, il'all of a t)o ion of tlrc Propcrly has wetlaudsand/or' waterwaysot is locatedin a designatedRood plahr, the approvalof the U.S. Army Corys of Dnginecfs(the "Corps"),thc MarylandDcpartmcniof Natu|alRcsou|ccsandothoI|cdcIal,staleorlocalagoncicsmaybenecessarbe|o|cabUildingpc|Irritfo|cithcn0w impfovementof the l'ropefy caD be is$ucd.Additionally, Lhcfutue usc of existing inproved ploperly nlay bc rcstrictcddlc lo thc pfcso0ccoI wa19lways,wctlands,an<l/or.foodplains.InJbm]ationas1o$,ctla|1ds,watc|waysand/oIoo corpsat(4l0)962.3670'tI1cMalyIaIdDepa[men1ofNitu|all1csou|0esat(4]0)974.384]orthool.IiccofPlal)ningalldzoningo|thccou1y0|c|1y inwhichth0PIop0rtyissitUa1ed.ThcBuy0|cxp|cssl],assLllI9stheIiskthatth9Prope|tyl]laybcsubjcct|ol.eSl|icti0sduc waterways,welland,and/orflood dcsignations. 12. REFORESTATION: (Not€: Applicable to prope{y contailring40,000 or more squareleet of land.) Buyer is hercby adviscdthat if Brycr jnteDdstoapplyIo|subdivisionorsi1cPlanapprova1oragradingot'scdimentcontl.o|pc[nitupol1tlcPIopo|ty, lequireasaconditionofsuchapprval1hatBuycI.s!lbllitplansacccp 1brcs1!vhichhasbecnlocently|cmoved.andcohscrvjngthccuttingandcl€a|ingoftrocsinaccordancawithapplica BE,, 13, CHESAPDAI(EBAY CRI'IICAL ARDA: 11'allorapol1ionof a Pfopeftyis localed\vithin 1,000lcct of tidalwateNolthc Chesapcrke thc|cmaybcfcst|ictionSonilr9uscaId/ordovclopmentoI1hePIopedy'Addi|ionaIinfo|[laiionregatdil1g availablcftom tho Cfitical ArcasProgfanrestablishcdby thc local goverDment ofeach countyin lvlarylancland llallinroro Cil),. 14, BWI AIRPOITT NOTICET Sonrc pfopcrlics$ay bc locatedin tho Baltimore/Wasbington Internatior)al Aifport Noise Zone. A Buy0l rcgarding the desiringto obtaina copyofNoiscZo|c Mapsrna),do so by callingtheBWI NoiseandAbatenrent Olnceat (410)859-702L lnformaLion locationofothcr airportsald thcir opcrirtionsrray bc obtriDcdby calling tllc local zoniDgot]lcc tbr d1carcain which the Pfope y is located. that, as a conditionof rnakiuga rnortgagcloan. londcls may rcquirc proof ol' hazardinsufancc 15. INSURANCE: Buyer acknowledgcs coveragcand may alsorcquifcflood insurancccovcragc. 16. PROPERTY CONDTTION (HOME INSPECTION): lf thc appropfiatcooDtingcncyis includcd iD thc Cortract, homo iuspcctionlirnrs may be employcdto inspccttbc systemsandcomponcnts'1heroofng'cx1eIioIandinterioIwaIls,ccilingsandfoo|s,foundationud/o|bascnlcnt(incltldingcl[onicw21toI penetIatioD).IftheP|opcl'tyispaofacondominium.lJuycr,sIightsiIclud9acccssto1hcconnnol]alcastopc|foIlltfcinspcction. 17. PRM'I'E WAl llR AND SITWAGB SYSTBMS: Many propc{ics arc soNiccd by wells and/or privatc watq and/or sewagesystorDs. LoctlIlawsol.londe|sm|yrqui|cva|ioustc5tsand/oriispcctions,IfthcP|opcI1yisseNiccdby[nysuchsystcm' scpafateaddcndumto the Conlr'act. 'l'hore ^fe many ha,iafdousDratcrialslhat could ail:ect a l{J. ENVIRONMIiNTAL CONSIDDRATIONS; I.II\ZARDOUS MATBRL,\LS: Ptopcl.1y'1.hcBrokelsand1oiIagcDt5willgcncmI|yl)avenoknow]cdgc asc€rtainor adviseyou oftho prssellceof sigrilicance ofthcsc haardous natcrials, Buygf has lhc fight to rcquestJas a oorlditioDofan ofl'erand, subject io acccptancsby the Sollcr, thc cmploynrentof a spccinlistof Buycr's choicc lo providc a0 analysisof hazlrdousnatcrials lvhich mily bc present.}Iaza|dousma1e|ialsinsidethchonrccaninc|udo,butareotlin1itod to, thosefound in cont (MDE) a1(a10)537-3000. MarylandDepartment ol theEnvironment trcatcd(fRT) plywood as roof shcathingmay rcsult in thc loss of 19, nIRD-RDTARDANT TRtrATED PLYWOOD: Ihe usc of firc-r'etafdant wood shcngth throughthoninl tornpcr.aturJlcvclsarlcIthcdcgrcc;rmoisturcp|oscntiothc|oo1.at)(Iatticsystcms' thoNationalAssoci^1iononI.IomcbuiIde|s01(800)368-5242.ForirrfoIlnatiolla5towhethc|aPropgI(ywasoost1lct contactthe local Dcpartmenl DtcscDt, ITORM 3815Rov.8/05 PAGD2 OF3 48026 byzipLogix 18070FifteenMileRoad,Fraser,I\,'llchigan Produced withZipForm@ wwwzioLooixcom LIS'I'ING '[he 20. RADON: MDE and thc U.S. l]lrvifonmen{al ProtactionAgoncy(DPA)lravcfound levclsof naturallyoccuningmdon in sono arcasof Maryland that excaedthe levelsconsidcredacceplablcby thc EPA. St0dicshaveshorvnthat extendedexposurcto high levelsolraclon can advorccly nffoot youf hoallh.Rad0ntesringfint)s actionsto be takcn to decreaseconcenhationsoI rador to an acceptablclcvcL.Buycf is adviscdto contactthc Ce|ter for. Iladiologicaillcalth at the MDD at (410)537-3000 fof Iudhcrinlbunalionon |aclon. 21. LEAD PAINT: "l'hcMDll has found lhat rnany ltonresbuilt belbrc l9?8 conl?rinlcad paiDr,thc iDgcsrionof rvhichcan be pa icularly dangerousThe potentialdangers oflead paintmay b9 grcatly exacerbaled by repairsanclr€novalionsperlbr.me-d without the assistarccola qualifiect lcAd Paint rcnoval spccialisl.Buycr is adviscdto contactthc Lcad l,ainr I'oiso;ing PrcvonrionDjvision oI rhe MDD at (410) 537"3000fo; fufrher informationon leadpaiDt.Spccialislsarc availableto detgmiDc if lead paint hasbecnuscdin a Proporty.In sonrecases,le;d pairlt inspgctionmay be man0atoly, ?2, ASBDSTOS: nsbcstos has bccn uscd it rosidcrltial plope(y for insulaliol, fircprooling, acoustical, decoralivc arr( oltlof pulposcs. Common usesof asbestosinclude insulatioDarour)dboilcru and pipes,slfacing material,cciling an<jfloor tiles, roofing rnaterial,wallboarcl,and ccn]entpipc.lnlpt'opc|handlingorfonroValofasl)cs)sdurin8Ieno ai6orne, potontiallycausinghcalth|isks. Buyof is advisodto contactthe MDE at (410) 537-3000for lirnhcr iDfornationon asbeslos. 23. AVAIL^.BILITY OF LIMITED WARRANTY: A Limitcd Wormrly rDa),be -va lable ibr purchasethrough a Broker. Such a j_i ilcd applianccs bccolnojnopemble or fail duringa specifiodperiodoltilnc (usuallyoncyearfrolnscttlcmcnt). 24 NEWLY CONSTRUCTED RESIDENCES: a) Now l{ome Warfanty Plan: If a Propcrly is a ncwly constrLrcted divolling, Maryland law requircsthal Scller/Buildcr provideB attached)ib)InsulationiSollct/Builde|mustinfo|nBuycrofdlelocation'typc0n(I{lrjckncss(RFactor)ofinstllationuscd n0w|ycolls1rctcdrcsidence;c)Watc/ServerSer.vicc:aP|0pc|tyDraybcsubjccttoalccolassessmo|1lwhichpurpo[stocoveIo|dc installingormaintajDingallolpaItol.th9public\v SellerlvillplovidcBuycr!vithadctailcdw|ittcDdisclost|reofthean 25.cEll.l1FIcATIoNs:DcpcDdiDgupontlrctyl]co|ntongagcnppliod|olbyBuyel,lenclcIsnraylequir'ccel'taico(if0ations Properlyor requireinspcclions/appraisals thal certily that tr Propertyis frec ofspecilic hazar.ds or conditions. 26. FHA PREPAYMDNT: Irl-lA rcSulalionsspecil), that if thc loan is paid in I'ull on xhe first day of a rnonth, inroresrfor rhar monrh is not payable.but iflho lodDis paid in lirll on ony day other tlro,rthe fifst day ol'a moDlh,intcrcslmay bc pzryablcthrooghlhc ctd oflhflt month. 27. NOTICES/FAX TRANSMISSIONS: Unless othcrwise pfo!,ided herciD or in anothcf Acldcndunl,any noticc to Buycf shall be clTective when deiivgrcdto Buyer 0r an aggntof Buyor, and lny noticc 10Scllef shall l,e elTactivowhen deliveredto Scllel.ol an agcDtof Scllcr.Noticcsundcf thc Contraclshall (fax).A tclecopyof a si8ncdolbr, accoptance, telecopier addendunor noticeshallbe dccmcdtho cquivalcntof Uteoriginaldocumellt. Whils not |cqui|od,itissu8gcstcdth4tdocn1cntswithorigi|)al Contiact. (SDAL) Buycr(s)/feDaDt(s) Datc - ?-a1a l - / 6 DaI€ t--/0- ;nl0 Darc 'fhc o0)eradvlcc, CrcalerBaltinorcBoordofREAI,'IORS(ll, Inc. CarrollCounly Association oI REAUIORS@, I0c. Associalion lncHartbrdCouDly of RE L I'ORS@, I-loward CounlyAssocialion ol llt^L-j'ORS@,hrc. 'fhc l:OItM 3815ltDViSllD8/05@2005 GrcaterB?llinorcBoardof ItDALIORSCD. lnc. PACE3 0F 3 Produced withZipForm@ by zipLogix18070Fitteen[,4ileRoad,Fraser,Michigan48026 www.zipLooixcom LIS'TING PlopeltyAddless: Yeal Constructed Disclosureof Information on Lcad-Based Paint and/orLead-BasedPaint I{azar.ds FederalLead Warning Statemcnt A buyet/tenartt ofany itttereslin lesidentialrcalpropertyon whicha residential dwcllingwas built pr.iorto 1978is notificcl llla-rsuchploperryInaycorllainlea(l-based paintarrdthal cxposurc.to lcadll'ornlead-bascd paint,faint clripsor.leadpailt dusl.rnayplaceyoungchildr€nat r.isJ< ol'dcvclopinglcad poisoningif not nranagcdpropdrly.Lead t)orsolrnqlr volrne chlldrelrlnay PlodLrce pcrrnanentIreurological dlrnage,includinglcarningdisibiliiics, reducedinielligcnciqu6rieni: p[oblems,.ancl oellavloral. ln]Patred- tnentoly.Lead poisoningalso posesa parriculalrisl<to pr.egnan'i wornin. Thc selievlaLlolord ol any ll)lcrcstln restdcnltal.rea.l propeltyis requiredto discloseto the buyer'/lcnarrt tl]e presel)ce oflknown lcao-Daseo parnthrzardsand to ptovtde.the.buyci/ter)anl witlr any infor;nationon lcad-bascd paint hazar.ds liorn risk assesslncnts or Illspectlolls lll flle scller's/laldlord's posscssion. A tenantrnuslreceivea fcder.allv aoor.oved oamohlet on lcad.poisolling pre\entior), It is teconttttended thata buycr corducta lisk rsscssrncnt or inspcctioir l'ciripossibl'c ledd-bascd parnthazatds pl tor t0 purchase, Scllcr's/Landlord:s Disclosure (a) Plesence paintand/orleacl-based oflead-based painrhazar.ds (initial(i) or (ii) below): (i) -/ l(rown lead-based paintand/o:'Iead-based painthaza:'ds ale plesentifl the housilg(explail). tfi1fu+r1-*62nef{erlLandlold hasno l<nowledgc of Iead-basecl paintaud/ol lead-based paint hazarcls in the housing. (b) Recordsandleportsavailableto tlreseller(initiaJ(i) or (ii) below): (i) -i Seller/Landlold hasprovidedthe purchaser/tenant with all avaiLable fecordsand reportspeltainingto pairrtand/orlead-based lead-based painthazards in thehousing(listdocuments beLorv). ()Y)Ly4M'Yeller'll-and lolcl has no reports or recordspertainiDgto lead-basedpaint and/or.lead-basedpaint 74hazar'ds in tlrehousins. Buyer's/Tcnant'sAchnowledgrncnt (initial) Buyer/Tenant has|eceivedcopiesof all inlbrrnation (c) _l listedin section(b)(i) above,if any. (d) ..".""""..""....._/ Buyet/Tenanthasleceivedthe pamphletProtectYourFantilyfrom LeaclIn YourHona (e) Buycr has(initial(i) or (ii) below): (i) _/ receiveda lO-dayoppor-tunity (or rlutually agreedupon peLiod)to conducta risl( assessnlent or inspection lbt the presenoe paintand/or'lead-based of lead-based paiuthazards; or' (ii)_l waivedthe oppoltLrnity to conducta lisl<assessment or inspection for the plesence paint of lead-based painthazards. and/orlead-based r o w l c d g n r e n( itr ) i t i a l ) genthasinformedthe Seller'/Landlord of the Seller's/Land loLd'sobligationsunder'42 U.S.C.4852(d)and is iware ofhis/herlesponsibility to ensurecornpJiance. Certificationof Accuracy The followingpartieshavereviewedthe irrfolmation thatthe infolmation aboveandcertil'y,to the bestoftheir l<rrowledge, providedis tlue andaccurate. t]rey 0- ?z p Date Drtc Buyer/Tenant o'do/o Buyer/Tenant Date Buyel's/Tenant's Agent Date F-1A/07 \\,imiDn Edsc Rcil Eidc Solurio rin Bi$lcfcr 48026 Producedwilh zipForm@by ziplogix 18070FilreenL4ileRoad,Fraser.N4ichigan !444!Zi0tgqilag!0 MARYLANDRESIDDNTIAL PROPERTY DISCLOSURE ANDDISCLAIMERSTATEMENT l'ropefiyAddress: LegalDescription: NOTICE TO SELLERAND PURCI.IASER Secrioni0-702 ofthe Rcal?ropefy [t1i:,lg,ll1!9!qted Code of Matyland, roquiresthe owner ofce(ajl residentialreal prope y10 lurnish to the.purchaser either (a) a RESIDENTIAL PROPERTYDISCLAIMER S'IATEMENT staringthat the owner is'seliing'the propefiy "as is" and makes no rcpresentationsol wa antiesas to the condition of the property or. iry improvementson thJ r.cal g_of:Iry,_9{!ePt-T otherwiseplovided io the contmctof sale,or iD a iisting of larentdef;ct;; oi 1u; a ruStbanftAL pROpERTy DISCLOSURESTATEMENT disclosingdefectsol other infornation abouithe sondilion of the Leaipropefy acruallyknown by tlre owner, CeLtaintransfersoftesidentialp:'opertyare excludedfion thjs requirement(seethe exenptiorlslisteitbelow). l0-702,EXEMPTIONS. The followingarespecifically excluded fi.omtheprovisions of g l0-702; 1. The iuitialsaleofsinglefanrilyresidential realpropety: A. thathasnevetbeenoccuDied: or B. forwhichace ificxteoi occupancy l)asbeenissuedwithil 1 yearbefurethe sellerandbuyerenterintoa contmct olsale; 2. A transfer thatis exernptfiom tho tlansfertax under$13-207ofthe Tax-Property Adicle, exceptlandinstallnlent contracts ofsalesunder$13-207(a) (i I) of the Tax-Pfoperty Atticleand optionsto purchase realpropeityunder913-20?(a)(12) of the Tax-PropenyArticle; 3. A saleby a lenderor an affiliateo[ subsidiary of a lenderthatacqui]edthe realpfopeflyby foreclosure or deedin licu of IOreclosule; 4. A sheriffssale,tax sale,or saleby foreclosure,paftition,or by courtappointedtrustee; 5. A tlansferby a fiduciaryin lhe courseofthe administration ofa decedent's estate,guarclianship. conservatorship, or trust; 6. A transfer of st'ngle fanily residcntial realpropedyto be coDvefedby the buyeriDtouseothertltanrcsidsntial useo[ to be denolished; or 7. A saleofunimplovedrcalproperty. Sectionl0-702alsotequifestheownelto disclosejnforrnation aboutlatentd€ftctsin the properlythatthe ownerhasactualknowledge ol'i'he ownerrnustprovidothis infonnationcven ifselling the property"as is." "Latentdefects"are definedas:Matefialdefectsin real plopertyor an rmpfovenrent to leal propetly thali (l) A purchaserwould not reasonably be expccted to ascertain or obserye by a cafefulvisualinspection ofthe realproperty;and (2) Would posea directthreatto the healthor.safctyof: (i) tLe purchaser; or' (ii) an occupant 01'therealprope(y,includinga tenantor jnvitecol'thepurchaser, MAIIYLAND ITBSIDENTIALPROPERTYDISCLOSURESTATEMENT NOTICE TO OWNERS:Cornpleteand sign this statement only il'you electto disclosedelbcts,includinglatentdefects, or other infonnationaboutthe conditionofthe properlyactuallyknown by you; otherwise,sign the ResidentialPropertyDisclaimerStaternent. You may wish to obtainprofessionaladviceor inspectionsof tlre prope*y; however,you are not requi[edto undertakeor provideany independent investigation is basedon your or inspection ofthe plopefy in orderto makethedisclosure setforthbelow,The disclosule personal knowledge ofthe conditiono1'thepropenyat thc timeofthe signingofthis staternent, NOTICD TO PURCI-{ASERS: The inlbr atiorl plovided is the representation ofthe Ownelsand is basedupon the actualknowledgeof for an inspectionby an independent homeinspection Owne$ as of the dateDoted,Disclosureby the Ownels is not a substitute is not a waruanty by theOwne$ company,andyou maywish to obtainsuchan inspection,'fhe information contained in tlrisstatement as to the conditionof the prop€ftyof wbich the Ownershave no l(nowledgeor other conditionsof which the Ownelshave no actual knowledse. How Iong haveyou ownedthe properry? PropertySystem:Water,Sewage,I{eatiDg& Air Corditioning(Anslverall thnt apply) WaterSupply E I'ublic I Wcll O Olhcl (# bcdroorm) appfovcd for SewageDisposal E ScpticSystem Q I'>ublic CarbageDisposal ONo S Ycs Dishwasher ENo I Yes Fleating E Elcclfic E Ilcat Pumt)n gc _ tr oil Q Nfltufal Gas Natural Elcctric Oil Cos E Air Conditioning O tlcat I'uolpAgc E E .tgr'Hot Water E NatuulGrs f tltecrricCapacitylo oil l'nge I of4 W i n n i i g E d g c l l c d E s t r t c S o l L r l i o n s - C o f p o r a l c 5 5l1- l3v i nK n o l l sD r S t e2 1 3C o h r m b i aM, D 2 1 0 4 5 Jim Bimstcfer F^xt 4lO-73O-a222 P h o n e4: 1 0 - 7 3 0 -I818 48026 by zipLogix18070FifleenMileRoad,Fraser,l,'lichigan Producedwilh ZipForm@ !444rye!ptaqi4sa4 Q Odtct Q Othof Tl othcr Pleasc indicrteyouractualknowlcdge rvithrespect to thefollowing: l. Foundation: Anysettlemetrt or otherproblenrs? Q Ycs Comments: El No E Unkrown 2. Basernent: Anyleaks or evidence ofmoisture? Corrnrents: O Yci- ONo Q Unknorvn 3. Rool Any leaksol evidence ofnoisture? E Ye$ INo (] Unknorvn Typeofroof: Comrnents: [s thoreanyexistingfir'eretardanth.eatedp]ywood? fl ycs _ Comnrents: 4. OthelStructural Systerns, includingexteriorwallsandlloors: Cornrner)ts: Any delects(structur"lor otherwise)? O Ycs INn [Inknorvn [ El No Connrents: O DossNot Apply fl U|lknown 5. PlumbiugSyster]:ls thesystern in opcratingcondjtion? Conunents: [f, Ycs ENo Q Unknown 6 HeatingSystenrs: Is heatsuppliedto all finishedrooms? uomments: Is thesystem in condition? Comments: I Yes ENo E Urknorvn I Y.s EI No f,l Unknowu Z Ait Conditioning Systenr: Is cooliDgsuppliedto all finishedrooms? O Yo, E Nu Q Uuknorvn a^rrn^hrc' Is tl'resystenrin operatjngconditjon? Comments: ff Yes O Unknown INo El DoesNorApply E DocsNol Apply 8. ElectricSystems: Ale thereanyproblemswith elcctl'ical fuses, circuitbrcakers, outletsor wirirlg? E Yes fl No I Unknorvn Con)ments: Will the smokedetectorsprovidean alarm in the eventofa poweroutage? Cornnrents: 9. SepticSystems: ls theseplicsysternfuuctioniogproperly? Whenwasthesystemlastpumped? Date Cornments: 10.WatmSupply:Any ploblenrwith watefsupply? lnenrs: \- or1'r llo U Yes A Ycs ff Yes ENo E No I Unknowl I Unknowl D DoesNot Apply E DoesNot n pply I Uuknorvn DNo Con'rnents: Firesprinklersystem: Q Yes O Unknown 0No O DossNotApply Ar Con)Drents: I l. Insulation: ln exteriorwalls? In ceiiing/attic? In any otherareas? Corr'rments: El Ycs fl Ycs [ Yes ONo ql No INo fl unklorvn E lJnknown Wherc? I2. Exterior Drailage:Dooswatel standon the prope y for nlorethan24 hoursaftera heavyrain? E Ycs ONo I Unknorvn Colnrnents: Are guttersauddownsportsin good ropair? Comlnents: n Ycs QNo fl [Jnknorlrr Pngo 2 of4 ProducedwlthZipForm6 byziplogix 18070FifieenlvlileRoad,Fraser,Michigan48026 !4!444!q!sgs4!!l r,ts1lNc 13.Wood-destroying insects: Any infcsttrion priordaurage? E ycs and/or O No Uomments: Anytreatments or repails? E Yes Q No I Unknorvn Any\.varranties? [ Ycs E No I L],,knor"n E Unknown Cornntcnts: hrz?rdous or regulated materials(including, but not linited to, licensed landfills,asbestos, radongas,lead-based paint, L1:1f_.lLl": !"y underground storagctanks)or othel conlantination)on thc propefiy? O yes fl No El Unknorvn lfyes, specifybeiow Comments: 15.If the propetlytelieson the cornbustion of a fossilfuel fol heat,ventilation, hot water,or clotlresdrlef operation, is a carborl monoxide alarn installed in theproperty? Q Ycs I No I Unknorvn Comments: I6. Are thereauy zoningviolations,nonconfolming uses,violationof buildiugreshicrionsor sctbackrequilemeltsor anyrecorded or utttecorded.cascrnent, exceptfor urilities,ol) ot irec{ing lhc propefly'l I Vcs I No I Uninorvrr rr yes,specrryDetow Comments: 17.ls the propoty locatedir a flood zone, conservationarea, wetland alea, ChesapeakeBay crjtical area or DesiglatedLlistofic Disti'ict? E Ycs El No E UnknowD lfyes, specifybelow Comments: 18.ls the plopeftysubjectto any r€st ction inposed by a Hoor€OwnersAssociationol any otheftype of colnrunity association? O Yos O No lfyes, speci! beiow I Unknorvn Comments: 19,Are thereany othermaterialdefects,includinglatentdefects,affectingthe physicalconditionof the property? f,l Ycs 0 No I Uoknorvn Comments: NOTE: Owner(s) may wish to disclose the condition of other buildings on the property on a separate RESIDENTIALPROPERTYDISCLOSURESTATEMENT. The owner(s)acknowledge having carefully examinedthis statement, includingany conments,andverify that it is cornpleteand accurateas of the date signed.The owner(s)furtheracknowledgethat thcy havebeeninformed oftheir rightsandobligations under$10-702ofthe MarylandRealPropertyAtticle. Owner Date Owner Date The purchaser(s) acknowledgereceipt of a copy of this disclosulestatementand I'urtheracknowledge that they havebeeninformedoftheir rightsandobligations under$10-702ofthe MalylandRealPlopeltyArticle. Pulchaser Date Purchaser Date Page3 ol'4 l\,'lichigan 48026 v4A44;igt!gi:can MileRoad,Fraser, Produced withZipFom@ byzipLogix18070Fiiieen LISTINC MAII.YLAND RESIDDNTIAL PROPERTY DISCLAIMIIII STATEMtrNT NOTICE TO OWNER(S):Sign this statemenlonly if you electto sell the propertywithout l.cpresentations and warrantiesas to its condition,exceptas otherwiseprovidedin the contlactof sale and in the listing of latent def'ectsset forth below; otherwise, complete and sign the RESIDEN]IAL PROPERTY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT, Except fol the latent defects listed below, the ur.rdelsignedowner(s) of the real pl.opelty make 10 representations or waranlies as to the condition of the real property or any improvementsthereon,and the purchaserwill be receivingthe real ploperty "as is" with all defbcts,includirrglatentdefects,wl.richrnayexist, exceptas otherwiseprovided in the real estatecontractof sale.The owner(s)aclcnowledge having carefully examinedthis statementand further acknowledgethat they havebeeninfonned of their.rights and obligations under$10-702of theMarylandRcalPropcr-ry Aniclc. \ / |/ t\ The owncr(s)hasactualknowledge of tbefollowinglarenrdefects: A O 116l K p6.+-l UF t eorDate , /- /o - Zd /a /' /o' 2//d The purchaser'(s) acknowledgeleceipt of a copy of this disclaimelstatementand 1\n'theracknow.iedge that they havebeenir,formecl oftheil rightsandobligations under$ 10-702of theMarylandRealProperty Article. Pulchasel Date Purchaser Date Pagc4 of4 Ir'ornrDLLIVREC/I'II 0-i -0 I Rov Rev I0-l-07 Road,Fraser,lvichigan48026 Produced withZipFomO by zipLogix 18070FifteenN4ile !4A44eigLagix-caq