Fall 2009 - Ebersole Environmental Education Center
Fall 2009 - Ebersole Environmental Education Center
Fall brings stings! Here are our “top ten” tips to help avoid being stung by bees, wasps and other insects while you enjoy outdoor activities: Meet Killdeer: A fascinating local resident with a flair for theatrics Killdeer, or Charadrius vociferous, are considered shorebirds, although they are found in many different habitats including lawns and farmlands throughout Michigan, and particularly around Southwest Michigan. 1. Bright colors attract stinging insects—wear clothing in dark or neutral shades. 2. Don’t use perfume or cologne, which also attracts insects. 3. Avoid swatting and swinging at insects as this can excite many species and cause them to sting. 4. Tuck a sheet of Bounce or other dryer sheet in your pocket or your shirt. Bees and yellow jackets will avoid you and veer away. 5. If you use both sunscreen and insect repellent, apply the sunscreen first—at least 45 minutes before you go out in the sun. Then apply the repellent. Applying them at the same time reduces the effectiveness of both. 6. Check the label of the insect repellent you use; it should contain no more than 10% of the chemical DEET. The American Academy of Pediatrics says any higher concentration can be harmful to children. 7. Use insect repellent sparingly. Apply to any exposed skin except thefingertips, (where kids may lick it off). 8. If you or your child is stung, check to make sure the stinger has not been left behind. If you see a stinger, gently remove it with tweezers. 9. Call for medical advice if you or your child develops hives all over his body or swelling near the eyes, lips or tongue. 10.Call 911 if you or your child shows any sudden difficulty breathing, weakness or unconsciousness. Killdeer are robin-sized birds, approximately 9-10 inches long, with long legs and pointed wings. The killdeer has a brown head and back, and a pure white breast crossed horizontally by two brown bands, which make it easy to identify. Just like a zebra’s stripes, these brown bands help the killdeer blend into it’s surroundings, a type of marking called disruptive coloration. When the killdeer flies off, it shows a large rusty spot on the tail as well as a prominent white band on the edge of the wings. Killdeer prefer lakeshores, fields, meadows, and mudflats as their habitats of choice. The killdeer’s range covers Canada, the United States, Mexico, and sometimes even Alaska. They breed in open, dry, or gravelly places and lay spotted eggs that blend in so well with surrounding rocks and stones that they are easily overlooked. During the spring breeding season, the killdeer will aggressively protect their nest and young from predators. If a predator approaches the nest, the adult bird will flap its wings, fan its tail out toward the intruder, and make a show of struggling away from the nest. The predator believes that the bird is injured and would be easy prey and is led away from the nest. Once the nest or young are out of danger, the killdeer undergoes an amazing recovery and screams loudly at the intruder as it flies away. Killdeer are famous for this “broken wing” display. Killdeer hatchlings are precocious, which means that they are capable of fending for themselves almost immediately after hatching. The familiar call of the killdeer can be heard day and night and its name has been derived from the call that it makes, “kill-deeh, kill-deeh.” Keep a look out for these fascinating birds around your own neighborhood, school, and around the Ebersole Center! Round Up Rally 2009 Ebersole Center staff along with our mascot Ebby Bear, attended the 2009 Round Up Rally held at Sexton High School on September 2nd. The Rally is a great kickoff to the upcoming school year and was well attended. Our staff had an opportunity to speak with hundreds of children and adults about the Center and what we have to offer. Children had fun decorating tree cookie name tags and doing texture rubbings of leaves, insects and various critters. Many parents stopped to tell us about the huge impact Ebersole had on them when they visited the Center as students. Vernon D. Ebersole Environmental Education and Conference Center | FALL 2009 L.E.A.F. Scholarships Ebersole Center is excited to announce that Lansing Educational Advancement Foundation (LEAF) scholarship funds are going to be available again for the 2009-2010 school year. Scholarship applications will be available soon on the Center’s website and will also be sent electronically to all Lansing School District teachers. Everyone is encouraged to apply for these funds, and we are hoping to secure additional matching funds to increase our scholarship offerings. Last year, thanks to the generosity of LEAF, the Center was able to offer scholarship funds to Riddle & Willow Elementary schools, which allowed these two schools to bring their students to Ebersole for a three day program. The students and the teachers had an amazing time and were very grateful for the opportunity. Check Out Ebersole’s New Live Display Something’s “Fishy” at the Center… During the summer of 2008, Ebersole Center became the recipient of a generous donation of a 150 gallon aquarium from Cliff Barry from Delton, Michigan. The hope was to eventually set up this aquarium as a live, native species display for Ebersole visitors to enjoy. The aquarium was stored at Ebersole until this past July while other needed equipment was acquired. Thanks to a donation of two large filters from Jacki Tennant from EHEIM, North America and a custom aquarium stand donated by Jason Byler, Ebersole Naturalist, the Center now has a beautiful native species aquarium for visitors to learn about some of the life found below the surface of Jackson Lake—prior to actually visiting the lake! The aquarium is in the pond study classroom (green door) and currently houses several different species of fish and water plants, directly from the lake. More species will be added as time allows. Be sure to stop in and see this wonderful ‘‘pond sample’’ the next time you are visiting Ebersole Center! Summer School a Hit! For the first time, Ebersole Center was able to offer summer school programs to schools. This offering replaced summer camp and has turned out to be a wonderful addition to the programs we have available. This past summer Cavanaugh and Averill Elementary schools took advantage of this incredible opportunity, and both schools have plans to continue their summer school program in 2010 here at the Center. If you are interested in holding summer school classes here at the Center, please contact our office for rates and availability. Dates are filling up fast! Students examining native fish in Ebersole Center’s new aquarium. Are You Watching Your Waste? Many of the products we use in our homes everyday are hazardous. If they are disposed of improperly, these products can make their way to our streams and rivers, and eventually into our Great Lakes, and kill surrounding plants and animals. A product is considered hazardous if it is: Toxic—poisonous or capable of causing acute illness; Flammable—ignitable and burns easily; Corrosive—eats through other materials; or Reactive—can possibly explode or react with other chemicals. Always check the label to see if a product is hazardous. A product may be hazardous if the label pictures a skull and crossbones or if it contains the words WARNING, CAUTION, DANGER, or POISON. Here are some things YOU can do to reduce household hazardous waste pollution: Averill students display their math projects. • Keep unused products in their original containers with labels intact, and store them in a cool, dry place that is inaccessible to children and pets. • Use products in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions and follow all safe handling requirements. • Offer surplus supplies of products that are useable and safely packaged to others— such as pesticides to nurseries, and paint to theater groups. • Use non-toxic alternatives to hazardous products whenever possible. • Be sure to follow proper disposal procedures for household hazardous waste— recycle or drop off at a household hazardous waste site. Ebersole Foundation Gratefully Acknowledges Donors $250,000 Dart Foundation $50,000 - $60,000 Kellie & Marilyn Dean $20,000- $30,000 National City Bank Lyle Stephens $10,000- $19,999 Ebersole Center John & Cheri Schimmel $5,000 - $9,999 Margaret L. Ebersole Robert & Diane Ebersole Drs. Deborah & Timothy Smith Robert Thompson $1,000- $4,999 Dr. James & Mary Atkinson Muriel Benedict Kip & Jane Bohne Dave & Jan Brigham Susan K. Codere & Thomas A. Kelly Ralph & Pat Ebersole Richard Ebersole Gwen & Donald Erickson Lisa Gallinari Jacqueline Gerard & Jerry Alvarado Dr. Richard & Nancy Halik Pat & Gary Harkins Robert & Barbara Harris Amy Hodgin Bob Howe Robert Hubbell Mary & Bob Hutchins Charley & LeaAnne Janssen McNenly Group Paul & Rebecca Kennedy Michael & Tommie Kost Robin & Roger Lewis Leonard & Sue Lipinski Andrew & Gail May Brian & Pam McLenithan Pam & Mark Meadows Marty & Laurie Mecher Mark & Rosie Mehaffey Larry Meyer Sue & Chuck Millar Mike & Joan Moran Robin & Stephen Moritz Deb & Tom Neal Steve Robbins Melanie Rogers Sharon Schimmel Rita & William Stanton Kenneth & Karen Stock R. John & Deanna Strolle Jerry Swartz Brian & Marci Thrasher Michael & Elizabeth Tillman Nancy Wonch & Tom Sampson Gordon VanWieren Lee & Barb Zackman $500- $999 Dr. Sharon & William Banks Tony & Carmen Benavides Gordon Bieske Nabila & Kamel Boctor Meg & Nate Boulton Pam & Gary Boyce Jason & Janine Byler Matthew & Anne Marie Campbell Janet Clark Jack Davis David & Sherri Drayton Steve Fox Kristin Glatz Lue Glatz Dale & Sue Glynn Steve & Sue Holmes Keith & Sheila Kallish Marshall Kindy & Ronald Decker Lansing Educational Advancement Foundation Lansing Schools Education Association Norma Laurel-Pike Brian Lovellette Mark & Holly Mayes Paul & Robin Nyenhuis Sandra & Brion Pearson Robert Proctor Glen Rairigh Tim & Dona Raymer R.E. Olds Foundation Jo Ann & Tom Robinson Ray & Anita Rustem Jane Schneider & Dennis Fulbright Matt Smar Sue & Bill Townsend Reginald Turner Sue & Don Usiak Jim Veurink Richard Wendorf $100 - $499 Catherine Abood-Mohil Debra Adamczyk Academy of Model Aeronautics Inc. Andy & Linda Anderson Anonymous Donors Dave & Sandy Atherton Attwood Elementary Linda Auvenshine Paul & Tricia Babladelis Terry Ballinger Margaret Barile Lucy Bates-Byers Ellen Beal & Pete Bosheff Gary Benavides Virg & Teri Bernero Barry Bradford Ricardo & Patricia Briones Eve Brown Robert & Joy Brown Rhonda Buckley William Bupp Richard & Virginia Burd Cavanaugh PTA Carolyn Christensen Denise Chrysler David & Jean Clark Hugh Clarke Jr. Nancy & Ron Clevenger Nicholas & Karen Colovos Bob & Susan Copland Jerre Cory Jeanie Croope Richard Dale & Judy Paulsen Leigh Damaske Mac & Helen Dashney James & Shanna Davis Sam Davis Claudia Deschaine Al & Sandy Donaldson Eastern High School Deanna Eby Linda Eschbach Everett High School Special Ed., Project Success Barbara & Lee Fetter Joan Fetter Dawn Fields Michaelann & John Foltz Judie Gapp Judge James R. Giddings Denise Goron Judge Roman & Lee Gribbs Tami Hall Alice Hannula Robert & Darlene Harr Mary Helton Cordell & Jan Henderson William & Lori Herndon Dave & Dolores Hershey Bob & Sheryl Hickman Dorothy Jones Sylvia Jones Ken Jones Holly Keenan Mary Kelley Todd & Tracy Kerrins Justin & Gina King Duane Kooyers Judge Amy Krause Philippe Laurens Julie Lemond Mike & Connie Lenkowski Warren & Mary Sue Lester Olivia Letts Jim & Kathryn Lynch Beth & Joe Maatman Len & Natalya MacNeil Steve Maiville Elizabeth & Douglas McGinnis Pat McKay Deborah McMillan Chuck & Dave McNeilly Hugh McNichol Vern Mesler & Nan Jackson George & Jenifer Michos Mike & Pauline Morrison Sandra Murphy Pamela Nico Debbie Nolan Dr. Sharron Norman Marion Norwood Jeff and Susan Nyquist Rick Oberle Donna & Harold Old Steven & Laura Panganis Peg Panici Ben Perez Althea Phillips Jim & Karen Pierson Dave Prentice Reading First Literacy Coaches and Facilitators Pete & Connie Reynolds Dave & Linda Rothermel Diana Rouse Bill Rustem Esther Sanford William & Mary Jo Scharffe Drs.Gordon & Dale Schimmel Arlene Schimmel Kristy Seibold Steve Serkaian Joe Sheahan Dr. John & Cindy Shinsky James & Barbara Sinadinos Sam & Chris Sinicropi Ken Slater Janet Small Edward Smith & Jacqueline Himelright Katie Smith Michael M. Smith Janice Snell Nancy Spitzer Magen Stewart Patricia Stiles Doris Sutherland Jerry & Linda Sutton Butch & Amy Syers Betty Tableman Dr Ralph & Alison Taggart William & Lynn Tucker Tom Tuggle Dr. Elizabeth & Dr. Robert Turpin Mark & Janet Urban-Lurain Daniel & Janet Van Acker Todd & Diane Van Aken Nick & Robbyn van Frankenhuyzen Joan Vercruysse Eleanor & Kenneth Veurink Mary Villegas Jacqueline Warr Gene & Caryn Welter Broderick Williams Phyllis Willis Carol Wood Don & Elaine Yuvan John Zerfas $100 or Less Virginia & William Acheson Mitchell Adelman Layla Ahmad Doris Akers Judy Allen Reniero Araoz Richard & Suzanne Barclay Shelly Barlow Elizabeth Barnes Brandon & Cindy Baswell James Bedford John & Joyce Beedle Lucile Belen Merideth & Chris Bennett Walker Beverly Anthony & Jennifer Billingham Dave & Jean Brailey Kyle Brigham Torey & Troy Byington Gloria Cannon Ann & Christopher Carl Larry Carr Carol Carson Donna Cervelli Robert Chamberlain Rosa Chapa Dorothy Chapman Ann Cherundolo Jean Churn Steve Cook Doris & Dulles Copedge Bruce Cornelius Sherry Corwin Kimberly Coscarella Richard & Patricia Coscia Sandra K. Dargatz Cathy Demorest Eleanor Doersam Susan Dumala Lester Duvall Judith Evans & James Ritts Farley, Estes & Dowdle Funeral Home Dennis Fedewa David & Theresa Fetter Judge Charles & Judy Filice David Finnie Philip Fitch Patricia Fitzpatrick Christine Flaga Ron Flanders Al Fletcher Bridget Flynn Steven & Brenda Foster Joanne Foy Janet Foy Dana French Marie Fulton Lisa Gass Linda & Mike Gazella GoodSearch Anne & James Goudie Virginia Greene Lou & Mary Grindol Carl & Maureen Gromek James Grund Mark Hahn Harold Hailey Kandy Hannula Niel Hansen Patricia Harlow Cliff & Jan Havey Jim & Sandy Hines Laurena Hoffmeyer Andrew Hogarth Christopher & Janice Jencka Mary & David Jessup Jim & Nancy Jewett Pauline Johnson-West Sara Kanya Mary Lou Keenon Randolph Kerr Gary & Barbara Klepper Karen Kligman Nancy & Steve Koerber Paul & Judy Kropf Edward & Claudia Kulnis Dawn & Bruce Kutney Jim & Kathy Lammers Kathleen Langschwager Sung Lee Ann Leonard Linda Linton Florence Locke Guillermo Lopez Samuel LoPresto Lynelle Marolf Peter Masson Deborah McDonald Mary Jane McGuire Steven & Irene McKinley Dennis & Karilyn McLenithan Wendy McWhorter Georgia Mead Meijer Community Rewards John & Nicki Memmott Dalena Miller Douglas & Carol Miller Gloria Miller Nel Miller Charlotte Morton Richard and Beth Murley Lydia Myers Dan Nelson Mary Nesman Maria Carol Nwagwu Yoke Lei Oldham JuliaOliver Yolanda Oliver William & Lola O’Meara, Jr. Patricia O’Rourke Janet Pagoni Susan Palomba Sharon & Thomas Pease Michael Penskar Gerard Perry Julie Potter Larry and Sue Pung Stephen & Shirley Purdy Janet Quiring Monie & Tom Rademacher Frank & Cynthia Rauth Duane & Althea Reames Tom & Tim Reames Renos East Inc. Mike & Gina Rocca Mara Schaberg Rex & Christine Schad Pamela Scherer Christina Schwarz & Stephen Zepf Barry Sedgewick Norm & Audrey Shafer Mark & Charlene Sherwood Robb Shubel Skill Industrial, Inc. Charles Smith Kathryn Soupal Dr. Julia Spalding Mark & Jennifer Spinozzi Cheryl Stanfield Jennifer Strauss Robert & Renee Swanson Leo & Meda Thrall Jeffrey Tomboulian Judy Van Geison Robert Verdell Dr. Donald Vire Dan Voss Tou Vue Melissa Waligorski Karen Wallace Ruth & Melissa Washburn Christine Washburn Dan Watson Gregory Weatherspoon Ed & Kim Wesoloski Donald & Joyce West Yvonne Whitmore David & Beverly Wiener Mark & Heidi Wilhelm Richard & Judith Winter Tom & Cathy Wolff Ray & Sue Woodard Fred & Barbara Woodruff Asa Wright Joan Wright Wesley & Mary Yard Dan Zarimba Health Officer Vacancy TidBits The Ebersole Center will begin the search for a new Health Officer this fall. The vacancy opened this summer when Kevin Curran left his position to pursue other interests and opportunties in New York. Our Mission… We still have open dates for your group to come to Ebersole. Book your dates before they are gone. We welcome all grades and all kinds of groups; family reunions, sports camps, boy & girl scout troops, retreats, women’s & men’s weekends, etc. You may want to consider a winter date, where every group can include snowshoeing and cross country skiing as part of their experience. School groups who book in the months of December, January, February and March also will receive a 15% discount on student fees. Dates Still Available—Year ‘Round! Inspire learners of all ages to embrace nature, engage their minds, and acquire an awareness of responsible stewardship for our planet. Ebersole Center prices for the 2009-2010 school year reflect a 5% increase due to rising operating costs and fees that have remained unchanged for over three years. This necessary step was taken in order for Center staff to continue to offer quality programming. Prices are still a great value and the increase only amounts to a few dollars. } Printed on recycled paper. GoodSearch & GoodShop at www.goodsearch.com Ebersole is now a member of “GoodSearch”— an online search engine (much like Google). Simply enter “Ebersole Center Foundation” under “Who do you GoodSearch for?” and each time you search, a donation is given to Ebersole Foundation! Another neat part of GoodSearch is “GoodShop.” For every online purchase made through the GoodShop site, retailers donate a portion of their sales. So, whether you shop at Amazon, Barnes & Nobel, Home Depot, Ebay or hundreds of other online stores, you can raise money for Ebersole at the same time! An equal opportunity employer. Please remember to use GoodShop for all of your online holiday purchases! New Prices EarthBeat is a seasonal publication of the Ebersole Environmental Education and Conference Center, owned and operated by the Lansing School District. Contributors: Torey Byington, Jason Byler, JoAnn Robinson, John Schimmel Design: McNenly Group Photography: Jason Byler Ebersole Environmental Education and Conference Center 3400 2nd Street, Wayland, MI 49348 Phone: 517.755.5000 or 269.792.6294 e-mail: ebersole@lansingschools.net web: http://ebersole.lansingschools.net Lansing Office 519 W. Kalamazoo Lansing, MI 48933 Lansing, MI Permit #196 PAID Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage
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