Department of Anesthesiology Fall Newsletter


Department of Anesthesiology Fall Newsletter
The University of
Department of Anesthesiology
Fall Newsletter
7 ,
2 0 0 8
Chairman’s Report
Chairman’s Report 1
Trivia and In the
Chief Resident’s
Program Director’s 4
Meet our New Staff 5
Regional Update
Welcome PGY1’s
and Fellows
Mentor Dinner
News so far this
CAS Report
Mark Your Calendars
Alumni News
Letter from the
As we prepare for the unavoidable but spectacular Ottawa winter, I would like to extend a warm welcome to
our new colleagues. A welcome to the new physicians at
the Civic, General, HI, and CHEO can be found in this
newsletter on page five.
On the Undergraduate front, we have made tremendous
advances in our contributions to the University. The numHomer Yang and Geraint Lewis
ber of students has doubled in the last ten years and we
currently have 160 students per year. Our MS 3 rotation continues to be one of the most highly
ranked rotations, according to our student evaluations. The simulator sessions are also extremely
popular. We have a large number of students keenly interested in anesthesia who are doing electives
with us. I would like to thank both Simone and Lucie for their work in organizing the undergraduate
rotation at the General and at the Civic, respectively. In addition, this year we have 11 tutors in the
Case Based Learning, preclerkship curriculum. I would definitely like to express my appreciation to
those tutors who have spent the time and energy in tutoring the medical students. If their experience is anything like mine, I enjoyed the experience as a tutor as much in the teaching as in learning
from the students. John Penning is organizing the pain curriculum for the UGME. Alan Chaput, with
his previous pharmacology credentials, has been leading the re-organization of the pharmacology
curriculum. From all accounts, those objectives and lectures have been extremely well received.
With all these activities, it is an understatement to say that Lucie Filteau, our UGME Director, has
been working very hard and has done an excellent job.
Research has been increasing in success and recognition within our University Department and is
strengthening our reputation. A manuscript by Dermot Doherty for his on-going funded research
on global ischemia was recently accepted for publication by Circulation. He was of course recipient
of the CAS Abbott Career Scientist Award in 2007. Alan Chaput has just received a PSI grant. Our
funded research projects now include PROMISE (Perioperative Myocardial Ischemia in Isolated Hypertension); PROSE (Perioperative Ischemia Reduction Study); StarVAS (Short Term Atorvastatin
Regime for Vascular Surgery); and a RCT on the the safety / efficacy of the perioperative administration of Pregabalin. This is in addition to Shawn Hicks winning the Residents’ Research Competition
at the CAS in Halifax. The quality of presentations at the Gary Johnson Day continues to be excellent. The increased success and productivity are definitely the fruits of hard work and dedication of
many. Congratulations to all! And I apologize for any omissions. I will gladly correct any oversights
in the next newsletter. Let me know!
The Champlain LHIN is currently revisiting the maternal / fetal health for the region. CHEO is very
much involved in this, along with TOH, as well as many stakeholders in the region. Anesthesia is well
represented, with me on the Steering Committee and Susan Goheen on one of the Task Forces. If
there are any comments on the progress of this initiative, please feel free to contact myself or
Susan. In the meantime, we will attempt to keep everyone updated on the developments.
The Story Continues on Page 13!
Fall Trivia
This Issue’s Trivia Question is:
Who is the patient in the
painting to the right?
Please send your answers to:
A big thanks to Sanjiv Gupta for taking over
the trivia section. As the Department’s Trivia
Expert you can expect to be stumped and
challenged by this regular section of the Department Newsletter.
The first person to
send in the correct
answer to our Trivia
Question will
receive a $20
Chapters Gift Card!!
In the News Now
What’s happening in anesthesia now? This section of the newsletter is devoted to current and
(hopefully) surprising or controversial news from the anesthesia world. Thank you to Sanjiv Gupta
for supplying this issues hot topic!
FDA Rejects Schering-Plough's Anaesthetic Drug Sugammadex
NDA Article Date: 05 Aug 2008
“...the FDA’s concerns
over the drugs are
related to hypersensitivity or allergic reactions .”
The U.S. FDA has issued a non-approvable letter to Schering-Plough regarding the U.S. firm's New
Drug Application (NDA) for sugammadex sodium. The product (also marketed under the brand
Bridion) is a selective relaxant binding agent that reverses the effects of neuromuscular blockade by
rocuronium in general anaesthesia. In a press statement, Schering-Plough has said that the FDA's
concerns over the drug are related to hypersensitivity or allergic reactions. No issues related to the
efficacy of the drug have been mentioned by the agency. Schering-Plough acquired the drug after
purchasing biopharmaceutical firm Organon Biosciences in November 2007, and has since touted
the experimental product as one of its main gains. Schering has noted that the product is the first
innovation in two decades in the anaesthesia segment, and has committed to working with the FDA
to resolve the issues behind the rejection.
Chief Resident’s Corner
With the academic year now in full swing, as the new
chief resident I want to welcome all of you, especially
our new PGY1s and our PGY 2 and FPA residents into
our resident family. As well, I want to wish all of our
PGY5s the best of luck in their upcoming year as they
prepare for their Royal College exams.
I hope you will join me in thanking Shawn Hicks and
Amy Rodgers for all of the hard work they did last year
as ‘Big Chief’ and ‘Little Chief’ respectively. After many
months of negotiations with PAIRO, CAHO and TOH,
Shawn, and Ilia Charapov before him, were instrumental in fixing the weekend call stipend compensation we
now all enjoy.
A warm welcome back goes out to Susan Fossey and
Kim Walton who have returned from their maternity
leaves. We also welcome Eric Tsai, our new PGY4
who transferred in from Memorial University. Congratulations are in order for Rebecca Chauvin-Moga
and Amy Rodgers for their recent marriages. In addition, congratulations to Vance Beck and Anna Shadrina
for the recent additions to their families as well as to
Travis Nairn who is soon expecting twins! Honorata
and I are also expecting a little one towards the end of
October.* So, if I get tardy with replying to emails you
will know why.
This year’s Little Chief (General site resident representative) is Dan Powers and Chris Pysyk is this year’s
Baby Chief (resident representative at CHEO).
Lukasz Bartosik
Big Chief
It is mid September as I write this update and some
activities have already taken place but many more are
yet to come. At the beginning of July, we had our new
resident welcome dinner at the Courtyard restaurant.
This is always very well received. In August, there was
the Resident Welcome BBQ organized by the PGY5s at
Fitzroy Provincial Park. A great time was had by all.
Especially by our token staff member, Dr. Gupta. The
Korean ribs were a big hit and were my particular favorite! A special thanks goes out to Jen Chow and all
the PGY5s that made this event possible.
Respirology Core
Our Respirology Core sessions have also begun and it
has certainly been a breathless experience thus far! Our
Journal Clubs start up this week, and the first Visiting
Professor session is scheduled for Oct 1st.
Lastly, our annual Mentorship dinner is scheduled for
September 22 at Allium Restaurant. As has been the
case in years past, Dr. Tammy Barrows has once more
organized this amazing event. Thank you Tammy and all
staff members who continue to volunteer their time
fostering staff-resident relationships over our time
spent at U of O.
A few changes have recently taken place in the organization of the resident call system. Specifically, the A-call
resident at the Civic Campus is now responsible for
covering the Trauma Code service. In addition, thanks
to Dr. Desiree Persaud’s efforts, the A-call resident call
room is now located in the main Civic Campus building
on the first floor, rather than in the Parkdale Clinic.
Sessions have
also begun and it
has certainly
been a
experience thus
* Editors Note: Lukasz
and Honorata welcomed their son Mikolaj Bartosik on October 21, 2008 at
3:06am! Mikolaj
means Nicholas in
Polish. Lukasz and
son pictured above.
Program Director’s Report
I am delighted to update the news from the residency program for the newsletter. We have had
another highly successful year with 100% success at the RCPSC examination. These included our
last FMG for a while who was also our 1st ever Saudi female resident. Abeer Arab finished a very
successful residency and is off in Toronto doing a paediatric fellowship at Sick Kids.
We also graduated the 1st 4 anesthesia residents from the NESR stream (aka Sudbury program).
Jordan Cuthbert-Hudson and Chris Hudson (yes, they also met & got married during residency –
who says residents don’t have time for a social life!) are down at Duke University in the U.S. doing fellowships in Critical Care and Cardiac anesthesia respectively. Yvette Grabowski is on staff
at the General campus prior to going away to do a fellowship and Natalie Dupuis has accepted a
staff position in Sudbury.
Linda Wynne’s The
Tania Di Renna is undergoing subspecialty training in Chronic pain in Toronto & will be returning
to join us in the Pain Clinic. Sean Dickie is doing his Cardiac Anesthesia fellowship at the Heart
Institute and has accepted a staff position there when he finishes. Ilia Charapov is on staff at the Civic
and also doing a masters in informatics and Sanjiv Gupta has come on staff at the civic prior to his fellowship year. Rob Johnston is continuing his career with NDMC and also gaining thoracic subspecialty training here.
We have several new arrivals to the program – 10 PGY1s, 2 FPAs (Adrienne Mayes and Melissa Forbes).
We also have Eric Tsai, a PGY4 transferred in from Nfld and Travis Nairn coming in as a re-entry after 7
years as an emergency physician.
“On the Carms
front– last year we
added a social
event just for
residents and
applicants so the
applicants can get
the REAL info on
the program”
I have totalled our last year for the residents, the total seems to be 2 engagements; 7 weddings and 3
babies (with more on the way!).
There are a few new things on the education front : Next year the PGY1 mandatory rotations will include General Surgery and an Obstetric rotation mostly in the Birth Unit (that’s OB and not OBAnesthesia). Psychiatry has been taken off mandatory rotations and there is 1 less anesthesia block. PAU
will continue to be linked with APS at the Civic but all new residents at the General will also spend time
in the Acute Pain Service. For the first time in a while there is a block in Neuroanesthesia. We have also
created a Senior OB rotation at each campus. For next year we are developing a senior rotation at
Heart Institute (details to be determined). Joanna Nawrocka has stepped down as resident Coordinator
at CHEO and Ibrahim Said (previously Abu Shawan) has taken over and instigated some new and very
popular teaching sessions.
On the Carms front– last year we added a social event just for residents and applicants so the applicants
can get the REAL info on the program… It turned out to be a great success (judging by the caliber of
PGY1s we have!) and will be repeated this year.
The excellent social program for which Ottawa is also renowned has continued very successfully. The
annual camping trip was well-received by all the PGY1s in particular – it is their 1st event of the year.
The welcome dinner had its largest ever number of attendees and we are close to the space limit for
Allium for the, as usual, highly successful mentor dinner in September. Tammy Barrows has stepped
down as Mentor program coordinator after a very successful term. Anne Lui has graciously agreed to
take on the role.
The Story Continues on page 13!
Welcome New Staff
We’ve had several additions to the Department over the last year or so. We are
pleased to welcome:
Ilia Charapov: one of our former residents, he joined the Department, Civic
Campus July 2008.
Amy Fraser: one of our former residents,
she joined the Department, Civic Campus
in December 2007.
Yvette Grabowski: one of our former
residents, she joined the Department, General Campus July 2008.
Sanjiv Gupta: one of our former residents, he joined the Department, Civic
Campus July 2008.
Department, CHEO September 2008.
Stephane Moffett: one of our former
residents, he joined the Department, General Campus December 2007.
Gillian Ramsey: a graduate of Queen’s,
she joined the Department, CHEO in
Michael Szeto: a graduate of the McGill
Residency Program, he joined the Department, General Campus November 2006.
Ben Sohmer: one of our former residents, he joined the Department, Heart
Institute June 2007.
Anna Wyand: one of our former residents, she joined the Department, Civic
Campus July 2007 but is currently doing a
fellowship in Australia.
Nikil Rastogi: Joining us from the Royal
Victoria Hospital, he joined the Department, General Campus July 2008.
Victor Neira: Originally from Columbia.,
he did a Clinical Fellowship in Pediatric
Anesthesia at CHEO before joining the
Alan Lane: Joining us from Ireland, he
did a fellowship with TOH and joined the
Department , General Campus January
“We have
Regional Anesthesia Update
at national
In 2008 alone, we have had strong representation at national meetings with lectures, workshops, and case discussions at Winterlude, McGill refresher course, Canadian Anesthesia Society meeting, and the Ontario Anesthesia
meeting. We have had visiting elective residents from UBC and University of Edmonton. Our former Regional
Anesthesia fellowship graduate, Dr Jennifer Szerb, is now the current vice chair of the Regional Anesthesia Section
of the Canadian Anesthesia Society—how proud we are! Current PGY-3 Anesthesia resident, Chris Pysyk, on the
heels of his 2007 prize winning ultrasound spine scanning research presentation at Gary Johnson Research day presented posters at both the 2008 Canadian Anesthesia Society meeting in Halifax and the American Society of Regional Anesthesia meeting in Cancun.
meetings with
and case
Recent Ottawa Anesthesia Canadian forces graduate Rob Johnston has been able to make use of his Regional Anesthesia training in Afghanistan where he is currently posted. He recently sent me a message describing the successful
use of the infraclavicular block in a troop who suffered a major combat related bomb injury to his hand.
We are making good use out of our ultrasound units. The Regional Anesthesia Ultrasound program is slowly gaining
momentum and has proven invaluable for plexus catheter placement in our trauma and vascular patients in whom
placement would not have previously been possible. Our upcoming Regional Anesthesia
core program will include some didactic and training sessions with the Ultrasound!
Finally, welcome to our two new Fellows for the 2008/09 Academic year, Ray Tang from
UBC and Salah Taqi from McMaster. Congratulations to Ray who recently had another
addition to his family!
Happy blocking :)
Desiree Persaud MD FRCPC
Associate Professor University of Ottawa
Regional Anesthesia Director
Department of Anesthesiology, The Ottawa Hospital
Dr. Desiree Pesaud leading the ultrasound
workshop at Winterlude 2008
Welcome PGY-1’s
This years’ PGY-1 Welcome
Dinner was held Monday July
7, 2008 at the Courtyard Restaurant on George Street in
the Byward Market.
The welcome dinner was a big
success and had its largest ever
number of attendees with over
37 people coming out to celebrate the new arrivals into the
residency program!
New PGY1 Marc Doré and his partner Caro-
The Department extends a big
welcome to our new Residents:
Louise Sun, Rya Boscariol,
Ahmed Soliman, Marc Doré,
Manoj Lalu, Jordan Zacny,
Melanie Toman, Diana Noseworthy, Janie Des Rosier, and
Andy Roberts.
We also welcome Eric Tsai and
Travis Nairn as well as our
new FPAs: Adrienne Mayes
and Melissa Forbes.
line Fugère at the PGY1 Welcome Dinner
Welcome Fellows
“Please join us in
welcoming Dr.
Anne Lui as the
new Mentorship
We have an excellent number
of fellows once again this year
as well. The Department is
pleased to welcome our 20082009 Fellows!
At the Civic: Mohamed Al
Ismaili (TEE), Mohamed Al
Neaj (Vascular), Nandini
Sachdeva (Clinical), Nuoer
Sang (Clinical), Salah Taqi
(Regional) , Naveen Eipe
(Acute Pain), Hesham Talab
(Vascular 2009).
At the General: Rengarajan
Janakiraman (Clinical), Robert
Johnston (Thoracic), Raymond
Tang (Regional), Iyad Idais
Deborah Mervitz, Abdullah
Dashti, Naveen Eipe.
At the Heart Institute:
Cardiac Fellowships: Khaled
Makki, Sean Dickie
At CHEO: Pediatric Fellowships: Mansour Al Wabari,
Geraint Lewis and Rengarajan Janakiraman
Mentor Dinner
The Department of Anesthesiology
literally took over Allium Restaurant for its Annual Mentorship
Dinner on Monday September 22,
2008 on Holland Avenue. The
event was a great success and a lot
of fun!
Left: George Dumitrascu and Rob
Dr. Tammy Barrows has stepped
down as Mentorship Coordinator.
She has been working as Mentor
Coordinator since 2004. The Department would like to thank her
for her service and great work.
Please join us in welcoming Dr.
Anne Lui as the new Mentorship
McNeil at the Mentor Dinner
Awards 2008
Physician Clinician Recognition
Award 2008:
Congratulation to Dr. Lawrie Garnett who is the recipient of The
Ottawa Hospital, Physician Clinician
Recognition Award for the year
The award recognizes the contributions of outstanding clinicians at The
Ottawa Hospital. These are physicians who are noted for their clinical
skills and their contributions to the
overall well being of the Medical staff
through their activities.
Having contributed his expertise and
provided compassionate patient care
for all these years, it is befitting that
Dr Garnett is being recognized with
such honours. Again, our most sincere
congratulations to Dr. Garnett!
McMaster’s Athletic Hall of
Congratulations to Kim Walton who
was inducted into the McMaster Athletic Hall of Fame for women’s swimming and water polo during a ceremony September 19th at McMaster!
J. Earl Wynands W. OC MD Education Fund
The Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists (SCA) held its 30th
Annual Meeting in Vancouver on
June 18-22, 2008.
On June 19th there was a reception
held in Dr. Wynand’s honour
where it was announced that the
SCA Foundation had established
the Earl Wynands’ Education Fund.
This fund will support education
activities and consideration is being
given to begin an annual lecture in
J. Earl Wynands and his wife Mary
“Dr. John Earl
Dr. Wynands’ name.
Wynands was
The SCA invitation states that, “Dr.
John Earl Wynands was a beloved
teacher, mentor, and colleague of
so many of the SCA members, as
well as a key leader in the SCA
during its formative years.”
a beloved
Dr. J. Earl Wynands, his wife Mary,
son John and daughter-in-law Linda
were all present at the reception
which showcased photos of Dr.
Wynands and his wife.
mentor, and
colleague of so
many of the
SCA members”
on their wedding day (SCA Image)
Department Events so Far...
This academic year already has
several successful events under the
Gary Johnson Research Day: A
successful day of presentations and
awards. The Year End Dinner and
Awards were held at the beautiful
National Arts Center. Congratulations Graduates!
The First Journal Club Event on
Patient Safety was held September
15, 2008. Presenter included Dr.
Jeremy Stewart (PGY3), Dr. Chris
Pysyk (PGY3), and Dr. Ahmed El
Alfy (PGY4).
Our first Visiting Professor Dr.
Lawrence Tsen from Brigham &
Women’s Hospital in Boston delivered the David Power Memorial
Lecture October 1, 2008
Graduates at Gary Johnson Research Day. Left to Right: Rob
Johnston, Tania DiRenna, Ilia Charapov, Chris Hudson, Jordan Cuthbert, Sean Dickie, Sanjiv Gupta, Natalie Dupuis.
Front Row: Abeer Arab and Desiree Persaud
CAS Report
This year’s Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society Meeting took place in Halifax Nova Scotia from June
13 to 17. The theme of this year’s meeting was “The Role of Anesthesiologists in Future Anesthesia
Care Delivery”. The meeting was well attended by the Department, and we should all be very
proud of the Department’s contributions to the 2008 CAS Annual Meeting. The following is a list of
some of our contributors and award winners:
Ibrahim Abu-Shahwan: Comparison Between Sedation and General Anesthesia for Endoscopy in Children
Gregory Bryson: Best of show; presented at the Richard Knill Research Competition for: Do B-Blockers
Decrease MI Following Hip and Knee Arthroplasty?
Tania Di Renna: Post-Operative Vaso Vagal Syncope: Is Intrathecal Anesthesia the Cause?
Dermot Doherty: Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase Pathways Partially Explain the Neuroprotective Effect
of Anti-CD18 Therapy after Transient Global Forebrain Ischemia in Mice
“ We should all be
George Dumitrascu: Echocardiographic Assessment of Left Ventricular Filling During Elective Cesarean
Section under Spinal Anesthesia
very proud of the
Naveen Eipe: Capnography in Children
contributions to
the 2008 CAS
Annual Meeting”
Ashraf Fayad: Perioperative Myocardial Ischemia in Isolated Systolic Hypertension PROMISE): A Preliminary
Sanjiv Gupta: Awake Laryngoscopic Evaluation with Remifentanil Trial
Shawn Hicks: 1st Place Resident Research Prize for: Lipid Therapy in a Swine Model of Bupivacaine Toxicity
Rob Johnston: Simulators can Shorten the Time to Perform Key Therapeutic Maneuvers
Kimmo Murto: Pediatric Perioperative Screening for Sleep Apnea Prior to Adenotonsillectomy
Christopher Pysyk: Ultrasound Measurements of Palpated Intercristal (Tuffier’s) Line Height in Volunteers
Uwe Schwarz: Research Award, Research Grant in Neuroanesthesia
David Skene: Recognized; Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society Member Emeritus
Right: The Resident’s Competition Winners including
Shawn Hicks with Dr. Sheppard
Below: Uwe Schwarz receiving his research award
CAS Highlight: Dr. Shawn Hicks
We would like to highlight Dr. Shawn Hicks’ tremendous accomplishments at the CAS Meeting. Dr. Hicks abstract won the CAS
“Award for the Best Paper in Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain” and First Prize in the Residents’ Research Competition! Dr.
Hicks complete abstract is published below. Congratulations Dr. Hicks!!
Dr. Hicks was quick to point out that this was a collaborative effort with contributions from several staff people in our department, including Don Miller, Greg Bryson, Elizabeth Renehan. In addition, the experiment was done in James Menegazzi's laboratory at the University of Pittsburgh, and the project received financial support from the Chair's research fund.
Abstract: Intralipid Does Not Improve Survival in a Swine Model of Bupivacaine-Induced Cardiac Toxicity
Shawn Hicks, Brian Suffoletto, Philip Empey, Samuel Poloyac, Eric Loque, David Salcido, Elizabeth Renehan,
Clifton Callaway, James Menegazzi.Department of Anesthesia, University of Ottawa, Department of Emergency
Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA,
INTRODUCTION: Treatment of cardiovascular collapse caused by local anesthetic overdose is notoriously refractory to current advanced cardiac life support guidelines. Intravenous intralipid has been suggested as a possible treatment (1). We felt that the available experimental evidence was insufficient to determine the effectiveness of this
treatment. The objective of this study was to test the use of intralipid emulsion therapy in reversing bupivacaineinduced cardiovascular collapse when added to a standardized resuscitation protocol.
“To catch the re ad er's atte ntion, pla ce an inte resting sentence or quotefrom the story here .”
METHODS: This experiment was approved by our Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. Following standardized sedation and instrumentation, 19 mixed-breed domestic swine of either sex (mean mass 25.7kg) were induced into cardiovascular collapse (mean arterial pressure of <30 mmHg persisting for >15 seconds) by an intravenous injection of 10 mg/kg bupivacaine given over 10 sec. After 5 minutes of standardized resuscitation, animals
were randomized to receive either a bolus of 20% intralipid (4 ml/kg) followed by a continuous infusion (0.5 ml/kg/
min) or an equal volume of saline. Investigators conducting the resuscitation were blinded to the treatment group.
The primary end-point was return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), defined as mean arterial pressure >60 mmHg
for >60 sec. Secondary endpoints include coronary perfusion pressure (CPP) during CPR, time to achieve ROSC,
and hemodynamic and metabolic injury post-ROSC, measured via vasopressor administration and arterial blood gas
analysis. Blood was sampled at regular intervals for total bupivacaine level measurement by HPLC.
RESULTS: Treatment groups were similar with respect to baseline measurements of weight, sex, hemodynamic and
metabolic variables. Baseline measurements of heart rate were different, 107.6±9.7 in the intralipid group and
124.1±20.4 in the saline group (p<0.009). The time to cardiovascular collapse after bupivacaine was 30.0±6.9 sec.
There was no difference in ROSC between the intralipid group (3/10) and the saline group (4/9). CPP did not differ
between groups for any of the 7 time points measured. The average time to ROSC was not different between the intralipid group (10.0±2.5 min) and the saline group (10.4±.6 min) and the total number of shocks administered was
similar between groups (mean 8.42±6.2). In the animals that achieved ROSC, more norepinephrine was required in
the intralipid group compared to the saline group to maintain a MAP greater than 60 mmHg. Serum bupivacaine levels ranged from 10 to 45 mcg/ml, decreasing over time, with a transient increase after vasopressor administration.
DISCUSSION: We found no improvement in ROSC with the use of intralipid during treatment of bupivacaine-induced cardiovascular collapse.
These results are in stark contrast to previously published data showing a
survival benefit in dogs (1).
References: (1) Reg Anesth Pain Med; (2003) 28: 198-202.
Wedding Announcements
The Department has seen a lot
of weddings over the past year.
We extend our congratulations to all the newly wed and
newly engaged couples.
Rebecca and David
Moga’s wedding showers
Lukasz Bartosik and his wife
Honorata were married October 7, 2006 in Ottawa.
Amy Rodgers and Greg Roeske were married August 23,
Marc Doré and his fiancée
Caroline were married October 18, 2008.
Rebecca Chauvin became
Mrs. Rebecca Moga on October 6, 2007. For those of us
who have been wondering
who Dr. Moga is—this should
help clear things up! She and
her husband David Moga are
pictured on the left.
Nicole Hale and Andy
Weekes were married September 30, 2007.
Joel Berube is engaged to
Kristyn Phillips. They are planning their wedding for Spring
Above: Nicole Hale and Andy
Left: Amy Rodgers and Greg
Right: Lukasz and Honorata
A toast to love and laughter & ‘happily ever after’!
Again, congratulations to
all of you.
“Craig and I
are so thankful
for all the wonderful advice,
amazing support and kind
thoughts from
Other Department News
Great News from Tammy Barrows:
I am excited to share the news that my son
Hayward, after much much hard work on
his part and that of his therapists no longer
meets full diagnostic criteria for autism.
His success has enabled him to start preschool this fall and he is doing wonderfully.
Craig and I are so thankful for all the wonderful advice, amazing support and kind
thoughts from everyone in the department
since we began this journey with him.
He has been reclassified in the PDD-NOS
range. In the past 18 months he has gone
from an essentially non-verbal moderatesevere autistic child to meeting almost all
of his developmental milestones. His language in particular is now only 4 months
behind that of his peers.
Tammy Barrows
Baby Announcements
Dr. Vance Beck and his wife are happy
to announce the arrival of their daughter
Olivia Katherine Beck on June 25, 2008.
Born 2 weeks late at 8.2lbs she is already
proving to be a handful!! Dr. Beck will be
back in Ottawa the summer of 2009.
Dr. Anna Shadrina and her husband
Alex Zhmutskiy are now proud parents
of little Veronika, born June 24, 2008
weighing 7.1lbs.
Above: Anna and Veronika Shadrina
Below: Olivia Katherine Beck
Dr. Simone Crooks and Hassan are
thrilled to announce the arrival of Sofia
Shenassa who was born March 22, 2008,
weighing 6 lbs, 11 oz. Simone says, “I am
a little stunned, very exhausted and completely in love with the sweetest little girl
Dr. Amy Fraser and Krishna Sharma
welcomed their daughter Ally Sharma
into the world March 17, 2008.
Dr. Lukasz Bartosik and his wife Honorata welcomed their son on October
21, 2008. The little guy wanted to meet
the world bottom first but Nathalie Fleming changed his mind. Lukasz wanted to
thank Dr. Elliott for an excellent spinal.
And there are more baby announcements: Drs Hendy, Fossey, AlQadhi, Wyand, Walton and Ramez have
all welcomed a little one into their lives
over the past year or so.
Farewells and Tributes
Tribute: Dr. Elliott J. Rhine
(1938-2008): Dr. Rhine worked at
CHEO as an Associate Professor at
the Department of Anesthesia from
1974 to 2000 when he retired. Dr.
Rhine was known for his overseas
work in Saudi Arabia, Nepal, and
New Zealand. In fact, he was wellloved by the staff and residents in
Kathmandu, Nepal who even produced a tribute to him.
Farewell: Dr. Marc Marion’s
(right) last day was celebrated with
chocolate cake. Dr. Marion was an
FP with the department from September 2007 to September 2008.
He has now returned to Carleton
Place to resume Family Practice.
Above: Sofia Shenassa
Below: Ally Sharma
Anesthesia knows how to have a good time!
Left: The Ladies! Lucie Filteau’s
Birthday bash at the Urban Element on Parkdale Saturday May
24, 2008. From Left to Right: Drs.
Wynne, Murphy, Tallmadge, Ann
Escott, Drs. Filteau, Lui, and Persaud.
Right: Residents Leilani Doyle and
Jenn Backstrom (transferred out of
Anesthesia) with Prime Minister
Steven Harper at a Sens Game.
Not only do we know how to
have fun but it looks like Anesthesia has some connection as well.
This photo is from 2006-2007.
Mark your Calendars Anesthesia...
Schedule of Events
Spotlight on: Winterlude Symposium, February 7 & 8, 2009
} November 5th: Visiting Professor Dr.
Micheal A. Seropian
} November 17th: Combined Research &
Journal Club Meeting
} November 20—23rd: ASRA Conference
} December 3rd: Visiting Professor Dr. Thomas J. Ebert
} Family Christmas Party is December 7th at
the Centurian Center
} January 7th—Rachel Waugh Memorial Lecture at CHEO
Planning for the 15th Annual Winterlude Anesthesia Symposium is now well under
way. A programme has been established and our speakers have been confirmed. I
would like to urge you all to go see the Winterlude’s new and improved website. A
big thank you Ilia for working so very hard on the website. It looks fantastic: (http://
Dr. Ashraf Fayad who has been chairing the Winterlude Planning Committee since
2005 has stepped down. Under his guidance and leadership Winterlude hit a record
number of attendees. Thank you Dr. Fayad for all your hard work and dedication to
this project.
Dr. Dermot Doherty has stepped in as the new Winterlude Planning Committee
Chairman, and has wasted no time taking up the reigns. Dr. Doherty’s new ideas are
sure to make this year’s Winterlude Symposium exciting. Shawn Hicks and Bernie MacDonald have also joined the Planning Committee.
The theme of this year’s Winterlude Symposium is Knowledge Transfer in Perioperative Medicine. The conference will focus on addressing problems that are encountered
in the application of evidence based medicine in various specialty areas and will encourage discussion of how to use knowledge to improve safety in patient care and why
we are failing to do so.
Registration is now open!!
Above: Dr. Robert Byrick receiving the J. Earl Wynands Lecture Certificate from Dr. Homer Yang
Alumni News: Maan Kattan and the Saudi Graduates
Hi From Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Things are going well here. I started as attending staff in King Abdulaziz Medical City -KAMC-(National Guard Hospital ) as soon as I
arrived in Jeddah, and am doing a good variety of cases with a lot Regional and Thoracics. I helped restructure the Acute Pain Service
(Ottawa Style ) including all modalities (IV PCA, Epidural and Regional analgesia) with having a full team from APS nurses running clinical
duties and educational workshops. Regional modalities are gaining popularity among surgeons here (using stimulating catheters and U/S
guidance). I have been running both acute and chronic as director for 8 months now and we are covering all surgical wards after relaunching the APS. Painful Tuesdays is my full day of chronic pain practice (it is quit busy). It includes all types of interventions and a
plan to introduce a neuromodulation unit in the near future. I have been chosen as teacher of the year in the annual residents day, as
we are heavily involved in Saudi Board teaching. In other news, it was nice to see Patti and Ted in the world congress in South Africa
and get to hear about the latest and greatest in Ottawa.
Enough said about me! As for the rest of the Ottawa graduate they are all doing well. Dr. Kaki is now the head of the scientific council
for the Saudi Board in Anesthesia for the whole Kingdom. He was also re-elected as a chairman of the anesthesia department in the
university hospital. Also, Abdullah Kaki succeeded in founding the Saudi Pain and Regional Anesthesia Society. He is now waiting to be
promoted as a full professor soon. As for Dr. Jamal Alhashemi: He got his full professor status this year and is practising both anesthesia and ICU in the university hospital and still going crazy with his papers. Dr. Daghistani is our chairman in our hospital and my partner
in Regional and Acute pain practice. We do help each other in doing the blocks and difficult thoracic cases and we are starting a new
research project together soon. Dr. Simbawa is our resident training coordinator for our site and practising mainly pediatric and vascular anesthesia (he can't wait till the TEE machine arrives by the end of this year). We are all gathering quarterly for fishing and diving
trips and monthly for city wide Journal Clubs.
We all do miss Ottawa (not so much the cold weather), and I hope to see all of you soon within the next year or so.
Maan Kattan
Chairman’s Report (con’t from pg. 1) Program Directors Report (con’t from pg. 2)
The Winterlude Symposium continues to provide an
excellent venue for our CME as well as for the many
visitors from outside Ottawa. This year, Ashraf Fayad,
after taking the lead in organizing the Symposium for 3
years, is passing over the reigns to Dermot Doherty. I
would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to Ashraf for all his hard work and for a very
successful Winterlude. Of course, Dermot with his usual
enthusiasm has already immersed himself in organizing
the upcoming Winterlude. Please join me in welcoming
Dermot in taking on this leadership role. The upcoming
program is promising to be excellent.
Of course, our Department continues to evolve, amidst
all the changes around us, in the current healthcare environment. As usual, my door is open. Please feel free to
drop me a line.
Homer Yang
Xmas/holiday parties/brunch are on the horizon. It’s a great time of
year for all of us. I know a couple of the more avid poker-playing
residents have graduated so to my knowledge there hasn’t been a
game recently (or maybe they just haven’t told me!)
Our PGY5s attended Making a Mark in Banff (for the last time – it’s
moving to Toronto for this year). As usual, what happens in Banff
stays in Banff…
Gary Johnson Day this year was held at the NAC and was very wellreceived by our biggest ever number of attendees. This event has
been peripatetic recently but we will be back at the NAC for 2010
and hopefully from then on.
On a personal note, instead of my usual exotic vacation, I moved for
the 1st time in 18 years. Amazing how much one can acquire in 18
years…I discovered a box labeled “Linda’s desk 1997” which gives
you some idea what I had to deal with! Condo living is not conducive to being a packrat so… welcome to the new-improved me! The
dogs have settled nicely into condo living, helped by the discovery
that they can lie on the bed and survey the whole condo. They have
figured out the elevator much faster than I expected and love the
sun-trap of the south-facing terrace. Such hedonists!
Linda Wynne
A Word from the Editor
So here I am, trying to resurrect the Department Newsletter after a
Please send any submissions to:
ambitious of us! Of course, it will be impossible for me to fill the shoes
University of Ottawa
of our very talented former Editor, Dr. Lucie Filteau, and so my task, it
Department of Anesthesiology
seems, is all the more daunting. I want to thank all of the contributors
The Ottawa Hospital, Civic Campus
to the Fall 2008 newsletter who certainly helped to make this project
1053 Carling Avenue, Box 249-C
an easier one. Unfortunately, there is certainly more to cover than the
Ottawa, ON K1Y 4E9
scope of this newsletter will allow. So I want to apologize right away
Phone: 613-798-5555 ext. 16407
for the events, announcements, news and information that I have inevi-
tably left out of this newsletter. And I would like to take this opportu-
nity to promise to make amends for these oversights in the next issue if
dormancy period of approximately 2 years—a difficult task for the most
you send me an email detailing what I’ve missed. And I would also like
The Department of Anesthesiology Newsletter
will continue to be published 3 times per year:
Fall, Winter/Spring and Summer!
Send your photos, events, news,
information, etc anytime!
to encourage all of you to send your comments and suggestions as well
as stories and pictures. Finally, I hope you enjoy the Fall 2008 Newsletter!!
Jessica Ladouceur
We’re on the Web
Fall 2008 Contributors
Admin Update
Thank you to all the contributors to the Fall 2008 Newsletter!
There have been a few changes in terms of administration in
the Department. We have two new administrative staff
Contributors include: Homer Yang, Linda Wynne, Lukasz
Bartosik,, Desiree Persaud, Lucie Filteau, Sanjiv Gupta, Donald
Miller, Shawn Hicks, Tammy Barrows, and Maan Kattan,
Again I want to thank Dr. Filteau who has
provided many of the stories in the newsletter and continues to provide excellent
photos for all the major events. Thank
you so much!
Thank you to everyone who has provided
me with news snippets and sent me off on
news trails. Also, thank you to everyone
who has sent me pictures.
Jennifer Borup: Administrative Coordinator, Department
of Pediatric Anesthesiology at CHEO. Jennifer has a lot of
experience in the medical setting. She
was working at the Riverside for 15 years
in Health Records, followed by 3 years as
Admin Assistant for the Chief of Staff at
the Riverside. She also ran a Medical
Transcription Business for over 15 years.
Barbara Duplessis: Administrative
Assistant for Dr. Homer Yang and Lynne
McHardy at the Civic Campus. Barbara
Group Photo—Gary Johnson Research
Invisible contributions were made by all of
is joining us from Canadian Blood SerDay
the Department Administrative Assistants.
here in Ottawa. Previously she was
Jennifer, Angie, Holly, Lynne, Eric, and
Foothills Region as administrative
France were all instrumental in getting this information.
assistant in neurosurgery. She started September 2008.
Welcome Ladies!