Full-time Prospectus 2016/17


Full-time Prospectus 2016/17
Real Courses
Real Careers
Visit our website www.barnfield.ac.uk for further details
Open Days
Saturday 17th
October 2015
Thursday 25th
February 2016
Thursday 14th
April 2016
For more advice and guidance call us on 01582 569 569
Message from Principal
page 4
Our Campuses
page 6
Student Services
page 7
Student Engagement
page 8
page 9
Levels We Offer
page 10
Study programme
page 11
page 12
Access to Higher Education
page 14
Higher Education
page 15
How to apply
page 17
page 18
24+ Advance Learning Loans
Page 56
Employer Partners
page 57
Visit our website www.barnfield.ac.uk for further details
message from
the Principal
Dear applicant
Much has changed at Barnfield
College over the past year. We have
a new management team, many new
lecturers and a new purpose to become
outstanding in the eyes of all our
students. Your experience is our priority
and we are working hard to ensure that
when you attend Barnfield College you
receive outstanding teaching, a wide
choice of enrichment activities and
above all enrol on a course that if you
pass, will enable you to progress onto
the destination of your choice.
We have high standards and even higher
aspirations for both your achievement
as well as how we can create an
outstanding College for you. New
activities outside your course are being
introduced such as the Duke of
Edinburgh Awards, sporting clubs and
a variety of activities so that you can
try out new experiences and meet new
friends. Central to everybody’s course
at Barnfield College is the support we
will provide to ensure that you improve
your Maths and English skills. These
skills are central to every employers
requirements and we will work hard
with you to ensure that you gain that
qualification, up to level two or
improve your skills to a higher level.
course relevant work experience will
be an integral factor and we will work
with you to ensure you secure the right
employer that can provide you with an
insight into your chosen career.
Our curriculum is changing fast as we
are constantly talking to employers
to ensure that we offer real courses
that lead to real careers or progression
to the next higher level. The link to
employment at the College is strong
as evidenced by our successful apprenticeship provision working with a wide
range of employers. Regardless of your
Good luck in your course choice and
intended career.
Shagufta Shahin
Vice Principal
Transforming Curriculum & Learning
This is an important choice you are
about to make so I would urge you to
visit the College on either one of our
open days or to interview where you
will be able to speak to staff and see
our facilities.
Barnfield College has started
transforming the curriculum offer to
ensure it meets the needs of students,
employers and the communities we
served. We will continue to develop
a predominantly vocational based
curriculum and will ensure it matches
the needs of local businesses and
the key priority sectors. We have
designed our curriculum such that it
will support you to move a step closer
to the destination of your choice,
whether that is employment or
another course.
Our aim is to develop distinct, high
quality and focused strategic vocational
areas that will be complemented by
Mathematics, English and ready for life,
A warm welcome to Barnfield College!
Tim Eyton-Jones
Principal and CEO
Claire Dores
Vice Principal
Transforming Equalities & Safeguarding
The world of work has never been
so competitive. Employers are more
than ever expecting potential
employees to have already developed
strong skills around verbal
communication, team work, problem
solving and time management. We
have developed a rich and vibrant
enrichment programme that will
enable you to get involved with the
wider college community, meet other
students outside your curriculum
area and, further enhance your
employability skills.
Barnfield College is a friendly, diverse
and supportive environment with a
wealth of core specialist teams that
For more advice and guidance call us on 01582 569 569
work and university qualifications.
Our strategic curriculum areas and
high quality teaching, will offer the
best educational choice for students
from Foundation Learning all the way
to Higher Education. The use of
technology will be central to the
delivery of all of our programmes
and will focus on meeting the study
patterns and your needs.
The new vision and mission clearly
sets out our intentions of becoming
an outstanding College in the eyes of
each and every one of our students.
A high class curriculum offer and
outstanding teaching will play a
pivotal part in realising that vision.
can support you outside curriculum
areas. We pride ourselves on the
support we offer students across a
wide range of issues, working hard to
ensure that the student experience is
high quality. Throughout the College
there is an unrelenting passion to
ensure that our students reach their
full potential.
If you decide that Barnfield College is
a place where you want to study it is
important you make the most of your
time here as you embark on your
chosen career pathway.
I wish you all the very best with your
Visit our website www.barnfield.ac.uk for further details
Our Campuses
The number 24, 25 or 26 Arriva bus can
be caught from Silver Street, behind
The Mall in Luton town centre, bringing
you straight to the New Bedford Road
Campus or the Technology Campus on
Enterprise Way.
Student Services
Advice and Guidance
Our trained advice and guidance
specialists are able to offer support
to all applicants and students
continuing within Barnfield. They
provide impartial advice about the
options available to you based on
your interests, aims and predicted
Meet the team at our open days, our
advice evenings and at induction.
You can contact a member of the
team by calling 01582 569 569 or
by email advice@barnfield.ac.uk
New Bedford Road Campus
New Bedford Road, Luton LU2 7BF
Tel: 01582 569 569
Financial support
Students can apply for financial
help from the College bursary
scheme to help with the costs
of studying at College. Priority
support will be given to young
people in care, care leavers,
young people in receipt of income
support and disabled young people
receiving employment support
allowance or disability allowance.
Students from low income
households that meet the criteria
will be awarded bursary support.
Free Meals
Technology Campus
Enterprise Way, Luton LU3 4BU
Tel: 01582 569 569
For more advice and guidance call us on 01582 569 569
Students can apply for free meals.
This would allow students to
choose a healthy, free meal every
day in College.
Careers Guidance
Our careers advisers will help
you to research your future
opportunities, develop your
employability skills, decide which
direction to take and put your
career plans into place. A vacancy
service and job club are also
available, as well as help choosing
university courses and preparing
for interviews.
You will have an opportunity
to attend careers sessions and
open days with speakers from
universities and businesses.
Themed events focusing on sectors
will inform you about routes into
competitive industries. You will
also attend the college’s higher
education fair and careers fair.
Equality and Diversity
Our students reflect the population
at large & include people with a
variety of faiths, beliefs, ethnicities,
abilities, sexual & gender
Under the College’s Equality &
Diversity Policy students have the
right to: learn & achieve, be treated
fairly in all aspects of their learning
at the College, be treated with
respect by all other members of
the College’s community, be valued
for their contribution to the life of
Barnfield College, be encouraged
to contribute fully, be free from
discrimination, harassment and
bullying, receive supportive action if
discrimination, harassment and/or
bullying is suspected.
Personal support
Student Engagement Officers are
also Safeguarding Officers. They
are available to provide information
on a range of personal issues such as
budgeting and money management,
benefits, homelessness, drug
abuse, health issues, relationship
difficulties or family issues. We have
information on a large number of
outside organisations that can help
and refer students to the right place
either within Barnfield or outside
the College.
A team of Campus Officers ensure
a safe environment, working with
groups and individuals on issues
such as punctuality and matters
affecting their time at College.
We have a safeguarding and child
protection policy and procedures
which we follow. Where we have
any concerns about a student's
welfare, we will take all appropriate
action to address those concerns
by working in full partnership with
other agencies.
Your tutor will:
• Meet with you weekly and provide
you with guidance and support for
your studies.
• Help you set your own aims and
targets and support you to ensure
you achieve them.
• Help you to apply for university,
further training or employment and
will provide your reference.
Visit our
our website
website www.barnfield.ac.uk
www.barnfield.ac.uk for
for further
further details
Work experience
Taking part in work experience can
help you to:
• Develop and practice a range of
new skills.
• Relate their College studies to the
• Make informed decisions about
your future.
• Add value to your University or
job applications.
• Work as part of a team.
• Develop a realistic idea of the
rewards and demands of work.
Additional Learning
Support Centre
All students can access extra
support in the ALS Centre. During
induction or enrolment, you will
be asked to complete the initial
assessments to help us to identify
any English and Maths support
needs you may have. A support
plan and further assessment will be
agreed with you as necessary.
Additional learning support
available includes:
• Literacy, ESOL and numeracy
specialist teachers offer workshops
in the ALS Centre
• Learning Support Assistants
(LSA) – offer in classroom support
• Dyslexia and dyspraxia
assessments and specialist support
• Visual impairment specialist
• Software for students with
dyslexia and visual impairments
• Personal care and mobility
• Adaptive aids and equipment
including laptops and iPads
• Access arrangements in
Staff Profiles
Rochelle Brown
Studied at Barnfield as an apprentice
and has been working at Barnfield since.
“My role is to support you with any issues
that may affect your studies at College as
well as your wellbeing and safety outside
of College. We are here to advise you on
a wide range of practical problems or any
issues that you feel concerned about to
ensure you get the most out of your time
at Barnfield.
Student Engagement
Flight Paths (Activities &
Sports and Recreation
Student Voice - B the voice
Enrichment Programme)
An important part of being a
student at Barnfield is getting
involved in enjoyable and
interesting extra-curricular
activities that will allow you to
develop new skills and broaden
your experience.
Barnfield College and Sport
England have joined together and
appointed a Health and Activity
Health and Safety
Sports are open to all students
during lunchtime and after College
include: badminton, basketball,
cricket, disability sports, football,
netball, non-contact boxing, rugby,
table tennis, tennis and street golf.
Barnfield College is proud to have
an active and engaging Student
Union. Every student enrolled
at the College is automatically
a member of the Student
Union. It provides a year-long
programme of innovative,
exciting events, activities and
opportunities that will further
enhance your College experience.
Every year the college holds
elections for new Student Union
Executive Officers. You can also
get involved by becoming a
Student Council Representative
or Student Governor.
Barnfield College has a responsibility
to protect student’s health, safety
and wellbeing whilst they are
studying and we take the security
of student’s and their belongings in
College very seriously.
Our Health and Safety Manager
ensures the learning environment
is safe, protective clothing is worn
at all times and First Aiders are
available to deal with any incidents.
Student Involvement
Barnfield College appreciates
student feedback. Two College
surveys are run each year which
explore the quality of the learning
experience and the quality of
services and resources.
Aeila Butt
My role at the College involves supporting
students making sure they are safe in and
outside College and everyone follows the
Code of Conduct. I have a lot of experience
in supporting young people with pressures
of life and society.
I will help to ensure you do your best in your
studies. I also will run a number of specialist
support groups.
In addition there are a number of
focus groups where student course
representatives are invited to
contribute the views of the students
on their course across a range
of themes. The Student Council
ensures that students can shape the
future of the College and receive
direct responses from managers
and senior staff.
This provides an opportunity to
participate in a wide range of
activities for everyone regardless
of ability.
Barnfield College takes seriously
its responsibility to safeguard all
children, young & vulnerable adults
during their time as a student with
us. All staff are trained to deal with
safeguarding in a professional &
sensitive way.
Our trained Student Engagement
Officers, provide support
on any personal, financial or
domestic difficulties which may
prevent students continuing and
Bullying and Harrassment
Respect and inclusion are
fundamental values of Barnfield
College. The College will not
tolerate bullying, harassment or
victimisation and will ensure that
every student has the right not
to be bullied or harassed and has
the right to complain without
For more advice and guidance call us on 01582 569 569
Many Barnfield students take part
in volunteering and in the local
community. This is a great way
to make a contribution to the
community and helps you to gain
and develop useful skills
We offer a range of opportunities
for students to develop their
leadership and confidence skills,
this can include:
• Student Ambassadors: You can
take a more active role in the
College – getting involved in open
days, events and other activities
• Volunteering: Many students
get involved in volunteer projects
both in the College and in the
• Mentoring: We have a range of
opportunities to mentor other
Barnfield students and students
from local schools.
The Hub
Student Engagement Centre
The Hub provide a range of
opportunities to engage in
recreation and leisure or simply
to meet up with friends.
Student Services
We provide Information and
Guidance about all aspects
of financial support including
travel, childcare support, kits
and equipment.
We offer personal advice if you
are facing difficulties in or outside
College and we will help you fulfil
your progression goals with careers
and further study advice.
Learning Resource Centre
Our Learning Resource Centres are
located at both of our campuses
and are equipped with excellent
resources to support all curriculum
The LRCs also have study desks
with dedicated quiet study areas,
computers, multimedia and
internet facilities, and offer the
facility to print your work.
Our Student Engagement Officers
are on hand to arrange events,
activities and tournaments and
ensure all students have the
opportunity to participate. Our
events and activities include: Music,
Dance, Sport, Film Screenings and
Charity Events, amongst many
Barnfield Nursery is a day nursery
for 2-5 year olds, where every child
is treated equally according to their
individual needs.
The nursery operates from 8am6pm. Our aim is to enable your child
to enjoy making active choices,
exploring learning opportunities
and developing a positive self.
We provide the children with a
nutritionally balanced menu.
Quiet Room
A quiet room is available at
both the New Bedford Road
and Technology campuses. This
provides opportunities for prayer
or quiet contemplation regardless
of whether you are a follower of a
specific faith or belief.
Cafe B
No need to book, just pop in for a
morning coffee and cake or lunch.
Opening times:
Monday to Friday
10.00am – 1.30pm
Our refectory’s aim is to provide a
service second to none for students
and staff at Barnfield College,
offering a wide selection of food at
reasonable prices.
Salon B
Our professional hair and beauty
training salon is open during the
year. We offer fully supervised
ladies and men’s hairdressing, and
To book an appointment call:
01582 569 590
10.00am – 11.30am
11.30am – 1.30pm
Brasserie B
Our professional training restaurant
is open for lunch and dinner and
offers exceptional service and
delicious cuisine.
Wednesday & Friday
For reservations Call: 01582 569 646
Email: thebrasserie@barnfield.ac.uk
All these opportunities help to
develop your skills and boost your
university and job applications,
or assist with other progression
Visit our website www.barnfield.ac.uk for further details
Levels we offer
Level 1
Development and
Community Skills
Level 3
Your programme title
Interest &
Successful Interviews
English & maths
Level 2
4x D’s at GSCE
or relevant Level 1
4x C’s at GSCE
or relevant Level 2
Level 3 Qualification
When you study at Barnfield College you will
benefit from you own tailored College study
Use of E-Learning
and VLE
Your programme of study will allow you to
gain a qualification in a core subject. As well
as the core qualification you will benefit
from additional study in English and maths,
have tutorials to support your learning, learn
employability skills that will help in gaining
a job, work experience and also enrichment
Main Programme of Study
Entry FS Maths
Entry FS English
Use of e-learning
Level 1 FS Maths
Level 1 FS English
Use of E-Learning & VLE
Level 2 FS Maths
Level 2 FS English
Use of E-Learning & VLE
A range of Enrichment opportunities across the College that will enhance your
current study or allow you to learn additional skills
Interpersonal Skills
Presentation Skills
Organisation Skills
Time Management Skills
Level 2
Interpersonal Skills
Social Skills
Teamwork Skills
Study Skills
Level 3
Academic Study Skills
Time Management
Leadership Skill
Work Under Pressure
Problem Solving Skills
Self-Motivated Skills
Work Under Pressure
to meet deadlines
Post-18 Foundation
Employment & VLE
Self - Employment
For more advice and guidance call us on 01582 569 569
All our study programmes include the
opportunity to gain A*-C GCSE English
& maths. The enrichment can be selected
from other areas in the College other than
your core qualification allowing you to gain
interest in other areas and learn new skills.
Visit our website www.barnfield.ac.uk for further details
An apprenticeship offers a great alternative
to full-time College for many people.
Traditionally apprenticeship programmes
were thought to be only for 16-24, however
they are now open to all age groups and
Barnfield College welcomes applicants aged
from 16-65.
For young adults, apprenticeships are about
a real job, learning work related skills and
being paid.
You will receive structured training and
support to help gain nationally recognised
For those already employed, apprenticeship
programmes offer a way to gain recognition
for your current competence and increase
your skills to enhance both your current and
future job prospects.
call us
on 01582
569 569 569
Apprenticeships vary in length dependent on the qualification, the level
(2, 3 or 4), previous experience and the sector. They are not only a
stepping-stone to the career of your choice but are also now recognised
as a route to degrees.
The key benefits:
• Employment throughout the apprenticeship
• Hands-on experience
• Full work related training
• A personal Trainer/Assessor to support you throughout your
• Enhanced career and progression opportunities
• Development of English & maths
At Barnfield College, we work closely with over 100 local companies to
provide openings for apprentices in both the private and public sector.
We offer apprenticeships in many different sectors, including:
• Accounting
• Business & Administration
• Catering and Professional Chefs
• Childcare
• Construction (all trades)
• Customer Service
• Dental Nursing
• Electrical
• Engineering
• Exercise & Fitness
• Hairdressing
• Health & Social Care
• Health Care Support Services
• IT Application Specialist
• IT Software, Web & Telecoms Professionals
• Plumbing
• Retail
• Spa Therapy
• Supporting Teaching & Learning
• Team Leading & Management
• Vehicle Body & Paint
• Vehicle Maintenance & Repair (Heavy Goods)
• Vehicle Maintenance & Repair (Light)
Visit our website www.barnfield.ac.uk for further details
to Higher
If you do not qualify for an access course you can
complete a preparation for access course to develop
the core skills required for the access course.
Courses offered include:
Preparation Programme Access to HE Diploma
Stage 1 (Pre- Access Diploma in Progression QCF)
(Preparation for Advanced Studies)
Stage 2 (Pre- Access Diploma in Progression QCF)
(Preparation for Advanced Studies)
These are general and pre-vocational qualifications
devised with the aim to progress learners into further
learning and/or employment.
The qualifications consists of a range of core units to
provide opportunities for learners to develop skills in
the areas such as literacy, numeracy, ICT, employability,
learning to learn and personal development.
Access to Primary Teaching
This course is for people who wish to study a primary education at
University but who currently lack the necessary qualifications to apply.
It is the ideal bridge to University, and from University to a career in
primary or early years education.
First-Class Facilities
The dedicated Higher Education Centre, at the New Bedford Road Campus,
offers first-class teaching facilities and innovative, cutting-edge technology
– boasting nine seminar teaching rooms, as well as a lecture theatre that can
accommodate up to 100 people. The modern and spacious Quad Zone houses
the latest tablets for daily student use.
Access to Higher Education Diploma Nursing and Midwifery
Applicants are advised that this course is only funded for those aged
19 and over and is best suited to the needs of adults/mature learners
who are returning to learn and wish to progress onto a Degree in
Nursing, Midwifery or other health care related degree.
HNCs (Higher National Certificates) and HNDs (Higher National Diplomas)
are work-related vocational Higher Education qualifications. They are designed
to give you the skills to put your knowledge to effective use in a particular job.
Access to Higher Education Diploma Social Science
Applicants are advised that this course is only funded for those
aged 19 and over. It is best suited to the needs of adults/mature
learners who wish to progress to degrees in Social Work, Psychology,
Sociology, Criminology, Child and Adolescent Studies and other
Social Science and related degree/diploma courses.
Access to Higher Education Diploma Business
This course is for people who wish to study a business-related degree
at University but who currently lack the necessary qualifications to
apply. It is the ideal first step to a career in Business, Management,
Finance, Marketing, Public Relations, Human Resources, Hospitality,
Leisure, Tourism and Public Sector organisations.
Access to Higher Education Diploma Humanities
Applicants are advised that this course is only funded for those aged
19 and over. It is best suited to the needs of adults/mature learners
who wish to progress to degrees in Politics, Media Studies, History,
Anthropology, International Relations, Humanities and Cultural Studies.
Barnfield College offers an exciting
and extensive range of higher
education courses, professionally
recognised qualifications perfect for
students continuing in education
as well as those who are already
working and would like a change
of direction. Our courses can boost
promotional prospects for those
already in employment.
For full-time Foundation Degrees,
HNCs and HNDs you will need to
apply online via UCAS:
For all other courses and part-time
Foundation Degrees please contact
us on:
01582 569 569
or email: enquiries@barnfield.ac.uk
Highly valued by employers both in the UK and overseas, they can also count
towards membership of professional bodies and other employer organisations.
Foundation Degrees
Foundation Degree courses are University Level qualifications designed with a
particular area of work in mind, with the help of employers from that sector.
Foundation Degrees offer a route into Higher Education for people of all ages
and once you have successfully completed, you can top up to a full Honours
Initial Teacher Training
Are you interested in a career in teaching in the post compulsory sector? If the
answer is yes, then enrol on to one of our teacher training programmes to get
your career started.
Student Accommodation
In partnership with the University of Bedfordshire, all Foundation Degree
students in their first year can apply for accommodation within the University
Halls. Students must register with the University as soon as possible to secure
their place.
To register for student accommodation, you will need to create an account.
If you do not have an ID, then please contact: heenquiries@barnfield.ac.uk.
Once you have an account go to: www.stay.beds.ac.uk/apply
For more advice and guidance call us on 01582 569 569
Visit our website www.barnfield.ac.uk for further details
Financing your Part-Time Higher Education
Studying part-time has never been easier. You may be
entitled to claim a non-means tested loan to pay for your
Higher Education tuition fees - which means that you do not
have to pay up front for your course.
You can also choose to study at a pace that suits you and you
may still be eligible for a loan.
Higher Education
courses we offer:
Go to www.gov.uk/student-finance
For more information on courses available visit our website:
How do I repay my loan?
You only start to pay your loan back once you are earning
over £21,000 and you will not start to repay your loan until
four years after you start your course.
HNC in Art & Design
HND in Art & Design
Foundation Degree in Child
and Family Studies
Foundation Degree in
Beauty Therapy Spa
Foundation Degree in
Network Management
Foundation Degree
in Software and Web
Childcare Finance
Barnfield College can provide nursery facilities at Barnfield
Tots and students can apply for financial assistance towards
their childcare costs. Students under 20 can apply for
financial help from Care to Learn and this support is also
available for after-school clubs, private nurseries and
child-minders. The childcare provider must be registered
with Social Services. We can support full or part-time
students and will assist with retainer fees for half terms,
but not during the summer vacation period.
Foundation Degree in
Software Engineering
HNC to Health and Social
HNC Business and Law
HND Business and Law
HNC Music Production
HND Music Production
HNC Public Services
HND Public Services
HNC in Sport
Teaching & Learning Cert Ed
Teaching & Learning PGCE
How to apply
In Person:
Fill in the application form
and post or hand it in to
reception at one of our
Apply online by filling in our
online application form at
Call us on 01582 569 569
New Bedford Road Campus
New Bedford Road, Luton
Technology Campus
Enterprise Way, Luton
Your online application
will be sent to our Student
Service department.
Our lines are open:Term time:
Monday - Thursday 8.30am – 7pm
8.30am – 4:30pm
College holidays:
Monday - Friday
8.30am – 5pm
Bank holidays:
For further information on our nursery visit
For further information on Care to Learn go to:
www.direct.gov.uk/caretolearn or contact: 0800 121 8989
Repaying your loans?
You will pay back 9% of all your earnings over £21,000.
For example, if you are earning £21,500 per year, you will
pay back 9% of £500 which works out at just £4 per month.
If your salary drops back to £21,000 or less, then your
repayments will automatically stop.
Go to: media.slc.co.uk/sfe/1516/ft/sfe_new_ft_
For more advice and guidance call us on 01582 569 569
Visit our website www.barnfield.ac.uk for further details
Accountancy & Bookkeeping
Art, Design & Fashion
Business, Accounts & Legal Services
Catering & Hospitality
Computing & Computer Maintenance,
Programming & Networking
ESOL- Language Skills
Health & Social Care
Legal Services
Learning for Work & Life
Public Services
Sport & Fitness
Luton Town Football Programme
& Bookkeeping
AAT Accounting
Level 2
AAT Accounting
Level 3
AAT Intermediate Certificate in Accounting
AAT Intermediate Diploma in Accounting
Duration: 1 Year
Duration: 1 Year
The AAT offers practical and relevant skills in
sage computerised accounting, bookkeeping,
basic costing and working in an accounting
Skills gained on this couse include:• Accounts Preparation
• Costs and Revenues
• Taxation
• Professional Ethics
• Spreadsheet Software.
• Final accounts
• Sole trader and partnerships
Entry Requirements
You will need a minimum of 4 appropriate
GCSEs at grade C or above, including English
and maths.
This is the first step to gaining AAT Membership
which leads to significant exemptions from
other chartered accountancy bodies’ exams
and university degrees.
A natural progression from this course is the
Level 3 AAT Diploma. This qualification will
equip you with the knowledge and ability to
fulfil a range of accountancy roles.
Further Information
You will need to register with AAT and pay the
registration fee.
Entry Requirements
Successful completion of Level 2 or A Level
Plus successful interview.
AAT Diploma in Accounting Level 4 (RAQ).
This qualification will equip you with the
knowledge and ability to fulfil a range of
accountancy and finance roles.
Completion of Level 4 will lead to exemption
from the first year of an accounting degree at
Further Information
You will need to register with AAT and pay the
registration fee.
For For
call call
us on
us 01582
on 01582
Visit our website www.barnfield.ac.uk for further details
Art, Design
& Fashion
Diploma 90 Credit and Extended
Diploma in Production Arts and
Theatre Technology
Level 3
Duration: 2 Years
Diploma in Art, Design & Media
Level 1
Duration: 1 Year
Diploma in Photography
Level 2
Level 1 Art, Design and Media explores
specialist areas such as Photography,
Drawing & Printmaking.
Duration: 1 Year
You will have the opportunity to study
‘wet’ Black & White photography and
digital photography. You will learn about
iPhoto and Photoshop. You will take
photographs of landscapes & portraits,
as well as undertaking fashion shoots.
Entry Requirements
An interest in art, design and/or media.
No formal qualifications required.
Level 2 Diploma in Art and Design or
Further Information
You will need to purchase a materials kit
Level 3 Photography
Level 3 Extended Diplima in Art and
Diploma in Art and Design
Level 2
Duration: 1 Year
This course consists of units which cover
the wide range of art & design related
subjects & practices. This is an ideal
broad preparatory course for those learners
wishing to study all aspects of art and
design. Fine Art, Basic Design, Contextual
Studies, Photography, Fashion & Textiles,
Graphic Design.
Entry Requirements
A level or 1 GCSE at grade C or above.
Extended Diploma Level 3 in General Art
& Design
Entry Requirements
A level 1 qualification and/or 1 GCSE at
grade C or above.
Diploma in Fashion
Level 3
Duration: 1/2 Year
Entry Requirements
• A minimum of 4 GCSE grades C or
above (preferably including English).
• Successful completion of a First Diploma
with a minimum of a Merit grade.
• A portfolio of work is required for
Further study
Adult HE Access Course
Foundation Diploma
Diploma in Graphic Design
Level 3
Production Arts/Technical Theatre
includes stage lighting and sound, video
projection, stage management, set
construction and painting, technical
maintenance and electrical installation.
Our students frequently work on
productions, building their portfolios
for the next stage of their professional
Students are involved in technical
production processes and projects.
These give students opportunities to
extend and practice their technical skills
in real working contexts. Specialist
units include: Stage Management,
Costume Design and Making, Make-Up,
Live Sound for the Stage, Scenic
Construction, Scenic Painting, Prop
Making, Events Management, Set Design,
Working Freelance, Stage Lighting
Operations/Design, and Stage Sound
Entry Requirements
Four GCSEs at grade C or above, BTEC
Level 2 Diploma (Merit), or BTEC
Extended Certificate (Merit) plus one
GCSE at C or above. Profile must include
English or Mathematics GCSE at C
or above. Satisfactory reference and
interview. Equivalent qualifcations will be
considered. Experience in some aspect of
technical/backstage work is useful.
Assessment is by coursework and
practical assessment.
For more advice and guidance call us on 01582 569 569
Duration: 1 Year
Duration: 1/2 Years
An excellent course for you to develop and
build design skills. Covers a wide range of
design related subjects and practises. This is
an ideal perparatory course for those learners
wishing to study all aspects of graphic design.
Entry Requirements
A minimum of 4 GCSE grades C or above
(including English)
Successful completion of the First Diploma
with a minimum of a Merit grade.
Satisfactory interview/audition & reference.
Further Level 4
Foundations Degree and HNCs
Extended Diploma in Art & Design
Level 3
Duration: 2 Years
This course offers the benefits of a range of
study covering all the skills, principles and
processes common to both art and design
practice. Great course for those wishing to
progress to Higher Education.
Areas: Fine Art, 3D Design, Contextual Studies,
Photography, Fashion & Textiles, Graphic
Design, 3D Crafts.
Entry Requirements
A minimum of 4 GCSE grades C or above
(preferably including English)
Successful completion of a First Diploma
with a minimum of a Merit grade.
A portfolio of work is required for interview
HNC/HND Art and Design
BA Degree
This course offers the benefits of a range of
study covering all the skills, principles and
processes common to both art and design
practice. This creates flexible artists and
designers who are able to utilise their broad
experience to enrich their eventual
specialist practice.
HNC & HND Fashion & Clothing
The course content will include
draping, pattern cutting, manufacturing,
production, embellishment, print, CAD
and mixed media. To ensure you have
the relevant skills to enable you to
advance and flourish in your chosen
career, the course will also cover:
styling, illustration, marketing and
promotion, and professional practice.
Entry Requirements
Level 3 qualifications or appropriate ‘A’ levels
or vocational experience.
A portfolio of work is required for interview.
HNC/HND Art and Design
BA Degree
HNC/HND in Art & Design
Higher Education
Duration: 1 Year FT / 2 Years PT
Develops knowledge, creative and technical
skills in a variety of art and design areas.
Introduces students to a broad ranging
experience of both two & three dimensional
ways of working.
Students develop their creative interests
within a chosen specialist pathway such as
Fine Art, Print making, Ceramics, Glass, Light
Metals or textiles.
Entry Requirements
One or more of the following:
A portfolio of work
Relevant Level 3 qualification
GCE A level profile includng a relevant subject
plus GCSE grades A* to C
Approved Access to HE Certificate
Relevant work experience
Satisfactory interview
Further studies at University
Career progression
Visit our website www.barnfield.ac.uk for further details
Diploma for Beauty Specialists
Level 1
Diploma in Beauty
Level 3
Duration: 1 Year
Duration: 1 Year
Entry Requirements
4 GCSE’s grade D & above
Successful interview
Career in hair/media
Level 3 Diploma in Theatrical, Special Effects,
Hair and Media Make-up
Further Information
Uniform & beauty kit are essential.
Students are expected to work at the New
Bedford Road Campus.
Salon work experience and client work can be
weekend and evening based.
Diploma for Beauty Specialists
Level 2
Duration: 1 Years
Progression from Level 2 Beauty to further
studies & provides skills for employment in the
beauty industry.
Entry Requirements
Successful skills assessment & interview
plus Level 2 Beauty Specialists or suitable
VTCT Diploma in Advanced Beauty
Therapy (QCF) Level 4
FdA Beauty Therapy and Spa Management
Employment in beauty salons, health resorts,
cruise liners, hotels, salon management,
self-employment, beauty consultancy sales
or training representative, higher education
Further Information
Textbook, uniform and beauty kit essential.
Areas: Facials, nail treatments, waxing, eye
treatments, make-up, product promotion,
reception duties, effective working practices,
health & safety, professional development
Entry Requirements
4 GCSE’s grade D and above
Successful skills assessment and interview
Level 3 Diplomas in Beauty, Spa, Nail or Fashion
Employment in beauty salons
Further Information
You will have the opportunity to work in
Professional Beauty & Holistic Salons on clients.
VTCT Diploma in Advanced Beauty
Therapy (QCF)
Level 4
Duration: 1 Year
This is a vocational qualification which builds
on beauty therapy skills to allow you to develop
an enhanced repertoire of advanced specialist
beauty therapy techniques to prepare you for
employment as an advanced senior beauty
therapist. The advanced techniques covered
in the mandatory section of this qualification
include: laser and light treatments for hair
removal, laser and light treatments for skin
rejuvenation, microdermabrasion techniques.
You will also gain knowledge and understanding
of dermatology and microbiology, physiology
of ageing, management of health, safety and
security in the salon, quality management of
client care and salon management.
Entry Requirements
Relevent Beauty Therapy qualification
Successful skills assessment and interview
Employment as an advanced Senior Beauty
FdA Beauty Therapy and Spa Management
Level 4/5
Duration: 1 Year
Areas: Therapeutic massage, spa therapy,
nutritional well-being, business finance,
Entry Requirements
Applications must be made through UCAS Code B09 - BN38
Career in Beauty Salon Management
Progression to honours at the University of
Further Information
Textbook, uniform and beauty kit essential.
For more advice and guidance call us on 01582 569 569
Visit our website www.barnfield.ac.uk for further details
Business, Accounts
& Legal Services
Catering & Hospitality
Duration: 1 Year or 2 Years
Business Diploma
Level 2
Duration: 1 Year
Business Administration
Level 1
Duration: 1 Year
This course will give you a broad understanding of business. You will apply learning
in a practical and realistic way and
develop key skills that are highly valued
by employers.
Areas: business administration, electronic
communication, making and receiving
calls, welcoming visitors, supporting
business meetings.
Opportunity to improve your skills in
maths & English, and carrying out work
experience to practice your administrative
Entry Requirements
3 GGSEs Grades D-E
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in IT
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Business
Employment in area
This course is a vocational qualification
designed for students who have chosen to
focus their learning and career development within the Business sector and who
are looking for an engaging and stimulating qualification which prepares them for
progression directly in to employment and
/or into further study. The content relates
directly to the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to work in the business
sector. The core mandatory units consist
of enterprise in the business world, finance
for business, promoting a brand, principles
of marketing, and small business planning.
Additional units cover key areas including sales and customer service, business
administration, retail, accounting, human
resources, finance and consumer law.
Entry Requirements
Admission to the course is a minimum
of 4 GCSE’s at grade D or above.
Successful interview.
Employment in area.
NVQ Diploma in food & beverage
Level 2
Business Extended Diploma
Level 3
BTEC Extended Diploma in Hospitality
and Events
Level 3
Diploma in Introduction to
Professional Cookery
Level 1
Duration: 2 Years
Duration: 1 Year
For students who have an interest in
developing the skills and knowledge to
work in supervisory of middle management
roles within the hospitality, events or
catering industry. Units include Principles
of Supervising, Customer Service
Performance in Hospitality, Leisure,
Travel and Tourism; Events organisation;
planning and organising events; E-business
in hospitality; Alcoholic Beverage Service;
Business Enterprise and Marketing.
A basic knowledge and understanding of
food production techniques.
Duration: 2 Years
Entry Requirements
Level 2 qualication in relevant subject area
or 4 Cs at GCSE including English
A two year full time course (or a one
year option leading to the BTEC Level 3
90-Credit Diploma).
HNC in Hospitality and Events Management
and/or employment
You will: Gain a broad understanding of
business and be able to study selected
areas in more depth. Have an opportunity
to apply learning in a practical and realistic
way. Develop skills and knowledge that
are highly valued by employers &
universities. Gain confidence through
developing independent learning skills.
Further Information
As part of the study programme, students
will have the opportunity to gain additional
knowledge and qualifications to support
employment within the industry. Students
will be able to apply theory to practice
planning events both within the hospitality
area at the College and external.
Entry Requirements
5 GCSE’s grade C or above (including
Maths and English) or a Merit on the
BTEC First Diploma or an equivalent
overseas qualification.
A satisfactory reference is also required
University courses at HND or degree level
Employment in areas such as Accounting,
Marketing, Personnel and Retailing.
For more advice and guidance call us on 01582 569 569
Students also complete the Foundation
Certificate in Food Hygiene, which is a
basic qualification for all food handlers.
Entry Requirements
A minimum of 2 GCSEs, grade E in English
and Maths. A suitable reference is also
Level 2 and later Patisserie & Confectionery
at Level 3.
Further Information
Uniforms and knife kit essential. Students
will be expected to work in the Restaurant
in the evening.
Level 2 is ideal if you work in the food and
beverage service industry in front of house,
or you want to move into that role. It is
also suitable if you’d like to fill in any gaps
in your front of house skills, perhaps to
advance to a more senior position.
Entry Requirements
Level 1 qualification in hospitality and
catering or appropriate work experience
Progress in a wide range of hospitality roles
• Bar staff
• Table or counter service
• Kitchen assistant
• Housekeeping
• Administration
City & Guilds Patisserie
& Confectionery
Level 3
Duration: 1 Year
Diploma in Professional Cookery
Level 2
Duration: 1 Year
Builds upon Level 1 and enables students
to enhance their skills in the kitchen.
This includes working with a range of
products including meat, fish, shell fish
and vegetables.
Entry Requirements
A level 1 or equivalent qualification
Level 3 or Patisserie & Confectionery
Level 3 course, or a career in the industry
Further Information
Uniforms and knife kit essential
A specialised Patisserie and Confectionery
course which builds on the pastry elements
of level 2, and develops the specialist skills
required to work as a Pastry Chef.
Entry Requirements
Level 2 Food Preparation and Cookery
including pastry & yeast unit (or equivalent)
or Certificate for Pastry Cooks and Patisserie
Level 2
Successful completion of this course may
lead to employment in the pastry section
of a hotel or restaurant kitchen.
Further Information
Uniforms and knife kit essential. Students
will be expected to work in the Restaurant
in the evening.
Visit our website www.barnfield.ac.uk for further details
Certificate in Caring for a Child/Children
Entry Level 3
Certificate in Playwork
Level 2
Duration: 1 Year
Duration: 1 Year
Students will cover a range of topics looking
at all areas of children’s care, learning and
Introduction to the primary aspects of working
with children & young people between the
ages of 4 to 16 in play environments. It provides
an understanding of the importance of play &
play work in children & young people’s lives.
Sessions will include practical activities and
theory to develop students’ knowledge and
understanding of childcare.
In addition students will study Functional Skills
in English and Maths.
Entry Requirements
No formal entry requirements
A suitable interview and reference
The certificate is mainly knowledge based
with limited amount of practical application.
It is aimed at those who wish to work in a
supervised role in a wide range of Play work
Personal skills will be developed in addition
to English, Mathematics and ICT. Real work
experience required as learners must show
A level 1 qualification
Diploma in working with Children &
young people
Level 1
Duration: 1 Year
Students will cover a range of topics looking
at all areas of children’s care, learning and
Sessions will include practical activities and
and theory to develop students’ knowledge
Entry Requirements
16+ years old
Minimum of 4 GCSE’s at Grade D or above
including English
or a Diploma at Level 1.
Suitable interview and reference is required
and a clear DBS check.
CACHE Level 3 qualification. Employment in
the play work sector.
In addition students will study Functional Skills
in English and Maths.
Entry Requirements
Minimum of 2 GCSEs at grade E including
English Language
Level 1 Health & Social Care or Entry Level
Childcare Certificate
A level 2 qualification
For more advice and guidance call us on 01582 569 569
Certificate in an introduction to
Early Years Education and Care
Level 2
Diploma in Early Years Education
and Care (Early Years Educator)
Level 3
Foundation Degree in Child & Family
Higher Education
Duration: 1 Year
Duration: 2 Years
Duration: 2 Years
Students studying on the Certificate will
develop knowledge and skills relating to
the Early Learning and Childcare
Students will cover a range of topics
looking at all areas of children’s care,
learning and development.
Applied Psychology for child & family
studies. Child Observation, social policy
& families, interpersonal communication
& reflective learning, development in
human services. Applied experience
with children, young people & families,
evidence based professional practice,
multi-agency working.
Students will also be expected to attend
a work placement. Personal skills will
be developed in addition to English,
Mathematics and ICT. There is a
mandatory work placement for students.
Sessions will include practical activities
and theory to develop students’ knowledge
and understanding of childcare.
In addition students will study Functional
Skills in English or Maths. There is a
mandatory work placement for students.
Entry Requirements
Minimum of 4 GCSEs at grade D including
English Language or a Diploma in a Level
1 qualification
Experience with children is desirable
A suitable interview and reference is
required and a clear DBS check
Entry Requirements
Minimum of 4 GCSEs at grade C*
including English & Maths
A Diploma in a Level 2 qualification
Experience with children is desirable
A clear DBS check
A satisfactory interview is also required
CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Children
and Young People’s Workforce.
Other Level 3 qualifications.
Employed in a variety of settings at assistant
level. Will need a grade C in English &
Maths in order to progress.
* Students who are 19 on 1st Sept 2016 must
have Maths & English grade A*-C
Further Information
Students must have clearance from the
Disclosure and Barring Service for work
placement. This will be discussed at
Higher Education or Foundation Degree
Further Information
Students must have clearance from the
Disclosure and Barring Service for work
placement. This will be discussed at
Level 4 Advanced Certificate:
The Childcare Practitioner
Entry Requirements
UCAS score of 120 points including 1
grade C at A-Level or equivalent
National Diploma in Early years
Diploma in Child Care and Early Years L3
NVQ level 3 Early Years
Other Level 3 qualifications may be
Relevant work experience
Further studies at the University of
Bedfordshire for a final year of: BA (Hons)
in Early Years Studies, BA (Hons) in Child
& Adolescent Studies, BA (Hons). Applied
Social Studies & Career opportunities.
Further Information
To study on this course students are
required to have a minimum of 14 hours
per week paid or voluntary employment.
Level 4 Diploma in Adult Care
This qualification acts as a progression route from the
Level 3 Childcare qualification into the 2nd year of
an Early years/Education studies degree or on to the
CACHE Level 5 Diploma in Leadership Children and
Young People’s Services (England) (QCF) (90 credits)
qualification. It will support you in the development of
a number of job roles in the childcare and early years
This qualification acts as a progression route from a
Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care (England)
(QCF) qualification to the 2nd year of a degree
programme in health and social care related subjects or
the level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social
Care (England) (QCF) (90 credits) qualification. It will
support you in the development of a number of job
roles in the adult social care sector.
Visit our website www.barnfield.ac.uk for further details
Computing &
Computer Maintenance,
Programming & Networking
Introduction to IT systems
Level 1
Extended Diploma in IT
Level 3
Duration: 1 Year
Duration: 2 Years
This course will help students increase their
skills and confidence in a range of areas including
word processing, spreadsheets, databases,
graphics, web design and computer maintenance.
A two year full time course (or a one year
option leading to the BTEC Level 3 90-Credit
Entry Requirements
No formal entry requirements.
Learn skills to progess into careers in ICT, or
promotion if already in employment.
Diploma in IT
Subjects covered include communication skills,
networks, software installation, systems,
websites, programming and more.
Diploma in IT
Level 2
Entry Requirements
16+ years old
Achieved at least 4 GCSE’s with a C in English
& Maths or have completed a BTEC first L2
Diploma in IT
Duration: 1 Year
Please note all units are subject to change.
This course includes modules which cover
spreadsheet software, digital graphics, website
design and development, computer systems
and networks.
Foundation Degree, University Degree or
Diploma in Construction Multiskill
Level 1
Diploma in Construction
Level 2
Extended Diploma in Construction
Level 3
Duration: 1 Year
Duration: 1/2 Years
Duration: 2 Years
A preparation course for learners wishing
to enter the construction industry, but
unsure which trade to follow.
This programme will support students to
progress to employment in wide range
of job roles across the industry such as
Construction Supervision, construction
Engineering or a construction apprenticeship. Units include Design, maths,
Drawing, Sustainability and exploring the
main construction trades.
A good basic training for people entering
the construction industry, house surveying, local authorities and related areas
such as architecture, building surveying,
land surveying, quantity surveying and
building control.
The course may include
• Brickwork
• Carpentry and Joinery
• Painting and Decorating
• or Plumbing
Entry Requirements
There are no specific entry requirements
for this course.
Reasonable numeracy and literacy skills
such as a Maths and English GSCE are
Entry to trade specific courses
or a Level 2 qualification in multiskill.
Entry Requirements
Level 1 Diploma or have equivalent
industrial experience
Reasonable numeracy and literacy skills
A full-time trade or Apprenticeship
Starting work in the construction industry.
Entry Requirements
At least one of the following:
4 GCSEs at grade A-C including Maths,
English and Science
First Certificate or Diploma in Construction
GNVQ (Intermediate) or in Construction
Technical Certificates at Level 2 or 3
You will also gain experience of working in and
communicating in the IT industry.
Successful learners can progress into
careers such as: Architectural design,
estimation, site surveying, site
management, quantity surveying.
Entry Requirements
2 GCSEs (graded D) in English and Maths or an
equivalent Level 1 qualification.
Level 3 Diploma/Extended Diploma in IT, modern
apprenticeship or employment
For more advice and guidance call us on 01582 569 569
This course includes the following:• Mathematics
• Building Technology
• Sustainable Construction
• Science & Materials in Construction
• Technology & Design in Construction
& Civil Engineering
• Health, Safety and Welfare
• Project Management
• Surveying and Civil Engineering
• Measuring, Estimating & Tendering
• Computer Aided Drafting & Design
• Graphical Detailing.
Further Information
There is additional costs for safety footwear, overalls or suitable work clothing,
stationery and textbooks.
Visit our website www.barnfield.ac.uk for further details
Diploma in Brickwork
Bricklayers build & repair structures, walls,
chimneys, walkways & foundations using
various types of blocks & brick. Their work
can range from a house extension to a
major stadium project!
They need a careful, methodical & accurate
approach to your work; the ability to work
well in a team & a head for heights.
Units include
• How to use bricklaying tools and equipment
• How to set out basic building work
• How to build simple brick/block walls
• How to build solid walls
• How to build cavity walls
• How to build using modern construction
methods e.g. timber frame cladding
Level 1
Duration: 1 Year
Entry Requirements
No specific entry requirements
Reasonable numeracy and literacy skills such
as a Maths and English GSCE are preferable.
Continue training to Level 2 and then Level
3 or it can lead to enhanced employment
Carpenters work with wood on building
sites or in customers’ homes and
manufacture, fit or repair doors, window
frames, staircases, floorboards,
cupboards, traditional cut roofs, roof
trusses & partitions. They use traditional
woodworking tools as well as specialised
power or hand tools for cutting, shaping,
smoothing and finishing. They require
careful, methodical and accurate approach;
the ability to follow drawings, plans and
written or spoken instructions and the
ability to work well in a team
Units include
• How to create drawings and cutting
• How to mark out and cut traditional
• How to manufacture various carpentry
and joinery components e.g. windows,
doors and staircases
• How to fix various carpentry and
joinery components e.g. floorboards,
cupboards and roof trusses
• How to calculate and cost materials
• How to set up and use a range of hand
and power tools
Duration: 1 Year
Entry Requirements
Level 1 Diploma or have equivalent
industrial experience.
Reasonable numeracy and literacy skills.
Continue on to Level 3 or it can lead to
enhanced employment opportunities.
Further Information
There is additional costs for safety footwear,
overalls or suitable work clothing, stationery
and textbooks.
Duration: 1 Year
Entry Requirements
No specific entry requirements
Reasonable numeracy & literacy skills
such as a English and maths GSCE are
Duration: 1 Year
Continue on to Level 3 or it can lead to
enhanced employment opportunities.
Level 2
Level 1
Level 2
Entry Requirements
Level 1 Diploma or have equivalent
industrial experience
Reasonable numeracy and literacy skills.
Diploma in Carpentry & Joinery
Further Information
There is additional costs for safety
footwear, overalls or suitable work
clothing, stationery and textbooks.
For more advice and guidance call us on 01582 569 569
Continue training to Level 2 and then
Level 3 or it can lead to enhanced
employment opportunities.
Visit our website www.barnfield.ac.uk for further details
Diploma in Painting & Decorating
Level 2
Painters and decorators use a range of
coverings including paint and wallpaper
to enhance and protect surfaces. These
surfaces could include plaster, metal
and wood. They work on a variety of
domestic and industrial projects ranging
from re-decorating homes to applying
heavy-duty finishes to large structures
like bridges. They need to be artistic and
creative; have good communication skills
and be observant with a good eye for
Units include:
•How to use painting and decorating
tools and equipment
•How to apply various oil/water based
paints to different surfaces including
windows, doors, ceilings and walls
•How to use different types of access
equipment safely e.g. ladders and towers
•How to prepare different backgrounds
ready to apply decorative finishing
including wallpaper, paint and decorative
•How to apply various types of wall
coverings including free match,
patterned papers and embossed
•How to apply decorative finished such
as marbling and graining, sponge
stippling, stencilling and broken colour.
Duration: 1 Year
Entry Requirements
Level 1 Diploma or have equivalent
industrial experience.
Reasonable numeracy and literacy skills
Diploma in Plastering
Continue on to Level 3 or it can lead to
enhanced employment opportunities.
This is a preparation course for learners
wishing to enter the construction industry
to become a plasterer.
Further Information
There is additional costs for safety footwear,
overalls or suitable work clothing, stationery
and textbooks.
Level 1
Duration: 1 Year
Entry Requirements
No specific entry requirements
Reasonable numeracy and literacy skills
such as a Maths and English GSCE are
Continue training to Level 2 and then
Level 3 or it can lead to enhanced
employment opportunities.
Level 2
Duration: 1 Year
Level 1
Duration: 1 Year
Entry Requirements
No specific entry requirements
Reasonable numeracy and literacy skills
such as a Maths and English GSCE are
Continue training to Level 2 and then
Level 3 or it can lead to enhanced
employment opportunities.
The course is designed to develop and
practice the skills of the plasterer with
the associated theory and health and
For more advice and guidance call us on 01582 569 569
Entry Requirements
Level 1 Diploma or have equivalent
industrial experience.
Reasonable numeracy and literacy skills.
Continue on to Level 3 or it can lead to
enhanced employment opportunities.
Further Information
There is additional costs for safety
footwear, overalls or suitable work clothing,
stationery and textbooks.
Visit our website www.barnfield.ac.uk for further details
Diploma in Plumbing Studies
Level 2
Plumbers install, service and repair water
supply, sanitation and heating systems.
They also install bathroom suites including
showers, toilets and basins. They need
a basic understanding of mathematics
and English; a careful, methodical and
accurate approach to your work and the
ability to follow instructions.
Units include:
• How to cut, bend and solder copper
pipe ready for installation
• How to cut and join plastic pipe ready
for installation
• How to prepare the workplace/site
ready for work to be carried out
• The health and safety legislation relating
to the installation and maintenance of
electrical and plumbing systems
• The science behind plumbing e.g. heat
transfers, power, forces and pressure
• How to install bathrooms, heating
systems, and waste sanitation systems
(level 2 only)
• How to cut, bend and solder copper
pipe ready for installation (level 2 only).
Duration: 1 Year
Level 1
Duration: 1 Year
Entry Requirements
No specific entry requirements
Reasonable numeracy and literacy skills
such as a Maths and English GSCE are
Continue training to Level 2 and then
Level 3 or it can lead to enhanced
employment opportunities.
Entry Requirements
Level 1 Diploma or have equivalent
industrial experience.
Reasonable numeracy and literacy skills.
Continue on to Level 3 or it can lead to
enhanced employment opportunities.
Diploma in Plumbing Studies
Level 3
Duration: 1 Year
The Level 3 diploma is a natural
progression from the level 2 diploma it
provides a more in-depth knowledge of
complex plumbing & heating systems
including domestic gas installations
and environmental technologies. To
achieve the Level 3 Diploma in Plumbing
Studies the candidate must achieve in
these areas; Health & Safety in Building
Services, Environmental Technology
Systems, Plumbing Installation planning
Systems, Complex Cold water Systems,
Complex Hot Water Systems, Complex
Sanitation Drainage Systems, Complex
Central Heating Systems, Domestic Gas
Principles, Career awareness in Building
Entry Requirements
Level 2 Diploma or have equivalent
industrial experience.
Reasonable numeracy and literacy skills.
BTEC 90 Credit/Extended Diploma
in Engineering
Level 3
Duration: 1/2 Years
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Engineering
Level 2
Duration: 1 Year
A programme designed to introduce
learners to engineering principles and
develop knowledge and understanding
by applying their learning and skills in
work-related practical activities. Units
include The Engineered world, Investigating
an Engineered Product, Introduction to
Communications for Engineering, Health
and Safety in Engineering, Engineering
Materials, Interpreting and Using Engineering
Information, Mathematics for Engineering,
Machining Techniques, Electronic Circuit
Design and Construction, Electrical and
Mechanical Science for Engineering,
Bicycle Servicing and Maintenance. A
range of engineering skills will also be
introduced including welding, machining,
robotics, electronics and fabrication.
Entry Requirements
A minimum of 2 GCSEs grade D or above
or pass at a Level 1 programme. GCSE
Mathematics at grade D or above
Progression to L3 Diploma or
This programme encompasses the essential
skills, knowledge and understanding
needed to gain confidence and progression
into mechanical or electronic engineering.
Delivered in units this programme is
the Technical Certificate underpinning
Advanced Apprenticeship. Units include
Health and Safety in the Engineering
Workplace: Electrical and Electronic
Principles: Mathematics for engineering
operations Mechanical principles and
applications Engineering Design
Principles and applications or electronic
devices and circuits.
Year 1
• Health and Safety
• Electronic Devices and Circuits, Maths
for Engineering Technicians
• Properties and Applications of
Engineering Materials
• Features and Applications of Electrical
• Electrical and Electronic Principles,
Engineering Drawing for Technicians
• Construction and Applications of
Digital Systems
• Electronic Circuit Design and
Year 2
• Mechanical Principles and Applications
• Communication for Technicians
• Engineering Project
• Electronic Fault Finding
• Applications of Mechanical Systems
• Further Maths for Engineering Technicians
• Principles and Applications of
Analogue Electronics
• Computer Aided Drafting in Engineering
Entry Requirements
Satisfactory interview & any one of the
Five GCSE’s Grade C or above including
English, Science and Maths
EMTA Awards Performing Engineering
Operations Level 2
GNVQ (Intermediate)/NVQ Level 2 in
City and Guilds Progression award Level 2
Other Acceptable Qualifications
Mature students with relevant experience
may be accepted
Progression Routes:
HNC / Degree
Employment in the Electronics or
Mechanical Engineering industry
Automotive Industry.
Employment in plumbing
Further Information
There is additional costs for safety footwear, overalls or suitable work clothing, stationery
and textbooks.
For more advice and guidance call us on 01582 569 569
Visit our website www.barnfield.ac.uk for further details
Diploma in Electrical Installation
Level 1
Diploma in Electrical Installations
(Building and Structures)
Duration: 1 Year
Includes the following subjects
• Principles of electrical Science
• Electrical Systems Design
• Electrical Installations: Inspection,
testing and Commissioning
• Electrical Installations:
Fault Diagnosis and Rectification
• Understand the Fundamental
Principles and Requirements of
Environmental Technology Systems
• Career Awareness in Building
Services Engineering
Provides basic engineering skills and
underpinning knowledge for possible
progression to Level 2 studies in electrical
installation and includes:
• Wiring and testing of electrical circuits
• Health and safety
• Using technical information
• Using technical information
• Establishing working relationships;
numeracy, ICT and communication skills.
Entry Requirements
3 GCSE’s at Grade D or above, including
Maths and English
Interview with a subject specialist
Performing Engineering Operations
Level 2, Electrical Installation City &
Guilds 2330 Level 2 or employment.
Level 2
Duration: 1 Year
Entry Requirements
Diploma in Electrical Installations
(Building and Structures) Level 1
Diploma in Electrical Installations
(Building and Structures) Level 3
Further Information
There is additional costs for safety footwear,
overalls or suitable work clothing, stationery
and textbooks.
Diploma for the Introduction to
Vehicle Technology
Entry Level 3
Duration: 1 Year
The Diploma is ideal for 16-19 year old
learners who prefer and respond to
‘hands-on’ learning. The structure has
a practical approach to assessment
and includes many visual questioning
techniques which will stimulate and
interest learners. This is the Ideal course
to develop experience in a variety of
motor industry sectors, at a level suiting
their ability. The inclusion of Level 1
optional units also allows learners the
opportunity to progress to a higher level if
they are able.
Entry Requirements
3 GCSEs at grade E to D
IMI level 1 Diploma in light vehicle
maintenance or IMI Diploma in Body
and Paint Principals
Level 3
Duration: 1 Year
Entry Requirements
Diploma in Electrical Installations
(Building and Structures) Level 2
Further Information
There is additional costs for safety footwear,
overalls or suitable work clothing, stationery
and textbooks.
Diploma in Accident Repair
Mechanical, Electrical and Trim
(MET) Principles
Level 2
Diploma in Vehicle Accident Repair
Paint Principles
Level 3
Duration: 1 Year
This Diploma provides the essential
knowledge and skills for vehicle body
repairers working or would like to work
on a wide range of vehicles in all types of
garages, dealerships and specialist body
The learning programme involves theory
and practical aspects, including:
• the preparation & application procedures
• the diagnosis & rectifying of paint faults
• working with plastic materials &
• preparing metal & pre-painted surfaces
• establishing paint defects
• applying topcoats and completing
• colour matching
The Diploma provides the essential
knowledge and skills for MET (Mechanical,
Electrical & Trim Principals) Technicians
that would like to work on light or light
goods vehicles in all types of garages
and dealerships. This qualification also
involves stripping and fitting vehicle
components gaining a broad knowledge
and understanding of health and safety
in the workplace & other skills associated
with working in a garage.
Entry Requirements
3 GCSE grade C or above including Maths
and English. Level 1 Diploma in Light
Vehicle Maintenance. Diploma in
Automotive Body Repair
VCQ level 2 in MET Level 3 MET or working
in the motor industries.
Duration: 1 Year
Entry Requirements
Level 2 Diploma in vehicle accident repair
Paint principals
VCQ level 3 in Vehicle Accident Repair
Paint Principals or working in the
automotive industries.
Further Education
Further education and/or employment
in the Electrical Industry with associated
NVQ qualifications.
For more advice and guidance call us on 01582 569 569
Visit our website www.barnfield.ac.uk for further details
Diploma in Light Vehicle Maintenance
Level 1
Diploma in Light Vehicle Maintenance
and Repair Principles
Level 2
Diploma in Light Vehicle Maintenance
and Repair Principles
Level 3
Prepares candidates as a trainee/
apprentice mechanic in the motor vehicle
service and repair industry (garage).
Duration: 1 Year
Duration: 1 Year
Prepares candidates for work in the vehicle
repair garage.
The course provides an introduction to:
Routine servicing and maintenance,
Component removal and replacement,
Interpretation of technical data.
The modules include the
operation, assessment and repair of:
• Electrical systems
• Steering and Suspension
• Brakes
• Engines
• Cooling systems
• Transmission systems
• Health and Safety
The aim of this course is to prepare you
for work in the motor vehicle repair
• Communicate effectively and precisely
with colleagues to affect the desired
• Work and cooperate with colleagues to
achieve desired outcomes
Duration: 1 Year
Vehicle systems including:
Engines, Transmission, Steering,
Suspension, Brakes, Electrical systems
and many other topics.
You will also be expected to complete a
Key or Functional Skill, at a appropriate
level, in English, Mathematics or ICT.
Entry Requirements
3 GCSEs at Grade D (including Maths and
English) or the Entry Level 3 qualification
Interview with a subject specialist
Employment as a trainee/apprentice in
the motor repair industry and/or IMI
Level 2 Certificate in Vehicle Service and
Entry Requirements
IMI Level 1 Diploma in Vehicle
Maintenance (QCF)
Interview with a subject specialist
Employment in the vehicle repair industry,
NVQ Level 2 and opportunity to progress
to NVQ Level 3 and Diploma Level 3 in
Vehicle Maintenance and Repair.
You will undertake practical work, which
is specific to working in the
Motor Vehicle Service and Repair sector.
You will be required to work with
colleagues, which will require you
to be well organised.
You will study aspects of vehicle
systems and technology that will
support your practical work.
Diploma in Heavy Maintenance and
Repair Principles
Level 3
The aim of this course is to prepare you
for work in the motor vehicle repair
• Communicate effectively and precisely
with colleagues to affect the desired
• Work and cooperate with colleagues to
achieve desired outcomes
Entry Requirements
Completion of Level 2 Diploma in Heavy
English and Maths at Level 2 or above
Satisfactory interview
You will undertake practical work, which
is specific to working in the Motor Vehicle
Service and Repair sector.
Also you will be required to work with
colleagues, which will require you to be
well organised.
You will study aspects of vehicle systems
and technology that will support your
practical work.
Level 2
Entry Requirements
Level 2 Diploma in Motor Vehicle
English and Maths at Level 2 or above
Satisfactory interview
Duration: 1 Year
Level 4 Diploma in Vehicle Maintenance
and Repair Principles (VRQ) Employment
within the Automotive Industry.
Level 3 Diploma in Heavy Vehicle
Maintenance and Repair Principles (VRQ)
– In a full time course or in association
with authenticated employment within
the Automotive Industry.
Entry Requirements
English and Maths
(Including 3 GCSE’s at Grade C)
Satisfactory interview
Further Information
There is additional costs for safety footwear,
overalls or suitable work clothing, stationery
and textbooks.
For more advice and guidance call us on 01582 569 569
Duration: 1 Year
Level 4 Diploma in Vehicle Maintenance
and Repair Principles (VRQ)
Employment within the Automotive
Diploma in Vehicle Maintenance Body Principles
Level 1
Duration: 1 Year
Prepares candidates for employment as
either a panel beater or paint sprayer in
a motor vehicle body repair workshop.
Course content includes:
• Engineering equipment and
• Vehicle body repair
• Vehicle spray painting
• Welding
• Health & safety
Entry Requirements
3 GCSEs at Grade D
(including Maths and English)
or the Entry Level 3 qualification
Interview with a subject specialist
Employment or an Apprenticeship in the
Vehicle Body Repair industry and/or the
IMI Diploma in Body Repair or painting
principles at Level 2
Visit our website www.barnfield.ac.uk for further details
Diploma in Motorcycle
Maintenance and Repair Principles
Level 2
Diploma in Vehicle Accident Repair
Body Principles
Level 2
Diploma in Vehicle Accident Body
Level 3
Duration: 1 Year
Duration: 1 Year
Duration: 1 Year
The aim of this course is to prepare you
for work in the motor vehicle repair
• Communicate effectively and precisely
with colleagues to affect the desired
• Work and cooperate with colleagues to
achieve desired outcomes
The course will include:
• Vehicle body repair
• Panel Beating
• Welding
• Fabrication
This Diploma provides the essential
knowledge and skills for vehicle body
repairers working or would like to work
on a wide range of vehicles in all types of
garages, dealerships and specialist body
The learning programme involves theory
and practical aspects, including:
• removing, replacing and repairing body
• identifying and rectifying body misalignment.
• MIG & MAG welding techniques.
• resistance spot welding operations.
• the understanding of vehicle construction
and materials.
You will undertake practical work, which
is specific to working in the Motor Vehicle Service and Repair sector. You will be
required to work with colleagues, which
will require you to be well organised.
You will study aspects of vehicle systems
and technology that will support your
practical work.
Entry Requirements
• Previous Motor Vehicle experience at
Level 1
• English and Maths (Including 3 GCSE’s
at Grade C)
• Satisfactory interview
You will also be expected to complete a
Key or Functional Skill, at a appropriate
level, in English, Mathematics or ICT.
Entry Requirements
• Level 1 Diploma in Body & Paint
• Satisfactory interview
Further education and/or employment
in vehicle body repair and painting with
associated NVQ qualifications
Further Information
There is additional costs for safety footwear,
overalls or suitable work clothing, stationery
and textbooks.
Entry Requirements
Level 2 Diploma in vehicle accident Body
repair principals
VCQ level 3 in Vehicle Accident Body
Repair or working in the fabrication
industries. Further Education
Level 3 Diploma in Vehicle Maintenance
and Repair Principles (VRQ) – In a
full time course or in association with
authenticated employment within the
Automotive Industry.
ESOL- Language Skills
Certificate in ESOL Skills for life
Entry 1
Certificate in ESOL Skills for life
Entry 3
Duration: 1 Year
Duration: 1 Year
• Language skills: reading, writing, speaking
& listening
• Grammar, spelling and vocabulary
• Functional Maths
• Developing study skills, team work and
• Vocational studies
• Language skills: reading, writing, speaking
& listening
• Grammar, spelling and vocabulary
• Functional Maths
• Developing study skills, team work and
• Vocational studies
Entry Requirements
Basic literacy skills
Entry Requirements
Assessed at interview
International language skills & knowledge
about english
Entry 2 ESOL
Certificate in ESOL Skills for life
Entry 2
Duration: 1 Year
• Language skills: reading, writing, speaking
& listening
• Grammar, spelling and vocabulary
• Functional Maths
• Developing study skills, team work and
• Vocational studies
Entry Requirements
Assessed at interview
Elementary language skills & knowledge
about english
Level 1 ESOL or Vocational and Technical
mainstream Programmes
Work-Place. Citizenship Preparation
Further Information
Preparation for Foundation Learning
programme aims to improve the English
language skills of ESOL learners and is
designed to prepare ESOL students for
vocational courses and employment in
terms of both language development
and knowledge of the workplace and for
further studies.
In addition to developing English
language skills we also help our learners
to improve their maths skills.
Entry 3 ESOL
For more advice and guidance call us on 01582 569 569
Visit our website www.barnfield.ac.uk for further details
BTEC Diploma in Health & Social Care
Level 1
Duration: 1 Year
Diploma in Hairdressing
Level 1
Diploma in Hairdressing
Level 2
Duration: 1 Year
Duration: 1 Year
This develops the knowledge and awareness
of the types of provision in the Health,
Social Care and Children’s and Young
People’s sectors.
The course includes:
• Reception
• Cut hair to achieve a variety of looks
• Style and finish hair
• Colouring and perming techniques
• Creating a finished look
Topics include:
• Health & Social Care
• Need rights & responsibilities at work
• Creative and Leisure activities
• Healthy Eating
• Personal care
Entry Requirements
Successful skills assessment & interview.
Level 1 Hairdressing merit is required to
move onto this course.
Entry Requirements
Aged 16+
No Prior qualification needed
This gives an excellent start to hairdressing It includes: Hairdressing skills,
Completion work, personal appearance,
Salon preparation, Customer care,
Stock monitoring, Assisting in salon with
treatment, Reception, Developing cutting
skill, Styling and finishing
Entry Requirements
• Successful interview
• Skills test
Hairdressing Level 2 or Barbering
Diploma in Hairdressing
Level 3
Duration: 1 Year
This is a progression course from Level
2 Hairdressing covering: Competition &
show work, Long hair techniques, Setting
& dressing, Corrective colouring, Creative
colouring, Consultation, Promoting products
& services, Advanced cutting.
Entry Requirements
Level 2 Hairdressing, Successful skills
assessment & Interview
Level 3 is required to become a qualified
operative under new industry standards
Further Information
Uniform & hairdressing kit are essential.
Students are expected to work at the New Bedford Road Campus. Some work
experience & client work can be weekend & evening based.
For more advice and guidance call us on 01582 569 569
BTEC First Diploma in Health
& Social Care
Level 2
Duration: 1 Year
This course prepares students for
employment in the health and social
care sector. Personal skills will be
developed in addition to English,
Mathematics and ICT.
Topics include:
• Human life span and development
• Health and social care values
• Effective communication
• Healthy living
Entry Requirements
Level 1 Diploma in Health and Social
Care, 4 GCSEs at grade D or above
including English Language, Functional
Skills at an appropriate level or successful
interview and satisfactory reference
Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care
HNC/HND in Health & Social Care
Level 4/5
Duration: 2 Years
Extended Diploma in Health
& Social Care
Level 3
Duration: 2 Years
This course prepares students for
employment in the health and social care
Topics include:
• Equality Diversity & rights
• Health safety & security
• Life stages & development
• Autonomy and philosophy
• Sociological perspectives
• Psychological perspectives
Level 2 Health and Social Care
Career in hairdressing salon or further
study to Level 3 hairdressing, barbering
or therapies for men.
Health &
Social Care
Entry Requirements
4 GCSEs at grade C or above including
English Language or Level 2 qualification
at Merit Functional Skills at an appropriate
level. Plus a sucessful interview.
Higher Education for HND or Degree
programmes in Nursing, Midwifery,
Criminology, Psychology, Social Work
Degree, Vocational course in another area
Further Information
DBS check & 100 hours of work experience
will be required
This is a key pathway for learners to
progress on to the second year of a
degree or honours degree programme
depending on the match of the units on
the degree programme.
Topics include:Communicating in Organisations,
Principles of HSC Practice, Health and
Safety in the Workplace, Personal and
Professional Development, Working in
Partnership. Optional Units include, Social
Policy, Sociological Context of HSC,
Empowering Users, Safeguarding, The
Role of Public Health, and Physiological
* Personal and Professional Development in Health
and Social Care requires at least 200 hours of work
experience to be completed.
Entry Requirements
BTEC Level 3 qualification in Health
and Social Care or related subject area,
A-Level in a relevant subject or an
adequate performance in more than one
A-Level subject. Other related level 3
qualifications. Access to Higher Education
Certificate Related work experience.
Applications are invited from mature
learners with extensive work experience
(paid &/or unpaid) &/or achievement of
a range of professional qualifications.
Progression on to the HND in preparation
for employment at Management Level
Further Information
Personal and Professional Development
in Health and Social Care requires at
least 200 hours of work experience to be
Visit our website www.barnfield.ac.uk for further details
Diploma in Progression into
Health and Social Care
Level 2
Higher Education Diploma
in Access to Social Studies
Level 3
Access to Health Studies
Level 3
Duration: 1 Year
Duration: 1 Year
This provides the opportunity to
develop English and maths skills and an
understanding of health and social care.
Applicants are advised that this course is
only funded for those aged 19+ and over
and is best suited to the needs of adults/
mature learners who are returning to
learn and wish to progress onto a Degree
in Nursing, Midwifery or other health
care related degree.
This course is only funded for those aged
19+. It is best suited to the needs of
adults returning to learning and wishing
to progress onto a Degree in Nursing,
Midwifery or other health care related
Topics include:
• English certificate
• Making calculation numbers
• Decimals
• Percentages
• Fractions
Entry Requirements
Age 19+
Appropriate level in numeracy and literacy
achieved from diagnostic accomplishment.
Level 3 Health & Social Care, Access
to Social studies at health studies or
Key Features of the Course:
• Human Biology
• Health Studies
• Psychosocial Sciences plus Communications
• Mathematics
• Research and Preparation for Higher
Entry Requirements
Age 19+
Appropriate levels in Mathematics and
Literacy achieved by assessment, plus
successful interview.
It is advised that students have or are
working towards GCSE English & Maths
Duration: 1 Year
Features of the Course include:• Human Biology
• Health Studies
• Psychosocial Sciences
• Mental Health plus communications
• Maths
Entry Requirements
Age 19+
Appropriate levels in Mathematics and
Literacy achieved by assessment, plus
successful interview.
It is advised that students have or are
working towards GCSE English & Maths
Undergraduate Degree Programmes at
Undergraduate Degree Programmes at
Legal Services
Legal Studies & Administration
Diploma Law Pathway
Level 2
Subsidiary Diploma Law Pathway
Level 3
Duration: 1 Year
Duration: 1 Year
The specification is designed to appeal to
both learners interested in a career in law,
and to those who already have experience
of working in the sector. The mandatory
units, which are common to both the
three-unit Certificate and the six-unit
Subsidiary Diploma, give learners an
introduction to the court structure – both
civil and criminal, the ways in which Law
is made and elements of substantive civil
and criminal law in the form of negligence
and non-fatal offences to the person. Final
accounts – sole trader and partnerships.
Entry Requirements
A minimum of English GCSE grade A-C.
Successful interview.
BTEC Applied Level 3 or HNC
The specification is designed to appeal to
both learners interested in a career in law,
and to those who already have experience
of working in the sector. The mandatory
units, which are common to both the
three-unit Certificate and the six-unit
Subsidiary Diploma, give learners an
introduction to the court structure – both
civil and criminal, the ways in which Law
is made and elements of substantive civil
and criminal law in the form of negligence
and non-fatal offences to the person.
The core will provide a foundation for
study of the three selected optional units
in the Subsidiary Diploma. The small core
offers flexibility and choice of additional
Entry Requirements
Minimum 4 c’s at GCSE including English,
references and interview.
16 years or over or Merit at Level 2 in an
appropriate qualification
Extended Diploma in Public Services or
law related courses. HNC Public Services
or Business.
For more advice and guidance call us on 01582 569 569
Visit our website www.barnfield.ac.uk for further details
Learning for Work & Life
Students are helped to prepare for work
and adult life by developing their skills
in English, Mathematics and IT; personal
and social development.
There is also the choice to experience
and gain qualifications in all of the
following vocational areas: Art & Design,
Autocare, ICT, Fashion Textiles, Catering,
Business, Childcare, Horticulture, Retail,
Sport & Leisure, Performing Arts,
Construction, Motorbike Maintenance
and Painting & Decorating.
The programme also includes work
experience opportunities, industrial
and recreational visits, guidance and
Certificate in Personal Progress
Entry 1
Duration: 1-3 Years
(Depending on progress achieved)
Students are helped to prepare for work
and adult life by developing their skills in:
• Communication
• IT
• Working with others
• Study skills
• Literacy & Numeracy
• Independent living skills
• Enterprise projects
• Work experience
Entry Requirements
There are no formal entry requirements
but students will be interviewed and
assessed before entry to ensure that an
individual timetable is created for them.
The course is a springboard to other
higher level courses within the College
and/or employment.
Extended Certificate in Independent
Entry 2
Diploma in Exploring the Creative
Arts and Media Sectors (QCF)
Level 1
Duration: 1-3 Years
(Depending on progress achieved)
Duration: 1 Year
Students are helped to prepare for work
and adult life by developing their skills in:
• Communication
• IT
• Working with others
• Study Skills
• Literacy & Numeracy
• Independent living skills
• Enterprise projects
• Work experience
There is also a choice to gain experience
in the following vocational areas:
• Art & Design
• Autocare
• Fashion & Textiles
• Business
• Childcare
• Horticulture
• Retail, Performing Arts
• Construction
• Motorbike Maintenance
• Painting and Decorating
• Catering
• Sport & Leisure
The Level 1 Diploma provides a flexible
and challenging programme of study
related to the creative arts and media
sectors that is suited to learners who
have the general interest and aptitude to
progress to further study.
It will also provide a broad and balanced
programme of study that develops
knowledge and understanding relevant
to the creative arts and media sectors as
a whole.
As part of the course you will develop
• Video and multimedia products
• Learn how to edit audio & video
• Developing skills in digital photography
Entry Requirements
There are no specific entry requirements
for this course. Reasonable numeracy and
literacy skills such as a Maths or English
GCSE are preferable.
The majority of students progress onto
the Level 2 Diploma in Creative Media
Diploma in Creative Media
Level 2
Extended Diploma in Creative Media
Level 3
Duration: 1 Year
Duration: 2 Years
The course is specially designed to help
learners to develop the personal and
communication skills needed for higher
level study.
The BTEC Extended Diploma in Media
Production courses includes unit that
cover a wide range of media related
subjects and practices, with emphasis on
the moving image. Therefore, this is an
ideal, broad, preparatory course for those
learners wishing to study all aspects of
media production such as television, video,
radio and magazine production.
This is a dynamic course that makes heavy
use of practical sessions as well as relevant
theory. A considerable amount of work
takes place out on location, whether it be
filming, newspaper or radio interviewing.
The course content is very broad and you
will be introduced to a range of different
subjects such as:
• TV and Video Production
• Film Studies, Contemporary Media Theory
• Photography
• Personal Communication
• Sound Techniques.
Entry Requirements
1 GCSE grade C, preferably English, but
not essential together with a satisfactory
interview and reference
The majority of students progress onto
the BTEC Extended Diploma in Media
Projects also involve considerable group
work, as this plays an important role in
the development of interpersonal skills
and personal development, essential for
working in the media industry.
Entry Requirements
4 GCSE passes grades C or above (including
English) or successful completion of the
First Diploma with a minimum of a Merit
Grade together with a satisfactory interview/
media project and reference.
Progresssion on to higher education
including HNC/HND studies at Barnfield.
University degrees in television production,
media production, video production, film
studies, radio production, journalism and
animation. Careers in Television Production,
Video Production and Film Studies.
The course also includes the opportunity
of relevant work experience and visits.
Entry Requirements
There are no formal entry requirements
but students will be interviewed and
assessed before entry to ensure that an
individual timetable is created for them.
The course is a springboard to other higher
level courses within the College and/or
For more advice and guidance call us on 01582 569 569
Visit our website www.barnfield.ac.uk for further details
HNC / HND in Media
Level 4/5
Duration: 1 Year
The BTEC HNC and HND couses cover
the key knowledge, understanding and
practical skills required in the creative
media industry. Higher Education HND
units build on the skills and knowledge
developed as part of the HNC providing
greater breadth and specialism.
The HNC and HND are made up of separate
units comprising of core mandatory and
optional units.
• Contextual studies for creative media
• Research techniques for creative media
• Practical skills for moving image production
• Film studies
• Camera and lighting techniques for
moving image production
• Development and techniques of film and
video editing
• Music video production
• Advertisement production for television
Entry Requirements
The entry requirements will include one
or more of the following:
• BTEC Level 3 qualification in Creative
Media Production
• An A level profile with strong performance
in a relevant subject or a good performance
in more than one subject. The profile is
likely to be supported by GCSE grades A*
to C
• Other related level 3 qualifications
• An Access to Higher Education Certificate
awarded by an approved further education
• Related work experience and satisfactory
interview Applications are also welcome
from mature learners with relevant
HNC in Music Technology
Level 4
Extended Diploma in Music
Level 3
A degree at University
Careers in Television Production, Video
Production and Film Studies
HND core units include:
• Project design, implementation and
• Special subject investigation for creative
media production
• 3D character animation for computer
• Moving image documentary production
• Work experience in the creative media
sector contact.
Duration: 2 Years
Diploma in Music
Level 2
Duration: 1 Year
Understand of the variety of roles within
the music industry, develop musical
creativity and experience the recording
studio environment.
This is achieved through composing your
own pieces of music using a variety of
software programs, learning how to use
recording equipment, producing your own
recording, sequence music, rehearsing as
a group for live performances and learning
how to read music.
Entry Requirements
Four GSCE’s at grade D or above or the
successful completion of a BTEC Introductory
BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Performing Arts
or Music
For more advice and guidance call us on 01582 569 569
The course aims to develop the technical
and creative skills necessary for a career in
the music industry. The course is practice
based and is focussed on the production
and performance of original music and
music technology to realise the finished
work. It is designed for those students
that require a creative, practical and
vocational music course and who are
creative and committed musicians.
The course also includes relevant aspects
of the music business, such as strategies
for marketing and promotion.
Entry Requirements
4 GCSEs at grade C or above in appropriate
subject areas or a full GNVQ Intermediate
in either Music or a Performing Art subject
(Merit) or a level 2 Diploma in Media or
Music/Music Technology (Merit).
Experience of playing a musical instrument
or voice.
Duration: 1 Year
We offer the opportunity to study Music
Technology, Songwriting Techniques and
Skills, Music Composition Techniques,
Composing for Film and Television,
Creating Project Design and Managing a
Creative Business, all within a professional
studio environment.
This course will be running alongside
the highly successful 90 Credit Diploma
and Extended Diploma in Music and Music
Entry Requirements
A-level/BTEC College graduates.
Adult learners who wish to re-enter
education or re-train in a creative field.
Continue on to an HND after completing
the first year.
Undergraduate Degree Programmes at
Careers in the music or other performance
related industry, or University Level
Visit our website www.barnfield.ac.uk for further details
Public Services
Duration: 3 Years
Diploma in Public Services
Level 1
Diploma in Public Services
Level 2
Extended Diploma in Public Services
Level 3
Duration: 1 Year
Duration: 1 Year
Duration: 2 Years
You will be working on projects that
involve team work, problem solving and
allow you to use your initiative.
You will be required to complete 3 core
units and 3 specialist units for a First
This course is unit based and those units
• Conduct in Public Services
• Teamwork/Public Service Skills
• Rights and Responsibilities
• Careers
• Map Work/Expeditions
• Fitness
Units include:• Public Services Employment/Career
• Public Service Skills
• Public Service Fitness
• Citizenship, the Individual and Society
• Cultural Awareness
• Law and its Impact on the Individual
• Crime and Effects
This course will help to equip you with
the knowledge and skills required to
successfully pursue a career in the
uniformed public services.
Entry Requirements
16 years or over
Successful interview
GCSE profile
Level 2 Diploma in Public Services
You will be working on projects that
involve team work, problem solving and
allow you to use your initiative.
Entry Requirements
16 years or over
Successful interview
GCSE profile including 4 Ds at GCSE
(Preferably Maths or English)
or successful Level 1 Diploma.
Pathway to Public Service work, e.g.
Police Service, Fire Service, Ambulance
Service, Armed Forces and related civilian
occupations. Progression to the Level 3
Subsidiary Diploma, Diploma & Extended
HNC / HND in Public Services
Level 4/5
The course covers a range of topics
including:• Government Policies
• Team Leadership
• Fitness Testing
• Citizenship & Diversity
• Outdoor and Adventurous Expeditions
• Understanding Discipline
• Crime & its Effects
• Human Behaviour
• Human Rights and International
• Law and the Legal System
Entry Requirements
16 years or over
Successful interview
GCSE profile including
4 Cs at GCSE
(Preferably Maths or English)
or Merit at Level 2 in Public Services.
BTEC HNC - Level 4
The Edexcel BTEC HNC Level 4 in Public
Services provides a specialist work-related
programme of study that covers the key
knowledge, understanding and practical
skills required in the public services
sector and also offers particular emphasis
through the choice of specialist units.
BTEC HND - Level 5
The Edexcel BTEC Level 5 HND provides
greater breadth and specialisation than
the Edexcel BTEC Level 4 HNC. prepares
learners for employment in the public
services sector and will be suitable for
learners who have already decided that
they wish to enter this area of work. Some
adult learners may wish to make the
commitment required by this qualification
in order to enter a specialist area of
employment in public services or progress
into higher education. Other learners may
want to extend the specialism that they
followed on the Edexcel BTEC Level 4
HNC programme.
Entry Requirements
BTEC Level 3 qualification in Public Services
or related subject area, A-Level in a relevant
subject or an adequate performance in
more than one A-Level subject. Other
related level 3 qualifications. Access to
Higher Education Certificate awarded by
an approved further education Institution.
Related work experience. Applications
are also invited from mature learners with
extensive work experience (paid and/or
unpaid) and/or achievement of a range
of professional qualifications in their work
Level 4 and 5 Public Services (HNC &
HND) at Barnfield College. University –
Law, criminology, public services, policing,
psychology etc. Pathway to Public Service
work: Police Service, Fire Service,
Ambulance Service, Armed Forces and
related civilian occupations.
Level 4 and 5 Public Services (HNC &
HND) at Barnfield College. University
– Law, criminology, public services,
policing, psychology etc. Pathway to
Public Service work: Police Service, Fire
Service, Ambulance Service, Armed Forces
or civilian occupations.
For more advice and guidance call us on 01582 569 569
Visit our website www.barnfield.ac.uk for further details
Sport & Fitness
HNC/ HND in Sport & Exercise
Level 4/5
Duration: 1 Year each
Duration: 1 Year
Extended Diploma in Sport
& Exercise Sciences
Level 2
Diploma in Preventing Injuries in
Sport & Active Leisure
Level 3
This course is ideal for those who want to
work in the world of sport. The course is
an academic higher education course.
Aimed at people with an interest in sport.
Duration: 3 Year
Duration: 1 Year
The programme develops the skills and
knowledge required for work within
a range of sports & leisure occupations.
The Sport and Exercise Science National
Diploma is aimed at people with a strong
interest in sport from a scientific and
practical perspective.
Aimed at people with a strong interest
in sport from a therapy and practical
Core Units include:• Anatomy & Physiology
• Psychology
• Research Methods
• Training & Fitness for Sport & Exercise
• Instructing
• Biomechanics for sport
• Nutrition, Massage
• Physical Activity
• Lifestyle & Wellbeing all focused on
Sport and Fitness
Diploma in Sport & Active Leisure
Level 1
Entry Requirements
16 Years or over
GCSE Profile
City & Guilds Level 2
Diploma, other Level 2 vocational programmes
Diploma in Sport
Level 2
Duration: 1 Year
Aimed at people with a strong interest in
sport from a practical perspective.
The programme develops the skills and
knowledge required for work within a
range of sports occupations.
Entry Requirements
Four GCSE D Grades,including maths
and/or English
BTEC Extended Diploma, CYQ Personal
Trainer Award or L3 Sports Therapy
The programme develops the skills and
knowledge required for work within a
range of sports science occupations. a
range of sports & leisure occupations.
Entry Requirements
Four GCSE’s at grade ‘C’ or above,
preferably in Science, Maths, English & PE
Completion of ‘Fit Day’.
The BTEC National Diploma is equivalent
to 3 ‘A’ Levels and is an access course
onto sport and therapy related courses at
University or employment in the Sports
Science field.
The programme develops the skills and
knowledge required for work within a
range of sports therapy occupations.
Entry Requirements
Four GCSE grade C, preferably Science,
maths and English
HNC or employment in the Sports Therapy
field. FdSc Sports Therapy or FdSc Sport,
fitness and personal training.
YMCA Diploma in Fitness Instructing
& Personal Training
Level 2/3
Entry Requirements
BTEC Level 3 qualification in Sport
or related subject area, A-Level in a
relevant subject. Other related level 3
qualifications. Access to Higher Education
Certificate. Applications are also invited
from mature learners with work experience
Progression on to HND
Employment at Management Level
LTFC Football
This programme combines 8 hours coaching and weekly matches with Luton Town
Academy Coaches alongside your choice of sport qualification.
You will develop an understanding of all aspects of the sports industry in a theoretical
and practical way which will prepare you for a career in the sports industry and improve
your football ability and level of understanding. You can progress onto a wide range
of Higher Education programmes and sport related careers such as coaching, fitness
instructing and activity leadership.
There is a wide variety of the learning which you will find both fun and informative.
You will also undertake a work placement for 20 hours where you will be learning in
a real working environment.
Luton Town Football Programme
Students can do:• BTEC Subsidiary Diploma In Sport - 1 year
• BTEC Diploma In Sport - 2 years
• BTEC Extended Diploma In Sport - 2 years
• YMCA Diploma in Fitness Instructing & Personal Training - 1 year
These courses will be off Barnfield College site. Students will need to make their own
way to The Baldock Arena SG7 5AU. Free train and bus passes are available.
Duration: 1 Year
Aimed at people with an interest in sport.
The programme develops the skills and
knowledge required for working in sports
training or coaching, or in sports therapy,
health and fitness industry.
Entry Requirements
Four GCSE D Grades, including maths
and/or English
BTEC National Sports Therapy Pathway,
CYQ Diploma in Personal Training
For more advice and guidance call us on 01582 569 569
Visit our website www.barnfield.ac.uk for further details
Course Information
These courses will be taught and assessed
using a variety of methods from written,
presentations and practical. Scheduled to
complete one module every 5 weeks with
your tutor. Some of the subjects that you
will study are:
• 20 hours work experience
• Anatomy and physiology
• Sports coaching
• Fitness, training and programming
• Practical sport
• Diet and nutrition (extended BTEC)
• Assessing risk (extended BTEC)
• Talent identification (extended BTEC)
Luton Town Football Programme
BTEC Diploma In Sport
1 Year (90 Credits)
Duration: 2years (180 Credits)
Entry Requirements
16-19 years age
4 A-C GCSE’s or BTEC Level 2 at Merit Level
Ability to demonstrate a great attitude
and application to the coaches and tutors.
Interest and passion to develop your
football ability
Employment in sports industry
Commence a University degree.
Level 2 & Level 3 personal trainer course.
Higher education sport course (HNC/HND)
Move into public services course at level
2 Years (120 Credits)
YMCA Diploma in Fitness Instructing
& Personal Training
Level 2/3
13 modules completed over 2 years.
Duration: 1 Year
Entry Requirements
16-19 years age
4 A-C GCSE’s or BTEC Level 2 at Merit Level
Ability to demonstrate a great attitude
and application to the coaches and tutors.
Interest and passion to develop your
football ability
Aimed at people with an interest in sport.
7 modules completed over 1 year.
Commence an Extended Diploma in Sport.
Level 2 & Level 3 personal trainer course.
Move into level 3 extended Diploma
Public Services
Employment in a variety of industries
Luton Town Football Programme
BTEC Extended Diploma In Sport
The programme develops the skills and
knowledge required for working in sports
training or coaching, or in sports therapy,
health and fitness industry.
Entry Requirements
Four GCSE D Grades, including Maths
and/or English
BTEC National Sports Therapy Pathway,
CYQ Diploma in Personal Training
For more advice and guidance call us on 01582 569 569
Visit our website www.barnfield.ac.uk for further details
24+ Advanced
Learning Loans
Barnfield College works with over
100 local employers to train you for
the real work environment.
If you are aged 24 and over and want to undertake a course at Level 3 or above
you can access the funds you need through a 24+ adult learning loan provided by
the government similar to Higher Education (HE) loans.
Am I eligible?
To qualify you’ll need to be:
• Aged 24 or over at the start of your course
• A resident in the UK for 3 years prior to the start of your course
• Enrolling on a course at Level 3 or above, such as: A-Levels, Diplomas and
Certificates or Access to HE.
How do they work?
The loans are not based on your income and there are no credit checks. As long as
you meet the criteria you will be able to apply for a loan, whether you’re employed
or unemployed. The loan will then be paid directly to the College on your behalf.
How do I apply?
If you want to apply for a loan, we will supply you with the relevant information to
make your application. You can apply online or complete the necessary forms. You
will receive a letter confirming your loan usually within 2 weeks if you apply online.
When will I have to pay it back?
You don’t pay anything up front for your course fees. Repayments do not start
until April 2016 and your repayments don’t start until you earn more than
£21,000 a year. If your loan is for an Access to HE programme and you go on to
complete an eligible HE course, you won’t have to repay your FE loan at all.
For more information or to apply for a loan visit
For more advice and guidance call us on 01582 569 569
London Luton Airport
Luton Town Football Club
LTFC recently approached
Barnfield to partner them to
recruit staff to work at the
stadium on match days, in a
variety of catering, hospitality
and customer service roles.
Over 25 Barnfield College
students have been successful
in their job applications and can
be seen on match days serving
The management at the Club
were so impressed with the
calibre of the students that they
have also partnered Barnfield to
recruit for part-time jobs in the
brand new LTFC shop in The
Aston Martin
“Aston Martin has a rolling
programme of apprentices,
which are selected through a
rigorous recruitment process.
It is important that they
receive the best possible
training and education, so that
they stay with us after their
apprenticeship finishes. The
main reason Barnfield College
is chosen as our partner is that
the students have great success
there. Barnfield College is our
preferred partner, partly down
to the good relationships we
have with the assessors and
partly due to its excellent track
record. Two of our apprentices
have won Apprentice of the
Year during their time at
Wella Centre of Excellence
“One of only 30 Colleges
nationally to have this award,
it recognises our first-class
facilities and highly skilled
hairdressing staff. Wella offer
excellent support to our ongoing
Continuous Professional
Development ensuring our
students get taught the most up
to date cut and colour skills.
Being a Wella Centre of
Excellence increases the
employability opportunities for
students as salons across the
country acknowledge us as one
of the leading trainers.”
Visit our website www.barnfield.ac.uk for further details
“Our experience with the
Barnfield College Apprenticeship
Scheme has been very positive.
We are impressed with how
Barnfield Apprenticeships
understand our needs and
translate this with Apprentices
who are keen, enthusiastic and
want to engage and learn in the
University of Bedfordshire
“The University of Bedfordshire
partners with Barnfield College
on Public Sector Apprenticeships.
Over 2 years we have increased
the Apprenticeships, which
include Business Administration
and Information Technology,
through the Barnfield College
Apprenticeship Scheme and we
are aiming to continue building
this partnership.”
For more advice and guidance call us on 01582 569 569
Visit our website www.barnfield.ac.uk for further details
New Bedford Road Campus, Luton
Technology Campus, Luton
If you have any queries or would like
further information please call us on
01582 569 569 or visit into one of our
Campus Receptions.
All information correct at time of
print, course details subject to change.
Please visit the website for up-to-date
For enquiries: 01582 569 569
For more advice and guidance call us on 01582 569 569