The Sands - Brighton-Le-Sands Public School


The Sands - Brighton-Le-Sands Public School
T U E S 18 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 12
Brighton-Le-Sands Public School
W EE K 1 0
Real Estate
“Teach your children well”
Congratulations: to our
athletes who competed at
the Sydney East Regional
Athletics Carnival. Luc won
his 100m, Alex was 3rd in
the 800m, the Junior Boys
and Senior Girls Relays were
3rd and the Junior Girls
placed 4th. A great effort
from our school. Thanks to
Mr Allum and Mr Sutton for
training the relay teams.
Bring on the state
championships in October.
To Matina for her Sydney
Region Deadly Kids Award.
Today parents from Yr 3 and
Yr 5 will receive their child’s
NAPLAN results in a sealed
While NAPLAN is a “one off”
test and many factors can
affect an individual
student’s result, we are very
pleased with our overall
school results where we are
above the National Average
in all areas in both Yr 3 and
Yr 5.
A more detailed analysis of
the results will be
undertaken by the staff
which will help inform our
planning for 2013.
Talent Show
The children all enjoyed the
Talent Show with a great
variety of entertaining
performances. Hoyori was
judged the overall winner.
Congratulations to every
performer. The special guest
appearance by “No
Direction” was a highlight of
a great afternoon.
Over $950 was raised for
Stewart House. What a great
effort by everyone.
Kinder Enrolments
Our school’s well deserved
reputation for outstanding
results in academic,
sporting, performing arts
and social development has
lead to a continued increase
in enrolments over the
years. Demand for non-local
placement is very high for
2013 with first round
acceptances already
notified. If you have a child
who is to start kinder in
2013, it is essential that
you contact the office this
Regional Director’s Visit
Last week we had the
pleasure of hosting a visit by
the Sydney Region Director
of Schools, Dr Phil Lambert
and the Georges River
School Education Director,
Lynne Irvine.
Dr Lambert and Mrs Irvine
were very impressed by the
classes and special
programs that they saw in
action. They were also
impressed, and rightly so,
by the enthusiasm that our
teachers have for providing
such a high quality
education for students.
Dr Lambert is looking
forward to attending the
performance of Rudolph the
Runaway Reindeer.
School Uniform
Our school is proud of its
uniform and we expect all
students to wear their full
uniform everyday. By now,
all students should be
wearing summer uniform. I
hope that all parents have
checked that every item of
clothing is labelled correctly.
A uniform audit will occur
early next term.
Please remember that a
school hat is an essential
part of the uniform and all
students that leave the
school for sport or
excursions are required to
be in full uniform.
Musical Theatre
The school’s spectacular
Musical Theatre production,
Rudolph The Runaway
Reindeer is to be held
Wednesday 10 October at
the Marana Auditorium,
Hurstville. On line bookings
close 30 September.
All students have received
sponsor cards for the
school’s major fundraising
event—the Walk-a-thon. This
will be held on Thursday, 1
November. I encourage you
to help your child gather
sponsors from people that
you know and trust.
Children should not go door
knocking seeking
sponsorship from strangers.
Yr 6 will be completing their
Walk-a-thon whilst they are
on camp.
Mega Fete
The whole school is looking
forward to tomorrow’s Yr 6
Mega Fete. The senior
students have done a
marvellous job and learnt a
great deal from organising
their stalls and activities.
The variety is amazing. We
hope that the weather is
kind for us.
An Afternoon of
This afternoon’s
performance by some of our
CAPA Groups was great. The
children enjoyed performing
for their friends and
School Holidays
I hope that everyone has a
safe and enjoyable break.
All students return Monday
8 October.
Ian Power
Our newsletter
Proudly sponsored by
The Sands
Principal’s Notes
Student Welfare cont...
5/6P Public Speaking
ES1 Public Speaking
Premier’s Reading
Chalk-Out Fundraising
4/5C Class Report
Literacy & Numeracy
2012 Musical Theatre
Stage 3 Poetry
KJ Swimming
Netball Report
UNSW English Test
Term 3, Wk 10/Term 4
Week 10
Wed 19
 Year 6 Mega Fete
Thu 20
 Stage 1 Bug Party
 K-2 Assembly 11.45
Nth Hall—1W/1G
Fri 21
 Y3-6 Assembly 1pm
Nth Hall—Prefects
Week 1
Mon 8
Tue 9
 Musical Theatre Dress
 Musical Theatre Dress
Wed 10
 Matinee (students only)
& Evening
Performance 6pm
Week 2
Tue 16
 K-2 Athletics Carnival
11.30 Memorial Field
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Presentation Day
Each year in December, Presentation
Day is a formal occasion held to
recognise and congratulate student
achievement. School leaders for the
following year are announced and major
awards are presented.
The School is responsible for developing
and implementing school policies. A list
of policies has been compiled and these
are reviewed on a regular basis. In
addition, other policies are added as
needed. An extensive consultation
process is used for new and revised
policies before they are accepted.
Reading Recovery
Reading Recovery is an intensive
program for students in Year 1. Students
who participate in the program are those
most in need of literacy support. A
specialist teacher has been trained to
implement this program which involves
each student having intensive literacy
instruction for 30 mins every day.
Release From Face To Face
Each staff member is entitled to 2 hours
per week Release from Face to Face.
Instruction for this class time is taken by
specialist teachers. Release from Face to
Face provides time for each teacher to
work on classroom programs and
planning, as well as an opportunity to
complete professional development
inservices or activities.
Religious Education
General religious education is covered
within the Human Society and its
Environment KLA. Special Religious
Education involves authorised
representatives of approved religious
groups providing instruction to students
of that group within school time. Parents
nominate their child’s religious
denomination at enrolment and they may
withdraw them from or change SRE
classes by notifying the Principal.
The students of 5/6P have presented
their prepared and impromptu speeches
to their classmates during this term. Our
best public speakers representing 5/6P
were Amelia (Y6) and Jahan (Y5). They
were part of the Stage 3 Public Speaking
Competition on Thursday 13/9/12 in the
North Hall.
Some of the topics presented were: Are
the Olympics a waste of time?, Olympic
athletes that inspire you, What is technology?, Bullying, Racism, Look into
the future and Being famous. Here’s
Ali’s terrific speech on homework. What
are your views on homework?
People say they hate homework and
wish there was no such thing as homework. It’s a strange thing but we need
homework. We can learn more about
words, maths, history, science and the
world. It can be about any topic and
about anything your teacher gives you.
You might get fun, easy homework or
hard, boring homework. At the end of
the day or at the end of the week, you
will need to have finished your homework. There’s no way around homework.
Personally, I don’t enjoy doing homework but I always get it done, even if I
don’t like it. If you don’t bring your
homework on the due date you will get
punished by doing it at lunchtime or you
The Early Stage One Public Speaking
finals were held on Monday 13
September in the North Hall. Each
class finalist gave a one minute
speech on the prepared topic of
All of the speakers did an outstanding
job. Congratulations to Aaliya KH,
Claudia KH, Jai KJ, Maya KJ, Matina
KL, Samara KL, Shiloh KP, Samuel
KP, Lauren KS, Téa KS, Luc KV and
Adam KV who represented their
classes. Mrs Wilson and I were very
impressed with the high standard of
the speeches.
First place was awarded to Shiloh for
her speech on Dogs vs Cats, second
place went to Luc who spoke about
Red Pandas and third place was
Claudia, who talked about Penguins.
We wish Shiloh every success at the
District Public Speaking Competition,
which will be held in term four.
The Early Stage One teachers would
also like to acknowledge the
enthusiastic participation of all the
Early Stage One students in the class
competitions. Thank you to the Early
Stage One parents who supported our
Public Speaking Program by
preparing the speeches and rehearsing
the children at home.
Miss Scott
ES1 Coordinator
have to write lines.
You should learn by your mistakes by
just doing your homework on time.
Teachers hate excuses! Don’t ever say to
them that “My dog ate it.” or “I lost it.”
because teachers always say that’s a load
of rubbish.
Some teachers can be very nice and say
“It’s ok. Don’t worry.” but I find that is
very rare. It’s also rare to find everyone
in your class bringing their homework
and enjoy doing it.
I hope you take some very good advice
from me. If you’re a school student and
you go to school and you have a teacher,
Here is our last terrific “CHAMPION”
Year 6 - Kai
Congratulations on a marvellous effort!!
Don’t forget to check the names and photos
on the PRC blog and your trophy on the
Happy reading
Mrs Dellagiacoma
GE 3
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The students at Brighton Le Sands Public School had an enormous amount of
fun raising money for our World Vision
sponsor child, Luis by holding a Chalk
Out. The SRC enthusiastically publicized the event by putting posters up
around the school. They also were responsible for selling the chalk on the
day. Well done, SRC, you did a marvelous job. Thank you for being so wonderful and carrying out your duties so responsibly. We raised $220 by selling the
chalk for 50c.
The students loved drawing creative
designs on the basketball court. Here are
some photos of the event.
Miss Smith
Our class has some exciting
news. We have been rewarded with an upgraded
classroom. As we walk into
our room each morning, it
feels like we are entering a
brand new classroom. We
have new carpet, new paint
(external AND internal),
plus we have a PROJECTOR! This means we can do
lots of fun, interactive activities on the internet and the
computer because we have a
big screen. This has added a
lot of diversity to our learning.
A major focus in our class
during Term Three has been
public speaking and planning impromptu speeches. It
is a tough skill to be able to
think about a topic and write
a speech within a five mi-
nute time frame. We have
all improved our skills in
this area.
While Year Five join Stage
Three on a Wednesday for
Reciprocal Numeracy
groups, Year Four have
formed their own groups
this term. Reciprocal Numeracy allows students to
gain confidence in understanding the language of
Maths. Students solve problems in collaboration with
others and try to use different strategies.
As the term comes to a
close, 4/5C and Miss Smith
would like to wish everyone a relaxing and safe
holiday. See you all next
This week KJ met with our buddies, 2C, to further explore
fractions for Literacy and Numeracy Week. We enjoyed using
pikelets to investigate
halves and quarters.
Through doing this we
discovered why it is
important to share
equally part of a whole
object. Our favourite part
was eating the pikelets at
the end!
Miss Smith
2012 Musical Theatre Production RUDOLPH THE RUNAWAY REINDEER
Wednesday 10 October—Marana Auditorium Hurstville
Tickets available online ONLY from Saturday 25 August—4pm to Sunday 30
$15.00—children over 5 MUST have a seat—
The following groups will be performing:
Stage 2 & 3 Musical Theatre, Year 1 & 2 Girls Dance Group, Year 3 Dance Group, Year 4 Dance Group,
Year 5 & 6 Dance Group, Kindergarten Dance Group
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During library this term all Stage 3
students have been working hard
involved in a poetry writing project,
The Poetry Object. The Poetry Object is a free writing project for students in Years 3-10 attending NSW
Public Schools in the Sydney Region. Young writers submit poems
and photographs about objects that
are special to them. Students could
write in any poetic style they
wished. Here are a few examples.
My Precious Necklace—
Keshang 5/6S
Looking inside my Mother’s special
silver jewellery box,
Inside, there was a green wooden
Feeling curious I pick it up
I open it and there it is
An oval shaped glass case with a
picture of Buddha in it
A red string tying it up as a necklace
I take it over to my Mother and ask
what it is,
She answered it was a precious
necklace given from your Father’s
Mother on my wedding day.
Realising how important it was
I place it back into the box
Then, my Mother said
I want to give it to you
Taking it with me
I wear it
But wondering why did she give it
Without knowing the answer I keep
it safe with me
I swore I will cherish it as it is precious to my Mother, Father’s Mother and to me.
The Flute—Nicolas 5/6M
No one knows what mysteries lurks
inside its Bamboo shell,
from its mystic art to its eerie tone,
the minute you play
your mind gets overrun
By ancient Bards
Playing the same tone...
Watching you...
As you gaze into it,
it almost feels like its chanting,
What is it chanting?
That’s the question
You cannot sleep at night if it’s in
the room.
It watches you with its carved out
It gives you the shivers and a slight
urge to obey its chant,
Although you don’t know what it’s
My Lucky Penny—Dimitri 5/6P
Every time I’m feeling down
My mother says please don’t frown
Pick up your penny from Cousin
And all day long you’ll have good
I fell in the mud and I was stuck
So I picked up my penny from
Cousin Jenny.
If you have a penny in your purse
I’m sure it will break the curse.
See the shiny penny, brown as it can
Showing the Australian kangaroo
for all of us to see
Penny you came from Cousin Jenny
You give me good luck I will
Quack like a duck.
Who needs a buck when you have
such luck?
With my penny that came from
Cousin Jenny.
So every time I’m feeling down
I now don’t frown
I just pick up my penny
That came from Cousin Jenny
And all day long I have good luck.
My Bracelet—Agapi 5/6B
Purple, faded and small
My bracelet, with its three
One wooden, a peace sign and a
My bracelet,
A charm symbolic of friendship,
A charm symbolic of peace,
and the last, symbolic of love.
My bracelet
Changed over time,
Dying, slowly fading away.
My bracelet
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STAGE 3 POETRY CONT…I bet it misses my best friend
As much as much I do.
My bracelet
It brings back good memories…
It brings back good times…
I love my bracelet.
My First Ballet Shoes—Tahnee
As I tip-toed and twirled on the
shiny wooden floor,
I realised that my shoes had opened
a new kind of door.
A door to dance, a door to laugh, a
door to whisk my cares away,
A door where I could dance for
hours each day.
The shiny black leather, now worn
out and old,
I knew I would always remember
what I was told.
The times when I used my first ballet shoes,
Made me compassionate, and always
used to amuse.
These shoes were always part of my
everyday classes,
Watching the years go by, every minute as it passes.
These shoes have won me medals
and awards,
That has motivated me on, and towards.
As I still have my shoes, with me
They will always be a part of me,
everywhere, every day.
Skateboard—Dimitri 5/6W
Skateboarding is fun.
Knee pads must be worn.
A skate park is a great place to ride.
Trying to balance is a difficult thing
to do.
Eating and skating is not a good
Buying a skateboard can be expensive.
Overly confident and you can fall.
A helmet must be worn for safety.
Riding on my skateboard is something I like doing.
Dangerous ramps are a challenge.
All our students’ fantastic poems,
and the photo of their special inspirational object, can be found by accessing the link to the Red Room
Company’s website - http://
poetry-object/. You will find we
have many wonderful young poets in
our midst.
Happy Reading,
Mrs Dellagiacoma
Teacher Librarian
Tuesday 25 September 2012 @ WIN Jubilee Oval Kogarah
We will be holding two Rugby League Clinics:
Rugby League Clinic for Girls, ages 8 – 13 years
Rugby League Clinic for Boys, ages 5 – 12 years
For more information and to register, go to
sydney OR contact Jodie at the Football office on 9553 4653
We’re on the Web
Your property is worth more
with McGrath.
If you would like an appraisal on
your home and what is involved
in achieving the best price please
feel free to call your local agents.
George Panagopoulos
T 8558 7207 M 0414 454 000
School of Music
and Arts Magic
Sounds offers
‘ piano and
lessons for kids in group classes
at Brighton Le Sands Public
School Hall room on Fridays,
start 3:15 pm . The classes will be
set up according to the age
The lessons will commence from
October 12, 2012. Places are
All inquiries at 0415 971 915
Kindergarten has been
participating in an intensive swimming program
during week 9 and 10.
Here are some of KJ’s
recounts of swimming:
At swimming I have lots
of fun. My cap colour is
orange. I do big arms.
Yesterday I was in Jai and
Hope’s group. I sat next to
Leyla and Hanna. I love
swimming. By Emelia
It is really far and the pool
is very deep. There is a
teacher to help and when
we went on the bus again
we played a game where
we had to count the flowers. By Theodore
KJ goes on a bus to swimming lessons at Sutherland
for sport. We love swimming. We do
kicking when
we swim. By
Everyday KJ is
going swimming. Miss
Scott said no
lunch orders
because we
have swim-
ming! KJ goes on Monday
and Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday and
Friday and Saturday and
By Malik
This season the
BBPSSA netball
competition consisted of
52 teams playing in 2
divisions, involving
fourteen schools and 8
separate competitions.
Each Friday we had
over 500 players at
West Botany Street
Courts enjoying their
netball and developing
their skills. Brighton
had eight teams in the
competition this year
with five making semi
finals. Two of the
teams, Division 1
Senior A and B,
competed in the
Grand Final, both
coming runner up. A
huge achievement! It
has been a fantastic
season and all girls
have worked hard and
displayed excellent
Thank you to all
involved for making
it such a great season
and a special thank
you to Miss Hearne
and Miss Edwards
for assisting with
coaching this season.
Miss Scott
Baby Bundle is an online boutique website
dedicated to newborn gift ideas. We would like
to extend a 10% discount to the parents of
Brighton Le sands Public School. Simply enter
CORP10 online or mention when placing an
order. Call 0403 272
274 or order online
Congratulations to the
students who entered
the English assessment.
The following students
gained a Credit, Distinction or High Distinction.
Melina 3T; Leah 3S;
Kloe 3T; Claudette 3V;
Alannah 3V; Loren
4/5C Phoebe 4H; Ross
4H; Grace 4G; Zach
5/6B; Hayley 5/6S;
Taby 5/6S; Da 5/6P;
Hoyori 5/6B; Polin
5/6W; Lukas 4/5C;
Emily 5/6W;Jessica
5/6M; Daniel 5/6M;
Noah 5/6M; Terence
5/6B; Zachary 5/6B.
Laetitia 3V; Joshua
4/5C; Natalia 5/6A;
Amelia 5/6P; Eloise
High Distinction
Kevin 3S; Sarah 5/6B
High Distinction
UNSW Spelling Test
Apologies to the following students who
received a High Distinction in the UNSW
Spelling Test for the
omission of your results
from the previous newsletter.
High Distinction
Kevin 3S; Owen 3T;
Thien 3T; Joshua 4/5C;
Taby 5/6S