What is Chun Kuk Do? - Past editions of CKD Magazine online


What is Chun Kuk Do? - Past editions of CKD Magazine online
We are pleased to introduce the inaugural edition of Chun Kuk Do
Magazine. Same great publication, brand new name!
The name Octagon has an historical, sentimental significance to
our organization, but it’s time that the world know us by the name
of the style founded by Mr. Chuck Norris!
So join us for a celebration of Mr. Norris, UFAF, and the 20th
anniversary of the name of our style - Chun Kuk Do!
Volume 1 - Spring 2010
FEATURE : Chuck Norris, Founder, United Fighting Arts Federation, Chun Kuk Do
United Fighting Arts Federation
Mission Statement
The United Fighting Arts Federation (UFAF) is dedicated to providing and facilitating quality martial
arts instruction, leading to the most prestigious
black belt ranking certifications in the martial
arts world.
Through the disciplined, internal growth of its
membership and the development of world class
teaching ability and leadership within its ranks,
UFAF seeks to make Chun Kuk Do one of the most
recognizable and respected martial arts styles in
the world.
Building on these principles, UFAF is committed to
assisting its member schools in providing a quality
martial arts training experience to every student
of Chun Kuk Do, and to enriching and serving the
communities in which it is represented by cultivating high character in the lives of its members.
CKD Magazine
Astrid Fabian- Editor
Steve Nelson- UFAF Advisor
Steve Brown- UFAF Marketing & Branding
Jacob Sherman- Publication Design
Article Submissions:
Preferred- E-mail articles and photographs
(300dpi, jpg or tif) to the attention of
Astrid Fabian- Editor, afabian@ufaf.org
Send by mail to: Astrid Fabian,
C/o P.O. Box 437, Orem, UT 84059
Spring Publication - Deadline is December 1
Summer Publication - Deadline is April 1
Fall Publication - Deadline is August 1
The United Fighting Arts Federation; UFAF, Inc.;
KICKSTART; and/or CKD Magazine are not responsible for physical or personal injury, either directly
or indirectly, from any materials published herein.
We do not endorse and make no representation,
warranty or guarantee concerning the safety or
effectiveness of either the products and services
advertised in this magazine or the martial arts
or other techniques discussed or illustrated in
this publication. All rights in letters, articles, and
photographs sent to CKD Magazine will be treated
as unconditionally assigned for publication and
copyright purposes. Subject to unrestricted right
to edit and comment editorially.
Dear UFAF Members:
It is very exciting to see the first edition of
our newly christened Chun Kuk Do Magazine!
The new name reflects the importance of our
style as well as our dream to have the words
Chun Kuk Do be synonymous with the word
‘karate!’ We all can be proud of our style
and how it has blossomed to
make our organization of martial artists into a world-class
one, recognized by consistent
excellence and willingness to
put Chun Kuk Do on the line
anytime and anywhere. This
new Chun Kuk Do Magazine
is sure to become a collector’s
edition! I urge everyone to take
your copy along to the ITC and
have it signed by some of your
favorite martial arts friends and instructors.
(Can’t wait to see you there!)
I am sure we all look back fondly on the
Octagon, and many thanks go to Master
Hammersley for conceiving it, and all the
editors through the years for making it an
ongoing success! We all recognize the countless
hours they spent on making sure that we would
be better informed about our style and our
As always, whenever I reflect on my karate
career, I am humbled when I realize how much
the martial arts have given me! Not only is
there the wonderful honor of knowing all of
you, but I have also been blessed with a career
I love.
I remember when I was eight
years old, trying to do flying
kicks on the heavy bag that hung
in our back yard in Gardena,
California. Of course I was
trying to imitate my brother
and as you know that is not an
easy task! But now I realize
how fortunate I was to be taught
by the best karate instructor in
the world! Indeed we are all
fortunate to have him as our Grand Master and
still promoting our growth in the martial arts
through Chun Kuk Do.
You all have blessed me with so many memories full of love and friendships. It is great to
witness the achievements made by you - gentle
warriors with spirits of iron, who represent
Chun Kuk Do and UFAF with honor!
Aaron Norris
History of the Octagon
Master Steve Hammersley started the Octagon in 1989 as a communication and motivational tool for UFAF schools and black belts,
and named the publication in honor of Mr. Norris’ movie of the same
name, and for the fact that an octagon is an 8-sided figure and the
newsletter had eight sections. Over the years, a number of members
have served as editors of the newsletter, all contributing to its growth
and development.
1989 - 1992
1993 - 1995
1996 - 2001
2002 - 2005
2006 - present
Stephen Hammersley
Eric Breuer
John Comito
Howard Munding
Astrid Fabian
The name of the publication has changed, but our mission remains the same: provide UFAF members
with information about our style and our martial arts family.
Editor’s Note: There was actually a newsletter in existence before the Octagon. It was called the Kicker and
contributing editors included John Robertson, Danny Lane, Skeet Chambers, Gary Jones, and Marty Nalitz.
Chuck Norris Fun Facts
The term cowboy is used because Chuck Norris is the only
one qualified to be a cowman.
The real, full name of the UFC is Ultimate Fighting Championship: Non-Chuck Norris Division.
Eat this, not that!
Congratulations to our own Mr. Aaron Norris! AmericanLife
TV Network names Aaron Norris as Development Chief by
MCN Staff -- Multichannel News, November 2, 2009
Aaron Norris has been hired as president of development
at AmericanLife TV Network. Best known as executive
producer for CBS hit series Walker Texas Ranger, Aaron
Norris will oversee all acquisitions and production at the
network. ALN is being revamped under new owners: CEO
Chris Wyatt and chairman the Rev. Robert A. Schuller.
I admit it – I’m a Starbucks snob – but only for the coffee!
Which of these meals would you choose?
Choice 1
Black Forrest Ham, Egg and Cheddar Sandwich With a Grande NonFat, Sugar-Free Vanilla Latte
Choice 2
Bran Muffin with Nuts, and a Grande
2% White Chocolate Mocha
Here are the facts!
“We are blessed to have Aaron join our executive team,”
Wyatt said in a release. “His expertise and proven track
record will help drive ALN’s original programming and
take the network to the next level.”
Norris served in the U.S. Army, including Korea duty,
commanding his own platoon. His Hollywood resume
includes co-writing and producing Silent Rage, Lone Wolf
McQuade and Invasion U.S.A., ALN said. He directed action
films Braddock: Missing in Action III, Platoon Leader, Delta
Force 2, The Hitman and Hellbound, the network said, in
addition to Sidekicks and Top Dog, starring Chuck Norris.
At CBS, he also created and directed the two-hour pilot
Sons of Thunder and executive produced and co-wrote
The President’s Man I & II, as well as Logan’s War. He was a
producer of the Sony/Screen Gems film Not Easily Broken,
released in January 2009.
The following new schools have recently opened. UFAF
is growing!
Cobra Karate
Bluffton, South Carolina - Tony Benton, Owner
Gateway MMA
Tucson, Arizona - Michael McKenzie, Owner
Baston Karate Club
Las Vegas, Nevada – Jeremy Baston, Owner
In this first edition of Chun Kuk Do Magazine, I felt it
would be appropriate to make the feature article about
our founder Mr. Chuck Norris, as well as information
about what our style is and what our organization
is all about. This is information all UFAF members
should know!
As Mr. Aaron Norris suggested in his letter, treat this
edition as a collector’s item – bring it to the ITC and
get your fellow martial artists to sign it!
This issue also includes an 8-page removable insert
about this year’s International Training Conference
and World Championship Tournament, as well as Mr.
Gemma’s training article, and black belt promotions!
Our publication has a long and proud history, and
although we editors are responsible for the content,
we couldn’t do it without our “team” of contributors,
publication designers, and the guidance from the UFAF
board of directors. Thanks to you all!
Enjoy your journey,
Astrid Fabian
ISDT Uniform
Log on and shop!
ckdm.ufaf.org SPRING 2010 3
Three New Schools
Choice 1: 510 calories, 16g fat (8
saturated), sugars 21g. Choice 2: 890 calories, 37g fat (14
saturated), sugars 82g Source: www.eatthis.com
I am so excited about the new
name of our publication! It is
definitely another step towards
making the name Chun Kuk Do
even more well known!
feature article
Chuck Norris, Founder
United Fighting Arts Federation, Chun Kuk Do
by Mr. Steve Nelson and Ms. Astrid Fabian
Happy Anniversary Chun Kuk Do! That’s right, this year, 2010, we celebrate
the 20th anniversary of the name of the style founded by Chuck Norris. What
follows is an article about our founder: as martial artist, humanitarian, husband
and father, and the man to whom we owe thanks for his vision and dedication.
His goal – make Chun Kuk Do a household name!
Way back when, in 1982, our organization created a yearbook, celebrating the
previous twenty years! The introduction, written by Mr. Norris, is as relevant
today as it was then, for it gives us a small glimpse of the man we know as our
It’s hard to believe that it has been over twenty years since that first student
walked into my karate school. What is that old saying – “Time sure flies when
you’re having fun.” It is definitely true for me because some of the greatest moments of my life have been my involvement in the martial arts. That does not mean winning tournaments, but the very
close friendships I have made with people who were first students, then black belts, and now my very best friends.
At the end of 1983 we had 460 black belts in UFAF. To see the black belt numbers grow from year to year and
remember back to many of you working toward your black belt, then watching you put your heart and soul into the
exam (sometimes having to test more than once), are memories that I will cherish all my life.
You have given me much more than I could ever give back. For this I thank you.
It’s interesting that Mr. Norris was (even
then) thanking us. Let’s thank him for everything he has done to bring joy and fulfillment
into our lives through the practice of the art
he founded, and the life of giving that he
So, who is Chuck Norris?
To the world at large, Chuck Norris is many
things: movie star, television star, author, philanthropist (the KICKSTART Foundation
being the crown jewel of his many efforts to
make the world a better place), political activist, and family man. The phenomenon known
as “Chuck Norris Facts” has taken the world
by storm! Even Mr. Norris, who is actually
very humble about all the attention that has
been newly focused on him, saw fit to author
a new book called The Official Chuck Norris
Fact Book, where he relates some of his favorite
facts, and tells stories and experiences to accompany each. (Although rumor has it that
‘Chuck Norris doesn’t write books; the words
assemble themselves out of fear!’)
Indeed, to the world, Mr. Norris is larger
than life. But to members of the United
Fighting Arts Federation, he is even larger
yet! As the founder of our organization, and
Grandmaster of the Chun Kuk Do style we
practice, Mr. Norris is our teacher! All of
us receive instruction from him through our
individual CKD instructors, who each seek
to demonstrate and reflect his passion and
commitment to excellence in the martial arts,
and in life.
Prior to his on-screen career, Mr. Norris
was a martial arts star who, from 1965 through
1974, won many state, national, and international championships. He retired as six-time
undefeated World Professional Middleweight
4 SPRING 2010 ckdm.ufaf.org
Karate Champion. Over the years Mr. Norris
has received a number of Black Belt Hall of
Fame awards including the Competitor of
the Year award in 1968, the Instructor of
the Year award in 1975, and the Man of the
Year award in 1977. He was (and still is) a
renowned teacher in the martial arts; some of
his many students included Steve McQueen,
Bob Barker, Priscilla Presley, and Donny &
Marie Osmond.
In 1988 Mr. Norris wrote his autobiography The Secret of Inner Strength, which
reached the New York Times Best Seller list,
and followed up a few years later with a second
book, The Secret Power Within: Zen Solutions
to Real Problems. He has also authored Winning Tournament Karate, Against All Odds,
Black Belt Patriotism, and most recently, The
Official Chuck Norris Fact Book. Mr. Norris
also writes a weekly column in WorldNetDaily
(www.wnd.com), an online news site.
Real Facts we should all know:
Real name: Carlos Ray Norris
Birthday: March 10, 1940
Foundation founded by Mr. Norris: KICKSTART
Date Mr. Norris received his 1st degree black belt:
October 1960
Style in which Mr. Norris initially trained: Tang Soo Do
The twelve points that guide
Mr. Norris’ life:
1. I will develop myself to the maximum of my
potential in all ways.
2. I will forget the mistakes of the past and press on to
greater achievements.
3. I will always be in a positive frame of mind and
convey this feeling to every person I meet.
4. I will continually work at developing love, happiness, and loyalty in my family and acknowledge
that no other success can compensate for failure in
the home.
5. I will look for the good in all people and make them
feel worthwhile.
6. If I have nothing good to say about a person, then I
will say nothing.
7. I will give so much time to the improvement of
myself that I will have no time to criticize others.
We learn so much from Mr. Norris as it is, but his openly expressing love for
his family and brothers, teaches us that even a tough persona can have a tender
heart. Mr. Norris writes:
“I’ve always admired you, little brother. We’ve been through thick and thin
together, and here we are still standing today. What a ride! I have always
considered you to be one of my best friends and one of the greatest blessings God
has given me in this life. I love you, Aaron – always have, always will.”
Happy Anniversary Chun Kuk Do!
8. I will always be as enthusiastic about the success of
others as I am about my own.
9. I will maintain an attitude of open-mindedness toward another person’s viewpoint, while still holding
fast to that which I know to be true and honest.
10. I will maintain respect for those in authority and
demonstrate this respect at all times.
11. I will always remain loyal to God, my country,
family and my friends.
12. I will remain highly goal-oriented throughout my
life because that positive attitude helps my family,
my country, and me.
ckdm.ufaf.org SPRING 2010 5
feature article
What is Chun Kuk Do?
Chun Kuk Do (CKD) is a Korean-based, American martial arts style,
evolved from Tang Soo Do by Chuck Norris. Mr. Norris thought it would
be a good idea to be a more balanced (and perhaps more unpredictable!)
fighter during his competition career, and so he sought out training in other
styles and disciplines that would complement and enhance his original Tang
Soo Do training, which he received while in the U.S. military, stationed in
Korea. Through these and subsequent innovations, CKD has come to include
elements of jiu-jitsu, judo, and traditional Japanese karate.
7 components of quality technique:
lines of power
methods of generating power
For those new to CKD, it is sufficient to describe the style as a bringing
together of different complementary styles into one. For more discriminating
martial arts minds (like all our UFAF members!), it is perhaps more accurate
to describe Chun Kuk Do as a style with a deeply-rooted traditional foundation of its own - now unique and different from its Tang Soo Do predecessor
- into which various other elements that complement its fundamentals have
been integrated. The success of the concept of openness to innovation, while
remaining true to tradition, was proven in the ring as Mr. Norris enjoyed an
extremely successful competitive career.
The name Chun Kuk Do was introduced in 1990. This Korean name
– which describes perfectly the traditional-yet-open nature of the system - literally means, “The Way of 1000 Lands,” or “The Way of Many Lands.” For
its purposes, UFAF renders the phrase as, “The Universal Way.”
Proper application of the seven
components of quality technique in the
training dimensions listed here illustrates a
proficiency or mastery of the core skills that
those who practice CKD seek to develop.
Traditional Technique (“basics”)
Fighting techniques
Integrated self-defense techniques
Jump kicks
Chun Kuk Do is (and always has been!) a living, breathing art. To keep
up with it, we need to stay 100% involved and remain students, no matter
our rank or position. Chun Kuk Do has come to emphasize self defense,
competition, weapons, grappling, fitness, and more. With Chun Kuk Do,
the martial arts world is an open door.
What is UFAF?
The United Fighting Arts Federation (UFAF) is an increasingly worldwide
martial arts organization founded by Mr. Chuck Norris. Members of the organization – all ranks, white belt through black belt - practice the style of Chun
Kuk Do (“The Universal Way”). UFAF is the governing and sanctioning
body for the Chun Kuk Do style, providing technical standards for instruction and advancement in the system. Black belts in Chun Kuk Do receive
certification of their rank from Mr. Norris himself. UFAF is a membership
organization, which provides its member students, instructors, and schools
with Chun Kuk Do rank certification, educational opportunities, Chun Kuk
Do news, special events, online community access, and other services.
Free Sparring
6 SPRING 2010 ckdm.ufaf.org
United Fighting Arts Federation Mission Statement
UFAF Member benefits:
The United Fighting Arts Federation (UFAF) is dedicated to providing and
facilitating quality martial arts instruction, leading to the most prestigious black
belt ranking certifications in the martial arts world.
Personal affiliation with the greatest martial arts
organization in the world – UFAF!
Your CKD school approved and endorsed by
Through the disciplined, internal growth of its membership and the
development of world class teaching ability and leadership within
its ranks, UFAF seeks to make Chun Kuk Do one of
Your black belt instructors certified by UFAF
and by CKD Founder, Chuck Norris!
Rank certified (with official certificates) by
UFAF and by CKD Founder, Chuck Norris!
Chun Kuk Do Magazine UFAF’s colorful,
entertaining, and informative news
Chun Kuk Do Magazine Extra up-to-the-minute
email news
UFAF member forums on www.ufaf.org
Annual membership certificate
Annual membership card
Online application and automatic renewal
– worry-free, paperless, easy!
Style patch for 1st time members
UFAF Web Direct UFAF’s online store
CKD official logo gear available at member
the most recognizable and respected martial arts
International Training Conference and World
Championship Tournament (ITC) open to
styles in the world.
Building on these principles, UFAF is committed to
all ranks!
assisting its member schools in providing a quality martial
Supplemental Training and Education for your
arts training experience to every student
instructor, and for you!
ITC – age-and-rank-specific instruction
for all members
of Chun Kuk Do, and to enriching and
serving the communities in which it is
Instructor Development SeriesTM
– for red belts and up
Professional Development SeriesTM
represented by cultivating high character
– for red belts and up
in the lives of its members.
– for all black belts
Team Chun Kuk Do – for all black belts
Master Development SeriesTM
ckdm.ufaf.org SPRING 2010 7
Integrated Self Defense Techniques Curriculum (ISDT)
by Mr. Steve Nelson - Director, Operations and Development
At the 2009 ITC, UFAF unveiled the new Integrated
Self Defense Techniques (ISDT) curriculum. It was
designed specifically for UFAF by our BJJ America
partners John Will and David Meyer, in consultation
with, and approved by, Mr. Chuck Norris (Chairman)
and the UFAF Board of Directors.
Mr. Norris has asked us for many years to extend
our capabilities to more and varied self-defense
situations. To this end, he introduced Brazilian JiuJitsu to CKD about 20 years ago. Since that time, the
world of self defense has continued to evolve, and the
time has come, in Mr. Norris’ judgment, to once again
extend our capabilities – this time to include not only
grappling, but other aspects, as well – always paying
attention to how any new skills tie into our existing
stand-up proficiency. ISDT is a new training dimension in CKD standing alongside kata, traditional
techniques, fighting techniques, one-steps, jump
kicks, and free sparring.
Required for 3rd through 6th Degree
Black Belt Promotion
Completing the ISDT curriculum is required for
advancement to 3rd degree black belt and above
(to 6th degree), starting with the April test cycle
of 2011. This gives all prospective 3rd-6th degree
candidates plenty of time to complete the training
What does “completing” the curriculum mean?
To “complete” the curriculum means to spend
the necessary time with it to develop a comfort and
proficiency with the techniques, individually, and as
a set. The curriculum contains 23 techniques that
range from:
Stand-up, structured defense
Closing the gap (crashing into contact)
Clinching; Takedowns
Of course, the ISDT curriculum is not the “be all/end
all” of self defense or MMA. Its creators would be the
first to attest to that. Rather, ISDT is a core set of fundamental mixed martial arts (MMA)-like techniques
with a self-defense focus that can be extended in
many directions. The techniques are presented in a
large-format, descriptive, photo-illustrated reference
manual, and on video CD. The files on the video CD can
be played on a computer, or copied to a video iPod or
smart phone to be used “on the go.” The cost of the
curriculum is $230 ($195.50 after member discount),
and it is available in the new online UFAF store. (Visit
www.ufaf.org and click on “UFAF Shop.”)
I’ve never liked “MMA!” Is that what this is?
Yes and no. To paraphrase Mr. Will, what we’ve
done in creating ISDT is incorporate some of the
technology of MMA, but without the attitude that
makes some uncomfortable. Many UFAF members
love MMA. But if you don’t, no need to worry. The
ISDT material is presented in an extremely safe
and respectful environment, with an emphasis on
self-defense techniques, rather than competition.
If MMA competition is your interest, ISDT is a great
place to start. But for the UFAF masses, the intent
of ISDT is safe, disciplined, self-defense training,
not competition.
8 SPRING 2010 ckdm.ufaf.org
Defending against takedowns
Ground defense against strikes
Disengaging and getting back to one’s feet
Grappling transitions and finishes
The ISDT reference manual contains space to record
practice reps (or time) for each technique. Once all
the required reps and time have been completed,
one’s instructor can sign the manual in the space
provided on the title page, and voila! the requirement
for completion has been met.
Mr. Norris’ vision becomes reality!
As we all already know, nothing of value ever
comes without effort, and ISDT is no exception. It
takes a real investment in time and effort to complete. But it is doable by nearly everyone! UFAF
members can complete the curriculum at ANY time,
from white belt to black. Consult with your school
owner/instructor about when to get started. And
have fun realizing one of Mr. Norris’ visions for you!
And for the style he created.
Super Grands 2009
by Chuck Elias, Team Coach
The intense competition heated up the
atmosphere as Team CKD represented Mr.
Norris in the snow-covered town of Buffalo,
N.Y. during the 2009 Super Grands, held
December 27-31. Once again team members
Jorge Alonzo (Arizona) and Michael Holstien
(Oregon) put on a great show!
Michael was accompanied by his father,
Marty, and also from Oregon was red belt
Jordan Frost, and his parents Hope and Keith
(who both helped at the 2009 ITC). Black
belt Jerry Dwyer Jr. drove up from Massachusetts, and Mr. Ed Saenz was there to show
his support and to judge. There were several
KICKSTART students competing, and Mr.
Presti and several of his students came to show
support as well.
Here’s the play-by-play:
This year the action started with Mr. Saenz
leading a seminar on Instructing for Instructors.
The seminar took place at Mr. Presti’s school
and was attended by about 20 people.
Jerry Dwyer Jr. taught a seminar on Xtreme
Martial Arts and tricks for about 35 students.
Michael and Jerry competed in Hard Creative Forms. They both did a good job in a
very large division, where Mike placed 7th and
Jerry placed 8th. Michael got a breather before
his point sparring division, in which he placed
3rd. In the ring next to him, Jorge Alonzo was
waiting for his weight division to start fighting.
Jorge fought well but did not make the top
eight. There were no night finals on Monday,
so Chuck Elias was supposed to teach a selfdefense seminar for Mr. Presti, but a blizzard
blew in and the class was cancelled.
Again, Michael and Jerry were in the same
division - Hard Creative Weapons. This is
always a very entertaining division with each
competitor raising the bar. Many of the tricks
are hit or miss, do or die. Again Mike placed
7th and Jerry took home 8th.
ing goes. Mike ended up with 4th place. Jerry
competed in the Hard Open Musical Forms as
a wild card and did well, but did not place.
Red belt Jordan Frost placed 4th in Creative
Weapons, 4th in Traditional Weapons and 7th
in Traditional Forms.
As always, members of Team CKD, and
those representing KICKSTART, showed
nothing but the excellent sportsmanship for
which we have become known, whether we win
or lose. I am honored and proud to be a coach
of Team Chun Kuk Do, and I look forward to
next year!
Michael Holstien has been winning all year
in the Continuous Fighting division. He fought
very well, but was disqualified for excessive
contact. In my opinion, Mike did not hit him
too hard, but sometimes that’s how the judg-
ckdm.ufaf.org SPRING 2010 9
©2009 AWMA, Inc.
8 Page
Thursday July 15th
executed, how they relate, and how they support each
other in helping us learn our style. This 3.5 hour IDS
session will feature three 55-minute workout sessions
(separated by five-minute breaks), and a ½ hour Q&A
with Mr. Saenz at the end. If you wonder anything about
the what, why, or how of our kata, this is a seminar not
to be missed!
– morning (all red belts and up)
Master Rank Induction Ceremony
Own a school? Opening one soon? Want to explore future
opportunities as a CKD school owner (even if you’re not
a black belt yet)?
Watch the demonstrations and special ceremony, as
select UFAF members are promoted to 5th degree.
Organized and presented under the direction of the UFAF
Board and Mr. Stephen Hammersley, UFAF’s Director of
Professional Development, we will explore together
must-know martial arts business practices, which will
put you on the road to success regardless of the size of
your school and without spending tons of $$$$!
The 2009 pool party was one of the most enjoyable parts
of the ITC. Join us in 2010 for an even bigger and better
barbeque and pool party (lifeguards on duty). A great
way to meet new people and renew friendships!
This year will also see the roll-out of school qualification
criteria for obtaining and maintaining CKD school charters
- all aimed at turning your school - or your future school
- into the highest quality CKD school possible for your
students, and helping all of our schools become more
consistent and professional.
Black Belt Adults (1st degree and up)
School owners and future school owners need this
information, and there is no better way to get it than to
join us at this year’s PDS!
Welcome Reception Pool Party
Friday July 16th
Chun Kuk Do Integrated Self Defense Techniques:
Chun Kuk Do’s core self defense curriculum
Explosive Power Through Superior Technique
Instructor: Michael McKenzie
CKD World Championship Tournament – Demo
Team Competition and Kata Competition
Saturday July 17th
Black Belt Adults (1st degree and up)
Chun Kuk Do Integrated Self Defense Techniques:
Chun Kuk Do’s core self defense curriculum
Instructors: John Will and David Meyer
Training with Chuck Norris’ Team Chun Kuk Do:
Coaches and members of Team CKD share their
success with you!
Instructors: Chip Wright and Chuck Elias
Red and Red w/ Black Stripe Adults
Living on the Edge: Edged Weapon Defense
Instructor: Howard Munding
Timing is Everything!
Instructor: Steve Giroux
Blue – Green Adults
Instructors: John Will and David Meyer
UFAF 1 & 2: Learn the ins and outs of these two
landmark kata
Instructor: Ed Saenz
Red and Red w/ Black Stripe Adults
Getting Back to Your Feet
Instructor: David Dunn
Ring Swagger! The what, why, and how of
championship point sparring
Bo Trix
Instructor: Derrick Stinson
Avoiding the Takedown
Instructor: Danny Semeraro
White – Orange Adults
Intro To MMA Sparring
Instructor: Aaron Hensley
To Sweep or not to Sweep?
Instructor: John Presti
Instructor: Derrick Stinson
– afternoon (all red belts and up)
Our Chun Kuk Do Korean Forms - Making the most!
(and a lot of sense) out of our Korean Kata Instructor: Ed Saenz
This is the kata seminar so MANY black belts and
instructors have been requesting! The kata of our
style are the containers that preserve our Chun Kuk Do
technique and skills. This is why it is so important that
they are taught, learned, remembered, and practiced
in a way that will accomplish this goal, and help every
UFAF member learn more about our unique and exciting
Chun Kuk Do style.
To make a very long story very short, the Pyong An kata
were invented as training kata for the more advanced
kata. And the Giecho Hyungs were, in turn, created as
trainers for the Pyong An’s. If we know this, then we can
make connections, parallels, and comparisons between
the kata that will help our understanding. Sometimes
similar sequences are executed in exactly the same way.
Sometimes not. Why? Mr. Saenz will explore these
questions and give everyone plenty of reps to practice!
Of course, Mr. Saenz would not have time in a month
to share everything he knows about our kata, but he
will help us understand more about how the kata are
Blue – Green Adults
Red – Black Youth (ages 8-12)
Control the Distance: Control the Fight
Let’s Get Ready To Rumble!
Instructor: Jim Chandler
Instructor: Reggie Cochran
Closing the Gap: Five “money” footworks that will
set you up for explosive take-offs
The Fast and the Furious! Mixing it up and having
fun with A LOT of combined experience
Instructors: Aaron Norris, Ken Gallacher, Rick Prieto,Doug Ingram
White – Orange Adults
Instructor: Roy White
White – Green Youth (ages 8-12)
Getting Back to Your Feet
Avoiding the Takedown
Instructor: David Dunn
Instructor: Danny Semeraro
Turbo-charge your sparring skills!
Sparring 101: The basic (and most important!)
elements of sparring
Instructor: Kevin Hibbs
Instructor: Tim Clark
Red – Black Youth (ages 8-12)
Intro To MMA for Kids
CKD World Championship Tournament – Team
Fighting Competition
Instructor: Aaron Hensley
Annual Awards Dinner
Impact Weapons: Learning Bo and Nunchaku
with the American Martial Arts Leadership Team
Sunday July 18th
Instructor: Stephen Hammersley
White – Green Youth (ages 8-12)
Keep Your Shell Up! Taking the fight to the ground
Instructor: Kenneth Fjeld
12 SPRING 2010 ckdm.ufaf.org
Individual and Group Photos with Mr. Chuck Norris
and Mr. Aaron Norris
World Championship Tournament – Winner of Demo
Team Competition (encore performance) and Individual
Fighting Competition
Note: Schedule is subject to change.
John Will & David Meyer ____________________________________
Chun Kuk Do Integrated Self Defense Techniques :
Chun Kuk Do’s core self defense curriculum
We’ve always been proud of how our Founder Mr. Norris has embraced new martial technology to better his
Chun Kuk Do system. Now is our chance to follow his inspiring lead! The new Chun Kuk Do integrated self defense
curriculum - designed specifically to mesh perfectly into our style - includes elements of BJJ, general grappling,
and MMA technology, all presented in a safe, FUN!, and positive environment of discipline and mutual respect.
Our extraordinarily skilled instructors and coaches, John Will and David Meyer will teach the entire curriculum
from A-to-Z. You will learn closing, clinching, and takedown skills, ground-and-pound defense, disengaging
and getting back to your feet, and a solid set of grappling transitions and finishes - all with a modern-day, reality-based, self defense emphasis!
With martial arts credentials and championships (themselves AND their students) too numerous to even begin to mention, John Will and David Meyer have become an
important part of UFAF. Skilled curriculum designers, they have designed programs for military and law enforcement agencies, and many other groups around the world. They
have now applied their talents to the creation of Chun Kuk Do’s integrated self defense techniques curriculum. Mr. Will and Mr. Meyer are phenomenal instructors and superb
communicators (laugh-out-loud funny together!), who make the most complex techniques understandable and doable by anyone. They have truly elevated the teaching of
the grappling arts to a new level in the martial arts world – a fact we in UFAF have seen and experienced firsthand. Be prepared to sweat, to learn some of the most fascinating
material you’ve ever trained in, and to have a blast doing it!
Ed Saenz ___________________________________________________
UFAF 1 & 2: Learn the ins and outs of these two landmark kata
Description: Eye gouge? Spear hand? Chop? Which is it? And why were these two very important kata invented? What do they preserve about
Chun Kuk Do that is so important for EVERY black belt to know and understand? With the assistance of some of the CKD kata video series team
and some of UFAF’s top kata competitors, Mr. Saenz will guide us through these two kata, opening another layer of understanding to view. Along
the way, some of your hottest questions about “what is what?” in these kata will be answered. Many, many black belts are requesting just such a
seminar. (For even more kata training, check out the Instructor Development Series line-up!)
Ed Saenz is a 9th degree black belt in Chun Kuk Do, and serves on UFAF’s Board as Director of Training and Advancement. He is also Executive
Director of Operations for Mr. Norris’ KICKSTART Foundation. Both of these responsibilities demonstrate the trust Mr. Norris has in Mr. Saenz to both
capture and communicate what it means to be the ultimate teacher, trainer, and coach. His understanding of martial technique, history, context,
and philosophy leaves one in awe! His desire to improve the lives of others through martial arts training is genuine. His love for all of it, and for all
of his students is his motivation! And for these two hours, you can be one of them!
Chip Wright & Chuck Elias ___________________________________
Training with Chuck Norris’ Team Chun Kuk Do:
Coaches and members of Team Chun Kuk Do
share their success with you!
Chuck Norris’ Team Chun Kuk Do has made a name for itself on the National Blackbelt League (NBL) circuit as a group of
tough competitors in multiple disciplines, and as having the highest character both on and off the mat. They are respected
for their ability, and they are respected for their integrity in competition. They truly represent our style, our organization,
and our values like champions. The team earns high honors at every competition it attends, and has garnered at least
one World Championship in its short history. Come listen to coaches Chip Wright and Chuck Elias share training tips with
you that can help launch your sparring technique and success to new heights.
Chip Wright is an 8th degree black belt in Chun Kuk Do, and one of the most successful and respected fighters in modern karate history. At our own annual UFAF tournament,
he won the Men’s Grand Championship 14 times in a 17 year period. That record will probably stand forever! He currently serves on UFAF’s Board of Directors and owns and
operates Chip Wright’s Champion Karate in Medford, Oregon. Chuck Elias, a two-time Men’s Grand Champion, is a 7th degree black belt in Chun Kuk Do, and owner/operator of
Club Karate in Ladys Island, South Carolina. Mr. Elias serves on UFAF’s Board of Advisors and organizes UFAF’s annual Chun Kuk Do World Championship Tournament. As if all of
this doesn’t keep him busy enough, Mr. Elias also serves as the Chair of UFAF Region 7.
ckdm.ufaf.org SPRING 2010 13
Seminar Instructors (in alphabetical order):
Reggie Cochran is an 8th degree CKD black belt who has
over 30 years experience teaching professional fighters,
law enforcement, and military Special Forces. Mr. Cochran
is the National Director for Frank Shamrock’s Submission
Fighting System.
Control the Distance: Control the Fight
Learn how to explode and cover the distance to overwhelm your opponent before he can
sense you are closing in. Learn how to stop your opponent’s blast, so you can respond, not
react, to his attack. Learn fighting tactics that only the BEST fighters understand and can
implement.... “The Geometry of Fighting.”®
Jim Chandler is a 6th degree CKD black belt master
teacher and global competitor. He has coached world
champion martial artists and White House Secret Service
and covert civilian and military operatives. He has
successfully competed in Japan, Italy, and the USA. Mr.
Chandler is 2009 Gold medalist in his age/weight/rank
class at the World Championships IBJJF No-Gi, American
National Championships No-Gi (Absolute Division), and
American National Gi. He took the Silver in American
National Gi (Absolute Division). He teaches Chun Kuk Do,
the Progressive Fighting Systems (including the Filipino
Martial Arts and Jeet Kune Do), and is an Edged Weapons Tactics Instructor under Sifu
Paul Vunak, founder of “ The Geometry of Fighting” system.
A striker’s worst fear is being put on his back! Mr. Dunn will share his Mixed Martial Arts and
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu knowledge compiled over the past fifteen years to assist you in “getting
back to your feet.” The starting point of the seminar will have you on your back to explore
effective methods of getting you back to your strength: On your feet!
Getting Back to Your Feet
David Dunn is a 4th degree CKD black belt who began his
martial arts training on the campus of Michigan State
University in 1984, and has been an active martial artist ever
since. Mr. Dunn also holds black belt rank in Jean Jacques
Machado Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He is Jean Jacques’ longest
running student with over fifteen continuous years of
training and two no-gi world championship honors. David
is a multiple school owner with locations in Santa Clarita
and Pasadena, California. He co-wrote and starred in the
first-ever mixed martial arts film, “No Rules.”
Sparring 101:
The basic (and most important!) elements of sparring
Keep Your Shell Up! Taking the fight to the ground
Mr. Clark will lead you through the most essential footwork and primary techniques to help you
learn and become confident in the art and science of free sparring. Learn great combinations
that work! The drills you learn here will benefit you immediately, and for a long time to come
as you continue to work them after returning home.
Learn how to use the ISDT “Shell” to defend yourself safely against strikes to the head. Then
crash into contact and take your opponent down in several different ways! On the ground
the shell is equally effective. You will learn ground transitions and great finishes that will
make your opponent surrender. You can use the material in your one-steps on your very next
test, and in self defense for the rest of your life. Bring your sparring gloves and headgear and
get ready for a fun and intense workout, and an introduction to UFAF’s ISDT (integrated self
defense) curriculum.
Tim Clark is a 5th degree black belt who first began
training in the martial arts in 1982 at the young age
of six. He earned his first black belt at age nine, and
then earned his 1st degree in CKD in 1992. He began
teaching at the age of 10 as an assistant instructor and
at 15, opened his own school in his parents’ garage. He
now owns and operates Tim Clark Karate Studio, LLC in
Raceland, Kentucky. Mr. Clark trains under Mr. Clayton
Let’s Get Ready To Rumble!
Mr. Cochran will present an introduction to the mental and physical skills that will allow you to
adapt your techniques from the studio to self defense. Learn to utilize the Five A’s of Fighting
and Self Defense: Awareness, Attitude, Adrenalin, Attack, and Adaptation.
14 SPRING 2010 ckdm.ufaf.org
Kenneth Fjeld is a 2nd degree CKD black belt and Western
Europe’s only CKD instructor, operating Eiker Karate School in
Mjondalen, Norway. With over 20 years of experience (17 of
them teaching), and a 3rd degree black belt in Shotokan, Mr.
Fjeld decided in 2007 to accept a new challenge for himself.
So he embarked on a study of Chun Kuk Do. He has since
passed two CKD black belt tests with flying colors, and is
looking toward his third. Mr. Fjeld has quickly caught the
vision of what UFAF is all about: he received his BJJ blue belt
through UFAF’s BJJ certification program, is a certified MMA
instructor with Professor John Will, certified Commando
Krav Maga instructor under Moni Aizik, and student of Pambuan Arnis under Ama
Guro Raffy Pambuan. Mr. Fjeld consistently works with schools in his area to promote
martial arts values and discipline.
Intro To MMA for Kids
Timing is Everything!
Red – Black Youth (ages 8-12): Safely learn how to develop the skills you will need for the
future to be an awesome martial artist. You will learn how to take your skills step by step and
evolve them in a progressive manner so they are ready to use in sparring, while mixing in
punches, kicks, and grappling. Bring your boxing or sparring gloves.
Learn and experience, the importance of timing and judging distance with opponents. Improve
your sparring by learning to implement proper timing, and developing the ability to judge
distance against opponents of different heights. Mr. Giroux will share with you many different
drills to work on these skills – drills you can take back to your studio. Then you will actually
be able to spar with Mr. Giroux and other participants to see how these skills can and will
improve your point sparring for years to come.
Mr. Giroux is a 6th degree CKD black belt. He has been
an active competitor in point sparring for over 20 years.
Mr. Giroux represented the United States and UFAF as
part of the first karate team to exchange goodwill in the
former Soviet Union in March 1989. He has won many
point sparring titles in Men’s Middleweight Divisions
both locally and nationally. Truly one of UFAF’s premier
and most successful fighters, Mr. Giroux fought his way to
Men’s Grand Champion at the 1999 UFAF Championships
held at the Stardust Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas,
Nevada. He owns and operates his own CKD school in
Newtonville, Massachusetts.
Impact Weapons: Learning Bo and Nunchaku with the
American Martial Arts Leadership Team Instructors
No worries Mom and Dad, we promise this seminar will instill in your child’s mind the
importance of responsibility, safety, and proper etiquette while learning and training in CKD
weapons. No worries kids, we promise you will learn a lot while having a BLAST! Learn bo
and nunchaku basics and sparring weapon vs. weapon, and weapon vs. empty hand. Safety
impact weapons will be provided, but bring your bo, your nunchaku, and your sparring gear!
(Editor’s note: I have personally watched Mr. Hammersley teach weapons to youth students
before. It was an extremely impressive demonstration of teaching ability, and the class was
a blast! Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from, and with, one of the best!)
Stephen Hammersley is a 7th degree CKD black belt
and member of the UFAF Board of Directors, serving
UFAF’s member school owners as Director of Professional
Development. He has won many weapons, sparring, and
kata championships through the years at UFAF’s annual
tournament. Mr. Hammersley has dedicated his life to
teaching the art of Chun Kuk Do, and has operated his
school, American Martial Arts (2002 UFAF Studio of the
Year), in New Smyrna Beach, Florida for over 20 years.
Intro To MMA Sparring
White – Orange Adults: Learn how to bridge your punching and kicking concepts into
takedowns and finishing moves. You will come away with several interactive combinations
to take home and work, so you can be on your way to free-form sparring. Bring your boxing
or sparring gloves.
Aaron Hensley is a 6th degree CKD black belt with 26 years
of training and 15 years of teaching. He currently runs a CKD
school in Aiken, South Carolina with his wife, Carmen, who is
a 4th degree CKD black belt. Aaron has had the opportunity
to work with some of the biggest names in MMA and some
of the best trainers. He brings this knowledge together with
an inspiring and motivating teaching style.
Turbo-charge your sparring skills!
Turbo-charge basic fighting techniques with speed drills that will create dynamic and explosive
attacks in sparring. This is the perfect class for those relatively new to sparring, or those
looking to make their basic technique more effective. It’s not about how many techniques
you know, but about how effective the techniques you know are! Bring your gear and be
ready to work!
Kevin Hibbs is a 6th degree CKD black belt and currently
serves as the UFAF Region 5 Chair. In 1984 at the age of 14,
he began training with an incredible martial artist, Charles
Allen, and earned his black belt with UFAF in 1990. As a
green belt he started teaching for Mr. Allen, became hooked
on teaching, and now has dozens of excellent black belts
under him. At one point, Mr. Hibbs was ranked as the #1
fighter in Arizona, and now he is excited to pass on some of
the knowledge that he has gained over the years, to you.
Explosive Power Through Superior Technique
Martial arts training helps people develop skills and awesome power that the average person
cannot understand. Where does it come from? The answer is in the correct understanding
and application of a few simple principles. This seminar will help you develop power you may
not know you had by exploring the principles of power that are associated with blocks and
strikes. Nothing is more fun than leaving a class with new or better skill. And that’s exactly
what will happen in this seminar!
Michael McKenzie is a 4th degree CKD black belt who began
training at age five in Virginia Beach, Virginia at Chuck
Norris Studios. In 1998 he moved Tucson, Arizona where he
continued his training under Mr. Charles Allen and then Mr.
Kevin Hibbs. Twice certified in UFAF’s Master Development
Series, he has recently opened the Gateway Martial Arts
Academy with business partner, and fellow black belt, Mark
Catalano in Tucson, Arizona.
ckdm.ufaf.org SPRING 2010 15
Living on the Edge: Edged Weapon Defense
Avoiding the Takedown
Learn the same pre- and post- conflict strategies and tactics, and actual edged weapon
defense and disarming techniques used by Israeli Defense
Forces. Mr. Munding teaches these same skills to public
safety officials so they can protect themselves on the street.
Learn to dictate the terms of a confrontation by improving your takedowns and your takedown
defenses. These fun and dynamic drills will cover the four lines
of defense, counter attacks, re-shots, and submissions, and will
help you in your overall self defense.
Howard Munding is a 5th degree CKD black belt and
certified Commando Krav Maga (CKM) instructor. He
received his training and certification in CKM directly
from its founder, Moni Aizik, a former Israeli Commando.
Owner and operator of Millennium Martial Arts in Peoria,
Arizona, Mr. Munding has been a longstanding UFAF
member, former UFAF Advisory Board member, and
Octagon Editor.
Daniel Semeraro, Jr. is a 3rd degree CKD black belt, an
undefeated kick boxer, and has a 6-0 record in MMA. He
was 2003 United States Martial Arts Hall of Fame Instructor
of the Year, 2005 Full Contact Fighter of the Year, 2007 MMA
Instructor of the Year, 2008 World Karate Union Hall of Fame
MMA Coach of the Year, 2009 Excellence in Teaching &
Leadership. He is the head coach for Team Thunder MMA.
Norris, Gallacher,
Prieto, Ingram…
The Fast and the Furious: Mixing it up and
having fun with a lot of combined experience
Learn explosive attacking combinations and counter attacks, offensive and defensive, jamming
techniques, blitzes, and favorite attacking techniques from Aaron Norris, Ken Gallacher, Rick
Prieto, and Doug Ingram.
(Editor’s note: Are you
kidding me???!!! Look at
this line-up!!! The adult
blue and green belts are in
for a BLAST! WOW!) Some
people need no introduction,
but if you are unsure who
these four instructors are,
then ask a friend, or ask
your instructor! When
you combine the martial
arts experience of these
instructors you are looking
at way over a hundred years,
and a combined 33 degrees of
black belt between them! All
have competed extensively
and have taught many karate
classes and seminars. They
have been friends for many,
many years, love the martial
arts, and love to share their
SPRING 2010 ckdm.ufaf.org
To Sweep or not to Sweep?
That is the question! How do you know when to sweep, or when to take your opponent down?
And how do you apply these concepts to your self defense? Mr. Presti will show you how!
John Presti is a 7th degree Chun Kuk Do black belt, owner
of Presti Karate Centers, chair of UFAF Region 8, and serves
on UFAF’s Board of Directors as Dirctor of Special Events. He
spearheads the annual ITC. Mr. Presti began his training
in 1967 and is known for his fighting career, having won
many amateur fights from 1974 to 1977. He fought
for the New York State Professional Full Contact Karate
Association and had a pro record of 23-3; he was rated #4
in New York State.
Ring Swagger! The what, why, and how
of championship point sparring
Red and Red w/ Black Stripe Adults: Ring Swagger – Part 1: How to build a point fighter. Learn
how to build your point fighting abilities from the techniques and skills you are learning. Find
out what level fighter you are, where you should be, and how to drill to increase your level. Is
point fighting for white belts different than for black belts? We’ll find out. Ring Swagger – Part
2: The evolution of a point fighter. Learn where point fighting begins and ends, and how to
apply it in actual self defense situations. You will come away knowing the why and the how
of point fighting, which will help you evolve into a better martial artist and competitor.
Bo Trix
Blue-Green Adults: Mr. Stinson, along with other NASKA and NBL circuit competitors, will
present “bo trix” for the beginner, intermediate, and advanced student. These fabulous tricks
will enhance your bo kata for competition and demos, so come ready to learn some cool
moves, and have a great time!
Derrick Stinson is 4th degree CKD black belt, two-time
world champion in sparring, two-time world champion
in weapons, and co-recipient of the 2008 Instructor
of the Year award. Mr. Stinson has produced MANY
great tournament competitors who have achieved top
honors in Chun Kuk Do (two Norris Cup winners), the
National Blackbelt League (NBL), and in KICKSTART
Closing the Gap: Five “money” footworks that
will set you up for explosive take-offs
Learn how your footwork can make or break your attack, and learn five specialized footworks
that will help all levels of fighters set up for explosive blitzes.
Each footwork has its own purpose to help you utilize your
favorite fighting techniques. The better your footwork, the
better your fighting skill!
Roy White is a 4th degree CKD black belt with 34 years
of experience, currently serving as UFAF Region 4 Chair.
He is also Houston City Leader for KICKSTART. Mr. White
has been CKD World Champion several times since 2000
in forms and fighting.
• School patch on the upper right arm or right lapel (optional)
General Information
You can quickly and conveniently register online at www.ufaf.org.
Registration Prices:
UFAF Members
$490.00 * (For $100 early-bird member discount, see below.)
Non-UFAF Guests
(Guests require the approval of the UFAF Board.)
Professional Development Series: $75.00 (one business - not teaching - staff member
may attend free with a paying school owner)
Instructor Development Series: $75.00
Visa, MasterCard, or Discover are accepted.
* Members: Register by June 7th, 2010 and receive $100.00 off the price above.
To receive the $100.00 discount, your registration must be postmarked or
received electronically no later than June 7th, 2010. Cancellations requested
after the early-bird deadline will be refunded, less a $60 cancellation fee.
Registration fee includes 1 (one) non-refundable awards dinner ticket for you. Additional
tickets may be purchased for $60.00 each.
Family and friends may purchase spectator passes at the event registration desk – good for
the entire weekend.
• Official “Chun Kuk Do” back design and student last name is optional through green belt.
Required for red and black belts.
• Belt must represent your standard CKD rank: white, gold, purple, orange, blue, green,
red, red w/black stripe. Stripe belts are also permitted: example green w/stripe. Stripe
must run the length of the belt through the middle.
If you are unsure of anything, or if you are a black belt in another system training in CKD, please
ask your instructor, or visit www.chunkukdo.com for examples of student uniforms (in the
“General Topics” forum under “Training and Testing”).
Competition Uniform
UFAF members of any CKD rank may optionally wear the Team CKD competition uniform in
seminars where the topic is sparring. It may also be worn in weapons, open kata, and fighting
divisions of the tournament, and in the Team Demo Competition.
Things to Bring
Check your particular seminar schedule, and bring sparring gear and a traditional weapon if
seminar applicable. A grappling top or CKD-logo ISDT training wear is optional for applicable
Black Belt Dress Uniform
Men – Solid black slacks (no jeans) with solid black blazer (black buttons) OR solid black
suit, white shirt and any color tie.
Ages 7 & under
Ages 8-12
Women – Solid black skirt or slacks (no jeans) with solid black blazer, white shirt or blouse
OR solid black dress with solid black blazer.
Ages 13+
CKD badge on left lapel (available for purchase at the ITC if you don’t have one.)
CKD World Championship Tournament
For EVENT questions:
Please visit www.chunkukdo.com/tournament for the most current rules and
Mr. John Presti
Important: Pre-registration is required to compete.
Phone: 716-285-9242 (from 6 am – noon, EST)
Email: johnprestikarate@cs.com
Deadline is June 7th, 2010.
NOTE about rank changes: If you anticipate changing rank after you register for the ITC, then
go ahead and register now using the rank you realistically anticipate being at the time of the
ITC. BUT if your rank turns out to be different than what you registered as, you MUST notify the
tournament director (Mr. Elias) by July 2nd, 2010 (clubkarate@hargray.com or 843-524-8308.)
If you do not, your tournament registration may be voided without refund.
Mr. Chuck Elias
Phone: 843-524-8308
Email: clubkarate@hargray.com
Hotel Reservations
To reserve your room, call the South Point Hotel at 866-791-7626 with the telephone Group
Code: United Fighting Arts Federation OR type the following address in your browser line:
https://gc.synxis.com/?Hotel=11548&arrive=07/13/10&depar t=7/20/
For TOURNAMENT questions:
Sunday - Thursday
$50.00 per night
$85.00 per night
Note: There will be a $20.00 per night charge for each additional person in a room beyond two
persons – except for ages 6 and under. The hotel room block registration deadline is June 7th,
2010. There is no guarantee of price, or even availability at any price, after June 7th.
Student Uniform Requirements
All students must conform to UFAF uniform standards for official events.
• Student uniforms must be all white (red trim – lapel only - for red belts)
• UFAF/CKD style patch on the left lapel
• Country flag on the upper left arm
18 SPRING 2010 ckdm.ufaf.org
For HOTEL questions:
Mrs. Tara Bidwell
Phone: 702-567-6393
Email: tara14@cox.net
For REGISTRATION questions:
Mr. Steve Nelson
Email: universalway.steve@gmail.com
ckdm.ufaf.org SPRING 2010 19
K.I.S.S. Gun Defense - Part 2
by Joe Gemma, Region 2 Chair
In the September 2009 issue of The Octagon, we introduced the three
components to ‘Keep It Simple to Survive!’
In Part 2, we will apply the technique when the gun is pointed at you
from the rear, what to do when the gun is pointed at you from a distance,
what to do if you are taken hostage, and some tips.
Gun is Pointed at you From The Rear
While the concept is the same as above, when the weapon is pointed
to your back the application changes slightly.
Mid-back up to the head: (Photos 1 and 2)
Understand the concept of lag time.You
CAN move out of the way before the bad
guy pulls the trigger!
You MUST locate the weapon. Simply glance back over your
shoulder to locate the height of the weapon (in this case, mid-back
to the head). Raise your hands – this is a non-threatening move from
the bad guy’s point of view.
If you step to the left, grab the weapon with
your left hand.
If you step to the right, grab the weapon with
your right hand.
Quickly pivot to your left or right; there is no correct way to turn
in this instance. It may be you feel quicker one way or the other,
or the terrain (wall, furniture, car, etc.) may force you one way or the
other. Once you turn, your arm/hand will be in contact with the bad
guy’s arm/hand, or the weapon. Immediately grab it, maintain control
and follow up violently.
We also discussed how to apply the technique if the gun is pointed at
you from the front, or from the side.
20 SPRING 2010 ckdm.ufaf.org
Mid-back down to the waist: (Photos 3 and 4)
The only difference here is that when you glance over your shoulder
to locate the weapon, and you determine that it is pointed mid-back
down to your waist, angle your open hands down in a non-threatening
Again, quickly pivot to your left or right; there is no correct way
to turn in this instance. It may be you feel quicker one way or the
other, or the terrain (wall, furniture, car, etc.) may force you one way or
the other. Once you turn, your arm/hand will be in contact with the bad
guy’s arm/hand, or the weapon. Immediately grab it, maintain control
and follow up violently.
Likely, the bad guy’s weapon will be pointed to the back of your head
or into your back. His other arm will be trying to control you around the
chest or by grabbing an arm. If he is trying to guide you to a room, car,
etc., think “heavy.” Making your body “heavy” is a basic self-defense
technique. He will eventually have to struggle to move you. Even if he
picks you up, he has to put you down sooner or later.
Keep in mind the surprise factor. If the bad guy is at all surprised
by your attack his lag time will increase by a good 1-2 seconds. All the
same follow-up principles apply.
Things to Keep in Mind
Weapon Pointed from a Distance
1. Remember, the gun must NEVER pass in front of your body (known
as masking), because all the bad guy would have to do is pull the
If the bad guy points a weapon at you from such a distance that you
cannot perform the contact-range techniques we’ve discussed so far,
then you have only one choice….RUN! Hitting a moving target is
difficult at best for a trained shooter, let alone a thug with a gun! To
increase your chance of survival, take whatever you have in your hand
(keys, shopping bag, purse, wallet, book) and toss it towards the bad
guy’s face. The natural instinct developed in all of us since we were
toddlers is to catch what is thrown to us. The bad guy will more than
likely attempt to catch it.
2. If you should wrestle the gun from the bad guy, DO NOT turn it on
him for the following reasons: a) Are you mentally prepared to shoot
someone without hesitation? Probably not. The most experienced
police officer or soldier still feels hesitation the first time s/he is faced
with this decision, and you will too. Take the weapon and RUN. b)
There are a number of things that may preclude you from operating
the weapon correctly: it may not be loaded, it may be mechanically
non-functional, or the safety may be on. c) You might miss, especially
if you have never shot a weapon before!
As you toss it….RUN! Change direction and run to cover (something
that can protect you from gunfire like a wall, car, building, etc.)
3. Remember your goal: If you are going to do battle with the bad guy,
all techniques must incapacitate. This is not the time for a series of
half-speed round kicks.
A Hostage Situation
If you are taken hostage, the most important thing to remember is “Do
Not Panic.” The motivator for the perpetrator is always one of three
things (sex, money or drugs). If the bad guy wanted to shoot you, he
would have done so instantly.
4. This technique is for gun defense, not gun takeaway. Taking a gun
away requires many hours of training and practice to be proficient.
Remember to always K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple to Survive.)
ckdm.ufaf.org SPRING 2010 21
Welcome to Kiai Corner! Are you closer to figuring out the riddle? Here is the
next tale from Dr. Terrence Webster-Doyle’s Eye of the Hurricane: Tales of the Empty
Handed Masters, which will give you more clues to the riddle!
meet, the squirrel dashed up a tree to safety. The dog barked and barked,
circling the tree, with eyes still focused on here elusive prey. The squirrel
made chattering noises, flicking its tail, jumping from branch to branch,
with dog’s eyes following its escape route.
The Riddle:
What is it that…
You cannot see if you look,
You cannot hear if you listen,
You cannot take hold of if you grasp,
Is silent when you speak,
Speaks when you are silent,
And you can only have when you don’t want it?
Who is the Enemy?
As they walked silently in the forest, the students came upon a grove
of birch trees, white with peeling bark. A blue jay darted out and flew
quickly for cover in the lush trees beyond. The school dog ran ahead of
them, stopping suddenly to sniff the air. The fur on her back stood up;
her head lowered. Moving like a lioness on the kill, remaining alert, she
moved silently forward. The squirrel apparently didn’t see her coming.
The dog stopped dead still, waited. One paw, then the next, she slowly
moved again, ever so close.
As the students moved forwards, the teacher turned and spoke. “Students,
life is what it is, neither good nor bad. There is life and there is death.
That is the way of things. The squirrel’s survival depends on its speed and
cunning. Your survival depends not on how well you can defend yourself
physically, as animals need to, but on understanding yourself. When you
understand the violence within you, you will understand the violence of
the world, for they are one and the same thing.”
The teacher and students moved on down the path. The river flowed past
them on their right as they silently pondered the lessons of life around
them. The dog had caught up to them and had run ahead. She stopped
again, this time to roll on her back in the cool, wet grass.
“Look, up in the sky. It is our hawk friend again. See how it flies, so
silently, effortlessly. The hawk leaves no mark, no trace of itself in the sky.
It moves in the moment, with no past. The human being is constantly
leaving his mark, and carrying the burden of the past around with him.
“The human being needs to wake from the dreams of the past. He needs
to wake up! To look at the beauty of life, to forget himself, his troubles,
his memories and enjoy this lovely earth. But because he is asleep, he all
too often destroys the earth and his fellow man. Do you understand, students, do you understand this simple lesson, or are you also asleep?”
“Watch them,” whispered the teacher to the students. “Learn from them; The students nodded their understanding, for on these walks only the
they are your teachers now.”
teacher could speak. They walked over a bridge. The water flowed beneath them, rippling softly down to a lake below. A chipmunk appeared
Foot by foot, the ground between the squirrel and dog diminished. The
on a decaying log, sat up and took notice of the oncoming group. Then
squirrel still had its back to the oncoming dog. The dog’s eyes were
it quickly scampered away into the undergrowth. The clouds, like great
intensely focused on the seemingly unsuspecting squirrel. Without
balls of cotton, softly mingled together in the blue sky above.
warning, the squirrel dashed away, and the dog leapt forward in a burst
of energy. With long, powerful strides, the dog gained on its prey. There The hawk called, “Enter here, enter here.” The river babbled, “Enter here,
were no trees near enough for the squirrel to leap to. Closer and closer, enter here.” And the flowers beckoned, “Enter here.” All of nature called,
the dog moved in for the kill. This was not play. This was the real drama “Enter here.” This is the real miracle. “Enter here.” The power of the
of all living creatures being enacted before them. Survival – life and day overwhelmed the smallness of the mind, and the ordinary became
death. And yet there was great beauty in the chase.
The squirrel abruptly cut to the left, just as the dog was upon it, and
reversed direction, heading back towards the grove of pine trees across
the clearing. The dog’s momentum took her beyond that sudden turning
point. Her turn was slower than the squirrel’s, but she was soon back in
the chase. Her fur standing straight up on a ridge down her back, her
tail straight out, her ears back, her body bounded across the clearing,
lessening by leaps the distance between them. The squirrel dashed madly
towards the trees; the dog swiftly closed in. Just as they were about to
22 SPRING 2010 ckdm.ufaf.org
“Dear students, we teachers care for you,” the teacher said as they stopped
to cool themselves in the shade of the pine trees near the river. “The world
is often a dangerous place. This is the challenge you must face. Here we
have the opportunity to help you learn about yourself and the world.
The true Martial Artist is a person of peace, not a warrior who defends
and fights. The real Martial Artist is one who can live gently, caringly,
simply in this world. We have been conditioned to think that we should
be warriors – ninjas, samurai, cowboys, Indians, or soldiers – on the fields
of battle. These are childhood fantasies. But all too often these dreams
are acted out by adults, foolishly, in destructive ways.
“Oh, students, can you hear what your teacher is saying? Are you able
to hear the simple truths about living a good and kind life? Or are you
too filled up with dreams of conquest? Life, as it is, without illusions
and false conquests, is the real challenge. To live as a nobody is the
greatest skill, for it is so easy to fill oneself up with the many selfcentered dreams that false prophets offer you…at a price. The price
is your life, your ability to live in the wonder and beauty of the here
and now. Do you understand, dear students? For to live as a nobody,
empty, in that there is love.”
They sat silently for a long while, the words from the teacher lingering
gently in their minds. Honeybees moved from flower to flower, embraced by the bright flame of color each one offered. A hummingbird,
wings whirling over one hundred beats a second, whizzed by them,
stopping midair in a winged blur. Its body and long narrow beak,
however, were perfectly still, poised above a flower. The mind was
quiet. Enter here, enter here.
Here are the answers to the martial arts trivia questions from
the September issue of the Octagon.
1. Which competitor won the Norris Cup in both kata and
Tommy Crouch
2. How many calories and grams of fat are in a Grande Taco
Salad at On the Border Restaurants?
1700 calories and 124 grams of fat
3. What does ISDT stand for?
Integrated Self Defense Techniques
4. When is the 2010 International Training Conference?
July 15th – 18th, 2010
5. What is the basic “technique” of K.I.S.S. gun defense?
If you step to the left, grab the weapon with your left hand. If
you step to the right, grab the weapon with your right hand.
Congratulations to the following UFAF members who were the
first students to correctly answer the above questions.
Noah Pate, DeAndre Brown, Leighton Poland, Christian Garza
Instead of the usual questions, let’s do
something a little different!
Mr. Norris outlines the twelve points that guide his life on page
5. Read them, choose your favorite one, and explain why.
Be one of the first five students (16 and under) to email me
(afabian@ufaf.org) your response, along with your complete
mailing address, and you’ll win a prize. Remember, you must
be a UFAF member in order to participate. Check with your
instructor if you are not sure.
ckdm.ufaf.org SPRING 2010 23
Region 2
October 10, 2009
Front Row: L-R: Melissa Rothermel, Kaley Tanner, Ana Crittenden, Kobie Webb
Back Row: L-R: John Petitt, Kristi Tanner, Steve Nelson, Joe Gemma (Region Chair), Vic Matera, Tara Bidwell
September 2009
Region 3
Front Row: L-R: Diane Huntemann (Region Chair), Micaila Miguel, Derek Kinsey, Issac Simpson, 2nd Row: L-R: David George, Whitney Grether, Brittany Granstrom, Kaylen
Gillispie, Kat Spitz, Shantell Dawson Back Row: L-R: Jeannie Newfield, Cassie Dutra, Rhianna Terrien, Dylan Minor, Zachary Simpson, Forrest Wells, Jon Allred, Chip Wright
24 SPRING 2010 ckdm.ufaf.org
Region 5
October 24, 2009
Front Row: L-R: Mikaela Estep, Katrina Young, Eric Fris, Cole Gaskill, Victor Guerrero
Back Row: L-R: Rick Prieto, Roy White (Region Chair), Tommy Crouch, Jason Bradley
Inset Photo: L-R: Rick Prieto, Austin Jamieson
October 10, 2009
Front Row: L-R: Tony DeFrance
2nd Row: L-R: April Dull, Jennifer Marshall,
Ashley Fehrenkamp
Back Row: L-R: Steve Berry, Tip Potter,
Kevin Hibbs (Region Chair), Howard Munding
ckdm.ufaf.org SPRING 2010 25
October 17, 2009
Front Row: L-R: Ryan Rodriguez, Jena King, Tina Elliott, Cara Clyburn, Monica Wood, Scott Fleck, Brianna Ivy, Lauren Buck, Martin Moro, Cameron Becker, Nicolas Del Toro
2nd Row: L-R: Halina Modelski, Teresa Comas, Jason Marsh, Rick Rine, Clayton Ferguson (Region Chair), Van Frasher, Tim Clark, Jason Wilcox, Scott Shuff, Marla Becker
Back Row: L-R: Robert Ames, John Malone, Tiffany Clark, Joe Gregory, Heather Wood, Kim Frasher, Rob Pennington, Aaron Pennington, Tom Buck
Region 6
Region 7
October 9 & 10, 2009
L-R: Eric Hensley, Stephen Hammersley, T.J. Brantley, Chuck Elias (Region Chair)
October 9 & 10, 2009
Kneeling: Chris Stachowiak, Carmen Hensley
Standing: Chuck Elias (Region Chair), Eric Hensley, Stephen Hammersley
26 SPRING 2010 ckdm.ufaf.org
Region 8
October 23-24, 2009
Front Row: L-R: Jim Peletier, John Presti (Region
Chair), Shannon Myers, Kaloni Plut, Mike Cannon,
Jacob Sherman, Gilbert Hamilton
Back Row: L-R: Chris Bristol, Chris Moore, Pat Davis,
Nicole Farah, Steve Giroux, Steve Brown
October 23-24, 2009
Front Row: L-R: Quinn Patton, Laura Bristol, Jacob
Payne, John Presti (Region Chair), Nicole Farah
Back Row: L-R: Gilbert Hamilton, Chris Moore, Joe
Gizzarelli, Greg Bullock, Steve Giroux, Jim Lageman,
Master Robert Heisner (special guest)
October 23-24, 2009
Front Row: L-R: Jason Larch, Brian Seuch,
Kevin Runkle, Darit Mar, Darin Mar,
Travis Baker, Mike Tubinis
2nd Row: L-R: Pinith Mar, Jaina Morgan,
Zach Tilton, Henry Beaman, Estelle Steiner,
Christa Mule, Tyler Emmick
Back Row: L-R: Jim Peletier, John Presti (Region
Chair), Nicole Farah, Steve Giroux, Pat Davis, Chris
Moore, Steve Brown.
Region 10
October 28, 2009
Front Row: L-R: Aaron Tabares, Jose Casteñeda, Francisco Trujillo
Back Row: L-R: Adriana Varela, Javier Varela, Rodolfo Varela (Region Chair),
Luis Garza, Claudia Hernadez
ckdm.ufaf.org SPRING 2010 27
black belt promotions - fall 2009
Region 2
Region 5
T.J. Brantley
Ana Crittenden
Melissa Rothermel
Kaley Tanner
Kobie Webb
Region 3
April Dull
Ashley Fehrenkamp
Tony DeFrance
Jennifer Marshall
Forrest Wells
Dylan Minor
Zachary Simpson
Rhianna Terrien
Jon Allred
Cassie Dutra
Kaylen Gillispie
Brittany Granstrom
Whitney Grether
Derek Kinsey
Micaila Miguel
Isaac Simpson
Kat Spitz
Region 4
Austin Jamieson
Richard Eason, Jr.
Christian Garza
Mikaela Estep
Eric Fris
Cole Gaskill
Victor Guerrero
Francisco Lara
Katrina Young
Region 6
Tiffany Clark
John Malone
Tom Buck
Cara Clyburn
Nicolas Del Toro
Joe Gregory
Heather Wood
Robert Ames
Cameron Becker
Marla Becker
Lauren Buck
Tina Elliott
Scott Fleck
Kim Frasher
Brianna Ivy
Jena Marie King
Martin Moro
Aaron Pennington
Rob Pennington
Ryan Rodriguez
Scott Shuff
Monica Wood
Region 8
Gilbert Hamilton
Jacob Sherman
Chris Bristol
Mike Cannon
Shannon Myers
Kaloni Plut
Laura Bristol
Greg Bullock
Joe Gizzarelli
Jim Lageman
Quinn Patton
Jacob Payne
Travis Baker
Henry Beaman
Tyler Emmick
Jason Larch
Darin Mar
Darit Mar
Pinith Mar
Jaina Morgan
Christa Mule
Kevin Runkle
Brian Seuch
Estelle Steiner
Zach Tilton
Mike Tubinis
Region 10
Region 7
José Castañeda
Aaron Tabares
Francisco Trujillo
Carmen Hensley
Chris Stachowiak
Congratulations on your promotions. Enjoy the journey!
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