WELCOME TO Saturday ■ July 16th ■ 1:00 PM BBQ Lunch Served at 11:30 AM Viewing Reception Starts Friday at 6:00 PM Four States Fairgrounds ■ Texarkana, AR 3700 East 50th Street, Texarkana, AR 71854 Telephone 870-773-2941 Offering approximately 100 head of select fullbloods! Also foundation does, herd sires, and show goats from our strings! We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the Seventh Annual Elite Coalition Boer Goat Sale. CONSIGNERS Each year the consigners strive to top last years sale in depth of quality, this year will be no different. Once again, our sale affords you the rare opportunity to purchase a National Champion! The 2001 ABGA National Reserve Champion Doe, CSB Queen of Hearts will sell, the 2010 ABGA National Reserve Champion Buck, JESTER AABG Steam Roller will sell and the 2010 IBGA National Reserve Champion Buck, BCBG Street King will also sell. No other sale can offer you this opportunity. Along with these three featured lots we are offering winning genetics from these outstanding Champions: CSB Ruger Reloaded *Ennobled, 2DOX Cuger, DCW/MCR Slam Dunk *Ennobled, AABG Status Quo *Ennobled, SWE Main Event *Ennobled, TH Somebody, M4R Lewis Creek Bono *Ennobled and BDK2 AABG Ripper's Reload. Able Acres Boer Goats CBA Boer Goats Gary & Sandy Duncan, Lary & Nathan Duncan 765-366-6000 Bob & Alma Staples 979-849-0749 Again, we are in the spacious Air Conditioned Expo Center at the Four States Fairgrounds in Texarkana, Arkansas. We know you will find it a very comfortable sale experience. Dr. Mark & Sherrie Watkins 830-990-2280 Jim & Lynn Farmer 325-985-3626 Hidden Oaks Farm Pair - A - Docs Boer Goats Sherry Williams 214-893-9193 Drs. Bob & Gale Dressler 830-591-9655 Many of the goats consigned come from our show strings and have collected numerous show points, as well as having passed the ABGA's Visual Inspection for Ennoblement. We are very proud to offer an outstanding selection of Boer Goats from these six breeding programs. Plan on joining us Friday evening at 6PM for a "South of the Border" Reception and mixer with the breeders, and come early and join us for a BBQ lunch served at 11:30 sale day. Thanks again for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you at the sale. Circle Star Boer Goats Farmer's Stock Exchange Menger Creek Ranch Ervin Chavana 713-906-9317 TERMS & CONDITIONS BREEDERS GUARANTEE Terms: Cash, Cashier’s Check, Traveler's Checks. VISA and MasterCard, will be accepted. Please Note, a 3.5% buyers premium will be assessed on each credit card purchase. Business and personal checks will be accepted, however those paying via checks will be provided with a copy of the registration certificate at settlement time. Once the check clears, the buyer will be mailed the original registration certificate. NO CREDIT CARD CHECKS WILL BE ACCEPTED. All monetary funding must be in U.S. Currency. The right of property shall not pass until after full settlement is made. Should any buyer fail to settle for his purchase, the seller or sellers reserves the right and full power to resale the animal to the best advantage either publicly or privately, without further notice. Any loss arising from such resale together with keep and all other expenses shall be payable by the defaulter. All settlements must be made with the clerks of the sale before any goats will be released. In addition, buyers are advised to insure their purchases. Buyers are responsible for forwarding the forms and transfer fees to the Registry of their choice. Purchase price does not include transportation fees and are the sole responsibility of the Buyer. (see Transportation section below) Bucks: Should any buck seven (7) months of age or over, fail to prove a breeder after being used on does known to be breeders, the matter shall be reported in writing to the seller within six (6) months following the date of purchase. The seller will then have the right and privilege of ninety (90) days to prove the buck is a breeder. The seller is not responsible for damage caused by foreign bodies after the animal has been sold or of sickness not apparent at the time of the sale. There is no guarantee that semen collected from the buck will freeze. No other guarantees are written or implied. Does: Does are guaranteed to be breeders. In the event a female greater than 12 months of age at the date of sale is claimed to be a non-breeder, after having been bred regularly to a buck known to be a breeder, and after having been treated by a licensed veterinarian, the matter must be reported in writing to the seller within four (4) months following the date of purchase. The seller shall have six (6) additional months in which to prove any such female a breeder and may use any registered buck of the breed available to him. In the event a female less than 12 months of age at the date of sale is claimed to be a non-breeder, after having been bred regularly to a buck known to be a breeder, and after having been treated by a licensed veterinarian, the matter must be reported in writing to the seller within twelve (12) months following the date of purchase. The seller shall have six (6) additional months in which to prove any such female a breeder and may use any registered buck of the breed available to him. Any female returned will be at the buyer’s risk. No guarantee is given that a pregnant female will deliver live kids or that she will carry kids full term, or the kids carried will not be mummified. The seller is not responsible for damage caused by foreign bodies after the animal has been sold or for sickness not apparent at the time of the sale. No other guarantees are either written or implied. Bids and Disputes: In case of disputes, bidding will be reopened between the parties involved. If no further bid is made, the buyer will be the person from whom the auctioneer accepted the last bid. The auctioneer's decision is such matters will be final. Announcements: Every effort was made to assure the accuracy of this catalog, however all announcements from the auction block will take precedence over the printed material in the catalog. Buyers are therefore cautioned to pay attention to any such announcements. Health Certificates: Health Certificates will be provided on every animal. Any out of state buyers should contact their respective state's Animal Health Department concerning importation requirements for goats into that state. It is the buyer’s responsibility to obtain all necessary requirements for entry into their home state. Sellers cannot be held responsible for any particular State's importation regulations beyond the Health Certificate provided. Bred Doe Guarantee: Any doe sold as bred the day of the sale will be sonogramed on Friday night before the Sale at 7PM. The results will be published for all Buyers reference. These results will take precedence over any published descriptions in all catalogs for referenced Bred does. There is NO guarantee that the above said Bred does will deliver a live kid or carry fetuses to term, due to many factors out of Sellers control. Buyer's are purchasing a Guaranteed Bred Doe the day of the Sale. No other guarantees are either written or implied. Accidents: Although every precaution will be taken to protect the safety and comfort of the Buyers, neither the Sales Management, Auctioneer, Four States Fairgrounds and its employees and contractors, nor the Sellers assumes any responsibility in this matter and they disclaim any liability, legal or otherwise, in case of an accident or loss of property. Settlement: Transportation charges on animals returned to the seller are the responsibility of the buyer. No incidental expenses such as feed, care, veterinary charges, etc. will be charged by either party when making the settlement. If the seller is successful in proving the animal in question to be a breeder, the buyer at his or her expense will reclaim the said animal. Should the seller fail to prove the animal a breeder, then the buyer is guaranteed a satisfactory replacement, FOB ranch, or location of origin, or a refund of the actual purchase price paid FOB selling point. In no event, shall the seller be responsible for more that the purchase price. Should a dispute arise over the quality of a replacement, there will be a cash settlement. Loading: Goats will not be loaded until the sale has ended. Goats will not be allowed to load without a release form provided by the Sales Clerk at check out. NO EXCEPTIONS. Goats will be allowed to stay in the sale barn overnight, but must be out by 10AM on Sunday, July 17th. Those buyers wishing to leave their purchases overnight need to alert the Sales Clerk at time of settlement. Seller assumes NO liability for said goats. Sunday's loading will begin at 7AM. Exception of Guarantee: In cases where the animal is subject to any hormone or surgical reproduction techniques after the sale, or has been mistreated in care, housing, or nutrition in any way, this guarantee is null and void. Phone Buyers: Phone bids will be accepted with pre-approved credit and sale arrangements. Please contact the consigner of your choice regarding phone bidding. Internet Bidders / DVAuction: The Elite Coalition Sale is pleased to offer the sale broadcast live over the Internet through services provided by DVAuction. To register to bid online is a two step process that MUST be completed. It is highly recommended that this process be completed on or before July 15th, 2011. Thank You! Rights and Obligation: The above terms of the sale shall constitute a contract between the buyer and the seller and be equally binding to both. Resale of animals following purchase in the sale, constitute a separate transaction and the rights and obligations of the two (2) parties connected; therefore, are not covered by the term and conditions of this sale. Register To View/Bid Online: 1.Visit DVAuction website at to obtain a user name and password. 2. Contact Tami McIntosh with DVAuction at 308-870-3661 to obtain a buyer's number. (Both steps MUST be completed in order to BID online.) DIRECTIONS & LODGING Driving Directions from Interstate 30: Take Exit #2 Airport / Arkansas Hwy 245 Exit, go south on 245. Take the first road to your left (after crossing overpass if you're coming from Little Rock area) you will see a fence and pond area to your left when you turn, follow that road and take the first street to your right. When you follow the drive up, you will see two brick pillars, go through pillars straight to the Expo Center entrance. (Map on last page) Paying For Online Purchases: Visa or MasterCard will be accepted as the method of payment for online purchases. A 3.5% buyer's premium will be added to the purchase price for credit card purchases, plus a 2% buyer's premium will be added to the purchase price for purchases made through the DVAuction broadcast. Transportation: Buyers are responsible for coordinating transportation of their purchases. If assistance is required, contact the consigner directly for list of haulers. In the event Buyer cannot arrange for hauling or in the event Buyers purchases cannot be picked up by 10AM Sunday, July 17th, arrangements must be made with the consigner to arrange pick up from the farms from which they originated. Buyer has 30 days from sale date to arrange pick-up from said farms. Hotel Accommodations: Texarkana, Arkansas Best Western Inn and Suites (Host Hotel): (870) 774-1534 Hampton Inn: (903) 832-3499 Holiday Inn Express: (903) 223-0008 3 The Elite Coalition Sale THE ELITE COALITION SALE In Memory of Gale Dressler, DVM "A Celebration of Life" Lot #1 consists of an assortment of donations and each will be sold as a memorial gift in honor of Gale Dressler DVM, wife of Bob Dressler, Pair-a-Docs Boer goats. Gale passed away on May 28th after battling cancer for 7 years. The money raised will all go to Heifer International. In Memory of Dr. Gale Dressler, DVM the Elite Coalition Sale consigners and friends are proud to offer the following donated lots to be auctioned off with all proceeds going to Heifer International in remembrance of Gale. Heifer International is a global nonprofit with a proven solution to end hunger and poverty in a sustainable way. Established in 1944, Heifer International helps empower people who are hungry and in poverty through gifts of livestock, seeds and trees and extensive training. Heifer International has helped more than 13.6 million families--71 million men, women and children-in more than 125 countries move from poverty to prosperity. Lot 1A Ennobled Buck Semen 10 Straws of Semen from 10 Ennobled Bucks 1 straw each on 10 Ennobled bucks including free shipping to one location. Gale worked with Heifer International throughout her life and went on 7 trips to Haiti to assist their efforts. A donation through the Elite Sale is an appropriate way of honoring this amazing woman, wife, mother and friend. 1) JRA1 Agnew’s Collateral Damage *Ennobled* 2) TLB T333 Ripper *Ennobled* 3) AABG Status Quo *Ennobled* 4) 2DOX CD’s Salute *Ennobled* 5) AABG Kickin’ Brass *Ennobled* 6) ANR Wide Load *Ennobled* NGC09 7) 2DOX Sourcerer *Ennobled* 8) LCBG Lewis Creek Bono *Ennobled* 9) AABG/LOID Vindicator *Ennobled* 10) Ash Creek Pit Boss *Ennobled* Donated by Able Acres Gary & Sandy Duncan Lary & Nathan Duncan 4 The Elite Coalition Sale In Memory of Dr. Gale Dressler, DVM Lot 1B Lot 1E Breeding to Status Quo *Ennobled Breeding Buck "FSE 0090 State of the Art" Live Cover Breeding or Flush Breeding to Status Quo at the Bosque Valley Reproduction Center in Hamilton, Texas. Donated by Bosque Valley Reproduction Center Rena & Cody Lynch 5/17/10 FSE 6123 DUDE X FSE 8055 Farmer's Daughter Donated by Farmers Stock Exchange Lynn & Jim Farmer Lot 1C Lot 1F Non Surgical Flush Breeding to DCW/MCR Slam Dunk *Ennobled One Non-Surgical Flush at AgriMark Genetic's facility or facility of your choice. Travel Expenses not included. Donated by Agrimark Genetics Kingsbury, Texas Live Cover Breeding or 3 straws of Semen to DCW/MCR Slam Dunk *Ennobled at Menger Creek Ranch, Boerne, Texas. Semen shipping is not included Donated by Menger Creek Ranch Ervin Chavana Lot 1D Lot 1G Breeding to CSB Ruger Reloaded *Ennobled Percentage Doe "CBA Shadie" Live Cover Breeding or 3 straws of Semen to CSB Ruger Reloaded *Ennobled at Circle Star Boers, Fredericksburg, Texas. Semen shipping is not included 2/14/11 Sired by FSE Storm *Sire of Merit* Donated by Circle Star Boer Goats Dr. Mark & Sherri Watkins Lot 1H Donated by CBA Boer Goats Bob & Alma Staples Breeding to 2DOX Cuger Live Cover Breeding or 3 straws of Semen to 2DOX Cuger at 4C Boer Goats, Burtan, Texas. Semen shipping is not included Donated by 4C Boer Goats Carlie Callahan The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 2 Doe 2DOX Status Report 12/8/10 Pair A Docs JRA1 AGNEW'S COLLATERAL DAMAGE **ENNOBLED** 2DOX CD'S SALUTE **ENNOBLED** 5/2009 (10370125) 2DOX GO GIRL **ENNOBLED** 2/2008 (10307894) Sire: AABG STATUS QUO **ENNOBLED** 3/2010 (10423489) TLB T333 RIPPER **ENNOBLED** 2/2008 (10276652) AABG RIPPIN BRASS **ENNOBLED** 3/2010 (10363742) ASH CREEK BARBIE BRASS **ENNOBLED** 2DOX STATUS REPORT (10532302) RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** 12/2007 (10269132) RRD R879 (10202375) Dam: 2DOX I'M A BIG STAR (10467655) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 139N BINGO *ENNOBLED* 2DOX BINGO STAR **ENNOBLED** 2/2008 (10218360) CBM TREASURE (10072404) ■ Let's just start this sale with a STUNNER. You want my best well, here she is. Her mother was the high selling doe at the Elite 2 years ago and who doesn't know what Status can do. We call this the Elite for a reason. 2 teated. Lot 3 Doe AABG Sheer Heart Attack 12/19/10 Able Acres RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** 12/2007 (10269132) RRD R879 (10202375) Sire: 2DOX CUGER (10467657) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 139N BINGO *ENNOBLED* 2DOX BINGO STAR **ENNOBLED** 2/2008 (10218360) CBM TREASURE (10072404) AABG SHEER HEART ATTACK (10539282) RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED* RRD R898 CANNON **ENNOBLED** 6/2006 (10211111) RRD P663 **ENNOBLED** 3/2005 (10165304) Dam: 2DOX /AABG REGAL ELEGANCE (10370133) JLF RAMBO **ENNOBLED 10/2002** (10018775) 2DOX SHEER ELEGANCE **ENNOBLED** NAOMI (10073155) ■ We are starting our sale offering with one of our very best December doe kids. She is by 2DOX Cuger, the 2010 ABGA National Reserve Champion Yearling Buck. He is a full brother to 2DOX Luger the 2009 National Grand Champion. Her dam is a flushmate to Bold Rush and Armed & Dangerous the former National Champion Produce of Dam winners that also went 1-2 in a monster class at the 2006 ABGA National Show. This doe is packed full of muscle, wide chested and has a tremendous hip. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 4 Doe FSE 0013 Samantha 1/9/10 Farmer's Stock Exchange MOJO MAGIC **ENNOBLED** HMR SUMO *ENNOBLED DER WALT ENNOBLED G49 (95243151) Sire: FSE 7059 DEMO (10391987) FSE 2066 AFLAC **ENNOBLED** FSE ENCHANTRESS 5085 (10282757) FSE 2165 PRIMA DONNA (10167188) FSE 0013 SAMANTHA (10508221) HMR SUMO *ENNOBLED FSE 9122 BLUE CHIP *ENNOBLED* (10054100) JLF AMELO PRECIOUS PERFECT **ENNOBLED** Dam: FSE TRUE BLUE (10392175) SGF R100 BILL (10191716) SGF 5034 (10282716) CBC N117 (10130444) ■ Samantha (0013) shows femininity in her front, is wide-framed and heavy made. The males in her pedigree include Sumo, Mojo, Aflac, Blue Chip and Silvergate's show buck Bill. Her mother did well in the show ring. Lot 5 30 Straws Semen TLB T133 Ripper *Ennobled Able Acres LSBG ROCK **ENNOBLED** TLB R269 CLASS ACT (10174584) TLB P215 (10137245) Sire: TH S4244 HIGH CLASS (10229451) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 151N **ENNOBLED** TH R3001 (10187465) TH N1138 (10111869) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 321M **ENNOBLED** POWELL/HOLMAN MR. MAJESTICK (10184351) POWELL/HOLMAN 132N (10151896) Dam: TLB S299 (10223173) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 139N BINGO *ENNOBLED* POWELL/HOLMAN 26R (10182654) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 44M (10093355) ■ TLB T333 “Ripper” * Ennobled, the 2005 IBGA National Overall Grand Champion buck has sired 416 progeny that have already amassed 4206 ABGA Ennoblement points and still continue to dominate major shows across the country, some recent examples include the 2011 ABGA National Overall Grand Champion doe (two shots of Ripper), 2011 Day 1 Fort Worth TX Overall Grand Champion doe (two shots of Ripper), and 2011 Day 2 Fort Worth TX Overall Grand Champion doe (1 shot of Ripper). Able Acres Boer Goats have chosen to syndicate their 50% ownership of TLB T333 “Ripper” *Ennobled, now deceased. We are selling three “Ripper” Syndicate ownership shares in this sale. Each share entitles the owner to ten straws of semen that can only be used by the purchaser or purchasers of the syndicate share on record at time of closing ! Sale will be conducted as follows: the first winning bidder will have the option of purchasing one share (10 straws of semen at 10 times the money bid) or taking two shares (20 straws of semen at 20 times the money bid) or taking three shares (30 straws of semen at 30 times the money bid). If all is not sold to the first buyer the process will be repeated until all three shares have been sold. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 6 Doe CBA Topsie 7/5/10 CBA Boer Goats DCW VIPER **ENNOBLED** 12/2006 (10219342) PVGR DIMENSION **ENNOBLED** 5/2009 (10305096) PVGR S392 (10228193) Sire: MCR TRASH TALKER (10444390) SLG MONKEY BUSINESS **ENNOBLED** 4/2006 (10189666) MCR 'S CENTERFOLD **ENNOBLED** 5/2009 (10276617) RRD MISS MISSISSIPPI **ENNOBLED** 5/2007 (10180800) CBA TOPSIE (10516358) RRD R898 CANNON **ENNOBLED** 6/2006 (10211111) AGBG GATERIDGE BLASTER (10365451) AGBG GATERIDGE FAME (10064643) Dam: CBA XENIAH (10457827) ABF M28 (10093253) CBA XANADU (10329265) CROWN C TAHBO'S TESSA (10173920) ■ This yearling doe is ready to breed and should enhance anyone's program. Large framed and structurally correct in every way. Lot 7 Doe 2DOX Lunar Eclipse 12/18/10 Pair A Docs TLB M154 **ENNOBLED** 6/2007 (10102981) TLB P233 **ENNOBLED** 7/2008 (10174544) TLB M151 (10102975) Sire: SWE MAIN EVENT **ENNOBLED** 3/2009 TLB R269 CLASS ACT (10174584) PBL 4B504 (I-10521156) *PBL 3B318 (*I03136043) 2DOX LUNAR ECLIPSE (10532299) RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** 12/2007 (10269132) RRD R879 (10202375) Dam: 2DOX STARRY EYED (10467656) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 139N BINGO *ENNOBLED* 2DOX BINGO STAR **ENNOBLED** 2/2008 (10218360) CBM TREASURE (10072404) ■ This is an impressive show quality December paint doe with the potential to take it all. By Main Event and out of a th full sister to Luger and Cuger. She is smooth and correct and ready to go out and win. She was 6 place in a large 3 to 6 class at the 2011 ABGA Nationals The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 8 Buck MCR Instant Replay 3/5/11 Menger Creek Ranch RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD RIGHT ON TARGET V772 **ENNOBLED** RRD T316 (10269145) Sire: D C W/ MCR SLAM DUNK **ENNOBLED** D C W -BO JANGLE **ENNOBLED** D C W /MCR BJ'S SORORITY SISTER (10410721) RRD T573 **ENNOBLED** MCR INSTANT REPLAY (10529028) TLB P233 **ENNOBLED** 7/2008 SWE MAIN EVENT **ENNOBLED** 3/2009 PBL 4B504 (I-10521156) Dam: MCR OUTLANDISH EVENT (10411329) SLG MONKEY BUSINESS **ENNOBLED MCR 'S CENTERFOLD **ENNOBLED** 5/2009 RRD MISS MISSISSIPPI **ENNOBLED** ■ Straight from our show string, there's no looking back with this buck kid's potential. Look at the length, neck extension and muscling in this youngster. Sired by Slam Dunk and out of one of our widest show does, MCR Outlandish Event, this guy is going to have the goods. He is show correct, 2/2 teats. Lot 9 Buck BCBG Street King 12/18/10 Able Acres TLB P233 **ENNOBLED** 7/2008 (10174544) SWE MAIN EVENT **ENNOBLED** 3/2009 (10354302) PBL 4B504 (I-10521156) Sire: 2DOX MAIN STREET (10421736) EGGSFILE *ENNOBLED* 3/00 (10020970) EGGS 2DOX PRO-FILE (10353910) EGGS EPTIONALLY ALLURING (10341509) BCBG STREET KING (I-10514373) RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD HEVI - SHOT T656 (10303041) WARD S2 (10212935) Dam: GOV X366 (I-10531102) RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** *GAIL'S V245 (*I08126050) *BONNIE BLUE (*I04069043) nd ■ Street King was the 2010 IBGA National Reserve Champion Jr. Buck! He recently placed 2 in Class at the 2011 ABGA National Show. He was Overall Grand Champion Buck twice and Overall Reserve Grand Champion Buck three times in his distinguished show career and also won several divisional championships. Is pedigree contains 2-time National Reserve Grand Champion Main Event and Eggsfile on the sire side and his dam is double bred RRD Brass Shot. This buck has perfect breed character and is massive boned with huge feet. He is level hipped and square at the hocks. This is a rare opportunity to purchase a stud buck with extraordinary show ring success. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 10 Doe FSE 0062 Mannie Mo 4/25/10 Farmer's Stock Exchange FSE 9050 NASDAQ **ENNOBLED** FSE ON DAQ **ENNOBLED** 9/2009 (10165173) FSE 9162 (10057378) Sire: FSE 7020 ON YOUR MARK (10376712) MOJO MAGIC **ENNOBLED** FSE 4061 **ENNOBLED** 6/2008 (10233740) FSE 0133 A.O.L. (10073643) FSE 0062 MANNIE MO (10521842) MOJO MAGIC **ENNOBLED** FSE 4060 (10233739) FSE 0133 A.O.L. (10073643) Dam: FSE 8094 MINNIE MO (10438752) FSE BIG BLUE (10191150) FSE 5053 (10278882) FSE 3029 (10191144) ■ Mannie Mo's (0062) pedigree is steeped in the legendary "Mojo Magic." Her dark red high-headed carriage enhances her eye appeal. She's usually standing square off her legs. Lot 11 Pregnant Recpient Due 8/28/11 Able Acres POWELL/HOLMAN 300T **ENNOBLED** RM 745 (10385696) RM 481 **ENNOBLED** Sire: RM 926 DE-LA-REY (10461268) RM BUD (10294600) RM 752 (10411309) RM COOKIE **ENNOBLED** JRA1 AGNEW'S BO-HOWDY **ENNOBLED** D C W -BO JANGLE **ENNOBLED** DCW LEXUS **ENNOBLED** 12/2006 Dam: D C W JANGLE-N BABY (10448414) RRD R898 CANNON **ENNOBLED** D C W SASSY GAL **ENNOBLED** RRD SASSY BRASS **ENNOBLED** Dam: D C W JANGLE-N BABY ■ Pregnant recipient due 8/28/2011 Sired by the two time 2011 Fort Worth Overall Grand Champion buck De-La-Rey and out of multiple Overall Grand Champion doe DCW Jangle-n-Baby who has already earned 248 ennoblement points. This special combination of a pair of ABGA National Class winners is as close to a sure thing as you are going to find. 2011 AABG National Sr. Champion buck RM 745, De-La-Rey’s sire came up big at this year’s National show producing the Overall Grand Champion buck. Both sire and dam are well on their way to completing ennoblement. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 12 Doe C S B Oh My 3/5/10 Circle Star Boers RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD R879 (10202375) Sire: C S B RUGER RELOADED **ENNOBLED** JRA1 AGNEW'S SON OF GUN **ENNOBLED** EGGS T351 **ENNOBLED** 6/2010 (10290476) EGGS R909 **ENNOBLED** C S B OH MY (10495250) RRD R898 CANNON **ENNOBLED** EGGS TRA BULLETTPROOF V508 **ENNOBLED** EGGS S235 (10325993) Dam: C S B KEVLAR (10374734) EGGS BLAKE *ENNOBLED EGGS R017 **ENNOBLED** EGGSTATIC (10094813) ■ CSB Oh My is a CSB Ruger Reloaded Ennobled daughter out of a Eggs Tra Bulletproof Ennobled daughter. She has tremendous mass and that width of chest floor that is demanded in the show ring. She has a strong level back, wide hip, and good spring of rib. She has a beautiful head, good bite and is single teated. If you need power and beauty, here she is. Lot 13 Buck CBA Wind Storm 2/13/11 CBA Boer Goats FSE 9122 BLUE CHIP *ENNOBLED* (10054100) FSE 2066 AFLAC **ENNOBLED** 1/2005 (10150673) NK L159 (10047339) Sire: FSE STORM **SIRE OF MERIT** 1/2010 (10282754) HMR SUMO *ENNOBLED 05/2001* (10018711) FSE 0260 (10099566) KISSIMO (10012439) CBA WIND STORM SA (10534152) FSE MR. MO **ENNOBLED** 10/2010 (10050422) GSE 2010 (10150679) FSE VALLEY GIRL (10041154) Dam: ENDERLI FARMS - SALLY (10441328) CONI R239 (10204187) ENDERLI FARMS SONORA (10354449) BALCONES 194 (10149782) ■ If you're looking for a wether maker this could be the buck you've been looking for. His sire " FSE Storm " Sire of Merit has been our top wether buck for the past 5 years. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 14 Doe 2DOX Rock Star 9/22/10 Pair A Docs RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD R879 (10202375) Sire: 2DOX CUGER (10467657) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 139N BINGO *ENNOBLED* 2DOX BINGO STAR **ENNOBLED** CBM TREASURE (10072404) 2DOX ROCK STAR (10519138) BDF N135 (10138020) BDF 6102 DA VINCI (10327790) BOB S479 (10267810) Dam: TH NATIONAL TREASURE (10468194) TH S4263 (10224059) TH 5151 (10281693) TH P2044 (10152215) ■ Here is a “Rock Solid Package” refined, wide based, long and excellent on her feet and legs. She has that th Cuger hard muscling and yet very feminine. She placed 5 in a large 6-9 class at this year’s ABGA Nationals. Get ready to “Rock”. Lot 15 Doe AABG Legacy Body Double 6/6/10 Able Acres HMB EL COMANDANTE~ GHUT FESTUS (10344156) GHUT R183 (10205763) Sire: TH SOME BODY (10391117) TH S4263 (10224059) TH 5188 (10281699) TH S4135 (10224050) AABG LEGACY BODY DOUBLE (10537048) TNTP R0058 MARIACHI RIO DOWNEN DESIGN 19 **ENNOBLED** DOWNEN P177 **ENNOBLED** Dam: DOWNEN BY DESIGN V63 (10316041) DOW PIPELINE*ENNOBLED 12/00* DOWNEN PIPELINE'S TRIGGER (10065437) DOW2 J54 (10007285) ■ Body Double is a powerfully made show quality doe with extreme muscle mass. Her sire has over 350 Ennoblement points and her dam was a 15-time Champion show doe with 168 points to her credit. Body Double has an explosive top, big hip and a huge rib cage. Body Double is a difference maker and a great example of the quality of goat that we are striving to produce. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 16 Doe MFR1 Truffles 12/15/10 Pair A Docs JRA1 AGNEW'S COLLATERAL DAMAGE **ENNOBLED** 2DOX CD'S SALUTE **ENNOBLED** 5/2009 (10370125) 2DOX GO GIRL **ENNOBLED** 2/2008 (10307894) Sire: AABG STATUS QUO **ENNOBLED** 3/2010 (10423489) TLB T333 RIPPER **ENNOBLED** 2/2008 (10276652) AABG RIPPIN BRASS **ENNOBLED** 3/2010 (10363742) ASH CREEK BARBIE BRASS **ENNOBLED** 12/2009 MFR1 TRUFFLES (10523432) EGGS TRA BULLETTPROOF V508 **ENNOBLED** EGGS TRA TEFLON W698 **ENNOBLED** 2/2010 (10412448) EGGS S239 (10328506) Dam: 2DOX DIVINITY (10473133) HMR SUMO *ENNOBLED 05/2001* (10018711) 2DOX GODIVA **ENNOBLED** 5/2007 JLF GOGO (10018771) ■ Pretty and muscular, smooth and correct describes this Status daughter out of a Godiva daughter. She is generations deep in 2DOX genetics with that modern look. Correct, beautiful feet and legs and smooth throughout Lot 17 Doe FSE 8055 Farmer's Daughter 2/25/08 Farmer's Stock Exchange HMR SUMO *ENNOBLED 05/2001* FSE 4071 (10233747) JLF PILLIO**ENNOBLED 10/2002** Sire: FSE 6184 ENTERPRISE (10376676) CBC FREIGHTRAIN **ENNOBLED** FSE 5068 MINT (10279725) FSE 2157 PLUM **ENNOBLED** FSE 8055 FARMER'S DAUGHTER (10441383) *HIGHLANDER (*K N-273) SEBG NICO BOTHA HIGHLANDERS104*ENNOBLED (*K KS-276) Dam: FSE 6068 DROP DEAD BEAUTIFUL (10341561) HMR SUMO *ENNOBLED 05/2001* FSE 3231 (10212745) FSE 1029 BLUE SASSIE (10128361) ■ Farmer's Daughter (8055) is a "pet" and has kidded twice. She sports pedigrees from the Ennobled bucks Sumo, Freightrain and Highlander 104 and Ennobled does Pillio and Plum. 2 teated. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 18 Doe AABG NBD Dream Date 12/14/10 Able Acres JRA1 AGNEW'S COLLATERAL DAMAGE **ENNOBLED** 2DOX CD'S SALUTE **ENNOBLED** 5/2009 (10370125) 2DOX GO GIRL **ENNOBLED** 2/2008 (10307894) Sire:AABG STATUS QUO **ENNOBLED** 3/2010 (10423489) TLB T333 RIPPER **ENNOBLED** 2/2008 (10276652) AABG RIPPIN BRASS **ENNOBLED** 3/2010 (10363742) ASH CREEK BARBIE BRASS **ENNOBLED** 12/2009 AABG NBD DREAM DATE (Pending) JRA1 AGNEW'S COLLATERAL DAMAGE **ENNOBLED** 2DOX CD'S SALUTE **ENNOBLED** 5/2009 (10370125) 2DOX GO GIRL **ENNOBLED** 2/2008 (10307894) Dam: AABG NBD FANTA SEE (10469763) TLB T333 RIPPER **ENNOBLED** 2/2008 (10276652) AABG TR7 RIP'S 1ST EDITION **ENNOBLED** 5/2010 (10410612) KSR S174 (10236675) ■ My pick of the December born Status Quo daughters and trust when I say had we shown this summer this would have been the first doe I would have loaded on trailer. This one has what it takes to win it all!! What else can I say other than buy her, show her, flush her and enjoy the goat business as she will make all your dreams come true. Lot 19 Doe CBA Liana 3/19/11 CBA Boer Goats RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** 12/2006 (10218337) RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** 12/2007 (10269132) RRD R879 (10202375) Sire: RRD ARMED AND DANGEROUS (10378767) RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** 12/2006 (10218337) RRD T634 **ENNOBLED** 11/2008 (10303039) WARD S2 (10212935) CBA LIANA (10534163) RAFF BOERS SAMMY (10286568) RAFF BOERS AMERICAN IDOL (10377178) RAFF BOERS TEA (10241946) Dam: ENDERLI FARMS LEONA (10441326) CONI R239 (10204187) ENDERLI FARMS KALISTA (10354454) ENDERLI FARMS BG (10204249) ■ Beautiful caped, long bodied, heavily bone 2 teated doe that carries width from front to back yet retains her elegance.Her sire is MCR/RRD Armed & Dangerous " Soon to be Ennobled " The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 20 Doe 2DOX Bonne Vivaut 12/6/10 Pair A Docs TLB M154 **ENNOBLED** TLB P233 **ENNOBLED** 7/2008 (10174544) TLB M151 (10102975) Sire: SWE MAIN EVENT **ENNOBLED** TLB R269 CLASS ACT (10174584) PBL 4B504 (I-10521156) *PBL 3B318 (*I03136043) 2DOX BONNE VIVAUT (10531267) RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** 12/2007 (10269132) RRD R879 (10202375) Dam: 2DOX STARRY EYED (10467656) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 139N BINGO *ENNOBLED* 2DOX BINGO STAR **ENNOBLED** 2/2008 (10218360) CBM TREASURE (10072404) ■ This one of my favorite doe kids. She has all the makings of a superior show doe. Size, elegance and correctness. Watch this one grow and mature – her best days are ahead of her – she has a great show future ahead of her Lot 21 Doe MCR Bayou Babe 12/4/10 Menger Creek Ranch RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** 12/2007 RRD RIGHT ON TARGET V772 **ENNOBLED** 7/2009 RRD T316 (10269145) Sire: D C W/ MCR SLAM DUNK **ENNOBLED** 1/2011 D C W -BO JANGLE **ENNOBLED** 3/2008 D C W /MCR BJ'S SORORITY SISTER (10410721) RRD T573 **ENNOBLED** 12/2008 (10303005) MCR BAYOU BABE (10520522) TLB P233 **ENNOBLED** 7/2008 (10174544) PBL HAMMER (10353947) *PBL 5B87 (*I05193158) Dam: AABG MARIE LAVEAU **DOE OF EXCELLENCE** S2 BONAPARTE **ENNOBLED** 2/2008 (10208712) S2 MASQUERADE **DOE OF EXCELLENCE** 5/2009 S2 FROSTED CRICKET **DOE OF EXCELLENCE** ■ Bayou Babe is straight out of the top of our show string. She was the 2011 Rio Grande Valley Junior Reserve Champion and Reserve Champion Doe at the Cuero Spring Fling earlier this year. Out of the killer flush between Slam Dunk and the 2009 JABGA National Grand Champion Percentage Doe, AABG Marie Lavoe, all these kids are winners. Take her show her, breed her, or flush her, whatever you choose, she's gonna be a winner! The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 22 Doe 2DOX AABG Sugar Me Sweet 3/2/11 Able Acres TLB M154 **ENNOBLED** TLB P233 **ENNOBLED** 7/2008 (10174544) TLB M151 (10102975) Sire: SWE MAIN EVENT **ENNOBLED** TLB R269 CLASS ACT (10174584) PBL 4B504 (I-10521156) *PBL 3B318 (*I03136043) 2DOX AABG SUGAR ME SWEET (10542973) RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD R879 (10202375) Dam: 2DOX SUGER TIME (10409695) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 139N BINGO *ENNOBLED* 2DOX BINGO STAR **ENNOBLED** CBM TREASURE (10072404) ■ If you are searching for that perfect doe....pedigree, here she is. Sugar Me Sweet is a full sister to Reilly Butler's well known-multi champion, 2 DOX Splenda. 2DOX Suger Time X SWE Main Event is a match that never misses for us. Suger Time is a full sister to the 2009 ABGA National Champion buck, 2 DOX Luger and the 2010 ABGA National reserve yearling buck, 2 DOX Cuger. This little doe is only 4 months old and already loaded with meat and muscle, she is very well balanced, big thick top and very sound on the feet and legs. She is show correct and 2 teated 1 + 1 !!! Lot 23 Doe FSE 0058 Molly 4/21/10 Farmer's Stock Exchange FSE 9050 NASDAQ **ENNOBLED** FSE ON DAQ **ENNOBLED** FSE 9162 (10057378) Sire: FSE 7020 ON YOUR MARK (10376712) MOJO MAGIC **ENNOBLED** FSE 4061 **ENNOBLED** FSE 0133 A.O.L. (10073643) FSE 0058 MOLLY (10508236) HMR SUMO *ENNOBLED FSE 9122 BLUE CHIP *ENNOBLED* JLF AMELO PRECIOUS PERFECT **ENNOBLED** Dam: FSE 3234 (10234377) MOJO MAGIC **ENNOBLED** FSE 2169 (10140761) FRANCES **ENNOBLED ■ Molly's (0058) dam was born in 2003 and is still going strong. How's that for productivity and longevity? Just gorgeous sums up Molly and you can quickly see her numerous attributes. 2 teats and a nubbin. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 24 Buck JESTER AABG Steam Roller 10/24/09 Able Acres JRA1 AGNEW'S COLLATERAL DAMAGE **ENNB 2DOX CD'S SALUTE **ENNOBLED** 2DOX GO GIRL **ENNOBLED** Sire: AABG STATUS QUO **ENNOBLED** TLB T333 RIPPER **ENNOBLED** AABG RIPPIN BRASS **ENNOBLED** ASH CREEK BARBIE BRASS **ENNOBLED** JESTER AABG STEAM ROLLER (10491931) RRD GAUGE P529 **ENNOBLED** RIVER RIDGE'S CADILLAC (10342689) 3H CONTAGIOUS (10260253) Dam: RIVER RIDGE'S W741 (10482897) EGGSFILE *ENNOBLED* EGGSCLUSIVE R899 **ENNOBLED** HILLTOP HARLEQUINN **ENNOBLED** ■ Steam Roller was the 2010 ABGA National Overall Res Grand Champion buck. He is the best son to date of AABG NBD Status Quo *Ennobled a legend in the making. Steam Roller has the frame, power, size, and style to move a program forward a high rate of speed. Don’t miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity to own the best. Lot 25 Doe C S B Queen Of Hearts 9/8/09 Circle Star Boer Goats RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD R879 (10202375) Sire: C S B RUGER RELOADED **ENNOBLED** JRA1 AGNEW'S SON OF GUN **ENNOBLED** EGGS T351 **ENNOBLED** EGGS R909 **ENNOBLED** C S B QUEEN OF HEARTS (10485759) RRD S889 **ENNOBLED** EGGSPENSIVE POWERPLAY T451 **ENNOBLED** EGGSPENSIVE MISTRESS **ENNOBLED** Dam: SC4 4C PLAY YOUR CARDS RIGHT FSE 3083 DYNA-MO **ENNOBLED** 2DOX SIMPLY IRRESISTIBLE (10315580) DSM 3B312 CLASSY LADY SA **ENNOBLED** ■ This is the doe everyone has been asking about for some time. She has been outstanding everytime that we have shown her. She has accumulated 115 ABGA points. This is the 2011 National Reserve Grand Champion Fullblood Doe. Opportunities like this don't come around very often. What more do I need to say. WOW!!! The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 26 Doe CBA Kammy SA 7/17/10 CBA Boer Goats RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** RRD R898 CANNON **ENNOBLED** RRD P663 **ENNOBLED** Sire: AGBG GATERIDGE BLASTER EGGSFILE *ENNOBLED* AGBG GATERIDGE FAME E.G.G.S.OTIC (10001988) CBA KAMMY SA (10516355) FSE 2066 AFLAC **ENNOBLED** FSE STORM **SIRE OF MERIT** FSE 0260 (10099566) Dam: CBA KARINA SA (10460791) ABF M28 (10093253) CBA KAROLYN SA (10329252) GATWOOD FARMS KARLA ■ Talk about a pedigree! Triplets run in this family. This 4 teated yearling doe is ready to put with the buck of your choice. Sister to lot #44 Lot 27 Doe MFR1 2DOX Sugar and Spice 3/18/11 Pair A Docs LSBG N1401 **ENNOBLED** TH THE BIG CAT **ENNOBLED** TH N1138 (10111869) Sire: WARD 'S CAT IN THE HAT X111 **ENNOBLED** RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD VALENTINE CANDY W995 **ENNOBLED** RRD T371 (10269043) MFR1 2DOX SUGAR AND SPICE (10539137) TLB P233 **ENNOBLED** SWE MAIN EVENT **ENNOBLED** PBL 4B504 (I-10521156) Dam: 2DOX SPLENDA (10495863) RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** 2DOX SUGER TIME (10409695) 2DOX BINGO STAR **ENNOBLED** ■ Here is a fancy doe kid by a National Champion out of a National Champion. An extreme paint with all the pretty and correctness you would expect from this pedigree. Out of 2DOX Splenda – the 2010 JBGA National Champion Doe, a solid show doe with over 200 points The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 28 Doe 2DOX / AABG Straight Glamor 12/31/10 Able Acres POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 139N BINGO *ENNB TH S4263 (10224059) TH P2035 (10144625) Sire: TH V6232 (10337372) TLB R263 LUKAS (10174576) TH S4139 (10229404) TH R3014 (10187475) 2DOX / AABG STRAIGHT GLAMOR (10542309) FSE ON DAQ **ENNOBLED** FSE 6186 REMAX (10341598) JLF AMELO PRECIOUS PERFECT **ENNB Dam: FSE 8086 ABOVE THE CROWD (10438750) FSE 4071 (10233747) FSE 6195 SALLY MO (10376686) FSE 4061 **ENNOBLED** 6/2008 (10233740) ■ This future star is by TH V6232 “Straight Flush”, who also sired the 2011 Houston Livestock Show Grand Champion Buck. Straight Glamour is wide as a truck off both ends and is loaded with shape. She has a huge volume of natural muscle and a well-designed head. Her dam is a massive FSE doe that is loaded with Ennoblements. Her twin sister also sells. Lot 29 Buck FSE 1002 Motor Mo 1/13/11 Farmer's Stock Exchange *VORSTER (*157BDE1) MOJO MAGIC **ENNOBLED** *NICO BOTHA (*776/600) Sire: FSE 7031 MO MAN (10392048) MOJO MAGIC **ENNOBLED** JLF PILLIO**ENNOBLED FRANCES **ENNOBLED FSE 1002 MOTOR MO (PENDING) FSE ON DAQ **ENNOBLED** 9/2009 (10165173) FSE 7020 ON YOUR MARK (10376712) FSE 4061 **ENNOBLED** 6/2008 (10233740) Dam: FSE 8114 LYNN (10439062) PARM ROCKET MAN (10088790) PAR5 S0080 (10261713) PAR5 SUZIE (10138889) ■ Motor Mo (1002) is heavy made: thick, wide and muscular. He has a clean front and could possibly be a "show wether" maker. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 30 Doe AABG NBD No Doubt About It 12/1/10 Able Acres LSBG N1401 **ENNOBLED** TH THE BIG CAT **ENNOBLED** TH N1138 (10111869) Sire: WARD 'S CAT IN THE HAT X111 **ENNB RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD VALENTINE CANDY W995 **ENNOBLED** RRD T371 (10269043) AABG NBD NO DOUBT ABOUT IT (PENDING) 2DOX CD'S SALUTE **ENNOBLED** AABG STATUS QUO **ENNOBLED** AABG RIPPIN BRASS **ENNOBLED** Dam: AABG NBD LUV AT FIRST SIGHT TLB T333 RIPPER **ENNOBLED** AABG NBD GOOD RIP (10323882) AABG NBD MONEY MAKER (10266628) ■ NO DOUBT ABOUT IT this doe was marked from day one to go into Nathan’s donor program before she was sold. I must have lost my mind but here she is for sale and never flushed. Her Status Quo dam is a full sister to the 2011 Fort Worth Overall Grand Champion doe, AABG NBD What’s Not to Luv and her sire is 2010 ABGA Overall National Grand Champion buck, Ward’s Cat in the Hat *Ennobled. It does not any better than this! Lot 31 Doe CBA Brooks SA 3/11/11 CBA Boer Goats RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** RRD R898 CANNON **ENNOBLED** RRD P663 **ENNOBLED** Sire: AGBG GATERIDGE BLASTER (10365451) EGGSFILE *ENNOBLED* AGBG GATERIDGE FAME (10064643) E.G.G.S.OTIC (10001988) CBA BROOKS SA (10534160) RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** RRD R898 CANNON **ENNOBLED** RRD P663 **ENNOBLED** Dam: EGGS CANNON'S ONE FINE ASSET EGGSPENSE ACCOUNT **ENNOBLED** BIG ROCK CHECK MY ASSETS (10272858) HILLTOP ANNIE (10070994) ■ Very powerful doe with a great chest floor, great rib shape, long neck, and a beautiful head. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 32 Doe K7 KFF Honey Girl 12/15/10 Pair A Docs RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD R879 (10202375) Sire: 2DOX CUGER (10467657) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 139N BINGO *ENNB 2DOX BINGO STAR **ENNOBLED** CBM TREASURE (10072404) K7 KFF HONEY GIRL (10523744) EGGS RYALS MAGNUM**ENNOBLED** RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** RRD MAGNUM'S BEAUTY *ENNOBLED* Dam: 2DOX GIGI (10307898) HMR SUMO *ENNOBLED 05/2001* 2DOX GODIVA **ENNOBLED** JLF GOGO (10018771) ■ This a green doe kid that has that “essence“ of greatness about her for the show ring and as a flush doe. You have to start with this type of extreme individual to produce those show kids that “knock you (and the judge) out”. This is what those extreme ”Farmer” type does look like when they are young. Don’t miss this opportunity. Lot 33 Doe MCR Playin 2 Win 1/20/10 Menger Creek Ranch RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** 12/2007 RRD RIGHT ON TARGET V772 **ENNOBLED** 7/2009 RRD T316 (10269145) Sire: D C W/ MCR SLAM DUNK **ENNOBLED** 1/2011 D C W -BO JANGLE **ENNOBLED** D C W /MCR BJ'S SORORITY SISTER (10410721) RRD T573 **ENNOBLED** 12/2008 (10303005) MCR PLAYIN 2 WIN (10490193) RRD R898 CANNON **ENNOBLED** 6/2006 EGGS TRA BULLETTPROOF V508 **ENNOBLED** 7/2008 EGGS S235 (10325993) Dam: C S B HERA **ENNOBLED** 1/2011 (10405281) RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** 12/2007 RRD CSB FANCY PANTS (10327054) RRD FANCY S211 (10256115) ■ Boy oh Boy, this is the one that hurts to sell. ABGA Pointed Show Doe here! I love the length on this doe and the ultra feminity she shows. She has her daddy's length and topline with her mama's clean front and beautiful head. Very Elegant Show Doe! She needs to continue in the ring. She has passed Visual Inspection for Ennoblement and is show correct. She is definately Playin 2 Win! The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 34 Doe WMM Go's Number One Target 12/8/08 Able Acres RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** 12/2007 RRD R879 (10202375) Sire: RRD RIGHT ON TARGET V772 **ENNOBLED** 7/2009 RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** RRD T316 (10269145) RRD R905 (10211099) WMM GO'S NUMBER ONE TARGET (10463423) EGGS RYALS MAGNUM**ENNOBLED** (10020971) RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** 1/2005 (10136730) RRD MAGNUM'S BEAUTY *ENNOBLED* (10043948) Dam: 2DOX GO GIRL **ENNOBLED** 2/2008 (10307894) HMR SUMO *ENNOBLED 05/2001* (10018711) 2DOX GODIVA **ENNOBLED** 5/2007 JLF GOGO (10018771) ■ When it comes to bred does we like to bring you the best, afterall, this is the "Elite" Coalition. Here is our very best 2 year old fullblood doe. Go's Number One Target has been in our Elite show string and earned herself 85 ABGA points. You won't find a doe with a more level topline. She sells confirmed bred to **Ennobled** Kickin' Brass, who has proven to be the most consistent sire we have at Able Acres. Don't miss this complete package, get yourself a show doe, great donor, and kids on the way!!!! She has been flushed once, 24 out 25 fertile, breeding date 4/13/11. Lot 35 Doe FSE 8157 Beyonce 12/13/08 Farmer's Stock Exchange FSE 9050 NASDAQ **ENNOBLED** FSE ON DAQ **ENNOBLED** FSE 9162 (10057378) Sire: FSE 7020 ON YOUR MARK (10376712) MOJO MAGIC **ENNOBLED** FSE 4061 **ENNOBLED** FSE 0133 A.O.L. (10073643) FSE 8157 BEYONCE (10478018) FSE 9122 BLUE CHIP *ENNOBLED* FSE BIG BLUE (10191150) FSE 0140 (10082684) Dam: FSE 5006 BONNIE (10278857) MOJO MAGIC **ENNOBLED** JLF MARINO (10018740) FRANCES **ENNOBLED ■ Beyonce (8157) has the distinction of 5 Ennoblements in her pedigree and has it all together: powerful wide muzzle, deep jaw, length and width of body. She's level over her rump and square off her legs. 2 teated. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 36 Doe 2DOX I'm Too Sexy 12/6/10 Pair A Docs TLB M154 **ENNOBLED** TLB P233 **ENNOBLED** TLB M151 (10102975) Sire: SWE MAIN EVENT **ENNOBLED** TLB R269 CLASS ACT (10174584) PBL 4B504 (I-10521156) *PBL 3B318 (*I03136043) 2DOX I'M TOO SEXY (10531265) RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD R879 (10202375) Dam: 2DOX STARRY EYED (10467656) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 139N BINGO *ENNB 2DOX BINGO STAR **ENNOBLED** CBM TREASURE (10072404) ■ I had amazing December born flushes last year – so good that I can offer outstanding quality kids like this at the Elite. This is a keeper in anyone’s book, but here she is – all the size, thickness, elegance and pretty you can pack into one package – she is just “Too Sexy” Lot 37 Doe AABG NBD Some Thang 12/1/10 Able Acres LSBG N1401 **ENNOBLED** TH THE BIG CAT **ENNOBLED** TH N1138 (10111869) Sire: WARD 'S CAT IN THE HAT X111 **ENNB RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD VALENTINE CANDY W995 **ENNOBLED** RRD T371 (10269043) AABG NBD SOME THANG (PENDING) 2DOX CD'S SALUTE **ENNOBLED** AABG STATUS QUO **ENNOBLED** AABG RIPPIN BRASS **ENNOBLED** Dam: AABG NBD SWEET THANG (10500761) TLB T333 RIPPER **ENNOBLED** AABG NBD SOME KINDA WONDERFUL PAR5 LEILANI (10183175) ■ SOME THANG is right as this Cat in the Hat daughter is a sight for sore eyes. Her grand dam is a Ripper daughter and is one of our all time favorite show does, AABG NBD Some Kinda Wonderful, who not only was a major show winner but perhaps the coolest looking Ripper daughter to have ever lived. That is if you want them with a neck like a giraffe and as level as a table with style to burn. This one will move many programs ahead by leaps and bounds. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 38 Doe C S B Whirlwind 3/5/10 Circle Star Boers RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD R879 (10202375) Sire: C S B RUGER RELOADED **ENNOBLED** JRA1 AGNEW'S SON OF GUN **ENNOBLED** EGGS T351 **ENNOBLED** 6/2010 (10290476) EGGS R909 **ENNOBLED** C S B WHIRLWIND (10495242) RRD S889 **ENNOBLED** EGGSPENSIVE POWERPLAY T451 **ENNOBLED** EGGSPENSIVE MISTRESS **ENNOBLED** LOT 37 Dam: TST1 TAKEN BY STORM **ENNOBLED** RRD R898 CANNON **ENNOBLED** TST1 V11 **ENNOBLED** 9/2008 CNR P147 **ENNOBLED** ■ CSB Whirlwind is a CSB Ruger Reloaded Ennobled daughter. She is Sired by the 2011 National Grand Champion Get of Sire and out of the 2011 National Grand Champion Produce of Dam, TST1 Taken By Storm Ennobled. This dream flush produced five kids for us that have accumulated a total of 386 ABGA points. This is the only one that we never got to show and that is a big mistake. She needs to be in your show ring if you like rosettes. She is very powerful with a great chest floor, great rib shape, long neck, and pretty head. Her bite is good and she has a clean 2/2 udder. Lot 39 Doe CBA Dunky 7/30/10 CBA Boer Goats RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD RIGHT ON TARGET V772 **ENNOBLED** RRD T316 (10269145) Sire: D C W/ MCR SLAM DUNK **ENNOBLED** D C W -BO JANGLE **ENNOBLED** 3/2008 D C W /MCR BJ'S SORORITY SISTER (10410721) RRD T573 **ENNOBLED** 12/2008 (10303005) CBA DUNKY (10514625) RRD R898 CANNON **ENNOBLED** AGBG GATERIDGE BLASTER (10365451) AGBG GATERIDGE FAME (10064643) Dam: CBA DAWSON SA (10460788) ABF M28 (10093253) CBA DAWNA SA (10329251) DSM LEADING LADY (10241118) ■ One of the few outside breedings we'd like to share with others. Sired by Slam Dunk "Ennobled" x a RRD Cannon Granddaughter. Large framed 4 teated doe that is structurally correct in every aspect. The right breeding could produce some outstanding kids. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 40 Doe 2DOX Star Burst 12/3/10 Pair A Docs TLB M154 **ENNOBLED** TLB P233 **ENNOBLED** TLB M151 (10102975) Sire: SWE MAIN EVENT **ENNOBLED** TLB R269 CLASS ACT (10174584) PBL 4B504 (I-10521156) *PBL 3B318 (*I03136043) 2DOX STAR BURST (10522704) RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD R879 (10202375) Dam: 2DOX STAR PARTY POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 139N BINGO *ENNOBLED* 2DOX BINGO STAR **ENNOBLED** CBM TREASURE (10072404) ■ Here is another example of my fortunate December flushes – this is one that would fit anyone’s breeding and show program. Solid muscled, broad topped, structurally correct and beautiful – all you need to compete at the top Lot 41 %Doe AABG Got It Goin' On 5/7/11 Able Acres TLB T333 RIPPER **ENNOBLED** ANR WIDE LOAD **ENNOBLED** DSM 4B137 **ENNOBLED** Sire: BDK2 AABG RIPPER'S RELOAD (10496859) TLB T333 RIPPER **ENNOBLED** BDK2 AABG ONE HIP RIP (10363718) AABG OOO LA LA R1 **ENNOBLED** AABG GOT IT GOIN' ON (10543826) BIG2 LICENSE TO THRILL (10316743) BIG2 HERMES (10373534) BIG2 HERA **ENNOBLED** Dam: LEGACY FARMS HOT LATTE' (10496370) (BOER X) ■ With TCW Tyra cracking out a double down win at this year's Nationals and Miss Simpton (Lot 25 in the 2010 Elite) producing the reserve grand % doe, it only seems logical, we need to bring you another % doe with a bright future. This shining star has Got It Goin' On now. This is one of our first doe kids out of Ripper's Reload. She is extremely long bodied and freaky long necked. She is just a youngster, but ready for the show ring. She is very uniquely marked with a long red cape that extends ino a saddle across the shoulders and back. She is show correct and 2 teated, 1 + 1. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 42 Doe FSE 9005 Honey Bun 1/17/09 Farmer's Stock Exchange MOJO MAGIC **ENNOBLED** JLF RAMBO **ENNOBLED FRANCES **ENNOBLED Sire: FSE 3091 (10188159) HMR SUMO *ENNOBLED FSE 0099 OPRAH (10073635) JLF MONIT (10018745) FSE 9005 HONEY BUN (10478159) FSE 9050 NASDAQ **ENNOBLED** FSE ON DAQ **ENNOBLED** FSE 9162 (10057378) Dam: FSE 6199 TULULA (10380291) FSE 9122 BLUE CHIP *ENNOBLED* FSE 2157 PLUM **ENNOBLED** FSE 9130 PASSION **ENNOBLED** ■ Honey Bun (9005) is well balanced with a long head held high on a long neck and a long barrell. Additionally, she shows good width of body. She just weaned her twins June 20th. 2 teats and a nubbin. Lot 43 Doe AABG NBD Coming Attraction 5/9/10 Able Acres POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 139N BINGO *ENNOBLED* BDF ANOTHER NOTCH **ENNOBLED** BDF M08 **ENNOBLED** 3/2005 (10126522) Sire: M4R LEWIS CREEK BONO **ENNOBLED** RRD RYALS GOLDUST (10037820) RRD R840 **ENNOBLED** RRD MISS MONROE N393 (10119257) AABG NBD COMING ATTRACTION (PENDING) TLB P233 **ENNOBLED** SWE MAIN EVENT **ENNOBLED** PBL 4B504 (I-10521156) Dam: AABG NBD DREAM GIRL (10533073) TLB T333 RIPPER **ENNOBLED** AABG NBD STANDING OVATION **ENNOBLED** AABG NBD CROWD PLEASER **ENNOBLED** ■ M4R Lewis Creek Bono *Ennobled combined here with our pick of the SWE Main Event *Ennobled x AABG NBD Standing Ovation *Ennobled flush. This table top level show doe prospect has been a stand out here since day one. Excellent outcross potential for flushing to the current popular show lines as this does not have a glaring fault I can find. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 44 Doe CBA Kandace SA 7/17/10 CBA Boer Goats RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** RRD R898 CANNON **ENNOBLED** RRD P663 **ENNOBLED** Sire: AGBG GATERIDGE BLASTER (10365451) EGGSFILE *ENNOBLED* AGBG GATERIDGE FAME (10064643) E.G.G.S.OTIC (10001988) CBA KANDACE SA (10516354) FSE 2066 AFLAC **ENNOBLED** FSE STORM **SIRE OF MERIT** FSE 0260 (10099566) Dam: CBA KARINA SA (10460791) ABF M28 (10093253) CBA KAROLYN SA (10329252) GATWOOD FARMS KARLA (10071516) ■ Still talkin pedigree! Triplets run in this family. This yearling 2 teated doe is ready to put with the buck of your choice. Sister to lot #26 Lot 45 Doe AABG 2DOX Kissin' Brass 9/10/10 Pair A Docs TH S4244 HIGH CLASS (10229451) TLB T333 RIPPER **ENNOBLED** TLB S299 (10223173) Sire: AABG KICKIN' BRASS **ENNOBLED** RYALS TOPBRASS *ENNOBLED 2001* ASH CREEK BARBIE BRASS **ENNOBLED** POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 300R **ENNOBLED** AABG 2DOX KISSIN' BRASS (10519747) TLB P233 **ENNOBLED** SWE MAIN EVENT **ENNOBLED** PBL 4B504 (I-10521156) Dam: 2DOX MAIN SQUEEZE (10413837) FSE 2066 AFLAC **ENNOBLED** FSE 3208 NAMA (10205426) JLF K820R **ENNOBLED** ■ Here is proof that when you combine two great animals you get great results! Kissin' Brass is the daughter of the 2009 ABGA Reserve Grand Fullblood Doe, 2DOX Main Squeeze and the **Ennobled** AABG Kickin' Brass. This genetic combination took us straight to the P's in our dictionary. POWERFUL, PRETTY, PLENTIFUL, PEDIGREE and PICTURE POSE PERFECT !!! She is show correct and two teated. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 46 Buck MCR Wild Card 3/3/11 Menger Creek Ranch RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD RIGHT ON TARGET V772 **ENNOBLED** RRD T316 (10269145) Sire: D C W/ MCR SLAM DUNK **ENNOBLED** D C W -BO JANGLE **ENNOBLED** D C W /MCR BJ'S SORORITY SISTER (10410721) RRD T573 **ENNOBLED** MCR WILD CARD (10529005) TLB P233 **ENNOBLED** SWE MAIN EVENT **ENNOBLED** PBL 4B504 (I-10521156) Dam: MCR OUTLANDISH EVENT (10411329) SLG MONKEY BUSINESS **ENNOBLED** MCR 'S CENTERFOLD **ENNOBLED** RRD MISS MISSISSIPPI **ENNOBLED** ■ What a buck kid! Wild Card is packed full of natural muscle and length thanks to his Sire, Slam Dunk and out of one of our widest and most muscled up does, MCR Outlandish Event. If your looking to add the rib shape, hind muscle and natural thckness, this guys for you! Lot 47 Buck AABG Watcha Need 10/23/10 Able Acres POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 139N BINGO *ENNOBLED* TH S4263 (10224059) TH P2035 (10144625) Sire: TH V6232 (10337372) TLB R263 LUKAS (10174576) TH S4139 (10229404) TH R3014 (10187475) AABG WATCHA NEED (10522410) RRD S889 **ENNOBLED** 1/2006 (10211104) EGGSPENSIVE POWERPLAY T451 **ENNOBLED** EGGSPENSIVE MISTRESS **ENNOBLED** Dam: TST1 EYE OF THE STORM (10456715) RRD R898 CANNON **ENNOBLED** TST1 V11 **ENNOBLED** CNR P147 **ENNOBLED** ■ This pedigree and look is "Watcha Need". His flushmate, Watcha Want, will be remaining at Able Acres as one of our new herd sires. Study the pedigree, TST1 Eye Of The Storm is a full sister to the great TST1 Windy Acres Strategic Power. Power indeed.....we need that in our herd sires. Watcha Need's sire, TH V6232, Straight Flush, has produced some great ones including the multi champion buck, 2DOX Royal Flush. Here is a buck that can fit many needs. He is loaded with muscle, great rib shape, big rack and free movin' as a cat. This buck is show correct. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 48 Buck FSE 1017 Network 1/2/11 Farmer's Stock Exchange MOJO MAGIC **ENNOBLED** FSE 3057 PHENO (10188985) JLF AMELO PRECIOUS PERFECT **ENNOBLED** Sire: FSE 5197 MARVEL **SIRE OF MERIT** LSBG GRANITE (10084136) FSE 4005 (10233701) GHBG P51 (10138135) FSE 1017 NETWORK (PENDING) MOJO MAGIC **ENNOBLED** FSE 170 (10140763) FRANCES **ENNOBLED Dam: FSE 7076 (10420924) FSE 3057 PHENO (10188985) FSE 5174 SASS-A-FRASS (10283125) FSE 1029 BLUE SASSIE (10128361) ■Network (1017) is a stocky built triplet and is a paint. His soft eyes, shapely head and cocky attitude add to his eye appeal. Lot 49 Doe V 2DOX Painted Pretty 2/15/11 Pair A Docs TLB M154 **ENNOBLED** TLB P233 **ENNOBLED** TLB M151 (10102975) Sire: SWE MAIN EVENT **ENNOBLED** TLB R269 CLASS ACT (10174584) PBL 4B504 (I-10521156) *PBL 3B318 (*I03136043) V 2DOX PAINTED PRETTY (PENDING) RRD REMFIRE P493 **ENNOBLED** RRD SURE SHOT T265 **ENNOBLED** RRD TOUCH OF BRASS S1 (10218313) Dam: RRD V478 (10321942) RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD T345 (10269134) RRD R879 (10202375) ■Check out this doe’s top – one of the widest and strongest in the sale. She is 4 square, wide fronted and stout. She is just a mid Feb kid and will mature out to be all the doe you can handle. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 50 Buck AABG NBD Match This 12/16/10 Able Acres LSBG N1401 **ENNOBLED** TH THE BIG CAT **ENNOBLED** TH N1138 (10111869) Sire: WARD 'S CAT IN THE HAT X111 **ENNOBLED** RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD VALENTINE CANDY W995 **ENNOBLED** RRD T371 (10269043) AABG NBD MATCH THIS (PENDING) 2DOX CD'S SALUTE **ENNOBLED** AABG STATUS QUO **ENNOBLED** AABG RIPPIN BRASS **ENNOBLED** Dam: AABG NBD ALL THE RAVE (10501273) TLB T333 RIPPER **ENNOBLED** AABG FSE ON THE MONEY HONEY (10427480) FSE 6056 JORDANIA (10341650) ■ “Match This” is a son of the 2010 ABGA Overall National Champion buck WARD’S Cat in the Hat out of AABG NBD All the Rave the 2010 ABGA National Jr. Res Champion doe. Match This combines a very solid pedigree with equally goods looks? We expect him to wins shows and produce winners for his new owners. This is the kind of buck herds are built around. Lot 51 Doe C S B Cinnamon 3/9/10 Circle Star Boers RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** LOT 51 RRD R879 (10202375) Sire: C S B RUGER RELOADED **ENNOBLED** JRA1 AGNEW'S SON OF GUN **ENNOBLED** EGGS T351 **ENNOBLED** EGGS R909 **ENNOBLED** C S B CINNAMON (10495258) RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD R879 (10202375) Dam: RRD SMOKIN HOT **ENNOBLED** RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** RRD T382 (10269172) RRD P663 **ENNOBLED** ■ This CSB Ruger Reloaded Ennobled daughter is our of RRD Smokin Hot Ennobled. This combination has produced multiple award winners including half of the 2010 National Grand Champion Best Pair of Buck Kids. She has been shown and has show points. She is wide fronted, level backed, level hipped, long necked and has that gorgeous Reload head. She has a good bite and is a clean 2/2 on her teats. She is a full sister to lot #65. This beautiful caped doe will do well in any program. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 52 Doe CBA Kamilah 2/18/11 CBA Boer Goats FSE 9122 BLUE CHIP *ENNOBLED* FSE 2066 AFLAC **ENNOBLED** NK L159 (10047339) Sire: FSE STORM **SIRE OF MERIT** HMR SUMO *ENNOBLED 05/2001* FSE 0260 (10099566) KISSIMO (10012439) CBA KAMILAH (10516359) CONI MACE (10166589) CONI R239 (10204187) CONI M29 (10091845) Dam: ENDERLI FARMS KALISTA BOJO BON JOLI NORTON (10121135) ENDERLI FARMS BG (10204249) CLABO'S M09 (10090696 ■ Beautiful 4 teated Paint doe that's ready to breed or show. Stong, level and wide across her top and hip and carriers herself well on all four. Her sire " FSE Storm " Sire of Merit has been our top wether buck for the past 5 years. Lot 53 %Doe K7 KFF Cookie Doe 10/17/09 Pair A Docs RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD R879 (10202375) Sire: RRD -10B2B AK-47 **ENNOBLED** RRD R898 CANNON **ENNOBLED** RRD T541 (10302989) RRD R865 **ENNOBLED** K7 KFF COOKIE DOE (10484966) BREP S6004 (10238492) JORD V05 (10342981) BREP S17 (10238476) Dam: JORD W7003 **DOE OF EXCELLENCE** (BOER X) ■ Here is an opportunity to buy one of the best percentage does in the business. Multi Champion and this year’s Res National Yearling doe. She is also an outstanding producer. Her Cuger kids are WIDE topped, elegant and unbelievably heavy muscled. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 54 Doe AABG NBD My Body Rox 6/2/10 Able Acres HMB EL COMANDANTE~ (10189199) GHUT FESTUS (10344156) GHUT R183 (10205763) Sire: TH SOME BODY (10391117) TH S4263 (10224059) TH 5188 (10281699) TH S4135 (10224050) AABG NBD MY BODY ROX (10522406) TH S4244 HIGH CLASS (10229451) TLB T333 RIPPER **ENNOBLED** TLB S299 (10223173) Dam: COJ DRJ ROXANNE (10381434) *DSM 9B47 RAINEY (*I9140202) *PBL 2B605 (*I02172156) *PBL 0B484 (*I00179119) ■ A sexy daughter of Roxanne, the great 4-time Ft. Worth Stock Show Champion Doe with over 500 Ennoblement points to her credit. Her sire produced the 2011 Houston Reserve Grand Champion Buck. This doe has a classy design, a shapely top and impressive overall dimension. If you are looking for donor doe candidate, then you should give this one some serious consideration. Lot 55 Doe CBA Anna 7/28/10 CBA Boer Goats RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** RRD R898 CANNON **ENNOBLED** RRD P663 **ENNOBLED** Sire: AGBG GATERIDGE BLASTER (10365451) EGGSFILE *ENNOBLED* AGBG GATERIDGE FAME (10064643) E.G.G.S.OTIC (10001988) CBA ANNA SA (10516351) SWE MAIN EVENT **ENNOBLED** MCR MAIN VENTURE (10411324) MCR 'S CENTERFOLD **ENNOBLED** Dam: CBA DRUANNA SA (10464667) JJC ROSCOE (10203140) JJC DRU (10270940) WSBG HALLIE (10147564) ■ One look at this pedigree and you'll just have to take this girl home. This yearling doe should produce some outstanding kids. 4 teated and structurally correct in every aspect. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 56 Doe FSE 9051 Fashion Statement 3/20/09 Farmer's Stock Exchange FSE 9050 NASDAQ **ENNOBLED** FSE ON DAQ **ENNOBLED** FSE 9162 (10057378) Sire: FSE 7020 ON YOUR MARK (10376712) MOJO MAGIC **ENNOBLED** FSE 4061 **ENNOBLED** FSE 0133 A.O.L. (10073643) FSE 9051 FASHION STATEMENT (10477967) *VORSTER (*157BDE1) MOJO MAGIC **ENNOBLED** *NICO BOTHA (*776/600) Dam: FSE 7039 MISS MO (10392061) MOJO MAGIC **ENNOBLED** JLF PILLIO**ENNOBLED FRANCES **ENNOBLED ■ Fashion Statement (9051) is defined by the beautiful color and width of her head and muzzle and her length of body. Her pedigree includes 5 ennoblements. She weaned 2 doelings in April. 2 teated Lot 57 Doe AABG NBD Show No Merci 6/3/10 Able Acres POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 139N BINGO *ENNB BDF ANOTHER NOTCH **ENNOBLED** BDF M08 **ENNOBLED** 3/2005 (10126522) Sire: M4R LEWIS CREEK BONO **ENNOBLED** RRD RYALS GOLDUST (10037820) RRD R840 **ENNOBLED** RRD MISS MONROE N393 (10119257) AABG NBD SHOW NO MERCI (PENDING) JRA1 AGNEW'S COLLATERAL DAMAGE **ENNB 2DOX CD'S SALUTE **ENNOBLED** 2DOX GO GIRL **ENNOBLED** Dam: AABG NBD MERCI ME (10465769) TLB T333 RIPPER **ENNOBLED** AABG TR7 RIP'S 1ST EDITION **ENNOBLED** KSR S174 (10236675) ■ Show No Merci’s dam, AABG NBD Merci Me won the Missouri State Fair and was Res at the Ohio State fair. The apple does not fall far from the tree and Show No Merci is proof of that. Her sire M4R Lewis Creek Bono *Ennobled has a number of daughters out winning shows every weekend on the always tough Midwest show circuit. Show No Merci is sure to make things more than a little rough for your competition. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 58 Doe CBA Draxy 3/28/11 CBA Boer Goats RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** RRD R898 CANNON **ENNOBLED** RRD P663 **ENNOBLED** Sire: AGBG GATERIDGE BLASTER (10365451) EGGSFILE *ENNOBLED* AGBG GATERIDGE FAME (10064643) E.G.G.S.OTIC (10001988) CBA DRAXY (10540162) GATWOOD FARMS KIRAKA JJC ROSCOE (10203140) GATWOOD FARMS SASHA Dam: JJC DRU (10270940) TNTP TULLY-O-12 (10054280) WSBG HALLIE (10147564) TNTP M91 (10101538) ■ Draxy has a strong level back, great length of body, wide hip, and good spring of rib, good bite and is 4 teated. Lot 59 Doe 2DOX National Anthem 9/22/10 Pair A Docs RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD R879 (10202375) Sire: 2DOX CUGER (10467657) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 139N BINGO *ENNB 2DOX BINGO STAR **ENNOBLED** CBM TREASURE (10072404) 2DOX NATIONAL ANTHEM (10519139) BDF N135 (10138020) BDF 6102 DA VINCI (10327790) BOB S479 (10267810) Dam: TH NATIONAL TREASURE (10468194) TH S4263 (10224059) TH 5151 (10281693) TH P2044 (10152215) ■ Here is powerful Cuger daughter out of an excellent Matt Brown doe. She is a full sister to Pop Star and Rock Star. She has the top, length and elegance of a top show doe. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 60 Doe MCR Extraordinary Measures 3/8/10 Menger Creek Ranch RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** 12/2006 RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** 12/2007 RRD R879 (10202375) Sire: C S B RUGER RELOADED **ENNOBLED** 3/2010 JRA1 AGNEW'S SON OF GUN **ENNOBLED** EGGS T351 **ENNOBLED** 6/2010 (10290476) EGGS R909 **ENNOBLED** 8/2007 MCR EXTRAORDINARY MEASURES (10495002) RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** 12/2006 RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** 12/2007 RRD R879 (10202375) Dam: RRD SMOKIN HOT **ENNOBLED** 9/2010 RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** RRD T382 (10269172) RRD P663 **ENNOBLED** 3/2005 (10165304) ■ This maybe the best pairing we have ever done. This Sire and Dam have produced top ten finishes at the ABGA Nationals for the last two years. Full sister to Able Acres new herd sire, CSB Maximum Impact and Lots 51 & 65. These are the genetics that produce and win! Show correct and has passed Visual Inspection for Ennoblment. Lot 61 Doe BDK2 AABG Baby Ima Want You 12/9/10 Able Acres RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** C S B RUGER RELOADED **ENNOBLED** EGGS T351 **ENNOBLED** Sire: C S B MAXIMUM IMPACT (10469836) RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD SMOKIN HOT **ENNOBLED** RRD T382 (10269172) BDK2 AABG BABY IMA WANT YOU (10526474) TLB T333 RIPPER **ENNOBLED** AABG KICKIN' BRASS **ENNOBLED** ASH CREEK BARBIE BRASS **ENNOBLED** Dam: BDK2 AABG IMA OOH LA LA (10459310) S2 GALILEO **ENNOBLED** 9/2004 (10105120) AABG OOO LA LA R1 **ENNOBLED** FERN HOLLOW'S DAISY (10099988) ■ We get tons of inquires for Ooo La La's progeny. We have only let a few go over the years. Truly amazing how the "look" has carried through the generations. This girl is a chip off the ole block. Absolutely beautiful head bearing the same color as her grandmother, has that same feminine wedge, broody yet elegant. Proud to say that this year's JABGA grand champion fullblood doe was an Ooo La La grand daughter. We have kept several, all are tremendous mothers and consistenlty throw some of our best kids. This is one of our first doe kids sired by CSB Maximum Impact. It won't be easy leading this one to the auction block. She is correct and two teated. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 62 Doe FSE 0035 Mudana 3/4/10 Farmer's Stock Exchange *VORSTER (*157BDE1) MOJO MAGIC **ENNOBLED** *NICO BOTHA (*776/600) Sire: FSE 7031 MO MAN (10392048) MOJO MAGIC **ENNOBLED** JLF PILLIO**ENNOBLED FRANCES **ENNOBLED FSE 0035 MUDANA (10508233) FSE 9122 BLUE CHIP *ENNOBLED* FSE 2066 AFLAC **ENNOBLED** NK L159 (10047339) Dam: FSE 6034 MABEL (10338210) MOJO MAGIC **ENNOBLED** FSE 3060 FRO (10178292) FSE 0036 (10082936) ■ Mudana (0035) is a thick and heavy made yearling and is ready to breed. She's proud to have 4 ennobled goats in her pedigree and has recently been cycling. Notice her widely set and strong horns. 2 teated with a nubbin. Lot 63 Doe 2DOX Puttin' On Aires 12/6/10 Pair A Docs TLB M154 **ENNOBLED** TLB P233 **ENNOBLED** TLB M151 (10102975) Sire: SWE MAIN EVENT **ENNOBLED** TLB R269 CLASS ACT (10174584) PBL 4B504 (I-10521156) *PBL 3B318 (*I03136043) 2DOX PUTTIN' ON AIRES (10532298) RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD R879 (10202375) Dam: 2DOX STARRY EYED (10467656) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 139N BINGO *ENNOBLED* 2DOX BINGO STAR **ENNOBLED** CBM TREASURE (10072404) ■ Now here is a fancy Paint. She has enough flash and dance to be attractive to anyone and the pedigree you can depend on for size and femininity. This doe thinks a lot about herself and so do I. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 64 Doe WMC Artic Cat 1/28/11 Able Acres TLB T333 RIPPER **ENNOBLED** AABG KICKIN' BRASS **ENNOBLED** ASH CREEK BARBIE BRASS **ENNOBLED** Sire: AABG MOZY ON UP (10464642) T4 KIMO SAVI (10220120) T4 DMBR RAD'S HOLY MOLY (10323282) T4 ROSANNA (10156568) WMC ARTIC CAT (10535403) TH S4244 HIGH CLASS (10229451) TLB T333 RIPPER **ENNOBLED** TLB S299 (10223173) Dam: AABG NBD SEXY SUE (10489962) T4 KIMO SAVI (10220120) T4 DIPSTICK (10277440) T4 EXPOSE~ (10181201) ■ Maternal sister to our last years popular sale entry, WMC So Sexy, who wasted no time in claiming a championship at the 2010 Ohio State Fair three weeks after this sale. This ultra cool marked doe has looks that “SCREAMS SHOW ME”. WMC Artic Cat is a line bred Ripper as was the 2011 ABAG National Overall Grand Champion doe. Aritic Cat should be an ideal candidate to head up someone’s show or ET flush program and offers a pedigree that will work well with all the current popular sires. No guess work here! Lot 65 Doe C S B Mocha 3/9/10 Circle Star Boers RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD R879 (10202375) Sire: C S B RUGER RELOADED **ENNOBLED** JRA1 AGNEW'S SON OF GUN **ENNOBLED** EGGS T351 **ENNOBLED** EGGS R909 **ENNOBLED** C S B MOCHA (10495259) RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD R879 (10202375) Dam: RRD SMOKIN HOT **ENNOBLED** RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** RRD T382 (10269172) RRD P663 **ENNOBLED** ■ This CSB Ruger Reloaded Ennobled daughter out of RRD Smokin Hot Ennobled doe is a full sister to lot #51. We made a mistake in not showing these two in the pairs class at Nationals. She is very powerful, wide fronted and loaded with muscle. She has that beautiful Reload head with correct bite and is a clean 2/2 on her teats. Beauty and power what more do you what. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 66 Doe CBA Alondra SA 8/1/09 CBA Boer Goats RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** RRD R898 CANNON **ENNOBLED** RRD P663 **ENNOBLED** Sire: AGBG GATERIDGE BLASTER (10365451) EGGSFILE *ENNOBLED* AGBG GATERIDGE FAME (10064643) E.G.G.S.OTIC (10001988) CBA ALONDRA SA (10516356) FSE ON DAQ **ENNOBLED** FSE 7020 ON YOUR MARK (10376712) FSE 4061 **ENNOBLED** Dam: FSE 8050 AMELIA (10439040) FSE 2066 AFLAC **ENNOBLED** FSE 6120 (10376745) FSE 3201 (10188270) ■ Great brood doe with excellent mothering abilities. Just weaned a set of triplets in June. Her sire is MCR/RRD is Armed & Dangerous " Soon to be Ennobled " Lot 67 Doe MFR1 Decadent 12/15/10 Pair A Docs JRA1 AGNEW'S COLLATERAL DAMAGE **ENNOBLED** 2DOX CD'S SALUTE **ENNOBLED** 2DOX GO GIRL **ENNOBLED** Sire: AABG STATUS QUO **ENNOBLED** TLB T333 RIPPER **ENNOBLED** AABG RIPPIN BRASS **ENNOBLED** ASH CREEK BARBIE BRASS **ENNOBLED** MFR1 DECADENT (10523925) EGGS TRA BULLETTPROOF V508 **ENNOBLED** EGGS TRA TEFLON W698 **ENNOBLED** EGGS S239 (10328506) Dam: 2DOX DIVINITY (10473133) HMR SUMO *ENNOBLED 05/2001* (10018711) 2DOX GODIVA **ENNOBLED** JLF GOGO (10018771) ■ Everyone needs something a little decadent in their lives – here’s your chance to get yours. This pretty doe has legs out on the corners and that Status smoothness. She is out of one of my last Godiva daughters so you can depend on this doe being big, pretty and correct. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 68 Doe AABG BDV Beyond The Limit 3/2/11 Able Acres AABG KICKIN' BRASS **ENNOBLED** AABG TAKIN' NAMES (10447943) WH7 ABELINA 7B30 (10423566) Sire: AABG BDV TAKE IT TO THE LIMIT (10490047) TLB T333 RIPPER **ENNOBLED** AABG JUST HUNKY DORY (10423488) POWELL/HOLMAN 394R (10199361) AABG BDV BEYOND THE LIMIT (10538899) NK FLASH **ENNOBLED** NK YOUNG GUN (10180145) NK L194 (10047282) Dam: KSR HIGHFALUTIN T316 (10304614) GIVINITAGO MUSCAN (10093646) NK N285 (10127748) SLG L45 (10042107) ■ There is no limit to the possibilities this fancy young doe kid presents. Her sire was one of the best bucks we produced in 2009 stemming from 4 generations of AABG genetics. Her dam is our most prolific embryo producer, KSR Highfalutin. This doe has added length of body and is cool fronted. She is a great young show doe prospect that will make an even greater impact in your herd as a brood doe. Lot 69 Buck CBA Sonic Blast 12/22/10 CBA Boer Goats RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** RRD R898 CANNON **ENNOBLED** RRD P663 **ENNOBLED** Sire: AGBG GATERIDGE BLASTER (10365451) EGGSFILE *ENNOBLED* AGBG GATERIDGE FAME (10064643) E.G.G.S.OTIC (10001988) CBA SONIC BLAST (10522457) ABF M28 (10093253) CBA MAVERICK SA (10281004) HBS COOKIE (10152738) Dam: CBA CONTESSA (10372787) CROWN C IDEKO TAHBO **ENNOBLED** CROWN C TAHBO'S TESSA (10173920) *CROWN C XRP XANADU (*I01248087) ■ Here's a buck that should improve anyone's program. This young buck is very powerful and wide as well as very long and level hipped. He has a beautiful head, great neck extension and perfect horn set. His bite is perfect. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 70 Doe K7 KFF Sweet Spot 10/17/10 Pair A Docs TLB M154 **ENNOBLED** TLB P233 **ENNOBLED** TLB M151 (10102975) Sire: SWE MAIN EVENT **ENNOBLED** TLB R269 CLASS ACT (10174584) PBL 4B504 (I-10521156) *PBL 3B318 (*I03136043) K7 KFF SWEET STAR (10517380) RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD R879 (10202375) Dam: 2DOX STAR PARTY (10467650) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 139N BINGO *ENNB 2DOX BINGO STAR **ENNOBLED** CBM TREASURE (10072404) ■ This combination of Powell/Holman, Ruger and Farmer has worked over and over for me. It adds pretty and elegance to a powerful correct structure. This is a star in the making. Lot 71 Doe FSE 8170 Act One 12/16/08 Farmer's Stock Exchange FSE 9050 NASDAQ **ENNOBLED** FSE ON DAQ **ENNOBLED** FSE 9162 (10057378) Sire: FSE 7020 ON YOUR MARK (10376712) MOJO MAGIC **ENNOBLED** FSE 4061 **ENNOBLED** FSE 0133 A.O.L. (10073643) FSE 8170 ACT ONE (10478023) MOJO MAGIC **ENNOBLED** HMR SUMO *ENNOBLED DER WALT ENNOBLED G49 (95243151) Dam: FSE 4097 (10233761) FSE 9050 NASDAQ **ENNOBLED** FSE 3037 (10191148) FSE 0231 RAGE (10095760) ■ Act One (8170) recently weaned a handsome buck and beautiful doe and will be ready to breed this fall. She's another good investment for a possible quick turn-around profit. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 72 Doe AABG NBD Sweet Dreams 12/13/09 Able Acres JRA1 AGNEW'S COLLATERAL DAMAGE **ENNB 2DOX CD'S SALUTE **ENNOBLED** 2DOX GO GIRL **ENNOBLED** Sire: AABG STATUS QUO **ENNOBLED** TLB T333 RIPPER **ENNOBLED** AABG RIPPIN BRASS **ENNOBLED** ASH CREEK BARBIE BRASS **ENNOBLED** AABG NBD SWEET DREAMS (10501952) TH S4244 HIGH CLASS (10229451) TLB T333 RIPPER **ENNOBLED** TLB S299 (10223173) Dam: AABG FSE ON THE MONEY HONEY (10427480) JLF JORDAAN **ENNOBLED** FSE 6056 JORDANIA (10341650) FSE 4052 (10233733) ■ AABG NBD Status Quo *Ennobled and AABG NBD On the Money Honey have generated some outstanding show goats for us most notably AABG NBD All the Rave the 2010 ABGA National Jr. Res Champion doe and AABG NBD Sweeter than Honey the 2011 Res Yearling doe in Fort Worth. Cut from the same mold full sister, Sweet Dreams is an ultra feminine, long bodied, level made doe, which should have no trouble generating the kind of progeny it takes to succeed at any level. Sells open and ready to be flushed! Lot 73 Doe CBA Lissie 3/13/11 CBA Boer Goats RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD R879 (10202375) Sire: RRD ARMED AND DANGEROUS (10378767) RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD T634 **ENNOBLED** WARD S2 (10212935) CBA LISSIE (10543858) FSE 2066 AFLAC **ENNOBLED** FSE STORM **SIRE OF MERIT** FSE 0260 (10099566) Dam: CBA-LISA (10329269) M'BALA BALA(KUDU KING) (10008607) PT M'BALA BALA SIS (10051657) BWY TWISTER'S CODI QUEEN (10020917) ■ This young does pedigree should enhance anyone's program. Structurally correct in every aspect. Her sire is MCR/RRD Armed & Dangerous " Soon to be Ennobled " The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 74 11 Straws of Semen RRD Gauge P529 *Ennobled Hidden Oaks Farm EGGS RYALS MAGNUM **ENNOBLED Sire: RRD REMINGTON M160 **ENNOBLED MISS RRD L87 RRD GAUGE P529 *ENNOBLED RYALS TOPBRASS *ENNOBLED Dam: RRD MS. M27 ENNOBLED MISS RRD L22 ■ Here's a rare opportunity, 11 straws of RRD Gauge P529 semen. Gauge is one of the true backbones of our industry. Gauge is the Highest Point Earning ABGA Buck in History with 4738 points. Gauge is the Sire of many of the best Sires and Dams in the industry and has sired over 30 Ennobled progeny. The sale of the semen will be sold in three lots, two lots of four (4) straws and the remaining three (3) straws will be sold last as one lot of three straws. Each lot will be sold as the number of straws times the amount of money bid, you are bidding on the price per straw in each lot. Semen is stored at Global Genetics, College Station, Texas. Shipping is not included. Lot 75 Doe 2DOX / AABG A Cut Above 12/31/10 Pair A Docs POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 139N BINGO *ENNOBLED* TH S4263 (10224059) TH P2035 (10144625) Sire: TH V6232 (10337372) TLB R263 LUKAS (10174576) TH S4139 (10229404) TH R3014 (10187475) 2DOX / AABG A CUT ABOVE (10542311) FSE ON DAQ **ENNOBLED** 9/2009 (10165173) FSE 6186 REMAX (10341598) JLF AMELO PRECIOUS PERFECT **ENNOBLED** Dam: FSE 8086 ABOVE THE CROWD (10438750) FSE 4071 (10233747) FSE 6195 SALLY MO (10376686) FSE 4061 **ENNOBLED** ■ This elegant “Straight Flush” daughter is out of my pick of the Farmer does in the 2009 Elite Sale. She is an elegant well built young doe with lots of stretch and flash. She is 2 teated. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 76 Doe MCR Slam's Superstition 1/19/11 Menger Creek Ranch RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** 12/2007 RRD RIGHT ON TARGET V772 **ENNOBLED** 7/2009 RRD T316 (10269145) Sire: D C W/ MCR SLAM DUNK **ENNOBLED** 1/2011 D C W -BO JANGLE **ENNOBLED** 3/2008 D C W /MCR BJ'S SORORITY SISTER (10410721) RRD T573 **ENNOBLED** 12/2008 MCR SLAM'S SUPERSTITION (10522542) POWELL/HOLMAN BINGO'S SUPERMAN **ENNB SGR SUPERMAN'S NITRO **ENNOBLED** 2/2007 J&J ASHA'S SIX STAR **ENNOBLED** 5/2008 Dam: S G R SHEZA DANDY (10400690) EGGSPENSE ACCOUNT **ENNOBLED** 6/2004 EGGS PANACEA (10191263) TX02 N905 (10142320) ■ What a beautiful show doe. Long, elegant and nicely balanced best describes her attributes. Superstition came right out of our show string and has accumulated show points, keep her going. Correct in the mouth and clean 2/2 teated. Don't be superstitious about this one! Lot 77 Buck AABG 2DOX APOCALYPTIQ 12/9/10 Able Acres SUBSTITUTION RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD R879 (10202375) Sire: C S B RUGER RELOADED **ENNOBLED** JRA1 AGNEW'S SON OF GUN **ENNOBLED** EGGS T351 **ENNOBLED** EGGS R909 **ENNOBLED** AABG 2DOX APOCALYPTIQ (10525763) JRA1 AGNEW'S COLLATERAL DAMAGE **ENNB 2DOX CD'S SALUTE **ENNOBLED** 2DOX GO GIRL **ENNOBLED** Dam: AABG 2DOX HYPNOTIQ TLB T333 RIPPER **ENNOBLED** AABG 2DOX RIPNOTIQ (10369207) 2DOX DIVA **ENNOBLED** ■ This buck is a substitution. It is unfortunate that we had to pull Max Your Game from the sale. He had a minor injury to the right ear, swelled and slightly infected. Our SUB is your gain. Here is one of the super young bucks straight out of the keeper pen. If you need length, power and performance, this is the buck for your program. He is super long spined and reminds us of his grand sire, 2DOX CD's Salute, at this stage of his growth cycle. This is going to be one big boy, 7 months 160 lbs. He tracks out wide behind. He is heavy boned and big footed. CSB Ruger Reloaded sired many of this year's ABGA National class winners as well as the overall reserve grand doe!!! He is show correct. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 78 Buck FSE 0088 Rascal 5/7/10 Farmer's Stock Exchange TH S4244 HIGH CLASS (10229451) TLB T333 RIPPER **ENNOBLED** TLB S299 (10223173) Sire: FSE 811 0 RIP IT UP (10454650) FSE 9122 BLUE CHIP *ENNOBLED* FSE TRUE BLUE (10392175) SGF 5034 (10282716) FSE 0088 RASCAL (10535324) FSE 9050 NASDAQ **ENNOBLED** FSE ON DAQ **ENNOBLED** FSE 9162 (10057378) Dam: FSE 7084 (10420929) FSE 3057 PHENO (10188985) FSE 5178 (10283128) FSE 0198 BRAT (10128276) ■ Rascal (0088) is the buck you can expect to produce show wethers. He's upfronted, stands wide, is long bodied, has a long twist and good muscling in the hindquarters. And, he is pretty. Lot 79 Buck 2DOX Big Bang 3/24/10 Pair A Docs RYALS TOPBRASS *ENNOBLED RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD P635 (10159438) Sire: RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD GAUGE P529 **ENNOBLED** RRD R879 (10202375) RRD P523 (10136743) 2DOX BIG BANG (10501676) 2SIS 324M *ENNOBLED POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 139N BINGO *ENNOBLED* 2SIS 51K (10019395) Dam: 2DOX BINGO STAR **ENNOBLED** RAM H TOBIAS *ENNOBLED CBM TREASURE (10072404) JLF GOGO (10018771) ■ It is hard to understate this opportunity. Here is your chance to buy a yearling RUGER son out of my most prolific doe, 2DOX Bingo Star (1200 ABGA points). A full brother to National Champion 2DOX Luger and Res National Champion Yearling, 2DOX Cuger. I own 9 full brothers and sisters – this is the core of the 2DOX breeding program The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 80 Doe AABG NBD Glory Bound 6/3/10 Able Acres TH S4244 HIGH CLASS (10229451) TLB T333 RIPPER **ENNOBLED** TLB S299 (10223173) Sire: TLB K&D'S ONE TUFF RIP (10451305) TLB S278 (10223141) TLB T342 (10276672) POWELL/HOLMAN 26R (10182654) AABG NBD GLORY BOUND (PENDING) JRA1 AGNEW'S COLLATERAL DAMAGE **ENNB AABG/LOID VINDICATOR **ENNOBLED** AABG JEWEL **ENNOBLED** 2/2007 (10212750) Dam: AABG NBD NEW SENSATION **ENNOBLED** POWELL/HOLMAN 231P **ENNOBLED** AABG NBD CROWD PLEASER **ENNOBLED** BNZ LYDIA **ENNOBLED** ■ AABG NBD Glory Bound is the largest volume and fastest performing flush daughter of the late great AABG NBD New Sensation *Ennobled and TLB K&D’s One Tuff RIP the 2009 Overall Res Grand Champion buck at the NAILE show winner as well, as the Smith/Blair sale’s $9000 high selling buck. AABG NBD New Sensation *Ennobled has 156 individual ennoblement points and 212 progeny recorded ennoblement points. This doe will set you on the path bound for Boer goat glory. Lot 81 Doe C S B Z196 3/30/10 Circle Star Boers RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** C S B RUGER RELOADED **ENNOBLED** EGGS T351 **ENNOBLED** Sire: C S B NITRO EXPRESS (10456259) EGGS TRA BULLETTPROOF V508 **ENNOBLED** TST1 PRAIRIE SAPPHIRE **ENNOBLED** TST1 V12 **ENNOBLED** C S B Z196 (10495265) RRD R898 CANNON **ENNOBLED** C S B W27 HERCULES **ENNOBLED** EGGS R948 **ENNOBLED** Dam: C S B ITSY (10426066) RIVER RIDGE'S SIR WINSTON **ENNOBLED** KTM SHE IS ALL THAT (10339834) KTM NELDA (10130204) ■ This doe is sired by CSB Nitro Express, a multiple champion son of CSB Ruger Reloaded Ennobled. The dam is a daughter of CSB W27 Hercules Ennobled. She is strong back, level hip doe with good bite and correct udder. She sells exposed to TST1 Strategic Power and will be confirmed by ultrasound at time of sale. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 82 Doe CBA Adorable SA 8/1/09 CBA Boer Goats RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD R879 (10202375) Sire: RRD ARMED AND DANGEROUS (10378767) RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD T634 **ENNOBLED** WARD S2 (10212935) CBA ADORABLE SA (10479044) FSE 2066 AFLAC **ENNOBLED** FSE STORM **SIRE OF MERIT** FSE 0260 (10099566) Dam: CBA ADELLA SA (10372780) ABF M28 (10093253) CBA ADELL SA (10290419) CROWN C LIL MO'S MEG (10246808) ■ Great brood doe with excellent mothering abilities. Just weaned a set of triplets in June. Her sire is MCR/RRD is Armed & Dangerous " Soon to be Ennobled " Lot 83 Doe 2DOX Splashed Up 12/16/10 Pair A Docs TLB M154 **ENNOBLED** TLB P233 **ENNOBLED** TLB M151 (10102975) Sire: SWE MAIN EVENT **ENNOBLED** TLB R269 CLASS ACT (10174584) PBL 4B504 (I-10521156) *PBL 3B318 (*I03136043) 2DOX SPLASHED UP (10542287) *DIRK LOWE (*UB0013) CBC FREIGHTRAIN **ENNOBLED** (*FV2046) Dam: FSE 5056 CANDY (10279719) FSE 9122 BLUE CHIP *ENNOBLED* FSE 2157 PLUM **ENNOBLED** FSE 9130 PASSION **ENNOBLED** ■ This paint doe has her size, scope and correctness backed up by Main Event and FSE Candy. Wide, thick and full of muscle. If you need to add some scope and size to your pedigree, this girl will do it without loosing the pretty and femininity we need in our Boer does. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 84 Doe AABG Hello Gorgeous 10/23/10 Able Acres JRA1 AGNEW'S COLLATERAL DAMAGE **ENNB 2DOX CD'S SALUTE **ENNOBLED** 2DOX GO GIRL **ENNOBLED** Sire: AABG STATUS QUO **ENNOBLED** TLB T333 RIPPER **ENNOBLED** AABG RIPPIN BRASS **ENNOBLED** ASH CREEK BARBIE BRASS **ENNOBLED** AABG HELLO GORGEOUS (10536571) TLB P233 **ENNOBLED** 7/2008 (10174544) SWE MAIN EVENT **ENNOBLED** PBL 4B504 (I-10521156) Dam: AABG SILVER SCREEN (10447951) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 151N **ENNOBLED** S2 CLASSIC ATTRACTION (10225384) S2 DEMI **ENNOBLED** 5/2005 (10078146) ■Check out this sleek, well balanced Status Quo daughter out of Silver Screen, the 2010 JABGA National Champion Yearling Doe. She is a trim made, angular beauty with undeniable potential. She is a great age to show for the rest of the summer. She will take you to the top of the line! Lot 85 Doe FSE 0081 Angelina 5/2/10 Farmer's Stock Exchange JLF RAMBO **ENNOBLED FSE 3091 (10188159) FSE 0099 OPRAH (10073635) Sire: FSE 6123 DUDE (10376752) HMR SUMO *ENNOBLED FSE 0260 (10099566) KISSIMO (10012439) FSE 0081 ANGELINA (10521841) FSE 3091 (10188159) FSE 6123 DUDE (10376752) FSE 0260 (10099566) Dam: FSE 8125 SERENA (10478012) FSE 3057 PHENO (10188985) FSE 6168 ACCOLADE (10341596) FSE 3167 (10188235) ■Angelina didn't make it to the breeding pen last year for lack of space. Hence, she's a well-fleshed, large framed and energized yearling with an attitude. Note the width between both her front and back legs and over her top. She's the perfect age and in optimum shape for fall breeding. Angelina is a perfect example of a pedigree influenced by Rambo. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 86 Doe J6 B BAR B Merlot 10/13/10 Able Acres LAB RED RYDER **ENNOBLED** PDF T513 **ENNOBLED** KALR 1/2 RED SURPRISE S78 (10237897) Sire: LAZY S-T OUTBACK JACK (10466972) DER WAR PAINT **ENNOBLED** OUTBACK BOERS ROULETTS' ROSE (10219679) T4 RACHEL (10189555) J6 B BAR B MERLOT (10535449) TLB T333 RIPPER **ENNOBLED** TLB W780 LARY'S CRYIN **ENNOBLED** TLB T353 (10273000) Dam: ERJ KISS MY KHARIZMA (10466285) BGY 357 MAGNUM (10274804) DOUBLE P GLITTER GIRL (10424115) ■Nice solid RED doe that seems to just keep getting better with time just like a fine wine. With Ripper and War Paint on the back side of her pedigree this one should mature into a first class red doe for her new owner. Sells open Lot 87 Doe CBA Polly 3/12/11 CBA Boer Goats RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** RRD R898 CANNON **ENNOBLED** RRD P663 **ENNOBLED** Sire: AGBG GATERIDGE BLASTER (10365451) EGGSFILE *ENNOBLED* AGBG GATERIDGE FAME (10064643) E.G.G.S.OTIC (10001988) CBA POLLY (10540161) EGGSFILE *ENNOBLED* WTSJ EGGSALIVE IN 2005 **ENNOBLED** PRSR CA-TY-A (10221947) Dam: BAR NONE GOOD GOLLY MISS MOLLY (10445499) LSBG N1403 (10105407) LONE STAR BOER GOATS R1962 IMA (10179642) LSBG N1414 (10105887) ■Here's a doe that needs to show. Wide and level across her top and very elegant up through her neck and head. Tracks wide and is square on all 4. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 88 Doe 4C High Card Queen 3/9/11 Pair A Docs RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD R879 (10202375) Sire: 2DOX CUGER (10467657) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 139N BINGO *ENNOBLED* 2DOX BINGO STAR **ENNOBLED** CBM TREASURE (10072404) 4C HIGH CARD QUEEN (PENDING) RRD S889 **ENNOBLED** EGGSPENSIVE POWERPLAY T451 **ENNOBLED** EGGSPENSIVE MISTRESS **ENNOBLED** Dam: SC4 4C PLAY YOUR CARDS RIGHT (10426736) FSE 3083 DYNA-MO **ENNOBLED** 2DOX SIMPLY IRRESISTIBLE (10315580) DSM 3B312 CLASSY LADY SA **ENNOBLED** ■If you play your cards right, this beautiful doe will bring home the chips. She is a green March kid, but has the makings of those ultra feminine does that mature into magnificent show does. Her dam is the producer of this year’s ABGA Res National Champion doe. You can bet on this one. Lot 89 Doe AABG Cugerlicious 12/18/10 Able Acres RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD R879 (10202375) Sire: 2DOX CUGER (10467657) POWELL/HOLMAN 2SIS 139N BINGO *ENNOBLED* 2DOX BINGO STAR **ENNOBLED** CBM TREASURE (10072404) AABG CUGERLICIOUS (10539276) RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** RRD R898 CANNON **ENNOBLED** RRD P663 **ENNOBLED** Dam: 2DOX /AABG REGAL ELEGANCE (10370133) JLF RAMBO **ENNOBLED 2DOX SHEER ELEGANCE **ENNOBLED** NK NAOMI (10073155) ■Here’s another smokin’ hot Cuger doe by Regal Elegance, who is a full sister to 2DOX/AABGBold Rush *Ennobled*. You will find Ruger, Brass Shot, Bingo, Sumo, Cannon, Gunsmoke, Rambo, Mojo Magic and Gauge all up close in this stunning young does pedigree. She had no choice but to be good and she is! This doe will make a name for herself when it’s all said and done. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 90 Doe FSE 0020 Gracie 1/13/10 Farmer's Stock Exchange TLB T333 RIPPER **ENNOBLED** ANR HOT COMMODITY **ENNOBLED** DSM 4B137 **ENNOBLED** Sire: FSE 8121 BARACK (10454655) FSE 2066 AFLAC **ENNOBLED** FSE 4093 (10233758) JLF CELLO (10018741) FSE 0020 GRACIE (10508223) FSE 9050 NASDAQ **ENNOBLED** FSE ON DAQ **ENNOBLED** FSE 9162 (10057378) Dam: FSE 6159 (10376615) FSE 2066 AFLAC **ENNOBLED** FSE 4019 (10233711) FSE 0080 ELLIE (10095788) ■Gracie (0020) is square off her legs and wide over her hips. She has not kidded and we have no record of ever having put her with a buck. 2 teats and 2 nubbins. Lot 91 Doe C S B Z193 3/10/10 Circle Star Boers RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD RIGHT ON TARGET V772 **ENNOBLED** RRD T316 (10269145) Sire: D C W/ MCR SLAM DUNK **ENNOBLED** D C W -BO JANGLE **ENNOBLED** D C W /MCR BJ'S SORORITY SISTER (10410721) RRD T573 **ENNOBLED** C S B Z193 (10495263) RYALS TOPBRASS *ENNOBLED EGGS BLAKE *ENNOBLED EGGSTRASENORY PERFECTION **ENNOBLED** Dam: EGGS S103 (10280004) EGGSFILE *ENNOBLED* EGGSPENSIVE MISTRESS **ENNOBLED** EGGSPENSE (10064506) ■This doe is sired by DCW/MCR Slam Dunk Ennobled out of a Eggs Blake Ennobled daughter. This is a very large frame, powerful doe with correct udder and good bite she sells exposed to CSB Ruger Reloaded Ennobled and will be confirmed by ultrasound at time of sale. In event she is not bred, we will rebreed her in the fall. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 92 Buck FSE 0100 Riptide 6/5/10 Farmer's Stock Exchange TH S4244 HIGH CLASS (10229451) TLB T333 RIPPER **ENNOBLED** TLB S299 (10223173) Sire: FSE 811 0 RIP IT UP (10454650) FSE 9122 BLUE CHIP *ENNOBLED* FSE TRUE BLUE (10392175) SGF 5034 (10282716) FSE 0100 RIPTIDE (PENDING) PARM GORGEOUS GEORGE **ENNOBLED** RWF LITTLE GEORGE (10200026) RWF 28 (10128749) Dam: RWF Y204 (10271775) PARM STARMAN *ENNOBLED RWF STARLETT (10200027) RWF 30 (10128750) ■Riptide (0100) Look to him as a wether buck with his length, round muscling in the hindquarters, neck extension, volume and overall eye appeal. Lot 93 %Does MCR A1120 & MCR A1121 6/10/11 Menger Creek Ranch RRD RIGHT ON TARGET V772 **ENNB D C W/ MCR SLAM DUNK **ENNOBLED** D C W /MCR BJ'S SORORITY SISTER Sire: MCR HOLY SMOKE! (10490188) EGGS TRA BULLETTPROOF V508 **ENNB C S B HERA **ENNOBLED** 1/2011 RRD CSB FANCY PANTS (10327054) Dam: SPANISH ■What a cool set of twin percentage doe kids. Sired by one of the best Slam Dunk sons, MCR Holy Smoke! Plenty of eye appeal here. Twin doe kids will sell with dam. Sire - MCR Holy Smoke! The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 94 %Doe CBA Africa 2/5/11 CBA Boer Goats FSE 9122 BLUE CHIP *ENNOBLED* (10054100) FSE 2066 AFLAC **ENNOBLED** NK L159 (10047339) Sire: FSE STORM **SIRE OF MERIT** HMR SUMO *ENNOBLED FSE 0260 (10099566) KISSIMO (10012439) CBA AFRICA (10534149) CBM DOUBLE RANSOM (10199296) CBM SPOTS (10234880) CBM SHAKALA (10123774) Dam: T.A.P AMELIA **DOE OF EXCELLENCE** (OTHER) ■Full sister to our 2010 National Grand Champion pair of percentage does & Produce of dam. Dam is a Doe of Excellence and her sire is a Sire of Merit. Sister to Lot #96 Lot 95 %Doe CBA Dhalia 2/18/11 CBA Boer Goats RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD R879 (10202375) Sire: RRD ARMED AND DANGEROUS (10378767) RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD T634 **ENNOBLED** WARD S2 (10212935) CBA DHALIA (10534156) FSE 2066 AFLAC **ENNOBLED** FSE STORM **SIRE OF MERIT** FSE 0260 (10099566) Dam: CBA DHARMA (10380032) CBA GERONIMO SA (10211428) CBA DAISY (10329255) (OTHER) ■4 teated show quality doe. Elegant up fronted heavily bone doe that carries width from front to back yet retains her elegance. Her sire is MCR/RRD Armed & Dangerous "Soon to be Ennobled" The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 96 %Doe CBA Tamika 3/22/11 CBA Boer Goats TLB P233 **ENNOBLED** SWE MAIN EVENT **ENNOBLED** PBL 4B504 (I-10521156) Sire: MCR MAIN VENTURE (10411324) SLG MONKEY BUSINESS **ENNOBLED** MCR 'S CENTERFOLD **ENNOBLED** RRD MISS MISSISSIPPI **ENNOBLED** CBA TAMIKA (10536944) Dam: (BOER X) ■This young doe would make a great show prospect. She is wide and level across her top and carriers her elegance up through her neck and head. Lot 97 %Doe CBA Hermosa 3/10/11 CBA Boer Goats DCW VIPER **ENNOBLED** PVGR DIMENSION **ENNOBLED** PVGR S392 (10228193) Sire: MCR TRASH TALKER (10444390) SLG MONKEY BUSINESS **ENNOBLED** MCR 'S CENTERFOLD **ENNOBLED** RRD MISS MISSISSIPPI **ENNOBLED** CBA HERMOSA (10534158) CROWN C IDEKO TAHBO **ENNOBLED** CBA GERONIMO SA (10211428) CIRCLE R CHEROKEE (10138680) Dam: CBA BEAUTY (10380027) LAB CADEN (10165382) LAB AGNEW'S BLACK BEAUTY (10249886) (SPG16) ■Don't pass on this Beautiful show quality doe. Wide and level across her top and very elegant up through her neck and head. The Elite Coalition Sale Lot 98 %Doe CBA Queen of Hearts 2/22/11 CBA Boer Goats RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD RUGER T307 **ENNOBLED** RRD R879 (10202375) Sire: RRD ARMED AND DANGEROUS (10378767) RRD BRASS SHOT S916 **ENNOBLED** RRD T634 **ENNOBLED** WARD S2 (10212935) CBA QUEEN OF HEARTS (10536941) RRD GUNSMOKE P502 **ENNOBLED** ASH CREEK PISTOL GRIP (10259413) ASH CREEK BRIGHT STAR **ENNOBLED** Dam: AGBG GATERIDGE ACES WILD (10365455) CONI N110 (10116607) CONI GATERIDGE ROLL THE DICE (10250796) (BOER) ■This Beautiful young 4 teated doe comes straight from our show string. Her sire is MCR/RRD is Armed & Dangerous "Soon to be Ennobled" Lot 99 %Doe CBA Arizona 2/5/11 CBA Boer Goats FSE 9122 BLUE CHIP *ENNOBLED* FSE 2066 AFLAC **ENNOBLED** NK L159 (10047339) Sire: FSE STORM **SIRE OF MERIT** HMR SUMO *ENNOBLED FSE 0260 (10099566) KISSIMO (10012439) CBA ARIZONA (10534150) CBM DOUBLE RANSOM (10199296) CBM SPOTS (10234880) CBM SHAKALA (10123774) Dam: T.A.P AMELIA **DOE OF EXCELLENCE** (OTHER) ■Full sister to our 2010 National Grand Champion Pair of Percentage Does & Produce of Dam. Dam is a Doe of Excellence and her sire is a Sire of Merit. Sister to Lot #91 The Elite Coalition Sale 2010 VI 2010 High Selling Doe 2DOX / Rose It's Show Time Consigned by Pair A Docs Purchased by Carlie Callahan - Burton, TX 2010 High Selling Buck DCW Bo Jangle *Ennobled Consigned by Widener Boer Goats Purchased by Daryl Fryman - Stamping Ground, KY 2010 Volume Buyer Ed Borges - Moorpark, CA Thanks to all buyers and bidders at our previous sales! Your support is greatly appreciated!
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