ALCOA ReynobondSSCM - Catalogue
ALCOA ReynobondSSCM - Catalogue
Stainless steel composite panel Reynobond® Architecture Inox References Inox Patterned: Graved with a linen Inox Satin (2B): Slightly bright/glossy, uniform, with low roughness Inox Bright (BA): Bright and uniform surface with low roughness Inox Brushed: Fine grained polish brushed aspect (Note: Colour variations on Inox Brushed may occur originating from the natural properties of the material.) Inox Patterned Inox Satin (2B) Inox Bright (BA) Inox Brushed Main features Two stainless steel skins bonded to a thermoplastic fire-retardant core material. Reynobond® Architecture has an extraordinary bond integrity and offers utmost corrosion resistance. The advantages are particularly apparent for large area applications which place exceptionally high demands on evenness and stiffness. Application Reynobond ® Architecture is a composite material especially developed for outdoor applications such as ventilated facade, interior furnishing, and designing facades, both in the area of new buildings as well as refurbishments. Reynobond® Architecture can be installed in different cassette systems (available on, screwed and riveted systems. The Reynobond® Architecture panel system distinguishes itself through its low expansion coefficient and simple processing characteristics; it also offers outstanding mechanical characteristics, such as increased impact resistance. Stainless steel Core (FR) Stainless steel Riverside Hotel Radisson Blu | Göteborg | Sweden | Reflex Arkitekter AB | Staticus Composition Panel thickness 4 mm Stainless steel skins thickness 0.3 mm (–0 / +0.2 mm) Alloy top side ASTM 304 (1.4301) alternative in 316 L (1.4404) Alloy reverse side ASTM 304 (1.4301) Core FR (fire-retardant) Front side finish Inox Patterned, Inox Satin (2B), Inox Bright (BA) or Inox Brushed Reverse side finish 2R Panel data Width 1,000 mm / 1,250 mm (–0 / +3 mm) Length* 2,000 mm up to 6,050 mm (<4 m: –0 / +3 mm; >4 m: –0 / +6 mm) Weight 10.34 kg / m² Tolerance in squareness <3 mm Tolerance in bow <2 mm / 500 mm over lengths and widths Performance of the Reynobond® composite panel Bond integrity ASTM D903 4.37 N / mm (mini) or 25 pli Tensile yield (in process) Stiffness (EI) CSTB, DIBT Flexural modulus ASTM C393 (& ASTM D790) Thermal expansion Sound attenuation (RW) 0.465 kN m² / m 200,000 MPa 1.6 mm / m for a temperature variation of 100 °C ASTM E90 26 dB Temperature resistance –40 °C / +80 °C Maximum allowable deflection L / 30 (allows higher wind pressure or bigger sized elements) Performance of the stainless steel sheet Nuance EN 10088-2 1.4301 1.4404 Nuance ASTM A240 304 316 L Tensile strength R m EN 10002-1 670 620 Yield strength Rp0,2 EN 10002-1 320 340 Elongation A 50 mm EN 10002-1 50 % 48 % Manufacturer’s particulars and installers qualifications Due to the extreme toughness of stainless steel, special fabrication guidelines need to be taken into consideration (Cf. Technical Department). Cladding manufacturer should have certificate according to ISO 9001. Aluminium composite cladding should be installed by a fabricator/ installator authorized by the principal manufacturer. The fabricator/installator shall have a minimum experience of 5 years in successfully installing composite cladding. The installation team should have sufficient experience in installing cladding. Contractor shall submit 10 years work guarantee from date of handing over. Cleaning Frequent and regular cleaning is strongly recommended.The frequency of cleaning and selection of the appropriate cleaning agent depends on the site location and on the degree of contamination. Washing operations must be carried out progressively from bottom to top. • Wipe along the polishing direction, not across it. Work from top to bottom in overlapping strokes. • Do not use wire wool or hand objects to remove stubbom stains. • Do not use chlorine containing cleaning agents auch as bleach or strong acids (e. g. mortar removers). • Rinse away cleaning chemicals with liberal amounts of tap water. Wipe dry, if possible. • Do not use swimming pool water for cleaning. This data sheet refers to currently available products. Please notice that the specific characteristics of each project have to be taken into account (country, delivery time etc.). Alcoa Architectural Products 1 rue du Ballon 68500 Merxheim, France Tel. +33 (0) 3 89 74 47 63 Fax +33 (0) 3 89 74 46 90 Juni 2013 * The container transport does not allow more than 5.9 m in lengths.