2nd Infantry Division - 1951 - General Orders 106 Thru 108


2nd Infantry Division - 1951 - General Orders 106 Thru 108
2nd Infantry Division
Korean War Awards
General Orders 1951 106 Thru 108
Korean War Project Record: 2ID Generals Orders File - GO-59
PID: 11
National Archives and Records Administration
College Park, Maryland
Records: United States Army
Unit Name: Second Infantry Division
Record Group: RG407
Editor: Hal Barker
Korean War Project
P.O. Box 180190
Dallas, TX 75218-0190
Search 2nd Division Awards Database
2d Infantry Divi :.> ion
APO 248 c/o Postmas ter
San Francisco California
13 May 1951
Section I
AWARD OF THE SILVER STAR --- By .d irection of the Pre.sident, under
the provisions of the Act of Congress, approved 9 July 1918 ( i'ID Bul 3,
1918) 1 and pursuant to authority in AR 600-45, the Silver Star for gallantry in action is awarded posthumously to the following named enlisted
SERGEANT LAWRENCE NUUKENA, ER54051317, (then F-rivate First Class),
Infantry, Army of the United States, a member of Company K, 23d Infantry
Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, displayed gallantry in. action against
an armed enemy on 13 February 1951 in the vicinity of_., Chipyong-ni, Korea.
Company K was under attack by a numerically superior enemy force. During
the engagement Sergeant Numkena, a Browning autorr.atic rifleman, observed
a large enemy force advancing up a draw to his left front. He cciolly
waited until the enemy were within range and then opened a stream of
devastating automatic rifle fire which killed 16 of the enemy and dispersed
the remainder. Later, he was informed that another enemy force was approaching from a gulley to his left flank. Under intense mortar, machine
gun and small arms fire he crawled from his foxhole anc along a ridge
line to a position directly in front of the oncoming enemy. From his
exposed position he lobbed hand grenades into the midst of the enemy
and then opened fire with his automatic rifle, killing 27 and routing the
survivors. The gallantry displayed by Sergeant NUrnkena reflects great
credit upon himself and the military service. Entered the military ser- ,
\(11\ t;JPrf"
vice from New Mexico .
PRIVATE PAUL STAMPER, RA154=;:}3702, Infantry, United States Army, a
member .of Company G, 23d Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, displayed gallantry in action against an armed enemy on 15 February 1951
near Chipyong-ni, Korea,· In. ~he early morning hours of that date the
defensive positions qf his company . were subjected to intense enemy automatic
weap9ns and mortar fire. When a eo~~unicetion wire was severed by mortar
fire, Private Stamper fearlessly advanced across open terrain raked by
heavy enemy fire in order to reach and repair the break. As he returned
to his original position, he was pinned down by fire from a hostile machine
gun •. He slowly inched his way to a position close to the enemy emplacement
from ~hich he was able to lob a hand grenade into it, knocking it out. In
th~ c?9w;se of this action his unit was ;forced tb withdraw approximately
400 yard.s t6 more tenable positions, li'hen the company la~er counterattacked
and regained the lost ground it was discovered that Private Stamper was
killed while performing his heroic action. The gallantry displayed by
Private Stamper ref1.ect~ great credit upon himself and the military service.
Entered the military service from Kentucky.
1 sf~ l, ~l
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100487
GO No 106, Hg 2d Inf Div, APO 248, 13 May 1951 (Cont)
Section II
AWAFIJ OF THE SILVE:rt STAR--- By direction of the President, under
the provisions of the .Act of Congress, approved 9 July 1918 (V>D Bul 3,
1918), and pursuant to authority in AR 600-45, the Silver Star for gallantry in action is awarded to the following named officer:
FIRST LIEUTENM'T LYNN R RAYBOULD, 061709, (then Second Lieutenant},
Artillery, United States Army, a member of Battery C, 37th Field Artillery
Battalion, 2d Infantry Division, displayed gallantry in action against an
armed enemy on 21 September 1950 in the vicinity of Changnyong, Korea.
Lieutenant Raybould was an artillery forward observer attached to a rifle
company which was under attack by an enemy force of estimated battalion
strength. The hostile assault carried to within hand grenade range of his
position and enemy mortar shells were dropping in the proximity of his
observation post. In spite of these hazards, Liout,nant Raybould manned
his postJ directing and adjusting accurate artillery fire on the assaulting
enemy and constantly exposing himself to better view his targetso His
heroic actions were instrumental in preventing the enemy from breaking
through friendly lines and assured the integrity of the Naktong River
bridgehead which had been established by the 23d Lufa."ttryo The gallantry
displayed by Lieutenant Raybould reflects great credit upon himself and
the miJ..itary service, Entered the military service fran UtahQ
Section III
AWARD OF THE BRONZE STAR MEDAL --- By direction of the President,
under the provisions of Executive Order 9419, 4 February 1944 (sec II,
ViiD Bul 3 ~ 1944) , and pursuant to authority in J:iR .600-45, the Bronze Star
Medal with Letter "V11 device for heroic achievement in con:Q.ection with
military operations against an enemy of the United States is awarded to
the following named officer:
FIRST LIEUTENANT JOHN N FOFIJ, 01338937, Infantry, Army of the United
States, a member of Headquarters, 3d Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment,
2d Infantry Division, distinguished himself by heroic achievement ori 27
February 1951 in the vicinity of Sanggori 5 Korea. In the early morning
hours of that date, after learning that elements of his battalion had
been forced to withdraw, he advanced to the front line positions to aid
in reorganizing the men and d :irect them in a counterattack. With utter
disregard for his personal safety, he maintained an exposed position in
order to o'::>serve and direct the disposition of his troops in the line.
His cool and confident attitude so reassured the men about him that they
repelled the enemy attack and successfully regained their former positions.
The heroism and inspirating leadership displayed by Lieutenant Ford reflects
great credit upon himself and the military service. Entered the military
service from North Carolina.
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100488
'<.eorxt.cec ar
· ~e
'\aiio<'a, A:cn1ves
GO No 106, Hq 2d Inf Div; APO 248, 13 May 1951 (Cont}
Seotion . !V
AWARD OF THE BRONZE STAR MEDAL--- By direction of the President,
under the provisions of Executive Order 9419, 4 February 1944 (sec II, ··
WD Bul 3, 1944), and -pursuant to authority in AR 600-45, 'the Bronze Star
Medal for meritorious service in connection with military operations
against an enemy of the United States during the period indicated is
awarded to the following named officers and enlisted men:
LIEUTENANT COLONEL ALVIS M HOWELL, 032797, (then Major) ., General
Staff Corps, United States Army, Headquarters., 2 d Infantry Division, in
Korea _, from 19 August 1950 to 2 November 1950. Entered the military service from Kentucky.
M.AJ'OR GEORGE H HOFFMAN, 04943.80 1 General Staff Corps, .Army of the
United States, Headquarters, 2d Infantry Division, i~ KOrea, from -19 August .1950 to 2 November 19.50o Entered the .military service from · Texas • . .
. .
SERGEANT ~ IRST CLASS ~PH M DOUGLAS, RAi.32709~, (thon Corporal} ,
Infant~y, United States Army, Headquarters Company,· 2d Battalion, 9th
Infantry Regiment, 2:i Infantry Division, in Korea, from 15 Octobe-r 1950
to 2 November 1950. Entered 'the military ' service fran the District of
SERGEANT FIRST CLASS ROBERT J McGRAW, RA35730913, (then Sergeant),
Armor, United states Army, Company c, 72d Tank Battalion 1 2d Infantry
Division, in Korea~ from 16 August 1950 to 2 November 1950. Entered -the
. military service from Indiana,
Armor, United states Army, Company C_, 72d Tank Battalion, 2d Infantry
Division, . in Korea, from 1 September 1950 to 2 November 1950. Entered
th~ military service from Wisconsin.
. SERGEANT HAROtD D CORBELLO, RA1.8278177, Artillery, United States
krm.y, Battery C, 82d Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weap_o ns· Battalion
(Self Propelled), al Infantry Div.ision, in KOrea, frcmli.!iAugustto2.November
1950. Entered the military serv~ce from Louisiana.
. .
.i . .
SERGEANT JAMES A POLLEY, RAl6309717, Infantry, United States Army,
Company, F, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in KOrea, from
21 August 1350 to 2-. November 1950. Entered the milit_ary service from
. -· .. ~
· C:ORPORAL CLYDE E DAVIE, RA12286083, Infantry, United States Army,
Company E, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from
21 August 1950 to 2 November 1950. · Entered the military service from
New York.
·- -
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100489
GO No 106, Hq 2d Inf Di~, APO 248 1 13 May 1951 (Cont)
Se ctlon V
AWARD OF THE BRONZE STAR IviEDAL (FIDST BRONZE OAK LEAF CLUSTER) --By direction of the President, under the provisions of Executive Order ·9419,
4 ·,February 1944 (sec II, WD ,Bul 3, 1944), and pursuant to authority i.rl AR
600-45, the Bronze Star Medal (First Oak Leaf Cluster) with Letter "V''
device for heroic achj.eveme.nt in connection with military operations against
an enemy of the United States is awarded to the following named officer
and enlisted men:
CAPTAIN REGINALD R SHEPPARD, 0452027, Infantry, Army of the United
States, a member of Headquarters, 3d Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment,
2d Infantry Division, distinguished himself by heroic achievement on
27 February 1951 in the vicinity of Sanggori, Korea. In the early morning
hours of that date, after learning that elements of his battalion had been
forced to withdraw, he advanced to the front line positions to aid in reorganizing his men and direct them in a counterattacks l With utter disregard for his personal saf~ty ,he maintained an exposed posit.ion in order
to observe and direct the disposition of his troops in the line. His ·
cool and confident attitude so reassured the men about him that they repelled the enemy attack and successfully regained their former positions.
The heroism and inspiring leadership displayed by Captain Sheppard reflect
great credit upon himself and the military service. Entered the military
service from Arizona.
SERGEANT FIRST CLASS JOHN E EUM~S, RAL724098l, ~tillery, United States
Army, a member of Battery B, 82d Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons
Battalion (Self Propelled), 2d Infantry Division, distinguished himself
by heroic achievement on 14 February 1951 at Chipyong-ni, Korea. On that
date his platoon was in support of an infantry unit that had been. cut off
from friendly forces by an enemy roadblock. He volunteered, despite heavy
enemy automatic weapons and small arms fire, to carry aminunition to the
cut-off force with his antiaircraft firing vehicle. When his vehicle .
received a direct hit which rendered it inoperative he immediately volunteered
to serve as a ~rew member on. another vehicle and to continue_ through the
fire block. He remained ~n an exposed posit ion and laid devastating fire
upon the enemy, thereby assisting greatly in reducing the roadblock and
making it possible to get ammunition to the cut-off unit and to carry the
wounded to safety. The heroism displayed .by Sergeant Euans refle~ts. great
credit upon himself and the military service. Entered themhitary s'e rvice
from Iowa.
States Army, a member of Headquarters Company, 2d Battalion, 23d Infantry
Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, distinguishe?- himself by. he,..oic achievement
on 27 November l950 in the vicinity of Kimu-ri, Korea. Otl that date he was
a member of a unit which was withdrawing from Kunu-ri. During the withdrawal
the lead tank received a direct hii and was hal ted·, greatly endangering the
passage of other tanks and foot troops. Sergeant Fitzpatrick .immediately
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100490
GO No 106, Hq 2d Inf Div, APO 248, 13 May 1951 (Cont)
boarded the tank and, although exposed to intense fire, directed it to a
position of safety. Although the tank was again hit and he was wounded,
Se.rgeant Fitzpatrick refused to be evacuated until all other tanks and the
foot troops had .pa.ssed the danger zone. The heroism displayed by Sergeant
Fitzpatrick reflects great credit upon himself and the military service.
Entered the military service from Washington.
Section VI
By direction of the President, under the provisions of Executive Ord-er 9419,
4 February 1944 (sec II, ~D Bul 3, 1944), and pursuant to authority in AR
600-45, the Bronze Star Medal (First Oak Leaf Cluster) for meritorious
service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the .
United States during the period indicated is awarded to the following named
officer an<) enlisted man:
. LIEUTENANT COLONEL_ ARNOLD C GILLIAM, 031570, ~artermaster Corps,
United State s Army, 2d Quartermaster Company, 2d r6fantry Division, in Korea,
from 19 August 195_0 to 2 November 1950. Entered the military serv.ice from
MASTER SERGEANT JkCK W BUCK, RA6574272, Infantry, United States Army,
Heo.dquarters,· 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 19 August 1950 . to 2 November 1950. Entered the military service from Oregon&
Section VII
AWMID OF THE BRONZE STAR MEDAL (SECOND BRONZE OAK LEAF CLUSTER) --By direction of the President, under the provision's of Executi.ve Order 941 9 ,
4 February 1944 (sec II, VID Bul 3, 1944), and pursuant to authority in AR
600-45, the Bronze Star Medal (Second Oak Leaf Cluster-) for meritorious
service in connection with military operations against an enemy of the
United States during the period indicated is awarded to the following
named officer:
MAJOR RAYMO:t-..TD S WEBSTER, 036621, Infantry, United States Army, Headquarters, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from .29 July 1950 to 2 November
1950. Entered the military service from Maine.
Section VIII
AWARD OF THE AIR :MEDAL --- By direction of the President, under the
provisions of Executive Order 9158, ll May 1942 {sec III, VID Bul 25, 1942),
as anended byExecutive Ord.er 9242A, ll September· 1942 (sec III, VID Bul.
49, 1942), the Air Medal for meritorious achievement while participating
in aerial flight during the period indicated is awarded to the following
named officer and enlisted man:
FIRST LIEUTENANT WILI.IAM D BOGGS, 097:2167, Artillery, Army of the
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100491
GO No 106, Hq 2d Inf Div,
248, 13 May 1951 (Cont)
tJhitBd State s• 38th Fieid ·Artillery Batt.alion, 2d Infantry Division, in
Korea; from 2 .Tanuary 195i t ·o 18 January 1951. Entered the military s e r.. viy e from Oregon •
. MASTER SERGEANT WILL~l I FR.ffi.TI<LIN 1 RA6975264 1 .Signal Co!ps, United
,, States Army, 2d Signal Company, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 20
September 1950 to ~.2 Aprp.,,l95l. · Entered th .e military· service from New
.Section IX
the · President., .1.1-nder the proyisions·of .:E;xecutive· . Ordt::r 9158, lllvlayl942
(sec III, WD Bul 25, 1942}, as amended by Executive Order 9242A, 11 Sep- ·
tomber 1942 (sec iii, VID Bul 49, 1942} , the Air fn:odal (First Oak Leaf
Cluster) for meritorious achievement while participating in ae rial flight
during :the period indicated is awarded. to the following named officer:
·FIRST LIEUTEN..\tl'r WILLL!'.M D BOGGS., 0972167, Artillery, Army of .the
United States, 38th Field Artillery Battalion, 2d Infantr.y D-ivision, in
Korea, from 19 Janu~ryl95lto 10 February 1951. Ent .e red the military
s ervice from Oregono
Section X
. of the Pr e si~ent, under the proyisions of Executive Order 9158, 11 May ).942
(se c III, ~ID Bul 25 1 194.2 ), as. amended by Executive Ord er 9242A; 11 Septembe r 1942 (se c III, ·wn Bul 49, 1942), the Air Medal (Second Oak Leaf
Cluster) for ITh3ritorious achievement while participating in a e rial fli ght
· during the pe riod indicated is awarded t9 the following name d office r:
· FIRST LIEUTENJ>.NT WILLIAM D BOGGS, .0972167, Artill e ry, Army of th o
Unit ed States, 38th Field Artillery Battalion, 2d Infantry Division, in
Korea, from 10 February 1951 to 2 March 1951. Entere d the military s e rvice
from Oregon.
Se ction XI
of the &3ore tary of the Ar.my I under the provisions of AR 600-45 I the Com- \
mendation Ri bbon with Metal Pendant for me ritorious s ervic e during the
pe riod indicat ed is awarded to tho following namod warrant off ic e r and
enlist ed men:
CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER .ARVID F Q.UIST, Wpl20897, United States Army,
He adquarters and Serv.i ce Company; 2d · Engine Gr Combat Battalion~ 2d Infantry
Division, in Korea, from 19 July 1950 to 2 November 1~50. Entered .t he mili·
tar y s ervice from California.
. ~
'· :.
,. ' •t '
. ~-
--~ .• . J \ . •
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100492
GO No 106, Hq 2d Inf Di v, APO 248, 13 May 1951 (Cont)
SERGEJu~T FIRST CLASS EPRL S DOUGLAS, RA38571849, (then Sergeant),
Infantry, United States Army, Headquarters Company, 2d Infantry Division,
in Korea, from 19 August 1950 to 2 November 1950o ~ntered the military
service from Oklahomao
SERGEANT GEORGE A VAN BUSKIRK, RJJ..9332666, (then Corporal), Infantry,
united States Army, Headquarters Company, 2d Infantry Division, in Kor8a,
fran 19 August 1950 to 2 November 1950. Entered the military service from
States Army 1 Headquar-ters Company, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 19
August 1950 to 2 November 1950,. Entered the military service from California.
Chief of Staff
Lt Col
Adjutant General
C plus the fol
4 TAG Attn .AGAO.~I
3 TAG Attn A GP~~
2 Cn:rOFE Attn AG-PA (..A&D)
3 EUSf>K Attn !0\GlVI
5 Each Individual Concerned
6 Pers Off 2 3d Inf
4 Pers Off 37th FA Bn
6 Pers Off 9th Inf
6 AGO 2d Inf Div
5 Pers Off ?2d Tk Bn
5 Pers Off 82d .Al..A AW Bn (SP)
5 Pers Off 38th Inf
4 Per s 0:' f 2d Qlii Co
? Pers Off Hq Co 2d Inf Div
4 Pers Off 38th F1\ Bn
4 Pers Off 2d Sig Co
4 Pers Off 2d Eng C Bn
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100493
2d Infantry Division
APO 248 c/o Postmaster
San Francisco California
14 May 1951
Section I
AWARD OF THE SILVER STJi.R --- By direction of the President, under
the provisions of the Act of· Congress ., approved 9 July 1918 (WD Bul 43,
1918), and pursuant to authority in AR 600-45, the Silver Star for gallantry in action is awarded to the following named enlisted man:
States Army, a member of Battery C, 15th Field ~il.rtillery Battalion, 2d ·
Infantry Division, displayed gallantry in action against an armed enemy
on 12 February 1951 in the vicinity of Changbong-nit Korea. Numerically
superior enemy forces had broken through front line elements and attacked
Battery C's position with heavy mortar, machine gun and small arms fire.
Despite the intense fire falling in the area Private Anderson remained
at his howitzer and continued firing upon the attacking enemy. When
the battery was forced to. withdraw, he march ordered his piece and carried
wounded men to a waiting vehicle. As the battery displaced rearward,
its leading vehicles were anbushed and captured by strong enemy forces
who were emplaced along the route of withdrawal. · Private Anderson, with
the rear elements, volunteered to act as a gunner on a hm~itzer which
was set in position to lay dir13c:t f'i;r-e upon the enemy. When the enemy
regrouped to attack the remat:nder, of the column, he poured such accur;:1te
fire into them that their assa.ultS: were driven off time after time.
When the battery was forced to ~ontinue . its withdrawal because of a lack
of ammunition, he volunteered to accompany several of his comrades to
rec:aptur~· th~ .lead vehicles from the enemy.
He then drove an ant'ia:ir.c raft
firing vehicle through the enemy roadblock and when the convoy WP.s once more
halted by enemy fire delivered from commanding ground, he aid13d an officer
in rallying the men in his vicinity and in leaning them in a charge which
swept the hostile troops from the high ground. With the road once more
opened, . Private lmderson drove his vehicle vwi th several · wounded . soldiers
to the . saf~ty of an aid statiot~:. · The , gallantry displayed by Private
Ander?Jon reflects great cred:it" upon himself and the military service. _.. Entered the military service , from New York •
.-. -, Section II
AWARD OF THE BRONZE STAR MEDAL :--:-- By direction :of the President,
unde.r the: provis:ions of' :Bkeeutive· \)r.d er · 9419, 4 February 1944 {sec : II~
WD Blil 3, 1944), and pursuant to authority - in ~.W. 600-45,. the Bronze· Star.
Medal with Letter "V'' devi.c e for heroi.c achievement in· connection wtth .
mil-itary operations against an enemy of the United States is awarded to
the following. named enl-isted men: ..
CORPORAL WILLI:AM E DENNE-Y,· ;RA44l22353, -Armor, United .St.ates Arrny,
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100494
1951 (Cont)
107, Hq 2d Inf Div, .AP0.- 24s;
. May
I . . • ."
'I,. '·
. .
a member of Tank Company, 9th Infantry Regiment 1 2d Infantry Division,
distinguished himself by heroic achievement on 28 November 1950 in the
vic :inity . of Pugwon 1 Korea. Corp.o ral; Denney's tank pla,toon was engaged
in a rear guard action covering the 'wi thd'rawal of a rifle battalion.
After the tanks had covered the w.ithdr.awal · of the infantry, Corporal
benney' s ..crew vo1'u nteered to 'remain to cover the remaining tanks as they
fell b~ck on the_ in+ entry~ s def~n.sive~ posit~ons • . Corpora+ Denney, the,
bow-gunner 1 delivered effect i ~~ i:rie: against the enemy· even though the
tank's .line of retrea~ w~s clo~ed . by the enemy. When last ob~erved by
h1.s - Cqnra-.les ·~ lie ·was st'i;t.l @in·gagin~ th~ e.t;J.emy as they closed in on his
po·~ _ft'ioii~ - . The h'ero1sm· d:isplayed~_ by Corporal Denney reflects ' great credit
upon 'hiin's-~]J.' and ,.the lhllitary service. Entered the- ~~li~ary servi9e from
· ·
PRIVATE FIRST CLASS RAMON ·L GRAY't ER17280391, Ihfantl'y, .tfrmy.' of the
United States, a membe~ of Company D, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry
Division, distinguished himself' by- heroic achieveme,nt on 10 January-1951
in t1f~e ;v;i9 t-n.l ty, of., Wol:)ju,. Kol;'ea, _P rivate. Gr_a y was B,t: member of ~ combat
p!:!trol -~.h~c'h: ;h~~r~t~~- ~l.~'s~t?n-~ ~0\PX:?;ce:e.~ ~:r.t?~m y~~c.:qon :t? .Y~o!lj;u ~:d· _t?,. - ___ ·inflict as ~ny casualt,i_~s up:dP.~ Jhe ep,~ni~.. ,e:~,..,l>,o.ss-f.b_la·. ~ ~n ~he<· ~€Jtur~ . ,·
trip t :o. Ch.eciion 'tl;ie pa-trol' ·v~as..,.'·subj'a·cte<i t'o ' ilitezl-se·' efie.rny sme.HL,fihrrS "
!;ire a . Pi'i va\e· _ttr'Sy', :'witho~~ ·he.s'j.\a(io)i·,.;· ~l;s\iii!id -'·-a·:;fdrviard-',-pci·s-f!tifti :b'f'"
great" a~ger arid sub'ceeded· in lbcatihg t~ - ~oU'rc~; -dt· tihe hb·st:u -i fire-;
He then engaged the enemY. 1wit;h 'ciea'dly'· tifi·e tit~-~ ; e:i:soEiini ' hint'~eif · fearlessly' and without regard ro:r his ·__per;sotiat· safety~ .. ·und.er · cover of his ·
acc\..u"ate f'i:re, his' comr.aqes n!aneu"'l'~re'd ~d'1 }'dS'itions from where they
suc·cee'ded ' iri n_e utr'a llzin'g the ·ariemy .fii'·e ·~ ·· The~ her-oism displayed by Private
Qrey reflec·ts great credit upoti ·hfrils~if '~d the military ser-v-ice·.. En.
tered the military ' servr6i3" f-rom jhS'¥dtir"i~' -,. . ' {: . ' . . .
Section III
,. ,.
AWARD OF THE BRONZE STAR MEDAL .: __ By direction of the Presi'dent,
UP-d.e r ~h~ provtsi'q_Iis "6 f' Ex€30\.fti..fei_ O':tde'r.-r<J4i'9, '4 Febru~ry 1944 (sec orr,:
WD Bul,}, _l,94,t) ~ " an~ _PUJ;St;~?.t:. ~? ..aut~~~~'t_y fn Nt_ ?00-45_, -~h.e Bronze _s~;n­
Medal wnn 'tet·t-er- 't\r'tt devfc~· :ror, fie;r·~ ;fo:>'acllievsnteht :in-! c·onnG-(:ti'o~ ·with
m,~l. ~t_ar.Y... ?.P~~:~t i()n~ . agai~st .. an . ·~f:i~Y 'of the Uni'ted· States is ~warded to
· ·
ttre f'o11'6 wing· ri~~\T- o'f-l!ttiEiTs · andi·bnlts·ted men:
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:;: · iC~inr '-' EIDMUND, !). Pbsro'N, ·o2?7··i~\tili'arrtrY ;J' ttni~d~- States 'Arin-j ~ C0m·- ·
mending ·orticer. ~f 'O'bmpa'tiy'~ F' / 3eth ~'tntali!t~r ~gfue:n:t ~- 2d' I"-rifan.t ·r y -Div"t.s ion,
dtstitJ.gtii~lied" 1ii:mseif' 1:ij' h·E!r &t ei ·i:ichievement'- :on' 21·liiarcn·1 951' in the · vicinity
of Sogeng~ni;-Korea. : ·Oil~' thet ·date ;'4e vlEfs d'i r.Setfug ·the mo<!Jeme!r it·s'= ot -hi's
c·ompany in a combat patrol w'ith the mission ot destroying as many of the .
enemy as possible. · The lead p:latbcin·:wa:S~ pinned · down b;y~ enemy fire' d-elivered -~:,oll})~~~h,. ~&!,q~~~ .f..~ t.~ee _sides, an~ ,w,as unable to est~blish _radio
contaqt ·wlt'h t1ie remetnd~' of"·t ·he. eom-pany~ Captain Poston ·fearl:ess1y
et_posed .:hftnEiet'{ and· ·acrtf-e.riEed:: !to .: aft; 1 ~10 s~~ "po·~-1t 1!6n' 'fi·omt,W He\<e; ·-M'> b~tVe·r-ecF ­
t .ne plato on f:s wi thdrewil. by Jiou¥tng--1l~ l s'1faid'y. . ft:fr~ !frtfi:r :·the ~t\emyr 1pi1S:i t ions •
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Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100495
'<eorooccea a1 :"e 'l.atcra
GO No 10? f Bel,
biv l
APO 248, 14 May Hl51 ( Cont)
Af..tar' reioi~ing his · ~·orripali~t· ha dir~dtcd ·such heatJ"1 and acchr ?te. fire
upon th~ ' en:emy that a 'n,ume:r:loally SUperior . en:eiTiy force ':la~ 'l'Ou;ted With
. heavY" casual tie·s . The heroism. displayed by Captad.n Pos~on :refl eots great
credit upon himself and the military service. Entered the mil i tafy ser·
vice from Illinois.
... •.1
. . ··FIRsT LIEUTENANT LYNN R Rft.YBOULD, . 06>1 ?09, Artillery, :uriiteii States
Army·, a · m~mber of Battery' c, 37th :E;i~ld Artillery Battalion, .2d Inr'ant:t4y
: ntv'isioii~·· distinguished himself b:yt heroic. achievement on 16 ..SeptEinber .
·19'50. ·in :the vicinity of Changnyong., Kor-ea. On that date, he w'a s a forward observer attached to a rifle company which was assaulting hostile
positions on the Naktong River r.ron~. . Because of the nature of the terrain and the speed of the advance, he was unable to have wire communications
with his artillery. Although he had no radio, he nevertheless continued
to'- adv~nce with: tho rifle ele!fi.ents ·and ·when the final objectivE? was reached,
terrain in
. immediately began to establish wire. communications through
which bypassed enemy were still active. The heroism displayed by 'Lieutenant Raybould reflects ' great cre~it upon himself and the m~itary ser.
vice. Entered the military service from Utah.
' SERGEANT DONALD R VAN EVERY~ RA122856.?8, · (then Corporal) , Int;an try,
United States ·Army, a member. of Company .G, · :3 8th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, d istinguis~ed himself by.l1,eroic achievement on ·a·, Nov:..
ember 1950 near Todong-ni', Koxea. On the morning o:t that date hi 's . company was defending a rokdblock when it.s po'si tions were ~ttacked by a
strong enemy force supported by automatic :weepons and mortars. Sergeant
Van · Every immediately left his position of cover and moved .a jeep to .a
posit ion from which .he could man its ~50 !caliber machine guh~ Standing
fullY' ei\:posed to the heavy enemy fire, he placed accurate and continuous
fire upon the enemy until friendly ~rtillery fire could be adju,sted upon
their positions. He succeeded in neutralizing a hostile mach~ne gun;
thereby preventing more serious casual ties ·and greatly aiding_'his unit
. in· repelling the enemy attacko The heroism displayed by S~rgeant Van
Every reflects great credit upon himself and the military service. ~n­
ter~d the military ~rvice from New York •
. Jh:: . •. . .
' .. -~ .. !
'' SERGEANT' WILLIE AlmO:Lp, ER3.8??8830, Infantry, Army· of the United •
. stateg, a member 'of CompatiyF, 38th InfantryReginent, 2d Infantry ._, ;~
Division ·~ distinguishe~-.M.~tiself ·by heroic achievement on 22 March 195i
· iri. ;the vicinity of Tappting-n,:i::,·. Korea" · Sergeant Arnold, a sq,uad leader, .·
was ieadihg 'th!a assault squad in an attack against' an enemy held hi1l.
~ The .ehemy vias firing fromoWS~ll ~oncealed and protected positiohs as
Sergeant Arnold' led his men in the attack. Without regard for his pers~mal ~afety and under SVl:B~l arms and artillery fire~ Sergeant Arnold,
With · grim determin~tion, . ,9Qn:tinued to lead his men· up the rocky slopes
of the hill. Under his cour~geous leadership his s9,uad attacke'd with such
vigor th~t the enemy was ~riven from the high ground, thereby enabling
the company to contim1.e 1 i 11:S~':geJ;lel'al advance. The heroism displayed by
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100496
:Eri:f '1).11;, A'Po 248,
GO No 107, Hq 2·a
14 May 1951 (Cont)
Sergean~ Arnold reflects great credit upon himself and the militar~ - '
Entered the n1i1itary service ' from Texaso
CORPORAL WILLIAM JV . BLAKE, R.Al3269297, (then Private First Class},
Infantry, Uni ted<States A:rmy, a member of COmpany E, 9th Infantry Regiment,
2d Itlfa'n try Division, distinguished himself by heroic schieveme:nt on 20
January -1951 in the vicinity of lilonju, Korea. On that date ha was driving
in a -convoy· which was returning to Wonju With replacements and supplies.
The convoy had approached within four miles of its destination .when it was
subjected to heavy hostile ·automatic weapons and small arms fire. Corporal
Blake immediately organized the convoy personnel into a defensive force
along the 'side of the -ro·ad and directed 'their fire upon the enemy o His
courage and inspiring leadership contributed greatly to the success- of
his comrades in_ forcing the enemy to withdrawo The ;:eroism displayed by
Corporal make reflects great credit upon himself and the ·militar.¥! service.
Entered the military servic'e from WashinginnoCORPORAL WILLIAM Z 'WATKrns, RAl8338l99 ,' (then Private Fir.st : Pbrs;s),
Army Medical Ser~ice ~ United States Army, a member of ~-;edical Detachment,
2d Infantry Division Artillery, distinguished himself by heroic achievement
oh 6 S13ptember 1950 in the viCinity of :Changnyong, Korea. Corporal Watkins
was d'riving an runbulance wit-h three wounded men aboard, when· the .vehicle
skid-ded off the road intd a r.fce paddy~ Le~ving the .~mbul·ance in care of
his assistant, ·he started back to his. organization ,. for transportation. He
t:t"aversed three miles of terrain, some of which was . ~?till .in enemy hands-,
secure'd the ;nece-ssary· transportation and returned;t~J. ln.is•_disabled vehicle.
On his return trip he was subjected to enemy small arms fire, but continued
on his way; picked up .the wounde~ soHHers and delivered them to the collecting station.- Hi·s -he:roic action in willingly expo.sing ·himself to hostile
fire saved the lives - of hi§ :three wounded comrades.. The heroism displayed
by Corporal Watkins ref1ects great c-redit ,upon himself and ·the military
service. Entered the ·military ser~ice from Texas.
=Sect ion IV- .
· .AWARD ·oF '1'HE ;BRONZE: STAR -MEDAL .;..__ By direction of ·the President, under
the provisi0ns.of.:Execut:lve Order. 94191-4 Febru13.ry l944;=(sec IIs WD Bul 3,
1944}','· and : parsuant to authority :l:n AR 600.;.4!:5, the:'Bronze Star Medal for
meritorious servic:e in: oonrlection with military. operatiqns against an enemy
of the Uriitecl: State's d\i:i:'ing the period indicatedds awarded to the following
named officers and enlisted men:
; .'
' .:
CAPTArn HARRY A ROSENBERG~R, -01282089, {then First Lieutenant) ,
Finance Corps~ Army· of the Uni-te~ ',,1St~tes, Headquarters, 2d Infantry Divis ion, in Korea, from 20 August 1950. :to, _2 November 1950·. :Entered the
military service from Floridaa
-- - · ---- -- ---- ·- --- ---· - · - - · -
----------- - .
- ---· - ---~,.....L~----·---- ---- - ·- · · · -
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100497
··---· ·-
GO No 107, Hq 2d lnf Di v, APO 248, 14 May 1951 (Com)
CAPTAIN CARLE WILLII'IMS, 02040985, Ordnance Corps, krmy of the
United States, 702d Ordnance Maintenance Company, 2d Infantry Division,
in Korea, from 18 August 1950 to 2 November 1950. Entered the military
service from Massachusetts.
SERGEM'"r FIRST CLASS WILLIAM E MORAN, RA1.601068,2 ; Artillery, United
States Army, Battery C, 82d ~tiaircraft Artillery Automatic We~pons ~ Bat­
talion (Self Propelled), 2a Infantry Division, in Korea, from 16 August
1950 to 2 November 1950. '~ Entered the military service from Michigan.
States Army, Battery B ~ 82d Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battalion , (Self Propelled), 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 4 August
1950 to 2 November 19·50. E.iltered the military service from New York.
Secti.on V
AWARD OF THE BRONZE STAR MEDAL (THIRD BRONZE 0/U{ LEAF CLUSTER) --By direction of the President, under the provisiont .of Executive Order 9419,
4 February 1944 (sec II WD Bul 3, ·1;944),, and ·pUrE!uant to authority in AR
600-45, the Bronze Star Medal· (Third. .Oak Leaf Cluster) for meritorious
enemy · of the
service in connection with mil-itary operations against
United States during the period itldicated · is awarded to the following
named officer:
CAPTAIN GUTHRIE R GREENE, 02035422, Infantry, krmy of the United
States, Headquarters Company, (then Service Company), 23d Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 5 August 1950 to 2 November
1950. Entered the mil:itary service· f _rom .C~ifornia •
Sect:ton VI
of the Secretary of the ·Army, under the prc>;visions of AR 600-45, ·the Commendation Ribbon with Metal . Pendant for merito:J?ious achievement during
the period indicated is awarded to the following named enlisted man:
SERGEANT FIRST CL.ASS JOSEPH F: DANAJ,. R.A3617l 033 , (then Serge ant) ~
Army Medical Service, United St·e.tes Army; MediQal Company, 23d Infantry
Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from ·26 -November 1950 to 30
November 1950. Entered the military service from Michigan.
Section VII ·
of the Secretary of the Army 1 under the provisions of AR 600..:.45, the Commendation Ribbon with Metal Pe-nd:ant for meritorious service during the
period indicated is awarded to the folLowtng named .o fficer and enlisted
, ;
.. - ..... -- I_·- - -
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100498
GO .r;' o 107, Hq 2d Inf Div, APO 248, 14 May 1951 (Cont)
CAPTAIN CLYDE T HA1:dAWAY, 01049504 1 Artillery, Army of th&. United
States, Headquarters, 82d Antiaircraft Artillery .Automatic Weapons
Battalion (S~f propelled), 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 10
.Tuly 1950 to lO September 1950.; ·Entered the. . military. service from. Florida.
MASTER $ERGEM1T HENRY GET'IMAN, RA39454697; Armor, United States Army,
Headquarters and Service Company~ . 72d Tank Battalion, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea 1 from 16 August fl950 to 2 November 1950. Entered the
military service from Wf1shington.
MASTER SERGEANT · PHILIP . G HIID:IER 1 RA6563804, Artillery, United States
Army, Headquarters Battery, 38th Field Artillery Batt. ~ ion, 2d In:f entry
Division, in Korea, · from 19 August' 1950 to 2 November 1950. Entered the
military service from Washington.
MASTER SERGEANT ROGER L VfAI;IGR~ RA68·5 8426, Irifan:try., United States
Army, Hea:d quarters . Company, lst Bat tal ion, 23d Infantry ·Regiment, 2d InKc:r el:'!, from 20 September. l950 to '2 November' 1950.
fantry Div1sion,
Entered the military service from Washington~
in ·
SERGEANT ALVIN R MYERS, RJ~3310930, (then . Corporal), Infantry, United
States .k..my, C9mpal'!-y lq., .. 38th Infantry Begirneht, 2d Infantry Division, in
Korea; from 21 AugusJi 1950 to 2 Novemb::£19'50. · Entered the m~li tary ·
serv~ce from Pennsyl:Vania. ,
CORPORAL GALE A BRAMER, RA16287349, Army Medical Service, United
States,. Jmny, 2d Medical Bat tal ~on, 2d Infantry Divis ion, in Korea, · from
16 Aug\,ls't . 1950 to 2 _November 1950 •. · ~Entered tne· military service fr om
.. ·
·w isconsin.
. ;.
section VIII
OAK LEAF CLUSTER) --- By direction of the Secretary of the Army, under
the provisions of Nl 600-45, th€ · Commendation Ribbon with Metal Pendant
(First Oak Leaf Cluster) . for meritorious service during the period indicated is awarded to the following named enl.i s_te'd mB.n:
SERGEANT .ROBERT B LAVORJNI, RA3920124+ ·,· ~tillery., United States
A~y, Headquarters Battery, 38th Field Artillery Battalion, 2d Infantry
Division, in Korea, from 19 August 1950 to 2 Novembe~ l9qO. Entered
the militar y service from Washington.
Section IX ,
·GENE::u\1 ORDERS --- So much of Section VI (Award of the
Bronze S~ar Medal:), . Gener.al Orders 83, Hq ~d .ill,f. Div, 1951, as pe.rt.ains
to :f>rivat~ First Cl~s Ro[>ert P Caragher 1 RA1.6351943, 23d Inf1;1ntry Reg-·
ireent, as reads ·"P.r~va;te First Class Ropert P Cf.ragh~r, . RAl635-l943 11 is
----· - - •
., _ _ __...~.-,_•:>·--:
-- -:- ••- - ."'!"-.- ..._
-,._"'!:."".;.._-_.;::· -:-. :·.-.; -- .• : •
- ;•
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100499
GO No 107, Hq 2d Inf Div, APO B48, 14 May 1951 (Cont)
amended to read "Private First Class Robert P Caragher, RA26351943" •
Section X
.AMENDMBNT TO GENERAL ORDZRS --- So much of Sect ion V (Award of the
Bronze Star 1iedhl), General Orders 86, Hq 2d Inf Div, 1951, as pertains
to Private First Class Donald A Lee, RA18263295, 9th ~fantry Re giment,
as reads "Private First Class Donald A Lee, RA1.8263295 is amended to
read "Private First Class Donald A Lee, RA18263285" •
Chief of
Lt Col
Adjutant General
C plus the fol
4 TAG Attn .AGAO-I
5 Each Individual Concerned
4 Pers Off 15th FA Bn
7 Pers Off 9th Inf
7 Pers Off 38th Inf
4 Pers Off 37th FA Bn
4 Pars Off Div Arty
4 AGO Hq 2d Inf Div
4 Pars Off 702d Ord Co
6 Pers Off 82d AAA AiJi Bn
7 Pers Off 23d Inf
4 Pars Off 72d Tk Bn
5 Pers Off 38th FA Bn
4 Pars Off 2d Med Co
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100500
~d Infantry Division
APO 248 c/o Postmaster
San Francisco California
15 May 1951
:,1.08 '
Section, I'
.. .
·' . ·
AWARD . OF THE SILVT£R STAA -·-- By __ direction of the Presid.ent, under.
the ' provistons of. the Act of Congress, approved 9 July 1918 (W
D Bul 43;.
1918), and pursuant to authority inAR 600. :45, the Silver Star for gallaiitry in action is ay.~ar~ed .posthUn).ously to the .. f~llowing named nfficer: .
SECOJ\ID LIEUTENANT JOHN N McGUIRE, 01338369 ,· Infantry, Army· of the
United States, a member of Company F, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry
D·ivision, displayed gallantry in action against an armed enemy -·on 20 January 1951 in the vicinity of Wonju, Koreao Lieutenant McGuire was leading
a combat patrol with the mission of probing hostile -lines to locate the .
enemyo As the ·patrol advanced up Hill 223, the commanding ground in the
area~ his scouts reported sighting the enemy.
Whilp Lieutenant ll/icGuire .
went forward to investigate,an enemy. machine gun suddenly opened fire on
the patrol's left flank. Shouting orders to his men to deploy and to withdraw, he engaged the enemy weapon with sub-machine gun fire, deliberately
drawing the hostile fire upon himself while tne patrol withdrew. While thus
selflessly covering his men, Lieutenant McGuire was struck and killed by
enemy fire. His quick presence of mind and intrepid leadership enabled
his patrbl to escape the enemy trap with lig ht casual ties. The gallantry
displayed l::y L~entenant McGuire reflects great credit upon himself and the
service,. :Ehtered the military service from Michigan. J( ~ ~~~~
< · 5'l
Section II
AWARD OF THE BRONZE STAR MEDAL--- By direction of .the President,
under the provisions of Executive Order 9419, 4 February 1944 (sec II,
~ Bul 3, 1944), and pursuant to authority in AR 600-45, the Bronze Star
1~edal ''lith Letter 'IV" device for heroic achievement in connect ion with
military operations against an enemy of the United States is awarded to
the following named officers and enlisted men:
L·~NANT .t?SEPH A B,AD.G,~f.r, 01}114'70 ,- Co"rps of Engineers, Army
of the United States, Commanding Ofi'icer of Company B, · 2d Engineer Combat
: B.att_al,:i:enJ, 2d Infantr:,; ,I?iv:ision, distinguished himself by heroic achievement
on 9 March 1951 in th€(-v ici:ni'ty
Yangj imal, KoreaD On that date Lieutenant
Badgett was directing the ·mine~·sweeping operations of a squad fram. his CGJ!lpany, which was supported by a rifle squad. One of the infantrymen was ·
wounded by hostil .e machine gun fire and, due to his exposed position, was
unable . to be evacuated., , · Lieu~enant Badgett, mi3Jlifesting complete disregard
for his persqnal safety and the enemy fire striking about him, rushed across
the fire-swept. terrain _~na. carried tne wounded man to s·afety. The. heroism displayed by Lieutenant Badgett reflects great · credit upon himself and
the mU.itary: ·service. E.ntered the military service from· Texas.
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100501
GO No 108, Hq 2d Inf Div, APO 248, 15
. 1951 (Cont)
· FIRST LIEUTENANT HE1.1RY L POOT_,J!:, .0 1951333, Art Ulery, Army of the
· · · Urri ted States, .a member of Battery B, 37th Field Arti],.lery Battalion~ 2d ·.
Infantry Division, . distin.~ished himself by heroic achievement from 14 to 17
February 1951 in the vicinity of Chipy6ng-ni, KQrea. During that period
Lieutenant Poole's. battery was attached to an infantry regiment which had
been surrounded by a large enemy forceQ During the entire engag~Bnt he
expose'd himself .f earlessly _to the vvithering enemy- fire as he moved from one
position to another, aO:visirig:·and enc·9 ura·g ing hismen as they supported the
riflemen with point blank artillery·fire. His heroic actions resulted in
saving many lives and were an inspiration to all .his men. The heroism displayed by Lieutenant · Poole ref:J..eots great credi t '··upon himself and the mil itary service~ Entered the military service .from Texas.
SERGEA11T .FIRST CLASS ROBERT J McGREGOR, RAl6294344, (then Sergeant),
Infantry, United States ft:rmy, a member of Company F, 9th InfantrY Regi'tnent,
2d Infaritry Division, d istlngnishe'd himself by heroic achievement on' 31 Augus-t 1950 in the vicinity of Yongsan, Korea • . Company F' s position was subjected to an intense concentration ·o f enemy artillery fire, which severed
communications between the company command post and one of its platoon's
outposts. Sergeant McGregor left . his covered posi t!on, made his way OV8r
the exposed terrain to the severe.d portion of tl:J.e _line and, disregarding: the
heavy fire falling in his proximity, repaired the break. The heroism di~­
played by Sergeant McGregor reflects great credit upon himself and the military service. Entered the military· service from Michigan,
. SERGEANT F.IRST CLASS BOBBY D' ROBri\TSON, RAl8i96592; (t~en Sergeant),
Infantry, United States Army, a.membcr of Company G, 38th Infantry Regiment,
2d ~faritry Division distinguished himselr' by heroic achievement on 27 Nov.:.
ember 1~50 in the vicinity of Unbong-dong, Korea • . On thf,lt date he was leading his . squad on a patrol i'Iito enemy terri tory for the -purpose of securing
information on en~my strength and disposition. The enemy SJl.Cceeded in
arms and automatic
and subjected it to intense smaLl
the patrol
weapons f'ire. Sergeant Robinson fearlessly exposed himself. to the heavy·
f'ire in 'o rder to maintain control of his men and direc.t . mor~ e'ffect ive fire
U:pOii the ~nemy. His inspiring leaP,ership and OOil).plete disregard for persona
safety gpve his men an ex~ple of courage that enabled them to successfully resist the attack of a numerically superior enemy force. The heroism displayed by Sergeant Robinson reflects great credit u pon himself and
the military service. 1 Entered the military service from Texas •
. CORP.ORAL EDWlli B BUCKLAND, RAl6272S3l ~ Corps of Engineers, United
Stat·es Arm:r.', a member of Company C, 2d Enginber Combat Bat tal ion, 2d In,;..
fantry Division, distinguished himself by _heroic achievement on ? January
1951 in the vicinity of Vlonju, Korea. Corporal Buckland was a member of
a demolition team whose mission it was to destroy a bride;e which was vitally
important to the enemy. While the members of the team were prepa ring the
charges~ he suddenly noticed a hostile force \'hich was approaching the
bridge• The enemy fired upon the team, pinning them down. Corporal Buckland immediately engaged the enemy with heavy and accurate sub-machine gun
fire, relieving the pressure from his comrades who rallied and, engaging
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100502
------ -·
GO No 108, Hq 2d Inf DlV; APO 248, 15 May 1951 (dent)
the enemy in a firefight, killed 13 and captured oneo His courageous .
action \;'lnableci the teem to cont'inuu its mis.swn of: destroying the bridge,.
thereby denying a vital supply line to the en;emy, Tl,1e heroism displayed .
by Corporal Buckland reflects great credit upon himself and the 'm ilitary
servi.cea Eritered the .f!l~litary service from Michigan..,
CORP0~41 GERALD D WILSON 1 ER46019804, Corps of Engineers, Army of the
United, States 1 . a member of Company C 1 2d Engineer Combat Ba:ctal ion 1 2d
Inf~try ·ni.visi6n, distinguisheid li:i.mself by heroic achievement on? January 1951 in the ·v icinity of ·wonju, Korea,; Corporal W:i.lson was a member
of a demolition team whose mission it was to destroy a bridge .which was
vitally important to the enemy,. While standing in the icy water to place
tne 'explosives 1 the team was atta<?ked by a hostile foroe, Although enemy
fire was striking about him, Corporal Wilson fearlessly continued ~is task
of placing the explosive chP.rges wh~e other members of the team e~gaged
tp.e enemy in .a firefight, killing 13 .and capturing one, His courageous
actions throughout this. hazardous mission, ,which was accomplished wi .t hout
infant!'y support, were greatly instru;nental tci th~ success of his team
in destroying the bridge and thereby denying a vital supply line to the enemy.
The heroism displayed by Corporal Wilson reflects great credit upon himself and the ~ilitary serviceo Entered the milita{y service from Illinois.
PRIVATE JOHI:-J H DANIEL, RAl4~38993, Corps of Engineers 1 United States
Army, a member of .Company C~ 2d Engineer Combat Batt~ion, ~d Infantry .
Division, d·istinguished himsel.f by heroic acl;lievement on 7 . January 1951 in
the vicinity of Vionju, Koreao PriVate Daniel was a membe!' of a demolition
t'eam whose mission it was to dest~oy a bridge wh.i ch was vitally important
to the enemy~ While s·~anding in icy water to ,place the explosives, the .
team was attacked by a hostile force o . Although epemy fire was striking
about . him, . Private Daniel fearlessly continued his task of pla<;:ing the
explosive charges while other members of the team engaged the. enerr,y in a
firefight, kUling 13 and capturing .one. His cou!'ageo:us. actions throughout this hazardous mission, which was accomplished without infant !'y support,
were gre~:~tly instrumental to the success . of his team in destroying the bridge
thereby denying a vital supply line . to the enemy. The heroism di?played'
by Private Dan'iel reflects· great credit upon himself and the military 'ser..
vice •. Entered the military service :from Fioridao
PRIVA'l'E BILLY M LLOYD, RA13305522, Infantry, United States A!'my, a
member of Company ·L, ~3d Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, dis~
tinguished himself by heroic achievement on l February 1951 near Ipfo-ri,
Korea., On. that date the defensive pos~tions of hi.s canpany were under
a·'l;itack by a. numerically superior enemy force, supported by a hoavy barrage
of mqrtar fire$ ; vJhen .all vdre communications between the company' command
post and the forWard elements were severed .bY the heavy ~ne.my fire, Pr).vate
Lloydl' ·immediately volunteered . to restore the broken. lineso With np' thought
for hl.$ -.p ersonal safety, he worked nt repairing those important comnrunicat ion
lines, ·while under continuous enemy small arms and mortar fireo The heroism displayed by Private Lloyd refl ~ct~. gregt cre.O.it upon himSelf and the
military service. Entered the military service from Virginia.
.J... _
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100503
GO No 108, Hq 2d Inf Div, APO
248~ 15.~t:ay
1951 (Cont)
· Sodtion III ;. '
Bydire·ctio~ of the ·President, under tb~e pro·vision::; 'o r Execu~ive Order 9419,
4 'F'ebruary 1944 (sec II, lND Bul 3, 1944), 'and ·p ursuant to authority in AR
B00-45, the Bron'ze Star Medal (First Oak LeM Cluster)' with Letter 11 V11 •
device 'for ·heroic aohieve'ment in connection with military operations against
an ·e'no_my of the United Scates is awarded to t'h~ follow i...J.g named enl :i.sted
PRivAT:E! FIRST CLASS DONALD A LEE·~ RJ\.1.8263285, Infantry, United States
Army, : a member of Company H, ' 9th Infantry Reg1merit~,.!td Infantry Divi~ion,
distinguished himself by heroic achievement on 30 November 1950 in the
vicinity of Kunu-ri, Ku'rea. Company H was engaged in reducing an enemy
roadbloc'R: .t:Q.at was ''approximately five miles in <i'epth • . Every defile ' and tu'rn
iri the · ro'ad wes covered ~'1 ith intense enerny machine gun and small arms fire.
r.fim.'e after .~Jme the cOmpany; fought. . throt;.e;h one enemy pOsit ion· only· to en- .
co-Linter other enemy em:;_:Jl:acements along the road~ Private 'Lee was in the · ·
rtid'~t of ' eve:ry firE::fight! agg;essive1;y- and courage·o u:,dy engaging the overwl}elmir1g ~n.'emy forceso . He ·expos.ed himself fea.r1.t?.ssly t ·o enemy fire on numerous oc.oas:.ons· to ·.heLp. wollllded 'men to points of safety, .·cared
"!;heir wounds
and p],aced them on vehicles which ·were wi thd:cawing thr6U.gh . the road.block.
Eis, grini deferminatiori .and ·indomitable nghting spirit w~~e a SOlJX'Ce of ..
inspiration to his c:cm!'ades durihg the bitter ., five hour long battle and
wi3re ·e ;rea,t1y instrumental· to' the succ~s~ ·of his ~unit in ev'entua1t'y piercing
the e,nerr\.y! s ·roadblocka The .hero ism displayed by Private .Jiee re'( l ects .great
credit upon himsf;llf ann the I[lilitary servicec Entered 'the .miU;tary service
from Texaso
for .
. '
\ '·
Section Dl
. · . A~fABD OF THE BRONZE STAR I1EDAL (SECOND BRONZE OAK 'LEAF CLUSTER) --By direction. of the ~resident, under the provisions dr- I~xecutive Order 9419,
4 February 1 .944 (sec · XI, .VJD Bul 3, 1944), and pursuant' t·o authority in ·A.R
600-45, the B:::-onze Star Medril (Secbnd Oak Leaf·Cluster) with Letter nv'i
device for her'o ic acnievement in connection with m:ilit~rs op~:cations a'g ainst
~n .enemy' of the ·united. st'a tes is awarded to . the follo~~n_g· named enl:isted .
~~n. :
lKASTER :SERGEANT HOWAIID E BOZARTH, RA6958088, Infantry;· United States
.ktmy, a' member of .Headqu.ar·ters Company, (then Company H), 9th ·'lnfantry Regiment, 2d I;1f'antry Division, ·distinguished himself by heroic achi'evem€mt on
30 :November' ].950 in the· vicin:i,ty of ·Kunu-ri, Korea;;· Cornpan:;r 'ij was engaged
in reducing an enemy roadblock that was approximately five mil.es· ln depth.
Every. de.file and turn in the road was covered with intense enemy machine gun
and · small arm's fire.; Time aft~r time the company fought t.hrough one el].emy
position <;>l_llY to encounter otP,er· enemy emplacem~nts ~ong the· ro_ad~ · Sergeant Bozarth was in . the midst of ev0, ry fire fight, aggressively and couragecitjsl'y' enga~ing the ovei'wh~~ming enemy forces~ . He, ei'-posed ·himself f'6.a:dessly
. ...
~- •.
: .:.~: .
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100504
ar :!"'e \a:.cr':a :.. ~:'"'··~es
GO No 108, Hq 2d Inf Div, APO 248, 15 May 1951
to enemy fire on nTh~erous occasions to help wounded men to points of safety,
cared for their wounds and placed than on vehicles which wer-e withdrawing
through the roadblocko His grim determination and indomitable fi g hting
spirit were a socrce of inspiration to his comrades during the bitter,
five hour long battle and were greatly instrumental to the success of his
unit in eventually piercing the enemy's roadblocko The heroism displayed
by Sergeant Bozarth reflects great credit upon himself and the military
serviceo Entered the military service from Texasu
Section V
of the Secretary of the Afmy, under the pro·vlsions of AR 600-45 ~ the Commendation Ribbon with Metal Pendant for meritorious s.ervice during the
period indicat.ed is awarded to the following named enlisted men:
MASTER SERGEANT CHARLES E DEW 9 RAl509 9547 ~ (then Sergeant First Class) ,
Artillery, United States Army, Headquarters Battery, 15th Field Artillery
Battalion, 2d Infantry Division, in Kbrea~ from 31 July 1950 to 2 November
1950<> Entered the military service from VJashingt 01 ~
SZR.GEANT CLARENCE GILCHRIST, RAl502486l, Artillery, United States
Anny, ' Beadquarters Battery, 2d Infantry Division Artillery, in Korea, from
10 k.1gust 1950 to 2 November 1950o Entererl the military service . from Wis-.''
SERGEANT WILLIAM H PARKER, RA392ll509, Art ill ary, United States Army,
Headqu.arters Battery, 15th Field Artillery Bat tal ion, 2d Infantry Division,
in Korea, from 31. July 1950 to 2 November l950o }\:ntered the military ser·
vice from Washingtono
SERGEANT JOHN P SC.ANtAN, RA15:35'7379, Artillery, United Sta:tes Army,
Headquart.ers Battery, 15th Field Artillery Batt"alion, 2d Infantry· Division,
in Korea;· from 5 Augus.t 1950 to 2 November 1950, Entered the military
service fran Washingtpn.,
CORPORAL RALPH L DORN , RAl63l ?014~ Artillery, United States Army,
Headquarters ·I?attery, 15th Field Artillery Battalion, 2d ln.fantry Division,
in Korea, fran 3l July 1950 to 2 No·v·ember 1950~ Entered the military
s ervice from Wisconsin.
CORPORAL·HOWARD FRANKLIN JR, RAl5411219, Artillery, United States
Army-, Heady_uar~:ers Battery, ·2d Infantry Division Artillery, in Korea, from
4 August ·;1.950 1;6 2 November 1950. Ent,ered t.he military s'ervice frcm Vvest
Virginia.· · · · ·
: t
CORPORAL BUSTER NE\:'JLEN~ RAl5279738~ Artillery, United States Army,
Head·quarters Battery, 15th Fiel~. ..l\:ctillery l;latt~ion, 2d Infantry Division,
: •·
.J.. _
5 · ·,
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100505
GO N:o 108.1 Hq 2d ~f D:l. v, APO 248, 15 May 1951 ( Cont}
in Korea, . from 31 July 1950 fo
serv-ice from Ohioc
November 1950.0
Entered the military
CORPORAL DENZIL .D STARCHER ~ R.Al'3337786 )- ..Artillery, United States Army,
Headquarters Batte·ry, 15th Field Artil1~ry Battalion, 2d In:t;antry Division,
in Korea, from 31 July 19:50 to 2 November 1950o Ente:r;ed the milit ary
service from West _Virginiao
Section VI
LEAF CiLUSTER) --·-By direction of th~ Secretary of .. t..l-J.e Army, under the
provisions of AR 600-45, the Commendation Ribbon with Metal Pendant (First
Oak Leaf Clul;lter) for m13ritorS.ous service during _the period ind icat.ed is
avJarded to tl:ie following na:ined enlisted man~
.SERq.EANT BOB:$RT ~ JNGRAM~ F..A6562726 : Artille ry, 'dnited Stat.es Arm:/,
Headq~arters . Battery,- 2"d Infantry Division Artillery, in Korea) from 4
August 1950 to· 2 November 1950. Entered the mili-tary... service from Cal-
Section VII
REVOCATION OF GENERAL' ORDERS _;.._ So much of Section III ~Award of the
Bronze Star Medal}, Generai Orders 100, Hq: 2d Inf Div, 1951, as pertains
to the award · of the· Bronze >star :Medal to Master Sergeai¥t Howard E B9zarth,
RA695808~ ., 9th Infantry Regiment, is revoked;»
Chief of Staff
Lt Col
Adjutant .General
' i .''·· )
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01100506