enhancing performance for action and perception: multisensory
enhancing performance for action and perception: multisensory
PROGRESS IN BRAIN RESEARCH VOLUME 192 ENHANCING PERFORMANCE FOR ACTION AND PERCEPTION: MULTISENSORY INTEGRATION, NEUROPLASTICITY AND NEUROPROSTHETICS, PART II EDITED BY ANDREA M. GREEN Département de Physiologie, Université de Montréal Montréal, Québec, Canada C. ELAINE CHAPMAN École de Réadaptation, Département de Physiologie Université de Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada JOHN F. KALASKA Département de Physiologie, Université de Montréal Montréal, Québec, Canada FRANCO LEPORE Département de Psychologie, Université de Montréal Montréal, Québec, Canada AMSTERDAM – BOSTON – HEIDELBERG – LONDON – NEW YORK – OXFORD PARIS – SAN DIEGO – SAN FRANCISCO – SINGAPORE – SYDNEY – TOKYO A. M. Green, C. E. Chapman, J. F. Kalaska and F. Lepore (Eds.) Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 192 ISSN: 0079-6123 Copyright Ó 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. CHAPTER 13 Vision restoration after brain and retina damage: The “residual vision activation theory” Bernhard A. Sabel*, Petra Henrich-Noack, Anton Fedorov and Carolin Gall Institute of Medical Psychology, Medical Faculty, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany Abstract: Vision loss after retinal or cerebral visual injury (CVI) was long considered to be irreversible. However, there is considerable potential for vision restoration and recovery even in adulthood. Here, we propose the “residual vision activation theory” of how visual functions can be reactivated and restored. CVI is usually not complete, but some structures are typically spared by the damage. They include (i) areas of partial damage at the visual field border, (ii) “islands” of surviving tissue inside the blind field, (iii) extrastriate pathways unaffected by the damage, and (iv) downstream, higher-level neuronal networks. However, residual structures have a triple handicap to be fully functional: (i) fewer neurons, (ii) lack of sufficient attentional resources because of the dominant intact hemisphere caused by excitation/inhibition dysbalance, and (iii) disturbance in their temporal processing. Because of this resulting activation loss, residual structures are unable to contribute much to everyday vision, and their “non-use” further impairs synaptic strength. However, residual structures can be reactivated by engaging them in repetitive stimulation by different means: (i) visual experience, (ii) visual training, or (iii) noninvasive electrical brain current stimulation. These methods lead to strengthening of synaptic transmission and synchronization of partially damaged structures (within-systems plasticity) and downstream neuronal networks (network plasticity). Just as in normal perceptual learning, synaptic plasticity can improve vision and lead to vision restoration. This can be induced at any time after the lesion, at all ages and in all types of visual field impairments after retinal or brain damage (stroke, neurotrauma, glaucoma, amblyopia, age-related macular degeneration). If and to what extent vision restoration can be achieved is a function of the amount of residual tissue and its activation state. However, sustained improvements require repetitive stimulation which, depending on the method, may take days (noninvasive brain stimulation) or months (behavioral training). By becoming again engaged in everyday vision, (re)activation of areas of residual vision outlasts the stimulation period, thus contributing to lasting vision restoration and improvements in quality of life. *Corresponding author. Tel.: þ49-391-672-1800; Fax: þ49-391-672-1803 E-mail: bernhard.sabel@med.ovgu.de DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-53355-5.00013-0 199 200 Keywords: vision; restoration; rehabilitation; plasticity; current stimulation; training. Introduction Humans rely on vision more than on any of the other senses, and more brain tissue is devoted to visual perception than to all other senses combined (Felleman and Van Essen, 1991). Thus, when the brain is damaged, the likelihood to suffer visual impairments is high and the consequences for quality of life are grave. Nineteen percent of persons > 70 years have visual impairments (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2004), and visual loss is the most feared disease in the elderly (Aiello, 2008). There are many possible reasons for impairments or loss of vision after damage to the central nervous system. Functional deficits depend primarily on the location of the damage which may be in the retina, optic nerve, or higher-level visual structures of the brain. When the visual radiation or visual cortex is damaged, homonymous sectors of the visual field are lost, leading to scotomata or loss of the entire half of the visual field, a condition long known as hemianopia (Baumgarten, 1878; Poppelreuter, 1917). The etiology of visual field defects may be traumatic, inflammatory, or vascular, and the vision loss can proceed either acutely (as in stroke or brain trauma) or it can progress more slowly as in inflammatory degeneration of the optic nerve or retinal damage (e.g., glaucoma or age-related macular degeneration (AMD)). Because of its retinotopic organization and highly specific cortical organization, the visual system is generally believed not to recover very well after injury. The generally accepted notion is that patients are permanently left with irreparable blindness. However, there is some hope because vision loss is usually not complete but partial, having variable degrees of residual visual functions. A better understanding of how to stimulate the partially damaged visual system to improve its function is therefore not only scientifically interesting but also clinically relevant. Despite the lingering pessimism that vision loss is permanent, searching new ways to help patients regain at least some of their lost vision is a scientific and clinical responsibility. It was long suspected that the brain had no capability of repair after an early spontaneous recovery phase which typically ends after the first few weeks of injury. But in recent years, we have witnessed scientific progress showing many examples where vision improvements were seen even well beyond this early recovery phase. Vision recovery as discussed in our review, also termed vision restoration, is limited to visual dysfunctions caused by damage of the central nervous system, that is, retina, optic nerve, and different brain regions. We do not discuss restoration of anterior eye problems (cornea or lense). Vision restoration also does not assume a “complete return” to normal function and it may manifest itself mainly in partial and sometime also in total recovery, depending on the individual case. The term “vision restoration” should not be misunderstood as implying “complete” restoration of function at all times because the extent of restoration is always rather variable and usually not complete. The term “restoration” should also not be misused to raise unfounded hope in patients with visual loss. It rather emphasizes the residual potential of the damage system to improve its function, in whatever extent, form or shape. Several issues cannot be discussed in detail in this review such as the role of plasticity in normal learning. Particularly, the study of normal “perceptual learning” was elegantly studied by other laboratories (see below) and their work should be consulted. The present review also does not focus on how patients who suffer from visual field defects may be able to “compensate” for their visual field loss by scanning the visual world more vigorously with eye movements, thus attempting to increase their “field of view.” It is possible that this compensation actually reduces the chance for restoration as the subjects learn to focus their attention more on the remaining, intact capacities. 201 The aim of the present review is to first summarize the current literature on vision restoration and on this basis formulate a new theory of the underlying mechanisms. Although visual system plasticity has been discussed at numerous occasions, we still lack a coherent theory of vision restoration after damage to the adult brain and this should be rectified. The residual vision activation theory was therefore conceived to provide a heuristic framework to sort and interpret the different observations and approaches, helping to guide us in a new and exciting research direction that provides hope for the many partially blind patients. “Neuroengineering”-like approaches that aim at restoring vision can be only mentioned here in passing: besides efforts to limit the lesion effects through neuroprotection, there are various attempts to replace the damaged tissue itself or to provide some alternative tissue that augments the damaged tissue or supports its biological regeneration. These include (i) artificial retinal or brain implants, (ii) retinal and cortical tissue transplants, (iii) nerve regeneration, and (iv) stem cell implantation. Because these approaches are mostly experimental at this time, they are not discussed in further detail here. Whereas the neuroengineering approach aims at replacing or augmenting the lost tissue itself— as if trying to fill the hole of a donut—the “neuroplasticity approach” of residual vision aims at altering the surviving brain tissue itself. It is by far the clinically more relevant topic and has received a lot of attention from different groups. Neuroplasticity studies focus on the residual (surviving) brain structures both at the site of the lesion (local) and in the brain network as a whole (global). While visual system plasticity is a well-described phenomenon in the developing, normal brain at an age well before the critical period, it is now consensus that the visual system plasticity is possible in older age; it is observed in perceptual learning in adults and elderly but also after different types of brain lesions, both in animals and in man. The present review summarizes the evidence of post-lesion plasticity of the partially damaged adult visual system and its clinical impact and then formulates the residual vision activation theory. This theory was conceived to create a unified view of current empirical evidence of visual system repair and to explain mechanisms of vision restoration after lesions of the central visual pathway, including retina, optic nerve, postchiasmatic tracts, and radiations, striate (V1) but also extrastriate cortex. Plasticity of the visual system Plasticity has been observed at many different levels of the visual system both in the normal and in the lesioned brain. In fact, plasticity is a rather normal, dynamic property that takes place in normal perceptual learning. Perceptual learning Perceptual learning is a change in performance following training or practice which is typically investigated in visually healthy subjects (Fahle and Poggio, 2002; Li et al., 2004). Perceptual learning may improve different visual abilities such as detection of thresholds, gratings, hyperacuity, motion, or texture (Fahle, 2002, 2005; Fiorentini and Berardi, 1980; Gilbert et al., 2001; Polat and Sagi, 1994). The improvements are usually specific and they do not transfer easily between different stimuli or stimulus locations in the visual field. This specificity is attributed to response modifications of neuron assemblies at the earliest visual processing stages such as V1 (Fahle, 2005; Fahle and Skrandies, 1994; Hirsch and Gilbert, 1991). Perceptual learning may involve training attention to discriminate distinctive stimulus features (Gibson, 1969), increase alertness (Wolford et al., 1988), and establish stimulus–response associations (correlated activities) in sensory system of the brain. Practice is also able to increase the range of the lateral interactions sixfold in collinearity tasks (Polat et al., 2004; Polat and Sagi, 1994) which 202 appears to increase the efficacy of the collinear interactions between neighboring neurons. This, in turn, may improve the connectivity of remote neurons via local interactions which are also thought to be involved in receptive field (RF) plasticity after retinal lesions (for discussion see below). Plasticity after retinal lesions Plasticity after acute retinal damage When the retina is damaged, visual impairments can recover spontaneously and there is considerable RF reorganization in upstream areas (Dreher et al., 2001; Eysel, 1997; Eysel and Grüsser, 1978; Eysel et al., 1999; Gilbert and Wiesel, 1992; Kaas et al., 1990). RF reorganization is a well-studied field showing how the brain reacts to injury by numerous neurophysiological changes on the molecular, cellular, and network level (see also Huxlin, 2008). Retinal lesions are often used in experimental animal models to study recovery and RF plasticity. Rather limited RF plasticity occurs in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of the thalamus after retina damage (Eysel and Grüsser, 1978), whereas in the visual cortex, up to 98% of the deafferented neurons developed new RFs within 3 months after retinal lesion in cats (Chino et al., 1995). Cortical reorganization is typically reflected in a displacement of the RF position and RF enlargement. The shift of RFs following retinal lesions has been reported both in cat's area 17 and 18 (Kaas et al., 1990; Young et al., 2002). The properties of these RFs are normal, except for elevation of contrast threshold (Chino et al., 1995) and changes in temporal characteristics of response (Darian-Smith and Gilbert, 1995; Heinen and Skavenski, 1991; Waleszczyk et al., 2003). Lesions of both retinal and cortical areas are typically accompanied by reduced GABAergic inhibition and increased glutamatergic excitation, leading to an increased spontaneous activity and excitability change of visual activity in the region of cortical scotoma (cortical representation of retinal lesion; Giannikopoulos and Eysel, 2006) or in regions surrounding the cortical lesion (penumbra) (Dohle et al., 2009; Eysel et al., 1999; Imbrosci et al., 2010). Recovery of visual responses in the silenced area of the visual cortex is suggested to be mediated by anatomical (Darian-Smith and Gilbert, 1994) and functional changes of intrinsic cortical horizontal connection (Calford et al., 2003; Das and Gilbert, 1995; Palagina et al., 2009; Young et al., 2007). Keck et al. (2008) recently observed in adult mice with small retinal lesions a complete reorganization of dendritic spines in the deafferented cortex within 2 months. The rate at which postsynaptic connections perished and were reestablished was three times higher than in normal brain. Smirnakis et al., (2005) have questioned the existence of cortical reorganization as they could not see topographic changes in the BOLD response of adult macaques 7.5 months after retinal lesion, but the BOLD response was considered to be insensitive to changes in RFs by most investigators in the field (Calford et al., 2005). The body of literature on RF reorganization in the visual system is too large to be reviewed here and numerous publications by the groups of Eysel and Gilbert (see above), Chino et al. (1995), Calford et al. (2000), and others can be readily found (Huxlin, 2008). Plasticity in AMD Age related macular degeneration (AMD) is a progressive, degenerative disorder that often causes a large scotoma in the central visual field which leads to fixation and reading problems. Such patients also show signs of perceptual plasticity as seen in the “filling-in” phenomenon (Cohen et al., 2003; McManus et al., 2008; Mendola et al., 2006; Zur and Ullman, 2003). Another sign of perceptual plasticity in AMD patients is that the patients spontaneously adopt 203 a new preferred retinal location (PRL) to achieve eccentric fixation (note: “preferred locus” does not imply that it is the most optimal locus). In such cases, patients compensate their foveal damage by using intact (or partly intact) regions at the edge of the damage to better be able to fixate objects (Greenstein et al., 2008; Schuchard and Fletcher, 1994). Eccentric fixation can also be learned which may improve reading (Nilsson et al., 1998, 2003; Watson et al., 2006), and, in cases where an unfavorable PRL has spontaneously developed, behavioral training can be used to shift the PRL to a more optimal location (Nilsson et al., 2003; Radvay et al., 2007). This is needed because an untrained PRL is sometimes located in an undesirable area such as on the left side of the scotoma, that is, in a position that is not optimal for reading. When patients are trained to relearn a new PRL above or below the scotoma, they may experience substantially increased reading speed (Nilsson et al., 1998, 2003), though it is still unclear, what the best position for such a PRL might be. Imaging studies showed that the visual cortex of AMD patients shows signs of cortical reorganization in areas of the cortex that topographically match the fovea (Baker et al., 2005, 2008). Cortical regions that previously processed only central (foveal) visual information could now be activated by peripheral stimuli and this reorganization is associated with development of eccentric vision (Schumacher et al., 2008). This type of reorganization apparently only occurs when the functional loss at the fovea was complete, that is, without tissue sparing. However, only small patient numbers were studied so far, requiring confirmation in larger clinical trials, which are currently underway in the UK (G. Rubin, personal communication). Yet, the spontaneous development of PRLs and the ability to retrain their location are signs of how the visual system uses plasticity mechanisms to adapt to the loss. Here, intact tissue takes over the role of the damaged regions. Plasticity in glaucoma Glaucoma is the leading cause of visual field loss in all age groups (Ramrattan et al., 2001). It is a slowly developing retinal disease where elevated intraocular pressure leads to retinal ganglion cell (RGC) death. In contrast to AMD, field defects in glaucoma typically emerge from the periphery of the visual field. This may be one of the reasons why visual field impairments remain undetected by the patient for a long time until nerve cell loss has already progressed significantly with serious field impairments. Another reason for the late detection may be that the brain adapts to the slow loss by plastic changes: it compensates the retinal cell loss by some yet unknown mechanism (such as filling-in), keeping it subclinical or below conscious perception. While the progression of glaucoma-induced visual field loss can mostly be arrested by proper medication, the scotoma, once detected, is considered to be permanent, with no chance to improve. However, some RGCs survive within the damaged retinal regions (Pavlidis et al., 2003) and perhaps by the process of RF plasticity, the functionally deafferented visual cortex undergoes sensitivity changes. Gudlin et al. (2008) have carried out a pilot study with five patients that suffered stable primary open-angle glaucoma and trained them with near-threshold repetitive light stimuli (vision restoration training, VRT). They observed improvements in the perception of light stimuli in perimetries of the central visual field in four patients. This observation was later confirmed by a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial with 30 glaucoma patients with stable visual field loss at baseline who were randomized to one of two groups: either “VRT”, or “stimulus discrimination training” for 3 months (Gudlin, 2008). VRT significantly increased the detection performance in different perimetric tasks which confirms that even visual loss after retinal damage can be improved by training the visual field border. In summary, there are signs of considerable plasticity even in cases of retinal lesions which 204 can happen spontaneously (as shown in the PRLs) or are induced by perceptual training. While it is possible that there is plasticity on the retinal level as well or even in the damaged nerve itself, it appears that the functionally relevant change requires central visual pathway plasticity at the level of the lateral geniculate, the visual cortex or higher cortical networks. Plasticity after optic nerve lesions Prechiasmatic (optic nerve) lesions typically have a traumatic or inflammatory origin with concentric narrowing of the visual field after compression of the outer portions of the optic nerve fibers. Animal models Optic nerve damage has been a popular model to study neuroprotection, regeneration, and functional restoration after acute complete or incomplete injury (e.g., Benowitz and Yin, 2007, 2008; Heiduschka and Thanos, 2000; Lorber et al., 2008). Here, we will focus our discussion on restoration of function after partial optic nerve crush (ONC), which was studied for many years in our laboratory. ONC can be induced in adult rats by means of cross-action forceps which produce definable, reproducible lesions (Duvdevani et al., 1990). Though the rat has a relatively simple visual system compared to higher mammals, its contrast sensitivity function is roughly comparable to that of cats, monkeys, and humans (Keller et al., 2000). After ONC, only a definable, small number of cells survive after the injury, thus providing a small remnant of residual fibers (similar to Lashley's work, e.g., Lashley, 1939). If this spares just a small, minimum number of neurons and axons, spontaneous recovery of some visual functions can take place such as brightness or pattern discrimination, or orientation toward small moving targets (Duvdevani et al., 1990; Sautter and Sabel, 1993; Sautter et al., 1991; Schmitt and Sabel, 1996a,b). Because the slope of recovery is typically about 2–3 weeks, ONC recovery can be correlated well with cellular and molecular changes that accompany recovery (Sabel et al., 1995; Sautter and Sabel, 1993; Sautter et al., 1991). Within the first 1–2 weeks, the number of RGCs is reduced by as much as 70–90% as a result of retrograde degeneration (Sabel et al., 1995, 1997; Sautter and Sabel, 1993). After that time, only about 10–30% of the RGCs survive and remain connected with their principle target, the superior colliculus (Prilloff et al., 2007; Rousseau and Sabel, 2001; Rousseau et al., 1999; Sabel et al., 1997; Sautter and Sabel, 1993). Although recovery is usually incomplete, the extent of recovery is remarkable: performance in visual tasks immediately after the damage is only 10–30% (which corresponds to the cell number at that time) but vision improves to about 80–90% within 2–3 weeks (Rousseau and Sabel, 2001; Sabel et al., 1997). The surviving, residual cells show morphological and functional signs of plasticity: their cell body size moderately increases (Rousseau and Sabel, 2001; Rousseau et al., 1999) and their calcium activity levels rise in a delayed and moderate manner (Fig. 1), unlike the fast calcium influx that precedes cell death (Prilloff et al., 2007). We believe that these cellular changes contribute to vision restoration because (i) the time course of the delayed cellular and metabolic changes is similar to the time course of functional recovery (Prilloff et al., 2007), and (ii) the hyperactivation of residual neurons leads to hyperresponsiveness to visual stimulation (Prilloff et al., 2007). These correlations in time of behavioral and neurobiological changes are an example of “within-systems” plasticity (see below). Recovery of optic neuritis in humans Spontaneous restoration (recovery) of vision after optic nerve lesions is also seen in humans and 205 Recovery from optic nerve damage (a) Visual function 80 Percentage of control 70 60 Metabolic activity (2DG) 50 40 30 No. of neurons 20 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Days after crush 20 22 26 28 30 Calcium activation in residual neurons (b) 900 Bg * 800 * 700 RGC type I RGC type II RGC type III Dying RGCs * 600 FI (% Bg) 24 500 * * 400 * 300 * 200 100 0 −2 Pre crush 2 4 6 10 15 Days after crush Fig. 1. Recovery from partial optic nerve damage. The partial optic nerve crush in the rat serves as a model to study recovery from partial visual system damage. (a) Time course of behavioral and anatomical change after optic nerve crush. Despite an ongoing loss of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), there is recovery of vision and metabolic (2DG) activity. The surviving cells seem to be able to compensate the loss rather well. (b) RGCs that manage to survive (RGC type II and III) show increased calcium activation and greater responsivity to visual stimulation starting at day 10-postlesion which is the time that significant recovery has taken place. These hyperfunctional cells may contribute to recovery of vision (see Prilloff et al., 2007); RGCs with massive calcium influx die within 6 days. typically happens within the first weeks and months after damage. Recovery can happen even if conduction speed remains impaired as evident in longer latencies of the visual evoked potentials (VEPs; Levin et al., 2006; Russ et al., 2002; Werring et al., 2000). This suggests that mechanisms of recovery are probably not restricted to the optic nerve (within-systems plasticity) but may also involve associated structures along the visual pathway (network plasticity). Korsholm et al. (2007) measured the effects of visual stimulation with functional imaging in 19 patients recovering from acute optic neuritis (ON) and found activations in the LGN of the thalamus and in the visual cortex in both the acute condition and after 3 and 6 months 206 post-lesion. In the acute phase, the LGN and visual cortex activation were significantly reduced. The difference in activation of the intact and the damaged eye, however, became smaller (recovered) over time and was no longer significant at 6 months. This could be explained by an increased activation of the retina of the damaged eye and also an activation reduction of the retina in the intact eye. Patients with ON undergo cortical and subcortical neuroplasticity as revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI; Korsholm et al., 2007, 2008). While adaptive cortical reorganization in higher visual areas was not directly observed in the Korsholm studies, extrastriate activations may happen, which is a sign of an adaptive reorganization of cerebral activity after acute ON (Toosy et al., 2002, 2005). Toosy et al. (2002) observed activations in the right insula/ claustrum, lateral parts of the temporal–parietal cortex and in thalamus. Thus, not only the primary structure of the visual system damage is involved in the post-lesion plasticity response but also secondary (and probably tertiary) structures. In summary, activity patterns along the entire axis of the visual system may change during spontaneous vision restoration (recovery), particularly in extrastriate areas, and these may very well be associated with performance improvements (Henriksson et al., 2007; Toosy et al., 2002, 2005). It has not been resolved to which extent these activation changes are necessary or sufficient for the recovery process, if they are adaptive or maladaptive, and which mechanisms and structures are involved. This needs further study. Plasticity after post-chiasmatic lesions In contrast to lesions of the retina and optic nerve, damage in upstream brain regions (such as primary visual cortex) may leave different alternative pathways intact, depending on the lesion location. Especially in the early literature the question of interest was this: Which structures are necessary for vision and how well can animals recover when visual structures are damaged? Spontaneous recovery of vision in animals Lashley (1939) was, to the best of our knowledge, the first to report recovery of vision in rats. He found that with only small remnants of surviving tissue, amounting to as few as 700 cells in the LGN of the thalamus (which is about one-fiftieth of the normal number), visual discrimination ability was maintained. After cortical lesions, rats, just like other species (such as hamsters, hedgehogs, tree shrews, cats, and monkeys), were initially impaired in their ability to solve visual problems, but over time some visual functions recovered. To determine which brain areas are involved in recovery from visual cortex damage, Baumann and Spear (1977) first allowed the animals to recover from a visual cortex lesion and then removed additional areas of the brain. Loss of the lateral portions of the suprasylvian gyrus left the animals unable to recover, suggesting that this area played a special role in recovery. Also Fischman and Meikle (1965) suspected that other brain areas (pretectum or the suprasylvian gyrus) might be critical for recovery in such combined lesion cases. Recovery of vision has also been studied in cats. Wiesel and Hubel (1965), for example, noted some limited recovery in kittens with early visual deprivation induced by eye sutures, even if the deprived eye was reopened at a time well beyond the “critical period.” Also in adult cats, recovery of brightness discrimination was described after bilateral cortex or superior colliculus removal or simultaneous removal of both structures (in which case additional training was required, see below) (Urbaitis and Meikle, 1968). Only when all alternative pathways of the visual system were damaged simultaneously (total network lesion), recovery was no longer possible (Fischman and Meikle, 1965). 207 Since these early observations, many studies have been published on either electrophysiological measures of cortical reorganization or behavioral measures of vision restoration and reorganization following cortical deafferentation or silencing by retinal lesions. This includes studies of (i) RF reorganization after retinal (Chino et al., 1995; Gilbert and Wiesel, 1992) or cortical lesions (Eysel, 1997) which depends in its extent on visual experience (Milleret and Buser, 1984); (ii) recovery from monocular deprivation during or after the early critical period when the competing, intact eye is occluded or removed (He and Loop, 1991; Maire-Lepoivre et al., 1988; Mitchell et al., 1984; Smith and Holdefer, 1985; Spear and Ganz, 1975; van Hoff-van Duin, 1976); (iii) restoration of visual functions after additional brain lesions which lift inhibition by competing fibers to the deafferented zone (Di Stefano and Gargini, 1995; Wallace et al., 1989) or after loss of the intact, fixating eye in amblyopia (Tieman and Hirsch, 1983); and (iv) complete or incomplete spontaneous recovery of vision after lesions of the cortex (Baumann and Spear, 1977; De Weerd et al., 1993, 1994; Fabre-Thorpe et al., 1994; Wallace et al., 1989) or optic tract (Jacobson et al., 1977, 1979). In the macaque monkey, the primary visual cortex and visual association areas occupy about 50% of the total cortical mantle (Van Essen and Maunsell, 1980). Monkey studies on restoration of vision are more rare and they typically employ only very few animals. While specific lesions within visual pathways usually lead to stable deficits, there have been a few reports showing recovery of some visual functions in monkeys indicating that an initial loss of vision must not always be permanent. Zee et al. (1983), for example, created bilateral occipital lobectomies in monkeys, rendering the animals incapable of smooth pursuit eye movements 1 month postsurgery. In the subsequent months, however, the function recovered to normal levels. Also Mohler and Wurtz (1977) noted recovery in a visual detection paradigm within 3 weeks following either cortical or tectal injury, but no recovery was seen when both lesions were combined. Also, lesions in area MT produced pursuit eye-movement deficits from which the monkeys recovered within the relatively short period of about 1 week (Dürsteler et al., 1987; Newsome et al., 1985). This was attributed to the relatively small size lesion. Surprisingly, unilateral lesions produce sometimes more permanent deficits from which the animals do not recover. Segraves et al. (1987) offer the following explanation for this apparent paradox: “First, the monkey with unilateral striate lesions presumably relies upon the intact striate cortex for input to the smooth pursuit system. However, a monkey with a bilateral striate lesion is left with only subcortical and residual extrastriate visual mechanisms, and so may use them more fully. The effect is analogous to the tendency of monkeys with unilateral rhizotomies to avoid use of the deafferented limb until the intact one is mechanically restrained” (p. 3056). This is related to the “Sprague effect” as discussed below. Spontaneous recovery of vision in humans Traditionally, geniculostriate lesions were considered to result in complete and permanent visual loss in the topographically related area of the visual field (Holmes, 1918; Poppelreuter, 1917) though the maintenance of movement perception was noticed by some clinical investigators (Riddoch, 1917). Lesions of the occipital cortex typically cause contralateral visual field defects termed hemianopia or quadrantanopia, depending on their size. Teuber et al. (1960, 1975) was among the first to systematically observe recovery of vision in patients. He extensively studied soldiers with gunshot wounds of the brain acquired during the Korea war and found better recovery in younger patients. Further, the spontaneous shrinkage of the resultant scotoma depended on the age at lesion (Teuber, 1975). 208 In humans with brain injury, recovery of visual functions is the rule and not the exception. But patients with visual field defects typically have a poor prognosis if they do not spontaneously recover early on. The speed of recovery depends on the lesion characteristics: whereas in cases with partial defects maximal recovery is achieved within the first 48 h (Pambakian and Kennard, 1997; Pambakian et al., 2005), recovery from complete hemianopia occurs usually within the first few weeks. About half of the patients show partial recovery and less than 10% of patients recover their full field of vision back (Zhang et al., 2006). There are only very rare cases of spontaneous vision recovery beyond this time point (Poggel et al., 2001). Nelles et al. (2002, 2007) studied patients with ischemic lesions of the visual cortex using functional imaging. While in a control group, they observed the maximum activity in hemifield stimulation in the contralateral visual cortex and bilaterally in the extrastriate cortex, the patients showed increased ipsilateral activation in the extrastriate cortex when stimulating the hemianopic hemifield. Although many studies are available on spontaneous and traininginduced visual field recovery, cortical reorganization processes after acquired visual cortex lesions are rarely examined (Dilks et al., 2007). Schoenfeld et al. (2002) described a young hemianopic patient (age 22 years), who spontaneously recovered some motion and color perception at 1 month post-lesion. Functional neuroimaging showed activation of areas V4/8, V5, and V2/3 with no activation in his damaged V1. Magnetoencephalographic recordings revealed more posterior activation areas V2/3 followed by activation of the MTþ and V4/8 complex. Other functional imaging studies have also shown that stimulating fields of residual (or recovered) vision leads to activation of extrastriate cortical regions which was interpreted as a sign of reorganization (Rausch et al., 2000). But other studies could not confirm this (Barbur et al., 1993; Zeki and Ffytche, 1998). Clearly, this is an area requiring further experimentation. In this context, it is noteworthy that patients, especially those with blindness early in life, show a massive reorganization of the brain involving multimodal activation of nonvisual senses. Here, the brain recruits visual cortex for other functions, for example, processing of tactile input in reading Braille (Sadato, 2005). This type of “transmodal plasticity” is important for the patient to compensate their vision loss and remain able to orient and navigate in space. Reorganization in congenital and early blindness Congenital and early blindness are different in that they originate early in life, when the brain has a considerable developmental plasticity potential. Here, the “visual” cortex of the blind processes somatosensory and auditory information, which suggests a rewiring of neural associations sending nonvisual sensory information to the visual cortex (Noppeney, 2007; Ptito and Kupers, 2005; Ptito et al., 2008). Consequently, “intermodal plasticity” appears to outpace within-systems plasticity in the early blind. Park et al. (2007) studied the neural reorganization in the visual cortex in early blind patients with diffusion tensor functional imaging. Mainly in the primary visual pathway, reduced anisotropy and increased diffusion were found compared to emmetropic subjects. Changes in regional diffusion were observed not only in the visual pathway but also in nonvisual areas such as the U-fibers of the parietal lobe, the striatum, the pulvinar, and the inferior and superior longitudinal fasciculus. These changes are adjustments to the early loss of visual system structures. These adjustments, in turn, may represent hyperfunctions of other sensory systems (especially hearing and somatosensory functions) which the blind need for orientation in space (Ptito et al., 2008). Another study that highlights the potential of residual capacities of congenitally blind people was presented by Gothe et al. (2002) who applied transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to excite 209 the visual cortex of patients with congenital blindness. Patients reported phosphenes in different retinotopic positions even inside areas of perimetric blindness, and these phosphenes could be provoked by TMS more easily in patients with some residual vision. Recently, a remarkable case of plasticity in congenital blindness was reported by Ostrovsky et al. (2006). An adult subject from India, S.R.D., who was blind from birth on until age 12 at which time she underwent surgery for removal of dense congenital cataracts on both eyes, still had acuity impairments at age 32, but, surprisingly, S.R.D.'s acuity was proficient on mid- and high-level visual tasks. The authors concluded that the human brain retains an impressive capacity for visual learning well into late childhood which was observed also in three other subjects in a later study (Ostrovsky et al., 2009). Residual vision Clinically relevant plasticity occurs not primarily in regions of “absolute blindness” but in “areas of residual vision” (ARVs). They are located at the visual field borders and in islands of residual vision in regions of presumed “total” blindness. Residual vision at the visual field border The difficulty to appreciate the existence of residual vision at all has, besides conceptual issues, a technical origin. Current perimetric methods were not designed to measure ARVs, visual cognition, or subjective vision. They were designed to measure vision loss that results from eye diseases (such as glaucoma). Thus, standard perimetry methods are not very detailed (low resolution) and have other limitations when applied to the studies of the more subtle phenomenon of visual system plasticity: they simply ignore the weaker residual visual functions. This may be one source of some controversy over the interpretation of visual field expansion results (Sabel and Trauzettel-Klosinski, 2005). Just paying attention to intact regions and damaged areas (absolute defects) is insufficient. Rather, ARVs that are known also as “relative defects” are key in our understanding of visual system recovery (Kasten et al., 1998a; Sabel, 1999; Sabel and Kasten, 2000; Sabel et al., 2004; Widdig et al., 2003; Zihl and von Cramon, 1979). Thus, a more precise diagnostic with higher resolution needs to complement the existing static supraliminal- and threshold-perimetry. Also, visual information in daily life is normally processed binocularly. For these reasons in our laboratory, we usually evaluate visual fields with both eyes open using a specifically developed computer-based method termed “high-resolution perimetry” (HRP; Kasten et al., 1998a,b). This method presents suprathreshold light stimuli repeatedly in random sequences (Kasten et al., 1998a). As Fig. 2 shows, binocular HRP reveals areas of inconsistent detections (gray areas), intact areas (white), with reliable stimulus detection, and areas of absolute blindness (black areas). The brightness of the light stimuli is of decisive relevance for the characterization of the intact, residual (partially damaged), and absolute damaged areas. When using brighter (high-contrast) light stimuli, the intact visual field area appears larger than when darker (low-contrast) light stimuli are used. Typically, there is not a sharp border between the damaged and intact visual field but rather a more smooth “transition zone” (relative defects) which varies considerably between patients in size or shape (Kasten et al., 1998a). These “fuzzy” transition zones are particular prominent in patients with prechiasmatic (optic nerve) lesions as they have a rather inhomogeneous, scattered visual field defect (Fig. 2). We have proposed that these transition zones are the functional representation of partially damaged brain areas and termed them “ARVs” (Fig. 3). They are the regions where plasticity mostly occurs. Here, neurons survived the damage similar to what we found in our rat 210 Areas of residual vision (a) 20 20 15 10 5 15 0 −5 −10 10 −15 −20 −25 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 20 25 5 20 15 10 0 5 0 −5 −5 −10 −15 −20 −25 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 20 −10 25 20 15 −15 10 5 0 −20 −5 −10 −15 −20 −25 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 20 100 % 80 % 60 % 40 % 20 % 0% Fixpoint −25 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 20 25 25 (b) Intact ARV blind (c) Full input (d) Reduced input Complete damage Fig. 2. Areas of residual vision (ARVs). (a) To assess the visual fields with high-resolution computer-based perimetry (HRP), suprathreshold stimuli are presented at random from which simple detection charts (here: 3) can be created. Intact visual field sector is shown in white; black represents regions of absolute blindness. When superimposed, the new chart (right) reveals gray areas where response accuracy is inconsistent. They are known as ARVs or relative defects. Gray regions are interpreted by us as representing partial damage where only some cells remain connected with their target structure. Thus, partial structure leads to partial function (b, c). The disconnected cells will degenerate retrogradely due to lack of trophic support. (b) Different brain regions (square) can suffer different severities of deafferentation, shown in different shades of gray in the visual field map. The extent of deafferentation has a functional correlate: the greater the loss, the lower the functional accuracy, ranging from intact (white) through shades of gray (i.e., ARV) to black (blind). (c) The concept of stimulation-induced synchronization after partial nervous system damage. While neurons of the intact regions fire in a synchronized manner to drive normal vision (here they jointly fire action potentials in perfect temporal coordination), areas of partial damage are nonsynchronized, with poor firing synchrony. In blind (black) regions, no neuronal firing is elicited due to complete loss of neurons. After external stimulation which is induced by training or during electric current stimulation, the partially damaged regions are forced to fire jointly in temporal coordination. It is hypothesized that repeated stimulation induces a synaptic plasticity of the partially damaged structures (shown here) and downstream areas (not shown here), stabilizing their synchronous firing beyond the treatment period (aftereffects). This improved or stabilized synchronization is one of the proposed neurophysiological mechanism of vision restoration. 211 (a) Plasticity in striate and extrastriate regions P4 V2–V5 LGN P1 Striate P2 90% Retina V1 10% P3 Extra striate Tectum/pulvinar Restored visual fields (b) Before After 20 Training 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 –5 –5 –10 –10 –15 –15 –20 0 5 10 15 20 –20 30 –25 –20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 ACS –25 –20 –15 –10 –5 100 % 80 % 60 % 40 % 20 % 0% Fixpoint Fig. 3. Vision restoration pathways: striate and extrastriate. (a) This highly simplified diagram shows the primary and secondary visual structures in the human brain. In the normal brain, the main retinofugal pathway is the retino-geniculo-striate pathway (striate route) which comprises the majority (>90%) of retinofugal fibers. It supplies striate cortex and higher cortical regions with neuronal information for normal perception. Only a small proportion of retinofugal fibers (probably <10%) travel an alternative (extrastriate) route, that is, via the direct geniculo-V5 connection or the retino-tectal/pulvinar pathway. When a lesion damages the primary visual pathway (e.g., lesion in V1 as shown in black here), plasticity can occur in different places (P1–P4) along the neuronal pathway so that information traveling to higher cortical regions are facilitated: (i) via intact tissue in V1, (ii) via partially damaged, residual regions in V1 (the gray zones surrounding the lesion), or (iii) via the extrastriate pathways. These alternative pathways mediate different kinds of residual visions, depending on the lesion size and location. Vision restoration may be mediated by any one of these pathways or a combination of them. (b) Examples of visual fields of two patients showing vision restoration (the x- and y-axes display degrees of visual angle). For explanation of the charts, see legend to Fig. 2. The upper visual field charts are taken from a stroke patient suffering from hemianopia, the lower charts from a patient suffering from optic nerve damage (Gall et al., 2010b). The stroke patient was treated with behavioral vision training for 6 months and the optic nerve patient with alternating current stimulation (ACS) for 10 days. Note the marked improvement of visual detection ability after the treatment in both cases. Both black and gray areas showed marked functional improvements, leading to significant visual field expansions. These cases show that vision restoration is possible. 212 experiments after optic nerve lesions (Fig. 1), though visual information is processed at a suboptimal level. These residual structures are the primary targets for therapeutic intervention (Kasten et al., 1998a; Sabel, 1999; Sabel and Kasten, 2000). Both objective tests and subjective patient reports indicate that the quality of the visual perception in ARVs is significantly reduced. ARVs also show increased reaction times to stimuli of different brightness, and colors and shapes are insufficiently discriminated (Kasten et al., 1998b; Sabel and Kasten, 2000). Subjectively, patients reported them as shadows or “diffuse” vision. ARVs, by their nature of being functionally compromised, are also the largest source of variability in visual field testing (Poggel et al., 2010). Zihl et al. (1977) observed daily variations in visual field size up to 10 . A possible cause of fluctuations in the visual field size and intraindividual variations of residual vision are periodic fluctuations in brain activity, in particular in the alpha-band (8–14 Hz) (Romei et al., 2008a, b): fluctuations in the alpha-band correlated highly with the probability of visual stimulus detection. Therefore, fluctuations may be an expression of the activation state of the visual system and this may, in part, explain the inconsistent stimulus detections in these areas of the visual field. The activation state depends much on the state of general attention and vigilance (arousal). In summary, spontaneous plasticity is a rather common event, irrespective of where the lesion is located along the axis of the visual pathway. Plasticity is not a unique feature of the human brain but can be found in all species. In fact, animal experiments have helped a lot to delineate possible mechanisms underlying vision restoration and recovery. But besides partially injured ARVs of the primary visual pathway, there are other routes whereby higher cortical regions can receive visual input after lesions of the visual cortex. Blindsight Since the seminal work by Schneider (1969) and others (Felleman and Van Essen, 1991), it is known that the retina has different routes to send visual information to higher cortical regions. Lesions limited to the coronal radiation or the visual cortex do not directly injure the “extrastriate” pathways which therefore survive the injury (Fig. 3). In a way, damage in one region of the visual system network leaves other detour options intact. For many years, the role of these surviving pathways in mediating residual vision has been explored. Despite cortical blindness, certain levels of perceptual processing are maintained inside the blind visual field sector. Pöppel et al. (1973) were the first to report that patients were able to make saccades when stimuli were presented at different eccentricities inside their blind fields. Later, Weiskrantz et al. (1974) described a patient with partial occipital ablation who was able to carry out not only manual and saccadic localization but also discriminated line orientations, shapes (X and O), and color by correct guessing. But because the patient was not aware of a conscious percept, this phenomenon was termed “blindsight” (Sanders et al., 1974). Since then, there have been many reports of blindsight and this field has been discussed extensively (for reviews, see Cowey and Stoerig, 1995; Stoerig, 2006; Stoerig and Cowey, 1997). It has since been described that motion perception is largely maintained in the blind area as some (but not all) patients with striate lesions are capable of detecting moving stimuli in the scotoma, being able to indicate the direction of simple or complex stimuli. This intact perception of visual motion is probably mediated by a direct geniculate–V5 connections (Azzopardi and Cowey, 2001; Benson et al., 1998). There was a controversy if blindsight is an exclusive affair of extrastriate, alternative pathways bypassing V1 (Stoerig, 1993; Weiskrantz, 1996) or if it is rather mediated by intact residual areas of 213 the primary visual cortex in islands of residual vision (Fendrich et al., 1992, 1993; Sabel and Kasten, 2000; Wessinger et al., 1997) (Fig. 3). The correct answer is probably that it could be both. The reason we believe also in a role of residual fibers of the primary retinogenulate–striate route is that even patients suffering optic nerve damage show blindsight inside the blind field (Wüst et al., 2002). This argues for the existence of partially surviving tissue inside the blind field which is able to mediate visual functions without awareness. Today, blindsight is thought to be sustained by three different mechanisms (Cowey and Stoerig, 1991): (i) extrageniculate activity via the subcortical pathways, (2) geniculo-extrastriate involvement, or (3) partial sparing of visual cortex with preservation of cortical processing sufficient for stimuli to reach a subjective threshold. So the issue is not which one of these hypotheses is correct but rather how much each of the different routes contributes to a particular patients’ response. It seems reasonable to assume that all available retinofugal routes are involved in vision restoration: the partially damaged, primary structures as well as the undamaged, non-V1 projections (Fig. 3). Perhaps, it matters less which exact residual structures contribute to vision restoration but how much activation is produced in areas downstream of V1 (V2–V5 and other higher cortical areas). Whatever the mechanisms of blindsight are, it is indeed a very impressive example of how the brain is capable of processing residual functions, being able to create visual percepts by information rerouting despite the lack of primary visual cortex. Activating residual vision Ever since the studies by Held and Hein (1963) and Hubel and Wiesel (1970), it is known that visual stimulation is required for normal visual system development. Early in life, active visual experience shapes the structure and function of the visual system, particularly during the critical period which is thought to end at the age of around 7–10 years for binocular visual functions in humans (Greenwald and Parks, 1999; PrietoDiaz, 2000; von Noorden, 1981). But also in the adult brain, visual experience shapes neuronal function, as it is known from studies of perceptual learning. Even after damage in the adult visual system, recovery of function happens and this is also stimulation dependent. There are different means of stimulating the damaged visual system: (i) visual experience, (ii) active behavioral training (massed practice), and (iii) electrical brain stimulation. As we now show, all of these methods have some capability to activate residual visual functions. Activating residual vision by experience Experience-dependent plasticity is a wellresearched field in developmental neurobiology. Deprivation early in life produces long-lasting visual deficits, and environmental stimulation and enrichment is beneficial for normal functional development (Karmarker and Dan, 2006). For example, enriched environments can enhance recovery from amblyopia by reducing intracortical inhibition (Cooke and Bear, 2010; Sale et al., 2007). To study the role of experience during postlesion recovery after CNS damage, we exposed adult rats with partial ONC during the first 4 weeks of recovery to different visual environmental conditions: (i) standard 12:12-h light:dark cycle; (ii) visual enrichment, which consisted of a 2 h selective visual activation (strobe lights, blinking lamps, and moving bars) and 22 h darkness; and (iii) total darkness only (Prilloff et al., 2010). Behavioral tests with a 6-choice brightness discrimination task revealed that rats kept under normal daylight conditions recovered their visual functions rather well, but rats housed in complete darkness failed to recover. However, only 2 h of daily exposure to visual enrichment (in an otherwise dark environment) led to significant recovery, the speed of which was even faster than in 214 rats housed under normal daylight conditions. Thus, visual experience, even if provided for short daily periods, is a critical factor determining the early phases of recovery. Without any stimulation of residual vision, recovery seems impossible. Whereas during the early recovery phase visual experience is critical, once a plateau has been reached, visual experience is apparently not sufficient to generate further vision restoration. This is largely due to the overpowering influence of the intact visual field (see discussion below). Consequently, a specific activation of residual vision by behavioral training or electrical stimulation is needed. Activating residual vision by training Behavioral training is more demanding than environmental enrichment. It typically involves a “massed repetition” of certain behavioral tasks and this is carried out for up to 1 h daily for weeks and months. The goal of visual training is not to enhance the early recovery rate but to improve final outcome in older lesions with stable visual impairments. During training, visual stimuli are presented to which the subject (animal or patient) has to respond. In a way, training produces a synchronized firing of the residual cells in a small region of the retina (within a few degrees of visual angle which leads to visual field improvements (Figs. 3–5). In contrast, after noninvasive brain electrical stimulation, the entire visual system is simultaneously synchronized (see section “Activating residual vision by electrical current stimulation”). Training residual vision in animal studies Though visual-training tasks have been studied in rats (Spear and Barbas, 1975; Stein and Weinberg, 1978), more studies are available in cats and monkey. In cats, the effects of visual stimulation are typically studied after eye closure early in life (to simulate amblyopia). Chow and Stewart (1972) showed that in newborn kittens which had one eye sutured for 16–24 months, subsequent visual stimulation (experience) by reopening of the sutured eye, together with the forced use of it (training), was beneficial. Upon reopening the eye, the kittens initially appeared not to use their deprived eye but rather relied on their intact eye to perform visual tasks, as if the deprived eye had been “switched off.” The animals kept walking into objects, failed to follow a moving light, and did not blink in response to a suddenly approaching hand. Over the course of several months, however, vision gradually returned to levels where no more blindness could be found, which is what others also found (Ganz and Fitch, 1968; Riesen, 1961). Chow and Stewart (1972) attributed much of the recovery to the several hundred trials of training the animals received in a pattern discrimination task which was carried out during the recovery phase. Though it is unclear if the improvement was caused by the normal visual experience or by the training sessions, it highlights the fact that deprivation effects must not be permanent, even when the eye reopening occurred well after the critical period. Also in other studies, massive training of about 1200 trials allowed the cats to relearn brightness discrimination (Payne et al., 1996; Urbaitis and Meikle, 1968). These training effects were also seen in monkeys. Cowey (1967) studied two rhesus monkeys with macular blindness and found that training was ineffective. Visual field defects after cortical damage, in contrast, could be trained to improve sensitivity threshold. Pasik and Pasik (1973) observed that bilateral occipital cortex lesions led to an initial blindness, but 3 months after the injury, the monkeys showed evidence of brightness discrimination. They were now again able to reach for visual stimuli. As in other studies, the functional improvement required massive testing (i.e., training between 300 and 6000 trials with visual tasks). Moore et al. (1996) described a single case of an adult monkey with a large unilateral striate cortex Structure–function mismatch After training Case 1 Baseline Improvements in 20 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 –5 –5 –10 –10 –15 –15 –20 –25 –20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25 ADL + + – – + – – + –20 –25 –20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25 25 25 20 Case 2 HRP 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 –5 –5 –10 –10 –15 0 5 10 Case 3 –35 –30 –25 –20 –15 –10 –5 –25 –20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 –35 –30 –25 –20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 –5 –5 –10 –10 –15 –15 –20 –20 –25 –20 –15 –10 –5 0 25 5 10 15 20 25 20 20 15 15 10 Case 4 10 5 5 0 0 –5 –5 –10 –10 –15 –15 –20 –20 –25 –20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25 –25 –20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Fig. 4. Objective–subjective mismatch. Visual fields (HRP) of four different patients are shown before versus after 6 months of behavioral training. Some patients show detection improvements but others do not. The detection changes not always match the patients’ subjective visual gains as shown by activities of daily living (ADL). Some patients show visual field improvements but do not notice this subjectively. Others show no alterations of their visual field charts but clearly subjectively report vision restoration. This mismatch of objective versus subjective visual improvement highlights the fact that the method of measuring detection of small visual stimuli is not sufficiently sensitive to document all aspects of vision restoration and, when taken alone, gives us only a limited view as to the patients subjective vision. 216 ablation which improved by training, lowering the error rate from 75% to only 25%. Another monkey, which had not profited from repeated testing at that time, however, profited at later time points (2 years after injury) at which point it had received a more massive training of over 5500 trials. This animal now also improved from a 75% error rate to about 25% (Moore, T., personal communication). Interestingly, the retrieval of residual vision was easier when the fixation point was not present during target stimulus presentation (extinction phenomenon) and recovered (retrained) functions were lost again when the luminance of the target stimuli was reduced (see also Mohler and Wurtz, 1977). A very impressive observation was made with a trained monkey, named Helen, that had received a bilateral occipital lesion at the age of 19 months (Humphrey, 1970, 1974). Helen showed hardly any visually guided behavior right after the lesion, but then Helen first learned to reach for moving objects, then detected a flashing light and thereafter a stationary light. Autopsy revealed that Helen had some peripheral sparing of V1 tissue, that is, an island of vision in the far periphery. It is this sparing that could possibly have mediated visual performance such as stimulus detection in nonperipheral parts of the field. Just as in other studies (Cowey, 1967), Helens functions did not develop spontaneously but took months of repeated training to improve. Thus, different monkey studies clearly show that visual stimulation (training) is beneficial after striate cortex injury, but regaining vision requires extensive visual testing/training in the order of thousands of stimulus presentations which is similar to the experience with patients (Kasten and Sabel, 1995; Kasten et al., 1998b, 2006). Training residual vision in humans behavioral stimulation (training) aims at strengthening residual visual structures by repetitively activating them, leading to facilitation of synaptic transmission, probably similar to longterm potentiation (LTP). Today, behavioral stimulation (training) of residual vision is by far the most widely used method to stimulate the injured visual system. This includes the method of VRT (Kasten and Sabel, 1995; Kasten et al., 1998a,b) which was based on the observation that repeated testing at the visual field border may induce border shifts (Zihl and von Cramon, 1979, 1985; Zihl et al., 1977). Other laboratories have used different kinds of training paradigms, patterns of different orientations (Sahraie et al., 2006), moving spirals (Jobke et al., 2009), flickering-type stimulations (Henriksson et al., 2007; Raninen et al., 2007; Roth et al., 2009), or Gabor patches with (Polat et al., 2004) or without (Sahraie et al., 2006) flanker-tasks to train patients. There are only very few null-findings with training (Balliett et al., 1985; Reinhard et al., 2005) and no study exists that found detrimental effects. There are two major ways to accomplish training effects in patients with brain damage: (i) by strengthening the function of partially damaged regions (ARVs) typically located at the visual field border or in islands of vision inside the blind field or (ii) by training pathways left intact after the damage which project directly or indirectly to higher cortical regions (i.e., those presumably involved in blindsight, see above). The difference between the two approaches is both conceptual and practical. Whereas training ARVs is realized by positioning the training stimuli in the border zone of the lesion, the latter requires placing training stimuli deep in the blind field. Both methods of stimulation enhance residual vision and combining them optimizes outcome (Jobke et al., 2009). The body of literature on vision restoration in humans has significantly grown in recent years (see Table 1). As in the animal models, Training residual vision at the border zone Let us first consider the behavioral/clinical evidence of training effects: training studies aimed at 217 Table 1. Studies reporting visual improvements after intervention Study Year N Preand postdesign Control group Results (A) Vision restoration training (VRT) at the lesion border Zihl and von 1985 44 Yes No Visual field improvements between (VFI) of Cramon 1.5–38˚˜ in 80% of the patients Balliett et al. 1985 12 Partly No No objective VFI (changes of the visual field border between 2 and þ4 ); subjective improvements in four patients Kasten et al. 1998b 19 Yes Yes Visual field border shift of about 4.9 in experimental group versus 0.9 in the control group; subjective improvements in 72% of the experimental group versus 17% of the control group Werth and 1999 22 Yes Yes Recovery of visual functions in 15/22 children Moehrenschlager with hemianopia by systematic stimulation of cerebrally blind areas; no spontaneous recovery in controls, expansion of visual field >40 Kasten et al. 2001 16 Yes Yes VFI of about 2.7 in the experimental group versus 0.53 in the control group Julkunen et al. 2003 5 Yes No VFI between 5 and 10 in three patients; partly validated by visual evoked potentials; subjective improvements in four patients Sabel et al. 2004 16 Yes No Reinhard et al. 2005 17 Yes No Werth and Seelos 2005 17 Yes Yes Kasten et al. 2006 15 Yes No Julkunen et al. 2006 1 Yes No No VFI when checked with Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope, shift of the visual field border about 5–7 in perimetry and computer campimetry No VFI in SLO; increased reading speed in 6% of the patients; satisfaction with training in two-third of the patients (Note: same patient sample than Sabel et al. (2004) study Study of children; VFI improvements only in experimental group; control of eye movements; validation by fMRI; 11 of 17 patients recovered vision 1 year after the training; none in the control group Improvements of stimulus detection in campimetry about 3.8%; decrease errors in perimetry OD (2.2%) and OS (3.5%); improvements of visual field independent from eye movements Normalization of P100 latencies after visual training of the border region, increased cerebral blood flow restricted to the occipital lobe in a follow-up study at 3 three months Follow-up No No No Yes On average no significant decline at 23 months follow-up At 3 months followup increased or stable area of normal vision in three patients No No Yes No Yes (Continued) 218 Table 1. Studies reporting visual improvements after intervention (Continued) Study Year N Preand postdesign Control group Results Follow-up Schmielau and Wong Kasten et al. 2007 20 Yes No No 2007 23 Yes No Marshall et al. 2008 6 Yes No Gall et al. 2008 85 Yes No Gudlin et al. 2008 5 Yes No Poggel et al. 2008 19 Yes No Jung et al. 2008 10 Yes Yes Romano et al. 2008 161 Yes No Mueller et al. 2008 17 Yes No Jobke et al. 2009 18 Yes No Poggel et al. 2010 19 Yes No Marshall et al. 2010 7 Yes No Raemaekers et al. 2011 8 Yes No VFI of 11.3 on average in 17 patients; subject. improvements in daily life VFI in HRP (4.2%), fewer misses within the central 30 perimetrically (3.7% OD, 4.4% OS), VFI did not benefit from doublestimulation Significant increase in BOLD activity in border zone detections after VRT, relative improvement in response times in the border zone, brain activation changes with a shift of attention from the nontrained seeing field to the trained border zone VFI < 5% detected stimuli in 42% of the patients, 5–10% in 24% and >10% in 28% of patients VFI in HRP and 30 white/white perimetry after the first treatment, stable effects after training-free interval of 3 months Significantly improved detection and reaction times in perimetric and HRP-tests along the visual field border; no improvement in visual acuity VRT compared to intact visual field VRT Improved binocular reading speed, foveal sensitivity (trend), HRP detection by 16–17%, but in both groups Mean absolute VFI of 12.8% after VRT, improvements of 3% in 76% of patients Training effects of 3.5% (OD) and 1.5% (OS) after 6 months of daily VR training, minor training effects of long-term training VFI were twice as good as after extrastriate VRT (4.2%) than after standard VRT (2.4%) VFI in HRP from 53.6% to 57.6%, increase of intact field size of more than 16% or border shifts of more than 18 Average improvement in stimulus detection rate by microperimetry of 12.5% (range–1.4% to 38.9%). Six of 7 patients had 3% improvement in stimulus detection by home-based perimetry VFI with shifts of the central visual field border ranging between 1 and 7 No Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes (at 6 months) No No 219 Table 1. Studies reporting visual improvements after intervention (Continued) Study Year N Preand postdesign Control group Results (b) Perceptual training with different stimuli inside the blind field or in amblyopia Hyvärinen et al. 2002 5 Yes No Improvement of flicker sensitivity in the blind hemifield equal to that in the normal hemifield in two patients, increased recognition of (non-) flickering letters at 20 eccentricity in one patient Polat et al. 2004 77 Yes Yes Training with spatial frequency tasks; improvement in contrast sensitivity, visual acuity improved by 78% above baseline with the greater improvement in amblyopics with lower initial acuity Sahraie et al. 2006 12 Yes No Repeated stimulation inside the blind visual field resulted in improvements deep in the field defect, discrimination performance increased monotonically with increasing contrast Raninen et al. 2007 2 Yes No Improvement of flicker sensitivity in the blind hemifield within 20 respectively 30 eccentricity, recognition of flickering letters at 10 eccentricity Henriksson et al. 2007 1 Yes No Visual information of flicker training was mainly processed in the intact hemisphere, representation of both the intact and the blind hemifield takes place in the same set of cortical areas in the intact hemisphere Chokron et al. 2008 9 Yes No Objective improvement of behavioral tasks in nine patients and objective enlargement of the visual field in 8/9 patients Roth et al. 2009 28 Yes No No improvement with flicker-stimulation training deep in the blind field Jobke et al. 2009 18 Yes No Detection performance increased twice as much after extrastriate VRT (4.2%) than after standard VRT (2.4%) Polat et al. 2009 5 Yes No Training with Gabor patterns; Visual acuity improvement of 1.5 Snellen lines, improvement of contrast sensitivity in children Sahraie et al. 2010 4 Yes No Improved detection ability in 3/4 patients after visual detection training of spatial grating patches within the field defect (C) Noninvasive alternating current stimulation of the brain Gall et al. 2010b 1 Yes No Detection ability increased from 3.44% to 17.75%, mean perimetric threshold from 0 to 2.21 dB Fedorov et al. 2010 446 Yes No VFI in 40.4% (OD) and 49.5% (OS) of the patients after rtACS, significant increase of visual acuity (OD: 0.02; OS: 0.015), further improvement after a second treatment course Follow-up Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes (Continued) 220 Table 1. Studies reporting visual improvements after intervention (Continued) Study Year N Preand postdesign Control group Results Follow-up Sabel et al. 2010 22 Yes Yes Yes Gall et al. 2011 42 Yes Yes Significantly greater visual field defect reductions in the rtACS group (69.25%) than in the placebo group (16.93%), decrease of reaction times in rtACS- but not in placebo patients Detection ability increase in the defective visual field was significantly larger after rtACS (41.1%) than after sham-stimulation (13.6%) increasing the function of the border areas have been conducted with stroke and trauma patients who suffered hemianopia or scotomata. Zihl and von Cramon (1979, 1985) have trained the border itself using repetitive visual field testing. Others have stimulated the border region after first identifying ARVs and focusing the training area on them (see Kasten and Sabel, 1995; Kasten et al., 1998a,b,c). The training is aimed at the border region especially at regions of partial damage, that is, ARVs (gray in Fig. 2). This approach is termed VRT. Extensive training over the course of up to 6 months leads to a reduction of the scotoma size (Julkunen et al., 2003, 2006; Kasten et al., 1998a,b; Marshall et al., 2008; Mueller et al., 2008; Poggel et al., 2008; Romano et al., 2008; Sabel and Kasten, 2000; Sabel et al., 2004; Werth, 2008; Widdig et al., 2003), effectively enlarging the visual field by primarily transforming the ARVs into intact areas (Fig. 3). About half to two-thirds of the patients achieve visual field expansions (at an average of 5 degrees of visual angle), but training success varies considerably between patients; some patients (1/3) do not respond to the therapy, others show moderate improvements (1/3), and yet others (1/3) have larger types of field expansions (Mueller et al., 2008; Romano et al., 2008; Sabel et al., 2004; Sabel and Kasten, 2000). No The effects of VRT were confirmed by others as well. Romano et al. (2008), for example, carried out a clinical observational study and found improvements which were even superior to our previous studies. However, while in our trials, hemianopics were included irrespective of their visual defect characteristics, Romano recruited patients that had clearly identifiable ARV before therapy, which increased the likelihood of improvement. This points toward a special role of ARVs in the recovery process. While patients with ARVs respond well to therapy, those devoid of ARVs, that is, with areas of absolute blindness only (“sharp” visual field borders), do not benefit as much. Therefore, when the criterion of training success is “improvements in the field of absolute blindness only” (ignoring improvements in ARVs) training has no effects (Reinhard et al., 2005; Roth et al., 2009). Yet others used different forms of visual field border training (Schmielau and Wong, 2007) and found reliable improvements. Such improvements are, however, limited: when a second 6-months training period is given to the patients, there are no significant, additional effects detectable, at least not when using simple stimulus detections (Mueller et al., 2008). Also Bergsma and van der Wildt (2010) trained 11 subjects with cerebral blindness with VRT, confirming a “gradual 221 shift of the visual field border” which was independent of the type of stimulus-set used during training while eye fixation was monitored. Another interesting observation was reported by Jung et al. (2008) who stimulated the border region in one group of patients with anterior ischemic optic neuropathy and the intact region in another group. Here, detection improvements were seen in both. As one would expect, children of different ages also benefit from vision training. Werth and Moehrenschlager (1999) and Werth (2008) looked at very young children at preschool ages, and Mueller et al. (2008) studied older children of school age. In these studies, significant visual field improvements were noted as well. They benefited as much, if not more from the training than adults, but it is unclear if the training effects at young or adolescent age are more pronounced than in adulthood or older age. This is an open issue. Not all experiments found evidence for training-induced visual field improvements in patients with brain damage (Balliett et al., 1985; Reinhard et al., 2005), but these studies suffer some methodological and interpretative flaws. Balliett et al. (1985), for example, used very small stimuli for training, and training time was much shorter (a few weeks only) than those of all other studies (several months). In the study by Reinhard et al. (2005), a visual field expansion could not be confirmed with a laser scanning ophthalmoscope (SLO), but when the more sensitive high-resolution and standard perimetry methods were used, visual field enlargement could be found in the same patients (Sabel et al., 2004). A closer analysis of the exact visual field topographies indicated that SLO measurements were in fact very difficult for patients to perform, and the detection task of the SLO was also not the one which was trained (Sabel et al., 2004). In fact, the SLO chart displayed ARVs as areas of absolute blindness, suggesting that the SLO is not sufficiently sensitive to detect areas of relative loss (for details, see Kasten et al., 2008; Sabel et al., 2004). Yet, despite their technical and interpretative limitations, the only two negative studies (Balliett et al., 1985; Reinhard et al., 2005) point us to important methodological issues, which have been the source of some controversial discussions (Sabel et al., 2004). In summary, the vast majority of studies found consistently a rather positive outcome of visual training, and they outnumber experimental studies with null findings by far. There is also physiological and brain-imaging evidence for training effect. Physiological observations have the advantage of providing a more “objective” means to document vision restoration and plasticity after visual field training. Julkunen et al. (2003, 2006), for example, measured VEPs before and after visual training of the border region and showed a normalization of P100 latencies. After therapy, the same patient showed an increased blood flow in cortical and subcortical structures as measured by PET. In a follow-up study 3 months after the end of training, the increased cerebral blood flow was restricted to the occipital lobes (Julkunen et al., 2006). Raninen et al. (2007) trained with flicker light or flickering letters twice a week for the period of 1 year which improved flicker sensitivity in the blind hemifield although no evidence of visual field changes were observed in perimetry. Henriksson et al. (2007) found evidence for reorganized visual cortices using both magnetoencephalography and fMRI recordings after training. The pattern of change suggests that structures surviving the injury had now participated in the processing of visual information, that is, the training affected not small (residual) areas alone but had an influence on the brain network as a whole, that is, other brain regions. This is in line with Marshall et al. (2008) who treated six chronic, right hemianopic patients with VRT and applied fMRI while patients were responding to stimuli in the trained visual border zone. The results of the trained region were compared with those of the nontrained seeing field before and after 1 month of VRT. The authors found a significant increase in BOLD activity in 222 border zone detections, and this correlated with a relative improvement in response times in the border zone. An analysis of the BOLD patterns revealed brain activation changes that were consistent with a shift of attention from the nontrained seeing field to the trained border zone. The effect appeared to have been mediated by the anterior cingulate and dorsolateral frontal cortex in conjunction with other higher-order visual areas in the occipitotemporal and middle temporal regions. In summary, training of the visual field border region does not only result in improved parameters of vision (such as light detection in perimetry), but it also leads to increased neuronal activation in wider regions of neuronal networks. Because the intact hemisphere also seems to contribute to recovery, vision restoration appears to be the result of both local and global influences (see discussion below). Training alternative pathways (blindsight) Some investigators have repeatedly trained deep in the blind field with the goal to enhance “blindsightlike” responses. Similar to visual field border training, they found improvements in visual detection performance (Chokron et al., 2008; Sahraie et al., 2006). The most famous blindsight case is patient GY (Weiskrantz, 1996, 2009; Weiskrantz et al., 1974) who was trained (by virtue of repeated testing) over many years and showed some remarkable improvements throughout this time (see also Chokron et al., 2008; Stoerig, 2008). Sahraie et al. (2006) asked a group of 12 cortically blind patients to discriminate simple grating stimuli for a 3-month training period. Repeated stimulation inside the blind visual field (and not only at the border zone, as in VRT) resulted in improvements deep in the field defect. But Sahraie noted (personal communication) that it is important to start first with the stimulation of the border region. In this kind of blindsight training it is apparently necessary to costimulate the border region in a way that patients are able to see some portion of the visual stimulus at the beginning of the training, similar to “prompting” during behavioral shaping. This may also explain why others failed to improve visual fields: they used a simple flickering stimulus which was presented deep in the blind field, ignoring or avoiding ARVs (Roth et al., 2009). The need to stimulate the border region in early training phases makes it difficult to clearly separate an “alternative pathway” (blindsight)-training from the classic visionrestoration training. Perhaps ARVs are initially needed for some prompting, an issue requiring further study. Other investigators have studied the effects of vision training using slightly different training paradigms. Chokron et al. (2008) treated nine patients with unilateral occipital damage for 22 weeks using several blindsight-like forced-choice visual tasks: pointing to visual targets, letter recognition, visual comparison between the two hemifields, target localization, and letter identification. An improvement was found in all behavioral tasks for all patients and visual field enlargements of the contralesional visual field for all except one patient. Huxlin et al. trained both animals (Huxlin and Pasternak, 2004) and patients with brain lesions (Huxlin et al., 2009) to perform a movement detection task. This behavioral paradigm stimulated preferentially extrastriate pathways that directly innervate V5 via the LGN of the thalamus or through the tectal/pulvinar route with an array of moving dots. They found that in animals or patients with V1 lesions, movement perception could be improved. Das and Huxlin (2010) report brain activation changes after such a visual training task in a single subject with cortical blindness. Before training, they found widespread hyperactivation in V1/V2, V3, and hMTþ of the intact hemisphere, with no measureable activity on the damaged side. However, after intensive global direction discrimination training of the blind field (involving as many as 30.000 trials), the hyperactivation of the intact hemisphere was reduced toward 223 control levels while a recovered activation pattern was seen in regions of on the lesioned side, including perilesional tissue (V1/V2) and V3a and hMTþ confirmed the behavioral studies (Huxlin et al., 2009). Jobke et al. (2009) used a combined striate/ extrastriate training approach. Here, visual stimuli were presented to the border region using classic VRT, while simultaneously stimulating deep in the blind field with a moving spiral. The aim of this “extrastriate-VRT” (eVRT) was to create a maximal behavioral stimulation of both the residual structures (ARVs) in the border region plus a stimulation of the entire blind field sector to activate extrastriate (blindsight) pathways. Whereas standard VRT significantly improved stimulus detection by 2.9%, eVRT patients improved by 5.8%, doubling the extent of vision restoration. This confirms the hypothesis that extrastriate pathways, bypassing the damaged visual cortex, can be recruited to contribute to vision restoration. While visual border stimulation and blindsighttraining are different in principle, in practice residual regions (“islands of residual vision” within the blind field or border zones between intact and blind field) are probably trained together with the alternative pathways in most studies. Just as in saccadic eye-movement training, it is difficult to fully avoid ARV stimulation when presenting visual stimuli to patients with visual field defects in blindsight paradigms. Likewise, when attempting to train only the border regions alone, a certain proportion of stimuli (about 20%) are located in the blind field, leading to a “mini-blindsight”-training, that is, unintentionally also stimulating the extrastriate pathways in the blind field. Likewise, when aiming at the blind field only, it can hardly be avoided to also excite residual tissue. Training amblyopia Amblyopia is another visual disorder where research of perceptual learning (training) has contributed to our understanding of residual vision. Amblyopia refers to a unilateral or bilateral decrease of vision caused by abnormal binocular visual experience during the “critical period” early in life (Levi and Carkeet, 1993). It leads to serious deficits in parameters of spatial vision such as impairments in visual acuity (VA), contrast sensitivity, vernier acuity, spatial distortion, spatial interactions, or contour detection (for reviews, see Hess et al., 1990; Levi and Carkeet, 1993). On a physiological level, amblyopia is thought to be caused by alterations in orientationselective neurons and their interactions in the primary visual cortex (Polat, 1999). The standard amblyopia therapy in children is to use an eye patch of the normal eye which forces the brain to use the visual input from the weaker (amblyopic) eye (Li et al., 2005). It has been a long-held notion that this approach is effective only when applied up to the critical age of 8–9 years. Therefore, any recovery was seen just as an “extension of normal development,” not an instance of vision restoration. But even in adults with amblyopia, recovery of visual functions can be achieved with occlusion therapy (Wick et al., 1992) and it also has been noted spontaneously after the loss of vision in the good eye (El Mallah et al., 2000). In fact, stimulating the amblyopic eye by repetitive practice can induce plasticity in adults, effectively improving visual functions (Fronius et al., 2005, 2006; Levi and Polat, 1996; Levi et al., 1997; Polat et al., 2004). For example, Polat et al. (2004) described a visual-training procedure specifically designed to train the abnormal lateral interactions by probing spatial interactions with flanker tasks. Training consisted of a Gabor patch detection task. VA improved by 78% above baseline with the improvement being greater in patients with lower initial acuity and improvements in contrast sensitivity at all spatial frequencies and in binocular functions. The authors pointed out that long-lasting effects are typical for perceptual learning and that it is a sign that “the high spatial frequencies are used after the treatment in daily tasks and thus are naturally practiced” (Polat, 2008). 224 An interesting observation was the transfer of these improvements to other tasks. Though treatment was monocular, targeting the lateral interactions of the amblyopic eye, led to a transfer of improvement to other, unrelated functions such as VA and binocular functions. In contrast to perceptual learning, where improvement is usually specific to the trained task (Fahle, 2005), the transfer of functions in amblyopic patients shows that there are nonspecific elements involved in the vision restoration process. It was proposed that practice restored normal balance between excitation and inhibition (Mizobe et al., 2001; Polat, 1999; Polat and Sagi, 2006; Polat et al., 1997). In summary, training (practice) of visual functions is currently the most widely used method to alter visual system plasticity and induce vision restoration. Compensatory (eye movement) training Another training method for hemianopia is saccadic exploration training. As Das and Huxlin (2010) recently summarized, there is some evidence on how patients with cortical blindness attempt spontaneously to compensate their deficit by eye movements toward the hemianopic field. Based on this observation, some authors argue that training such eye movements would actually help patients increase visual orientation (though it usually seems not to enlarge visual fields). We do not discuss this approach in any detail here, as training of eye-movement behavior does not aim at vision restoration but at field of view enlargement so that patients utilize the intact visual field sectors more (for review, see Kerkhoff and Schindler, 2000; Kerkhoff et al., 1992a,b, 1994). Also, we do not believe that training patients to move their eyes around more vigorously has a long-lasting benefit because (i) whenever the patient looks to the right he misses the left, and (ii) more eye movements means greater effort for integration of moving images. Still, it is interesting to note that patients performing saccadic training also experience “unintended” visual field enlargements (Kerkhoff et al., 1992a,b, 1994) which is not really surprising because these types of trainings never specifically avoided the simultaneous stimulation of the border regions where residual structures are present. Actually, a recent study found that eye movement training had no greater effects than attention training alone (Lane et al. 2010). This suggest that eye movement training may actually enhance restoration and not only compensation. Activating residual vision by electrical current stimulation Invasive current stimulation methods The attempt to restore visual circuitry by artificial means with invasive electrical stimulation has been around for almost 100 years. Here, the goal was to stimulate optic nerve or visual cortex by invasive current stimulation methods to replace or augment lost visual input by artificial electrical signals. Historically, the first experiment of electrical stimulation to excite the visual system was reported by Foerster (1929). He stimulated visual cortex to produce phosphene perceptions and found that their appearance depended on where the cortex was stimulated. These findings formed the basis of the concept of the visual prosthesis, where local electrical stimulation in human visual cortex was used to excite phosphenes to help facilitate visual perception. Chronic stimulation was later achieved by electrodes which were implanted directly into cortex (Brindley and Lewin, 1968; Brindley and Rushton, 1977; Brindley et al., 1972; Dobelle et al., 1974, 1976; Pollen, 1977). But it turned out that such cortical stimulation would be only of limited clinical use: the resolution was not only too low, but it also carried a high risk of inducing seizures in patients. Later attempts of applying low current microstimulation of visual cortex achieved a better resolution and improved safety, although this 225 approach has never gone beyond the experimental stage. Here, it was of interest if visually perceived phosphenes are useful to create spatial patterns of sufficiently high resolution such that subjects would recognize objects in the environment, to check if perception was stable for months or years, and to determine how a blind person with very old visual cortex lesions, who had become accustomed to the blindness, would respond to electrical stimulation (Bak et al., 1990; Schmidt et al., 1996). In animal experiments, electrically evoked responses of visual cortex were recorded during electrical stimulation of the optic nerves (Bartley and Ball, 1969; Malis and Kruger, 1956). Intact rabbit optic nerves were stimulated by needle electrodes implanted in the optic disc and electrically evoked potentials (EEPs) could be recorded in the primary visual cortex (Sakaguchi et al., 2004). More recently, optic nerves were stimulated by an invasive method in the clinical setting by Sakaguchi et al. (2009) using a chronically (6 months) implanted, direct optic nerve electrode in a single blind patient with retinitis pigmentosa. Visual sensations were elicited by electrical stimulation through each electrode. This type of study provided the basis for the most recent work on retinal implants which is discussed in Chapter 1. There is also an early Russian tradition of using invasive electrical stimulation approaches to treat vision loss. Here, multiple deep brain microelectrodes were used for subcorticography and diagnostic stimulation for the investigation of extrapyramidal movement disorders, central pain, epilepsy, and obsessive–compulsive disorders (Bechtereva et al., 1972). This initial work in the field of stereotaxic neurology was later extended to the stimulation of damaged optic nerves using implanted electrodes with the goal to induce recovery of vision (Bechtereva et al., 1985). They found significant vision recovery after 3–4 weeks and this recovery remained stable for over 2 years. From our own studies, we know that visual cortex remains responsive to create visual percepts even in cases of congenital blindness: when V1 is stimulated by TMS in congenitally blind patients, phosphenes are still generated in retinotopic order (Gothe et al., 2002). It is this residual processing capacity that provides an anchor for enhancing visual functions in the blind. Noninvasive current stimulation methods In contrast to invasive approaches, noninvasive approaches are aimed at influencing brain physiology on a network level and this, in turn, might affect sensitization of deafferented regions or synchronization (entrainment) of neuronal network firing with long-lasting (plasticity) changes (so-called aftereffects, see Zaehle et al., 2010). These methods do not aim at “replacing” the lost retinal cells or neuronal circuitry or stimulating brain nuclei locally which is what retina or brain implants try to achieve. The work on noninvasive electrical current stimulation in the visual system was first developed in Russia, where Bechtereva's started off with invasive methods using specific stimulation protocols (see above). These protocols were subsequently applied also noninvasively in patients with visual system damage (Chibisova et al., 2001; Fedorov et al., 2005). Here, electrodes were attached to the eye orbit and repetitive, transorbital, alternating current stimulation (rtACS) was applied. In a large clinical observational study of 446 patients with optic nerve damage, they measured visual fields before and after 10 days of rtACS treatment (Fedorov et al., 2010). rtACS led to significant VA improvements and visual field enlargements. On average, visual field sizes improved by up to 9% over baseline. Also, VA significantly increased in both eyes. In a subsequent double-blind and placebo-controlled clinical trial, optic nerve patients were randomly assigned to an rtACS or a sham group 226 (Sabel et al., 2010). The treatment was given daily for 20–40 min for 10 days (EBS Technologies GmbH, Kleinmachnow, Germany). In the rtACS group, significant vision improvements were seen in detection accuracy evident as a shrinkage of the scotoma by > 40% change from baseline, reaction time ( 19.63 ms), static near-threshold perimetry, and VA (Fig. 5). The improvements of visual functioning in the rtACS group were stable at a 2-month treatment-free follow-up, and they were associated with improvement in the patient's quality of life as assessed by standard questionnaires. Thus, noninvasive current stimulation using rtACS can be used to reduce visual field defects in patients with long-term optic nerve lesions. Electroencephalogram (EEG) power-spectra analysis also showed significantly increased alpha-activity, especially in occipital sites following rtACS (data not published, see Fig. 6). In view of these findings, we proposed that rtACS leads to increased neuronal network synchronization which is substantiated by lasting bilateral synchronous waves of alpha- and theta-ranges in central and occipital brain areas. This “synchronization hypothesis” assumes that by firing “artificial” electrical trains of impulses at predetermined frequencies to the brain, neuronal Visual field improvement after repetitive transorbital alternating current stimulation (b) (a) 1 3 3 1 4 Baseline 2 2 2 Reduction of visual field defect (%) (c) 1 4 3 100 rtACS-group (n = 12) 80 Sham-group (n = 10) 60 4 (d) After rtACS 69.25** 40 20 16.93* 0 Fig. 5. Visual field dynamics after alternating current stimulation. Patients with optic nerve damage were treated with repetitive, transorbital, noninvasive brain stimulation (rtACS, EBS Technologies GmbH, Kleinmachnow, Germany). (a) The montages of the electrodes which were placed on the skin around the eye ball. (b and d) The visual field charts before and after 10 days of rtACS in a single case with traumatic optic neuropathy (Gall et al., 2010b, for explanation of charts, see Fig. 2). As demonstrated by the brightening of the chart, the patient improved from 3% detection performance to 23%. The area of improvement was located in the lower left quadrant which already had some minimal residual vision even before therapy. (c) The group results of a double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study (unpublished). 227 Power spectra changes after alternating current stimulation (a) (b) 10 5 0 –5 –10 Pre * -15 F7 * * -11,7 Fp2 Fp1 Fz F3 -8,1 9,5 FC5 FC1 * * 10,5 -15 -10,3 FC6 * -10,9 C3 Cz * -8,6 * T8 -5,8 -6,1 * -10,9 CP1 CP2 * 11,5 -7,4 * P3 * CP6 Post P7 -10 C4 * 13 F8 * FC2 * T7 CP5 * F4 Pz P4 30,4 P8 * 11,5 O1 0 Alpha power spectra, mV2 * O2 95 Slow waves activity Alpha activity Fig. 6. rtACS and EEG power spectra changes. When patients with partial optic nerve lesions are stimulated by noninvasive, alternating currents (rtACS), this leads to lasting EEG power spectra changes. (a) Alpha activation in the brain of a single patient before and 24 h after a 10-day rtACS treatment. Alpha activity was highest in posterior brain region before treatment, where the visual cortex is located. After 10 days, alpha power increased across the brain, extending more anteriorally. (b) Results of a clinical trial shows average EEG changes in a group of optic nerve patients. The bars show the power of alpha and slow wave activity in different brain regions. Stars indicate significant changes. The percentage change were 11% and 30% of alpha power at occipital sites (O1 and O2), after rtACS while alpha activity increased slow waves decreased in different brain regions, where primary visual cortex is located. This was not seen in a sham group. These EEG power changes are indicative of an increased synchronization state of the brain which outlasts the stimulation period. networks are forced to propagate synchronous firing which, when repeated many times, induces a “learned synchronization response (LSR)” in the damaged pathways. This idea of LSR is compatible with the observation that synchronization can be entrained by external, transcranial pulsed stimulations and such alpha entrainment has already been observed in normal subjects (Zaehle et al., 2010). As a consequence of this increased synchronization, the injured visual system reacts to the reduced and unchanged input in a more sensitive manner (supersensitivity), similar to what the brain does on its own during the natural or training-induced recovery phase where spontaneous visual phosphenes are seen (Poggel et al., 2007; Tan and Sabel, 2006; Tan et al., 2006). 228 Here, one can think of cortical plasticity as serving the role of an “amplifier” that increases the signal above noise in an area with reduced visual input. There are other studies using noninvasive visual system stimulation, particular with transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) protocols: in normal subjects, tDCS induces changes in phosphene thresholds and excitability (plasticity) of the human primary visual cortex (Antal et al., 2003), affecting different visual perception phenomena (Antal et al., 2006, 2008; Chaieb et al., 2008). The only other alternating current stimulation study is one from a Japanese group (Fujikado et al., 2006) who applied transcorneal electrical stimulation (TES) in patients with ischemic optic neuropathy. TES was applied only once for 30 min at 600–800 mA with a frequency of 20 Hz and this led to improvements in VA in six of eight treated patients. Due to the small sample, a definitive conclusion about this approach is still pending. Also, Inomata et al. (2007) studied TES of the retina to treat longstanding retinal artery occlusion. Here, TES (20 Hz biphasic pulses, 30 min, up to 1100 mA) was delivered by a bipolar contact lens electrode once a month for 3 months. VA was found to have improved in two cases, and the visual fields were improved in all three cases. Improvements in the electroretinogram indicate some recovery of function distal to RGCs which may explain the visual field improvements. When viewed together, noninvasive current applications can (i) provoke visual percepts (phosphenes) in visual cortex, (ii) lead to excitability changes in visual cortex and other brain structures, and (iii) improve visual functions after damage to the optic nerve showing some therapeutic efficacy. This is quite similar to what is seen after visual training (Fig. 7). Vision restoration, subjective vision, and activities of daily life Improvement of psychophysical parameters or plasticity of RF changes may be of great interest to scientists, but unless vision restoration is shown to be clinically relevant, contributing to a higher quality of life, clinicians will not pay attention and patients will not become aware of this new vision restoration option nor use it. Obviously, vision loss and blindness have a much feared negative impact on functional abilities and quality of life. In patients where the visual field loss is caused by cerebral damage, the reduction of quality-of-life domains is mainly due to problems in reading, driving, visual clarity, and peripheral vision (Gall et al., 2009, 2010a,c). The status of vision-related quality of life is somewhat dependent on the size of visual field loss after damage to the post-chiasmatic (Gall et al., 2008; Papageorgiou et al., 2007) or prechiasmatic pathway (Cole et al., 2000). These impairments are typically assessed by perimetry and VA tests, but this type of evaluation may fail to assess certain aspects of visual disability that are identified by visually impaired persons as being important for their daily well-being (see below). The optimal approach to measure quality of life in vision research is therefore to measure both visionrelated and health-related quality of life (Franke and Gall, 2008). Subjective improvements after visual border training As discussed above, different types of VRTs can improve stimulus detection in patients with postchiasmatic and optic nerve lesions (Julkunen et al., 2003; Kasten et al., 1998a,b; Sabel et al., 2004). Here, about two-third of the patients reported subjective improvements as measured in post-training interviews (Mueller et al., 2003) or by analysis of pre- and post-training drawings of subjective visual field sizes (Poggel et al., 2008). Other studies have developed their own methods and confirmed subjective improvements (Chokron et al., 2008; Julkunen et al., 2003; Sabel et al., 2004). Everyday life activities were also recorded in hemianopic patients by structured 229 Visual field size improvements after optic nerve damage 30 No. of patients 25 Mean change after rtACS (10 days) 39.6% Mean change after behavioral training (VRT, 6 months) 34.7% 20 15 10 5 0 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 120 150 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Relative improvement of detection accuracy (%) 120 140 Fig. 7. Vision restoration after optic nerve damage: rtACS treatment versus behavioral training. To compare the extent of recovery from optic nerve damage after rtACS with vision restoration training (VRT), we plotted the number of patients versus the different improvement levels (in percent change over baseline). As the figure demonstrates, 10 days of rtACS resulted in similar activation of residual vision (39.6% detection improvement over baseline) as 6 months of visual training (34.7% improvement). The data were taken from different studies (rtACS: Fedorov et al., 2010; VRT: Kasten et al., 1998b) but plotted on the same scale to allow comparison. post-training interviews in a larger sample (n ¼ 69) (Mueller et al., 2003). Here, the percentage of patients reporting training-induced subjective improvements were as follows: reading (43.5%), ability to avoid collisions (31.9%), general vision improvement (47.8%), ability to perform hobby activities (29%), and confidence in mobility (75.4%). Objective improvements of visual field parameters correlated significantly with the number of named activities of daily living categories, but not all patients who reported subjective improvements also showed objective improvements in perimetry results, that is, there was a certain number of cases with a “mismatch” (see below). To try getting a better handle on subjective vision, we recently adopted the National Eye Institute-Visual Functioning Questionnaire (NEIVFQ) as a standardized instrument to assess vision-related quality of life and found significant improvements after visual field training in hemianopic patients (Gall et al., 2008) which were also correlated with objective perimetry results. Given that questionnaires are sufficiently sensitive to detect VFI, standardized questionnaires of health- and especially vision-related quality of life should be used on a regular basis in future rehabilitation studies (Bouwmeester et al., 2007). This will enhance our understanding of the clinical relevance of functional improvements 230 and standardized methods can also be more easily compared between laboratories. Subjective improvements after noninvasive current stimulation One may argue that patients having undergone a long and laborious training for many months may be biased to report subjective visual improvements after such a substantial effort and time commitment. We therefore used a nontraining type therapy, rtACS, which might be less prone to such artifacts. We have measured subjective visual functioning and vision-related quality of life before and after rtACS and assessed self-estimated visual and health-related quality of life (Gall et al., 2011). rtACS led to partial restoration of visual fields which was accompanied by improvements of vision-related quality of life (NEI-VFQ) and health-related quality of life (Short Form Health Survey, SF-36). Some, but not all, NEI-VFQ scales were sensitive to improvements in visual field size after rtACS, and particularly, the subscale “general vision” improved to a clinically relevant extent in the rtACS group. The improvements were dependent on the magnitude of the visual field expansion: rtACS-treated patients with detection improvements > 20% had a significantly greater increase in NEI-VFQ scores than patients with smaller detection improvements (< 20%). Thus, rtACS treatment is capable of modifying the adult visual system in a noninvasive manner and this is of subjective, functional relevance to the patients’ everyday life. It is interesting to note that only some NEIVFQ scales were sensitive to visual field expansions after visual training or rtACS. In any event, vision restoration studies ought to include assessments of vision-related quality of life, a meaningful and valuable complement to objective visual field data that better reflects on the patient's individual self-perceived situation. Because the correlation of both is modest at best, these assessments represent different aspects of vision. One reason why this relationship between subjective and objective visual measures is only small to moderate is the mismatch problem, an issue that adds complexity to the discussion of vision restoration (see section “The mismatch problem”). In any event, a definitive advantage of using questionnaires such as NEI-VFQ is that they help to weigh the risk (ratio of effort/cost) and benefits of interventions. The mismatch problem Visual field impairments are typically assessed by perimetry. However, perimetry was not designed to assess vision in everyday life, and the detection of small dots presented on ambient background is not a typical real life event. The visual world is much more complex, comprising different shapes, colors, contours, cluttered scenes, moving objects, etc. In reference to vision restoration, the question is frequently asked how perimetric improvements and everyday vision relate. Also, critics claim that self-perceived training effects may be “only psychological” or “subjective” and therefore “not real.” We have found that there is only a small to moderate overlap of subjective vision and perimetric measures. In many patients, perimetric improvements are associated with subjective improvements, but in other patients, there is seemingly a mismatch: subjective improvements can be reported without visual field expansions and, vice versa, visual field expansions may happen without being subjectively noticed (Mueller et al., 2003; Fig. 4). Also Chokron et al. (2008) described a patient who experienced a progression of subjective improvement after vision training despite lack of improvement in perimetry. Of course, the location and size of the scotoma has a large influence on individual subjective vision and this alone can account for some of the unexplained variance. For example, a gain of visual field size at or near fixation has a much greater subjective impact than peripheral visual field gains (Poggel et al., 2008). 231 But both the low correlations and the mismatch problem raise another possibility: other factors of vision might account for this mismatch: (i) the “intact field” also has subtle deficits in visual cognition (contour integration deficits), (ii) temporal processing (reaction time) is impaired, (iii) spatial resolution (VA) is reduced, and (iv) steady fixation of the eyes and eye-movement control may be impaired, making the perception of stationary or moving objects more demanding (Mueller et al., 2003; Paramei and Sabel, 2008; Schadow et al., 2009). In the context of a discussion on residual vision, the issue of subjective visual improvements is complex because everyday life vision is dependent on different factors: (i) visual field size, (ii) exact location of the field defect (foveal vs. peripheral), (iii) deficits in the “intact” field sector, (iv) temporal processing deficits, (v) decline in spatial resolution, and (vi) variable degrees of residual vision at the border zone or deep in the blind field (with unconscious elements of vision (blindsight). Further, (vii) fixation accuracy and (viii) eye movements are part of the subjective vision equation. Thus, mismatch cases, where subjective vision improves while the visual field size remains unchanged, cannot disprove vision restoration as being “purely psychological.” We rather propose that functions other than those tested with perimetry have improved as well. Indeed, VRT speeds up reaction time (Kasten and Sabel, 1995; Kasten et al., 1998b; Mueller et al., 2003), increases VA (e.g., Kasten et al., 1998b), and improves fixation accuracy (Kasten et al., 1998b). Just as subjective visual impairments are a multifactorial and rather complex affair, so is the subjective improvement associated with vision restoration (Poggel et al., 2008). Alternative explanations of vision restoration The claim that vision restoration is possible at all after lesions in the adult brain is shared by many scientists (see below), but it has also attracted some opposition. Although most critics have not actually studied vision restoration experimentally, their theoretical arguments are based on circumstantial evidences but nevertheless raised considerable debate. Yet, this discussion is valuable as it directs our attention to possible alternative explanations which need to be carefully considered, particularly related to the following issues. Vision restoration is just normal learning Some sceptics have argued that vision is just an effect of perceptual learning and that there may be no true restoration of vision. We concur with the argument and believe that perceptual learning actually is an important element when the brain tries to repair the damage. To the best of our knowledge, no author studying vision restoration has claimed that restoration requires pathologyinduced repair mechanism(s). In fact, just as in normal perceptual learning—which requires many repetitions (Fahle and Poggio, 2002) in massed practice sessions (see above)—vision restoration is not easily accomplished either. It also requires many stimulus presentations, in the order of 50,000–100,000, which usually takes months of laborious work. Here, it is not only the intact structure that is involved, but rather perceptual learning takes place within the partially damaged structures (within-systems plasticity) or the remaining (even intact) neuronal networks (network plasticity). Is restoration just the result of spontaneous recovery? This argument is frequently raised but ignores that all vision stimulation procedures such as training or current stimulation were given to patients with lesions that were many years old (e.g., 6.8 years in Kasten et al., 1998a,b). Because spontaneous recovery is only rarely seen beyond 6 months postlesion (see discussion above), these 232 clinical improvements many years after damage cannot be explained by spontaneous recovery. Functional improvements are caused by attention changes Similar to the “its-just-learning” argument, we agree that there is a special role of attention in vision restoration. Attention is, in fact, a major contributing factor to vision restoration. Both behavioral and brain-imaging evidence exist supporting the special role of attention in restoration. Just as in normal perceptual learning, attention is a necessary requirement for improving visual functions and also for long-term and stable vision restoration after visual system damage. Is vision restoration an artifact of eye movements? This is perhaps the most serious concern when interpreting vision restoration studies. The issue was raised that vision restoration is not due to increased visual detection (perceptual improvement), but that the visual border shift can rather be explained by increased eye movements toward the scotoma after training, leading to an apparent, but not real, shift of the visual field border. In principle, there are different ways how eye movements could influence diagnostic testing and only “mimic” a visual field expansion: (i) the eyes could scan more in both directions, to the right or left side; (ii) the eyes could intermittently and preferentially saccade toward the visual field border, resulting in an artificial shift of the scotoma away from fixation; and (iii) the eye position could permanently shift toward the hemianopic side, which would require the establishment of eccentric fixation which patients with central vision loss, such as AMD patients, regularly do. First of all, there are some logical problems with these possibilities. Let us consider the three cases during the post-therapy perimetric assessment: (i) firstly, if the eyes would scan more in both directions, the patient would have as many detection gains by looking toward the blind side as detection losses by looking to the other side; (ii) if the patient would intermittently scan toward the hemianopic side only, then the patient would not only have to move the eyes just prior to the short stimulus presentation (which cannot be anticipated). Doing this while having to pay attention to the fixation point would be an extremely hard task. (iii) Stable, eccentric fixation does not occur in hemianopic patients who are able to fixate well (an inclusion criterion in restoration studies); also the blind spot remains in its expected place. Besides these arguments of logic, there are many experimental indications why the “eyemovement artifact hypothesis” is unreasonable. 1. The nature of the visual field border: If the “eye-movement artifact hypothesis” was correct, one would expect that the training-induced visual field border shifts as a whole to one side. However, the border shift dynamics are rather variable: some patients show a shift of the entire border to the hemianopic side, while others show a shift only in one sector of the border (Fig. 8a). Also, in patients with glaucoma, the visual field borders move in a ring-like centrifugal direction toward the periphery (Gudlin et al., 2008) which is incompatible with moving eyes preferentially toward one side. Thus, the local border shift and the centropedal border shift dynamics are incompatible with the eyemovement theory. 2. Blind spot position: If patients would intermittently or continuously move their eyes toward the scotoma, the position of the blind spot would shift, which is not what is seen (Kasten et al., 2006). 3. Measuring eye movements: Actual measurements of the eye positions with an eye tracker before versus after training are the most direct way to clarify the role of eye movements in restoration. We found no increase but rather a decrease of eye movements after VRT (Fig. 8b) (Kasten et al., 233 (a) Vision restoration and eye movements −25 −20 −15 −10 −5 (b) 0 5 10 15 20 20 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 −5 −5 −10 −10 −15 −15 −20 −20 −5 0 25 5 10 15 20 25 Average visual field border shift (5°) 60 50 % 40 Left Right 30 Pre Post 20 10 0 >−5° −5° −4° −3° −2° −1° 1° 2° 3° 4° 5° >5° Fig. 8. Vision restoration and eye movements. Eye movements need to be observed in studies of vision restoration. (a) In a patient with a complete upper right and incomplete lower right damage before and after vision restoration training (VRT). Visual field improvement occurred mainly in the lower right quadrant shifting the relative border; but the upper visual field border did not change (the arrows indicate the border position parallel to the vertical midline). If eye movements were responsible for the border shift, then the entire border would be expected to shift position, not just the lower half. (b) Eye movements can also be directly measured before and after VRT. This graph shows the time spent at fixation or to the right or left. A pre- versus posttraining comparison did not find any differences. If anything, fixation improved (see Kasten et al., 2006). Thus, eye movements cannot explain visual field border shifts and therefore vision restoration is real. 2006). There was also no evidence for preferred directions of the eye movements before or after restoration. Moreover, the eye movements were rather small: 95% of the times the eyes were positioned 2 around fixation before training and 99% after training, that is, fixation quality actually increased. 4. Eye movement-adjusted retinal charts: Another approach to determine the role of eye movements is to adjust visual field charts as a function of eye movements. When this is done (Fig. 9), stimulus detections (hits) after training are observed in areas of the visual field sector that previously had been blind. 5. Fixation performance: If eye movements were more frequent after VRT, then one would expect fixation performance to worsen. Actually, there is no reason to assume that training would induce patients to start moving their eyes around more because the training task requires stable fixation performance. In fact, none of the patients carrying out training developed eccentric fixation (Reinhard et al., 2005) and fixation performance actually improved in all of our prior studies. 234 Eye tracker adjusted visual charts 15 (a) 15 (b) 10 10 5 5 0 80 % Y 100 % 0 –5 –5 –10 –10 Before 60 % –15 –20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 –15 20 40 % –20 15 15 (c) 10 20 % –10 0 10 20 0 10 20 (d) 10 5 5 0 After –20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 Y 0% 0 –5 –5 –10 –10 –15 –15 20 –20 –10 X 160 ** No. of stimuli 140 120 n = 16 100 80 ** 60 40 20 Pre Post Missed stimuli Pre Post Hits Fig. 9. Eye-tracker adjusted visual charts. Eye movements always occur during perimetric assessment, even when patients are instructed to fixate well. To evaluate the role of eye movements in restoration, an eye-tracker adjusted visual field chart was calculated in which the position of the recording was adjusted to accommodate the position of the eye at the time of stimulus presentation. Upper graph: The left(a, c) shows HRP charts before and after VRT. On the right, the adjusted charts are displayed. Clearly, the improved areas as shown in (c) can also be found when the stimulus positions are adjusted as a function of the eye position at the time of presentation. Numerous stimulus detections (hits) are now seen on the far right after VRT (d) in the previous area of absolute blindness (shown in (b)). Lower panel shows the average results of a group of patients (n ¼ 16). Detection performance was expressed as number of hits (left) and number of misses (right) inside the previously blind field only. Whereas the number of misses significantly decreased, the number of hits significantly increased. 6. Locally induced visual field border shifts: Training residual vision with an attention cue amplifies restoration precisely in the region where the cue was positioned (Fig. 10). This leads to a selective and regionally restricted visual field border shift which can also not be achieved by eye movements. 235 Vision restoration and attention Acute attention Chronic attention (training) 20⬚ 15 10 5 0⬚ 0 –5 -10 -20⬚ -15 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 15 100 % 80 % 60 % 40 % 20 % 0% Fixation point 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 Fig. 10. Vision restoration and attention. To evaluate the role of attention in vision restoration, hemianopic patients were asked to focus their attention to a cue in the shape of a square (attentional spotlight) that was positioned on the border region. The left panel shows the immediate effects of such local attention on the visual field. When the cue (square) is placed on the upper visual field border, the number of stimulus detections is increased compared to a comparable square shaped region without attention (lower visual field). Thus, attention led to residual functions in the previously blind regions (see Poggel et al., 2006). The panels on the right show the effects of daily attention training over the course of 6 months with a cue positioned also on the visual field border. Vision restoration developed precisely inside the region (square) which was activated by the attentional spot light (Poggel et al., 2004). This shows that attention is a key factor in vision restoration. 7. Visual field improvements were recently confirmed with microperimetry, which allows the exclusion of eye movement artifacts (Marshall et al., 2010). While we acknowledge that the majority of visual stimulus presentations are given when the eye is not exactly at fixation, there is no evidence of a change or induction of preferred saccades toward the scotoma after restoration training. Actually, eye movements are a physiological necessity and they do always occur. Though eye movements cannot explain restoration, they are always a possible source of error (variability) in visual field diagnosis. Monitoring their influence therefore helps to control and reduce the variability which increases the validity of vision restoration measurements. In summary, eye-movement artifact cannot rule out the available experimental evidence in favor of vision restoration. Factors influencing vision restoration To understand mechanisms of restoration and to optimize outcome, several potential factors have to be considered: patient demographics, the nature of the disease, and the topography of the specific visual field defects and transfer effects. 236 Patient parameters Age of the patient (at least after early adulthood) has no major influence on vision restoration outcome (Mueller et al., 2007; Zihl and von Cramon, 1979, 1985). The activation of residual vision and plasticity is also not gender dependent (Mueller et al., 2007). It is possible that restoration is greater in children before or at school age (Werth, 2008; Werth and Seelos, 2005), but outcome of children versus adults has never been directly compared. Lesion parameters Lesion age Our experience is that lesion age (at least at times beyond 6 months) has little, if any, influence on training-induced vision restoration. Although most of the spontaneous visual field recovery occurs early after the lesion, all visual field restoration studies (using training or noninvasive brain stimulation) have treated patients with lesions older than 6 months. Having very old lesions was of no apparent disadvantage for prognosis. Little is known if vision restoration is more effective when applied during the very early spontaneous recovery phase. Our preliminary studies did not find any evidence for this and patients tended to actually do worse if behavioral training started earlier (Mueller et al., 2006), though this needs further study before a conclusion can be reached. Lesion type Vision restoration occurs no matter where the lesion is located along the visual system pathway. Contrary to our intuition, more peripheral (retinal and optic nerve) lesions tend to have greater restoration potential than central lesions of the visual radiation or visual cortex (Kasten et al., 1998a,b). This is surprising but highlights the special role of visual cortex in post-lesion plasticity. Perhaps “cortical amplification” simply works better when the cortex is not deafferented or damaged directly. Visual field defect type It does not matter whether the visual field defect is a smaller type of scotoma, a quadrantanopia, a hemianopia, or a peripheral, concentric visual field loss (as in glaucoma). All lesion types may respond to treatment, with no major difference between any of them. The only known parameter that matters for restoration, though, is the size and topography of ARVs (Guenther et al., 2009). This is in line with the argument that vision plasticity is mediated by residual structures. Visual field topography Visual field defects may have areas of absolute blindness or ARVs (relative defects), where patients respond unreliably to visual detection tasks (Fig. 2). The size of these ARVs, that is, the degree of residual vision, is currently the only factor that has a notable influence on outcome. Though large ARVs are no guarantee that functions will improve after therapy, the size of the ARVs is positively correlated with outcome. A detailed analysis of the visual field topography also attests to the special role of this factor (see below). Here, self-organizing map (SOM) chart analyses revealed that the vision restoration hot spots are not randomly distributed but they are a function of the amount of residual activity in the immediate surround (Guenther et al., 2009). For more detail, see legend to Fig. 11. In our experience, 80% of the visual field locations that improve (vision restoration hot spots) are located in the ARVs; only 20% are found deep in the blind field (unpublished observation). Though stimulation of only the field of absolute blindness has been tried by several authors, 237 (a) Dynamic chart construction Vertical visual angle [°] Baseline chart Dynamic chart Posttraining chart 20 20 20 10 10 10 0 0 0 −10 −10 −10 −20 −20 −10 0 10 −20 20 Horiz. visual angle [°] −20 −20 −10 0 10 20 Horiz. visual angle [°] −20 −10 0 10 20 Horiz. visual angle [°] (b) Feature calculation: neighborhood activity (c) Self-organizing maps (SOM): restoration hot spots 15.2 mm 0 mm 0.6 0 + + 0 0.33 0 + 0 0.8 0 0 + + 0 0.8 0 0 + Hot spots 0 Cold spots Distance to scotoma Neighborhood activity Defectdepth Quadrantanopia Hemianopia Fig. 11. Factors influencing vision restoration hot spots. To study factors (features) of the visual field defect that influence whether a given spot of the visual field can recover, “restoration hot spots” (improved vision) and “cold spots” (no change) were determined as shown in (a): Visual field charts before (left panel) and after vision restoration training (middle panel) are used to calculate the dynamic chart (right panel) which shows the change pre- versus post-VRT (for explanation of charts see Fig. 2). “Hot spots” are indicated by dark square, cold spots by gray squares. (b) One sample feature which was of special interest: “neighborhood activity.” A computer-simulation used data mining method of SOMs to examine for each spot of the baseline visual chart ((a), left panel) a value that represents this feature (in this example of a feature, low values represents little activity and high values much activity in each spots immediate surround/neighborhood). The SOM then calculated to what extent this feature at baseline is able to predict a “hot spot.” This feature represents residual visual activity (indicated by levels of gray) in the immediate neighborhood of a given spot. (c) The results of the SOM-analysis for different such features in 2D SOM charts. For each feature, a separate chart was created which was subdivided in a hot spot (þ) and cold spot region (0), separated from each other by a border line. The gray levels represent how well a given feature (e.g., neighborhood activity) is associated with cold or hot spots. In these SOM charts, white represent tight associations while gray and black represent no association. As the graph shows, the features “neighborhood activity” and “residual activity of the spot itself” (defect depth) are closely associated with the hot spot (þ) region. Other features, such as type of visual field defect (quadrantanopia/hemianopia) or distance to the scotoma are not associated with the occurrence of hot spots. Thus, an SOM analysis revealed that residual activity within a limited surround has a great influence on vision restoration and, in fact, predicted the restoration potential rather well (see Guenther et al., 2009). 238 we question if they tested sufficiently for possible residual vision inside the blind field. Namely, an area that appears completely blind may actually show residual vision when tested with brighter stimuli (Kasten et al., 2008). Specificity and transfer of training effects When vision restoration is accomplished by training the question arises if training effects are specific or if they transfer to other functions as well. In the normal brain, improvements in perceptual learning tasks are rather specific to the features that were trained (spatial frequency, orientation), to the retinal position, or to the eye which was trained (Gilbert et al., 2001; Karni and Sagi, 1991). However, there are also examples of transfer (Beard et al., 1995), though only “easy-tolearn” tasks seem to be transferable (Gilbert et al., 2001). The information on transfer in clinical cases is still rather ambiguous. In patients with hemianopia, for example, vision training of the border region, that is, in ARVs, a task involving the detection of small dots presented at different brightness levels, also improved color detection (Kasten et al., 2001) and VA (Kasten et al., 1998b; Mueller et al., 2007), both of which were not trained. Also in regained regions of the visual field, there is not only improved detection of simple light stimuli (which were used for training) but also improvement of VA, critical flicker fusion frequency, and color vision (which was not trained) (Bergsma and Van der Wildt, 2008). Thus, there is no clear conclusion as to the transferability of training effects. This may depend on the task and the size and localization of the lesion or other nonspecific factors (such as attention and temporal processing). We need to keep in mind, though, that in contrast to normal subjects, patients with brain damage may have problems with more general cognitive functions such as attention, temporal processing, contour integration, brain synchronization, etc. It is therefore reasonable to assume that a specific training task may lead to gains in these general factors which, in turn, would benefit other visual tasks as well (such as color recognition). In fact, it is not conceivable that any particular, specific training task is “specific” in the true sense since carrying out a visual task (even if simple) always engages other functions (e.g., visual attention) as well. It is practically impossible to train single features alone (such as a contour without a shape, a shape without attention, etc.). As a consequence, stimulation of more general functions (such as attention or brain electrophysiological synchronization) might be beneficial to a specific task or to a variety of tasks. In this context, the observation is of interest that visual improvements occur also in regions well outside of the trained region itself (unpublished observations). Thus, while the “specificity” issue is difficult to answer at this point, it seems clear that some generalization always occurs because any specific training task has also more generalized, global effects on visual cognition. Neurobiological mechanisms of vision restoration The “minimal residual structure” hypothesis The minimal residual structure hypothesis (Sabel, 1997) states the following: as long as a small, minimum number of cells survive within the damaged structure, recovery of function is possible. This hypothesis needs to be expanded to include the downstream neuronal networks: it is the total number of fibers of the different pathways surviving the lesion that determines how much information reaches higher cortical regions. For example, after lesions in the retina or optic nerve, no alternative routes exist whereby visual information can travel to the brain. In such peripheral lesions, the functional loss (and the restoration potential) is at least initially a function of the number of surviving cells. After post-chiasmatic lesions, even a complete lesion, for example, of V1, does not lead to a complete functional impairment: information can still travel alternative extrastriate routes to 239 reach higher cortical regions (e.g., V2–V5) via the tectal–pulvinar pathways or direct geniculate–V5 fibers. The term minimal residual structure should therefore include both the local structure and all other alternative or upstream structures that contribute to visual information processing and restoration. Although a certain minimal number of residual cells is critical for vision restoration to occur at all, because of the “network” plasticity the precise number of surviving cells in the lesion site is a rather poor predictor of restoration (Sautter and Sabel, 1993). As Fig. 1 shows, with only about 20% of the RGCs, rats reach up to 80% performance in visual tasks. For a given visual performance, the questions are as follows: (i) How much primary tissue (number of cells and their connections) is left? (ii) Are there other (rerouting) pathways for visual information to reach higher-up brain regions? The smaller the residual capacities of both, the lower the chances for vision restoration. The Pasik and Pasik study (1973) may serve to illustrate this point: 14 macaque monkeys were trained in a two-choice task (light vs. no light) following bilateral occipital cortex removal. Immediately after the injury, the animals were blind, bumping into objects and falling from platforms, though pupillary reactions and eye movements appeared intact. After 3 months of recovery time, the monkeys were again able to carry out brightness discrimination tasks and reach for visual stimuli. Concomitant removal of ventrolateral portions of the temporal lobe, posterior portions of the parahippocampal gyrus, the pulvinar, the superior colliculus, or the medial tectum resulted in only a temporary visual defect from which the animals recovered. But when the lateral pretectal region was injured as well, which caused a bilateral, severe degeneration of the nucleus of the accessory optic tract, the monkeys were no longer able to relearn the brightness discrimination task. Thus, not only does the visual system have capacities to recover from damage, but more generally speaking, just as Lashley (1939) stated, the extent of visual dysfunction depends on how much of the visual system as a whole is injured (which Lashley termed the “principle of mass action”). While this somewhat holistic interpretation of visual system function seems perhaps a bit simplistic, yet from today's point of view it points to the great potential that just a small amount of residual tissue may have. Apparently, only a surprisingly small number of neurons is required for functional restoration to take place and this is also known in other brain systems. In studies of patients with Parkinson's disease, for example, a loss of dopamine cells greater than 70% has to occur before patients start even noticing symptoms, that is, the brain is able to compensate up to 70% loss rather well. Also, recovery of spinal cord lesions is a rule when lesions are not complete, that is, leaving behind small remnants of residual tissue, in the order of 5–20%, which is similar to the 80% vision recovery in rats with only 20% RGCs (Fig. 1). Given this tremendous dynamics of the brain, it is perhaps not surprising that the number of surviving neurons correlates rather poorly with functional outcome. First, the plasticity of the areas of primary damage introduces variability to behavioral performance, and second, both downstream neuronal nuclei and alternative pathways contribute in a significant way to recovery and reorganization (amplification) of vision. This markedly dilutes the structural–functional correlation and is a source of variability. The good news is that it gives more therapeutic wiggle room. Within-systems plasticity In order to get a better understanding of the mechanisms of vision restoration, we need to differentiate between plasticity of residual tissue in the damaged structure itself—within-systems plasticity - and the responses of all other brain regions located downstream, the “network plasticity”. Within-systems plasticity relates to changes in the remnants of the damaged structure itself 240 (see Sabel, 1997). This kind of plasticity involves local cellular changes—such as activation (or reactivation) of surviving cells (Prilloff et al., 2007) or enhancement of their synaptic transmission (synaptic plasticity). Within-systems plasticity can best be studied in animal experiments where an incomplete (partial) lesion can be studied at the cellular level, such as in optic nerve preparations. It can also be investigated in areas surrounding the injured visual cortex (Imbrosci et al., 2010; Wood et al., 1974) or spared tissue remnants of injured superior colliculus (Stein and Weinberg, 1978). The key question here is this: “How many neurons need to survive and what changes do they undergo so that restoration of vision becomes possible?” We studied this issue by creating partial crush lesions of the ONC in adult rats. Here, only about 10–20% of RGCs are sufficient for vision recovery to occur (Sautter and Sabel, 1993). That this rather small number of cells sustain function confirms observations by Lashley (1939) who estimated that as little as one-sixtieth of the neocortex is sufficient for visual discrimination. Chow (1968) and Galambos et al. (1967) found 2–3% of the optic tract fibers to the LGN to be sufficient for “normal vision” (which appears to be an overstatement). Chow and Stewart's figure is about 28% (Chow and Stewart, 1972) much larger than the figure given by Hubel and Wiesel (1970) who observed that with as little as 1% of the cells responsive, limited recovery of form deprivation is possible. The finding of RGC hyperactivation after partial optic nerve damage supports the concept of within-systems plasticity: a delayed, moderate calcium hyperactivation of surviving RGCs was associated with greater responsiveness of the cells to visual stimuli (Prilloff et al., 2007). deafferentation. It includes also other, nondeafferented regions involved in the postlesion response. For example, partial retinal or optic nerve damage will lead to primary deafferentation both in the superior colliculus, the main retinofugal target in the rat and in the LGN of the thalamus, the main retinofugal target in humans. Visual cortex would then be the region of secondary deafferentation. If network plasticity exists, one would predict that damaging all nuclei of the network should reduce the chance of recovery toward zero if no other pathways can drive the function. Indeed, combined, simultaneous lesions of all alternative pathways result in more severe deficits and recovery is precluded. For example, there is less recovery in cats with combined visual cortex and suprasylvian gyrus lesions (Wood et al., 1974), when creating combined lesions of different visual areas simultaneously, there may still be visual sparing (in luminous flux). But when the suprachiasmatic nucleus was also damaged, the last visual structure still available, there was no restoration whatsoever (Pasik and Pasik, 1973). Thus, a loss of all visual structures clearly precludes restoration (which is not at all surprising). Fortunately, in the clinical world, complete visual system lesions are extremely rare (other than complete eye or optic nerve damage). As a consequence, even in patients considered to be “legally blind,” there is almost always some degree of residual vision and therefore some restoration potential. In lesions acquired later in life, complete (and not only apparent) blindness is an extremely rare exception and at least some residual vision is usually present. Receptive field plasticity in deafferented brain structures Network plasticity Network plasticity refers to all changes in areas not directly affected by the injury but suffering from “primary” and/or “secondary” (functional) Cell loss in one structure of the brain destroys their projection fibers to remote areas. If these fibers are excitatory, deafferentation depression in remote regions takes place, a phenomenon 241 also known as “diaschisis” (Von Monakow, 1914). If the projection fibers are inhibitory, deafferentation excitation results. In cases of deafferentation depression, spontaneous recovery may be achieved by reactivation of metabolic activity which happens spontaneously during the early recovery period, for example, after optic nerve damage in the LGN and visual cortex (Schmitt and Sabel, 1996a,b, 1998). This reactivation may be mediated either by surviving neurons increasing their strength to above-normal levels (Prilloff et al., 2007) or by excitability changes in the deafferentation zone itself (Giannikopoulos and Eysel, 2006). In the computation model of cortical plasticity, increased neuronal gain in the deafferented zone has been shown to be crucial for consistent experimental RF shifts (Young et al., 2007). Whatever the mechanism, the region of primary deafferentation is key in the restoration equation and reorganization of its neuronal network. The classic example of network plasticity in the visual system is RF reorganization, a field pioneered by Eysel (e.g., Eysel and Grüsser, 1978). He and others showed RF reorganization after retinal lesions with RF shifts up to 5–9 of visual angle and up to 10-fold initial increase of RF size followed by shrinkage to nearly normal levels (Darian-Smith and Gilbert, 1995; Giannikopoulos and Eysel, 2006; Gilbert and Wiesel, 1992; Heinen and Skavenski, 1991; Kaas et al., 1990; Waleszczyk et al., 2003). Also, direct injury to visual cortex produces a local RF reorganization seen as both increases in RF size but also in shift of RF location (Eysel, 1997). RF reorganization also occurs in the surround of the lesion, the “penumbra,” leading to physiological hypoexcitability and more distally, hyperexcitability (Dohle et al., 2009; Eysel, 1997). This RF reorganization is mediated by long-range intracortical horizontal connections which are either activated after deafferentation (Darian-Smith and Gilbert, 1995) and which show axonal sprouting (Darian-Smith and Gilbert, 1994). Lateral influences of cortical interneurons have also been proposed to underlie the “filling-in phenomenon,” that is, the curious observation that a retinal scotoma is subjectively perceived to be much smaller than expected (Murakami et al., 1997). In fact, the compensation potential of even the normal brain is so great that by filling-in the blind spot escapes conscious detection. In addition, the size of the RF varies considerably in the normal brain, depending on the brain's synchronization state (Wörgötter et al., 1998). Thus, RFs plasticity is dependent on lateral influences from neighboring regions, which can exert either inhibitory or excitatory influences. It is likely that RF plasticity is the mechanism of both normal learning and adaptation of the visual system to damage. Because lateral interactions in visual cortex are involved in perceptual learning (Gilbert, 1998; Gilbert et al., 2001) and RF plasticity (Gilbert and Wiesel, 1992), the possibility exists that lateral influences are also involved in vision restoration following behavioral training or electrical stimulation. Recent findings by Raemaekers et al. (2011) are consistent with this possibility (further discussed below). If the assumption is true that lateral interaction contributes to vision restoration, one would expect that vision restoration does not exceed the boundaries imposed by the lateral extent of these interactions. We have studied this question in visual field charts of hemianopic patients after a repetitive perceptual learning task (training). We reasoned that if RF plasticity is involved in vision restoration similar to that found in cats (Giannikopoulos and Eysel, 2006) or monkeys (Gilbert and Wiesel, 1992), improvements should not be distributed randomly in the visual field. Rather, they should be a function of the distance of the immediate surround and span a finite distance, that is, their influence is spatially limited. Visually driven spike activity recovers within a deafferented region up to 3.5 mm from the scotoma border (Das and Gilbert, 1995; 242 Giannikopoulos and Eysel, 2006). Others report even larger range of RF shifts (5–6 mm; Waleszczyk et al., 2003). Computer simulations and physiological recordings from macaque area MT suggest that dynamic alterations in neural activation alone are sufficient to allow large RF changes (Sober et al., 1997) and perilesion cortical activity is a critical factor in reorganization (Eysel et al., 1999). Thus, restoration of vision in patients (i) may be mediated by areas which are not completely but only partially damaged, (ii) it may be influenced by perilesion activity of the cortical surround, and (iii) if reorganization of RFs is the underlying neuronal substrate, visual field expansions should be spatially limited. Based on these considerations, we have hypothesized that vision restoration is governed by the same rules and principles imposed by the spatial limits of lateral interaction. To test this, we have measured in visual field charts of hemianopic patients the precise topography of changes after stimulation by first creating dynamic visual field charts and then calculating the differences before versus after training. The obtained “dynamic charts” then permitted the identification of areas of the visual field where vision restoration occurred (hot spots) and those where it did not (cold spots). Using “SOM”-data mining tools, we then related the location of the restoration hot and cold spots to certain features in the baseline visual field topography (Guenther et al., 2009). The goal of this approach was to uncover possible rules of RF plasticity and to check the influence of lateral interactions (Fig. 11). Indeed, when the location of the restoration hot spots was compared to the precise topography of baseline charts, we found that vision restoration follows indeed rules of RF plasticity: restoration hot spots were primarily located in areas of the visual field that had either a high level of local residual activity and greater amounts of residual activity in the immediate spatial 5 surround. The level of global activity (lesion size) or other parameters (such a type of visual field defect) were of no influence (Guenther et al., 2009). This observation is confirmed by recent imaging studies by Raemaekers et al. (2011). They found direct evidence for RF plasticity: in hemianopic patients participating in VRT RF changes in visual cortex could be imaged. The findings are thus compatible with our own observations of a special role of lateral interactions in vision restoration. The authors concluded that small visual field enlargements (such as those at the border region of the visual field) could be explained by this more “local” RF plasticity, but that massive visual field expansions, which are sometimes observed in patients, cannot be explained by this mechanism. Yet, one important question remains: Is RF plasticity good or a bad? Whether RF reorganization (RF location shift or enlargement) is functionally adaptive or maladaptive is not yet clear. Enlarged RFs might facilitate detection, but at the same time, they might reduce the ability to see in ambient light or detect objects at higher resolution or more complex objects. Likewise, a shift of the RFs location might be helpful to engage deafferented regions of the brain to participate in visual processing, but if this is helpful at all or instead leads to scrambling or noise in regions adjacent to the lesion remains to be determined. There is one phenomenon that nicely illustrates the ambiguous role of RF plasticity. Dilks et al. (2007) described a patient with a left upper quadrantanopia carrying out detection tasks of different shapes (squares, circles, triangles). When presented near the lesion in the lower left quadrant, the subject perceived objects as vertically elongated, extending toward and into the damaged area. The lesion affected “visionfor-perception” tasks as well as visually guided motor response (vision-for-action). fMRI measurements confirmed the hypothesis that the deprived cortex became responsive to nearby (intact) regions in a retinocentric manner, an issue also related to the filling-in effect. One may argue that visual distortions might be maladaptive from the point of view of “what is it?,” 243 but they might be adaptive from the point of view “is there something?” Currently, we cannot tell if cortical reorganization after lesions is a good or bad thing (enhancing perception or distorting is). Clearly, this issue is a critical one in need of further study. The role of downstream networks After considering plasticity of the damaged structure itself and the primary deafferented structure, let us now turn to neuronal networks beyond the deafferented region. It is reasonable to assume that reorganization does not stop at the area of primary deafferentation. It also leads to changes in secondary brain structures. In addition, as we know from post-chiasmatic damage, information flow can bypass the lesion site, using a detour of alternative routes to higher cortical regions (see the discussion on blindsight above), leading to a kind of remote neuronal network response. The excitation–inhibition balance From the network point of view, reestablishing homeostasis, an evolutionary principle, is the key goal, that is, the proper balancing of excitation and inhibition. This issue receives sparse attention in the vision restoration literature. Let us consider, for example, the case of an incomplete hemianopia caused by an incomplete V1 lesion. Here, we have a loss of lateral interactions (presumably horizontal cells) which impairs local information. Second, there is the loss of longrange interhemispheric fibers that terminate in the mirror-symmetric position of the opposite, intact hemisphere, particularly in the region that corresponds to the vertical midline. Because interhemispheric fibers are believed to be inhibitory (Sprague, 1966), their loss would result in a hyperexcitation of the intact hemisphere with a secondary inhibitory ripple effect by the reciprocal interhemispheric, inhibitory fibers originating from the intact side and terminating on the damaged side. The final outcome would be a disaster for the damaged hemisphere: additional inhibition of all those regions that were partially damaged (ARVs). ARVs are probably the greatest victims of excitation–inhibition dysbalance. In the RF microenvironment, the consequences are several-fold. We expect local inhibitory and over-excitatory changes in the immediate surround of the lesion plus a functionally hyperactive state of the intact hemisphere with a secondary overinhibition of the reciprocal interhemispheric inhibitory back-projections. In this scenario, any cells that managed to survive inside the blind or partially blind field would be inhibited from the opposite (intact) hemisphere (ARV suppression) and this happens irrespective of whether they are located in the ARVs near the visual border or in any islands of residual vision. The net outcome of all of this would be as follows: the intact hemisphere ends up with subtle deficits in vision, possibly by being hyperexcitable, and additionally, residual tissue on the lesion side is suppressed by overinhibition. If this theory of imbalance is correct, restoration would be a rebalancing act: (i) inhibiting the overexcited intact tissue and/or (ii) increasing excitability of the residual tissue in the region of the lesion. There are several lines of evidence that network balance is critical for proper vision. There are (i) subtle deficits in the intact hemisphere and (ii) visual hallucinations found during spontaneous and training-induced visual recovery which have been interpreted as signs of interhemispheric dysbalance. In addition, rebalancing can restore vision: (iii) restoration of vision can be achieved by additional lesions in the hemisphere contralateral to the lesion (also called the “Sprague effect”), (iv) cortical reorganization as demonstrated by imaging studies, and (v) the restoration effects of functional silencing of the intact side while stimulating ARVs (as in VRT). 244 Subtle deficits in the intact hemisphere The presumably intact visual field in hemianopes is actually impaired. It has difficulties to detect incomplete figures embedded in a noisy background (Paramei and Sabel, 2008; Schadow et al., 2009). For example, three hemianopia patients had to detect with their intact side of the visual field a figure (square) composed of interrupted contours created by Gabor patches embedded in a random patch array (Paramei and Sabel, 2008). Two of the patients had marked deficits in the response accuracy and reaction times and also showed “figure confabulations.” This can be explained by impaired top-down influences from higher visual centers and/or loss of proper interhemispheric balance, both of which impair the function of the intact hemisphere. This interpretation was confirmed by Gamma response analyses of EEG recordings (Schadow et al., 2009). Interestingly, Corbetta et al. (2005) found in patients with attentional dysfunctions after parietal lesions fMRI evidence of hyperactivation in contralateral, intact cortical regions. As hyperactivation declined, attentional dysfunction recovered. Thus, reduced transcallosal inhibitory interaction (directly or indirectly) may reinstate interhemispheric balance after lesions and interhemispheric modulation may improve perceptual functioning and recovery. Hyperactivations as a result of the loss of inhibitory fibers in deafferented brain regions may also explain the figure confabulation in parietal patients (a kind of “reverse diaschisis”) (Paramei and Sabel, 2008): In a way, the patient's “expectation” of a visual stimulus (such as a square) “outcompeted” the evidence from the sensory input, or, in Corbetta's terms, there was a top-down bias along with a decreased stimulus-driven capture. Visual hallucinations during recovery of vision The notion of top-down hyperactivation is also in agreement with observations in hemianopic patients that report simple phosphene perceptions (hallucinations) during the time of spontaneous recovery and during training-induced visual field expansions. Kölmel (1985, 1993) was the first to propose that visual hallucinations in partially blind patients are a positive sign of neural plasticity and recovery of function. But direct proof of a link between hallucinations and recovery of visual functions was first shown by Poggel et al. (2007). They observed hallucinations in hemianopic patients during the days and weeks of early spontaneous recovery and also again when visual field recovery was induced by training. Here, simple and complex hallucinations were associated in time and space with increased visual field size and recovery: (i) hallucinations were more frequently in patients who benefited from training, (ii) they were typically located in ARVs, and (iii) hallucinations coincided in time with the period of greatest visual field expansion. It should be mentioned in passing that patients are usually aware that these “hallucinations” are not real. But the patients usually do not talk about it because they are worried that it is seen by others as signs of a psychiatric disorder (which it is not). Restoration of vision by additional lesions Because the intact hemisphere has an inhibitory effect on contralateral, cortical, and subcortical areas (such as the superior colliculus), cross-hemispheric inhibition may contribute to dysfunction. Consequently, lifting this inhibition may restore functions. This was first demonstrated by Sprague (1966) in cats where additional lesions in the intact hemisphere restored some of the lost functions induced by a tectal lesion (sometimes referred to as the Sprague effect). Here, a unilateral lesion of the superior colliculus led to orienting deficits which were counteracted by contralateral visual cortex damage. Perhaps the most impressive proof of interhemispheric interactions after brain lesions in humans was published by Pöppel and Richards (1974). They described a hemianopic patient who also had a small lesion in the contralateral intact field. Here, an “island of vision” of vision was seen in the otherwise absolute blind 245 hemifield. Because this island of vision was mirror symmetric to the island of blindness, this effect was interpreted as an example of a lifting deafferentation effect. Cortical reorganization as demonstrated by imaging studies fMRI studies have revealed the first evidence of visual system reorganization in humans. Whereas in healthy subjects, brain activation is found particularly in contralateral V1 (area 17), in patients with post-geniculate lesions, in contrast, activation changes are found bilaterally in the extrastriate areas with a stronger activation on the intact (contralesional) hemisphere (areas 18 and 19) (Nelles et al., 2002, 2007). Brodtmann et al. (2009) showed that bilateral striate and ventral extrastriate activation was reduced in stroke patients, while activation increased in dorsal sites, indicating a greater utilization of the dorsal visual system. These findings are in agreement with the interhemispheric imbalance hypothesis. Cortical reorganization was also reported in patients suffering from macular degeneration who develop a preferred retinal locus (PRL) (see discussion above). Imaging studies showed that the PRL has a larger cortical representation than other retinal regions of the same eccentricity (Liu et al., 2010) and isoeccentric peripheral locations are represented in the formerly foveal cortex (Dilks et al., 2009). Thus, there are both “active” mechanisms of reorganization which are use dependent and passive ones which are use independent. When stimulating the brain by behavioral training, activation changes in fMRI are observed. After eye-movement training, for example, there are changes in the unaffected extrastriate cortex (Nelles et al., 2010). Also when patients carry out VRT, activations are found in the anterior cingulate and dorsolateral frontal cortex together with other higher order visual areas in the occipitotemporal and middle temporal regions (Marshall et al., 2008). Along similar lines, Henriksson et al. (2007) trained hemianopic patients using flicker stimulation which caused an ipsilateral representation of the trained visual hemifield in different cortical areas, including the primary visual cortex. Similar findings were reported by Raninen et al. (2007). Retinotopic mapping was used by Ho et al. (2009) to show residual visual function in a patient with complete homonymous hemianopia. Retinotopic representation was found in the surviving visual cortex around the infarcted area and stimulating the blind field led to a response in extrastriate areas above the calcarine sulcus. So far, fMRI imaging results are compatible with the concept of large scale visual cortex reorganization (network plasticity). Unfortunately, in many studies, the patient numbers have been too small (often single cases) to reach final conclusions on the generality and reliability of cortical reorganization by brain imaging (however, see Raemaekers et al., 2011). More information is now required using larger patient samples in combination with sophisticated behavioral paradigms. Functional silencing of the intact hemisphere The easiest way to achieve functional balance is to silence the undamaged hemisphere by simply exposing the subject to darkness. In this manner, both hemispheres are functionally inactivated, processing less visual information. In this situation, a functional “advantage” can be created for ARVs by stimulating them selectively while the intact field remains in the dark. This is what the classic VRT does: here patients train in the dark which has two simultaneous effects: functional silencing of intact regions while being able to activate ARVs (see discussion of the restoration potential of VRT above). In a way, VRT creates a double-punch situation: on one hand, a reduced activation by darkness of the intact hemisphere with the consequence of reduced interhemispheric inhibition in the lesioned hemisphere, and on the other hand, the simultaneous activation by visual stimulation of the previously inhibited ARVs inside or near the lesion. 246 The net result is a functional rebalancing which, if practiced regularly, is stabilized. Thus, the imbalance between excitatory and inhibitory neural influences aggravates the visual loss after brain lesions. As the brain can be induced to reach a more homeostatic, balanced state (by training or brain current stimulation), partial vision restoration is achieved. If homeostatic balance is the key in vision restoration, then it should not matter if inhibition is reinstated in regions that are overexcited or excitation is reinstated in areas suffering deafferentation depression (diaschisis). Preferably both can be used to reestablish the balance at different levels of the nervous system: at local, lateral interactions or at long-range intra- and interhemispheric (transcallosal and subcortical) projections. Both “within-systems plasticity” and “network reorganization” are part of the post-lesion response in the brain. They act in concert to optimize residual vision and restoration, but there may also be some maladaptive elements to reorganization which need to be explored. Because lesions vary greatly from minor loss to complete blindness, the extent of restoration is variable as well. But it is the sum of local (within-systems plasticity) and global (network plasticity) influences that will determine the final extent of recovery of perception. Cellular mechanisms of vision restoration and plasticity How can such within systems and network plasticity be explained on a cellular level? We believe that the cellular mechanism of vision restoration involves the strengthening of surviving neurons in the damaged system itself and/or reorganization of higher-up (intact) neuronal networks. This issue was already discussed above. Building on the assumption that a stable within-systems and network plasticity change requires stable changes at the synaptic level, the questions arise how synaptic plasticity can be achieved by surviving cells. We would like to propose that vision restoration rests upon cellular and molecular mechanisms of normal learning. We believe that just as in the normal brain, repetitively activating surviving (residual) cells lead to synaptic plasticity, and this is relevant for both for surviving cells of the damaged structure itself and for cells in upstream networks (network plasticity). Interestingly, it seems less critical as to which precise method of stimulation is used to achieve reactivation of residual structures: (1) regular training where patients (or the animals) have to respond to many thousands of visual stimuli or (2) by noninvasive brain current stimulation protocols which are fairly nonspecific (see above). At a cellular level, learning was studied in rodents where the concept of LTP was established (Bliss and Lomo, 1973). LTP is defined as a longlasting enhancement in the cell response to highfrequency stimulation (Fig. 12). LTP maintenance is mediated by both an increased transmitter release per presynaptic impulse and an increased postsynaptic responsiveness to a fixed amount of transmitter (Voronin et al., 1995). LTP has been induced also in the human visual system by noninvasive “photic tetanus” (Sale et al., 2010). Interestingly, LTP as a model of learning and memory has been used already to investigate post-lesional plasticity and, of most relevance here, in residual structures in the vicinity of a lesion (Dohle et al., 2009; Huemmeke et al., 2004). Electrophysiological recordings of ex vivo/in vitro preparations of the post-lesional visual cortex revealed that LTP is enhanced while LTD (long-term depression) is impaired (Imbrosci et al., 2010). This “metaplasticity” may provide the physiological/ molecular basis of the rewiring of synaptic connections and restoration of visual function. Postsynaptic NMDA receptors play a special role in LTP in the lesion surround, and this is compatible with the hypothesis that LTP in horizontal connections in visual cortex might comprise the cellular mechanism of vision restoration (Imbrosci et al., 2010). However, although these results suggest that post-lesion neuronal plasticity is possible, 247 Synaptic plasticity after partial brain injury Residual neurons Presynaptic Postsynaptic Resting state Stimulated Fig. 12. Synaptic plasticity after partial brain injury. The hypothesis of within-systems plasticity proposes that synaptic plasticity contributes to restoration of vision. It assumes that in a partially injured area of the brain, the physiological activity (sum of all action potentials) produced by surviving neurons is below normal values, insufficient to drive the postsynaptic neuron (partially deafferented structure) at full throttle (upper panel). By stimulating the presynaptic neurons of the partially damaged region by training or electrical stimulation, the silenced activation state (middle panel) changes to greater activation. Repeated activation then elevates cell activity (number of action potentials) above-normal levels, strengthening synaptic efficacy (lower panel). This, in turn, leads to induction of long-term synaptic plasticity which outlasts the stimulation period. On a molecular level of analysis, the process of synaptic plasticity is achieved by the release of trophic factors from postsynaptic cells (adapted from Kolarow et al., 2007) one has to keep in mind that there is still a significant loss of function in neuronal populations in the vicinity of cell death/damage (Aoyagi et al., 1998; Henrich-Noack et al., 2005). Also, as following traumatic optic nerve damage, there are molecular changes in the surviving cells such as alterations in the splicing variance of different NMDA receptors (Kreutz et al., 1998). It is not clear if these alterations are adaptive or maladaptive. In any event, considering the evidence for both, metaplasticity and silencing of neurons, post-lesion plasticity may be induced by overcoming injury-related blockades. Interestingly, at a cellular level, this is possible by mechanisms of learning: high-frequency stimulation which under physiological conditions induces LTP is also able to restore lost functions in silent neuronal populations after brain injury (Henrich-Noack et al., 2005). However, restoration of function by learning is not possible at very early post-lesion times. It can therefore be hypothesized that neurons need some time after an impact to 248 recover and adapt their molecular/morphological integrity. After this delay, changes in the micromilieu or inhibitory feedback loops prevent the post-lesion neuronal plasticity as ex vivo investigation of silenced neuronal population shows normal function and plasticity. This restoration of plasticity and function also depends on changes in postsynaptic sensitivity (HenrichNoack et al., 2005), and this is compatible with the hypothesis that hallucinations reported by visually impaired patients are a sign of post-lesion denervation supersensitivity. LTP or LTD, supported by the release of trophic factors, may explain the strengthening of synaptic transmission (plasticity), possibly also involving axon terminal sprouting, but single cells alone do not explain the reaction of the entire residual network. Rather, network reactions as a whole generate function and alter RF plasticity. LTP/LTD may thus provide the cellular condition for an overall change at the network level. regions fire in a synchronized manner to drive normal vision (jointly firing action potentials and oscillating network in perfect temporal coordination), areas of partial damage are initially nonsynchronized, with poor firing synchrony. After external stimulation (induced by training or during electric current stimulation), the partially damaged regions are forced to fire jointly in temporal coordination. We hypothesize that such a repeated stimulation induces a “forced synchronized firing” which then leads to synaptic plasticity of the partially damaged structures and downstream areas. By doing this repeatedly, LTP-like mechanisms lead to stabilized synchronous firing in the network which lasts beyond the treatment period (aftereffects). This improved or stabilized synchronization is a key mechanism of the proposed neurophysiological mechanism of vision restoration. Vision restoration and attention Vision restoration and neuronal synchronization When a visual stimulus hits the retina, retinal cells fire together in a timely synchronized fashion and information travels to higher brain centers. Under normal conditions, this synchronization works perfectly, evoking many secondary ripple effects in the brain (such as oscillations) which jointly create the percept. However, when cells are lost and primary and secondary disorganization of neuronal networks happens, one would expect a loss of synchrony, that is, a worst coordination of timed events. A slowing of mental processing would be expected which is what we see in patients who show reduced reaction times and feel uncomfortable observing the fast moving world (navigating in a busy crowd or driving a car). Thus, to restore vision requires a better neuronal synchronization. Figure 2 shows the concept of “stimulationinduced synchronization” after partial nervous system damage. While neurons in intact brain It is well known that neural activation enhances visuospatial attention. Behavioral, neurophysiological, and imaging experiments show that focusing attention to a specific part of the visual field benefits visual processing in that area, for example, reaction times are reduced, and stimuli are detected or discriminated more easily then when attention is distributed more diffusely across the visual field or focused elsewhere (Eriksen and Rohrbaugh, 1970; Nakayama and Mackeben, 1989; Posner, 1980; Treisman and Gelade, 1980). This can be explained by increased neuronal activation (synchronization) in circumscribed regions of the visual cortex as shown in single-cell recordings in animals (Gilbert, 1998; Ito and Gilbert, 1999), electrophysiological experiments in humans (Mangun and Hillyard, 1987) and in brain-imaging studies (Martinez et al., 1999; Somers et al., 1999). In the attention spotlight, the signal-to-noise ratio increases, resulting in improved performance of the normal brain. The benefit of attention is particularly obvious under difficult perceptual conditions with low 249 signal-to-noise ratio. Attentional load modulates not only responses of invisible stimuli in human primary visual cortex, but it also improves normal vision at low contrast viewing conditions (Bahrami et al., 2007). Such an attentional advantage is also found in patients with visual field defects. Here, visuospatial cues can acutely improve detection performance: when patients are asked to focus their attentional spotlight at the visual field border, this immediately enhances perceptual performance within a few hundred milliseconds after stimulus presentation precisely in the region of the cue (Poggel et al., 2006; see Fig. 10). This demonstrates that residual vision can be immediately accessed by activating attentional resources. In this context, a rather curious observation by Schendel and Robertson (2004) might be of interest. They reported that visual detection can be (acutely) increased in hemianopic patients by placing their arm near the visual stimuli when this was located in the blind hemifield. This arm placement might have simply increased the attention to the stimulus location, elevating its excitability. Another example is a patient with near-blindness that one of us (B. A. S.) studied in Wisconsin/USA in 2000. When asked to describe what he sees he said: “just darkness, nothing else.” When being confronted with a sudden noise (B. A. S. clapped his hands unexpectedly near the patients ears, a rather startling sound), the patient suddenly said he could see a person (the attending physician) standing in front of him, stating with joy: “I can see the doc, he is wearing a red tie” (which he actually did). This is a dramatic example of how temporary vision improvement that can be achieved by raising the patients level of alterness or attention. Directing the attentional spotlight repetitively onto the ARVs in a repetitive practice tasks (training) leads to permanent improvement of vision in patients suffering from visual field defects. Poggel et al. (2004) combined standard VRT in hemianopics with an attentional cueing task focusing attention to ARVs and found this to enhance the restoration level of VRT (Fig. 10). Also, the Jung et al. (2008) study, where training of the intact region of the visual field in patients with anterior ischemic optic neuropathy improved function, was taken to conclude that this “may reflect diffusely increased visual attention (neuronal activation), or improvement of an underlying subclinical abnormality in the seeing visual field” (p. 145). The Poggel study supports the hypothesis that both ARVs normally receive insufficient attentional resources; the intact visual field sector simply captures all of the attention in everyday life, at the expense of the partially damaged areas by inhibiting them (excitatory/inhibitor dysbalance). In summary, attention plays a key role in the plasticity of partially damaged areas of V1 at a network level, even in the presumably intact visual field sector. The residual vision activation theory Only partially damaged brain systems have a potential for restoration of vision. Clearly, if there is no structure (e.g., complete eye damage), there is no chance for recovery. Rather, recovery or restoration of function requires some minimal amount of tissue that is (or becomes) dedicated to this task. One of us has earlier postulated the “hypothesis of minimal residual structures” (Sabel, 1997). It is remarkable how much a relatively small number of cells can accomplish. Rats with mild optic nerve injury with only 10–20% of the RGCs survival (Sautter and Sabel, 1993) recovered their ability to perform visual tasks again in about 2–3 weeks. The recovery was not complete and also not all animals recovered to the same extent. Yet, visual performance improved from complete visual dysfunction to about 70–80% performance. This rather remarkable and unexpected observation suggests that a small percentage of neurons and their intact axons are sufficient to allow considerable recovery. 250 The behavioral tasks we used to test our rats employed rather simple brightness discrimination or pattern discrimination tasks. We do not know if perhaps some more complex functions such as ambient stimulus perception, fast or complex tasks might remain deficient. Nevertheless, these findings clearly attest to a considerable postlesion plasticity potential after partial visual system damage which opens new possibilities to take advantage of this restoration potential by developing new therapeuties. Our own research and that of others have confirmed the restoration potential of residual vision. There are many publications on the subject of vision restoration and plasticity by now from different fields of study (Table 1). With this review, we have attempted to arrange these many puzzle pieces to a coherent picture. Based on several decades of research by us and others since the 1970s, we now propose the residual vision activation theory as follows: Damage to visual structures is usually not complete but some structures survive the damage. Together with structures of the intact hemisphere, they provide residual capacities to support vision restoration. Residual structures include (i) partially damaged tissue that sustains “areas of residual vision” (ARV) at the visual field border, (ii) “islands of residual vision” inside the blind field, (iii) alternate visual pathways unaffected by the damage (sustaining “blindsight”), and (iv) down-stream, higher-level neuronal networks. Because patients with retina or brain damage tend to focus their attention on the “intact” visual field sectors in everyday life, a result of a hyperactivation of the intact hemisphere, residual structures lack sufficient attentional resources, reducing their activation state and impairing physiological activation and synchronization. Residual structures thus suffer a triple handicap: (i) they have fewer neurons, (ii) they are disturbed in their excitation/inhibition balance and temporal processing, and (iii) they lack sufficient attentional activation. ARVs are therefore down-regulated, unable to contribute much to every-day vision. “Non-use” then impairs their synaptic strength even further. Residual structures can be (re-)activated/restored by engaging them in repetitive activation and stimulation. This repetitive activation of residual vision can be achieved by different means such as (i) visual experience, (ii) visual training, or (iii) noninvasive electrical current brain stimulation. This may lead to reorganization by the strengthening of synaptic transmission of the partially damaged structures themselves (“withinsystems plasticity”) and of downstream neuronal networks (“network plasticity”) in cortical or subcortical areas of the damaged and the intact hemisphere. This leads to improved synchronization of neuronal firing in the brain network. Cellular mechanisms of vision restoration are similar to, if not identical with those involved in normal perceptual learning (such as long-term potentiation) which is why long-lasting reorganization and re-synchronization of synaptic plasticity can sustain long term activation of residual structures. Vision restoration should therefore not be regarded as a pathology-specific phenomenon but an expression of normal learning which explains that it can be induced at any time after the lesion, at all ages and in most, if not all, visual field impairments (scotoma, tunnel vision, hemianopia, acuity loss), irrespective of their etiology (e.g. stroke, neurotrauma, glaucoma, amblyopia, AMD). However, vision restoration is rarely complete and does not take place in all patients. If and to what extent restoration can be achieved is a function of the precise nature and extent of residual structures and their activation state. In addition, the extent of restoration depends on the proper activation methodology and appropriate parameters, and it requires the allocation of sufficient attentional resources directed toward the residual structures. Thus, the more ARV are available, the greater is the restoration potential. Whereas the acute activation of residual vision leads to only temporary functional 251 improvements, permanent improvements require repetitive stimulation for many days, weeks or months (depending on the stimulation method). By becoming again engaged in every day vision, (re-) activation and synchronization of ARV outlasts the stimulation period, leading to long-term improvements in vision and quality of life. Considering the large body of evidence, we now have many reasons to be more optimistic about the fate of partial blindness. The visual system has an excellent potential for plasticity and self-repair, much more than previously thought which is a paradigm shift. If in doubt, consider the following quote by perhaps the most prominent visual system scientist, Torsten N. Wiesel, who received the Nobel Prize for his work on visual system specificity and RF organization. In a lecture held at the symposium “Restoration of vision after brain damage” during the “VISION 2005” meeting (organized by B. A. S. and T. Wiesel; Royal National Institute of the Blind, London) he emphasized the value of vision restoration research: Restoration of vision after damage is an issue I am very interested in and I think that there is progress; to find different means of restoring visual functions is very interesting and encouraging. . . (My experiments on receptive field enlargements) are hard evidence that it is possible to restore (visual) function through time. In this case we did not make any special effort by stimulating the eyes,. . . trying to restore visual functions. . . but this kind of experiment gives you hope that there is more to learn from this kind of experiments and also from the clinical work that it should be possible to have patients restore vision in spite of initially apparent lack of vision. . . Time will tell if the proposed residual vision activation theory is a paradigm shift (Kuhn, 1962) in the fields of low vision, neuro-ophthalmology, and restorative neurology. In any event, we hope the theory will stimulate others to get engaged in further discussion and experimental verification. We do not expect that each individual aspect of the proposed theory will hold forever. But it is a start to better understand the complex mechanisms of how the brain may overcome visual impairments. For sure, new aspects will have to be added to the proposed theory. But nevertheless, it provides a heuristic basis for further studies in the field of vision restoration, a rather complex issue in restorative neuroscience. Hopefully, the theory will inspire others to carry out new experiments and develop new treatment options. Perhaps the current theory will be modified or extended at some point. In this manner, vision restoration may mature to become a more widely accepted subject. The theory should lead our way to go beyond the widely accepted notion that (partial) blindness after retinal and cerebral damage is forever and unchangeable. Rather than turning a “blind eye” on vision restoration as a real possibility, we shall recognize that the theory is a basis for a more hopeful attitude: that vision restoration is possible and that new and innovative solutions may be found that reduce the impact of visual impairments. Future research and development will help improve visual impairments, extending far beyond the conceptual borders that currently limit our view. We are at the dawn of a better medical care for patients that greatly suffer from partial blindness which is inflicted by retinal and cerebral visual injury. Acknowledgments We thank Steffi Matzke and Sylvia Prilloff for their excellent help preparing the chapter, and special thanks to W. Waleszczyk (Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Warsaw, Poland) for insightful comments on a previous version of the chapter. 252 References Aiello, L. P. (2008). Targeting intraocular neovascularization and edema—One drop at a time. The New England Journal of Medicine, 359, 967–969. Antal, A., Artl, S., Nitsche, M. A., Chadaide, Z., & Paulus, W. (2006). Higher variability of phosphene thresholds in migraineurs than in controls: A consecutive transcranial magnetic stimulation study. Cephalalgia, 26, 865–870. 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