Performance of Two 101,000-Sq
Performance of Two 101,000-Sq
FSP-56-3 P erfo rm an ce of T w o 101,000-Sq-Ft S urface C o n d en sers By J. N. L A N D IS 1 a n d S. A. T U C K ER ,2 B R O O K LYN , N . Y. The results o f tests o f tw o 101,000-sq-ft single-pass c o n densers in th e H u d s o n Avenue S ta tio n o f th e B ro o k ly n Edison C o m p a n y are s u m m a r iz e d , a n d th e design features are briefly described. T he steam-flow p a t h o f th e W o r t h in g to n condenser is th r o u g h a n effectively shallow tu b e b a n k o f th e folded-layer type, h a v in g deep in le t lanes to facilitate th e passage o f ste a m w ith m i n i m u m pressure drop. The e n tire tu b e b a n k is c o n ta in e d in a p ra c tic a lly cylind rical shell. I n th e Ing erso ll- R an d u n it th e generally heart-shaped shell m a in t a in s w ith a decreasing v o lu m e o f steam a n active flow over a ll tube s. Bypass lanes a r o u n d th e to p sections o f tube s allow p a rt o f th e ste a m to reach th e low er tu b e b a n k s w it h o u t p assin g t h r o u g h th e to p section. T he W o r th in g to n a ir cooler is placed in te r n a l to th e shell as b e in g th e m o s t c o n v e n ie n t lo c a tio n a n d i n volving th e least costly c o n s tr u c tio n . T he IngersollR a n d de sig n uses a n ex te rn al a ir cooler to provide a m ore effic ien t de sig n o f flow areas. R e h e a tin g is provided for in th e co nd en sate c irc u its o f b o th u n its , th e W o r th in g to n u s in g a co nta ct- ty pe r e h e a tin g h o tw e ll in te g r a l w ith th e condenser a n d th e In g e rso ll- R a n d h a v in g a 1600-sq-ft-surface closed rehe ate r a fte r th e co nd e n sate p u m p , su pplie d w ith ste a m fr o m one o f th e to p bypass belts. Steam -flow co n tro l, a ir rem o val, a n d c ir c u la tin g system s are c o m p a r e d . H IS paper presents a brief summary of the results of tests of two 101,000sq-ft single-pass condensers in the Hudson Avenue Station of the Brooklyn Edison Company. units, the W orthington using a contacttype reheating hotwell integral with the condenser and the Ingersoll-Rand having a 1600-sq-ft-surface closed reheater after the condensate pump, supplied w ith steam from one of the top bypass belts. In the W orthington unit, a free longi tudinal flow of steam is permitted by open ings cut in the six tube support sheets wherever possible. Quite in contrast, the Ingersoll-Rand unit, as shown in Fig. 2, is divided into five separate longitudinal S. A. T u c k e r compartments by four closely fitted tubesupported sheets. Each of the three cold-end compartments is separately connected to its own sec tion of the external air cooler, and the two warm-end compart ments are connected in parallel to the remaining section of the air cooler with a throttle plate to lim it the flow from the end compartment. Air removal is accomplished on the W orthing ton unit by a three-element two-stage steam jet, and on the Ingersoll-Rand unit by eight primary and three secondary jets. Each condenser is served by two circulators, with separate water circuits from the inlet to the discharge tunnels. The Worthington unit, as shown in Fig. 3, has a conventional verti cally divided water box, whereas the Ingersoll-Rand water box is divided into four horizontal sections, arranged for each cir culator to supply two alternate sections. There are no valves in the m ain circulating-water system of either condenser. T D e s ig n C o m p a r is o n s Since these two condensers have been extensively described elsewhere,3 only a brief statement of their design features is given here. The steam-flow path of the W orthing ton condenser, shown in Fig. 1, is through J- N. L a n d i s an effectively shallow tube bank of the folded layer type, having deep inlet lanes to facilitate the pas sage of steam with m inimum pressure drop. The entire tube bank is contained in a practically cylindrical shell. In the IngersollR and unit, the generally heart-shaped shell maintains with a decreasing volume of steam an active flow over all tubes. B y pass lanes around the top sections of tubes allow part of the steam to reach the lower tube banks without passing through the top section. The Worthington air cooler is placed internal to the shell as being the most convenient location and involving the least costly construction. The Ingersoll-Rand design uses an external air cooler to provide a more efficient design of flow areas. Reheating is provided for in the condensate circuits of both 1 Mechanical Engineer, Brooklyn Edison Company, Inc. AssocMem. A .S.M .E . Mr. Landis received the degree of B.S. in Mechani cal Engineering in 1922 from the University of Michigan. He went with the Brooklyn Edison Company in 1923 as technical assistant to the mechanical engineer, and since th at time has been intimately associated in various capacities w ith the design and construction of the Hudson Avenue Generating Station. He was appointed to his present position in 1932. 2 Division Engineer, Plant Equipm ent Bureau, Brooklyn Edison Company, Inc. Mr. Tucker received his B.S. in Electrical E n gineering in 1926 from Yale University. He was employed by the Brooklyn Edison Company, Inc., in 1926 as a cadet engineer, and since 1928 he has been a member of the Plant Equipm ent Bureau. s Power Plant Engineering, April 15, 1932, November, 1932; Power, May 31, 1932. Presented at the Semi-Annual Meeting, Chicago, 111., June 26 to July 1, 1933, of T h e A m e r i c a n S o c ie t y o f M e c h a n i c a l E n g i n e e r s . N o t e : Statements and opinions advanced i n papers are to be understood as individual expressions of their authors, and not those of the Society. A cceptance T ests The tests on these two condensers represent the culmination of several years’ experience in performing tests on large powerplant equipment, including several condensers, by a group of test men organized principally for acceptance testing. The results are presented w ith the belief th at they summarize the most comprehensive and carefully executed condenser tests publicly reported. The tests were unusual in that they determined the “ cleanli ness ratio” of the condensing surface. The manner of making the cleanliness ratio measurements has already been discussed in detail before the A .S .M .E . by Messrs. Hardie and Cooper.4 * “A Test M ethod for Determining the Quantitative Effect of Tube Fouling on Condenser Performance,” by P. H . Hardie and W . S. Cooper. Trans. A .S .M .E ., vol. 55 (1933), paper RP-55-3 167 168 TRANSACTIONS OF THE A M ERICA N SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL EN GINEERS In brief, the test consisted of determining the individual per formance of 30 isolated tubes in various parts of the condensers, arranged in six groups of five tubes each, supplied with inde pendently controlled circulating water. Each group of five tubes consisted of two new tubes and three existing used tubes repre sentative of the condition of the condensing surface at the time of test. One new tube in each group was supplied with salt water, and the other, for purposes of a separate investigation, with fresh water. The ratio of the average thermal transmit tance of the used tubes to the average transmittance of the salt water new tubes was taken as the “ cleanliness ratio” of the con denser. In their contracts these condenser manufacturers and all others made guarantees which were to be corrected downward from a 100 per cent clean transmittance guarantee in direct pro portion to the cleanliness ratio obtaining at time of test. number of basket-type pressure tips distributed over the area of the turbine exhaust 4 Absolute pressure at (each compartment of) the hotwell by absolute-pressure gages identical with those used at the turbine exhaust 5 Condensate temperature leaving the hotwell (and the reheater) by precision mercurial thermometers. The amount of steam condensed was determined by weighing the condensate in the station weighing tanks. Sufficient read ings were taken of turbine-throttle and feedheating conditions to permit computing the heat content of the exhaust steam. To ascertain the condenser-cleanliness factor during the period of test, six groups of isolated tubes were connected by a rubber hose to a separate supply of salt water measured at the outlet end by a calibrated bell-mouthed nozzle. One new tube in each F ig . 1 Each of the two acceptance tests consisted of nine 1-hr runs, confined to a period of two days. These runs covered the normal operating range of the turbine for both high and low speeds of the circulating pumps. During the night preceding the start of test runs, each condenser was completely rubber-plugged to secure uniformity of tube condition, and thus the most repre sentative cleanliness ratio as measured from the relatively few sampling tubes. A c c e p t a n c e -T e s t P r o c e d u r e and A pparatus Readings were taken at 5-min intervals of—• 1 2 3 Inlet circulating-water temperature by two precision mercurial thermometers graduated to 0.1 deg F Outlet circulating-water temperatures by six precision mercurial thermometers graduated to 0.1 deg F Absolute pressure at the steam inlet by 11 specially con structed absolute-pressure gages connected to an equal group was supplied with fresh water as a reference standard to indicate any tendency of the salt-water new tube to foul. The flow of water in each tube was held approximately the same as the average of all the condenser tubes. For measuring the tempera ture rise in each tube, mercurial thermometers were inserted through rubber stoppers directly into the water stream. Air offtake temperatures were measured by mercurial ther mometers inserted through rubber stoppers, and air leakage was determined from the standard equipment furnished by each manufacturer as part of the contract. Pressure drops for each part of the circulating-water system and the total and suction heads on the pumps were determined by mercury U-tubes. The electrical input and speed of the circula tor motors were also separately measured. The principal test data are given in Table 1. Fig. 4 shows for the Worthington unit the absolute pressure and the calculated heat-transmittance coefficients obtained for FUELS A N D STEAM PO W ER both high- and low-speed pum p operation. Fig. 5 is a plot of the same results obtained on the Ingersoll-Rand unit. A question may arise as to why the curves of both tests show different cleanliness ratios at low and high speed on the circula tors. Fig. 6 shows the results of calorimeter measurements per- FSP-56-3 169 170 TRANSACTIONS OF THE A M ERICA N SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS TABLE 1 ACTUAL CONDENSER Run No. Date, 1932 Abs. H eat pressure transf. at H otwell Circ-water temp. Steam by cond., condenser tem p.,1 O u t, In , condensed, m illion nozzle, deg deg deg per hr B tu per hr in. H g F F F 1 5 6 9 10 6-13 6-13 6-14 6-14 6-14 732,100 562,900 995,800 1,389,700 731,300 684.0 531.4 923.4 1282.1 682.1 1.09 0.93 1.36 1.82 1.09 81.7 76.5 88.5 97.7 81.7 2 3 4 7 8 11 6-13 6-13 6-13 6-14 6-14 6-14 721,600 432,600 568,700 992,600 1,395,500 735,900 675.3 416.4 536.4 920.9 1286.2 684.5 1.20 0.89 1.01 1.57 2.13 1.21 84.2 75.6 79.5 92.8 102.9 84.9 5 6 9 10 6-27 6-28 6-28 6-28 643,000 1,008,100 1,350,300 768,600 601.7 932.3 1249.5 714.1 1.10 1.46 1.80 1.22 82.1 90.7 97.0 85.3 3 4 7 8 11 6-27 6-27 6-28 6-28 6-28 487,200 643,100 1,012,000 1,361,000 772,500 463.2 602.1 935.3 1256.9 717.6 1.08 1.24 1.75 2.26 1.40 81.3 85.8 96.5 105.2 89.9 PERFORM ANCE Heat transHeat mittrans tance1 mittance, Av.B tu, B tu per temp, per hr ,—Condenser—•. hr per sq ft Air air per sq ft friction per deg Clean- re off- per deg A B F log liness moved,, take, F log °F m .t.d. ft2 f t2 m .t.d. factor c.f.m. Circwater flow, gpm W orthington Condenser , H igh Speed 71.6 63.3 167,800 ..« 68.1 61.6 165,400 ..3 7 4.0 62.7 166,500 17.3 77 .5 61.9 167,800 17.9 69.9 61.4 163,800 17.9 17.3 17.7 17.6 17.7 17.9 490 455 463 459 432 0.68 0.68 0.61 0.59 0.59 9.-5 9 .5 9.7 9.7 9.6 9.9 449 421 425 422 428 399 14.7 15.2 15.4 15.3 6.8 6.8 6.8 6 .8 6.8 . .4 Abs. pres sure® at con denser nozzle, in. Hg 4 5 5 6 76 73 82 90 79 459 437 489 507 483 1.08 0.95 1.29 1.70 1.05 0.72 0.72 0.71 0.64 0.62 0.60 4 5 4 5 5 6 79 72 76 87 96 81 419 400 408 442 472 453 1.19 0.91 1.04 1.49 2.01 1.16 553 563 576 551 0.78 0.75 0.74 0.74 4 4 2 2 78 85 91 81 542 575 596 575 1.13 1.42 1.76 1.21 493 493 501 513 496 0.82 0.81 0.77 0.76 0.76 4 4 2 2 2 80 83 92 99 86 479 480 513 531 517 1.11 1.27 1.69 2.20 1.38 W orthington Condenser , Loxo Speed 74.1 6 8.9 7 1.0 78.4 83.1 73.1 62.7 61.7 61.9 62.9 61.6 61.5 120,500 118,300 119,500 121,200 121,900 119,800 . .3 ..3 9.6 9 .7 9 .9 Ingersoll-Rand Condenser, H igh Speed 74.3 79.4 82.7 75.9 67.3 68.5 68.2 67.6 176,400 175,300 176,300 175,100 15.6 14.5 14.3 14.3 Ingersoll-Rand Condenser, Low Speed 75 .5 78.1 85.4 90 .5 80.7 67.3 67.4 68.6 68.1 68.0 115,500 115,300 113,600 114,500 114,900 7.1 7 .0 7 .0 6 .8 6.8 1 For Ingersoll-Rand temperature at reheater outlet. 2 Feet of salt water. * Gage inoperative. 4 Air leak found after first half-hour. * W orthington corrected to: H igh speed, 166,000 gpm ; 0.65 cleanliness factor; 62 F inlet temperature. Low speed, 120,000 gpm ; 0.68 cleanliness factor; 62 F inlet temperature. Ingersoll-Rand corrected to: H igh speed, 176,000 gpm ; 0.765 cleanliness factor; 68 F inlet temperature. Low speed, 115,000 gpm ; 0.79 cleanliness factor; 68 F inlet temperature. formed by the Ingersoll-Rand Company in 1929 on several used tubes taken from a Hudson Avenue condenser and on two sections of new tube. This test work illustrates that dirty tubes do not respond to increases of velocity as do clean tubes. This condition is explained by the fact that an increase of water velocity effects a reduction only in the resistance to heat flow of the water film, which is a much smaller proportion of the total resistance in the case of a dirty tube than in the case of a clean tube. C o n c l u s io n I t is natural to expect this paper to make a final comparison of the performance of the two condensers. In order to do this it would be necessary to make corrections to the test results be cause of the unavoidable differences in test conditions relating to cleanUness, circulating-water quantity, and circulating-water temperature. The manufacturers’ correction for cleanliness has been discussed, and the correction factors commonly used by condenser manufacturers for the effect of circulating-water velocity and temperature are available in the technical press.6 The authors might use these correction factors as a basis for a final comparison of the two condensers, but because they are of the nature of values accepted by the manufacturers for commer cial purposes instead of being values derived from test from the specific condensers in question, it is considered better to confine this paper to the reporting of test facts and to leave to others the making of comparisons. The test results are believed to show fairly the performance of two modern condensing units under as closely parallel conditions as it is practical to secure. Both condensers have performed satisfactorily, and in their ability to hold materially better than the guaranteed full-Ioad vacuum they have exceeded expectations by a comfortable margin. under the direction of Mr. P. H. Hardie, Test Engineer of the Brooklyn Edison Company’s Research Bureau. Discussion P a u l B a n c e l .6 The paper is an important contribution to the literature on surface condensers. A great deal of thought, time, and money lies behind the testing work of the Brooklyn Edison Company. The difficulties incident to testing a con densing plant of this great capacity can hardly be realized. The design of the Ingersoll-Rand condenser follows the funda mental principles of all condensers built by the company, but in view of the special problems associated with the size of this unit, two sets of experiments employing models were made pre liminary to construction. A cknow ledgm ent The acceptance tests on both condensing units were performed ‘ “Commercial Factors Power, September, 1932. for Designing Surface Condensers,” F ig . 7 T y p ic a l M odel W a t e r -B o x 6 Manager, Condenser Department, New York, N. Y . Jun. A.S.M.E. T est Ingersoll-Rand Company, FUELS AN D STEAM PO W ER FSP-56-3 171 Tests were made to study the flow lines and areas in the water boxes, 28 model set-ups being photographed. The actual boxes were to be divided into four hori zontal compartments, with side admis sion, and the model tests were made to determine the best flow paths for m ini mum turbulence when feeding the water from twin nozzles located at the bottom of the inlet box and discharging from two nozzles on opposite sides near the top of the outlet box. Photographs shown in Figs. 7 and 8 are typical. The model is a composite arrangement for both inlet and discharge to the first and third com partments served by these water nozzles. Side admission to a water box divided into horizontal compartments at differ ent heights improves the flow conditions at the entrance to the tubes, thus elimi nating troubles from inlet-tube corro sion. The frothing effect of the water is greatly reduced because of the shallow ness of each compartment and the rela tively small difference in water pressure between the top and the bottom; further more, the horizontal flow tends to pre vent pocketing and regions of air libera tion and frothing. At the East River Station of the New York Edison Com pany, this design, combined with vent ing, in a water box divided into three horizontal compartments, has eliminated inlet-tube corrosion. The second series of tests were more elaborate. Figs. 9A to 9E show model condensers which were built to study comparative pressure losses of different tube layouts. In each case the number of F i g . 9 M o d e l C o n d e n s e r -T o b e S h e e t s a s U s e d f o b C o m p a e a t i v e P r e s s u r e - D r o p T e s t s tubes per square foot of tube-sheet area is the same. Relatively large quantities of steam at high vacuum were passed through these small confor accurate measurement. In this way characteristic curves densers, part of the steam being condensed and the remainder were obtained of the pressure loss with varying flows through being rejected to a supplementary condenser. The total steam the different tube banks. On the basis of these tests, the tube flow was several thousand pounds, so that the steam condensed, arrangement for the actual condenser was selected and the pressteam rejected, velocities, pressure drops, etc. were amply large sure drops calculated. The actual pressure drops for the five longitudinal compart ments during test 11 are given in Fig. 10 based on observations taken by the Brooklyn Edison Com pany’s Research Bureau. The table gives the calculated loading per square foot in each com partment when the entire surface is satisfied. The relatively cold water in the first compartment results in a condensing capacity over twice that of the last compartment. The agree ment of the measured drops with the calculated gradations is very close. The average pressure loss is 0.104 in., as shown. On the warm end it is so small that it was difficult to measure. The pressure loss at the cold end is about 0.2 in., and this is evidence that the steam flow in this section was in accordance with the calculated condensing capacity. The paper m ay give the impression that there is insufficient area between the turbine and the entrance to the tube bank of the Ingersoll-Rand condenser for easy or free deflection of flow toward the cold end. Figs. 10 and 11 and the following calcula tions show that any force to cause deflection of the steam be F i g . 8 T y p ic a t , M o d e l W a t e r -B o x T e s t tween the time it leaves the turbine and enters the tube bank is 172 TRANSACTIONS OF THE A M ERICA N SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGIN EERS negligible. The writer appreciates that steam flows and pressure are far from uniform in a turbine-exhaust casing, but this does not alter the present line of reasoning. As shown, one-half of the steam is condensed by the first two compartments; the center of flow of this half of the steam is shifted about 2 ft toward the cold end. Therefore, the hori zontal component of the velocity diagram is 2 ft as against 20 to 10 ft vertical component, depending on whether the stream starts to bend near the top or near the bottom of the turbine casing. The horizontal component is therefore 10 to 20 per cent of the vertical. The average flow velocity is about 250 ft per sec at the turbine nozzle and considerably less (150 to 200 ft) at the condenser. I t follows that the horizontal component may be as low as 15 to 25 ft per sec and not over 50 ft per sec. In other words, the required velocities and forces of deflection are exceedingly small. In contrast the forces required for pene tration at one end as compared to the other are appreciable and can be readily measured in terms of pressure drop. I t should be emphasized that the problems of steam deflection are entirely distinct and different from those of steam penetration. C. F. H a r w o o d . 7 The method developed for determining the relative percentage of tube cleanliness in a surface condenser discloses the skill and accuracy displayed in obtaining the data reported in this paper. The performance of both condensers as F i g . 10 D ata F h o m A c c e p t a n c e -T e s t R R and C ondenser un op I ng ersoll- F i g . 12 C o r r e c t io n s of C u r v e s Sh o w n in F iq . 5 of P aper indicated by these tests is of a high order, especially so in view of the percentage of tube fouling present. I t is unfortunate that the tests on both units were not made under more nearly equal conditions of tube cleanliness and circulating-water temperature, so that a comparison of performance could be made without the necessity of applying any corrections for the differences in water temperature, quantity, and tube F ig . 11 L o n g it u d in a l St e a m D is t r ib u t io n , C o nden ser I n g e r s o l l -R a n d 7 Manager of Steam Power Plant Sales, Worthington Pum p and Machinery Corp., Harrison, N. J. FUELS AND STEAM POWER FSP-56-3 173 cleanliness obtaining when the observations were taken, but unless such corrective factors are applied it is difficult to obtain a correct idea of the relative performance of the two condensers. A casual inspection of the data and curves indicates that the Worthington condenser is producing a lower absolute pressure with a lower temperature of circulating water and with dirtier tubes, and that the Ingersoll-Rand condenser is showing a higher coefficient of heat transfer with a higher temperature of circulat ing water and cleaner tubes, but the extent to which these differences in water temperature and tube cleanliness would affect comparative performances can only be made evident by the application of correction factors which will place both units on a common basis of tube cleanliness, circulating-water tem perature, and quantity. The authors state that the application of such corrections has been left to others, and there are therefore submitted herewith curves for both condensers showing absolute pressures and coefficients of heat transfer based upon equal conditions of circulating-water temperature and quantity, and equal percentages of tube cleanliness. These curves have been constructed in the following manner: The performance curves of the Ingersoll-Rand condenser, drawn in dotted lines, have been reproduced in Fig. 12 as shown by the authors in Fig. 5 of their paper. The performance curves of the Worthington condenser, shown in full lines, have been plotted from the “ actual condenser test performance” data con tained in the paper, with the necessary corrections applied to the observed circulating-water temperatures and quantities and percentage of tube cleanliness, so that these correspond to those of the Ingersoll condenser as indicated in Fig. 5 of the paper. These corrections are made on the following bases: (a) Circulating-Water Temperature. By means of the temperature correction curve incorporated in the September, 1932, issue of Power and which is in common use by practically all condenser manufacturers today. (6) Circulating Water Velocity. In accord with ratio of square roots of velocities, (c) Tube Cleanli ness. In ratio of observed percentages of cleanliness, as such cleanlinesses are stated in the paper. Both condensers are therefore placed on a common basis of operating conditions, and their relative performance is more clearly indicated. 8.3 fps at high-speed operation and 5.93 fps at slow-speed for the Worthington condenser, and 8.88 fps at high-speed operation and 5.8 fps at low-speed for the Ingersoll-Rand condenser. The tube-fouling conditions at this station may warrant and justify the high velocities used, as high velocity is conducive to maintenance of clean tubes under certain conditions of fouling. The authors mention the fact that the two condensers de scribed are radically different in design. This leads one to suggest that No. 6 unit, operating in the same station, should have been included in the comparison. Naturally, in expressing this thought the writer has a selfish motive in mind. The performance of No. 6 unit was creditable, and when equated to the same basis indicates performance comparable with the condensers described by the authors. This condenser gave a Btu rate of 410 at high-speed operation, corresponding to 7.0 fps water velocity. Compared on the same basis as the Worthington and the Ingersoll-Rand, the rate becomes 594 to 630 Btu, depending upon whether a cleanliness factor of 65 per cent or 69 per cent is used. Equating the velocities to a common basis would justify a rate of 780 Btu for No. 6 unit, at the equivalent velocity. Results indicating the performance with larger quantities of air leakage would be of interest, because experience indicates that condenser performance is appreciably affected by increased leakage. The writer has noted a reduction in the transfer rate of approxi mately 35 per cent on isolated tubes located in the so-called active part of the tube nest, merely by increasing the air leakage, all other conditions remaining the same. He mentions this fact because of its importance in comparing test results. It should be noted that in the case of the Ingersoll-Rand the leakage varies from a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 4 cu ft per min. The Worthington varies from 4 to 6 cu ft per min. The air leakage on the No. 6 unit varied from 4 to 16 cu ft per min. The authors mention the fact that tests illustrate that dirty tubes do not respond to increased water velocity. This state ment is verified by tests made under the writer’s direction, and covering the period from 1917 to 1926. The slope of the curve with clean tubes closely approximates the established law, varying as 0.5 power, whereas, depending upon the nature of fouling, a dirty tube varies as 0.2 to 0.3 power. Referring to Fig. 6, the writer would like to know if tests were D. W. R. M o r g a n . 8 The main value of the paper is that it made condensing or non-condensing. demonstrates the feasibility of equating actual performance The authors suggest the great need of advancing the knowledge with guarantees, and if properly applied, eliminates the argu of the subject of condensers, comparable to that of turbines. ment between manufacturer and operator concerning the condi The writer thoroughly agrees with the conclusion. However, tion of the tube surface at the time of tests. Further, the data he wishes to point out that difficulties lie before us, and a greater may be used by the operator in determining what factor to apply amount of standardization must be accepted by the operator as regards excess surface and water, in order to maintain the on such vital points as: (1) Relation of condenser to turbine desired vacuum under average operating conditions. exhaust—namely, set at right angles or parallel to the turbine The authors state that both condensers have performed satis shaft. (2) More thorough exploration of pressure at inlet of factorily and maintain better than guaranteed full-load vacuum. condenser and through the tube nest. (3) A uniform distribu Emphasis should be laid on the fact that this good performance tion of steam from the turbine exhaust. is not evident if one simply accepts from casual examination the actual Btu transfer rates referred to in the paper. As an ex J o h n F. G r a c e . 8 Were both condensers tested under more ample, the maximum rate of the Worthington condenser is 507 uniform cleanliness and water temperature and were they the Btu; the maximum rate for the Ingersoll-Rand is 596 Btu. product of one maker, discussion of factors of correction would Equating these values to the nominal guarantee basis, they not be so wide or so susceptible to the sales viewpoint, against become, respectively, 780 Btu for both condensers, assuming the which engineers have developed no satisfactory screening equip average cleanliness specified. ment. However, it should be noted that although the Btu rates are The layout engineer senses that performance is influenced by good, they were obtained at the expense of high velocity, and simplicity of arrangement and connections. The builder of the therefore increasing the pumping cost. Based on information heart-shaped condenser required a wider turbine supporting published in Power, the water velocities through the tubes are structure and more liberal space than the builder of the cylindrical * Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., South Philadelphia, Pa. Assoc* Condenser Engineer, Worthington Pump and Machinery Corpo Mem. A.S.M.E. ration, Harrison, N. J., Mem. A.S.M .E. 174 TRANSACTIONS OF THE A M ERICA N SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL EN GINEERS condenser, who would have further improved performance if granted equal space. Figs. 1, 2, and 3 show both condensers to the same scale, and Fig. 1 shows the cylindrical condenser pre senting the longer line of “front row” tubes. The layout of the 160,000-kw units at Brooklyn is with con denser tubes parallel to turbine shafts and both 90 deg to crane rails. Lateral space is thus important to accessibility, operation, and performance. Seven such units can be comfortably housed in a turbine room of the dimensions at Hudson Avenue if heartshaped condensers are installed, while eight can be as well housed if the cylindrical type is chosen. Space is thus a serious “per formance” factor, and the cost of a building to house an addi tional 160,000-kw turbo-generator and auxiliaries is a not in considerable item when limits of output and of downtown real estate are approached. TABLE 2 W E IG H T E D A V E R A G E AS R E C O M M E N D E D B Y M R . H O D G K IN S O N U U Test No. as reported W - l....................................................... 0.68 W-5....................................................... 0.68 W-6....................................................... 0.61 W-9....................................................... 0.59 W-10..................................................... 0.59 IR - 5...................................................... 0.78 IR - 6...................................................... 0.75 IR - 9...................................................... 0.74 IR-10.................................................... 0.74 TABLE 3 weighted average 0.712 0.675 0.610 0.587 0.586 0.789 0.743 0.742 0.737 P E R F O R M A N C E O F T W O 101,000-SQ-FT CONDENSERS SURFACE V Heat-transfer coefficient (dirty tubes) Cleanliness faotor S « £ ® § £ fc a ? jjo v 2 3 1J* g £ ® c* § <o The paper seems to be the first serious £ * £ .£ ® *2 2 ° S .§ 8 ’3 t | S £ !§ K attempt to take into account the condition of surface cleanliness ® OS? o f I. H Q m S a wSffl ■<£ O S.2 £.8.2 < g-jg in reporting condenser tests, especially where units of large size W-5............ 6-13 463 455 0.68 0.685 61.6 0.937 708 are concerned. The thoroughness with which the authors W-6............ 6-14 448 463 0.61 0.597 62.7 0.947 819 W-9............ 6-14 436 459 0.59 0.577 61.9 0.940 846 have conducted their tests and the painstaking care which they W-10.......... 6-14 419 432 0.59 0.568 61.4 0.935 813 have exercised in planning and completing their work should IR - 5........... 6-27 591 553 0.78 0.794 67.3 0.984 708 6-28 581 563 0.75 0.758 68.5 0.992 749 IR - 6........... lend a high degree of credibility to the results which they publish. IR - 9........... 6-28 590 576 0.74 0.746 68.2 0.990 780 IR-10......... 6-28 571 551 0.74 0.749 67.6 0.988 746 Consideration of the cleanliness factor in appraising the per formance of a condenser is extremely important, because without Hodgkinson, we note a remarkably close agreement, as indicated definite information as to the magnitude of this factor, no con in Table 2. clusive significance can be attached to any condenser test results. In stating their conclusion, the authors say they “ doubt the An examination of the data in the Hardie and Cooper paper does, however, throw some light on the possible explanation of soundness of the cleanliness correction for making accurate the small discrepancy to which the authors call attention. I t comparisons where large differences are involved,” and “recent will be noted that for some of the tests reported, noticeably test work confirms the inaccuracy of a straight-line cleanliness correction.” those on the Ingersoll units, the average heat-transfer coefficient It would seem that what the authors mean to say is that the for the dirty tubes in the selected sample groups does not co correction factor applying to any selected group of sample tubes incide with the average coefficient for the entire condenser, the within a condenser cannot be taken with absolute assurance to margin in some cases being of considerable proportions. In the case of the Worthington tests, the margin of difference is very represent the actual cleanliness factor of the entire condenser. No one would question the straight-line relationship of the cleanliness correction in so far as the selected groups of sample tubes is concerned except for any small change in steam dis tribution within the condenser which m ig ht accompany changes in heat transmittance at any given load. This, how ever, is a factor which need not be discussed at this time. W hat we are really interested in is an examination of the data reported by the authors to see how closely the factor reported for the selected groups of tubes represents the cor F i g . 13 R e l a t io n B e t w e e n C l e a n l i n e s s F a c t o r a n d C o e f f ic i e n t o f H e a t T r a n s f e r a s responding factor for the entire A f f e c t e d b y P o s it io n i n C o n d e n s e r condenser. Various sugges tions have been made to the Power Test Code Committee for securing the best possible aver much smaller, all of which is shown by columns 3 and 4 in Table 3. age of the various sample tubes selected. Mr. Hodgkinson has I t is apparent, therefore, that if we know the relationship be suggested an average weighted to account for any variation in tween cleanliness factor and coefficient of heat transfer for a rate at which the various tubes may be working. The authors tube of given cleanliness, we can calculate from the factor actually have preferred to use the arithmetical mean. If we refer back measured on the selected groups of sample tubes the actual factor to the paper by Messrs. Hardie and Cooper presented in Novem for the entire condenser in order to correct for the discrepancy ber, 1932, and recalculate the average as suggested by Mr. 10 Chief Consulting Engineer, Worthington Pump and Machinery noted. This relationship is discussed in the paper by Mr. Townsend Tinker at the A.S.M.E. meeting, Chicago, June, 1933, Corp.. New York. N. Y. Mem. A.S.M.E. Paul D i s e b e n s . 10 FUELS AND STEAM POWER and need not be enlarged upon here. I t will be interesting to note, however, that experimental data reported by Messrs. Hardie and Cooper applying to the identical tests reported by the authors of this paper clearly show this relationship. Fig. 13 has been plotted from the data covering tests Nos. IR-9, W-9, IR-8, and W-8. Certain of the tests at lower capacity do not indicate this relationship quite so clearly, but we may assume that the decrease in cleanliness factor is directly proportional to the heat transmittance as indicated in Fig. 13, and this therefore gives us a basis for calculating the true cleanliness factor for the entire condenser based on the cleanliness factor as measured in the F i g . 14 C o m p a r is o n o f P e r f o r m a n c e , W o r t h in g t o n C o r r e c t e d t o I n g e r s o l i ^ R a n d C o n d it io n s selected groups of sample tubes. In Table 3, the factors as re ported and corrected are in columns 5 and 6. While the modification as calculated may seem small, it is nevertheless of sufficient magnitude to account largely for the discrepancy reported by the authors, all of which will be ap parent upon referring to Fig. 14. I t should be noted that test No. W-l has been omitted, because during this test as reported by the authors air leakage was excessive. I t is hoped that the analysis of the authors’ data which the writer has given will assist in enhancing the credibility of their methods for measuring cleanliness factor. Their experience in conducting tests of this character will be of great assistance to the committee now engaged in considering the possibility of including a condenser cleanliness factor in the Power Test Code. C. L. W a d d e l l . 11 This paper states that the tests conducted by the Brooklyn Edison Company and reported in detail by Messrs. Hardie and Cooper determined the “cleanliness ratio” of the condensing surface. In reality, the tests only established the “cleanliness ratio” for the selected tubes. The tests do, however, give us all the necessary data to determine very ac curately the true “cleanliness ratio” for the entire condensing surface by calculation. This correction has been covered by Mr. Diserens in his discussion. The paper states that the condenser manufacturers made guarantees which were to be corrected downward from 100 per cent clean transmittance guarantee in direct proportion to the “ cleanliness ratio” obtaining at the time of the test. Using the authors’ definition of “cleanliness ratio,” it would seem from 11 Test Engineer, Worthington Pump & Machy. Corp., Harrison, N. J. FSP-56-3 175 Mr. Diserens’ discussion that this method of correcting guaran tees for cleanliness might either be unfair to the buyer or the manufacturer of the condenser. If the average heat-transfer coefficient for the selected tubes is higher than for the entire condenser, the cleanliness ratio as determined by the tests would be unfair to the buyer of the condenser, because the tests would show better performance than was actually obtaining. If the average heat-transfer coefficient for the selected tubes is lower than for the entire condenser, it would be unfair to the manu facturer of the condenser, because the tests would show poorer performance than was actually obtaining. I t is therefore neces sary to correct the cleanliness ratio in the manner suggested by Mr. Diserens to obtain the true performance. The graphs by Mr. Diserens show that all the actual test points on the dirty tubes are at fairly high heat transfer. He has assumed a straight-line variation between the average of these points and the point of 100 per cent cleanliness factor and zero heat-transfer coefficient. We must take into account that the correction is small where the location of the selected tubes is such that their average heat-transfer coefficient is close to that for the entire condenser. Therefore, it is not only permissible but logical to assume the straight-line relationship for these small corrections. The Subcommittee on Condenser Tests of the Power Test Code Committee recommended tentatively in its report dated Sept. 24, 1932, the type of test for obtaining condenser cleanliness factor as covered by this paper. No mention was made in these recommendations as to the maximum allowable variation be tween average heat-transfer coefficient for the selected tubes and for the entire condenser. In the light of the data in this paper and the discussion upon it, it would appear advisable for the Power Test Code Committee to consider limiting this variation. It is suggested that the allowable variation be set at 5 per cent plus or minus, and when the variation exceeds this amount, that the test-tube locations be changed to bring the results within this limitation. The curves for heat-transfer coefficient and absolute pressure shown in this paper do not show the actual test points and are not corrected for differences between average heat-transfer coefficient for the selected tubes and for the entire condenser. When the test points are plotted without this correction, they do not fall as nearly on the curve as they do with the correction as shown by Mr. Diserens’ figure. This further substantiates the writer’s belief that this correction is desirable in a proper interpretation of the test data. I t might be well to outline in detail the method for correcting the test data to obtain the true cleanliness factor for the entire condenser: (a) Average the cleanliness factors for the selected dirty tubes. (b) Average the heat-transfer coefficients for the selected dirty tubes and check to see whether this is within 5 per cent plus or minus of the heat-transfer coefficient for the entire con denser. (c) Plot the average heat-transfer coefficient for the selected dirty tubes as abscissa against the average cleanliness factor for the selected dirty tubes as ordinates. (d) Draw a straight line from this point to the point of 100 per cent cleanliness and zero heat-transfer coefficient. (e) Read up from the average heat-transfer coefficient to this straight line to obtain the true cleanliness factor for the entire condenser. A uthors’ C losu re Mr. Bancel’s comments are in the nature of an addition to the paper and call for no comment by the authors. 176 TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS The discussion offered by Mr. Harwood shows a computed curve of performance for the Worthington condenser corrected to the Ingersoll-Rand test conditions. The authors can neither substantiate nor repudiate the correctness of this computation by test fact. The corrections employed for water velocity and water temperature are generally accepted and are of relatively small importance to the comparison. The correction for tube cleanliness in direct proportion to the cleanliness factors reported is entirely in agreement with the correction factor relationship which forms a part of each contract, but which is subject to question. The authors have in hand some additional data from a series of test runs made in connection with an entirely independent investigation of the accuracy of sampling possible with isolated test tubes. These runs were at lower water temperature and lower cleanliness ratio than either of the acceptance tests re ported in the paper. Since the Ingersoll-Rand acceptance test was made at higher water temperature and higher cleanliness ratio than the Worthington test, a sort of interpolation of the IngersollRand performance is now possible. This interpolation is limited in that the recent runs were made only in low circulating-pump speed and in that the two variable elements in the comparison—the water temperature and the cleanliness ratio— cannot be separated from each other without assuming that the manufacturer’s correction for temperature holds for the performance of this Ingersoll-Rand condenser. Such an interpolation, when performed on the Ingersoll-Rand heat transmittance coefficient, shows that substantially no differ ence in performance would exist between the condensers were they both to be tested under the conditions existing at the time of the Worthington test. In drawing a comparison between the Westinghouse No. 6 con denser at Hudson Avenue and the tests reported in this paper, Mr. Morgan is using commercial correction factors to an even greater extent than is required to compare the Worthington and Ingersoll-Rand units. The authors have stated in the paper that they have hesitated to use such correction factors not supported by their own test work on the specific condenser to which the correction is applied, and for this reason can make no further comment on Mr. Morgan’s discussion. Mr. Diserens, in his discussion, calls attention to the fact of position of isolated test tubes in the condenser affecting the cleanliness ratio even when assuming a specific condition of dirt film common to all tubes. Tubes near the steam inlet having high heat-transfer rates are adversely affected by a given dirt film to a greater extent than those near the air offtake whose heattransfer rate is relatively lower. Mr. Tinker’s paper contains an analysis which can be applied to the explanation of this fact. Our test work attempted to eliminate the necessity for a cor rection such as Mr. Diserens has suggested by an initial selection of test tubes such that the average heat transmittance of the isolated tubes would be as near as possible to the average of the entire condenser. The degree of success with which this has been accomplished is shown by the very small magnitude of Mr. Diserens’ correction. A refinement is necessary to the computation of the IngersollRand results in Table 3 before a true comparison is possible. Mr. Diserens’ values for sample-tube averages are based on tem perature differences between the circulating water in the tube and the estimated temperature of the steam surrounding the tube as presented in the Hardie and Cooper paper for comparison of isolated tube performance. For comparison of isolated tube performance with overall condenser transmittance, the authors prefer to use the temperature of steam at the condenser inlet. When transmittance coefficients are computed on this basis, the sample tube averages are found much closer to the average for the entire condenser. Since the receipt of Mr. Diserens’ discussion, the authors have plotted the results of the additional test work previously referred to in a manner similar to Fig. 13. This data would not justify the straight lines projected through to 100 per cent cleanliness factor at zero heat transmittance, as shown in Fig. 13. The authors take this opportunity to acknowledge the value of Mr. Diserens’ analyses and will utilize additional data as they become available to establish by test fact the principles he has pointed out. At the present time the authors do not have sufficient informa tion to justify endorsing Mr. Waddell’s proposed method for correcting test data. It does appear highly desirable, as he has pointed out, to select the isolated tube groups so that the average of the isolated-tube heat-transfer rates shall be as close as pos sible to the average for the entire condenser. As will be seen from the comparisons brought out in Mr. Diserens’ discussion, these correction factors will be quite small when the average transmittance of the isolated tubes and that of the entire con denser are nearly alike.