J.Pancin AT MSU 2015
J.Pancin AT MSU 2015
Nulcear physics with active targets Quenchers Dynamical range High intensity beams Energy resolution Electron drift Calibrations AT-TPC Workshop may, 16th-18th, 2015 J. Pancin 1 D2 1 neutron transfer (d,p) 1 proton pickup (d,3He) inelastic scattering (d,d') For the same energy loss, gain up to 100 in target thickness compared to CD2 solid target iC4H10 1 neutron pickup (p,d) 2 neutron pickup (p,t) High gain, usefull for high energy recoils (positive Q-value reactions) H2: same reactions as iC4H10 If no important gain is needed. Gain up to 50 in target thickness compared to iC4H10 CF4: 1 proton pickup (19F,20Ne) suitable for very negative Q-value reactions (gain 7.3 MeV in Q-value compared to (d,3He) reaction) Drawback: low gain Treatment, heavy DWBA (19F is deformed) 3He: 1 proton transfer (3He,d) Costly, bad gain 4He: Inelastic scattering (,‘) T=0 probe, used for Isoscalar Giant Resonances excitations … AT-TPC Workshop 16-18 mai 2015/J. Pancin 2 C.E. Demonchy et al., Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. A 583 (2007) 341 Either polyatomic pure gas or mixture with a quencher Various pressures (compromise between target thickness/beam energy/reaction rate and reaction products range) No heavy noble gas (>He) for reaction chambers AT-TPC Workshop 16-18 mai 2015/J. Pancin 3 Gas mixture at NTP or pure quencher at low pressure Polyatomic gases (several vibration and rotation modes: non radiative mode) Absorbe the radiated photons Limit the breakdown/increase the sparking voltage limit Low ionization energy with high XS Can improve the gain: penning effect Typical quenchers: i-C4H10 , CF4...CO2, CH4 AT-TPC Workshop 16-18 mai 2015/J. Pancin 4 2 complementary aspects: achievable gain/sparking limit Paschen empirical formulae and townsend approximation: V dEi aPd ln( pd ) b e ln( d ) e e Usually more complicated systems than parallel plates Gas mixture large size: sparking limit at 1 bar very high Choice of gas for active target Too low pressure with He Pure argon gas…without any source Light emission in He+CF4 at 300 mbar 55Fe AT-TPC Workshop 16-18 mai 2015/J. Pancin Ionization models in gas with Heed program Electron transport properties in gas with Monte Carlo simulation (magboltz) based on electron cross sections (velocity, diffusion, attachment, townsend…), GARFIELD contains all this modules and permits full simulations of gaseous detectors from ionization and field mapping to final signals AT-TPC Workshop 16-18 mai 2015/J. Pancin http://garfield.web.cern.ch/garfield/, R. Veenhof et al., http://garfieldpp.web.cern.ch/garfieldpp/ Field map calculation using 3D FEM ( Maxwell 3D, COMSOL or GARFIELD (neBEM)) Experiments with wide range of energy loss: dE ∝ z2/v2 (80Zn(d,p)81Zn for instance): Dynamical range <200 due to electronics Raether limit 106-107 e-/mm Gain degradation Masking completely the beam with a metallic foil over the pads or a gating grid (E. Pollacco et a/NIMA723(2013) ) Decrease the gain below the beam by pad biasing Use a tuneable mask to lower the amount of ionization electrons created by the beam AT-TPC Workshop 16-18 mai 2015/J. Pancin 7 Example of pad biasing in AT-TPC 10Be 4He D. Suzuki et al., NIM A 660, 64 (2011) 10Be Low gain strips: (θ, TKE) for 10Be / low-energy 4He 4 High gain strips every five anode pads: θ for He AT-TPC Workshop 16-18 mai 2015/J. Pancin 8 Tuneable mask below the beam, factor 10 on dynamical range J. Pancin et al., JINST 7, P01006 (2012) Used for 68Ni(,’) in 2011 in MAYA (M. Vandebrouck et al.,PRL113 (2014)) AT-TPC Workshop 16-18 mai 2015/J. Pancin 9 Space charge effect in amplification gap (overlapping avalanches) Reduce the collection time of Ions: - Faster ions - Reduce the gaps: micropattern detectors with sub mm gaps (MPGD) RD51 note 2009-004 Ion feed back from the amplification region: a fraction of the positive ions produced in the avalanches slowly drift back in the sensitive volume and modify the electric field MWPC: 5%, micromegas 1%... GEM or mumegas stack <0.01% or use of ion gate AT-TPC Workshop 16-18 mai 2015/J. Pancin 10 High intensity/ionising beams (2) Active targets/Nuclear physics: more ionizing particles the ionization in the drift gap is sufficient to deform the drift electric field dE dx WVi d eI Charge in C/m3 in the drift gap Approved experiment at GANIL: Angular distribution of fission fragment in transfer-induced fission using MAYA use a 106 Hz 238U beam @ 6A MeV in isobutane Energy deposit ~ 1 PeV/s Primary ions electric field: ~ 80 V/cm compared to drift field ~ 150V/cm 11 High intensity/ionising beams (3) Improved incoming beam intensity / heavy-Z beams C.Rodriguez-Tajes et al,NIMA768(2014) Use a “field cage” AT-TPC Workshop 16-18 mai 2015/J. Pancin TACTIC: another mask type K.A.Chipps et al. Proc. of Sci. 261 (2010) 12 Several statistical processes: Energy loss: landau distribution and Ionization: F.wi E F: Fano factor (00.5 to 0.4 ) Gain fluctuation: for high gain; variance of a polya dist. given by factor b (0.5) Electronical noise E N M el E N M M 2 2 2 (Q/Q)2=W(F+b)/E Ionization chamber : no b… AT-TPC Workshop 16-18 mai 2015/J. Pancin 2 RESOLUTION % R 2.35 TOTAL AVALANCHE NOISE IONIZATION GAIN 40% • Best RMS for a gain between 3.103 & 6.103 • Degradation increase in inverse proportion to the quencher 35% 30% Argon/Isobutane mixture Iso : 1% Iso : 2% Iso : 3% Iso : 4% Iso : 5% David.Attie@cea.fr RMS 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 Gain AT-TPC Workshop 16-18 mai 2015/J. Pancin 14 J. Pancin et al, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. A 735(2014) Angular resolution measurements done in 2013 using a pad plane with 22 mm2 pixels Trace reconstruction based on the pad individual charge (T. Roger et al, NIMA638(2011)) The energy resolution on the pads has a strong influence. AT-TPC Workshop 16-18 mai 2015/J. Pancin E~30 keV iC4H10 at 50 mbar 15 3 α source in Ar+CF4(2%) at 1.1 bar AT-TPC Workshop 16-18 mai 2015/J. Pancin Important variation of the cross section versus energy Strong influence of the mixture (noble gas+polyatomic molecule) Ramsauer effect CO2 σT At low electric fields: symetrical diffusion At moderate to high fields: longitudinal diffusion reduced Transverse diffusion: In E Field L Drift Longitudinal diffusion: DC the dispersive factor ≈ longitudinal diffusion In TPC, the dispersive factor ≈ transverse diffusion (center of gravity of charge induced on pad rows) In Active Targets: - shaping time on the pads suppress longitudinal diffusion effect - Transversal diffusion madatory when MPGD are used High velocities to reduce time offset between nuclei and electron signals But low velocities to guarantee good vertical angular resolution From 10 to 2 cm diffusion length: 25% degradation of angular resolution was observed AT-TPC Workshop 16-18 mai 2015/J. Pancin 19 Gain PPAC/mumegas G = exp(d), where the Townsend coefficient a increases with E field Strong dependance of micromegas response on the gap thickness Calibration mandatory for good energy resolution AT-TPC Workshop 16-18 mai 2015/J. Pancin 20 • • 10% gap variation can lead to more than 50% gain variation… AT-TPC Workshop 16-18 mai 2015/J. Pancin Calibration method 1: 1. Pulser calibration for gap variation estimation 2. Gain correction using garfield/magboltz 3. Real data correction 22 AT-TPC Workshop 16-18 mai 2015/J. Pancin Calibration method 2: - Use of a 2D calibration table with a 55Fe source in Ar mixture - Gap calculation using Garfield - Gain calculation for other gas using Garfield - Real data correction 55Fe 23 AT-TPC Workshop 16-18 mai 2015/J. Pancin H.J. Hilke et al, NIMA252(1986) Fiel cage homogeneity to guarantee a perfect reconstruction of the traces: Rectangular field cage in ACTAR TPC 3D Simulations done with SIMION Check with alpha source difficult (straggling, long…) Why not using a laser? Impurities ionization (like aromatic hydrocarbons): low ionization potential and can be added in the gas if needed. Test performed with the laser of GISELE at GANIL (Oct 2014) Laser pulses of about 150 mW Angular resolution (H) close to 0.1° Only 1 problem…safety… 24 AT-TPC Workshop 16-18 mai 2015/J. Pancin Comparison between measurements and ACTARsim: Better results from simulations Straggling under-estimated in SRIM/LISE Improved resolution without straggling Can it be taken in analysis method? Would improve the resolutions? 25 Main nuclei imposed by the physics Good choice of quencher can help: gain, drift speed, high counting rate… GARFIELD/MAGBOLTZ is a good tool to estimate the gas performances Some (easy) solutions exist for high dynamics and high counting rate purposes Calibrations mandatory Any questions? AT-TPC Workshop 16-18 mai 2015/J. Pancin 26