iTraffic Server User Manual


iTraffic Server User Manual
iTraffic Server User Manual
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iTraffic Server User Manual
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 3
About KVARTA ......................................................................................................................... 3
About TMC............................................................................................................................... 3
About iTraffic ........................................................................................................................... 3
GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................. 4
Graphical presentation of the TMC Monitoring Server .......................................................... 4
Graphical presentation of the TMC Broadcasting Server ........................................................ 5
SERVER CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................................ 6
RDS Decoders Configuration ................................................................................................... 6
Output files .............................................................................................................................. 8
RDS Encoders Configuration .................................................................................................... 9
Input files ............................................................................................................................... 11
Filters ..................................................................................................................................... 12
MAIN SETTINGS ............................................................................................................................. 14
E-mail configuration .............................................................................................................. 15
Location Table Settings.......................................................................................................... 16
TMC Services configuration ................................................................................................... 18
Alarms menu ......................................................................................................................... 20
EVENTS AND EVENT DESCRIPTIONS .............................................................................................. 21
Events Map ............................................................................................................................ 21
Event categories .................................................................................................................... 21
GLOSSARY ...................................................................................................................................... 23
* Depends on the model
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iTraffic Server User Manual
1.1. About KVARTA
For more than 20 years, Kvarta has been developing products for Broadcasters and CATV providers.
Our devices are used by major radio and television broadcasters and regulatory agencies.
Broadcasting is our passion. We know what you want and we have designed many devices, which are
perfectly adapted to your needs. These include RDS encoders, FM Radio monitors and CATV systems.
KVARTA has a reputation for excellence and innovation among its clients and partners.
Our CATV, DVB Monitoring devices and RDS/RBDS encoders are growing in popularity due to their
reliability, quality and functionality at exceptional prices. All of our products have been designed for
professional broadcast use and are fully meet the standards. Our devices incorporate embedded web
site and SNMP communication.
1.2. About TMC
Traffic Message Channel (TMC) is a technology for delivering traffic and travel information to motor
vehicle drivers. It is digitally coded using the ALERT C protocol into RDS Type 8A groups carried via
conventional FM radio broadcasts. It can also be transmitted on Digital Audio Broadcasting or
satellite radio. TMC allows silent delivery of dynamic information suitable for reproduction or display
in the user's language without interrupting audio broadcast services. Both public and commercial
services are operational in many countries. When data is integrated directly into a navigation system,
traffic information can be used in the system's route calculation.
Each traffic incident is binary-encoded and sent as a TMC message. Each message consists of an
event code, location code, expected incident duration, affected extent and other details.
1.3. About iTraffic
We created this server in order to help people get informed about any kind of traffic information at
all times. We can help monitor your existing traffic information broadcast (TMC) or help you create
your TMC broadcasting service. If you want to become our partner, please, contact us at
The iTraffic server was initially created by Iliya Manev and Todor Manev. The name of the server
iTraffic comes from „Iliya Traffic“ in memory of Iliya Manev who is no longer among us.
We would like to thank Laszlo Heckenast for the extensive support he gave us in creating this server.
We would also like to thank Bence Makai and TrafficNav for the traffic information and support.
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2.1. Graphical presentation of the TMC Monitoring Server
The RDS decoders receive RDS signals from an FM station and re-send it to the TMC server through
TCP/UDP protocol. The iTraffic server decodes the RDS signal – specifically the 3A and 8A groups
which are responsible for the traffic message channel (TMC). After that, the traffic messages are
stored in a database.
Traffic messages are decoded thanks to the Location tables and Alert C event descriptions (in TMC,
locations are pre-defined and pre-coded, and the codes are stored in location code tables)
Stored traffic events can be exported as XML files to an FTP server
Traffic events can be viewed on the server website, displayed on a
versatile and user friendly traffic information map
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2.2. Graphical presentation of the TMC Broadcasting Server
Traffic events can be inputted as XML files to the broadcasting server from an FTP server. Traffic
information is stored in the broadcasting server database. The 8A and 3A groups for TMC are
encoded into UECP packets. Then, they are being sent to the RDS encoders using the TCP/UDP
transport protocol. The information is then broadcasted using radio FM transmitters to the end users
portable navigation devices (PND).
Note: iTraffic server supports TMC encryption
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3.1. RDS Decoders Configuration
TMC Monitoring: The RDS decoders receive RDS signals from an FM station and re-send it to the
TMC server through TCP/UDP protocol.
In the main menu select Config Services then specify which service you are interested in, or just
select All Services to view all services and select Rds Decoders in the newly appeared tab:
NOTE: Every decoder has an Edit (pencil icon) and Delete (trashcan icon) button
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Name: specify decoder name
Active: tick box to activate or disable RDS decoder
Connection: connection protocol – TCP, TCPServer
o Note: For TCPServer mode ports 5000-5100 are opened at the server. The Address of
the TCPServer should be
Address: decoder IP address (TCP), for TCPServer and the decoder should be set to
communicate as TCP Client connecting to the server.
Port: device communication port
Log file: stores information for device online/offline status (stored in ftp/public directory)
- Offline alarm timeout – alarm is triggered when the device is offline for more than
the specified amount of time (in seconds)
- 3A alarm timeout – alarm is triggered when 3A groups are missing for more than the
specified amount of time (in seconds)
- 8A alarm timeout – alarm is triggered when 8A groups are missing for more than the
specified amount of time (in seconds)
- Events count threshold – alarm is triggered when events are lesser than the
specified number
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Alive percent threshold – alarm is triggered when device online status falls beneath
the specified threshold
- CI errors threshold - activates when CI errors exceed the specified threshold
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3.2. Output files
The Output files menu is used for exporting traffic events as XML files and any other useful
information from the server.
In the main menu select Config Services then specify which service you are interested in, or just
select All Services to view all services and select Output files in the newly appeared tab:
NOTE: Every output has an Edit (pencil icon) and Delete (trashcan icon) button
Name: specify name
Active: tick box to activate or disable file storage
Type: select which type of file to store:
- Monitoring Events XML
- Broadcasting Events XML
- RDS Encoders XML
- RDS Decoders XML
- Monitoring Events Statistics CSV
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- Broadcasting Events Statistics CSV
Output filename: specify directory location and name for outputted files
Update interval: interval for file update (in seconds)
Transformation: allows transforming XML files into other types of files (for example: HTML,
CSV, XSLT, etc.)
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3.3. RDS Encoders Configuration
TMC broadcasting server: The 8A and 3A groups for TMC are encoded into UECP packets, then send
to the RDS encoders using the TCP/UDP transport protocol.
In the main menu select Config Services then specify which service you are interested in, or just
select All Services to view all services and select Rds Encoders in the newly appeared tab:
NOTE: Every encoder has an Edit (pencil icon), Delete (trashcan icon) and Filter (funnel) button
The Filter button is used in
order to add traffic event
filters (for example: regional
broadcasts) to the selected
RDS encoder
NOTE: Filters can be created
and configured in the Filters
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Name: specify encoder name
Active: tick box to activate or disable the RDS encoder
Connection: connection protocol – TCP, TCPServer
Unidirectional: tick box if you want device communication to be one directional (untick box
for bidirectional communication)
Address: device IP address
Port: device communication port
- Offline alarm – alarm is triggered when the device is offline
- Alive percent threshold – activates when device online status falls beneath the
specified threshold
- Events count threshold – alarm is triggered when events are lesser than the
specified number
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3.4. Input files
The Input files menu is used as an entrance point for storing traffic events to the server. There is ftp
access to the input folder.
In the main menu select Config Services then specify which service you are interested in, or just
select All Services to view all services and select Input files in the newly appeared tab:
NOTE: Every file input has an Edit (pencil icon) and Delete (trashcan icon) button
Name: specify name
Active: tick box to activate or disable file storage
Type: select which type of file must be inputted:
- Events XML file
Input folder: specify directory location for inputted files
Input filter: is used as a specific file type filter, in order to allow better file management. You
can input the filename you would like to monitor.
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3.5. Filters
The filters menu is used for regional purposes. Filters basically allow filtering traffic events and
broadcasting them for a specific geographical region.
In the main menu select Config Services then specify which service you are interested in, or just
select All Services to view all services and select Filters in the newly appeared tab:
NOTE: Every filter has an Edit (pencil icon) and Delete (trashcan icon) button
Name: specify filter name
Active: tick box to activate or disable file storage
Type: select filter type:
- Geographical
Element: select filter element:
- Geographical Area
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Condition: available conditions:
- EqualTo
- NotEqualTo
- GreaterThan
- LessThan
- GreaterThanOrEqual
- LessThanOrEqual
- Contains
- DoesNotContain
- ContainedIn
- NotContainedIn
- Available
- NotAvailable
- Leave
- Arrive
Data: contains geographical points, forming a polygon of a specific area
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Main settings, containing global settings of the TMC server.
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4.1. E-mail configuration
In the main menu select Settings -> General and then the Edit button for E-mail settings:
SMTP Server: specify SMTP location
SMTP Port: specify SMTP port
E-mail alarms: tick the box in order to receive e-mail alerts when alarms are triggered
SSL: SMTP server requires encrypted connection
To: specify main e-mail that will receive alerts
Cc: e-mail carbon copy (secondary visible recipients)
Bcc: e-mail blind carbon copy (secondary invisible recipients)
Subject: e-mail subject
Signature: e-mail signature
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4.2. Location Table Settings
In RDS-TMC, locations are pre-defined and pre-coded, and the codes are stored in
location code tables as a hierarchical structure of pre-defined locations.
In the main menu select Settings -> Locations for a list of all the current location tables:
NOTE: Every location table has an Edit (pencil icon) and Delete (trashcan icon) button, also there is
an option for adding new Location Tables
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Name: location table name
Country: specify country for location table
Active: tick the box in order to activate location table
Version: location table version
Language: specify preferred language
Table Code: used for enumerating the tables issued by this country
Country Code: four bit coding structure of the RDS country code
Extended Country Code: the ECC consists of an eight bit coding structure for unique country
Latitude Min: latitude coordinates for location table
Latitude Max: latitude coordinates for location table
Longitude Min: longitude coordinates for location table
Longitude Max: longitude coordinates for location table
Source: standardized directory with .dat files containing the specific location table
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4.3. TMC Services configuration
In the main menu select Settings -> Services for a list of all the current TMC services:
NOTE: Every service has an Edit (pencil icon) and Delete (trashcan icon) button, also there is an
option for adding new TMC Services
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Name: service name
Active: tick the box in order to activate TMC service
Location table: specify location table for service
Service Provider Name: name for service provider (max: 8 chars)
SID: service identification number
Service Key and ENCID: if the service key number is 0 then the TMC is not encoded, but
when it is not 0, both service key and ENCID are used for service encrypting
Group sequence count: depends on the RDS encoder configuration (example shown below)
Rate 3A (groups): depends on the RDS encoder configuration (example shown below)
Rate 8A (groups): depends on the RDS encoder configuration (example shown below)
Here is an example configuration from our RDS1000 - RDS encoder.
Currently, it has 5 group sequences, 2 of them are 8A, another 2 are 3A and one is 0A group. That
means that the fields should be filled as follows:
If filled incorrectly, may lead to buffer overflow which leads to many CI errors or slow traffic events
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Max cycle length: maximum time allowed for broadcasting all events for the service (in
Repetition Rate 8A: number of redundancy for the 8A groups with the purpose of better
Tuning Info Interval: the seconds interval in which the service provider’s name is
International, National, Regional, Urban, AFI: regional specifications
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4.4. Alarms menu
The Alarms menu shows a list of all the currently activated alarms, if any. Detailed information about
why and when the alarm was triggered is also displayed.
In the main menu select Settings -> Alarms for a list of all the current activated alarms:
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5.1. Events Map
In order to view events on the map you must select the Events tab in the main menu and select one
of the Location tables currently available on the server.
5.2. Event categories
Events on the traffic map are sorted in categories, following the EN ISO 14819-2 standard:
Level of service/Expected level of service
Closures and lane restriction
Carriageway restriction
Exit restrictions/Entry restrictions
Traffic restrictions
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Road conditions
Obstruction hazards
Dangerous situations
Precipitations and visibility
Wind and air quality
Traffic equipment status
Security alerts
Dangerous vehicles
Exceptional loads/vehicles
Size and weight limits
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Police speed checks
Parking restrictions
Travel time information
Carpool information
Reference to audio broadcasts
Service messages
Special messages
TMC – Traffic Message Channel
RDS – Radio Data Systems
RBDS – Radio Broadcast Data Systems
FTP – File Transfer Protocol
TCP – Transmission Control Protocol
UDP – User Datagram Protocol
SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
PND – Portable Navigation Device
SSL – Secure Sockets Layer
SID – Service Identification Number
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