.---------------ITRAFFIC ENGINEERS. INC. I---
.---------------ITRAFFIC ENGINEERS. INC. I---
FREEWAY OPERATIONS WORK CONTRACT ORDER No. (86) STUDIES # 14 06-03-A3-AG (58545P5007) FOR IH-820 IH-820 AT IH-35W AT RUFE WHITE AT FORT DRIVE SETTLEMENT NORTHSIDE SUBMITTED TRAFFIC SNOW DRIVE BY ENGINEERS, WORTH, ROAD INC. TEXAS AUGUST 1986 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - !TRAFFIC ENGINEERS, INC.! _ _ __. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . PAGE - -NO. 1 IH-820 AT RUFE SNOW DRIVE A. B. C. D. E. STUDY LOCATION PROBLEM/TASK STATEMENT DATA COLLECTION . OBSERVATIONS/ANALYSIS . CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 2 2 2 2 7 IH-820 AT WHITE SETTLEMENT ROAD A. B. C. D. E. STUDY LOCATION PROBLEM/TASK STATEMENT DATA COLLECTION . OBSERVATIONS/ANALYSIS . CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 12 12 12 12 17 IH-35W AT NORTHSIDE DRIVE A. B. c. D. E. STUDY LOCATION PROBLEM/TASK STATEMENT DATA COLLECTION • OBSERVATIONS/ANALYSIS • CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 20 20 20 20 24 APPENDIX .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,TRAFFIC ENGINEERS, INC. I ___.. LIST - -OF - FIGURES FIGURE NO. IH-820 AT RUFE SNOW DRIVE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 STUDY LOCATION TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS COLLISION DIAGRAM (SOUTH) COLLISION DIAGRAM (NORTH) INTERSECTION LAYOUT PROPOSED AREA RAMP MODIFICATIONS IMPROVEMENT COST ESTIMATE PAGE - -NO. - 3 4 5 6 8 10 11 IH-820 AT WHITE SETTLEMENT ROAD 8 9 10 11 12 13 STUDY LOCATION STUDY AREA AND 24 HOUR APPROACH VOLUMES TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS COLLISION DIAGRAM INTERSECTION LAYOUT IMPROVEMENT COST ESTIMATE 13 14 15 16 18 19 IH-35W AT NORTHSIDE DRIVE 14 15 16 17 18 STUDY LOCATION TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS COLLISION DIAGRAM INTERSECTION LAYOUT IMPROVEMENT COST ESTIMATE 21 22 23 25 26 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f TRAFFIC ENGINEERS, INC.! _ _ _.. INTRODUCTION Accessibility to freeway travel from an arterial most often comes through the diamond interchange facility. The level of service at a diamond is dependent upon many factors. These include the amount of separation between service roads, the storage capacity of each approach in terms of number of lanes and available queue storage, the type and operation of traffic control (i.e., signal or stop sign), the character and magnitude of the traffic, the relative geometrics of ramp to frontage road, the influence of traffic generator access points, and the function of the interchange relative to the adjacent land use. When some combination of these factors creates a situation where capacities are approached or exceeded, congestion and/or unsafe conditions result. This work order is a study of three locations, identified by the FSIP identification process, which experience peak period safety and/or congestion problems. ITRAFFIC ENGINEERS, INC. ! 1 IH-820 AT RUFE SNOW DRIVE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - !TRAFFIC ENGINEERS, INC] _ ___, FREEWAY OPERATIONS STUDY IH-820 at Rufe Snow Drive A. Study Location The subject problem location is at the diamond interchange of IH-820 and Rufe Snow. It serves as a major north-south arterial for North Richland Hills with major retail development immediately north of the interchange and residential areas to the south and the north. Figure 1 schematically shows the geometrics of the study area. B. Problem/Task Statement The Rufe Snow interchange is extremely congested and experiences safety and operational problems on all approaches, especially during peak periods. It is the task of this study to identify and evaluate possible improvements that can be implemented to lessen or alleviate the problems that exist. C. Data Collection To be able to analyze the problem situation, it was necessary to first obtain appropriate traffic volume and accident data. Morning and evening peak turning movement counts (Figure 2) were made to provide a basis for evaluating proposed improvements using PASSER III. D. Observations/Analysis The collision diagrams (Figures 3 & 4) reflect a fairly large number of intersection and intersection related accidents. Although this can often be expected with the high volumes involved, specific problem situations can be identified. Figure 4 reflects several problems on the westbound frontage road approach. Of the 35 accidents shown, 30 occurred on the frontage road or involved vehicles from the frontage road. Of these, 13 were rear-end collisions, 6 were sideswipe or lane change-angle accidents, and 4 were right angles between northbound throughs and right turns from the frontage road. The remaining 7 accidents included 2 dual turning accidents, and a wrong-way accident from a drive-way as well as other intersection turning accidents. These accidents seem to be a product of the queuing and weaving that occurs between the exit ramp and the intersection. ITRAFFIC ENGINEERS, INC. ! 2 ...,..... ~· ..:. :. .. u ..: : .. ~ . t a ' ..... .... ... .... , ~ TllAPPIC ENOINEEllS, INC. HOUSTON• AUfflN • PORT WORTH , . STUDY LOCATION IH-820 AT RUFE SNOW DR FIGURE 1 3 L 0 ,0 " ' ,0 I.O 0rc u 0 U-TURN J l C\J CD I ~ c:: H 78 r RUFE SNOW ~ ~ '--230 +--345 ~404 ' / 189 794_} 475--+ n 16 RD. ~trC c=.:.> fl ( Vit'l ~ I.ON N - U-TURN A.M. PEAK HOUR VOLUMES I ( 7: 00 - 8 : 00 ) --·r<:-- z 0 C\J CD co "1 ,.._ ,.._(O co .... it) ' U-TURN u ~ll l I c::: / ~ H 78 r .__1057 123 871 ___.,. 389~ ~--- '--149 .__635 626 _j 597--+ 'lt(C n "fl ( II RUFE SNOW RD. P.M. PEAK HOUR ,o it'lCD IO - U-TURN VOLUMES I (s:oo-6:0o) ~ Ii.. TaAPFIC EJIGDIEJ!Jl&, DIC. ~ ~HOUSTON • A UST1JC • POJtT WOJtTH TURNING MOVEMENT IH-820 SNOW NORTH AT RUFE RICHLAND HILLS, TEXAS COUNTS FIGURE 2 4 ~ 0 z (/) N I I-820 EB 4~ 19 ARcldent umber 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 j Date Time -- -1-05-85 3-13-85 3-16-85 3-19-85 4-20-85 5-10-85 5-21-85 7-15-85 7-23-85 7-23-85 7-29-85 8-17-85 1400 1100 1100 1400 1200 1500 2100 0100 1600 1700 1500 1000 Pave7nton Cond Injuries Dry Wet Wet Dry Dry Drr Dry Dry Wet Wet Dry Dry 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 A~cldent umber 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Date Time -8-24-85 9-07-85 9-16-85 9-28-85 9-28-85 11-11-85 12-05-85 12-19-85 2-14-86 3-06-86 3-27-86 4-30-86 1700 1100 1500 1700 1700 1700 0800 1800 0800 0200 2300 2100 Pavfflvton Con Injuries Dry Dry Dry Wet Wet Ory Dry Ory Dry Dry Dry Wet 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 . TJtAPPIC ENGINEEltS, I'NC. ~ ....HOUSTON • AUmM • FORT WORTH COLLISION IH-820 NORTH AT RUFE RICHLAND HILLS, DIAGRAM (SOUTH) SNOW TEXAS FIGURE 3 5 ~ 0 z (/) w N LL ::> I a:: r --------------------------------------------~ /"t .......-~ 2 31 2 __ a,,, ,t, ..... _ _4_______ • 9-/1--'--;;,::-::-:;:==--w_s__F_T_G_ _ R_O_A_D____......,....3_0_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ +.._ .c ~ ~ • 18 ~ ~ 4444 8 _ 1; ~ 1 9 ~ 4 ~ 24 ~ 4 ~ 4 15 20,21,29,34 ~2~~~ r------ 12 ,32 .___.___25 ---- --~...-:::;....._ ___ 23-------------1 I-820 Accident Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Date - Time -- 1-14-85 1-31-85 2-05-85 2-26-85 5-16-85 5-19-85 5-19-85 5-21-85 6-07-85 6-14-85 7-10-85 7-26-85 8-16.-85 9-02-85 9-18-85 9-21-85 10-01-85 10-04-85 1500 1700 1300 1800 1400 0100 1800 1700 1500 1800 1000 1500 2200 1200 2100 1800 1100 1800 PaveT;rton Cond Injuries Dry Snow Wet Dry Dry Ory Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 A~cldent umber 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 WB Date --Time 10-10-85 1300 10-17-85 1900 10-17-85 1900 10-22-85 0600 10-28-85 1100 10-28-85 1400 11-08-85 1800 11-26-.85 0700 11-26-85 1100 12-09-85 0800 12-16-85 1400 1-12-86 1400 2-13-86 2300 3-05-86 1500 3-06-86 1800 3-26-86 1700 4-30-86 1700 PaveT;rton Cond Injuries Dry Wet Wet Dry Wet Dry Dry Wet Wet Wet Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 . TRAFFIC ENGINEERS, INC. "\; :,>'HOUSTON• AU8nN • FORT WORTH COLLISION IH-820 NORTH AT RUFE RICHLAND HILLS, DIAGRAM ( NORTH) SNOW TEXAS FIGURE 4 6 Field observations and traffic counts confirm the extreme queuing and irregular weaving maneuvers that occur. It was observed that even though left turns and right turns are allowed from the middle lane, most turns take place from the outside lanes. This is particularly true for the right turns, due to geometry and driver expectancy limitations. As a result, queuing occurs back to the area of the frontage road/ramp junction during peak periods. Vehicles leaving the ramp are forced to wait in line or maneuver around the queues. Much of the maneuvering takes place across the jiggle bar gore. This is further complicated by occasional movements across the gore to the shopping center entrance. Intersection capacity deficiencies are most apparent during PM peak operations. The existing PM peak hour volumes exceed intersection capacity on both sides of the diamond. This was confirmed by a PASSER III analysis which showed V/C ratios as high as 1.65 at the north intersection. Such analysis indicates inadequate capacity for right turns on the westbound frontage road, for left turns from the bridge, and for through movements on Rufe Snow. Development, particularly to the north, indicates that intersection volumes will continue to increase. As this occurs, the operations and safety problems associated with such extensive congestion will also continue to increase. E. Conclusions and Recommendations Recognizing the magnitude of currrent and growing deficiencies of this interchange, it is apparent that significant improvements are in order. Such improvements fall into the two areas of intersection capacity and ramp configuration. The following recommendations are made in each area: 1. Intersection Capacity (Figure S) a. Widen bridge to provide 6 lanes (minimum). b. Widen and reconfigure southbound exterior approach to provide 1 left turn advance storage lane, 2 through lanes, and 1 right turn lane. c. Widen westbound frontage road to provide an additional right turn lane and more efficient dual right capability. d. Widen north bound exterior approach and southbound exterior departure to accommodate widened bridge; close drives in southwest quadrant. e. Modify signal hardware to match widening improvements. f. Remark and sign intersection compatible with a - e. ITRAFFIC ENGINEERS, INC. I 7 TRANSITION BACK TO EXISTING ~I II I I I I I I I I II : ..I I~ ---·<"-- z - ADO TURN I LA NE SCALE o' 60' RELOCATE RUFE RIGH: ____ SNOW ___/" CONTROLLER [Q) ..) INSTALL ONE NEW SIGNAL II I I I II I l,.. \.. I r. I I I I 0 (\J I I J: H I WIDEN FOR I ' 4 ''_'!:_HIT E l,.. '--1 ~ I I I I I BRJDGE SIX LANE I I I I I I SECTION 2WH 4.. TE -- r.) <Iii ,<IJ~ 1 s" WHITE _,. RIGHT TURN I I LANE I I I I I I I I I I TRAFFIC ENGINEERS, INC. HOUSTON• AUSTIN• FORT WORTH ~ INSTALL NEW AND ONE NEW HEAD HERE I I I I I I I I I I I I I NORTH AT ARM SIGNAL I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARKINGS / \,..., RELOCATE MAST ARM WIDEN EXISTING ~ HERE NEW APPROACH BRIDGE FOR ALIGNMENT WITH STRUCTURE 1_ _ (h _ -~ l,_ C> _/ - - - /V~~~s:::s::~:s~;::::s:::s~c:s~~S:~~~~;;c~== <Id - \ _/ ~-=.-z=. -""5 R ~ ~ b<:; C> WHITE 2 4.. , <Jn - 4"~1TE \ I I I I I I I I I I ~ , - C LOS E INSTALL ~ ONE NEW NEW CLOSE DR IVE MAS, SIGNAL INSTALL ARM HEAD AND JIGGLE BAR CHANNELIZATION HERE DRIVE I l -- I I INTERSECTION IH-820 MAST I I PAVEMENT r -- • • NEW SHOWN ' r., ,,~- - - , _,.... - -,... - . ADO AS .fJ - INSTALL NOTE - \.... I STRUCTURE - HEAO~~ _________ ..J_____;;:--_ _ _ _...J _____ I I I I I I I I I I I I -.....=====:;:::::::=:::;;:=:====:::::t::::::::::::t::::====1.--"" '"CF ~~-=~ _ _ _ L _ _ _ _ _ _J _ _ _ ~ ) a'il'il - -- - / -- -----------ht>_ j I I I I I I I I I I I I RUFE RICHLAND HILLS, LAYOUT SNOW TEXAS FIGURE 5 8 2. Ramp Configuration Figure 6 shows a recommended reconfiguration of the Several ramps between Holiday Lane and Rufe Snow. These considerations support such a reconfiguration. include: a. Inadequate separation distance exists between the exit ramp and the intersection to accommodate vehicle queuing and maneuvering under current and expected traffic loading. b. The location of a shopping center access point in close proximity to the exit junction invites illegal and unsafe movements from the ramp. Westbound movements from development along the c. frontage road could enter the intersection without passing through the busy signal. d. Adequate ROW and separation distance is available to provide the reversal effectively. The two areas of improvement could be accomplished independently or at the same time, dependent upon available resources. If a staged improvement is necessary, it is suggested that the intersection capacity improvements be addressed first. The preliminary estimate of such improvements estimate breakdown is shown in Figure 7. is $ 480,350. ITRAFFIC ENGINEERS, INC. ! A 9 N I ..•. 0 ." RIIIIIOVIE IXISTIN8 RAMP 111:IIOYE • EX1STIN8 RAMP --- PROPOSED IH-820 -"' 0 HORTH AT RICHLAND RUFE HILLS, AREA RAMP MODIFICATIONS SNOW TEXAS FIGURE 8 IMPROVEMENT COST ESTIMATE IH-820@ RUFE SNOW DR Reconstruct Interchange & Ramps ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST --INTERCHANGE RECONSTRUCTION-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Widen Bridge 5375.00 SF Traffic Signal Mod. 1.00 LS Rdwy Excavation 350.00 CY ACP & Base 8630.00 SF Signing & Pav Mark 1.00 LS Remove Curb & Gutter 600.00 LF Install Curb & Gutter 650.00 LF $55.00 $295,625.00 $18,000.00 $18,000.00 $1,400.00 $4.50 $2.50 $21,575.50 $6,925.00 $6,925.00 $1,200.00 $2.00 $9.00 $5,850.00 SUBTOTAL 1 350,575.00 $3,915.00 $16,020.00 $450.00 $3,915.00 $32,040.00 $450.00 SUBTOTAL 2 $36,405.00 --RAMP MODIFICATIONS-1 2 3 Remove Ramps (2) Construct Ramp Pavement Marking (lane lines) 1.00 LS 2.00 EA 1. 00 LS SUBTOTAL $386,980.00 10% MOB. $38,698.00 SUBTOTAL $425,678.00 10% ENG. $42,567.80 TOTAL $468,245.80 FIGURE 7 ITRAFFIC ENGINEERS, INC. l ---11 IH-820 AT WHITE SETTLEMENT ROAD ...__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !TRAFFIC ENGINEERS, INC. I ___. FREEWAY OPERATIONS STUDY IH-820@ White Settlement Road A. Study Location The subject problem location is at the diamond interchange of IH-820 and White Settlement Rd, which serves to connect the City of White Settlement with a residential area west of IH-820. Presently, the interchange is controlled by utilizing stop signs on the frontage roads with all approaches marked as one lane. A layout of the intersection is shown in Figure 8. B. Problem/Task Statement The intersection of IH-820 and White Settlement Rd experiences peak congestion which causes excessive delay for the off-ramp traffic. This and the type of accidents which occur suggest that a different control strategy may be needed. It is the objective of this study to identify and evaluate possible improvement alternatives that can be implemented to lessen the congestion problem and reduce the accident potential. C. Data Collection To be able to analyze the problem situation, it was necessary to first obtain appropriate traffic volume and accident data. The 24-hour machine counts (Figure 9) and the turning movement counts (Figure 10) were made to provide a basis for warrants and analysis. Accident data was obtained from the City of Fort Worth and supplemented with information from the SDHPT to determine the nature and frequency of accidents experienced at this location during the past 18 months. D. Observations/ Analysis Of the 14 accidents plotted (Figure 11), 5 were right angle accidents that occurred on the west side of the diamond interchange. The re main in g nine accidents, occ u ring on the east side, included 3 right angle accidents, 3 out-of-control type accidents, 2 driveway accidents on the frontage road, and 1 rear-end. The right angle collisions suggest that the two-way stop operation may not be sufficient for clear right-of-way assignment with the present traffic volume level. The vertical curve of the bridge also causes a problem by limiting sight distance. ITRAFFIC ENGINEERS, INC. ! 12 TllAFPIC l!NOINl!l!llS, n,c. HOUSTON• AUmN • POllT WOllTH .STUDY LOCATION IH-820 AT WHITE SETTLEMENT RD FIGURE 8 13 CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION DUE / FOR SPRING / 198 7 / N / / / / / / / / / / 2 / 3901 / / WHITE SETTLE 6 RO. 4858 6021 L E G E N D --- -- - ROADWAY ~ COUNT LOCATION 6 TOTAL APPROACH VOLUME 00 TJUf'PIC EMGIMEEU, INC. • HOUBTOM • AUS'llH • PORT WORTH ROADWAY CONSTRUCT ION STUDY IH-820 FORT AT WORTH, NUMBER AREA WHITE TEXAS AND SETTLEMENT 24 HOUR APPROACH VOLUMES ROAD FIGURE 9 14 v V <D l C\J ,.... - N )!l I WHITE ~ r 249 246 SETTLEMENT ROAD '- 91 13 I +- -+- 126 308 ~ 116 130 _j --+- 1t( C\J V I<'> v 0 0 - N a) - I H AM PE AK HOUR (7:30-8:30) l I'- ID CJ\ IO 'It N - N )ll WHITE ~ r 231 -+- 143 ~ SETTLEMENT I ROAD '- 491 247 -+-91 275 208 360 _) --+- 1t( 0 N - ..., ..., 'It IO 0 Cl) I rt') - H , PM PEAK HOUR (4:45 -5:45) TRAFFIC EKGINEERa, INC. ~~ ~ )"'HOUSTOK • AU8'ffll • PORT WORTH TURNING IH-820 FORT AT WORTH, WHITE TEXAS MOVEMENT SETTLEMENT COUNTS ROAD FIGURE 10 Hi ~ N WHITE _J _:; t.,;- SETTLEMENT I ROAD ~ 13 y £ ~ r, ~ 3,5 ~ f' 0 N OJ ~ I H A~cldent umber 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 .,I-, ill.. "' TRAFFIC ENGINEERS, INC . )""HOUSTON• AUSTIN• FORT WORTH COLLISION IH-820 FORT AT WORTH, WHITE TEXAS Date - Time - 1-30-85 3-03-85 3-04-85 6-11-85 6-21-85 6-22-85 7-05-85 11-03-85 12-31-85 1-24-86 2-18-86 3-04-86 5-08-86 5-20-86 0500 1900 1700 1800 2200 1200 1200 0200 2200 0900 0800 0800 1800 1900 ~ 6 Paverfnt Cond ion Injuries Wet Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Wet Dry 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 tf T 7 1 0 0 0 3 DIAGRAM SETTLEMENT ROAD FIGURE 11 16 Signalization was investigated as a possible solution. The intersecting traffic volumes at this location do not satisfy the requirements of Warrants 1 and 2 of the MUTCD for traffic signal installation (See Appendix). For actuated signal warranting, 2 of the 4 possible conditions exist for the west side of the interchange and only 1 for the east side. Also, upon the completion of Clifford St, it is expected that some of the traffic generated by General Dynamics will be removed from the subject location. The utilization of an all-way stop operation was also explored. It appears that with the nearly even distribution of traffic volumes, especially on the east side, an all-way stop operation would work efficiently. However, since the congestion occurs mainly during peak periods, the delay experienced by eastbound and westbound traffic during non-peak periods may be less desirable. E. Conclusions and Recommendations Since this location marginally meets the requirements for signalization, the installation of a traffic signal should be delayed until after Clifford St is reopened. Construction on Clifford St is scheduled to be completed by Spring 1987. At this time traffic volume counts could be made again to determine if a signal is warranted. If the right angle accidents continue to occur and/or the delay experienced by the ramp traffic increases, an all-way stop operation should be implemented as an interim to signalization or as a long term solution. Another improvement alternative would be to install the all-way stop operation on the east side only. This would deal with higher volume intersection, help to slow the traffic down, and also provide gaps for the west side of the interchange. Due to the vertical curve of the bridge, proper advance warning should be installed for either an all-way stop or a signal. With the amount of left turn traffic on White Settlement, left turn lanes should be installed as an immediate improvement of the interchange operation. Also, pavement markings should be installed on the frontage roads to delineate lane usage. The recommended improvements are shown in Figure 12 and are estimated to cost $ 11,600. A detailed cost estimate is provided in Figure 13. ITRAFFIC ENGINEERS, INC.! 17 I I! I I I; I// N I SC A LE j o' INSTALL PAINT 100' AND JIGGLE BAR / CHANNELIZATION -.._ --..--...... \. " v I \ \ l I I I I I I I LANE INSTALL 4" WHITE l\... I I I / LINE 24" / / / I I I I I I / I I I I I I WHITE BAR / \ \ I / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / / / I I I I I I I I I I I I / / / : I I I I I I/ I ·1 / / INSTALL PAINT ANO JIGGLE TURN CHANNELIZATION : I I I I I / / --,-,-7-,-- I' j I I I I I I I I I I I I I / / ~II I I ; / / / / \ I '\ \ .1 --, INSTALL BAR PAINT AND BAR LEFT / ,\, 1 1 , ., \. I I I I I I I ~ '~ ', / , , / I I INSTALL LANE I . INSTALL STOP 24" - ' .......... WHITE', ~ / / I ' / / / / I I /// !/ I / '-, I BAR 4" WHITE/,, LINE JIGGLE CHANNELIZATION /~*:., , ____ ' , ) I INTERSECTION ~ I I I I I I '--------r==L=L==L-1===,------------ ('- ' INSTALL ~ ~ STOP _ _ _ _ _ .,,,.... <'- ---- j I I I ~ I I ; fl 111 I I J/1 I II / / - I r / ....... , ....... // // / / I I / 1 ; ; I LAYOUT TRAFFIC ENGINEERS. INC. IH-820 AT WHITE SETTLEMENT ROAD "9"'HOUST0N •AUSTIN• FORT WORTH FORT WORTH, TEXAS FIGURE 12 18 IMPROVEMENT COST ESTIMATE IH-820 at WHITE SETTLEMENT ROAD Install Left Turn Lane and Pavement Markings ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (THERMO PAV MARK) 24" White 24" Yellow 8" White 4" White 4" Yellow Jiggle Bars "Arrows" QUANTITY UNIT 65.00 360.00 240.00 255.00 2100.00 468.00 4.00 LF LF LF LF LF EA EA UNIT PRICE COST $7.50 $9.00 $1.26 $0.75 $0.98 $8.00 $130.00 $487.50 $3,240.00 $302.40 $191.25 $2,058.00 $3,744.00 $520.00 SUBTOTAL 10% ENG. $10,543.15 $1,054.32 TOTAL $11,597.47 -------------------- FIGURE 13 ITRAFFIC ENGINEERS, INC.! ____.. 19 IH-35W AT NORTHSIDE DRIVE ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - !TRAFFIC ENGINEERS, INC.! _ ___, FREEWAY OPERATIONS STUDY IH-35W at Northside Drive A. Study Location The subject problem location is at the diamond interchange of IH-35W and Northside Dr. The interchange serves an established residential area to the east and as a pass through facility to commercial, industrial, and residential areas to the west. Figure 14 shows the existing geometrics of the study location. B. Problem/Task Statement The northbound exit ramp at the Northside Dr interchange experiences congestion problems during peak periods. Also, the lack of adequate storage for the eastbound left turn movement causes congestion on the west side of the interchange. It is the task of this study to identify and evaluate possible improvements that can be implemented to lessen or alleviate the problems that exist. C. Data Collection To be able to analyze the problem situation, it was necessary to first obtain appropriate traffic volume and accident data. Morning and evening peak turning movement counts (Figure 15) were made to provide a basis for evaluating existing conditions utilizing PASSER III. Accident data was obtained from the City of Fort Worth to determine the character of existing safety problems. D. Observations/Analysis The collision diagram (Figure 16) indicates 43 accidents occurred at the Northside interchange during the period January 1985 through June 1986. Of the 22 accidents which occurred on the east side of the interchange, 8 were right angle accidents, 3 rear-end collisions on the northbound exit ramp, 4 sideswipes and the remainder varied. The west side experienced 6 right angle accidents, 4 rear-end collisions at the southbound exit ramp right turn, 4 accidents involving the westbound left turn and 7 accidents of various nature. From field observations it was noticed that during peak periods, the northbound exit ramp sometimes experiences congestion ITRAFFIC ENGINEERS, INC. ! 20 .......... ~· .... .. w., H :o ...... ... t •• f TaAPPIC !NOINIIU. INC. HOUffON • AUfflll • PORT WORTH ••• -STUDY LOCATION IH-35W AT NORTHSIDE DR FIGURE 14 21 NORTHSIDE DRIVE I\_ ..,_ 648 r c:::=---70 _____:::::; II 3 PEAK HOUR ___ +-304 '\_ _} 287 210 ~ A. M. 51 ~ ___,/ 244 _ . VOLUMES (7:30-8:30) NORTHSIDE DRIVE \_ ..,_ 570 +-245 , 45 c::::::---- ____7 P. M PEAK HOUR ~ ~--__,/ 303 _} 709 353 127 499 __.. ~ VOLUMES (4:30-5:30) TllAFFJC KNGJNl!EJUI, acc. HOOSTON • AUS'nll • PORT WORTH TURNING IH-35W FORT AT WORTH, MOVEMENT NORTHSIDE TEXAS COUNTS DRIVE FIGURE 15 22 ~ 12:i(~a NORTHSIOE ~\.~ • • 17,20~ II 14 1,16. DR I VE ~ --- 13 • • 4 • • <',s.. ' .J~ ~ Accident Number 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1-9 20 21 TJlAfflC JDIGJJ(DIUI, DCC. HOUSl'OJf • AUSTUI • PORT WORTH Date Time Pavement Condition 1-02-85 2-23-85 3-04-85 5-14-85 7-11-85. 7-13-85 7-24-85 7-31-85 10-11-85 2-16-86 2-21-86 3-03-86 3-09-86 3-13-86 3-19-86 4-09-86 4-22-86 5-24-86 5-27-86 6-05-86 6-28-86 1015 1715 1650 1345 1000 1815 0720 0900 1845 0355 1600 0845 2235 1535 0820 2105 1335 1800 0735 1510 1000 Icy Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Wet Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Dry Dry Injuries A~cident umber 0 1B 0 2C 0 0 0 0 0 1C 0 0 1A 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IC 15 0 0 IC 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 COLL!SION IH-35W FORT AT WORTH, 2-22-85 3-13-85 3-18-85 4-02-85 4-09-85 4-13-85 4-23-85 6-08-85 6-13-85 6-22-85 6-23-85 7-11-85 7-12-85 10-31-85 11-24-85 1-28-86 1-28-86 2-08-86 2-11-86 3-29-86 4-13-86 4-19-86 Time Pavffl?1' Cond on Injuries 1150 Wet Wet Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 0 0 0 0 0 0 1100 1440 1615 0930 2130 1642 1200 1415 0230 1800 1125 2145 1015 2350 0715 2020 0930 1030 0920 1830 1100 O~y Wet Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Wet 3B 0 0 2B 0 0 0 lC 2C 0 0 0 0 lC 0 0 DIAGRAM NORTHSIDE TEXAS Date DRIVE FIGURE 16 23 problems. Although a PASS ER III analysis indicates the ramp is not at capacity, three times during an evening peak hour ob serv at ion, the queue backed up to within approximately 120 ft of the main lanes. Other afternoon observations confirmed back-ups to the main lanes. Congestion was also noticed to occur on the west side of the interchange due to eastbound vehicles trying to get into the left turn lane to go north. E. Conclusions and Recommendations Many of the accidents that occur at this location are probably due to the experienced congestion and/or signal operation. Discussion with the City of Fort Worth's Transportation Department revealed plans to upgrade the traffic signal at the Northside interchange in the near future. This project will include the installation of a. new controller, loop detectors and the replacement of the 8" signal heads with 12" ones. These changes will improve the signal operation to alleviate some of the problem. In order to lessen the experienced congestion and to enhance interchange operations, the following recommendations are made: 1. 2. 3. Widen the northbound exit ramp to provide dual left turn lanes. Install left turn storage on the exterior eastbound approach. Install pavement markings as shown in Figure 17. The total cost of the proposed improvements at the subject location is estimated to be $ 32,250. A detailed cost estimate is shown in Figure 18. ITRAFFIC ENGINEERS, INC.! 24 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ NOTE \ \ \ \ \ \ SC A L E \ \ \ r'1 \ \ I ' '\. ' '\. '' '' '\. ' \ I I ...... ...// I"'- --- \ \ \ ..... I \ \ ~\ '\. -~'.... ___________ -- --- --LEFT TURN _:'") ' - --- -- .. --- -- -- ~ ~<,,.. r f--- ---..L.,, ~- - - - ... ~~~---J----~~~~~-J ___- __.«!; ___ ....__ ~ ~ \ DRIVE - .... ~ -----= -~ ~;-£___ 4-tl STORAGE REALIGN ISLAND FOR DUAL LEFT TURNS -~-- ' ! __ > -~ --~ o.},, ----~~--------77------....J-;---r - -__..,... -, INSTALL '''' so' \ \ / wiil jMM o' \ - PAVEMENT MARKINGS MARKINGS AS SHOWN. \ \ -- REMOVE EXISTING ANO INSTALL NEW ---4-1\ - - - -- -- -- REALIGN ISL AND FOR DUAL LEFT TURNS \ '\. INSTALi. '\. '' L E GE ND --- EXISTING RECOMMENDED LEFT TURN '\. ' '\. ' CONDITIONS DUAL LANES INSTALL RETAINNIN6 WALL '\. CHANGES \ ffAPPJC DOIJIBD9, DIC. HOUS1'0N • Al1STUI • PO&T WO&TH INTERSECTION IH-35W FORT AT WORTH, NORTHSIDE TEXAS LAYOUT DRIVE FIGURE 17 25 IMPROVEMENT COST ESTIMATE IH-35W at NORTHSIDE DR Widen NB aproach, Provide Left Turn Storage and Pavement Markings ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST ----------------------------------------------------------------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 80.00 CY Excavation Retaining Wall (New 210.00 LF Jersey Barrier Shape) Remove Curb & Gutter 620.00 LF Install Curb & Gutter 360.00 LF 3 II ACP & Base 3565.00 SF 1.00 LS Relocate Sign and Luminaire Pavement Markings 255.00 LF 24" White 8" White 810.00 LF 4" White 600.00 LF "Arrows" 13.00 EA 1.00 LS Blast Cleaning $5.00 $30.00 $400.00 $6,300.00 $2.00 $9.00 $1.84 $500.00 $1,240.00 $3,240.00 $8,399.60 $500.00 $7.50 $1. 26 $0.75 $130.00 $1,500.00 $1,912.50 $1,020.60 $450.00 $1,690.00 $1,500.00 SUBTOTAL 10% MOB. SUBTOTAL 10% ENG. $26,652.70 $2,665.27 $29,317.97 $2,931.80 -------------------$32,249.77 TOTAL FIGURE 18 ITRAFFIC ENGINEERS, INC. ! 26 APPENDIX ..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [TRAFFIC ENGINEERS, I N C . I - - -..... i l WARRANT VOL.U-.ES FOR TRAFFIC ACTUATED SIGNALS ~ EIGHT I-IGi HOURS - WARRANT VOL~ FOR TRAFFIC ACTUATED SIGNALS ,- FOUR HIGH HOURS'" ,-.;.. .. :t: 500 :::i:400 g; a.. > I f.... I-~ 300 8 2L, 11\E:::i 1-!a (/) 200 ' ""- --< a:~ i:::) ::E ? - .. LAf\ES !-""'--,. ~ 100 BIL.ME< -- Gj I " ' I t.~ i:-c: ~If I'----. " r---- k . 81LANE ............. --' "''°"·· ...... .............. J r---- ............... ~ - --- I'-..... 1.7- - ~ § ~ 200 2 ,--LMES+-::-::.:::---+--::..~..::::...~----=,1<.c---+-::O.....::+---+--r---+--t 1-::- ...... r-- ...._ r-- t-,.._ k I 200 / ~ ~ r--t--... i-- 'r-~81 !fi'.f ::E ~ KANES82L ~ - r-- r-- t-- I-- r-- r-r-I--.. .-V' -1~ 8lt.;M£ 400 500 600 700 800 900 MAJOR STREET-'TOTAL OF BOTH ~CTIONS-VPH 300 · 400 ~~300 LANES"-,._ ...__ RLR~ ! I ' I I LME 100 t--+--r!.-.~*-=-=-+-.::::::-='1--::::::---+--=--1-=:---f====--...:::!::-=:=:,,..-i-:::::I 300 IOOO 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 IIOO 1200 MAJOR STREET-TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACl-£5-VPH I I I ~ WARRANT VOLUMES FOR TRAFFIC ~ SIGNALS WAFfWJT VOWMES FOR TRAFFIC ACTUATED SIGNALS ,- TOO HIGH HOURS :::i: 600 1----,l----+--+---l---+--+--l---+--+--+---1-----1 ~ § ~ 8: ti I ::r 600 5001--~l----+--l---+--+--+--l---+--+--+---I-----I I 400 ONE HIGt HOUR .' ~§500 ~ ~,400 1-----l- 2 LANES II 200 ~~~....P,....,--J.-::~---i-::::::::::.......1-~~ 1 ··- . . _"' r---.::~ I 400 500 600 "'" .. =. 2 L::'·-···· ~ ) ....~L~~~ ... Ir,... ...... ~~300 21-ANe: ~ k::: r-----.. I-- ~ i""'<: 2 LANES a 2 LANES ::E~ 200 81 t-- r-- :---.Al.HALr----R::: t"'.. . . i",.... ....._ r-- r-r--- r-- :-~ r-..._ a:f 100 r--...;: ., I !J'f£,fl'1 ~ ~ 1LAt£a1~-·,· I t;; !a 300 f----+~-A-~~~~~~-1--__jr-----+----1-----1 300 I I . ·-- -- I 900 IOOO 1100 !200 l300 1400 !500 MAJOR STREET-T01l\L OF BOTH OIRECTIONS-VPH • Q HOUlrJ'ON • AUSTUI • PORT WORTH ACTUATED IH-820 FORT AT WORTH, WHITE TEXAS SIGNAL SETTLEMENT I I I 400 500 600 700 800 900 K>OO IIOO 200 eoo l400 l:500 l600 l700 MAJOR STREET -TOTAL OF BOTH .APPROACHES-VPH 700 800 LEGEND: TJLUFJC IDfGJNUU, DIC. - WEST EAST SIDE SIDE GUIDELINE ROAD WARRANTS Division of Maintenance Operations Traffic Engineering Section TRAFFIC SURVEY - COUNT ANALYSIS DIST 19 71 MUTCD WARRANTS INTERSECTIONS: IH-820@ White Settlement Rd SECTION: roNTROL: DATE OF SURVEY: Population Latest Federal 85%TILE SPEED CENSUS MAJOR STREET 8TH HIGH HOUR - MAJOR ST: 8TH HIGH HOUR - MINOR ST: White Settlement Road . 02 (West Side) MAJOR STREET NO 3 PM 8 PM - 4 PM - 9 PM MINOR STREET IH-820 SB Frontage Rd MINIMUM VEHICULAR VOLUME MAJOR STREET-BOTH APPROACHES NUMBER OF I 8TH HIGHEST HOUR I.ANES REQUIRED EXISTING MIOOR MAJOR iI STREET URBAN STREET RURAL OK % 350 500 1 l 600 420 X l 2 OR MORE 453 600 420 2 OR MORE 2 OR M:>RE 500 350 2 OR MORE 1 MINOR STREET-HIGH VOL. APPR. 8TH HIGHEST HOUR RECUIRED EXISTING URBAN RURAL 57 % 150 105 150 lOSx 60 200 140 140 200 INTERRUPTION OF CONTINUOUS TRAFFIC MAJOR STREET-BOTH APPROACHES NUMBER OF 8TH HIGHEST HOUR I.ANES REQUIRED EXISTING MINOR MAJOR 72 URBAN STREET RURAL STREET % 750 525 l l 1 900 630X 453 2 OR MORE 630 2 OR MORE 900 2 OR MJRE 525 2 OR MORE 750 l MINOR STREET-HIGH VOL. APPR. 8TH HIGHEST HOUR REQUIRED EXISTING OK URBAN RURAL lo 52 75 75 52X 60 70 100 70 100 1. I 2. TIME 1700 8 HIGH HOURS* MAJOR ST -BOTH APP. MINOR ST. -H'.C VOL APP VEH TOTAL PED TOTAL VEH TOTAL PED. TOTAL 863 131 1600 716 141 1800 677 132 700 661 224 1900 550 61 1200 537 101 2000 459 60 RECOMMENDATIONS: • 113 1500 453 *Lowest Volume of 8 Hour Study is the 8th Highest Hour. MaJor Street 8th High Hour does not have to be at the same hour as the Minor Street 8th High Hour. File 18.296 - l Over 3. MINIMUM PEDESTRIAN VOLUME Maj or Street Traffic - Both Approaches 8th Highest Hour Required Required W/4' Median Existing Urban Rural Urban '7. I Rural 600 420 1000 700 I 4. Ped.-Hi. Vol. X-Walk Across Maj. St. 8th Highest Hour Existing Recuired Urban Rural % 150 105 SCHOOL CROSSING Yes Is the number of adequate gaps in traffic stream during the period when -- No the children are using the crossing less than the number of minutes in the same period. Refer to Forms 8-72-1102, 8-72-1103 & 8-72-1104. -- 5. PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT -- No-- Yes 6. Existing ACCIDENT EXPERIENCE Yes X -- No-- 7. Distance Called For No traffic signal within 1000 1 I Do adjacent signals constitute a progressive system SYSTEMS WARRANT Accidents susceptible to correction by traffic signal Required Existing 5 12 MONTH PERIOD 5 80% of Warrant #1, 1n, or il3 ' Peak Hour Volume at a corranon intersection of two or more major routes Required 800 Number of Hours Above 800 Check applicable characteristic of major route as defined above. _ _ (a). It is part of street or highway system that serves as the principal network for through traffic flow. _ _ (b). It connects area of principal traffic generation. _ _ (c). It includes rural or suburban highways outside of, entering or traversing a city. _ ( d ) . It has surface street, freeway or expressway ramp terminals. _ _ (e). It appears as a major route on an official plan such as a major street plan in an urban area traffic and transportation study. 8. COMBINATION WARRANT Yes No.lL 80 percent or more of the stated values for two or more of Warrants #1, #2, orif3. -- 9. ACTUATED SIGNAL GUIDELINE WARRANTS . Check Applicable Curve Yes No_!_ Meets one High Hour Meets each of two Highest Hours Yes X No -Meets each of four Highest Hours Yes X No Yes No X Meets each of eight Highest Hours -- REMARKS: 8-72-1101, SCA D-18T File 18.296 - 2 Division of Maintenance Operations Traffic Engineering Section TRAFFIC SURVEY - COUNT ANALYSIS DIST . NO 1971 MUTCD WARRANTS INTERSECTIONS: IH-820@ White Settlement Road OONTROL: SECTION: DATE OF SURVEY: Population Latest Federal 857.TILE SPEED CENSUS MAJOR STREET (East Side) 8TH HIGH HOUR - MAJOR ST: 8TH HIGH HOUR - MINOR ST: MAJOR STREET White Settlement Road 1. NUMBER OF I LANES I I 12 PM 6 AM -1 PM - 7 AM MINOR STREET IH-820 NB Frontage Rd MINIMUM VEHICULAR VOLUME I iI 02 MAJOR STREET 1 2 OR MORE 2 OR I-ORE l MIIDR STREET 1 1 2 OR MORE 2 OR MORE MAJOR STREET-BOTH APPROACHES 8TH HIGHEST HOUR REQUIRED EXISTING OK % URBAN RURAL 500 350 430 420X 600 600 420 500 350 INTERRUPTION OF CONTINUOUS TRAFFIC NUMBER OF MAJOR STREET-BOTH APPROACHES 8TH HIGHEST HOUR LANES EXISTING REQUIRED MAJOR MINOR 68 STREET STREET URBAN RURAL % l 1 750 525 430 2 OR MORE 900 630 X 1 900 630 2 OR ?-ORE 2 OR MORE 1 750 525 2 OR MORE MINOR STREET-HIGH VOL. APPR. 8TH HIGHEST HOUR RECUIRED EXISTING 66 RURAL URBAN % 150 150 200 200 105 105 140 140 X 69 2. TIME 8 HIGH HOURS* MINOR ST -H'I. VOL.APP MAJOR ST -BOTH APP VEH TOTAL PED TOTAL VEH TOTAL PED. TOTAL 700 827 76 1700 748 306 1600 709 224 1800 545 141 1500 529 184 600 504 69 1100 502 195 MINOR STREET-HIGH VOL. APPR. 8TH HIGHEST HOUR EXISTING REQUIRED OK URBAN RURAL % 52 75 52 X 69 75 100 70 100 70 RECOMMENDATIONS: 1200 430 168 *Lowest Volume of 8 Hour Study is the 8th Highest Hour. MaJor Street 8th High Hour does not have to be at the same hour as the Minor Street 8th High Hour. File 18.296 - l Over 3. MINIMUM PEDESTRIAN VOLUME Major Street Traffic - Both Approaches 8th Highest Hour Required W/4' Median Existing Reouit"ed Urban Rural Urban I Rural i'. 600 420 1000 I 700 Ped.-Hi. Vol. X-Walk Across Maj. St. 8th Highest Hour Rec uired Existing Rural Urban i'. 150 105 4. · SCHOOL CROSSING Yes 5. Is the number of adequate gaps in traffic stream during the period when the children are using the crossing less than the number of minutes in the same period. Refer to Forms 8-72-1102, 8-72-1103 & 8-72-1104. No PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT Yes 6. Existing ACCIDENT EXPERIENCE Yes 7. No__ Distance Called For No traffic signal within 1000 1 I Do adjacent signals constitute a progressive system No X Accidents susceptible to correction by traffic signal Required Existing 12 MJNTH PERIOD 5 3 807. of Warrant /11, /12, or ff3 ---- SYSTEMS WARRANT Peak Hour Volume at a common intersection of two or more major routes Required 800 Number of Hours Above 800 Check applicable characteristic of major route as defined above. _ _ (a). It is part of street or highway system that serves as the principal network for through traffic flow. (b). It connects area of principal traffic generation. ==:=cc). It includes rural or suburban highways outside of, entering or traversing a city. (d). It has surface street, freeway or expressway ramp terminals. _ _ (e). It appears as a major route on an official plan such as a major street plan in an urban area traffic and transportation study. 8. 9. COMBINATION WARRANT 80 percent or more of the stated values for two or more of Warrants #1, Yes No X /12, or #3. ACTUATED SIGNAL GUIDELINE WARRANTS. Check Applicable Curve No X Meets one High Hour Yes Yes-- NoX Meets each of two Highest Hours Meets each of four Highest Hours Yes X No No X Meets each of eight Highest Hours Yes REMARKS: 8-72-1101, SCA D-18T File 18.296 - 2