NEWSLETTER - Tweed Heads South Public School


NEWSLETTER - Tweed Heads South Public School
Term 3 | Week 5 August 2015
Tweed Heads South ●● Vibrant
Public School ● Successful
• Wednesday-Friday, 12-14 August
Touch Gala Day 2015
Last week, nineteen students from Tweed Head
South represented the school at the 2015 Touch
Gala Day. We took a boys team and a girls team.
The students played well, and had to put up a tough
guard in their first match playing Centaur. They
were a tough team to beat, but each student took a
stance and played their very best. More importantly,
they played as a team. Unfortunately, both boys and
girls teams were defeated, but made an exceptional
come back round two against Tweed Heads Public.
It was a stunning day in the sun! Each student
represented the school proudly. They should all be
commended on their efforts. From myself and the
students, I would like to say a big thank you to all
the parents who helped with transport and also to
those who attended the event. We would also like
to show our appreciation to Mrs Stanford who came
along on the adventure to support the teams. It was
a fantastic day!
Kelly Castles
Stage 3 Public Speaking Finals
On Friday, 7 August we held the Stage 3 final round
of Public Speaking. All contestants gave a fantastic
speech to the whole school and audience.
Satria was the first speaker, explaining how her pop
is the best in the world. He loves to sing a variety of
songs, although he is really good at opera songs.
Marina spoke to us about changes. She explained
● Heffron Street, Tweed Heads South NSW 2486
● T: 07 5524 3408 F: 07 5524 3466
● E:
● W:
Lake Ainsworth Camp - Years 3-4
Thursday, 13 August
Student Banking
Friday, 14 August
YarnUp Meeting - 10:00am
Tuesday-Friday, 18-21 August
Brisbane Excursion - Years 5-6
Thursday, 20 August
Student Banking
Monday - Friday, 24 - 28 August
Book Week
Thursday, 27 August
Book Character Parade
Tuesday, 1 September
School Concert
how her life changed when she changed schools.
Next spoke Talisha; she gave us a run down on
things that annoy her. For example, “When you are
watching TV and falling asleep and as soon as you
go to bed you are wide awake”.
Kirra-Lea persuaded the audience that
advertisements are not needed, especially when
you’re watching a movie. The only thing they are
good for are toilet breaks and to refill your popcorn.
Next speech was given by Jorja; she explained what
people think the meaning of cool is. Then gave us a
clarification on what she thinks makes a cool person.
“You need to be yourself, be kind to others and
sometimes think outside the box”.
Nakeisha spoke about why primary students should
not have homework. She argued that instead of
homework students should be outside playing sport,
relaxing or simply just being children. Finally, Rykah
took us through Jessica Watson’s life and all her
achievements at such a young age.
Our Stage 3 winner was Kirra-Lea and runners up
were Satria and Jorja. Congratulations to all of the
Stage 3 finalists, you all did a fantastic job.
Jeans for Genes Day
Thank you to everyone who donned their favourite
jeans and denim on Friday for the ‘Jeans for Genes’
fundraiser. Our gold coin donation total was $150.
Every dollar raised on this day will help scientists
at Children’s Medical Research Institute discover
treatments and cures, to give every child the
opportunity to live a long and healthy life.
Well done Tweed Heads South!
Term 3 | Week 5
5-6T and 3-4C find ‘Herbs are Handy’
Last Friday, 5-6T and 3-4 C participated in the
second session of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen
Garden Program.
As participants in the Kitchen Garden Program,
students spend structured time in a productive
veggie garden and home-style kitchen as part of
their everyday school experience. There they learn
skills that will last them a lifetime, and discover
just how much fun it is to grow and cook their own
seasonal vegetables and fruits.
This program has strong literacy and numeracy links
as students are reading and following procedural
texts with step by step recipes, extending their
vocabulary knowledge and engaging in hands on,
practical maths concepts of weighing, measuring,
estimating, timing and gauging temperatures.
Fresh herbs featured on the innovative menu as they
were abundant in our veggie garden.
Roti bread with garlic chives
At last we were ready to sit down and enjoy our
meal together at the long, shared table donned with
table cloths. ‘The shared meal is a fabulous time for
students, teachers and volunteers to enjoy the fruits
of their labour, and enjoy each other’s company and
conversation.’ (Stephanie Alexander). Some student
Wila: ‘Sugar leaf cabbage is yummy!’
Lachlan: ‘Thank you, I love these sessions. I give
this one a 10 out of 10!’
Madison: ‘I’m going to cook this pasta sauce at
Many thanks to Mrs Sherriff, Mr Chalmers and Miss
Annette who worked tirelessly to ensure the session
ran smoothly and to students Ethan, Jake and Luka
for volunteering to stay back to assist in the big
clean up.
If you would like to be a volunteer for this fun,
worthwhile program please contact either Ms Toop
or Mr Chalmers or leave a message at the office.
More information on the Stephanie Alexander
Kitchen Garden Program and fresh, simple recipes
can be found on:
Fresh tomato and basil sauce with spiral
Ms Toop
Garden Coordinator
Winter Tabbouleh with carrots and sugar leaf
iPads in the Library
After an information session in the garden run by Ms
Toop, students harvested garlic chives, basil, parsley
and fresh, crunchy carrots.
All classes have been
discussing the exciting
addition of iPads into
our library. We are very
excited about how these
iPads will be able to
enhance the learning of
our students. Last week
we were focusing on
the rules when we are
using the iPads and all
students have signed
a contract stating they
will comply with these
rules. Students are very
excited to receive their
“iPad license”, and know
they risk losing their license if they are not using the
iPads responsibly.
Then the cooking began! The brekkie room became
a hub of productivity as students were guided by
teachers in small groups following recipes step by
step, chopping up herbs and vegetables, measuring
ingredient quantities, cooking sauces, rolling dough
and creating dressings.
Time was the essence! We needed to synchronise
menu items to have everything ready for our ‘shared
table eating experience’. Mr Chalmers’ group were
furiously flipping roti bread on the bbq, as Mrs
Sherriff was simmering pasta sauce and Ms Toop’s
group were blending through the quinoa, parsley,
softened carrots, and sugarloaf cabbage tabbouleh
with an olive oil, lemon and pepper dressing.
Book Week Celebration
Our school will be celebrating Book Week in Week 7
with some exciting events.
We will be holding a Book Character Parade on
Thursday, 27 August in the hall commencing at
Children are requested to come along dressed in
their costume as a favourite character from a book,
and parents and friends are welcome to stay and
enjoy the parade.
Term 3 | Week 5
Preschool News
The Tissue Princess
Mrs Cheryl Baxter visited the preschool to teach
us all about our nose, throat and ears. We learnt
that it is important to blow our noses properly so
we clear our nose and ear passages. If we don’t
blow our noses properly then the gunky stuff can
sneak up into our ear canals and sit behind our
ear drum, stop the ear drum from wobbling and
stop us from hearing well. We had fun wobbling
like an ear drum and practising blowing out our
nose into party blowers!
Term 3
Shining Star Award
Reaching for the Stars Kalani
Week 4
Performing Arts
Science & Technology
Creative Arts
Jyles, Kiarah, Chelsea, Ryan, Kobe, Lilandra, Tyler,
Aden, Angelina, Isabella, Azalia, Jasmine, Sophie,
Marley, Riley, Kayden, Keira, Shaqkarian, Shakayha,
Joe, Isabella, Raiden, Zarliah, Samuel, Marley, Rani,
Nicholas, James, Otis, Marina, Jacob, Matthew,
Lennox, Madison, Ethan, Caitlin, Jake, Luka
District Athletics
Last Friday our finest athletes represented THSPS at
the Tweed District Athletics Carnival. Both track and
field events were held in perfect weather at Walter
Peate Fields in Kingscliff.
The carnival was our most successful District
Carnival for years with 10 students making it through
to this week’s Zone carnival to be held in Byron Bay.
Some of our athletes even managed to qualify in
multiple events.
Congratulations to, Bayden, Brock, Felicity, Jasmin,
Joel, Kayden, Samuel, Shane, Tye and Wila, who
were all outstanding and qualified for a variety of
running, throwing and jumping events.
We were also extremely proud of athletes like Kiara
who filled in for our relay team when others were
unable to compete. Kiara ran a great relay race
against much older opponents and really showed
the spirit that Tweed Heads South students are well
renowned for.
A big thanks again to all of the parents that helped
out with transport on the day, it really was a fantastic
day and a real team effort.
Indiana, Luka
Strategic Board Games
Expressions of interest are invited for students to join
an after school group on Thursdays to play strategic
board games. This group will be coordinated by
Katie Hotko. There will be 15 places available and
will run from 3:15pm to 4:30pm for 4 weeks. A cost of
$10 to cover the cost of board games and parental
permission will be required. All parents are welcome
to stay and join in with tea and coffee provided.
Strategic board games will commence on Thursday,
27 August. Please see the office for more
information and an expression of interest slip.
Term 3 | Week 5
We are excited to be taking part in the Woolworths
Earn & Learn program. You can help our school by
collecting Woolworths Earn & Learn Points. Simply
collect Woolworths Earn & Learn Points when you
shop at Woolworths until Tuesday, 8 September
2015. We will redeem these for awesome
educational resources for our school. Simply pop
them onto a Woolworths Earn & Learn Points Sheet
(or just bring along the stickers), bring it back to
school and place in our collection box in the front
office. The more we collect, the more we can
redeem. There are thousands of products available
through the Woolworths Earn & Learn program and
we’d like to get lots of new gear! We are grateful
for your support and look forward to a successful
program. If you have any questions, please contact
the school.
The Northern NSW Local
Health District would like to
remind parents and carers
that the Child Oral Health
Service offers FREE dental
care to ALL children under
• Oral health is essential
for health and wellbeing.
• It is recommended that
children have regular dental
check ups starting at 1 year.
Regular dental check ups can prevent
minor problems becoming major ones and prevent
unnecessary pain and distress.
Dental visits can be fun for kids, treat these
visits as normal, routine events so as not to develop
Earn and Learn