Nurminen Logistics
Nurminen Logistics
logistics in russia Nurminen Logistics is an operator to be reckoned with in russia, too. p. 8 customs facilitates foreign trade Nina Sirén is a long-time Customs employee. p. 20 Winds of change Magazine for Stakeholders 1/2011 NEWs Nurminen Logistics’ Nurminen Artur, Niko, Tiina and Vera have changed jobs. p. 22 coNtENts V.SoMerpuro V.SoMerpuro 2 19 Tiina Åhrlund charges her batteries by bowling. S.LeppIAho 16 The workplace of driver Timo pelto is well equipped. 26 Mantsinen’s machinery is transported by road and rail. 1/2011 19 From 3 Editorial Niina haasola ponders whether good deeds are the key to happiness. 4 Logistics online Nurminen Logistics launches more versatile web pages. 5 News Information on which trade fairs are worth visiting this spring. 6 Nurminen Logistics’ financial year 2010 Nurminen Logistics’ most relevant market, trade between Finland and the CIS countries, started growing in the summer of 2010. Nurminen News 1/2011 8 Russia – what does Nurminen Logistics do there? russia is an immense, growing logistics market. 14 Centrefold map A map of europe and the CIS countries for your reference. 16 For Timo, the truck is both a home and a workplace When working, Timo pelto takes a fridge and a microwave oven with him wherever he goes. a bowler a ball girl to Tiina Åhrlund got inspired by bowling as an adult. 20 New tasks Job rotation and new recruits. 22 Foreign trade runs smoothly in compliance with regulations Customs is an important partner for everyone involved in foreign trade. 26 References Mantsinen Group Ltd oy manufactures material handling machinery and harbour cranes. 3 Editorial Pay it forward I about the habit of doing good deeds for others, which has found its way to Finland as well. Well, I suppose this habit has been here for ages, but now it is a conscious choice that some people have even chosen as their lifestyle. Interestingly, people in the United States have long celebrated an official Random Act of Kindness Day. The act of kindness can be anything: letting the person behind you in the grocery line go ahead or giving your colleague positive feedback. The idea is to make someone else feel good with a small effort. A good deed will surely pay back, since researchers have shown that happy people are inclined to help friends and strangers alike. The website of the Finnish Medical Society Duodecim has exercises aimed at increasing happiness, and one of them is specifically related to doing good deeds. It advises you to select one day of the week when you will perform either one big or three to five smaller acts of kindness. It is important to make sure even the small deeds happen on the same day. They say you should do a different deed every time and continue the pattern for ten weeks. After that, you should be happier. Who knows? But I doubt this method would make anyone unhappier. According to research, 50% of our happiness is genetic, whereas 10% depends on external factors such as health and prosperity and as much as 40% corresponds with personal attitude. The latter is something every one of us can influence. I wonder what kind of a change would occur in the happiness levels of the readers of this magazine and at workplaces, if each of us tried to perform more unselfish acts of kindness. The best thing about happiness is that it does not take anything away from somebody else. On the contrary – they say it’s contagious. 40% of our happiness corresponds with personal attitude. V.Somerpuro happened to hear a discussion on TV the other day Niina Haasola is Communications Manager at Nurminen Logistics and editor-in-chief of the renewed Nurminen News magazine. The new magazine is a combination of Nurminen’s former employee magazine, Nurminen Nyt, and the stakeholder magazine Nurminen News. The magazine is published twice a year. Vote for the best article and give us feedback according to the instructions on page 5! Nurminen News 1/2011 4 Nurminen NOW Top3: Nurminen Logistics’ new website Nurminen Logistics recently launched a new website at The new site provides more comprehensive information on the company’s services and also lists other interesting logistics-related sites. The site is available in three languages, making it easy to make a request for quotation, give feedback or vote for the best article in this magazine, for instance. wide selection of 1Areferences The new site lists several of Nurminen Logistics’ references. In each reference, both the client’s and Nurminen Logistics’ representatives provide their views on the project under discussion. The references are divided into five categories: rail transport, special and heavy transport, terminal services, forwarding and project services. Nurminen News 1/2011 Fleet 2 information within easy reach Five Nurminen 3 Logistics employees tell us The new site features descriptions of both Nurminen Logistics’ special and heavy transport trailer stock and railway wagons. There are measurement images of trailers as well as key facts about wagons, including images. In the Careers section you can find information about job openings at Nurminen Logistics and the jobs of five Nurminen Logistics employees. The featured jobs vary from that of an Assistant Business Controller to that of a terminal worker. about their jobs 5 NurmINEN NoW Topi Saarenhovi appointed Nurminen Logistics Plc’s President and CEO The Board of Directors of Nurminen Logistics has on 6 April 2011 appointed Mr Topi Saarenhovi, M.Sc. (Tech.), the new president and Ceo of the company. Saarenhovi will start in his new position on 1 May 2011. The company’s current Acting Ceo Mr Antti Sallila will continue his duties as the CFo of the company as of 1 May 2011. Topi Saarenhovi, born 1967, has previously acted as Senior Vice president of Glaston plc where he was responsible for the Machines business area. prior to that, he has, for example, acted as the president of Amomatic Ltd and as Factory Director of Wärtsilä plc. – Nurminen Logistics is a wellknown logistics company of good reputation in an interesting stage A new Board of Directors of development. It has a strong brand, excellent logistics knowhow and a leading market position especially in the railway logistics to russia and other CIS countries. I look forward to further develop Nurminen Logistics according to the strategy aiming to growth and better profitability together with its skilful personnel, customers and partners, Topi Saarenhovi says. The new president and Ceo will presented more thoroughly in the next issue of Nurminen News. The Annual General Meeting of Nurminen Logistics elected a new Board of Directors on 6 April 2011. Olli Pohjanvirta (chairman), Eero Hautaniemi, Tero Kivisaari, Juha Nurminen and Jukka Nurminen will continue as members of the Board. Jan Lönnblad, Ceo of John Nurminen oy (pictured on the left), was elected as a new member to the Board, whereas Rolf Saxberg and Antti Pankakoski left the Board. rolf Saxberg (pictured on the right) had been a member of the Board of Nurminen Logistics and its predecessor John Nurminen oy since 1994. NURMINEN LOGISTICS NRO 4 • Nurminen OYJ • HENKILÖSTÖLEHTI joulukuu 2008 NRO 3 VotE! 2006 NURMINEN LOGISTICS NRO 2 • OYJ • HENKILÖSTÖLEHTI kesäkuu 2008 NURMINEN ja muut vuosaarelaiset Monta syytä juhlaan työskentelevät • lähellä Tullia Обзор статей Leonid hurahti • hippoihin на русском • языке NURMINEN LOGISTICS Nurminen Nyt OYJ • HENKILÖSTÖLEHTI NRO 2 KESÄKUU 2007 Nurminen • Nyt Nurminen JOHN NURMINEN KONSERNIN HENKILÖSTÖLEHTI NRO 1 MAALISKUU Nyt kesän Nurmisella • Reiskan 2008 -messut päivä Mussalossa onnistuivat • Обзор статьей odotusten на русском mukaisesti языке Katariina ja muut vuosaarelaiset Monta syytä juhlaan työskentelevät • lähellä Tullia Обзор статей Leonid hurahti • hippoihin на русском • языке JOHN NURMINEN Nurminen NRO 4 JOULUKUU 2007 NURMINEN LOGISTICS NRO 3 • OYJ • HENKILÖSTÖLEHTI lokakuu 2009 4 Nurmisella Vuoden vahva vuosi 2006 tilinpäätöstiiviste lmä 6 Työilmapiiri tehdään Niiralassa yhdessä hyvä yhteishenki The vote for the best article in the 4/2010 issue of Nurminen Logistics’ employee magazine, Nurminen Nyt, was won by the article on everyday work at the Vartius site, Tärpättiä Suomeen, perunaa Venäjälle (Turpentine to Finland, potatoes to russia). It received no less than 42% of the votes cast. otherwise, the vote was exceptionally close: there were as many as five articles in second place, with each receiving 11% of the votes. These articles included the editorial, the article on St. petersburg in the My City series, Pärinää töissä ja vapaalla (rumble on and off duty), the article on the opening of the D hall in Niirala and the article on Martti Immonen’s collection hobby. Jorma Kervinen’s column also received a lot of votes. Five prizes were raffled among all voters, and the lucky winners were Pirkko Partanen, Seija HummelinUusilehto, Seppo Turunen, Miina Sokura and Marko Raasu. Congratulations to the winners! You can vote for the best article in this magazine at Two tickets to the puistoBlues festival in summer 2011 will be raffled among all voters that have voted by 31 May 2011. Nyt 14 Hyvä kehityskeskus Mikon ja telu Sakarin tapaan 6 Terminaalipal velua Staraja Russassa 12 on levoton Suuri pörssinumero Mikä muuttuu? Haastatteluss 4 Tullauspalvelvelu a kaksi t laajeni ässää idässä ja lännessä 16 Kasvu tarvitsee Myynnin tekijänsä valmennusprojek Aito pomo tapaus kotonakin 17 LOGISTICS NRO 2 • Jorma, Leif, täydentävät Nurminen OYJ • HENKILÖSTÖLEHTI toukokuu Nyt Nurmisen henkilöstö Presidentti 120-vuotiasta juhli Tarja Halosen yhtiötä iltapäivä Huolintatalossa Suomen paras logistiikka-alan Nykytaiteen työpaikka näyttely taidekoordinaatto rin näkökulmasta 2009 JOHN NURMINEN KONSERNIN HENKILÖSTÖLEHTI NRO 2 KESÄKUU NURMINEN 2006 LOGISTICS NRO 1 • Sähköinen tiedonsiirto toimii M-Realin ja Nurmisen välillä Tomi ja Tanja hallitusta • Pata Suhonen toimivat Vuosaaressa Обзор статей on Vainikkalan на русском kuuluisin языке kokki Petri, Vesa OYJ • HENKILÖSTÖLEHTI maaliskuu 2009 solmukohda • Jorma t Обзор статей oli kesällä Susisaaren на русском keisari языке Sotšissa Nurminen OYJ • HENKILÖSTÖLEHTI lokakuu 2010 NURMINEN LOGISTICS NRO 2 • 2010 NRO 1 MAALISKUU 2006 NURMINEN LOGISTICS NRO 4 • OYJ • HENKILÖSTÖLEHTI joulukuu 2009 Moskovan pakkastalven helteiset viikot Nurminen juhlii pitkää taivaltaan Jukka, Jari ja Ekaterina Harri ja Peter lataavat – sopeuttamis akkujaan töitä käytännössä soittamalla Обзор статей • Suuri pikkujoulutapetti на русском языке Nurminen OYJ • HENKILÖSTÖLEHTI JOHN NURMINEN KONSERNIN HENKILÖSTÖLEHTI Tuulet muuttuvat, yhtiö pysyy kurssissa Johan Nurminen aikansa oli rohkea liikemies ja Jouni toukokuu Nyt Tullauspalvelu iden uusi rooli partnerina strategisena Työturvallisuusko työskentelevät rttia hankkimassa tyytyväisimmäs sä terminaalissa • Marikin Обзор статей asuu kesäkaupungissa на русском языке LOGISTICS Nurmisen Yhteistyö sujuu yksiköiden kesken 4 Miten vietetään Virossa, joulua Venäjällä ja Ruotsissa? 8 Osaamisen panostetaan johtamiseen Nurmisella 10 Nurminen aloitti itsenäisenä Ship Agency joulukuussa 12 Anu ja esimiestyön Pasi kävi tit 21 NURMINEN Nyt JOHN NURMINEN KONSERNIN HENKILÖSTÖLEHTI NRO 3 LOKAKUU 2007 Lipuu mun Agentti Esa laiva laituriin Huotarin päivä Suuri kyselynumero6 henkilöstöja lukijatyytyväisyys Logistiikkake 10–15 skukselle Vuosaari-hanke peruskivi aikataulussa 24 NURMINEN LOGISTICS NRO 1 • OYJ • HENKILÖSTÖLEHTI maaliskuu 2010 asiakas-, Nurminen katsoo itään Puhetta mallin mukaan Vesa, Marko, Luukku Matti ja Mika pitävät talo on energiatehokas kelat liikkeessä • Maanalaiset Обзор статей possut työllistävät на русском Nurmista языке • Vartiuksessa päivystävät Ivan ja Mikko Обзор статей на русском языке Marjut, Bengt ja muita nurmislaisia hallituksen Matit jättivät • Vainikkalassa Обзор статей Vainikka на русском языке The TransRussia trade fair will be held in Moscow from 26 to 29 April 2011. This trade fair, organised for the 16th time, is the biggest logistics industry event in russia and an esteemed meeting place for logistics professionals. This year you will find Nurminen Logistics at stand C301 in the expocenter. The Kuljetus 2011 (Transportation 2011) fair will be organised in Jyväskylä from 19 to 21 May 2011. here, the number of Nurminen Logistics’ stand will be C2-321. 2008 ja Pete viettävät TransRussia KONSERNIN HENKILÖSTÖLEHTI 2007 Lisäresurssej Ajoneuvologistiik a ka omaksi kehittämiseen kokonaisuudeksi NRO 3 • Interesting trade fairs OYJ • HENKILÖSTÖLEHTI joulukuu Hanna NRO 4 • joulukuu 2010 JOHN NURMINEN KONSERNIN HENKILÖSTÖLEHTI NURMINEN ery and equipment could be salvaged. operations resumed very quickly in temporary premises. LOGISTICS NRO 4 • Katariina Markku, On 16 March 2011, a fire, started by a visitor’s cigarette, destroyed the office building at Nurminen Logistics’ Niirala site completely. No injuries were suffered in the fire. Thanks to the prompt action by Nurminen Logistics’ personnel and the local fire brigade, the servers and most of the machin- JOHN NURMINEN KONSERNIN HENKILÖSTÖLEHTI LOKAKUU Eero ja Jukka A fire in Niirala Nyt Vuosaari-hank etenee nopein e s. 10 harppauksin Pietariin syntyi OOO John s. 12 Nurminen Terminal Juhlaseminaa rissa s. kuultiin nimekkäitä 14 puhujia Sporttiset nurmislaiset pitivät hauskaa s. 18 Vierumäellä työn imussa voittaa Virtasenkin Nurminen News 1/2011 Mika keskustelevja Janne at mielellään sählätään Pasilassa viikoittain Обзор статей • Olli kävi на русском языке Siperiassa JOHN NURMINEN KONSERNIN HENKILÖSTÖLEHTI 6 Financial statement Nurminen Logistics’ year 2010: Net sales increased, profitability weakened as expenses increased F innish foreign trade recovered during 2010. However, the stevedores’ strike in March slowed down the upturn and affected cargo flows throughout the spring. Nurminen Logistics’ most important market, trade between Finland and the CIS countries, started to grow only in the summer 2010 and as a result the company’s market situation was more difficult than expected during the beginning of the year. Volume development was positive during the second half of the year, but profitability was burdened by the growth of the losses of the logistics centre in Vuosaari harbour. Demand and volumes grew during the year both in rail transport and in special and heavy transport. The harbour logistics market remained challenging throughout the year. Demand of the forest industry improved compared to 2009. The bottom of the demand of mechanical engineering industry was reached Nurminen News 1/2011 in the beginning of the year and the market situation improved in the end of the year. Difficult price competition situation improved slightly towards the end of the year due to volume growth. Nurminen Logistics maintained its position as the market leader in rail transport from Finland to CIS countries in 2010, but for example the export of paper by rail from Finland to CIS countries is still only 50% of the level of 2008 despite the market recovery. Market situation is expected to develop positively in 2011. The outlook of the company’s logistics centre in Vuosaari harbour is better than in 2010 due to new customer contracts. The year in figures The net sales for the financial period amounted to EUR 69.7 (2009: 62.5) million. Compared to 2009 the increase of the net sales was 11.5%. Reported operating result was EUR Fact box Nurminen Logistics 2010 • Net sales were EUR 69.7 million (2009: EUR 62.5 million). • Reported operating result was EUR -0.6 million (EUR 2.4 million). • Operating margin was -0.9% (3.8%) • Operating result excluding nonrecurring items was EUR -1.2 million (EUR 0.4 million). • EBT was EUR -1.1 million (EUR -0.4 million) • Net result was EUR -2.0 million (EUR -0.7 million). • Earnings per share: -0.22 Euros (-0.13 Euros). -618 (2,374) thousand. The decrease was 126%. Operating result includes non-recurring profits of EUR 533 (1,965) thousand. Therefore, comparative operating result was FINaNcIal statEmENt Net sales, 1,000 Eur operating result (EbIt), 1,000 Eur 10,000 5,000 8,000 4,000 Net sales by country The besT solu Tions are individua l Annual Repo 6,000 4,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 Finland 84.9 % russia 10.5 % 0 rt 2010 3,000 07 08 09 10 Baltic countries 4.6 % 0 –1,000 07 EUR -1,151 thousand and decreased 381% compared to 2009. The growth of net sales is based on the recovery of demand especially during the latter part of the review period. Especially the rail transport export from Finland to CIS countries developed positively from summer onwards. Also the demand of mechanical engineering industry’s clientele developed positively in all market segments. The development was weaker in the company’s harbour logistics services. In Kotka and Hamina the transit volumes to CIS countries are still on a low level. In Vuosaari the volumes started to grow in the fourth quarter of the review period. The decrease of operating result is mainly due to the increase of the personnel costs and the lease expenses of the Vuosaari logistics centre. The lease of the Vuosaari logistics centre increased according to the lease agreement by EUR 0.8 million compared to 2009. In the review period the operating loss of the Vuo- 08 09 More information about Nurminen Logistics’ year 2010 can be found in the company’s Annual report 2010. order the Annual report or read it on the company’s website at 10 saari logistics centre was EUR 3.4 million. In 2009 the company also executed temporary lay-offs that decreased the personnel costs of the period of comparison by EUR 1.5 million. Profitability is also burdened by partly intense price competition. Outlook The world economy has started to grow and the company’s market outlook is positive. However, there might be risks in the harbour logistics markets. The company operates in Vuosaari, Kotka and Hamina harbours and therefore the volume development of those harbours is relevant to the company. Volume development is effected, among other things, by development of the transit trade that decreased during the recession. Its outlook is unclear at the moment. Also the railway tariff changes of different countries might affect the price competitiveness of rail transports significantly. In addition, price competition situation might burden the company’s profit- ability also in the future if volume growth of foreign trade does not develop as expected. The net sales of the company are expected to increase by approximately 10% in 2011 compared to 2010. The company’s operating result is expected to be slightly better than in 2010. The company’s unchanged longterm goal is to increase its net sales annually by approximately 20% on average, including acquisitions, and to reach an operating profit level of over 7%. The general economic situation is assessed to delay achieving of the growth objectives in the short term. The company is actively following the structural changes in the logistics market as well as acquisition opportunities. The text of this article is based on Nurminen Logistics’ financial statement release 2010 published on 25 February 2011. Nurminen News 1/2011 7 8 NurmINEN logIstIcs IN russIa St. Petersburg Tallinn Riga Moscow Klaipeda Minsk Brest Nurminen News 1/2011 Kiev MAp: oSMo pÄIVINeN, phoToS: VeIKKo SoMerpuro NurmINEN logIstIcs IN russIa 9 russia – what does Nurminen Logistics do there? You need only a glance at the world atlas to see that Russia is a huge market. If you take a closer look at things, it becomes evident that the market is also growing. It is also clear that a market of this type needs and offers an enormous amount of logistics services. What does Nurminen Logistics do on such a playing field? Jekanterinburg W hen it comes to area, Russia is the largest country in the world, covering 8% of the Earth’s total surface area. The European part of the country accounts for 40% of the entire continent, even though a third of Russia belongs to Asia. The country’s population is approximately 142 million. Due to long distances and poor road connections, the country is characterised by a strong emphasis on railways. There are 85,000 kilometres of rail- ways in Russia, carrying approximately 83% of the country’s freight transport. What is the role of Nurminen Logistics, a “small” Finnish company, on this market? Not as insignificant as one might think. Finland is the 12th most important country for Russia’s imports and exports, and for Finland, Russia is absolutely one of the most significant trading partners. For its part, Nurminen Logistics is the market leader in rail exports between Finland and the CIS countries. Nurminen Logistics’ thousand wagons as well as the partners’ Nurminen News 1/2011 A 10 Nurminen Logistics in Russia wagons it uses are operated by the company’s Russian subsidiary OOO Huolintakeskus which is located in St. Petersburg. Consequently, the company has the local expertise required on the extremely competitive Russian market. Furthermore, Nurminen Logistics also has extensive experience accrued through decades of operations in the country – the first deliveries to Russia were carried out as early as in the 1960s. According to sources with deep insight on Russia, this type of profound experience of operating in Russia is a necessity for any company wishing to succeed there. Nurminen Logistics’ first deliveries to Russia were carried in the 1960s. Fact box CIS countries: • Russia • Ukraine • Belarus • Moldova • Armenia • Azerbaijan • Kazakhstan • Turkmenistan • Uzbekistan • Tajikistan • Kyrgyzstan Nurminen News 1/2011 – There are several good arguments for using Nurminen Logistics’ services in logistics in Russia. Some are related to the geographical location of Finland and some to the company’s own competences, says Harri Vainikka, Senior Vice President at Nurminen Logistics. – Finland has a functional logistics infrastructure: ports, roads, railways and border checkpoints are in good order. In addition, the country is a safe gateway between Russia and the rest of the world. On the other hand, Nurminen Logistics is well positioned in the required transportation hubs in Finland. We operate in the harbours of Helsinki, Kotka and Hamina, and our other terminals are in central locations near the Russian border. We are also able to provide efficient logistics solutions through the Baltic countries – after all, our subsidiaries operate in these countries, too. In addition to our own operations, we can utilise the support of a wide local partner network in Russia and the CIS countries. photos: Veikko somerpuro Nurminen Logistics in Russia Perfect chemistry Kemira is a global, two billion euro chemical company that is focused on serving customers in water-intensive industries. The company offers water quality and quantity management that improves customers’ energy, water and raw material efficiency. – Russia is already an important market for us and its significance increases constantly, says Jari Grönlund, Vice President, Logistics & Customer Service at Kemira. Kemira has assigned a part of its Russian deliveries to Nurminen Logistics whose container wagons and special tank wagons carry the chemicals from Finland to Russia. According to Grönlund, Russia is not a particularly extraordinary country when it comes to logistics. Nevertheless, he emphasises that the chemicals that Nurminen Logistics transports require true specialist know-how. – Transportation of chemicals is regulated by strict legislation both in Finland and in Russia, and professional competence is crucial in these deliveries. All Kemira operations are based on the “safety first” principle that is naturally also observed in the company’s logistics, explains Grönlund. In addition to professional competence, other aspects of Nurminen Logistics’ services that Grönlund particularly appreciates are customs clearance know-how and good relations with Russian railway operators. – Especially the level of customs clearance know-how at Nurminen Logistics is such that it is difficult to find anything similar from competitors. The competence of the St. Petersburg office personnel also plays an important role in operations, comments Grönlund. Nurminen News 1/2011 11 12 Nurminen Logistics in Russia Highlights 1 Finland is a functional gateway to Russia. Finland’s ports, roads and railways are in order. 2 A long border. Finland and Russia share a land border of 1,340 kilometres. On the border, there are nine international border crossing points as well as seven border crossing points for Finnish and Russian citizens. 3 Nurminen Logistics’ sites are in central locations. The company’s network covers all central logistics hubs between Finland and Russia. Nurminen News 1/2011 Hannu Vuorinen, Senior Vice President responsible for special transport and project services at Nurminen Logistics, also emphasises the company’s versatile expertise. – Our customers definitely benefit from the fact that we can offer them the entire logistics chain using mainly our own fleet and terminals. Controllability and reliability of the logistics chain increase when there are not many players involved, says Vuorinen. New opportunities through modernisation During the past decade, the Russian economy has grown at an amazing rate. The gross national product per capita has doubled, real salaries have tripled and the number of poor has halved. However, this development stalled with the most recent recession, and in 2009, after ten consecutive years of growth, the country’s economy shrank by 8%. In 2010, the growth was less than 4%. Nevertheless, the outlook for 2011 seems more optimistic, and it is safe to assume that the current trends in the logistics industry will gain strength in the next few years. The most important of these trends is the modernisation of infrastructure which is part of a larger process: the general modernisation of the country’s production and competence structure. The Russian government wants to eliminate the economy’s dependency on raw materials by diversifying the economy – after all, most of the country’s export consists of energy products and raw materials with little or no further processing. In the future, the aim is to process the country’s assets in the country itself instead of exporting them abroad for further processing. This is one of the reasons Russia wants to double its research and development expenditure by 2010. – The modernisation of Russia’s industry and infrastructure is a fact, and Nurminen Logistics is well prepared to participate in this process. Modernisation requires many types of logistics services, and we are able to offer these services for use in the traffic between Russia and other countries as well as within Russia. Be our customer from a Western country or from Russia, they During the past decade, the Russian economy has grown at an amazing rate. can rest assured that we have sufficient knowledge of both cultures and operating environments. The customers themselves do not necessarily need to possess such knowledge about Russia or about operations in the EU member states, for instance, says Harri Vainikka. The most common problems perceived in operating on the Russian market include the lack of predictability in the actions of the country’s authorities. The biggest problems encountered by Finnish companies are related to varying customs clearance procedures, at least according to an enquiry carried out by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland. – Problems related to interaction with authorities or to changes in regulations or surprising situations occur less frequently the more the company has experience of the country, the better relations it has with local players and the better qualifications its personnel have. At Nurminen Logistics, these things are in order, Vuorinen goes on to say. So, size does not matter. Even a relatively small player can be efficient and reliable, no matter what size the market is. The website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland was used as a source for this article. Nurminen Logistics in Russia 13 Photo: Valtteri Korpinen Matti Vääränen has taken care of job assignments in Russia since the 1970s. Five decades of experience with Russia Nurminen Logistics was the first European company to start regular road transport to the Soviet Union in 1969. At that time the route ran from Helsinki via Leningrad to Moscow. However, the company had had one truck transporting eggs to the Soviet Union since as early as 1963. Special transport driver Matti Vääränen has made deliveries to the Soviet Union and Russia since the mid-1970s. At that time, foreign vehicles were a rare sight on Soviet roads. – I attracted a lot of attention with my truck. In the morning a commuter bus would sometimes stop next to my parked truck just to let people admire the truck and enquire where I come from, reminisces Matti. Matti’s first assignment in the Soviet Union was to deliver building site barracks to Leningrad, but thereafter he has made various deliveries to almost all parts of Russia and the former Soviet Union. He has not kept count of the number of assignments or kilometres driven but particularly in the 1980s there were many. – The longest trip lasted for over a month. At that time there were no cell phones, so keeping in touch with people in Finland was extremely difficult – you could only make a 1-minute phone call and only from Moscow. Nowadays everything is much easier, comments Matti. On his numerous journeys, Matti has witnessed Russia’s changes from up close. – I happened to be in Moscow at the time of the 1991 coup attempt. I cannot deny being a bit afraid when the tanks swarmed the city centre. When the Soviet Union fell apart later on, I was on an assignment in Belarus. It felt like everything had changed overnight; all the paper work related to the assignment had to be redone before I was able to return home, says the seasoned driver, retiring in May 2011, describing some colourful incidents along his long career. Nurminen News 1/2011 Centrefold map A map of Europe and the CIS countries for your reference. Vartius Jyväskylä Niirala Imatra Rauma Luumäki Turku Vantaa Vainikkala Vaalimaa Hamina Helsinki Kotka Nurminen Logistics’ terminal Nurminen Logistics’ site St. Petersburg Tallinn Riga Yekaterinburg Moscow Klaipeda Novosibirsk Minsk Irkutsk Brest Astana Kiev Ulanbaatar Rostov Almaty Bishkek Baku Tashkent Ashgabat Dushanbe Vladivostok 16 oN tHE job For timo, the truck is both a home and a workplace 1 The special transport driver Timo Pelto has used his current truck for a couple of years. For him, the 2005 model Volvo is not only a tool but also a home away from home. According to Timo, drivers often become fond of their trucks as Nurminen usually gives each driver a dedicated truck. Nurminen News 1/2011 2 Timo’s truck is well equipped: it features a fridge, a coffee maker and a microwave oven. heating and air conditioning are fully functional even when the truck is parked. The “room” height is just sufficient for Timo, who is 1m 87 (6ft 2ins), to stand up straight. Timo uses the lower bunk as his bed and the upper bunk as a storage space. 3 Timo mainly drives in Germany, which means that each year he spends a lot of days on board a ship. In addition, he has a fair amount of free time on jobs as in Germany special transports are On the job 17 Fact box only allowed from Monday evening to Friday morning. Timo spends his free time sightseeing in the destination cities. While abroad, Timo also devotes time for photography which is one of his favourite hobbies at home, too. 4 Timo says that he usually leaves the truck as soon as he has pulled the handbrake on. So, between driving stages the only time he spends in the truck is at night. Usually he stays overnight at service stations and sometimes in loading or unloading locations. 5 All 12 of Nurminen’s trucks have a vehicle terminal device through which traffic operators communicate assignments to drivers. Drivers for their part use the vehicle terminal devices to report their progress to traffic operators in real time. The vehicle terminal devices are also used for monitoring drivers’ working hours. Nurminen News 1/2011 Veikko somerpuro The special transport driver Timo Pelto, 45, has worked for Nurminen for three years. He does not clock up a great deal of kilometres per year, approximately 80,000, as driving to Germany includes a lot of time spent on board a ship. Timo claims to be the fastest driver at Nurminen as he reached 302 km/h (188 mph) driving a motorcycle. In addition to motorcycling, Timo’s hobbies include photography. He enjoys his work for the variety and freedom it offers. Charging the batteries Nurminen News 1/2011 Photos: Veikko Somerpuro 18 Charging the batteries From a ball girl to a bowler Tiina Åhrlund, currently working as a forwarder at Nurminen’s Vuosaari office, was not inspired by bowling as a child but nowadays she bowls in the same association as her mother. When did you start bowling? I joined the Fenix bowling association in 2009. My parents bowled when I was a little girl and I was given a ball of my own when I was around 10 years old. At that time, not many children were bowling and I found the attention that I received at the bowling alley rather embarrassing. So, I concentrated mainly on earning some spending money by washing my father’s bowling ball. However, now as an adult I have become absorbed in the sport and I finally joined the same association as my mother. The nice thing about bowling is that you can begin it quite young – I think the youngest bowlers are about five years old – and you can continue for as long as you are able to hold the ball. Does a bowling ball really need washing? Why on earth? A ball collects grease from the lane and that is why it needs an occasional wash. Some people even take their bowling balls to the sauna, where the grease comes out especially well as the ball “sweats” it out! Bowling seems a very monotonous activity. Do you ever get bored? Absolutely not! At least when you are playing at the level that I do, there are never two identical rolls in a row, even if the score is the same. And this is what makes this ing, we roll the ball and hone our technique. As there are more experienced bowlers in the group, it is easy to ask for advice and development suggestions – particularly when you are a beginner. There are approximately 30 members in our association and the weekly training session normally attracts around a dozen bowlers. Harder than it looks. A successful roll requires concentration. sport challenging and not at all boring. What makes a roll successful? Everything has to fall into place: the posture, the hand position, the correct roll rhythm and naturally concentration. First and foremost the sport requires the ability to exclude everything around you and to concentrate on what you’re doing. If one of these elements is not in place, a spare is needed. Sometimes success is not just a question of skill but also a pinch of luck. So why is an association needed in this type of individual sport? Even though the actual performance is carried out individually, it is nice to train in a group. When train- In addition to training, what else does the sport involve? Competing is a part of bowling, just like in other sports. My ranking is D, which means I am still a beginner. Bowling in a competition differs from bowling in a training session, amongst other things, for the lanes are freshly maintained and bowling feels quite different to what we are used to in training. Keeping track of the scores of others with the same ranking also motivates you to try even harder. Competitions may take 3 to 4 hours, so by the end my 7-kilo bowling ball starts to feel quite heavy. So, you bowl in the same association as your mother. Is there fierce competition between you? Not at all. Sometimes it feels that I compete more against my mother than she does against me. Although my mother is a skilful bowler and holds a higher ranking than me, she doesn’t always win competitions between us! Nurminen News 1/2011 19 20 NEW tasKs artur is the general director of ooo Huolintakeskus Artur Poltavtsev general director, ooo Huolintakeskus You accepted the position of General Director of Nurminen’s subsidiary OOO Huolintakeskus at the beginning of February this year. What are your feelings at the moment? Thank you, I like the new tasks. I had already previously worked as Vice General Director of huolintakeskus for years, so I am familiar with the matters and people here. The only thing that has surprised me is the kind of bureaucracy, i.e. the amount of documents to be signed and stamped, and you have to remember that I am russian after all. I have lived in Finland since 1998 except for a few years spent in Moscow, and I had already gotten used to the local habit that not every document needs to be verified with the manager’s signature. What does the OOO Huolintakeskus do? We operate both Nurminen’s own train wagons and those of the company’s business partners. The traffic management in Finland is also currently carried out from the office in St. petersburg. In addition, we have a few russian clients whose forwarding, freight and storage operations we take care of. our team is comprised of a little over 30 professionals who have strong experience in russian rail transport. What do the Os in the company’s name stand for? The three os come from the words “obshestvo s ogranichennoi otvetstvennostju”, which in english refers to a limited liability company. Nurminen News 1/2011 J.KILpeLÄINeN Both your sons were born in Finland. Do you intend to keep up your sons’ Finnish skills in St. Petersburg, too? Absolutely. our older son is five years old and solely for this reason we have reserved him a place in the Finnish day care centre in St. petersburg. our younger son is only under one year old, so he does not go to day care yet. NEW tasKs NurMINeN LoGISTICS Before you came to Nurminen, you were working in the same role through a staffing agency. Why did you want to transfer to Nurminen? I’d worked at Nurminen’s Vuosaari terminal for almost a year through a staffing agency. I wanted to transfer to Nurminen so that I wouldn’t have to change my place of work whenever it was deemed necessary. Niko Tirronen terminal worker, Vuosaari What do you do at Nurminen? I work at the railway terminal, which right now means loading and unloading paper. I like the job: I can work independently, the terminal is heated and the tools are good, including the forklift truck. My colleagues and supervisors are great, too! NurMINeN LoGISTICS You started with Nurminen as a forwarder at the beginning of March. Have you worked in similar duties elsewhere? I have worked as a forwarder since 1999 at various companies. My duties have been very varied, even though my title has remained the same. Have you worked outside of Turku? Yes, I’ve only lived here for the past five years. Before that, I worked in Kotka and hamina. Tiina Mäkelä forwarder, turku What is the best thing about your job? I simply like this job – compiling documents is a job with a wide variety of tasks and you always learn new things. I’m also happy about my working hours and great colleagues. V.SoMerpuro You have worked as a sales assistant at Nurminen since 2008. What made you come back to forwarding? I came to Nurminen years ago from another company where I worked in forwarding. When it turned out at the beginning of the year that I could move in on a new position within the Vuosaari office I was happy to take the opportunity. Change is refreshing. Have things changed in forwarding during this period? electronic customs clearance was new to me and it took some effort to learn the new related systems. Vera Nyman Export Forwarder, Vuosaari Other new Nurminen employees ella Doroshenko Forwarder St. petersburg ekaterina Golovan Forwarder St. petersburg Tero Isotalo Measurer/Forwarder Imatra pia-Stina Kork Forwarder Vuosaari Marko Metsikkö Terminal worker Vuosaari pekka Mitjonen Accountant pasila Tero Moilanen Section Manager Vuosaari Markku Nieminen Measurer/Forwarder Imatra Vesa Sassi Terminal worker Vuosaari Natalia Shcherbina Forwarder Niirala Does the forwarder’s work at Vuosaari differ from forwarding work at any other Nurminen office? At the offices located in Vuosaari and other harbours the work is naturally related to sea traffic, while the offices by the eastern border are focused on rail traffic. I don’t think there are any other major differences. Nurminen News 1/2011 21 In the same boat photos: Veikko Somerpuro 22 Customer contact person. Nina Sirén serves Customs customers at the Vuosaari harbour. Nurminen News 1/2011 In the same boat Foreign trade runs smoothly in compliance with regulations Finnish Customs is a significant partner for Nurminen Logistics. Cooperation is carried out at many levels. One of Nurminen Logistics’ contact persons is Nina Sirén, who works as a customer contact person at the marine customs at the Vuosaari harbour. I n February 1812, a central customs agency, the General Customs Directorate, was established in Finland as the Russian emperor Alexander I approved the regulation for customs administration of the Finnish Grand Duchy. However, customs duties have been collected in Finland since the 13th century, so this is by no means a recent phenomenon in our country. It has been a long journey to the current situation, in which Finland is a member of the European Union and customs clearance is carried out mostly electronically. Currently the operating environment of Finnish Customs is defined by Finland’s land borders with Norway and Russia as well as the Finno-Russian sea border on the Gulf of Finland as these borders are also outer borders of the European Union. Finnish harbours and airports are the EU’s outer borders, too – after all, they serve third countries’ traffic as well. One of the most important tasks for Customs is to facilitate foreign trade. Customs takes care that the flow of goods runs in a controlled way to and from Finland and looks after the compliance with requirements of the European Union and national legislation in customs clearance. This is the principal reason for Nurminen Logistics’ close cooperation with Customs all around Finland. At the marine customs at the Vuosaari harbour, one of Nur- minen Logistics’ contact persons is customer contact person Nina Sirén. – Nurminen Logistics is a member of our key customer group. The companies in this group carry out various activities that require authorisation, such as bonding and transit. At the Vuosaari harbour, I advise Nurminen Logistics in matters related to security data and Nurminen News 1/2011 23 24 ” IN tHE samE boat What motivates me in my job is that our work has social significance. NINA SIrÉN warehousing, for instance. In practice we communicate weekly, when necessary, and Customs also organises regular meetings with companies. In these meetings, we can discuss outlook for the longer term as well as any wishes with regard to the development of cooperation, explains Sirén. Nurminen Logistics is a familiar partner for Customs throughout the country; after all, the company operates in all Finnish customs districts excluding the Åland Customs District. – We have been a pilot company in many reforms carried out by Customs. The latest major cooperation project was the application for the AEOF status granted by Customs, says Mika Eloranta, Regional Manager at Nurminen Logistics. – Here in Vuosaari a distinctive feature in all operations is the fact that the harbour is new. All parties in this harbour started their operations here simultaneously at the end of 2008. Consequently, it was a new operating environment for everyone, and for this reason in particular it has been extremely fortunate that we have had a single dedicated contact person at Customs, ready to answer any questions we might have with regard to marine cus- Nurminen News 1/2011 Over 20 years of work at Customs. Nina Sirén is one of the long-time Customs employees. toms, continues Eloranta who also works at the Vuosaari harbour. Nothing is as constant as change The inauguration of the Vuosaari harbour has been one milestone in Nina Sirén’s career at Customs, but her 22-year career has included many other changes, too. – In fact, one could say that change is not an exception but a permanent state. I started working at the West Harbour in 1989 and I also worked for a couple of years in Sompasaari before transferring to the Vuosaari harbour around the time it was inaugurated, says Nina. – It was very challenging to get operations started in Vuosaari without interruptions. Other significant changes during my career have been electronic customs declarations and the changes brought by joining the European Union. Another thing is our organisational changes which also seem to be a permanent fact. For instance, we are currently making preparations for combining customs districts. The plan is to carry this out next year. In addition to electronic customs clearance, another typical feature in Customs’ operations is mobility. – As we do not have a lot of resources, the employees change location according to local personnel needs. Supervisory personnel do not work in only one place but in an extensive geographical area. For instance, the operating area of IN tHE samE boat Fact box Finnish customs • Contributes to ensuring undisturbed operation of the internal market of the eu. • Facilitates international goods trade and ensures compliance with provisions. • Collects the duties, taxes and charges on foreign trade and on the production of goods correctly • Combats customs crime and threats to health and safety as well as to the economic interests of Finland and the eu. the marine customs of the Southern Customs District covers the region from Inkoo to Loviisa. Nina, as well as many other Customs employees, has enjoyed her work and stayed with the same employer for a long time. The meaningfulness of work comes not only from a good atmosphere but also from career advancement opportunities. – In the beginning I worked at the customs clearance office handling customs clearance, after which I have had the chance to take part in many different tasks. Before my current position, I participated in establishing a quality assurance group for the marine customs, for instance. What motivates me in my job is that our work has social significance. Smoothly running foreign trade and our various security-related operations are not trivial matters. One should not forget either that Customs still collects approximately 28% of the state’s tax revenue, explains Nina. The significance of the tasks mentioned above is surely a sign that the long history of Customs will be followed by at least as long a future. HIgHlIgHts 1 Cooperation at many levels. Mika Eloranta, regional Manager at Nurminen Logistics, is a member of the Finnish Freight Forwarders’ Association’s customs cooperation group that also includes representatives from the National Board of Customs. Department Manager Anu Ravi-Nurmela is a member of the customer cooperation group in the eastern Customs District. Department Manager Katariina Kosonen is Nurminen Logistics’ representative in the forwarding customer cooperation group of the Southern Customs District. 2 Praiseworthy work. Seija Hummelin-Uusilehto, Department Manager at Nurminen Logistics Turku, was awarded a certificate of honour by the World Customs organization on International Customs Day, 26 January 2011. hummelin-uusilehto has been involved in the activities of Turun huolinta- ja Laivanselvitysliikkeiden Yhdistys (an association of freight forwarders and clearance companies in the Turku region) for years. In this role, she has organised several training events each year in cooperation with Customs. 3 The customer reaps the benefits. Smooth cooperation between Nurminen Logistics and Customs generates benefits first and foremost for Nurminen Logistics’ customers. As customs clearance know-how is kept up to date, the customers can be sure that all activities related to their assignments will be carried out appropriately from the point of view of Customs. Nurminen News 1/2011 25 26 rEFErENcEs phoTo: SAKArI LeppIAho mantsinen group ltd oy The Mantsinen Group Ltd Oy located in North Karelia near Joensuu manufactures material handling machinery and harbour cranes. The machines in the company’s selection range in weight from 50 tons to over 200 tons. The machines are exported all around the world and Nurminen Logistics has provided Mantsinen with transportation services for several years. The machines are transported east via rail tracks and via roads to europe, for example. ” ” According to the client: According to Nurminen: We offer our products to our clients according to the turnkey principle, and we also want to purchase our own logistics services according to the same principle. For this reason, we favour suppliers who can offer us comprehensive services, all forms of transportation as well as documents related to the transports all from the same counter. I also appreciate that Nurminen has acquainted itself with our products. even though each product is unique in its own way, long-term collaboration benefits us both in this regard. Mikko Mantsinen Transport Manager Mantsinen Group Ltd oy Collaboration with Mantsinen is interesting because it is an innovative company that tailors the machines it manufactures according to each client’s needs. For this reason, we as well have to plan our transportation methods and equipment to correspond to each machine. Nurminen’s versatile equipment both on rail and road plays a crucial role here. Sakari Leppiaho Sales Manager Nurminen Logistics plc Read more references: Nurminen News 1/2011 Big or small. Near or far. Join us at TransRussia in Moscow 26–29 April and at Kuljetus 2001 fair in Jyväskylä 19–21 May! TransRussia is the largest international transport event in Russia and its neighbouring countries. In 2010 it had 506 exhibitors from 32 countries. Remember to visit Nurminen Logistics’ stand C301 (Pavilion 2,3). More information about the event can be found at The Kuljetus 2011 (Transportation 2011) fair will be organised in Jyväskylä from 19 to 21 May 2011. Here, the number of Nurminen Logistics’ stand will be C2-321. More information about the event can be found at See you in Moscow and Jyväskylä! Nurminen Logistics provides high-quality logistics services, such as railway transports, terminal services, forwarding and special and heavy transports. The company has collected logistics know-how from three centuries, starting in 1886. Nurminen Logistics’ main market areas are Finland, the Baltic Sea region, Russia and other Eastern European countries. The company’s share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. Nurminen Logistics’ stakeholder magazine Editor-in-Chief: Niina Haasola. Editor: Laura Jokinen (on maternity leave). Editorial Board: Niina Haasola, Laura Jokinen, Harri Vainikka, Hannu Vuorinen and Olli Väätäinen. Texts: Niina Haasola. Layout: Indicio Oy. Cover picture: Osmo Päivinen. Printed by Libris Oy. ISSN 1797-8963. Headquarters Pasilankatu 2, P.O. Box 124 FI-00241 Helsinki Finland Tel. +358 10 545 00 Fax +358 10 545 2000
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