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Sample file - Unlock the Past
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This file is fully searchable (read search tips page) but is not FASTFIND enabled Victoria Police Gazette 1903 Ref. AU7103-1903 ISBN: 978 1 921461 43 9 This book was kindly loaned to Archive CD Books Australia by Griffith University Navigating this CD To view the contents of this CD use the bookmarks and Adobe Reader’s forward and back buttons to browse through the pages. Alternatively use any table of contents or book index to look for specific information and then use Adobe Reader’s page navigation controls in the status bar at the bottom of the window to go to the relevant page. Searching this CD This CD is searchable using Adobe Acrobat Reader 4 or later. It is also FASTFIND enabled, giving very fast searches of all files on the CD at once! The FASTFIND search enhancement only works with Adobe Reader 6 or later. Use the Binoculars/Search icon in Adobe Reader or “Search” under the Edit menu to initiate all searches. 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All Rights Reserved INDEX TO VICTORIA THE POLICE GAZET1'P:. FOR THE QUARTER ENDING MARCH, 1903. A. Absconders from industrial schools Bright, T., 55 McDonald, R., 55, 64 Brown, Jas., 135 Nattrass, F., 29, 64 Craig, Jessie, 93 O'Brien, J., 64, 72 Cripps, Jno., 6 O'Brien, W., 16 Cripps, Percy, 6 Owens, D., 29 Dawson, T., 6 Owens, E., 29 Dennison, C. E., 64 Payne, A., 65 Drew, J., 144 Perry, H. J., 127 Dwyer, G., 29 Quinn, Jas., 135 Eddy, Lister, 65, 143 Roberts, W. J., 127, 144 Ferguson, I., 135 Saunders, H., 29, 64 Gamble, G., 64 Sinclair, V., 106, 115 Govan, W., 117 Smith, W., 143 Hanson, W. J., 127 Smith, L., 143 Harris, E., 64, 72 Sutherland, J., 126 Hendry, F., 29 Tate, E. E., 6 Hewitt, C., 115 Wade, W., 94 Horne, Percy, 107 Watts, H. E., 127, 144 Mills, A., 6 Watts, H. E., 94 McDermott, J., 6 Willis, W. G., 144 Ali Chee, assault, 54 Ali Foo, prohibited immigrant, 73 Bak Hop, prohibited immigrant, 73 Adams, Jno., commitment, 143 Adderley, J. W., commitment, 17, 29 Ahearn, M., commitment, 94, 107 Aitkens, Geo., commitment (3), 81 Anders, Wm., larceny,.119, 120 Andrews, A., commitment, 126, 143 Archer, W. J., larceny as a bailee on, 97 Ashurst, L., commitment, 6 Auction Sales Acts, 63, 64, 117, 134 Avery, Minnie, false representations on, 120 B. Baldwin, C. B., larceny on, 34, 57 Baldwin, G., larceny on, 119, 120 Bannister , M. A., forgery and uttering on, 34, 97 Barclay, D., attempting buggery, 130 Barker, Jas., larceny, 147 Baxter, J., commitment, 65 Beamish , Thos., larceny on, 137 Beaty, Jas., larceny, 130 Beckett, Jas., commitment, 94 Bedford, F., commitment, 126 Bellfield, J. B., larceny, 147 Bennett, G., rogue and vagabond, 82, 94, 106 Bennett, Wood, and Roche, larceny on, 109 Berry, Henry, false pretences on, 138, 147 Bethune, C., forgery and uttering on, 33 Bishop, J., commitment, 17, 54 Black, J., commitment (3), 72 Black, Jae., commitment, 117 Black, Thos., commitment, 6, 65 Blakely, A. H., larceny as a bailee, 34, 67 Blanche, W. S., forgery and uttering, 120 Botinski, I., commitment, 94 Bourke, E., commitment (2), 54 Bourke, T., commitment, 143 Bourke, T., commitment, 54 Benefield, D., commitment, (3), 54, 82 Bowden, Gee., commitment, 16 Bowe, D., false representations , 110, 120, 130 Branson, Dr., false pretences on, 68 Brunton, A., commitment, 107 Bridger, Henry, false pretences, 110 Bromley, T., commitment, 93 Brown, Jas., commitment, (2), 54, 65 Brown, A., commitment, 144 Browne, F. E., vagrancy, 144 Brooks, R., commitment, 82, 115 Budge, H., wilful damage, 65 Burden, G., alias Williams, commitment, 29 Burgess, A., forgery and uttering on, 86 Butler, Jos., commitment, 55 Buzzali, Gee., commitment, 126 Index-Quarter ending March.-A. C. Cadeger, Victor, disobeying bench order, 94 Callick, A., disobeying bench order, 17 Calder, A., commitment, 144 Calder, Ellen, unlawful carnal knowledge of, 85 Cameron, D. H., false pretences, 119 Cara, F., commitment (2), 54, 126 Carr, W., larceny as a bailee, 57, 130 Carson, Elsie, vagrancy, 16 Chapman, S., commitment, 17, 94 Chandler, D. and W., false pretences on, 19 Charrett, C., false pretences on, 129 Chubb, Nellie, disobeying bench order, 72 Clark, Hy., commitment, 54 Clarkson, F., larceny on, 75 Clarke, W. J., false pretences on, 86, 97 Clavell, E. J., larceny as a bailee, 147 Cleary, Chas., using obscene language, 55 Clifford, C., commitment, 6 Close seasons for game and fish, 16 Collectors' licences, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 34, 68, 76, 77, 87, 98, 99, 110, 111, 120, 121 Commissioners Savings Bank, 109 Commercial Bank, forgery on, 75 Commissioners of Supreme Court, 126 Conroy, Bella, vagrancy, 126 Cork, W., commitment, 126, 134 Cook, E. M., vagrancy, 54 Cooksley, J. M., disobeying bench order, 29 Cooper, Rose, escaping from the South Yarra Home, 65 Considine, M. commitment, 17, 54 Courts of petty sessions altered, 28, 64, 93 (burtney, W., disobeying bench order, 107 Cox, F. K., and Co., embezzlement on, 57 Crawshaw, A., commitment, 55 Craig, P.. sending a threatening letter, 34, 86 Crowle, Geo., commitment, 126 D. Daly, Robert, commitment, 106 Dalton, E., using obscene language, 135 Danziger, Theodore, larceny on, 97 Darby, J. R., uttering a forged cheque on, 57 Davis, A., larceny as an agent, 9, 120 Davis, Bennie, commitment, 6, 93 Davis, E. A., false pretences, 129 Davidson, M., commitment, 65 Davidson, M., commitment, 65, 82 Davey, Leslie, riotous behaviour, 127 Davis, Bert, commitment, 135 Davies, H., commitment, 117 Davies-Franklin Cycle Coy., embezzlement on, 110, 130 Dawson, C. H., false pretences on, 129 Day, Alfred, commitment, 6 Day, A., commitment, 72 Day, A., commitment, 29 Day, A., commitment, 107 Dean, G., larceny, 33 De Rous, Susan, commitment (2), 65, 72 Deserters of wives and childrenAllander, A., 71, 103 Andrew, F., 61 Andrews, G., 61 Arndt, J. G., 91 Barnett, D., 14, 28 Bertrand. C. H., 103 Beseler, E., 134 Black, J. H., 142 Blake, H. A.. 142 Blundell, R. P., 71 Bourke, M.. 71 Campbell, W., 14 Chandler, W., 14 Chick, V. A., 5 Conebear, E., 81 Cutmore, J. S., 28, 134 Dalton , A. E.. 71, 125 Dawson , G. W., 103 Edwards, L., 91 Ellfson , Alec, 91 Fahey, J., 61 Fisher, F. F., 125 Foley, P., 28 Hart, H., 61 Healy, J.. 125, 134 Holian, Peter, 5 Inglis, J., 91 Johns, P. T., 71 Johnson, W., 71 Johnstone, P. G., 28 Jones, Aveline, 28 Kinnam, S., 103 Lindsay, T., 103 Malatzky, S., 28, 134 Martin. A., 71 Monaghan, W., 54 Montague, G., 142 Montague, G., 14 Mintern, E., 125 McClelland, J., 71 2 VICTORIA POLICE Deserters of wives and children- continued. McCloy, W. J., 125 Sheen, G., 14 McGillivray. 1). D., 53 Shove, J., 81, 115 Newell, G. G., 53 Sievers, E . R., ;34 Smith, J., 28 Normington , A., 115 Nugent, J., 71, 81 Stephenson, IT., 54 O'Donnell, D., 91 Sullivan, J., 14 Pearson, W. H., 91 W. rren, R., 134 Radford, G., 81 Watson, R., 28 Rofe, F., 134 Welch, W., 28 Rushford , F., 142 West, H. H.,'!1, 142 Russell, C., 115 Wiky, E., 53 Schofield, J. H., 125, 134 Williams, G., 5 Sewell, J., 134 Wolfe, J., 71, 142 Shand, W.,142 Wyatt, W., 103 Deserters from H.M. serviceBurgess, W. G., 84 Maunder, C. E., 7 Cattell, W. F., 145 Porteous, Jno., 56 Day, G.,108 Robertson, W., 73 Edmondson , Jno., 73 Taylor, B., 56 Greening , G. H., 73 Terrill, W. W., 128 Keates, Jos., 84 Turnbull, F. G., 56 Lowe , P. L., 128 Williamson, R. H., 18, 31 Deserters from merchant vesselsAnderson, G., 74 Mahomed Buroo, 18 Arend, Emil, 31 Mirando, S., 108 Capurio, L., 31 McIntyre, G., 31 Forssell, K., 74, 136 Parro, L., 108 Knock Cheong, 95 Rambaldi, F., 31 Lanteri, A., 31 Remeirs, F., 74 Macaulay, P. F., 74 Riccardo, A., 31 Macpherson, C., 128 Dolphin, G., false pretences on, 130 Dredger, H., commitment, 82 Drictas, A., commitment, 29 Drictas, A., commitment, 17 Driscoll, R., assault on his wife, 82, 93 Drummond, Norman, larceny, 57 Dudderidge, A., disobeying bench order, 107 Dufty, W. F., commitment, 106 Duncan, J., embezzlement, 97, 109 Dunphy, T., false pretences on, 130, 138 Dul Singh, false pretences on, 67 E. Earls, Annie, vagrancy, 127 Edwards, G. H., threatening life, 135 Edwards, C., false pretences, 75 Edwards, Jno., commitment, 126 Ellis, P., commitment, 64 Ellis, J. M., false pretences on, 97 Erikson, J., vagrancy, 82 Evans, Bella, neglected child, 65 Evans, Jno., commitment, 16 Evans, Edna, larceny as a bailee, 109 Evans, Jas., larceny as a bailee, 137 Evans, J., false pretences on, 67 Evans, E., uttering a forged cheque, 130 Eyre, H. Wentworth, false pretences, 129 F. Fairthorn, A., disobeying bench order, 16 Finch, R., commitment, 64 Fisher, G. W., larceny, 147 Fitzgerald, J.. commitment, 65, 73 Flanigan, M., unwilling witness, lOG Fletcher, H., larceny as a bailee, 9 Fleming, Jas., larceny as a bailee, 19, 137 Ford, Margt., commitment, 72 Fowler, E. J., false pretences on, 75 Fry, N., embezzlement, 57 G. Gardiner , F., larceny, 130 Gazzali, G., commitment, 143 Geghan, Jas., vagrancy, 117 George, E., larceny, 75 Goddard, H. S. K., false pretences GolUngs, J. A., larceny on, 109 Goldberg, C., forgery and uttering, Gordon, P., comiuitrnent, 29 on, 86 75 Grant, S., commitment, 6 Grant, R., commitment (4), 64, 72 Graham, C. H., imposition, 9, 109 Green, R., disobeying bench order, 107 Green, G., commitment, 107 Gunn, F. W., false pretences on, 138 H. Hadlow, H., larceny, 75 Harris, C. R., false pretences, 85 Hamilton, D., false pretences, 34 Harris, H., embezzlement, 57 Hall and Warden, larceny on, 33 Hannigan , Emma, larceny on, 75 Hansen, -, false pretences, 129 Harris, J., commitment, 6 Hart, G. E., conspiracy on, 65 Haynes, Edwd., commitment, 16 Heather, Emily, perjury, Health Act notices, 92, 106 Higgins, F., disobeying bench order, 65 Health officers, 72, 116 Henry, 'rhos., commitment, 115 Heritage , W., embezzlement, 120 GAZETTE.-INDEX. [1903. 1Terbst, C. J., alias Harris, false pretences, 19 Heron, H., commitment, 107 Hetherington, B., %agrancy, 107 Hewitt, Jno., disobeying bench order, 107 Highway robbery, arrested forDoyle, Janes, 119 Maude, David, 57 Edwards, Edward, 57 Miller, Richard, 129 Grant, Charles, 137 Highway robbery, charged withChinamen. two, unknown, on Man, unknown, on John G. Tye Kee, 67 McBride, 137 Edwards, Edward, 9 Man, unknown, on Mrs. Forbes, James, 97 Agnes Cope, 137 Hayes, Fred., 119 Man, unknown, on Mrs. Maude, David, 9 Emily Salmon, 117 Man, unknown, on W. H. Men, two, unknown, on W. Fraser, 33 J. Richards, 67 Man, unknown, on Janet Men, two, unknown, on G. Prescott, 85 McNaughton, 85 Man, unknown, on D. J. McCarthy, John, 19 Shaw, 97 Highway robbery committed onAli Sick, 139 James, Charles, 131, 139 Anderson, John, 69 Jones, A. C., 69, 85 Baker, Henry, 9, 33 Kay, Robert, 89, 101 Baker, William, 1, 11 Kilburn, Jessie, 139 Benzie , Leslie, 139 Kidd, Robert J., 25 Bilton, Mrs. E., 139 Kum, R., 12 Blanksby, Priscilla, 89 Langton, William, 69 Boff, C. E., 25 Lawrence, Edgar, 52 Brown, Frank, 123 Leetham, Thomas, 123 Brown. David, 131 Lewen, Richard, 123 Bull, Thomas W., 113 Lim Louey, 101 Cass, Denis, 2 Loeuy, Ali, 89 Caples, Maggie, 12 Longton, William, 69 Cain, Charles, 2 Loy, John, 97 Clifton, Maxey, 139 Lyon, David, 9, 57 Clarkson, Henry C., 101, 113 Matcher, William, 69 Clarke, John, 59 Marsh, Charles, 123, 131 Cleland, Ernest Allan, 139 Marshall , Lawrence, 2 Corbett, William, 25 Miller, .lohn, 123 Collins, George, 113 Miller, May, 129 Cope, Mrs. Agnes, 137 Morris, Samuel, 11 Curtain, Michael, 25 Mullens, William, 1 D'Arcy, Michael. 33 McBride, John, 137 Deegan, Joseph Michael, 137 McCormack, Richd., 131 Desmond, Gerald Richard, 89 McLynsky, Mick, 52 Dew, Arthur, 113 McNaughton , Gertrude, 85 Dickie, Matthew, 139 McPherson, John, 139 Dobbin, Richard, 2 Nunwick, Atheling, 101 Dredge, Samuel, 11 O'Neil, William, 101 Dumphey, Mrs., 101 Patterson , John, 119 Elliott, H. C., 52 Prescott . Janet, 85 Ellement. Grace, 11, 25 Pryor, John, 119 Evans, William, 139 Rantzrow , Van F. L., 25 Evans, George, 113 Rees, Frederick, 19 Faulkner, Cuthbert, 52 Reid, Andrew, 101 Fletcher, Joshua, 1 Richardson, Harry, 119 Fraser, William H., 33 Rogan, James, 131 Franklin, Florence, 19 Ryan, Stephen, 11 Fraser , Peter, 25 Sabelberg, Joseph, 2 Garvey, Bernard, 25 Salmon, Mrs . Emily, 147 Garvey, John , 25 Samuels, George , 101, 123 Gibbs, Cornelius, 123 Simmonds , William, 139 Gilbert, Samuel, 52 Shaw, D. J., 97 Glancy, Peter, 139 Smith, G. N., 123 Halpin, George, 109, 147 Taylor, Fred., 12 Hall, Florence , 11 Thompson, Henry, 89 Rally, Edmund Francis, 139 Tobin, James, 59 Harrod, George, 101 Turner, Thomas, 113, Walter, 119 Vette, Fritz, 69 Hocking, Mrs., 123 Walkerden, Annie, I Howling, Frank, 59 Watson, William, 25 Hume, Agnes, 23 West, Sarah, 101 Hume, Charles, 139 Weston, Frank, 113 Hunting, Albert, 101 Weston, Mary Ann, 2 Inglefinger, Francis, 11 Wilkins, Thomas, 131 Ingram, Richard, 89 Wilkins, Thomas, 101 Jackson, James, 12 Yin Pewy, 131 Hill, Jas., commitment, 72 Hill, J., false pretences, 86 Hill, R., alias Mitchell, inciting a prisoner to resist arrest, 54 Hodgson, Cecil, false pretences, 138, 147 Hodges, J. R., commitment, 107 Hogan, P., using obscene language, 117 Hogan, J. J. P., commitment, 55 Holmes, 0., commitment, 65 Holmes, W., commitment, 144 Holloway, B., embezzlement, 129 Hooper, W., larceny on, 19, 33, 85 Hooper, Geo., larceny on, 97 Horses and cattle, arrested for stealingBrown, John G., 86 Workman, Jno., 3 Horses and cattle, charged with stealingBrown, Jno. Graham, 57, 86 Jensen , Herbert, 110, 120 Dodger, -, 130, 138 Lynch, A. J., 68,86 Grant, James, 110, 120 Witherden, R., 130 Horses and cattle stolen fromAlliband, T. G., 144 Boutton, J., 94 Anderson, J. R., 110, 120 Bowden, J., 7 Breen, A., 144 Atkins, C., 29 Aylward, Jas., 135 Brockholt, H., 17 Aylward, W., 118 Brown, W., 73 Baker, G. H., 135 Brien, A., 29 Beggar, J., 95 Bullen, R., 66 Bell, W., 30 Butler, J., 83 1903 .] VICTORIA POLICE Horses and cattle stolen from-continued. Caldow, D., 6 Maher, M., 55 Catlin, A., 7 Martin, C., 17 Chaffey, G., 95 Matthews, W. H., 83 Christian, H., 17 Mortenson, W., 144 Churchill, H., 135 McCann, W., 82 Clarke, Sir R., 135 McColl, C., 55 Clarke, Jno., 135 McIntyre, J. At., 135 Cleary, Mrs. NJ., 17 McKay, A., 135 Clifford, G., 6 McKenzie, W., 127 Connolly, J., 95 McLean, John, 6, 57, 86 Cornford, S., 145 McLelland, W., 83 Colbert, C., 27, 55 McLeod, A., 66 Cooper, J. J., 55 McNamara, A., 83 Cope, W., 17 McWilliams, J., 30 Craig, R., 118 Neild, T., 144 Cullen, C., 17 Nestrom, P. L., 107 Doherty, P., 30 Noonan, P. E., 135, 145 Doolan, M., 144 Noit, W., 17 Doubleday, R., 30 Nugent, P., 17 Dower, NV., 30 O'Donnell, F., 82 Dowie, A. H., 144 Ohlsen, C., 55 Dowling, G. J., 9.i O'Keefe, A., 73 Elliott, J., 118 O'Keefe, E., 17 Ellis, W., 135 O'Keefe, Edward, 130, 138 Emberson, C., 83 Oliver, J., 144 Faithful, T., 17 O'Neil, P., 135 Fatta Singh, 73 O'Reilly, T., 95 Finn, C., 29 Osborne, H. M. A., 66 Franklin, T., 6 Park, J., 135 Fry, .las.,145 Perry, C. L., 135 Fry, J., 55 Police Department, 29 Cason, Mrs. A., 127 Pollock, J., 83 Godfrey, T., 30 Pope, W. R., 95 Grainger, T. W. B., 7, 66 Powell, J., 55 Harrison and John, 95 Preston, H., 17, 30 Hegnery, A., 127 Rainbow, H., 55 Herbert, W., 135 Ranks, T., 6 Ricky, P., 127 Rice, W. J., 108 Hoare, J., 135 Ryan, C. J., 82 Hooper, E., 145 Ryan, .J., 17 Horneman, J., 95 Scott, Jas., 127 Hunt, A. T., 135 Shanks, T., 83 Hunt, R., 144 Shea, T., 55 Junes, Emma, 68, 86 Shepherd, J., 127, 135 Jackson, A., 130 Smith, J., 6 Jerard, J. H., 95 Stanton, W., 107 Jones, G., 144 Stewart, Amelia, 127 Jose, J., 6 Stewart, F., 118 Joske, Dr. A., 94 Stewart, J. D., 7 Kenna, IV., 145 Stewart, J., 73 Kennelly, J., 17 Sturrock, A., 66 Kilkenny, J., 17 Spittle, P., 17 Kirwen, A., 107 Sturt, Miss, 135 Lacey, G., 66 Swalling, A., 144 Learmonth, 1)., 107 Thiele, A. 0., 86, 110 Learmonth, J. R, 17 Toohey, P. J., 6 Levien, J. F., 57, 68, 86 Toohey, P. J., 55 Lewington, A., 6 Vinecombe, G., 107 L ipseombe, J., 118 Nall, C., 29 Litchfield Bros., 83 Walsh, D., 127 Lovey, J., 144 Wilkinson, D., 94 Lowe, B., 73 Winter, C., 7 Housebreaking and stealing, arrested forAllen, William, 129 O'Brien, Jack, 33 Byrnes, John, 9 Porter, Kate, 85, 114, 124, 131 Carson, Ada, 3 Spears, Georgy, 75 Carter, Robert, 26, 52 Taylor, C. S., alias Sailor, 124 Chisholm, Samuel, 52 Taylor, Maggie, 140 Denny,' Martin, 119 Turn-r, John, 25 Everest, Walter, alias Do- Tyrell, Walter, 129 herty, 19 Watt, Mary, 109 Hartly, John, 25 Yee Cooey, 9 Mabbett, James, 26, 52 Mitchell, William, alias Fullerton, 124 Housebreaking and stealing, charged withAnderson, T., 57 Man, unknown, on E. H. Baker, Thomas, 33 Savage, 137 Bell -, 147 Men, two, unknown, on James Doherty, Michael, 67 M. Jones, 19 Dunn, Frederick, 75 Men, two, unknown, on H. G. Everest, Walter, alias DoHarwaid, 33 herty, 9, 19 Mengay, George, 57, 129 Fleming, Jack, 67 Pearce, Mrs., 137 Howard, -, 57 Pepper, Arthur W., 75 Irwin, Henrv, 57 Tamlyn, Samuel, 57 Jenkins, T., 97 Tyrell, Walter, alias Squib, Jenkins, T., 75 85, 129 Jones, Thos. Jos., 147 Watson, H. G., 97 Lawrence, Hannah, 147 Watt, Mary, 75 Manson, -, 97 William, Allen, aliasGubbons, Man, unknown, on John 85, 129 Simm, 9 Woman, unknown, on M. Man, unknown, on Fanny Tilley, 75 Disher, 109 Man, unknown, on Bessie O'Brien, 109 Housebreaking and stealing onAh Hung, 25 Ah Keong, Ah Kong, Ah Leong, A h Suey, Ti Shing, War Lee, 26 12 9 114 140 101 Yon Lee, 69 Gray, Agnes, 60 Alexander, Michael, 79 Anderson, Edward, 140 Andrews, Claude, 3 Anderson, Mary, 69 Arnott, Robert, 139 3 GAZETTE,-INDEX. Housebreaking and stealing on--continued. Ash, Rupert. 60 Forster, Henry William, 13, Atkins, Leslie, 101 26 Atkins, Leslie, 102 Freeman, John, 90 Austin, Albert, 137, 140 Gallop, George, 123 Austin, William, 140 Gardiner, Bertram James, 124 Austin, Charles, 60 Gardiner, William, 12 Baker, Alfred, 75, 109 Garnham, H. C., 60 Balmer, Fredk., 80 Gifferd, Thomas, 114 Beanham, Robert, 69 Gilbert, David, 79 Beatty, Barbara, 102 Gleeson. Ellen, 79 Beck, Ernest A., 131 Godro, Mrs. M., 80, 97 Beck, C. H., 12 Goold, Harry B., 3 Bedgood, Samuel, 114 Goosman, W., 89 Bendicks, Jacob, 80 Graham, Francis, 114, 123 Bennett, Albert Ernest, 90, Graham, Albert John, 2 124 Grainger, Mrs. S., 90 Bentley, Henry, 2 Granata, Emma, 80, 102 Blair, Alexandra, 80, 102 Grayson. John Henry, 2 Blake, Percy, 123 Grayson, John H., 26 Blight, Junipher, 119 Greensill. Amy E., 132 Blight, Benjamin, 59 Green, John, 132 Bourchier, Sarah, 25 Green, Emily Jane, 26 Bradleys, Jessie, 131 Grimes, Samuel John, 113 Bramley, John, 90 Grutt, Peter, 85, 129 Bray, Mrs. Ellen, 90, 101 Hall, William, 85 Brand, H. J., 25 Hall, Frank. 70, 89 Bridgewater, Ruth, 59 Halligan, Arthur, 67 Bruechart Charles, 2 Hamilton, Jno. F., 101, 113 Burgin, Thos., 75 Hamilton, John, 113 Caldwell, James, 2 Hannan, Mary, 131 Caldwell, James, 12 Hartkopf, Edward R., 70 Cameron, John, 113 Harper, James, 123 Campbell, John D., 132 Hayward, H. G., 33 Carrodue, William C., 27 Harris, James, 70 Carey, Mrs., 26, 52 Haywood. Annie, 13 Carter, Elsie, 132 Healey, Michael, 60 Cashman. Teresa, 102 Heaphey, Mrs. Jane, 70 Catlow, William, 102 Higgins, Agnes C, 70 Chaplin, Henry N., 12 Hill, Miss Laura, 2 Chapman, Alice, 60 Hoad, Henrv, 90 Chamberlain, Frederick, 80 Hodgekiss, Thomas, 2 Charlwood, Charles, 102 Hoffman, John, 132 Chester, Joseph, 90 Hogan, Michael, 12 Christian, Edward M., 12, 89 Hogarth, T., 97, 119 Clapperton, Rose, 102 Hopkins, Isabella, 26 Clarke, James Henry, 52 Houston, C. T., 3 Coburn, J. D., 53 Hutchins, George D., 3 Cole, John, 131 Hutchison, Mrs., 26 Collins, Thomas, 90 Hutchinson, Mrs. M., 59 Co'lins, Herbert, 113 Hyde, A., 79 Collins, Emma L., 102 Illing, Charles, 12 Collingwood, Mrs., 70 Inch, Charles, 33 Cooper, Mrs. Pattie, 132 Inman, George S., 113 Cooper, T. A., 140 Irons, Frank, 67 Coop, Henry, 2 Jacobs, Frederick, 59 Courtney, Ellen, 109 James, Cyril, 70 Connellan. Mary, 9 Jewell, Mrs. E., 89 Coulson, Joseph, 57 Johnston, William, 2 Courtney, Mrs. Ellen, 109 Johnston, J., 27, 57 Cormack, Kate, 114 Jones, Alice, 52 Cory, Charles, 26 Jones, Annie, 2 Crabb, Mrs. Susan, 59, 75,119 Jones, Henry C., 12 Craig, Edward, 102 Jones, James K., 19 Crawford, Maria, 3, 26 Junck, Otto, 3 Crebbin, George, 60 Kaufman, Loris, 12 Croker, Frank, 139 Katzenstein, F.. 25 Cushen, Michael, 12 Keane, John, 25 O'Callaghan, John, 79 Kelly, Mrs. Aloysius, 132, 140 Dalton, Patrick, 131 Kelly, D. P., 60 Darnwell, Philip, 89 Kempson, Geo. H., 85 Davey, Joseph, 26, 52 Kenny, Capt., 70 Davidson, John, 70 Kent, Win. Arthur, 60 Day, Fanny, 123 Kingsley, Charles, 80, 102 De Frietas. Peter, 123 Kirkbride, William, 131 Denstens, Thos. G., 102 Kwong Sang, 90 Devany, James Joseph, 124 Langford, Laura, 59, 70 Devine, Harriett 3 Laurie, Eliz. Ann, 70 Davenport, John B., 80, 89 Lees, Edward, 131 Dineen, Mrs. M., 101 Lewis, Mrs. G., 2 Disher, Fanny, 109 Levin, A., 123 Disher, Miss F , 80 Levey, Andrew, 69 Dixon, Catherine, 2, 26 Levey, Mrs. Cath., 60, 75 Dobson, Elijah, 26 Litten, Minnie, 89 Dodd. Walter Henry, 113 Loft, J. E., 70 Doran, Lizzie, 60 Loader, Mary, 102 Dorman, Augustus, 70 Longhurst, Joseph, 140 Doyle, Patrick W., 59 Loughran, Edward, 132 Driscoll, Benjamin, 13 Lowry, Mary, 132 Dufrayer, Agnes, 59, 75 Lowe, P red H., 26 Elworthy, Mary Ann, 53, 59 Maher, Bernard, 27 Ell-gels, Hugh .J., 3 Maher, Matthew, 90 Ellerton, J. E. B., 2 Maloney, Patrick, 132 Ellis, William, 13 Maloney, R.. 113 Ennis, William, 3 Alarr, John, 70 Evans, Trevor, 59 Evans, Thomas, 26 Evans, Thomas, 140 Evans, James, 52 Fanthorpe, George, 140 Flitton, Richard, 101 Flood, James, 124 Flyger, P., 12 Forsyth, Wm. James, 90 Fowler, Graham, 5 1J Fowler, Hannah, 123 Fowler, Margt., 52 Marks, Catherine, 60 Marcolls. Antonio V., 90 Mason, John, 132, 140 Major, T. B., 52 Medsuer, Merinus, 52 Mertens, Ethel, 132, 140 Miller, William. 119 Miller, Charles Hans, 9, 19 Miller, Aurinlis, 27 Mills, James, 80 Mitchell, Alexander, 79, 124 Molloy, John, 2, 12 Fraser, Morrisson, Mrs, 123 Catherine, 3 4 VICTORIA Housebreaking Morrison, and stealing Agnes, on-continued. 80 Simpson, Morisey,Mrs.,132 Moore, Louis J., 69 Moore, Thomas, 26 Murphy, Thomas, 70 McArthur, L. J, 113 McCanny, .James, 124 McClelland, Alex., 79 McCullock, George, 124, 131 McDonald, Captain, 25 McDonald, Euphenie, 131,139 McEvoy, William, 26 McKenzie, Duncan, 140 McKenzie, James, 13 McKinnon, K. J., 57, 129 McKenna, Thomas, 113 McMahon, David, 132 McMahon, Ellen, 2 MoNab, Malcolm, 2 McNamara, Eliza, 57 McParland, Ethel, 90 Nevitt, George, 33 O'Brien, Bessie, 109 Ogden, William, 90 O'Halloran, Mary, 52 O'Kane, Acklin, 132 Oliver, James, 2 Osborne, Sarah C., 9 Pacey, W. A., 114 Pajet, Flora, 90 POLICE Charles, Inquests held on-continued. Body of a man, name unknown, who died in the Melbourne Hospital, 56 Body of a man, name unknown, found in the Lower Yarra, 84, 95 Body of a man, name unknown, found in Gardeners Creek, Hawthorn, 108 Body of a man, name unknown, found in the Yarra near Victoria Dock, 1`i3, 136 Body of a male child, found at the rear of the premises of Mr. Legge, Arnold-street, Bendigo, 108 Body of a male child, found in the Yarra near Prince's-bridge, 136 131 Sinclair ,Peter,12 Skehan, Thomas, 69 Slate, Restom, 26 Smart, Francis H., 89 Smith, Alfred, 80 Smith, Eva, 102 Smith, Thomas Sydney, 59 Smith, John, 70 Smith, Sarah, 80 Smith, Thomas, 80 Smith, Mrs. Annie, 3 Smith , Mrs. Grace , 140 Smith, Joseph, 124 Smith, Christina, 60 Smithers, A., 3, 12 Stanton, Thomas R., 26 Stewart, Robert, 80 Stevenson, Arthur, 3 Stritch, Johanna, 52 J. Jardine , R., commitment, 64 Jansen , G. , commitment, 64 Jeffries, W., imposition, 86 Jeffries , W., imposition, 120 Johnston, P. G. , disobeying bench order, 54 Johnston, Jno., disobeying bench order, 73 Strode, Cecil C., 140 Sturgess, Frank, 12, 25 Sutherland, Florence, 114 Johansen, Johnston, Johnson, Sullivan, Kate, 25 Syme, Andrew, 79 O'Sullivan, Rev. T., 139 Tankard, W. Wilson, 26, 52 Taylor, Wm. G., 80, 89 Taylor, William, 102 Taylor, Ernest J., 124 Thompson, Elizabeth, 85 Thomas, Frederick, 139 Thomas, Reginald, 59 Thomas, Joseph, 90 Thomas , Gee. E. , 79, 124 Thorne , Jessie, 147 Tilley, Mary, 75 Johnson,Otto,larceny, 86 Jones , J. D., forgery and uttering, 34 Jones, M. , disobeying bench order, 65 Jones, R., alias Grant, commitment, 54, 72 Jones , W., commitment, 115 Jones, A., larceny, 109 Jones, R. W., commitment, 106 Juleff , J., forgery and uttering (2), 120, 130 Palmer, A. B., 147 Parr, David, 57 Parker, John, 26 Parkinson, Lydia, 13, 26, 52 Patterson, Isabella, 79 Paten, Miss A., 52 Pate, Thomas 53 Paton, James Vincent, 12, 26 Tinworth, William, 3, 26 Pawley, Mary F., 13 Tonner, Henry C., 60, 79 Pearce, Albert James, 3 Townsend, George, 13, 52 Pearls William, 124 Treloar, Thomas, 70, 79 , 124 Peck, George, 13 Tremayne, Beatrice, 60 Pepper, George Jas., 53, 75, Trembath, W. H., 12 119 Vaughan , W. J., 89 Perman, Percy, 12 Vanthoff, F. A., 124 Phillips, S. Moore, 26 Veale, William, 3, 12 Pittock, Albert, 79 Vincent, Alfred H., 90, 102 Pond, Marion, 33 Victorian Railways CommisPosner, Mrs. Jane, 3 siopers, 27, 85 Post, Joseph, 79 Vlasopulos, Atlas, 59 Potter, Joseph, 102 Wales, Lillie, 26 Powell, Arthur, 113 Wallace, Jane, 124 Price, G. Merrick, 27 Walton, Florry, 147 Preston, Thomas, 140 Wallan, Mrs. Fanny, 132, 140 Pritchard, Sophia, 69, 90 Waldron, Mrs., 3 Propsting, Mrs., 109 Warren, Margaret, 114, 131 Prosser, Esther, 79 Watson, Elizabeth, 52 Cluong, James, 132 Way, S , 52 Ralph, Mary Ann, 90 Webb, Lottie, 3 Rainsbury, Jane, 59 Webb, Lottie, 3, 25 Raverty, Hobert, 102, 124 Webster, Rose Ann, 13 Retallick, Dr. C , 26 Weir, Robert, 52, 80 Richards, John, 9 Weir, Joseph, 89, 129 Richards, William John, 124 Wells , Edward , 70 Rimmer, Harry, 121 Westhorpe , George, 102 Robertson, John A., 3, 13; 53 White , Charles , 114 Robley, Henry E., 12 Whitmore, Mrs. M. J. 102 , Robbins, Charles , 102 113 Robb, Emily Maud, 3 Wheeler , John , 26 Robinson, John, 124 Wheeler , Edward. 2 Rodger, Henry, 2 Wieigard . John , 59 Rooke, Geo. J., 69 Wilson , Emma , 27 Rowe, John, 69 Williamson , William , 69 Roxborough, Elizabeth, 59 Williams , Henry, 137 Russell, Edward, 90 Williams , Thomas, 52, 124 Rutherford, Douglas, 3 Wilson , T. N. , 12 Ryan, Edward, 59 Wilson , Thomas, 26 Rylah, George, 2 Wilson, Charles D. , 12 Salger, Charles William, 2 Wilson , James , 13 Salmon, George, 26, 52 Withers, Albert, 140 Santos, Manuel, 25 Woods , Clarice , 79 , 97 , 119 Sandlant, Mrs. C., 131 Wood, William , 52 Savage, Edwin H., 124, 137 Wright , James, 26 Shave, Letitia, 132 Yates, Mrs. Agnes , 26 , 52 , Sharpen, Thomas , 9, 57 102 Simm, John, 9 Yule , Rev. Alex. , 140 Simpson, James, 26 Howie, J. D., false pretences on, 34 Humbert, E. F. G., and others, fraudulent bankruptcy, 19 Hurst, Arthur, commitment, 82, 93 Hutchinson, Stewart, perjury, 68 I. Ick, P.. commitment, 29, 54 Innes, Emma , larceny on, 68 Ingram , A., indecent assault, 65 Inquests held onBody of a female child, found in the Flagstaff Gardens, 31 Body of a female child, found off Gordon-street, Toorak, 31, 56 Body of a female child, found off Harold street, Siiddle Park, 118, 136 Body of a. roan, Prince's-bridge, found in the Yarra, near 31, 56 Kemp, found in the Loddon at Millie, vagrancy, 82 72 Kennedy, Jno, commitment, 115 Kerr, Ellen, obscene exposure to, 65 Kilkelly, A., disobeying bench order, 65 Kin, T., larceny on, 57 King, W., embezzlement, 110, 130 Kinniff, Miss, forgery and uttering, 130 Kurtzman, J. C. R., wilful damage to property Kyme, G. R., commitment, 29 of, 1 L. Lang , E. , commitment , 29 Lancaster , S. , larceny on , 9 Larrie , W . W ., vagrancy , 117, 126 Laskie , J ., commitment , 5 Leno , Dan , commitment , 72 Leslie , W . E ., disobeying bench order , 64 Lindsay , Jas ., arrears of maintenance , 65 Lloyd , T. , commitment , 54 Loel , Salis , disobeying bench order , 29 Lowell , J . B ., embezzlement , 33 Love , Hy ., larceny on , 138 Love]] , R , insulting behaviour , 107 Lynch , A. J ., larceny , 68 M. Man, name unknown, 57 Man, name unknown, Man, name unknown, 85 Man, name unknown, Man, name unknown, Man, name unknown, Man, name unknown, Man, name unknown, Man. name unknown, 137 Mau, name unknown, Man, name unknown, at A. Paten a, 19 Man, name unknown, Man, name unknown, Man, name unknown, 86 Man, name unknown, larceny as a bailee on C. B. Baldwin, ,Las., alias Miller, Fredk., F.. obscene exposure to E. Kerr, 65 attempted rape on B. Sheehan, 67 larceny on Mrs. S. Tyrrell, 9, 110 assault on G. H. Smith, 127 false pretences on G. Dolphin, 130 forgery and uttering on Veriam Singh, false pretences on T. Dunphy, 130, 138 attempting to discharge a loaded firearm larceny on G. Hooper, 97 false pretences on W. J. Clarke, 86, 97 uttering spurious coin to Mr. Malcolmson false pretences Burton, false false pretences, commitment, 34 larceny on T. Kin, 57 larceny as a bailee on W. Hooper, 19, 33, on, 120 Man, name unknown, false pretences on R. McHarg,110 Maddox, Nellie, vagrancy, 82, 93 Maher, Morris, commitment, 126 M a l co l m, J as. an d C o. Ltd ., l arceny as a s ervant on , 130 Malcolmson , Mr. , uttering spurious coin to, S6 Martin. C. , disobeying, bench order , 65 Mann , Hy. , commitment , 65 Matthews, A., commitment, 107 Matthews, A., commitment, 94 Maher, T., commitment, 65 Magistrates appointed, 92, 142 Magistrates resigned, 15, 62, 116 Metcalf, E. B., larceny as a bailee, 138 Medical Board of Victoria, 104, 143 Meyer, Otto, larceny as a bailee, 33 Miller, M. A., disobeying bench order, 106 Miller, Fredk., alias McDonald, false pretences, 97 Miller, Harry, commitment, 135 Mills, unknown, Jno., escaped lunatic, 93 W. , commitment, 115 Farmer, assault, 115 K. Kane, Jas., selling liquor without a licence, Kavanagh, B., imposition, 109 Kempson, G. H., larceny on, 109 Miller, name unknown, Body of a man, name Baringhup, 56 [1903. GAZETTE.-INDEX. pretences, 19 29 Mitchell, Mary, commitment. 72 Michelson, A., commitment, 72 19 1903 .] VICTORIA Missing friendsAllander, A., 66 Amadio, A. F., 108 Annear, W., 73 Askin, Captain T., 56 Atkinson, Harry, 18 Barnes , Mrs. S., 136 Blake, H. A,, 95 Burns , A., ,56, 95 Campbell, R., 66 Condon, Miss, 66 Conrad, G., 136 Conve, J., 145 Cowell, T. H., 73 Cox, T., 18 Crockett, A., 30 Curry, W. E., 145 Debell, -, 30 Deen, Meer Ellum, 127 Dickie, W., 56 Docherty, G., 95 Dorset, F. A., 118 Douglas, R. F., 66 Drew, S. H., 18 Durher, J., 95 Edwards, Jno., 7 Egan, Mary, 118 Elwood, W., 30 Eves, R., 145 Fahey, J. A.. 30 Fewster, J. E., 95 Fleming, B., 118 Goodwin, Mrs., 66 Grace, J., 118 Grindle, F., 31 POLICE Jacomb, J., 145 Jones, W., 95 Jones, Wm., next of kin of, 128 Kendall, -, 73 Kilpatrick, J., 66 Lindsay, Jas., 56 Loft, Jno., 108 Lumley, Harry and Tom, 18 Maher, C., 18, 56 May, W., 95 Manfred, Haidee, 73 Meer, Ellum Deen, 127 Minogue, J., 145 Morris, J., 30 Moss, G. H., 83 Mountain, Mrs. A., 128 Mountain, W., 73 McCarroll, C., 83 McCartney, A., 118, 145 McEacharn, H., 7 McKale, Jas., 136 McKenzie, S., 66 McNemera, M., and others, 118 Oswin, Mrs., 30 Prowse, T., 73 Quayle, J., 128 Quinn, T., 95 Robertson, Jno., 136 Royle, G, 95 Salam, Gunny, 30 Sander, A., 7 Scholz, Mrs. Rosalind, 108 Scott, R., 56 Scully, J. R. and P., 7 Sheedy. Roger, 7 Silver, Mrs., 95 Still, C., 145 Switzer, E.. nee Bailey, 118 Tucker, J. L. M., 95 Welby, J., 18 Welsh, Julia, 145 Whitehead, Jno., 118 Yewdall, W. H., 73 Harris, W. and P., 136 Harris, J. A., 84 Haycox, J., 30 Hearding, S., 145 Helen, Mary, 145 Henderson, A., 18 Henderson , A. E., 31 Higgins, A., 95 Hofmeyer, C. R., 83 Hood, Mrs. J., 103 Horrell, R. H., 30 Jackson, T. C., 30 Morris, C., using threatening words, 94, 107 Moore, Jno., larceny, 147 Morris, J., uttering a forged cheque, 57 Moulton, E. M., embezzlement , 120, 129, 147 Morcomb, J., commitment, 117 Morrell, Ernest, forgery and uttering, 120 Molloy, W., assault, 126 Morgan, Kate, exposing a child. &c, 19 Mulcahy, .T., commitment, 29, 55 Mulcahy, E., commitment, 144 Mulvany, W., commitment, 94 Mulquincy, C. W., false pretences, 68 Murphy, J., commitment, 65 Murray, Geo., forgery and uttering, 130 Myers, Henry, inciting a prisoner to resist arrest, 6 Murder ofAli You, 79, 82, 106 Male child found at Bendigo Female child found in the North, 123 Flagstaff Gardens, 52 Sultan Allum, 139 Long, Constable S W., at Sydney, 69, 79 Murder, charged withJones, Henry, 69, 79 Incendiarism, charged withMcNair, A., 89, 131 Walker, Wm., 89, 131 Incendiarism committed on property ofMiller, Jas., 89, 131 Mc. McCarthy, A., vagrancy, 94 McDavitt, Jas., commitment, 106, 117 McDougall, A., commitment, 54 McFarlane, J., imposition, 130 McGee, W., disobeying bench order, 106 McGrath, J., larceny, 109, 147 McHarg, R., false pretences on. 110 Mcllwraith, T., commitment, 16 McKee, Jas., commitment, 28 McLean, H., assault, 6 McLoughlin, M., found by night, &c., 73 McMillan, J., escaped lunatic, 144 N. Neal, Jas. E., larceny as a bailee, 97 Nettleton, G. E., larceny on, 97, 138 Nevean, W. J., false pretences, 109 Niven, Agnes , imposition on, 130 Noall and Flanders, false representations on, 110 New South WalesCourtney, E. W., wife desertion, 74 Wilson, J. W., disobeying a magisterial order, 74 0. O'Connor, Jas., embezzlement, 97 O'Keefe, H., imposition on, 9 Oldmeadow, F. E., false pretences on, 130 Olney, -, mounted conrtahle, assault on, 115 Opie, T., embezzlement, 129 Osbourne , Jno., assault, 134 5 GAZETTE.-INDEX. P. Page, R , false pretences, 67, 75 Patena, A., attempt to discharge a loaded firearm at, 19 Peak, Samuel, embezzlement, 120 Pearson, V. M., uttering a forgery on, 67 Phillips, Fred., larceny as a bailee, 97 Pickett, Jas , larceny as a bailee, 110 Pitcher, Edwd. Hedley, larceny, 120, 130 Police force list of officers and sub-officers, 14, 35, 36, 37. 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 54, 72, 104, 126 Police standing notices, 1 Police districts and stations, 11 Police force appointment as assistant inspector of fisheriesFurnell, F. C., 92 Police force appointments as clerks of petty sessionsLinehan, T., 92 Saunders, C. H., 28 Pollard, J. T., 116 Police force appointments as clerk of licensing courtLinehan, T., 92 Police force appointments as crown lands baili ffsDocking, G. H., 62 Stevenson, S., 62 Hingston, R. P., 116 Wilson, J., 142 Hehir, S. W., 142 Police force appointments as electoral inspectorsGermaine, Geo., 15 Keegan, L. J., 15 Glenny, R., 15 Slattery, Jas., 15 Hancock, J., 15 Thompson, W. J., 15 Police force appointments as inspectors of factoriesGlenny, R., 92 Gawley, N., 92 Police force appointments as inspectors of slaughter-yardsO'Brien, T. H., 103 Wilson, A. J., 134 Police force appointment as inspector of stockPickett, J. C., 92 Police force appointment as inspector of stock : removalHewitt, J. M., 62 Police force appointments as summoning officersEnglish , Michael, 92 O'Leary, C., 116 Gawley, N., 92 Police force appointment as warden 's clerkLinehan, T., 92, 116 Police force appointment as wharf managerRogerson, Wm., 28 Police force dischargesBallard, Jas. 'r., 54 Lawrence, W., 126 Police force promotionsBeckwith, H. G., 81 English, M., 142 Breen , R. D., 81 Mornement, R. E., 81 Corkill, T., 142 O'Sullivan, J., 142 Cassidy, J., 81 Satchwell, J. W., 81 Curtain, C. A., 81 \4rilPamq, G. D., 126 Police force resignationsFlack, A. G., 115 Storey, F. H., 91 Smith, W., 81 Sullivan, P. E., 15 Police stations, names changedYarra Junction to Warburton, 54 Police force superannuationsBeckwith, Wm., 15 Kissane, R., 115 Bourke, P. J., 54 Nixon, T., 142 Dunne, Jas., 115 Walsh, P. F., 115 Kilfedder, Michael, 54 Police station formedWaranga Basin, 81 Police stations broken upSwamp Tanks, 54 Poowong, 142 Police force, instructions toCandidates for employment in the police force, 15 Factories Act re-enacted, 15 Federal electoral roll, members of the police force collecting particulars not to give information to the press, 125 Insurance of members of the police force, 15 Members of the force in charge of cases at the Melbourne General Sessions or the Supreme Court to report to the clerk in the witnesses ' room at the Crown Solicitor's office each day, 92 Members of the force taking part in any athletic contest, &c., 92 Old-age pensioners, recommended by police, 92 Police Widows' and Orphans' Association, 105 Prevention of hush fires and notices re same, 72 Russian Consul subjects, 92 to be informed of all arrests of Russian Statistics, collectors of,noticeto,115 Scrutiny of list of members of the force, 54 Swords and sword belts to be returned to dep6t store, such articles being no longer regarded as necessary portions of mounted kits, 54 Potter, Mrs. A.. larceny, 130 Potter, Archie, larceny, 119 Power, Frank, alias H. Hunter, 72 Preston, Chas., larceny, 67 Public vaccinators, 5,116,142 Property, arrested for stealing :-Allen, W., 129 Andrews, T., 97 Bolt n. .lobo, 4 Bousfield, D. 67 Cochrane, H. Jos., 4 Cochrane, Alice M., 4 Gill, B., 147 Rowdon, C., 129 Scott, Richard, 61 Spears, G., 75 Taylor, Wm., 61 Trinder, Harold, 4 6 VICTORIA POLICE Property, charged with stealingAllinson,J., 147 Man, name unknown, on P. Batt, -, 110, 137 Coyle, 110 Benson, Giggler, 19 Man, name unknown , on Bousfield, D., 57 W. H. Buxey, 110 Coakley, -, 85 Man, name unknown , on Dwyer, Con, 67 C. Brown, 137, 147 Girl, name unknown , on the Man, name unknown , on Victorian Railways ComW. H. Barwell, 147 missioners , 75 Maxwell, T., 129 Johnston, J., 75 Marshall, G., 57 Jones, R. H., 85 Men, two, names unknown, Man, name unknown , on 0. on W. J. Baird and Co., 33 Metayer, 75 Alen two, names unknown, Man, name unknown , from on H. Rogers , 97 the Public Library, 75 Men , three, names unknown , Man, name unknown, on the on G. Brahm, 137 Victorian Railways Com- Olsen, C., 75 missioners , 85 Rose, -, 19 Man, name unknown , on G. Sailor, 33 W. Skippage, 97, 129 Spears, Gregory, 67 Man, name unknown , on A. Walsh, A., 33 Litchfield, 129 Man, name unknown , on W. Walker, 129 Property found, now in possession ofAlbert Park police, 7, 56 Melbourne C.I. police, 18, 118 Auburn police, 18 Nagambie police, 73 Back Creek police . 7 Northcote police, 56 Ballarat South police, 83 North Carlton police, 83 Bendigo police , 55, 118 North Melbourne police, 18 Bourke-street West police, 30, Orbost police, 127 66, 73, 83, 95, 127 Pakenham police, 19 Breakwater police, 18, 30 Prahran police, 66 Brunswick police, 127 Prescott, H., 136 Carlton police, 83, 118 Preston police, 30, 118 Coleraine police, 108 Pyramid police, 18 Colling wood police, 83, 145 Richmond police, 56 Eaglehawk police, 136 Royal Park police, 1S, 56 East Melbourne police, 83 Russell -street police, 7, 18, 30, Fitzroy police, 56, 66, 73, 95, 56, 66, 73, 95, 108, 118, 127, 108 136, 145 Geelong police, 66, 108, 127 South Melbourne police, 118 Guildford police, 83 South Yarra police, 118 Hamilton Kyabrarn Lindenow police, 73 police, 7 police, 118 Little Bourke-street police, 127 St. Kilda police, West Melbourne 118, 127 Wodonga 136 police, police, 66 Property lost byArrnytage, Jos., 136 Browne, Mrs. E., 127 Property stolen from Ali Hin, 71 Ali In, 14 Ali Leet, 70 Aarone, C., and Co., 133 Abrahams, L., 71 Abrahams, L., 81 Adamson, A., 70 Adams, Miss, 124, 133 Allen, William, 4 Allen, J. C., 53 Angliss, W., 90 Anderson , C., 114 Apps, J. H., 114 Armstrong, E. L., 4, 75 Armstrong , H. J., 114 Ashton, A. J., 141 Ash, R., 19, 27 Ashton, A., 90 Askew, G., 133 Attenborough, M., 114 Baird, W. J., and Co., 33 Bailey, E., 132 Balsarini , P., 53 Barwe ll, W. H., 147 Barker, G. S ., 28 Bartlett , S. L., 140 Batkin , A. F., 129 Bayford, R., 28 Beach, J., 133 Beck, Erich B., 103 Bennett, Wood , and Roche , 71, 80 Bennett, E ., 81 Best, William P., 4 Blackway , George, 5 Blanch, A. E., 91 Bird, S. J., 13 Bishop, W. R., 125 Bissell, J. W., 133 Boutflower , H. R., 103 Boundy Bros ., 4 Boyes, A. E., 125 Bray, Nigle , 61 Bray, J. C., 60 Bromley, H . C., 125 Broom, C., 141 Brown , C., 137 Brown , W., 53, 61 Buchanan , M., 61 Bulling, A . J., 61 Byrne, C., 125 Burkhill , J. E., 91 Burton, E. , 27 Bushby, W., 61 Buxey , W. H., 91, 110 Ca[:, S, H., 132 Cannon, W. H., 80 Campbell, A., 27 Carter and Carter, 91 Carter, F., 60 Carson, E., 27 Carey, Mrr., 14 Chancellor. N. G., 4 Chamberlain, G. F., 103 Chandler, H., 61 Chamberlain, E., 60 Clark, J., 114 Clark, J. A., 140 Clark, L. R., 28, 67 Clark, R., 141 Clarke, H. J., 60 Clarke, A., and Co., 125 Clarke, E., 133 Clements, M., 125 Coghlan, James J., 4 Colbert, C., 27 Coles, J. T., and On., 133 Coles, J. T., and Co., 133 Coleman, W., 124 Cooke, Dr. John, 4 Cooper, Mrs. Al" 81 Cooper, T., 28 Co-operative Coy., The, 81 Cosier, Frederick, 4 Cronin, M., 27 Crebbin, W. C., 133 Cruickshank, James, 4 Crawcour, E., 103 Crossland, Jeremiah, 4 Crane, F., 70 Cotterill, F., 133 Cumming, W., 141 Curtis, Henry, 4 Coyle, P., 110 Do Beer , E., 119, 129 Dawes , IT., 61 Deuch, T., 141 Deane, P. A., 71, 114 Douglas, John, 3 Dunkerley, J., 140 Dunn, C., 61 Edwards , E., 80 Edwards, P. V., 141 Edwards , R. J., 53 Edwards, R., 91 Edgar , F. 0., 141 Electric Light Coy., 103 Ernbling, A., 141 Emery, Mrs., 80 Evans , H., 133, 141 56, GAZETTE.- INDEX. [1903. Property stolen from - continued. Fagg, Frank, 27 Martin, R., 71 Featherston, W. H., 60 Mayne, Nickless , and Co., 140 Finlay, T., 27 Melbourne S.S. Coy., 110, 137 Field, J. H., 141 Merrett, Thos., 90 Fischer, E., 147 Metayer, C., 75, 97 Fitzgerald Bros., 70 Meyers, C. N., 125 Flintoff, E., 125 Michael, E., 53 Flegeltaub, W., 27, 81 Middlebox and Morris, 90 Miller, J. W., 80 Foley, Stephen, 13, 57 Forshaw, J., 103, 124 Mills and Son, 124 Foster , W. A. L., 81 Mitchell, A., 14 Frank, Jno., 141 Morris, Al.,60 Morris, E., 60 Free, Charles, 4 Morris, W., 71 Frost, H. A., 103 Morier, J. W., 53 Fulwood, Mr., 13 Moran and Cato, 81 Gadsden, Stanley, 4 Morrison, C. N., 125, 133 Galvan, Mrs. C., 91 Morgan, M., 103 Galland. Fred. Barfield, 13 Morffew, A. E., 81 Gaitskell, R., 133 L., 53 Gardiner , Dr. J. Al., 133, 141 Mowbray, Muggridge, 1". W., 91 Gibb, W., 81 Murnane, J., 103, 115 Gibbs; T., 103 Murphy, D., 81 Gilchrist, T., 103 Myers, G., 102 Gilardi, C., 140 Myers, C. N., 140 Gilliam, A., 14 McAllister, W., 115 Gilbertson, R. J., 3 McAuliffe, T. E., 114 Ginton , Thomas, 5 McCarthy, G., 91 Goding, Charles, 13 McCormick, S., 61 Gudbehead, M., 140 McCormick, M., 141 Goodeir, T., 57, 67 McConchie, W., 132 Golder. C., 60 McDonald, H., 27 Gore, W. H., 114 McDonald, H., 71, 103 Goss, M., 125 McDonald, Miss E., 14 Gray, W., 103 McEniff, Constable M. J., 115 Greenham, F., 71 McEvoy, J., 132 Gronon, W. E., 125, 133 McFarlare Bros., 3 Gunn and Hiskins, 3 McGregor Bros., 141 Gonna Brahm, 137 McGregor, M, 114 Hall, W., 85 McKay, John, 4 Hamilton, R., 124 McKail, M. J., 70 Hamilton, James, 4 McKinnon, IT., 141 Hansen, F., 27 McLaughlin, W., 85 Harley, Y. 53 McMeekin Bros. and Co., Rnrris, Rev. W., 125, 132 125, 133 Hattam and Hattam, 91 Henry, E. G., 70 Herlihy, Thos., 13 Hill, A., 71 Hogg, Bain, 14 Hodges, A., 114 Holt and Jones, 114 Holt, George B., 5 Holden, Mr., 13 Holden, A., 140 Holland, Nnah, 90 Hollands , Thos., 5 Hong V ick, 14 Hooppel, S. E., and Son, 102 Huxley, Jno, 14, 27 Humme and Ieer, 61 Howard Smith and Coy., 5 Hyinkley, R., 147' Ireland, F., 81 Jackson Bros., 4 Jacobs, A., 114 Jager, E., 81 James, C., 103 Jenvey, C., 91 Jewell, A., 91 Johnstone, J., 91, 102 Jones and Murray, 13 Jorgensen, S., 28 Justine, H., 53 Keating, J., 115 Keane , M., 141 Kee, Jack, 14 Kelly, E.,14 King, A., 53 Kinsella and Robinson, 69 Kirby, J., 53 Klien, Rachel, 70 Laird, C., 133, 141 Lake, H., 125 Lambert, E. W., 125 Lauer, F., 60 Lawrence , E., 114 Lazarus, H., 70 Leece, S., 133 L ee, William, 4 Lee, Hei, 124 Lehr, R., 81 Leigh , C. H., 53 Leonard , James, 4 Lester, Cyril, 80, 102 Lewis. J., 80 Levy Bros., 133 Litchfield, Ada, 129 Loader, E., 133 Loch, A. S., 125 Lucas , H., 140 Lynch, M., 14 Lyons, G., 81 Mahony , T., 114 Manernich, P.,103 Manning, T.. 141 Manning, John, 4 Martin, A., 71 ;1leMillan, A. P., 53 McPherson, A , 102 McPherson, Ewen, 27 Naumanns , George, 13 Newton, J., 115, 125 Newell, Captain, 53 Newbold and Co., 3 Newman, C., 125 Nicholson, Mrs. E. D., 4 Noall, A. J., 141 Nobes, W. J., 133 Nolan, C., 133 Norris, J. R., and Son, 91 Northey, J., 119 O'I)ea, J., 80 O'Halloran, D., 70, 114 O'Kane, Acklin, 132 O'Reilly, J., 103 O'Reilly, H., 71 Palmer, E., 81 Paton, A., 141 Pascoe, E., 19 Peacock, 'IV., 53 Peddle, W., 71 Fender, J., 14, 27 Petersen and Larsen, 13, 27 Phillips, L., 115 Phillips, J., 132 Phillips, B. E., 141 Pittard, W., 53 Flock, Herr, 80 Ponsford, W., 27 Porter, R., 114 Postmaster -General , 125, 141 Potter, T., 27 Power, H., 60 Powell, A., 27 Prahran Bowling Club, 114 Prentice United Mine, 67, 75 Provis, A. L., 91 Public Library, 4, 75 Fund, John, 13 Purser, W. H., 53 Quinn , Robert, 5 Roder, 3., and Co., 141 Reid, D., 71 Richards , H., 133 Richter, F., 141 Richards, J., 70 Richards, R., 80 Ritchie, J., 103 Rivitt, Geo., 141 Rivington , '1'., 81, 102 Roberts, Charles, 5, 14 Roberts, E., 140 Robertson , A. S., 71 Robertson, A., 53 Robinson , E. J., 114 Robinson , W., 103, 03,114 Rodd, Capt. Lewis, 13 Rogers, Henry, 70, 97 Ross , R. A., 103 1903 .'! VICTORIA POLICE Property stolen from-continued. Ross, H., 103, 114, 133 Rose, Jno., 132 Rosson, T. C. H., 91 Rosenfeld, Dr. It., 141 Rouvray, H., 115 Russell, F., 114 Russell, W. G., 14 Rowe, A. J., 4 Ryan, A., 28, 81 Ryan, W., 14, 61 Ryan, T., 125 Ryan, R., 81 Sarkie, A., 132 Scanlan and Co., 124 Schlam, B.,14, 61 Schilling, S., 61 Sharpley, Wm., 80 Shebler, A., 125 Siss, C., 140 Sinclair, J.,27 Skippage, G. W., 97, 129 Slattery, F., 141 Smith, H., 33 Smith, R. B., 28 Smith, G., 114 Smith, H., and Co. Ltd., 90 Smith, F., 124 Smyth, H., 102, 114 Sparks, H., 81 Stevens, T., 71 Sterling, T., 27 Stewart, Mrs. M., 5 St. John, P. R. H., 125 Stambrough, William, 4, 141 Stoddart, Edmund, 13 Thomas, S., 90 Thompson, T. M., 125 Thompson, H. C., 81 Thurling, R., 60 Tinsley, Alfred H., 5, 53 Titan Manufacturing Coy., 140 Troup, If., 133 Tuppen, D., 133, 141 Turner, T., 5 Turner, S. E , 27 Turner, Jane, 141 Tye Shing and Co., 3 Usher, H. It., 133 Vaughan, W. H., 13 Victorian Railways Commis. sinners, 27, 71, 75, 81, 85. 91, 140 Walklate, W. P., 71 Walker, W., 129 Wall, Thos., 70, 80 Wallace, Mrs. J. A., 133 Wallace, Mrs. J. A., 124 War Chong, 61 Warburton, U., 14 Washington and Dillon, 27 Waters, William, 13 Weigalls, Albert, 4 Welch, Harry, 70 Wells, E. A., 14, 53 Wenke, M., 133 Whitelaw, Kate, 3 Whitford,J.,124 Wilkinson, P. J., 141 Williams, B., 60, 80 Stone Bros. and Cumming, 4, Williams, H., 133 13 Wilson, G., 91 Wilson, W., 102 Straus, H. N., 61 Wilton, J. N., 91 Strickland, H., 71 Stride, G., 133 Wippner, Nicholas, 4 Woodhead and Hook, 13, 33 Strom, L., 141 Woodward, T., 60 Sturgess, Alex., 133 Woodhead, Robert, 13 Sullivan, J., 119 Wright, William, 4 Swinburne, William, 4 Swaine, C., 60 Wright, F. W., 53 Yarrawonga Post-office, 141 Taverner, J. W., 132 Yale, Taylor, J., 27 W., 141 Thairatt and Co., Alfred, 13 Yule, H., 70 Quarantine Quarantine Quarantine Quarantine grounds districts district ground for imported dogs, 28 abolished, 28 for stock, 62, 92, 143 for treatment of bones, 93, 142 It. Ratcliff, B., wounding of, 120,138 Ravenhill, Mrs. J., larceny on, 137 Robertson, D., false pretences on, 129 Roberts, Jas., unlawful carnal knowledge of E. Calder, 85 Roberts, Hy., false pretences, 67 Robinson, S. W., unwilling witness, 29 Reed, T., commitment, 65 Rees, R., larceny as a bailee, 67 Registrars of births and deaths, 5, 61, 91, 116, 142 Returning officers, 116 Rogers, A., obscene language, 106 Ronnfeldt, Emma, false pretences, 130 Rose, John, embezzlement, 147 Reilly, Jno., commitment, 115 Renhard, J. W., imposition, 109, 120 Reynolds, P., disobeying bench order, 82, 94 Reynolds, H., commitment, 54 Reynold.,P., commitment, 134 Richards, J. H., commitment, 72 Richards, W., larceny, 109 Richards, W., commitment, 115 Riley, T., commitment. 94 Ruby Bros., forgery and uttering on, 120, 130 Russell, Hy., commitment, 94 Russell, Hy., commitment, 106 Ryan, J., commitment, 5, 55 Ryan, T., commitment, 5 Ryan, T., commitment, 65, 144 Ryan , Jas., commitment, 144 S. Santo, Joe, commitment, 17, 126 Saunders, J. D., commitment, 54, 65 Scharrar, Jno., rogue and vagabond, 97 Schumacher, Otto C., larceny, 110 Scott, John, fraudulent insolvent, 109, 130 Scott, C., larceny as a bailee , 97, 138 Sheehan, Brenda, attempted rape on, 67 Shiner, C., disobeying lawful commands, 106 Simpson, Jas., commitment, 6 Singer Manufacturing Co., larceny on, 9 Smith, F., commitment, 73 By Authority GAZETTE.-INDEX. Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, E., A. G. H. disobeying bench order, G., larceny, 85 H., assault on, 127 , imposition on, 86 72 Smith, Eunice, disobeying bench order, 65 Smethurst , W. J., larceny on, 7.5 Snaith, Hy., commitment, 117 Stanton, Win., larceny, 34 Stewart, -, larceny as a bailee, 137 Stock Diseases Act 1890, Part I., amended regulations, Storer, P., forgery and uttering, 57, 85 Stephenson . F., commitment,54 Swain, T. J., commitment, 144 Swift, L. K., larceny, 85 Sholder, J., larceny as a bailee on, 57, 130 Speidel, Ernest , false pretences, 109 Staker, H. A., larceny on , 109, 147 Steens , Alex., vagrancy , 117, 135 Stewart , W. A., larceny as a servant, 130 Stubbs , Fred., using obscene language, 29, 54 Simcocks , M., forgery and uttering on, 130 Suter, H ., forgery and uttering, 86 Synnott, Geo ., larceny as an agent, 75 62 T. Tang How, prohibited immigrant, 82 Tarrant, Felix, commitment, 94 Tarrant, F., commitment, 107 Terrell, V. E. J., vagrancy, 73 Territt, John Stanley, wounding, 138 Thilber, H., uttering a forged cheque, 67 Thompson, J. C., larceny on, 67 Thorn, W., commitment, 65 Thorn, W., commitment, 6 Thoreson, T., disobeying bench order, 106 Tobrady, Jas., commitment, 72 Too Wa, prohibited immigrant, 82 Trainor, Wm., commitment, 126, 144 Tressider, E. J., disobeying summons, 33 Triggs, F. J., embezzlement on, 97 Tullberg, J., vagrancy, 54 Tully, J., commitment, 65 Tuomey, E. V., forgery and uttering on, 120, 130 Turner, T., threatening life, 135 Turner, J., conspiracy, 65 Tyrrell, Mrs. S., larceny on, 9, 110 V. Valentine , G., commitment, 29 Vaughan , A., larceny as a bailee, 85 Vaughan, J ., forgery and uttering on, 34 Vegetation Diseases Act, 104 Vergona, T., commitment , 29, 55, 94, 106, 115 Veriam Singh , forgery and uttering on, .37 Victorian Railways Commissioners reports, 16 Villiers, S. A ., larceny, 33 Voting by Post Act, 103, 116, 135 W. Walker, J. D., false pretences, 138 Walker, R. T., rogue and vagabond, 72, 93 Wallace, W., escaped lunatic, 64 Walsh, W., commitment, 107 Ward, D. J., larceny on, 130 Wardrop, L., larceny on, 33 Watson, C., disobeying bench order, 17 Watts, Geo., commitment (2), 17 Watson, Jas., commitment, 72 Weaver, W. H., uttering a forged cheque on, 130 Weisser, S., false pretences on, 119 Wellington Lodge of Free Gardeners, embezzlement on, 33 Wharton, G., alias Warden, commitment, 94 Wheatley, G. S., commitment, 144 Whitmore, Chas., commitment, 135 Whitcombe, E., forgery and uttering, 34, 97 Whitta, T., commitment, 135 Wilkinson, C. M , insulting behaviour, 126 Wilkinson. W., commitment, 82 Williams, Arthur, alias Alf. Jones, commitment, 17 Williams, Alfd., commitment, 17 Williams, S., oommitment, 65, 94 Williams, T., larceny on, 86 Williams, W. A, larceny, 85 Wilsher, H., rogue and vagabond, 82, 94, 106 Wilson, J., commitment (2), 29 Wilson, W., commitment, 29 Wilson, Jno., disobeying bench order, 117 Wilson, Albert, alias F. Fox, alias E. Barr, alias E. Whitcombe alias Latham, false pretences, 97 Witton, D. W., larceny on, 34, 67 Woodhouse, J., selling liquor without a licence, 82, 126 Woodhouse, -, larceny, 75 Wyburn, Jno., commitment, 94 Wyndham, -, embezzlement, 57 Y. Young, C., commitment, 6 Z. Zinffe, P., commitment, : ROBT. S. BRAIN, Government Printer, 55 Melbourne. VICTORIA POLICE INDEX OF PRISONERS FOR Ali Quong, Tommy, 10th January Adams, David, 21st March Adams, John Kennedy, alias Thomas V. Kennedy, 3rd January Adams, Wm., 7th March Allan, Samuel. 3rd January Allan, Samuel 31st January Allan, Wm., 24th January Allen, Thos., 21st February Allchin, Alfred, alias Alfred James, alias Alfred Thomas, 17thJanuary Anand, Louis, alias Jos. Luca, alias Geo. Ventell, 31st January Anderson, Alex., 14th March Anderson, John, 10th Janua, y Andrews, Ernest, alias H. Bowen, 24th January Archer, Win , 28th February Arlton, Frederick, 10th January Arthur, Reginald, 17th January Ashurst, Thos., 28th February Austin, Elizabeth, 28th February DISCHARGED DURING THE QUARTER ENDING MARCH, 1903. POLICE INFORMATION Brown, The.-., 21st February Brown, Thus., alias Wm. Edwards, alias Thos. Danis, 28th March Brown, Thus., 28th March Brown, John, alias Henry F. Brown, alias Henry Hennessy,10thJanuary Brown, Henry F., see John Brown, 10th January Brown, William, 10th January Brown, Mary, 24th January Brown, Wm., 7th February Browning, Jas., see McMahon, 14th March Brunton, Herbert, alias Herbert E. Tucker, alias Louis Tucker, 3rd January Bry, Leopold, 17th January Bryant, Chas., 28th March Byrne, Win., alias Burn, 31st January Byrne, Jno., 31st January Byrne, Mary, 14th February Buckett, William, 10th January Buckland, ruary GAZETTE. Frank, 28th Feb- Buckley, Jno., 7th March Baensch , Wm., 28th March Bullock, Jas., 7th March Baldwin, Geo., 7th March Burnelly, Geo., alias Bounel, Ball, Jos., 14th March 28th February Ball, Margt., 14th March Busst, P. J., 14th March Barbetti, Guisippi, 10th JanBatson, Henry, 28th February uary Butt, Annie, 14th February Barber, W. S, 28th March Cahill, Denis, 10th January Barry, Kate, 17th January Callaghan, William, 17th JanBartlett, John, 10th January uary Bartolia, Allan, 14th February Cameron, Alex., 14th February Batten, Thu..., 24th January Cameron, -, see Liddell, 14th Batty, Elizabeth, 17th January February Belmont, J., see Duffy, 28th Cameron, J., see Blair, 21st February February Bensley, C. F., 31st January Cameron, Jas., alias Jas. Benson, Thomas, 17th January Mulligan, 24th January Berry, Frank, 28th February Bianchi, Louis, alias Louis Campbell, Thomas, 10th January Blanc,3rd January Campbell, Peter, see Webster, Binder. Hobert, 10th January 10thJanuary Bishop, Jos., 31st January Campbell, Geo., see Webster, Black, Ada, 24th January 10thJanuary Blair, Jno., alias Jno. Cameron, alias Jno. Liddle, alias J. Carey, Jas., 14th February Carlyle, Frederick Geo., 10th Thompson, 21st February January Blake, Edward, 17th January Carlyle, Frederick, 17th JanBlake, Chas., 28th February nary Blanc, Louis, alias Louis Carron, Jno., 7th March Bianchi, 3rd January Carter , W., see Miller, 31st Blonquist, John, 10th January January Bohman, W., 28th March Carwickham , -, see Roberts, Bond, Isabella, 28th February 31st January Bonnel, -, see Burnelly, 28th Cashen, Peter, 14th February February Casse, Alfred A., see Morris, Bonner, Chas., 14th February 3rd January Bourke, Jno., 14th March Bowen, H., see Andrews, 24th Casson , -, see G. Wilson, 14th February January Bradshaw, Henry, 14th Feb- Cathcart , Jas., 14th February Cavanagh , Martha, alias ruary Martha Kavanagh, 3rd JanBranfield, Mary, 21st March uary Brasher, Enos., 10th January Brennan, Annie,24th January Chatfield, Thomas , 3rd January Briggs, Russell , 21st February Broadwood , Enoch, 28th Feb- Chisholm , Samuel , 14th February ruary Christensen , Peter , 3rd JanBrooks, Jno., 21st March uary Brooks, Charles, 3rd January Brooks, Thos,, alias Hill, alias Christy, Jas., 21st February Christy, Geo ., 24th January Hilman, 24th January Clancy, John. alias Thomas Broom, James, 10th January Mooney, 10th January Broslan, G, see Duffy, 28th Clarke,Thus , 24th January February Index-Quarter ending March.-B. ONLY. Clark,Leslie, 7th March Clarke, S., see Jones, 28th February Clayton, R., 21st March Clear, Thos., 21st February Clemson, Eliz. Amelia, 7th March Cleverley, Walter, ruary 28th Feb- Coffey, Jos., 31st January Coghlan, Patrick, 17th Januar y Coldwell, Thomas, 10th Janvary Cole, Frank, alias Frederick Davis, alias F. Craven, 31st January t'oleman, Collins, Collins, Collins, Collins, Collins, uary Collins, nary Geo., 24th February Jno., 21st March William, 10th January Stephen, 7th March Peter, 14th March Catherine, 17th JanCatherine, 31st Collingwood, Annie, Holmes, alias Holden, February Connors, Conyan, ruary Jan- alias 28th Chas., 11th March Martin, 21st Feb- Conway, Michael, 14th March Conway, Michael, alias J. Maher, 14th February Coon, Jno., 7th March Coor, William, 3rd January Corrigan, Thee., 24th January Cottram, J., 14th March Cottrell, D. P., 14th February Coverdale, Margt., 28th February Cox, Geo., 7th March Camer, Aifd., 28th March Craven, F., see Cole, 31st January Crowe, Mary, alias M."Harrington, 28th February Culhane, Jno., 21st February Cummins, Michael, 28th February Cunningham, Edward, 10th January Curley, Patrick, 10th January Curtain, Michael, 10th January Dally, William, 3rd January Daly, Thos., 14th February Dalziel, Samuel J., 31st January Daniels, Win., alias Win. Jones, 24th January Daniels, Walter, alias Win. Daniels, 24th January Davidson. Edward, 3rd January Davies, Jas., 24th January Davies, John, 3rd January Davies, Jno., 7th February Davies, Thomas H., 3rd January Davis, F., see Cole, 31st January Davis, Jno., 28th February Davis, Thos., see Brown, 28th March Dawson, W., see Slack, 28th February Day, Robert, 7th February Dobson, W., see Slack, 28th February Dodd, Stephen, 28th February Dodds, G. W., 21st March Donahue, Wm., 31st January Donohue, Batty, 21st March Donohue, B., 28th March Donovan, Bessie W., 24th, January Doak, Win., 14th February Dooley, R S., 7th February Dorgan, Joseph, 10th January Dorian, Daniel, 21st February Douglas, George, 24th January Dowell, Edward, 21st March Dowell, Edward, 28'h March Doyl", John, see Foley, 3rd January Driscoll, -, see Ryan, 7th March Drynan, Maurice, 21st February Dickson, ruary Patrick, 14th Feb- Disney, William, 17thJanuary Disney, William, 3rd January Dean, Percy, 28th March Deening, Jnu., 7th March Desch, W. H., alias A. C. Dutton, alias Evans, Vincent Levi, alias Vincent, alias Percy lace, 24th January alias Levi Wal- Duffy, John, 17th January Duffy, T. H., alias J.McDunald, alias Jas. Belmont, alias G. Broslan, 28th February Dunn, Edwd., 14th March Dunn, Matthew, 24th January Dutton, A. C., see Dench, 24th January Dwyer, Jno., 28th February Edwards, Eva, 17th January Edwards, Win., 21st March Edwards, Herbert, alias H. Griffin, 28th February Edwards, Wm., see Brown, 28thMarch Egan, Thos., 14th March Ekerson, Jno., 28th Febiuary Ellis, -, see Owen, Henry, 10th January Embling, Geo., alias J. Jensen, alias Geo. Hamilton, 14th March Ernond, Jno., 21st February Errington, Geo., 28th February Evans, -, see Dench, 24th January Fahey, Michael, 21st March Falk, Alfd., 28th March Fearcy, Fredk., 31st January Fenton, Elizabeth, 10th January Ferguson, George, 17th January Ferguson, Albert E., 17th January Ferns, Michael, 21st March Field, Hy. Stephen, 14th February Findle, Annie, 24th January Fisher, Henry, see Owen, 10th January Fisher, Alfd., 7th March Fitzgerald , Thos., 14th ruary Fitzsimmons, January Patrick, Feb- 10th Fleming, Ellen, 3rd January Flockhart, Jim., 14th February Flood, Win., 28th February Fogarty, Thos., 31st January Foley, E-lwnrd, alias John D.•yle, 3rd January 2 PRISONERS DISCHARGED- Forbes , A. C. , alias J. Wilson, 24thJanuary Ford , Alfred , alias Freeman , 21st February Ford, Thomas, 17th January Ford, Jno., 7th February Forestall , Patrick, 10th January Foster, Flora , 17th January Foster, Flora, 24th January Franklin, Wm., 14th February Fraser, Chas., 28th February Freeman, --, seeFord, 21stFebruary Fullarton, Win., 28th March Gahan, Ann, 7th February Gavin, Martin, 14th February Gilbert, Hugh, 28th February Gill, Frank, 31st January Gill, R. M., 28th February Gill, Phillip B., 3rd January Gilligan, Christina, 31st January Givault, Annie, 7th March Glanville, Alfred, 31st January Glover, Fredk. H., 21st March Gooley, Chas., 31st January Gordon, Wm., alias Readinond, 14th February Grange, Martin, 24th January Graves, Jas., 7th February Gray, Wm., see Parker, 24th January Green, Henry, 31st January Green, George, 17th January Gregory, J no., 21st March Gresdale, Caroline, 28th March Grey, Margt., 14th March Greyson, Win., see Parker, 24th January Grierson, Jas., 14th February Griflin, H., see Edwards, 28th Johnson, February Griffiths, Henry, 28th February Griffrtt,s, Au„ustus,28th March Gustofson, Mary, 17th January Hall, Robert, 7th February Hall, Edwd., see Thompson, 14th February Halpin, Patrick, 28th February Hamilton, G., see Embling , 14th March Hanranan, Martin, 28th February Hansen, Julia, 17th January Harper, Wm., 14th February Harrington , Margaret , 3rd January Harrington, M., see Crowe, 28thFebruary Harris, John, 3rd January Harris, ,l no., 28th February Harris, Geo., alias Jas. Westaway, 28th February Harris, Geo., 21st February Harris, Wm., 14th February Harris, Win., 28th March Hai ris m, Joseph W., 3rd January Hartigan, Jno., see McMahon, 14th March Hartley, Jas., 21st February Hastings Holden, -, see Collingwood, 28th February Holland, Jae., alias W. Hill, alias J. Williams, 14th February Holmes, -, see Collingwood, 28th February Holmes, -, see G. Wilson, 11th February Honore, Theophile, 31st January Hood, Ellen, 21st March Hook, Jno., 7th March Howre, Geo., 21st February Hughes, Thos., 31st January Hume, Frank, 24th January Humphreys, Mary. 3rd January Humphries, W., 28th February Hunt , Michael, 28th February Hubert, Henry, 17th January Interman . Harry, 3rd January Ireland, Fredk., 28th February Irving, David, 14th March Ives, Jane, 7th February Jackson, Thos., 7th February Jackson, Fredk., 31st January Jackson, .Jonas, 17th January James, Alfred, see Allchin, 17th January James, Chas., 28th February James, Eliza, 3rd January Japson, Arthur, 3rd January Jenkins, Jno., 21st March Jenkins, Jno , 14th March Jenkins, Win., 7th February Jenman, Alfred F., 10th .January Jensen, J., see Embling, 14th March Johnson, William, 3rd January , Chas., 21th January Hastings, Eldred, 3rd January Hawkins, Arthur, see Smart , 17th January Hawkins, Henry,17th January Hawthorne, William, 3rd January Hayes, James , 17th January Hayes, Charles, see Shaw, 17th January Haynes , John, 3rd January Hayson, Andrew, 14th 1l'ebruary Hughes, Jno., 14th March Healey, David, 31st January Healey, David, 21st March Henley, Hy. J., 14th March Hennessy, Henry, see Brown, 10th January Henson, Saml .. 14th March Hickey, Jno., 21st February 1 [ill, H., see Wilson, Jno., 14th March hill, -, see Brooks, 24th January ITillard, Thos., 7th February Hilliard, Robt., 14th March I filliard, James, 21st March Hilman, -, see Brooks, 24th January Hobson'J . E. H., 21st February Hogan, Wm., 14th February Hogan, Lawrence , 21st February Hogan, Thos, 24th January Hold, Victprini, 3rd January Chas., 31st January Johnstone, Win., 7th March Jones, Chas., alias Jno. McCracken, 24th January Jones, C. W., see Thompson, 21st February Jones, Edwd., 14th March Jones, Frederick, 3rd January Jones, Fiedk., 31st January Jones, Jane, 14th March Jones, James, 17th January Jone.a, Thos., 14th March Jones, Thos., alias S. Clarke, 28th February Jones , Win., see Daniels, 24th January Jones, Wm., see Thompson, 21stFebruary Josephs, Andrew, 14th March Jukes, Jno., 24th January Kane, Jno., 28th March Kavanagh, Martha, see Cavanagh, 3rd January Keating, Thos., alias S. Massey, alias W. Grubbin, alias W. Murphy, 14th March Keegan, Julia, 7th February Keeling, Annie, 31st January Kelly, Edwd., 28th February Kelly,.) no., 21st February Kelly, Jno., 17th January Kennedy, Mary, 7th March Kennedy, Win., 14th March Kennedy, Thomas V., see Adams, 3rd January Kenny, Chas., 21st March Kenny , Chas., alias Maltravers, 7th March Kerr, Fanny, 3rd January Kerr , Fanny, 28th March Kerr, William, 3rd January Kiernan , Jno., 31st January King, Bena , 3rd January King , Cbas., alias C. Bazine, 24th January Knight, William, 3rd January Kron, Chas., 28th February Kruse, J. D., 21st March Laird, Richard, 17th January Lawell, Richard, 7th February Lawlor, Frank, 24th January Lear, Rebecca, 17th January Lear, Rebecca, 31st January Lecos, Nicholas, 7th February Lecuntse, Alfd., 14th February Lee, Thos., see Thompson, 14th March Leighton, Edwd., 21st February Leighton , J. H., 21st February Leonard, Joseph, alias R. Trezise, 14th March Lemon, Jno., 21st February Levi, V., see Dench, 24th January Lowell, Richd., 28th February INDEX. Lewell, John Charles, 3rd January Lewis, David J., 3rd January Liddell, Jno., alias Cameron , 14th February Liddle, J., see Blair, 21st February Lilbert, Chas., 14th March Lindsay, William, 10th January Lloyd, Benj., 7th February Lock, Nellie, 7th February Logue, Jno., 21st February Loft, Stephen, 24th January Lorrigan , Michael, 28th February Love, Jas., 24th January Lowe, Sarah, 28th March Luca, 'Jos., see Anand, 31st January Lynch, Henry, 10th January Lynch, Elizabeth, 28th February Lyons, Caroline, 28th March Lyons, John, 31st January Lyons, Jno., 14th February Maffescioni, Angelo, 31st January Maher, J., see Conway, 14th February Maher, -, see Mahar, 24th January Mahoney, J. T., 21st February Mahoney, Maurice, 28th March Mahoney, Elizabeth, 3rd January Mahoney, Chas., 14th March Mahoney, Jno., 21st March Mair, Thos., 7th February Malone, Patrick, 28th March Malone, John, alias J. J. Ryan, 24th January Maloney, John T., 10th January Maltravers, -, see Kenny , 7th March Mann, Henry, 7th February Mans field , Ellen, 14th March Mark, John, 10th January Martin, John, 14th March Martin, Jas. A., 14th March Martin, Elizabeth, 7th February Martin, Frank, 28th March Martinez, V., see Tracey, 21st March Marshall, David, alias George Musgrove, alias A. Williams, alias George Thompson, alias George Williams, 10th January Matheson, John Robt., 3rd January Melville, Maggie, 28th February Mercer, Mary Jane, 14th February Miller, John, 28th February Miller, Frederick, see Miller, Friday, 3rd January Miller, H., 28th March Miller, Friday, alias Frederick Miller, alias William Smith, 3rd January Miller, Jno., alias R. Tasker , alias W. Carter, 31st January Mitchell, Win. George, 7th March Mitchell, Jno., 7th February Mitchell, Rd., 31st January Mitchell, Fredk. Thos, 21st February Mitchell, Win., 21st March Molloy, .Jas., 24th January Monaghan, Julia, 31stJanuary Mooney, Thomas, alias John Clancy, 10th January Moore, Wm., 14th February Moore, Jno., 21st February Moore, Jag., 21st March Morris, Arthur, alias Arthur A. Wheeler, alias Donald Simmons, alias Alfred A. Casse, alias Arthur Otto, alias Alexander Wailey, ali-,s Adolph Wheeler, 3rd January Morris, Charles , 171h January Morrissey, Mary, 28th March Morrissey, .fames, 3rd January Moss, J. C., 14th March Moyle, Frederick, see Shaw, 17th January Muckalt, James, 10th January Muller, Robt., 7th February Mulligan, Jas ., see Cameron , 24th January [1903. Murphy, .Tno., 21st March Murphy, Jno., 21st March Murray, Henry, 10th January Murray, Henry, 10th January Murray, Jas., 31st January Musgrove, George, see Marshall, 10th January McCole, Maria, 28th March McCracken, John , see Jones, 24th January McDonald, Daniel, 7th March McDonald, Hugh, 28Th March McDonald, J., see Duffy, 28th February McDonald, Jno., 14th March McDonald, Frank, 10th Janunary McDonald, Malcolm, 24th January McDonald, Wm., 21st March McDougall, Frank, 7th February McEwan, Gen., 21st March McGarritty, Ellen, 10th January McGrath, Thos., 7th March McGregor, Ambrose, alias A. Ryan. 21st March McIntosh, Angus, 10th January McKay, Daniel, 7th March McLaughlin, Wm., 7th February McLean, Hugh, 28th February McLeod, Alex., 14th February McInerney, Chas., 14th March McMahon, Thos.. alias Jno. Wilson, alias John Hartigan, alias Jas. Browning, alias T. Quinlan, 14th March McMahon, Jno., 14th March McMahon, Bert, 10th January McMahon, F., 28th March McNamara, Patrick, 10th January McNicol, E., see Williams, 14th March McPhillips, J., 14th February McVea, Thos., 14th February Mahar, Patrick, alias Maher, 24th January Naughton, Patrick, 21st March Neilson, W. J., 14th March Neilson, Minnie, 7th March Nichols, Jno., 14th February Nifeba, Henry, 28th March Noble, Win., 24th January Noonan, Timothy, 7th March Nordisch, T. B., 21st March Nugent, Patrick, 7th February Nix, Anthony Peter, 10th January O 'Brien, Patrick, 7th March O'Brien, Mary Ann, 14th February O'Brien, Jno., 7th February O'Brien, Thos., alias Jno. Ryan, 21st March O'Brien, Joseph, 3rd January O'Brien, W. M., 14th February O'Connor, Chas., 21st February O'Connor, H. J., 21st February O'Connor, Herbert, 17th January O'Connor, Thos., 7th February O'Connell, Jno., 31st January Ollis, Gen., 28th February Oliver, Archd., 14th March Olosen Nils, 17th January O'Neill, Richard, 3rd January O'Neill. Richard, 17th January O'Neill, .t as., 21st February Oppenham, A. E., 14th Febru• ary Osbourne , Jno., 31st January O'Sullivan, Jno., 28th February Orange, Sarah , 28th February Otto, Arthur, see Morris, 3rd January Owen , Henry , alias Henry Fisher, alias Ellis, 10th January Paine, W. H., alias W. Palmer, 7th March Paravieini, Andrew, 17th January Parker, Robt., 31st January Parker, Wm., alias Grey, alias Greyson, 24th January Parker, Margaret, 17th January Patterson , Geo., alias G. Williams , 21st February Peatt, Thos., 7th March Peattie, Millicent, 28th March Perkins, W., see Slack, 28th February 1903.] Permewan, Albert, 21st Febru. ary Permewan, A., 28th March Perrin, Wm., 31st January Phelan, Alfred, 28th March Phillips, Beatrice, 17th Janu. PRISONERS DISCHARGED -- INDEX. Ryan , Ryan, Ryan, Ryan, Ryan , Jno., 7th March J. H., 31st January Mary, 14th March Martin, 21st February Richd., 21st March Ryan, Thos., 28th March ary Ryan, Patrick, 14th March Phillips, Robert, 17th January Ryan , William, 17th January Pillan, Patrick, 10th January Ryan, Wm., alias W. Driscoll, Pilcher , J. T., 14th March 7th March Power, Patrick, 14th March Saddler, Win., 7th March Prentice, Win., 21st March Scott, John, 10th January Prime, E. H., 21st March Sergeant, Margt ., 7th February Quinlan, T., see McMahon , Sexton, Michael , 28th March 14th March Shannon , P., 31st January Sharp, Clara, 17th January Quinlan, Wm., 7th March Quinlan, William, 3rd January Shaw, Frederick, alias Charles Hayes, alias Frederick Moyle, Quinn, Jas., 7th February 17tb.January Quinn, Jno., 7th February Sherrott, Linda, 24th January Rabe, F. E., 24th January Ranger , Mary, 3rd January Shiells, Robt., 14th February Rankin, Thos., alias T. Gal. Shields, Frank, 10th January Shivers, Agnes, 24th January liagher , 21st February Simmons, Donald, see Morris, Raphael, Saul, 17th January 3rd January Ray, Edwd., 14th February Sinclair, Leah, 31st January Ray, Elizabeth, 28th March Skelly, Mary, 3rd January Readinond, Wm., alias Wm. Gordon, 14th February Slack, Wm., alias W. Perkins, alias W. Dawson, alias DobReardon, John, 3rd January son, 28th February Reny, Wm., 21st March Slattery, Thos., 28th March Reid, Maria, 17th.Tanuary Shone, R. A., 28th March Reilly, Jno., 14th March Renwick, Arthur H., 17th Sluice, Alex., 14th February Smart, Samuel, alias George January Williams, alias Arthur HawRevell, Jas., 28th March Rhodes, Allied, 14th February king, 17th January Rice, Sarah, 10th January Smith, Ada, 24th January Richardson, Walter, 7th March Smith, Francis, 17th January Riely, John, 10th January Smith, Geo., 14th March Riley, Jno., 28th March Smith, Jos., 31st January Ring, Edward, 10th January Smith, Jno., 21st March Smith, Jno., 28th February Ritchie. Robt., 14th February Roach, John, 17th January Smith, Joseph, 17th January Roberts, William, 17th Janu. Smith, John, 3rd January ary Smith, Mathias Keveen, 14th February Roberts, Christy, alias F. Carwickham, 31st January Smith, Michael, 14th March Robinson, -, see Wilson, 21st Smith, Thos., 28th February February Smith, Thos., 28th February Robinson, Jno., 7th February Smith, Wm., 7th March Robinson, Thomas, 10th JanuSmith, Wm., 31st January ary Smith, William, see Miller, 3rd Roche, Jno., 7th March January Rogers, S., 28th March Smith, W. A., 31st January Rogers, .I no., 14th February Soderstrom, Augustus, 7th Febriaary Roney, Geo., 21st March Ross, Josiah, 10th January Solomon, Alice, 7th March Rushen, Minnie, 21st February South, F. C., 21st March Russell, Ethel, 7th March Spring, Arthur, 21st February Stainer, Cecilia, 28th February Russell, Maggie, 7th February Russell, Win., 28th February Stephens, W. H., 28th March Ruthertord,Wm., 14th Febru- Stephens,Joseph,17tbJanuary Stevens, Harry, 31st January ary Ryan, A., see McGregor, 21st Stevens, Harry, 7th March Stevenson, Kate, 21st March March Ryan, Elizabeth, 28th March Stewart, Bob, see Wilson, 17th January Ryan, John, 3rd January Ryan, J. J., see Malone, 24th Stubbs, Chas., 28th February Stuart, Alex., 7th February January Ryan, J., see O'Brien, 21st Sutton, Thomas N., 17th January March Tammie, Louis, 7th March Ryan, Jno., 21st March By Authority: Roar. Tasker , R., 3 see Mi ller, 31st January Tatlow, J. F., 14th March Taylor , Bella , 21st February Taylor, Harry, 31st January Taylor, Hy., 21st March Tennyson , Geo., 14th March Thomas, Alfred, see Allchin, 17thJanuary Thomas, Charles, 10th January Thomas , Fredk., 31st January Thomas , Jno., 28th March Thomas, Wm., 31st January Thompson , Jno., 31st January Thompson, David, 3rd January Thompson, Frank, 21st March Thompson, George. see Marshall, 10th January Thompson, Harry, alias Edty d. Hall, 14th February Thompson, J., see Blair, 21st February Thompson , Jas., 14th March Thompson, John, 10th January Thompson, Joseph, alias Thos. Lee, 14th March Thompson, Mary, 17th January Thompson, Wm., 24th January Thompson, Wm., alias Jas. Williams, alias Wm. Jones, alias Chas. Wilson, alias Chas. W. Jones, 21st February Tickner, Thos., 28th February Tollett, All. E., 14thMarch Townsend, Norah, 14th March Tracey, Cornelius, alias Henry Tracey, alias V. Martinez, 21stMarch Tracey, H., see Tracey, C., 21stMarch Travas, Frank, 24th January Trend,George,10thJanuary Trezise, R., see Leonard, 14th March Tucker, Herbert E., see Brunton, 3rd January Tucker, Louis, see Brunton, 3rd January Tyler, Albert, 21st February Veitch, Alex., 21st March Ventell, Geo., see Anand, 31st January Vincent, L., see Deneb, 24th January Vining, Chas., 14th February Vining, Jos., 7th March Waghorn, Arthur, 17th January Wailey, Alexander, see Morris, 3rd January Walker, Thos., 7th March Wallace, Percy, see Dench, 24th January Walsh, Thomas Baker, 3rd January Walsh, Jno., 24th January Walsh, Jas., 28th March Walton, Thos., 31st January Walton, George, 17th January S. BRAIN, Government Printer, Ward, Jas ., alias J. Hayes, alias G. Turner, 14th February Ware, Joseph , 31st January Warren, Edwd ., 28th February Watson, Jas., 7th February Watson, Jas., 14th February Watts, Jas., 7th February Waugh, David, 10th January Webb, Wm., 7th February Webster , George , alias George Campbell, alias Peter Campbell, 10th January Webster, Robert, 10th January Westaway, Jas., see Harris, 28thFebruary Wheeler, Arthur A., see Morris, 3rd January Wheeler, Adolph, see Morris, 3rd January White, Hy., 14th March White, Fredk., 31st January Williams, Albert, 10th January Williams, Albert, 28th February Williams, A., see Marshall, 10thJanuary Williams, Chas., 28th February Williams, Frank, 31st January Williams, George, see Smart, 17thJanuary Williams, Geo., see Patterson, 21stFebruary Williams, George, 3rd January Williams, George, see Marshall, 10thJanuary Williams, Henry, 17th January Williams, Jas., see Thompson, 21stFebruary Williams, Jas. A., alias E. McNicol, 14th March Williams, John, 17th January Williams, Jno., 28th February Williams, John, 10th January Williams, Jas., 28th February Williams, Richd., 14th February Williams, Robert, 31st January Williams, Thus., 7th February Williainson, Robt., 14th March Wilson. Chas., see Thompson, 21stFebruary Wilson, Geo., alias Casson, alias Holmes, 14th February Wilson, Jas., 14th March Wilson, Joe., see McMahon, 14th March Wilson, John, alias Robt. Hill, 14th March Wilson, J., see Forbes, 24th .Tanuary Wilson, Thos., alias Thos. Robinson, 21st February Wilson, Wm., 28th February Wilson, Robert, alias Thomas Wilson, alias Bob Stewart, 17thJanuary Wilson, Thomas, see Robert Wilson, 17th January Wilson, Win., 14th March Wright, Win., 24th January Zegler, Percy, 14th March Melbourne. INDEX TO VICTORIA THE POLICE GA ZETTE. FOR TIi1,,' QUARTER ENDING JUNE, 1903, A Absconders from industrial C. schools- Carewickham , C., 170 Cockman, W . H., 231 Courtney, C., 162 Drew, J., 162, 197 Esther, L., 152, 162 Falls, A., 197 Ferguson , I., 170, 180, 197 Fetridge , M., 213 Geerkins, F., 170, 180 Gledhill , A., 197, 259 Harris, H., 249 Hughes, Jos ., 231, 249 James, M., 204 James, H., 162 Keefe, E., 213 Keegan, W., 204, 223 Kimpton, M. E., 188, 197 Lawler, J., 204 Le Garde, G., 162, 223 Martin, G., 162, 213, 231, 249 Meadows, R., 249 Morley, J., 197 Myntmeir, 0., 258 Paris, J., 180 Payne, A., 170 Quinn, J., 171 Ross, A., 249 Sherlock, S., 152 Simmons, C., 204, 223 Smith, Win., 152 Smith, L., 152 Smith, M., 204, 223 White, E., 170 Wright, J., 171 Ah Kan, wounding of, 130 Ham Yin, being a prohibited immigrant, 197 Shing Wing, commitment, 171, 213 Shing Wing, commitment, 163 Sun Ye Hing, false pretences on, 254 Abrahams, G. commitment, 240 Adams, -, larceny, 234 Aitkens, G., commitment, 231 Allen, C., commitment, 204 Analyst, 179 Anderson, C., commitment, 259 Ansett, C. J., larceny on, 183 Archer, W. J., larceny on, 183 Armstrong, E., commitment, 171, 231 Arnold, Chas., alias Chas. Allan, commitment, Auction Sales Acts, 178, 196 Callaghan, Wm., falsepretenceson, 199 Cantwell , T., commitment, 152 Cara, F., commitment, 240 Carr, A., commitment, 162 Carrol, Edwd ., assault, 231 Cashman, J., commitment, 152 Chadwick , Irene, vagrancy, 180 Chapman, P ., inflicting grievous bodily harm on, 191 ChildrenabandonedFemale child found abandoned at Victoria -street , Brunswick, 169 Female child found abandoned at Spencer. street railway station,212 Clark, David, commitment, 231 Cleland, T. J., inflicting grievous bodily harm on, 243 Cliff, J ., false pretences on, 173 Collectors ' licences, 166, 200, 234 , 244, 254, 262 Colliver, H., embezzlement , 233, 243 Conebear , E., commitment, 204 Connor, W., aggravated assault, 171 Conrad, G., vagrancy, 188 Considine , J., commitment, 240 Cook, J., commitment, 222 Courts of petty sessions altered, 222 Craig Williamson Propy. Ltd., false pretences on, 207 Crammer, Geo ., commitment, 223 Crompton, C. W., assault on, 231 Crawley, Fredk ., disobeying bench order, 212 Crocker, Jno., commitment , 188, 197 Croker, W., escaped lunatic, 222, 249 Crowe , S., embezzlement, 199 D. 258 B. Bandy, W. T., commitment, 231 Bartlett, Constable R. J., inflicting grievous bodily harm 158, 173 Bassett, H., assault on, 222 Baxter, J., commitment, 230 Baxter, H., commitment, 171 Beamish, C., false pretences on, 261 Beamish, T., larceny as a bailee, 158 Bell, J., commitment, 223 Bennett, E., larceny by a'trick, 207 Benson, A., commitment, 213 Binder, R., commitment, 222 Blundell, R. S. P., larceny as a bailee, 254 Blyth, D., embezzlement on, 130 Bonjonio, Jack, commitment, 170 Bonjonio, Jack, commitment, 197 Bourke, E., commitment, 180 Bourke, T., commitment, 152 Bourke, T., commitment, 197 Boyce, T., inflicting grievous bodily harm, 158, 173 Brady, J., false pretences, 233, 243 Britten, R., commitment, 223 Brown, J., embezzlement on, 199 Brunswick council, wilful damage to property of, 231 Bryans, R., commitment, 180 Buchanan, G., imposition on, 192 Bull, G. H., forgery and uttering on, 243 Burkitt, Joe, larceny, 173 Butland, A. J., larceny as a bailee on, 191 Index-Quarter ending June.- 10382.-e. on, Dalg liesh, D ., unlawfu lly wounding M. A. Dalgliesh, 199 Dalton, E., using obscene language, 230 Davidson T., commitment , 205, 223 Davies, H., commitment, 180 Davis, B., commitment, 205 Davis , G., commitment, 240 Davis, B., commitment, 152 Day, A., commitment, 259 Derkin, W., commitment, 152 Deserters from H.M. serviceBurgess, 0., 172 Clark, W. J., 172 Clark, W. J., 232 Curran, Jno., 181 Davenport, R., 172 Doran, E., 232 Fazakerly, T., 232 Flooks,P. C. R., 251 Gardiner, W. J., 181 Haben, J. S., 189 Hughes, W., 242 Kent, W. H„ 198 Loader, T. E., 189 Mumford, W. L., 251 McCarthy, Jno., 198 Page, Phillip, 172 Puddick, E., 214 Stringfellow, J. W., 172 Deserter from merchant vesselMayers, Paul H., 189 Deserters of wives and childrenAumann, H., 169 Cook, W. J., 238 Barr, John, 204 Cookson, G. L., 203, 248 Beseler, E., 178 Cremer, A., 195 Blanc, S., 230 Crocker, J., 195 Brown, A., 257 Davie, J., 212 Brown, R., 230, 257 Davies, E. W., 248 Bruton, A., 212 Donovan, W., 161 Callaghan, J., 161 Edgerton, W. J., 248, 257 Cheadle, J., 187 Elworthy, E., 169 Clifton, M., 220 Garford, H., 230 Conebear, E., 161 Gillan, T., 178 VICTORIA POLICE Deserters of wives and children - continued. Greenhill , T., 212, 220 Heathcote , 0., 230 Henley, F ., 212, 248 Johnson, A . S., 151 Jones, O. W., 187 Keating, G., 151, 212 Keith, D. J ., 161 Linden, C., 230 Maddox, F., 178, 187, 195 Martin, A., 151 Mason, W. G., 169 Morrison , N., 248 Muir, Wm., 161 Murray, R. A ., 230 McAllen, M., 212 McCloy, W. J., 248 Noonan, W., 161 O'Byre , M. F., 161, 187 O'Neill, Pr, 220 O'Reilly, J., 195 Pannam, N., 212 Petersen , L., 151 Pierce , A., 187 Highway Plummer , F. G., 161 Porteous , T., 220 Reeves, J. B., 161, 178 Rudd, H., 187 Ryan, T., 178 Salton , H., 178 Sewell, Jno., 161 Simmons , J. R., 212 Smith , T. A., 169 Stephens , G., 187 Stephenson , A. G., 195 Sullivan, J., 187 Sutton , R., 151 Tompkins , A. E., 187 Tu ll ock, H., 204 Waterson , E. S., 257 Wiffin, H., 220, 230 Whitford , R. E., 203 Williams , F., 161 Williamson , A., 238 Wilson, G., 248 Wolmsley , E., 161 Dignan, R. P., disobeying bench order , 240, 259 Donald, E., commitment, 171 Don Hendrick , P., arrears of maintenance, 171 Dotzauer , G., larceny on, 173 Downs, H. J., false pretences, 261 Dudderidge, A., arrears of maintenance, 152 Denbir, 1'., false pretenses on, 261 E. Eagles, G., commitment, 249 Edwards, P., commitment, 212 Edwards, G. H., threatening life, 162 Egan, T., commitment, 231 Elliott, F. V., larceny as a bailee, 183 Emery, Mary, false verbal representations Evans, E., uttering a forged cheque, 130 Eyre, H. W., false pretences, 233 GAZETTE.-INDEX. on, 215 F. Farrell, J., commitment, 162 Fee.iay, G., wilful damage, 162, 180, 258 Fisher, Win., false pretences, 130 Fisher, W., false pretences, 173 Fisheries Act notices, 249 Fitzpatrick, S., commitment, 180 Flannery, Jas., escaped lunatic, 231 Flynn, Aiiy, assault with intent to unlawfully know o 1, 165 Foran, Jno., commitment, 180 Foster, W., commitment, 205 Freeman, N., commitment, 222 Fur,-., G., commitment, 204, 223, 231 and carnally G. Gadcke, C., false pretences on, 183, 200 Garficll , S., larceny, 183 Gath3rcole, G., commitment, 223 Geghan, J., vagrancy, 180 Gellard , 1., commitment, 231 Gentile, Joc, commitment , 171, 213, 223 Gillard, F. P., escaped lunatic, 222 Gould, T., commitment, 180 Goulding , F., commitment, 258 Grundeman , A., maliciously shooting , &c., at Sydney, Guest, J., commitment, 162 Gunn, F. W., false pretences on, 158 Gunnyon, R ., commitment, 205 Gustavison , G., commitment, 188 H. Halford, A. H., false pretences, 215 Halligan, J., escaped lunatic, 162 Hamilton, Wm., larceny on, 215 Hampton, -, uttering a forged order, 183 Hanrahan, 51., attempted criminal assault on, 215 Hanson, J., false pretences, 183 Harley, J., commitment, 204 Harrison, J., larceny as a bailee, 261 Hatswell, R., vagrancy, 258 Hay, R., larceny on, 243 Head, J. E., false pretences on, 233, 261 Health Act notices, 197, 238 Health officers, 152, 179, 197, 238, 249 Henry, T., commitment, 249 Hernon, Keiren, larceny on, 200, 215 Herron, H., commitment, 240 Hetherton, B., vagrancy, 231 Hewlett, F., commitment, 163 254 robbery, arrested [1903. for- McDonald, Jno., 183 Sims, Ernest, 157 Stewart, Ernest, 183 Highway robbery, charged withHayes, Fredk., 199 Man, name unknown, on G. Hornsby, T., 191 Gallagher, 191 James, E., 201 Men, two, names unknown, Wilson, J., 225 on W. Farrell, 233 Man, name unknown, on Ah Men, two, names unknown, Him, 165 on J. McCormack, 261 Man, name unknown, on J. Moore, 183 Highway robbery committed onKidd, W., 235 Lavell, E., 235 Lean, J. 0., 201 Litchfield, C., 217, 227 Livingston, T. M., 149 Livingstone, J., 227 Lynas, R., 175 Mackereth, J., 217 Malcolm, M., 209 Marshall, Mr., 253 Mason, G., 167 Meredith, J., 185 Miller, J., 159 Mills, J., 227 Mitchell, M., 227 Moore, J., 183 Morrison , W., 167 Mortimer , W. C., 201 Mulho lland , Wm., 175 Myall, J., 217 McCallum, W., 227 McCloskey, C., 149 McCormack, J., 261 McDougall, D., 149 Nicholas, G., 235 O'Connor, J., 175 O'Dea, Mrs. E., 255 Percy, C., 227 Pollak, Mrs., 199 Pope, J., 209 Pryor, J., 199 Reynolds, 0., 175 Richards, J., 245 Riggs, R., 235 Rule, T., 185, 193 Scotney, H. B., 2*35 Shakilton, G., 167 Shearing, W., 159, 167 Sheehan, J. E., 245 Smith, W. H., 149 Solomon, Miss E., 227 Stacey, T. G., 201 Strachan, Jas., 201 Templeton, B., 245 Thomas, J., 227 Timmis, C., 227 Ucker, F., 235 Vail, E., 159 Vincent, W. H., 245 Watts, A., 167, 175 Webb, Mrs., 255 Webber, B. F. P., 235 Weir, W. G., 159 Whelan, J., 175, 207 Whitehead, Major W., 235 Williams , W. H., 193 Wiltshire, R., 185 Wren, W., 245 Wright, Mrs. M., 209, 225 York, C. W., 235 Ah Him, 165 Ah Sick, 149 Bagail Singh, 255 Chung War, 218 Allen, Mrs, J., 245 Anderson , J., 201 Atkinson , W., 185 Bailey, M. J., 159 Bamford, F. W., 243, 253 Barlow, Jas., 149 Benzie , L., 149, 159 Bray, D., 235 Brehant, E . B., 149 Brennan, J . J., 245, 255 Brown, W., 159 Brown, W., 235 Burton, Mary, 191 Caldwell, W., 235 Carroll, Jas., 201 Carter, T., 235 Cattlin, Wm., 209 Cherry, Mrs. J., 227, 245 Clarke, G., 235 Clarke , E., 149 Cleland, E. A., 191 Clifton, Al., 167 Collins, J. A., 245 Connaughton, D., 185 Cope , Agnes, 157 Coslett , H., 227 Coughlan, J . B., 149 Curry , Kate, 201 Dempsey, D., 157 Dolan, B., 209 Donahue, J . D., 209 Duff, B., 217 Dunlop, J., 245 Durward , Jas 167 Eadie , Dr. G. 175, 255 Edwards, W., 2 18 Farrell, W., 2233 Fawcett, M., 235 Feistel , J., 253 Fellows, Jas., 255 Fisher, S., 173 Ford, P., 235 Gallagher, Geo., 191 Goode, E. J., 173 Gray, B. B., 253 Hales , John, 185 Harrington , J., 157 Hawke , G. S., 255 Hedderwick , B., 199 Highland, G., 175, 185 Holt, R., 175 Hourigan , D., 255 Hyde, J., 235 Jones , G. E., 245 Kay, T., 255 Keating , J., 235 Kerr, J., 209 Hickey, W. J., larceny on, 199 Hill, R., alias Mitchell, vagrancy, 240 Hodgkiss, Mrs. E. A., assault with intent Holloway, B., embezzlement, 158 Holmes, L., assault on, 207 Holt, W., false pretences, 173 Horses and cattle, arrested Wright, John, 234 for stealingWitherden, to rape on, 243 Richard, 261 Horses and cattle, charged with Hastings , George, 192, 200 Holden, Henry, 243 Man, name unknown, on E. J. Cochrane, 173 stealingMoore , Michael, 254, 261 Paddy, -, 173, 183 Witherden, Richard, 214 Wright, Jno., 225, 234 Horses and cattle stolen fromAli Chong, Jimmy, 259 Adamson, E., 197 Adamson, E., 171 Afflex, J. G., 250 Allan, P. C., 220 Allsop, W., 232, 250 Anderson, T. Y., 155, 197 Appleton, H., 188 1903.] VICTORIA POLICE Horses and cattle stolen from-continued. Appleton, H., 107 Armstrong Brothers, 241 Armstrong, E., 231 Baker, J. H., 180 Bamford, M., 220 Barry, F. W., 155 Beere, A., 232 Bennett, R., 155 Bentley, G., 232 Beresford,H., 241 Bertrand, P., 231 Bissett, D., 172 Bornholdt, J., 163 Bowen, P., 213 Brooksbank, J., 172 Brown Brothers, 214 Brown, M., 155, 171 Brown, W., 180 Bryan, J., 155 Buchan, J. I., 171, 180 Buerckner, F. W., 171 Bugbird, C., 180, 197 Burke, P. C., 172, 231 Burton, W., 250 Burton, Wm., 250 Byrne, T., 172, 232 Campbell, C., 205, 214 Campbell and Felton, 163, 231 Carden, J., 213 Cardin, J., 180 Carr, W. H., 214 Carroll, R., 231 Carrol, P. J., 171, 213 Cartledge, G., 198 Chinnery, R., 163 Clayton, W., 180, 213 Clemens, Rev. W., 188, 213 Clingham, J., 155, 231 Cochrane, E. J., 173 Cooke, J., 259 Cosgrove, M., 220, 241 Cox, R. F., 188 Coy Bros., 259 Craig,R., 205 Crawford, J., 250 Crozier, Jno., 173, 183 Curnow, W., 163 Davey, H., 214, 220 Davey, J., 241, 250 De La Cour, J., 232 Dodenmaide, D., 197 Dorsar, P., 250 Dougall, J., 250 Dulgarno, F., 214 Dyer, H., 155 Edwards, Rev. J. W., 163 Elliott, J., 205 Elvington, H. P., 163 Fallon, K., 198 Frey, H. J., 192, 200 Fimmel, W., 205, 220 Fletcher, T., 172, 188 Fosdick, 511., 163 Fry, J., 163 Gamble, R., 163 Gatenby, J. W., 259 Glenn Bros., 171 Gooch, H. A., 214 Grace, J., 155 Gray, J. R., 241 Gray, W., 155 Grills, E., 214, 241 Hall, J., 163 Hammett, R., 163 Hanbury, A., 205 Harinan, W., 214 Harris, J., 188 Heatley, W., 197 Henry, C., 259 Hick, D., 250, 259 Hirst, J. H., 241 Horsnell, E., 259 Hossack, D., 188 Howells, J., 205 Huggard, W. J., 220 Huggins, C., 241 Hungerford, W. B., 231, 241 Intemann, E., 220 Jacobs, C., 163 Jamell Singh, 155 Jeans, E., 163 Jenkins, W., 220, 231 Jones, C. E., 205, 250 Kearney, P., 155 Kent, H., 220 Kerlin, P., 171 Kerlin, P., 197 Kerr, A., 214, 261 Kilbride, P., 214, 231 Knight, H., 232 Laurence, W., 188 Laurence, T., 163 Learmonth, J. R., 241 Leslie, D., 171 Lilburne, J., 189 Linton, G., 232 Long, W., 188 Lynch, M., 155, 180 Maher, T., 163 Mahoney, J., 188, 205 Maisey, A., 197 Major, R., 231, 241 Maloney, F., 205 Marchbank, J., 220 Marsh, E., 243 Marsh, J., 214 Miller, A., 214 Mitchell, A., 232, 241 Mitchell, J., 220, 231 Mitchell, R., 220, 231 Moloney, C., 205 Moore, R., 243 Morell, R., 241, 259 Morgan, D., 172 Morrin, J., 250 Morris, C. W., 250 Murphy, W., 189, 205 Murren, T., 232 McAnslan, D., 259 McCann, W., 214, 231 McClements, A. J., 155, 163 MeCrae, Mrs., 259 McCulloch, C. H., 163, 171 McDonald, A., 163 . McDonald, D., 220, 254 McDonnell Bros., 205 McEwan, J., 250 McGann, A., 259 McGurk, T., 205 McKendrick, T., 189 McKie, J., 205 McLean, L., 250 McLean, A., 250, 259 McLeod, A., 172 Nance, J., 172, 232 Nedham Gundah Singh, 214 Nevin, A. C., 259 Nolan and Sons, 155 O'Dwyer, P., 163, 231 Oliver, E., 220 O'Meara, J., 188 Peat, W., 205, 213 Pennick, E., 214, 231 Phillips and Thomas, 188 Pinder, W., 155 Platt, J. W., 232 Powell, W., 156, 163 Prictor, J. H., 250 Pullar, W., 241 Quinton, J., 205 Raymond and Doherty, 232, 259 Rennie, T., 180, 205 Rice, D. J., 197 Rigby, M. R., 197 Riley, W., 214 Firming, Ludwig, 155 Robinson, G., 231 Rockliff, J. C., 232 Rodrigues, M., 180 Rogers, W., 155 Ruby, G., 189 Ryan, J., 180 Sandford, J., 214, 231 Settle, J. W., 220 Scott, T., 189 Scott, J., 180, 188 Sharp, C. J., 172 Shay, A., 171 Sheahan, J. F., 155, 205 Shepherd, J., 155 Simons, Dr. C. N., 180, 220 Sloss,J., 241, 250 Smith, T., 259 Smith, J. V., 205, 231 Snell, W., 214, 241 Snowball, P. C., 259 GAZETTE.-INDEX. Horses and cattle stolen fromSplatt, A. T., 225, 234 Stehpens, M., 259 Stewart, S. P., 241 Stewart, A., 214 Stone, S., 205 Stout, J., 241 Stuckey, T., 155, 197 Tanner, T. J., 180 Taylor, S., 241 Thomas, W., 180 Thomas, T., 198 Thompson, S., 241, 259 Tomasini, P., 163 Tory, G., 188, 205 Turnbull, A., 259 3 continued. Uprichard, S., 188 Vadala, S., 180 Varley, J., 231 Watkins, J. A., 197, 213 Watson, G., 171, 180 Webber, C. J., 205 White, E. S., 250 Whittaker Bros., 155 Wild, P., 205, 220 Williamson, A., 220 Williamson, D., 156 Wilson, H., 188, 205 Winter-Irving, J. J., 163 Woods, T„ 198, 213 Wren, J. P., 188 Housebreaking and stealing, arrested forAshurst, Thos., 176 Peace, Mrs., 243 Branshaw, W., 233 Richardson, Ernest W. L., Byeford, Jno., 233 245, 246 Eastwood, Job, 167 Robertson, A., 185 Hall, Mary, 243 Robinson, Rachael, 245 Johnson, -, alias Pilgrim, Rodrick, Mary, 150 253 Rowe, By., 207 Johnson, Charles, 261 Skegg, Elizabeth, 245, 246 Marsden, Robert, alias MarSlater, Alex., 225 tin, 201 Walters, Wm., alias Millie, McCaffery, M., 218 227 Nichol, Jas., alias Smith, 176 Wiley, Kate, 243 O'Connor, Grace, 193 Housebreaking and stealing , charged Anderson, G., 253, 261 Ashurst, Thomas, 173, 176 Branshaw, W., 225, 233 Bullock, Jas., 225 Byeford, J., 225, 233 Clayton, C., 199 Delaney, Richard, 191 Dooley, Alice, 207 Hall, Mary, 233, 243 Harvey, -, alias Jennet, 207 Hotchin, -, 207, 233 Johnson, -, alias Pilgrim, 207 Man, name unknown, on S. Jebb, 165 Man, name unknown, on Wah Kee, 183 Housebreaking committed onAh Good, 201 Ah On, 255 Ah Seong, 185 Mahomed Allah, 185 Ming Sang, 160 Quong Chi, J., 167 Wah Kee, 183 Abson, Mrs., 185 Adams, J., 165 Aitken, J., 150 Allen, J., 167, 225 Allen, M., 228 Andrew, Mrs. M., 193 Andrew, F. C., 210 Angelo, W., 218 Angus, Jno., 256 Appleby, H., 191 Archer, W., 194 Armstrong, H. E. B., 160 Armstrong, H. J., 255 Arnold, S. C., and Co., 218 Arnold and Co., 236 Arnott, R., 218 Arnstead, H., 233 Ashwin, G., 235 Bacon, F., 176, 227 Ball, Mrs. A., 261 Ball, Clara, 261 Baker, W., 255 Banfield, Hy., 218 Barry, S., 236 Barry, At., 186, 193 Bean, Mrs., 160 Beissel, C., 201 Bensilum, Mrs. N., 219 Bird, T., 201, 209 Blackston, H., 235, 246 Blackston, H., 236 Blair, G., 246 Blockley, J., 176 Bolt, H., 209 Bond, Mrs. E., 209, 219 Bowen, S. T., 218 with- Alen, two, names unknown, on C. E. Paget, 261 Moore, William, 157 Naughton, James, 157 Pollard, L., 233 Scott, D., 233 Shannon, J., 233 Sharp, William H., 253 Slater, Alex., 199, 225 Sneddon, W., 261 Walker, W. H., 225 Wiley, K., 233, 243 Wilson, J., 225 Wolmsley, Elizabeth, 165, 183 Young, W., 215 Boyes, W., 150, 218 Boyle, R., 236 Boyle, T., 194 Brazil, P., 194, 246 Bright, Mrs. W. H., 235 Brooks, W., 194 Brooks, F., 186 Brown, J., 167 Brownlie, W., 218 Bruce, Mrs., 157 Brundell, G., 167 Burston, D., 201 Burston, G. W., 225 Butler, F. J., 218, 228, 246 Butters, J. S., 218 Callanan, S., 168 Cameron, A., 236 Cameron, P., 168 Campbell, C. F., 253 Campbell, Louis, 168 Carroll, W., 210 Carter, H., 193 Castles, C., 175 Cattach, W., 227, 236 Chaffey, B., 209 Chandler, A., 160 Chandler, J. C., 202, 227 Chapman, C., 167 Chester, J., 160 Chivell, J. H., 202, 245 Clarke, Miss, 245 Clemens, W. J., 157 Cock, G., 160 Cody, Mrs. W., 186 Commons, P., 176 Connor, M., 175, 185 Cook, W., 207, 253 Cooney, J. T., 228 Cox, C. L., 159 Cox, G., 160 Crespigney, S., 255 Crisp, J. F., 246 Crowley, D., 186 VICTORIA 4 POLICE GAZETTE.- INDEX. [1903, Housebreaking committed on-continued. on-continued. (Patterson , R., 150 Strode, C. C., 149 Kennedy, J., 228 Pauline, Mrs., 202 Suffren, J. B., 193 Kerrin, Rev. F., 186 Klien, S., 233 *Peacock, L., 218 Sullivan, J., 209 Penrose, J. V., 167 Summers, Mrs., 255 Konig, H. F., 150 *Pfannensteil, H., 167 Sutherland, J. T., 186, 236 Kuglemann, C., 202 Sutton, Wm., 210 Lake, Jas., 256 k Phillips, E., 159 Picknoll, T., 210, 246 Swan, Miss, 168, 176 Lawry, T., 210, 225 Poole, E., 185 Swanson, D. A., 167 Leak, R., 228 Pottenger, E., 193 Tabulo, J., 202 Lee, T., 159 Powell, M., 236 Tait, J. M., 159 Levy, R., 218 SPrater, W., 256 Tarrant, H., 247 Lewis, Jas., 186, 246 UPratt, E. J., 210 Taylor, J. S., 256 Lindsay, Mrs., 201 Prendergast, J., 219 Thomas, W. J., 246 Liney, Mrs. F., 245 Prout, E., 150 Thomas, W. H. J., 176 Lister, Mrs. A., 160 Purvis, T., 159 Thomson, Mrs. P., 228 Loader, M., 202 Rabic, J., 210 Thomson, Mrs., 218 Lonergan, B., 150, 185 Reid, Jessie, 228, 236 Thomson, Mrs. R., 176 Louttit, A., 218 Reilly, Mr., 159 Tilley, R., 193 Lovett, P., 227 Relph, A. J., 236, 245 Treleaven, F., 202 Lucas, G., 236 Renton, Eva, 185, 193 Trenchard, Mrs. E., 168 Luxmore, G., 160 Revell, G. W., 218, 228 Trevan, C., 210 Lyall, A., 246 Riley, J. C., 168, 176, 201 Tuckett, C. H., 255 Lynch, M., 218 Robertson, S., 236 Tucker, Rev. H., 176 Mahony, P., 176 Robertson, S., 236 Turnbull, Mrs. E., 168 Mackinnon, C. F., 236 Rodgers, A., 202 Turner, Emma, 150 Malham, G., 228, 246 Rose, C. F., 256 Vane, Mrs. N., 218 Malone, H., 228 Rouse, E., 176 Walsh, J., 160 Malony, R., 149 Ryan, J., 194 Walsh, D., 176 Manley, E., 186, 194 Ryan, W. L. J., 185 Warne, Thos., 185 Manning, M. A. R., 246, 261 Ryan, H. H., 209 Warrenen, R., 193 Manning, C. S., 210 Ryland, F., 228, 245 Watson, S. J., 228 Mansfield, A., 246 Rutledge, T. F., 228 Webb, R., 199 Marks, M., 175 Sarre, P., 150 Webster W., 228, 247 Mason, Mrs., 202, 245 Schmidt, F., 236 Wedd, H., 175 Mason, J. W., 210 Schmidt, F., 236 Wellard, J. E., 185 Matheson, A. D., 176 Scott, C., 246 Whitty, J., 149 Membrey, W., 186 Shane, L., 150 Wigg, J., 202 Meredith, C. E., 233, 243 Sharp, Wm., 253 Wilcox, G., 160 Milford, S., 218 Shirley, F., 199 Williams, IT., 243 Miller, W., 207 Siddall, A., 202 Williams, A., 150 Millett, T., 193 Silk, Mrs., 175 Willis, W. S., 176 Moffat, M., 253 Simonson, C., 193, 202 Willoughby, C., 236 Molyneau, H., 202 Simpson, C., 210 Wills, F. M., 209 Montgomery, M., 219 Simpson, J., 159 Wilson, C., 255 Moore, S., 157 Smerdon, Mrs. J., 210 Wilson, E., 193 Mo re y, S., 176 Smith, A., 150, 160 Wood, W., 168 Morris, R., 228 Smith, S., 246 Worboys, Hy., 218 Morse, Mrs. M., 160, 167 Smith, W. H., 176 Wraith, Mrs. A., 176 Gourlay, Mrs. F. H. A., 210 Morton, J. B., 218 Springfield, Dr., 236 Wright, S., 219 Grace, Lily, 210 Moule, 0., 186 Stead, Eva, 255 Wright, Mrs. M., 209 Graham, H., 159 Mountjoy, G., 202 Stephenson, E., 160 Wylie, W. R., 150 Green, J., 150 Mulville, N., 255 Stevens, M. H., 236 Wynne, E. P., 219, 227 Green, Mrs. S., 185 Murphy, D., 193 Stewart, M. A., 159 Youlden, F., 175, 193 McAuley, M., 228 Greenhill, A., 176 Stewart, H., 175 Young, G., 209 McCullock, B., 168 Gregson, Alice, 201 Stewart, J., 160 Zander, W., 160 McDermott, B., 246. Greig, G., 202 Stewart, Mrs., 150 McDermott, F., 185 Grose, W. B., 228 Huddlestone, W., commitment, 223 McDonald, D., 219 Haber, W. J., 228 Hudson, R., vagrancy, 240, 259 McGill, J., 168 Hahir, J. W., 215 Hughes, P., commitment, 171 McGillivray, P., 150 Hahm, Mrs., 157 Hughes, P. J., alias P. Bartlett, false pretences, 207, 225 McGrath, P. W., 193 Hansen, Jens, 168 Hu o, V. J., false pretences on, 233, 243 McKay, G., 150 Harbeck, W. H., 175 Hull, C. and 0., wilful and obscene exposure to, 188 MoKeegan, T., 227 Harnett, B., 246 Hunter, W., commitment, 205 McKenzie, I., 175 Harris, S., 246 Hutchinson, J., false pretences on, 199 McKie, Rev. Mr., 255 Harris, J. B., 210 McLean, -, 233, 243 I. Harrison, R., 210 McLean, J., 218 Harrow, A., 247 Incendiarism, arrested forMcLean, T., 186, 207, 233 Hart, Mrs., 193 McNair, Andrew, 149 Walker, Wm., 149 McLean, Wm., 176 Hayes, J., 150 McLelland, I., 245 Incendiarism onHess, Lewis, 176 McNabb, D., 246 Bush, Thomas, 149 Hester, D. J., 210 Nankervis, J., 218 Irving, Wm., commitment, 240 Hewitt, H. G. E., 256 Naylor, Miss, 201 Hill, G., 149 Inquests held on-' Neale, L., 228 Hinson, W., 210 Body of a man, name unknown, found at 12 Little Newton, J. W., 175 Holding, H., 160, 168 Flinders-street, Melbourne, 187, 189 Nicoll, T. E., 236 Holland, Mrs. M., 228, 246 Body of a man, name unknown, found in the Yarra, 31, 189 Nothnagel, K., 228 Hollis, R., 215 Body of a man who died in the Heathcote hospital, 242 O'Brien, J., 150 Holmes, D., 168 Body of a Chinaman, name unknown, found near the O'Dea, M., 210 Hoskins, W., 228, 246 Yorkshire Hotel, Marong, 214, 232 O'Donohue, C., 175 Howard, A. J., 185 Ogden, W., 167 J. Howit, Dr. G., 176 O'Keefe, J., 193 Hutton, J. B., 186, 201 Jackson, D., larceny as a bailee, 173 Oldfield, J., 186 Hyde, A., 159 Jarvis, Eva, vagrancy, 231 Oliver, J., 168 James, A., 255 Jeffries, J. S., uttering a valueless cheque on, 192 O'Loughlin, P., 228, 236, 245 Jebb, S., 165, 183 Jelbert, Lewis, commitment, 213 Olsen, 0., 228 Jenvions, A. G., 246 Jenkins, Jno., alias King Jinks, rogue and vagabond, 259 O'Mara, M., 201 Johnson, T., 210, 218 Johnson, Otto, alias Frank Jensen, larceny as a bailee, 192 O'Neil, Mrs. A., 157 Johnson, A., 193, 202 Johnstone, J. L., larceny, 233 O'Neill, M., 210 Jones, R. W., 150 Jones, A., commitment, 163 Osbaldstone, M. A., 159 Joseph, C., 186 Jones, Arthur, commitment, 213 Page, Clara,175 Kann, T., 253, 261 Jones, E., larceny, 173 Paget, C. E., 261 Keane, Jno., 173, 176 Palmer, T. McL., 160, 168 K. i Keel, C., 236 Parker, C. F., 201 Keating, G., commitment, 204 Kelly, J., 193 Parker, E. A., 202 Keech, F., inflicting grievous bodily harm, 191 Parkes, W., 218 Kelly, M., 236 Kelly, W. A., commitment, 197 Parnham, W., 219 Kemp, A., 236 Housebreaking committed Cruickshanck, T., 210 Cullen, M., 225 Cunningham, Jno., 225, 233 Dale, W., 209, 228 Daly, J. T., 218 Dandey, T., 176 Davies, A., 210 Davies, Wm., 255 Davis, J., 255 Deegan, J., 159 Delaney, J., 199, 225 Dennis, E., 160 De Oliviera, J., 228 Dineen, M., 176 Dobley, G., 194, 207, 253 Dobson, T., 228 Dockery, Mrs. J., 227, 245 Dowel, E., 246 Downey, J., 201 Dowse, W., 167 Drain, Mrs. E., 236 Dredge, G., 201 Duncan, R., 246 Faber, M., 191 Farrell, J. C., 255 Farrelly, M., 185 Faunt, T., 185 Feehan, B., 256 Fenton, S., 209, 246 Fisher, E., 236 Fisher, E., 236 Fitzgerald, Miss, 236 Flannery, T., 210, 246 Fletcher, A. L., 194 Flockhart, A., 245 Foley, Mrs. A., 218 Fowler, G., 167 Frefhman, E., 236 Frost, E., 210, 233 Garner, R., 193 Gates, J., 149 Gibbons, F., 246 Gibbs, G., 176 Gilbert, Hy., 209 Gillam, H., 193 Goodger, W., 176 1903.] VICTORIA POLICE Kelly, J., commitment, 171, 213 Keller, If., larceny on, 207 Kerr, C., commitment, 249 Kin, T., larceny on, 173 Kinder, -, false pretences , 225, 261 King, Wm., larceny, 200, 215 King, W. M., uttering a forged cheque, 199, 261 Kino, A. E., false pretences on, 215 Kraetzer , Julius, false pretences on, 215 L. Laherty, J ., commitment, 180 Lang, R., disobeying a bench order, 249 Larkins , M., larceny as a bailee , 254, 261 Lazarus , J., commitment, 240 Lees , J., disobeying a bench order, 197 Licensing Act notices, 162 Lighton, R ., false pretences on, 130 Lindley, J. E ., fraud on, 261 Little , L., disobeying a summons , 197, 204 Lloyd, C., commitment, 188 Longhurst , W. E., embezzlement on,233, 243 Love , H., larceny on, 165, 183 Lovick, G., assault on, 171 Lucas , Wm., false pretences, 158 Lucas , M. E., supplyng a poison to procure the miscarriage of, 215, 243 Luke, Mr., larceny on, 215 Lyall, Alice M., indecent assault on, 180 M. Mackie, John , rogue and vagabond, 225 Magistrates appointed , 161, 221 Magistrates resigned, 162 Major, J., arrears of maintenance, 188 Malcolm and Co., larceny as a servant, 199 Man, name unknown , assault on Constable Salts, 230 Man, name unknown, assault on R. G. Whitham, 188 Man, name unknown, assault with intent to rape on Mrs. E. A. Hodgkiss, 243 Man, name unknown , assault on G. Lovick, 171 Man, name unknown , assault with intent to unlawfu lly and carnally know May Flynn, 165 Man, name unknown , attempted criminal assault on M. Hanrahan, 215 Man, name unknown , indecent assault on K. J. Nelson, 240 Man, name unknown , inflicting grievous bodily harm on T. J. Cleland, 243 Man, name unknown , larceny on E. McSwain, 183 Man, name unknown , larceny on E. Tregarth, 215 Man, name unknown, larceny as a bailee on R. Hay, 243 Man, name unknown , larceny as a bailee on S. Temby, 158 Man, name unknown , larceny on Mr. Luke, 215 Man, name unknown , obscene exposure, 180 Man, name unknown, obscene exposure to P. Sykes, 162 Man, name unknown , personating Constable W. H. Seddon, 158 Man, name unknown , rogue and vagabond, 240 Man, name unknown , uttering a valueless cheque on J. S. Jeffries, 192 Man, name unknown , wilful and obscene exposure to C. and 0. Hull, 188 Mansfield, W., commitment, 188 Mariners , notice to, 240 Martin, W., indecent assault, 180, 188 Medical Board of Vctoria , 179, 257 Melbourne Harbor Trust notice, 239 Men, two, names unknown, wilful damage to property of the Brunswick council, 231 Men, three , names unknown, assault on H. Bassett, 222 Men, three , names unknown , assault on L. Holmes, 207 Meredith , J. T., embezzlement, 158 Metcalf, E. B ., larceny as a bailee, 165, 183 Michelson , A., commitment, 155 Miller, H., false pretences , 183, 200 Miller, H., commitment, 171 Milton, John , inquired for, 240 Missing friendsAdams, Ivey, 250 Badger, S., 189, 242 Barrett, M., 172 Beanglehole , E., 232 Berick, E., 163 Birt, E., 189 Blair, Mrs . J. G., 172 Brinn, P., or Breen, 181 Brown, S., 172 Bryan, A., 189 Burke , W. G., 156, 164 Carew, Hy., 172 Collins , T., 251 Cunningham , J., 232 Currie , R., 181 Darcy, J. B., 198 Davidson , G. McL., 206 Deacon, Jack, or Smith , 189 Derden , John, 224 Donald , E., 214, 224 Dunn, S., 260 Eaton , J., 241 Edbrook , E., 181 Edwards , H., 198, 206 Evans , A., 156 Fisher, David , or Peter, 232 Frame , A. T., 251 Fyan, A., 163 Gilchrist , T., 241 Geogehan , M. A., 163 Graymore , Edgar, 172 Hanwood , R., 172 Heinemann , W., 198 Henderson , A., 206 Hennessy , Wm., 164 Hodgkinson , A., 224 GAZETTE.-INDEX. 5 Missing friends - continued. Holland, A., 251 Holmes, R., 206 Hyland, J., 242 Jackson, W., 232 James, Mary, 224 Keating, Mrs . A., 156 Klien, F., 198 Maula Dad, 232 Meer Ellum Deen, 260 Mitchell, J., 156 Mulqueny, T., 251 Murphy, D., 214 McDonald, J., 232, 251 McMinn, E. C., 232, 242 Newman, G., 241, 250 Orchard, Mrs., 260 Oswald, G. A., 156 Packer, C. J., 260 Ramsden, A, T., 214, 224 Ramsay, R., 172 Richards, C. E., 198 Rodgens , Mrs. A., 164 Rosenburg , Al., 172 Ross , F., 181, 198 Scholz, Mrs. Rosalind, 172 Scott, J. L., 214 Shirmer, F. W., 232 Taylor, G., 164 Tebbutt, C. G., 181 Vaughan, B., 232, 241 Wallace, G., 224 White, Mrs. E., 156 Williams, Ella Ida, 260 Woodhouse, B., 214 Young, J. H., 241 Young, T., 241 Moody, W., vagrancy, 223, 231 Mooney, J. H., false pretences on, 183, 191 Moore , S., commitment, 213 Moran, J., imposition on, 261 Morcomb, J., commitment, 162 Morris , L., commitment, 240 Morris , Wm., commitment, 204 Murray, D. and W., uttering a forged order on, 183 Murray, J., commitment, 188 Murder ofMale child found at Arnold-street, Bendigo, 170 Sultan Allum, alias Mehr Deen, 139, 149, 167 Stott, Annie, and her two children, 217, 227 Murder, charged with- Stott, Jack, 217, 227 Me. McCrow and Son, larceny on, 183 McDonald, C., larceny on, 215 McDonald , D., inflicting grievous bodily harm, 173 McDonough , J., inflicting grievous bodily harm , 158, 173 McFarlane, J., imposition, 200 McGorlick, J., commitment, 188 McGorlick, A., commitment, 188 McGorlick, E., commitment, 223 McGrath, A., embezzlement, 207 McKenzie , R. J., false pretences, 193 McKenzie, J., false pretences, 199 McNally, E., commitment, 223 McNicol, E., commitment, 152 McRae, George, vagrancy, 213, 223 McSwain, E., larceny, 183 McWhirter, Wm., escaped lunatic, 197 N. Nelson, K. J., indecent assault on, 240 New ling, W., commitment, 204 Newman, J., escaped lunatic, 249 Newton, J. J., commitment, 223 Newton, J. J., imposition, 192 Niven, Agnes , imposition, 200 Norman, Hy., larceny on, 234 Nyberg, B., commitment, 152 0. O'Brien, W., commitment, 240 Obstruction on the railway line between North Melbourne, 204 O'Reilly, F., wilful damage, 180 Owen, H., forgery and uttering, 243 Footscray and P. Palm, E., larceny on, 173 Pamment, E ., commitment, 152 Payne, A ., missing boy, 170 Pearson, H., false pretences , 183, 191 Pender, P., vagrancy, 162 Phillips , R., threatening life, 231 Phillips , Al., larceny as a bailee, 183 Phillips, T., forgery and uttering on, 261 Phillips , Fred, larceny as a bailee, 183 Piconi, D., assault with intent to carnally know Elsie Prit. chard, 233 Pinner, G., embezzlement on, 183 Pitcher, G., larceny on, 120, 130, 215 Police, Acting Chief Commissioner of, 179 Police force appointments as constables , 213, 221, 249 Police inspectors of licensing districts, 238 Police Superannuation Board, 169 Police force appointments as assistant inspectors of fisheriesMcCarthy, P., 239 Stephenson , J., 239 Police force appointments as bailiffs of county courtsWeir, J., 221 Simcocks, T., 239 Police force appointments as clerks of petty sessionsCrowle, S. J., 221 Dwyer, J. J., 258 i G VICTORIA POLICE Po lice force appointments CourtJones, Thos., 152 as commissioners Police force appointments clarationsRyan, R. P., 221 Linehan, T., 221 as commissioners Police force appointments Elmore, E. T., 239 Grant, D. J., 239 as crown lands bailiffsWilliams, G. H., 179 Police force appointments Steinfort, A. C., 239 as electoral inspectorsWarren, J., 258 Police for ce appointments &c.Batty, A. J., 238 Cole, W., 257 Crawford, J., 238 Crowle, S. J., 257 Deverall, J. J., 180 as inspectors Ellis, J. T., 179 Wilcox, for taking de. J. J., 258 of slaughter -yards, Hehir, J., 170 Olney, J. S., 257 Thyer. J., 257 Wilah, W. P., 170 Woo lhouac, 11. M. H., 238 Police force appointments Halliday, G. G., 221 as inspector; of stockLuke, J. H., 258 Police force appointments 1901: Hirgston , R. P., 204 Police force appointments Ahearn, T., 169 Ahern, T., 221 Anlezark, J. L., 257 of the Supreme as stewards under Lan4 Act Woodhouse , H. M. H., 204 as summoning officersLinehan, T., 178 Luke, J. H., 257 Orgill, A. V., 170 [1903. GAZETTE.-INDEX. Property , charged with stealing - continued. Isaacs , C., 183 James, -, 225 Jones , Miss, 191 Kane, J., 191 King, Wm., 243 Man, name unknown, on S. G. Cook, 157 Man, name unknown, on H. Westley, 173 Man, name unknown, on F. Alderson and Co., 191 Man, name unknown , on Mrs. E. Sharp, 199 Man, name unknown, on H. G. Gadsby, 199 Man, name unknown, on H. Carr, 207 Man, name unknown, on F. Clark,207 Man, name unknown, on Gilbert Bros., 215 Man, name unknown, on J. Mullins, 225 Man, name unknown, on W. T. Stuchberry,225 Man, name unknown, on F. McLaverty, 243 Man, name unknown, on Schepisi Bros., 253 Man, name unknown, on L. Younger, 253 Man, name unknown, on E. Thicthener, 253 Men, two, names unknown, on W. Dodgshun and Sons, 165 Men, two, names unknown, on J. Robbins, 165 Alen, two, names unknown, on R. G. Fennell, 253 Men, two, names unknown, on J. T. Cottrell, 253 Men, two, names unknown, on King and Godfree, 261 Martin, George , alias Geo. Gilchrist, 207 Parkinson, Harold, 215, 225 Smith, J., 225 Smith, -, 199 Thomas , Phil., 157, 165 White, J. A., 243 Williams, F., 225 Wilson, J., 173 Wilson, W. L. E., 183 Wilson, R., 191 Property found, now in the possession ofAlbert Park police, 172 Marong police, 241 Ararat police, 259 Melbourne C.I. po lice, 223, Alphington police, 232 241, 250 Police force promotionsAuburn police, 163 Mentone police, 223 Barry, J., 248 O'Loughlin, M., 248 Ballarat police , 172, 181 Northcote police, 181 Carter, A. 248 Robertson, C. A., 248 Ballarat South police, 156 North Fitzroy police, 181, Corbett,T.., 248 Ryan, T. E. I., 204 Burnley police, 156, 163 189, 241, 250 Dowler, F., 201 Sheehan, R., 204 Bourke-street West police, Gray, A, H., 248 Thomson, W. J., 204 North Melbourne police, 232, 156, 206, 214, 250 250 Jones, E. J., 248 Turnbull, J. A, 248 Benalla police, 163 Keegan, L. J., 204 Wade, Jas., 204 Police depot, 259 Muldarry, Jno., 204 Whitehead, E. J., 248 Bendigo police, 172 Port Melbourne police, 214 Burwood police, 259 McKenna, T., 248 j Wilson, H. H., 248 Prahran police, 156, 259, 250 Oliver, G., 248 Carlton police, 156, 163, 172 Richmond police, 172 Drouin police, 189 Russell-street police, 156, Police force deathsEaglehawk police, 163 163, 172, 181, 189, 198, Cahir, J. J., 249 McGrath, J., 195 East Brunswick police, 206 206, 223, 232, 241,250 Police force dischargesEast Melbourne police, 259 Scully, F., 189, 241 Carroll, Michael, 152 Fogarty, T. J., 249 Ferntree Gully police, 250 South Melbourne police, 163, Fitzroy police , 163, 198 232 Police force, instructions toGeelong police, 163 St. Kilda police, 189 Fruit and vegetableshops in certainmunicipal districtsLittle Bourke -street police, St. Kilda-road police, 250 regulations made under Factories and Shops Act 1900, 172 West Melbourne police, 172, 871 Malvern police , 206, 214, 250 181 Letter of thanks from the Government to the force relative to the railway strike, 230 Property lost byPolice examinations, 248 Crombie, C., 205 Marks, M., 205 Receipt No . 35 of Book 254-issued to any member of the Forbes, J., 259 Nicolson, C., 205 force, 230 Voting by post, 196, 221 Property stolen fromPolice force appointment McCarthy, P., 221 a3 wharf manager- Police force resignationsField, Tho3., 161 Foley, T., 152 Lawford, Jno., 249 McGuinness, J. F.., 152 McHugh, R., 213 Police force superannuationsCarey, B. L., 152 Nelms, R., 195 Parsons , J., 178 Crotty, M., 248 Wade, J., 238 Dwyer, J., 195 George, W., 238 Police stations broken up Lake Hattah, 213 Greta, 230 Pond, E., larceny as a bailee on, 183 Ports in Victoria , amendment of port rules regarding explosives, 240 Potter, Archie, or Graham , larceny, 165 Pride, Ethel, vagrancy, 204 Pritchard , E., assault with intent to carnally know on, 233 Property , arrested for stealingAllinson, J., 183 Bond, Frank, 165 Clarke, F., 191 Davies, T., 172 Donnelly, A., 253 .Tones, Norman, 181 Murphy, -, 157 -Nelson, Charles , 198 Parkinson, H., 191 Pierre, Edward, 256 Property , charged with stealingAllan, W., 243 Allinson, J., 147, 183 Booker, T., 165 Cohen, -, 243 , 253 Cook, J., 243 Duffy, Brummy , 191 Richardson, E. W. L., 247 Roberts, James, 230 Rodrick , Mary, 156 Shaw, Chas., 206 Sims , Ernest, 151 Thomas, Phil., 165 Walters , Wm., alias Millie, 229 Wynn, F., 172 Elkins , W., 243 Farrell , Frank, 233 Hannigan , J., 191 Harvey, 157 Hill, J., 243 Humphries , Miss, 191 Ali Doo, 176, 186 On Kee, 194 Sun Ah Hem, 176 Abelkhar, I., 187 Aitken, R., 186 Alderson, F., and Co., 191 Allen, R., and Son, 151 Anderson, C., 237 Andrew, G. E., 168 Armfield, W., 229 Armstrong, G., 186 Arthur, J., 177 Asterburg, J., 202, 257 Atkins, J. H., 247 Baird, W., 150 Ball and Welch, 203 Banks and Co., 151 Bannister , J., 151 Barnes, Mrs., 212 Barnett, M., 220 Barry, C., 220 Barwell, W. H., 165 Bayley, N., 178 Bayne, D., 186 Bates , H. J., 229 Beer, Ida, 247 Beere, M., 194 Beischer, F. W., 177, 194 Belecher, N., 161 Bergin, Jas., 219 Berner, A., 160 Betts, G. R., 256 Bjorksten,F., 169 Blackman, P., 219 Blanch, J., 225 Blaxland, Dr., 230 Bond, C., 236 Bowman, J., 230 Box and Sons, 247 Boyd, B., 230 Bradley, W. G., 203 Bridges, E., 177 Brucknell , W., 202 Bull, R., 151 Buller, E. J., 150 Bullen, W. J., 203 Burden, Mr., 257 Burman, F. C., 230 Burnie, B., 257 Bu rn s, E., 220 Burston, J. F., 187 Bush, S., 187 Butler, Mrs., 237 Callaghan, W., 203 Calomore, C. S., 219, 229 Campbell, E., 220 Campbell, E., 220 Campbell, D., 257 Carner, F., 151 Carr, W., 160 Carr, H., 207 Carrison, E. H., 194 Carter, C., 168 Chambers, Rev. A., 211 Chandler, J., 161 Clark, F., 207 Clark, R., 151 Clarke, A. V., 202 Clarke,J.,194 Clarke, E . S., 186 Clayton, E., 211 Clemens , J., 230 1903.] Property VICTORIA POLICE Property stolen from-continued. Clement, M., 151 Clingin, G., 150, R. J., 150 Cochrane and Scott, 211 Cook, S. G., 157, 165 Cookson, -, 210 Cooper, W. R., and Son, 219, 229, 243 Cornish, Rev. Father, 186 Costelow, H. J., 150 Cottell, R. J., 203 Cottrell, J. T., 253 Coulson, Hay, and Co., 229 Coulson, C., 176 Coward, F., 168 Cowton, M., 165 Crawford, Mrs., 151 Cromie, J., 257 Cross, W., 257 Cross, W., 202, 215, 225 Crowley, W. J., 211, 225 Curtis, E., 211 Cuthbert, F., 168 Dale and Co., 168 Dance, W. S, 237 Darvall, C. S., 177 Davey, J. H., 203, 229 Davis, J., 187 Deasy, D., 194 Denton, J. J., and Sons, 177 De Silva, Dias, 169 Devlin, Mrs., 160 Dixon, F., 248 Dobson, G. H., 161 Dodgshun and Sons, 165 Donaghue, J. E., 257 Dowling, W., 150 Downer, W., 230 Doyne, J., 177 Duckett, A., 247 Duffy, E., 150 Duke, G. S., and Son, 191 Dummett, F., 160 Dyer, H., 211 Eastaigh, A. E., 194 Eddy, H., 168 Edmonds, H., 237 Edwards and Co., 237 Edwards, J., 168 Edwards, P. V., 151 Ellis, H., 211 Emmerson, W., 247 Emmerson, J. D., 177 Evans, A. J., 247 Evans, J. D., 151 Eyre, F. H., 229, 237 Fahey, J., 248 Falkiner, E. H., 169 Fels, L., 229 Fennell, R. G., 253 Fenner, R. W., 187 Field, Wm., 212 Finlay,A., 177 Finn, L., 168, 183 Finnigan, J., 177 Fischer, E., 183 Fitzgibbon, M., 256 Fleming, A., 248 Fleming, J., 178 Fletcher, W., 211 Flockhart, A., 219 Foletta, H. G., 194 Ford, R., 257 Fortington, A. A. A., 187 Foster, W. A. L., 191 Frances, E. 0., 151 Frances, E. 0., 219 Frank, J., 151 Frankenburg, S., and Co.,187 Fraser, A., 150 Fraser, F. J., 256 Freeman, G., 177 Friar, D., 220 Friar, D., 247 Fullerton, W., 151, 237 Gadsby, H. H., 199 Gale, Jas., 169, 178 Game, W., 179 Gardiner, Dr. J. M., 169 Gay, L., 257 Gaylor, C. W., 194 Gilbert Bros., 215 Gifferd, T., 243, 253 Glass, B., and Sons, 211 Godbehead, M., 151 Goller, E., 237 Goode, W. J., 219 Gregory, W. T., 194 Griffin, J. J., 211 Griffiths, H. P., 211, 223 Griffiths, R., 169 Grocke, F. W., 212 Groom, W., 247 Grundy, W., 247, 256 Hall, G. T., 247 Hamilton, C., 219 Hamilton, J., 230 Hammer, Rev. C. H., 257 Hansen, H., 187, 194 Hardie, M. K, 256 Harding, C. J., 161 Hardie, C., 211 Harley, Mrs. E., 161 Harman, P., 194 Harrison, T., 178 Harvey, D., 177 Harvey, W., 203 Harvey, C., 178, 194 Harvey, C., 151 Hawthorne, H., 237 Haynes, T., 212 Heath, H., 219 Heathcote, Mrs., 151 Hembry, J., 219 Henderson, L., 248, 256 Henderson and Jupp, 77 Hendren, H., 247 Hicks, T., 219 Hicks, Atkinson, and Son, 256 Hill, W., 177 Hoadley, Mr., 177 Hoadley and Co., 229 Hood, W., 237 Holt, W. T., 229 Holt, W., 230 Howard, Dr. H., 151 Howarth, E., 211 Hooper, J., 256 Hooper, W., 177 Huddart, Parker, and Co., 169 Humphrey, H. W., 177 Hunt, J. E., 151 Hutton, J. C., and Co., 160 Hyinldey, R., 165 Ilsley, L., 151 Ireland, P., 229 Ireland, S., 223 Jackson, H., 237 James, F., 178 James, R., 229 Jamieson, J., 187 Jenkin, Wm., 247 Jenkin, J., 203 Jensen, 0., 248 Johnson, W. G., 203 Johnston, J., 183 Jones, Mrs. A., 186 Jorgensen,T., 219 Keen, H., 243 Kemp, L, 230 Kenny, J., 237 Kibble, A., 211 King and Godfree, 261 Kino, M., 248 Knapp, A. E., 249 Knights and Warden, 178 Kohn, H., 203, 229 Lang, B., 256 Latoof and Calif, 161, 186 Latta, W., 178 Law, W. J., 257 Leach, J. P., 248 Leach, J. B., 187 Lemp, Mr., 177 Lester, F., 210 Lewis, W., 237 Lilford, J., 247 Lilian, F., 237 Lindsay, A., 177 Logan, W. P., 212 Lowe, P., 212 Lyon, J. S., 237 Mack, Mary, 151 MacMillan, I., 211 Maginnis , R., 187, 199 Mahon, M., 257 7 GAZETTE.-INDEX. stolen from- continued. Mamouney, J., 187 Mantel, J., 178 Marquart, W., 178 Martin, W. E., 202 Maude, J., 168 Mawson, J., 203 Mayne, Nickless, and Co., 230 Mead, S. J., 203 Melbourne Steamship Co., 157 Metropolitan Board of Works, 237 Meyers, C., 237 Meyers, F. S., 203 Michelson, J., 150 Miller, A., 168 Millikin, W., 212 Mitchell, F. J., 256 Mitchell, J., 248 Mobbs, D., 177 Moran and Cato, 220 Morris, J., 203 Morrison, Jean, 256 Morton, W. G., 237 Mosley, R., 203 Mukand Lal, 157, 165 Mullins, J., 225 Murdoch, H., 160 Murdoch, A., 161 Musgrove, Rose, 194 McArthur, D., 212, 257 McClure, Miss, 248 McCormack, T. M., 243 MoCrime, T., 207 McCulloch, M. E., 194 McEachern, J., 203 McFarlane, R., 219 McIntosh, S., 219 McIntosh, S., 187 McIntosh, J. R., 203 McKeclmie, -, 210 McKenzie and Co., 178 McLaverty, F., 225 McLaverty, F., 243, 253 McLellan, W., 168 McLeod, A., 211 McLeod, H. V., 177 McMillan, J., 160 McNeil, D., 150 McRae, A., 186 McRae, D., 161 McSwain, E., 168 Newbound, W., 248, 256 Newman, J., 177, 203, 229 Nicoli, A., 211 Nind, V. P., 219, 237 Norton, J. F., 229 Oakes, A., 257 O'Brien, J., 257 O'Connell, F., 230 O'Connell, C., 187 O'Donnell, J. M., 247 Ogg, T. D., 220 Ogilvy, J., 151 O'Halloran, C. D., 202 Osborne, A. A., 212 Osborne, A. G., 211 O'Shannessy, J., 160 Parker, J., 168 Parnell, C., 212 Parris, G., 253 Paynter, Mrs. A., 177 Peagram, W. H., 259 Pearson, M., 212, 233, 248 Peddle, W., 186 Perrott, W., 202 Petrie, E., 211 Pettigrew, V., 220 Phelan, W. R., 169 Phillip, J., 219 Pizzey, G., and Son, 237 Plaisted, H. C., 247 Plasopulos, M., 211 Pollard, W. C., 211 Pope, E., 211, 229 Pope, R., 161 Porteous, T., 203 Porter, C.R., 187 Power, T. M., 256 Pratt, A., 211 Pullan and Co., 186 Purdue, V. Al., 247 Purnell, W., 257 Quarterman, Mrs. J., 203 Quinn, H., 203, 229 Raby, R. W., 219 Raby, R., 229 Railton, J., 191 Ralph, I., 229 Ransom, E. E., 229 Ratcliff Bros., 257 Rawlins, H., 256 Reid, G., 230 Rennie, H., 219 Renny, T., 211 Rippon, E. C., 203 Roach, Jas., 177 Robbins, Jos., 165 Robertson and Moffatt, 203 Rock, M. J., 194, 229 Redd, L., 151 Roe, J., 194 Ross, A., 237 Rossiter, A., 230 Rouda Bros., 220 Russell, J., 151 Rutledge, T. F., 211 Salter, S., 256 Sarah, H., 229 Sayers, H., 151 Schafer, T., 194 Schepisi Bros., 253 Schlicting, H. A., 237 Schulz, M., 177 Scott, P. M., 247 Scott, J. D., 203 Scott, L. W., 210 Scott, H., 168 Searle, W., 169 Sharp, Mrs. E., 199 Shebler, A., 220 Shepherd, Mrs., 194 Shiels, A., 169 Sigsworth, G., 219 Simmons, W., 194, 229 Sinclair, G., 248 Sinnott, E., 256 Slater, J., 220 Smith, D., 230 Smith, D., 229 Smith, H., 161, 168 Smith, P., 194 Smith, R. H., 237 Smyth, T., 248 Spargo, J., 210 Spooner, A. H. G., 256 Stamper, M., 211 Steibel, R., 211 Stensen, F. A., 229 Stephens, A., 247 Stewart, P., 247 Stare, H., 256 Strom, L., 194 Stuchberry, W. T., 225 Stutt, W., 177 Sugden, L., 160 Sutton, H. P., 229 Symons, E., 151 Tarrant Motor Coy., 161 Tate, T., 203 Telford, J., 259 Thicthener, E., 253 Thomas, E., 173 Thomas, W., 237 Thompson, T., 256 Thompson, W. J., 256 Thrupp, J. W., 202 Timmons, J., 236 Todd, H., 203 Trahan, M. J., 202 Trebilcock. E. H., 177 Tremby, G. M., 256 Trevaskis, B., 237 Trotter and Higgins, 211 Turner, J., 160 Tutley, T., 191 Vial, G., 248 Victorian Stevedoring Coy., 160 Victorian Railways Commissioners , 168, 177, 178, 194, 229, 230, 237, 247, 205 Vigor, Y. 202 Walker, A., 178 Walsh, J. 229, 247 Watson, F., 237, 247 Ward, E., 211 q VICTORIA Property stolen from-continued. Warren, F. T., 169, 177 Waters, IV., 160 Watson, H., 177 Watson, W. H., 191 Waye, W. H., 186 Webb, A. W., 210 Webb, A., 187 Webb, B., 247 Wenborn, W. S., 211, 237 Wentman, C., 177 West, IF., 236 Westley, H., 173 Wharrington, D., 203 White, E. J., 247 Whitelaw, T. F., 230 Whitton, G., 219 Wilding, W., 187 Willard, Al., 203 POLICE Wilkie, F., 247_ Wilkins, F., 237 Wilkins , H. G., 211 Wilkins , T., 220 Wilkinson , L. C., 187 Williams , J., 229 Williams , H., 202 Williams , P., 219 Williams , J., 168, 191 Wills, G., and Co., 178 Wilson, J., 187 Wilson , 1., 248 Woods, G., 178 Wright, M., 151 Wright, S., 219, 243 Yole, W., 150 Younger, L., 253 Younger, G. F., 247 Public vaccinators, 162, 196, 221, 239, 258. Purcell, P., disobeying bench order, 249 Q. Quarantine districts abolished, 179, 195, 222, 249 Quarantine ground for imported stock, 195 Quarantine districts for stock, 222, 239 Quarantine ground for imported dog', 222, 239 Quill, John, supplying a poison to procure a miscarriage, 215, 243 Quinlivan, T., embezzlement on, 158 R. Rabinovitch, A., commitment, 259 Radcliffe, W. A., false pretences, 233, 261 Read, C. M., and Co., false pretences on, 225 Redman, A., commitment, 222 Registrars of births and deaths, 161, 179, 195, 196, 221, 239, 258 Registrars of births and deaths, resigned, 195, 239, 257 Reuter, C., commitment, 249 Reynolds, P., arrears of maintenance, 2t8 Rice, W. H., smuggling, 157 Richards, E., commitment, 152 Richards, W., commitment, 240 Rickman, M., commitment, 231 Ridley, Wm., escaped lunatic, 222 Robenivitz, A., commitment, 213 Robinson, A., commitment, 205 Robinson, A., commitment, 171 Roche, Denis, inquired for, 240, 249 Ronaldson, E., commitment, 171 Ross, M. J., commitment, 171 Russo, A., commitment, 240 Ryan, W., commitment, 223 S. Sager, P., disobeying a summons, 258 Salts, Constable, assault on, 230 Sands, J., inflicting grievous bodily harm, 158, 173 Saunders, J. D., commitment, 180 Schild, E. G., perjury, 234 Scholz, Rosalind, 204 Scott, John, fraud, 261 Seddon, Constable W. H., personation of, 158 Sherman, J. J., false pretences, 243 Simmons, W., commitment, 188, 240 Small-pox, notices, 170 Smith, A., larceny on, 254, 261 Smith, C., commitment, 213 Smith, Chas., inquired for, 213, 223 Smith, F., commitment, 162 Smith, F., commitment, 162 Smith, F., commitment, 223 Smith, H., commitment, 205 Smith, J., commitment, 223 Smith, R., commitment, 188 Solomon, P., commitment, 240 Spinks, C., commitment, 223 Stanton, Wm., larceny, 158 Stewart, Jas., commitment, 152 Stewart, W. A., larceny as a servant, 199 Stoner, Mrs. E., larceny on, 199 Stubblety, A., inflicting grievous bodily harm, 158, 173 GAZETTE.-INDEX. [1903. Styles, W., inflicting grievous bodily harm, 158, 173 Supreme Court, resignation of a judge of the, 239 Sutcliffe, G., false pretences, 199, 225 Sutherland, Mrs. F., larceny on, 233 Swan, J., escaped lunatic, 213, 231 Sykes, Phoebe, obscene exposure to, 162 Symons, W., commitment, 171 . T. Taylor, R. T., embezzlement, 207 Tebbutt, C. G., vagrancy, 180, 188 Temby, S., larceny as a bailee on, 158 Templeton, F. K., false pretences, 243 Thakur Singh, false pretences on, 158 Tirrell, V. J., vagrancy, 180, 223 Thomas, L. M., commitment, 258 Thomas, R., larceny, 233 Thomas, P., alias J. Williamson, vagrancy, 240, 249 Thomas, E. G., false pretences on, 183 Thornley, S., larceny on, 233 Todd, W., larceny, 199 Tow, E., vagrancy, 231 Tracey S., commitment, 249 Treadway, J. F., and Co., false pretences on, 225 Treble, Wm., arrears of maintenance, 171, 197 Tregarth, F., larceny on, 215 1'renmill, E. J., arrears of maintenance, 258 Trevarton, G., false pretences on, 199 Tucker, H., embezzlement, 183 Turnbull, S., larceny as a bailee, 183 Turner, W. H., disobeying maintenance order, 223 Turner, T., threatening life, 188 V. Valentine, G., commitment, 259 Vergona, Joseph, commitment, 170, 197 Victorian Railways Commissioners' report re damage at Brighton Beach, 212 Victorian Railways Commissioners' report stone placed between points at Essendon and greasing of lines at Essendon, 212 Victorian Railways Commissioners' report re greasing of line at Glenrowan, 212 Victorian Railways Commissioners' report re points at Benalla tampered with, 212 Victorian Railways Commissioners' report re greasing of line at Carisbrook, 212 Victorian Railways Commissioners' report re wedge placed between joints on Warburton line, 212 Victorian Railways Commissicners report re obstruction on the line at Kardella, 223 Von Rantzow, Fritz, embezzlement, 130 W. Waddell and Co., uttering a forged cheque on, 199, 261 Walker, J. D., false pretences, 158 Walker, H. J., larceny as a bailee, 234 Walters, -, larceny as a bailee, 199 Waters, J., commitment, 204 Watt, W., larceny on, 234 Weaver, W. H., uttering a forged cheque on, 130 Weeks, S., false pretences, 261 Wenner, E., commitment, 259 Wheatley, G. S., commitment, 240 Whitta, T., commitment, 171, 188 Whitham, R. G., assault on, 188 Williams, C. E., commitment, 213 Williams, F., bigamy, 234 Williams, Smokey, wounding, 130 Williams, Thos., larceny on, 192 Williams, Wm., larceny as a bailee, 191 Williams, W. S., false pretences, 254 Wilson, E., rogue and vagabond, 261 Wilson, W., false pretences on, 173 Wine and spirit merchants' licences, 153, 154, 155 Winkle, Scotty, commitment, 249 Woman, name unknown, false pretences on C. M. Read and Co., 225, 261 Woman, name unknown, imposition on J. Moran, 261 Woman, name unknown, false verbal representations, 215 Y. Yarr, T., wilful damage, 231 I Young, C., commitment, 258 By Authority : RoBT. S. BRAIN, Government Printer, bselbourne. VICTORIA POLICE INDEX OF PRISONERS DISCHARGED DURING THE QUARTER ENDING JUNE, 1903. FOR Ali Chu, 20th June Ali Chong, 18th April Ah Foon, 13th June Ali Foon Jam, 16th May Ah Slice Chong, 18th April Ah See, 27th June Gip War, 6th June Chong Peter, 18th April Lee Chin, 18th April Len Young , 18th April Shing Duck 20th June SingJosephine , 16thMay Wah Suey, 25th April Alexander, Charles, 25th April Alexander , Frederick, Charles Jones , alias Thomas, aides John alias John Phil- lips, 9th May Alexander , William, 30th May Allen, Francis , 27th June Allison, John, 16th May Anderson , John , alias John Anderson , Mary, 13th June Andrews, Thomas, alias Joseph Mitche ll, alias Joseph McGregor, 23rd May Angus, George , 11th April Ashworth, William, 2nd May Atkinson , Elizabeth , 9th May Ballard, Wm., see R. McDonald, 23rd May Bailey, Charles, 25th April Barnes, George , 16th May Barrow, Ralf, 9th May Barry, Catherine , 18th April Batten, George , 9th May Beadle, Joseph, 11th April Beales, Wil liam R ., 20th June Beaudoin , Wil li am , 30th May Becker, Charles L., 23rd May Bell, Fanny H. B., 4th April Bennett, Bennett, Bennett, Bennett, Al fr ed, 27th June Mary, 16th May Mary, 4th April Horace, 4th April Benny, Win., 30th May Benjamin , Louis , 23rd May Bensley, Win., see Geo. Cuff, 25th April Benson, Thomas Stanton, June 6th Benson, Thomas, %20thJune Benson, April Ernest Henry, 18th Bergin, Ruby, 30th May Berrigan , Catherine, Blurton, POLICE 11th April Biggs, Edgar, 6th June Biggs, Thomas, 25th April Binder, Robert, 4th April Birchi ll, Davis, alias David Burtchell, 20th June Black, James, 25th April Black, James, 18th April Black,Joseph, 27th June Blake, Charles, 16th May Blakeley, Arthur Henry, 16th May Bland, May, 9th May INFORMATION Emma , 25th April Bonning, Edward T., 18th April Bool, Wi lliam , 2nd May Bourke, James, 16&h May Boyd, Charles , 27th June Boyele, Violet , 20th June Boyle, Catherine, 2nd May Brady, Bridget , 13th June ONLY.' Cuff, Geo., alias Wm. Bensley, alias John April Couch, 2:,th Cummins, Hy ., see H . Prince, 4th April Curran, Arthur Bertram, 2nd May Currie, Arthur , see R. Evans, 23rd May Brazlin, William, 11th April Curtis, Richd. Hy., 4th April Briggs, Eliza , 25th April Curtis, Michael , 2nd May Brooke, Henry S., 11th April Curtis, Mary, 2nd May Brown, Charles , 13th June Brown , Henry, 30th May Brown, Joseph, 18th April Brown, John, alias John Buckley, 2nd May Brown, Wi lliam , 6th June Bruce, John, alias De Winter, 4th April Bryant , Norman, 4th April Buchanan , Robert, 6th June Buckley, John, see John Dane, Henry, 25th April Davidson , Edward, 18th April Davis, John, 30th May Davis, Myra, 30th May Davison, Charles, 23rd May Dawkins , John C. A., 4th Apr il Dawson, George, 2nd May Day, John, 4th April Dean, George , see Geo. Thompson , 2nd May Brown, 2nd May Bu ll, Emily, Nelson, 2nd May GAZETTE. DeGille, Frank, 9th May 16th May Dempsay, John, 16th May Burch, Thomas, 16th May Denny, John, 6th June Burke, Robert , 6th June Burtchell, David, see D. De Winter , -, 4th April Birchill, 20th June see J. Bruce, Dilworth, William, 30th May Butler , Frederick , 11th April Dixon, Arthur , 6th June Byrne, John, 9th May Dixon, Mary, 9th May Byrnes, Dixon, Patrick, 11th April Callaghan, Edward, 4th April Callaghan , Thomas, 27th June Cargill, David, 6th June Cargi ll, Archie, 13th June Cashen, Wi lliam, 25th April Chandler, George, 30th May Chase, Clarke, Cleary, 25th Catherine , 23rd May John , 9th May Thos ., see Thos. Fox, April Cleghorn, Arthur, 25th April Cohen, Samuel, 18th April Colley, Robert, 23rd May Collins, Catherine , 18th April Collins, George , 6th June Collins, Peter , 25th April Coll ins , Thomas, 23rd May Connors, Cornelius , 6th June Constable , Annie, 18th April Constantine , Richard, 11th April , Cook, -, see J . Corcoran, 11th April Cooke, Arthur C., see A. C. Moore, 25th April Coppin, George H., 30th May Corcoran , James, alias Cook, 11th Apr il Corrigan, John, 9th May Coste ll oe, Michael, 2nd May Couch, John, see Geo. Cuff, 25th April Cox, Matthew , 13th June Cox, William, 30th May Craig„ James, 4th April Crawley, Peter , see Thos. Fox 25th April Crosby, Edward May H., Cross, John , 13th June Bland, Wil liam , 16th May ,Index-Quarter ending June.-10382.-B, 9th Thomas , alias Cor- nelius O'Connell, 9th May Doherty, -, see W. Everest, 4th April Doherty, Jeremiah, 25th April Donough, James, 20th June Donovan, John, alias Henry Stanford,2nd May Dow, Ernest , alias Wells, 23rd May Downie, Johannah, Ernest 25th April Draper, John, 23rd May Dumphy, Edmund, 18th April Duncan, Robert , 18th April Dunlop, William , 13th June Dwyer, John, 6th June Eccles, A lice , 18th April Eckworth , Wm., 27th June Edward, Ambrose , 30th May Edwards, John , alias Edward George, 6th June Edwards , George, 30th May Edward, Ray , see Ned, 18th April Egan, George , alias Walsh, 13th June Eggleston , Arnold, 25th Apr il Ellis, Mary, 25th April Ennis , Frederick , alias John Wilkinson , 6th June Evans , James , 16th May Evans , Joseph, 20th June Evans , Robert, alias Arthur Currie, 23rd May Evereat, Walter, alias Do herty, 4th April Ewart, Claud, 30th May Fagan, Barney , 23rd May Falconer, Mary , 30th May Fairbyn, -, see McNulty, Thos., 2nd May Fallon, Robert, 2nd May Farrar, Charles, see Chas. Farrell , 25th April Farrell, Charles, alias Charles Farrar, 25th April Farrell, Daniel , 18th April Faulkner, Cuthbert, 9th May Faust, William S., 25th April Feren, J., see Wm. Verity, 18th April Ferguson , Walter, 30th May Farris, -, see McNulty, Thos., 2nd May Finn, Patrick, alias Noble Patten, 13th June Fireworks, James, see Geo. Fleming, 9th May Firth, Lens, 2nd May Fitzgibbon, Peter, 25th April Fitzpatrick, John, 9th May Flannery,John, 9th May Fleming, James, see Geo. Fleming, 9th May Fleming, George, alias James Fleming, alias James Fireworks, alias James Grogan, alias James Hogan, 9th May Fletcher, John, 18th April Flight, Henry, proper name Jesse Carson , alias Charles McKenzie , 6th June Fox, Thos., alias Peter Crawley, alias Nicholas Murphy, alias Peter Murphy, alias Thos. Cleary, 25th April Freeman , William, 6th June Gaffney, Jane, 20th June Gavan, Charles, 25th April Gaynor, Charles, alias Mark Caynor, 13th June Gaynor, Mark, see Charles Gaynor, 13th June Geary, Mary, 13th June Gemmell, Walter, 4th April Genter, George, 6th June George,Edward, see John Edwards, 6th June George, Joseph, 6th June Gerlach, Carl F. W., 20th June Gibbs, Marcus J., 23rd May Gillard, George, 2nd May Ginger, -, see Ned, 18th April Gorman, Joseph, 27th June Gray, Emma, 23rd May Green, George, 25th April Green, Peter, 23rd May Greenwell, Percy, 20th June Grierson, James, 27th June Gripe, William, 25th April Grogan, James, see Geo. Fleming, 9th May Grohman, Louis, 20th June Grooner, Albert, 6th June Gubbins, Launcelot C., 18th April Guilfoyle, Joseph, 23rd May Hadden, Mary Ann, 18th April Hall, Robert, 16th Mary 2 PRISONERS Hansen, Christian, otherwise Charles Williams, 16th May H znsen, Julia, 25th April Harjwell, Samuel, 2nd May Harper, Robert, 16th May Harris, Alfred C., 6th June Harris, -, see McNulty, Thomas,2nd May Harris, William, 16th May Harris, Mabel, 30th May Harrison, John, 16th May Harrison, Marion, 2nd May Harrison, Win., 2nd May Harwood, Frank, 25th April Hatten, Bertram, 23rd May Haub, Margaret, 11th April Hawkins, Percival, see Hughes, P. J., 18th April Hayes, John, 23rd May Heale, William, 25th April Heaney, John Patrick, 16th May Henderson, Will., 18th April Hewett, Maria, 20th Time Hewson, Samuel, 6th June Hill, Bernard, 23rd May Hilliard, James, 23rd May Hilliard, James, 4th April Hilliard, Janies, 25th April Hilton, Elizabeth, 20th June Hindon, Thomas, 2nd May Hoare, James, 18th April Hoffman, Henry, see H. Prince, 4th April Hoffman, Henry, see Harry Johnson, 16th May Hogan, John, alias J. T. Ryan, 18th April Hogan, James,. see Geo. Fleming, 9th May Holland, James, 20th June Holland, Hugh April IM P., 18th Hollings, Charles, 18th April Holloway, Herbert, 11th April Holmes, Emily, 16th May Holmes, Alice, 23rd May Holmes, Gordon, 18th April Hood, John, 13th June Hopkins, Wm., see Alfred McCay, 16th May Hornsby, Taylor, Wm., see G. W. 20th June Houghton, Wm. May H., 23rd Houlohan, Simon, 9th May Howard, William, 6th June Hughes, P. J., alias Percival Bartlett, alias Percival Hawkins, 18th April Hulbert, Henry, 4th April Hurst, Joseph, 2nd May Hutton, Peter, 9th May Iles, William, 18th April Irving, Emma, 18th April Irving, David, 30th May Irwin, William, 4th April Jackson, Jonas, 6th June Jacobs, Leonard, 16th May James, Phillip H., 11th April James, Frank, alias A. Morton, 16th May Jane, Rita, 4th April Jeffrey, Chas., 4th April Jenkins, John, 30th May Johnson, Charles, 16th May Johnson, Harry, alias George Miller, alias Henry Hoffman, 16th May Johnson, Thomas, 27th June Johnston, Frederick, see Thos. Nelson, 25th April Johnston, Matthew, 27th June Johnston, William, 16th May Johnstone, Alfred, 25th April Johnstone, William, 6th June Johnstone, William, 30th May Jones, Annie, 20th June Jones, Charles, see F. Alexander, 9th May Jones, George, 16th May Jordan, James, 9th. May Kain, Francis, 16th May Kain, Patrick, 18th April DISCHARGED-INDEX. [1903. Kane, John, 25th April Kane, Thomas, 2nd May Kaveny, Peter, see J. Miller, 16th May Keane, John, 11th April Keefe, John, 30th May Kelly, Alfred, 23rd May Montague, Archibald, 23rd May Moore, Robert, 25th April Moore, Frank, 6th June Moore, Arthur C., alias Arthur C. Coolie, 25th April Moran, William, 16th May Kelly, Edward, 6th June Moran, Thomas, 18th April Kelson, John, Kennedy, 4th April Elizabeth, Morris, Ethel, 13th June Kennedy, Thomas, 4th April Kennedy, Michael, 16th May Kenny, John, 30th May Kenny, Morgan, 13th June Keogh, James, 23rd May Kerr, Chas. E., 23rd May Kerr, John, 13th June Kiernan, Alfred, 18th April Kiernan, Catherine, 18th April Kiernan, Catherine, 23rd May King, William, 16th May Kirby, Joseph, 25th April Kirkland, Geo., alias Michael Williams, alias Michael O'Mera, 18th April Knight, William, 25th April Knudson, George, 2nd May Laby, Florence, 2nd May Lake, Edward, 23rd May Lang, Ridge, 30th May Langton, John, 23rd May Lanigan, George, 9th May Lawrence, Chas., 4th April Lawrence, John, see John Walker, 25th April Lawson, Christopher, otherwise Christian Larsen, 23rd May Lawson, Henry, 16th May Lawson, Thomas, 30th May Lawson, William, 20th June Leader, Arthur, 18th April Leahey, Patrick, 18th April Lean, Rebecca, 18th April Le Cren, Madame, 23rd May Lee, John, 16th May Lee Jim, William, 16th May Leon, Maurice, 30th May Leonard, John, 4th April Lewis, Arthur, 18th April Lewis, Cornwall, 2nd May Liston, Alexander, 9th May 16th May Morris, John F., 23rd May Morris, Henry, alias Victor D. Myera, 16th May Morrison, Joseph, 6th June Morrissey, Mary, 13th June Morton, Alfred, see F. James, 16th May Mugavin, Michael, 13th June Muir, Robert, 20th June Muirhead, Alexander, 6th June Muller, Lena, 30th May Murray, John, 27th June Murphy, John, 4th April Murphy, Thomas, 2nd May Murphy, Michael, -1th May Murphy, Pete,, sec Thos. Fox, 25th April Murphy, Nicholas, see Thos. Fox, 25th April Murphy, John, 23rd May Murphy, Alfred, 2nd May Myers, Victor D., see H. Morris, 16th May McAllister, Graham, June McBride, Win., 9th May McCarthy, Robert, 23rd McCay, Al fr ed, alias Hopkins, 16th May McCormack, Henry, April McDonald, Richard, Chas. O'Malley, alias Ballard, alias Richard son, alias John 20th May Was. 25th Smith, McGinty, Edward, 13th June Mary Ann, 25th Lithgow, Thomas, 16th May McGowan, Arthur, 18th April Littlejohn, McGowan, Alfred, 27th June Long, Joseph, 6th June Lowe, Sarah, 18th April Luby, Thomas W., 2nd May Lynch, Michael, 16th May Mabbett, James, 20th June Macumber, John, 16th May Mair, Thos., 25th April Maizey, Edward T., 23rd May Marks, Fisher, 18th April Marsden, Stephen, 11th April Martin, Sydney Stephen, 13th June Mason, George , 2nd May May, George, 20th June Meers, Alfred, 9th May Messina, Charles, 6th June Middleton, Edward, 11th April Middleton Edward, 20th June Miller, Wm. J., 5th April Miller, John, 25th April Miller, Henry, 11th April Miller, George, see Harry Johnson, 16th May Miller, Mary, 20th June Miller, James, alias Peter Kaveny, alias Thomas Smith, 16th May Miller, August, 9th May Millett, Frederick, 4th April Mitchell, Frederick, 25th Ap. it Mitchell, Joseph, see T. Andrews, 23rd May Modler, Alf., see Win. Verity, 18th April Moloney, James, 25th April Monaghan, James, 2nd May John, Thomas, 25th April O'Malley, Chas., see R. McDonald, 23rd May O'Mera, Michael, see Kirkland, Geo., 18th April O'Shanassy, John, 23rd May O'Sullivan, Cornelius, 2nd May Owens, William, 4th April Pannell, Harry, 25th April Patten, Noble, see Patrick Finn, 13th June Payne, Kate, 18th April Pearce, Walter, 30th May Percival, Bartlett, see P. J. Hughes, 18th April Phillips, Henry, 20th June Phillips, John, 11th April Phillips, John, see F. Alexander, 9th May Pitman, James, 18th April Pitt, Charles, 2nd May Power, Margaret, 13th June Prendergast, Thomas, 18th April Prince, Henry, alias Henry Hoffman, alias Henry Cum,, rains, alias Henry Thomas, 4th April Pritchard, Percy, 9th May Quick, Arthur, 23rd May Quirk, James, 23rd May Radley, Stanley, 4th April Rainsford, Charles James, 16th May Ramsay, James, 20th June Ridley, William, 25th April Riggs, Leslie, 16th May Riley, James, 23rd May Ritchie, William, 4th April alias Win. Wat- 23rd May McDonald, Rose, 11th April McDonald, Thomas, 25th April McEvoy, Alice, 30th May McGilly, John, 4th April McGorlick, April O'Loughlin, 9th May McGrath, John, 4th April Roach, John, 6th June Robertson, Wm., 30th'May Robertson, Wilfred, 16th May Robespierre, Thomas, 25th April Robinson, Emily, 20th June Rodwell, Thos. by., 6th June Roelens, Eugene, 2nd May Rogers, Nellie, 6th June Rohl, Frederick, 6th June Roney, Michael, 18th April Rose, John, 11th April Russel, Daniel, 16th May Russell, Ethel,llth April McGrath, Charles, 27th June McGregor, Joseph, see T. Andrews, 23rd May McHale, Anthony, see Thos. Smith, 20th June McKay, Daniel, 18th April McKee, John, 16th May McKenzie, William, 13th June McKenzie, Chas., see Hy. Flight, 6th June McLaughlin, Joseph Henry, 11th April McMahon, Patrick, 30th May McManus, James, 16th May McNamara, James, 16th May McNulty, Thomas, alias Harris, alias Williams, alias Fairbyn, alias Ferris, 2nd May McPartland, John Anthony, 16th May Ned, alias Ginger Edwd. Ray, 18th April Neill, Michael, 6th June Nelson, Thos., alias Frederick Johnston, 25th April Nelson, John, see John Anderson, 2nd May Nettleton, John, 2nd May Nicholson, Robert J., 25th April Nylen, Henry, 2nd May Smith, John, 18th April Smith, John, see O'Brien, Michael, 2nd May O'Brien, William, 13th June O'Connell, C., see Thos. Dixon, 9th May O'Keefe, Edward, 20th June Smith, Smith, S,nith, 16th Russell, William, 27th June Ryan, Frank, 18th April Ryan, J. T., see J. Hogan, 18th April Sargood, James, 16th May Saunders, Thomas, 9th May Samuel, Jane, 9th May Schadt, Herman, 23rd May Scharrar, John, 16th May Scown, John, 11th April Sexton, Fanny, 18th April Seymour, Frederick P., see John Seymour, 2nd May Seymour, J. C., 9th May Seymour, John, alias Frede. rick Percy Seymour, 2nd May Shaw, Alexander, 11th April Shaw, Annie, 2nd May Sheppard,.' Wm., see W. Smith, 4th April Sheppard, Joseph, 2nd May Shields, Robert, 18th April Shields, Andrew, 13th June Silva, Edward, 6th June Simpson, George, 9th May Simpson, John, 2nd May Sims, Ernest, 20th June Simms, John Edward, 23rd May Skipp, Ellen, 4th April R. McDon- ald, 23rd May Smith, John, 27th June Laurence, 27th June Peter, 27th June Thomas, see J. Miller, May 1903.] Smith, Thomas, alias Anthony McHale, 20th June Smith, Walter, 30th May Smith, William, alias William Sheppard, 4th April Snell, Joseph, 20th June Snell, Stanley, 2nd May Shears, Gregory, 18th April Spikins, John, 16th May Stanford, Henry, see John Donovan, 2nd May Stephens, Teddy, same as Fredk. Stephens, 6th June Stetler, Edwd. Blanchard, 6th June Stevens, Ernest, 2nd May Stewart, Nellie, 2nd May Stewart, James, 4th April Stewart, George, alias Thos. Trevor, alias Webster, 16th May Stewart, John, 23rd May Stimpson, Florence, 23rd May Sullivan, Ada, 18th April Sullivan, John, Ilth April Sutcliffe, Jane Agnes, 23rd May Synnott, John, 20th June Tattersall, Henry W., 4th April Taylor, Ellen, 4th April Taylor, Frederick, 4th April Taylor, George W., alias Wm. Hornsby, 20th June Taylor, George, see John Walker, 25th April Taylor, Margaret, 4th April Thane, Mary Ann, 20th June PRISONERS DISCHARGED-INDEX. 3 Thomas, John, see F. Alexander, 9th May Thomas, John, 9th May Thomas, Hy., see H. Prince, 4th April Verity, Wm., alias Alf. Modler, alias J. Feren, 18th April Vivian, Eagar, 13th June Wagstaff, Francis Thos., 16th May Wilkinson, Thomas, Walker, Charles, 2nd May Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, William E., 11th April Thompson, William, 11th Walker, John, alias John Lawrence, alias George Geo. Wil- Walker, April April Taylor, 25th' April Thompson, Geo., alias Dean, alias Thomas liams, 2nd May Susan Myers, 11th April Wallace, Wallace, Charles, 20th June James, 4th April Walsh, David J., 4th April Tito Ichi, 6th June Tobin, Frank, 11th April Tod, Travice A., 30th May Walsh, -, see George Egan, 13th June Walsh, Thomas, 18th April Trainor, Warby, John, 20th June John D., 20th June Warburton, Trand, George, 18th April Tregardo, Ed., see Ed. Tre- sillian, 6th June Tremayne, Ed., see Ed. Tre- sillian, 6th June Tresillian, Edward, alias Ed. Trevenna, alias Ed. Tremayne, alias Ed. Trekrdo, 6th June Trevenna, Ed., see Ed. Tresillian, 6th June Trevor, Thos., see G. Stewart, 16th May Tuchin, Wm., 30th May Turnbull, Edith, 4th April Turner, Thomas, 23rd May Turner, James, 4th April Turpenny, James, 20th June Tute, George, 30th May George, 11th April Ward, James, 9th May Ward, Wm. Hy., 6th June Watson, Richard, see R. McDonald, 23rd May Watson, Wm., 18th April Waters, William, 25th April Watts, James, 18th April Webb, Wm., 27th June Webster, -, see G. Stewart, 16th May Westaway, Frederick, 16th May Westall, George, 13th June White, Henry, 2nd May White, Percival, see Fdk, Wilman, Henry, 2nd May Williams, -, see McNulty, Thos., 2nd May Florrie, 20th June Henry, 2nd May James, 18th April John, 2nd May Williams, May, 2nd May Williams, May, 4th April Williams, Wall, Patrick, 4th April Thomson, George, 27th June Thwaits, Alfred James, 11th John, Ennis, 6th June Michael, see Kirk- land, Geo., 18th April Williams, Thomas, 6th June Williams, Thos., see Geo. Thompson, 2nd May Willis, Henry, 27th June Wills, Ernest, see Dow, Ernest, 23rd May Wills, George, 20th June Wilson, Charles, 13th June Wilson, Frederick, 11th April Wilson, James, 13th June Wilson, John, 13th June Wilson, Margaret, 30th May Wilson, Thomas, 4th April Wilson, Thomas, 25th April Wilson, Thomas, proper name Thomas Collins, 9th May Wilson, William, 6th June Winters, Thomas, 4th April Wolley, Fredk., 16th May Woodhouse, James, June Worstell, Frederick, 20th 18th April 4th April White, John, 16th May Wright, Whealan, James, 4th April Wickham, Herman, 23rd May York, Alfred, 9th May 1N Young, By Authority : RomT. S. BRAIN, Government Printer , Melbourne, Annie, 6th June Samuel, 23rd May IN 1)l X TO TIIR VICTORIA POLICE GAZET'I' [E;. FOR 'I'll 1, QUARTER ENDING SEPTEMBER, 1003. A. Al, Tooey, rogue and vagabond, 312 Cola Mahomed , larceny, 340, 375 Jelam Shah, Maud, larceny on , 340, 375 Abdul Rahm, inflicting grievous bodily harm on,+367 Adams , J., larceny, 278 Analyst, 328 Anderson's Inlet, prohibition of netting in, 372 Attrei, Ernest Frederick , false pretences on, 323 Auction Sales Acts, 282, 328, 353 Absconders from industrial schoolsClough, G., 282, 304 McKenzie, J., 345 Courtney , C., 329 McLachlan, A., 312 Franklin, Walter, 344, 364 Owen, Emil, 329 Gordon, G., 356, 372 Patterson,A., 345 Griffiths , A., 311 Peddie, J., 345 Hawley, Mabel, 344 Peterson, L., 345 Hughes, J., 304 Pike, James, 356 Johnston , J., 312 Robertson, M., 293 King, M., 267 Robertson, W., 345 Lawler, +J., 282 Ryder, W., 275 Leslie, B., 282, 293 St. Clair, W., 345, 356 Lewis, T., 275, 356 Searle, Percy, 282 Levy, Roy, 282 Simpson, W. H., 345 Lulham, W., 345 Smith, J., 282 Martin, G., 275 Sumner, Victoria, 344 Thompson, W. G., 345 Meadows, Robert, 293 Mickelson, George F., 321 Turner, W., 275, 356 Myntmeir, Oscar, 356 White, F., 275, 304 Wishart, Maud, 304 McCarthy, E., 344, 356 Witschke, H. J., 267 McClelland, E., 344 B. Baird, W., embezzlement as a servant on, 360 Baird, W. J., larceny as an agent on, 332, 340 Baker, Mrs., forgery and uttering, 297, 332 Bannon, F., commitment, 320, 336 Bates, A., larceny as a bailee, 297 Beale, F., commitment, 304 Beaver, John, embezzlement, 332 Bence, T., commitment, 304 Bennett, C., commitment, 364 Betts, W., commitment, 336 Bilston, Alfred, wilful damage, 340 Blacklock,Watty, forgeryand uttering, 340 Blesick, George, alias Joseph McNamara, suspected person, 323, 328 Boberski, Madge, false pretences on, 307 Bray, Mrs., false pretences, 297, 332 Brien, J. B., forgery on, 360, 375 Brown, R., commitment, 282 Brown, C., false pretences, 375 Brown, J., larceny, 375 Brown, James, commitment, 364 Bruce, J., commitment, 282 Bryant, Samuel, alias Carlyon, forgery, 360, 375 Burfett, Robert, inflicting grievous bodily harm, 367, 375 Butler, Alice, attempted carnal knowledge of, 297 C. Cahill, A. J., embezzlement, 297 Callick, Alfred, disobeying a summons, 336 Cameron, C., commitment, 275 Cameron, C., commitment, 267 Cantor, Alexr., larceny as a bailee on, 332 Cara, Felix, commitment, 356 Carlyon, alias Samuel Bryant, forgery, 360, 375 Carson, J., false pretences, 347 Casey, Augustine W., being an unwilling witness, Cavanagh, J. M., false pretences on, 339 Clark, Sydney, conspiring to defraud on, 375 Index-- Quarter ending September. -12522. -A. 344 Clark, T. 0., larceny as a bailee on, 297 Clifford, C., commitment, 282 Coll, Thomas, commitment, 364 Collectors' licences, 278, 316, 360, 371 Connelly, P., commitment, 267 S Connors, Charles, commitment, 293 Cook, William Justice, false pretences, 323 11 Cook, W., commitment, 329 Corfiatis, Spiros, unlawful assault, 304, 320 Cossons, Jno., larceny as a servant, 278 Courts of petty sessions, feesin, 343, 344 Cousins, Geo., commitment, 267 Cross, W., forgery and uttering on, 297, 332 Crowder, W. J., larceny as a bailee, 286 Cuff, T., commitment, 321 Cummerford, J.,-commitment, 275 D. Day, W., Mrs., false pretences, Daly, G., commitment, 336 Deserters from H.M. serviceAustin, Anthony, 276 Brown, John, 276 Butters, Edward E., 276 Chambers, Gunner J. R., 357 Clark, William, 374 Cleator, James D., 283 Cox, George E., 276 Edwards, William, 276 Hart, David, 276 Hotton, John Lingshaw, 295 Jackson, W. R., 276 Judge, Alfred, 283 Keel], Leonard, 276 Langford, Edgar A., 283 Deserters from merchant Benson, James, 268 Davis, Joseph, 276 Evenson, B., 268 f Lucy, Albert C., 293 Lynch, John, 283 Mack, Robert, 333 Morrison, Alexander, 276 McWilliam, John, 283 Price, Albert B., 276 Ratcliffe, Herbert, 276 Saunders, Albert F. J., 295 Saunderson, George, 276 Saunderson, George, 330 Sullivan, William, 337 Thacker, Albert Edward, 337 Walsh, James, 276 Webber, John, 283 White, David Arthur, 345 Woodward, Joseph, 276 vessels- Deserters, wives,charged withAli Sue, Frank, 273 Alexander, William, 363 Armstrong, William, 302, 335 Fazzel Gulam Mahomet Khan, 343, 371 Baker, George, 266, 281 Baker, George, 281 Barrow, Frederick, 343 Bartlett, Ernest Wilmot, 363, 371 Barton, John, 273 Brereton, John, 343 Broadrick, John, 302 Bognuda, Joseph, 273 Brown, Alexander, 319 Campbell, Claude, 335 Campbell, John, 371 Champion, William, 273 Cole, Edwin Salter, 289 Coleman, David Joseph, 363 Coverdale, James, 319 Davie, James, 319 Donovan, William, 327 Dorien, Joseph, 281, 289 Dixon, James Edward, 281 Edwards, John Michael, 371 Flannery, John, 371 Foulds, James, 281 323 Silvia, John, 276, 283 Underhill, U. J., 330 Williams, Lloyd, 268 Goodwin, Frank, 335 Hassett, James, 273 Humphries, Ernest Albert, 363 Jameson, Lawrence, 363 Kelly, William, 319 Kendrick, John William, 289 Lawrence, Walter, 266, 281 Lewin, Arthur, 319, 363 Lindsay, Thomas, 266 Lobb, Alfred John, 327 May, William, 352 Meakin, William Reuben, 327 Mannix, Patrick, 266, 281 Marks, William Frederick, 302 Muir, William, 371 Murray, Roderick A., 266 Moffat, Alfred Edward, 302 McGowan, Samuel, 273 McLean, Edgar, 352, 363 McNamara, Patrick, 363 North, Henry James, 319, 335 O'Brien, John, 335 O'Connor, Robert 311 Henry, 2 VICTORIA POLICE Deserters, wives, charged with-continued. Onslow, Melbourne Daves, Skelly, Richard, 335 319 Southall, Francis, 302, 335 O'Shea, Thomas Michael, 352 Stewart, Thomas lienry, Pearson, W. H., 371 311, 327 Perry, Samuel, 343, 352 Stobart, Thomas, 327 Robins, Alexander, 273 Talbot, Arthur James WilRussell, Janies, 363 son, 266, 302 Saunders, George, 319 Todd, William, 343 Scott, James, 319, 327 Tolmie, Robert, 343 Scott, James, 327 Wakefield, Joseph, 371 Shaw, John William, 352 Dobson, -, false pretences, 278, 308 Dobson, J., commitment, 364 Dohundi, A. and L., vagrancy, 293 Darron, William, indecent assault, 340 Downie, H., commitment, 304 Downs, H. J., false pretences, 269 Duck, A., commitment, 282 D.rdderidge, A., arrears of nnnainteuance, 364 Dunbar, P., false pretences on, 269 Duggan, W., commitment, 364 Dutton, Henry, larceny as a public servant, 332 E. Edwards, C., fal,e pretences, 347 Egan, Patrick, commitment, 336 Egan, J. F., larceny as an agent, 332, 340 Egan, T., commitment, 274 Egan, John, forgery and uttering on, 269 Explosives Act 1890, addition to list of explosives, 320 F. Fawaz, Geo., false pretences on, 269 Fees in courts of petty sessions, &c., 343, 344 Filgate, Wm., false verbal representations, 269 Fisher, J., unlawful assault on, 364 Fisheries Act notices, 320 Flett, Jno., larceny, 285, 367 Fogarty, Al., commitment, 275 Forbes, D., disobeying bench order, 274 Foreman, J., commitment, 312 Foster, W., commitment, 321 Fowler, E. J., false pretences on, 347 Franklyn, Edith A., commitment, 267 Frisk, W., commitment, 364 Full, W. H., arrears of maintenance, 364 G. Gallagher, J., larceny as a servant, 293 Game Acts notice, 353 Garton, C. W., larceny on, 269, 278 Glanville, R., disobeying bench order, 274 Goldburg, T., disobeying bench order, 274 Gooch, A., commitment, 282 Gorman, J., alias Wingy Gorman, commitment, Gould, W., commitment, 311 Gray, Jessie, commitment, 293 Green, J., uttering a counterfeit coin on, 375 Gunning, P., commitment, 364 Gustavison, Gus, commitment, 312 344 H. Haag, J. A., commitment, 335 Halford, A. H., false pretences, 278 Hamilton, D., false pretences, 278 Hargrave, Jane, vagrancy, 304 Hargrave, Mary, vagrancy, 304, 336 Hay, R., larceny on, 285 Hayes, D., commitment, 282 Hazell, A., and Co., larceny as a bailee on, 323 Health Act notices, 273, 274, 291, 303 Health officers, 290, 302, 328, 353 Hegarty, J., commitment, 344 Heinrich, Lorna, vagrancy, 372 Henderson, A., commitment, 267 Henderson, J., unlawful assault, 364 Henderson, Win. Sexton, false pretences, 367, 375 Hewitt, Lily, vagrancy, 344 Hickey, J., commitment, 312 Higginbotham, W. J., larceny as it bailee on, 340, 347 Highway robbery, arrested Edwards, Charles, 359 Miller, Sydney, 297 Mugavin, Jack, 277 Mugavin, Mick, 277 forRourke, Christopher, White, James, 333 Willett, Charles, 297 359 Highway robbery, charged withBishop, Henry, 323 Alan, name unknown, Day, James, alias Wylie, Jane Glen, 339 alias Johnston, 277 Man, name unknown, Glass, Herbert, 339 Lois Renouf, 347 Man, name unknown, on Mau, name unknown, Dennis Mangan, 315 Mary Hurlstone, 375 on on oil GAZETTE .- INDEX . Highway robbery, charged withon Men, name unknown, Maud Miller, 331 Alan , name unknown, on Ri,,hard Trotter, 339 Man, name unknown, on E. Moran, 269 on Man, name unknown, Sliss Harrison, 339 '.Flan, name unknown, on Frederick H. Bromley, 359 Alen, three, names unknown, on John Littell Christie, 359 Men, two, navies unknown, on Charles Parkins, 277 Alen, two, names unknown, on George Smith, 367 Men, two, names unknown, on Mrs. E. R. Roberts, 367 [ 1903. continued. Men, four, names unknown, on George Norton, 339 Alen, two, names unknown, on Wilhani Magor, 375 Men, three, n.ones unknown, on James Ralph, 331 Alen, two, names unknown, on Adeline Davies, 339 Alen, two, names unknown, on John Calder, 359 .Alen, two, names unknown, on Theresa Smidt, 3.59 Miller, Sydney, 285, 297 Morrison, A., 315 Rees, T., 269 Trudgeon, Bill, 277 White, Patrick, alias Wilson, 359 Willett, Charles, 285, 297 Highway robbery committed onAarons, M., 263 Hopson, George, 341 Hourigan , D., 263 Ali Gooey, 299 Houser, Theodore, 349 A'Beekett, Mrs. T., 269 Allison, H., 271 Hughes, Richard Webb, 359 Anderson, Thomas, 271 Hurlstone , Mary, 375 Ash, Edward J., 309 Irvine , John, 333 Backhou,e, Thomas James, Johnstone , Mrs. Daisy, 349 King , William, 309 287 Knight , Wallace, 325 Baker, William, 349 Kuch, Henry, 271 Barnes, Albert, 307, 323 Latimer, Mrs., 271 Battey, Robert, 341 Beaconsfield, Reuben, 279, Lazarus , Samuel, 369 Littlewood , W. T., 285 307, 315 Bell, Henry W., 349 Magor, William, 375 Mahony , John P., 347 Bennetts, William R., 341 Bindloss, Thomas R., 271, Male, G., 264 Mangan, Dennis, 315 299 Brewer, Jack, 271, 317 Mateer, James, 349 Mather, Robert, 349 Bowden, Roderick, 287 Bromley, Frederick H., 359 Middleton, William, 361 Miller, Maud, 331 Brosnalyan, James, 271 Mills, Robert John, 359 Bryant, Bert, 307 Burston, Mrs. J. J., 349 Mongor, Ethel, 309 Moran, E., 269 Calder, John, 359 Cameron, Charles J., 285 McDonald, Charles, 271 McLaughlin , Alexander, 309 Cameron, John, 341 Cathie, J. R., 341 Nolan, John , 287, 333 Cavanagh, Mrs., 271 Normoylc, Patrick, 369 Christie, John Littell, 359 Norton. George , 339, 359 Coles, Annie, 325 Oliver, Nicholas, 361 Collier, J., 264 O,borne, Maud, 309 Collins, Mary, 349 Parkins, Charles, 277 Collin-, Robert, 349 Pierce, Kerry, 271 ('ondiek, Andrew, 317 Pinchin, Ti. H., 263 Cummins, James, 325 Poul,on, Paul Victor, 307 Curtis, H. B., 349 Radcliffe, Thomas D., 271 Dandon, 1'.,,307 Rafferty , James, 323 Davey, Thomas James, 369 Ralph , James , 331, 359 Davies, Adeline, 339 Ready, Mabel, 271 Rema , J., 269 Dempsey, D., 269 Doran, John, 277 Renouf, Lois, 347 Roberts, Mrs. C., 361, 369 Doria, William S., 339 Dorrington, William H., 319, Roberts, Mrs. E. R., 367 Robertson , James, 331 361 Robinson , James, 361 Dowling, Thomas, 369 Roche , Thomas, 349 Duncan, George, 309 Rolf, J., 263 Duncan, Robert, 287 Rosenow, Adolphus, 339 Dunlop, James, 271 Ross , Alexander, 361 Ellis, Robert, 349 Russe ll, William, 271 Evans, Watkin, 287 Sawers , John, 325 Feldheim, Martin, 361 Fitzgerald, Denis, 341 Shewring , Katie, 287 Forbes, Benjamin, 361 Silver, Joseph, 279 Simcock, W., 264 Fraser, Mary, 361 Gaynor, Thomas, 299 Simon, E., 264 Geer, Charles, 349 Smidt, Teresa, 359 Geoghan, Patrick, 309 Smith, George, 367 Glen, Jane, 339 Smith, Mary, 333 Godfrey, Carter H., 325 Swan, William J., 299 Goodwin, Agnes E., 279, 287 Syme, D. Y., 299 Graham, Henry, 349 Trotter, Richard, 339 Hale, John, 307 Tuckwell, George R., 349 Hall, George Basil, 299 Turner, Henry, 349 Hardiman, T., 264 Waites, Robert Henry, 369 Harding, Mrs. F4, 269 White, Hugh, 341 Harrison, Miss, 339 Wilkinson, William, 285 Henshaw, Robert, 369 Williams, Owen, 285 Hogan, Thomas, 359 Woodhann, Samuel.T., 287 Hollowood, James, 325 Wright, Alexander, 307 Hill, It., alias Mitchell, vagrancy, 275 Hill, W. F., false pretences on, 278, 308 Hodgins, Wm., rogue and vagabond, 275 Hollingsworth, W., false pretences on J. Marshall, 308 Holman, A., commitment, 336 1903.] VICTORIA POLICE Hook, J., unlawful assault, 344 Hook, Matilda, unlawful assault ou, 344 Hooper, John or George, commitment, 336 Hope, Jas., false pretences on, 278, 332 Horses and cattle, arrested for Moore, William, 315 Horses and cattle, charged with Kane, Michael, 308 Murphy, -, 323 111cInerney, -, 308 O'Keeffe, John, 367 Robertson, John, 360 Horses and cattle stolen fr•omGooram Singh, 336 Gundah Singh Nedham, 329 Ackland, Harry, 283 Armytage, G. H., trustees of, 373 Allen, William Thomas, 283 Atkins, Mr., 329 Aurish, Benjamin, 356 Beacon, Henry, 268 Bently, J., 268 Bible, J. L., 283 Blake, W., 275 Botts, Alfred, 373 Brand, James, 365 Breen, Edward, 268 Brining, Ludwig, 283, 293 Brown, Dr. A. A., 336 Biggins, Thomas, 373 Brandt, John William, 373 Back, John Henry, 329 Buerckner, F. W., 315, 321, 340 Burbridge, John, 32:3 Bunge, Charles E. G., 364 Burton, W., 275 Butcher, Thomas, 329 Cameron, J., 373 Carrick, Anna, 357 Carter, Leonard R., 356 Chinnery, R., 275 Clack Bros., 283 Clarke, John, 308 Cleator, William K., 321 Clifford, Charles William, 356 Collins, Nathaniel Gibson, 321 Craig, W. E. J., 305 Crook, Mrs. E., 312 Danaher, John, 321 Davis, George, 373 Dennis, Emily, 365 Dermoundy, Patrick, 321 Devane, Rev. Father, 321 Donovan, Jeremiah, 373 Dorsar, Peter, 336 Dunstan, Alfred Charles, 360, 367 Eastman, H. If., 293 Egan, J., 275 Eldridge, Mary, 268 Ellison, John, 321 Farhood, A., 215 Felton, Michael, 329 Finn, Edward, 356 Fletcher, Edward, 312 Foubrister, Mrs. F., 329, 336 Fraser, George, 373 Geekie, Arthur, 293 Geelan, Brian, 329 Gibbon, Frederick, 312 Gill, Herbert, 305 Gook, Albert, 345 Grace, John, 305 Graham Bros. and Co., 312 Grant, J., 312 Grant, William, 312 Gray, J. R., 275 Grubb, John William, 329 Hall, William, 364 Hallier, Lewis, 356 Hammett, Richard, 312 Henderson, W., 312 Higgins, C., 27 5 Hindly. Williau, 275 Hogan, Thomas, 357 Holohan, Edward, 305, 323 Horsnell, E., 301 Hocking, Philip, 373 Howells, J., 312 Hughes, James, 356 Hull, Thomas Cameron, 305 James, Joseph, 283 stealingDeacon, Christopher, 321 stealingRobson, John, 367 Stewart, Peter, 315, 321, 340 Stewart, George Ainslie, 308 315 Tyrell, -, 323 Jessup, William Osman James, 336 Kellys, John, 275 Kinane, Bridget, 345 King, John Gardiner, 329 Knapp, Gilbert C., 336 Lawler, John, 304 Learmouth, J. R., 321, 336 Lee, J. C., 345 Le Deny, F. J., 345 Le Quick, William, 321 Lilburne, J., 364 Long, Walter, 365 Lucca Singh, 312 Lynch, Patrick, 268 Maclntyre, At., 329, 357 Maguire, Patrick, 336 Mahon, Mary, 275 Maley, A., 208 Martin, David, 312 Meyer, John T., 373 Miller, A., 364 Ali,-on, Henry, 336 Mairs, David, 268 Moley, R., 282 Morris, Charles W., 268 Morrison, James, 268 Moulder, W. J. P., 312 Murphy, John, 329 Murren, Thomas, 283 McCamey, J., 373 McDonald, Alexander, 356 McDonald, Duncan, 315 McEwan, J., 268 McGann, A., 268 McLeod, Alexander, 268 McMahon, Thomas, 329 McNaughton, Donald, 336 Nance, John, 293 Nash, William, 329 Nicholson, John, 373 O'Bree, H. P., 283, 312 O'Connell, James, 365 O'Neill, W., 275 Park, J., 304 Patterson, John, 283 Pell, George, 365 Pemberton, M., 293 Plant, James, 31 2 Platt, J. W., 293 Pyers, Andrew, 27.5 Rainbow, Henry, 308, 315 Reddie, Walter, 293 Reid, Janes, 312 Rhodes, Robert Donner, 275 Richards, William, 345 Robinson, Mrs., 364 Roche, P., 329 Ross, 11. R., 293 Rossborough, Robert, 362 Ruby, IT., 293 Ryan, Anastasia, 293 Ryan, Lawrence, 312 Scott, William, senior, 304 Shepherd, J., 264 Smith, T:, 275 Southby, Ellen, 305 Starritt, William, 275 Stewart, S. P., 321 Stones, Henry Petty, 329 Thomas, Marv, 293 Thompson, Aii% R., 329 Thoma,, Philip, 373 Torby, Joseph, 373 Tully, John, 367 Turnbull, Robert, 364 Turner, Charles, 275 Umplielby, Thomas Austin, 329 Valkmann, Mrs., 268 Vandeleur, F. E., 365 GAZETTE.-INDEX. 0 Hor,,es and cattle stolen from-continued. Victorian Railways CommisWiddis Bros., 305 sinners, 275, 283 Williams, Arthur, 373 Wallace, Marian, 293 Williams, Octavius, 268 Walsh, Ellen, 312 Wills, David, 293 White, Michael, 373 Wilson, John, 365 White, William, 373 Winter-Irving, J. J., 304 Housebreaking , arrested forDanaher, James, 207 Donnelly, Charles Francis, 279 Donnelly , Henry James, 279 Harris , Arthur, 361 Keegan, William, 361 Jenkins , T., 269' Moxham , Thomas, alias Collins, 331 Housebreaking , charged with-Callander, Ernest, 367 Callander , Harold, 367 (is ia, -, 347, 359 Cohen, John, 375 Crosbie, F. H., 359 Danaher, James , 285, 297 Davies , Hary, 367 Denton, J., 375 Grant , Mrs., 367 Green, A., 307 Heffe rn an, Annie , 339, 347 Hudson, Marian Agnes, 277 Keogh, Dennis , 269, 367 Lamont, H., 331 Levington , Frederick, 331 Man, name unknown, on E. Kennedy, 285 Man, name unknown, John B. Smart, 307 on Housebreaking committed on-Ali Chuck, Jimmy, 334 Ali Fou, 317 Ali Gab, 342 Ali Ling, 280 Ali Loon, 317, 325 Ali On, 287 Ali Yin, 350 Ham Tai, 309 , 339, 347 Hung Lin, 339 Adams , Samuel, 342, 359 Adkins, William Henry, 342 Akehurst . Alfred Wm. Harold, 341 Allan, Peter, 350 Anderson, Ellen, 317 Armstrong , Charles George, 300 Armstrong , Betsy, 300 Arnold, Sydney, 277 Baker, George, 325 Barker, Bradshaw, 277 Bartlett, John, 264 Beard, Matilda, 370 Bellman, Alick, 350 Bennett , Amy Alice, 334 Bent , Edmund, 299 Bence, William, 350 Berger, William, 317, 331 Best , Henry, 347 Billington , Neilson A., 285 Bishop, Edith, 367 Bonwick, James Edward, 350 Bramond , Alfred, 272 Bradley, Jessie, 299 Bracks, William , 341, 367 Brehme, Carl, 333 Brown, Alexander, 317 Brookes, Mrs. E., 280 Bruce, Mrs . Eliza, 317 Brumlop, Harry, 300 Buckingham , Ernest, 3Z0 Burgess, John H., 264 Byrne, Timothy, 272, 280 Campbell, Charles F., 32 3 Campbell , George, 334 Campbell, James, 333 Carwarc'ine, Guy, 271 Carter, Charles Henry, 334 Castles, Mrs., 350 Casey, J., 350 Cathie, Arthur, 264 Chapple, Henry A., 288 Chapman, John, 325 Chapman , William, 280 Chartres , Alfred Ernest, 279 Osling, Gertrude Evans, Pollard, Louisa, 323 Rowe, Florence, 347 Scott, Frank, 307 Shannon, John, 307 Snowden, Walter, 359 White, Gertrude, 347 347 Man, name unknown, on William David Craike, 323 Man, name unknown, on Rev. John H. Meet, 331 Man, name unknown, on John Corbey, 331 Men, two, names unknown, on Sydney Arnold, 277 Men, two, names unknown, on Hung Lin, 339 McPherson, -, 375 Parker, Frederick, 359 Rowe, -, 315, 323 Rowe, Florence, 339, 347 Seddon, William, 277 Sharp, William Howard, 269, 331 White, Gertrude, 323, 331, 347 Clark, James, 334 Conquest, Joseph, 317 Condy, William, 334 Condron, Frederick, 288 Coopey, Sarah, 369 Cooke, Mary, 342 Cooke, James Henry, 350, 362 Corse, Mary, 362 Corbey, John, 331, 342 Corfield, Elsie, 285 Coulter, Gerald, 288, 326 Cox, Mrs. A., 318 Coventry, Arthur, 317 Curtain, Cornelius, 315 Craike, William David, 323 Cramond, J. G., 334 Crisp, Thomas E., 317 Crooke, William, 300 Crook, Eva, 287 Crundell, Horton, 369 Cunnington, Arthur, 300 Currie, Captain, 300 Danaher, William, 285, 297 Danaher, William, 362 Darbyshire, Alfred, 310 Davies, William, 264 Davey, Jane, 350, 361 Delahunty, Nellie, 334 Dervish, Ali, 272 Dicker, George F., 342 Dickenson, Rev. Canon, 309, 333 Dingle, William, 317 Doyle, John, 288 Drought, Rev. C., 279, 325 Dye, Edgar E., 361 Dyer, Emily, 333 Du Val, Marian, 333 Dwyer, William, 342 Easson, Helen, 350 Edwards, Charles H., 317 Ellis, William, 269, 367 Ewen, Rev. Thomas K., _F8 Fairchild, Mary, 362 Fecher, Jean, 317 Fettling, August, V61 Risher, Alfred, 3511 Fist, William, 309 Flavin, Thomas, 317 Fleming, Annie, z71 Mitten, Frances Mary, 300 Foley, Mary, 342 Forbes, Donald, 342 Fowler, A. E., 280 Francis, Mrs. M., 287 4 VICTORIA Hoasebreakin; committed on-continued. Milligan, French, Henry W., 362 Moylan, Frost, Frank S., 310 Murphy, Fyfe, Alexander, 300 McCalla, Gartley, John, 300 McElroy, George, Edgar, 325 McIntosh, Gill, Frank Allshaw, 370 McIntosh, Gilchrist, Allan, 287 McIntosh, Gifferd, Thomas, 307 Mclndoe, Granott, Ellen, 280 310 Grigg, Leonard, 287 I'OI.ICE, Samuel, 288 James, 333 Daniel, 287 Alexander, 288 Hannah, 369 David, 350 James, 272 Lachlan, 32 5 Archibald Brown, God by, Rev. Canon, 287, 325 McPhee, Neil, 333 Goller, Frederick John, 350 Gottlieb, Merz, 272 Gray, George, 334 Gullifer, H. A., 341 McPhee, John, 370 Nathan, Louisa, 347, 359 Nattrass,Joseph, 287 Nicholson, Frederick, 272 Norris, Richard, 299 342, Hadley, Edward Charles, 271 O'Brien, Fredk. J., 341 Hall, Sarah Ann, 370 Hammer, Captain, 350 Hammerton, John, 280 Hancock, John, 280 Hardman, Richard, 331 Harrison, Walter, 325 Hatton, Joseph Douglas, 269 Haynes, James, 299 O'Brien, John Thomas, 277 O'Connor, William, 288 Oliver, Calder, 361 Osborne, Mary Jane, 369 Opie, Bennett, 367 Haywood, John, 326, 334 Healy, James, 300 Heberle, William Henry, 264 O'Shea, Mrs. Mary, 279 Pack, Lee, 361 Parker, Ruth, 369 Parker, G. S., 359 Paszthory,A., 300 Paton, J. E., 279 Henderson, William, 264 Higgins, May, 310, 326 Holde'ison, Paul Jorgen, 288 Paton, Ethel, 264 Payne, Mrs. James, 317 Peacock, John, 370 Hoffman, Sophia, M., 272, 279 Hollom, Henry, 300 Peart, John, 280, 288 Holmes, Mrs. Elizabeth, 341 H onen, M rs., 369 Horner, George, 279 Hosa, Bella, 280 Howe, Theodore, 300 Hooper, G., 362 Hughes, Rev. E. P., 309, 325 Hughes, Rev. E. S., 300 Hunt, Atlee, 300 Hunter, Albert George, 375 Hutchings, Harry William, Pearl , William , 288 Pearce, Mrs. Frances, 277 Peterson, Emanuel, 369 P e t ers, Ed w i n, 326 Piper, Reginald, 299 Pollard, Martin, 361 Porter, Arthur J., 361 Porret, Louis, 317 Potter, Robert, 301, 325 Powell, Ivan, 288, 317 Preston, Alexander, 362 Printy, Elizabeth, 300 Irvine,Caroline,300 Ismay, Caroline Mary, 264 Jackson, Edward, 369 Joel, August, 279 Jones, Roderick, 350 Jones, John Henry, 326, 333 Jones, Alfred E., 310 Jones, Phillip, 300 Jordan, Richard, 317 Prowse, Maud, 300 Quayle, Robert, 361 Quilter, Rev. R. W., 284 Rainey, Phineas, 334 Ramsay, Peter, 325 Rambold Bros., 264 Ratten, Henry, 300 Ray, William Henry, 264 Reeves, James, 280, 288 Rickarby,Leonard, 341 Riches, Sydney S., 279 Kalman, Edward, 331 Riddell, William J., 349 Kendall, Arthur, 303 Kendall, William, 277 Kennerley, George, 264 Kent, Herbert Charles, 317 Kennedy, James, 285 Robbins, Agnes, 341 Robertson, Rev. James T., 310, 325 Robinson, Mary, 272 Robley, Henry Edward, 326 Roe, Hannah, 350 Rogers, Walter Henry, 350 Ross, George, 317 Ross, William, 309 300 Kirk, John, 317 Klein, Sarah, 323 Kough, William, 362 Kramm, Theodore, 307 Kudo, Maki, 375 Kinchella, Charles, 264 Lancashire, George, 309 Langridge, G. D., and Son, 271 Langridge, Arthur, 272, 279 L appen, Willi am, 279 Lawson, Charles, 299 Levien, Hon. J. F., 310 Levy , Catherine , 269 Levy, Priscilla, 350 Lewis, William Henry, 264 Lockeyear, Alfred, 334, 350 Lowe, Rudolph, 333 Lowrey, Mary, 299 Luxmore, George, 264 Lynch, Mr., 350 Maher, Sarah Ann, 361 Maloney, John, 375 Martin, Nathaniel, 300 Martin, Constable John H., 309 Mather, John, 339, 347 Maxwell, Florence, 300 Meet, Rev. John Howard, 331 Merrifield, William T., 333 Micklejohn, John, 326 Mihron, James, 288, 300 Miller, William Donald, 349 G.t %E'C I E.-INDEX. [1903, II?:i;cbrjaking committed on-continued. Standard Building Society, Vinton, John, 280, 287 272 Vincent, Andrew, 342, 350 Stewart, William, 309 Voye, Robert, 279 Stewart, James, 333 Walker, William G., 264 Stokes, James, 334, 350 Walters, William, 326 Stokes, Alfred, 333 Warren, Mary Ann, 279, 300 Stuart, Charles John, 359 Watson, Robert, 350 Stubbs, Thomas, 264 Watson, George, 279 Sullivan, William J., 341 Ward, Helen, 300, 315, 323 Sullivan, Mary, 349, 362 Way, Lady, 272, 279 Sullivan, John, 300 Wegener, Alexander, 288 Suter, Charlotte, 279 Wenke, M., 370. Taylor, Arthur John, 264, 279 Thomas, Robert, 288 Thomas, Mattie, 361 Thomson, Robert, 288, 299 Thomson, H. A., 310, 323, 331, 347 Tighe, Patrick, 287 Tomkins, Margaret, 350 Torpey, Josephine, 361 Treloar, Annie, 333, 342 True, F. W., 299 Tubbs, Hugh, 341 Tucker, Rev. Canon, 287 West, Mantrie, 342 Westall, E. A., 342 Westcott, Emily Elizabeth, 333 Williams, Matthew Henry, 350 Williams, Arthur, 361 Willmott, John S., 280, 361 Wilkie, Mrs., 309 Wilson, John A., 300 Winter, Charles, 369 Wingrove, Robert, 299 Wolf, Rudolph, 369 Woods, George G., 323, 325 Twite, Henry Richard, 326 Tyrell, Mary, 271 Wood, Mrs. E., 309, 369 Wynne, Richard, 349 Valentine, William, 280 Zimmer, Charles, 279 Viggiano, Francesco, 264 Hurst , Joe , inciting a prisoner to resist arrest , 267 Hudson , M. , commitment , 282 1. Irving, W. jun., commitment, Inquests onHerbert , Henry , 345 Palmer, W. J., 337 304 Parker , J. , 345 Simpson, J., 345 J. Jarvis, Eva, vagrancy, 320 Jennings, Mary, false pretences, 332 Jessup, E., alias E. T. Humphries, larceny as a bailee, Johnson, Mabel, larceny as a bailee, 332 Jolly, W., false pretences on, 340 Jones, A., commitment, 329 Johnson, W., inquired for for imposition, 372 297 K. Keir, Joe, throwing a stone, &c., 267 Kelly, Myrtle, assault on, 282 Kelly, T., commitment, 321 Kinder, Charles, false pretences, 347 Kirkby, B., commitment, 304 L. Lawrence, J., false pretences on, 375 367, 375 Lawlor , A. , forgery and uttering, Lawson, C., conspiracy to defraud, 375 Levy, Henry, commitment, 372 Levi, P., false pretences on, 297 Lewis, Eugene, commitment, 336 M. Roxburgh, Thomas, 309 Ruffin, Isidore, 370 Maddeford, Rutledge, Thomas Forrester, 272 Salmon, Frederick, 350 Salter, Arthur, 369 S co tt , D av id Mor r i son, 369 Seals, Mrs., 280 Searll, Mary Jane, 333 Sharp, William, 269, 331 Magistrates resigned, 328 Magistratestransferred, 328, 364 Maher, John, wilfully poisoning a dog, the property of, 336 Maltravers, Charles, commitment, 304 , assault on Constable Salts , 275 name unknown Man , Man, name unknown, carnally knowing Agnes Rogers, 367 Man, name unknown, endeavouring to impose on James McPherson Smith, 323, 340 Man, name unknown, false pretences on A. McKinnor, 315 Man, name unknown, false pretences on Edgar Tucker, 347 Man, name unknown, larceny on R. Morgan, 285 Alan, name unknown, obscene exposure to Elizabeth West, 336. Man, name unknown, obscene exposure to Ettie Spooner, 329 Man, hams unknown, street betting, 304 Man, name unknown, street betting, 304 Man, name unknown, unlawful assault on Frank Murphy, 372 Man, name unknown, uttering a counterfeit coin on John Green, 375 Marriage, Joseph I., false pretences, 339 Marshall, James, and Co., forgery and uttering on, 367, 375 Marshall, J., false pretences, 308 M!rrtell, A., disobeying order of court, 356 Martin, R., commitment, 356 blasters, E. A., larceny as a servant on, 278 Meat Supervision Acts, regulations for municipal district of Geelong, 303 Shalberg, John E., 333 Sheehan, Patrick, 326 Shickerling, Ethel, 362 Shiels, Elijah, 264, 279 Shirley, Frank, 280 Shrimpton, Joseph, 350 Sime, Mrs. Stewart, 341 Singleton, H. F., 309 Small, Stella, 271, 279 Smart, John B., 307 Smith, Charles Warne, 309 Smith, Harris, 299 Smith, Dr. 350 Smith, Thomas, 264 Sobey, James, 280 Sorell, Maude Emma, 325 Sparling, Miss Phylis, 318 Spencer, Thomas, 361 Speirs, Arthur, 333 Spinks, Mr., 272 J. A., attempted carnal knowledge, 297 Magistrates appointed, 311, 352 VICTOl?IA FOLICE Mo.o, two, n r nns unknow i, coaspiracy to d, h..ud by dny Clti-k, 375 Medical Board of Victoria, 274 Menesdorfer, Alexander, commitment, 372 Alen, six, frequenting a public place with intent, 297, 307 M^_.1, three, names unknown, larceny on L. A. Wicks, 269 Miller, Richard, larceny on, 340 Mills, R., false pretences on, 308, 315 Missing friends inquired forAdams, Ivey, 275 May, John, 276 Barker, Edmund Lee, 373 Millington, Richard, 313, 373 Bennett, Sidney Charles, 357 Miller, Strickland Jamieson, Bently, Mary, and children, 294 322, 330 Mouland, James W., 294 Bergin, Frederick, 373 McDougall, John, 268 Bourke, Patrick, 275 McGowan, Robert, 357 Brown, Florence, alias Annie McGowan, Patricia, 294 Paton, 313, 345 McMahon, Patrick, or Bury, Emily, 294 Michael, known as MeByron, Thomas, 322 Mahon, Marshall, 305 Campbell, Alfred, 268 Nellie, -, 373 Carr, Daniel, 268 O'Donnell, Patrick, 268, 294 Cohen, Mary, 374 O'Neill, J., 357 ( osgrow, William, or De Orr, Joseph, 331 Calcagno, 337 Pack, Harry, 357 Coventry, Arthur, 294 Palmer, Walter John, 313 De Caleagno, or William Parker, John, 330 Cosgrow, 337 Patchett, Robert, 313 Diamond, Jack, 330, 345 Paton, Annie, alias Florence Dick, James, 294, 322 Brown, 313, 345 Docherty, Hugh, 276 Penny, Thomas, 337 Drew, Frank, 337 Podesta, George, 357 Evans, Mary, 330 Regg, William, 345 Flannagan, Thomas, 365 Reuter, T., 313 Fogarty, Thomas James, 268 Richardson, William, 305 Garland, Peter, 275 Rohan, John, 330 Gray, Charles George, 357 Rossini, Stephen, 268, 276 Green, James, 357 Sims, Thomas, 365 Halligan, Jack, 276 Simpson, James, 337 Herbert, Henry, 330 Smith, John Robert, 305 Holdsworth, Thomas, 322 Smith, Alpheus Edwin, 305 Holland, Jessie, 373 Smith, William John, 305 Hutchinson, Joseph, 345 Southall, Francis, 276 Hutchinson, George, 337 Stalberg, John, 357 Irving, Emma, 330 Stephens, Jonathan Williamson Frederick, 365 Irwin, George, 345 Jack, Mrs., 330 Symlie, Archibald, 322 Jones, Isabella, 365 Thomas, Thomas Edward, Kendall, John, 268 291 Lancrage, Frank, 268 Tunn, Hugh, 268 Lascaza, Felix De, 373 Walker, James, 345 Llewellyn, Robert, 322, 337 Waters, Robert Thomas, 373 Lyons, Michael, 374 Wer.oer, Cornelius WilleMarshall, Annie, 357 brordus, 322 Matchen, Wilshire John, 313 White, Ettie, 357 Mitcham, -, imposition, 307, 323 Mitchell, Mrs. Annie, larceny ac a bailee on, 347 :Moran, Joseph, false pretences on, 332. Moran, J., false pretences on, 278 Morg in, R., larceny on, 285 Morris, A., alias Burrows, commitment, 345 Morris, Albert Henry, commitment, 336 Morris, W., commitment, 312 Morrison, W., commitment, 293, 304 Morrison, William, commitment, 213 Moulton, E. S., embezzlement, 246 Murder, arrested forFossard, Sidi, 287 MurderFord, William, 277, 287 Sultan Allum, or Mehr Deen, Skidmore, George, charged 347 with, 341 Murphy, F., unlawful assault on, 372 Murray, J. W., false pretences, 297 Murray, T., alias Moran, commitment, 356 Murray, T. H., false pretences, 297 Musgrove, A. R., larceny of a cheque on, 360 Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, Hobart, embezzlement on, 297 Mc. McDonal, Donald, false pretences on, 332, 340 McDonald, J., false pretences, 315 McGinnes, Ada, vagrancy, 301, 321 McGinnes. Estella, vagrancy, 304, 321 McGorlick, E., commitment, 267 McIntyre, D., larceny, 285 McKay, A., commitment, 312 McKinnon, A., false pretences on, 3151 McLeod, George, larceny as a baile •, 269, 278 McNamara, Joseph, alias George Blc,ick, suspected 323, 328 N. Nash, C., commitment, 293 Neilsen, H. L., false pretences, 285 Nelson, C., forge°y and uttering on, 278 per,on, GAZETTE.-TN I)EX. 5 Nenniai, Jno., I lunatic, 267 New South Wales Government , Sydney, larceny on, 367 North, E., commitment, 329 Natal, South AfricaWatson, W., embezzlement, 360 Postmaster -General , Natal, South Africa , embezzlement on, 360 New South WalesJessup, E ., alias E. T. Humphries , larceny as a bailee, 297 Ryemill, Frank A., larceny as a bailee, 340 Parsonage , R., larceny, 367 0. Oaks, Octavia, threatening life, 344, 364 Oaks, Sydney John, threatening life of, 344, 364 O'Callaghan, H. G., larceny on, 285, 367 O'Connor, M., false pretences on, 315 O'Connor, Robert, commitment, 336 O'Neill, P., commitment, 315 O'Reilly, F., wilful damage, 304 P. Pangbourne, W., larceny as a bailee, 340, 347 Pangbourne, W., larceny as a bailee, 347 Parry, Annie, vagrancy, 312 Parsonage, R., larceny, 367 Patterson, A., commitment, 356, 364 Pearl, W., forgery and uttering, 278 Peters, J., commitment, 304 Phillips, Thomson, and Co., false pretences on, 323 Police examinations, 273 Police force appointments as constables, 363, 371 Police force, notice to candidates for employment in the, 282, 290 Police widows' and orphans' association, 327 Police force appointments as wharf managersCrooks, R. G., 303 Scammell, C., 352 McCormick, C. E., 353 Sherry, S. P., 353 Police force dischargesHennessy, J., 371 McDonald, D. W., 335 Kelleher, T., 344 Police force,instructions toAssistanceto be given to inspectorsof stock to cope with swine fever, 290 Police, members holding appointments under other departments to inform that department of transfer, 352 Police to serve notice sent by the Department of Agriculture, 364 Police force promotionsCooney, P., 352 Murcutt, W. J., 319 Hickey, C., 319 McCarthy, P., 319 Jones, W. B., 352 McGillicuddy, P., 319 Keppel, W. D., 310 Selwood, F., 352 Madigan, J. P., 352 Wright, T., 352 Monks, J., 319 Police force appointments as assistant inspectors of fisheriesCrooks, R. G., 311 Olney, A., 311 McNamara, W., 311 Police force appointments as electoral inspectorsKealy, J. C., 311 Mahoney, W. J., 303 Keegan, L. J., 327 Millar, A., 327 Lewis, J., 311 Williams, T. M., 327 Police force appointment as clerk of petty sessionsToomey, Jas., 371 Police force appointment as collector of impostsCoffey, T., 352 Police force appointment as commissioner for taking de. clarationsTaylor, R., 303 Police force appointments as crown lands bailiffsCrooks, R. G., 352 Edwards, E. J., 327 Deeley, T. W. C., 327 Police force appointment as electoral registrarBrand, Con Neil, 303 Police force appointment as inspector of factoriesRasmussen, C. 0., 327 Police force appointment as keeper of powder magazinesMcLaughlin, P., 335 Police force appointment as paymaster, old-age pensionsMackinnon, C., 274 Police force appointments as stewards under Land ActEdwards, E. J., 371 Tennant, C., 282 Mateer, P. S., 282 Police force appointments as summoning officersHarley, R., 302 Lewis, J., 335 Laekmann, J. A., 364 Piggott, F. J., 302 Police force resignationsCantwell, E., 266 McCann, J. R., 319 Coffey, J., 364 Nee, P., 266 Edwards, W. J„ 266 Ross, F., 266 Fanning, W. P., 266 Walsh, J., 266 Martin, R, W., 266 Williams, G. H., 364 Police force superannuationsBarry, T., 344 Considine, John, 311 Boulton, W., 344 Shortil, J., 327 6 VICTORIA EOLICE Poli: ',arson t au,f't ool-Yandoit, 371 Police station broken upStawell North, 361 Power, Minnie, vagrancy, 267 Postmaster-("eneral, Nat r1, South Africa, cnrbezzlenrcnt on, 360 Powder Magazine at Rushwortli closed, 303 Powell, Albert Ernest, commitment, 328 Pratt, W., conrntitment, 32) Process, service and execution of, 266 Public vaccinators, 273, 274, 303, 311, 327, 353 Property, arrested for stealingAli Nam, 317 Lee, He-man, 265 Baxt°r, James, 327 Martin, George, 327 Bevan, Birdsey, 272 Mitchell, Thomas, 337 Biggers, Thomas, alias NorOlsen, C., 277 Parker, Charles, 273 dish, 365 Phyland, Thomas, 330 B)-r, Ja-'m the, afire John Robert William, 2)4 William a, 323 Rowe, Walter, 291 Collins, Edward, 327 Smith, William, 365 Dickme-i, William, 272 Snowden, Walter, 362 Douglas, Percival, 2)7 Strence, William, 2)4 Dowscy, David, 327 Taylor, Frank, 273 Evans, Tc'rcy, 359 Trace, H., 31,7 Flannery, John, alias Frank Upton, Michael, 317 Williams, 363 Williams, Frank, alias John Gunther, Charles, 277 Flannery, 363 Herbert, E'lward, 2)4 Williams, John, mine Jack Herd, Alfred, 33`1 the Boer, 323 Hellman, Alfred, 35) Williams, Henry, 327 Jepson, Arthur, 370 Wil,on, Robert, 339 Jones, Henry, 330 Kendall, Charles, 327 Property, charged with stealingMan, name unknown, on Ali Chee, 347 Win. Anderson, 307 Ali Nam, 339, 347 Man, name unknown, on Andrews, William, 307 Wilhelm Stern, 313 Baxter, James, 32 7 Man, name unknown, on Baer, Jack the, alias John Isabel Firth, 315 Williams, 307, 315, 323 Man, name unknown, on Callaghan, Michael, 367 Will. Bucknell, 331 Cohen, John, 375 Man, name unknown, on Davis, -, 367 James Pretty , 360, 367 Denton, J., 375 :flan, name unknown, on Dolman, Andrew, 347 Charles Holland, 367 Evans, -, 331 Mason, G., 315 Evans, Tracy, 347, 359 McPherson , --, 375 Hart, -, 331 Olsen, C., 277 Holtman, Alfred, 285, 359 Smith, -, 331 Johnson, John, 277 Man, name unknown, on Taylor, F., 277 Trace, H., 331, 347 Wm. Dodgshun and Sons, Turner , F., 307 269 Man, name unknown, on Waterson , Catherine, 315 Watson , Ralph, 285 Harry Bright, 285, 297 John, alias Jack Man, name unknonnn, on Williams, the Boer, 307, 315, 323 William Hammer, 2D7 Man, name unknown, on Wilson, IT., 359 Newton Griffiths, 297 Property found by, now in possession ofLittle Bourke-street police, Ararat police, 268 268, 305, 313 Ascot Vale police, 322 Melbourne C.T. police, 275, Avoca police, 365 330, 305 Beaufort police, 345 Bendigo police, 305, 313, 365 North Fitzroy police, 330,336 North Melbourne police, 305, Barwick police, 283 330, 365 Bourke-street west police, Prahran police, 337, 365 345, 365, 373 Richmond police, 283 Broadford police, 330, 373 Rochester police, 337, 357 Bruthen police, 294 Royal Park police, 345 Carlton police, 268, 330 police, 268, Collingwood police, 305, 357, Russell-street 275, 283, 293, 305, 312, 365 321, 322, 330, 336, 337, East Brunswick police, 312 377, 365, 373 East Melbourne police, 330, South Melbourne police, 268, 357 313, 363 Echuca East police, 275 South Richmond police, 268 Echuca police, 2 83 Fitzroy police, 312, 336, South Yarra police, 305 St Kilda East police, 275, 345 321, 330 Geelong police, 275, 321 St. Kilda-road police, 293 Geelong South police, 275 Yarravillc police, 321 Kew police, 321 We,t slclbourne police, 322 Kilmome lolice. 321, 328 Property stolen fromAbrahams, Edward, 312 Ali Yip, Frank, 280, 3')1 Adams, H. -Ad, 3.26, 351 Ching, Richard, 351 Allan, ?lam, Eueau. t i, 265 Kudo, Maki, 375 Allen, C. E., 272 Loney Fong, 289, 339, 317 Ampion, Thamna.. 310 Rahim Dulla, 318 Anderson, William, 307 Shendoo Khan, 342 Anderson, Frank, 317 Sing Lee, 334, 347 Anderson, Richard G., 362 Sun Young, 32 6 Abrahams, Abraham S., 280 Anderson, Mr., 3(12 GAZETTE.Pror(y INDEX. siol ' t fnnu- [1903. continued. Apps, James H., 302 Au nvsmith, Mrs., 285, 359 Arthur, James, 288 Atkinson, George, 352 Austin, Egbert, 301, 311 Baker, W illiam, 2 85 Baker, 11. H., 265 Ballangcr, 3larga'•et, 326 Banks Bros., 265 Barbour, Janie,, 335 Barnes, Joseph, 370 Bartlett, Harold, 288 Barton, Elizabeth,370 Beal, J. F., 289 Beaumont, J., 331 Beaumont, Mrs. S., 326 Bei-iie, 1) . Alexander R., 318 Bere,ford, C. H., 370 Berne, Charles, 335 Berry, William, 281 Bett, George R., 288 Bishop, James, 343 Booth, Alfred, 351 Bournan, David, 334 Bowen, Edward, 280 Boynton, James, 281, 288 Bradley, George, 326 Brady, Francis B., 301 Bradshaw, David A., 343 Briggs, Sydney, 351 Bright, Harty, 285, 297 Broomhall, John, 272 Brosnahan, James, 265 Brown, Horace William, 351 Bracknell, William, 331 Bullen, Charles, 272 Burnie, Bertram, 319 Bush, Stephen, 280 Button, Matilda, 323, Andrew, 351 Chilman and Davidson, 326 Chisholm, John Al., 313 Clark, George, 265 Clark, George, 280 Clarke and Co., S. B., 289, 334, 342 Clarke, James, 327 Clayfield, Edward, 351 Coles, Alfred, 318 Collard, Carthesm, 281 Carter, John, 311, 327 Carter, Alfred, 362 Chandler, Daniel and Win., 370 Collins, John, 265 Collin,, John, 281 Cooke, Thomas H., 264 Cooke, Annie, 327 Cooper, George, 335 Cope, Evan Wiliiani, 342 Cox and Co., 265 Cox, William, 280 Crawcour, Michael, 311 Crcbbin, William C., 310 Cumming, John, 301, 310 Cumming, Smith, and Co., 289 Curtain, Michael John, 265 Daniel, Brother, 334, 352 Davenport, Charles, 281 Denwoodie, Francis, 280 Del Sarte, Leopold, 363 De.i, rn, John A., 311 Dixon, Mrs , 265 Dodg,hun and Sons, 269 Donahay, W., 2n5 Don Cash Trading Co., 265 Donoghue, John Edward, 301 Doane, Joseph, 281) Drag er, Thomas 26.5 T., and Co., Du'. - a id Son, 339 Dut,f n 1, .Janie;, 317, 359 Duel r, Pneumatic Tyre Co., 28), 327 Ehre ml,urg, Morris, 310 Eldei, James, 342 Emblinn, Adam, 370 Evans, Esan, and Co, 370 Falsha',v Brothers, 318 Feitel, Kalhnan, 272 Fell, George, 351 Feyder, Charles Victor, 351 Filmer, Ada, 371 Finlay, Arthur, 311 Finn, Edward, 370 Firth, George, 334 Firth, Isabel, 315 Flaherty, Patrick John, 370 Ford, Robert, 272 Fort, Herbert, 35 2 Foster, Archibald, 289 Fox, Charles, 281, 334 Fox, Emma, 326 Fraser, Jessie, 302 Frith, Percy, 310 Fulton, Ann, 265 Galbraith, Charles, 272 Gambetta, Charles, 289 Garregar, Joseph, 318 George, John W., 281, 301 Gibson, W. E., 265 Gillies, John B., 289 Golding, Eliza, 273 Good, Frank, 281 Gorsuch, Albert, 289 Grant, Alexander, 326 Green, Ernest Claude, 318 Greenwood, William, 281 Griffiths, Newton, 273, 297 Gue,t, Arthur, 301, 362 Hair, Millicent, 352 Hall, Teepoo, 273 Hall, Elizabeth, 302 Hallam, R., 311 Hamilton, Norman W. S., 301 Hammer, William, 297 Hanlon, John, 370 Hannan, Eileen, 343 Hansen, Alexander, 351 Harderiaclc, Paul, 301 Harris Bros., 272 Haynes, James, 351 Hedley, James, 301, 311 Heftye, Charles, 343 Helyer, Henry, 301 Henderson, W. H., 342 Henderson, Herbert, 281 Henry, Lieut.-Col, 370 Herbert, George, 334 Howard, J. F., 334 Higgins, George, 327 Hinton, John King, 272 Hocking, James, 351 Hogan, Brother, 31 0 Holland, Thomas, 281 Holland, Charles, 367 Holman, Walter, 343, 362 B olme, Albeit L, 334 Hoskin,-, Fred., 363 Howard, George E., 302 Hatton, William, 272 Humphreys, H. W., 289 Hunt, William Henry, 363 Hunter, Alfred George, 375 Hymn, James, 352 Irons and Piper, 351 Jackson, William, 342 Jackson, T. C, 318 James, Robert, 318 Jeffers, William, 281, 288 Johnston, Thomas, 351, 3(3 Jones, Frank Dawson, 351 Jones, Robert, 370 Joyce, Ralph, 343, 351 Keep, Ernest E., 265 Keam, F. J. Osborne, 281 Keir, D., 310 Kell, Andrew, 318, 327 Kelly, William, 302 Kelly Bros. and Ziebell, 372 Kelly, 'ichael, 351 Key, Alfred, 326 Kidnian, C. N., 265 King and Gcdfree, 269 Kiog,mill, Captain Charles, 273 Kleiner, Hans, 272 Knott, Isaac, 265 Knight, Thomas Erieam0, 351 Kugleman, Ludwig, 335, 3.12 Lauder, Herbert, 263 Langley, Harry, 331 Lanslle, George, 280 1903.] VICTORIA Property stolen from-continued. Leake, Frederick, 281 Leask, John George, 342 Lee, Arthur, 326 Leuipriere, W. and J, 326 Levy, Simeon, 319 Levy, Montague, 310 Lewis, Annie, 363 Lloyd, Reginald T., 370 Lorey, Frederick, 301 Lucca Singh, 301 Lyrae, Mrs. Annic, 311 Maher, John, 310 Major, Ilerbe t, 371 Maloney, John, 375 Manks, Mrs. Mary, 281, 288 M ann, Willi am, 288 Mannix, Thomas, 288 Marks, J., 318 Marks, Frank, 370 Markwald, Henry, 310 Martin, J., 326 Marquart, William, 272 Massey, Robe. t, 301 Matthews , Jolin Henry , 302 Meeks, Rupert, 318 Merrett, Charles, 334 Metropolitan Board Works, 326 Miguel Ramos, 265 Miller Bros. and Co., 301, 311 Mont de Piete Co., 343 Moorehouse, See, 335 Moran, John, 342, 370 Morgan, John Stephen, 331, 347 Morgan, David John, 265 Morgan, Sydney, 280 Mornane, Thomas Francis, 288 Morton, G., and Co., 264 Motton, Albert, 272, 301 Mudie, Henry Dring, 327 Mullin, John T., 281 Mundell, Richard H., 326 Munton, H. J. D., and Co., 362 Murphy, David, 288 Murphy, David, 352 McDonald, Angus, 351 McDonald, James G., 310 McDonald, James, 310 McGee, John, 272 McGinty, Joseph, 280, 301 McGregor, Malcolm, 265, 289 McGregor and Coombes, 318 McGregor, Duncan, 343 Mcllwraith, Jessie, 265 McKay, John, 307, 315, 323 POLICE Pope, Edward, 326 Potter, Robert, 301 Pound, Frank S., 318, 327, 367 Pon eil, Alfred, 277 Pretty, James, 360, 367 Purnell, William, 272 Quilty, Joseph, 265 Rae, George, 327 Ramilli, Alexander, 370 Rapke, Dustin, 310 Ratcliff Bros., 257 Rean, Charles, and Co., 289 Register, Edward, 326, 335 Reid Bros. and Russell, 362 R e ill y, J ames, 2 72, 289 Rendell, John Thomas, 310 Ringwood, Fred, 342 Roberts, William, 265 Roberts, William, 318 Robertson, Spencer, 362 Robertson, James, 343 Rock, Rev. R. W., 281, 289 Rockliff , Thomas , 273 Roddick, Alfred, 363, 370 Rose, Francis, 351 Rose, Cornelius, 326 Rossborough, Robert, 351, 362 Ruler, Janie-, 370 Russell, Samuel James, 311 Russell, Arthur, 335 Rutland, Miss, 302, 318 Rutherford, Catherine, 273 Ryan, Andy, 318 Rye, Harry, 281 Sadler, Robert, 363 Salter, Stanley, 265 Savage, John, 301 Scott, E. W., 352 Scott, Thomas G. L., 310J Scott, Walter, 272 Seymour, Henry, 370 Seaton, Robert, 265 Shea, Patrick, 272 Sharp, Rose, 301 Sibbritt, Henry, 281 Siepert, John Henry, 318 Simpson, Edwin, 310 Sinclair, William, 335, 351 Smail, Thomas, 318 Smith, Alfred, 301 Smith, David, 251 Smith, J. V., 363 Smith, J. V., 335 Smith, Henry S., 265, IV277, 307 Smith, Henry Russell, 315 288 Percy, 342 McKay, David William, 370 Smith, Joseph, McKell, John, 280 McKenzie, Duncan, 334 McKenzie, Robert, 307 McLeod, Angus, 265 McLeod, John, 318 McLeod, Norman, 363 McNamara, William, 273 McQuade and Allen, 272 McRae, Henry, 326 Nash, Frederick, 362 Newman, James, 335 Nicholls, Andrew, 362 Nichol, William James, 318, 331 Noble, Edward Albert, 289 Nottage, Askam Richard, 310 Nowanski, Leon, 281 O'Brien, J. H., 281 O'Donnell, John, 310 Orford, Sydney, 272 Orr, Thomas, 371 Page, Thomas Mills, 370 Parker, Arthur, 311 Parkinson, William, 318 Pascoe , James, 289 Patterson, James and Co., 343 Payne, John, 310 Pearce, William, 334, 362 Ponder, James, 301 Peters, Thomas, 318, 335 Peters, Walter A., 362 Peterson and Larsen, 351 Phillips, Henry, 315 Pocklington, Thoroton, 371 Smithers, Splatt, Alexander Tulla, 281 Stapleton, Thomas, 272 Stem, Wilhelm, 315 Stevens,Richard,301 Stevenson, John, 265 Stewart, Agnes M., 289 Storking, Mrs., 363, 370 Strachan, George, 335 Sturroek, Alexander, 265 Sutherland, Arthur, 311 Thomas, Alfred, 343 Thomas, D., and Sons, 335 Thomas, Walter, 289 Thompson, William, 289, 301 Thompson, Henry Lonsdale, 334 Toll, George, 318 Tope, Major R. T., 273 Towl, George, 363 Trevena, W. J., 318 Tuck and Co., 362 Turner, Timothy, 301 Underwood, David, 351 Veen, Henry, 302 Veitch, Walter Herbert , 272 Vernon, Oswald, 351 Vickery, John S., 318 Victorian Railway Commissioners, 272, 280, 289, 301, 310, 311, 326, 351, 362, 367, 335, 363 Walker, Elizabeth, 272 Wallace, Joseph, 265 Walsh, Michael, 334 Ware, Charles, 289 GAZETTE.-INDEX. Property stolen from-continued. Waters, William H., 343 Watkins, Henry, 351 Watson, James, 370 Watt, W. IT., 318 Way, A. G., 302 311 Way, William Henry, 310 Wayle, William, 289 Webb, Henry Wilshire, 343 Webb, Herbert, 343 Wedgegood, Henry, 318 Wellington Museum, New Zealand, 370 White, John, 301 Whykes, John, 273 Wicks, L. A., 269 Wilkinson, James, 351 Williams, J. F., 347 Williams, Charles, 289 Williams, Richard, 289 Williams, James L., 302 Wilson, Frederick, 359 Wilson, Frederick, 326 Withers, William, 318 Wood, W., 371 Weoley, William T., 326 Worrell, John B., 362 Youl, David, R. F., 342 Zander, J. B., and Co., 281 Q. Quarantine grounds for imported dogs, 293, 353 Quarantine grounds for treatment of bones, 266 Quarantine districts for stock, 266, 282, 292, 320 Quarantine districts abolished, 267, 302, 320 Quarantine, liability to, of vessels from Tasmaina, Quinn, J., unlawful assault, 304 267, 328 R. Ramsden, Jim., embezzlement on, 269, 278 Rainsbury, H., commitment, 356, 372 Railway Department, Western Australia, larceny as a public servant on, 332 Rankin, D. J., throwing a stone at, 267 Redman, A., commitment, 304 Regan, F., commitment, 356 Registrars of births and deaths, 274, 311, 327, 352, 353, 371 Rice, G., commitment, 372 Rickman, Mary, commitment, 267 Roberts, Jas., alias P. Gorman, alias Kelly, larceny, 286 Rodney, Part I. of the Police Offences Act 1890 extended to the shireof, 320 Rogers, Agnes, carnal knowledge of, 367 Rolings, Peter, commitment, 364 Rollison, J., commitment, 320 Russell, John F., commitment, 329 Russell, J. J., false pretences, 286, 297 Russell, J. J., false pretences, 297 Ryemill, Frank A., larceny as a bailee, 340 S. Sager, P., disobeying a summons, 293 Salts, Constable, assault on, 275 Sampson, M., false pretences on, 286, 297 Samson, Mary, false pretences on, 297 Scholz, Rosalind, missing, 263 Sheehan, Laurence E., vagrancy , 304 , 328 Siddall, G. E., larceny, 285 Simpson, Thomas E., false pretences on, 367, 375 Singer Machine Co., embezzlement on, 332 Singh Niiin, riotous behaviour, 267 _ Singh Attah, riotous behaviour, 267 Singh Sundah, riotous behaviour, 267 Sjoberg, Charles, commitment, 336, 364 Skehan, Jas., assault, 275 Slater, Thomas, false pretences, 347 Smith, R., larceny on, 375 Smith, James McPherson, endeavouiing to impose on, 323, 340 Smith, IL, forgery and uttering, 269 Smith, Walter, commitment, 293 Smith, William, vagrancy, 364 Smith, Nellie, indecent assault on, 340 Smith, J., larceny as a bailee, 375 Smithwaite, William, commitment, 329 Snell, G., escaped lunatic from Yarra Bend, 372 South AustraliaLawlor, A., forgery and uttering, 367, 375 Marshall, James, and Co., forgery and uttering on, 367, 375 Spooner, Ettie, obscene exposure to, 329 Stapleton,Alice,unlawful assaulton, 304 as a servant , 360 Stephens , W. H. , embezzlement Stevens, J., commitment, 372 Stiner, G., false pretences on , 297 Stock Diseases Act 1890, 291,292, 320, 328, 353, 354, 355, 372 Swine fever, 291, 292, 354, 355 Symons, Beattie, vagrancy, 344, 356 T. TasmaniaCahill, A. J., embezzlement, 297 Theodor, Con, unlawful assault on, 304, 320 Thomas, John, frequenting a public place with intent, 297, 307 Thompson, H., forgery and uttering on, 278 Thompson, L., larceny of a cheque, 360 Thornton, Charles, failing to comply with order maintenance, 335, 356 of court for 8 VICTORIA Tinsley,-, streetbetting,304 Trimblett,'William, commitment, 341 Tucker, Edgar, false pretences on, 347 Tullberg, Jane, vagrancy, 320 Turner, W. H., disobeying a maintenance order, POLICE 364 V. Venables , J., larceny as a bailee on, 297 Victoria-introduction of cattle, sheep , and swine , hides, &e., from South America prohibited, 290 Victorian Railways Commissioners ' report re placing obstruction on railway line at Arcadia, 356 Villiers , S. A., stealing a money order, 286 Villiers, S. J., larceny on, 286 Villis , Isabella, commitment, 304 Virtue, G., imposition on, 307, 323 Voting by Post Act 1900, notice, 290, 372 W. Walsh, Patrick, commitment, 344 Ward, H. R., larceny as a bailee on, 340 Watson, Clarence, disobeying a summons, 336 Watson, W., embezzlement, 360 West, Elizabeth,obscene exposure to, 336 GAZETTE.-INDEX. [1903. Western AustraliaDutton, Henry, larceny as a public servant, 332 Wheatland , Robert, Al., false pretences on, 2 97, 332 Whitburn , George , commitment, 336 White, F., embezzlement , 269, 278 Wicks, L. A., larceny on, 269 Wi ll iams , Charles , larceny, 340 Williams, E. M., vagrancy, 274 Williams , T., commitment , 321, 356 Willi, E., larceny as a bailee oil, 375 Wilson , Charles, false pretences , 332, 340 Wilson , C. If., false pretences on, 285 Wilson, D ., commitment, 274 Wilson , W., commitment, 356 Wise Bros ., false pretences on, 317 Woman , name unknown, false pretences on R. Mills, 308, 315 Woman, name unknown , false pretences on Joseph Moran, 332 Woman, name unknown , false pretences on James Hope, 278, 332 Woman , name unknown, false pretences, 307 Woman , name unknowru , larceny as a bailee on A. Hazell and Co., 323 Y. Yarr , Thos., wilful damage, 274. By Authority : ROBT. S. BRAIN, Government Printer, 1tIelbourne. VICTORIA INDEX POLICE OF PRISONERS FOR DISCHARGED DURING SEPTEMBER, 1903. POLICE INFORMATION Ah Chuck, 18th July Ah How, 4th July Ah Oom, 11th July Joe Yen Lee, 18th July Allen, Wm., 18th July Cameron, Richard, 25th July Campbell, Peter, 11th July Campbell, Robert, 5th SepOt tember Campbell, Ronald, 12th SepAllison,Reginald, 26th Sep- 0 tember Capewell, Ada, 25th July tember Cashen, Peter, 18th July Anderson, Albert, 4th July Cavanagh, John, 1st August Anderson , Cecelie, 4th July George, 8th Andrews , Charles, 8th August Chamberlain, Armstrong, Abel, 19th Sep- 0* August Chantern, Robert, 26th SepW,tember tember Ashurst, Thomas, let August Arthur, 22nd AuAtherton , George, 26th Sep- Chinnery, gust k tember Clancy,James, 26th SeptemBailie, Samuel , 4th July ber Barker, George , see W. HarClancy, James, 26th Septemrison, 11th July ber Baxter, Andrew , alias Dewar, Clark, Joseph , alias Hogan, 29th August alias O'Brien, 29th August Bay, John, 15th August Clark, Thomas, 25th July Bennell, Percy , 22nd August Clarkson, Daniel, 18th July Bennett, Adam , let August Benson, Walter , 5th Septem- Clarkson, George , alias Geo. Franklin, alias McKenzie, ber Arthur, 15th August Bernes, Louis, 18th July Claudia, Arthur, 29th August Bertram, Peter, 11th July Clayton, Charles, 1st August Best, Patrick, 5th September Bexter, John, alias David Clear, Thomas, 4th July Cleary, John, 22nd August Farmer, 15th August Clifford, Robert, 8th August Binmore, Lily , 8th August Coffey, Joseph, 26th SeptemBlack, see Archibald McKenber zie, 22nd August Black, Charles, 11th July Coffey, William, 25th July Blair, Emily, 25th July Blackett, Thomas , 8th August Bosten, Edward , see Geo. Everett, 18th July Boulton, John, 18th July Bourke, Christopher, alias James Devine , 25th July Bourke, John , 22nd August Cohen, George, Bourke, Thomas, 11th July Conroy, Charles, 11th July Bowman , William, 5th September Briggs, Eliza , 29th August Brooks, Thomas , 5th September Brown, Albert S., 4th July Coogan, John, 12th September Cosgrove, William, 5th September Cox, Henry , 22nd August Crawley, Michael, 12th Sep- Brown, Claud, 11th July GAZETTE. 11th July Cole, Joseph, 12th September Coleman, Francis ;29th August Collis, Arthur, alias George Harris , 5th Septembei Condon, Thomas , 19th September Conorty, Charles, 11th July tember Brown , Mary, 8th August Craig,Ellen,18th July Brown, Stephen Henry, 8th Creek, Samuel, 11th July Cremer, Emil, 26th SeptemAugust ber Brown, Wm., 22nd August Brown, Wi lliam, alias Kenny, Crossley, Mary, 26th September alias Walker , 25th July Brownlow, Walter C., 1st Crossley, Wm., 25th July Crotty, John, 22nd August August Bryce, Morton, alias C. Gera. Curtis, Richard, 22nd August Cunningham, Edwd., 5th din, 18th July September Burnett, George , 26th SepDavidson, Alice, 12th September tember Burns, Michael , 18th July Busine, Vincent , 19th Sep- Davies, Alice, alias Gillespie, 26th September tember Davies, John, 8th August Butler, Charles, 11th July Byford, John Henry, 8th Davies, John, 22nd August Dawson, John, 19th SeptemAugust ber Byron, Andrew H., 12th SepDarby, George, 4th July tember Cahir, James, let August Delaney, Richard, 29th Au. Cain, Patrick , 29th August gust Index - Quzrter ending September.-B. THE QUARTER ONLY. Delaney, Sarah, 22nd August Denelequin , Mary, 29th August Devine, James, see C. Bourke, 25th July Dewar, see A. Baxter, 29th August Diggs , George, 25th July Dillon, John, 26th September Donegan, Elsie , 29th August Donnelly, ENDING Arthur, Fleming, tember William, 19th Sep- Fletcher, William, 29th Au- gust Ford, Charles, 22nd August Foster, Frank , alias William Mitchell, 8th August Franklin, Geo., see G. Clarkson, 15th August Fryer, Joseph, 26th Septem15th Auber gust Dowling, Martin, 11th July Downwright, Morley, 11th Full, Wm. H., 11th July Furlong, Edward, 29th Au- gust Gahan, Ann, 8th-August Downs , Herbert James, 18th Gallagher, Kate, 12th SepJuly tember, Doyle, William, 19th Septem- Garrett, Eileen, 18th July ber Gavin, Martin, 4th July Draper, John, 12th Septem- Gavin, Martin, 4th July ber Gavin, Martin, 15th August Drennan, Andrew , 22nd Au- Geradin, C., see Morton Bryce, gust 18th July Duggan, George , see L. P. Gibbons, Henry, 4th July Whelan, 4th July Gibson, John, 5th September Dumphy, Sarah, 18th July Gimmell, Walter, 12th SepDunn, Henry, 22nd August tember Durning , William, 18th July Ginevan, Charles, 4th July Dunstan, Edward Charles, Gomerly, Samuel, see F. 26th September McMahon, 1st August Dunstan, Henry, 8th August Goonan, James, 8th August Dunstan, Wm H., 12th Sep- Graham, Charles H., 8th tember August Dwyer, John, 22nd August Green, James, 15th August Eastwood , Job, 4th July Gregory, Christian, 4th July Edwards, Ambrose, 25th July Hall, John, 4th July Edwards, Llewellyn, alias Hamilton, Frances, 11th July July John Smith, alias George Hanley, Alexander, 19th Sep- Grant, alias George Clark, 26th September Egan, James , 1st August Elms, Frederick, 1st August Emmett, A M., 1st August English, Nathan, 18th July Erskine, Walter, 25th July Evans, James Henley, 26th September Everett, George, alias Edward Bosten , alias John Wilson, 18th July Ewell, Alice, 11th July Fahey, John, 18th July Fairhall, Leonard , 29th August Fanning, James, 8th August Farmer, David, see J. Bexter, 15th August Farr, Barton , alias Edward • Farr, 11th July Farr, Edward, see B. Farr, 11th July Farr, James, 11th July Faul, Charles, 22nd August Fedden, Robert, 12th September Ferguson , George, 1st August Fergusson, Isaac, 26th September Fitzgerald, Thomas, 4th July Fitzpatrick , James , 4th July Fisher, William, 26th September tember Harcourt, Frank, 12th September Harper, William, 8th August Harris, John , alias Julius Olsen, 18th July Harris, George, see A. Collis, 5th September Harris, John, 11th July Harris, William, 8th August Harrison , William, alias George Barker, 11th July Hart, Mary, 1st August Hartley, Henry , 4th July Hartney, Morgan, 29th August Harvey, Harry, 25th July Hari,ey, John, 1st August Hayward, Thomas, see T. Walsh, let August Healey, James, 4th July Heaton, Herbert, 26th September Heffernan , P., see T. Pender, 15th August Hegarty, Ellen, 26th September Hendon, Frederick, 25th July Hendricks , Augustus, 29th August Hennessy , John, see Gilbert O'Dea, 5th September Henry, Robert, 1st August Herman, Victor, 11th July 2 PRISONERS Hilliard, Thomas, 12th September, Hodgins, Annie, 1st August Hogan, see J. Clark, 29th August Hold, Victorino, 25th July Hollway, Charles, 1st August Hood, Walter, 1st September Hooper, see Archibald McKenzie, 22nd August Horne, George, 5th September Hornsby, Thomas, 25th July Howard, John, 4th July Hughes, James, 29th August Hurley, John, 11th July Hutchinson, James, 11th July Irby, William, 4th July Irvine, Thomas, alias H. Johnson, 29th August Irving, William, 8th August James, Henry, 5th September Jane, Reta, 29th August Jennings, Isaac, 18th July Job, James, 26th September Jobe, Edward, 18th July Jones, William, 11th July Johnson, Alfred, 4th July Johnson, Charles, 4th July Johnson, H., see T. Irvine, 29th August Johnson, Sarah, 4th July Johnston, Thomas, 25th July Johnston, William, 8th August Johnston, William, 4th July Johnstone, Alfred, 1st August Jones, Edward, 19th Sep- DISCHARGED-INDEX, Lucas, Elizabeth, 26th September Lynch, Elizabeth, 12th September Lynch, Thomas, 18th July Machell, Enoc, 26th Septemher Maddern, George, 5th September Mahoney, Frederick, 25th July Malcolm, Andrew, 26th September Malone, John, 18th July Marsden, Edward, 29th August Marshall, Daniel, 18th July Marshall, William, 29th August Math2st, John, 15th August Matthews, John, 12th September Manger, Martha A., 4th July Maurer, William, 5th September May, Charles, 1st August May, William H., 11th July Melville, Kate, 22nd August Midolo, Rachel, 12th Septemher Miller, John, see Wm Miller, 15th August Miller,William, alias John Miller, 15th August Mitchell, Wm., see F. Foster, 8th August Monaghan, Julia, 12th September (1903 McLeish, John,'29th August McLeod, John, 15th August McMahon, Frank, alias Samuel Gomerly, 1st August McNabb, John J., 4th July McNabb, see N. O'Connell, 29th August McNamara, John, 19th September McPherson, James, 19th September McPherson, Mary, 12th September McPherson, Wm. J. H. E., 25th July Nash, Edward, 25th July Newman, Edward, 29th August Newman, Sydney, 11th July Nielson, Harry, 5th September Oakley, John, 5th September O'Brien, Alice, 8th August O'Brien, see J. Clark, 29th August O'Brien, James, 29th August O'Brien, William, 15th August O'Callaghan, Bartholomew, 15th August O'Connell, Nellie, alias McNabb, 29th August O'Connor, Arthur J., 29th . August O'Dea, Gilbert, alias John Hennessy, alias Martin Olsen, 5th September O'Donnell, Francis, 11th July Rogers, William, 15th August Rowe, Henry, 11th July Rozier, Walter, 15th August Russell, Amy Elizabeth, 19th September Russell, Bertie, 22nd August Ryan, James, Ilth July Ryan, James, see T. Walsh, 1st August Ryan, Mary, 11th July Ryan, Mary, 11th July Ryan, Mary, 26th September Ryan, Michael, 1st August Ryan, John, 22nd August Ryan, John, see J. Rogers, 5th September Sager, Percy, 15th August Sands, John, 1st August Shannondrof, Emma, 25th July Shard, Charles, 29th gust Sharp, Wm. Howard,_ 12th September Shaw, Alexander, 4th July Shaw, Charles, 15th August Shaw, James H., 8th August Sheedy, Roger, 1st August Shelly, Lilly, 18th July Shillingberg, Annie, 18th July Silver, Bella, 4th July Simpson, Annie, 4th July Simpson, Frederick, 4th July Simpson, Annie, 18th July Simpson, Andrew, 19th September Sinfield, Charles, 25th July Sinnott, John, 5th September Skerritt, Arthur, 8th August Moore, Ellen, 18th July O'Keefe, Patrick, to nber Jones, Frederick, 5th September Jones, Herbert, 5th September Joslyn, Frederick, 1st August Kane, John, 22nd August Moore, John, 11th July Moore, John, 15th August Moore, Robert, see R. Williams, 8th August Moore, Thomas, 4th July Morris, Matilda J., 1st August Morrissey, Mary, 29th August tember O'Loughlin, Florrie, 18th July Olsen, Julius, see J. Harris, 18th July Olsen, Martin, see Gilbert O'Dea, 5th September O'Neill, George, 29th August Kay, George F., 1st August Morrissey, Mary, 26th Sep- O'Reilly, John, 19th Septem- Smythe, Michael, 8th August Keating, Kathleen, 11th July Keene, Elizabeth, 4th July Kelly, Catherine, 29th August Kelly, James, alias Mason Robinson, 5th September tember Moss, George, 1st August Mullins, Patrick, Ilth July Murphy, Andrew, 8th August Murphy, James, 4th July bar Outridge, Frederick, 26th September Owens, Wm., 19th September Parfit, William, 1st August Kelly, John, 5th September Murphy, Nicholas, 18th July Patchak, Kelson, Ernest A., 11th July Kennedy, Ellen, 1st August Kennedy, Thomas, alias Burns, 26th September Kennedy, Thomas, 29th August Kenny, see Wm. Brown, 25th July Kihang, Robina, 26th September Kidd, Archibald, 5th Septem- Murphy, Thomas, 15th August McAvady, John, 11th July McCulloch, James, 29th August McDonald, Daniel , 1st August McDonald, Henry, Ilth July McDonald, see McGregor , R. R., 1st August McDougall, Malcolm, 15th August tember Stewart, Nellie, 5th SeptemPatchettt, Robert, 19th Sepber tember Summers, Thomas, 29th AuPeel, Robert, 8th August gust Pender, Thomas, alias Peter Styles, Amy, 11th July Heffernan , 15th August Talty, Peter, 4th July Pirie, James, 18th July Tamblyn, Samuel, 26th SepPollard, Louisa , alias Loney tember Pollard, 19th September Tattersall, Jonathan, 11th Porteous, Samuel A., 15th AuJuly gust Taylor, Lydia, 4th July ber 'King, George, 4th July Kirwan, Cath., 19th SeptemMargaret, Kohlsdorf, 4th July Emil, 26th Sep- tember Lake, Edward, 8th August Powell, P. J., 26th September Taylor, Philip, 4th July Taylor, Taylor, Premier, Joseph, 18th July Taylor, William, 8th August Prouse, Taylor, Peter, 8th August tember gust Livermore, John, 18th July Long, Timothy, 1st August Lord, Mary, 8th August Love, David, 18th July Lovell, Wiliam, 5th September Lowe, Mary, 11th July Lucas, Elizabeth, 8th August T., 18th July Purcell, John, 1st August McGinley, tember Quirk, Wm., 5th September Radcliffe, Wm. A., 29th Au- Thomas, 19th Sep- McGovern, Arthur, 8th August McGregor, James, 22nd August McGregor, Robert Roy, alias McDonald, alias McGuire, 1st August McGuire, see McGregor, R. R., Lear, Rebecca, 15th August Lewis, Henry, 18th July Lewis, Mark, 22nd August Lee, Walter Geo., 25th July Lingham, Catherine, 8th Au- William McGinley, Edward, 4th July McGinty, Edward, 11th July Lat-son, William, 11th July Martin, 26th Sep- Stewart, Harry, 25th July Power, Leonard, 15th August Prior, Chas. Wm., 4th July 5th Patk., Snell, Stanley, 5th September Stritch, John, 25th July Stevens, Edward, 26th September Stevenson, Otto, 8th August tember McEvoy, September Lalor, Jessie, 25th July Lang, Francis P., 19th September Larsen, Christopher, some. times Christopher Lawson, 18th July Lawson, Cecil A., 4th July Lalor, Jas. Jno. Smith, see Archibald McKenzie, 22nd August Smith, Dora, 11th July Smith, Hazel, 26th September Smith, John, 29th August Smith, John, 25th July Smith, Jonah, 8th August McElhatten, John, 19th SepMcGeary, William, 12th Sep- ber Knight, 12th Sep- Skinner, George, 11th July 1st August McHugh, Peter, 4th July McHugh, Peter, 8th August McKay, William, 22nd August McKenzie, Alexander, 18th July McKenzie, Archibald, alias Black, alias Smith, alias Hooper, 22nd August McKenzie, Arthur, see G. Clarkson, 15th August McLaren, Rachel, 22nd August McLean, Duncan, 8th August gust Thomas, William, 22nd August 18th July William, 19th Sep- tember Telfer, James, 11th July Tempest, Harry, 22nd August Tempest, Henry, 19th Sep- Ransom, James, 22nd August Ravey, Henry, 22nd August Reardon, James, 5th Septemher Reid, Alice, 18th July Rhodes, Spencer, 18th July Richards, Alexander, 26th September tember Thomas, Frederick, 5th September Thomas, Wm. H., 4th July Thompson, Bella, 11th July Thompson, Frederick, 26th September Thompson, Robert, 4th July Richardson, Alfred, 25th July Thompson, Richardson, Alfred, I Ith July Roach, John (known as Cockey Roach), 19th September Roberts, Rhoda, 22nd August Robinson , Mason, see J. Kelly, 5th September Roberts, Charles E., 29th August Robertson, Wm., 1st August Robertson, William, 5th September Rogers, John, alias John Ryan, 5th September September Thomson, Arthur, 11th July Thormber, William, 26th September Townsend, Thomas, 26th September Trainor, Edward, 29th August Tran, Frederick James, 1st August Travers, Frank, 26th September Traynor, Philip, 29th August Trueman, Timothy, 11th July William, 26th 1903.] PRISONERS DISCHARGED--INDEX. Trueman , Timothy, 15th August Turner, Frederick , 29th August Turner, Sarah , 4th July Turnbull, Sydney, 25th July Twitchett , V gust Henry, 8th Au- Upright, Patrick, 11th July Voight, Peter , 19th September Wagglen , Arthur, see A. Wag- land, 11th July Wagland, Alexander, alias Arthur Wagglen , 11th July Wagner, Arthur , 29th August Wagstaff, Francis Thomas, 29th August Walker, see Wm. Brown, 25th July Walsh, David , 1st August Walsh, James , see T. Walsh, 1stAugust Walsh, Thomas , see T. Walters, 1st August Walshe, James , 4th July Walters , Jas., see T. Walsh, 1st August Walters , Thomas, alias Thomas Walsh , let August Waters , Joseph, 26th September Watson, Harold G., 5th September Watson, James , 15th August Watson, John , let August Webb, William , 29th August Westaway, John, alias Wilson, 18th July Whelan, James , 1st August Whelan, John , 11th July Whelan, Leo P., alias George Duggan, 4th July Whittaker , George, 5th September White, Andrew , 12th SeptemWalsh, Mary Ann, 12th Sepber tember White, James , 4th July Walsh, Thomas , alias James Walsh, alias James Ryan, Wickman, Herman, 26th September alias Thomas Hayward, alias Jas. Walters , 1st Au- Wilkinson, Christopher, 15th gust August a 3 Wilkinson , George, ] 1st Au- Willis, Francis , 12th Septemgust ber Wilkinson , Lawrence, 11th Winwood, James , 8th August July Wilson, C. R., see R. Wil- Wilks, Arthur, 18th July liams, 8th August Williams, Alfred, 26th Sep- Wilson, Edward Albert, 5th tember Wi lliams, Wil li ams, gust Williams, tember Williams, gust Williams , Williams, ber Williams, ber Wil li ams, gust Wi ll iams, Charles Robert RM Charles , 4th July Charles , 22nd AuDaniel , 19th Sep- Emma , 22nd Au- Frank, 18th July James , 5th SeptemJohn , 26th Septem- September Wilson, Florence, 29th August Wilson, Frederick , alias Frederick Wiltshire , 11th July Wilson, James , 15th August Wilson, Jennie , 29th August Wilson, see J. Westaway, 18th July Wilson, John, see Geo. Everett, 18th July Wilson, Patrick , 25th July Wilson, Theresa, 12th September Wilsoncroft , Cissie , 18th July Robert, alias Wiltshire , Fredk., see Fredk. R. Wilson, alias Wilson, 11th July Moore, 8th August Woods, Agnes , 1st August Thomas , 5th Sep- Woods , Willi am, 11th July Workman , John, 22nd August William A., 25th Richard , 1st Wi ll iams , tember Wi ll iams, July Wi lliamson , Au- Wright, Thomas, 18th July Joseph 26th September Friend, Wynne, James, 29th August Young, James , 11th July By Authority : ROST. S. BRAw, Government Printer, Melbource, INDEX TO VICTORIA THE POLICE GAZE' IITE. 3FOIL THE QUARTER ENDING DECEMBER, 1903. A. Absconders from industrial schoolsLe Chung, H ., 493 James , H., 469 Abbott, P. H., 476 Keef , E., 486 Aspenall, W., 382 Martin , G., 391 Brooks, W., 408 , 416 Meadows , R., 451, 460 Brown, W. E., 469 Moorland , J. B., 432 Brown, M., 432 Moorland, B . W., 432 Bruce, A., 476 Nathan, H. B., 486 Butler, W., 398 Nattrass , F., 450 Carewickham , C., 416 Owens , E., 408 Carter, R., 442 , 460 Owens , E., 391 Cooksley, A ., 486 O'Neil, G., 425, 450 Cushman, E lla, 469 Perkins , K, 416 Doran, F., 381 Rayham, If., 442, 460 Earle, J., 460 Ryan , H., 469 Eddy, L., 476 Sleet, H., 431 Flood, J. M. A., 486 Smedley , J., 432 Garth, G., 460 Sutherland , J., 408 Gumming, T., 408, 425 Thornton , C., 408, 460 Hamilton, Sadie , 469 Wallan, F . W., 416 Harrison , J., 486 Williams , J., 431 Hawthorn , G. G., 416, 441 Whitesides , J., 425 Hyland, A., 476 Chang Sha , being a prohibited immigrant, 449 Fatta Khan, assault intent to carna lly know , 445, 463 Yee Moon , assault on, 494 Aldridge, Eva, unlawful assault on , 432, 442 Allender, A ., disobeying order of court, 449 Analysts appointed , 407, 440 Angwin, J., commitment, 461 Anderson , W., unlawful assault, 441 Anderson , J., larceny from a dwe lling on, 463 Anderson , Mrs. J. J., endeavouring to impose, 385, 401 Anderson ' s Inlet, prohibition of netting in, 381, 441 Andrews, A ., commitment, 398 Anthrax, regulations for introduction of stock fr om New South Wales, 441 Auctioneers ' licences , 408, 449 B. Bacon, R., larceny as a bailee, 411 Bacon, J., larceny as a bailee on, 411 Baker, Susan, indecent assault on, 445 Baldwin, A, unlawful carnal knowledge, 479 Bamford, Ida, assault with intent to have unlawful carnal knowledge of, 445, 463 Bannatyne, A. T., larceny as a bailee on, 479 Barber, J., larceny on, 419 Barton, Martha C. V., vagrancy, 416 Barton, W., commitment, 494 Beale, F., commitment, 449 Beauregard, J. B., larceny as a servant on, 427 Beaver, S., commitment, 441 Bell, W., disobeying a summons, 391 Bell, J., commitment, 416 Bennett, T. K., and Woolcock, larceny as a servant on, 463 Bennett, J. C., wilful damage, 477 Beresford, W. H. A., unlawful assault on, 441 Bermingham, F., forgery and uttering on, 479 Bird, Mrs. E., larceny on, 471 Blackburn, G., false pretences on, 463 Blyth, W. H., larceny as a bailee on, 454 Bolton, -, conspiracy to defraud on Jen Peter Devantier, 419 Bondroll, F., commitment, 461 Boy, name unknown, unlawfully and indecently assaulting W. Stenson, 464, 471 Branner, Gustave, uttering a forged cheque on, 427 Broadford, sacrilege and damage to Roman Catholic church at, 468 Index-Quarter ending December.-1241.-A Broadford Roman Catholic church, wilful damage Brooks and Co., larceny as a servant on, 427 Brookside reformatory, 406 Brown, C., false pretences, 393 Brown, C., attempted larceny on, 497 Brown, C., larceny as a bailee on, 435 Boland, T., larceny by trick on, 419 Box, A., commitment, 416, 441 Burgess, G., commitment, 461 Burkett, Joe, larceny, 419 Burns, H., commitment, 461 Byrnes, Ellen, commitment, 469 to, 450 r c. Calder, Lettie , wilful and obscene exposure to, 419 Carey, P., larceny as a bailee , 385, 393 Cargill, A ., stealing a letter, 471, 479 Cashin, W., commitment, 460 Cass, J., unlawful assault, 416 Chapman, Percy, inflicting grievous bodily harm on, 445 Charles , Kathleen, threatening behaviour to, 489 Child abandonedMale child, found wandering in Prince 's Park, North Carlton, 493 Cook, E., larceny on, 393 Cooper, P. W ., commitment, 449 Cohen, G., commitment, 460 Collectors ' licenees , 393, 394, 435 , 436, 472 Collins , H., commitment , 461, 477 Collocott, A., false pretences on, 463; 471 Colonial Sugar Refining Co., larceny on, 445 Connelly, J., larceny as a servant on, 463 Connors, B ., vagrancy , 442, 450 Corre ll, R., larceny as a bailee, 435 Cosgrove , W., assault, 390 Costelloe, T ., disobeying order of court, 431 Courts of petty sessions altered, 379 Court of petty sessions discontinued, 380 Cowap, S., embezzlement , 445, 453 Cranbourne brass band , larceny as a bailee on, 463, 471 Crellin, M. C., vagrancy , 382, 391 Crosbie, W., commitment, 390 D. Dalrymple, T., unlawful assault on, 416 Dalton, -, larceny from a dwelling, 463 Daly, G. E., larceny as a bailee,-401, 427 Davis, J., escaped lunatic, 486 Davis, W., stealing a letter on, 471, 479 Davis Franklin Cycle Co., larceny as a bailee on, 453 Davies, S. A., false pretences on, 393 Davies, L. J., larceny as a bailee, 401 Davies, F., larceny on, 401 Davison, P., larceny as a bailee on, 419, 427 Deserters from H.M. serviceMcCarthy, J., 451 Burgess, 0., 392 Burgess, W. E., 392 Newton, D., 443 Russell, T. B., 443 Day, G., 392 Hallam, W., 487 Scardifield, W. H., 399 Harper, G. W., 487 Stevens, W., 487 Howard, J. G., 443 Stone, W., 418 Manallack, W. F., 470 Stratton, J. W., 383 Deserters from merchant vesselsAbdool Karrim, 451, 470 Mirjorski, B., 443 George, L., 443, 451 Sedoris, S., 443 2 VICTORIA POLICE GAZETTE. INDEX. [1903. Deserters of wives and childrenAllen, F. G., 397 Jameson, L., 389 Alexander, W., 379 Johnson, E. W., 457 Anderson, W., 379 Johnson, E. W., 439 Baker, G. T., 439 Johnson, J., 397, 424 Balken, F., 431 Kaminsky, 0., 424 Bates, G. T., 448 Knighton, M., 457 Black, A., 406, 415 Lander, F., 389 Blewett, W., 389, 431 Lauder, J., 467 Bourke, M., 475, 493 Lane, J. J., 448, 484 Bourke, P., 431, 457 Lawrence, W., 475 Brentwood, B., 431 Linden, C., 484 Brown, E., 457 Maltravers, C., 457 Brown, J., 424 Michel, W. H., 467 Carter, M., 457, 467 Moran, J., 439, 457 Carter, W., 389 McMeniman, J., 439 Chegwildna, G. A., 439, 475 McNamara,'P., 379 Coil.lre.i abandoned Prince'sO'Shea, T. M., 397 bridge Railway Station, Pillon, T., 439, 484 418, 467 Ramage, J., 493 Cook, H. J., 397 Scott, A., 439 Cotter, M., 383 Stevenson, C. T., 439 D ivie, J. A., 415 Stiles, J., 484 Da lnally, J., 389 Stobart, T., 439 Da Riau, H. L., 397 Tegart, J. W., 415 Dyno, F., 424 Thomas, A. E., 406, 431 Dempsey, E., 484 Thompson, W., 475 Edwards, J. M., 431 Thompson, W. H., known as Elliott, W. H., 415 Barney Thompson, 406 Flannery, J., 493 Todd, W., 439 Granger, A., 415 Tolmie, R., 406 Hall, S., 448 Tomasini, J. At., 379, 389 Hefferntin, D., 389 Trainor, J., 484, 493 Herbert, T., 431 Warnett, W. H., 379 Holwell, D. C, C., 475 Warry, E., 448 Humphries, E. A., 424 Wiggins, G., 484 Hurne, T., 431 Williams, F., 389 Hylton, S. R., 457 Devantier, J. P., conspiracy to defraud on, 419 Deveraux, P., commitment, 381 Diamond, J., wilful damage on, 432 Dohundi, A. and L., vagrancy, 382 Donnelly, W., commitment, 416 Dowdney, F. A., larceny as a bailee on , 445, 453, 471 Dudderidge, A., maintenance arrears, 485 Duffy, T., commitment, 441 Dunn, W., larceny, 393, 435 Dwerryhouse, T., unlawful assault on , 469, 477 E. Earl, Mabel, vagrancy, 460, 469 Edwards, W., larceny as a bailee, 479 Egerton, W., larceny, 463 Egerton, Geraldine, larceny on, 463 Elliott, W. H., commitment, 425 Elliott, W. H., commitment, 449 Elliott, E., commitment, 441 Everett, T., arrears of maintenance, 408 F. Faulkhead, Jno., offensive behaviour, 398, 416, 425 Fellows, C., larceny on, 489 Ferguson, Hugh, commitment, 391 Finnegan, T., larceny as a bailee on, 411 Ftzpatrick, J., commitment, 408 Fleming, Jas., larceny and wife desertion, 393 Fletcher, G., embezzlement, 463 Flett, J., larceny as a bailee, 453 Flood, C., commitment, 477 Flood, A., assault, 390 Fowler, G., vagrancy, 398 Ford, F., larceny as a servant, 427 Freeman, A. F., escaped lunatic, 449 Fyffe, W., wilful and obscene exposure, 419 G. Gale, M., aggravated assault on, 390 Game Act notices, 425, 485, 486 Gentile, Joe, commitment, 425 Gilan, -, larceny on John Gleeson, 497 398, 408 Gilbert, W. C., vagrancy, Gilmore, Ann Maria, false pretences on, 454, 471 Gloster, W., commitment, 390, 494 Godkin, F., commitment, 460 Golave Singh, drunk and disorderly, 382 Gompers, M. B., larceny, 471 Gerry, Frank, unlawful assault, 449, 460 Gough, J., abduction, 445, 471 Granrott, R., vagrancy, 461 Harkins, I. H., larceny as a bailee, 435 Harnold, J., commitment, 416 Harrison, M., commitment, 441, 493 Hartyer, Frances, unlawful carnal knowledge of, 479 Hart, K., obscene exposure to, 398 Harvey, J., commitment, 461, 486 Healey, At., commitment, 476 Healey, J., commitment, 476, 494 Health Act notices, 406, 441, 458 Health officers, 380, 397, 407, 424, 440, 458, 476, 493 Heinrick, L., vagrancy, 381 Henderson, W., larceny as a bailee, 427 Herron, R. J., larceny as a servant on, 427 Hesse, C., and Co., forgery and uttering on, 471, 489 Hewlett, F., commitment, 432 Hickey, Jno., larceny on, 497 Hick',, W., commitment, 425 Highway robbery, charged withMimi, name unknow.•, on J. Frl,ncis, W., 419 Bates, 463 Gihsou, -, 411 Glass, H., 305, 427 Men, two, miamcs 1n1knoR11, on P. Fowler, 453 J0'1nson, -, 153 _Man, name unknown, on W. Alen, fi ve or six, names B. Lee, 445 unknown, on A. Chermont, Man, name unknown, on I. 463 Alston, 453 Tyler, A., 445 Man, name unknown, on C. Woman, name unknown, on Denny, 463 G. B. Robertson, 419 Highway robbery committed onAh Suey, 465 You Fou, 481 Alexander, P. C., 481 Alston, I., 453 Anderson, W., 465 Anderson, Mrs. Leah E., 463 Anscombe, A. W., 465 Barber, M., 387 Batchelor, C., 421 Bates, J., 463 Barton, E., 491 Beattie, D., 429 Bell, R., 403 Bowes, W. R., 401 Brister, Mrs. E., 403, 421 Burns, D. J., 435 Caldwell, A., 491 Chactor, G., 465 Charlton, T., 421 Chermont, A., 463 Christensen, A., 481 Clark,T.,377 Collins, J., 421 Connellan,,M., 437 Curry, D., 387 Daniman, J., 387 De Crespegney, P., 481 Denny, C., 463 Doherty, J., 403 Dying, C., 437 Eadie, J., 445 Edmonds, M., 447 Lee, W. E., 445 Ellis, G., 473 Evans, Elizabeth, 437 Firth, Mrs., 421 Flemming, Alex., 473 Fowler, P., 453 Gamble, H., 421 Gleeson, J., 411 Gribble, E., 429 Hale, Jno., 419 Hannon, R. W., 429, 453 Hansard, F., 395 Hardiman, J., 491 Harvey, Emma, 447 Hayes, E., 447 Healy, W., 421 Henshaw, R., 377 Hill, A., 473, 481 Hills, Wm., 403 Hood, R., 481 Hood, M., 447 Hocking, J., 421 Hodder, J., 411 Here, M., 473 Irving, Harry, 421 Jack, A. W., 411 Joyce, J. A., 465 Joynt, J. K., 453 Keatch, F., 377 King, J., 421 Kirby, F. J., 429 Kornisch, K., 455 Lewis, E., 491 Linklater, W. R., 421 Lister, Eliza, 437 Lording, Mrs., 491 Lyons, E., 429 Mack, T., 429 Mason, F., 421, 429 Mills, J. K., 421, 429 Millane, J. H., 377 Moore, Mrs. M., 413 Moore, Hy., 377 Moore, Thompson, 453, 455 McCracken, J., 395 McEwan, T., 473 McGregor, W. Ross, 465 McLeod, A., 403 McMahon, P., 491 McNamara, S., 447, 455 McQueen, Catherine, 455 Orr, Miss J., 413 Peacock, W., 491 Powell, J., 377 Quilty, Rose, 377 Rasmussen, J. A. J., 377 Reed, G., 437 Relston, J., 429 Renfrew, A., 479 Rich, C., 421 Robertson, G. B., 419 Roberts, J., 479 Roche, I., 481 Ross, A., 491 Rosenow, A., 385, 427 Ryan, M., 421 Ryan, T., 387 Schettenz, Mrs. H., 481 Scoullar, G. F. A., 411 Scown, G. H., 445 Shearer, D., 429 Simester, a., 395 Skillern, Mrs. Jane, 465 Stephens, F. H., 455 Stoddart, T., 395 Thompson, J., 387 Watkeys, J. H., 491 Williamson, G., 497 Williamson, W. S., 481 Winrow, W., 395 Winter, C., 403 Hillyer, H., commitment, 390 Holdaworth, J., commitment, 398 Hogan, J., larceny as a servant, 463 Hogan, Margt., commitment, 449 Hopkins, J. R., commitment, 391 Hordern, R ., insulting behaviour, 398 1903.] VICTORIA POLICE' Horses and cattle, arrested for stealingKennedy, Brian , 399 Ramage , E., 443 Kennedy, R. T., 435 Warne, J., 427 O'Keefe, J., 393 Woodrove, -, 435 Horses and cattle, charged with Alston, G., 419 Arndt, H. J., 435 Kennedy, R. T., 427, 435 Man, name unknown, on 1. Little, 411 stealingMatison, S., 411 Tyrell, alias Murphy, 393 Warne, J., 419, 427 Woodrove, -, 427 Wm. Horses and cattle, stolen fromGleeson,J.,391 Ali Cheong, J., 398 Glendenning, G., 442 Ali Loy, C., 399 Grant, J. M., 450 Ali Pang , P., 486 Grant, W., 462 Ahern, D., 469 Greenham, A., 391 Anderson, Mrs. G. A., 451, 462 Gyton, R., 494 Hale, W., 398 Anthony, J., 462 Hanrahan, B., 417 Anwin, G.,'486 Harrington, J., 391 Applegate, Bros., 382 Harrington, J., 382, 391, 433, Archer, G., 417 462 Armytage, Bros., 426 Hardy, A., 461. Aylward, W., 450 Hassey, J., 477 Backhouse, A., 486 Head, J., 417, 425 Baker, H., 409 Heath, J., 382 Beardmore , A., 477 Heard, S., 477 Bentinck , If., 391 Bertino, Mrs. L. M., 416 Herbert, R., 417 Bibby, T., 391 Hill, J., 416 Hill, Mrs. A., 425 Blacker, T., 408 Blackwell, W., 469 Hilet, J., 477 Boyd, D., 391 Hiscock, C., 470 Boyd, H. C., 432 Holden, J. H., 382 Boyd, D., 391 Hololian, E., 305, 323, 393 Brien, A., 391 Howard, H., 477 Brodribb, F. E., 432 Hurley, T., 391 Browning, F. J., 442 Johnstone, M., 477 Brown, E., 399 Kearney, J., 477 Bruce, E., 382 Kirkham, G., 477 Buck, J. H., 382 Kennedy, J., 442 Buerckner , F., 443 Lawless, J., 417, 464 Lawrence, W., 450 Burgi, J., 391 Burke, J., 450 Le Maitre, P., 433 Little, I., 411 Burvill, A., 477 Byrne, H., 416 Love, T., 382 Canny, M., 408 Ludeman, J., 442 Carslake, B., 477 Mackenney, W.. 469 Macqueen, J. A., 426 Chaffey, R., 417 Madigan, T., 494 Chapple, J., 433 Maher, T., 462 Clarke, R., 433 Mallett, R., 417 Cleary,J.,487 Mason, J., 494 Cook, J., 432 Mason, J., 426 Cook, T., 435 Matthews, R., 487 Cooper, W., 391 Coal Creek Proprietary Co., Meyers, J., 442 Meyer, J., 433 419 Coglan, Boase, and Co., 409 iMiller, J., 486 Mitchell, A., 408 Collins, Ellen, 426 Moorfoot, W., 432 Colgan, F., 408 Moore, W., 417 Cornell, R., 382 Montgomery, A., 398 Coulter, T., 382 Morey, T., 477 Counsell, W., 433 Moylan, M., 409 Cracknell, J., 494 Munro, J., 426 Crane, T., 442 Murray, P., 450 Creen,J. E., 487 Murray, J., 450 Cronin, M., 391 Murdoch, J., 462 Currie, W., 417 Murchison Bros., 442 Curtain, J., 494 Murphy, M., 477 Davidson , W., 382 McArthur, P., 494 David, J. G., 442 McCay, A., 391, 398 Davis, W., 477 McCormick, A., 494 Daynes, W., 409 McDonald, A., 442 De Little, H. F., 391 McLaren, J., 432 Deforest, A., 450, 487 McLean, A., 470, 477 Dehnert, P . E., 486 McInnes, S., 477 Dissalback , H. B., 391 McIntosh, S., 451 Downes, J. J., 433 McKenzie, J., 416 Doyle, H., 398 McNally, P., 461 Dwyer, P., 477 McPhee, J., 426 Eeles , J., 487 McVeian, T. C., 487 Elford, W. T., 399 Newcomen, W., 470, 477, Edwards, A., 382 487 Edwards, G., 461 Newcomen, W., 470, 477 Ferris, C., 409 Nicholson, Emma, 442 Field,J.,433 Oliver, D., 450 Flint, Const. T. A. R., 494 Orr, J., 470 Foster, H. P., 462 O'Dea, T., 427, 435 Foster, W., 442 O'Keefe, J., 416 Fox, T., 442 O'Keefe, M., 399 Gallivan, J. J., 494 O'Shea, P., 450 Gasgoyne, G. A., 477 Pabst, V., 442 Gibson,G., 432 Parsons , G., 416 Gilbert, S., 398 Paulett, A. E., 382 Gilties, A., 462 Penidge, W. H., 409 Girling, F. E., 432 GAZETTE.- INDEX. 3 Horses and cattle stolen from - continued. Standish, J., 409 Pilgrim, M., 409 Pope, R., 461 Staughton, H. W., 451 Stewart, A., 477 Poynton, E., 399 Prendergast , L. H., 442 Stewart, G., 477 Stout, Jas., 391 Proctor, T., 450 Sutherland, P., 417 Rae, J., 399 Teal, E., 462 Rainey, D., 461 Telley, G., 486 Ramsden, R., 442 Tinkler, S., 409 Raven, H., 494 Reid, M., 477 Toogood, J., 443 Torbby, J., 408 Roll, G., 477 Trenear, Thos., 417 Rickards, F. S., 382 Tully, J., 391 Ritchie, A., 399 Turner Bros., 477 Roadknight, H., 461 Ross, J., 417 Turner, J. R., 426 Rotherford, W. 0., 426 Twary, S., 425 Vanner, J., 382 Scott, J. D., 399 Seehusen, C., 442 Waddell, E. E., 427, 435 Settle, J. W., 416 Walton, W., 486 Share, H., 461 Warne, J., 419, 427 Shaw, J., 450 Weidlick, H., 398 Sheilds, Chas., 433 Wenesley, J., 399 Shelton, M., 461 Whitta, T., 382 Simpson Bros., 477 Wilkie, Edith, 442 Singleton , H., 494 Willis, W. 0., 461 Smith, M. J., 487 Williamson , W., 417 Smith, J. A., 416 Wilson, R. H., 433 Smith, A., 426 Withers, D. H., 450 Southie, W. B., 450 Wright, R., 450 Yates, J. G., 408 Spence, J., 487 Housebreaking and stealing , arrested forBaines, J., 448 Katie -, 497 Barnes, J., 473 Lawson, W., 414 Binmore, it., 404 Levington , -, alias Brown, Brain, W ., 414 401 Brown, F., 401 Luttrell, G., 404 Bull, E., 448 Martin , Mabel, 448 Bu ll , E., 473 Michel , A., 491 Cook, F., 466 Molloy, Ellen, 411 Commons, Cissie , 453 Parker , F., 497 Connorty, C., 471 Smith, G., 448 Crosbie, -, alias Brown , 401 Southall , B., 411 Dawes, W. J., 474 Sutton, F., alias Cook, 465, Davis, Jos ., 474 466 Field, J., alias F. Nattrass , Treadway , M., 491 465, 466 Tyrrell, W., 414 Handley, H., 489 Watts, H., 414 Harander , A., 463 Winbanks , J., 445 Jenney, C., 387 Housebreaking , charged withAnnie -, 385 Anderson, L. A., 489 Anderson , W., 435 Callender , E., 385 Callender, H ., 385 Cox, John, 385 Crosbie, F . H., 401 Duncan, W. F., 479 Dyer, C. F. E., 393 Handley, H ,, 489 Harander , A., 453, 463 Henderson , Mrs., 471 Holden, J., 411 Johns, -, 471 Katie -, 489, 497 Levington , F., 401 Man, name unknown, on It. Higinbotham, 401 Man, name unknown , on Ethel Morris , 435, 445 Man, name unknown, on J. E. Brock, 471 Man, name unknown, on W. Smith, 479 Man, name unknown, on R. Dodd, 489 Men, two, names unknown, on A. Drummond, 411 Men, two, names unknown, on Mabel Stewart, 435 O' Callaghan, C., 497 Parker, F., 497 Priary, L., 489 Rinner, Ulrich, 463 Walker, E., 427 Woman, name unknown, on E. Royals, 385 Woman, name unknown, on C. Waterman, 489 Housebreaking and stealing , committed onBarnard, Miss, 491 Ali Cha_ig, 497 Barrow, M., 492 Ali Ching, 387 Barton, F., 474 Ali Gong, T., 492 Bastin, F., 378 Ali Mow, 473 Batten, W., 430 Ali Sam, 396 Batters, F ., 405, 413 Ali Yem, Jimmy, 456 Batchelor, J. E., 421 Quong Chai , James, 438 Barlam, Edith, 455 Quong, Nellie, 423 Bear, Edith, 466 Aarons, Mrs. M. A., 421 Beattie, J., 438 Adams, F., 396 Beauchamp, W., 403, 413 Adams, W., 482, 492 Beauchamp, C., 404 Adamthwaite, J., 482 Beauchamp , E., 414 Allen, P., 396 Beckwith , H., 387 Allen, H. W., 474 Begg, C., 492 Anderson, Robert V., 421 Belcher, Hon. G. F., 437 Asser, R. C., 396, 414 Bellew. M. A., 482 Atchison, H., 473 Bellew,Mi. A., 482 Aves, Mrs. C., 395 Bell, R. T., 413 Bailey, E., 437 Bent, E., 395, 404 Baldwin, Emily, 404 Berger, W., 401 Bamfield, G., 387 Bishop, E., 385 Banner, Sarah, 414 4 Housebreaking VIC I UREA l'(LftE and stealing , committed on-continued. Evans, W. J., 482 Evans , Mrs. M., 465 Ferguson , Charlotte, 465 Finklestein, S. J. P., 413 Fitzgerald, A. G., 403 Flattley, J., 42] Ford, Mrs., 396 Frederick, Mrs. S., 387 French, Caroline C., 437 Frost, F. S., 466 Galvin, T., 404 Gardiner, H., 377 Garnham, Ada, 414 Gartly, J., 466 Garvin, J., 388 Gee, M., 482 Gee Cheong, 396, 414 Gellatly, Mrs. F., 414 Germain, Mrs., 396 Gerrett, J., 403 Gibbs, Ida, 447 Gillard, R. D., 456 Gillespie, A. R., 437, 465 Gillies, C., 481, 491 Gilham, E., 395 Glenister, W., 403 Glover, Elizabeth, 414 Goudie, J., 405 Gregory, Kate, 404 Groughan , Mrs., 492 Guerney, Delia, 466 Hammerton, J., 404 Hamilton, Mrs., 447, 455 Hamilton, Llizabeth, 422 Hannan, T., 481 Harte, T. C.,387 Hart, Mary, 423 Harper, H., 448 Hasking, J., 438 Hawkless , T., 395 Heap, Mrs. A., 481 Hedley, J. W., 438 Higginbotham , R., 401 Hogan, A. W., 395 Holden, C., 387 Honen, Mrs., 377 Horan, J. C., 423 Howard, M., 422 Hughes, Mrs. E., 481 Hunter, J., 421 Hutchinson, Rachel, 447 Hutchison, W. F., 388 Hyams, Rose, 438 Hynes, P., 414 Illing, C., 466 Ireland, H. W., 482 reland, H. W., 491 Ireland, H. W., 482 Jackson, F., 404 James, S., 422 Jenvey, F., 377, 387 Jones, Catherine, 429 Jones, E., 492 Jones, G., 463 Kane, Annie, 492 Keane, J., 388, 395 Kemp, Mrs. M. S., 473, 491 Kendall, W., 421, 438, 453, 463 Kerngham, W., 423 Kinner, R., 492 King, Kev. E., 491 Kitson, Mrs. M., 466 Knight, H. M., 423 Laidlaw, R., 404, 422 Landers , James F., 403 Lake, C., 455 Lane, J., 387 Lawrence, Maggie, 456 Lee, G., 473 Leech, C., 482 Leigh, W., 437 Lewis, H., 482, 492 Lindblade, M., 481 Lloyd, J., 437 Loeht, K., 396 Lubrish, Mrs. R., 396 Lynch, E., 388 Madden, M., 414 Mankivitch, Caroline, 422 Manning, F., 430, 456 Mansan, Mrs. D., 466, 473 Marm, Deen Mutchie, 404 Martin, Mrs . J., 404 Martin, J., 421, 473 Bishop, E. M., 489 Blanche, A., 466 Blencowe, C., 414 Boagle, A., 492 Bonifelt, J. J., 414 Bowen and Co., 447 Boyden, Mrs . D., 430 Bredenberg , E., 437 Bredmeyer , E., 395 Bresnahan , E., 447 Brock, J. E., 422, 471 Brooke, A., 456 Brown, R., 422 Brown, J., 403 Brown, Mrs . Ellen, 419 Brown, E., 474 Brown, W. F., 404, 438 Brown, C. IT., 421 Brush, M. A., 378 Buckley, T., 429 Buckley, T., 465 Burrows , A., 448 Butcher, W., 497 Byrne, Miss, 491 Byrne, J., 404 Calledge, H., 387 Cambwell, J. A., 466 Carver,Florence,403 Chadwick, J., 455, 465 Cheong, C., 481 Clancy, T., 429 Clarke, W., 405 Claxton, F., 388 Chamberlain, F., 448 Clifton, A., 473 Clutsam, F., 422 Cooney, C., 482 Cooke, M. J., 385 Cook, B., 395 Cooper, Mrs . A., 492 Cooper, W., 481 Cooper, Florence , 414, 422, 448 Cooper, M., 492 Coates, B., 377 Cobham, Catherine, 413 Cohen, J. H., 414 Collins, Mary, 413 Collins, T. R., 429 Coldham, H. T., 422 Coleman, H. A., 378 Connelly, B., 396 Congdon, G. H., 422 Conlan, H. S., 465 Costelloe, H. J., 447 Crombie, J., 473 Crowther, O'Dell, 413 Davidson, A., 455 Davies, Mrs., 430 Davies, W. H., 422 Davis, S., 413 Davy, E., 395 Dennehy, P., 404 Ditchburn, W., 437 Dobbs, J. J., 456 Dodd, R., 489 Donovan, Susan, 413 Doughney, J. W., 447 Dower, T. H., 456, 465 Dow, T. C., 466 Doyle, J., 448 Drohan, J., 456 Druce, S., 377 Drummond , A., 411 Dryden, F., 429 Duke, C. J., 492 Duncan, J., 474, 481 Duncan, J., 479, 489 Duncan, Mrs. E., 377 Duncan, F., 422 Dunn, G. V. S., 405 Dutton, J., 492 Du Val, M., 396 Dye, E. E., 377, 411 Dyer, E. E., 393 Dyer, Emily, 377 Dyers, Mrs . M., 481 Dyson, C., 489 Eastaugh , A. E., 438 Edgar, J. F., 388 Edmonds , J., 438 Edwards , E. H., 482 Edwards, A., 414 Englesin, Mrs . E., 482 Evans, Miss M. A., 437 GA/.LT I E.-INDEX, [1903. Housebreaking and stealing , committed on- continued. Maston, Miss H., 447 Sabelberg , J., 388 Matear, J., 387 Santois, M., 403 Scott, S. B., 405 Matherson , J., 378, 387, Selby, M., 455 388 Mathers, T., 414 Shanks, W., 413 Mattrass, Dr. J., 378 Shepherd, E., 378, 387, 388 Meares, Lydia, 438 Miller, Alice, 455 Sierekouski, O. V., 473 Miller, Mrs. A., 473 Sierekouski, 0., 437, 482 Miller, G., 466 Simpson, C., 387 Miller, R., 404 Simpson, C., 430 Milia, H. E., 423 Singleton , J., 491 Mitchelson, F., 413 Skippage, G., 396 Moon, A., 438 Smith, F. G., 423 Moore, W. A., 414. 423 Smith, C., 403 Morris, Ethel, 435, 445 Smith, D., 413 Morlet, Mary, 465, 489 Smith, R. J., 404, 414 Morton, T., 455 Smith, J. A., 395 Mundy, W., 396 Smith, Ada, 422 Murray, G., 456 Smith, A., 378 Myers, R., 438 Smith, A. 0., 438, 447 McCann, N., 474 Smith, Annie, 455 McCluskey, Connie, 466 Smith, A., 430, 466 McCubbin, M., 492 Smith, Mary F., 456 McDonald, J., 474 Smith, Miss S., 489 McDonald, Annie, 437 Smith, E., 422 McDonald, S. E., 387 Smith, W., 479 McDonald, F., 396 Smyth, D., 423 McGettigan, H., 465 Snow, Dr., 395 McGonigal, Kate, 447 Sollory, W., 438 McKenzie, K., 405 Souter, R., 429 McLean. W., 396 Spence, Mary L. M., 465,474 McLaughlin , T., 396 Spowers, W., 403 McNabb, Nellie, 438 Stahl, A. E., 437 McNamara, M., 456, 471 Stead, J., 396 McNamara, T., 404 Stewart, Mabel, 435 McNicol, W., 455 Stuart, C. J., 497 McWilliams, A., 404 Sullivan, M. C., 423 Nash, M., 377 Summergil, Mary A., 456 Nathan, S., 395 Sutton, Dr. H., 395 Nivens, Annie, 453 Swan, Minnie, 404 Noble, I. If., 377 Taafe, Mrs. E., 466 Oliver, Sylvester, 423 Tait, A., 414, 421 Osborne, B., 466, 479 Taylor, May, 455 Orr, Stanley, 427 Terry, Etta, 378, 387, 388 Outen, G., 404, 435 Terry, J., 388 O'Dwyer, Ida, 378, 387-388 Thomas, Mrs., 471 O'Keefe, J., 482 Thomas , J., 378, 387, 388 O'Neill, W., 471 Thomson, Mrs. W., 422, O'Rourke, W., 492 438 Paget, Mrs. C., 437 Thomson, J., 455 Palmer, Rosina M., 447 Thussmaul, 465 Palson, M., 422 Tierney, F., 456 Parker, G. S., 401 Tranmar, Mrs., 465 Paton, Mary, 455 Tulloch, A., 414 Paull, T., 421 Turnbull, T., 422 Pearson, J. G., 481 Turner, J., 414 Pelchen, C. W., 387 Turton, A., 482 Peouris, H. H., 429 Vhlander, C., 482 Perry, Mrs. A., 474, 489 Victorian Railways CommisPerry, G., 430 sioners, 414 Phillips, Mrs. E., 387 Wade, W., 388 Porter, E., 414 Wallace, Marion, 437 Portlock, S., 482, 492 Walker, T. C., 492 Prewett, N., 447 Walters, Eliza, 429 Purvis , Ellen, 413, 465 Ward, A. V., 482, 492 Quinn, Eva, 403 Ward, W. D., 474 Radovick, C., 479 Warr, W., 414 Rankin, S. W., 413 Waterman, C., 489, 497 Raphael, L., 395 Watkins, T. H., 422 Reeve, E. J., 377 Webster, J. S., 473 Reid, W., 447 Wendell, H., 473 Reid, Mrs., 396 Wertheimer, Mrs. Freda, 437 Renton, W. B., 414 Wheeler, M., 396 Rice , Mrs., 414, 421 Whelan, Margt., 422 Richards , W., 395, 466 Whitehead, J., 482 Riley, I., 395 Whitehead , Sarah, 447 Roob, Mary E., 492 White, T. H., 455 Robertson, Amelia, 414, 448 Wickham, Ethel M., 404 Robins, H., 466, 474 Wiedemann , J., 456 Williams, F., 377 Rogers, J., 438 Williams, G., 377, 388 Roger, J., 473 Williamson , W., 491 Resler, G., 422 Ross, C. W., 492 Williamson , T., 387, 404 Rowe, J., 474 Wilmot, Janet, 411 Royal, E., 385 Wilson, A., 430 Rufin, I., 378 Wood, E. J., 471 Rugg, Chrissie, 447 Wood, G. W., 404, 473 Rutherford, M., 491 Wolf, R., 466 Ryan, J., 438 Woolf, Mrs. Sarah, 455 Hutton , A.. false pretences, 471 Hylton, W D., commitment, 416 1903.] VICTORIA POLICE 1. Incendiarism Kaufman, onLouis, 491 InquestsBody of a Chinaman, found on Yalla-y-poora station, 443 Body of a female child, found at the North Brighton railway station,418 Body of a female child, found in a dam at the Catherine Reef mine, Eaglehawk, 495 Body of a man, found in a paddock off the Beechworth-road, Wodonga, 383 Body of a man, found in the Glenorchy reserve, 443, 462 Body of a man, found in the River Yarra, near Como pad. dock, South Yarra, 495 Kenny, or Kelly, Rose, 470 McKay, A., 443 J. Jacks, J. R., vagrancy, 398, 416 Jacobs, H., alias Shepherd, commitment, 398 James, K., false pretences on, 393 Jefferey, W., riotous behaviour, 398 Jenkins, H., neglected child, 441, 460 Jimmy the Snake, conspiracy to defraud on Jen Peter tier, 419 Jones, A., commitment, 461 Jones, D. B., bigamy, 385 Jones, J., larceny as a bailee, 453 Jones, T., insulting behaviour, 398 Jones, A., commitment, 460 Jones, Hy., commitment, 381 Johnson, H., larceny as a bailee, 411 Johnston, W., commitment, 449 Justice, visiting, of the police gaol at Warrnambool, Devan- ( AZETTE. INDEX. 5 Man, name unknown, forgery and uttering on F. Bermingham, 479 Man, name unknown, unlawful assault on Eva Aldridge, 432, 442 Man, name unknown, false pretences on K. James, 393 Man, name unknown, larceny by trick on T. Boland, 419 Man, name unknown, obscene exposure, 494 Man, name unknown , indecent assault on Susan Baker, 445 Man, name unknown, assault with intent to rob Charlotte Oakley, 471 Man, name unknown, unlawful assault on George Tucker, 416 Manuel, C., commitment, 441 Martin, J., indecent assault on a male person, 471 Matross, G., commitment, 390 Medical Board of Victoria, 390, 458, 485 Menesdorfer, A., commitment, 416 Men, two, names unknown, unlawful assault on W. J. McQueen, 460 Men, two, names unknown, aggravated assault on M. Gale, 390 Metcalfe, part of the Police 0/fences Act 1890 extended to the United Shire of, 425 Middleton,A.,indecentassaulton a male person,471 Miller, Susan, unlawful assault on, 408 Miller, W., false pretences on, 427 Milner, C., vagrancy, 476, 494 Missing friends- 457 K. Kangaroos, liability to penalty for destruction of suspended, 424 Karlsen, F., unlawful assault, 442 Keech, F., inflicting grievous bodily harm, 445 Kelly, E., commitment, 416 Kelly, R., larceny as a bailee, 471 Kelp, notice prohibiting cutting of, 406 Kelson, A., commitment, 449 Kerr, J., commitment, 381 Kerr, John, commitment, 391 Kiernan, M. T., embezzlement, 401 Kneebone, J., maliciously injuring a horse the property of, 461 Kynock, A., commitment, 398 L. Lambert, R., unlawful assault , 449, 460 Laycock, W., commitment, 494 Laycock, H. P., commitment, 391, 494 Leahan, Henry, commitment, 415 Leckie, W. S., commitment, 442 Lehane, atrick, unlawful assault on , 449, 460 Leonard, J.,falsepretenceson, 463 Lester, S., commitment, 450 Lestrange, H., false pretences, 463 Lewis, H., alias Malone , commitment, 486 Loci, A., commitment. 450 Love, J., procuration of, to commit an act of gross indecency, 445 Lovell, 0., disobeying a bench order, 493 Lowe, W., larceny as a servant, 427 M. Maddox, S., vagrancy, 460 Magistrates appointed, 406, 440, 484 Magistrates resigned, 407. 440 Major, J., commitment, 449 Man, name unknown, inciting to resist police, 432 Man, name unknown, wilful damage on J. Diamond, 432 Man, name unknown, threatening behaviour to Kathleen Charles, 489 Man, name unknown, assault on Yee Moon, 494 Man, name unknown, unlawfully assaulting T. Dwerryhouse, 469, 477 Man, name unknown, obscene exposure to K. Hart, 398 Man, name unknown, larceny as a bailee on Percy Davison, 419, 427 Alan, name unknown, unlawful assault on Susan Miller, 408 Man, name unknown, false pretences on Ann Maria Gilmore, 454, 471 Man, name unknown, a cyclist, negligent driving, 476 Man, name unknown, uttering a forged cheque on C. N. Rawson Adams, M., 433 Johnson, Jane, 417 Anderson, G., 443, 462 Jordan, P., 487 Armstrong, D., 451 Keane, C., 399, 417 Bailey. T., 392 Kelly, W., 410 Barker, E. L., 383 Kennedy, W., 417 Barlow, A. E., 451 Kofoed, R., 410, 418 Bell, J., 418 Lassen, G., 470 Berick, G., 426 Lenos, F., 418 Binghan, J. R., 487 Linde, T., 433 Bloss, B., 409 Livingstone, J. and J,, 470 Bowers, T., 487 Maun, A., 462 Bridges, H., 418 Morris, Mrs. E., 462 Brownlee, G. R., 470 Muhren, A. F., 409 Bush, I. G., 409 Murphy, M. A., 462 Caple, J. C., 409 McGee, Ethel, 443 Carroll, D., 399 McGiven, Dr. D., 487 Carnish, M., 462 McGowan, R., 399 Cooke, S., 433, 487 McGrath, K., 410, 418 Comrick, B., 392 McKay, A., 433, 443 Cox, C. H., 487 McPherson, J., 418 Daniels, J., 495 Nash, Jno., 383 Doran, Mrs., 399 Newton, W. J., 426 Dotten, Robt. or Dutton, 409 Nott, E., M. 443 Duncan, C. J. and D. R., 462 O'Meara, J., 409 Edie, L. W., 383 Payne, Mrs., 392 Eppenstein, P. A., 399 Permewan, A., 433 Fagan, R. J. and D., 392 Phillips, A., 443 Fankhauser, L., 470, 477 Pollington, M. J., 418 Fay, M. and P., 462, 478 Roberts, C., 383, 451 Fennelly, P., 392 Ross, J., 451 Finlison, G., 470 Schneider, A., 451 Flynn, J., 470 Schulz., S. R., 409, 418 Flynn, B., 470 Seaton, E., 478 Franklin, F., 426 Semmons , M., 462, 470 French, P., 451 Sinclair, H., 433 Genillim, T., 478 Skelton, A., 392 Goddard, Wrs. W., 470 Smith, H., 433, 478 Gordon, T., 409 Smith, W., 478 Grainger, G., W., 426 Sullivan, L. G., 470 Green, M., 433, 443 Stewart, Mrs. J., 462 Griffin, C., 470 Stringer, IT,, 487 Grondona, L. C., 410, 418 Underwood, L., 417 Harrison, G. or St. Clare, 478 Vangelder, R., 426 Hatfield, E., 470 Watkins, S., 470, 477 Herron, Hy., 409 Woolf, J., 487 Hokenson, J., 478 Wright, W., 470 Jackson, I., 478, 487 Wright, V., 470 Moore, F., killing a pig with intent to steal, 497 Moore, J., larceny, 419 Moet, If., commitment, 476 Monoghan, A., commitment, 408 Morris, A., alias Burrows, 442 Morrison, A., larceny as a bailee, 479 Montgomery, S., false pretences on, 497 Morris, F. L., vagrancy, 486 Moxham, H., commitment, 461 Mulvaney, W., commitment, 398 Muntz, J. J.,falsepretenceson, 401 Murray, G. A., forgeryand uttering,471, 489 Murray, -, conspiracy to defraud on Jen Peter Murray, alias Stretcher Billy, 442, 450 Murphy, P., commitment, 476 Murphy, W. A., vagrancy, 416, 425 Murphy, Frank, assault, 381 Murphy, T., commitment, 408, 469 Murder ofFemale child, found at the old Prahran tip, 420 Devantier, 6 VICTORIA POLICE. GAZET TE.-INDEX Mc. McArthur, A., commitment, 425 McAllister, A., larceny as a bailee, on 445 McDermott, W., fase pretences, 411 McGorlick, A., commitment, 494 McGrath, Mary, illegally pawning the property McGrath, Ambrose, larceny as a bailee, 489 McIntyre, P., commitment, 494 McKenzie, R., commitment, 391 McKinnon, Johannah, larceny on, 471 McNabb, A. S., embezzlement, 479 McQueen, W. J., unlawful assault on, 460 Police force appointments Comrie, Const., 390 Ryan, R. P., 381 of, 453 Police force appointment Westcott, G. T., 424 Police force appointment Crooks, R. J., 3°8 Newcomb, S., false pretences, 393 Newenham, E. W., escaped probationer asylum, 398 Nightingale, Jno., commitment, 443 Nixon, A., commitment, 486 New South WalesGough, J., abduction, 445, 471 Hutton, A., false pretences, 471 Surgenor, T., false pretences on, 471 from a lunatic postal Police force appointments as assistant inspectors of fisheriesBrand, C. N., 380 Luke, J. H., 457 Carruthers, H. J., 457 McKeogh, J. P., 457 Gleeson,- M. J., 457 Olive, T. P., 457 Hayward, J. R., 380 O'Sullivan, P., 457 Healy, J. C., 380 Ryan, E., 380 Lewis, J., 457 Trainor, O. J., 457 as bailiffs of County CourtsWilliams, T. M., 476 Police force appointments as clerks of petty sessionsLackmann, J. A., 484 Raynes, R. J., 476 McDonald, P. W., 476 as collector of imposts- Police force appointments as crown lands bailiffsCawsey, H. P. G., 406, 440 Stewart, D., 440 Curtain, C. A., 440 Walsh, W. P., 406 Kelly, W. M., 406 Westcott, G. T., 440 Langlow, R, C., 406 Police force dischargesBartlett, R. J., 475 Gill, G., 424 Police force Donnelly, Hewitt, J. Jones, E. appointments Jno., 407 M., 424 J., 476 Hunichen, A., 484 Trainer, J. Mel., 467 as electoral inspectorsKeegan, L. J., 424 Wright, G. T., 440 Police force appointments as electoral registrars and deputy electoral registrarsAlford, R. H., 440 Gorman, P. J., 406 Code, B. S., 406 Ryan, E., 424 Police force appointments Canty, P., 484 as inspectors of factoriesDonnelly, Jno., 425 Police force appointments as inspectors Carter, A., 457 Green, Considine, J., 380 .. of stockJ., 407 as steward in charge under as summoning of a police the Land Actofficer- Mullins, D. J:, 449 Murphy, P., 457 O'Brien, L. J., 406 Rogerson, J., 406 Police force reductionMurcutt, W. J., 475 Police force resignationEakins. W. M., 493 P. Police force appointment Curtain, C. A., 440 as officer Police force appointments as wharf managersGleeson, M. J., 476 Olive, T. P., 476 Hayward, J. R., 380 Police force deathO'Callaghan, E. D., 389 Police force promotionsBrady, J., 406 Jordan, R. W., 457 Morris, A., 449 Mulcahey, E. F., 449 Oakes, Octavia, commitment, 416, 432 Oakley, J., frequenting a public place, 463 Oakley, Charlotte, assault with intent to rob on, 471 O'Brien, G., commitment, 469 O'Callaghan, H. G., larceny as a bailee on, 453 O'Connor, W., commitment, 450 O'Meara, Jno. commitment, 381 Orchard, D., commitment, 416, 425 Police force appointments Ahern, Timothy, 406 as inspectors of slaughter yardsWright, G. T., 440 Policeforce,instructions toAgricultural statistics, 469 Bush fires, prevention of, 415 Examinations for promotion, 415, 458, 459, 460 Service and execution of process, 390 Stock stealing, 406 Quail, illegal shooting of, 475 0. Paddington, R., larceny, 445 Palm, Elizabeth, larceny on, 419 Palmer, I. J., offensive behaviour, 398, 416 Pangbourne, W., larceny as a bailee, 393 Pangbourne, W., larceny as a bailee, 393 Pearson,H., being a suspectedperson,449 Pender, P., vagrancy, 425 Pettit, I. A., embezzlement on, 479 Phillips, T., indecent assault on, 464, 471 Pillon, T., commitment, 398 Pitman, R., commitment, 442 Police officers of States, appointment of to witness ballot papers, 449 Police examinations, 415, 458, 459, 460 Police travelling allowances regulations, 380 [ 1903. Police force appointments as inspectors of nuisancesBrook, A. E., 398 Sullivan, P., 398 Comrie, Constable, 390 Tennant, C., 398 Ivey, C. T. G., 398 Wright, G. T., 440 Ryan, R. P., 381 Police force appointment gaolDonnelly, Jno., 380 N. . Police force superannuationsArmfield, E., 389 Magree W. J., 389 Cassidy, J., 431 Pigott, M. A., 389 Hall, Joseph, 389 Shaw, A., 389 Powder magazines closed, 379 Power, F., alias H. Hunter, 432 Property,arrestedfor stealingArmstrong, H. H., 378 Linford, S., 439 Bell, W., 453 McCann, R., 378 Black, A., 427 McCracken, J., 487 Brooker, Thos., 385 McLeish, J., alias Cain, 467 Cameron, C., 453 McPherson, W. J. H., 411 Clark, W., 401 O'Rourke, Ellen, 443 Cox, G., 467, 419 Ridgway, A., 439 Dawson, D., 438 Ryan, C., 426 Denton, Jos., 385 Smutters, F., 426 Douglas, G., 471 Sothern, J., 475 Douglas, George, 426 Stanford, Catherine, 415 Dunn, F., 433 Tyrrell, W., 419 Freeman, H., 378 Upton, M. H., 389 Grieve, G., 462 Walker, J. H., 475 James, Percy, 475 Watson, R., 411 Jones, N., 396 Whine, A., 389 Lane, J., 411 Williams, Hyal Jno. Pearce, Lewis, H., 433 389 Property, charged with stealingAllison, R., 419 Man, name unknown, on J. Boy, name unknown, on Young, 411 Mary Haughton, 419, 427 Men, two, names unknown, Cox, G., 385 on C. Morton, 453 Edwards, -, 471 Men, two, names unknown, Gardiner, -, 385, 419 ' on S. F. Gallagher, 453 James, P., 427, 479 Men, two, names unknown, Man, name unknown, on J. on J. R. Goodson, 401, Silbermann, 435 411 Man, name unknown, on Men, two, names unknown, Marchant and Co., 445 on Eliza Kelly, 411 Man, name unknown, on J4. Men, two, names unknown, S. Gadsby, 453 on Titan Nail Co., 411, Alan, name unknown, on 471 London Bakery Co., 453 O'Neill, F., 385 Man, name unknown, on H. Smith, D., 445 Chadwick, 471 Smutters, F., alias Schmutt Man, name unknown, on ters, 463 Shanks and Co., 401 Webb, J., 445 Alan, name unknown, o-i I. Yarr, T., 385, 419 Fisher, 401 Property found, now in possesion ofAscot Vale police, 409 Croker, Mr., 417 Bailey, Mrs., 382 Collingwood police, 382, 451, Bourke-street West police, 477 391, 399, 417, 426, 462, Edi police, 443, 451, 462 487, 494 Fitzroy police, 477 Carlton polio?, 409, 417, 462, Geelong police, 382, 391, 417 487 Heidelberg police, 382 1908.] Property found, now in possession Kew police, 470 Little Bourke-street police, 382 Melbourne C.I. police, 392, 417, 470 Millewa police, 462 Moonambel police, 433 North Fitzroy police, 451, 477 North Melbourne police, 433 O'Dea, A., 409 Prahran police, 433 VICTORIA POLICE of--eontrnued. Royal Park police, 462, 470 Russell -street police, 391' 399, 426, 433, 443, 462, 477, 487, 494 South Richmond police, 487, 494 South Yarra police, 409 Trentham police , 382, 426 Tungamah police , 417, 487 West Melbourne police, 391 Wickliffe police, 399 Property lost bySavage, J. J., 399 Sheppard , Commander, Property stolen fromHop Hing, 466 Tong Goon, 453 Yow Foo, Jim., 475 Ackland, H, W., 388 Adams, H., 418 Allan, H., 397, 439 Alfred Hospital, 474 Anderson, P., 438 Anderson, Ray, 467 Anthony, T., and Co., 456 Australian Manufacturing Co., 405 Armstrong, J., 430 Armstrong, Florence, 430 Armfield, W., 439 Arnfield, V., 467, 475 Baker and Cawsey, 438 Baker, W., 411 Bailey, A. E., 406 Ball, Robert, 431 Balfour, J. M., 471 Baptist, J., 467 Barnett, J., 388, 396 Barnes, H. J., 423 Bartletts, H., 423 Batten, J., 378 Bazley, R. A., 456 Beecher, A. C., 475 Beddome, R. W., 474 Benson, P., 430 Beshara, Assif., 430 Bevan, J., 388 Biddlecombe, G., 424 Binney, E. J., 439 Blade, T., 385, 419 Blair, J. E., 388 Bowker, P., 467 Goyle, C., 493 Brandon, G., 448 Brisbane, W., 483 Brooke, A., 424 Broad, Mr., 405 Brown, E., 396 Brown, W., 475 Brunet, G., 493 Buckley, M., 405 Buckley and Nunn's, 431 Buckley and Nunn, 424 Bullaugh, A., 448 Burton, J. F., 466 Butler, W., 415 Cairns, D., 484 Cambridge, T., 482 Candy, Mr., 397 Cauvin, L., 423 Carr, L., 466 Carlo, B., 388 Carslake, B., 466 Carter, Mrs., 415 Chadwick, H., 471 Chamberlain, J., 467 Clarke, A., 431 Clark,J., 467 Clark,F., 483 Clark, W., 482 Clulow, R., 388 Cooper, Miss, 378 Cobb, G., 439 Coffey, J., 378 Coghlan and Tulloch, 405 Cohen, Emily, 430 Collins, Mat., 438 Cole Bros., 448 Coles, R., 483 Coulson, T., 467 Cowton, M., 385 Crawford, A., 456 Crothers, R., 493 Cro nin, T., 493 Crump, M., 424 Cumming, J., 448 Currie, A., and Co., 482 Curtis, A., 475 Dainty, F., 467 Danson, J., 439 Dashu, V., 405, 414 Davidson, W., 475 Davie, T. Al., 378 Davies, 1V. H., 492 Davies, C., 396 Davi3, G., 483 Davis, S., 405 Day, F. H., 406 Day, S., 378 Dennett, W., 492 Denton, M., 482 De Valle, H., 467 Dihn, E., 396 Dobie, J. M., 415, 430 Donald, W. G., 457, 466 Donly, S., 439 Doran, W., 439 Dowling, G., 396 Driscoll, J., 456 Duckett, E. and Sons, 474 Dunn, S., 397, 405 Dunlop, R., 438 Dunstan, F., 438 Durrant, W. G.. 397 Dyer, J., 405 Edwards, A., 492 Edwards, W., 492 Edwards, H., 483 Evans, A., 423, 433 Evans, E., 475 Falk, A., and Co., 448 Ferrel, J., 474 Ferguson,Elizabeth, 431 Filipe, J., 405 Firth, C., 396 Fisher, I., 401 Fisher, Dora, 424 Fisher, A., 397 Fiske, W., 474 Fitzsimons, A., 388 Freeman, W., 493 Frost, H. A., 456 Fucler, W., 493 Furzer, Reginald B., 456 Fysh, E. S., 379 Gage, R., 415 Gallagher, S. F., 453 Gardiner, C., 467 Gibbins and Co., 431 Gibbs, G. A., 388 Gibb, G., 493 Gilpin, R. J., 457 Gleeson, Rev. D., 424 Goodall, H., 424 Goodson, J. R., 401, 411 Goddard and Son, 439 Grant, W., 405 Green, J. T., 456 Greer, M., 483 Griffiths, A., 431 Grove, C., 448, 466 Hadley, F. G., 405 Hammer, Captain, 388 Hamilton, A. E., 475 Hannan, Eileen, 415 Handley, H., 493 Harris, I., 388 Harbour, W., 457 Harper, R., and Co., 483 Harvey, H. B., 415 Haughton, Mary, 419, 427 Haughton, H., 415 Hawttorne , H., 378 433 GAZETTE,-INDEX. Property Hay, stolen W., from 7 -continxed. 438 Hayes, E., 483 Heagney, M., 467 Heftye, C., 388 Henderson, W. H., 385 Hendy, A., 493 Henry, A., 483 Herdet Singh, 483 Heriot, W., 424, 430, Higgins, Mabel, 430 Highett, Anglesea, 448 Highett, A., 463 Hill, Mrs., 389 Hillman, Maud, 448 Howard-Smith, W. S., 466 Howgate, H. G., 415 Howie, J. D., 493 Hutchinson, H., 431 Ingles, R., 423 Ivens, P., 483 Jackson, W. 397 James, It., 438 Jarman, Annie, 415 Jeffery Bros., 493 Jenkins, A., 474 Johnson, M., 431 Johnson, Mrs. C., 482 Johnson, M., 475 Johnson and Simonson, 427, 479 Johnston, J. A., 419 Jones, H., 438 Jones, C. P., 445 Jones, A., 405 Kelly, Eliza, 411 Kelly, M., 430 Kelly, M. J., 430 Kelseth, H., 467 Kemler, D., 492 Kemp. F. A., 431 Kendall, W., 421, 438, 453, 463 Keys, H., 467 King, H., 388 King, M., 379 Kirkwood, A., 483 Kip, C., 415 Kneebusch, Symon, and Co., 423 Kornblum and Co., 492 Krigsman, H., 438 Kudo, Maki, 411 Laffan, J., 388 Lake, Mr. 475 Lane, E., 415 Lansell, G., 445 Landells, H., 378 Larkin, J., 405 Larve, H. H., 492 Lawrence, E., 424, 430 Lee, A., 388 Lemon, R., 483 Leggett, Mrs., 423 Lewis Bros., 378 Lock, H. S., 406 Lockwood, G.,'415 London Bakery Co., 453 Losewitz, C., 431 Lotherington, N., 467 Love and Lewis, 439 Ludbrook, G., 405 Luttrell, A., 466 Lyons, E., 474 Macan, Robert, 424, 430 Maclauchlan, G., 423 Macleod, W.-E. B., 439 Macpherson, M. E., 396 Madden, M., 466 Magee, J., 456 Magnusa, E. F., 483, 493 Major, H., 388 Mallaline, P. E., 483 Malcolm, C., 405 Maloney, J., 385 Maples and Co., 388 Marchant and Co., 445 Marks, H., 378 Mark, T., 448 Martin, A., 397 Mason, E., 439 Mason, J., 457 Mason, J., 379, 430 Mayhew, G., 467 Mayne, Nickless, and Co., 448 Mayne, Nickless, and Co., 388, 396 Mayne, Nickless, and Co., 378 Menzel, C. F., 379 Menzies, P., 388 Meyers, J. T., 415 Meyers, F., and Co., 483 Meyer, M., 397, 406, 415, 423 Middleton, M., 492 Miller and Co., 430 Moore, Ernest, 467 Mo ffatt, G. L., 467 Alollart, J., 467 Molloy, W., 397 Molomby, D. F., 431 Morrison, J., 439 Moran and Cato, 405 Mloroney, F., 475 Morton. C., 453 Aloss, M., 492 Mudie, H. D., 378 Muller, E., 414 Mouton, H. J. D., and Co., 388 Murray, D. and W., 438 Murdock, H. A., 379, 389 Murrells, W. J., 431 Mursell, J., 475 Myers, H., 424, 475 McCann, J., 405 McCracken, H., 448 McDonald, H., 467 McDougall; R., 493 Mcllwraith, McEacharn, and Co., 388 McKean, W., 378 McKinley, C., 397 McLeod, N., 378 Natali, R., 405 Neal, W., 457 Nelson, M., 474 Nesbitt, W. T., 483 Nathan, A., L., 457 Nevin, J., 448 Nicholas and McBride, 388 Nicholls, A., 430 Ninnis, J., 424 Nisbet, Dr. W. B., 439 Nettleton, G. E., 445 Nunan, T. B., 397 Orr, T., 388 Osbourn, J. H., 456 Ostberg, N. F., 475 O'Brien, T., 448 O'Connell, Rev. J. H., 493 O'Connor, H., 397 O'Loughlan, P., 474 Page, G. H., 483 Parsons, E. C., 388 Patterson, J., 466 Payne, R., 431 Perkins, C., 430 Persse, I., 378 Phillips, A., 456 Polack,A., 419 Pollitt, Chief Officer R.M.S. Ocean, 438 Preston,C. B., 397 Randell, J. T., 388 Reilly, T., 439 Reid, J., 431, 438 Reliance Tyre Co., 378 Rigg, W., 483 Roberts, A. H., 439 Roberts, D., 474 Robson, Mrs. Sophie, 430 Roderick, J., 474 Romilli, A., 378 Ronaldson, A., 483 Ross, C. W., 474 Rowe, Maud, 405 Rubinowich, N. J., 475 Ruler, J., 378 Russell Bros,. 405 Sallery, F. W., 414 Salmon, R., 388 Saunders, W., 431 Scobie, A. L., 493 Scott, F., 430 Scott, J., 483 Shanks, W., 483 Shanks and Co., 401 Sharp, S. F., 379 Shaw, C., 483 8 Property VICTORIA POLICE stolen from -continued. Shell Transport and Trading I*Coy., 475 Sherman, Mrs. M., 467 Silberman, J., 424, 435 Simpson, J., 431 Simpson, John, 431 Sims, Mrs. M., 467 Sleight., A, 475 Smith, W., 448 Smith, H., S. 385 Smith, J. V., 385, 419, 467 Trousselot, H., 474 Tulloch, N. W., 456 Tye and Co., 483 Upwards, A. E., 466 Victorian Licensed Victual. lers' Association, 471 Victorian Railways Commis. sioners, 397, 415, 457, 474, 475, 482, 483 Virtue, E., 467 Wain, F., 483 Smith, E., 388, 396 Smith, Hon. S., 489 Smith, H. H., 467 Starkey, Mrs., 415 Steeve, F., 389 Wallis, W. and J., 388 Walker, H., 466, 475 Wardling, J., 448 Wardrop and Scurry, 378, 388 Stephenson, J., 456 Stewart, T., 405 Stirling, G., 475 Stott, W., 388 Strickland, H. N., 423 Strickland, A., 474 Stuart, J. F., 456 St. Leger and Grinlington, 456 Sullivan, W., 439 Sykes, Jersey, 475 Synnot, 0., 397, 475, 483 Talbot, L., 448 Tait, Constable G., 439 Thompson, C., 431 Thompson, J. H., 431, 438 Thornley, S., 388 Thorne and Littlewood, 439 Thrupp, J. W., 396 Titan Nail Co., 411, 471 Tobin, T., 430 Tottey, W., 415 Trail], Annie, 430 Wardrop, G., 423 Warlimont, Wm., 378 Weber, C. A., 474 Welch, A., and. Co., 466 West, J., 396 Wertheim Seeing Machine Co., 456 Wertheim Sewing Machine Co., 378 Whitburn, G., 388 White, J., 457 White, J., 457 White, J. A. 388 Whitney, G., 467 Wildman, J. C., 405 Wilson, W., 406 Wilson, H., 438 Wilson, L. G., 448 Wilson, C., 484 Wilson, D., 396 Wright, R„ 448 Wright, W., 482 Young, J., 411 Public vaccinators, 381, 407, 440, 476, 484 R. Randle, G., commitment, 449 Rawson , C. N., uttering a forged cheque on, 463 Redman , A., commitment, 408 Registrars of births and deaths, 380, 406, 424, 440, 457, 476, 484 Rhodes, S., false pretences, 401 Rielly, W., commitment, 450, 460 Riley, H., commitment, 432 Ross , E.. commitment, 391 Robertson and Moffat, false pretences on, 393 Robertson , W., procuring a male person to commit an act of gross indecency,445 Rogers, W. H., larceny as a bailee on, 427 Roman Catholic church, Broadford, wilful damage to, 450 Roscha ller , H., larceny as a bailee, 463 T. Thomasettie, J., larceny as a bailee, 445, 453 Thorn, T., commitment, 494 Thorpe, J. T., larceny as a bailee on, 463, 471 Tozer, E., false pretences on, 489 Trevean, J., larceny as a bailee on, 463 Tucker, G., unlawful assault on, 416 Tully, M., commitment, 416 Tyrrell, Margt., illegally pawning, 453 U. Typewriter and Supplies Coy., larceny on, 479 Varley, Violet, larceny on, 445 Voting by Post Act 1890, 379, 467, 468 W. Wainwright, E., commitment, 390 Waite, Susan, commitment, 408 Walker. S., commitment, 441 Walls, T., larceny on, 401, 427 Walsh, H., commitment, 398, 450 Walsh, E., larceny, 497 Warnell, J., commitment, 416 Worthington, J., commitment, 432 Webb, M., larceny as a bailee on, 385, 393 Webb, J., larceny as a bailee, 454 Wellman, H., false pretences, 463, 471 West, W., commitment, 493 Whitty, C. A., false pretences on, 411 Wickham, E., larceny on, 393, 435 Wickens, E., false pretences, 489 Wilde, S., attempted carnal knowledge of, 401 Wilson, D., commitment, 461 Wilson, F., commitment, 494 Willoughby, A., larceny, 393 Withers, Z. C., commitment, 464 Wootton, J., commitment, 461 Woman, name unknown, larceny on Johannah McKinnon, 471 Woman, name unknown, larceny on Violet Varley, 445 Woman, name unknown, false pretences on Margaret Young, 435 Worsley, If., commitment (2), 493 Sale,regulation for keeping orderin and preventingobstruction of the carriage and footways in, 408 Salvage , M., larceny on, 497 Schmidt, C., commitment, 461 Schmidt, C., commitment, 461 Schulz, C., false pretences, 445, 453 Y. Sharrock, W., commitment, 449 Sharpe, Henry, false pretences, 497 Young, Margt., false pretences on, 435 Shelley, Wm., attempted carnal knowledge of S. Wilde, 401 Simon , W., uttering a forged cheque, 427 Smith, J., commitment, 461 Z. Smith, IT., commitment, 494 Smith, M., larceny as a bailee, 445 , 453, 471 Zercho, F. W., larceny on, 479 Snowy, -, indecent assault, 464, 471 Zinffe, P., commitment, 464 By Authority: places V. Quarantine of the ship Margaretha,390 Quarantine districts for stock, 406, 441, 458, 476, 484 Quarantine district abolished, 484 Quarantine ground for treatment of bones, 381, 406 Quelch, G. W., embezzlement on, 445, 453 Quigley, W., larceny as a bailee, 463, 471 S. [1903. South AustraliaBranner, G., uttering a forged cheque on, 427 Correll, R., larceny as a bailee, 435 Simon, W., uttering a forged cheque, 427 Sparke, Angelina C., commitment, 408 Stafford, H. C., imposition, 385, 393 Stenson, W., indecent assault on, 464, 471 Stephens, -, false pretences, 463 Stevenson, W., embezzlement on, 463 Stevenson, E., commitment, 450, 461 Stevenson, F., commitment, 476 Stevenson, H., vagrancy, 390 Stevens, W. H., larceny on, 497 Stevens, W., false pretences, 427 Sterive, H.; false pretences on, 445 Stirling, G., commitment, 486 Stock Diseases Act, 407, 440, 441, 458, 469, 484 Storey, R., commitment, 432 Stubbleday, F., commitment, 398 Surgenor, T., false pretences on, 471 Swine fever, 381, 407 Swine, introduction from South Australia and other into Victoriaprohibited, 381, 407 Symonds, H. H., larceny on, 445 Synnot, J., commitment, 441 United Q. Ryan, C., assault on, 390 Ryan, J., commitment, 469 GAZETTE.-INDEX. Rosr . S. BRAIN, Government printer, 11lelbourhe, VICTORIA INDEX POLICE OF PRISONERS FOR Ali Din, 7th November Ali Quong, Tommy, 7th November Ali Sing, Lou, alias Willie He Beit„ alias Ha Beit, 21st November Ali Suey, 14th November Ali Wing, 12th December Ali Yen, 28th November Ha Beit, alias Willie He Beit, alias Lou Ali Sing, 21st November He Beit, Willie, alias Ha Beit, alias Lou Ali Sing, 21st November Wong Yow, 24th October Wong Yow, 31st October Yee Cooey, 28th November Abraham, Edwards, 19th December Adams, John, 3rd October Allchin, Alfred, alias Alfred Thomas, 17th October Allen, William, 21st Novem- her Allen, Alfred John, 7th November Anderson, Alexander, 19th December Anderson, Thomas, 5th December Anderson, James, 17th October Andrews, William, 24th October Anglin, Patrick, see Rule, John, 17th October Archer, Ernest F., 24th October Armstrong, Harold H., 31st October Armstrong, Alfred, 17th October Armstrong, Robert, 7th November Arnold, Harry, 10th October Ashton, George, alias James Brown, 21st November Ashworth, Wm., 14th November Baker, Thomas, 7th November Baillie, David, 3rd October Barry, Edward, 28th November Barker, George, 'alias Wm. Harrison, 7th November Basse, August, 3rd October Bates, William, alias Wm. James, 31st October Bates, William, 24th October Baxter, James, 28th November 'Baxter, Walter, see Scott, John, 7th November Bayford, John, 28th November Bean, Patk., see Brown, % John,3rd October Bennett, Henry, 5th Decem. ber . Index-Quarter DISCHARGED DURING DECEMBER, 1903. POLICE INFORMATION Biggers, Queenie, 12th December Binder, Robert, 24th October Blake, P., 12th December Blackwood, Walter, 17th October Bool, William, 17th October Booker, Emily, 5th December Belinda, Oscar, 17th October Borrass, Robert, proper name Robert Burnett, 28th November Boulton, John, see Warde James, 31st October Bourke, John, 21st November Bourke, John, 7th November Box, Ernest, see Donnors, Benjamin, 7th November Boyd, Henry, 17th October Bradshaw, Henry, 28th November Brain, John, alias John Scown, 5th December Brankston, John, 28th November Brennan, Alfred, alias Alfred Lee, 7th November Brewer, Frank, 17th October Britten, George, see Smith, Moss, 3rd October Brown, John, alias Patk. Whelan, alias Patk. Bean, alias James Robinson, alias James Maguire, alias James Thomas, alias Wm. Thomas, 3rd October Brown, Hope, alias Geo. Thompson, alias George Harris, 17th October Brooks, George, 26th December Brooks, John alias John Smith, 7th November Brown, C., 12th December Brown, Thomas, see Leyden, John, 19th December Brown, James, alias George Ashton, 21st November Brown, John, 17th October Brown, Christopher, 28th November Brown, Charles L., 28th November Brown, Wm. Henry, 21st November, Brown, William, 24th October Bull, W. J., 12th December Bullen, Edward, 21st November Bunting, William, 14th November Burmah, Elsie, 28th November Burnett, Robert, proper name Robert Borrass, 28th November Burton, Wm., 31st October Butler, John, 24th October Butler, Wm., 12th December Byrne, Edward, 21st November 3 ending December.- 1241.-B. GAZETTE. THE QUARTER ENDING ONLY. Callanan, Harold, 7th No- Crocker,see Crocker,Frank, 10th October vember Cameron, Charles, 7th No- Crocker, Clarence,21st November vember Andrew, 28th NoCameron, William, 31st Oc- Cullinan, vember tober Campbell, Robert, 28th No- Cullis, Thos., see Smith, Moss, 3rd October vember Cumming William James, Cannell, Daniel, alias Darby 19th December Furey, 5th December Cumming, A., see Jackson, Carlton, William, 5th Decem12th December ber James, 14th NoCarter, George, see Clarke, Cummins, vember Arthur, 7th November Cunningham, John, 28th NoCarson, Maria, 26th December vember Carver, Ellen, 19th December Curtiss, Joseph, 24th OcCasey, Patrick, alias Patrick tober Murphy, 5th December Cashen, Peter,10th October Curtis, Thomas, 21st November Cassidy, Hugh, 7th November 5th Chakley, Thomas, 10th Oc- Cust, Edward Marchant, December tober Bessie, alias Smith, Charnock, Robert, 17th Oc- Daly, alias Donovan, 28th Notober vember Clarke, Frederick, 24th OcDaly, John, 7th November tober Dalziel, Samuel John, 28th Clarke, Arthur, alias George November Carter, 7th November Davenport, Jno., 26th DeClark, Alfred, 5th December cember Clark,Walter, 31st October Albert, 28th NoClark, Thos. B., 28th No- Davidson, vember vember Davidson, James, 28th NoClark, Emma, 3rd October vember Cook, A., 12th December Davidson, William, alias Cooper, Robert, 31st October George Williams, 21st NoCohen, Harry Jessell, 17th vember October Davis, John James, 5th DeCollins, Henry Wm., 10th cember October Davis, Alfred B., 7th NoCollins, Teresa, 7th November vember Collins, Thomas, 7th NovemDawe, William, 7th November be r Colgan, Joseph, 28th NovemDawson, George, 21st November ber Colgan, Joseph, 28th NovemDeed, Benjamin, 24th Ocber tober Coghlan, William, 10th OcDelaney, Elizabeth, 21st Notober vember Connolly, J., 14th November Dever, Arthur, 19th DecemConnors, Benjamin, alias ber Ernest Box, 7th November Hugh, alias Wm. Connors, James, 24th Oc- Devlin, Smith, 21st November tober Andrew, 28th NoConnors, William, 3rd Oc- Dewar, vember tober Conroy, Thomas, 5th De- Dewhurst, Charles, 17th October cember, Digbhy, John, 10th October Coutts, Robert, 17th October Donaghue, T., 12th December Court, Thomas, 24th October Donnelly, Michael, 10th OcCowan, Duncan, 10th October tober Crawford, Frederick, 19th Donoghue, John, 28th NoDecember vember Crawford, John, 28th NovemDonovan, alias Smith, alias ber Bessie Daly, 28th NoCrawford, John, alias Regivember, nald Kofoed, 28th NovemDowsey, David, 19th Deber cember Crawford, Wm., see Umbel, Doyle, Frank, 10th October Frank H., 7th November Drew, Edward, 3rd October Crighton, Annie, 7th NovemDrydesdale, Elizabeth, 5th ber December Crocker, Frank, alic i Croker, Duncan, William, 3rd October 10th October 21 PRISONERS Dunn, Frederick J., 31st October Dunn, Patrick, 28th November Dunn, Frederick J., 24th October Edwards, John W. H., 24th October Ellis, Mary, 31st October Egan, Thomas, 28th Novembar Egan, James Frederick, 19th December Evans, Joseph, 10th October Evans, Samuel, 26th December Fahey, Patrick, 7th November Faigh, Edward, 31st October Fagan, John, 28th November Fagan, Patrick, 19th Decomber Farrell, Patrick, alias Wm. Hudson, alias page, 17th October Farrell, Samuel, 10th October Fenton, Samuel, 3rd October Ffolliott, John, 17th October Fieldhouse, Charles, 17th October Findlay, Michael, alias Michael Pengilly, 28th November Fisher, Maggie, 12th Decemher Fitzgerald, Thomas, 7th November Flaherty, William, 19th Decomber Flanagan, Thos., alias WilHain Young, 5th December Flannagan, Thomas, 7th November F1ett, John, 19th December Flowers, Albert, 21st Noveinher Fottrell, John, 28th November Fox, James, see Moore, James, 14th November Freeling, E., 12th December Freeman, Henry, 21st No. vember French, Henry, 5th December Fuller, Ada, 7th November Fullerton, Frank, 10th October Furey, Darby, alias Daniel Connell, 5th December Gableton, Catherine, 21st November Gahan, Gilbert C., 19th December Gardner, Peter, 28th November Gardner, Peter, 28th November Gee, George, alias Thos. Smith, 12th December Gearey, Albert, 28th November Gibton, Wm., proper name George Smith, 28th November Gillard, George, 5th December Gillies, Thomas, 7th Novem- her Gillespie, Alexander, 28th November Gilmore, Jane, 26th December Gleeson, John, 14th November Glynn, Mary, 31st October Goldsborough, Chas., alias Beckey Panel], 24th October Gonner, Cyril, 7th November Grady, Matthew, 5th Decem. bar Graham, James, 21st No. vember Griffiths, Henry, 3rd October Griffin, Thomas, 5th December Grisdale, Caroline, 21st No. vember [1903. DISCHARGED-INDEX, Grohman, Louis, 3rd October Gunning, Annie, 26th December Gunther, Chas., 26th December Hadley, George, 17th October Halloran, Roland, 17th October Hamilton, Jno., 26th December Hanton, Hercules, 3rd October Hansen, Julia, 10th October Harkins, Isaac Henry, 19th December Harrison, Wm., see Barker, George, 7th November Harrisson, James, see Harrisson, Phillip, 19th December Harrisson, Phillip, alias James Harrisson, 19th Decomber Harrison, Arthur, 19th December Harrison, John, 28th Novemher Harrisson, Alfred, 19th December Harris, John, 10th October Harris, Geo., see Brown, Hope, 17th October Harris, Charles, alias Chas. Johnson, 24th October Harris, William, alias Alfred O'Brien, 17th October Harris, George, alias James Westaway, 21st November Harris, George, 26th Decemher Harris, Archibald, 26th December Harvey, Francis, 3rd October Harvey, William, 17th October Hay, Luke, 21st November Hayes, James, 3rd October Hayes, Tippo, see Williams, Chas., 24th October Heale, William Carrington Smith, 24th October Healy, John, 28th November Hehir, James, 14th Novem- her Hellingson, Violet, 10th October H elden b erg, F rank, 24 t h O ctober Henderson, Wm. S., 26th December Henry, George, 14th November , Herd, Alfred, 28th November Hewitt, Marie, alias Annie, 28th November Hicks, George, 24th October Hicks, Annie, 12th December Hickey, James, 10th October Hilliard, James, alias James Hillyer, 14th November Hillard , Thos. , 26th December Hilliard, James, 28th Novemher Hill, Leslie A., 10th October Hill, Eliza J., 17th October Hill, Jno., 26th December Hill, Matthew R., 19th December Hill, John, 24th October Hilton, R., 12th December Hilton, James, 14th Novemher Hillyer, James, alias James Hilliard, 14th November Hoare, James, 28th N ovember Hobart, Henry, same person as Henry Soloman, 31st October Holden, James, 17th October Hogan, Michael, 5th Decem- her Hellman, Alfred, 3rd October Hollway, William, 17th October Holly, J. C., 12th December Holmes, Alice, 24th October Howard, see Treacey, Joseph, 24th October Howard, Charles, 5th Decemher Hudson, Wm., see Farrell, Patrick, 17th October Hughes, Joseph, 31st October Hughes, Alex. H., 26th December Humbers, Henry, see Umbel, Frank H., 7th November Hunter, William, alias Thos. O'Loughlan, 21st Novemher Hunter, William, alias Thos. O'Loughlan, 5th December Hunt, Lila, see Thomas, WilLiam, 24th October Hutchinson, James, 10th October Hutchinson, Mark, 19th Decomber Hutton, George, see Thomas, William, 24th October Huxley, Jno., 26th December Hyams, David, 10th October Hyde, William, 21st November Irwin, William, 21st Novemher Jackson. Alex., alias Alex. Cummings , 12th December Jackson, Thomas, 19th Deccember Jackson, John, 7th November James, Wm., see Bates, William, 31st October James, Alice, 24th October James, Walter J., 24th October James, David, 14th November James, Henry, 17th October Jeffery, Charles, 14th Novemher Jenkins, Henry, 26th December Jenkins, Lily, 28th November Jepson, Arthur, 19th December Jervis, Frank, 7th November Johnson, Verity, 5th Decemb er Johnson, B. H., 26th Decemher Johnson, see Rose, Joseph, 24th October Johnson, Chas., see Harris, Charles, 24th October Johnson, Mary Mabel, 21st November Jones, Alexr., 17th October Jones, Henry, 24th October Jones, Thos., alias Thos. Williams, alias James Ward, 5th December Jones, Wm. Henry, 17th Oc. tober Jones , James , alias Joseph Murphy, 10th October Jordan, John, 24th October Joyce, Henry J., 19th December Juliff, Jno., 26th December Keating, Edward, 21st No- vember Kelly , Edward , 3rd October Kerr, Fanny, 7th November Kerr, Christina, 26th Decemher Kerr, Robert, 21st November Kersting, Alice, 26th December Keogh, Thomas, 17th October Keogh, Denis, 17th October Keys, Edward, 14th Novemher Kett, John, 5th December Kidd, Albert, 5th December Kilkelly, Thomas, 14th November Kinder, Catherine, 31st October t; King, John, 21st November King, John, 31st October Kirwickham, James, 10th October Kirkland, George, 17th October Kite, William, 17th October Klin, Fredk., 14th November Knowles, Michael Pradigal, 5th December Kofoed, Reginald, alias John Crawford, 28th November Kydd, Walter, 28th November Lalor, Michl. J., see McGrath, Michael, 14th November Lambert, Henry, 31st October Lawrence, seeTreacey, Joseph, 24th October Lawson, Albert, alias Alfred Lea, 21st November Lawson, William, 7th Novemher Lee, James, 7th November Lee, Alfred, alias Albert Lawson, 21st November Lee, Alfred, see Brennan, Alfred, 7th November Leahy, Patk., 12th December Lendfoder, G. A., 12th December Lewis, Charles, alias John Malone, 7th November Lewis, Thomas, see Reynolds, Edward, 24th October Leyden, John, alias Thomas Brown, 19th December Linden, Frederick, 19th December Lindon, John, 17th October Liddle, John, 21st November Lindsay, Andrew, 12th December Logan, Michael, 28th Novem. her Lovett, Catb., 10th October Lovett, Chas., 14th Novem• her Lowe, William, 5th December Lowe, Wm., 28th November Lucas, Elizabeth, 26th De. comber Lucas, George, 7th November Lugg, Arthur, 28th Novem• her Lynch, Frank, 31st October Lyne, Thomas, 28th Novemher Macopolis, George, 14th November Maddern, George, 28th Novvember Maguire, James, see Brown, John, 3rd October Malone, John, see Lewis, Charles, 7th November Maloney, Thomas, 7th November Marcall, see Miscall, Patrick Joseph, 7th November Martin, George, 31st October -Martin, John Henry, 17th October Martin, Mary Ann, 5tli December Marvin, John, 28th November Mascall, see Miscall, Patrick Joseph, 7th November Matheson, Peter Neil, 5th December -filler, Michael, 5th December Miller, Herbert, 28th Novemher Miller, Andrew, 3rd October Miscall, Patrick, 19th December Miscall, Patrick Joseph, alias Marcall, alias Mascall, 7th November Mitchell, Julia, 21st Novemher Moore, Michael, 21st November Moore, John, 14th November 1903,1 . Moore, James, alias James Fox, 14th November Moore, Annie, 7th November Molloy, Jack, alias James O'Donnell, 5th December Montgomery, James, 28th November Morris, Matilda J., 7th November Morgan, Arthur, 21st Novemher Moss, Frank, see Smith, Moss, 3rd October Moss, Edward, 28th November Mulcahey, Jas., alias James Ryan, 28th November Mulligan, see Treacey, Joseph, 24th October Mullins, Patk., 26th December Munro, Robert. Chas., 31st October Murphy, Patrick, alias Patrick Casey, 5th December Murphy, Joseph, see Jones, James, 10th October Murphy, Wm., see Williams, James, 14th November McAllister, Hugh, 5th December McCarden, John, 5th December McCarden, John, 21st November McCarthy, Gus, see McCarthy, Arthur, 31st October McCarthy, Edward, 28th November McCarthy, Arthur, alias Gus McCarthy, 31st October McCormick, William, 5th December McCulloch, James, 21st November McDermott, John Patrick, 17th October McDonough, Frank, 19th December McDonald, John, cember McDonald, cember George, 19th De5th De- McDonald, Angus, 14th November McDonald, James, 7th No- vember McDonald, John, 17th October McDonald, Robert, 21st November McEvoy, A., 12th December McFarland, Wm., 17th October McGovery, John, 21st November McGrath, Michael, alias Michl. J. Power, alias Michl. J. Lalor, 14th November McGrath, cember McGregor, cember McIvor, Jno., 12th De- Gerald, 26th De- 26th De- cember McKay, John, 7th November McLaughlin, Wm., 14th No. vember McLuckie, Henry, 17th October McLure, David, 19th December McIntyre, John, 7th November DISCHARGED Nichols, James, 5th December Nieward, Alfred, 14th November Noel, John, 3rd October Olsen, Forgar Andrew, 31st October Olsen, Forgar Andrew, 24th October Osgood, Albert, alias James Tolnay, 31st October Owens, John, 3rd October Owens, Benjamin, 14th November O'Brien, Jno., 26th December O'Brien, Alfred, see Harris, William, 17th October O'Brien, James, 19th December O'Brien, William, 31st October O'Brien, John, 17th Otcober O'Connor, Wm., 28th November O'Connor, Patrick, 28th November O'Connor, Charles, 24th October O'Donnell, James, alias Jack Molloy, 5th December O'Hara, Joseph J., 10th October O'Keeffe, Wm. Henry, 31st October O'Loughlan, Thos., alias William Hunter, 5th December O'Loughlan, Thos., alias William Hunter, 21st November O'Meara, Patrick, 7th November O'Meara, John, 21st November O'Sullivan, •Cornelius, 26th December Page, see Farrell , Patrick, 17th October Pamment, Wm., 28th November Panell, Beckey, see Goldsborough, Chas., 24th October Parker, Chas., 26th December Paterson, Joseph, 21st November Paton, Joseph, 28th November Pengilly, Michael, alias Michael Findlay, 28th November Perkins, Reuben, 24th October Peters, James Albert, 7th November Pettis, Wm., 26th December Phelan, Florrie, 28th November Phillips, George, 26th December Phyland, George, PRISONERS Thomas, 28th No- vember Pickard, E. W., 12th December Pilcher, Thomas, 19th December Pilcher, John T., 31st October Pilcher, John T., 24th Octo- ber Powell, Annie, 7th November Power, Michl. J., see McGrath, Michael, 14th November Power, Patrick, 21st November McIntyre, Elizabeth, 3rd OcPower, Patrick, 24th October tober McNamara, V. W., 12th De- Pryor, Phillip, alias George Shelton, 24th October cember McNamara , Louise, 3rd Oc- Purden, Jane 21st November Purdy, John, 5th December tober McNulty, Thomas, 24th Oc- Pursell, Alfred, 17th October Pyers, Thomas, 17th October tober William, 19th DeNaughton, Patrick,24th Oc- Quinlan, cember tober 19th De- Radley, Sarah, 19th DecemNeilson , Minnie, ber cember -- INDEX. Radley, Sarah, 14th November Randall, Samuel, 3rd October Ranger, John, 5th December Ravey, Henry, 26th December Reilly, Frank, 3rd October Rendz, Emil, 21st November Reynolds, Edward, alias Thomas Lewis, 24th October Reynolds, Joseph, alias Walter Turner, 24th October Rice, Edward, 26th December Rigg, William, 21st November Richards, John, 10th October Rickard, James, 28th November Riley, George, 17th October Riley, Henry, 21st November Rolens, James, 17th October Robertson, Thomas, 3rd October Robertson, Jno., 26th December Robinson, Charles, 7th November Robinson, James, see Brown, John, 3rd October Roberts, Thos., 26th December Roberts, William, 7th November Rogers, Frank, 28th November Ronalds , Annie, 19th Decem- ber Rose, Joseph, alias Johnson, 24th October Roy, John, 19th December Rule, John, alias Patrick Anglin, 17th October Rutlidge, Herbert, 28th November Ryan, James, alias Jas. Mulcahey, 28th November Ryan, John, 21st November Ryan, Richard, 5th December Ryan, John, 24th October Ryan, Robert, 24th October Ryan, Mary, alias Mary Tobin, 7th November Ryan, Thomas, 7th November Ryan, Mary, see Tobin, Mary, 10th October Ryan, Annie Marie, 24th October Sager, Percy, 19th December Sally, Frank, 28th November Schmidt, Charles, 10th Oc- tober Scott, John, 5th December Scott, John, alias Walter Baxter, 7th November Scott, Richard, 3rd October Scown, Join, alias John Brain, 5th December Seymour, Frederick, 10th October Shannon, Anastasia, 31st October Sharkey, John, 31st October Shaw, Dapid R., 21st Novrmber Sheehan, John, 24th October Shelton, George, see Pryor, Phillip, 24th October Sheppard, Joseph, 7th November Simpson, Wm., 12th December Singleton,George, 7th November Sisson, John, 10th October Sivertson, Peter, 5th December Smith, Moss, alias Thos. Cullis, alias Frank Moss, alias George Britten, 3rd October Smith, Thos., see G. Gee, 12th December Smith, Wm., alias Hugh Devlin, 21st November 3 Smith, William, 5th Decem. her Smith, alias Donovan, alias Bessie Daly, 28th Noveanber Smith, George, proper name Wm. Gibton, 28th November Smith, Henry, 21st November Smith, John, see Brooks, John, 7th November Smyth, Thomas, 28th November Snell, Stanley, 19th December Stanford,Catherine,7th November Steen, Carl, 26th December Steers, George, 24th October Stephenson, John, 21st November Stephenson, Alfred, 5th December Stevens, George, 10th October Stevens, John, 17th October Stewart, James, 17th October Stewart, John, 17th October Stolworthy, Charles, 14th November Stone, Frederick, 21st November Strafford, James, 28th November Spence, James, see Williams, James, 14th November Strong, Wm., 12th December Sullivan, John, 17th October Sullivan, Ada, 24th October Sutherland, Jno., 26th December Sutherland, Albert, 3rd October Swift, John, 7th November St. Clair, Charles, 5th December Taylor, Frank, 26th December Taylor, Edward, 14th November Taylor, William, 19th December Thomas, Alfred, see Allchin, Alfred, 17th October Thomas, Wm., see Brown, John, 3rd October Thomas, William, alias Lula Hunt, alias George Hutton, 24th October, Thomas, James, see Brown, John, 3rd October Thompson, Thomas, 3rd Oc. tober Thompson, William, 19th December Thompson, George, 19th December Thompson, Geo., see Brown, Hope, 17th October Thorpe, Henry, alias Henry Reid Thorpe, 14th November Thorpe, Henry Reid, alias Henry Thorpe, 14th November Thorp, Henry, 19th December Tobin, Mary, see Ryan, Mary, 7th November Tobin, Mary, alias Mary Ryan 10th October Todd, Nathaniel, 7th Novemher Tolnay, James, see Osgood, Albert, 31st October Tomkins, William, 21st November Treacey, Joseph, alias Lawrence, alias Howard, alias Mulligan, 24th October Trickey, Percy, 19th December Tunney, Daniel, 19th December Turnbull, Elizabeth, 5th December Turner, Frederick, 19th December 4 PRISONERS Turner, Thomas , 5th December Turner, Thomas , 21st November Turner, Arthur, 24th October Turner, Walter, see ]Peynolds, Joseph, 24th October Umbel, Frank H., alias Henry Numbers , alias Henry- Umbers, alias Wm. Crawford, 7th November Umbers, Henry, see Umbel, Frank H., 7th November Upright, Patrick, 26th De- cember Usher, Charles A., 17th October Vaughan, Albert, 17th October Vernon, Frederick,14th November Wall, Jno., 26th December Walley, Frederick, 5th December Walsh, Richard, 19th December DISCHARGED - Walsh, James, 28th November Waters, Thomas, 31st October Watkins, William, 14th November Watts, Herbert J., 31st October Watts, George, 12th December Watson, George, 26th December Ward, Thomas, 24th October Ward, James, alias Thos. Williams , alias Thos. Jones 5th December Wardley, John, 12th December Warde, James, alias John Boulton, 31st October Warner, Benin., 14th November Webb, Charles, 28th November Wells, Charles, 19th December INDEX . Westaway , James, alias George Harris , 21st November West, Win., 17th October Whelan, Patk., see Brown, John, 3rd October White, Sophia, 17th October Wilkinson, Was., 28th November Williams, Chas., alias Tippo Hayes, 24th October Williams, Frank, 28th November Williams , Albert, 14th November Williams, George, alias Wm. Davidson, 21st November Williams , James , alias James Spence, alias Wm. Murphy, 14th November Williams, Thos., alias James Ward, alias Thos. Jones, 5th December Williams, Joseph, 5th December By Authority ; ROBT.S. BR- uv, Government Printer, Melbourne. [ 1903. Williams, Frank, 12th December Wilson, David, 10th October Wilson, Thomas, 21st November Wilson, Jennie, 5th December Wilson, George, 28th Novem- ber Wilson, Wilson, ber James, Arthur, Woodey, 17th October 28th Novem- Arthur, 12th De- cember Wood, William, 7th November Woods, John, 21st November Woods, William, 24th October Woolard, Lewis, 17th October Wootten, Wm. J., 26th December Wright, William, 19th December Young, William, alias Thomas Flanagan, 5th December PRISONERS Gaol. REPORTED AS DISCHARGED Where tried. When. Giva' d .nos, Denis , 29772 .. Melbourne G. S. 3rd Feb ., 1962 Quinn, Thomas , alias James Quinn, alias George Ryan, 27082 Melbourne G S. 4th June , 1901 Name. FROM THE PENAL Native of Sentence . Offence. DURING E STABLISHMENTS THE WEEK ENDING Com flora . Height.l plexion. Trade . Hair. 27TH DECEMBER, 1902. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Eyes. ft, in. Pentillge .. „ Meehan , Phillip, alias' John J. Brown, alias Phillip alias James Carlson, Smith, 26220 Jones, Char 'e•, alias John Thomas, alias John Phillips, 24869 Bend igo .. 12 months MelbourneP. S. BendigoG. S... obtaining goods by false pro- 0 months, tencee, 2 counts ettempting to obtain goods 6 month-, by false pretences 18thJune,1901 larceny .. . .. 3 months 15thJuly,1902 forgery and uttering.. .. 6 months Fitzroy P . S. 25th Oct , 1899 .. 6 mot.ths Ireland .. Ecbuca P. S. Denson,Thomas Granville, Alfred Fogarthy,Henry Keady-, William Beadigo Bendigo Bendigo Bendigo Gilmore, John P. S. P . S. P. S. 0. S. blue Hairy breast and abdomen , boil marks on back. vious convictions. tabou re r .. 1872 5 fresh brown .. bro wn P.L. lower left arm, black mole on left breast,.scar in left side of head . Twenty-six previous consictions. 1850 5 71 fresh brown to grey hazel Ship, bracelet , and rings lower r•igi.t tr .n, tomb.tore, In. memory of my sister upper right arm, tombstone , I. H. S., and various blue dots Inside lower left arm, ship in circl Mary unde rne ith, half brace et, woman's head outs de lower left arm, lest first joint Index finger of left hani, scold marks under right shoulder blade. Discharged from Penal Establishment , Partridge, 2nd January -, 1901, as 29353, sam' name. 11 blue fair lightblue Blue dot outside left arm, a ar lefts previous conviction-. attempted larceny in a dwelling house larcenyfrom theperson 12 months Queensland clerk .. 1872 5 Of fresh dark grey Three previous convictions. .. groom attempted larceny ling hours In a dwel- England labourer Victoria .. 1879 5 61 fresh brown hazel Boil marks pit of stomach , mole small of back , birth left ehoulde •. Twelve previous convictions. brass flnishei 1574 5 5j sallow dark-brown grey Hair off temples , -arms and croon upper right arm. Six previous convictions. England ., bricklayer.. 1853 5 9} fresh dark blue Discharged February brown blue Discharged from Penal Establishment , Pcntridge, February , 1899, as 28377, game name. .. blacksmith 1864 5 7 sallow drunk and disorderly larceny .. .. .. 2 days or fa. 2 months Ireland Denmark .. labourer sa'ior 1838 1863 5 7 5 8 sallow grey bro wn sallow threatening 14 days or £2 .. behaviour .. 2 days or is. 2 Pays or 5s. 2 Jay a or 5s. drunk and disorderly drunk and disorderly drunk and disorderly .. .. .. .. 11th 11th 11th 19th .. .. .. 7 do's .. 7 days .. larceny .. .. larceny .. .. .. larceny .. burglary, 2 charges larceny .. .. Six New York.. England .. of neck. 12 months 12 months larceny .. de tack Nine pre- 12 months .. 22nd Oct., 1902 .. brown 7 days 14 days 3 montl s Sea Lake P. S... dark fresh .. 1902 1902 1902 1902 fre sh sallow 27th Nsv ., 1902 larceny .. .. larceny as a bailee 7th Nov , 1902 no lawful means Dec., Dec., Dec., Nov ., 5 5 6 8 20thJune, 1898 havinghousebreaking instru- 12 months menis in his possession larceny .. .. 5 years, cumulative 22nd June,1898 Keating, Patrick 1861 5 71 Warrnambool P. A. Warrnambool G. S. PrabranP. S. .. .. 1880 Melbourne IS. S. Echuca P. S. .. grocer 1876 Evans Evan alia8Saml Price, 27814 Wickbcrg, John Sear on lower le'.t leg, black mole on right hip, scar on back of neck. , Pentridge,16th Discharged from Penal $ stpbllshynent August, 1900, as 27082, Jas. Quinn. .. 3rd Feb., 1902 Ballarat East P.S. 19th Dec., 1904 Bal!arat East P. S. 19th Dec., 1902 Ballarat East P.S. 19th Dec ., 1902 light. blue .. unlawful assault .. resist ng police larceny from the person 30thJan., 1901 8th Dec ., 1902 brown light-brown labourer .. .. EssendonP. S. .. black fresh cumulative Devine, James , 28811 Gordon P. S. sallow 6 labourer Ennis, James, 27363 .. 5 5 .. 3rd Feb ., 1902 .. 5 1872 .. Melbourne G. S. Mahoney, Maurice Wiltshire, Frederick Armstrong , John .. groom Victoria Wilson , Patrick , 29351 Jansen, Charles .. 1879 Victoria 3rd Feb., 1902 Ballarat East P. S. 19th Dec., 1902 22nd Oct., 1902 Dimboola P. S. Victoria .. 3 months 3 months 12 months 18th July , 1902 Melbourne G. S. .. .. waiter .. .. Iforeham P. S... Ctightos, Thomas, 29777 McNamara , Michael Nelson, Peter .. .. Victoria Alcock , Stephen E ., 29953.. 10th Feb., 1902 .. Greece 1 month .. .. 2 months 3 months or fine 4 years, concurrent death; cortinuttd to 10 years, and two floggings of 15 lashes. each Melbourne S. C. Melbourne S. C. King , Charles, 28377 .. in a dwelling bone larceny .. assault obscenelanguage 15th Nov., 1899 ehopb re aking 15th April , 1889 rape Jones, William H., 23164 .. Ballarat „ sltaling .. .. .. .. .. .. , „ .. .. 7 days I month, 1 month, concurrent 2 months .. .. .. .. black .. blue grey Lime on light leg. , Pcntridge, 12th 28th F,rrt conviction. Crucifix on front of left forearm, Indistinct blue marks bae'e of left h md, yacht above anchor lower right arm, brat 1-t on wrist, two rings on small and next finge•, star and indistinct blue marks on bast of hand , scar centre of breach, near neck, varicose veins on loner back portion of left leg, very dark r ipple +, bald on top of he A. Six pre. vi ms convictions in South Au , tralia. Top of head bald, pupil of left eye larger than the right, reve -el scars left tide of neck. Norway .. Etter .. 1858 5 6 fresh dark Victoria England England .. ., .. miner miner labourer ., .. .. 1F03 1869 1855 5 6 6 642 7 61 fresh fresh sallow dark to grey fair brown blue blue brown Scar right groin , slight scar left eyebrow. NIL Fear previous convictions. Sweden .. labourer .. 1816 5 101 fresh brown blue sallow grey .. blue fa r fresh sallow sandy bron n brown .. .. .. hies brown brown Two previous convictions . Last discharged from Bendigo Gaol, 18th September, 1990. Discharged by special authority , and sent to Home for Aged and Infirm , St. Kilda-roa1 , Melbourne, First conviction. Two previous conviction.. Two rrevlous convictions. grey Ireland .. labourer 1811 6 Bendigo Victoria Victoria Victoria miner mircr miner gardener 1882 1880 1877 5 3g 5 7,j 5 3 1857 5 1879, 5 81 At sea labourer .. 8 61 to grey from Penal Establishment , 1898, as 27814 , Saint. Price, mark fresh steel - grey .. fair brown .. grey Scar on forehead, getting bald , third been broken . First conviction. linger of left hand Searon back of head and forehead , thicklips Firstcon. vlction. PRISONERS Name. Gaol. Where When tried. REPORTED Sentence. Offence. ETC.-continued. AS DISCHARGED, Native of Born Trade. ComHei ght) plexion Hair. Remarks Eyes. and Previous Convictions. Castlcrraiae Climp°on, Wrl Jim, 128 „ St. Arnaud P. S. 18th Nov., IE02 larceny 1 month England grocer Ccbnrg Franci., D,lia, 6840 Reid, Maria .. ,. ,. „ Melbourne P S. Geelong P. S. .. 11th July, 1902 25th Nov., 1902 no vls;ble means, &c. offensive behaviour 6 months 1 month cook A., 12 months Ireland South Australa England servant 12 montt.s 3 months Ireland Victoria f ervant 1 month 6 months Victoria „ .. South Melbourne 27th Dec., 1901 no risible 0658 Word, Agnes, 5822 Law lot', Je-sie, 6588 .. .. 1'. S. Geelong P. S. Girlton P, S. IOth 29th habitual habitual Mar tin, Thomas, 20800 .. Warrnambool Merry emather, Geelong . Mary .. .. 11th June, 1902 Ilam'itos.. Sure ton, James, 70 „ Melbou,rne P. S. 11th Jan., 1902 C,;sterton 4th Dec, 1502 larceny P. S. 1902 or £5 12 months 14 days •. 24 horns or Fs. 1 month or £2 „ .. larceny .. escap'n; from custody larceny.. .. .. larceny, 2 charges „ I month 1 month 12 months Jones, John 20111Nov.,1902 3rd Jan., 1902 3rd Feb.,1902 18th Nov., 1902 ., Melbourne G. S. Melbou rn e P. §. C( hen,John North Melbourne 4th Dec , 1902 larceny .. . .e .• 1 month, l month, concurrent 14 days 8th Dec., 1902 1511, Dec., 1902 17th Nov., 1902 8tb July, 1902 16th Sr pt., 1902 as-cult larceny unlawfully larceny larceny larceny larceny obscene larceny .. ,. .. „ .. ., 1 month Hounding .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. language .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 6 months 3 months 7 eaj s larceny ,. .. .. 14 days .. Henry ,. Melbourne Wilkinson, Janiec Preston, Chat lea, 29775 .. Talbot V. S. .. „ 'Melbourne P.S. Caulfield P. S... P. S. Carlton P. S. Smllh, Sydney Wells, William Scans, Smith, Brown, Carlton P. S. Melbourne S. C. Jomeslowai Wm., 28651 James d,29324 •, Fitzroy P. S Melbourne 1' . S. Fitzroy P. S. . .• P. S Lanceiteld Melbourne P. S, 15th Dec., 1902 9th De., 1902 9th Sept., 1902 Burns, Thoe. Langford Lancefleld P. S. 9th Dec., Brody, Thomas Melbourne P. S. 24111Sept ., 1902 larceny r• Mekwan, Cnulteld 19th Dec ., 1902 McNamara, Daniel Ilussie, Louis, 19666 boot „ June, drunk and disorderly obscureJar gunge Thorpe, Warinam• &c... 15th Nov.,1902 Maryboro' n means, drunksd drunk; rat drunk and disorderly it egalll on premises no v s b e means 19th P. S. Grant, William, 29553 Feb., IF02 Sept., 1902 John P S 1902 5 1 1651 5 dressmaker 1910 cooper 1559 „ sallow sallow grey grey grey Ten grey Repeatedlyconvicted. convictions. previous fresh brown brown Four previous convictions. 4 8 fresh sallow brown brown brown blue Repeatedly convicted. Repeatedly convicted. 5 8 fresh dark-brown grey Nose broken and previous convict tons. chin, long scar on t.p 0 scarred, sear on right cl eek, sli:ht scar Victoria .. labourer „ 1868 5 7 fresh brown .. grey above right eyebrow. Twenty-three Three previous convictions. Victoria labourer 18£5 5 g fair dark ,. grey Ordinary nose, large month, ordinary England ,. ,. labourer „ „ loft wrist 1818 5 51 England South Ajs- rook accountant 1868 1870 5 4 5 10 tralla Victori a labourer 1884 of head, .. scar en middle Right leg amputated finger of right light fresh fresh brown brown grey brown Seven previousconvictions. Nil. grey hard. just below kree, fair Eighteen previous convictions. 5 41 fresh brown blue Nil. Victoria „ hairdresser 1879 5 sj fresh brown brown One previous conviction. Victoria Tasmania Wales Victoria Victoria Ireland Switzerland .. ,• painter „ cutler accountant lather ,. boetmaker toolmaker timntith .. 1852 1863 1865 1864 1F59 1874 1844 5 8 5 61 fresh fresh fair brown 5 fair brown grey brown grey blue brow n blue brown hazel One previous co'evictian. Fine pa'd, 1 th Lecembe•, One previous conviction. One previousconvictior. Twelve previous convictions. Three previous convictions. blue One previous conviction. 5 5 fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh Victoria „ painter 1856 5 21 fresh black 1840 1888 1F82 5 21 5 44 5 7 fresh ,. ,• .. .. 8 5 9 5 6 12 5 6 blue 1962. Twenty- one previous convictions. brown Ste PoheeGazettes, 15th March, 1902, Wangalatia, brown blue February , 1902 , indecent behaviour ,1 month. Five previous convictions. fresh brown fresh brown blue brown Ntl. Four previous convictions. and Cth „ „ 14 dnys or fine England .. dairyman „ 1859 5 3 fresh brown grey Five previous convictions. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 days or fine 12 weeks 12 months „ 3 montbs 6 months, 6 months Victoria Victoria England „ „ .. labourer hawker clerk „ „ .. 1886 1869 1870 5 4 5 Ili 5 9 fresh fresh fresh brown fair brawn brown grey grey Nil. Fifteen previous convictions. Served 6 months , Perth, W.A. 23rd April, 1101 in company .. .. .. larceny .. false representations South Aus- tabourer ., trams Scotland .. labourer „ 1876 6 0 dark black black Large nose and mouth , round chin, two teeth out In front 1£32 5 10 fresh grey hazel of mouth (top). Large nose and mouth, Victoria .. tailor „ 1880 5 dark dark grey tion. Medium nose dud mouth , round chin. Four previouscon- Victoria „ none ., 1882 4 8 sallow light-brown brown Caulfield P. S. Fitzroy P. S. Melbourne P. S. 19th Dec., 1982 Fitzroy P. S. 711h, Dec.,1902 Inreeny .. 4th Oct., 1902 larceny larceny 28th Mar., 11`01 imposition Morris, Will am, 4432 Warrnambool 150 Dec., 1902 assault Yeoman, Francis, 4457 P.S. Warrnambool 10th behaving nor Sparks,Elizabeth J.,4431 1852 .. Scar earner of left eye, small scar on right temple, has been broken, boll mark back cf neck. Eli. .. Campbell, hcnald .. .. Groner, Albert Makepeace , Horace, 29409 John, 4434 ., brown 7 days or fine 3 months .. Montgomery, .. 5 i} 5 0 red .. .. fit company .. Permewan, P. S. Warrnambool P. S. Warrnambool P. S. 14 days or £2 3 months 1801 1853 .. talloress fresh .. .. larceny P. S. Port Melbourne P .S. .. 14 dal s 5 Ireland Victoria New Zealand Sept., 1902 larceny .. South Melbourne 213th .. or £5 3 months Anderson, Charles Albert .. 3 months 1 month 5} 1£80 ,. .. iaan insultitng man. 15th Dec., 1502 using otscene language 1st Dec., 1902 vagrancy Dec., 1902 .. .. , 2 charges 3 days or 16s, ., 3 days or lOs. .. „ 7 days or £1 I month ., sailor „ labourer ., labourer .. 41 victions. Small nose and round mouth , round Il ia Excellency. Nil. thin. chin . One previous Discharged eonvio- by order of J VICTORIA POLICE PUBLISHED No. 1.] FRIDAY, BY AUTHORITY. JANUARY 1. Police Gazette.-Communications for the Police Gazette should be addressed " THE OFFICER IN CHARGE, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION BRANCH, Melbourne," prepaid, and must be of Police interest, or no notice will be taken of them. Members of the Force in chargeof stations are requestedto reportdirectto the Officer in Charge of the C. I. Police every instance of the non-delivery of the Police Gazette, and to suggest from time to time such alterations in the addresses and the mode of transmission as may be considered necessary. 2. Crime Reports and their Circulation.-The officers in chargeof districts willbe heldresponsible forthe propercirculation of reports relating to crime committed in their respective districts. Where there is reason to believe that an offender is proceeding to any particular part of the State, the police in the sub-district in which the crime was committed must report the fact immediately and directly to the police of that place where the offender is supposed to have gone, and original crime reports and supplementary reports should always show that this has been done. They must also communicate without delay to the police of any part of the State from which it is thought probable that important information regarding any offender may be obtained. A copy of each crime report must be sent to the Officer of the C. I. Police for registration and Gazette purposes ; but, unless in cases of special nature, the duty of circulating such reports will not be undertaken at that office. When cheques or valuable documents which can be exchanged for money have been stolen, the crime report should state that the police instructed the complainant to stop payment where possible. Crime reports and supplementary reports should always distinctly state where copies have been sent to, and the indefinite phrase " report circulated should be avoided. GAZETTE. 2. [1°08. 6. Arrests .-Asa rule it is expected that members of the Force effecting arrests of offenders will communicate the fact, as soon as possible, to the Officer in Charge of the C. I. Police by supplementary report, for the obvious reason that the arrest of innocentpersons, corresponding in description with the actual offenders, may be prevented by the announcement of the arrest, or the withdrawal of a notice in the P olice Gazette. In reporting arrests, it should be stated by whom effected ; and it is not desirable for the police of one station to report arrests made by police of another station. 7. Previous References . -It is requested that in all reports respecting cases already gazetted members of the Force will be good enough to quote the page of the Police Gazette in which the previous notice appeared, and the offence number. Supplementaryreportsof casesalreadyreported, but not gazetted, where arrests are made, should at once be forwarded to the Officer in Charge of the C. I. Police, and should contain such information as will clearly identify the case. When two or more offenders are gazetted for the same offence, supplementary reports regarding an arrest made in the case should state whether it was the first, second, or third, as the case may be, of the offenders described in the reference quoted. The names the offenders give on being locked up should always be reported also. 8. Stray Cattle .-No advertisement of lost horses or cattle will be published in the Gazette unless they be Government property, but notices of horses or cattle believed to be stolen will be inserted gratuitously. 9. Telegrams .-In telegrams, the use of figures must be avoided, and words at full length substituted. In forwarding the brands of cattle and horses by telegraph, it sh,,old be stated of what kind of letters the brands consist, whether of Roman capitals, or in writing, &c. In telegrams regarding offenders, economy of words is desirable; but the leading features of a definitechargeshouldbe givenwhere possible. 3. Descriptions .-The personal characteristics of offenders should be given first, such as nationality, occupation, age, height, build, complexion, hair, peculiarities, marks, &c.; then the clothing and appendages . In describing property, each article 10. Rewards .-No notice of any reward offered by any should be completely described within itself, and not intermingled private party or parties will be inserted in the Police Gazette, unless with the description of any other thing. The brands of horses there be forwarded to the Officer in Charge of the C. I. Pol ce the and cattle should be imitated as nearly as possible, and their exactpositions given. In describing watches,itshouldbe stated guarantee of some responsible person that the reward will be payable to the person who performs the service for which the whether they are open -faced, hunting, half-hunting, or keyless, reward is offered. The offer must be according to law, that is, the term half-hunting implying a very small glass in the metal on the arrest or conviction of the offender, and not merely on the cover of the dial. recoveryof the property. If such noticebe communicated by telegraph, the addition of the words "guarantee received" will 4. Names .-It is particularly requested that in all reports of be sufficient; in such cases, however, the guarantee must be crime the names of persons and places may be spelt correctly, forwarded without delay afterwards. and written legibly, the Christian or first name to be given with the Surname whenever possible, and written in full to prevent mistakes. Too much attention cannot be given to this matter, when it is remembered that names familiar to the writer of a HIGHWAY ROBBERY AND STEALING report are often unknown to other members of the Force who have to take action on the same . Foreign names especially FROM THE PERSON. demand extra care and attention. 5. Warrants .-Complainants should be made to clearly understand that there are many offences in which arrests cannot be legally made by the police without a warrant has been issued, and, that in the majority of cases, it is by them and not the police that the initial steps should be taken; but crimes which incapacitate the victims of them, or where the victims labour under a disability to take action , or are improperly unwilling to do so, call for the intervention of the police on the same becoming known. Whenever it is desired that any person, whose name is given, shall be apprehended, it should be stated in the notice for the Police Gazette whether or not a warrant has been issued for the arrest of the offender. When a warrant has not been issued in the first instance , a supplementary report announcing the issue of a warrant should repeat the offender's description, or refer to it in the Police Gazette or in a previous report. It should be remembered that children under committal to the Industrial School authorities are subject to the original warrants of commitment until the expiration of the time for which they were issued, and that, when children abscond from the schools oI their licensed service, freshwarrantsarenot necessary. Police Gazette, No. 1. -A. JOSHUA FLETCHER, Impetial Restaurant, Franklin-street, Melbourne, reports being assaulted and robbed on the Yarra Bank. road, Melbourne, on the 25th inst., of a gold watch, No. 69593, value £10; and a gold chain, curb pattern, value £12.-0.11796. 26th December, 1902. WILLIAM BAKER, engine-driver, Napier -street, Eaglehawk, reports being assaulted and robbed in Bouverie -street, Carlton, on the 26th inst ., of a gold watch ; and a gilt chain , long links. Value £15.-0.11820. 27th December, 1902. MR ,4. ANNIE. WALRERDEN, Queensberry-place, North Melbourne, reports stolen from her in Errol-street, North Melbourne, on the 24th inst., a black morocco purse, containing 2s. 5d. and 6 pawn-tickets.-0.11816. 27th December, 1902. WILLIAM MULLENS, miner, Saracen 's Head Hotel , Bourkestreet, Melbourne , reports stolen from him at Collingwond, on the 26th inst., a metal watch ; a gold chain. 3 ots ; and £1 10s. Value £16.-0.11853. 27th December, 1902. 2 VICTORIA POLICE DENNIS CASS, labourer, Camperdown, reports stolen from him at Noorat, on the 26th inst., a silver stop watch, has a round ring scratched on inside ; and a gold scarf-pin, with a square blue stone in centre, "92" on the back. Value £16.-0.11892. 29th December, 1902. MARY ANN WESTON, 3 Little Wellington-street, Richmond, reports stolen at Brighton Beach, on the 26th ult., a brown leather purse, clasp fastening, containing £1 7s. and two pawntickets for a gold brooch pledged at the Mont de Piste, Swanstreet, Richmond, in the name of Mary Weston.-0.11888. 29th December, 1902. RICHARD DOBBIN, marine stores dealer, 50 Stanley-street, Collingwood, reports stolen from him, on the 28th inst., a gold albert chain, long and short links; and a gold locket, with "J.M.H." on it. Value £12.-0.11900. 29th December, 1902. LAWRENCE GEORGE MARSHALL, butcher, Fenwick-street, Clifton Hill, reports stolen from him at the Prince's-bridge Railway Station, on the 26th inst., a silver hunting keyless watch, with the inscription-" Presented to Trooper L. G. Marshall on his return from the Boer War on 12.7.01" ; and a gold chain, snake pattern. Value £5.-0.11939. 30th December, 1902. JOSEPH SABELBERG, solicitor, 436 Little Collins-street, Melbourne, reports stolen from him at Lyons' Auction Rooms, Collins -street, Melbourne, on the 29th inst., a plain gold hunting keyless english lever watch, by Brush and Drummond, black dial, white figures, No. 6225. Value £25.-0.11927. 30th December, 1902. CHARLES CAIN, labourer , Hamilton, reports stolen from him at Hamilton, on or about the 1st ult., a silver rotherham watch, No. 15880. Value £5.-0.11954. 30th December, 1902. GAZETTE. [JANUARY 2, 1903. Miss LAURA HILL, 9 Mont Albert-road, East Kew, reports stolen from her dwelling, on the 24th inst., a gold bangle, set with pearls, one end slightly damaged ; a gold locket, chased, " E. W." engraved on it, set with a band of pearls, two photographs enclosed ; a cameo pendant, set in gold, oval shape ; a gold bar brooch, four pieces of gold on bar, diamond on centre; a gold neck chain, rope pattern ; and a gold pin, with chain and small square bell ; value £18 15s., the property of Miss Emily Walker ; also £1 and a gold brooch, enamelled, guitar pattern, blue and white flowers in centre ; value 5s., and the property of Miss Hall. Entrance was effected through the bath-room window. -0.11812. 26th December, 1902. See Police Gazette, 1902, p. 444. MRS. CATHERINE DIxoN's housebreaking.-Stolen at the same time, a gold brooch, woman's head on each and ; and a plain silver chain, of two fine chains with tassel.-0.11728. 26th December, 1902. THOMAS HonGERIss, brushmaker, 49 Rose-street, Fitzroy, reports stolen from his dwelling, on the 24th ult., 5 nickel-plated tea spoons, branded " W. B." over " W." on handles ; and a "Flower" razor. Stolen at the same time and place, a tan gladstone bag, slit on each side of lock, containing a new dark tweed sac suit, with a grey stripe running through ; a pair of blue vicuna pants ; a shirt with red stripes ; a double-breasted fancy white vest, with small red spots and pearl buttons ; a dozen photographs; and other articles; value £7, and the property of Albert Hansling.-0.11804. 26th December, 1902. JAMES CALDWELL, Mornington, reports stolen from his unoccupied house at 165 Gipps-street, East Melbourne, between the 19th and 23rd inst., 13 gas brackets ; 13 brass door knobs ; 8 brass bell handles ; and a brass bath plug. Value £4. Entrance was effected by forcing the catch of a window.-0,11800. 26th December, 1902. See Police Gazette, 1902, p. 444. 11OUSEEREAKING AND STEALING FROM DWELLING - HOUSES. JOHN E. BUTCHART ELLEBTON, Lansell-road, Toorak, reports stolen from his dwelling, on the 22nd inst., a lady's gold keyless Waltham watch ; a long gold chain, double bar and link pattern ; and a gold bar brooch, with large amethyst, oval shape. Value £17.-0.11789. 26th December, 1902. HENRY RODGER, baker, 23 Wellington-street, St. Kilda, reports stolen from his dwelling , on the night of the 22nd inst., a tin cash-box, containing £ 9 10s. in cash ; a silver open watch, maker -, Chalk Farm-road, London, No. 120433; 'face geneva and a gold chain, fancy links. Value £16 10s. Entrance was effected through the bedroom window.-0.11762. 26th December, 1902. HENRYBENTLEY , traveller, " Eglinton," Were-street, Brighton Beach, reports stolen from his dwelling, on the 24th inst., a gold half-hunting english lever watch, maker Benson, London, No. 777104; a double fine-curb 9-carat gold chain, with a round pendant with red stone on one side and a green stone on the other side. Value £30. Entrance was effected by forcing the bedroom window and wire blind.-0.11788. 26th December, 1902. GEORGERYLAH, auctioneer , 51 Rylah -grove, Hawthorn , reports stolen from his dwelling , on the 22nd inst., a gold bar brooch, with " Lettie " engraved on it ; a diamond collar stud ; a snakepattern gold breast-stud, set with a pearl; a pair of heavy gold sleeve-links, torpedo pattern, "G.A.R." in monogram on them; and about £ 1 in silver . Value £10. Entrance was effected by forcing the back door during the absence of the inmates.0.11754. 26th December, 1902. EDWARD WHEELER, cantractor, Kongwak , near Outtrim, reports stolen from his tent, on the 20th inst ., a blue serge sac coat; a greenish tweed sac coat and vest ; an open -face metal watch; a double -rein bridle ; and a silver -mounted pocket -book. Vaue £7. -0.11776. 26th December, 1902. ANNIE JONES, 181 Fitzroy -street, St. Kilda , reports stolen from her room , on or between the 6th and 15th inst ., a gold ring, set with three diamonds and two sapphires . Value £8.-0 .11747. 26th December, 1902. CHARLES WILLIAM SALGER, farrier , Yarram, reports stolen from his room at the Meeniyan Hotel, on the night of the 20th inst., a rug, yellow, red, and grey; 18 handkerchiefs, marked "C." in corner ; about 2 dozen collars, some 17, others 17j; a black tweed trousers, size 7; 6 pairs of ribbed black cashmere socks ; a black silk necktie ; a seaton needle ; a pair of scissors ; a case of 12 lances ; a horse tooth rasp ; a pair of flenz ; a ledger, with testimonials ; and £210s. All rolled up in a piece of black oilcloth tied with two new saddle straps , with double buckles.0.11770. 26th December, 1902. ALBERT JOHN GRAHAM, box maker, 59 Chestnut-street, South Richmond, reports stolen from his dwelling , on the 23rd inst., a navy -blue corkscrew suit; a pair of grey check trousers; a lady's silver hunting Waltham watch ; and a rolled-gold watch chain , curb pattern , with a cross and heart attached. Value 99 2a. 6d .- 0.11803. 26th December, 1902, JOHN HENRY GBAYSON'S housebreaking.-Stolen at the same time, 2 jam spoons ; a bread fork, brown bone handles, silver mounted ; a butter knife; a pickle fork ; a sugar scoop ; a mustard spoon ; a salt spoon ; all electro -plate ware ; and a silver serviette ring . Value £2.-0.11719. 26th December, 1902. See Police Gazette , 1902, p. 443. MALOOLMMCNAB'S housebreaking.-A man named James Ryan has been arrested by the Avenel police for the offence.-0.11694. 26th December, 1902. JAMES OLIVER, carpenter , Salisbury -grove, Caul field , reports stolen from his dwelling, on the 23rd inst., a bicycle, worn, No. 167, new tire on front wheel, seat broken and repaired with wire , painted black, value £7; and 2 canaries , one a dark -green, the other a yellow and green. Value £1.-0.11824. 27th Decembar, 1902. ELLEN McMAHoN, 248 Madeline -street, Carlton, reports stolen from her dwelling, on the 25th inst., a gent 's silver hunting english lever watch, glass and dial rim missing ; a gold doublealbert chain , long and small links alternately ; brass ring in centre, one brass swivel ; a gent's gold pin, star with ruby ; a black broche dress , scroll pattern ; a large pin-fire revolver, five chambers out of order; a silver locket and chain , inlaid with gold ; a fine gold chain , with two small red hearts attached ; and a heliotrope blouse , with black silk collar and cuffs . Value £12. -0.11819. 29th December, 1902. See Police Gazette , 1902, p. 444. HENRY COOP'S larceny .- Stolen at the same time, a pair of lady's grey kid gloves, black seams on back. The pearl brooch is set With 32 pearls, two missing, and has a safety -pin attached. -0.11655. 27th December, 1902. MRS. G. LEwis, 27 King William -street, Fitzroy , reports stolen from her dwelling on the 26th inst., a white honeycomb quilt; a white blanket; a grey tweed mixed sac -coat ; a lady 's threequarter black coth jacket ; a silver -mounted pipe ; a silvermounted purse, with tablet ; and a pair of trousers . Value £2. -0.11851. 29th December, 1902. WILLIAM JOHNSTON, veterinary surgeon , 157 Toorak-road, South Yarra , reports stolen from his dwelling , on the 26th inst., a horse gag ; and a gold-mounted umbre lla. Value £6 5s. Entrance was effected by forcing the lock of the back door.0.11859. 29th December, 1902. CHARLES BRUECHART,licensee , Sawmi ll s Hotel , Charleston-road, Back Creek , reports stolen from his hotel , between 12 midnight on the 25th and 6 a.m . on the 26th inst ., 3 bottles ofgeneva gin; 2 bottles of dry gin ; 2 dozen of english , stout, large and small ; about f lbs. of dark and light Have1'ock tobacco , in plugs ; 2 dozen cakes of blacking ; 6 large bottles of tomato sauce ; and 5s. Value Z. Entrance was effected through the ce ll ar door. -0.11870. 29th December, 1902. JOHN MOLLOY, clerk, 17 Grandview -terrace , Moonee reports stolen from his dwelling , on the 25th inst ., a gold horseshoe pattern, with " Good luck" in raised letters ; morocco leather purse ; a green morocco leather puree ; 19s. 3d. in money . Total value £9 19e. 3d.--(),11874. December, 1902. Ponds, brooch, a black and £6 2% 11 JANUARY2, 1903.] VICTORIA POLICE HARRIETDEVINE, 59 O'Grady- street , Albert Park, reports stolen from her dwelling, on or about the 23rd ult., a seven-stone diamond ring , 18-et. gold, claw setting ; and a 9-ct. gold bangle, with padlock. Value £8 5s.-O.11879. 29th December, 1902. OTTO JUNOR, civil servant, 1163 Hoddle-street, East Melbourne, reports stolen from his dwelling, on the 27th inst., a lady's gold open-face geneva watch, and a compass pendant attached ; a lady's gold hunting geneva watch, white dial, engine-turned case, "Saunders" scratched on back; an open-face waterbury watch, in a celluloid case ; an open-face geneva metal watch, in a celluloid case ; a lady's gold dress ring, set with 5 diamonds ; a lady's gold bangle, with padlock and key, with the initials " L.F." on it ; an old-fashioned open-face english lever watch, out of order ; a pair of gent's silver sleeve links, dumbbell and ball ; and a small gold patent watch-key. Value £18 18s. 6d. Entrance was effected by means of a skeleton key.-0.11878. 29th December, 1902. MRS. ANNIE SMITH, 11 Loxton-street, East Kew, reports stolen from her dwelling, on the 24th inst., a lady's plain gold keeper ring, broken ; 2 ladies' gold brooches, plain bar pattern, one has " Edie Smith on it ; and a metal penknife. Value 15s. Entrance was effected by forcing the back door with an axe.-0.11813. 29th December, 1902. DOUGLAS RUTHERFORD, grazier, Maryvale, near Morwell, reports stolen from his dwelling, on the 26th inst., a dark tweed sac suit ; a darkish green tweed sac suit, 3 buttons on front of coat, one missing; a small brown leather purse ; a plain gold shirtfront stud ; and 3 old-fashioned shirt-front studs, set with a darkred stone. Value £7.-0.11887. 29th December, 1902. LoTTIE WEBB, "Narella," Bay-street, North Brighton, reports stolen from her room between the 23rd and 27th inst., a bracelet, with large sapphire surrounded by sixteen diamonds ; and a steel chain. Value £30.-0.11880. 29th December, 1903. See Police Gazette , 1902, p. 443. HARRY B. Go0LD 's housebreaking .- Seven of the books have been recovered , and Alice Smith , alias Ada Carson , arrested for the offence .-0.11595. 30th December, 1902. MRS. CATHERINE MORRISON , licensed victualler, Shire Hall Hotel , Kerang, reports stolen from her room, on the night of the 27th inst ., a white canvas bag, with " Bank of Victoria," written on it, containing a red morocco leather purse ; 5 £1 notes ; 5 sovereigns ; a half -sovereign ; about £3 10s . in silver; 2 cheques for £1 each , drawn by D. G. Rattray, on the National Bank, Kerang ; and a cheque for £2, drawn by E. R. Davey, on the Bank of Victoria , Kerang.-o.11943 . 30th December, 1902. ALBERT JAMES PEARCE, joiner, Argyle-street, Balwyn, reports stolen from his dwelling, between the 24th and 26th inst., about 25 foreigncopper coins. Value 4s. Included are a United States 3 cent. piece ; and a Mexican quarter dollar.-0.11941. 30th December, 1902. ARTHUR STEVENSON , traveller , 2 Kinkora-road, Hawthorn, reports stolen from his dwelling, on the 23rd inst., a lady's gold ring , " Forget-me-not," on it; an old gold watch ; 2 pairs of gent's boots, one pair tan colour; about 4s. worth of penny stamps; and Is. ld. in cash. Value £7. Entrance was effected by forcing the catch of a front window.-0.11949. 30th December, 1902. CLAUDE ANDREWS, bee farmer, Lyndhurst, near Dandenong, reports stolen from his dwelling, on or about the 9th inst., a gent's single stone diamond ring, 18-ct. gold, claw setting, No. 5219, scratched inside, and branded with a ship in a star of five points. Value £14.-0.11967. 31st December, 1902. C. T. HOUSTON, cutler, 19 Abbott-grove, Clifton Hill, reports stolen from his dwelling on the 29th inst., a black sac suit, silk facings on coat, "M. Joseph" on tab of coat and buttons of trousers ; a black cashmere dress and blouse, trimmed with black silk hands ; a white nightgown ; a white chemise; and 2 gold bar brooches. Entrance was affected through a back window.-0.11963. 31st December, 1902. HUGH J. ELLEGELS. clerk, 174 Gatehouse-street, Parkville, reports stolen from his dwelling on the 29th inst., a dark overcoat, velvet collar, name "Craig, Williamson, and Thomas" on tab; a drab mackintosh coat without cape, slit side pockets, name "J. Miller Anderson, Adelaide," on tab ; a pair of brown lined gloves; a navy blue silk scarf with thin stripes; and a leather cigar case.-O.11962. 31st December, 1902. MRS. MARIA CRAWFORD, 35 Courtney -street, North Melbourne, reports stolen from her dwelling , between the 23rd and 29th inst., a looking glass and 2 pairs of double linen bed sheets. Value 12s Entrance was effected by means of a skeleton key.0.11980. 31st December, 1902. GEORGE D. HUTCHIES, traveller, 43 Nimmo-street, Middle Park, reports stolen from his dwelling on the 30th inst., a gent's gold breast-pin, horseshoe and whip ; an E.P. cake basket ; a ruby and white glass jam dish ; a lady's black cashmere skirt, heavy material, with straps down front ; a black silk blouse, tucked, cuffs and neck trimmed with cream lace, puffed sleeves ; a white damask tablecloth, fruit pattern ; and a traveller's sample bag. Value £10. Entrance was effected by means of a skeleton key.-0.12001. 31st December, 1902. GAZETTE. 3 See Police Ga;ette, 1902, p. 436. WILLIAM TINwoRTH' s housebreaking .-The lady' s gold rang is set with a large sapphire and surrounded by small diamonds with smaller sapphires between diamonds.-0.11289. 31st December, 1902. WILLIAM ENNI3 is charged, on warrant, with stealing from the bedroom of Francis Fi eeman, labourer, Kamrooke station, near Itaywood, at 51 Campb=li-street, Collingwood, on the night of the 29th inst., a brown leather purse containing a £5-note three £1-notes, and 2 sovereigns ; value £10 is. 6d. Description :- A labourer, 23 years of age , 5 feet 10 inches high, fair complexion, light-brown hair, small fair moustache only, blue eyes ; wore a dark-brown sac suit, and a light soft-felt hat.-0.11990. 31st December, 1902. WILLIAM VEALE, smith's striker, 229 Franklin-street, West Melbourne, reports stolen from his room, on the 30th inst., a gold hunting geneva watch, No. 16302, chased dial, No. 52744 scratched inside; and an english gold chain, small links. Value £8.-0.11982. 31st December, 1902. MRS. WALDRON. licensee, Darebin Creek Hotel, Ivanhoe, reports stolen from her hotel, between half-past twelve and six a.m. on the 30th inst , a bottle of Hennessy's brandy ; a bottle of Mitchell's whisky ; a bottle of Scotch whisky ; a bottle of schnapps; is box of cigars ; a box of cigarettes ; 2 lbs. of candles; and 6s. Value £2 10s. Entrance was effected by forcing the bar parlor window and then the bar door.-O.12000. 31st December, 1902. MRS. JANE POSNER, 24 Albert-street, Fast Brunswick, reports stolen from her dwelling, on the 28th inst., Is. lid. in pence. Entrance was effected through a back window.-0.11979. 31st December, 1902. .JOHNA. ROBERTSON , shipping clerk, 101 Lewisham -road, Prahran, reports stolen from his dwelling , on the 29th inst., a Klein razor, rounded at point of blade ; value 5s. 6d. Entrance was effected by breaking the glass of the kitchen window.-0.11975. 31st December, 1902. A. SMITHERS, beotmaker, 22 Percy-street, Fitzroy, reports stolen from his dwelling between the 27th and 30th inst., a fawn sac suit ; a dark coat and vest ; a black cashmere skirt ; a pair of blankets ; a gent's nickel watch ; a pair of gent's tan boots ; and a fawn alpine hat. Value £10.-0.11974. 31st December, 1902. See Police Gazette, 1902, p. 283. EMILY MAUD ROBB's larceny.-Three pieces of muslin; two undervests ; a bodice ; a pair of corsets ; a pair of fur lined slippers ; 2 fur cuffs, a sable necklet ; and a silk sash, have been returned by carrier to complainant.--0.7474. 31st December, 1902. STEALING OTHERWISE THAN FROM THE PERSON OR FROM DWELLINGS. GUNN AND HIsaINs , curled hair manufacturers , Stubb- street, Kensington , report stolen from their premises on the night of the 22nd inst., three pairs of brass fi ttings for a gas engine, No. 13928. Value £3.-0.11760. 26th December, 1902. NEWBOLD AND Co., plumbers, 141 Brunswick- street, Fitzroy, report stolen from their premises during the past three days, a hand truck, old and out of repair, with the name of Newbold and Co. painted on it in several places. Value £2.-0.11777. 26th December, 1902. R. J. GILBERTSON,butcher, 161 Pascoe Vale-road, Moonee Ponds, reports stolen from his premises, on the night of the 22nd inst., about Is. in pence ; and a cart and set of harness. Value £510s. The cart and harness were found in Carlton on the 23rd inst. 0.11734. 26th December, 1902. TYE SHING AND Co., cabinetmakers, 22 Market-lane, Melbourne, reports stolen from their shop on the night of the 23rd inst., several packets of brass handles, locks, hinges, and wardrobe hooks. Value £20. Entrance was effected by means of a skeleton key.-O.11787. 26th December, 1902. KATE WHITELAW, 22 Greville-street, Prahran, reports stolen from her premises on the 23rd inst., a white honeycomb quilt, 2 white underskirts, marked BE " on the band ; 7 bath towels, marked Whitelaw ; a gent's white coat, marked " F H "; and a number of other articles. Value £2.-0.11766. 26th December, 1902. MCFARLANE BROTHERS, 26 Queen's-parade, North Fitzroy, report stolen from their store on the 21st or 22nd inst., about 400 cornsacks. Value £5. Entrance was effected by breaking a small window at the rear of the premises.-0.11761. 26th December, 1902. JOHN DOUGLAS , shop fitter , 46 Howe -crescent , Albert Park, reports stolen at Block -place , off Little Collins -street, Melbourne, on the 22nd inst., a second-hand bicycle, built of Perry's, and B.S.A. parts, no tips on handle bars , bent handles , Oceanic front tire , ideal tire on the back, 84 gear, 24-inch frame . Value £5.0.11748. 25th December, 1902. 4 VICTORIA POLICE Miss E. 1). NICHOLSON, 119 Brighton-road, St. Kilda, reports Stolen at the Spencer-street railway station, on the 23rd inst , a brown leather gladstoue bag, about 2 feet G inches long; with a nickel plate with letters " E.T).N." ; containing a silver back hand-mirror ; hair brush and clothes brush ; a pin tray ; a black skirt ; a white lustre skirt ; a blue and white delaine dressing gown ; sortie underclothing; a box of handkerchiefs, some marked "D. Nicholson," and others " E. D.N." ; a tennis racket ; a pale blue dressing jacket ; and a blot pad.-0.11808. 26th December, 1902. FREDERICK COSIER, tailor's cutter, 5 Groem-street, North Fitzroy, reportsstolenin Bourke-street, Melbourne, on the 23rd inst., a Carbine bicycle, B.S.A. parts, Dunlop tires, new handle tips, Brooks saddle, nearly new. Value £lO.-O.11740. 26th December, 1902. Bouenv BROS ., storekeepers , 166 Pascoe Vale-road , Moonee Ponds, reports stolen from their shop. on the night of the 22nd ult., about 20 Ibs. butter ; 10 lbs. bacon ; a tin of biscuits ; .901bs. tea, various brands ; a quantity of tobacco and cigarettes ; a quantity of cocoa ; and some other provisions . Value £15. Entrance was effected by means of a skeleton key.-0.11744. 26th December, 1902. WILLIAM WRIGHT, labourer, Melton, reports stolen at Melton, on the 25th inst., a bicycle, No. 1623, dent on top bar, nickel off front gear wheel. Value £5 10s.-O 11845. 27th December, 19J2. JOHN MCKAY, clothier, Walton-street, Werribee, reports stolen from his shop, between the 19th and 24th inst., a silver walthsm watch, No. 798313-17 ; 2 blue chesterfield overcoats, 1' size ; a brown chesterfield overcoat, small size; a number of c 'tton underpants ; a brown tweed suit ; a black tweed suit, without vest ; a black corkscrew coat, braided edges ; several blue dungaree shirts ; and an air gun. Value £14.-0.11844. 27th December, 1902. See Police Gazette, 1902, p. 445. ALBERT WErcatr,'s larceny of a boat.-The boat recove ed.-O.11723. 27th December, 19(2. has been See Pollee Gazette 1902, p. 418. STANLEYGADSDEN'S larceny.-The bicycle has been recovered, and Harold Trinder arrested for stealing the Sallie. -0.10U11A. 27th December, 1902. See Police Gazette,1902, p. 445. CHARLESFREE'S larceny .-The cockatoo and stand have been recovered , not st .len.-0.11651. 29th December, 1902. A. J. Rowe, Wheatley-road, Brighton, reports stolen from his cart in Little Bourke-street, Melbourne, on the 27th inst., a blue melton cloth overcoat ; and an umbrella, straight handle, silver monut. Value £3 Os. 6d.-O. 11877. 29th December, 1902. NICHOLAS WIPPNER, Be ll iigo , on the 22nd hair, prick ears, lame Value £a.-0.11897. farmer, Colbinabbin, reports stolen at inst., a black and tan sheep slut, smooth in one hind leg ; and with a leather collar, 29th December, 1902. WILLIAM I(EATS.-A warrant of commitment has been issued by the Melbourne Bench against William Keats, for 1 month's imprisonment for larceny. Description :-A hawker, about 28 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, stout build, fair complexion, fair moustache ; wore a light sac suit and a light soft-felt hat.0.11883. 29th December, 1902. JoHV MANNING, butcher, Morwell, reports stolen from his yard, at Morwell, between the 18th and 21st inst., a dark-red or roan cow hide, skin of cheeks, ears, and tail attached ; branded, supposed F, on off rump, Value 13s.-0.11S86. 29th December, 1902. JAMES CRUICKSIIANK,bullock driver, Avenel, reports stolen at Mangalore, near Avenel, on the 12th inst., a yellow cattle dog, 8 years old, bushy tail, cut on near eye, one hind foot flattened out through a wagger, running over it. Value £4. 0.11891. 29th December, 1902. WILLIAM ALLEN, manager , Golden S tream Tribute Coy., White Hills, near Smeaton , reports stolen from the mine at White Hills, between the 19th and 22nd inst ., a hag of crushed oats; a long handle square-mouth shovel ; a shovel, square mouth, short handle ; a pair of chains ; a blacksmith' s hamtrier; 2 ills. candles ; 2 lbs. nails. Vale £ 2 10s.-0.11895. 29th December, 1902. See Police Gazette, WILLIAM P. BEST'S larceny.-John tented en other charges, admits December, 1902. 1902, p. 361. Bolton, arrested and sellthis offence.-O 9394. 29th GAZETTE. [JANUARY 2, 1903. I JACKsoN BROTHERS, storekeepers, Fish Creek, near Foster, report stolen from their shop on the 25th or 26th inst., i6 lbs. of small plugs light havelock; 12 lbs. of small plugs of dark havelock ; 5 lbs. of quarter-pound plugs dark havelock ; 6 lbs. of quarter pound plugs of light havelock; some yankee doodle tobacco ; 12 tins sardines ; 6 tins of salmon, and 3 cakes. Value £10. Entrance was effected by forcing a window at the rear.0.11918. 31st December, 1902. HENRY CUR'rrs, farmer, Carlsruhe, reports stolen from his buggy 2 new white at Mollison-street, Kyneton, on the 27th inst., counterpanes ; 2 new pairs of ladies' glace kid boots, one pair plain, the other with toe caps ; a pair of heavy leather boots for a lady, recently half-soled, branded "Hugh Thompson" on inside. Value £2.-0.11914. 30th December, 1902. WILLIAM STAMBROUGH, labourer, 22 William-street, Richmond, reports stolen from his premises on the 26th i.rist., a black greyhound slut, cross scar on chest, scar on off hind leg, and a red leather collar with " W.S." stamped on a silver plate. Value £5.-0.11910. 30th December, 1902. N. G. CHANCELLOR, manager , New North Discovery Gold Mining Company, Clarkeville, near Bendoc , reports stolen from the battery, on the 19th or 20th inst ., a battery copper plate, 3 feet 9 in. by 4 ft. 7 in., dent on plate from a weight falling on it, carrying about oz. of gold. - 0.11931. 30th December, 1902. WILLIAM LEE, customs officer. Melbourne, reports stolen from No. 8 shed, Victoria Dock, Melbourne, between the 24th and 29th ult., two cases of turpentine, each containing two tins, 4 gallons in each tin , cases marked "C.T.M." and "2083" in a diamond mark. Value £2 10s.-0.11936. 30th December, 1902. WILLIAM SWINBURNE, secretary to The Melbourne Hydraulic Power Company, Melbourne, reports stolen from outside their premises, on the 29th inst., a 6-in. cast-iron hydraulic pressure flanged bend-pipe, 1} in. thick, 2 ft. 8 in . long, tarred , weight about 4 cwt. Value £3.-0.11937. 30th December, 1902. JEREMIAH CROSSLAND, hay and corn dealer, 91 Park- street, South Melbourne, reports stolen from his van, between Twelve midnight on the 26th inst. and One a.m. on the 27th inst., a brown leather case, lined with dark blue velvet, brass snib, containing a carving knife, fork, and steel, black polished handles, electro- plated mountings. Value £2. 0.11950. 30th December, 1902. E. L. ARMSTRONG, librarian, Public Library, Melbourne, reports stolen from the library, between April and December, 1902, Book of Holland's Jurisprudence, No. 1500.3.21 ; one book, Broom on Legal Maxims. No. 1501.1.5; Broderick and Fremantle, Eccles' Judgment, No. 1507.410; Wharton, Law Lexicon, 10th ed., No. 1541.6.11; Brooke, Office Practice of a Notary, No. 1542.3.16; Wallace and Williamson, Law to Letters Patent, No. 1548.1.14; Kerly, Law of Trade Marks, No. 1518.1.15; two volumes, Prideaux, Pree. io Conveyancing, vols. 1. and 1I., No. 1548.3.11 and No. 1548.3.12 ; Fisher, Law of Mortgage, No. 1548.3.13; Copp, American Mining Code, No. 1548.4.1 ; Gale, Law of Easements, 7th ed., No. 1548.4.25; Key and Elphinstone, Precedents in Conveyancing, two volumes, Nos. 1548.6.30 and 31; Kelly's Draftsman, No. 1558.1.20; Foa, Relations of Landlord and Tenant, No. 1558.2.25 ; Lewin, Law of Trusts, 10th ed., No. 1554.3.10 ; Kerr, Fraud and Mistake, No. 1.558.4.7; Cripps, Law of Compensation, No. 1559.3.5 ; Conte's Common Form Practice, No. 1559.3.15; Beal. Law of Bailments, No. 1554.1.1 ; Palmer, Company Precedents, 7th ed., Part I., No. 1564.2.24; Palmer, Company Precedents, 8th ed., Parts I. and IT., No. 1564.2.25 and 26; Byles, Bills of Exchange, No. 1564.4.19 ; Saunders, Maritime Law, No. 1564.5.16 ; Thomson, Modern Equity, No. 1570.1.15; Wait, Law of Constructure, No. 1571.4.1; Wheeler, Practice of Private Bills, No.1571.5.1 ; Pratt, Law of Highways, No. 1571.5.3; Armstrong, Law of Gold Mining, No. 1571.5.10; Bullen, Prec. of Pleadings, No. 1572.1.11 ; Powell, Law of Evidence, No. 1572.2.16; Prec. Of Costs under Judie. Act 1883, No. 1572.5.10; Best, Law of Evidence, 9th ed., No. 1572.5.23. Value £45 17s. 9d.-0.11605. 31st December, 1902. STONE BROS. AND CUMMING, boot manufacturers, North Fitzroy, report stolen from the loft the 29th inst., a Set of nickel pony harness, head strap,no keeper on off side tug of patent clip, brass mounts. Value £1 December, 1902. 288 Rae-street, of their premises, on no keepers on foresaddle,reinshave a 108.-0.11938. 31st JAMES LEONARD, watchmaker , 181 Victoria-parade, Fitzroy, reports stolen from his shop, on the 29th inst ., a gent ' s bicycle, 24-in. frame , B.S.A. parts, trame enamelled black except top bar, which has been replaced .-0.11925. 31st December, 1902. JAMES Stolen saddle, stamped crupper, HAMILTON, station manager, at Swift's Creek, near Cassius, in good order, on one flap, square nickel '' Makers thin pads, stirrup-irons: make, square buckles, single -0.11965. 31st December, reins, 1902. Ensay, near Caesilis, on the 26th inst., reports a stock Loder, Ritchie, Melbourne," split leather girth, leather and a bridle, queensland plain iron bit. Value £3 lOs. See Police Ga_ctte, 1901, p. 143. DR. JOHN CooKE's larceny :-'1 be bicycles have been recoveie I by the Piahran police, and Henry Joseph Cochrane and Alice Maud Cochrane arrested for stealing the same --0,3276. 80th 1) eceinber, 1902. JAMES J. CoGHISAN, brewer, Victoria-street, Ballarat East, reports stolen at Warrenheip, on the 29th ult., a gent's white mackintosh overcoat, no cape, soiled at back of collar. Value £2 lOe,--0,11994. 31st December, 1902, JANITACY 2, 1903.] VICTORIA POLICE 14. A. CATLIN, butcher, Elmore, reports stolen at Elmore, on the night of the 24th inst., a fat cross-bred ewe, branded W in blue on back. Value 12s. 6d.-O.11890. 29th December, 1902. 15. THOMAS W. B. GRANGER, school teacher, Drouin South, reports stolen at Drouin South, on the 21st or 22nd inst., a dark bay buggy horse, thick set cob, 9 years old, black points, off front hoof split, branded WD on off shoulder, shod. Value £30. -0.11894. 29th December, 1902. 16. ELLEN FERGUSON, Graytown, 15 miles from Nagambie, reports stolen at Graytown, on the 16th inst., a strawberry cow, broken horn ; 2 red and white spotted cows ; a red cow, bald face ; a roan steer, two years old : and a cream coloured jersey heifer, all branded TF conjoined on off rump; also a yearling calf, unbranded. Value £25.-0.11907. 30th December, 1902. 17. JAMES BOWDEN, butcher, Egerton, reports stolen at Egerton on the night of the 20th or on the 21st inst., a small black and white harrow pig, 3 months old, ring in nose, berkshire breed. Value 12s. 6d.-0.11913. 30th December, 1902. 18. CONRADWINTER, butcher, Gordon, reports stolen at Gordon, between the 11th a•id 13th inst., a black and white Berkshire pig, 3 months old, heart shape piece punched out of left ear. Value £1.-0.11921. 30th December, 1902. 19. THOMAS WILLIAM MORRIS, labourer, Camperdown, reports stolen at Camperdown, between the 21st and 24th inst., a brown mare, cobby, for a buggy, short tail, aged, branded AB on the near shoulder, off hind hock slightly enlarged, in full milk when lost.-0.11919. 30th December, 1902. 20. JOHN WOOD WEETMAN, pork butcher, Mentone, reports stolen or strayed at Mentone, on the night of the 3rd inst., a dark bay mare, 5 years old, about 14 hands, branded S in circle on the near shoulder. Slightly lame in off bin i foot. Value £10. -0.11932. 30th December, 1902. 21. JOHN STEWART ANDERSON, saddler, Sandford, GAZETTE. 7 OWNER required by the Russell-street police for a parcel of old clothing, found on the n)rth bank of the River Yarra on the 30th inst.-O.11960. 31st December, 1902. See Police Gazette, 1902, p. 448. OWNER required by the Back Creek police for a pair of winkers.The winkere have been claimed by Francis McCullough, driver, Back Creek.-0.11529. 31st December, 1902. See Police Gazette, 1902, p. 448. OWNER required by the Kyabram police for two £1 notes.-The money has been claimed by and handed over to ThomasEdgren. -0.11587. 31st December, 1902. MISSING FRIENDS. JOHN EDWARDS is inquired for by N. Jones, Boundarystreet, Croydon, N.S.W. He arrived in Melbourne in 1860 by the ship Donald McKay, from Liverpool, England. About 29 years ago he was in Echuca. He is a coppersmith, and was for some time in the employ of Rawdon Bros ., coppersmiths, Russell -street, Melbourne, after his arrival.-O.11745. 26th December, 1902. See Police Gazette, 1902, p. 440. ADAai SANDER was arrested by the Sunbury police, land committed to the Sunbury Asylum.-0.11366. 26th December, 1902. reports stolen at Sandford, on the 20th inst., a dark bay or brown horse, aged, about 15 hands, banded M (supposed) on the near shoulder, white blaze on face, off hind fetlock white, switch tail, shod, broken to saddle and harness. Value £10.- 0.11993. 31st December, 1902. 22. JOHN D. STEWART,farmer, Mount Rowan, reports stolen at the Ballarat Common, on or about the 28th ult., a bay filly, well-bred hack, 2 years old, branded R on the near shoulder, faint star; and a brown pony gelding, a yearling, branded S reversed on the near shoulder. Value £15.-0.11997. 31st December, 1902. PROPERTY FOUND. HECTORMIEACHARN is missing from his home at 90 Elgin -street, Carlton, since the 27th inst . Description :-About 29 years of age, 5 feet 4 inches high , medium build , dark complexion, slight dark moustache only ; wore a blue serge suit , white shirt, navyblue tie with white spots, and a soft black hat .- 0.11884. 29th December, 1902. ON the 20th inst. a man named James Sheedy died at Shepparton from a fracture of the skull . Deceased had a sum of £1912s. 2d. in the Savings Bank at Shepparton . It is said he has a son named Roger, aged about 16 years, and two younger daughters. He also had two nephews, John Roger and Patrick Scully. Inquiries are required for the deceased 's relatives.0.11929. 30th December, 1902. OWNERrequired by the Russell-street police for a red and green stone pendant , gold mount; found in Flinders- street , Melbourne, on the 24th inst. -0.11818. 27th December, 1902. OWNER required by the Russell-street police for 2 false teeth in vulcanite, found in Swanston-street, Melbourne, on the 23rd inst. -0.11741. 26th December, 1902. OWNERrequired by the Albert Park police for a lady's fur boa with tips , found in Victoria -avenue, Albert Park , on the 26th inst.-0.11871 . 29th December, 1902. By Authority: DESERTERS FROM H.M. SERVICE. CHARLES E. MAUNDER deserted H.M.S. Dart, at Sydney, on the 13th inst. Description :-English. domestic, 27 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, light-brown hair, blue eyes , fair complexion. £3 reward for his arrest within two years from date of desertion .-0.11751. 26th December, 1902. RoNT. S. BRAIN, Government Printer, Melbourne. Getting around this CD NAVIGATING ARCHIVE CD BOOKS CDs All Archive CD Books products can be navigated easily using the handy bookmarks on each CD. The table of contents in most original books, and the original book index where it exists, can provide additional ways of finding the information required. SEARCHING TEXT ON ARCHIVE CD BOOKS AUSTRALIA CDs Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology has been developing over the years as a useful mechanism to convert images (as Archive CD Books pages are) into text which can be searched. The quality of the OCR can still vary, and hence the searchability can vary. Around 95% or 99% of the words in books with good type are searchable—or even higher with very good type. OCR is now a wonderful searching aid in many instances but there is still no substitute for reading the book! DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF ADOBE ACROBAT READER Adobe Acrobat Reader 4 or later should be used. Adobe Reader 6 (as it is now named) in fact has considerably better searching options and is recommended. • • • Acrobat Reader v4 has both a "Find" and a "Search" tool. Those tools are two *totally* different things. Our CDs (that are searchable) work with the *FIND* tool Acrobat Reader v5 has only a "Find" tool (not a "search" tool). Our CDs (that are searchable) work with the *FIND* tool. Adobe Reader v6 has only a "Search" tool (not a tool labelled "Find") HOWEVER — what is called "Search" is the same as the tool that used to be called "Find" Our CDs (that are searchable) work with the *SEARCH* tool TIPS FOR SEARCHING AND GETTING MORE FROM THE CD BOOKS • update to Adobe Reader 6 for more versatile searching options, including the ability to bring up a list of all instances of the word you are searching for — across multiple files on a single CD in a single search request. • enter the MINIMUM number of characters needed to bring up the search results required. • use Adobe Reader 6 to do some trial searches to try to identify the characters that may be misread. These can show up in the extra text in the search results list (Adobe 6 only). A few minutes trial will help you to avoid using characters that are more prone to being misread, e.g. try entering "rederi" if you want "Frederick", but find that the letters "F" "c" and "k" are sometimes misread. • use the "Match whole word" option to eliminate unnecessary items in your results list, e.g. to eliminate all the blacksmiths and tinsmiths etc when you only want the name Smith • use the "Match case" option when you want to eliminate all the occupations "smith" if you only want the name "Smith" • Don’t just search for names. Search the book for other names, places and subjects of interest: - look for others of the same name - look for others who lived in the same place or street - who was the postmaster or police officer in the town? - how often and at what time did the coach arrive in town? - what churches were there and what time were services held? - what other activities were there in the community? - look for others who had the same occupation of other interests • All of this and more may be available in a seemingly mundane book such as a directory. You could learn or write much of the background of life at the time, even if your ancestor is not listed there. ADOBE ACROBAT SEARCHING IS A WONDERFUL FIRST FINDING AID. BUT DO NOT RELY ON IT TO PICK UP ALL THE INFORMATION YOU WANT
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