Together 2010


Together 2010
Cover story:
Spiral wound lining specialists
Two companies linked by a CIPP liner
China premiere for SPRTM
The second value underlying the
mission statement of the SEKISUI SPR
Group is the creation of synergies.
The pooling of technological and
constructional expertise enables us
to cover the entire value-added chain
and obtain in-depth knowledge of the
market. In this issue of TOGETHER you
can read how our technology subsidiary
SEKISUI NordiTube and construction
company KMG cooperate closely and
profit from one another.
by Lena Zemke
Interview with KMG branch
Edmund Luksch presents
Dear Colleagues,
New subsidiary in the capital
ISO 14001 for SSPRE
Synergies efficiently used
Those who want to be successful in
their work and make a convincing
appearance need one thing in particular:
a clear self-image and a vision. Since
2005 the SEKISUI SPR Group has
formulated these basic principles in
its corporate philosophy “Forming
Global Connections”. But what lies
behind these three words?
Premiere for SPRTM
25 years of SEKISUI Rib Loc
Social and environmental
Cards being reshuffled
Forming Global Connections – at
SEKISUI SPR this means quite literally
the linking of strong and established
local companies into a global network.
Our customers profit from this wealth
of experience: they enjoy increased
benefits with a lower risk. Tasks are
combined with solutions, problems are
followed by results. In this issue we
also report on outstanding projects e.g.
a rehabilitation contract with SPRTM
in Beijing.
The third level behind “Forming Global
Connections” is, seen more abstractly,
the reconnection of pipes in the rehabilitation of underground infrastructure
networks. An intact sewer system
protects the groundwater and keeps the
drinking water clean. Water leakages
are stopped and thus the unnecessary
wastage of resources. The concept of
environmental protection is already
deeply anchored in our core business.
In this TOGETHER we introduce the
department responsible for establishing
and observing our CSR (Corporate
Social Responsibility) policy. It goes
without saying that this takes place at
both a global and local level: “Forming
Global Connections” manifests itself in
many forms and is far more than merely
three words.
Lena Zemke
Spiral wound experts
Cover: KMG LinerTec specialists at the
Munich site (from left): Marcel Kohnke,
Jens Wypior and Kevin Rummel.
Editor: Lena Zemke
Julius-Müller-Str. 6
32816 Schieder-Schwalenberg, Germany
Tel. +49 (0) 52 84 - 705 0
Fax +49 (0) 52 84 - 705 410
Layout and typesetting:
Nowak & Schweickhardt GmbH
Ringseisstr. 8,
80337 Munich, Germany
KMG is one of the most tradition-based companies SEKISUI SPR Europe. In an interview with
TOGETHER Oliver Timm and Alexander Heil, managers of the northern and eastern branches,
introduce “their” KMG – a major, well-known and powerful German rehabilitation company which
combines innovative power and customer proximity in the construction sector.
What is your role at KMG Pipe
Technologies GmbH?
Heil: I am manager of the KMG eastern
branch. My duties include customer and
order acquisition. In project handling
I provide advice and support to our
project managers and developers.
Timm: At the moment I am performing
a double function for KMG: as manager
of the northern branch in Hamburg
and as divisional manager for the pipe
rehabilitation segment throughout
How would you describe KMG?
Timm: KMG offers a broad service portfolio, high standards of quality and work
safety and as innovation ambassador
in the spiral-wound pipe lining method
(SPR) for egg-shaped and special
profiles it is one of Europe’s market
When was the company founded?
How did KMG continue to develop?
Heil: The company was founded in the
1950s and became known as the Kanal
Müller Group first and foremost in
the field of sewer cleaning and TV
inspection. Today we still have the
three letters KMG in our name. KMG
was one of the first companies on the
rehabilitation market. With developments such as the KM Partliner, KM
Sideliner and KM-Inliner in the early
1980s KMG played a pioneering role
in pipe rehabilitation. In the following
decades the company was instrumental
in shaping the rehabilitation business.
KMG has gone a long way in winning
over decision-makers for the new
technologies as alternatives to
conventional sewer construction.
Are there customers, partners or
suppliers with whom you have a
longstanding working relationship?
Heil: As far as I can recollect Hermes,
our supplier of repair mortar, has been
a partner of KMG since 1984. That
amounts to a respectable 26 years of
joint development and experience.
Timm: On the customer side KMG has
performed pioneering work with, e.g.
Hamburg’s sewage utility company
(HSE) over the past 25 years in the area
of pipe lining. Our partnership has since
progressed beyond the outline agreement. The Hamburg sewage utility
company is a key reference for us –
even for foreign projects of various
different sizes. Several standards and
regulations are now based on our
pioneering work with HSE.
What do customers especially
appreciate about KMG?
Timm: Customers appreciate our local
proximity and our high standards of
quality and work safety. In addition, KMG
is flexible in all respects. We can supply
anything that is available on the market,
e.g. different carrier materials or curing
methods. The only constraint is technical
feasibility. Furthermore, KMG quickly
recognises trends and wishes on the
market and loses no time in responding,
which is, for example, evident through
the inclusion of GfK pipe liners in the
product portfolio four years ago.
Oliver Timm (right) and
Alexander Heil, branch manager
of the northern and eastern
KMG subsidiary.
How do you see your role in the group
setup of SEKISUI SPR Europe (SSPRE)?
Which fascinating construction
projects are you currently working on?
Heil: In the group setup, KMG is as a
contractor in the construction sector.
KMG is thus the executive arm of SSPRE
and has close links to customers.
Heil: In Berlin we are rehabilitating a
difficult 800 m section of a sewer of diameter 800 mm. The line runs beneath
a graveyard, thus access is extremely
limited. The related single installation
length is 360 m. In Lauchhammer an
approx. 2 km section sewer of diameters 300 and 400 mm is currently being
renewed by the spiral-wound pipe
lining method across rough terrain. Nor
should we forget an exciting project in
centre of Innsbruck, where we are rehabilitating 1.7 km of diameter 250–500
Timm: The company is a key link as far
as the shareholder approach of SEKISUI
SPR Europe in terms of the value chain
is concerned: the value-added chain is
fully exploited by the development,
production and finally the installation
of products.
mm sewer lines and a special eggshaped 700/1300 mm pipe with steam
Timm: In Hanover the KMG northern
branch is currently rehabilitating 330 m
of eggshaped sewer with diameters of
730/1100 mm by the PULL-INLINERTM
method. That could be a record-breaker
as far as construction projects go!
Overall we are installing 5 km of pipe
liners in various parts of the city by different liner methods (GRP and needle
felt, UV and hot water curing) in large,
medium and small nominal widths and
in circular and special profiles.
Edmund Luksch presents SEKISUI SPR Europe at SEKISUI headquarters
The major industrial concern SEKISUI is successful in a number of fields which widely digress
from its core business. On the occasion of the annual anniversary celebrations of SEKISUI in Japan,
Edmund Luksch had the honour of presenting the successful concept of SEKISUI SPR Europe (SSPRE)
that is of key importance for the SEKISUI group.
The annual anniversary marks the
founding of the SEKISUI Group on
3 March 1947. A ceremony has been
held in the month of March since the
company's establishment, and this
year the event was celebrated in the
Japanese city of Kyoto. All managing
directors of SEKISUI companies world-
At the SEKISUI anniversary ceremony 2010, Edmund Luksch presented SEKISUI SPR Europe to the managing directors of the SEKISUI companies worldwide.
wide had been invited. During the twoday meeting internal workshops were
held and awards presented within the
group. The SEKISUI SPR group received the distinction of “Attractive quality
product” and was able to present itself
as one of three companies with the
trenchless pipe rehabilitation business.
Edmund Luksch, President of SEKISUI
SPR Europe (SSPRE), held a lecture
on the group’s core business before a
high-calibre audience and outlined the
international future prospects of the
steadily growing market. In addition, in
his impressive presentation he defined
the organisational structure of SSPRE.
He described the creation of an umbrella brand to the interested SEKISUI
managers and how global connections
are optimally combined at SSPRE with
local presence.
SEKISUI SPR Europe (SSPRE) has opened a branch office in the heart of Berlin, to be closer to the
market and enable it to further expand its national network. A first construction site in Wilmersdorf
and participation at the No Dig International and Wasser Berlin trade fairs in May 2011 are only the
first of the activities planned at the new location.
business here. The office was officially
opened on 2 June 2010 in the presence
of partners and local customers.
IIn future, the Berlin office will
be used by both SEKISUI SPR
Europe and its subsidiary KMG
Pipe Technologies. The first
successes are already visible:
rehabilitation work on a trench
800m in length and 9m deep with
UNILINERTM was started on 26 July
in Berlin-Wilmersdorf. The total
construction time will be four months.
Berlin Mitte as a new, attractive location.
The new office in Friedrichstraße,
Berlin-Mitte, is the tenth national subsidiary of the SEKISUI SPR Group, which
is therewith emphasising its strong
position in the home market Germany.
“Besides offering our customers
better service, Berlin as a new location
enables us to use the closer contact to
support organisations and associations,”
says Edmund Luksch, President of
Berlin is not unknown territory for the
international group: about 20 years ago
a predecessor of today’s SEKISUI SPR
Europe founded the rehabilitation
From 2–5 May 2011 SEKISUI SPR
Europe will also be presenting itself
at Wasser Berlin and the associated
No Dig International, an ideal platform
for SSPRE.
With the certification of SEKISUI NordiTube Technologies SE in January
2010 the entire SEKISUI SPR Europe GmbH is certified according to
the environmental management system ISO 14001. The group of companies herewith underlines its target of assuming responsibility for the
environment and including it in its strategic orientation.
SEKISUI Rib Loc Australia Pty Ltd was
the first subsidiary to be certified according to the Environmental Management
System ISO 14001 in November 2009.
In January 2010 KMG Pipe Technologies
GmbH, KMG LinerTec GmbH, SEKISUI
NordiTube Technologies SE and SEKISUI
SPR Europe GmbH itself followed. Thus
all companies have demonstrated to
independent certification bodies their
environmental responsibilities as well
as the implementation of required standards.
SEKISUI SPR Europe achieved the
requirements for the management
system by preparing an environmental
management manual, environmental
management process instructions
and binding demonstration
documents. The primary target was
to capture the actual data of CO2
emissions of all the companies in order
to define environmental programmes
for its reduction in future.
The introduction of an environmental
management system at SEKISUI SPR is
only the first step towards a group-wide
CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)
alignment, which describes the
voluntary business contribution to a
sustainable development, beyond the
prescribed legal requirements. Read
more on this issue in page 11!
Two companies linked by a CIPP liner: SEKISUI NordiTube Technologies manufactures NORDIPIPETM
and KMG Pipe Technologies installs it: a successful cooperation which combines
innovative development and production experience with local market knowledge.
Manufacturing expertise
in Schieder-Schwalenberg:
The NORDIPIPETM production
team of SEKISUI NordiTube
with Murat Bas (left),
Production Manager Germany.
In North America and Europe the
demand for structural products for the
trenchless rehabilitation of potable
water pipelines is increasing and
new approaches are called for. The
NORDIPIPETM CIPP liner is the solution
of SEKISUI SPR Europe for this field
of application and at the same time an
example of how the network and internal competences of the subsidiaries
liners are delivered to customers all
over the world from the small town in
central Germany. The specially developed epoxy resin is also supplied by
SEKISUI NordiTube for impregnating
liners on site.
KMG – Installation specialist
from Germany
The Hanover subsidiary of KMG Pipe
Technologies GmbH is located only
80 km from the production site at
Schieder-Schwalenberg. The KMG team
SEKISUI NordiTube – Supplier of
the international potable water pipe
rehabilitation market
SEKISUI NordiTube Technologies, with
headquarters at Schieder-Schwalenberg,
developed the innovative NORDIPIPETM
in 2002 for rehabilitating potable water
pipes to satisfy the demand for a
structural self-supporting rehabilitation product. After a significant increase
each year, 25,000 metres of fibreglassreinforced liners came off the
production line in 2010. NORDIPIPETM
Noatake Okubo (left) and Kozo Takami visited the NORDIPIPETM test site in Hanover, Germany.
has 25 years of experience in trenchless
pipe rehabilitation and laying pipelines
for drinking water and gas. The Hanover
subsidiary, installation partner to
NORDIPIPETM in the German market, is
in possession of all the necessary
certificates and approvals such as the
GW 301 and the technical equipment
needed for installation. The construction
company has been using NORDIPIPETM
liners for some time for the rehabilitation or pressurized water or cooling
water lines, where potable water certification is not required.
Fruitful cooperation
In Germany, the “home country” of both
SEKISUI SPR subsidiaries, a growing
trend can be observed with suppliers to
invest in drinking water networks. The
certification process for NORDIPIPETM
is already underway and the certificate is expected by the beginning of
2011. In this special field of work the
advantages of cooperation are evident:
SEKISUI NordiTube contributes globally
proven know-how in the development
and manufacture of pipe liners and
KMG expertise in construction. Regular
exchange has already taken place between the experts of KMG and SEKISUI
NordiTube and internal training sessions have been held on NORDIPIPETM
technology. The first NORDIPIPETM
for the rehabilitation of potable water
pipelines was successfully installed
by the team at a test site in Hanover.
To ensure trouble-free rehabilitation,
KMG will also invest in a mobile
impregnation unit. The epoxy resin
developed by SEKISUI NordiTube can
be applied directly to the liners on site.
KMG and SEKISUI NordiTube will also
cooperate in the market launch and
marketing of NORDIPIPETM. In future,
further synergies are anticipated in the
area of research & development.
Customers watch the installation of the NORDIPIPETM with a water column.
Once again, SEKISUI SPR has come into action in China – and SPRTM technology was utilised for the first
time. The Beijing Subway Authority is currently renewing the parallel sewage lines in the course of the
construction work for the new express subway Line 6.
Beijing is China’s second largest city.
Almost 20 million people live in the capital, located in the north of the People’s
Republic. Up to now, when it came to
economic power or modern city planning
in China, Beijing was usually overshadowed by Shanghai, the burgeoning
metropolis in the south. Meanwhile,
Beijing is also experiencing a continued
building and economic boom.
Beijing subway
SPRTM cross section for rehabilitating bends.
In 2008 Beijing hosted the Olympic
Games for the first time. This was also
a stimulus for building and expanding
the subway system, which is likely to
become the world’s most extensive
mass transit system. The Beijing metro
was China’s first network and opened
on 1 October 1969. It now has eight lines
with a total length of approx. 228 km
and carries about 6 million passengers
annually. The new Line 6 will be Beijing’s
second main arterial on the subway system, running across the city from east to
west. With a total length of about 42 km,
the new line will be the longest and
fastest connection, relieving the load on
the parallel Line 1. Line 6 is expected
to include express sections on which
speeds of 80 to 100 km/hour will be
reached. During rush hours, trains will
skip less busy stations to provide a faster
service to and from the downtown area.
Premiere for SPRTM
Construction work for the Beijing
Subway Authority includes the rehabilitation of a 350 m length of decayed
sewage pipeline running parallel to the
planned Line 6. The authority awarded
the contract to Singapore-based
SEKISUI SPR Asia Pte Ltd. Under the
direction of Klaus Langenbach, the
subsidiary employs five people in
Singapore and a sales representative in
China. In conjunction with experienced
installation partners, the sales company
supplies the full SEKISUI SPR product
portfolio to the Asian market and provides technical support. SEKISUI SPR
Asia Pte Ltd is now applying SPRTM for
the first time with success in Beijing.
Due to heavy traffic in the metropolis, installation work was only possible during the night.
Night-time construction
Considering the large pipe diameter
of 1350 mm and the need to renew a
total of seven sections under live-flow
conditions, SPRTM is the ideal rehabilitation method for the construction site in
Beijing. Another decisive factor was
flexible delivery dates for the PVC profiles and construction site equipment,
which were ready for operation within
only a short time. As with all other
spiral-wound pipe lining methods, the
work processes can be interrupted
without complications – a further
condition of the Beijing Subway
Authority – because due to the heavy
traffic in the metropolis, work was only
possible during the night from 11 p.m.
until 5.30 a.m. While the Beijing population is sleeping, 350 m of sewage
pipe will be rehabilitated by the SPRTM
method by the end of November 2010.
A total of about 19,600 m or 28 coils of
SPRTM profile will be required. By the
time the new subway Line 6 is open for
traffic, the rehabilitation measures will
have long-since been completed and
SPRTM will have made its impressive
premiere in China.
Installation of SPRTM under live flow conditions.
Construction site details:
Length of sewage pipe:
Construction phases:
Pipe diameter:
Total profile length:
Sean Lim, SEKISUI SPR Asia Pte Ltd
Beijing, China
Beijing Subway Authority
2 months
350 m
1,350 mm (circular)
19,600 m
Robert Toyoda, Barry Taylor, Shaun Melville, Steve Harvey, Boris Graljuk, John Taylor,
Edmund Luksch and Kozo Takami (from left) at the Japanese saki ceremony.
Earlier this year during March, SEKISUI Rib Loc (SRL) celebrated its 25th anniversary in Adelaide,
Australia. During the occasion longstanding customers, partners and employees received commendations.
A company lives from and is shaped
by the people who work within it.
The 25th anniversary of the Australian
Rib Loc was attended by around 60
employees joined by five senior SEKISUI
managers to reflect on the Company’s
success story and to celebrate the anniversary commencing with a Japanese
kagami biraki saki ceremony.
A number of employees can look back
on years of long service with Rib Loc.
Customer Services Manager Gary Scholz
has been an employee from the outset,
together with Geoff Warner, Ken Tierney
and Steve Morris, who have been on
board for almost 20 years. Barry Taylor,
Managing Director of SEKISUI Rib Loc
Australia, thanked them all in his address
in recognition of their enduring loyalty.
Long-standing loyalty
Award-winning technology
One of SEKISUI Rib Loc’s first customers was – significantly – the present
parent company SEKISUI Chemical. In
1986 Rib Loc Australia was renamed
Rib Loc Group and listed on the Stock
Exchange. In 1992 Interflow, today’s
market leader across Australia, to
become the second longest standing
licensee to sign a licence agreement. As
early as 1995 the name of Mr Edmund
Luksch, President of SEKISUI SPR
Europe, became involved with the
company. He initiated the participation
of Preussag, whose shareholding was
later passed on to Chevalier. Mr Kozo
Takami and Mr Robert Toyoda were
instrumental in the acquisition of
majority holdings of CPT by SEKISUI
in 2008 and appointed directors of
The core competencies of the Australian
company have remained unchanged in
25 years and were recently expanded:
SEKISUI Rib Loc Australia Pty Ltd (SRL)
is responsible for the development and
manufacture of spiral-wound technology
the SEKISUI SPR Group.
Australia and Germany meet Japanese culture:
Gloria Porcelli and Edmund Luksch.
In addition, the company has extended
its portfolio to include the SPR™
process, originally from Japan, and
commissioned production of SPRTM
The high level of professionalism of
the Australian employees is reflected
in the Company’s receipt of several
international awards. Twice the team
won the world recognised No-Dig Award
for innovations in the field of trenchless
pipe rehabilitation technology, including prizes in 1997 for SRLA ‘s SPRTM
ST technology as the “most technical
advancement” from the International
Society for Trenchless Technology
(ISTT) and the Australian Engineers
“Engineering Excellence Award”.
Barry Taylor, Kozo Takami and Robert Toyoda (from left)
deliver a motivating speech.
The SEKISUI SPR Europe Group takes Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for sustainably profitable
growth very seriously. Birte Hogewitz will head this business unit with its numerous tasks.
the corporate structure right down to
the employees, partners and customers.
The legislative framework, a functioning
risk management and open communications will all play a key role in this.
Sustainable marketing
Birte Hogewitz is the new Head of CSR.
Within the framework of overall corporate responsibility and in accordance
with the CSR rules of the SEKISUI
Group, the SEKISUI SPR Group is
currently formulating a central corporate social responsibility policy for all
subsidiaries. Birte Hogewitz has been
Head of CSR for this new department
since March. The 35-year-old was
previously responsible for the successful introduction of international environmental standard ISO 14001 (see News
p. 5). In future she will anchor CSR
in the areas of human resources,
occupational safety, quality management and environmental protection.
In future, the CSR Department will
centrally monitor the environmental
programmes of all subsidiaries and
devise concepts for optimisation. The
aim of her activities will be to introduce environmental awareness into
There is much more to report on the
subject of environmental protection. For
example, all brochures and communication materials printed on paper, as well
as a wide range of other products made
of wood, now carry the FSC logo.
The latter stands for the non-profit
organisation Forest Stewardship
Council, which has developed a uniform
standard for the certification of sustain–
able forestry. Furthermore, all printed
matter of the SEKISUI SPR Group is
to be produced in a carbon-neutral
way. A certain surplus amount will
be invested through the natureOffice
organisation in certified environmental
protection projects to offset unavoidable CO2 emissions caused by the
manufacturing process. An ID number
ensures transparency here. Entering
the code printed on the brochures at will reveal the
project being directly sponsored. The
surplus amount will go, e.g. to a wind
power project in the Turkish region of
Marmara or a reforestation project in
All printed matter of the SEKISUI SPR group is to be produced on FSC paper in a carbon-neutral way.
SEKISUI NordiTube Inc. chalks up successes in US business
The course has been set for the expansion of US business. With the opening of the new production
plant in Hammond, granting of NSF approval and acquisition of new licensees for installing the
NORDIPIPE pipe liner, SEKISUI NordiTube is optimally prepared for conquering the US drinking
water market.
In early March SEKISUI NordiTube completed an important deal. US construction company Michels signed a licence
agreement to use the NORDIPIPETM liner
for the rehabilitation of drinking water
or pressurised sewage pipes. Michels
Corporation, based in Brownsville/
Wisconsin, is one of North America’s
largest multi-division utility contractors.
With its division Michels Pipe Services
it is an innovative leader in pipeline
rehabilitation. Michels is in good com-
pany: Spiniello and AquaRehab also
support the innovative technology: “The
new licence for Michels is a clear commitment to NORDIPIPETM as a reliable,
high-quality trenchless rehabilitation
method for drinking water pipelines,”
says Jay Keating, Managing Director
of SEKISUI NordiTube Inc. Michels,
Spiniello and AquaRehab will now be
installing the NORDIPIPETM in all five
Canadian provinces and the eleven most
important US states of Washington,
The NORDIPIPETM manufacure team with Production Manager Marc Lucas (right) in Hammond, Louisiana.
Columbia, Oregon, California,
Minnesota, Illinois, Wisconsin,
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland
and Texas.
New production plant
To satisfy the growing demand in
North America and deliver
NORDIPIPETM directly to customers,
in addition to Belgium and Germany
the drinking water liner is now being
manufactured at the new production
facility in Hammond, Louisiana. The
plant started operation in March and
has been NSF certified since early
March, having satisfied all requirements
of the drinking water market. Since the
start of production the plant has manufactured 24,000 m (78,740 feet) in the
diameters 150 to 770 mm (5.91 to 30.31
Storage for needle-felt and glass-fibre material.
Made in the USA: NORDIPIPETM production facility.
Montclair has confidence
For the past few months NORDIPIPETM
has also been used for pipe rehabilitation in the municipality of Montclair in the
US state of New Jersey. Montclair was
faced with the problem of renewing a
dilapidated pipe beneath a busy commuter line to New York City. The city could
not afford to lose capacity in the line, so
the replacement pipe had to be equal or
very near to the damaged pipe’s 20-inch
diameter. The new line also needed to
be strong enough to withstand vibrations caused by rail traffic and had
to be NSF 61 approved. Because the
conventional dig-and-replace methods
presented significant problems with
regard to pipe capacity, cost, inconvenience and time, the project team
turned to NORDIPIPETM cured-in-place
technology: the perfect solution for this
Just as important as the structural
specifications was NORDIPIPETM’s
installation efficiency. Licenced installer Spiniello, who has been focused on
trenchless pipe repair for the past several years, needed only three hours for
the conversion! The entire installation
– from digging the access pits to putting the repaired line back into service
– took about one week. All in all, the
project took less than half the time and
incurred about one-quarter of the cost
Teamwork for a fast and efficient installation of NORDIPIPETM.
of a dig-and-replace job. Meanwhile,
the commuter rail line was never out of
service! In future these arguments will
convince many more potential customers in USA.
Construction site details:
Construction Partner:
Length of sewage pipe:
Pipe diameter:
Jay Keating, SEKISUI NordiTube Inc.
Spiniello Companies
1 week in spring 2009
140 feet
20 inch (circular)
Impregnated NORDIPIPETM Liner at construction site in
Montclair, New Jersey.
Pioneering work in Germany: KMG LinerTec contributes its expertise in SPR spiral-wound
pipe lining to the portfolio of SEKISUI SPR Europe Group and is expanding its market
competence in Europe.
It all began in a small way: KMG LinerTec
was founded in 2008 with two employees,
specialising in the trenchless rehabili-
tation of sewage pipes with large and
special profiles. Today the futureoriented company, with 17 employees
and a head office located at Glebitzsch
near Leipzig, Germany, is the technology
provider of all SPR spiral-wound pipe
lining methods within the SEKISUI SPR
Group in Europe. KMG LinerTec has
set itself ambitious goals for the next
few business years. These include the
establishment of the spiral-wound pipe
lining method as a new generation of
pipe rehabilitation methods, the
expansion of the markets, investments
in the company infrastructure and
optimisation of the technologies and
Under the management of Christopher
Moritz, KMG LinerTec offers technical
know-how and support in all aspects of
the SPR Technologies. A team of experts
develops new projects for
Kozo Takami (center) and Edmund Luksch (right) visited the KMG LinerTec team.
new markets. KMG LinerTec obtains
certification of SPR Technologies as
well as ensuring compliance with
installation standards. For promoting
the spiral wound pipeline technology,
in the past two years KMG LinerTec
has also established a network of partners in Germany and Eastern Europe.
West and South Europe are to be added
in the medium term. The main focus
will be on medium-sized construction
companies with experience in pipeline
construction or those wishing to offer
the rehabilitation method in addition
to their own product portfolio.
Construction expertise
convinces Munich
The execution of renewal projects
is another core competence of KMG
LinerTec. With its own in-house
engineers and state-of-the-art equipment the international team supports
the entire process from planning
through to putting the new pipeline into
operation. During the planning process,
local challenges are identified and risks
calculated. Longstanding experience
ensures cost-efficient purchasing of
materials and smooth on-site workflow.
Experts supervise the renewal process –
employing the tried-and-tested spiral
wound equipment – and train local
specialised personnel on the site.
Latest example in Munich: in the city
centre an approx. 130-year-old egg
shape sewage pipe was rehabilitated
In the city centre of Munich an old sewage pipe was rehabilitated using SPRTM.
over a length of 153 m using SPRTM.
Access was obtained via the existing
shafts, thus eliminating the need for
open trenches which would have interrupted tram operations. “With this
project we have gained a foothold in a
major German city. The initial scepticism
towards the new Japanese technology is
a thing of the past and the advantages
of the SPRTM are obvious,” says General
Manager Christopher Moritz.
Construction site details:
Length of sewage pipe:
Construction phases:
Pipe diameter:
Total profile length:
KMG LinerTec GmbH
Munich, Germany
September - November 2010
153 m
1,000/1,500 mm (egg-shape)
6,865 m
SPRTM expertise by KMG LinerTec: Rehabilitation of an
egg shape sewage pipe.