Untitled - Stratford-Perth Humane Society
Untitled - Stratford-Perth Humane Society
MISSION We: Protect all animals from malicious intent and neglect Provide for the care and safe haven of domestic animals in need Match orphaned animals to loving “forever homes” Model and advocate for respectful, compassionate, humane treatment and well-being of all animals. VISION To be a proactive leader in providing humane care through education, advocacy and enforcement to promote the well-being and appreciation of all animals. VALUES 1. Provide a safe haven for animals in need. 2. Share our vision with the public concerning the humane treatment, care and protection of all animals. 3. Ensure all animals within our care are treated with respect and compassion. 4. Identify and serve community needs for animal companionship. WHO WE ARE The creation of AWASCO The Kitchener-Waterloo Humane Society has been saving lives since 1927 and is one of the largest humane societies in Ontario serving one of the fastest growing metropolitan areas. Over 18,000 square feet of space allows us to hold 62 dogs, 165 cats and an assortment of birds, small mammals and reptiles. In emergency situations the Centre can be quickly altered to house up to 500 animals. The KWHS provides community programming, humane education, law enforcement, and sheltering of animals for the municipalities of Kitchener, Waterloo and North Waterloo Region. On July 1, 2012 the Perth County Branch of the O.S.P.C.A. joined with the Kitchener-Waterloo & North Waterloo Humane Society to form the Animal Welfare Agency of South Central Ontario (AWASCO), one of the largest animal welfare agencies in Canada. The two facilities have been working closely together for a number of years to help the animals across this extended region. This merger capitalizes on the strengths of two long serving organizations and makes each better able to support the communities in dealing with domestic and companion animal welfare issues The Kitchener-Waterloo and Stratford-Perth Humane Societies do not receive any form of government funding, relying entirely on the revenue generated through its programs and the support of the community to provide shelter and adoption services, humane education and other supports and services for the communities of Perth and Waterloo Region. Both Humane Societies also contract with their local municipalities for the provision of bylaw enforcement programs. MESSAGE TO OUR COMMUNITIES Combining, connecting, collaborating and cooperating What a year! We’ve been through a whirlwind of change this year, some change brought on by challenges and others by opportunities, but we’re proud of what we’ve achieved - the animals we’ve saved and the children we’ve educated - and there are plenty of reasons to be excited for the future. This is the first annual report of the Animal Welfare Agency of South Central Ontario (AWASCO), the new organization resulting from the merger of the OSPCA branch in Stratford Perth and the Humane Society of Kitchener-Waterloo. AWASCO is the governing organization overseeing the independent operation of two distinct Humane Societies serving two unique communities. This merger allows each organization to capitalize on the individual strengths and expertise of the other, ultimately saving more lives, finding more adoptive homes and better serving our communities while staying directly connected to the communities each serves. During 2012, both the KWHS and the SPHS Animal Welfare Centres faced the challenges of disease resulting in periods of closures, quarantine and extremely difficult choices. This experience resulted in a renewed commitment to saving more lives through more community collaboration, better shelter protocols and more emphasis on marketing and adoptions. SPHS, with the support of community partners, has committed to achieving a rate of 90% Live Release. KWHS is using the SPHS experience to observe and learn so it too can positively impact on its euthanasia numbers. We’ve made this commitment and we will be tracking this closely in the years to come. A very specific opportunity presented through the merger is to address the short comings of the SPHS Douro Street shelter. Staff and volunteers have struggled with this small, poorly designed and extremely outdated facility for years. AWASCO has invested in a new building which SPHS, with the support of its community, can renovate into a new, state-of-the-art Animal Welfare Centre providing community and humane education programs while better caring for the communities’ orphaned and homeless pets. In spite of the closures and quarantines adoptions rose over 2011 and we returned 100 more lost pets to their families. Our Humane Education Programs grew 15% ensuring more children learn about Responsible Pet Ownership. We continue to work with Boards of Education and develop new partnerships to ensure future generations are better prepared to care for our companion animals. We have expanded our off-site adoption capabilities through more retail partners and continue to look at new and better ways to facilitate our adoptions. We collaborate with more social service partners individually, and through the newly created HAV Coalition, serving the most vulnerable people and pets in our communities. The steps we have taken in 2012 will provide the foundation for further growth and development in 2013. SPHS is looking to a brighter future in a fabulously functional facility. KWHS will continue to build our capacity to find more “forever” home, and ultimately save more lives. We are fortunate to have more than 500 volunteers and staff who are filled with passion and commitment of heart supporting our mission. They are the reason we can collectively care for almost 9,000 animals annually in our two Centres, saving lives and creating complete families. That’s what it’s all about! And why we are so excited about our future together. Sincerely, Lisa F. Hoffman President Jack Kinch Executive Director FINANCIAL REPORT AWASCO Statement of Financial Position As of December 31, 2012 KW OPERATING FUND $ STRATFORD OPERATING FUND $ ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash Accounts Receivable Receivable from SPHS Receivable from KWHS Taxes receivable Short term investments Prepaid expenses KW CAPITAL FUND $ $ $ 24,781 221,574 0 246,355 511,870 5,433 0 19,925 7,927 0 2,856 30,134 38,720 0 43,175 100,000 26,437 1,149 0 0 0 0 0 36,716 38,720 19,925 51,102 100,000 29,293 43,013 0 0 40,245 0 24,400 60,922 460,040 1,149 522,111 619,528 0 153,401 2,863,958 3,017,359 2,815,634 201,992 1,696,768 0 1,898,760 1,769,511 DUE FROM OPERATING FUND 0 0 0 0 43,281 DUE FROM CAPITAL FUND 0 99,276 0 99,276 0 262,914 2,409,485 2,865,107 5,537,506 5,247,954 INVESTMENTS (Note 3) EQUIPMENT (Note 5) PROPERTY, BUILDING AND LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (Note 6) Deferred income Current portion of capital lease Due to SPHS Due to KWHS 18,578 0 0 0 38,720 304,736 4,390 6,743 0 0 0 0 0 19,925 0 323,314 4,390 6,743 19,925 38,720 340,926 9,284 0 0 0 57,298 315,869 19,925 393,092 350,210 0 0 0 0 99,276 0 99,276 0 0 43,281 0 12,810 0 12,810 0 205,616 2,080,806 2,745,906 5,032,328 4,854,463 262,914 2,409,485 2,865,107 5,537,506 5,247,954 DUE TO OPERATING FUND DUE TO CAPITAL FUND CAPITAL LEASE (Note 4) FUND BALANCES (Note 7) A copy of the full audited report is available upon request. AWASCO Statement of Revenues and Expenditures Year Ended December 31, 2012 STRATFORD OPERATING FUND $ REVENUE Animal tags KW OPERATING FUND $ KW CAPITAL FUND $ $ $ 9,071 277,984 0 287,055 234,334 Contract fees (schedule) 32,600 778,958 0 811,558 765,567 Donation and fundraising 335,749 789,500 0 1,125,249 992,104 0 1,267 62,480 63,747 137,625 48,121 443,988 0 492,109 475,843 425,541 2,291,697 62,480 2,779,718 2,605,473 2,488 176,504 0 178,992 173,710 0 0 19,444 19,444 9,428 217,437 2,304,016 0 2,521,453 2,111,200 219,925 2,480,520 19,444 2,719,889 2,294,338 0 1,438 116,598 118,036 (274,962) 205,616 (187,385) 159,634 177,865 36,173 Investment income - net Shelter operations (schedule) EXPENDITURES Amortization Humane education and publications Shelter operations (schedule) Increase (decrease) in unrealized gains on financial assets during EXCESS revenues over expenditures (expenditures over revenue) for the year KEY 2012 STATS These statistics reflect the work of the Kitchener-Waterloo Humane Society. Animal care Community Support Number of Volunteers 2010 2011 2012 Total Animals Cared For 5198 5260 6279 19% Adoptions 1669 1733 1780 3% 834 844 942 12% Total Volunteer Hours Number of Donors Return to owners 2010 2011 563 412* -19% 11646 10448 8059* -23% 1677 509 2012 1772 1568* -12% * reflects temporary closure of shelter due to quarantine Education Children reached through Inschool Program Children Participating in Camp & AfterSchool Programs Total Children Animal Services 25,558 25,086 26,918 7% Requests for service Cruelty Investigations 1,999 2,160 4,331 27,557 27,246 31,249 101% 15% 4254 3902 4113 5% 677 613 637 4% Note: Prior to July 1, 2012, Stratford-Perth statistics were kept by the OSCPCA. SUPPORTERS AWASCO greatly appreciates Estate of Barbara Jean McLeod all of our generous donors who make an impact on Estate of Beatrice Griffin animals in our community. Estate of Bill W. Wettlaufer The following lists those individuals and organizations Estate of Gladys Elizabeth Marks who donated $500+ in 2012. Estate of Henry August Beule 105.3 KOOL FM Estate of Jean Mildred Nagle Albert Budding Estate of John Ken Gladstone Albert's Gas Station Estate of Ruth Idelpha Perry Ann McRae Ethel Cagney Anne Parks FM 98.5 Arden Park Hotel Fowler Construction Co Ltd Ashley Murphy Barry Triller Bingemans Blessed Sacrament Catholic School Fur-Ever Loved Pet Salon Gayle Nummelin Gertrude E. Rellinger Trust Global Pet Foods Lori Parker Scott MacKenzie Lynn Couture Shuford Yarns LLC Maheshwar Sharma Spaenaur Manulife Financial St. George Banquet Hall Manulife Financial Employees Stephanie Choquette Marcus Schumacher Stratford and Area Car Dealerships Mardi Witzel Maria Aquiar Dr. Marilyn Marshall Marks Supply Inc Mary Ellen Osborn Michael Naismith Michael Stemmler Michale Garboll Mike Tansca Nan Chapman Stratford Beacon-Herald Sue Morell Sun Life Financial Sunnyside Senior Public School Susan Lafferty Susan Mikkelson Susanne Staldegger Sylvia Prachar Terry Anderson BMO Harris Private Banking Google Matching Gifts Program Nancy Cressman Brad Davidson Grand River Collegiate Natalie Hutchinson Brenda Morin Greenwood Gems Inc. Paul and Anne Lake Carol Lynn Godin Holy Rosary Catholic School Paul Brown Chantelle James Hyde Construction Limited Paul Walsh Christine Burns IAMS Pelee Island Winery City of Kitchener Employees James Cherry Pet Valu Canada Inc. City of Waterloo Janice Coehlo Petsmart Charities of Canada Inc. Clay Morgan Jennifer Glynn Ren's Pet Depot Waterloo Catholic District School Board Close Veterinary Clinic JF Carmichael Public School RIM Corporate Philanthropy Waterloo Chronicle Conestoga-Rovers & Associates Ltd JK Group Robert Coulis John Kinch Robert Purdy Waterloo Region District School Board John McCallum Robert Unruh Kelley Graham Roger Matz Kerry White Roger Taylor Western Financial Insurance Company Kevin Smith Rogers Media Group Westvale Public School Kim Case Ronald Dahms Wise Riddell Financial Group Kitchener Citizen Royal Palisade Your Neighbourhood Credit Union Kitchener Housing Inc Ruth Fried P & G Canada Kitchener Post S.E. Headley Strickland's Stratford Toyota Labatt Breweries of Canada Scherer Chevrolet Buick GMC Ltd. Conestogo Public School Countryside Boarding David T. McDonald Co. Ltd. Deloitte Management Services LP Dianna Flannery Dianne Davies Direct Buy Eastforest Homes Elspeth Macdonald Nancy Fietsch The Original Dog House Inc Tri-City Roller Girls Inc Tyson Webber United Way - Ottawa Valerie Thompson W. Findlay Walmart Wal-Mart Canada Corp. Waterloo Region Record Waterloo Regional Police VOLUNTEER MILESTONES 100+ hours awards Sean Harrington Allison Kelly Scott McGinley Anne Ramsoomair MANAGEMENT TEAM Jack Kinch, Executive Director Marjorie Brown, Development Director Juana Galian, Accounts Manager 200+ hours John Kruse Nan Chapman Two Paws up Award (most congenial volunteer) Charity Gilmore Kathy Innocente, Animal Care Manager Jamie Laflamme, Operations Manager Jessica McCann, SPHS Branch Manager Milestone Award 10 years Leslie Worswick Holly Wiseman, Education Manager Volunteer of the Year Tracy Roth BOARD OF DIRECTORS Lisa F. Hoffman, President Territory Sales Manager, Evergreen Enterprises Kitchener Valerie Beyer, Director Online Marketing Specialist, University of Waterloo Waterloo Neil Murray, Vice-President Consultant, Data Perceptions Inc. Kitchener Dianna Flannery, Director Senior Tax & Estate Planning Consultant, Manulife Financial Waterloo Kathy Hergott, Treasurer Corporate Buyer, Rockwell Automation Kitchener Eric J. Kingston, Director Director Operations, Planning & Projects, Manulife Financial Waterloo Linda Dancey, Secretary Business Owner/President, Grand River Personnel Waterloo Lars Pastrik, Director AVP, Human Resources, Sandvine Heldelberg Eric Shapero, Director Retired Educator Stratford Moira Taylor, Director Retired/Executive Consultant, Capacity Waterloo Region Ayr Kristina Tubbs, Director Manager, Assurance Services, Ernst & Young LLP Kitchener 250 Riverbend Drive, Kitchener, Ontario N2B 2E9 519-745-5615 info@kwhumane.com Facebook.com/KitchenerWaterlooHumaneSociety Twitter: @KWHumane kwhumane.com Charitable BIN: 11898 3550 RR001 345 Douro Street, Stratford, Ontario N5A 3S8 519-273-6600 info@sphumane.com Facebook.com/StratfordPerthHumaneSociety Twitter: @SPHumane sphumane.com Charitable BIN: 11898 3550 RR001
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