the texian - The Sons of the Republic of Texas
the texian - The Sons of the Republic of Texas
THE TEXIAN The Official Publication of The Sons of the Republic of Texas VOL VI NUMBER 2 MAY 2013 THE SONS OF THE REPUBLIC OF TEXAS DEDICATE PAST PRESIDENT GENERAL MARKER On Sunday afternoon, April 14, 2013, a footstone honoring Past President General Joe E. Ericson, KSJ, was dedicated at Parkview Cemetery, Nacogdoches. Chaplain General David Stone led both the invocation and benediction. First Vice President General Tom Houston led pledges to the U.S. and Texas flags. Past President General Lavon Tindall, KSJ, delivered a brief memorial service and spoke about his friendship with Dr. Ericson over a 35 year period of time. Dr. Ericson’s sons, John and Joe, unveiled the footstone; Joe Ericson made personal remarks about his father and his father’s love of SRT exhibited throughout his life. The dedication service was attended by many 2013 Annual Meeting attendees, en route L-R Back Row: Sam F. Clark, KSJ; Joe R. Davidson, KSJ; Tom to their homes around the state. Seven of the nine ExecuGreen, KSJ; Billy Johnson, KSJ and Robert Kendall, KSJ L-R Front Row: Charlie P. Briggs III, KSJ; O. Scott Dunbar, KSJ; tive Committee members were present, and nine Knights of John Ericson; Carolyn Ericson, Joseph R. Ericson; La Von Tindall, the Order of San Jacinto honored their esteemed compatriot. KSJ and David Hanover, KSJ. cont. pg. 3 PRESIDENT GENERAL’S MESSAGE David Hanover, KSJ Great fellowship, renewed acquaintances and more than a few much deserved awards are always the hallmarks of great annual meetings. At the Summerfield G. Roberts Award luncheon, Ms. Cassie Keys of Athens Preparatory School, Athens, won the Educator of the Year Award, and Dr. James C. Kearney was honored for his Summerfield G. Roberts Award winning book Friedrichsburg: A Novel. At the evening awards banquet, members were recognized for outstanding service to the organization, and former governor of the State of Texas, the Honorable Mark Wells White, Jr., was installed as an honorary member. An investiture ceremony by the Knights of the Order of San Jacinto recognized Joe R. Davidson, KSJ, a member of the honorary order originated by President Sam Houston in 1843. Make your reservations now to attend the 92nd Annual Meeting in San Antonio, April 4-6, 2014. My sincere thanks to the newly named Information Technology Committee; committee members have gone cont. pg. 3 WHAT’S INSIDE Past President General Marker..1, 3 President General’s Message ....1, 3 Janet’s Korner ...............................2 Alamo Pilgrimage .........................3 91st Annual Meeting .........4, 5, 8, 9 Matching Campaign ......................5 Chapter News ...................6,7,10,11 San Jacinto Day...........................12 Battle of Medina .........................13 In Memoriam ..............................13 New Members .......................14, 15 Calendar of Events ......................16 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 2013 - 2014 JANET’S Korner By: Janet Knox Administrative Assistant email: %IGHTH3TREETs"AY#ITY4EXAS (979) 245-6644 s 4HE3ONSOFTHE2EPUBLICOF4EXAS1UARTERLY-EETING June 7, 8, 2013, Holiday Inn Express, 1117 Highway 332, Clute, TX 77351; (373) 266-8746; April 30, 2013, cutoff date Rate; $115+ tax; free parking. PLEASE identify yourself as SRT! s 2EMEMBER!LLACTIVEDUTYMILITARYPERSONNELYOUR dues are waived. Please notify SRT office by email, postal service or telephone. s 9OUCANVIEWh4HE4EXIANvNEWSLETTERONTHEWEBSITE FORFREE9OUMAYALSOPURCHASEh4HE4EXIANvANDIT will be mailed to you for a fee of $20.00 this year. If you would like it mailed please send the fee to the National office. Left to right front row: David Stone, Chaplain General; David Hanover, KSJ, President General; Tom Houston, First Vice President General; Robert Kendall, KSJ, Second Vice President General; and Janet Knox, Administrative Assistant. s 4HOSEMEMBERSTHATHAVENOTPAIDTHEIRDUESARE now considered delinquent and must pay a $50.00 reinstatement fee plus the $40.00 dues fee for the current year. Left to right back row: Edward A. Heath, Treasurer General; Randy Pollard, Historian General; Bob Steakley, Secretary General; Joe R. Davidson, KSJ, Executive Committeeman; Sam F. Clark, KSJ, PPG, Executive Committeeman. s 0LEASENOTETHATANYAPPLICANTSFORMEMBERSHIPIN the SRT must have 3 signatures of recommending SRT members. There has been a problem with the signatures from chapters, if the applications are not signed and I have to send the application to the chapter, it may take up to an additional month to receive them back at National Office. Please let us remember to fill out the application completely and save us all $$$ on postage. It is not necessary if the applicant lives out of state, but every applicant should affiliate with a chapter. This does not mean that they will have to attend meetings. Application must be typed and notarized and don’t forget the check. s 4HEEDITORWELCOMESALLSUBMISSIONSOFNEWSARTICLES and photos for The Texian. Please submit electronic data using the following guidelines. 1. Submit text in WORD document format; articles may be edited due to space limitations. 2. Submit photos as separate attachments in .jpg, .eps, or .tif format. Caption for each photo must be included in the WORD document, either before or after the article’s text. Identify the placement of people (e.g. L-R. center, front row, back row etc.), with a corresponding key that matches the name of the photo file attachment (e.g. file name 1 Photo, Photo 2 etc.). Please limit the number of photos submitted per article. s )WOULDLIKETOTHANKYOUFORTHEARTICLESANDPICTURES you are sending for your newsletter; they have been GREAT. I need YOUR help with articles and pictures. If your chapter has or will be celebrating any events PLEASE email me at: I will be submitting the July issue for publication; the deadline for submissions is June 24, 2013. DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES 2013 - 2014 Right to left Front row: Bob Steakley, Frontier District; Joe Pyle, Piney Woods District; Arthur O. Evans, Gulf Coast District. Right to Left Back row: Kenneth Pfeiffer, Heart of Texas District; John Knox, Post Oak District; John Homman, Lone Star District; Ronald W. Brown, San Jacinto District. (Not shown David J. Temple, North Central District , William D.”Buddy” Power, North East District and Robert Schuhmann, Brazos District). 2 ALAMO PILGRIMAGE Alamo Chapter President Jim Massingill and SRT Treasurer General Ed Heath carry the chapter memorial wreath in the DRT Pilgrimage to the Alamo event during 2013 Fiesta in San Antonio on April 22nd. Behind them are members of the Alamo Chapter: Tom Foster, Russ Ives, Joe Weathersby, David Jauer, Ken Pfeiffer, Bob Benavides, Fred Pfeiffer, Robert Bohmfalk, Tommie Wood, Jose Lopez, Jeff Payne, Egon Tausch, and Dick Weitzel. Not pictured are George Harcourt, Jeff Wentworth, Jason Chall, and Al McCutcheon. Behind the banner is Jose Lopez’ son. cont. from pg. 1 THE SONS OF THE REPUBLIC OF TEXAS DEDICATE PAST PRESIDENT GENERAL MARKER Members from Carolyn Ericson’s DRT chapter, the Stone Fort Chapter, Nacogdoches, paid their respects to the Ericson family with their attendance. The pink granite markers honor Past Presidents General, and it is the goal of SRT to place a marker at the grave of each of its past presidents. PRESIDENT GENERAL’S MESSAGE cont. from pg. 1 above and beyond the call of duty over the past year with the introduction of PayPal, an individualized member sign-in to the Members Only tab on our website, and email capabilities to reach all of our members with important messages. A positive social media presence will continue to promote our mission, purpose and goals. The Matching Campaign has been a tremendous success, thanks to the generous response from so many of you, our members. At the annual meeting in Tyler, members voted to publish the names of everyone who has contributed, and that list will appear in the next issue of this newsletter and on the Matching Campaign tab of our website. Chapters are invited to participate in the final push between now and June 30, 2013, hopefully finishing the campaign even stronger than expected. It will be my honor to continue sending Certificates of Appreciation to both individuals and chapters. This issue is filled with activities and events that show your pride in the people, places and events of the Republic of Texas, from Dawn at the Alamo through the memorable reenactment and ceremony at San Jacinto on April 20th and 21st. Thanks to all of our hard working members, chapters and committees! Join us in Clute for the next quarterly meeting. Brazoria County is filled with historic sites, and the Stephen F. Austin Chapter is working hard to make your visit a memorable one. God Bless Texas! 3 2013 ANNUAL MEETING - TYLER KSJ 2013 EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR NEW KSJ Cassie Keys HONORARY MEMBERSHIP Joe R. Davidson, KSJ DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD WINNER Kenneth W. Pfeiffer Photos courtesy of Gary L. Evans Gov. Mark W. White 4 DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE OF THE YEAR SUMMERFIELD G. ROBERTS AWARD WINNER Dr. James Kearney was the winner for his book “Friedrichsburg: A Novel” John W. Knox THREE-LEGGED WILLIE CHAPTER ARCHIVES AWARDS Fred Mead, Sr., Lone Star Chapter 58 Kenneth W. Pfeiffer, Alamo Chapter 40 LAST CHANCE! JOIN THE “HONOR ROLL OF DONORS” LIST FOR MATCHING CAMPAIGN - SRT CHAPTERS INVITED TO PARTICIPATE Overwhelming success and achievement of the goal of the SRT $25,000 Matching Campaign are expected by the end of the campaign on June 30, 2013. As of April 11, 2013, $22,701, or about 82.8% of the $25,000 goal, was achieved. During the Annual Meeting in Tyler, additional pledges and donations were made which will assure that the SRT reaches the goal and covers most of the expenses for postage and supplies. An announcement that the Piney Woods Chapter #52, Tyler, had donated $1,000 prompted another chapter in attendance, the Lone Star Chapter #58, The Woodlands, to PLEDGE)TTHENBECAMEAPPARENTTHATCHAPTERSMAYWISHTOHAVETHEIRNAMESADDEDTOTHEh(ONOR2OLLOF$ONORSv 4HEGENEROUSCONTRIBUTIONOFBYONEOFTHEGREATSUPPORTERSOFTHE324WITHTHEHELPOFOURh(ONOR2OLLOF $ONORSvWILLNOWPROVIDETOCONTINUETHEFUNDINGOFTHEANNUALAWARDSFORTHE%DUCATOROFTHE9EAR Award, The Presidio La Bahia Award, The Summerfield G. Roberts Award and the Texas History Essay Contest Award. 4ORESERVEYOURINDIVIDUALORCHAPTERPLACEONTHEh(ONOR2OLLOF$ONORSvLISTPLEASESENDYOURDONATIONTOTHE324 Matching Campaign, 1717 Eighth St., Bay City, TX 77414, before June 30, 2013. The names of individuals and chapters will be published in the July issue of The Texian and on the Matching Campaign tab of the SRT website. 5 TEXAS INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION OF NORTH TEXAS AT GRANBURY Davy Crockett Chapter 47 participated in the Texas Independence Day celebration in historic Granbury on March 2 and 3, 2013. The celebration, organized by the Texas Heroes Foundation and sponsored by the Historic Granbury Merchants Association, featured a historic parade, historic vendors, re-enactments, live period music, chuck wagons and a student history fair. On Sunday, March 3, a memorial service was held at the Elizabeth Crockett burial site at the Acton Cemetery in Granbury. The events were attended by several thousand people in spite of the blustery, cool North Texas spring weather. Davy Crockett Chapter member, Ken Hendricks, great-great grandson of David and Elizabeth Crockett, was Grand Marshall of the parade, and March 2 was proclaimed Ken Hendricks Day by the City of Granbury. Ken Hendricks, great great grandson of David and Elizabeth Crockett, was Grand Marshall of the parade. Eight year old Ridge Roberts performed “Amazing Grace” at the Elizabeth Crockett Memorial Service. DRT HEROES OF THE ALAMO MEMORIAL SERVICES Memorial Service. (L-R) DRT President General, Karen R. Thompson and SRT President General, David Hanover, KSJ, with the bell that was rung 13 times on March 6th, to begin the DRT Alamo Mission Chapter’s Annual Memorial Service for the Heroes of the Alamo, hosted by the San Antonio Living History Association. Due to the Travis letter being on display in the Alamo, the annual memorial service was moved to Alamo Plaza, with the Alamo Cenotaph, the “Spririt of Sacrifice,” serving as the backdrop of the ceremony. The bell was provided by Treasurer General Edward Heath; the bell was cast in Puebla, Mexico, by a family that has produced church bells since the 1700s. Thanks to the SRT members who assisted with the ceremony. 6 JAMES GEORGE CHAPTER DEDICATION OF PECAN TREE Dedication of the Texas Pecan tree, in honor of James Pinckney Henderson. Thanks, to everyone, Sheriff Honor Guard, ACPA, Ms. DeMay, Cassie Keys and her choir, Judge Sanders and Mayor Vaught. A special thanks to Charles Luna for bringing everyone together for the special program, and the SRT members for their support, for David Hanover and Gene Pilgrim. SAN JACINTO DAY PROCLAMATION Henderson County Commissioners Court for the San Jacinto Day proclamation for the James George Chapter, The Sons of the Republic of Texas. (L-R) Pct 1, Scotty Thomas, Pct 2, Wade McKinney, Rev. Jimmy L. Steele, Judge Richard Sanders, Charles Luna, Pct 3, Ronny Lawrence, Pct 4, Ken Geeslin. Rev. Steele’s ancestor, Alphonso Steele, fought at the battle of San Jacinto, and is said to have been the last surviving veteran of the battle. Steele’s portrait hangs in the capitol in Austin. DRT TEXAS HISTORY PRESENTATION For the past several years, the DRT Charles G. Davenport Chapter, Tyler, has gone into area fourth grade classrooms during Texas History Month to present “Pioneer Toys,” “Pioneer Music,” “Pioneer Kitchen,” “Children at the Alamo” and “Texas Heroes.” For the “Texas Heroes” section, David Hanover, KSJ, assisted by Lonnie Smith, brings Texas history to life at Grace Community Elementary School on March 5, 2013. Each session concludes with Marty Robbins’ moving rendition of “Ballad of the Alamo,” and sometimes, the students insist on hearing it a second time! 7 2013 ANNUAL MEETING - TYLER 8 2013 ANNUAL MEETING - TYLER Photos courtesy of Gary L. Evans 9 MARKER DEDICATION FOR RICHARDSON PERRY The William Joel Bryan Chapter #14 of The Sons of Republic of Texas held a marker dedication ceremony March 27, 2013, at Steep Hollow Cemetery. The event honored Richardson Perry, Alamo defender and early settler of Texas. Blair Fannin served as master of ceremonies, while Mervin Peters (chapter secretary), who organized and led the monument project, provided a biographical sketch of Perry. John Hicks (chapter vice president) led the U.S. and Texas pledges, while George Nelson (president) and Charles Briggs (chapter treasurer, KSJ and past president general) unveiled the marker. Also in attendance were local chapter members, Daughters of the Republic of Texas members, as well as leaders with the Steep Hollow Cemetery Association and the Brazos Historical Society. Perry was born in 1817. While some historians indicate he was born in Texas, family letters and legal documents suggest Perry was born in Hancock County, Mississippi. He was single and received a land grant in Brazos County on October 10, 1835. Perry took part in the siege of Bexar and later served in the Alamo garrison as a member of Capt. William R. Carey’s artillery company. He died in the battle of the Alamo on March 6, 1836. William Joel Bryan Chapter #14 The Sons of the Republic of Texas members (from left) George Nelson, president; Mervin Peters, secretary; Charles Briggs, KSJ and past president general, chapter treasurer; Blair Fannin, publicist; John Hicks, vice president. Photo by Dave McDermand, The Bryan-College Station Eagle. LONE STAR FLAG AND PRESIDENT LAMAR HONORED IN RICHMOND SRT members, City of Richmond officials, and the public celebrated the history of the Texas flag, while honoring Mirabeau B. Lamar, second president of the Republic of Texas, at Lamar’s gravesite in Morton Cemetery on Friday morning, January 25, 2013. 174 years ago, on January 25, 1839, President Lamar signed a bill authorizing the Lone Star flag to be the official flag for the Republic of Texas. On February 19, 1846, President Anson Jones lowered the Lone Star flag at ceremonies in !USTINWHILEANNOUNCINGhTHE2EPUBLICOF4EXASISNOMOREv4HE,ONE3TARmAGBECAMETHEOFlCIALmAGOFTHE3TATE of Texas, and its design has not changed since its adoption as the official flag of the Republic of Texas. Only the flag of Hawaii is older as an official state flag, but proud Texans are quick to point out that Hawaii’s official flag was modified in 1845, to its current design, thereby making the Lone Star flag the OLDEST ORIGINAL U.S. state flag design! Fort Bend County Precinct 1 Commissioner Richard Morrison gave a speech on the life of Mirabeau Lamar and his history in Richmond. Spectators at the event included Richmond City Manager Terri Vela, Assistant City Manager Glen Gilmore, and City Commissioners Gary Gillen and Bill Dostal. The City of Richmond is full of history and plays a significant role in Texas history. Lamar’s gravesite in Morton Cemetery is located on land where Santa Anna’s troops traveled while on their WAYTO3AN*ACINTO#ITY-ANAGER4ERRI6ELASAIDh4HEHISTORY of Richmond lives on, and we look forward to incorporating that HISTORYINTOTHEFUTUREOFOURCITYv 10 SRT MILTON IRISH CHAPTER CHARTER On March 27, 2013, at Lufkin Bar-B-Q, President General David Hanover, KSJ (second from left) presented a new charter to officers of the former Angelina Chapter #56, Lufkin. Officially changed to the Milton Irish Chapter #56, Lufkin, on September 8, 2012, chapter officers wanted as many Irish family members as possible to participate in the re-chartering event. After months of planning, Chapter President Tom Gann (second from right), Immediate Past President Jack Irish (left) and Secretary/ Treasurer Earnest Rowe (right) were able to generate interest from 29 Irish descendants, spouses, children and grandchildren, for this memorable tribute to their Republic of Texas ancestor, Milton Irish. On March 27, 2013, the 177th anniversary of the Goliad Massacre, Milton Irish was remembered as one of the 28 men that survived the Goliad Massacre, for his military service for the full length of the Texas Revolution and for having lived in Texas for the full term of its existence as an independent and sovereign country. NACOGDOCHES WILL POST A HISTORIC MARKER FOR GENERAL SAM HOUSTON’S FIRST TEXAS HOME Nacogdoches will erect a Texas historical marker claiming that the present site of the Gladys Hampton Building was the location of General Sam Houston’s first Texas home. This building is the current Nacogdoches City Hall. This effort has been championed by Dr. Jere Jackson, Director of East Texas Studies at Stephen F. Austin State University. According to the Texas State Historical Association, Houston crossed the Red River into Mexican Texas in 1832 and became a delegate from Nacogdoches at the Convention of 1833 in San Felipe. He was involved in many Texian activities. h)THASBEENKNOWNTHATTHElRSTHOUSE'ENERAL(OUSTONOWNEDISONTHEPROPERTYWHEREOURCITYHALLISLOCATEDv*ACKSON SAIDh4HATWASMARKEDINvh4HEFACTTHATHEMADE.ACOGDOCHESHISHOMEREALLYNEGATESALLTHECLAIMSMADEBY3AN Augustine and all the towns he visited. His own words were validated by Thomas J. Rusk, and Adolphus Sterne. You can’t GETBETTERINTERMOFWITNESSESv Although other cities, such as Huntsville, claim Sam Houston, during Dr. Jackson’s research, he found documentation that substantiated residency. In Feb 1833, he established a law practice in the Old Stone House. The marker has been ordered but has not arrived yet. Dr. Tom Middlebrook, a member of Adolphus Sterne Chapter #19, and current chairman of Nacogdoches County Historical #OMMISSIONHASSAIDh4HISISANIMPORTANTSPOTFOR4EXASv 11 SAN JACINTO DAY - 2013 April 21, 1836: Sam Houston and his army defeat the Mexican despot Santa Anna. His army of roughly 900 defeated the Mexican army of approximately 1600, while the Texians suffered less than 9 killed or mortally wounded. April 21, 2013: Sam Houston IV and his entourage, including the Texas Army, and The Sons of the Republic of Texas, attended the Official State of Texas Ceremony, honoring the 177th Anniversary of the Battle of San Jacinto. Attending was the President General, David Hanover, KSJ, and Past Presidents General, Sam Houston IV KSJ, and Charlie P. Briggs III, KSJ. The Musical Prelude was provided by the Deer Park High School Orchestra. All the attendees were very honored to be part of the Ceremony. A Ceremonial Memorial wreath was placed by the SRT President General, David Hanover, KSJ, the President of the San Jacinto Chapter of the DRT, the Honorable Sharolyn Wood, and the President General of the Descendants of San Jacinto, Scotty Patrick. The Master of Ceremonies was Ron Stone, Jr., with greetings from Senator Sylvia R. Garcia, and the Honorable Ed Emmett, County Judge. The Benediction was by Randy Pollard from the San Jacinto Chapter of SRT. The weather was perfect. Randy Pollard, Tom Houston, and Dick Lindley at San Jacinto At the base of the San Jacinto Monument: (L-R) Denton Bryant, Chairman, Texas History Essay Contest. Award winners Lauren Voigt (2nd place), Veronica Busa (3rd place), and Sam Giuffré (1st place); President General David Hanover, KSJ. Sam Houston IV, KSJ, great-grandson of General Sam Houston, delivers an analysis of the Battle of San Jacinto; (R) Master of Ceremonies Ron Stone, Jr., listens attentively to the inspiring account. Gregg Cantrell, President of the Texas State Historical Association, delivers the keynote address 12 NEWS RELEASE FOR THE 200TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BATTLE OF MEDINA The public is invited to attend the two day ceremony commemorating the 200th anniversary of the bloodiest battle in Texas history! The Battle of Medina occurred on August 18, 1813 between the Royal Spanish Army and the Republican Army of the North and approximately 800 and 1,300 men died in this all but forgotten battle which ended the GutierrezMagee Expedition. Since August 18th is on Sunday this year, we will hold an all day seminar at the Church of Christ located at 1003 North Main Street in Pleasanton, Texas beginning at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, August 17, 2013, courtesy of Norman Porter, Atascosita County, and Historical Committee Chairman. We will have several speakers you will want to hear, including Robert Thonhoff award winning author, Frank de la Teja, PhD. head of the history department from Texas State University, Dan Arredondo historian and author, William McWhorter from the Texas Historical Commission, Doc L’Herisson from Louisiana and others. Then at 6:00 p.m. Saturday evening we will gather under the large Oak trees on Old Applewhite Road where we have held a memorial ceremony for the past 12 years. At 10:00 a.m. Sunday morning, August 18, 2013 we will gather again under the large Oak trees on Old Applewhite Road to hold a memorial ceremony on the actual 200th anniversary of the battle which included Texas in the War of 1812, as well as the other countries in this hemisphere that were at war during this period in our history. Everyone interested in history is invited to attend. The Battle of Medina was between approximately 1,800 men in the Royal Spanish Army and approximately 1,400 men in the Republican Army of the North, which included Spaniards, Tejanos, Native Americans, and men from the USA. In fact we have identified 5 men who fought in the American Revolution who were involved in some way in the GutierrezMagee Expedition, with only one Patriot of the American Revolution, Peter Sides having been proven to have fought in the American Revolution and also fought and died in the Battle of Medina. Direct descendants of Peter Sides are eligible for membership in the DAR, the SAR, the DRT and the SRT, and descendants directly related to any of the 3,200 men who fought in this battle are eligible for membership in the DRT and the SRT. Over the past 12 years the SAR, DAR, SRT, DRT, Mayflower Society, the Daughter of the War of 1812 have dedicated markers to the men who fought and died in this battle, and they will rededicate their markers at both the Saturday evening ceremony and the Sunday memorial ceremony. This year we will dedicate a marker from the General Society of the War of 1812, on this 200th anniversary of this war, with the National President General in attendance. Signs will be placed on U.S. Highway 281 where you turn to the west on to the Old Pleasanton Road. Signs will also be where Bruce Road branches off of the Old Pleasanton Road. Signs will also be where Old Applewhite Road branches off Bruce Road, but contact Tom Green at or 713-340-1965 if you need additional directions. PRESENTING COLORS FOR PEARLAND CITY COUNCIL MEETING L to R: Tom Green, KSJ, Carl Hill, Dale Williamson and Honorary member Michael Bailey present the Proclamation from Pearland for 2013 San Jacinto. In Memoriam Name Chapter Roy Robert Campbell III Travis Poole Crowther Edward Wesley Phillips Howard Dale Selfridge Carroll Ray Wagner Jimmy Ray Jones George Warren Thomas 7 7 13 8 38 52 6 13 Hometown San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Elm Mott, TX Allen, TX Katy, TX Daingerfield, TX Marietta, GA NEW SRT MEMBERS Name Chapter Ancestor Hometown Thomas Declan McWilliams Richard Hooper Whitehouse, TX Travis Justin Upchurch Mary Harris Ashby Houston, TX Travis Justin Upchurch William Smothers Houston, TX Gov. Mark W. White Honorary Member Houston, TX Matthew Charles Bormann 1 Conrad Bormann Houston, TX Willard Ray Janczak 1 Henry Granau Sealy, TX Harold Gene Janczak 1 Henry Granau Houston, TX Karl Alexander Leifeste 1 Leander Calvin Cunningham Columbia, MD Jimmie Don Aycock 3 Robert Burton Killeen, TX Michael Edward Belcher 3 John Belcher Belton, TX Taylor William Ory 3 Thomas Menefee Salado, TX Carlos Federico Longoria 7 Joseph Zimmermann San Antonio, TX David Elliott Longoria 7 Joseph Zimmermann San Antonio, TX Ricardo Tomas Longoria 7 Joseph Zimmermann San Antonio, TX Robert Keith Bingham, Sr. 8 Thomas Peter Cartwright Irving, TX Donald Edward Morgan, Jr 8 Thomas Peter Cartwright Grapevine, TX John Earl Ray 8 John Moore Henderson Dallas Andrew Todd Thomas 8 James P. Forsythe Carrollton, TX Jud Paul Barron 12 Milton Irish Austin, TX Zane Thorin Barron 12 Milton Irish Pflugerville, TX Paul Levon Barron 12 Milton Irish Temple, TX William Cade Barron 12 Milton Irish Pflugerville, TX Wayne Allen Courreges, Jr 12 Lt. Robert Rankin Austin, TX James Warren Fagg 12 John W. Barnett Georgetown, TX Steven Edward Leonard 12 Uzziel Baggett New Braunfels, TX Kenneth H Cook 14 Lockhart Jefferson Irwin Tulsa, OK 14 TX NEW SRT MEMBERS Name Chapter Ancestor Hometown Charles Alexander Robertson III 22 Sterling Clack Robertson Dripping Springs, TX Ralph Haney Brock 27 James H. Graham Lubbock, TX Thomas Henry Caffall III 29 Philip Singleton Luling, TX Zachary Lamar Berry 35 Thomas Jefferson Devine Covington, LA Thomas Roderick Fausett 35 Neely Kimbro Bay City, TX James Henry Arrington 36 Emory Rains Fort Worth, TX David Howard Dikes 36 George Parker Dykes Weatherford, TX Tommy Gene Faries 36 David Huffman Itasca, TX Wyatt Charles Stephens 40 Captain James Burleson Alamogordo, NM Major Deen Stephens 40 Captain James Burleson San Angelo, TX Lowell D. Stephens 40 Captain James Burleson Alamogorda, NM Jeffrey Dene Stephens 40 Captain James Burleson Alamogordo, NM Gregory Don Stephens 40 Captain James Burleson San Angelo, TX Lowell Dene Stephens II 40 Captain James Burleson Alamogordo, NM Kenneth Ross Wright III 40 James Talbot Ross Lewisville, TX Robert Reily Carle 47 Richard Reily Granbury, TX Preston James McKnight 47 Martin Varner Dallas, TX Colin Anderson McKnight 47 Martin Varner Dallas, TX Gerald Lynn White 47 Martin Varner Granbury, TX Gail Wardleigh Wilson 47 John Crane Stephenville, TX John Westley Taylor 48 Isaac Banta Harper, TX John Edward Tittle 48 George W Cox, Sr. Harper, TX Timothy Curtis Gill 52 Lewis Latham Whitehouse, TX Lynton Bert Irish, Jr. 56 Milton Irish Shreveport, LA Ronald Wade Bowman 58 Jesse B. Bowman Huntsville, TX Michael Wayne Milby 58 Robert Mortimer Milby Spring, TX Jeffrey Michael Young 58 William Foster Young Huntsville, TX 15 Calendar of Events Sept. 13-14, 2013 Dec. 6-7, 2013 March 2 March 6 March 27 April 21 September 21 October 2 November 3 April 4-6, 2014 2013 Quarterly Meetings Stagecoach Inn; #1 Main Street, Salado, TX 76571; (254) 947-5111 or (800) 732-8994; August 13, 2013 cutoff date. Room rates: Standard Upstairs $69, Standard Downstairs $80, Jacuzzi $100, Pool side $120 + tax. Hampton Inn & Suites, 7006 N. Navarro, Victoria, TX 77904; (361) 573-9911; November 26, 2013, cutoff date. Rate: $110. + tax, 1 king or 2 queen size beds; free parking. 2013 SRT Events Texas Independence Day Fall of the Alamo Goliad Massacre San Jacinto Day Texian Navy Day on the Battleship Texas Battle of Gonzales Stephen F. Austin’s Birthday (Father of Texas) 2014 Annual Meeting Marriot Plaza San Antonio, 555 South Alamo St., San Antonio, TX 78205; toll free 800-228-9290; March 7, 2014, cutoff date (room block released). Rates: Run of House $125 + tax, Executive King $159 + tax, Congierge $169 + tax; Complimentary self-parking for group attendees staying at the hotel; for attendees at the hotel for the event and are not staying overnight, parking is $10, self or $16 valet. 2013 QUARTERLY MEETING June 7-8, 2013 Holiday Inn Express, 117 Highway 332, Clute, TX 77531; (979) 266-8746; April 30, 2013, cutoff date. Rate: $115 + tax; free parking 1717 Eighth Street Bay City, TX 77414 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Contact us at: SRT Office: Email: 1717 Eighth Street, Bay City, TX 77414 Phone: (979) 245-6644 Fax: (979) 244-3819