Back to the Bible or Back to the Jungle Bible Believers` Bulletin


Back to the Bible or Back to the Jungle Bible Believers` Bulletin
Bible Believers’ Bulletin
“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” (John 17:17)
Vol. 37 No. 9
Bible Baptist Church, P.O. Box 7135, Pensacola, Florida 32534
September, 2013
Back to the Bible or
Back to the Jungle
By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman
This is one of those articles
that is not for the “faint of
heart” or the squeamish when
it comes to accepting what the
Bible says over what the news
media demands you believe.
So be forewarned: if you are
moved by “every wind of
doctrine” (see Eph. 4:14)
put out by CBS, NBC, ABC,
CNN, NPR, Time magazine,
Newsweek, the Gannett string
of daily newspapers, the NEA,
the ACLU, Obama, Hillary
Clinton, and the Democratic
Congress, put this article
down before you work yourself
into a “hissey.”
A short time after I was
wild animals; wild animals are
found in the jungle. A basic
premise of Darwin’s religion is
called “survival of the fittest”:
it is me first and you next. The
law of the jungle is the law of
“tooth and claw”; i.e., “progress” is made by killing one
another. That’s how the “fittest” get into the best position
for “survival.” That’s how all
mankind developed according
to evolution.
As I studied further, I realized the pit of evolution was
much deeper than I thought.
Every dictator in the Twentieth
Century was an evolutionist.
I finally wrote a book on the
Continued on 5
saved, I picked up this little
saying from another Christian:
“Back to the Bible or back to
the jungle.” I was interested in
it because when I got saved,
one of the things on which I
got straight was the insanity
of evolution. It occurred to me
that everything I had studied
about evolution was simply
the law of the jungle. Darwin
taught that we all came from
there is anything with which
you should not put up, it is
hard-to-understand, archaic
reporting like the Fox News
Network and the morning
newspaper. Turn to Genesis in cannot get.
a King James Bible, and after
When Jacob finally made
reading chapter 28 through his break after twenty years
35, you will have information of being under “Laban the
that O’Reilly and his friends
Continued on 3
By Robert Militello
“For from the top of the
rocks I see him, and from the
hills I behold him: lo, THE
THE NATIONS” (Num. 23:9).
Balaam, who was hired by
Balak king of the Moabites to
curse the Jews, has words
put into his mouth by the Holy
Spirit that effectively doom the
United Nations of our present
“God brought him forth
out of Egypt; he hath as
it were the strength of an
unicorn: HE SHALL EAT
ARROWS” (Num. 24:8).
Israel is the Lord’s snare to
catch the Gentile nations and
put them into servitude to the
Jews. Why will the Lord do
this? “Because he loved thy
fathers” (Deut. 4:37).
“For thou art an holy
people unto the LORD thy
The Mizpah Between Syria and Israel
By Brian Donovan
The recent “news” about
the Israeli bombing in Damascus and civil war in Syria is
not news. If you really want
news about Syria and Israel,
go back to an archaic book
written over 3,500 years ago
called Genesis. Then compare
it with an ignored prophet who
spoke over 2,600 years ago
named Isaiah. Then turn to another sage called “the weeping
prophet” who saw 2,500 years
out into the future from where
he stood. Then you will start
learning something and getting the real scoop. Whatever
you do, do not waste time with
tomorrow’s newspaper where
you will not only be reading
slanted and biased lies, but it
will be archaic and antiquated
and outdated information. If
Throw Out the Jews
God: the LORD thy God hath
chosen thee to be a special
people unto himself, above
all people that are upon the
face of the earth” (Deut. 7:6).
Do you think a Gentile likes
to hear that? Is anything in
the Old Testament more clear
than that the Lord is coming
back to destroy the UN? There
are warnings innumerable that
the Lord intends to settle His
controversy with the nations
over a certain piece of land
He gave to the sons of Jacob.
Continued on 6
Page 2 B.B.B. September, 2013
The Five Wills of God
(Part 2 of 2)
We have been discussing
the five different wills of God
for every individual, especially
the born-again child of God.
They are: the directive will of
God, the permissive will of
God, and the good, acceptable, and perfect wills of God
as listed in Romans 12:2. Last
time, we discussed the directive will of God. Here, we will
start with the three wills of God
for the believer in Christ and
transition into the permissive
will of God.
At the Judgment Seat of
Christ, there are three wills
that show up for the Christian.
The first is the good will of
God. That is the will of God
you followed where you tried
to live a clean life and obey
the Ten Commandments, but
you didn’t do exactly what
the Lord wanted you to do
or called you to do. You say,
“What’s wrong with that?”
What’s wrong with that is that
you are unprofitable to the
Lord. There is a great verse in
Luke on this:
“So likewise ye, when ye
shall have done all those
things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: WE HAVE
When all you do is the
bare minimum to get by, you
haven’t brought any profit
to the Lord; those were the
things you were supposed
to do anyway. Over in Luke
19:12–27 is what is known as
the Parable of the Pounds.
A nobleman went into a far
country to get a kingdom, and
he left his ten servants each
with a pound to trade and
make more money. When he
came back, he brought his
servants before him to give
account to their master for
what they had made with their
pounds in trading. The first
servant made ten pounds;
he was rewarded with ten cities in the new kingdom. The
second servant only made
five pounds, yet he was still
rewarded with five cities in the
new kingdom because he had
made a profit for his master.
But when the third servant
was brought forward, all he
had was the original pound
his master had left him. He
was too resentful even to put
the money in the bank and let
it draw interest. Now there is
no sign that he was a lazy servant; he performed all of his
normal duties. But because he
made no profit for his master,
his pound was taken from him
and given to the first servant
who made ten pounds, and
the third servant received no
Now how does a child of
God become profitable to
his Lord? By bearing fruit.
Jesus told His disciples to
bear “fruit,” “more fruit,”
and “much fruit” (John 15:2,
8). When it comes to fruitbearing, some Christians
bear a hundred-fold (“much
fruit”), some bear sixty-fold
(“more fruit”), and some only
bear thirty-fold (“fruit”) (Mark
4:20), but the goal is not to be
a fruitless, barren Christian.
You need to go beyond the
“good” will of God and bear
as much fruit for your Lord
as possible. That’s the fruit of
the Spirit in Galatians 5; it’s
winning souls to Jesus Christ;
it’s praising God in difficult circumstances; it’s giving cheerfully and sacrificially.
The next will for the Christian is the acceptable will
of God. That means you’ve
made an effort to become
profitable to the Lord and bear
fruit. You have done some
things God will accept at the
Judgment Seat of Christ. You
will get rewards for those
things that are acceptable but
not for some of the rest of the
stuff He didn’t accept.
Finally, there’s the perfect
will of God. That’s where you
did what God wanted you
to do, the way He wanted it
done, at the time you were
told to do it, with the right attitude while doing it. That’s for
what you are rewarded at the
Judgment Seat of Christ, and
if you can meet all those requirements, you get what the
Bible calls “a full reward” (2
John 8).
The Devil is clever in this
matter of getting the Christian to miss the perfect will
of God. He can get you to do
the right thing in the wrong
way. He can get you to do the
right thing in the right way, but
with the wrong attitude. In the
case of the Lord Jesus, when
Satan tempted Him, the Devil
tried to get the Lord to do the
right thing at the wrong time.
Everything Satan tempted
Christ to do—turn stones to
bread, come down out of the
air, take over the kingdoms
of the world—was actually
something the Scriptures commanded Him to do. It was just
the wrong time: those were
things Christ will do at the
Second Advent. That’s why
Jesus turned them all down;
He will do all of those things
on the Father’s schedule.
I’ll never forget, right after I
got saved, hearing two young
men sing the song “Sweet Will
of God.” That first verse goes:
“My stubborn will at last
hath yielded;
I would be Thine, and Thine
And this the prayer my lips
are bringing,
Lord, let in me Thy will be
When it comes to the perfect will of God in the Christian
life, one of the greatest battles
you will ever face is to be will-
Dr. Peter S. Ruckman
President, Founder, and
Teacher of the Pensacola
Bible Institute, Pensacola,
ing to do some things if the
Lord wants them done. I faced
that several times in my Christian life. Sometimes it was the
Lord trying to break my will
to make it compliant to His
(“Would you be willing to do
this if I asked you to do it?”).
If you think that’s easy, just try
it sometime. Think of the last
thing you would ever want to
do if the Lord asked you to do
it, and then get down on your
knees and pray until you can
honestly say you would be
willing to do it if that’s what
God wanted. Now the Lord
may not want you to do it, but
if He did, are you willing?
Another time with me it was
being willing to do something
the Lord did want me to do
that I didn’t want to do. I wanted to be an evangelist and see
grown men saved. The Lord,
though, wanted me to be a
Bible teacher, and I despised
teachers. Through nearly
twenty years in the classroom
as a student, I can think of
only two teachers for whom I
had any respect, and one of
them was an instructor in the
military. I had to be willing to
give up the “acceptable” will
to do the “perfect” will of God.
When you come to a point
like that, sometimes you just
have to pray, “Lord, MAKE
me willing.” You may want to
Continued on 4
September, 2013 B.B.B. Page 3
The Mizpah Between Syria and Israel
Continued from 1
Syrian,” the two of them set
up a witness between them
called “MIZPAH,” or “a watch”
(Gen. 31:46–49). This heap
of stones was not a cute wall
plaque for the Lord to watch
between Christian friends
apart from each other, but a
marker between Israel and
the Syrians, who could be
trusted as far as Jacob could
throw the whole heap. When
Laban caught up with Jacob,
he pretended he only wanted
to send him off “with mirth,
and with songs, with tabret,
and with harp” (Gen. 31:27),
but Jacob knew that if it were
not for the Lord giving Laban
a good nightmare about what
would happen if he touched
Jacob, he was a dead man
(Gen. 31:42).
Today, regardless of what
he must say in public about
a fictitious “peace process,”
Prime Minister Netanyahu
knows that Israel can trust
Damascus as much as an
American can trust Obama.
Syria and Lebanon house
terrorist groups bent on annihilating Israel; and except the
God of Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob should protect them on
a daily basis as promised in
the Scriptures and as seen in
the story in Genesis 31, the
Jews would have been wiped
out by Mohammed’s killers
long before this.
The Hezbollah leader Nasrallah has referred to Israel as
a “racist and illegal entity” and
a “state of the grandsons of
apes and pigs.” A few years
ago, Nasrallah gave a speech
(from his hiding place, because he is as willing to die
for Allah as much as Saddam
Hussein and Osama Bin Laden were) where he promised:
“The Lebanese people are
capable of defeating this entity
(Israel) and can make it disappear . . . . Therefore, Hezbollah will not recognize Israel;
not today, not tomorrow, not
even in a thousand years.”
That is quite an interesting
choice of words when you
consider what the Lord has
said about Lebanon’s fate for
the next one thousand years.
Speaking to Israel through
the prophet Isaiah (chap.
60:13–14), the Lord says that
Lebanon will bend to Jerusalem and bow to the feet of
Israel for Christ’s millennial
reign. According to the prophet
Jeremiah, all Nasrallah has to
do to get Israel’s land is stop
the sun from rising, count the
stars, and measure the sand
of the sea (Jer. 33:14–22);
and the land is his. President
Assad of Syria has much
more to be concerned about
than trying to break through
Israel’s “Dome” defense system. Damascus will soon be
“confounded,” “fainthearted,” and “waxed feeble”
(Jer. 49:23–24), as well as “a
ruinous heap” (Isa. 17:1). At
least “Laban the Syrian” had
the sense to run home with his
tail between his legs when the
Lord gave him his warning.
We are very near the end of
the Gentiles changing Jacob’s
“wages ten times” (Gen.
31:41) throughout the years
of their dealings with each
other. Beginning with: 1) Titus
in A.D. 70, killing up to 500
Jews a day, 2) Hadrian in A.D.
135, reneging on a promise
to allow them to rebuild their
temple and instead began
selling and slaughtering them,
forbidding sabbath and synagogue meetings, circumcision,
and Torah study, 3) Canute in
1020 banishing all Jews from
England, 4) Rome’s “Holy Crusades” beginning in 1096 with
the wholesale massacre of all
Jews who refused “Christian”
Continued on 5
The “Errors” in the
King James Bible
With this work,
Dr. Ruckman
answers every
major attack on
the words of the
King James text
as you have it,
and shows that
no man, living or
dead, has ever
proved one error
in the text.
Formerly titled
Problem Texts,
this book gives
you complete,
and Biblical
answers to the
or alterations
of the King
James Bible
by Hebrew and
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Page 4 B.B.B. September, 2013
The Five Wills of God
Continued from 2
be willing and still not be. You
might have to go as far as you
can and get the Lord’s help to
bring you the rest of the way.
Last of all, there is the
permissive will of God. This is
the “will” with which everyone
has a problem. It includes
every kind of horror story in
the world: all the ones blown
up at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, cripples, handicapped
children, cancer, early death,
car crashes, etc. God allows
all those things.
Come on, folks, could God
stop those kinds of things?
Sure He could; He’s omnipotent (all-powerful). Does He?
No; not most of the time. God
allows those things to take
place and doesn’t stop them.
That’s the kind of thing that
makes atheists; they don’t like
a God who would let such horrible things take place.
God allows men to go to
Hell. It’s not His will (2 Pet.
3:9), but He still lets it happen.
He lets men go to Hell and
burn by the hundreds of millions every year and doesn’t
stop it.
That Bible says that God
ordains “the powers that
be” (Rom. 13:1). Well, do you
think God approves of bloody
killers like Hitler, Stalin, Arafat,
the Caesars, or the Popes? Of
course not!
The problem is, sinful men
mistake power for rights. The
law of the jungle is “survival of
the fittest”: me first, you next;
dog eat dog; “might makes
right.” No, it doesn’t. You can
have the power to do something that you have no right
doing at all. Conversely, you
can have a right to do a thing
with no power to be able to
do it.
When Jesus was before
Pontius Pilate, Pilate told
Christ, “You had better speak
to me. I have power to crucify you or let you go” (John
19:10). Jesus answered him,
“Thou couldest have no
power at all against me, except it were given thee from
above” (John 19:11). God allowed Jesus to be turned over
to Pilate to be crucified; and
poor, old, pliable Pontius Pilate thought he was in charge.
God let Krakatoa blow up
over in the East Indies and
kill hundreds of thousands.
God let those tsunamis tear
through Japan and India.
God let Ivan come through
Pensacola; He let Katrina go
through New Orleans; He let
Sandy go through New Jersey
and New York.
He’s the one who allowed
six million Jews to die in the
gas chambers and ovens in
Germany. He’s the One who
allows plagues like AIDS and
the flu to sweep through countries, killing hundreds.
Modern man thinks God
couldn’t have a hand in any of
those things because “God
is love” (1 John 1:8), but
they aren’t thinking. If God
saw those things and had
the power to stop them, and
could have stopped them and
didn’t, then He’s ultimately responsible for them. That’s the
permissive will of God.
The directive will of God is:
“Thou shalt not kill. Thou
shalt not commit adultery.
Thou shalt not steal,” etc.
(Exod. 20:13–17); but men
murder, commit adultery, and
steal all the time. Well, that’s
the permissive will of God.
What were good Christians like Haralan Popov and
Richard Wurmbrand doing in
a Communist prison in the
20% Off
prime of their lives? Couldn’t
God have gotten them out?
Sure He could; He got Paul
and Silas out in Acts 16. But
that’s God’s permissive will.
God will allow His children
to suffer terribly. If you don’t
believe it, read Foxe’s Book
of Martyrs. God didn’t stop
the torture and murder of
thousands of His children, But
that doesn’t mean that was
His directive will. He allowed
it to happen. You say, “Why?”
You’ll find out when you see
Him. I mean, Heaven is the
place for understanding, and
earth is the place for trust,
Sometimes God allows
such things to humble the child
of God. Sometimes He allows them to happen to make
Heaven real to His children.
Sometimes He lets bad things
happen to a Christian to make
him sympathetic with others
who go through trouble. And
sometimes He allows bad
things to prove His promises
Continued on 10
These 3 Items Only
During September
Dr. Peter S. Ruckman
Last Minute Instructions
Why Came We Out Of Egypt
Dead Men, Mad Men, And Pigs
What Happens When A Christian Sins
Brian Donovan
The Syrian Mizpah
Wall Builder
The Half-Hearted Life Of Amaziah
Tom Waddle
The Purpose Of The Storm
All of July’s sermons on one MP3
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MP3 (DB-48-51-1)
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DVD Video (DEV-0066)
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Prices valid for these items only, from 9/1/2013 to 9/30/2013—Cannot be used with any other discount.
(Plus postage — see page 8)
September, 2013 B.B.B. Page 5
Back to the Bible or
Back to the Jungle
Continued from 1
subject entitled The Christian’s
Handbook of Science and
Philosophy in which I went into
these matters in some detail;
I quoted what the warlords,
the economic barons, and the
international bankers thought
of evolution and how they applied it.
Now what you need to realize about why people accept
evolution is very simple. It has
nothing to do with “science”
because evolution defies three
basic, demonstrable laws of
science known to man: the
First Law of Thermodynamics
(matter and energy cannot
be created or destroyed), the
Second Law of Thermodynamics (things get worse; they
don’t get better), and the Law
of Biogenesis (life begets life;
there is no “spontaneous generation”). Evolution is simply
man siding with the animals
so he will be free of any moral
responsibility to his Creator.
You see, animals are amoral:
they have no morals.
A Christian over in England “crossed swords” once
with one of these idolaters
who worshipped Darwin. The
Christian observed: “This
teaching (evolution) is nothing
but a cleverly cooked-up alibi
to make us more independent
of our Creator than we already
are.” Precisely.
Some reporter asked Julian
Huxley one time why scientists accepted Darwin’s theory
of evolution so readily. Huxley
replied, “I suppose we jumped
at the Origin (i.e., Darwin’s
Origin of Species) because
the idea of God interfered with
our sexual morés.” That is,
the scientists who accepted
evolution had the morals of
an alley cat.
Animals have no “rights” or
“wrongs.” The goal of the NEA
in America since the days of
FDR has been to raise your
children as animals so that
they come out with no morals.
Each “animal” is to esteem
himself so highly that he is the
final arbiter of “values” for himself. If along the way he does
something “wrong,” he doesn’t
have to worry about being hurt
for it because corporal punishment is out. You train the kiddies to be wild animals where
“might is right.” (Murphy’s Law:
“Those who live by the sword
will perish by those who have
That is the entire content of
an American education from
kindergarten to post-graduate
work when dealing with society. All animals have three
goals and three goals only:
self-preservation (me first,
you next), self-propagation
(Huxley’s “sexual morés”), and
self-gratification (reasonable
comfort and pleasure). There
are no Ten Commandments,
no Golden Rule, and no Bible.
Continued on 8
The Mizpah Between
Syria and Israel
Continued from 3
baptism, 5) France in 1306
deporting 100,000 Jews and
stealing their property, 6)
Spain’s Inquisition of 1492,
with Ferdinand and Isabella
using Torquemada to torture,
burn, and banish all Jews from
Spain, 7) Russian pogroms
killing tens of thousands between 1881–1884, then again
between 1918–1920 after
the Bolshevik Revolution, 8)
Germany’s holocaust of WWII,
killing six million of Jacob’s
sons, 9) the 1948 attack by
five Arab nations on the fledgling state of Israel, till finally
10) the Tribulation horror when
the Syrian returns as the Antichrist to fulfill “the time of
Jacob’s trouble” (Jer. 30:7),
when a conservative number
of over 24 million Jews will be
It is then that the Lord Himself will step in and force the
Gentile nations to bow and
recognize not only the Jewish
nation, but their Jewish King,
the Lord Jesus Christ. At that
time, and only then, will there
no longer be a need for the
“Mizpah.” The Jews will no
longer need a wall to keep
suicide bombers out. Laban’s
Syrian sons will bow and recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s
capital and come peaceably
to her with gifts. England will
no longer refuse to send her
old queen to Jerusalem. After
sixty years on her throne, officially visiting over 130 countries (that includes at least
fourteen Arab countries), old
Lizzy II has not once made
an official trip to Israel. London will officially recognize
Jacob’s King in that day, and
the English rulers will lick the
dust off Jacob’s feet (Isa.
49:23). The Syrian will bow
as Damascus is brought to “a
ruinous heap,” and Hezbollah’s rhetoric will change to
psalms of praise to Jacob’s
King. Count on it with your
soul. The 1611 AV has not
missed a single call. Are you
ready for that day?
This book describes
the WAR OF REBELLION against
the scholars who
have ditched the
King James Bible
and who have held
the Body of Christ
in bondage to their
opinions and preferences, now, for over
a hundred years.
Us i n g anecdotes
from military history, Dr. Ruckman illustrates the battle he has fought against Christian
scholarship for nearly 54 years.
The purpose of this book is to get the Christian
soldier to think and act in a disciplined manner so
he can “WAR a good WARFARE” in the battle
for the truth.
187 Pages
(Plus postage—see page 8)
Page 6 B.B.B. September, 2013
Throw Out the Jews
Continued from 1
This issue will not be resolved in a probate court
where last wills are contested.
No, this controversy will be
settled on the battlefield where
so much of the history of the
Old Testament took place. The
very institution that the victorious allies of World War II set
up to end wars on earth will be
the cause of the most awful
battle in all of human history
(see Rev. 9:13–21). Before
Armageddon, the greatest
land battles ever fought were
between the German and
Russian armies (1941–45).
Both those armies combined
would be barely a tenth of the
two hundred million-man army
that will take the field against
the Lord and His army.
Few Jews are now left on
this earth that still believe
the land grant given to their
fathers will be honored. Jews
have had to die in three major
wars with their Arab neighbors
just to hold onto their tiny parcel of land given them by the
UN in 1947 when Palestine
was partitioned. Sadly, the
land that the Jews conquered
from the Egyptians, Syrians,
and Jordanians had to be
given back because of U.S.
pressure. Thank God Israel
held onto east Jerusalem and
the so-called “West Bank” of
the Jordan. Still, the pressure
is mounting each year for
Israel to accept a Palestinian
state with east Jerusalem as
its capital.
Every move made by the
nations to steal from the Jews
the land God gave them is
under a magnifying glass in
the Lord’s hand.
“A land which the LORD
thy God careth for: the
(Deut. 11:12).
On November 5, 1949, the
UN General Assembly voted
to receive the new state of
Israel into its membership.
Those nations that welcomed
Israel into their exclusive club
had no idea that they had
started a clock that would
count down the years to their
own destruction. Israel, which
had been running away from
God since the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C., had gotten
into the Gentile boat, the UN,
and like Jonah, does not know
that it soon must be pitched
overboard to be fed to the
Antichrist. All this is hidden to
them. The Jews are spiritually
Israel has no business taking a seat at a table where
other members plot day and
night to create another Arab
state filled with murderers
and terrorists who believe the
Jews are monkeys and pigs,
and that Allah’s will is to destroy them all. Last November,
184 out of 193 nations voted
to allow the Palestine Liberation Organization to sit in the
UN General Assembly meetings. Eventually, the UN will
help create an independent
state of Palestine. Hebron, the
place where the fathers are
buried whom the Lord loved,
will most likely be in the state
of Palestine. David’s kingdom
began there.
Will all of this lead Israel
to abandon the UN? No. The
Lord will have to get involved,
and He will.
“And I heard another
voice from heaven, saying,
Come out of her my people,
that ye be not partakers of
her sins, and that ye receive
not of her plagues” (Rev.
When it comes to spiritual
things, Israel’s leaders are
just like Jonah sleeping in the
storm. There is a heavy reliance upon the military to save
the nation from disaster. If you
know your Bible, you know
where this leads.
Someone is keeping watch
at the UN, in the Vatican, in
the meeting rooms of the U.S.
State Department, and in the
hovels of every Jew-hating
Moslem in the world.
“Behold, he that keepeth
Israel shall neither slumber
nor sleep” (Psa. 121:4).
Since 1948, the UN Security Council has adopted
almost one hundred resolutions directly critical of Israel
for so-called violations of the
UN Charter, Security Council
Resolutions, the Geneva Convention, and other violations of
international law. U.S. taxpayers fund a Jew-hating club of
international deadbeats meeting on Manhattan’s east side
on land donated by the Rockefeller family for the cause of
world peace. That place is a
monument to the stupidity of
the U.S. State Department
and a betrayal of our nation’s
father, George Washington,
who warned against foreign
entanglements. There was
a time when Americans had
better sense.
After World War I, the international community decided
to set up the League of NaContinued on 9
Chronology of the
Old Testament
Floyd Nolen Jones
Order RF-1645
This book comes highly recommended by Dr. Ruckman as one of the best
Bible-believing works on the subject.
Basing his chronology upon the King
James Bible, Dr. Jones lays out the
timetable of the entire Old Testament,
reconciling many difficult passages.
This book comes with a CD of charts
which are invaluable to the Bible student. Contains bibliography and index.
Excellently published as a hardbound, 296 page, 8¾ x 11¼ inch book.
Printed on high-quality paper stock.
(Plus postage—see page 10)
September, 2013 B.B.B. Page 7
Virtual Equality
By Tom Waddle
No doubt the main “thrust”
of “this present evil world”
(Gal. 1:4) is “unity.” There is
a continual 24-hour push to
make everything the same.
Make women men, black
white, children adults, Catholics Protestants, and queers
“Woe unto them that call
evil good, and good evil;
that put darkness for light,
and light for darkness; that
put bitter for sweet, and
sweet for bitter!” (Isa. 5:20).
The only way this can be
done is to convince people
that there are no differences;
i.e., rob the individual of his
ability to discriminate.
“The kings of the earth
set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together,
against the LORD, and
against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands
asunder, and cast away their
cords from us” (Psa. 2:2–3).
In order for them to get everyone together, they have got
to kick the Bible OUT—“break
their bands asunder.”
The first definition of discrimination according to Webster is: “The act of distinguishing; the act of making
or observing a difference;
distinction; as the discrimination between right and wrong.
“And they shall teach my
people the difference between the holy and profane,
and cause them to discern
between the unclean and
the clean” (Ezek. 44:23).
I think one of the best
books Dr. Ruckman ever
wrote was Discrimination: The
Key to Sanity. If someone really wanted to make an effort
to “make this world a better
place to live,” I think distributing a couple of cases of
those books and three cases
of Bibles to every college
campus in America would be
a great idea. The only cure
for America is the TRUTH. In
that book, Dr. Ruckman says,
“A man who cannot spot the
differences between men,
women, adults, children, Occidentals, Orientals, blacks,
whites, plumbers, bankers,
carpenters, brokers, commercial fishermen, miners,
Germans, and Hawaiians, is
ready for the nuthouse (Eccl.
9:3), and that is where he
should be. The ability to discriminate is a God-given ability
which only the sane possess.
If you cannot tell the difference
between a one dollar bill and
a one hundred dollar bill, you
are in trouble—bad trouble.”
It is higher education that is
responsible for this deluge of
mindless numbskulls trying to
convince us that “all men are
created equal.” Saying that “all
men are created equal” is just
as absurd as saying, “we are
all the children of God,” “gays
are normal people,” “Santa
Claus is coming to town.”
You get the entire media
saying, “All men are created
equal” and “gays are normal
and should be allowed to
marry” year after year, and
before you know it, it’s popular
to believe it as the truth. Then
anyone who opposes those
things is labeled as a “white
supremacist,” a “hatemonger,”
or a “Bible-thumping homophobe” whose speech must
be outlawed. The truth has
become their enemy.
“God is no respecter of
persons” (Acts 10:34), as
far as salvation is concerned,
because “ALL have sinned,
and come short of the glory
of God” (Rom. 3:23). You
need salvation; and it is offered to you as a “free gift”
(Rom. 5:15–18), whether
you are black, white, male,
female, “gay,” or normal. We
become “one in Christ” spiritually when we are born again
(Gal. 3:26–28). This does not
mean that our physical differences cease to exist. If you
think blacks are the same as
whites, women are the same
as men, children should be
treated as adults, and a queer
is just a “lifestyle” that is normal, then my friend you are
in “virtual-equality” la-la land.
Your “equality” doesn’t exist.
It’s just in your head.
If we are “the same,” then
Continued on 11
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Page 8 B.B.B. September, 2013
Back to the Bible or
Back to the Jungle
Continued from 5
My, though, what a change
you have when you get into
the Bible! You haven’t gone
nine chapters before you run
into a man named Ham: Ham
had a sex problem. When
Noah awoke from his drunken
stupor, he realized “what his
younger son had DONE
UNTO HIM” (Gen. 9:24).
Ham committed a sin against
his father connected with his
father’s nakedness just like
you read in Leviticus 18 (which
see). Ham’s sin was a sexual
sin which became named after
his descendants in Sodom and
Gomorrah (Gen. 10:19–20).
Noah cursed Ham’s youngest son (Canaan—Gen.
9:25)—even though it was
his daddy who committed the
sin—because Ham’s sin had
to do with his seed (the seed
included all Ham’s descendants just like Abraham’s seed
included all his descendants—
Gen. 13:6, 15:5). Ham’s sin
was sodomy, so his descendants are destroyed for that
sin (Gen. 19).
Ham’s “seed” winds up in
two places: the land of Canaan
and Africa (Africa is called
“the land of Ham” in Psa.
105:23, 27; 106:22). It is Egypt
in northern Africa where the
Jews ended up as slaves under Pharaoh. Pharaoh was an
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African; the children of Israel
were set free from Africans.
When God called Israel out
of Africa, He sent them to the
land of Canaan: Canaan was
the son of Ham God cursed.
Do you know what the orders
were for the Israelites concerning those Canaanites? It
was genocide (Deut. 7:1–2).
Do you ever read your Bible?
Do you know why God commanded genocide against
those people? Well, among
other things, they, like the
Egyptians (Lev. 18:3), were
guilty of gross sexual sins
(Ham has a sex problem):
incest (Lev. 18:7–15), adultery
(Lev. 18:20), bestiality (Lev.
18:23), and SODOMY (Lev.
18:22)—everything Obama
is pushing with “LBGT” (Lesbians, Bisexuals, Gays, and
Transgenders). God said
those sins defiled the land and
made it vomit out its inhabitants (Lev. 18:24–25); that’s
why He wanted those people
Ham’s sin was considered
so bad that New Testament
salvation didn’t change God’s
opinion of it a bit. God said
that anyone who practiced
Continued on 13
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September, 2013 B.B.B. Page 9
Throw Out the Jews
Continued from 6
tions to make sure the tragedy
of WWI was not repeated.
President Woodrow Wilson,
an amillennial Presbyterian
theology student, felt the time
was right to end all wars and
bring in the kingdom. On July
8, 1919, President Wilson
returned from the Paris Peace
Conference and embarked
on a vigorous campaign to
persuade Americans and the
U.S. Senate to join the League
of Nations. In October of that
year, he received the Nobel
Peace Prize. He prayed for
peace like the Pope.
Before TV came along and
radio took hold, Americans in
1919 still read their Bibles.
President Wilson campaigned
so strenuously for the U.S.
to join the League, he got a
stroke and spent the remainder of his presidency disabled.
He could not convince America that the League was a good
idea. Bible-reading Americans
wrote their senators and asked
them to vote down the League.
By 1945, the influence of
the Bible on our lawmakers in
Congress had begun to wane.
President Truman was able to
sell the UN as a good idea and
the world’s “last best hope for
peace.” When you stop reading your Bible, you become a
political jackass, along with a
lot of other mental deficiencies. Israel, with a population
that had become increasingly
agnostic and atheistic after
seeing six million perish without the God of Jacob doing a
thing to prevent it, also thought
the UN was a good idea. So
Prime Minister David Ben
Gurion ignored the orthodox
community, pretended Numbers 23:9 was not relevant to
the modern state of Israel, and
asked the Gentile nations to
allow Israel to join their club.
“Great men are not always
wise” (Job 32:9).
This desire to be like all the
other nations has been a stink
in God’s nostrils since Israel
left Egypt.
“Ye have been rebellious
against the LORD from the
day that I knew you” (Deut.
Samuel had to deal with it.
“Then all the elders of Israel gathered themselves together, and came to Samuel
unto Ramah, And said unto
him, Behold, thou art old,
and thy sons walk not in thy
ways: now make us a king
to judge us LIKE ALL THE
NATIONS” (1 Sam. 8:4–5).
Some twelve centuries
later, this wickedness, this
despising of their unique
standing before God, culminates in a call to remain part
of Caesar’s gang.
“But they cried out, Away
with him, away with him,
crucify him. Pilate saith
unto them, Shall I crucify YOUR KING? The chief
priests answered, WE HAVE
(John 19:15).
Well, on November 5,
1949, modern Israel signed
up with Caesar again. When
the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) took a seat
last year in the UN General
Assembly, it sat alongside the
Holy See, which also has
observer status at the UN,
although it is not a state in
the conventional sense of the
word. The Vatican and the
PLO are no friends of Israel,
but there, they are like Pilate
and Herod smiling at the Jews
and saying, “Peace, peace,
Continued on 12
The Lord God Almighty
vs. THe Moon God
On this MP3, Dr. Ruckman exposes what
the Moslem religion is and from where it came.
This study contains the documented statements from Moslem leaders on their own beliefs.
It also documents what the Koran and Hadith
actually teach, some of which are very outlandish. This MP3 is a
must if you want to do
a thorough study of
the true teachings of
the Moslem religion.
(Plus postage—see page 8)
God Is Love
What is this thing called
An encouraging and uplifting look at
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Life “begins” with Jesus Christ. It is everlasting life, going
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130 Pages
(Plus postage — see page 8)
Page 10 B.B.B. September, 2013
The Five Wills of God
Continued from 4
are real and that He can take
care of you through trouble.
You may find out the reason
down here, and then again you
may not. But God allowed it for
a purpose.
Do you know what God’s
will is for the rule of this earth?
It’s His Son (1 Tim. 6:15; Zech.
14:9; Rev. 11:15). But right
now, Satan has been given
“the power of death” (Heb.
2:14) and the power over “the
kingdoms of this world”
(Luke 4:5–6) as “the god of
this world” (2 Cor. 4:4).
Now all of these things are
“tough nuts to crack” for a
Bible-rejecting intellectual. He
can’t handle them because
he’s stupid. When the intellectual rejected what God said
in His Book, the Lord purposefully made the fellow stupid.
That Bible says, “the world
by wisdom knew not God”
(1 Cor. 1:21). It says, “Professing themselves to be
wise, they became fools”
(Rom. 1:22). God said of
those people, “I will destroy
the wisdom of the wise, and
will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent”
(1 Cor. 1:19). In fact, Jesus
Handbook of
Presents arguments for the
King James text that have
never been refuted, including evidence that the phony
“Septuagint” never existed
before A.D.100. Excellent
study for those whose faith
in the King James Version
has been attacked.
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(Plus postage—see pg. 8)
rejoiced that His Father did
that, and He thanked God for
it (Luke 10:21).
If you want to talk yourself
completely out of the will of
God altogether, there is no
better way to do it than to be a
dishonest skeptic who fancies
himself an “intellectual.” God
will allow you (His permissive
will) to bypass His directive
will for you to be saved (2 Pet.
3:9), and He will send you the
deception you ask for (Ezek.
14:1–11) until you “think” yourself right into the Lake of Fire.
If you want to know God’s
will for your life, I will tell you
how to do it.
1. Surrender YOUR will.
Lay yourself at God’s disposal
and be prepared to accept and
do whatever He shows you.
2. Get into “the scripture
of truth” (Dan. 10:21) and let
the Holy Spirit of God “guide
you into all truth” (John
3. Pray for guidance.
4. Look for God’s providential guidance in circumstances.
5. Wait on God.
And as you follow those
steps, do day by day what
you know to be right: obey the
light God has already given
you. Bob Jones Sr. used to
say, “The right road leads out
at the right place,” and “the
best preparation for tomorrow
is to do what you ought to do
Untold History
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Forty-eight business card
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These cards, convenient
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Based on the award winning documentary, “A Lamp
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Twentieth Century.
140 Pages
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September, 2013 B.B.B. Page 11
V ir tu a l Eq uality
Continued from 7
why the need for ANY special
help or special rights for ANYONE? If there is any need for
“special” help, that means they
are NOT THE SAME. Bible
believers are for equal opportunity for all, with the preference for the hardest working,
most talented, and the best
qualified. If you want our government, military, education,
and businesses to be the best
in the world, then you’d better
trash your “social advancement,” “affirmative action,” and
“special rights” for ANYONE.
Virtual equality: we are all the
same—if you are crazy.
All people have the right to
life and the right to exist and
preserve their cultural integrity,
yes, but there should be NO
special rights to murderers,
rapists, rioters, and violent
criminals based on their race,
gender, or “sexual preference.”
One must never forget
that God is a separatist. He
wants the Christian to come
out of the world (2 Cor. 6:17).
He has separated Hell from
Heaven, the saved from the
lost, right from wrong, good
from evil, and light from darkness (Acts 26:18). When men
tried “solidarity” in Genesis
11, the Lord busted them up;
it was certainly not an act of
“Mother Nature.” In Genesis,
it was the Lord who “divided
the light from the darkness”
(Gen. 1:4). Everything is NOT
relative. There are absolutes,
and your “preference” doesn’t
mean anything.
To say that all the new
“Bibles” are the same means
nothing; you are not living in
“reality.” “Change” means not
making things the same;who
are you trying to kid? As
they say, “don’t pour water
down my back and then tell
me it’s raining” (that’s the
revised phrase!). You make
a literal change in what God
said and then try to convince
me you really didn’t make a
change—you are crazy. They
are the same ONLY IN YOUR
MIND—virtual equality. To
say that the New King James
Version is the same as the
King James Bible only means
that you have seared your
conscience and can no longer
think straight. You have lost
your ability to discriminate.
Your effort to be politically
correct and get along with
the world has cost you your
The trouble is that our society is deceptive. With all of
these “virtual reality” games, it
looks real when it’s really not.
This generation has quit thinking. They can make plastic
now that looks like real wood.
Some wigs or hair pieces look
like real hair. They can now
put permanent false teeth
where your real ones used
to be, and they look real! Do
you want a chicken sandwich?
Well, it might be a chicken
sandwich, and it might not be.
The Devil is a great counterfeiter. He was not an angel as some teach, but is
“transformed into an angel
of light,” and you would
“swear” that his ministers
were God-called preachers (2
Cor. 11:13–15). The Devil has
ministers, angels, apostles,
a church, spirits, music, a
gospel, another Jesus, and
“Bibles” that are NOT THE
SAME as God’s; and you’d
better know the difference.
The truth is, Catholics are
NOT Protestants, Moslems
Here is a Book, the Holy Bible, written by
forty male authors, writing from three continents,
through a period of more than 1,800 years, and
it displays a mathematical miracle, DEALING
WITH HISTORICAL EVENTS, that no computer
could display with the ability to record 50,000,000
pieces of information per second.
What particular quirk of perverted logic would
lead any “modern man” to overlook such a Book?
Alongside this Book, the Holy Bible, all other
“holy writings” are cheap, shallow, superficial,
religious nonsense.
(Plus shipping and handling. See pg. 8)
are NOT Christians, black is
NOT white, red is NOT green,
women are NOT men, children are NOT adults, up is
NOT down, cold is NOT hot,
the Old Testament is NOT the
New Testament, the sun is
NOT the moon, God is NOT
the Devil, Hell is NOT Heaven,
the Bible is NOT the original
manuscripts, baptism is NOT
salvation, fear is NOT reverential trust, all men are NOT
the children of God, water is
NOT gas, lost is NOT saved,
queers are NOT normal, the
new “Bibles” are NOT the King
James Bible, and you are NOT
sane if you believe they are.
ROME: The Great
Private Interpreter
Dr. Ruckman soundly
refutes Catholicism’s
eight main abuses of the
1. the Church
2. the Pope
3. the Priest
4. the Bible
5. the Mass
6. Purgatory
7. Baptism
8. Mediators
“The best work for showing
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$ 95
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Page 12 B.B.B. September, 2013
Throw Out the Jews
Continued from 9
Already, the new Pope,
Francis, is getting rave reviews in the Jewish press. The
Vatican’s charm campaign is in
full swing, and this Jesuit from
Argentina is one very sly fox.
Last May, a Catholic book publisher put out On Heaven and
Earth, written by Pope Francis
in conjunction with Abraham
Skorka, a rabbi and biophysicist from Buenos Aires. The
book has both these Bible
blockheads waxing eloquent
on a host of subjects. What
a farce.
Watch out, Israel! That
man in Rome calling himself
the “Holy Father” will help
the “poor” Palestinians get
their state, and you’ll have
a lot more security issues
with which to deal than you
have now with Egypt, Syria,
Lebanon, Jordan, Hamas,
Hezbollah, Iran, and the Muslim Brotherhood. These days,
Caesar dresses up in a religious costume and pretends
he loves Jews. Israel has
extended a formal invitation to
“His Holiness” to visit this year.
That’s like asking Dracula to
check out a blood bank—it’s
Some 2,640 years ago, the
Holy Spirit used the prophet
Zephaniah to write the UN’s
obituary notice.
“Therefore wait ye upon
me, saith the LORD, until
the day that I rise up to the
Israel is a member of an
organization that will soon
drink from the cup of the Lord’s
wrath. Do they know it? Jews
wrote the Bible, not Gentiles;
they ought to know it. The so-
called statesmen of the world
believed Hitler’s promise when
he signed the Munich Pact in
1938 promising no war in Europe. Educated people would
rather believe the word of a
depraved tyrant than a book
with God’s signature all over
it. Men believe liars because
they are liars themselves. That
“Tower of Babel” in Manhattan
is a meeting place for polished
liars speaking in a confusion
of tongues, but united in their
desire to bring in a “kingdom
of peace” without the Jewish
When the first Tower of
Babel was built, there were
no Jews. Anti-semitism was
unknown. The Lord had not
yet called out a people to be
a holy nation to bring light to a
dark Gentile world. Now there
is a modern state of Israel, a
refuge for the “wandering Jew”
to return to. Today with gay
pride parades in Tel Aviv and
September 13–15
New Heights Bapt. Church
15490 E. Hampden Ave.
Ste #100
Aurora, CO 80013
Pastor Adrian Dominguez
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October 11–13
Bible Baptist Church
114 Hall Lane
Rickman, TN
Pastor Tim Wilson
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November 9–11
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128 Goodman Street
Munfordville, KY
Pastor Sean Riggs
(270) 524-5678
Jerusalem, Israel is certainly
not a holy nation. Jerusalem
has become like “Sodom
and Egypt” (Rev. 11:8). Israel
has more in common with the
Gentile nations than it does
with its Creator.
In the UN, the Jews have
a seat with those who love
“darkness rather than light”
(John 3:19). The book written
by their holy prophets mocks
the very assembly in which
they now sit. This month, the
UN General Assembly will
open its 68th session. In the
city where George Washington
was sworn in as our first president, our government has paid
for 68 years worth of international hot air to be dumped on
the already polluted streets of
Manhattan. What a disgrace.
him are as NOTHING; and
they are counted to him
vanity” (Isa. 40:17).
This includes the United
States of America, so don’t
forget this verse next time you
sing “God Bless America.”
What’s New at the Bookstore?
Donovan Sermon Collection Volume 31................. DC-DD31 $14.95
July Sermons at Bible Baptist (2013)...................... DC-1307 $14.95
Acts Dispensationally Considered (Stam) (2 books).RC-1121 $38.00
The Lost Soul’s First Day in Eternity (Humphrey)... GN-9395 $5.00
Soulwinning Crash Course (Joseph Dearing)......... GN-9396 $12.50
My Testimony (Spanish) (Karin McGuire).................TR-30S 5¢ each
Tracts from
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CK 1080
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$ 00
per pack of 25 of the SAME TITLE
These three tracts all present the Lord Jesus Christ
coming to save sinners. They are especially well received
by young people of all ages. Use this time of year as an
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Chick tracts get read.
(Plus postage—see page 8)
September, 2013 B.B.B. Page 13
Back to the Bible or
Back to the Jungle
Continued from 8
that perversion was “worthy
of death” (Rom. 1:26–32).
Don’t believe me; look up
the passage and READ IT! It
wasn’t like shrimp or pork (Lev.
11) that was cleansed by God
after the death of His Son as
a picture of salvation going to
unclean Gentiles (Acts 10 cf.
Eph. 2:11–13). It was a moral
abomination that God classified with fornication, adultery,
idolatry, covetousness, drunkenness, extortion, blasphemy,
and MURDER (1 Cor. 6:9–10
cf. Gal. 5:19–21). Obama and
the faggots don’t know about
what they’re talking.
Now that is what God has
against “the land of Ham.”
Early in my Bible studies, I
used to wonder why God didn’t
want Abraham in Egypt (Gen.
13), why Jacob didn’t want
to be buried in Egypt (Gen.
47:29–31), why Joseph didn’t
want his body to remain in
Egypt (Gen. 50:24–25), why
God called Israel out of Egypt
(Exod. 3:8), why God didn’t
want His people going back
down to Egypt (Deut. 17:16),
and why He called His own
Son out of Egypt (Matt. 2:15).
God is so much against Egypt
that He won’t bless any “Bible”
that comes from there (Jer.
44:26). Do you know from
where the corrupt manuscripts
come which are the basis for
apostate versions like the
Septuagint, the Vulgate, the
Jesuit Rheims Version of
1582, and all modern English
translations (RV, ASV, RSV,
NASV, NIV, ESV, etc.)? They
were from Alexandria, Egypt
in Africa. God is against that
place because Ham has a sex
Do you know what you find
over there in Cairo, Egypt,
next to those pyramids? You
find the Sphinx. That thing
is a hermaphrodite: it is half
man and half woman. It’s a
double sodomite containing
both sexes: unisex. And on
top of that, it is part animal
(you know what I mean, jelly
bean, Lev. 18:23?). Ham has
a sex problem.
Now that is what Obama
and the Democrats in the
Senate and the Congress
are trying to force on the
American people right now.
It’s a throwback to a culture
so backwards that with three
million years to “progress” (all
evolutionists say that the oldest “person” ever discovered
on this earth with any likeness
to a human being was a black
woman from Kenya, Africa:
Leakey’s “Lucy”), Europe went
by it as if it were standing still.
Evidently, there was something wrong with “Lucy’s”
With the largest coastline
of any continent on earth,
“Lucy” couldn’t produce any
navy without Shem’s help
(Phoenicia). With the greatest pile of lumber, timber, and
rainforests in the world, she
had no lumber industry. With
more gold and diamonds than
in Russia, China, and America
combined, she’s been bankrupt for 2,000 years and had to
live off Europe the whole time.
I wonder why any African
who got to America would
want to go “back to Africa”?
How many blacks that stayed
in Africa made over a million
dollars a year bouncing a ball
around and shooting hoopa,
hoopas? How many blacks
who stayed in Africa ever
Continued on 14
The Book of Luke
This study on the third Gospel
emphasizes the historical accuracy of the eyewitness accounts
Luke used in compiling his work.
The doctrinal and textual differences between the “synoptic”
Gospels are examined and explained. The material unique to
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but with evangelistic application
in mind as well.
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Page 14 B.B.B. September, 2013
Back to the Bible or
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Continued from 13
made over a million dollars
running around with a pigskin
under their arms or boxing
in a ring or telling dirty jokes
to people or singing dirty lyrics? How come black Africans
had to leave Africa to get the
You know something, if
you didn’t know any better
(“political correctness”), you’d
almost make a “stereotype”
out of Africa. Why, you might
even call it “The Dark Continent.” One thing is for certain,
though: whether you are
afraid to make a “profile” or
“stereotype” because you live
in a country that censors free
speech, there is no rush of
blacks here in America, whose
ancestors were brought over
here in slave ships by the
white man, to go back from
where their people came.
What? No desire for the
“homeland” after talking about
“black pride” and “black history
month” and “the first black”
to do this or that? (Question:
what took you so long? You
had over a million-year head
start on the white folks.) Why
no desire to “return to your
roots”? What makes you think
the white man’s place is better to live than the land from
where you came?
To repeat our title: “Back to
the Bible or back to the jungle.”
It’s an African jungle where no
descendant of Ham in his
“homeland” ever got ahold of
a Bible till Japheth brought it
to him or him to it (brought to
America at a time when the
King James Bible was THE
textbook for all the schools
in all the States). Since JFK
(1961–1963), America has officially thrown the Bible out of
every Federal (formerly “public”) school entrusted with raising the children of Christian
families by refusing to let it be
read or quoted in the schools.
It was either going to be
back to the Bible or back to
the jungle: It was back to the
Continued on 16
Golf Shirt Clearance
(Plus postage
see page 8)
September, 2013 B.B.B. Page 15
Two Good Poems
Here are two good poems. The first is by R. C. Trench and is aimed at the lost. The second is
the third verse of a hymn by Harry Sanders, and it is an admonition for the saved.
“Lost for want of a word!”
A word that you might have spoken,
Who knows what eyes may be dim,
Or when hearts may be aching and broken?
Go scatter beside all waters,
Nor sicken at hope deferred;
Let ne’er a soul by thy dumbness,
Be lost for want of a word.
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in writing from the
1. There is no final authority but God.
2. Since God is a Spirit, there is no final authority that can be
seen, heard, read, felt, or handled.
3. Since all books are material, there is no book on this earth
that is the final and absolute authority on what is right and what
is wrong, what constitutes truth and what constitutes error. 4. There WAS a series of writings one time which, IF they had all
been put into a BOOK as soon as they were written the first time,
WOULD HAVE constituted an infallible and final authority by which
to judge truth and error. 5. However, this series of writings was lost, and the God who inspired
them was unable to preserve their content through Bible-believing
Christians at Antioch (Syria), where the first Bible teachers were (Acts
13:1), and where the first missionary trip originated (Acts 13:1-52),
and where the word “Christian” originated (Acts 11:26). 6. So God chose to ALMOST preserve them through Gnostics
and philosophers from Alexandria, Egypt, even though God called
His Son OUT of Egypt (Matthew 2), Jacob OUT of Egypt (Genesis
49), Israel OUT of Egypt (Exodus 15), and Joseph’s bones OUT of
Egypt (Exodus 13). 7. So there are two streams of Bibles. The most accurate—though,
of course, there is no final, absolute authority for determining truth
and error; it is a matter of “preference”—are the Egyptian translations
from Alexandria, Egypt, which are “almost the originals,” although
not quite. 8. The most inaccurate translations were those that brought
about the German Reformation (Luther, Zwingli, Boehler, Zinzendorf, Spener, et al.) and the worldwide missionary movement of the
English-speaking people: the Bible that Sunday, Torrey, Moody, Finney,
Spurgeon, Whitefield, Wesley, and Chapman used. 9. But we can “tolerate” these if those who believe in them will
“tolerate” US. After all, since there is NO ABSOLUTE AND FINAL
AUTHORITY that anyone can read, teach, preach, or handle, the
whole thing is a matter of “PREFERENCE.” You may prefer what you
prefer, and we will prefer what we prefer. Let us live in peace, and if
we cannot agree on anything or everything, let us all agree on one
This is the Creed of the Alexandrian Cult.
Weep not for broad lands lost;
Weep not for fair hopes crost.
Weep not when limbs wax old;
Weep not when frends grow cold;
Weep not that Death must part
Thine and the best loved heart;
Yet weep, weep all thou can—
Weep, weep, because thou art
A sin-defilèd man.
No part of this publication or other materials au­thored by Dr.
Ruckman (written,
recorded, or drawn)
may be reproduced
or transmit ted in
any form or by any
means, electronic or
mechanical, including photo-copying,
recording, or any
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Back to the Bible or
Back to the Jungle
Continued from 14
jungle. The problems in the
public schools went from talking in class, chewing gum,
and running in the hallways
to rapes, assaults, drugs, promiscuity, abortions, venereal
diseases, and MURDER. Although no teacher could read
or quote a Bible to a student,
he or she could teach the
child (as low as kindergarten
in some cases) about condom
use, “safe sex,” how to practice sodomy, and bestiality.
The last blow was delivered
by an African from Kenya
(where Leakey found “Lucy”).
It was a law passed to arrest
and fine anyone who taught
or preached what the Bible
said about blacks, women,
and queers (Hate Crimes
Act); and the all-out push by
the Federal government (all
three branches) to legalize
Ham’s original sin (sodomy).
You are, at last, back to the
original “homeland” of the
human race, according to the
Association for the Advancement of Science and National
Geographic Magazine. How
do you like the wild animals in
the rainforest?
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Bad Attitude
September 19–22
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● John Haveman ● David Peacock
● Adam Trosclair
Evening Services . . . 6 P.M.
Morning Services (Beginning Fri.) . . . 10 A.M.
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