Congratulations 2010 grads!


Congratulations 2010 grads!
Inside on pages 4-5
This summer, families can
take advantage of the Simplified Summer Food Program
for Children. Free lunches are
available for children ages
one to 18. The program will
be offered from 11:30 a.m.
to 12:15 p.m. every Monday
through Friday, except July 5
at Evergreen and Thompson
elementary schools. The program ends Aug. 13. For more
details about the summer
nutrition program, call 253683-6910.
W W W . B E T H E L S D . O R G
J U L Y 2010
Congratulations 2010 grads!
Non-profit org.
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Graham-Kapowsin High
School has landed on the
list of the top schools in the
Each year, Newsweek
magazine selects the best
high schools from across
the United States. Of the
27,000 public high schools
in the nation, only 6 percent
made this year’s list. Schools
were selected based on their
participation in Advanced
Placement and other collegelevel courses and tests.
This is the second, straight
year that GKHS has received
the award.
Spanaway Lake High School graudates Monica Woo, Justin Rees, Jodelyn Domingo, Jabril Collins and Ngalula Okonda jump for joy about graduation. Over 1,300 Bethel area students walked in graduation ceremonies in mid-June. For a list of graduates, see pages 4-5.
Getting ahead for next school year
School’s out…but the days of
back to school shopping are just
around the corner. All Bethel
Schools will resume classes on
Wednesday, Sept. 8. Here are a
few reminders:
Bethel School District Resident
Summer Registration
Student enrollment for the
upcoming school year will be accepted throughout the summer
at the Education Services Center,
located at 516 -176th Street East
in Spanaway.
Enrollment packets are available on the district website, www., and at the ESC.
To register, all forms must be
completed and students must be
current on their immunizations.
To sign up, parents will need a
copy of their child’s birth certificate, their immunization record
and proof of residency. Previous school report cards and test
scores are required for students
entering junior high and/or high
Registration will be accepted
in ESC portable #2 from July 6
through Aug. 20 from 8:30 a.m.
to 3 p.m. Parking will be available
in the Camas Prairie parking lot.
To help accommodate the routing of our buses, students should
be registered as soon as possible.
Class assignments will be available closer to the start of the first
day of school.
Summer Reading
To help promote year-round
learning, all junior highs and
Graham-Kapowsin High School
students will be required to read
a book this summer that has been
specifically selected for his or her
grade level.
GK students will receive an
assignment for their book at the
start of the new school year. Junior high students will be given
an exam on their novels. Summer
reading books include:
7th grade – ‘Crossing the Wire’ by
Will Hobbs
8th grade – ‘When Zachary Beaver Comes to Town’ by Kimberly
Willis Holt
9th grade – ‘Touching Spirit Bear’
by Ben Mikaelson
GKHS, 10th grade – ‘Uglies’ by
Scott Westerfield
GKHS, 11th grade – ‘The Hunger
Games’ by Suzanne Collins
GKHS, 12th grade – ‘The Alchemist’ by Paolo Coehlo
Books can be checked out at
branches of the Pierce County Library or purchased through local
schools, bookstores and online.
Student Athletics
The fall sports season gets underway next month. School teams
will begin holding practices on
the following days:
High school
Aug. 18: Football
Aug. 23: Boys Tennis, Girls
Swimming, Volleyball, Girls
Soccer, Golf and Cross Country
Jr. High
Aug. 30: Volleyball, Football
and Cross Country
Fees may apply and a physical
is required to participate. Athletic
handbooks can be found on the
district website.
Contact the district athletic
office at 253-683-6055 for more
specific times and information.
School Supplies
Copies of school supply lists
will be posted on the district website in July. To view your school’s
list, visit and
click on the link to your neighborhood school.
New bus schedules
Due to secondary boundary
changes and the opening of
Spanaway Lake High School and
Liberty Junior High, district bus
routes are changing. Postcards
containing new route information will be sent to families later
this summer. For questions about
bus schedules, contact district
transportation at 253-683-5900.
Bethel School District No. 403
516 E. 176th St., Spanaway, WA 98387-8399
(253) 683-6000;
New year brings exciting programs to Bethel
Every student is unique. So to
help each child learn, Bethel is
offering several new programs to
make sure students and families
have the right services to meet
their needs.
Bethel Elementary Learning
Academy (BELA)
In recent years, online schools
have grown in popularity. Now,
Bethel will be one of the first area
districts to offer an online option
for elementary students.
The Bethel Elementary Learning Academy (BELA) combines
home-based instruction and
online courses with face-to-face
help from certificated teachers.
“We are really excited,” said
assistant superintendent Roger
Samples. “This flexible program
will provide specialized learning plans to individual students
and families in the Bethel School
Because the curriculum used
by BELA closely aligns to district
and state standards, students are
taught exactly what they need
to learn. Courses include: math,
language arts, history, science, art
and music.
“Besides taking advantage of
the curriculum, students will
have access to other on-site ac-
tivities like orchestra, band and
PE,” said Samples.
To enroll, visit or call 253-683-6014.
Pierce County Skills Center
Nearly 700 students are taking
advantage of new summer programs through the Pierce County
Skills Center.
Now, enrollment is underway
for fall. Classes include: AP Environmental Science, Criminal
Justice, Digipen Game Design,
Fire Science and Emergency Services, Marine Technology, Medical Careers, PC Networking and
Hardware Repair, Pre-physical
Therapy and Sports Medicine,
Pre-veterinary Assistant and Robotics/Techtronics.
To sign up, go to or call 253-683-5950.
Pay 2 Go Preschool
Families of preschool age children can take advantage of the
district’s new Pay 2 Go Preschool
program. Classes will be held at
Graham Elementary. Cost is $225/
month, plus a $40 registration fee.
The last day to enroll is July 30.
Contact Noreen Spruell at 253683-8950 for more information.
JULY 2010
Definition of devotion
Bethel’s Retirees 2010
I would like to give a wellearned shout out to Sandy
Wright, who is retiring after
devoting 38 years to the teaching profession. When one looks
up the definition of devotion to
their students, one would find
a picture of Sandy. Sandy, your
commitment has had a positive
impact on so many student lives
over the years. Congratulations
on a well deserved retirement.
Tina Anderson
District Office
Cathy Ausserer
Graham Elementary
Helen Carpenter
Naches Trail Elementary
Barbara Davis
Clover Creek Elementary
Dolores Dippolitio
Pioneer Valley Elementary
Jeff Poljak
Clover Creek Elementary
Vera Fair
Rocky Ridge Elementary
Smiling to your smile
I have known Dianna Main
for several years as a fellow
teacher of AP Language and
Composition and as a parent
of one of my former AP students. Her thoughtfulness and
positive attitude are displayed
in her continued work with the
Teacher of the Year celebrations, where I have seen her
work most recently during her
year off to test the retirement
waters. Even in taking the year
off, she has helped the district
and continued to support its
students and staff. When I think
of her, I think of her smile, and
as a result, I smile. I think many
others would agree with me on
that point. She will be missed.
Kelly Wheeler
Spanaway Lake High School
Proud to call you Mom
I am honored to be able to
write on behalf of my mother,
Barbara Shadle. I was able to
spend all of my elementary
school years with her as my
librarian. My mom is a wonderful woman, and I was proud
to admit I was her daughter at
Now, years later, I have the
privilege of being a Bethel colleague and I am as proud as ever
to claim her as my mother. She
has the best work ethic I have
ever seen and constantly pushes
herself to achieve more and be
the best. She has worked hard
for many years, and I am overjoyed she will now have time to
relax and travel the world!
Allison Meeks
Frontier Jr. High
Enjoy your retirement
I have known Donna Pratt
for almost 25 years. She is one
of the most caring, genuine
and positive people you could
ever meet. She always shows
respect and love to the children
and, in return, they absolutely
adore her. I know she will miss
everyone, but I also know she
now will be able to enjoy the
rest and freedom of retirement.
Have fun camping and enjoying
your travels. Bethel is losing a
wonderful employee, but I will
always have my great memories
of our years together.
Catherine Flick
Centennial Elementary
James Gaglione
Bethel High School
Linda Green
Spanaway Elementary
Holly Johnson
Centennial Elementary
Holly Johnson, Donna Pratt and Catherine Flick hold quilts made by a fellow Centennial Elementary staff
member Cheryl Seidelman. The ladies received the autographed quilts at their joint retirement reception.
Irreplaceable experience
Linda Green has been the
speech therapist for my program for the past four years.
When my program moved
from Spanaway Elementary to
Thompson three years ago, I
requested that she continue to
provide services for my students. She has irreplaceable
experience and knowledge and
a passion for helping – not only
children, but all people. She
makes learning communication skills fun for kids, and is
a phenomenal communicator to teachers to help further
strengthen students’ areas of
deficit in communication and
Corinne Panchot
Thompson Elementary
A wonderful mentor
Dolores Dippolito is one of
the kindest and smartest teachers I know. She was, and is, a
wonderful mentor, and I don’t
think I would have survived my
first few years without her help!
Dee has been a wealth of knowledge, and I am going to miss
her. Blessings to you, Dee!
Jessica Waldorf
Spanaway Elementary
Going the extra mile
Barbara Davis is a wonderful
and helpful library clerk for staff
and students alike. She knows
our wants and needs and takes
care of us even before we ask.
We are happy for Barbara, but
extremely sad for us. She is a
caring person who has watched
over our staff, students, and
library materials for many years
with a loving heart and a willingness to go the extra mile.
Ruth Everett
Mary Eastman
Rocky Ridge Elementary
Clover Creek Elementary
Librarian ‘family’
Holly Johnson has been a valued member of the Bethel staff
and the librarian “family.” She
will be missed, but after many
years of dedicated service, she
has certainly earned an opportunity to seek new adventures.
Happy retirement, Holly.
Vikki Nyborg
Cedarcrest Jr. High
Making moments better
Helen Carpenter has been a
great joy in my working life. I
have enjoyed popping into her
room after school (she’s ALWAYS
there). She has proven beneficial in those little reminders that
I often need. She has a cheerful
attitude, upbeat humor, open
mind, and especially a high
regard toward the education
and welfare of all of Naches
Trail students. She makes every
moment better. Time spent in
Helen’s presence, be it lunch,
staff meetings, and even LID, is
simply time well spent! Helen
is simply a wonderful human
being and educator. I have benefited greatly by her presence
here at Naches Trail.
Stu Winnie
Naches Trail Elementary
To a spectacular teacher
I would like to send a shout
out to Marilyn Walny. She is a
spectacular teacher who will be
greatly missed. She went out of
her way to get my son back on
track, coming in early and tutoring him on the side to help him
catch up. She is a very caring
person with a positive attitude,
always there to go the extra
mile for each and every student, helping them to achieve
greatness by believing in them
and helping them to believe in
Sherri Nelson
Parent/Thompson staff member
Exploring curiosity
Vera Fair has inspired me to
fully understand and appreciate how students learn through
open, ongoing questioning and
exploring their curiosity to its
fullest. She is a wonder with
science instruction and offers
an interesting point of view on
subject matter and conversation. She is an “outside of the
box” thinker, and I’m thrilled to
have her return as a volunteer
to my classroom next year. The
students and I will learn a great
deal during her return. Vera
taught me how to write grants
and I believe she was the reason
I won a $7,000 LeMay grant
many years ago. I will always be
grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Vera.
Sarah Myers
Rocky Ridge Elementary
A welcoming person
Nancy Lamas was in charge of
the LAP department at Graham
Elementary, in which I was a
para. She was so welcoming and
such an awesome person as a
boss. Her patience with students
and staff was great. I credit her
for helping me have a more
positive relationship with
co-workers and, of course,
the students. My daughter
was in LAP for one year (she
is 21 now), and Nancy still
asks about her. Nancy is a
great person and she will be
missed greatly. Happy retirement, Nancy!
Cheryl Farren
Graham-Kapowsin High School
Making the bus fun
Trudy Stowe is such a wonderful person. My children
would ride the bus from Elk
Plain to Frontier and transfer
to Trudy’s bus. Her next run
was to Graham Elementary
where I worked at that time.
My kids just loved her. They
never complained about riding the bus – ever!
Donna Mounts
Bethel High School
To the three of you
To Donna Pratt, Holly
Johnson and Catherine
Flick: Thank you all for your
dedication, words of wisdom
and being such fabulous
co-workers! We wish you the
best and you will be greatly
missed. From all of us in the
Ladybug Room.
Sherri Johns
Centennial Elementary
Thank you all
Nancy Tengesdal, Kris
O’Malley and Bill O’Malley
helped make my transition to
junior high much easier than
it would have been without
their help. I would like to
especially thank Bill O’Malley
for guiding me on how to
help teenagers succeed in
the junior high world. I will
carry this wisdom with me
throughout my profession,
and if I am lucky, I will pass it
on to new teachers.
You all will be missed!
Clint Tomyn
Cougar Mountain Jr. High
For more shout outs,
Nancy Lamas
Bethel Support Annex
Judy Lewis
Cougar Mountain Jr. High
Karen Lipparelli
Naches Trail Elementary
Dianna Main
Bethel High
Bill O’Malley
Cougar Mountain Jr. High
Kristine O’Malley
Cougar Mountain Jr. High
Geneal Palmer
Bethel Support Annex,
Thompson Preschool
Dave Polosky
Pioneer Valley Elementary
Donna Pratt
Centennial Elementary
Barbara Shadle
Cougar Mountain Jr. High
Connie Smith
Graham-Kapowsin High
Trudy Stowe
Nancy Tengesdal
Cougar Mountain Jr. High
Marilyn Walny
Thompson Elementary
Sandra Wright
Clover Creek Elementary
Bethel Pride is produced by the
Bethel School District. It is mailed
to all addresses in the district
during the school year to promote
community/school relations.
Please let us know if you have an
item of interest for publication.
Krista Carlson:
Communications Director,
Bethel Pride Editor; 253.683.6051;
Bethel Pride Contributors:
Dodie Raden and Sandra Rangitsch
Bethel School District is an Equal
Opportunity Employer and complies
with all federal rules and regulations
including Title IX/RCW 28A.640 and
Sec. 504. Bethel does not discriminate
on the basis of race, color, national
origin, sex or handicap including
student participation in educational
programs and extracurricular activities.
Contact Todd Mitchell at 253.683.6009
or Bob Maxwell at 253.683.6921 about
Section 504 compliance procedures.
JULY 2010
State Archivist pays visit to Bethel HS
Class of 2010
News Tribune All Star
Amanda Hodges, BHS
3.8 GPA
Air Force JROTC
squadron commander; Junior
class president;
ASB treasurer;
Lacrosse team,
played fastpitch,
golf, volleyball,
basketball and cross-country;
Varsity letter in community
service; Member of the school
band and orchestra; Plans to attend the University of Portland
Students receive
All-League honors
Boys Baseball
State Archivist Jerry Handfield makes a special presentation to Maddie Bray, Tyler Brewer and Bethel High School teacher Jim Sawatski. The
students placed fifth in the State History Day Competition for their project on Affirmative Action. They also received the Washington State
Archives and Records Administration Award for “outstanding use of primary source materials from national archives.”
Students win awards in history competition
Local students have made
some history of their own at
the state’s National History Day
Of the 558 students who qualified for state, 33 of them were
from the Bethel area. Each team
spent countless hours research a
historical topic and developing
their project, which had to relate
to the theme of “Innovation in
History: Impact and Change.”
State award winners include:
Superintendent Tom Seigel,
Washington State Historical Society Administrator of the Year
3rd place: Emmalee Kuhlmann
and Samantha Shotwell (BHS)
for group exhibit Martin Luther:
Spiritual Innovation, Changing
Religion Impacting the World
4th place: Megan Cook (BHS)
for individual performance Musical Theater: Innovation in Entertainment for the Masses
4th place: Kirstin Bare and
Felicia Edwards (BHS) for group
performance Green Peace: Innovation in Direct Action
5th place: Maddie Bray and Tyler Brewer (BHS) for group exhibit
Affirmative Action: Innovation in
Social Engineering; Washington
State Archives and Records Administration Award winner
5th place: Lindsey House and
Joann Silcio (BHS) for group
performance The Equal Rights
Amendment: Unrealized Innovation Promising Impact and
Change; Women’s History Consortium Award winner
6th place: Stormy Ross and
Shelby Sewright (BHS) for group
performance Zionism: International Impact Changing the
Middle East
6th place: Morgan Belieu, Caila
Fautenberry and Jaclyn Parton
for group exhibit Title IX: Education Innovation for Females
Rachel Mason (GKHS),
Grays Harbor Historical Seaport Award winner for naval
Last year, a Bethel team
finished sixth in the nation
for their exhibit on the ACLU.
More than half-million
students participate in the
contest each year. Next year’s
theme is “Debate and Diplomacy in History: Successes,
Failures and Consequences.”
2010 Volunteers of the Year recognized
Graham-Kapowsin High School
Ron Arnsberg
Kapowsin Elementary
Christine France
Naches Trail Elementary
Dennis Stoddard
Nelson Elementary
Tina Lee
North Star Elementary
Martina Reid
Pioneer Valley Elementary
Wendy Bayes and Heather LaRue
Rocky Ridge Elementary
Karen Duncanson
Roy Elementary
Jandi Saathoff
Shining Mountain Elementary
Kathy Fisher
Spanaway Elementary
Mary Thompson, Richard Beaubien and June Packer
Spanaway Jr. High
Christie Borneman
Spanaway Lake High School
Shannon Jones and Dale Rees
Thompson Elementary
Christine Biernat and Janis Madden
Boys Soccer
All League, First Team
Kariri Kiambuthi, BHS
All League, Second Team
Eric Nothstein, GKHS
Wyatt Plattner, GKHS
Nick Roberts, SLHS
Girls Fastpitch
All League, First Team
Ashly Flores, BHS
Marlin Guillen, GKHS
Cara Custer, SLHS
All League, Second Team
Elisha Salas, BHS
Breanna Basich, GKHS
Jorden Steele, SLHS
Honorable Mention
Alex Salgado, BHS
Kelsey Amundsen, BHS
Maria Ortiz, BHS
Hailey Haukeli, BHS
Hailey Kenney, GKHS
Alana Oyama, SLHS
Sara Wells, SLHS
Stephanie Barnes, SLHS
Kaelee Pickering, SLHS
Other Accomplishments
Washington Scholars
Anna McCracken, BHS
Ryan Bernstein, GKHS
WAVE Awards
Francisco Blanco, SLHS
Jodelyn Mae Domingo, SLHS
Pierce County Library Awards
• Poetry: Piper Kachman, 1st
• Short story: Piper Kachman,
2nd place and Rachel Mason,
1st place
• Manga: Ayanna Jones, 1st
place and Mary Prado 2nd
Congratulations to the following volunteers. Schools
selected each individual based on their countless
hours of hard work and dedication in support of our
local schools.
Bethel Jr. High
Pam Kelshaw
Bethel High School
Shannon Booth
Camas Prairie Elementary
Nora Castro
Cedarcrest Jr. High
Geralyn Reese
Centennial Elementary
Janet Miller
Challenger Secondary School
Sheila Bernard
Clover Creek Elementary
Michelle Daep and Elane Murphy
Cougar Mountain Jr. High
Kellie and Rick Ham
Elk Plain School of Choice
Johanna Clark and Angie
Evergreen Elementary
Sonia Ayuso
Frederickson Elementary
Janine Carlson
Frontier Jr. High
Debbie Lanthorn
Graham Elementary
Sheri DeVore
All League, First Team
Josh Schultz, SLHS
All League, Second Team
Zak White, GKHS
Devin Bales, GKHS
Brandon Santos, GKHS
Honorable Mention
Jordan Swofford, BHS
Zach Caligdong, GKHS
Mikey Ramos, GKHS
Sam Shadle, GKHS
Erik Widener, GKHS
Jesse Pangelinan, SLHS
Annual School
Performance Reports
Camas Prairie Principal Sean McKenzie presents Nora Castro with
a Volunteer of the Year Award at a recent school board meeting.
Each year, the Bethel School
District complies with state and
federal guidelines by developing
annual school performance reports. Copies of these reports can
now be accessed on the school
portion of the district website, Additional
school performance data is available at http://reportcard.ospi. For printed copies,
contact the Communications
office at 253-683-6050 or your
neighborhood school.
Jesse Allen, Martin Amacker,
Kelsey Amundsen, Maria Andrade-Torres, Kassandra Andrews,
Tanisha Anthony, Trevor Anthony, Niko
Aragon-Grogan, Andrea Arbaugh, Rebecca Arbaugh, Nicole Arney, Joshua
Arnold, Alexis Arreola, Rodney Asahara, Raymond Auguillard
Jordan Bachelor, Brandon Bailey,
Kelly Bair, Gary Baker, Jacob
Baker, Kaitlin Bare, Andrew Barthule,
Nichel Beach, Donald Beecher, Shanice Bell, Brianna Bender, Nolan Bentz,
Kaylin Berg, Gregory Bernett, Johnson
Betschart, Jordan Betschart, Amelia
Bischof, Nichole Blessum, Spencer
Bourne, Queteshia Bowdery, Blaze
Bowers, Cameron Boyer, Joshua
Brisson, Ashley Brooks, Bruce Brown,
Cody Brown, Robert Brown, Tanashia
Brown, Erika Buffington, Jessica
Buhler, Dakota Burt, Megan Burton,
Jacob Bush, Ian Butchyk, Ashley
Joseph Cabalo, Matthew Cadena,
Ashley Cantrell, Blair CarreauCruz, Jayde Cesarano, Samantha
Cheek, Jon Christensen, Andrea Clow,
Christi Collins, Zachary Colson, Katherine Colvin, Kerilynne Concepcion,
Erin Contreras, Skylar Copeland,
George Cordova, Nichole Corlett,
Darren Courtney, Ethan Cox, Kendra
Cremeans, Elizabeth Cronk, Shashona
Cross, Stormee Cruz, Aeriel Cuadra
Emma Davis, Dakota Day, Theodore Day, Aleashia De La Vergne,
Michael Declercq, Sherell Dickson,
Janel Dixon, Jasmine Dixon, David Doering, Seth Dore, Ian Doyle, Elizabeth
Durham, Mariah Dylina
Mickey Easter, Daniel Ehlig, Ashley
Elston, Briana Elzie, Michael Engelhardt, Andrew Engle, Chad Ernst,
Miguel Espinoza
Kelly Farmer, Ashlee Felipe, Ami
Filimaua, Lora Fillman-Sullivan,
Dylan Fletcher, Ashly Flores, Shayna
Foley, Brianne Forte, Jarel Fox, Teagan
Franco, Kelcey Funk
Austyn Gaines, Trevor Gallagher,
Tomi Gallegos, Willy Garcia, Sarah
Gardner, Jessica Gates, Jessica Gibson, Jordan Giles, Hannah Gilmore,
Janae Gilmore, Yulavia GordonArmstrong, Lynn Gray, Maranda Gregoire, Dillon Greiwe, Dustin Greiwe,
Jill Griess, Riyo Grogan, Allen Gursky
Taylar Hanson, Rachel Hapner, Tayla Harmon, James
Harris, Shelby Harrison, Sarah Harvey,
Harmonica Hatch, Hailey Haukeli,
Whitney Heart, Shelby Heller, Billy
Henderson, Cody Hermanson, Ashley
Herrera, Nickolas Herrick, Nayomie
Hickey, Sarah Hiden, Jacob Hinz,
Amanda Hodges, Samantha Holden,
Coletta Hopey, Tiffanyann Horton,
Lauren Hoskie, Erica Houser, Julianna
Houser, Renee How, Colby Hoyt, Robert Hunt
Deja Jackson, Monika Jakubec,
Taylor Jennings, Ashley Jensen,
Ryan Jeska, Brenda Johnson, Jessica
Johnson, Reno Johnson, Tianya Johnson, Christopher Jones, Lee Jordan,
Dylan Judy
Kimo Kainoa, Luke Karangelen,
Adrian Kelley, Leah Ketter, Kariri
Kiambuthi, Aimee King, Brett P Koch,
Marsha Kohtala
Vi c t o r i a L a F o u n t a i n e , E m i l y
Lanoce, Carrie Lanphier, Ian Larsen, Jawayna Laskey, Hayley Lawrence,
Michelle Leanna, Christine Lebante,
Diego Lebante, Jacob Lee, Trevor Littrell, Nathan Lott, Amanda Lowrance,
Shanon Lujan
Joseph Madruga, Lisa Maher,
Evan Mahoney, Zhana Malanchuk, Colton Markham, Elizabeth Marler, Margarita Martinez, Anthony Maxwell, Richard Maxwell, Marisa Mayberry, Amber Maylor, Lucas Mayne,
Jordan McCann, Anna McCracken,
Tommy McDonald, Cody McKenna,
Derek Mecklenburg, Roxanne Medina,
Anthony Meray, Brian Mickelsen,
Joshua Miller, Kayla Montgomery,
Alisha Morgan, Richar Mornick, Eddie Moseley, Tonia Moss, Ronnie
Mukai, Taylor Mullen, Keri Munguia,
Melissa Murillo, Cherie Myrick, Kimberlee Myron
Daniel Neale, Collin
Nelson,Theron Nelson,
Alex Nielson, Justin Noel, Killian Northey, Kaitlyn Noyes, Victoria Nunnemaker, Justin Ochs, Megan Ohlson,
Andre Ohm, Jared Olive, Widaad
Osman, Travis Otis
Austin Padilla, Julie Parker, Jessica
Paterson, Brian Patton, Allison
Pavlik, Brandon Pellerin, Aubrey Pellessier, Morgan Pero, Jasmine Peters,
Jurgen Peters, Christopher Petersen,
Catherine Peterson, Geena Pfeninger,
Ricky Pheth, Brittany Phillips, Meghan
Plog, Sarah Poje, Alyssa Polley, Emily
Price, Cassandra Prideaux, Kendra
Prince, Christopher Pring, Mariah Proietti, Teresa Propeack, Eric Puree
Charles Quinata, Devon
Ragan, Christopher Raw-
Kariri Kiambuthi, BHS
Collin Nelson, BHS
Plans on attending WSU
Plans on attending
for Pre Law, recipient of
Montana State and was
Elizabeth Wesley Scholarhip Bethel’s ‘Tallest Senior’
and was voted most likely to
make a difference Jill Griess, BHS
Among top 10 in her
class and plans on
attending PLU
JULY 2010
son, Maria Reed, Matthew Reeff,
Martin Reiser, Kayla Reopelle, Ian
Reuther, Laura Rhee, Travis Rimestad,
Kristian Roberts, Amanda Robinett,
Darius Robinson, Kenneth Robinson,
Marshall Robinson, George Rodriguez,
Shawn Rodriguez, Rex Rogers, Olivia
Ross, Shane Ruark, Oksana Rudenko,
Alyssa Rupp
Elisha Salas, Joshua Schiefelbein,
Joseph Schultz, Abel Sesmas,
Curtis Shaffer, Kevin Shotwell, Ashley Silbernagel, Shanee Simmons,
Courtney Simpson, Jonathan Skau,
Brandon Smith, Jeffery Smith, Jessica
Smith, Megan Smith, Kara Soholt,
Michael Soliman, Do-Yong Song, Rachael Sorensen, Taylor Sosa, Jessica
Spencer, Shelby Star, Daniel Stetler,
David Stetler, Christian Stiles, Alissa
Stram, Rachel Strom, Laila Stuart,
Michelle Swenson
Amber Taormina, Danielle Tarasuk,
Danielle Taylor, Seth Theel, Zachariah Theel, Cody Thompson, Jonathan
Thompson, Courtney Thornton, Palaie
Tia, Tristin Tibbetts, Chelsey Tillich,
Shelby Tirrel, Patrick Tomlinson, Spencer Tucker, Jerry Tudor
Karissa Underhill, Nicole
Vanderveer, Nicholas Varco,
Joshua Varven-Sharick, Angelina
Vela, Sergio Vendetti, Ashley Vincent,
Laura Watson, Joseph Weed, Darien
Williams, Trevante Williams, Chrissa
Wilson, Kaitlyn Wise, Sarah Woodruff,
Jessica Woolery, Trevor Wusterbarth,
Jesstine Yost, Alexis Zesati, Edwin
Ari Agbalog, Brahim Albermany,
Jesse Aragon-Grogan, Bryce
Anderson, Kristine Aulaumea
Brandon Bailey, Jessica Bailey,
Krystal Baker, Joseph Ball, Samuel Beck, Kelsey Bell, Darnell Bennett,
Sara Blann, Anthony Boi, Katrina
Bolyard, Megan Born, Tori Boylan,
Chantel Brooks, Chelsi Brown, Mercedez Bryant, Ryan Buckley, Joshua
Burkhart, Forrest Burnworth
Joseph Campisi, Jeffrey Chapman, Salina Cheatham, James
Cho, Crystal Clarke, Baley Clevenger,
Crystal Cline, Rodney Cook
Michael Daniel, Alexis Davis, Jackie Davis, Tamara
Deal, Jessica Deguzman, Dominic
Diaz, Danielle Drew, Kyle Dunmirek,
Brandon Dycek, Krista Eiderk, Racheal
Eikenk, Nicholas Elliottk, Paris Flutek,
Bry-Anna Foustk, Edwin Gainesk,
Darnell Georgek, Garrett Greenk,
Christofer Grosvenork, Jennifer Grayk
Erik Hansenk, Vincent Hardenk, Diamonique Harrisk,
Alice Harrisonk, Brandi Henleyk,
Drake Hillk, Daphne Hoardk ,Taylor
Holbrookk, Ryan Isaksenk
Shawntae Jacksonk, Traycee Jeanmariek, Colton
Jorgensen, Henry Jorquera, Henry
Kaimimoku, Stephanie Karli, John
Keefer, Amy Klovas, Anna Kopytin,
David Kopytin
Travis Lamotte, Larry Lee, Puanena
Leifi, Justine Lewis, Tylar Lloyd,
Ismael Lopez, Naomi Loucks, Koltin
Lozier, Jordan Lyle
Melania Mace, Andriah Martin, Richard Martin, Autumn
Marzano, Michael Masoner, Aleksey
Mayster, Daniel McCall, Brittany McClain, Alexandria McDonachie, Zandra
McDonald, Atasha McKendall, Kelsie
McMullin, Jade Mendenhall, Fredie
Mendiola, Taylor Menefee, Steven
Meyer, Anthony Milles, Aundrea Miller,
Jessica Morcombe, Heather Motsinger, John Murray
Garrett Nachbar, Andrea
Olsen, Michael Oreskovich,
Shawna Pace, Brian Pawlak, Juda’
Pech, Robert Perez, David Pickrom,
Joshua Potter, Gage Powell, Nathaniel
Powell, Matthew Powers, Thomas
Delia Ramos, Mark Ray, Hunter
Rayburn, Shaylin Reddick-Davis,
Tiffany Reed, Andrew Richardson,
Ashley Richardson, Laura Riggs,
Carlesa Rupert, Briana Rupp, Emily
Kylee Satiacum, Ashlee
Scott, Fanolua Seufale, Lyn
Smith, Madolynn Smith, Aleksey
Sokirkin, Jennifer Spors, Ariel Stanford, Monica Szarvas, Michael Tickler,
Anita Tidwell, Alexander Tucci, Sara
Kristen Walton, Robert
Weihs, Kyarsten Welch,
Joshua Wilcox, Michael Williams, Wesley Wooten, Dionis Yakis, Ciara Young
Kevin Shotwell
Kayla Reopelle
Anna McCracken
Jesstine Yost
Alex Nielson
Jill Griess
Rachel Strom
Joshua Schiefelbein
Stormee Cruz
Alexis Zesati
Jacob Aalmo, Dustin Abad, Gabrielle Adams, Annelies Adolf,
Atasha McKendall, CSS
Oksana Rudenko, BHS Anna McCracken, BHS
Plans on studying to be a
Fluent in Russian, voted
Involved in Youth United,
Psychologist after going to
most likely to travel the
is a Washington Scholar
Cosmetology school to help
world and plans on atand plans on attending
pay for further schooling
tending PLU
PLU on a full scholarship
Joseph Cabalo, BHS
Krystal Baker, CSS
Involved in Airforce JROTC
Valedictorian of class, recipiand plans on attending Cenent of the Pierce First Award
tral Washington
to Pierce College and plans
to study Nursing
Wesley Wooten, CSS
Plans on work training
courses to be a Heavy
Equipment Operator and
will miss the teachers from
Krystal Baker
Crystal Clarke
Anna Kopytin
Justine Lewis
Naomi Loucks
Juda’ Pech
Joshua Potter
Emily Rushton
Michael Tickler
Wesley Wooten
Efrain Aguilar, Dallas Alberthal, Nicole
Aldrich, Samantha Alexander Sarah
Anderson, Rachael Anthoney
Kodie-Lynn Bailey, Devin Bales,
Alexander Simmons-Ballesteros,
Jacob Barnes, Alyssa Becker, Justine Becker, Kayla Beckett, Tobias
Behr, Dillon Berg, Eric Bergh, Ryan
Bernstein, Joeseph Berry, Scott Best,
Nicha Bhandhumani, Gilbert Blas, Andrew Blount, Jaquelyn Boger, Jordan
Bort, Nicolita Bradley, Daniel Brewer,
Christina Brickles, Megan Brown, Andrew Brundage, Robin Bryan, Kristin
Bulala, Taylor Burton, Jordan Bush,
Amanda Byers
Kyle Cabanas, Vivian Cabrera,
Fredrick-Haze Calsado, Roberta
Carlile, Ariel Caskey, Maria Caton,
Mackenzie Chapman, Shelby Chapman, Jessica Clairmont, Victoria Clemenson, Nisa Coers, Melissa Cogburn,
Casandra Cohen, Erica Cole, Ashlee
Copeland, Shawn Craig, Sarrah Creelman, Betheny Crist, Jessica Curran,
Cooper Cutler
Jakob Daniels, Uriah Daschofsky,
Kaitlyn Davis, Emily Deaton, Cody
Delaney, Alexandra Demers, Jeff Doo-
Ismael Lopez, CSS
Recipient of Friends of Challenger Award and plans to
attend Green River to study
Justin Nie
and plans
OF 2010
Graduate lists accurate as of 6/16/10
Lyssa Santos
Nicholas Johnson
Cathryn Mulcahey
Justin Rees
Monica Woo
Brian Bartel
Jesse Pangelinan
Francisco Blanco
Reisha Lizama
D’Wan Edwards
Ryan Bernstein
Shelby Hatzinger
Kristopher Wells
Kelsey Langlois
Rachel Mason
Grant Lang
Devin Bales
Sadie Marshall
Caitlin Gibson
Sara Stewart
lin, Gabe Dorsey, Keisha Dye
Kristen Earley, Aaron Edenfield,
Kayela Edick, Kirstie Edwards,
Saramae Egnew, Heather Ekholm,
Andrea Elgar, Rodger Erkenbeck,
Jessica Ernst, Christopher Eubank,
Dylan Evanger
Jesse Fabeck, Justin Fain, Grace
Faulk, Jake Faulk, Brandon Fegley,
Owen Felty, Travis Fish, Alixandra Fisher, Kameron Fitzgerald, Tommy Flora,
Jeana Forbus, Jeremy Ford, Justin
Frazer, Elenor Fulgham, Cody Fuller
Jessica Gallagher, Zac Gallahan, Shawnee Garces, Trevor
Gardiner, Rachel Gardner, Rebecca
Gardner, Garrett Geltz, Jonathan Gemar, Brandon George, Caitlin Gibson,
Lillie Gilbert, Cameron Glathar, Justin
Glave, Diana Gorun, Dylan Gowland,
Sekeli Greco, Kenneth Griffin, Adaline Grimes, Denika Groom, Juan
Gabriel Hall, Alex Hand,
Heather Hanke, Angela
Hansler, Jason Harrell, Hope Hatch,
Shelby Hatzinger, Donald Hazelwood,
Joshua Heath, Devon Hernandez, Malissa Hernandez, Adam Hert, Megan
esen, GKHS
of the Honor Society
on attending Eastern
on to study sports
Hertz, Anthony Hinton, Steffen Hintz,
Joseph Hoagland, Patricia Hodgdon,
Jessica Hodges, Hannah Hoover,
Brandon Howle, Amanda Humphrey,
Ashley Hunstock, Brandon Hunt,
Louis Isdell
Marissa Jasper, Justine
Jenness, Amber Johnson,
Brennon Johnson, Corina Johnson,
Nicholas Johnson, Mavrick Jones,
Danielle Jones-Gosenberg, Joseph
Kautz, Modeo Kennedy, Kyla Kenney, Cameron Keys, Zachary Kiesz,
Kathryn Killingbeck, Brandon Kimball,
Alissa Kinney, Sarah Klein, Chelsea
Knittle, Kelci Koltes, Shelby Krogh,
Katie Kruml, Kolby Krumpos, Chelsea
Kuhn, Jesse Kuwick
Alexis LaBarrete, Grant Lang, Cody
Langley,Kelsey Langlois,Michael
Larsen, Jessica Larson, Travis Lattin, Meagan LaTurner, Zeb LaVergne,
Jenny Le, Alicia Leandro, Zach Lee,
Austin Lemieux, Cameron Leiburn,
Claudia Linares, Nancy Linares, Nathan Linderkamp, Levi Lively, Greg
Logan, Johnie Lyons
Stephen Mabry, Emily Madsen,
Tyler Magnussen, Jose MarquezDiaz, Sadie Marshall, Katie Marsland,
Julia Martel, Jerica Marterella, Chanda
Martin, Samantha Martin, Rachel Mason, Jeremy Matherne, Yuliya Mayster,
Jessica McAllister, Ashley McCabe,
Kevin McDaniel, Joshua McDowell,
TaShayla McDowell, Michelle McFate,
Jessica McIntosh, Erik McKeown,
Adam McVey, Katelynn Melville,
Sydney Menefee, Kristen Merriman,
Travis Metcalf, Ashley Miles, Cody
Mills, Jeremy Minerich, Kelsie Moceri,
Leslie Morales, Zachary Moran, David
Moseley, Vanessa Moss, Scott Munoz
Evan Neese, Justin Niesen,
John Nokes, Emerinciana
Nolasco, Eugene Norman, Kaylin
Norman, Sarah O’Hara, Aaron O’Kelly,
Sean O’Kelly, Erin O’Neill, Christian
Ohme, Rachel Opel, Lacee Ostbye,
Breann Owens
Andrew Pace, Sloan Palar,
Brittney Palmer, Daniel
Palmer, Kenneth Pangelinan, Kylee
Parker, Stephanie Parker, Jasmine
Parks, Jessica Paschall, Rebecca
Payne, Athena Paz, Janet Pfeiffer,
Katie Pham, Grace Phenisee, Dorothy Pierce, Shanique Pierce, Kaylee
Pitchford, Tyler Pratt, Ann Marie Priest,
April Prihoda, Tanner Quesenberry,
Kayla Quiles
Charles Recaido, Sheldon
Reichert, Jamie Reid, Kayla Reno,
Tashayla McDowell, GKHS
Plans on joining the Navy and
becoming a Medical Assistant
Jessica Clairmont, GKHS
Plans on attending the
University of Idaho for Secondary Education
Jesse Fabeck, GKHS
TA for campus safety
and will always remember GKHS
Alyxander Revell, Kayla Revilla, Joseph Ritchey, Dylan Roate, Alex
Roberts, Amanda Roberts, Chelsea
Roberts, Trevor Robertson, Lelania
Rodda, Monica Rodriguez, Sabino
Rodriguez, Sydnie Rodriguez, Morgan Roggow, Stephanie Roman, Lexi
Rosario, Brandon Ross, Brittany Ross,
Jordan Runte, John Russell
Garth Safford, Shelby Sands,
Christian Santos, Johnnie Santos,
Johanna Scharpf, Katrina Scherrer,
Mackenzie Schimon, Kasie Schliep,
Kristen Schroeder, Jason Schultz,
Jordan Schultz, Kelan Schuman,
Jake Schuur, Grant Schwallie, Matthew Sears, Cole Sedlickas, Melissa
Seville, Tyler Shattuck, Lauren Shields,
Summer Silva, Maytinee Singpracha,
Brittney Slettevold, Alexander Sloan,
Christopher Smith, Matthew Smith,
Sheena Smith, Tyler Smith, Stacie
Snow, Christopher Sousley, Johnny
Staggs, Kayla Stanhope, Jessica Stephens, Sara Stewart, Cameron Stickell, Colten Story, Cortanee Stumpges,
Tyler Sullivan, Danica Sundsmo, Lucie
Alexandra Teague, Adam Thetford,
Dylan Thierbach, Savannah Tieskotter, William Todd, Lacey Tolbert,
Dylan Toler, Denise Trieu, Ethan Tudor,
Joshua Turnbull, Tresa Turner
Daryll Ugelstad, Kayleigh
Van Guilder, Skaia Vann,
Aurora Vasquez, Arlette VasquezRomero, Jackeline Vega Guzman,
Chris Videto, Alycia Warnke, Robert
Watson, Jacob Weeks, Riley Weik,
Kristopher Wells, Kelsey West, Tiarre
Whitaker, Samantha White, Zakary
White, Holly Whitmore, Erik Widener,
Jason Wild, Kyle Wilder, Nathaniel
Wilhelm, Isaac Williams, Lawrence
Williams, Jessica Wilson, Issac Winters, Randi Witters, William Wittig,
David Woodard, Shelby Woodson,
James Woolwine, Tyler Wynn, Robert
Yeagley, Rodney Yim, Kayla Young,
Chanda Zenor
Christopher Acfalle, Victrian
Agulto, Charnelle Albino, Jason
Albright, Abraham Alegria, Desyree
Allen, Vanessa Allison, Jillian Almodovar Suárez, Lynnette Aragon, Patrick
Ashworth, Donald Auman, David Ayuso-Michael, Miguel Ayuso-Michael,
Wilfredo Ayuso, Christopher Azcueta
Allen Baker, Michael Balagtas, Kaleigh Barnett, Stephanie Barnes,
Zane Barnstien, Brian Bartel, Joshua
Justin Rees, SLHS
Received a full ride to UW and
plans on joining the ROTC
airforce and becoming a Pilot
Monica Woo, SLHS
Senior Class Secretary/
Treasurer, plans on
attending UW and her
dream job is Marketing
Bartlett, Joshua Baumgardner, Anduin
Beatty, Keyana Bell, Mitchell Berry,
Amanda Birgen, Francisco Blanco,
Gabriel Blancaflor, Kirstie Blanding, Alexis Bloomfield, Justin Borja,
Christopher Bowen, Krystal Bowser,
Chester Boyd, Kayla Boynton, Grace
Brown, Joshua Buck, Nicole Byrd
Melissa Callaway, Clarissa Campbell, Jay Carbullido, Justin Carbullido, Brenton Carroll, Jamila Carroll,
Calyssa Carson, Gabrielle Cavanaugh,
Jarae Cheatham, Yvonne Chien, Tiffany Chisley, Chrysanne Christian,
Charles Clark, Melissa Clark, Cody
Claunch, Jabril Collins, Ryan Cook,
Andrea Cross, McKenzie Cruz, Anthony Curley
Terrance Dahl, Katherine Darensbourg, Brittany Davis, Marcee
Davis, Michelle Davis, Jessica Day,
Ariel Delossantos, Jodelyn Domingo,
Hannah Douglass, Cameron Dunn,
Taylor Dunn
Joseph Eason, D`Wan Edwards,
Raini Eggleston, Vanessa Elizondo, Amanda Elliott, Elijah Ellis,
Deoni-John Espiritu
Joshua Farris, Emanuel Fernandez, Latesha Florence, Stephanie
Flores, Kaz Foster, Alonzo Franco,
Richard Frank
Markiesha Gamble, Daniel Garcia
Villegas, Victoria Garcia, Kyra
George, Ilaria Giambuzzi, Sean Gilliam,
Katie Goegebuer, Erika Goff, Mariah
Gonzales, Daniella Gorash, Kristina
Gorun, Katina Gowin, Jared Gregory,
Shirmeka Grigsby, Vanessa Grimm,
Kyle Grosvenor, Albert Gyeke-Amoako
Miracle Hall, Phillip Hall,
Anastacia Hampton, Kayla
Harrington, Cory Harrison, Brandi
Heidloff, Florencio Hernandez, Keely
Heying, Paul Heyn, Bryan Hoey, Brendan Honeycutt, Joshua Hope, Jaime
Hughes, Joshua Hughes, Jasmine Ili
Jordan Jacobs, Denzel James,
Kamry James, Brandon Johnson,
Danae Johnson, Nicholas Johnson,
Demetria Jones, Logan Just
Candace Kaiser, Rekhinna Kang,
Jendahny Kao, Courtney Kelling,
Kory King, Zachary Kohler, Lacey
Komko, Danielle Koohns, Roman Korol, Chelsea Krieger, Jillian Kuzmanich
Mina Lagolago, Cody Land, Emily Lanum, Ian Laret, Kip Larsen,
Afiafiotamali’i Laussen, Kelsey Leavitt,
Crystal Lee, Miranda Lee, Ian Leitch,
Rebecca LePage, Reisha Lizama,
Maksim Lobets, Jeffrey Long, Derrik
Lopez, Paloma Lopez
Jodelyn Domingo, SLHS
Senior Class Rep, recipient of
the WAVE award, attending
Seattle University through Army
school and plans on becoming
a Nurse
Kalae Maio, Kawehilani Maio,
Ronald Malidore, Christy Manalo,
Jose Mancilla Santiago, Nathaniel
Manning, Sarah Manning, Rachel
Martinez, Ta’nika Matanane, Damon
McAuliffe, Adam McCrary, Hannah
McDonell, Sarah McNiven, Christopher Mejia, Stephanie Mesa, Amber
Milatz, Renard Mitchell, Chelsea
Mizell, Jacob Mobley, Samantha
Montgomery, Alexis Moore, Justin
Moore, Jaimee Morgan, Cathryn
A i d a n N a b a s s , J o re ’ l
Nelson, Serythia Ngam,
Samuel Ngaropo, Ngalula Okonda,
Melissa Ott
Kelsea Pangelinan, Jesse
Pangelinan, Raynisha Parker, Justine Pascual, Ashley Pattengale,
QueVonshe Patton, Tyler Pazar, Amalia
Perez, Jacqueline Perez, Sean Perez,
Sarah Perry, Dakota Petersen, Deshauna Phillips-Dyson, Kaelee Pickering, Aleshia Pierce, Arunyaphoom
Prakitsuwan, Sean Prigge, Khemise
Prince, Aaron Pruitt, Snezhana Putin
Janelle Ramirez, Domenique
Ramolete, Rebecca Ramon, Malcolm Reed, Justin Rees, Katherine
Rich, Lamylo Ricke, Thomas Riplow,
Richard Rivera-Cordero, Feleicia
Robinson, Ian Robinson, Mahalia Robinson, Ericka Rodriguez, Mara Romo,
Ednalyn Romualdo, Kegan Ross
Jordan Rumbawa, Emiliano Rumiche,
Sarah Ryan
Lyssa Santos, Joshua Schultz,
Zachary Schwarz, Cameron Sevilla-Rivera, Brett Sharp, Samuel Shumate, Brittany Simmons, Amber Sinor,
Vanessa Skeehan, Brandon Smith,
Haylie Smith, Jeric Smith, Mitchell
Smith, Nan So, Mary Spieker, McKey
Stanley, Cyril Stansell, LaVeeka Stansell, Brooke Stokke, Steven Straws,
Michael Streeter, Alexaundra Stuart,
Sadat Sulley
Gregory Tainatongo, Ariel Talaga,
Finez Talaga, Crystal Tankersley,
Desirae Taylor, George Thompson,
Casey Torres, Minh Tran
Justin Ulloa, Terrance Vaa,
Jessica Vailencour, Prentice
Venson, Keri Villani, Bryan Vo, Alexander Vogel, Collette Walker, Jasmine
Walker, Shanice Ward, LaDonna
Washington, Christine Watts, Seirra
Weihs, Kami Wenman, Andrew Wilson,
Mo’niesha Wilson, Laure Winants,
Michele Witherspoon, Monica Woo,
Michael Woodall, Kimberly Wrenn,
Zachary Wymore
Jabril Collins, SLHS
Plans on attending UW after
Community College to study
Political Science and is
interested in starting Youth &
Recreation Centers
Ngalula Okonda, SLHS
Plans on becoming a
RN and will miss the
teachers and Sentinel
Spirit at SLHS
JULY 2010
JULY 2010
nother wonderful award-winning
school year has wrapped up in
Bethel. Congratulations to all of our
students and staff for their continued
SLHS Women’s Ensemble took first place at the State Contest in Ellensburg this year.
Members include top row, L to R: Victoria Howell, McKenzie Cruz, Ashley White, Jessica
Lee, Lyn Cruz; middle row, L to R: Catherine Schweitzer, Kim Rucker, Brooke House, Percila
Duchesneau, Jasmine Heindel; first row, L to R: Samantha Skinner, Acacia Corson, Sarah
Manning, Mara Cherry, Sascha Julian; not pictured: Callan Powell.
LSA student Jessica Spencer and her teacher Donna McCaskill show off one of three
awards Jessica received at the Tacoma Photographic Society’s annual contest at the Puyallup Spring Fair. Jessica won first place, second place and best landscape ribbons. Other
award winners included Mason Williams (Graham) for best design and La Tavis Hardy
(Evergreen) honorable mention.
Mr. Schneider of South Pierce Fire and Rescue visits with students Adam DeMello and
Emilee Lewis at a recent safety fair held at Roy Elementary. The safety fair is a fun annual
event that encourages students to learn about safety and their environment. Some of the
other vendors included military personal and equipment, an airlift helicopter, Kawshun
the Clown, Pierce County traffic, Snickers the Talking Horse and more.
Brandy Parker, representative of the Washington State Potato Commission presents a
check to the staff and students at Kapowsin Elementary. The school was recently awarded
a grant from the commission that will be used to help develop a community garden.
Congratulations to Pioneer Valley Elementary for winning the Bethel School District 2010
Elementary Battle of the Books! Pictured above: Andrew Bayes, Karl Stallman, Coach/Librarian Martha Miller, Kathy Alyabyev, Brandon Edwards and Principal Stephen Rushing.
JULY 2010
Honoring athletic excellence
Sixth Grade Track
Meet Results
Students from across the
district squared off in this
year’s sixth grade track meet.
Events included: softball toss,
long jump and a series of dash
and relay races. Here are the
final team results:
Braves Division - Girls
First Place - Rocky Ridge
Second Place - Centennial
Third Place - Nelson
Fourth Place - Kapowsin
Braves Division - Boys
First Place - Thompson
Second Place - Rocky Ridge
Third Place - Naches Trail
Fourth Place - Kapowsin
Sentinel Division - Girls
First Place - Elk Plain
Second Place - North Star
Third Place - Evergreen
Fourth Place - Graham
Sentinel Division - Boys
Spanaway Lake’s 4x100 meter relay team recently won the 4A state
title. Team members Drakkar Sweet, Brian Wilkerson, Marqui Makupson and Anthony Rathbun, posted a winning time of 42.39 seconds.
For more state track results, visit our district website.
Photo courtesy of Karl Hoseth.
Pictured above: Kyle Rivers of
Camas Prairie Elementary
First Place - Camas Prairie
Second Place - North Star
Third Place - Elk Plain, Shining Mountain, Spanaway
(three-way tie)
Fourth Place - Graham
2010 News Tribune Area
High School Athletes of
the Year
Devin Bales, GKHS
3.95 GPA, Top 10
of senior class
ASB Vice President; Basketball:
3-year letter winner, Team Captain;
Football: 3-year
letter winner,
Team Captain;
Baseball: 3-year
letter winner, Team Captain
Kylee Parker, GKHS
3.49 GPA; Basketball: 3-year
letter winner,
2 year starter,
2 year captain,
Volleyball: 2-year
letter winner;
Girls Track: 1-year
letter winner;
Academic scholarship to George
Fox University
Anthony Meray, BHS
3.8 GPA; Football:
SPSL 1st team All
League, All Area
1st team running
back, Led SPSL in
rushing and allpurpose yardage;
Basketball: 2-year
letter winner; Recipient of an Air
Force Academy scholarship
Jordan McCann, BHS
3.94 GPA; Cross
Country: 2 year
letter winner,
competed in West
Central District III
competition; Basketball: SPSL1st
Team, Team
Captain; Track:
Holds BHS record
for 4 x 400m relay, State competitor
for 800m
Amalia Perez, SLHS
Congratulations to the Bethel High School Boys Golf team for winning the WIAA Academic State Championship by posting a team GPA of
3.664. Pictured above L to R are team members: Coach Allen Barns, Chris Echols, Trevor Gallagher, Ian Doyle, Ryan Johnston, Jon Skau, Lucas
Briehl, Austin Burnett; Bottom: Ian Briske, Derek McKee and Anthony Allen. Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Curtin, All Pro Photography.
3.5 GPA, AP
Student; Soccer:
3-year letter
winner, Team
Captain, Coaches
Award, MVP
Award, SPSL
Honorable Mention All League in
2008 & 09; Tennis:
2-year letter winner, Team Captain
Member of Family Career & Community Leaders of America; Accepted to University of Washington
Josh Schultz, SLHS
3.1 GPA; Football:
3-year letter winner, Team Captain,
SPSL Honorable
Mention QB in
2008 & 09; Baseball: 3-year letter
winner, holds
SLHS Batting Record (.529), Team
Captain, voted Mr. Offense, SPSL All
Star Team 2010; Basketball: 2-year
letter winner, Team Co-Captain,
Most Inspirational Award
Pierce County Soccer
Sportsmanship Awards
Bethel High School’s 1996 Class 3A State Championship Volleyball Team has been inducted
into the Tacoma Athletic Commission’s Hall of Fame. The team was recognized for completing a perfect season. Team members: Monica Lee Aikins, Michelle Barlow, Dori Bartusch Shick,
Corrin Breon Gallegos, Jorden Gienger Whittington, Rachelle Gienger Downie, Holly Hobbs Repp,
Joanna Johnson, Jennifer Ladwig, Valerie Lee Jackson, Heather Mayo Sloan, Christine Nelson,
Malissa J. Reed and Donja Walker. Coaches: John Reopelle, Vera Wright, Tynne Swick and Jim
Ball. Photo courtesy of Bethel High School.
Local Special Olympics results from the State
track meet include nine 1st place, five 2nd
place and ten 3rd place finishes. Coaches were
Alicia Jensen, Sara Izzard, Corinne Panchot and
Megan Becker. Full results are available on the
district website. Pictured above is Kyle Wilder,
Transition Program. Photo courtesy of Alicia Jensen.
Every year the Pierce County Soccer Referees Association votes for
the team showing the best sportsmanship during their particular
season. This year’s winners:
• SLHS Boys Soccer Team
• SLHS Girls Soccer Team
JULY 2010
July 13: School board meeting,
7 p.m. at the ESC
July 27: School board meeting,
7 p.m. at the ESC
Aug. 10: School board meeting,
7 p.m. at the ESC
Aug. 24: School board meeting,
7 p.m. at the ESC
PLots of c
nd gro n!
YMCA summer
Gymnastics, sports,
aquatics, arts
Day camp ages: 5-12
Teen volunteers ages: 13-18
In Puyallup
Sept. 6: Labor Day
Sept. 10: First day of school for
kindergarten students
Sept. 22: Late arrival, morning
kindergarten students
will attend, no afternoon
Oct. 8: Statewide teacher
training day, no school for
Oct. 11: Teacher training day #2,
no school for students
Offering nearly
200 classes, camps for
Check website below
GKHS Grapplers
Wresting Camp
Sept. 2: Teacher training day #1
Sept. 8: First day of school
Swim lessons
Pierce County and public swim Skateboard
Open to all ages
Parks & Rec
Science Camp
For grades K-9
Aug. 6, 7, 8
Cost: $75
At Frontier Jr. High
July 6-Aug. 26
Public swim
at PLU
Open to all ages
Recreational swimming
and lessons available
Registration and fees may
At Eatonville High
Registration and fees
may apply
Ages 6-adult
At Sprinker
Boys & Girls
Club Summer
For all children 18
and younger
At Thompson and
Elementary schools
M-F, 11:30-12:15
Chinese culture
At Thompson and Evergreen
M-F, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Fees vary
Lunch and snacks
Mandarin words,
songs, stories
Ages 3-5
July 13-17
Children’s Museum
of Tacoma
Cedarcrest JH
Summer Camp
At CJH football field
July 28, 29, 30: 4-7pm
Camp Courageous
for kids with disabilities
Ages 5-21
July 12-16
At South Park
Community Center
July 16: Outdoor movie “Up”
and Pet adoption
Aug. 13: Outdoor movie
“Cloudy with a Chance of
Jump house, concessions,
Guitar camp
Ages 7-15
At Sprinker
July 26-30
Pierce County Parks
Oct. 13: Late arrival, afternoon
kindergarten will attend, no
morning kindergarten
Teen Community
Earn hours by
volunteering at YMCA
Boys & Girls Club
Chance to
Beginner and
Aug. 9-13
Ages 6-15
At Elk Plain
School of Choice
Pierce County Parks
BHS Wrestling
At Bethel High School
July 12-16, 9am-3pm
Oct. 18-22: Elementary
conferences, early dismissal for
students grades 1-6, no halfday kindergarten
Nov. 1-9: WAAS – DAPE
(Washington Alternate
Assessment System Developmentally Appropriate
Proficiency Exam) for 11th and
12th grade students
Nov. 11: Veterans Day observed
Nov. 12: Secondary report
card prep, early dismissal for
students grades 7-12
Nov. 17: Late arrival, morning
kindergarten students
will attend, no afternoon
Nov. 25–26: Thanksgiving
Dec. 3: Elementary report
card prep, early dismissal for
students grades 1-6, afternoon
kindergarten students
will attend, no morning
Dec. 8: Late arrival, morning
kindergarten students
will attend, no afternoon
Pictured L to R: Camas Prairie students Nikole Kuester, Grace Wake, Lexis Stewart, Riley Ofrecio and Jarrod Wright
For other fun stuff, check out these websites
Dec. 20-31: Winter Break The September 2010 edition of
the Bethel Pride will contain
a more detailed version of the
2010-11 calendar.