Summer 2013 - Baby Bear Hugs


Summer 2013 - Baby Bear Hugs
The Bear Facts
The Mission of Baby Bear Hugs is to promote positive parenting, enhance
family strengths, and prevent abuse and neglect to infants and children.
Nurse Family Partnership (NFP)
Baby Bear Hugs is excited to announce the implementation of the Nurse Family
Partnership Home Visitation program starting July 1, 2013. With the assistance of a
generous grant from the Caring for Colorado Foundation, Baby Bear Hugs was able to hire
registered nurses in November of 2011. Since that time, registered nurses have been
visiting pregnant women and young families through-out the six county region of NE
Colorado, as well as preparing for implementation of the Nurse Family Partnership
program. In May, Baby Bear Hugs was notified that the Nurse Family Partnership National
Service Office approved their Implementation Plan. The program will be funded through
Colorado tobacco settlement dollars and some additional support of Caring for Colorado
Foundation. The program will be called Northeast Nurse Family Partnership.
With the launch of this program, Baby Bear Hugs will be hiring additional
registered nurses to serve Morgan, Logan, Phillips, Sedgwick, Washington, and Yuma
Counties. Maternal and child health nurses are the backbone of Nurse Family Partnership.
A nurse led maternal health and home visitation program, Nurse Family Partnership
partners low-income, first-time moms with maternal and child health nurses. The resulting
trusted relationship gives these moms the support they need to have a healthy pregnancy,
improve their child’s health and development, and become more economically
Nurse Family Partnership will be just one addition to the range of services Baby
Bear Hugs already offers to our community. For more information or to refer a first time
pregnant woman to Nurse Family Partnership, contact Karen Willeke, Nursing Supervisor
@ (970) 848-5274, or access the Baby Bear Hugs website @
Baby Bear Hugs
Summer Issue
Special points
“ N u r se s
celebrated annually May
6 to 12. It begins on
"Nurses Day" and ends
on Florence Nightingale's
birthday, recognized as
the founder of modern
nursing. In 1990, The
Association Board of
D ire c t ors
e xpa nde d
"Nurses Day" to a full
week; it was officially
recognized by the U.S.
government in 1993.
Inside this issue:
Karen Willeke—
Willeke—New Nursing Supervisor for NFP
Baby Bear Hugs is excited to announce that Karen Willeke has
been hired as Nurse Supervisor for the Northeast Nurse Family
Partnership program. Karen says: “I believe one of the most
important things we can do to make our world a better place is
to promote good physical, emotional and mental health for our
young citizens and that the best way to accomplish this is in
cooperation with their families before the baby is born or at a
very young age.” Karen’s background includes many years of
public health experience, both at the local and state levels.
While at local public health, she worked in well child clinics,
immunization clinics, family planning clinics, and with the HCP
program. Karen has also worked with our local CCB in
providing service coordination for early intervention for
children with special needs (Part C) and providing case
management for the Children’s HCBS Medicaid waiver.
Elbert Count Playgroup
Celebrating different
Parenting Styles
New Administrative
Investing in Children
Starting Early
New Paraprofessional 3
in Lincoln County
About Baby Bear
Elbert County Playgroup
Elbert County hosted its first
cooperated and we were able
throughout the summer. This
Baby Bear Hugs sponsored
to have the first group at a park
is a great way for families to
playgroup in May. The weather
in Elizabeth.
come together, have fun, and
Six moms and
their children attended and we
connect with others.
encouraged another mom at
the park to join in the fun (she
also received a B visit in the
The mom’s agreed
that they would like to meet
every other week at different
Celebrating different Parenting Styles – Jennifer Deam
I have learned much over the 7 years I have work for Baby Bear Hugs. I have had families who have been with me throughout this journey
and me with them throughout theirs. I am always in awe of how families can be so different, but regardless of the family dynamic the love,
joy and genuine concern for the well-being of their child is always present. I was once told there is not one parenting style that is the
best, but there are many wonderful parenting styles. As parents and caregivers who want the best for their children, it is sometimes a
struggle to find their “own, personal” parenting style. We are unique as individuals and thus as parents. The confidence a parent gains in
the knowledge that they are the best parents they can be is instrumental in positive parenting. Take some time this summer to spend
time with your family outdoors, greet other families (and celebrate differences in parenting styles), and remember to tell the parents of
young children in your life, “you are doing a fantastic job!”.
New Employee: Deanna Smith
Deanna is the Administrative Assistant for the Regional Office. She is
married to Lyle and has two children, Dylan and MacKenzie. Deanna
graduated from Yuma High School and attended Northeastern Junior
Deanna’s passion is creating—arts
and crafts, photography, spending
time with family.
Favorite food: Italian Pasta/ Mexican
Food you like the least: Tomatoes, Beets & Brussel Sprouts
Describe your style: Contemporary
Likes to read: Health/Fitness magazines, Bible studies, self help books
Hobbies, Interests: Scrapbooking, crafts, photography, gardening
Pets: Blade—Great Dane, Shilo and Chinka— cats, and many fish!
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The Bear Facts
Investing in Children
This means that if you support parenting education
and early childhood education to the tune of $100
now, it will save $700 in the future. That would
certainly help the economy! We have always known
that prevention costs less than treatment. But it is
very difficult to get ahead when there are so many
needs. Let’s re-prioritize and get a head start on the
future - invest in Children!
Emma, 5 years old, reading the Parenting magazine, is
learning about parenting early… that or she is building
evidence to tell her parents!
Since babies are not born with instructions, it is the goal
of Baby Bear Hugs to provide opportunities for parenting
education. This is accomplished through individual home
visits or through classes. Our next Nurturing Parenting
Class will be offered in Wray in the fall.
New Employee: Jennifer Paintin
Jennifer is the Paraprofessional for Lincoln County. She is married to Justin
and has four children, Blake, Rebecca, Grace and Sarah.
graduated from Aurora Central High School and attended Community
College of Aurora.
Favorite food: Mexican & Italian
Food you like the least: Hominy , liver, black licorice and black jelly beans
Describe your style: Country & simple, less is more!
Likes to read: Christian Fiction
Hobbies, Interests: Gardening, camping, bible study, bird watching
Pets: Romeo—dog, Sassy & Tiger—cats, 4 rabbits
Summer Issue
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Baby Bear Hugs
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201 S. Main Street
Yuma, CO 80759
Yuma, Colorado
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Baby Bear Hugs...
is a 501(c)3 nonnon-profit and a
registered Colorado Charitable
organization under the name of
Regional Home Visitation
It is the goal of Baby Bear Hugs
that all children will become
productive, happy adults that give
back to their communities...that
they will have every opportunity
available to them to fulfill their
potential, develop assets that
empower them to resist failure,
and have strong supportive adults
in their lives. To this end, Baby
Bear Hugs will provide support,
education, and connection to
community resources to all
expectant mothers and families
with children 0 - 3 years old.
Elbert County
Lincoln County
Logan County
Morgan County
Phillips County
Sedgwick County
Washington County 970-345-2327
Yuma County
Regional Office
Tax-deductible donations are
welcome in any amount at any
time. Please contact your local
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