planning and zoning commission through: chris
planning and zoning commission through: chris
Requesting Department: Development Services TO: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THROUGH: CHRIS ANARADIAN, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR, BRETT BURNINGHAM, PRINCIPAL PLANNER FROM: KEITH NEWMAN, PLANNER RE: DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE APPROVAL OF SP14-051, “BARRO’S PIZZA”, a request from Howard Li (Paramount Design, LLC.) for Site Plan approval for a new Barro’s Pizza Restaurant on Pad L within Queen Creek Marketplace, located west of the North West corner of Ellsworth Loop Road and Rittenhouse Road. DATE: JANUARY 14, 2015 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of SP14-051, “Barro’s Pizza,” subject to the Conditions of Approval outlined in this report. RELEVANT COUNCIL GOAL KRA 8, Objective 1: Maintain a balanced community and economically diverse employment base by evaluating new economic development models focusing on fostering economic development within the community through regular monitoring of national trends. KRA 8, Objective 8: Enhance the opportunities for Queen Creek businesses to succeed. General Plan Growth Areas Element, Goal 5, Policy 5b: Encourage the use of available infrastructure capacity to accommodate new development consistent with the land use goals and provisions of the General Plan. SUMMARY The proposal consists of a site plan approval for a new free standing 5,944 square foot Barro’s Pizza restaurant on existing Pad L within the Queen Creek Marketplace “Barro’s Pizza”, SP14-051 Planning and Zoning Commission Staff Report Page 1 of 4 development which is generally located at the southwest corner of Ellsworth Loop Road and Rittenhouse Road. HISTORY April 19, 2006: Town Council approves SP05-020 / RZ05-018 Queen Creek Marketplace. DISCUSSION The applicant is requesting approval of a proposed site plan application to construct a 5,944 square foot Barro’s Pizza restaurant on a previously improved 1.2 acre parcel within the Queen Creek Marketplace commercial development. The site, which is known as Pad L on the Queen Creek Marketplace Master Plan, is located at the north end of the development along Rittenhouse Road just to the west of the existing Chick-fil-a. More specifically, the request is to approve the location of the building on the pad, architectural elevations, and pad landscaping. All other site improvements, including parking, site access, drainage and retention and perimeter landscaping were already approved by Town Council and constructed upon the original development of the marketplace. Note: The Council approved Queen Creek Marketplace’s Master Site Plan with the exception of Shops A and B and Pads A, B, I, J, K, L and M. Barro’s Pizza is locating on Pad L and requires recommendation through the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council approval. Project Information Project Name: Site Location: Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: General Plan Designation: Surrounding Zoning Designations: North South East West Lot Coverage Allowed Lot Coverage Proposed Impervious Surface Ratio Allowed Impervious Surface Ratio Proposed Parking Spaces Required Parking Spaces Provided Landscaping Required Landscaping Provided Barro’s Pizza Pad L in the Queen Creek Marketplace C-2 PAD N/A Town Center R1-43 across Rittenhouse Road C-2 PAD C-2 PAD C-2 PAD 60% 13% 70% 63% 79 49 with sufficient cross-access shared parking with Chick-fil-a & Harkins Theatre. 25% 26% “Barro’s Pizza”, SP14-051 Planning and Zoning Commission Staff Report Page 2 of 4 Site Area: 1.02 acres ANALYSIS General Plan Review: The project is located in the Town Center land use area of the General Plan. The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan. Zoning Review: The zoning designation of the property is C-2 PAD. The proposal is consistent with uses allowed in the C-2 zoning district. Site Plan Review: The site plan establishes and connects to pedestrian paths internally within the Queen Creek Marketplace shopping center. The site plan illustrates a covered outdoor seating area and enhanced hardscape areas. Adequate parking, lighting and maneuvering is also provided. On-site drainage and retention and traffic circulation have been reviewed by Town Engineering staff for this site and is in compliance with all Town regulations. Building Elevation Review: The proposed building’s architecture, materials and colors are in conformance with the Town approved design guidelines for Queen Creek Marketplace. The building elevations exhibit four-sided architecture complemented with stucco and stone veneer, a blend of standing seam metal and parapet roofing with varying heights, window awnings and an outdoor covered patio dining area at the north end of the building. Landscape Plan Review: The Landscape Plan is consistent with the Zoning Ordinance and Queen Creek Marketplace Design Guidelines. Public Comments: Staff has not received any public comment to date. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. This project shall be developed in accordance with the plans and exhibits attached to this case and all the provisions of the zoning ordinance applicable to this case. 2. The site grading and drainage shall comply with the Queen Creek Marketplace master drainage plan and report. A letter signed and sealed by an Arizona Licensed Professional Civil Engineer stating that the site grading and drainage is in compliance with the Queen Creek Marketplace master drainage plan and report shall be required at the time of the first submittal of the construction documents. 3. Signs shall be subject to a separate permit and comply with the Town Zoning Ordinance and the Queen Creek Marketplace design guidelines. “Barro’s Pizza”, SP14-051 Planning and Zoning Commission Staff Report Page 3 of 4 4. No roof mechanical or HVAC equipment shall be visible from any surrounding properties or the adjacent street. ATTACHMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Aerial Exhibit General Plan Exhibit Zoning Map Exhibit Narrative Site Plan Landscape Plan Building Elevations “Barro’s Pizza”, SP14-051 Planning and Zoning Commission Staff Report Page 4 of 4 ´ Project Name: Barro's Site Plan Aerial Exhibit Case Number: SP14-051 Planning Commisison Hearing Date: January 14, 2015 R DD E PL MA DR D SR IN RE M RE O AY RD DR E RD I RR THORNTON CT CA THORNTON RD RD Project Site EL LS WO RT H LO OP Canyon State Academy OLD ELLSWORTH RD RE E IN US MAYBERRY RD W AG S HO REINS RD O ARR CA TT EN RL DT EA WH SY RI FULTON PKWY ELLSWORTH RD C 206TH ST AV EN DR CT RY A AN R TE D UI CANARY WAY CANARY CT 206TH PL MO R SQ IN CK 205TH ST ME 205TH ST IR GB BARNES PKY Chick-fil-a NORTH LOOP D 2N ST QUINTERO RD QUINTERO RD 20 ELLSWORTH RD D PL ROSA RD MAYA RD VICTORIA LN 2N ESCALANTE RD 203RD WAY 203RD PL MAYA RD 20 MAYA RD 202ND ST RUSSET RD 201ST WAY CAMACHO RD 202ND PL Queen Creek Marketplace HERITAGE LOOP RD ´ Project Name: Barro's Pizza General Plan Exhibit Case Number: SP14-051 Hearing Date: January 14, 2015 SQ THORNTON CT QUEEN CREEK STATION Project Site THORNTON RD RI RD DR TT OP TE EN LO UI 206TH PL ME HO WO RD EL LS E RT H US QUEEN CREEK MP PHASE 1 VICTORIA PAD PARCEL 10 General Plan Land Use Very Low Density Residential (0-1 DU/AC) Mixed Use Employment Type A Low Density Residential (0-2 DU/AC) Neighborhood Commercial Employment Type B Medium Density Residential (0-3 DU/AC) Community Commercial Public/Quasi-Public Medium High Density Residential Type A (0-5 DU/AC) Office/Services Open Space Multi-Family Commercial Master Planned Community (0-1.8 DU/AC) Regional Commercial Center ´ Project Name: Barro's Pizza Zoning Map Exhibit Case Number: SP14-051 UI TE RI DR QUEEN CREEK STATION R1-5 THORNTON RD TT 206TH PL SQ 206TH ST ME 204TH WAY Hearing Date: January 14, 2015 EN HO US E RD PQP HL OO PR D Project Site EL LS WO RT TC R1-43 I-2 QUEEN CREEK MP PHASE 1 C-2 Zoning Districts C-1, Commercial PQP, Public/Quasi-Public R1-4, Residential R1-9, Residential R1-35, Residential C-2, Commercial RC, Recreation/Conservation R1-5, Residential R1-10, Residential R1-43, Residential TC, Commercial R-2, Residential R1-6, Residential R1-12, Residential R1-54, Residential I-1, Industrial R-3, Residential R1-7, Residential R1-15, Residential R1-190, Residential I-2, Industrial R-4, Residential R1-8, Residential R1-18, Residential