Northern Comfort - Cabin Fever Quilters` Guild
Northern Comfort - Cabin Fever Quilters` Guild
Vol. 37, No. 6 Cabin Fever Quilters’ Guild June 2015 Fairbanks, Alaska Northern Comfort Vol. 37 No. 6 Cabin Fever Quilters’ Guild June 2015 Fairbanks, Alaska Letter from our President Weren’t the last two weeks of May beautiful?? And now…..Rainy, cold days have me staying inside doing what else - quilting. I was so inspired by the Bonnie Hunter workshops and lecture. I’m still working on both quilts using her “Leader and Ender” technique. While taking breaks I am ironing and cutting up my scraps. This month would be a great time at show and tell to see some the quilts made at the workshop. Let’s not forget about the fair. There are reminders up in all the quilt shops, so it’s time to plan on what you would like to enter. Sue Gross will be telling us about attaching Velcro for hanging, along with lots of other useful information on batting and preparing your quilt to be longarm quilted. Block of the Month is the paper pieced basket. Get your name in the drawing and you may be the lucky winner of these cute blocks. Kelley MacDonald CFGQ President June-July Birthdays Jackie Anne Gwenn Barbara Gwen June Julie Pat Shelly Lona Kathy Newell Apalsch Davies Guy Himschoot Nirschl Oldham Scott Knopf Warden Boyarsky Karella 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 12 20 20 20 20 21 28 30 5 Danielle Judy Marge Melissa Jeanne Nancy Elizabeth Teri C.J. Nancy Lucy Jenkins Schoenewald Eagan Sikes Yoder Wagner Shapland Helmers Thomas Junk Lorenz 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 10 11 11 11 13 14 15 21 23 29 Vol. 37, No. 6 Cabin Fever Quilters’ Guild 2014-2015 Cabin Fever Quilters’ Guild Board President Kelley MacDonald: 456-2695; Vice President Dambra Callahan: 474-4340; Secretary Kristen Brown: Treasurer Carol Moore: 374-1697; Historian open Parliamentarian Dotty Cooper:750-4481,452-0540; First Director (Publicity) Shana Clay:322-5721 Second Director (Newsletter) Elaine Thompson McGee:488-4002 Third Director (Workshops) Sonja Zastrow: 378-2996; STANDING COMMITTEES: Community Service Jan Cannon: 378-6652: Tanana Valley Fair Sue Gross: 488-3966: Hospitality Mary Olson: 590-8311 Membership Mary Hendrickson: 479-6937; Anne Apalasch:457-8458,750-4582 Carol Lovejoy:488-0259 Quilt Alaska July 2016 Pam Sprout: 456-8340 Raffle Quilt 2015 Jan Cannon: 378-6652 Raffle Quilt 2016 Sue Culley: 455-7155 AD HOC COMMITTEES: Annual Dinner Dambra Callahan Block of the Month Jan Cannon: 378-6652 Elaine Thompson McGee:488-4002 CFQG Yahoo Email List Ellen Daley: 455-0262; Quilt Slushy Mary Burke: 750-0515; Quilting in the Snow Sonja Zastrow: 378-2996; UAF Bazaar Anne Apalasch:457-8458,750-4582 Secret Pals Nancy Junk: 347-4595; Sunshine Sue Mary Burke: 750-0515; 2 June 2015 Fairbanks, Alaska Cabin Fever Quilters’ Guild Meeting 3rd Tuesday of each month beginning at 7:00 PM Faith Baptist Church 910 Chena Pump Road Cabin Fever Quilters’ Guild Board of Directors Meeting 4th Wednesday of each month beginning at 6:15PM Carol Moore’s 412 Droz Cabin Fever Quilters’ Guild PO Box 83608, Fairbanks, AK 99708 To subscribe to the CFQG email list: You must be a CFQG member in good standing! Go to this page to sign up: select link “join this group”, and follow instructions You will need a Yahoo id, but not a Yahoo email address Website: NORTHERN COMFORT is published monthly on the CFQG Website. Members are notified by email of the web posting. Paper copies are available via first class mail for a small annual fee. Please inform membership chair of address changes. ADVERTISING: Quilt related commercial ads: full page $30, half page $15, quarter page $8. Payments should be sent with ad copy. Personal ads related to quilting are free to Guild members on a space available basis. The CFQG cannot accept responsibility for the content of ads. CABIN FEVER QUILTERS’ GUILD is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the appreciation and knowledge of quilts and quilt making. MEMBERSHIP: Non-members may attend twice as guests. Guild membership is open to anyone interested in quilts. Annual dues: $25, payable in October $20 for Sr. Rate 60+ years $5 extra for a mailed Newsletter subscription, others will receive newsletter as a PDF file via the CFQG Yahoo Group. NEWSLETTER SUBMITTALS: Items/corrections are due by the first of the month unless otherwise announced: Mail: Elaine Thompson McGee 3386 White Spruce Drive North Pole, AK 99705 Phone: 907-488-4002 Acceptable file formats: check with newsletter editor Please include the 3 letter file extension Web Coordinators Linda Stephenson: 456-6977; Mary Burke: 750-0515; (pictures only) CFQG Meeting Cancellation Policy Due to Extreme Cold When the official outside temperature is -35 F or colder at 5pm,the meeting will not be held. The number to call is: 907-458-3745 ex 1113 Vol. 37, No. 6 Cabin Fever Quilters’ Guild June 2015 Fairbanks, Alaska Cabin Fever Quilter’s Guild May 19, 2015 Meeting Minutes WELCOME/INTRODUCTIONS OF GUESTS AND NEW MEMBERS President Kelley MacDonald called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and welcomed everyone to the May Meeting. We had three new members join during the meeting. Please welcome Mary Bingham, Amber Vanderlinden, and Jennifer Koliba. APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER MEETING MINUTES President Kelley MacDonald asked if there were any additions or corrections to the April Minutes. No additions or corrections were mentioned. Motion was made to approve the April Minutes by Sonja Zastrow and Pam Sprout. TREASURER’S REPORT Carol Moore presented the Treasurer’s Report. The beginning balance was $9,458.47……ending balance was $10,292.58. Raffle account beginning balance was $679.75……ending balance was $499.85. Total Balance: $10,792.43 COMMITTEE REPORTS Membership: Mary Hendrickson said she had several people who have not paid for their membership dues. If you have not paid for this year please see Mary Hendrickson or Anne Apalsch at the next Guild Meeting. Block of the Month: The BOM for 2015 has had a great turnout each month. Bonnie Post won 36 blocks at the May Meeting. Elaine Thompson McGee showed an example of June’s BOM which will be a Paper Pieced Basket block using Light Blue, Brown, and Food fabrics. Elaine recommended an Add a Quarter Ruler which you could get at Blue Ribbon or Ben Franklin. CFQG Yahoo Email List: Ellen Daley was not present. Community Sewing: Community Sewing is on break for the summer. See you in September. Tanana Valley Fair: Sue Gross reported the Tanana Valley Fair will be August 7-16, 2015 with Entry Day on August 1 and Judging Day on August 2. Sue had the sign-up sheets at the May Meeting so please contact her to volunteer a little time to make this year a great show. Blue Ribbon is giving away a sewing machine for the Junior Grand Champion. The theme this year is Blue Jean, Country Dreams. The colors are red and white check, denim blue, and sunflowers. Quilt Alaska 2016: Pam Sprout is doing Quilt Alaska 2016. Pam said there was limited space for large bed quilts but plenty of room for quilted garments and wall hangings. Raffle Quilt 2015: Sue Gross said the “Northern Brights” quilt is hanging up at the Morris Thompson Center and tickets are being sold there and in all the shops. Please see Susan Gross or Susan Culley to get tickets to sell to all your family, friends, and neighbors. Raffle Quilt 2016: Sue Gross handed out the quilt blocks at the May Meeting. Everything must be completed and returned at the July Meeting. UAF Bazaar: Ann Apalsch was not present. Secret Pals: Nancy Junk said the year is going well and saw many gifts on the table at the May Meeting. Sunshine Sue: Mary Burke was not present. Hospitality: Mary Olson was back from being out of town for work and thanked Elaine Thompson-McGee and everyone who helped Elaine for all their hard work. Mary will be here through September for hospitality before leaving town again for work. Annual Meeting/Dinner: Dambra Callahan said they were close to making a decision about the location for the Annual Dinner. Workshop: Sonja Zastrow reported Bonnie Hunter will be holding her workshop on May 23-24 and there were still a couple of spots left. The Lecture is on Saturday at 7pm with the classes starting on Saturday and Sunday at 10 am at the Elk’s Lodge. Sonja Zastrow also had pictures from QIS 2015 for anyone who ordered one. OLD BUSINESS Kelley MacDonald still has two XL denim shirts for sale at $37.50 if you would like one please contact her. 3 Vol. 37, No. 6 Cabin Fever Quilters’ Guild June 2015 Fairbanks, Alaska Kelley MacDonald announced the Guild was looking for anyone who may be interested in chairing the New Members Tea as a way to welcome new members. Please contact Kelley for more information. NEW BUSINESS/ ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Guild needs a couple of positions filled for next year: Vice President and Treasurer. Please speak to Dotty Cooper if you would like to serve as a Guild Board Member. Janice Cleworth, Brenda Dow, and Shirley Albert will be meeting to review the Guild’s by laws and will have it completed in time for the September General Meeting. Jan Cannon said a local gentleman donated his late wife’s sewing items to the Guild and much of it cannot be used by Community Sewing so in the June Meeting the Guild is holding a garage sale for the June Program. These donated items will be sold and the proceeds will go to Community Sewing. Next Board Meeting: May 27, 2015 at Carol Moore’s Home at 6:15 pm. Next General Meeting: June 16, 2015 at Faith Baptist Church at 7 pm. BREAK at 7:38 pm.—Meeting was called at 7:57PM. PROGRAM: Kathy Dubbs talked about many of her items that she was selling at the May Meeting. She had a great collection of antique buttons and beautiful linens. SHOW AND TELL There were several beautiful quilts and other items for show and tell. BOM DRAWING—Bonnie Post FAT QUARTER DRAWING—Dotty Cooper NAME TAG DRAWING—Carol Moore DOOR PRIZES—Jeanette Gastro, Nancy Junk, Carol Moore, Kristen Brown, Sue Gross, Dotty Cooper, Jeanette Wrede and Kelley MacDonald Meeting adjourned at 8:09pm. Respectfully submitted by Kristen Brown Cabin Fever Quilters Guild Board Meeting May 27, 2015 President Kelley MacDonald called the meeting to order at 6:15pm. Those present, Dotty Cooper, Carol Moore, Dambra Callahan, Kelley MacDonald, Sonja Zastrow, Elaine Thompson-McGee, and Kristen Brown. June Program will be a garage sale of sewing items. A table will cost $10 and will only consist of sewing items. Set up is at 6pm and please contact Dambra Callahan to reserve your table due to limited space. Liability Insurance is due July 1st. Dotty Cooper and Elaine Thompson McGee will be meeting with the Guild’s State Farm Agent on Thursday morning to discuss the Guild’s policy. Publicity: Shana Clay has volunteered. Thank you Shana! Bonnie Hunter’s Workshop was really good. Bonnie Hunter was very happy to see how many people signed up for the classes and came to the lecture because of the holiday weekend. Dotty Cooper said the nominating committee was still looking for a Vice President and a Treasurer for next year. Annual Dinner: The location selected for the dinner was Zion Lutheran with Midnight Sun Catering for the food. The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 pm. Respectfully submitted, Kristen Brown 4 Vol. 37, No. 6 Cabin Fever Quilters’ Guild June 2015 Fairbanks, Alaska Fat Quarter Exchange Bring a Fat Quarter of good quilt shop quality 100% cotton fabric to the meeting. June ........................... Masculine, geometric, plaid July.................................... Red, white, blue, patriotic August ............................... Back to school, red, blue, yellow, primary colors September ........................ Apples, orange, purple, green, secondary colors October ............................. Orange, black print November ......................... Browns, Thanksgiving prints December ......................... Red, green prints Local Classes Blue Ribbon: Material Girls: Beginning Quilting, July 19, 12:00 to 5:00, $50 plus book Bargello Variations, July 12, 12:00 to 5:00, $75 includes pattern Quilted Wall Hanging & Table Runner, June 13 & 20, 12:00 to 2:00 both days, $40 plus kit Northern Threads: Bonnie Hunter Workshop We had a very successful workshop over Memorial Weekend and a fabulous turnout for the lecture! Bonnie was very impressed at the attendance and she thoroughly enjoyed Fairbanks. I hope we can have her back soon! You can check out her blog to see what we worked on over the weekend! Day 1 in Fairbanks: Day 2 in Fairbanks: Bonnie has some amazing free scrap quilt patterns! Check them out here: And the most important part for making a scrap quilt is being prepared to make a scrap quilt!! Here is the link to her scrap system: Bonnie Hunter’s Main Blog! Sonja Zastrow Workshop Director 5 Vol. 37, No. 6 Cabin Fever Quilters’ Guild 6 June 2015 Fairbanks, Alaska Vol. 37, No. 6 Cabin Fever Quilters’ Guild 7 June 2015 Fairbanks, Alaska Vol. 37, No. 6 Cabin Fever Quilters’ Guild June 2015 Fairbanks, Alaska Find us on Faceboook Thanks Shana! Membership Directory Update: Dotty Cooper has a new phone number, please change her 360-631-2241 cell number to 907-750-4481 Calendar Cabin Fever Quilters’ Guild Meeting: Third Tuesday, 7:00 p.m., Faith Baptist Church 910 Chena Pump Road Cabin Fever Quilters’ Guild Board Meeting: Fourth Wednesday, 6:15p.m., Carol Moore's house 412 Droz Group Activities -- Sew-Ins Community Quilting: The Saturday following the Guild meeting, Sept thru May. Contacts: Jan Cannon 378-6652, or Nancy Junk, 452-4438, Tuesday Sewers: Every Tuesday, 10 a.m. at The Material Girls. Kathy Richardson, 456-6236 Crazy Ladies; 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 6:30pm—8:30pm at Noel Wien Library meeting room varies. Quilting, beading, knitting, all crafts welcome. Karyn Janssen 488-2834 Thursday Thimbles: Every Thursday, noonish at Kathy Richardson’s 1032 8th Avenue, 452-6236 8 Vol. 37, No. 6 Cabin Fever Quilters’ Guild June 2015 Fairbanks, Alaska SMALL QUILT AUCTION You will find on our web page, the form you need to fill out and attach to your small quilt. I will be hanging them on Aug 3rd., our Hanging Day at the fair. Due to another obligation I have on Tuesday nights, I will be unable to attend the Tuesday Guild Meetings. So I ask that if you have a small quilt to drop it off at my house at 2000 Carr Ave. If no one is home, please leave your quilt between the screen and front doors. I will also check with Sue at Blue Ribbon and see if she will take them in. I will then Yahoo Group with her answer. Please wait for my Yahoo before dropping them off. I like to get permission first. I can't wait to see all your awesome creations and you can do more than one small quilt. See Ya at the Fair! Mary Burke Quilters, every year our show is getting smaller because fewer quilts are entered. To have the best quilt show ever, we need your work! Entry day is August 1st, which means you still have time to start a project or finish up a UFO. Let’s show our community what we can do! 9 Vol. 37, No. 6 Cabin Fever Quilters’ Guild 10 June 2015 Fairbanks, Alaska Vol. 37, No. 6 Cabin Fever Quilters’ Guild 11 June 2015 Fairbanks, Alaska Vol. 37, No. 6 Cabin Fever Quilters’ Guild June 2015 Fairbanks, Alaska Cabin Fever Quilters’ Guild P. O. Box 83608 Fairbanks, AK 99708 Cabin Fever Quilters’ Guild Meeting Faith Baptist Church Small Quilt Auction form enclosed Wear your name tag. Bring a geometric, plaid or masculine print fat quarter. Sue Gross program —get your quilt ready for quilting and the fair. 12